#Ashton the Chaos Demon
arting-on-vibes-alone · 2 months
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The boyyyyy! I used a model on Clip Studio Paint to make the pose, I like how he came out! I spent...too long on this pfft. It's been like...seven hours I think TwT Ya gurl got hyper fixated on finishing this, sorta pfft.
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lunarrolls · 11 months
i know that taliesin was probably just really excited to try and use his hammer’s new feature (which is fair i am too what does it DO) when the opportunity arose in combat with imogen’s lightning bolt but holy shit the idea of ashton seeing imogen start trying to throw lightning and going OH HEY IMOGEN. COULD YOU LIKE. HIT ME WITH THAT. is SO funny to me. it’s so fucking feral. pov you’re imogen temult just trying to cast a quickened lightning bolt on some demons in a haunted forest and your unhinged chaos barbarian wants to get hit with your spell so that he can scatter it unpredictably across the battlefield for, like, no reason,
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cringefaecompilation · 8 months
i see a lot of class swaps with bell's hells, but not backstory/power/species swaps. so here's that!
fearne is a ruidusborn with psychic powers that let her hear everyone's thoughts and speak to them. she takes full advantage of this and enjoys screwing around in people's heads and goes with the flow and the incessant buzzing of noises. it's fine. it distracts her from how lonely she is.
imogen is a ruidusborn gorgynei that has kept her secret from everyone, even her father. she transforms into a were-coyote and is trying to find some way to keep herself from turning other people. at least it helps her with her horses.
orym was killed in the attack on keyleth, but returned as a hollow one. he left town as soon as this happened, ashamed of his failure. very tempted to say asmodeus is somewhat involved in this because of exu parallels.
laudna is a cobbled together warforged that was clearly remade out of a terrifying set of gothic armor. she may or may not have a demon powering her. she still has pate, but he's a little more of a cobbled together freak because she doesn't quite know how animals work.
ashton was soft once but a freak accident shunted them into the feywild as a kid and now they're a collection of wild magic and chaos, barely held together with luck. still probably titan-y.
chetney is an air genasi that claims to be as old as the wind itself and has only survived this long by being blown around wherever he deems best. instead of woodworking he works with glass blowing.
fresh cut grass is a sweet little earth elemental guy that's hitched their wagon to ashton. no reason. totally not tied to the titan thing. honest.
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nephriteknight · 4 months
sometimes when you're brainrotting two things, the only way to cope is to smush those things together. therefore: how i think bells hells would do at Blood On The Clocktower! (or social deduction games in general.) some of this is mechanical some of it is textual some of it is Just Vibes
Orym: Not the best at lying, but very good at figuring out when someone else is. Tends to hold of on claiming for a while unless he's like a top 4. Probably follows Fearne and/or Ashton around too much, regardless of their characters/alignments. If he's ever evil with one of them he gets very excited to the point that it's almost a tell. Orym is the guy who knows exactly who everyone has been talking to, he is watching EVERYONE in his peripheral vision.
Imogen: Deception queen, nobody clocks when she's lying, but she's not the best at coming up with strategic bluffs. Initially found playing evil Very Stressful, but i think she'd come around to it. DEFINITELY talks with Laudna first every single game.
Chetney: on the fucking case. this man is a genius at this game; if he's evil, nobody can tell bc he always acts this weird, it's no different, and if he's good, he solves the game when evil least expects it. not good at lying but gets by via the power of Lying Always For Shits And Giggles (And Also Tactics)
Ashton: mister -2 to charisma cannot lie for shit. they love the game anyways, but if he's the imp he's star passing pretty much immediately (orym is going to catch him if he doesn't lmao). enjoys interrogating ppl and trying to figure out their characters. probably downplays their own usefulness to the good team but often provides big pieces of the puzzle.
