#Article mode
leblogdedavid · 2 years
Salvatore Ferragamo// Gobbetti X Davis artisans du Miracle?
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yunyin · 4 months
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A thank you for the person who gave me a really generous ko-fi donation last week when I mentioned saving for my new tablet!!! 🥺🥰🫶
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fawnforevergone · 3 months
what absolutely floors me is the way "Unknown (Nth)" is the song for Treachery, and yet is more about betraying ourselves rather than being betrayed. hozier says that, when the break-up happened, it felt as though his lover was chewing on his heart while it still beats, but he can only blame himself because entering a relationship is acknowledging the chance it may fail and still going through with it. AND THEN HE SAYS "i'd walk so far just to take the injury of finally knowing you" - meaning he would do it all again with the knowledge of failure because isn't that what he risked in the first place anyway? ,,,"Unknown (Nth)", the weapon that you are-
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my-name-is-siduri · 6 months
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I don't know Neil what the fuck do you think
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jesncin · 3 days
How do the Green Lanterns and the Guardians feel about martians (and kryptonians for that matter) hanging around Earth?
I don't know enough about Green Lantern/Guardians internal worldbuilding to know how they'd react to essentially undocumented alien immigrants on Earth. I know they're all about order, I just don't know how far that goes. From what I've seen, they seem chill about Kal and J'onn.
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I know also in the comics that the Guardians have a whole history with the Martians in JLA Trial By Fire, where it's revealed that the Guardians "performed mass genetic manipulation on the martian race" to make Martians afraid of fire because "as a species, they were barbaric, ruthless, brilliant, and constantly battling among themselves" and "they exist to cause suffering and burn and breed. Nothing more". They basically took burning martians (what the whole martian race originally were) and split them into white and green martians. I don't like this backstory at all. It makes martian lore too tied to Green Lanterns and characterizes Martians in a needlessly bio-essentialist way. "This race is inherently evil, they don't have internal thoughts and opinions, they're just made that way." And the whole plot where J'onn overcomes fire by breaking the Guardian's genetic block and therefore becomes evil like it's just an off and on switch really reduces J'onn's actions and choices to a species' behavior. It's racial essentialism in fantasy form.
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So instead I have it so Burning Martians are an ancient variety of martian long lost to martian history. Ma'al is a rare genetic occurrence- and technically a very powerful martian because of it. He's not fully aware of what being a Burning Martian entails and just wants to live a peaceful (slutty) life on Earth. I think for that reason, the Green Lanterns would leave them alone. The Guardians would raise an eyebrow but some GL friends would back J'onn and Ma'al up. I do think that despite Mars being an isolationist and cloaked planet, the Green Lanterns do know about them.
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nicolascageisagoth · 7 months
"Martin sang it naked. I turned the piano away as I was playing”: How Depeche Mode recorded their very own ‘Berlin Trilogy’ and became one of the biggest bands in the world"
By Andy Jones( Future Music, Computer Music ) <——👈
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📷 Michael Purtland
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Really excited about all the new stuff they announced and talked about today, but I am incredibly disappointed and confused that there is not a single mention of Gambit. Like, this is 5300 words and Gambit didn't even warrant a "We have Gambit on the menu as well but in the future." It was literally not acknowledged at all in any capacity.
I am super annoyed with this, both as a Gambit enjoyer and as someone who simply has to play this mode to get pinnacles and rewards and xp and the mode simply sucks as it is. It needs so much help in every single way imaginable.
And I am so tired of seeing another update to Crucible and talk about how Crucible is getting more modes and updates and maps back while Gambit still sits on whatever the hell is going on with Gambit right now. It sucks really bad to have this huge long-awaited article about all the updates and then not have a single sentence acknowledging the existence of Gambit in the game.
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miotalee · 2 months
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The fact that is favourite record at one point was "Ice Machine" makes me so happy. I wish they played it live more often.
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virorbmaster · 8 months
crosscode spoilers under the cut
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animefeminist · 1 year
The Journey to Cure Wing: A history of magical boys in PreCure
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Spoilers for Kira Kira Pretty Cure A La Mode
As the Pretty Cure franchise jumps into 20th anniversary celebrations, the 20th season, Soaring Sky Pretty Cure, has introduced a lot of firsts for the franchise: a blue-themed leader who isn’t from Earth, as well as an adult Cure, the first with a driver’s license. But one piece of news lit up like no other: for the first time, there would be a boy on the team, with Cure in his name, who isn’t a supporting character or sidekick. It’s been a long journey but this is significant for the show, and also for the genre as a whole, since Pretty Cure is now the dominant magical girl series for Japanese children. How did we get here?
When Futari wa PreCure began in 2004, it was a show focused on not just entertaining young girls, but also showing that girls can enjoy activities stereotypically associated with boys without detracting from their femininity. With the tagline “Girls want to rampage too”, it was no surprise there was no rush to include boys in this series. To be sure, a lot of magical girl series, especially those intended to sell toys in the girls’ aisle, have historically been a no-boys-allowed party, though they’ve been a secondary part of the genre since Cub caused trouble with Sally in Sally the Witch (1966). By the mid 2000s, all the big magical girl series were only about girls, with exceptions in Tokyo Mew Mew (2002) and Phantom Thief Jeanne (1999), which both featured magical boys who were separate entities and love interests to the protagonists. It would be a few more years before Shugo Chara (2007) and Anyamal Detectives Kiruminzoo (2009) presented magical boys as parallel team members and equal parts of a magical girl team. 
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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brookheimer · 1 year
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imagine watching last ep and thinking roman's actions were bc he's "buoyed by his successes"
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This is a very long read, admittedly. However, this article is filled with some great information and also links to official research regarding C-PTSD, various traumas, and other helpful resources. Additionally, the end of the article provides some helpful tips to assist in coping with and healing from some of the things that we may experience in life.
Of course, what helps each of us will vary and it is wise to get the professional help of a therapist if experiencing any of what is discussed in this article, which it also recommends.
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pinkinsect · 18 days
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wow this is just like patterns of seeking treatment in people with npd
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hidekomoon · 8 months
sarah kameela impey i love you
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coquelicoq · 3 months
i've gotten so used to my daily practice of reading french aloud that now when i have to read something boring in english for work i default to reading it aloud. which takes way longer and also i feel like i retain even less information than i would otherwise, somehow. the upside is that my oral reading cadence in english, even of dense scientific articles, is rather excellent nowadays. i could read scientific articles out loud for a living, if that was a thing people needed me to do. which they do not, because screenreaders are a thing. maybe i could read crusty PDFs out loud for a living? but anyway all this is to say shoutout to my man alexandre dumas and also my other man victor hugo for training me to read run-on sentences in my second language. after that, dry journal articles in my first language are easy peasy.
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ginkovskij · 2 months
Hello!! Have you watched the 1983 Rai miniserie Delitto e castigo? Thoughts?
hii! i have watched it, but not in recent times so my thoughts on it may be a little blurry and should be taken with a grain of salt.
in general it's a pleasant and good adaptation, very faithful to the novel in perfect sceneggiato rai style (with the problem that comes with it, which in my opinion is that when you transpose a book accurately to the commas, it's all the more unpleasant when the movie differs from the text in some small inconsequential detail*) (and i have the book printed in my brain so i will notice that tsk tsk no razumichin wasn't introduced like this at all) (this is called being obsessed). i especially appreciated the care put into some of the secondary narrative lines such as the dream sequences, the funeral banquet or the whole deal with svidrigailov which in other adaptations are easily discarded or rushed. like, this series has the best svidrigailov i ever saw on the screen i'm not exaggerating, he's absolutely terrifying and disgusting since his first appearance, brr. (the casting** in general work very well! dunja and pulcheria are super beautiful, rodja is perfect for the role, lebežjatnikov is exactly how you would imagine him from the description!, and the other characters also are bible accurate with only a few exceptions) (razumichin is too put together for my tastes but he looks good and we forgive him).
mm what more can i say? ah yes, the settings have quite the theatre-like quality and i think it works well both aesthetically and in creating a strange sense of alienation and oppression, while never falling in the minimalist stage sort of visuals. some indoors like porfirij petrovič's hall and sonja's room are very good, but the stairs scenes are my personal favourites:
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in short: mostly approved by the commission (me).
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