#Ashley Marie Music
johnnymartyr · 2 years
A Collection of my Petapixel Articles
by Johnny Martyr I take some shit from other film photography bloggers for writing for Petapixel. The consensus is that we want to keep film photography blogs within our community. And I can respect that but I also like the idea of letting the rest of the photographic world know that film is still alive and well by interjecting topics that aren’t often in the mainstream news. One of the things I…
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antomander · 10 months
We need a Stray Gods 2 but it’s a prequel and you play as Persephone and the main point of the game is her romance with Calliope beginning middle and end
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dbguidebook · 20 hours
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The Row (Paris). #Societythings
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nofatclips · 1 year
15 Stars by Ötzi from the album Storm
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spacedykez · 1 year
my afternoon so far has been composed of being very normal about these two videos. just! these two ladies are so talented and their voices are so pretty. and the acting in them!! and also the way the videos are shot is sooo cool. AND THE COSTUMES!! plus i loooove the lighting in mary kates' all you wanna do. literally perfect to me
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
All Eyes On Me (Live)
Part 32 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~7K
INSIDE: A Life Performance Set List: _ 1957 What's The Matter We Kept The Lights On Young at Heart Runaway Kind
_ Never Gonna Give You Up (Cover) In Your Eyes (Cover) Rocket Man (Cover) _ Are You Thirsty That Funny Feeling All Eyes On Me _ [Redacted] Final Song ___
It's happened only a handful of time since our beach date, but every time it happens, I can't help but let my heart soar.
I'm watching a beautiful Y/N sleep next to me.
Before you ask or say anything, we're clothed and haven't done it yet, you nasties.
She looks so peaceful. The way the sunlight beams into the room and bounces around, lighting her up, is a gorgeous sight.
I raise my hand and hover it above her ridged nose. I move my hand down without touching her. I keep moving my hand down her until I stop above the ring on her hand, lying on her chest.
The ring holding my promises.
I let my eyes wander back to Y/N's closed eyes. "I love you," I whisper into the morning air. "I do. I really do.. It's not lost on me that you haven't said it back to me yet, and I get it, Y/N.. but I know you do. Just-" I sigh and move closer to her. "Just don't leave me again. Please. Don't."
I mean that in the literal sense. I don't want Y/N to book the first flight out of here because she's scared of us or the heartbreak that could (but won't) come.
I also mean it in another way.
I haven't told Y/N. But since our beach date, I've had the same nightmare three times.
It starts with Y/N and me backstage somewhere. Her eyes are red, and I feel in my stomach that it's because of me. I have her hands in mine, and I'm talking and talking, but in the blink of an eye, she's gone. And we're no longer backstage; instead, I'm surrounded by my friends and family in a private waiting room of a hospital. I keep looking around looking for my girlfriend, but she's not there.
I'm scared in my nightmare.
I'm panicking.
I can feel the necklace that Y/N gave to me bouncing off my chest as my breathing quickens.
And then I wake up...
I snap my eyes from the ring that they've fallen to again up to see Y/N stirring awake. "Hi, pretty girl." I throw on a smirk to cover what my brain was working overtime for.
"What time is it?" Y/N asks in her cute morning grumble. "It's still early," I reply in a hushed tone. "You can still sleep." Y/N moves herself closer to me and wraps her arms around me. "You sure?" I lower my head to her chest and hum in agreement.
It doesn't take long for her breathing to even out again. "I love you," I say once again. To my surprise, I hear a broken-up mumble above me. My eyes shoot open with a smile on my face at the sleep-fueled mumbling words.
"I love you too."
Saturday, July 31st, 2021
"You good?"
I look up to my bearded friend. Since when did we get into this room? The green room? I look around before finding my eyes on Robbie again. I nod as he asks me the same question again. "I'm good. Just-" "Nervous?" "Scared.. About it all."
Robbie sniffs his nose and sits down next to me. "I get it. But after the night is done, you'll have given it your all. That's what's important." I nod along. "You're not doing it alone either. I'll be there." He nudges me and laughs. "Until you get rid of me at the end of the night." I laugh and shove Robbie. "Oh please, you're harder to get rid of than you think."
I lean into Robbie. "Thank you again." Robbie laughs before standing up. "Thank you, Y/N. Now let's kill it, huh?"
Here we go.