Laudna: absolutely loving it. the storyteller perchance? (altho i could see orym or ash getting in on it too? I May Be Projecting.) i think laudna gets very excited to be on the evil team (maybe too obviously excited), but overall is just having a good time, solving the mystery or being the demon. yeah the more i think about it the more i think she'd really like storytelling. i mean i wore my laudna dress the first time i hosted a clocktower party the vibes are right
FCG: probably one of those people who feels bad about lying in lying games lmao. i think they'd get really into it eventually though. i don't think he'd be good at bluffing while evil, but i think he'd have a really fun time as good and get really into solving it and figuring out wtf is going on.
Fearne: Pure Chaos. you can never tell if she's evil because she is always unpredictable. will commit to the bit always. will offer you the mez word as a good player. has turned several people evil bc they thought she was joking about the mez word and she was Not. she's def not BAD at the game, she's observant and she's good at bluffing, but she is An Experience, and i say that with the most love. very fun to play with i think.
Dorian: probably a little overwhelmed by the complexity (of clocktower specifically). he is, in the words of fearne, "a very bad liar". enjoys it nonetheless, but he is not the clocktower champ by any means (again, said with so much love). still, he's a good sport about it and he's having a good time, and that's what matters! i could def see him storytelling as well. (BONUS, if he brings dariax: he follows dorian around and asks him questions about how the game works constantly. catches ppl off guard w good bluffs sometimes but only when he lucks into good strats or a teammate tells him what to bluff as.)
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 years
Been thinking on and off all day about the Ashton backstory reveal last night, and the way it sort of cracks open Taliesin's "this is a character that has never had anything good happen to them, ever" for me. Been thinking about the idea of compounded trauma.
Because that's the thing about Ashton, right -- it's not that they've never had a single moment of happiness, of good, of friendship in their life. It's that they just keep losing it. In brand new ways, again and again and again. And I love that as a character note so much.
It's the way Ashton can think about being seven-ish-maybe-years-old, seeing the faces of his parents whose faces he didn't even remember, and can go, 'oh, shit, yeah, that old horrible thing, I hadn't even thought about that one in a while'. It's about that tiny child who just survived the destruction of everything, home and family and maybe even their own body, who was changed beyond repair -- and the difference between that child and the grown adult barbarian you see before you now, kintsugi skull, pieced together from the rubble of a brand new crisis after a whole lifetime of them. (Tell me growing up in an orphanage in this town wasn't a traumatic experience all in its own right.)
Just. The idea that Ashton could come face to face with the memory of their parents and think, it has been so long, there has been so much in the time in between, that you aren't even the wound that hurts the sharpest any more. You aren't even the most traumatic thing my friends know about me.
And also the way that of course, of course we can look at grown-ass adult Ashton and say, yeah, I see those attachment issues, I see that desperate need for control spun out of a childhood of loss and chaos, of course everything about the person you are is rooted back there in that event and that day. The way that both are true at once.
I don't have the right words for this. I don't have the right words for the aching beautiful truth of it, how you can be hurt so badly as a child and grow back twisted and bent from it, and then those twists and bends set you up perfectly to be pierced by all new and different danger, with just enough scar-callous to save you from that one too. And the most recent blow cuts the sharpest, and the long-scabbed-over gash in the roots doesn't really bleed at all any more, it just aches, sometimes, when the weather goes bad, when some new trauma puts pressure on the whole torqued-up tangled knot of you. It just directed the growth of everything that came after.
And so Ashton is full of fear, of rage, of helplessness, of desperation for control. Of so many things that have stacked up, little by little, over so many years; things that are about being a Greymoore teen and a Nobody adult and a Hishari child, as much one as any other. Full, now, of brand newer things that come from being a Bell's Hell. Engraved with new trauma now! New things to make Ashton into an even newer person, piling up even more.
These are layers we often see on characters after an epic adventure or a campaign, in fact. The M9 took their starting trauma and layered upon it a purple tiefling in a bloody field; layered Yasha, blood in her eyes and sword in Beau's chest; layered fear and desperation in a world of ice and cold. VM fought dragons and demons and death itself, and healed some things, sort of, by the end, but broke so many other ones. New traumas to stab them in new places, new nightmares, new dreams.
It's just really cool to see a character come in with those things already at the start of play.
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elahogn · 2 months
Top of my head reaction while watching CR3E89 below, there's some discussion about the gods and the world, contain some SPOILERS so here's a warning.
Also contain some discussion and spoilers about the gods and world building of the 2 podcasts Legend Lark (Dames and Dragons) and Spout Lore. They are both very good and coming to an end of a long campaign, so check them out if you want to feast on some delicious delicious world buidling.
This whole discussion of whether the gods are necessary for the world to function comes up ever so often in this world of Critical Role and once again in c3e89. True to what Travis said, I think there're tons of missing links here. The only written record of what the gods done to Exandria is definitely by the followers of the gods, given it is by Vasselheim or by the Colbalt Soul (they are the followers of goddess Ioun, regardless of how neutral she is, still one of the gods). That's so obviously unavoidable bias to the gods! No one knows what was going on before the gods arrived. What was called chaos can be orders, just to a different standard. As an aware-but-not-religious person, I'm so deeply related to Ashton (Taliesin)'s sceptical pov on the gods, especially in this world! It's complicated in this fantasy world because the gods are somehow present and physical, and some people actually meet and talk to them. It's true that some people have special power connecting with the gods, it's true that the belief keep the world in order and there's some impact from the gods to keep other realms away from the material plane. But also because they are believed to be bringing orders and peace that there's no way to know what would be without them? It's true that the gods grow stronger with worship and followers. It's also true that they only look out for their own followers. So it's even more questionable whether they would even care if the world is destroyed if not for the dent in their own power.
In Legend Lark (Dames and Dragons) podcast, they also fight gods. The gods in this world are somehow enormous, intangible forces but also so human and selfish. The main big bad, Torva - the Conquerer, is one of the strongest gods, who is known to be the main cause of several destructions of civilizations. His motivation is so selfish, but so true to the chaotic nature of his domain and the grey moral of being one of the strongest gods that live so close to the mortal realm. In short, he wants to destroy the world and deconstruct the pantheon, dethrone the primordial forces to free his love from the cycle, a goddess who ascended from mortal who, in every lifetime, has to reborn herself and dedicate everything to care for her people (I'm not saying she's a selfless entity tho). An amazing thing is that throughout the campaign, it comes to light how humanity doesn't really need the gods to continue as a society. They are aware of the gods' existence, and some receive the blessing and power from the gods. Much at all, in the world history, the gods are recorded as the main force of destruction than anything.
Spout Lore podcast also has a very interesting take on the gods and the world. Interestingly, the world of Spout Lore has 3 realms, the material, the spirit, and the fairy. In which the gods, fundamentally, embodie forces of nature that walk across the three realms but bring the most destruction to the material realm. But somehow, the world survives, and the people live without much attention to the gods at all. The campaign is still going on at this point, but much to my understanding, the big bad, the Gibbous man, was a powerful god, still quite a god, but punished by other gods to be entangled with the human world. He is trying to free himself from the punishment while entangling himself stronger into his own chain. And the force of evil in the world materialised as demons, stem from his power, plague the world with greed, violence, and destruction.
On another note, back to CR, what even is Predathos? There's still so little information about this main reason that this whole campaign even has any plot at this point! Why is it called The Gods Eater? What did it do? What is it doing right now with the flares and the connections with the Ruidus borns? Somehow, this lack of explanation about the main force of the plot makes this campaign feel little like a drag sometimes. I know a lot of people saying that Bells Hells keep trying to avoid the main mission. But also, I feel now that they are on the main mission, all these moments of role-playing character development feel like roundabouts (!?). I don't know if it is a good choice to have the big final boss looming in the distance so early on the campaign with no return like this. Or is it better to establish the characters and story and as the story progressing, buidling up to the reveal of the villain?
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bannedfromtheaters · 2 years
underneath the stars (i'll wait for you)
A sleepy conversation beneath the Sun Tree makes Imogen realize several things. That she loves Laudna is the least surprising revelation of all. (1.4k one-shot) Read on AO3
During dinner at the de Rolo castle is when it really hits Imogen, though she’s been noticing it since the moment Laudna opened her eyes again. It’s hard not to notice, after spending years together. How tired she is, how guarded. