#Arthur fleck x doctor reader
five-miles-over · 5 months
Can I get some Arthur Fleck x Doctor/Nurse reader headcannons where the reader works at the same hospital that Arthur goes to cheer kids up at?
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Thanks for your patience, @axelboneboy ! I hope you're having a great day so far.
Arthur Being with a Reader Who Works As a Doctor or Nurse At Arkham State Hospital Headcanons
You met Arthur during one of your rotations in the children's wing.
You typically worked there on Wednesdays, and spend the rest of the work week either in the clinic or in the emergency room
What impressed you about Arthur when you first met him was his willingness to embrace that childlike wonder and amuse the young patients. His ability to come to their levels and bring that playfulness made you think that maybe the man behind the clown makeup might not be so different.
So, after he finished his act and you wrapped up your patient rounds, you decided to approach him before he could go.
"I like your act..." You pretended to make yourself a cup of coffee in the staff break room. "Really funny."
Remaining in character as Carnival, Arthur gave a theatrical bow that made you chuckle.
"What's your name?"
"My name is Carnival," the clown answered, doing his best to sing the line from the song of the same name.
"I mean your real name...You do have a name?" You put your cup of coffee down and took a step closer. The clown flinched a little and you stopped. "Is it part of your job that you can't tell me?"
"No..." He laughed a little, and for the first time you heard his soft, gravely and shy voice. "I'm..My name's Arthur."
"Arthur..." You extended your hand out and introduced your name as well.
After that introduction, you and Arthur began to meet every Wednesday for about ten minutes until you both needed to get back to work.
You'd talk about your day, sometimes bitching about a rude patient or a certain colleague the way that work friends would
At some point, when you were in the children's wing while Arthur was working, he would incorporate you into his routine - he'd conjure up flowers out of his sleeve to present to you, he'd dedicate to you any of the songs he thought best like "Toe Knee Chestnut Knows I Love You"
And when you told Arthur about your work schedule, he would occasionally show up at the hospital if he knew you would be working late
He wouldn't interfere in your work or try to talk to you much during your shift, but he would use the staff break room to make you coffee or tea if you needed it.
He would leave you cute messages on latex gloves like 'Your grate' or 'You are very good at your job'
And at the end of your shift, Arthur would walk you home just to make sure you got there safely
The best part is that none of Arthur's caring nature and kindness to you changed after a particular Wednesday when, after you brought up about how you didn't want to cook dinner when you got home from work because you were already tired, Arthur asked you,
"Maybe...Maybe you could have dinner with me tonight?"
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twistedgameswewrite · 4 months
I need to tear that man apart with my teeth(/pos)
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
Hello! Are you still taking x reader headcanon requests? Love your writing btw :)
Hi Nonnie!
Yes! Though I haven't done a whole lot of writing in a few months I think I'm feeling like I'm in a good place to take headcanon requests again! At the moment, I'll happily take requests for:
Father Paul (Midnight Mass) Morpheus (The Sandman) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars/ Kenobi Series) Arthur Fleck (Joker) Dan Torrance (Doctor Sleep) Max Brinly (The Quarry)
And for some of these (namely Father Paul and Arthur Fleck) I do have a few old requests that I might try to dig through my ask box to get to. So stay tuned!
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into-crazy · 3 years
soft soothing love
Arthur Fleck x Reader drabble
Summary: You decide to rub some lotion on Arthur's hands after noticing how dry and cracked they look.
Warnings- Maybe a curse word, but it's pretty much all fluff, ages 18+
It's been a while since I've written for Arthur and I miss it!! Also I couldn't stop thinking about this scenario. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, I just had to write it out. I wanna take care of him okayy💗
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Winters in Gotham were always quite jarring. The thick clouds take over the entire sky during the day, withholding all of the sweet warmth which the sun could provide. Nights are typically freezing, the temperatures dropping even lower than what you'd be prepared for. As much as you tried, no matter how many layers you wore, you're never prepared enough.
The cold weather doesn't suit you very well. It slows you down. Drains your energy. Rendering you from not even wanting to get up for work in the morning. Makes you want to stay home all day and lay up in warm fluffy blankets. To not have to go out and deal with this colder than usual city.
Fortunately, you and Arthur had each other. Providing one another with a reason to try and get through it. Together. His wholesome smile always giving you the much needed energy to rise out of bed every morning. The comforting notion that he'll be back home to cuddle with you in those blankets helping you get through the days. As for Arthur, well it was the exact same push. You were his motivation. His reason.
This night was about the same as every other fully cherished evening..
After a long shared shower, you make way into the bedroom. Where you find Arthur already seated at the end of the bed. Shirtless and with a freshly lit cigarette in hand, ready to watch The Murray Franklin show. His gaze quickly flickers up to you soon as you come in. You smile and hum softly at him, earning a sweet smile in return before he diverts his attention back to the TV screen. He's tired. But he wouldn't dare miss an episode of his absolute favorite show- starring his absolute favorite comedic host.
You move to sit down at the edge adjacent to him. A little far from him, but only to reach the small drawer directly next to the bed. Since that's where your lotion bottle is. It's routine for you to apply moisturizer directly after a shower.
Another complication that came along with winter time was how it treated your skin. For as long as you can remember, it's always been rough. The frigid air constantly stripping away the moisture, leaving you to apply lotion much more frequently than you'd wish to. Practically becoming a chore. It's especially harsher on your hands. Dry, cracked, and irritation; are just a few words you'd use to describe what's caused to your delicate hands. It also doesn't help that you're regularly washing them either. The action only adding on to the worsening dry state of your skin. So you always made sure to apply a good amount there when you lotion up.
"Murray on yet, Artie?" You ask aloud, squeezing the cream into your palm. Immediately rubbing it onto your arms and torso.
"Not quite. This other show's still playing but it looks just about done. It's coming on next." He replies then takes a drag from the cigarette. Making sure to blow the smoke out as far from you as possible.
Arthur's so excited to watch his idol, that he hadn't even bothered to properly dry off before slipping on his underwear and sweatpants. Mainly his hair, the rest of his body is fine. Fresh water droplets drip down from his lovely brown curls onto his shoulders. His back and shoulder bones are jutting out more noticeably from his slightly slouched, yet content posture. Your chest swelled with the vast amount of adoration you held just for him. He's so damn beautiful.
"Do you know who's going to be on tonight?" You grin knowingly to yourself. Because of course he does. Nevertheless, you asked anyway.
"Yeah uh, a comedian named Daniel Freeman, an actor that I don't know.. oh and Doctor Sally!" He states enthusiastically at the mention of the doctor.
You begin working the lotion onto your exposed legs. "Oh good, I love when she's on."
"I know," he exhales another cloud of smoke and turns to look at you, "me too." There's a playful gleam in his eyes as he stands up to come over to your side to stub out the cigarette butt in the ashtray set above the drawer. "I especially love it when we watch her together."
He turns and brings your head in with a gentle hand, and kisses your forehead. Tenderly stroking your scalp as he pulls away to look at you. The scent of fresh tobacco on his breath reminds you of home. Of how you are both home and safe with each other. Where it's peaceful and quiet. There are no other thoughts or worries on either of your minds. Oh how you wish to live in this moment forever.
"Mm, me too," you mutter back.
His hand ghosts down your arm to your own hand. Rubbing his thumb over your knuckles them, he hums softly while giving a gentle squeeze before letting go. All the while you followed their movements, appreciating every soft caress and delicate stroke of his loving fingers. You also notice just how dry his hands are. They look pretty bad. Not nearly quite as bad as yours when they are covered in dry patches and a bunch of tiny yet painful cuts. But his appear as though they're slowly approaching that state- there's dry patches here and there, and his knuckles have a few tears. The look and thought of his beautiful hands like that you simply could not bear. You care so much about Arthur and his well being.
So when he goes to sit back down in his previous spot, the protective instinct in you made you act. Grabbing the bottle of lotion and making your way over to him. You make sure to move calmly in order to avoid startling him since you know how your sweet Arthur is. Sure you're on a mission, but it's one entirely out of love and care. So you treat this matter as such.
At first, Arthur doesn't pay much mind to your movements. It was up until you went to gently kneel between his legs did he look at you with bewilderment.
"Y/n?" He asked you softly and you looked back at him with a kind smile.
You set the bottle between your knees then reached for his hands. He gave them to you without a thought. You both trust and are completely comfortable with giving yourselves to each other. It was already so natural with you two.
"Arthur," you begin to tenderly speak as you smooth your thumb over his wrists and knuckles. "Will you let me rub lotion on your hands?"
His brow raises slightly as he gives you a confused look. He wasn't expecting that question and it threw him off guard. His mouth opens and closes as he doesn't know how to respond. You instantly take notice and continue.
"It's just, your hands are looking a bit dry and I want to take care of them for you. Before they get worse, you know?"
His eyes move from yours to look at your hands which are still grazing his. A smile forms on his face as he brings his gaze back to yours. "Um, yeah- yes. Please do." He finds himself answering.
You nod, and wordlessly get to work. Squeezing the lotion onto the palm of your hand just as you've done many times before. Only this time, it felt nice to be able to share this form of intimacy with the one you love so deeply. You take Arthur's left hand and apply the cream. Massaging it onto his hands and wrists. Taking extra soft care while doing so. Once it's all applied, you do the exact same with his right hand. All the while, it's quiet between you two. As you are simply enjoying this blissful moment together.
After the lotion is fully applied, you gather both of his hands to briefly admire your care. Then you raise them towards your lips, and apply gentle kisses along his knuckles. You gaze up at him lovingly as you lace your hands with his. And Arthur returns the look, with that adoring smile you love so much.
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provokedgoalie · 3 years
You Wouldn't Get It.
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arthur fleck (joker) x physiatrist!reader
→ a little drabble I wanted to write for him since I enjoyed the movie~! ♡ // no warnings (maybe a slight threat, but nothing serious jdbfjd)
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“Are you aware of how Gotham is going to shambles because of your little stunt, Mr. Fleck?” you interrogated the man situated in front of you, forcing yourself to maintain eye contact with his knowing gaze; his eyebrows quirked up as if hearing about the state of the city was amusing to him.
“Very much so, Doctor. Ain't it glorious?” he cackled like a madman—ending in hiccups of giggles as he slapped the steel table in glee; his fingers traced over his crimson painted lips when the fits of laughter died down, the skin around his eyes crinkling.
“I'm finding it quite difficult to understand why this is funny. Please, enlighten me,” you adjusted the round framed glasses perched on your nose and clasped your hands together in your lap, waiting for Arthur to speak again.
“You wouldn't get it, darlin'. I mean, how could you? You never had to struggle a day in your life,” the upturned smile vanished from his face, swiftly replaced with a hardened jaw. “This is a cleansing, Doctor. I intend to rid the world of everyone that turned a blind eye. Including you.”
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darkshadow90 · 3 years
Arthur Fleck x reader Drabble: She has high blood pressure
Summary: You’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure and Arthur helps you during a side effect of the medications.
A/N: Hey guys. It’s been awhile since I wrote for Arthur. This is nothing special just a short drabble. The reader has a side effect from the medication and Arthur helps her out. Warnings: Reader falls on the floor and feels lightheaded. Hope you like it :)
You were recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. You felt bad about it because high blood pressure is often associated with being overweight and poor diet, but you weren’t overweight and your diet was fine. Your doctor told you that because it tended to run heavily on your father’s side of the family, it was more than likely the genetic component that caused you to develop high blood pressure. She put you on two medications to help get it under control and you went home.
You checked your BP every other day and the numbers were going down. You didn’t like how the meds were making you feel. You felt tired and weak. Arthur was there to help you through it. One night as you were coming out of the bathroom, you felt dizzy and fell down in the bedroom. Arthur immediately was by your side. He picked you up and placed you on the bed. He pulled you closed to him and ran a hand through your hair. “Y/N, are you okay? What happened?” You were so tired, you could barely stay awake. “Mhm, fine, Artie. I’m just a little tired, that’s all.” “Well you just get some sleep. I’m staying home from work tomorrow. I don’t want you here alone.” You fell asleep before you could protest.
The next day, Arthur did exactly as he promised. He practically waited on you hand and foot. He helped you with everything. You were grateful he was there to help you and as you adjusted to the medication, you experienced the side effects less and less. Eventually you were able to take the meds without the side effects and that one day made a difference. You were sure of it. You thanked Arthur, but he told you you didn’t need to. You don’t know how you got so lucky.
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notyourhetloki · 4 years
Where are the clowns?
- Arthur Fleck (Joker) x Reader -
Pronouns: None! It’s gender neutral ;)
Word Count: 2,042
Notes: This is a repost from my archived blog @/joysmaddworld
“Hello! This is not something I usually do, but since reading this request made by the incredible @ajokeformur-ray​ , I just couldn’t get this scenario out off my head! So of course, this IS a work directly inspired by her writing and that request in particular, so I recommend you to check it out first! Thank you so much for inspiring me and allowing me to post this, dear <3 Hope you all like it!”
Warnings: Mentions of guns, criminal activity and hospital settings. Spoilers.
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“Two police officers were injured in a confront inside the National Bank of Gotham City. The criminals took a large quantity of money to later on scatter it onto the streets on their way out.”
You were barely paying any attention to the TV, too concentrated on eating and balancing the plate on your lap as you sat uncomfortably on your couch; a bad habit you developed as your shifts at Arkham started getting longer and longer. There was not enough time in lunch break, so multitasking was the way to keep track of things happening around.
As you found a decent position, you took a bite of your food to then finally take a glimpse of the TV, and the sight of an armed man wearing a clown mask made you freeze, now completely paying attention to the news.
“All gang members were wearing clown masks to hide their ID, a now considered symbol of the rebel movement that emerged several months back when multiple protests took place around the city, sparked by a statement from the deceased politician Thomas Wayne.”
You watched closely as one masked man appeared to be putting money inside big cloth bags and two others guarded his back while holding guns.
The camera zoomed into one particular individual. Thin, medium length hair, red suit.. but still with a mask hiding his face.
He moved with elegance. Despite the situation, he seemed to be dancing around and thriving on the chaos.
Could it be?
“One of the burglars is suspected to be the missing criminal Arthur Fleck, famously known as Joker. The police department of Gotham City is investigating the possibility of TV star Murray Franklin’s murderer being involved in the crimes committed by this particular gang. Three criminals were injured and are now under arrest, and the remaining five, including the yet to be confirmed Joker, are still to be found.”
You sat and watched the last few scenes from the report, now with a sudden anxiety bubble rising from your stomach... it had to be him.
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~ A few months back ~
Since you started working at the Arkham State Hospital, your life took a turn you could never expect. As a naturally empathetic person, you knew you would have to fight to maintain your mental health and sanity intact... working at an asylum would never be an easy job. You just couldn’t predict you would get this affected by a patient.
Arthur was a unique case, a unique man. You had to admit that you had been wary before becoming his therapist... he did kill several men. But as you got to know his case, read his files... your heart just broke. Arthur was the perfect example of what negligence and cruelty could do to a person, or make a person do.
You decided that, despite the circumstances, you would be kind to that man. Try to make him experience a little peace, maybe try to gain his trust and care for him. You wanted to befriend him. And without you even realizing, you had fallen... diving head first in the rabbit hole that was Arthur Fleck, crossing a point of no return.
As time passed by, you got closer and closer to Arthur. Brought him food, bought him quality cigarettes with your own money... tried to care for him as much as you could, especially knowing how the other hospital workers would treat him badly. He appreciated every single little thing, you could see it in his eyes...could feel him starting to open up to you more with each session. At the very first appointments he stayed silent, probably expecting another doctor to say some bullshit and just... not understand. But seeing your actual interest in him, Arthur started getting less shy, and with time, he even dared to get a little bold. Always respectful, but still making you blush at his attempts at flirting. It surprised you to know Arthur could be that caring, and with each visit he managed to find another sweet spot of yours.
For some unknown reason, Arthur Fleck just captivated you. Maybe because he was gentle, polite, interesting to get to know... nothing related to that “freak” image people portrayed of him. They just didn’t care to get to know him... and that infuriated you. Or maybe because he seemed to treasure you so much... no one had ever looked at you the way he did. And Arthur probably never had anyone looking at and caring for him the way you did.
The day Arthur escaped Arkham caught you (and everyone at the hospital) off guard. Several men wearing clown masks invaded the place, held some staff as hostages and broke into Arthur’s cell. You had just arrived at work when it all happened. You rushed to Arthur’s aisle, only to have a gun pointed at you by one of his followers.
"The doctor’s with me!” You heard Arthur’s urgent voice from behind you, he touched your shoulder lightly as to make you turn to face him.
“Are you ok?” You couldn’t properly respond, your breath was taken away as you realized... he was so close. There had been times where you would take his handcuffs off during therapy sessions to provide him some comfort, but... nothing like this. You obviously trusted Arthur to behave in a controlled environment, and for your surprise, it didn’t make you feel afraid to have him standing free right in front of you. There was definitely mutual trust between you two.
He had a much calmer expression now seeing you were ok. The look in his eyes was soft, Arthur always looked at you like that... so you hugged him, something you wanted to do since the first time reading through his files.
He proceeded to explain that those men were the same ones that helped him the day he shot Murray... he really did manage to start a movement, huh?
“I’m not going to stop you, Arthur.” You didn’t want to do that, anyway. “But please... be careful, ok??” you said urgently. That moment finally made you realize how bad you cared for him, how bad you were going to miss him now that he'd be gone. Would you ever see each other again?
Arthur looked at you in the eyes for just a quick moment before he kissed you. He held the side of your face ever so gently, and stole a sweet delicate kiss that surprised you, but made you melt.
He then smiled at you, and proceeded to be rushed out of the hospital by his comrades, leaving you completely speechless. That was the last time you saw Arthur Fleck.
Or so you thought.
Every day you would look into the news, searching for something that might relate to Arthur... you were so afraid for him. Police officers would definitely not be as nice now that he had escaped once again... he could be shot, killed...
You couldn’t fathom that. For weeks you frantically searched for any signs of him, but found nothing.
Months got by and your mind started slowing down a bit, you could only hope he was ok and fine wherever he was.
You missed Arthur... so, so much.
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The report from the news channel stayed on your mind throughout the whole day... you felt distracted, distant. Your mind going places you definitely did not want to go. Sometimes you felt like it was best to move on from Arthur, forget him so you wouldn’t suffer so much... but you couldn’t do it. Your heart ached for him, holding onto the hope you had of seeing him again.
When it was just about nighttime, you ultimately decided to take some time for yourself and try to calm your mind a little bit. You started preparing some tea, popped a Frank Sinatra vinyl onto the record player and proceeded to grab a book to read. You couldn’t help but think Arthur would have appreciated the music...
Concentrating to read was proven to be harder than anticipated, so you got up and stopped the music out of frustration. Maybe going upstairs to your room was a better ideia... it had started to rain, that would help you calm down.
Before you grabbed a cup of tea to take to your bedroom, you rushed to close a window you didn’t quite remember opening in the first place... thankfully it didn’t rain inside.
You spent what felt like an hour or so just looking outside of your bedroom window. Watched as the rain fell gently on top of the trees, making the branches full of leaves dance ominously... the movement was so calming combined with the warmth of your tea... you finally started to calm down, the sound of the rain leading you to a trance like state.
The sound of music caught you off guard. At first you thought you were imagining things, but then remembered about the record player downstairs...
“Isn't it rich? Are we a pair? Me here at last on the ground, You in mid-air...”
Your heart skipped a beat, suddenly feeling terrified. You weren’t the type of person to consider a ghost or anything like that... so there were only two valid options in your head: the vinyl started playing on it’s on somehow, or there was an intruder.
Grabbing the switchblade you kept on your desk, you put on a robe and gathered all the courage inside yourself to go downstairs. You took each step carefully to make as little sound as possible, holding your breath involuntarily as you felt your heart pounding heavy on your chest... ok, maybe you were a little bit afraid of ghosts, after all...
“But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns.”
As you took the last few steps of the stairs, you managed to take a deep quiet breath and proceed to peek on your living room.
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
Arthur was beside the record player, rocking gently from side to side in tune with the music and with his eyes closed. He was wearing his Joker outfit, makeup and all... he looked beautiful.
“A-Arthur?” you managed to say, starting to tear up and letting your blade drop to the floor.
He opened his eyes and looked at you, letting out a small gasp as he whispered your name. Arthur had planned to visit you for the longest time now, but he knew the dangers and implications of that. He had to stay low for a while, even wore a mask (much against his will) in his last public appearance... but after all those months, he grew impatient. Nothing mattered anymore, only you. And oh, you looked breathtaking. Seeing you now so vulnerable, wearing only a silk robe made Arthur rediscover a passion he thought could never get stronger.
He managed to take just a few small steps before you ran to his embrace... you couldn’t help but cry a little bit, thank goodness he was alright.
“Oh, I was so worried!” you said, now looking Arthur in the eyes. He wiped some tears from your cheeks and held your face gently, taking in the sight of you. Finally... being reunited with him felt so right.
“I missed you, doctor...” he said teasingly, making you chuckle as he smiled fondly at you. Your heart burned with passion, overwhelmed with the happiness and relief that took over you.
You found yourself running your hands up the lapels of his blazer and lightly grabbing at them, and just couldn’t help but pull him into a kiss. A wave of emotions washed through you as he kissed you back slowly, being so gentle yet passionate.
You both spent the night chuckling at each other like two teenagers, dancing around your living room barely letting go of each other’s embrace, kissing and loving each other for hours on end.
You knew what you were getting yourself into. Arthur was definitely not a saint, you knew life with him could get dangerous for both really quickly... it was all really risky and crazy.
But oh, craziness beside Arthur Fleck felt so, so good. You knew deep in your heart it would all be worth it, no matter what.
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A/N: Well, I hope y’all like it! I got some amazing feedback when I posted it on my old blog, so I’m excited to see what you have to say about it! Thank you, loves! Enjoy ;^)
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hiiii it's me again😂❤️ Can I have a ff where Artie Is at Arkham and it's his last day in. and x Reader comes to pick him up from the hospital🥺 and they go home together, and as always if you want to add some cuddles or She helps Artie to take a warm bath🥺 It would be nice
Oh my dear friend, thank you so much for the request. It was a very emotional ride and very intimate to write. I hope with all my heart that you will like it. Love you so much!
The moment the door opened you felt your heart crumble. That heavy, white door with the tiney window. He must have stared at this window for so many nights.
The bed was empty. For a second you feared that he broke out of the hospital. If that was the case they would find him and lock him up again. Way longer than last time. The thought of being seperated from him for another few weeks or months seemed unbearable. Looking back at the last weeks without him made you wonder how you managed to stay sane yourself. The empty bed, the stillness of his  empty apartment...it felt like the walls were closing in on you. Night for night was spent on his couch, alone, trying to remember his skin on yours, pressing his pillow close to your face to smell the remains of his sweat and shampoo that got caught up in the soft fabric.
He was missing from you like a part of your very own body. And now you`re gonna get your missing part back. Taking it home with you. Filling his apartment with love again.
Your eyes searched for him. That room. Standig between these four walls made you feel snowblind. All the white. Even Arthur was dressed in white.  The only contrast was his dark hair .
Arthur was sitting in the corner of the room. Crumbled up on the floor, like a piece of paper. Like a love letter that wasn`t well written enough to send it, so the writer just formed it into a ball and threw it across the room.
But you wanted to read it. Every sentence. Every letter. You wanted to take that page and uncrumble it. Make it readable again, to realize how beautifully written it actually was. Poetry. The purest form there ever was.
Arthur was the poem who remained unnoticed. Unseen by so many. Even by the ones who wrote him.
The doctor kept looking at you, talked about last night and how Arthur kept whimpering your name. But all you could do was focusing on that one curls that fell to Arthurs forehead. His head was hanging heavy on his shoulders. He looked downwards.
"Artie, darling? I`m here. " you got up to him to knee on the ground.
Arthur finally lifted his head. The circles under his eyes darkened  since you saw him two days ago. He looked exhausted as you gently stroke his hair. A tired smile crossed his sad eyed face. His curls felt greasy like he didnt washed it for at least a week.
"You look tired, darling"
Arthur tried to get up but he seemed so much weaker than he was when he got here.
"Im so tired, Y/N. I`m so very tired." He sat down on the floor again "You`re really here aren`t you?"
"I am.  Its your last day. I will take you home with me now".
Arhur started to cry "Can you please hug me. I need to feel that this is real. I want to hug you but....I can`t"
It was now that you realized that he was still in his handcuffs.
You wrapped your arms around him so tight you felt his ribcage poking you. Silent tears fell from his eyes onto your shoulders.  "I missed you so much, Arthur. I was so incompleate without your breath on my neck at night. "
He nodded, unable to answer. He just cried.
"Cry, sweetheart.its okay let it all out. It`s over now. You can go home with me. No more lonely night in this cold room. We`re gonna go home now and I`m gonna make you a nice, hot bath before we disappear under the sheets.
The doctor looked at you with disguise "A hot bath sounds like a plan. Mr Fleck refused to take a shower for 9 days straight. "
You didnt liked the tone in her voice.
"Why is he still wearing his handcuffs anyway?" you asked.
"Because you can never know with him." The doctor replied, giving him a dirty look.
You wanted to tell her how damn rude she was but you kept silent to not risk anything.
"And he refused to eat,too. We actually thought he wated to starve himself to death in here. Which is illegal."
The anger inside of you grew with every word she said, but you concentrated on Arthur and supported him to get up. "C`mon, darling. We`re gonna leave this place now."
Arthur once again fell into your arms, desperately trying to touch you with his cuffed hands. You held his fingers  inside your fist "You`ll feel better soon, I promise."
The doctor took a step closer and got the keys to unlock the handcuffs. "Goodbye, Mr. Fleck. " her voice sounded cold and heartless. You noticed her taking a step back as Arthur looked up to starte into her eyes. Almost like she was afraid of him. How could anyone be afraid of him?
Arthur didnt answer. The second his hands were free he hugged you with his whole body. So tight it felt like you shared the same jumpsuit. He held your face between his hands. They were as gentle as always. The most gently hands in the world. He seemed different. But still the same. His fingertips stroke your face, your cheekbones and nose, your chin. "I missed touching you, Y/N. Oh, I need to touch you so bad. "  The intensivity of his eyes never left, even when he looked as tired as  he did now. He was so touch starved. Just as you.
"Not in here, Mr Fleck. You know the rules." The doctors voice really got on your nerves. Did she had any idea how hard it was not being able to share your love ? Did she even knew how it felt to be in love? To be forced to leave your other half behind? At a mental hospital?
You both ignored her, touching each others faces "I missed the taste of you" he breathed upon your mouth, right before your lips met. Arthur kissed you with all that was within him. His mouth was dry from all the medication. His lips cracked.  But his kiss was full of love and admiration for you. Full of longing and pain.
Your fingers ran through his messy hair. It was getting even longer than usual. Almost reaching his shoulders.
"Please!" The doctor started to sound angry. "This is not allowed! You`ve got enough time in your hands when you`re out of this building".
Your lips parted again.
"Thats right Dr. Finn. Goodbye." you grabbed Arthurs hand and lead him out of the room.
Before you left Arkham Arthur was lead into the changing room, where he got rid of his white clothing. He looked so much more like himself when he got back. His brown cardigan made him look softer than ever before. He touched the soft, worn out fabric of it, convincing himself that this was all real. Grounding.
It felt good to leave this bulding which became his second home after so many years of being in and out. A home that felt more like a prison since there was someone waiting for him outside these walls.
The whole way home  on the tram Arthur rested his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes. He needed sleep.
"I havent slept for days" he whispered while you sqeezed his hand. "I couldnt close an eye without you by my side. Even the sleeping pills couldnt help."
"We`re gonna make you rest as soon as we get home, Artie."
Artur almost drifted off into sleep on the ride home. Leaning on your shoulder was enough to make him feel save enough to get sleepy.
When you arrived home you took off his sweater and pants "You`re freezing, baby."
"I know."
"Do you still want to take a bath before going to bed?"
"Yeah...please! I feel kinda... dirty".
You kissed his forehead and handed him a bathrobe "Put this on while the water is still running. It will keep you warm. I will make you some soup, okay? You gotta eat something,too."
Arthur nodded "Okay. But...I`m afaraid my stomach cant hold it. They gave me some new meds and it was getting worse again. "He looked ahamed as you walked into the kitchen to boil some water. "Dont worry, Artie. We`ll go slowly. But we have to try. I wont let you go to bed with an empty stomach today. It must have been days since you had eaten something. "
Arthur followed you into the kitchen. He needed to be near you every second. He looked so lost in his bathrobe. So helpless.
"Alright, the soup will be  done when you finished bathing. " you smiled. Arthur mirrored your smile and followed you  back into the bathroom. He stil walked like he had his handcuffs on, which was a sad thing to wittness.
Arthur froze when you helped him out of his bathrobe and into the bathtub. He was even skinnier than usual. His body looked like he was close to a break down. His shoulderbone seemed like it was about to burst through his fragile skin. He`s got some small bruises on his wrists and his tummy was sucked in.
The warm water felt like an embrace as he let himself sink into it. He immediately closed his eyes and awaited your touch.
"I`m so gald to be home" he mumbled as you started to shampoo his sweaty hair. Washing his beautiful curls always felt very intimate to you. You had a thing for his hair. Every strain of it was holy to you. Every curl a poem.
You noticed a small wound on his forehead as you tried not to let the shampoo run into his eyes. "You`re hurt"
"I know. It was my fault. I did it to myself. I`m sorry if I disappoint you"
"Artie, you could never disappoint me. Do you hear me?"
He nodded.
"I love you more than anything, Arthur"
"My whole life I never loved anything else" he replied.
You stopped washing his hair for a second to lean in to kiss him. The warm water dripped down his forehead. You tasted his shampoo upon your lips.
He was home with you.
Life was sweet.
You took the sponge and washed away the pain and loneliness. Every bad memory, every sleepless night at Arkham. You washed it all way. Watching the pain dissappear in his eyes.
Arthurs musicles started to relax under your  tender touch. Even his tense tummy.
He was thankful for all the attention, the love. A smile crossed his face after he got out of the bathtub. You hugged him while he was still naked.
"You feel better now, sweetheart?"
" A lot, Y/N. Thank you. I`m trying to eat some soup now. Just for you!"
"Thats great, Artie. lets do it" you handed him oneof his sweaters. "Um....can I have....would you let me wear one of yours? " he asked with his little voice.
"Of course, Arthur. Oh god, sure. Wait I will get you one!"
A minute later you came back with your fave sweater. Arthur slipped into it like it was his.
"Thank you so much. Its so comortig to wear your clothes".
"Anytime, baby" you got the bowl of soup.
Arthur sat down on the couch. He didnt even asked for a cigarette.
You noticed his eyes watering.
"Whats wrong, Artie?"
"I`m afraid I might throw up. I`ll be so embarassing."
You took the spoon and put it to his lips "There is no reason to be ashamed. The important thing is to try. If you have to throw up its okay. "
"I threw up at Arkham and they yelled at me"
"I´m not gonna yell at you."
"I know....I know that." he whispered.
Arthur swallowed after you fed him the first spoon.
"Is that okay?"
You fed him three spoons of soup until he was close to spit it out again.
"Its okay, baby. Take your time. We`ve got all the time in the world to make you eat."
"Thank you so much, Y/N. I dont know what I would do without you."
Arthur waited five minutes until he was ready for another four spoons.
"I´m proud of you, Arthur. Really. You`re doing great.
"Thank you Y/N. For helping me with that. I think thats all I can eat for today. But maybe....tomorrow. Or later when I wake up. Maybe you can leave the bowl of soup next to my bed"
"Sure, darling." You kissed the corner of his mouth and placed the bowl on the table.
"Try to get some sleep now. I`ll be right here with you".
Arthur layed down on the couch as you joined him.
His huge blanket covered both of your bodies.
"Finally" he muttered, pulling you close to his heart, burying his face in the crook of your neck, kissing it gently as he breathed you in.
The familiar smell of his own sheets helped him relax.
"Yes Arthur?"
"Would you....like...sing me to sleep or something?"
"Of course,my love"
Arthur closed his tired eyes as your voice quietly echoed through apartment 8J.
"The moon is a silver dollar shining up in the sky
There is a dream we can buy.
Sweetheart you and I
The moon is a silver dollar
Made for lovers to share
And with you in my arms
I`m a millionaire
Our care in troubles
Will all be small change
Someday they all change
Into a dream come true
The moon is a silver dollar
What a glorious sight
Lets invest at him love
@impulsiveclown @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokerownsmysoul @missjoker96 @arthurskitten @lynnesm @nonnymousse @gwynplaine89 @damnrightobsessedwithim @sgtsavoytruffle  @duhliriouss @sadjesterautumn @therealjokerking10 @flowerglitterwoman @thirstforfleck @spookyhome @iartsometimes  @you-cant-cry-in-here @bustafatclownnut @jokerismyhubbie @jokerflecker  @check-out-this-joker @darknessisafriend  @nicoleverse @mdme-rosary @arthurhappyclown    @neon-umbrella-for-stella   @cherrymoon75 @call-me-harley-quinn  @arthurjokersgirl
@aarthurfleckk @mylovelycrazyworld @clownalog @ajokerfangirl  @the-one-who-is-chaos
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rottngdeer · 4 years
Gotham Nights - Part One
pairing: arthur fleck x genderneutral!reader
summary: arthur notices you a few times and escalates into obsessive behaviour
warnings: stalking
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You had seen Arthur a few times, and he had seen you. Gotham was a dirty, ugly place, and to him, you seemed out of place there. Other than a few small waves in the hallway of the building while going into your apartments, you had never met. That is until a cold and windy November evening, and you were bundled up the best you could be. Your beanie went flying off your head and slapped him right in the face. You whipped your head around to see your hat right over Arthur’s face a few feet away. It had startled him but he was distracted by the smell of your shampoo and unsure how to react. He hadn’t been intentionally following you, he needed to pick up his medication and you happened to have left right before he did. A happy coincidence for him.
“ I’m so sorry, “ You said quickly and walked over to him as he pulled your hat off of his face.
“ I- it’s uh... soft, “ He stuttered. He mentally slapped himself for that comment. Was that the only thing he could think of saying? He felt stupid.
“ Yeah, “ You chuckled and put the hat back on, “ I didn’t think the wind was that strong. It’s a funny way for us to meet though. I’m Y/N. “
“ A- Arthur... “ He stuttered.
“ Nice to meet you, Arthur, “ You smiled. “ Well, I gotta go, family lunch date. See you around. Maybe we can talk more next time. “ You turned and headed down the sidewalk.
Arthur was stuck in position. He couldn’t believe you had actually spoken to him, and now you knew his name. Once he realised you had disappeared from view, he quickly walked down the sidewalk to find you. The rest of his day was spent following you around; from your lunch date with who looked like your parents, to a doctors appointment, to a few stores. He congratulated himself for being able to follow you the whole day without you noticing, but he also felt guilty for doing it. There was just something about you that made him want to stay near you.
As time passed, he had been so careful making sure that you couldn’t see him every day as he fell into the routine of following you that you got concerned. You missed seeing him going into his apartment or checking his mail. He was one of the only friendly faces in Gotham that you had come in contact with.
So one day, you decided to knock on his door and see how he was doing. He wasn’t exactly prepared for that.
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ohallthecrushes · 5 years
I got you stuck in my head, isn't it funny? //Joker x Reader
A/N: It supposed to be short without much of a plot, but it expanded on something bigger. I posted it also here. I hope you'll enjoy it. Let me know what you think. :)
Pairing: Joker/Reader
Contains: smut obviously, no condom, some swearing, bit of a blood, a little abuse at the end.
Word Count: 4,971
Summary: You're locked in Arkham State Hospital. You've met Arthur Fleck during a group therapy, you exchanged looks with him and sometimes smiles, but you didn't really talk with each other, he was too shy to approach you and you wanted to keep your guard up in a place like this, so you kinda avoided him. Later on, he left the hospital, while you stayed until the present day.Some time passed by and you forgot about Arthur, but he didn't forget about you.
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You were rolling over for hours, couldn't sleep at all. Your eyelids were heavy and your face buried deeper into a pillow, because you couldn't find a position that would help you relax your body, so if you suffocated yourself then maybe you'd fall asleep. Or at least loose your conscious, that would be close enough.
You turned again on your back, eyes wide open as you looked blankly at the ceiling, counting seconds of how long you could last without blinking. You knew, you could call for a nurse and ask her to give you sleeping pills, but you were locked in an isolation room and to get anyone here in the middle of the night, required having to make a lot of noise and screaming, and you would risk to be strapped to the bed later for insubordination. Even though you'd asked for seclusion, hospital staff didn't give a single shit whether someone was locked there under duress or voluntarily, you didn't behave - they strapped you down.
34 seconds.
Why did you ask for isolation? Because you liked it here - the silent, the solitude, having your own room, and no one was disturbing you with crying or screaming. You were far away from everyone.
You shifted your body on a side and shut your eyes, counting your breath leaving your nostrils, your muscles slowly let go of any tension that had been hid inside your body, and you felt like you were finally able to drift into a sweet oblivion.
The time stopped ticking and you didn't know how long you'd been lying in that almost sleeping state, unaware of your surroundings. It was until your ears caught a slightly noise coming somewhere around you and you fought with your conscious to stay asleep, but your eyes blinked open pulling you out of the dreamless land. You raised your head off the pillow trying to recognize the sound, it was a low rustle from the other side of the room, just behind the closed door. Maybe it was a nurse walking down the hallway checking if everything was okey. You blinked few times more, but whoever was making the noise didn't go away. They were standing right behind the door, you could only see a shadow through the crack moving around, and hear steps walking from left to right and right to left as if someone was uncertain whether to knock or go away.
At this point you knew it couldn't be a nurse.
The steps stopped for a second, making you think that the person maybe decided to leave you alone, but suddenly you heard a rustling sound somewhere near the door-knob and with one simple move the lock being turned open. You jumped out of the bed right away, ready to get to the switch to turn the lights on, but the door jiggled open, paralyzing you with the light coming from the hallway. You covered your face with your hand glancing through your fingers to the silhouette looming at the doorway. You couldn't see their face nor the clothes under this angle, it was like you were looking at the shadow, not a real person. You felt dizzy and it was cause both from jumping out of the bed too fast and pills that you'd been taking only at night due to their side effects like dizziness.
As when you thought this couldn't get any more frightening and surreal, the lights in your room had been switched on, drenching you and the other person with a white almost painful glow. You blinked and lower your hand slightly trying to see who were you dealing with, who was that someone that got into the isolation room in the middle of the night.
The vision became less and less blurred, but the spinning wheels in your head just picked up some speed, leaving you even more woozy than before.
A clown.
You saw a clown? You put your hand down and narrowed your eyes. A fucking clown was standing in front of you grinning at you, obviously amused probably by the dumbstruck look on your face. Were you dreaming? Maybe it was one of your very realistic dreams you sometimes had? Could be, you didn't know any clown inside the asylum and for sure you didn't know any clown outside of its walls.
Oh, and the clown closed the door and was now coming your way, covering the distance in few quick steps, taking your face between his hands, tilting your head up and placing a soft gentle kiss on your lips. You closed your eyes out of habit, letting him feather your lips with more soft kisses. They were as gentle as compassionate, as innocent as inappropriate. If you were sleeping and dreaming a weird sex dream why did they feel inappropriate?
You opened your eyes just as he done showering your lips with affection. He looked at you smiling, tears were forming in the corners of his eyes and he brushed your cheeks with his thumbs.
- I missed you.
It was that moment when you looked him in the eye and heard his soft voice that you recognize who were hiding behind the painting on his face.
- Arthur?
He nodded and his smile got wider as if hearing his name from your mouth made him somehow happier. For you, saying his name, on the other hand, made you become more awake and less dizzy. You realized this wasn't a dream and the man you knew from a group therapy, that had left months ago, was right now standing in front of you in a full clown costume.
But why though? Why was he here and why had he kissed you? You weren't lovers, heck, you weren't even friends. You just knew each other from therapy sessions, where you and bunch of other patients had been learning how to live back in society. You and Arthur hadn't really talked with each other, you'd only exchanged looks and sometimes smiles, but you'd only smiled back at him because you'd been trying to be polite. You might have even shared some thoughts about his depression during one of the sessions, but not because you'd wanted to, you'd just been asked by a doctor to say something.
You took a step back from him, trying to recreate the distance that had been between you, trying to look at the bigger picture, connect the dots to understand what was going on here, but nothing made any sense. Arthur, the shy, reserved guy, as a clown getting into the isolation room in the middle of the night kissing you and telling you that he'd missed you? You felt confused as hell.
Arthur must had noticed that, cause he leaned forward, his hands still cupping your face, and he placed a comforting kiss on your forehead.
- Arthur..
- It's Joker now.
You glanced up at him furrowed your eyebrows. You didn't understand any of this shit. Or maybe you were losing your mind completely?
He caressed your cheek with his thumb while the other hand slightly slid down to the side of your neck.
- I know it's confusing, but I promise I'll explain that to you later, I'll tell you everything.
The way he said he'd tell you everything, like he was seeing an old best friend and couldn't wait to tell her what had been happening with him when he'd been away. He was so excited, it made you feel somewhat guilty for not being able to catch up with him.
- Aren't you happy to see me, babydoll?
You opened your mouth but you didn't know what to say at the nickname he'd given you. Your hand slowly moved up to his and you gently grabbed his wrist pulling his hand away from your cheek.You didn't feel any resistance from him, he just let you take his hand away. His other hand was still on you however, resting on your shoulder as his fingers caressed the side of your neck.
- It's surprising to see you here, how did you...
- I know - he interrupted you, not letting you ask the question, probably because he didn't want to answer it.
You felt stupid just standing like that in front of him, only in your blue pajamas and with your mouth desperately searching for the right words you could use to get out of this uncomfortable situation. You looked into his eyes and God, if they weren't full of admiration and longing. He looked at you as if trying to remember you by heart.
- I've missed you so much, there wasn't a day when I wasn't thinking about you - he said in a soft voice - I got you stuck in my head, isn't it funny?
You couldn't find anything funny about it, till now you didn't even know that Arthur had a crush on you.
- I didn't mean to... I didn't mean myself stuck in your head.
He chuckled and his fingers stopped caressing the sensitive spot on your neck as his hand moved at the back of your head pulling you closer to him. Before you had a chance to say something, your lips was sealed with his in a passionate kiss. This time it wasn't an innocent soft one he'd given you before. This one was hungry. Not rough but demanding. He brushed his mouth onto yours using his tongue to part your lips and slip inside, entwined his tongue with yours. Your own hands, first so unsure of what to do, were now moving up to his face, one sinking in his green hair, the other resting on his cheek. If you'd been lost and confused before because of his unexpected visit, now you got yourself lost into his kiss. And this one took your breath away and you didn't object when he wrapped his hand around your waist, making your body pressed onto his. You wriggled a bit as you felt something hard pressing onto your belly.
Fuck. You'd seen how excited he was, but you hadn't realized how much aroused until now. How could you not thought about if before? Arthur... Joker, whoever the hell he was now, hadn't come here just to say hi and kiss you, he'd come here to fuck you as well.
The lower half of your body was trying to pull back, getting away from his hard member, but he kept you close, not letting you go of his embrace.
You felt your cheeks turning red and your lips were already overstimulated, but he kept kissing you like he'd die if he didn't. You had to break the kiss somehow and you felt like you didn't have any choice other than do it in a painful way. So you sucked his lower lip into your mouth and used your teeth to bite it, clamping them harder onto his red skin, just hard enough for him to pull away. But he didn't move the slightest, didn't even groan in pain, just letting you do your thing. You could taste a bitter blood on you tongue and you realized that your plan was stupid and destined to fail, for he probably wouldn't stop you no matter how hard would you bite, maybe even he liked it in some way.
You counted to three and with no reaction from him, you pulled away, placing both of your hands on his chest, leaning back as far as you could. You both were panting, your lips were all red and swollen and on his lower lip was a streak of fresh blood. The look in his eyes didn't change much, it got much more darker though, more longing than before, and lust were glowing from them, making you blush in bewildered.
His cock twitched inside his pants and he quickly glanced at the bed behind you. You didn't have to follow his gaze to know what he was thinking.
- Arthur, I don't think this is a good time...
- Shhh, my little one - he put his index finger on your mouth - We've got planty of time, believe me.
He wouldn't leave this room without getting what he wanted. He was so determined and confident to get it, to get you, that you couldn't believe this man was really Arthur. What had happened to him?
The hand on your lower back moved aside to your waist as he pushed you lightly onto the bed. You landed on your ass, bouncing on a mattress. He quickly removed his red jacket and took off his shoes, and climbed onto the bed, kneeling over you, your legs trapped between his. His fingers working with buttons on his vest but his eyes locked on you, wandering from your embarrassed face down to your breast and lower to strings of your pants. He looked very attractive and dominant from your point of view, enchanting even. It was clearly an absurd how wet you became right now. You could feel a familiar sensation in your lower parts, a pleasant small vibration inside of you.
Once he got rid of his yellow vest, he climbed on top of you propping himself on his hands, forcing you to lay down beneath him. His pupils were dilated, mixing with the dark green, and you found it difficult to look him in the eye right now. He smiled at you and separated your legs by putting his knee between them.
- Did you miss me too?
His question made you hold your breath. How could you say no? He wouldn't accept that for an answer.
- Arthur...
- Joker - he leaned down and kissed your forehead, forgiving you your silly mistake.
- Joker... I've missed you, yes - you lied - But I don't think we should be doing this, we don't know each other that much.
- How can you say that? - his eyebrows furrowed slightly - We do know each other, I know your favourite colour, where you went to school, that you prefer pancakes over waffles at breakfast, that you were raised only by your mother... And you know things about me too.
Right, but... - you didn't know how to explain him that learning things about each other on the group therapy and actually knowing someone were two different things. He shouldn't supposed to remember those things about you. Everything said on the group therapy should have stayed on the group therapy, and he'd broken that rule, taking these information about you with him, outside the hospital.
Your hesitation must have taken him off guard, as he looked at you with confusion visible on his face, like he was trying to figure out why weren't you excited to see him at the same level as he was. But his consternation didn't last very long, for he leaned down closer to you and started kissing your face. His lips were soon everywhere, brushing over your cheeks, nose, forehead and jaw, before he kissed you on the mouth. His right hand slipped under your shirt, and it was cold against your warm skin, sending you shivers down your spine. He probably thought that being gentle with you would help you relax. And, to your surprise, it actual worked, you felt your body relaxing under his touch, almost melting. You kissed him back and his hand moved up to grab your boob, and finding a nipple, he rolled it between his fingers and you had to hold back a soft moan from escaping your mouth. You closed your eyes as you tilted your head aside, giving him access to kiss your neck and so he did, kissing and nibbling a spot under your jaw down to your collarbone. Your shirt was rolled up exposing your breast and you opened your eyes to look down at him already kissing your breastbone. Your cheeks turned red at this sight, you still were in your pajamas, but felt practically naked before him.
He hummed as he cupped sides of your boobs and moved his mouth to the left, his hot breath winded around your nipple before he wrapped it with his mouth and sucked it gently, poked it with his tongue.
It'd been a very long time since you let somebody caress your body this way, since you had a chance to have sex, and god how much you missed it.
You were so touch starved that even this light foreplay of Joker sucking and licking your nipples was enough to get you lightheaded and left you wanting for more. You tried not to squirm nor moan to not show him how much turned on you were already. You bit your lower lip and gripped the sheets underneath you, not realizing that Joker was observant enough to see those little attempts of yours to keep your body reactions under control. He smirked at that as he quickly grabbed your pants and took them off, throwing them away, before you had a chance to react.
You gasped and jerked your legs trying to pull them together, but he kept your knees separated with his hands and all you could do was lying down naked, giving him a very good look at your wet needing pussy.
- Perfect - he said as his eyes travelled all over your body, his hands rested on your knees and you wonder if he could feel them trembling - You're perfect.
He smiled as he leaned down to you, his lips went back where they were before, worshiping your breast for some time, before he slowly started sliding down on you, kissing your stomach and abdomen.
Your grip on the sheet tightened as you watched him hovering over your clit now, breathing out onto your sensitive spot. Suddenly he snapped his eyes up to meet your gaze and you quickly threw your head back on the mattress, but not quick enough for him to miss the cute view of how much your cheeks turned into bright red.
He hummed again and you could feel his wet gentle kisses on both of your inner tights teasing with you for a while, before he pressed his lips onto your clit. His tongue licked your button, as he got a first glimpse of what you tasted like. It must have made him eager for more, because he slid his tongue lower to your wet entrance and he licked you all the way up.
You bit your lower lip and closed your eyes, letting out a deep breath you hadn't even known you were holding. It turned into a soft moan, but it felt so good you couldn't help it. You gave in to him.
You reached down with your hand and rested it on his head, combining your fingers with his green hair. His slow almost agonizing teasing with you, gentle sucking and licking with just a tip of his tongue, only very close to your entrance, but never quite there, was driving you crazy and put you totally out of control.
- P-please - you heard yourself begging.
He chuckled, but he didn't plan to torture you this way and deny your orgasm, he wanted to please you like you'd been never pleased before. He quitted the teasing and started eating you out vigorously, with his mouth and tongue all over your woman's parts, pressing harder onto your entrance and he moved his hands up to also play with your hard nipples.
It was all mind blowing, you could feel your body responding to his actions very intensively, building up your orgasm surprisingly quickly. You wriggled on the bed, jerking your hips up as you moaned and cursed under your breath.
- Fuck, I'm... Shit, so... Close.
He did such a good job eating you out, he didn't even had to use his fingers to make a wriggling helpless mess out of you. You were already totally and ridiculously taken over by your orgasm, moaning loudly his name and arching your back as the sweet strong outburst of release was poured all over your body.
The heart in your chest was pounding loudly and you kept your eyes closed taking your time to get back to your senses. A soft kiss was pressed onto your lips and you awkwardly kissed Joker back, tasting yourself on his lips. You opened your eyes slowly just to see a big satisfied grin on his face and sparks in his eyes, he looked so proud of himself, and you couldn't deny, he had a right to feel this way. You put your hands on his chest and you realized you hated that he was still full clothed while you were all naked underneath him. You quickly shifted your hands and started unbuttoning his shirt. One button after another as you were reaching lower with your fast moving but a little shaky fingers. He didn't move waiting for you to unbutton the last one. Watching you carefully as your fingers brushed onto his stomach just above a waistband. He was expecting you to unbutton and unzipped his pants as well, but you were too embarrassed to do that, your boldness got you only as far as that so you stopped at unbuttoning his shirt.
He smirked and knelt up, he removed his shirt and stood before the bed to do the same with his pants, white briefs and socks. You finally could take a good look at his slim body and of course your greedy eyes get a glimpse of the shape of his cock, the size of it that you were going to let inside of you.
And it was very appealing, definitely not disappointing.
He came back to you in a second kissing you with a passion as he pressed his hard member onto your clit, rubbing himself over it. You moaned into his mouth and grabbed his hair, deepening the kiss. As embarrassed as you might felt by your own greediness and arousal, you just couldn't wait to have him inside you, to fill you up and fuck you as you wanted to be fucked for a long time.
He must have sensed that, of course he did, cause he slid his cock down to your entrance, smearing your juice over it with a tip of his cock. You spread your legs wider and he slowly pushed into you. You had to break your kiss to that feeling, rolling your head back and moaned, a wide smile spread over your face. He was perfect, he felt exactly how you wanted him to, filling you up and stretching your walls in a pleasurable way, sending shivers down your spine. You didn't even need much time to adjust to his size, you were already so wet and ready for him.
He kissed your exposed neck, right under your chin, sucking at your skin, leaving there a hickey for sure, and he moved his hips back and forth as he nibbled you with his teeth. He slid his hand to your boob squeezed it gently. His movement were slow, but only for some time, he quickened his pace soon, going deeper and thrusting harder, almost frantically, which made you wonder how could he be so rough and gentle at the same time. Cause he was still gently with his kisses and occasional bites, though he fucked you quite fast and thoroughly, putting one of his hand on the top of your head and the other grabbing your hip to hold you in place.
Your nails were scratching patterns on his back as you moaned louder into his ear. Your legs were up in the air letting him push into you even deeper and you kissed him avidly with your tongue dancing with his. He broke the kiss and you looked each other into the eyes before he buried his head into your neck and by the way his thrusting became more and more rapid and urgent, you knew he was close to finish. You weren't surprised at all, you'd reached your climax also very soon and he wanted this just as much as you, though little did you know how much touch starved and longing for intimacy he was, you could only imagine.
His pace slowed down to more deeper and erratic thrusts as his shaft pushed farther in couple of times more, had him growling into your neck. He came with one final powerful thrust, unable to hold back anymore. The warm fluid filled you up in long hot squirts as he held you in a tight grip, weighted you down with his body.
You slowly and carefully put your feet onto the bed, and well, if your legs hadn't been trembling before, they definitely were now, and you were grateful you didn't have to stand right now, for you were sure, you would fall down immediately.
You and Joker were breathing heavily and you noticed how in sync you were - your chests were going up and down at the same time.
- Sorry - he whispered apologizing for weighting you down as he moved up and to your own displeasure, he pulled out of you. You pouted because even though his cock was getting soft now, you still wanted him inside you. Without him filling your walls, you felt... incomplete.
You looked at him as he lied down beside you with his eyes closed, his chest lifting up and down, in that blissful state of afterglow, the one you had after a good shag.
You couldn't not notice how good he looked from his profile, especially when you looked at the line of his jaw and his narrow nose. With most of his clown painting being rubbed off of his face, he again looked more like Arthur that you once knew and seeing that familiar face made you feel safe.
And probably you were now more covered in his paints than he was, which made you chuckle.
Your hand was found and grabbed by his as he turned his head to you and opened his eyes, smiling. You smiled back and he shifted to kiss your forehead before he pulled you close. You rested your head onto his chest and he wrapped his hands around you. You didn't know what to expect from him from now on, you'd been afraid that he'd just fuck you and leave you soon after, using you only for sex, but he decided to cuddle with you and you were grateful just for that.
You counted in your head to 5, just letting yourself be in the moment, to feel him and feel yourself being pressed together just like that.
But it couldn't last forever no matter how much you wished for that.
- How's that even happened? - this was more of a rhetorical question to this whole situation, so you didn't wait for him to answer that - I thought I'd never see you again and you just came back to visit me in the middle of the night wearing this sexy red suit and with your face painted... And you're Joker now? And you had keys? I doubt they just let you go in, so... you broke in here unnoticed, it's crazy. I...
- Hey - he interrupted you taking your chin between his fingers to tilt your head up so he could look at you - I didn't come to visit you. I came for you.
He put a small kiss on the top of your head, hugging you tightly before he laid you back on the bed so he could stand up. You lifted yourself up on your elbows as you watched him fiddling with his clothes and for a moment you were afraid that he was going to dress up and leave, that maybe he felt offended by your talking, but his last words stuck in your head, making you question the very true reason for his visit.
- For me? What do you mean?
He looked at you and quickly jumped onto the bed leaning over you. He kept one of his hand behind his back and he grinned at you just like he'd grinned before, after he'd told you he'd explain that to you later. So excited. So... mischievous.
You tried to crawl away from him, a sudden jolt of bad feeling overtook you, but he pushed you back with his mouth pressing onto yours, distracting you at the same time, and before you pushed back off him, you felt a sharp sting on your right arm. You broke the kiss as you looked at it scared already and you saw a syringe stick into your arm.
You couldn't believe your own eyes.
He'd fucking shoved the syringe into your arm and injected you something. You growled furious and you gathered all your strength to push him away, but he threw the syringe away and quickly grabbed your wrists, pinning you down to the bed.
- The fuck Joker, what was that?! - you screamed at him, trying to free yourself from his grip, but he was surprisingly strong for his posture and seemed to hold you down without any effort - Let go off me!
- Shhhh... Calm down, kitten, i don't wanna hurt you and I don't want you to hurt yourself - his voice was so calm and steady, contrary to your angry and scared one. His grin faded away replaced by a watchful and determined look on his face.
- What did you do, you fucker, what...
You looked him in the eye and you felt weaker with every word escaping your lips. Your focus became blurry and dizziness increased rapidly, making your thoughts dispersed and your eyelids very heavy. You tried to fight it, to stay conscious, but you had no chance against strong chemicals. Your eyes were slowly closing.
- Count to ten, darling.
His voice drifted far away from you, but at the same time you could hear him right inside your head.
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gothamslittlejester · 5 years
Arthur Fleck x College Student Reader
Anonymous Requested:  Hi can you write Arthur dating a college student who has a lot of stuffed animals in her room and brings some with her to his apartment that way he won’t be lonely when she’s at school
Had to do this one immediately cuz I relate on a spiritual level. Sad college peeps raise ur hands 😔✋🏻 (also,,, if I had an Arthur Fleck to help me study, I’d be a whole damn doctor by now)
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Night classes? Arthur will be waiting for you when you finish, so he can safely walk you home. Normal daytime classes? Guess what, he’s still there, eager to walk you home
(At least, when Hoyt’s demanding schedule allows it)
He’s memorized your schedule by heart and is genuinely interested in what you’re studying
Due to money constraints and having to take care of his mother from an early age, Arthur had to get a job pretty quickly so college was never really an option for him. That’s why encouraging you to study and do your absolute best is his top priority
He doesn’t mean to fret, really. He just loves you and wants to see succeed to your maximum potential
Regardless if you’re head over heels passionate about your classes or hate every second of them, Arthur will be right there to help you study; whether it’s helping you find a bunch of sources from the local library, making you coffee or helping you go over your notes
When you invite him over to see your dorm room for the first time, his heart nearly explodes in love when he sees all the stuffed animals
He didn’t think you could get any cuter, but you surprised him
Might start calling you more pet names 
If you let him the stay the night, he’ll give all your plushies a name and a silly voice, making them talk to you. You laugh at his antics and he uses the toys’ snouts to pepper kisses on your nose
He knows how much they mean to you, so when you actually decide to give him a few to keep at his house, he accepts them eagerly
“I know that you miss me sometimes,” you murmur, placing them in his outstretched hands. “So now you have company for when I’m at school, or when you get sad and I can’t be there.”
Not only was Arthur joyous at the idea of you trusting him with such prized and treasured possessions, but they all smelled like you too
When he gets worried or lonely and begins to miss your touch, sometimes he’ll cradle them in his arms and pretend its actually you lying next to him
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rosesloveletters · 4 years
pairing: Joaquin Phoenix Joker x Fem. Reader
word count: 2,236
warnings: language (???) and angst
summary: A song-fic based on Taylor Swift’s ‘Innocent’; Arthur has come to terms with his new persona and reader begins to accept it as well.
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“I guess you really did it this time. Left yourself in your warpath. Lost your balance on a tightrope. Lost your mind tryin’ to get it back…”
Arthur stood staring into the mirror above the sink as he waited for the shower to heat up. He frowned at the face staring back at him, barely visible in the steam collecting on the cool glass, and the face in the mirror reciprocated. He didn’t recognize his own visage anymore. That face had seen too much evil; too much blood, murder, carnage… Too many people could put a name to that face now and it angered him. People knew who he was only because of who he had let himself become and that was just as frustrating. He knew there was no real point in an attempt at a normal life because of that. He didn’t have a chance at that anymore. No matter how long a person runs, they can never escape themselves. Arthur didn’t believe in that too much until he became someone else. He might be the Joker now, but he would never shed the skin and bone that belonged to Arthur. Arthur Fleck would always remain, no matter how much he hated that fact.
And so maybe it didn’t matter that he hadn’t been able to sleep worth a damn for the last week or two? What of it? Who was responsible for fixing that problem? Well, certainly nobody but himself, obviously. The government had cut out nearly every free of cost program for people in need to receive help. His insomnia had been last on his list of issues, not that he really had any idea which of his supposed issues held the most importance. What came first was never determined and he never even had a chance to before every sliver of help was ripped away. At first it was like getting the wind knocked out of his lungs but now he didn’t give a damn. He had made a list in his decrepit diary of all the things that had once plagued him, invisible to the rest of the world. But he didn’t wish to revisit it. He didn’t like the idea that there might be something wrong with him.
He knew he wasn’t normal. People didn’t think he knew that he wasn’t normal, but he did. Maybe he didn’t care or maybe he just didn’t think he deserved to be turned into their villain, but if that was what they wanted then by hell or high water he would give it to them. Maybe he wanted to play their game all along and become the product of their malfeasance. So many thoughts went through his head day in and day out that he had easily filled every page and every line in that diary. But then he stopped. Things didn’t bother him the way they used to. Not after he had killed Randall, and then Murray. Not with you by his side and the city on its knees. Things were easier now. He didn’t worry about living a normal life or having a job or paying rent or feeding himself or sleeping. He did what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it. He didn’t feel confined by society anymore. He could finally be nothing but himself. He never wanted you to feel like you had to solve his problems for him. You were not responsible for providing him with what a doctor should have.
You passed by the bathroom door and caught sight of him staring at himself in the mirror. You paused before you knocked on the door quietly, too nervous to fully enter without letting him know you were there, “Artie..baby?” you gingerly approached him so you wouldn’t startle him. He seemed distant and concentrating on something you probably wouldn’t understand. Even if you didn’t understand him you always tried to. You were perhaps the only person in Gotham city who was not afraid of him. But you knew Arthur better than anyone. He was gentle and sweet, with gorgeous round eyes and soft lips and a wicked tongue that whispered loving words into your ear every night just as your eyelids were growing heavy. He was innocent and could get embarrassed easily. He provided for you the best he could and he was proud of how well he could take care of you. He wouldn’t hurt you.
“Yes, kitten?”
He had turned to you somehow without you even knowing. His eyes were the same as they had always been. Gentle. Soft. Open. Nearly childlike. He was so very patient whenever he spoke to you. Maybe it was your own timid personality that swayed him to take that position with you, but he was soft-spoken as well most of the time. Not so much as you, but soft enough that those who weren’t would walk all over him. It irked him the way that people did that and he wanted to speak out and make it stop but he couldn’t get the words out fast enough and he would stumble over sentences and get so angry he couldn’t say the right thing sometimes and then the laughter would start. Oh how he hated that.
But you comforted him like you always did. That made it better. He liked the way you would pet his hair and remind him to breathe. Your hand would slide down the length of his arm, fingers gently searching for his own, while you whispered sweet comforting words to him. You were the only person who had ever made him feel so loved and so frozen in time, in a good way, frozen inside a moment in which he never wanted to leave. You made him feel like a real person and that was all he had ever really wanted. He was a person. A living, breathing human being. With a heartbeat. He was alive. He only ever felt that way when he was with you. He never had to hide who he was around you. You never made him feel isolated or ridiculed him for his condition. You comforted him whenever he needed it the most. He could rely on you when he couldn’t even rely on himself. You also accepted and embraced his new Joker persona. It was him. You held no argument with him coming to terms with his own self. He might have been the product of society, coupled with neglect, abuse and his own unfortunate mental illness. But you loved him. Why should he receive any less love?
It made you sick to think about it sometimes. All in all, you understood it now. In their eyes he was a cold-blooded killer. But what you saw was a gentle, slightly malnourished and beaten-down young man who was so wide-eyed and trying to do his best in the world with the life that had been given to him. Not everyone got to live a fortunate, safe, and comfortable life. But Arthur always tried to make the best of things. No matter how he tried to struggle by and remain a functional member of society, it wasn’t enough for people. It was disgusting how they treated him. Injustice didn’t sit well with you anyway, but it made you feral that it was centered around your partner. And the way people had laughed at him… You wanted to scream. People thought he was too stupid to realize they were laughing at him. Arthur wasn’t stupid. He knew people were laughing, maybe he just didn’t know why. You hated the way the world treated him and the only way you could think to rationalize his reaction was that it was karma for how they’d treated him. He couldn’t be the only one the city had done this to. The revolt happening in the city was your answer. Clearly poor Arthur was their king because he was the only one who had fought back. After all this time, he fought back. In spite of the outcome, you were proud of him.
Was this how the city treated its poor and it’s unfortunate and it’s mentally ill citizens? What kind of city was this? Gotham was trash as far as you were concerned. Gotham was trash for hurting your Artie.
“You had a question?”
You had almost forgotten that you had asked for Arthur’s attention and his gentle prompting caught you off guard, “uh…” you stammered, a soft blush rising on your cheeks, “is everything alright?”
Arthur nodded slowly and he tilted his head as he examined you. He liked the curves of your body. Little innocent Arthur wouldn’t know how to phrase what he liked and what he didn’t without getting embarrassed and almost having a laughing fit. He couldn’t put it so bluntly. But Joker could. Joker liked your wide hips and bright eyes and soft breasts. Joker wasn’t afraid to grab you, touch you any way he liked. Joker could be rough and demanding. Never mean or angry with you, just stronger. More capable. More him. Arthur, but free of constraints. Free from his complex mind, in a way. Free to be something he always wanted to be. Free to love you so deeply and more passionately than ever. Free.
“Everything’s fine, kitten. Why wouldn’t it be?”
You gave a light shrug, “well, the police are looking for you, for one thing. And two, the whole city is burning. Are we even safe anymore, Arthur?”
The corner of his eye twitched, “it’s Joker, darling. Please.” He didn’t want to be Arthur anymore. The world hated that man when it had no reason to.Jokerwas born out of hate. Joker would live on in the world the way Joker was meant to.
“I’m serious!” Your voice reached high pitched octaves at the end of your little squeal, “they’re after us now. Really, reallyafter us this time Artie.”
Arthur let out a soft, calming breath. He didn’t need to live in fear any longer and neither did you. He was done letting life happen to him. He was going to fight back and create his own reality. He was tired of letting society determine who he was. He had gotten revenge on the people in his life who had wronged him. He was forging his own path now and he had you to accompany him on this new journey. He didn’t want to be alone anymore and he didn’t want to feel so bad all the time. Thanks to Joker and you, of course, he didn’t. He had a purpose. He had a meaning and he had excitement and he was wanted. The only person who had wanted Arthur was you and so he was okay with being your Arthur, even if that man was dead to the rest of the world.
“You know I’ll keep you safe, little one,” Arthur smiled softly at you, pet your hair when you came close enough for him to touch, “don’t worry.”
You didn’t budge from his hold on you and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you as carefully as he could. You wanted to be close to him. Arthur seemed different now, but not in a bad way for you. He was even more protective than he had been before. Arthur wasn’t extremely tall or muscular, but he would have always fought to protect you and it made you feel safe knowing that.
He kissed your hair and rubbed your back, thanking his lucky stars that he had met you when he did. You came into his life just at the right time and pulled him out of his long-term loneliness and depression, first as a dear friend, but then it quickly evolved into something deeper and more intimate. At first he had tried to fight it off, not wanting to admit what you meant to him and living in fear that you would leave him and abuse him just like everyone else in his life had. But as time went by he found himself more and more comfortable with you and soon you spent every waking hour together. You were all he needed and he loved you more than life itself.
His mind wandered and the thought of him losing you felt like a stab in the gut. He cleared his throat, trying to rid himself of the feeling of wanting to cry.
He looked down at you, tucked peacefully against his body, so beautiful in the dingy bathroom light and he hugged you tight to him, not wanting to ever let you go.
“Arthur, if this is our life now, then I’m okay with it,” you whispered to him softly, “this is so new and different and…it scares me a lot. But it doesn’t scare me as much as the thought of losing you does, so…I’m all in.”
Arthur felt a flower of hope begin to blossom in his chest. This was all new to him too, after all. But now knowing that you weren’t going to run from him in terror, he could relax even more and truly accept himself for good. You weren’t leaving him. Not then. Not now. Not Ever. Arthur held you against him a little tighter, then.
The next time you called him by his old name, he did not correct you.
“Who you are is not what you did. You’re still an innocent…”
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joaquinfeed · 5 years
Standing Still (Arthur Fleck x Reader)
Prompt: Reader and Arthur deal with mental health issues and sad feelings. But amidst all the pain, they’re still in love. (Please read the warnings!!)
A/N: Really, this one’s just for me. I wish I could hug him. :( Enjoy.
Warnings: Near suicide attempt, mentions of/implied depression and dissociation.  Angsty and dark themed, but has a hopeful/happy ending.  ——
You could hear Arthur’s words echoing through your head, ‘just breathe, baby.’
You tried breathing; you were desperate just to feel something, anything other than what you’re feeling now—if you could even call it feeling.
You knew something wasn’t right when Arthur’s words stopped bringing you comfort. The expressions of love and assurance that used to bombard your body with warmth and serenity, now ghosted over your ears like he never even opened his mouth. Or if he did, you didn’t hear him.
Over your own thoughts, you could barely make out the rattling of your ring hitting against the handgun as your hands clenched and unclenched the grip nervously. You honestly weren’t sure if you could ever go through with it; still, you enjoyed the power that came with finally having a choice over something in your life.
You could see the headlines now— Gotham City loses another to the suicide epidemic. Such a cruel and impersonal way to let others know of a loss, but you’ve seen one too many of these articles lately. Arthur, your boyfriend, always likes to keep newspapers lying around. And for a brief moment, if you did make the headlines as another statistic, you wonder if Arthur would be the first to read it.
The thought of him almost makes you smile. Never have you known anyone to be so selfless, kindhearted, and just utterly deserving of love more than him. It’s no secret that he has his flaws or his difficulties, as you prefer to call them, but you couldn’t help but feel like he’d be better off without you. 
He swears to you that you’ve helped him stay sane—the only thing in this Godforsaken city. But you know every time his gaze meet yours after a long day at HaHa’s, and your eyes are just as empty as his, he crumbles a little inside. The relationship teeters on a thin line of 'who can stay strong long enough to help the other out?’ You know there will come a time when you’re both too tired to keep the line from breaking.
Your hands begin to tremble as you bring the gun up to your chin and press the cold muzzle against your skin. You glanced out the window, wondering if anybody could see you, wondering if anybody would care if they did see you.
'Arthur would,’ your mind reasons. 'He would be devastated, and you know it.’
You shake those thoughts away, fighting to keep your heart and hands steady. You considered leaving a note telling Arthur that it wasn’t his fault. That he didn’t do a single thing to you; he only made life better. But you couldn’t find it in you to pick up the pen. As selfish as it was, you knew you wouldn’t be able to think of him and write the word goodbye.
Your finger hovered over the trigger as you closed your eyes and braced yourself for the impact. Before you could make another move, you felt strong arms ripping the gun from between your hands. As your eyes shoot open, you’re met with a heartbreaking sight. Arthur is standing in front of you, remnants of Carnival’s paint still discoloring parts of his skin, tears already dripping lines down his face. You stay silent, watching your lover open and close his mouth in a loss of words. The only thing coming out,
“Why would- why?”
A simple question, yet the weight of it holds you down. You shrug, and even though you know it’s not what he wants to see, it’s honest. You just wanted to feel.
“Why would you ever want to make me live without you, Y/N?” He asks, and honestly, that’s not what you were expecting. You know Arthur’s compassionate, and you know just how deeply he feels. But you were anticipating him to be angry. So angry he’d give you a speech about how he loves you, and how Gotham is full of shit-heads, and how if he can get through it, so can you. That speech never comes.
Instead, it’s “I’ve got you, baby,” as he holds you close to him while you sob. Neither of you even try and stop the tears as you standstill in the middle of the kitchen, holding onto each other for dear life.
You both calm down enough to walk to the bedroom, the gun Arthur ripped from you still lying on the counter. He tucked you into the covers of the bed before getting into them himself. He silently asked if you wanted to cuddle by holding his arms out for you, and of course, you buried yourself into his sweater.
After you were sure that several hours had passed, you moved to sit up in the bed, and Arthur followed your lead.
“I can’t hear you anymore,” you tell him, you’re voice sounding raspy from the hours spent crying. Arthur only gives you a puzzled look, wondering if he should call a doctor over your apparent hearing loss.
“I can’t hear anything the way that I used to. I listen to birds chirping, people laughing, songs playing, and I feel nothing. I hear-” you falter, your voice cracking. “I hear you singing and laughing, and saying all these sweet things, and I feel nothing.”
You couldn’t stop another sob from escaping your lips. Saying this all out loud, especially to Arthur, felt so wrong. You felt guilty for ever having to look at him and tell him he made you feel nothing because God, you loved him so fucking much.
You could see his laugh attack coming before you could hear it. A painful, deafening laugh that shook the bed beneath you. You reached over and grabbed his hands, trying your very best to push out some comforting words.
You couldn’t imagine how you both would look right now to an outsider. Arthur, laughing, tears running down his face, while you continued to hold him, whimpering into the darkroom. You run your fingers over his back, being careful not to hurt his newly formed bruises. Stupid bastards, you thought to yourself. The residents of Gotham and how they treated your boyfriend made you sick.
“You don’t love me anymore,” Arthur questions, but it comes out as more of a statement.
“No, no, no, baby. Of course I do. I can’t imagine loving anybody the way that I love you. You’re my world.”
Arthur shakes his head. “No. You said- you said you feel nothing for me.”
“I’m- it’s so hard to explain, but it’s not about you. It’s about everything. I don’t know what’s going on with me, but I can’t take it anymore.”
“Is that why you were going to…is that why?” His voice stays low, not bothering to look you in the eyes.
You nod, although he’s not looking at you. “I wanted to feel like I’m in control for once.”
“But you weren’t! Y/N, you’re not in control. Even when you were-"He pauses, letting out a shaky breath, like he was going to start laughing again. "You were never in control. Your illness is.”
“No,” He says firmly, finally looking you in the eyes. “I hadn’t been happy a moment of my entire fucking life until you. Before that, I was letting my illness win. But I won’t let that happen to you. I refuse to let it. We’re going to get you help.”
“Arthur, how are we going to afford that? They cut the funding, and now you don’t even have a therapist anymore. How the hell am I supposed to get one?”
“I will take extra shifts. I-I will look for another job. I’ll-”
“No, Artie. Now I have to be firm. You already work hard, and you push yourself too hard for me. You taking another shift would mean coming home later. The later you stay out, the more Gotham idiots you run into,” you argue. “This is what I was afraid of for our relationship. If we’re both so fucked, how are we going to help each other? How am I supposed to be good enough for you if I’m not even good enough for myself?”
“You don’t have to be good enough for yourself yet. You don’t have to do anything to be good enough for me. You just are. I-I hope I don’t have to do anything to be good enough for you either.”
“You don’t,” you promise, and he leans down to kiss you for the first time since he got home.
“I’m not going to say that everything will be okay,” He tells you. “But we’re going to figure something out until you can feel the warm air outside, feel the fresh grass and the blue sky, feel me."

"What if I never do? What if I just stand still feeling nothing forever?” You lock eyes with him, worry displayed on your face.
“Then, I’ll stand with you.”
At that, a small sliver of happiness—the first genuine feeling you’ve had in months— washed over you, and a slight smile formed on your lips.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else to stand still with." 
You lean in, and your lips met in a chaste kiss. You were both too drained to let passion take over, but that surely didn’t stop you from laying back down with him and burying your head in his soft sweater once again.
Maybe you both can learn how to love yourselves again, together.
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provokedgoalie · 3 years
#darkbucky writes masterlist ☆
ʟᴀꜱᴢʟᴏ ᴋʀᴇɪᴢʟᴇʀ (the alienist)
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serial killer au: x / x / x / x / x / x || moodboard || playlist
5 sentence ficlet (serial killer!au)
ɴɪᴋɪ ʟᴀᴜᴅᴀ (rush)
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niki lauda x hunt!reader
helmet kink
spit kink
ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇꜱ (mcu)
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dark!bucky: x / x / x
inexperienced!reader & bestfriend!bucky
imagine/drabble: x / x / x
i'm holding on
spit kink
gunplay (bucky & zemo x reader)
ʜᴇʟᴍᴜᴛ ᴢᴇᴍᴏ (mcu)
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priest!zemo: x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
dark!zemo x dark!reader
gang leader!zemo
reader with allergies
5 sentence ficlet
boot humping
ʟᴇᴇ ʙᴏᴅᴇᴄᴋᴇʀ (the devil all the time)
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ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀꜱ (mcu)
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dark!steve: x / x
5 sentence ficlet (dark!steve)
5 sentence ficlet (steve x cheating!reader)
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5 sentence ficlet (ransom drysdale x reader)
at your mercy (arthur fleck/joker x reader)
i'll be good (brahms heelshire x reader)
you wouldn't get it (arthur fleck/joker x physiatrist!reader)
death (angsty shit. no fandom mentioned.)
witch!reader x brahms heelshire
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darkshadow90 · 3 years
Arthur Fleck x reader with OAB (Overactive Bladder)
Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night with an urgent need to go to the bathroom. You spring a leak and being the person he is, Arthur helps you get through it.
A/N: Hey guys. This is a different one shot that touches on a condition some people find very embarrassing. It causes people to go to the bathroom a lot and leaks can happen sometimes. Thankfully it’s very treatable with medication. I thought people who have it might find this relatable and provide some reassurance. Warnings: None. Hope you like it @iartsometimes  @ajokeformur-ray
It was around 2am when you woke up suddenly needing to use the bathroom. You were familiar with the pain of having a full bladder. You were doing the best you could to keep quiet. You didn’t want to wake Arthur. The pain was getting worse as you got closer to the bathroom. ‘I’m almost there. Please, just a little further.’ Just as you made it to the bathroom, you couldn’t keep quiet anymore. You cried out from pain, and you sprung a small leak. ‘Dammit, no!’ Arthur knocked on the door. “Y/N? Is everything on okay in there? I thought I heard you yelling like you were in pain.” ‘Fuck!’ You scrambled around, trying to find something to clean up the mess. ‘He can’t know about this! It’s humiliating!’ “Um...” Of course, Arthur opened the door. It was times like this you wished he understood boundaries. 
He was getting better at it but you wished he didn’t have to know about this embarrassing incident. “I heard you, and...oh.” He saw the small puddle on the floor. “I’m sorry.” You started to cry. “I tried, but I didn’t make it, not all the way. I did make it to the toilet, but some it...” “Shhh. Hey, it’s okay. It’s no big deal. Accidents happen.” “But there’s pee on the floor. Aren’t you gonna laugh at me or yell at me? Tell me I’m disgusting?” “No. Why would I do that? This happened with my mom sometimes, so it’s not out of the ordinary with me.” You couldn’t believe how supportive he was. It almost made you cry again. 
Arthur went over to the tub. “What are you doing?” “You should get cleaned up.” “But it’s the middle of the night.” “I know, Y/N, but I have the day off tomorrow. Even if I didn’t Hoyt could shove it. I’m not gonna let you stay like this.” He ran the bathwater and helped you in the tub. He saw you looking at the puddle and underwear on the floor. He could tell you were embarrassed “Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it.” He cleaned up the mess and took care of the underwear and left so you could bathe. When you got out, There was an oversized t-shirt and a clean pair underwear laid out for you. You went back to bed and Arthur pulled you close to him. You knew you didn’t need to thank him. A few weeks later, you managed to see the doctor. She put you on some medication to help manage your condition. It was nice to have a somewhat normal functioning bladder, but it was also nice to know if you ever need him, even during the most embarrassing times, Arthur would be there for you.
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
Fate - Arthur Fleck x reader
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Summary: It was too good to be true that Arthur could be happy.
The sad truth of life was that you had to deal with shit that got in the way. Fate was strange that way. You had to suffer through the hardships and for some it got easier. For others it didn’t.
Arthur’s condition wasn’t a secret to you and it hurt your heart to know he was battling with his own mind most days. All he wanted to do was become a comedian and live his life without the weight of suffering and greed.
People were horrible.
Except you.
From the day he met you he knew you were special. You smiled at him and you meant it. The look in your eyes was soft and curious. You greeted him every morning and talked to him about the little things.
He liked you a lot.
It took him a bit of time to go as far as asking you out for a date. You have no idea how happy he was when you agreed. The smile on his face remained there all day as he went home and danced around his flat.
He was the happiest man in the world.
This was the happiest he had ever been.
He didn’t have a lot of money so he didn’t take you anywhere special. He was incredibly embarrassed about it, but then you looked at him was that soft loving gaze of yours, and you reached for his hand. You told him you didn’t care.
The only thing that mattered was him.
He gave a big genuine smile.
“You look so much better when you smile.” You told him.
He very rarely smiled for real any more.
“Your smile is beautiful.” He told you.
You both left that restaurant hand in hand. You walked and talked. You laughed and danced. Neither one of you cared about anyone else. It was just the two of you and that’s all that mattered.
His heart melted when you defended him from a loud group.
He fell in love when you came to his side. He couldn’t control his laughter. He reached for the card. You remained standing beside him, supporting him. You kissed his temple and held him while others stared at him.
He reached for your hand.
You were special and he loved you.
He escorted you back to your flat. You invited him inside. He accepted.
He didn’t go back to his place that night.
Waking up beside you was a blessing. You were awake when he woke. Your hand was brushing through his hair and you were smiling at him.
This feeling was a good one.
“Morning.” You whispered.
“Good morning.” He smiled.
You made him breakfast and sat with him to watch some morning TV. When he told you he had to check on his mother, considering he didn’t go home last night, you went with him. You wanted to help and make yourself useful.
For the first time in a long time, his life felt normal.
You made his mother lunch and went for a walk with Arthur.
“I really like spending time with you.” He told you, hoping you felt the same. He had never spent so much time with another person who wasn’t his mother.
“Me too. You’re a really sweet guy, Arthur. I wish you all the happiness in the world.” You gave him your biggest and brightest smile.
His heart leapt with joy.
“You make me happy.”
“Then I hope that I never have to leave your side, Arthur.” You pulled him closer to you, kissing him.
His arms slowly wrapped around you, pulling you into him as much as possible.
His life felt complete. He smiled more. He was in love.
That evening, on the steps that led to home, he danced on them. Your laughter only boosted his ego to show off a little.
He felt more confident.
You were proud of him.
You hurried up the steps and wrapped your arms around his thin body. He laughed. A proper cheerful laugh. For once he was feeling like a normal human.
You walked with him back home.
That night you stayed at his place. He assured his mother wouldn’t mind.
He felt like he could get used to having you in his home. He wondered if it was possible for him in the future. He would like that. Very much so.
As the months passed, you grew ever closer to Arthur. He took you out often. You spent more time in his apartment than your own. You picked him up when the days were bad. He held you during the nights. You cooked for him. You made him happy.
He never wanted it to end.
But he should have known.
Fate was cruel to people. It gave them everything and then it took it all away.
It was a lovely afternoon in the fall. Arthur was at home seeing to his mother. You were coming round after work. He was going to treat you to dinner, one of the recipes you had taught him.
He watched television with his mother until the time you were supposed to be back.
At first he just thought you were late. You sometimes stayed behind to lock up when your colleague just wanted to head home. You were nice to everyone, so it makes sense you would stay to help.
The concerning thing was just how late you were.
Hours ticked by and he became worried.
You hadn’t called him to say you were going to be later than usual. Your apartment was locked up tight and though he knocked, he knew you weren't there.
His heart began to feel heavy in his chest.
Somehow he just knew.
Arthur put his mother to bed. He began to pace the floor vigorously. All sorts of thoughts were running through his head, and like a tidal wave, every bad thing that you had cast away from his mind, came rushing back all at once.
He was afraid.
Time was passing and there was no sign of you.
His world was quickly crumbling.
He waited. For hours he sat there in his living room waiting. Nothing. 
No sign of you whatsoever.
Then his phone rang.
He answered quickly, one: as to not wake his mother, and two: in case that was you calling.
It wasn’t.
On the other end was a man. Someone from the GCPD.
Now he was sure something was wrong. Why else would they call his home?
“Is this Arthur Fleck?”
“Yes. Yes, it is.” His voice was rushed, full of worry, desperate to know what was happening. His mind was unfocused, thinking up the worst case scenarios.  He hoped with every fibre of his being that none of them were true and his anxiety was playing tricks with him.
“I’m sorry to call at such a late hour, but your number was the only one we could find.”
He swallowed.
“You could find?”
“Do you know Y/N L/N?”
“Yes…” He voice dropped, his breathing picking up.
“I’m sorry to ask this, but would you mind coming down to the GCPD?” There was something in his tone of voice. He knew something was wrong, so why wouldn’t the cop just tell him? He just wants to know where you are.
“What happened? Where is Y/N?” 
“I’m sorry Mister Fleck, but….” He paused. Those few seconds felt far too long to Arthur. “Y/N’s body was found by a group of teenagers earlier this evening. We’ve been trying to find their next of kin, but Y/N doesn’t seem to have any family in the city.”
The last bit was tuned out of Arthur’s mind as he focused on the words ‘Y/N’s body was found.’
No. That wasn’t possible. It couldn’t have been you.
“No. No. No. That can’t be right.” He mumbled down the phone, leaning against the wall. “You must have made a mistake.”
“I’m sorry Mister Fleck, but their ID was clear.”
He dropped the phone, his legs gave out and he fell to the ground. The word ‘no’ left his lips over and over again like a prayer. He curled up into himself and let the tears fall.
He should have gone to your workplace to walk you home.
He should have been there with you.
Fate had dealt its cards and decided to take you away from him. All his happiness had been snatched away in a single night and he was broken.
The cry that left his lips didn’t sound human.
He didn’t care at that moment if his mother had been woken up by his wailing. All he cared about right there and then was the fact that you were never coming home. He wouldn’t be able to hold you at night, hear your laughter, see your smile.
He would never get to tell you he loved you.
Arthur Fleck, a man who’s life had been nothing but a tragedy, a man who found love and learned to enjoy life again with someone special, had been broken once again. Only this time there was no one to fix him.
Everything good that Arthur had, was gone.
Someone had taken you from him. Stolen you from him.
Things after that night began to change.
The cards that fate had for Arthur began to unfold. If losing you wasn’t enough to destroy him entirely, the truth of his childhood would.
It was Arthur’s fate to become the Joker.
It was the Joker’s fate to find the person who took you from him and rid him from this filthy city.
He had nothing left to lose.
As he sits in Arkham, staring at the blank wall, ignoring the doctor, he thinks of you. It was this city that took you away from him, so, as the Joker, he was going to Gotham pay.
You were the one good thing Gotham had to offer.
Now it had nothing.
Arthur smiled.
You’re the reason the Joker exists.
You were his fate.
@ntb-outsider @awyr @fandombeehive  @charmed-asylum​
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