I follow the band down a corridor before it dumps us out to door. Without missing a beat, I walk past the members of Milo Greene and out the door. Once outside, I can hear the murmurs of the crowd beyond the giant curtain blocking the stage.
With careful steps, I make my way to center stage. I smile to myself. I'm here. In this moment.
I hear the door close to my right and see Robbie standing there. He shoots me a nod. Letting me know it's almost time. I send him one back and mouth a 'thank you.' He sent me a tight-lipped smile with something behind it that I couldn't quite place my finger on.
However, before I could question it, I felt a buzz from my phone.
When I take it out, I see a multitude of texts from friends saying that they made it. But it's the most recent one that catches my eye.
Aubrey 🔪
We're here. If you don't make her yours tonight, I'm taking her.
Sounds about right.
"Why are we going again?"
I rest my head against the passenger seat and ask my stubborn friend Aubrey for the sixth time tonight.
"Because it's to support your super friendly ex and his band. Plus, they're raising money to donate to the Stuart House, so quit your bitching." Aubrey smirks at me. I just playfully roll my eyes. I'm not bitching; I just don't want to go. I mean, I do but.. I was supposed to go with Y/N.
The day Robbie personally asked me to be here for this event and what it was for, I told Y/N everything. I told her about Stuart House and all the outstanding work that goes on there. I told her about my thoughts of wanting the two of us to be publicly seen together (even though we weren't together), which seemed to go over well. What I didn't tell her about were my nightmares. I didn't tell her about that little piece in the back of my mind that still feels guilt for the day she left—worried that it would happen again.
But Y/N actually beamed with pride and support for myself and Robbie. She told me that she would be there hand in hand with me and joked that she would get on stage and sing to me. With Robbie!
What a load of shit.
Because two days ago she went dark. Off the grid. Max and her brother have no clue where she is. I texted her mom and got nothing. I messaged Scarlett just in case, and she hasn't heard anything. My sisters haven't heard anything either, but to be fair, they just got into LA yesterday. They said something about being here for models and that they might stop by the event, but whatever.
I would be paranoid that she got kidnapped or worse, but my stomach doesn't feel like a pit of darkness. Instead, I feel like everyone knows something I don't.
"She said it."
I break the silence that had plagued this car ride. "Who said what?" I turn to Aubrey. "Y/N. I love you." Aubrey's mouth drops as she briefly looks at me before back at the road. "She did?! When?"
I scoff. "Last week." Aubrey lets out a hum before dropping the conversation. I know Y/N doesn't know she said it, but I know she wouldn't say it unless she felt it.
So why love me just to not be here?
This has been on my mind for the last 24 hours, but that stops now because we're here.
Aubrey just put the car in park outside the venue and is looking at her phone. It's the same person she's been texting for days, someone named Brandy. I accidentally looked at the text convo with that person one day, and I swear it's like they talk in code.
"Ready?" I turn to Aubrey and breathe out before putting on a smile. "Yes."
I open the car door and close it. Tonight is a night to relax and to support a friend.
Aubrey POV
I like lying.
Just not to Lizzie. I've known about the plans for tonight since last week. "Come on." I wrap an arm around the now-smiling brunette as we make our way into the venue.
As we pass through the doors and bar area, we're greeted with an open floor with a stage at the front. Standing room only kind of deal. And the place is full. There are only about a handful of people that I don't know. The rest.. well, the rest are Lizzie's and Y/N's friends and family. Other celebrities. And- "Wow." I turn to Lizzie as she tightens her grip on my hand. "I wasn't expecting this tonight!" Lizzie looks around the place before her eyes grow. I look to where she's looking. It's her family. More specifically, her three sisters. They all come over and engulf her in a hug. Like me, they know about Y/N and Lizzie's growing unlabeled relationship. Like me, they know about tonight. So like me, they know how hurt she is at the moment.
Once the hug is over, they greet and hug me. Courtney held onto me longer than the other two. I am her favorite actress, so I get it. "You look good, no I- mean uh" I lift an eyebrow at a panicked Courtney and her ramblings before she runs and pulls her arm around Lizzie. "What?"
"We're going to grab a drink!" Without much of a protest, Lizzie is pulled away while Ash joins them, leaving Mary-Kate and I.
"How is she?" Mary-Kate turns to me once the sisters are out of earshot. "It's been rough," I reply being honest. "She's gonna feel like such a fool later." I laugh.
"Lizzie or Y/N?"
We laugh and let our conversation gravitate to other things in the meanwhile. It's not too long before the sisters return with drinks and a water for MK. "Where's Louis?" Lizzie asks Ash after we talk about everything else aside from the real reason we're here. "He'll be here." Lizzie nods and takes a look around just as the lights above the stage flash.
The shows about to begin.
As the curtains open and everyone turns to the front, I can't help but let a smile get slapped onto my face as I see Robbie and the rest of Milo Greene. He looks good. Happy.
Robbie walks up to the mic and scans the crowd. Stopping for a brief moment when he gets to me.
"Good evening, everyone!" Cheers erupt around us. "Thank you all for being here, especially on short notice. If you know me, you know I like things to be planned out, but as has been pointed out to be by Marlana here and people backstage is that sometimes the best things come when all the pieces aren't quite there yet. Music. Friends. Relationships. Life. That's what tonight's performance is about. And if that's too much for you and sounds like a bunch of bologna, then think of tonight as a concert and have fun!" That last sentence earns some laughs, followed by more cheers. "Let's do this!"
With that, Robbie, Marlana, and Graham start a personal favorite of mine, from their debut album, the song 1957.
As this song comes to an end and What's The Matter starts, I feel my phone buzz. And again. Moving my eyes away from the stage and the people around me, I don't bother to take a look; instead, I nudge my sister. "Could you put this in your purse?" I yell over the music. Mary-Kate nods and takes it from me.
As the night has progressed, everyone, including me, has been having the time of our lives, from laughing to singing and dancing like a fool.
In between some songs, people have come and gone around us. Fans of Milo Greene. Some of me. Even some people who I've worked with, like Wyatt Russell, came and said hi to Aubrey and me. Aubrey was her usual self and scared him while my brother pulled Wyatt aside to try and get marvel secrets from him. Seeing as he is now Anti Captain America or whatever. I would've stopped him, but there was no point, plus I was too busy cheering as the band started their cover of Never Gonna Give You Up.
Some songs just really nail it on the head, don't they?
"As you could probably guess, that last song wasn't a Milo Greene original," Robbie speaks into the microphone earning a small chuckle from everyone. Robbie even smiles as he looks down at his feet before looking at his band members and continuing.
"We'd like to do two more covers before I move and sing some brand new material that I, along with my new writing partner, have written these last couple of months. If that's okay?"
This earns some claps and cheers from people gathered around me while I look at Robbie with confusion. No one else seems to do so.
New writing partner?
For the longest, while it was just him, his band mates and myself who wrote with him.
As Robbie gets done tuning his guitar, he finally locks eyes with me. I smile as I feel the warmth from him touch my body. The smile on his face grows before he gives me a slight nod, and then the music starts again. This time it's the song In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel.
Robbie is singing lead vocals, and as I told this to Robbie multiple times over our relationship, his voice is perfect for 80's Rock/Pop ballads. It seems like he finally listened to someone.
As the chorus picks up, Robbie opens up his own eyes and finds my own once again.
In your eyes The light, the heat (in your eyes) I am complete (in your eyes) I see the doorway (in your eyes) To a thousand churches (in your eyes) The resolution (in your eyes) Of all the fruitless searches (in your eyes)
Graham and Marlana are perfect backup vocals as they all harmonize the 'in your eyes' part.
This only adds to the warmth I feel from Robbie, but when I search his eyes, I can see that he speaking to me in the past. He has moved on. He needed to let me know this.
I watch the performance of this song as the smile I had has faded a bit, but it's quickly replaced as I realize the song has come to a close with people cheering around me. I cheer along and make sure Robbie sees my eyes and the small nod I give him.
Since seeing Robbie in mid-June when I got nominated for an Emmy. Can you believe that? I haven't seen him since, which makes sense. We have separate lives now, and I've fully moved on. But I understand why he gave me that look. We haven't talked or gotten real closure since after and before Y/N about has. Because there is no us. So tonight and that song is a way to get that.
I bring my eyes back to the stage to see Robbie stand up and joins his bandmates center stage.
"Thank you all for showing your support. We truly appreciate it and love all of the love you have given us tonight." Graham says into the microphone as he chokes up a little bit. He is such a big softie. Robbie pats him on the back and pulls him into a hug as Marlana takes over on the mic. She reiterates what Graham has said, but with her own posh, that makes most of the people in the room chuckle. Marlana joins the boys hug before she steps back up to the mic as Graham moves back behind Robbie.
Marlana scans the crowd before her eyes fall to the area where my family and I are. I look in the direction of my sisters and see MK leaning over, talking to someone, but before I can investigate, Marlanas voice stops me.
"When Robbie first told Graham and I about this event here tonight, I instantly took over and could not wait to perform as a group again. However, as time moved on and things progressed, I could slowly see Robbie reaching out more and more to add cover songs and originals like you'll see later this evening." Marlana turns to look at Robbie before giving the crowd her attention again. "I won't lie. I was getting a little pissed off." Even away from the microphone, you can hear Robbie's belly laugh. "But when Robbie and his new writing partner described why each lyric was important and why these songs needed to be sung. I understood." She takes a deep breath, almost as if she composing herself? "I won't tell you all why. That's for you to figure out." She clears her throat as Robbie walks up and place his arm around her. "So once again, thank you all." Robbie pulls Marlana into a big, and I don't think it was suppose to be heard, but the mic caught Robbie thanking her for this moment.
I could feel my face happily pout after hearing this. I looked to my sisters, and they had the same look, with whoever MK was talking to being long gone.
When I looked back to the stage, the hugfest had ended with Marlana and Graham now sitting on their own stools behind Robbie. Robbie fixes the microphone, so it's positioned in front of him at the perfect stool seating height.
The lights around everyone but Robbie start to dim only, leaving Robbie in a soft purple spotlight. Robbie looks to the crowd before his calm voice speaks out.
"As mentioned before, the song I'm going to sing is one that means a lot not only to me but to a select few people in the crowd. And backstage. I hope you all enjoy."
With just a second of silence in between, Robbie starts strumming his guitar.
She packed my bags last night pre-flight Zero hour, nine AM
My eyes widened while heart drops at hearing the first two lines of Rocket Man. Y/N's song. My song. Her dad's song. Now here Robbie is singing it. How?
Oh my goodness... Oh my!
I peel my eyes away from Robbie to look at my sister, but her eyes are already on me. It's dawning on me at the same time my eyes are becoming glossed over.
I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Y/N is Robbie's writing partner.
MK sees the realization hit my face as she walks over to me, nodding. As Robbie belts, his heart out, I wrap my older sister into a hug. "It's her." Is all I say as MK nods into my chest before looking up at me. "It's her." She agrees.
I feel another pair of arms interrupting my hug with MK, but I soon realize it's Ashley. Neither of us say anything more as we just enjoy this moment. Another pair of arms wraps themselves around us. Aubrey.
Silent tears are building in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall.
I'm standing in the front of the crowd on the left-hand side.
I turn to the crowd as Robbie starts picking the strings on his guitar. That's when I see it dawn on her.
She turns to her sisters, who are already looking at her. They all nod and share the same look. I skim my eyes to the right and see Aubrey already looking at me. She flips me off with a loving smile before putting her arms around the twins. I laugh and wipe the water building in my eyes.
Rocket Man was the last song added to the set list for tonight. It happened by accident. Robbie was looking over my journal when it slipped, and the pages landed on it. He asked why I had it written down, and I told him. But the more I talked, the more the conversation turned from talking about my Dad to talking about Liz.
Then just like that, it was added.
As the song comes to a close, Robbie opens his eyes for the first time all song and with a stray tear sliding down his face. I cover my mouth as my lips quiver, fighting the urge to break down. I can't.
I shuffle my way through a few people before I find myself walking past the stage.
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
The stage lights surrounding Robbie softly come back on as Robbie rests his guitar on his lap as Graham and Marlana leave their post to hug Robbie before the two exit the stage, indulging me into a hug.
"Sorry, guys," Robbie says to us with a laugh as he wipes his face. Instead of laughter filling the large room, it's a rush of applause. However, I don't think no one was louder than us, Olsens.
I turn to my sisters and pull her into a hug as we watch Robbie taking a sip of water from his bottle before grabbing his guitar again.
"Thank you. You truly don't know how much this means to us."
I look at the twins, but they're two busy looking at the stage.
I go to do as they are doing, but I feel a pair of eyes on me. Not just casual, like someone, is staring at me. I turn my head to scan the crowd, and that's when I see them.
Max with a group of people I recognize to be Y/N's friends. I see an additional group of people with them that I don't know.
If they're here.. that must mean Y/N is here. Right?
MK looks over to me as she must have sensed a change in my demeanor. She follows my eyes sight and sees them as well; however, instead of being confused at seeing them, MK happily calls them over.
As the group walk closer, I feel Ash bump next to me as she happily looked their way with a smile on her face.
Am I missing something? Did they know about this? Wait, did everyone know about tonight? Is Y/N performing?!
Ugh, this feels like the Avengers group chat again.
"Oh my Gosh, I knew you'd make it!" MK pulls Sam and Max into a hug while I continue to look at them. Max's girlfriend Ivy gives me a little wave that I give back. It's only once Sam brings me into a hug that I come back. "I didn't think you'd show," Sam whispers to me. Before I can say anything, I feel another pair of arms wrap around me, this time from Max. "Hey, Olsen."
I playfully roll my eyes. "Hey." Her warm embrace and comforting smile calms me a little bit. A couple of other people make themselves known to me. Max's brother James and his girlfriend, Andrea. Oh, and a girl named Becca that Max appears to know. Along with someone Y/N has talked about before Cyrus. "It's a true pleasure to meet you." He extends his hand to me, which I graciously take. "Thank you for that day," I tell him with honesty. He just gives me a comforting smile.
Before any of us can start talking like, most of them look like they want to do, especially with me. Robbie walks up to the mic. Guitar in hand.
"Sorry. It took me a second to remember which song was next." Robbie chuckles into the mic.
Robbie never forgets a setlist...
"Umm, this next one we wrote.." Again with the we. "We wrote while I- we uh were in the process of going through our own struggles. This song was also actually paired with another song called 'I Love Leaving' but we felt it was better suited for this song to be played by itself here tonight." Robbie fiddles with the tuning before looking out to us. "This is Are You Thirsty?"
Robbie gives himself a countdown before he starts strumming away to a pre-recorded drum kit. The way he plays reminds me of the old Appalachian records we'd play.
And just like Robbie said, this song expresses struggles. The more he plays, the clearer it becomes that this song directly responds to his recovery. As the man in the song talks about how he is post-drinking and how hard addiction is.
Once again, the themes of tonight jump from the stage to us.
INSIDE: A Life Performance.
The song isn't lost on everyone as it comes to a close; that's made clear with uproars of cheers.
"How do you think he is?" I ask the other two members of Milo Greene as we all hear the eruption come from the crowd. "First songs he plays are always something, but that one, in particular, was never going to be easy." I take in Marlana's words, and we make our way to the side of the stage to see Robbie thanking the crowd and talking to them about the next song, That Funny Feeling.
His face is soft, and I can see him trying to calm himself. He looks up to see us. I give him a thumbs up, and he gives one back. "You got this." I mouth, which causes him to smile and nod.
And within a second, it's just him, his acoustic guitar, and an orange spotlight on him. "This is the second of the originals tonight. I hope you all really like it."
"And I thought I was depressing."
I turn to my left and slap Aubrey's arm. She reacts and whines as the stage goes dark at the ending of the song. A long droning note plays over the speakers as shuffling is heard on stage. "What, it was good, but damn!" Aubrey exclaims, causing everyone around us to laugh. I roll my eyes and turn to Max.
"Did you know?" I've been meaning to ask her since I saw her but haven't found the right moment. Max looks at Y/N's New York group. "Did you all know? Is she here? She's here, isn't she!?" The group looks to Max, who turns back to me. "I- ye-"
The redhead in front of me gets cut off by the click of a light being shined down onto Robbie. The crowd growing quiet in anticipation. The bearded man now has his grey sweater removed to reveal a plain black shirt.
As Robbie sits down on the black stool on the left-hand side of the stage, he fiddles with a voice changer at the bottom of his feet. I only know what it is because Robbie and I used to mess with it when he wanted to test new songs on me. Or when we got stupid high that one time.
Robbie looks up and out to the crowd finding me before the lights go dark. From that darkness, Robbie's voice sings out.
Get your fuckin' hands up
A blue spotlight above him shines down, covering his whole body as his voice is modulated to sound deeper. Almost dark and evil.
Get on out of your seat All eyes on me, all eyes on me
That's when it hits me.
It's Y/N's song.
All Eyes On Me.
A statement song that's been following her since high school. Through all the different versions. It's here.
Get your fuckin' hands up Get out of your seat All eyes on me, all eyes on me
Robbie holds onto the mic and leans forward.
Am I going crazy? Maybe, maybe not Swore, I had a point to make But I forgot Edit all the time
Robbie clears his throat before looking into the crowd with a disappointed look in his eyes.
You don't wanna play right now You don't wanna wake up You don't wanna live Tell me what you feel right now Tell me what you feel right now
I can follow along to the lyrics that I've read time after time but hearing it makes a world's difference. I find myself getting lost in the art of the performance.
Get your fuckin' hands up Get out of your seats All eyes on me, all eyes on me
He turns his head down as the chorus comes to a close. The spotlight on him vanishing.
From the darkness that combs over the room, another voice begins to sing. Like Robbie's, this voice is modulated; however, as opposed to the booming depressiveness that Robbie carries, this one is higher pitched.
Almost angelic like.
Heads down, pray for us
A green secondary spotlight shines onto...
My Coffee Girl!
She's here. She's actually here!
She's singing her song on stage dressed in a white t-shirt in contrast to Robbies black. Everyone around us begins to look at one another with sheer excitement and longing. Max's smile is blinding. MK's proud. The grip I have on Aubrey, and my sister tightens. At one point or another, everyone's eyes look to me.
All Eyes On Me.
Heads down now, pray for us Heads down, pray for us Heads down now
A pause happens as Robbie's spotlight shines back onto him, and then Robbie and Y/N both start singing the song.
At the same time.
[Verse 3: Y/N, Robbie] Are you feeling nervous? (Get your fuckin' hands up) Are you having fun? (Get on out of your seat) It's almost over, it's just begun (All eyes on me, all eyes on me, ayyy, fuckin') Don't overthink this (You don't wanna play right now) Look in my eye (You don't wanna, you don't wanna) Don't be scared, don't be shy (You don't wanna do it right now) Come on in, the water's fine (Tell me what you're feeling right now)
What the fuck.
We're going to go where everybody knows (I want you standing and open wide) Everybody knows (Don't be scared, don't be shy) Everybody, oh (Come on in, the water's fine) We're going to go where everybody knows Everybody knows (Everybody)
This is why Y/N struggled for so long with it. It didn't work one way or another. It just..worked. All at once. All the time. As the song keeps going, the chaos keeps building, and it's perfect for Y/N.
You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit (We're going to go where everybody knows)
For the first time throughout the song, Y/N's eyes scan the crowd until she finds at me. I wave and give her a proud smile, and to my surprise, she returns one back. The only causes my heart to flutter until she belts out the next lyrics while looking at me.
You say the whole world's ending (Everybody knows) I thought it already did (Everybody) It's only a problem (Get your fuckin' hands up) When you go outside (Get on out of your seat) Got it? Good, now get inside (All eyes on me, all eyes on me, get your fuckin')
The day people found out about us. The day I broke it off. That's why she ran. To stay away. Or, in this case, to stay inside.
We're going to go where everybody knows (Get your fuckin' hands up, get on out of your seat) Everybody knows everybody, oh (All eyes on me, all eyes on me, ayy, fuckin') We're going to go where everybody knows (Heads down, pray for me) Everybody knows (Heads down now, pray for me)
The song is a multitude of things. It's almost church-like. It's scared. It's hurt. But at the same time, it's reassuring and happy.
It's... Y/N.
Then and now.
Get your fuckin' hands up (Heads down, pray for me) Get on out of your seat (Heads down now) All eyes on me, all eyes on me Come on, get your fuckin' hands up (Get your fuckin' hands up) Get on out of your seat Your eyes on me, Green eyes on me, yeah
As the last lyric bounces around me, her eyes stay with mine. Your eyes on me. Green eyes on me.
This is what it's like to have all eyes on me.
I pull my gaze from her and smile out to everyone. Robbie walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. "I'll see you around." He jokes into my ear before walking off stage. I wave with my left hand to show off my ring to the small crowd but, more importantly, to a group of people specifically.
She sees that I'm still wearing it and holds up her necklace. I let a loving smile and giggle out before turning away to the white piano sitting behind me. I move the mic sitting on top closer to me and take a breath. For my first time performing, I'm actually a hell of a lot less nervous than I thought I'd be. But is this what happens before you play a breakup song? Is this how Taylor Swift feels? I shake off my thoughts and look out to her.
The woman I love.
"So, as I'm sure you all could guess, I'm Robbie Arnett's newest writing partner and friend Y/N Y/L/N. Thank you all for the love and support tonight. It truly means so much to me." I take a breath and fiddle with my fingers before starting again. "The next song is going to be the last song of the night." I hear some dissapoiment sighs escape into the air. "I wrote this one alone, and I started it months ago, umm, after my girlfriend, the love of my life, broke up with me. I know it might sound juvenile to call someone who you dated for a short while the love of your life, but that's truly how I felt. But that's also how I currently feel. She's here tonight, actually." I see people start to look around them, including a guy that looks a lot like John Walker. But my eyes go back to her green ones.
"The song I'm about to play is called Goodbye." I watch as Liz clutches her heart at the namedrop. "Tonight is the only time I will play this song because I love you. I love you." I say these words to her. To my Liz. "I will never say Goodbye or have you say it again."
I let a staggered breath escape from my pink lips and turn my body back to the piano. Letting my finger rest on the keys.
Here we go.
So long, goodbye I'll see you when I see you You can pick the street I'll meet you on the other side
I take a quick glance out to see the crowd start to slowly sway back and forth.
So long, goodbye Do I really have to finish? Do returns always diminish? Did I say that right?
I bite my lip before opening them again.
Does anybody want to joke when no one's laughing in the background? So this is how it ends
Our relation-
-ship. That's what that means, when I turned to her in the SUV and broke her heart.
I promise to never go outside again So long, bye!
A few people around us, including Mary-Kate, laugh at the exaggerated way Y/N said bye.
I'm slowly losing power Has it only been an hour? No, that can't be right
So long, goodbye Hey, here's a fun idea How 'bout I sit on the couch and I watch you next time?
Y/N looks at us as she says that. How about she watches us as we perform a heartbreak on stage.
I wanna hear you tell a joke when no one's laughing in the background
Y/N's voice grows louder and more aggressive before she starts hitting on the keys harder.
So this is how it ends I promise to never go outside again
Y/N starts to play faster and faster as the lyrics switch up.
Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I started all these years ago? Wanna guess the ending? If it ever does I swear to God that all I've ever wanted was A little bit of everything, all of the time A bit of everything, all of the time Apathy's a tragedy, and boredom is a crime I'm finished playing, and I'm staying inside
Y/N takes a breath and looks out to me again. She smiles, and I give one back as I now see her glossy eyes.
If I wake up in a house that's full of smoke I'll panic, so call me up and tell me a joke When I'm fully irrelevant and totally broken, damn it Call me up and tell me a joke
Y/N stops playing and turns to us.
Oh, shit, you're really joking at a time like this?
Suddenly two spotlights appear on each side of Y/N, revealing Graham and Marlana. They start to sing the rest of the song as Y/N sits at the end of the piano bench.
Letting tears fall.
At the same time, I choke down the ones in my throat.
Well, well, look who's inside again Went out to look for a reason to hide again Well, well, buddy, you found it Now come out with your hands up We've got you surrounded
As the last note drags on, the spotlight around the three disappears before the curtain drops, closing the show.
"She did it," Aubrey whispers next to me before pulling me into a hug. "We all knew, by the way. Now go get her."
While clapter roars around me, I turn on my heels and start booking it to the door to backstage. I shove myself through bodies of people and ignore the shouts coming from my sisters behind me.
I need to get her.
I need My Coffee Girl.
No one is stopping me. Not even the security guard at the door can stop me as it instantly opens as I walk up. I shoot the man a thank you smile as I see his eyes are wide with recognition and fear.
Shit, I think I did the head tilt without thinking about it.
Once backstage in the corridors, I'm taking time to look at everyone I pass. Of course, most people tonight are wearing white, so it's hard to tell, but as I round the corner and see the green room door wide open, I see her. I see Y/N.
She's alone.
I let my emotions and actions take me over as I fly in and collide my body onto hers.
"Baby!" She yells out to me as she crashes onto the couch. I wrap my arms around her, peppering her face in kisses. Her face changes as she lets out a fit of laughs, warming my heart. "You're not mad?" She asks as I pull my head away from her. "Mad?! Y/N, what you did tonight was beautiful! Amazing! I loved it! I-" I can't think of enough words to say, but that all stops when I look at her tired face from the event of tonight.
"I love you, Y/N! I will never stop. I promised you, and this is me doing it aga-"
I get shut up by her lips smashing into mine. Her lips and mouth fighting for dominance. She doesn't slow down as we are quickly running out of air. We both missed this. "Liz!" She moans out as we take a second to get air into our bodies. "I want you." My stomach just bursted into a cloud of butterflies. Y/N looks up from my necklace to me. "I want you to be mine. Be my girlfriend."
Y/N smiles as she mirrors my face. I nod my head happily. "Of course. I'm yours." I lean down onto her again and plant a loving kiss that ends too soon to my liking but is followed yo Y/N speaking.
"I was worried you weren't going to show."
"Why?" Y/N raises an eyebrow to me. "Because I left." I laugh into Y/N's chest. "True, but I now see it wasn't like last time." "It will never happen again." "Good. Now kiss me." I dramatically request that Y/N is happy to grant me. 
My girlfriend!
"Y/N about the song-" She unwraps her hands from around me and places them into my own, seemingly knowing where I'm going with this line of thought. "That was from before we started being what we have been for the last month. Before tonight. Okay?" I nod. "Okay." "Good." Y/N raises her hands up to her lips and kisses them. "I missed you the last two days like crazy."
"I did-"
I jump at the sound of my name being yelled at from down the hall. Y/N and I look at each worried, before I shuffle myself off of her. Y/N grabbing and holding my hand to follow. "LIZZIE!"
"In here!" I yell out as Y/N keeps a hold of me. At the sound of my voice. I hear a rush of footsteps march themselves this way before the door swings open, revealing my sisters and Max. Mary-Kate holding my phone in her hand.
"What's going on?" I ask as I look up to see MK's frantic look. "Take it." She places the phone in my hand before turning to a worried-looking Y/N, hopefully, to explain what the fuck is going on.
"Hello?" I ask as Ash wraps her arm around me.
"Is this Elizabeth Olsen?"
"This is her," I respond to the cold voice on the other side.
"Miss. Olsen, this is Los Angeles General. We're contacting you because Mr. Robbie Arnett is being brought in under critical condition. You were his In Case of Emergency."
I was. I still am?
"Oh-okay." I look to see that Y/N's worried look has changed to one of loss. As if she's already preparing for the worst. Her glossy eyes from earlier are now real. I keep my focus on her as I let the woman talk to me.
"We'll be right there."
I end the call and rush to Y/N. As I pull out from my hug with Y/N and leave a kiss on her cheek, that's when it hits me.
This is what my nightmare has been about.
Part 33
A/N Hey... how y'all doing..
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damailbox · 1 year
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Disney Adventures, January 1994
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quitecontrarytv · 1 year
I got a review copy of Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical and made a video about my thoughts on it!!
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tvb0y · 5 months
Sometimes I just want to break out in son-
( This Is My current vocal stim lol )
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julialauria · 8 months
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lemochaaa · 1 year
“pov: Zoob in two wuv”
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(crys in stalker)
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klessard · 1 year
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Canadian Fiddler Ashley MacIsaac Photo Credit: Derek Shapton
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Canadian Gaelic singer Mary Jane Lamond Photo Credit: Derek Shapton
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Canadian singer-songwriter Loreena McKennitt
1990's Celtic music revival: Celtic music is a type of music my mother did not mind me listening to and I became very interested in it in the 90s. There was a Celtic rock revival going on in Canada, and many Celtic artists had songs playing on mainstream radio such as "Sleppy Maggie" (Ashley MacIsaac and Mary Jane Lamond), "The Mummer's Dance" (Loreena McKennitt), "Ordinary Day" (Great Big Sea), etc.
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spectrumpulse · 2 years
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bixbiboom · 1 year
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical featuring Laura Bailey, Ashley Johnson, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Anjali Bhimani and Erika Ishii, along with many other talented performers, will release for PC on August 3rd, 2023!
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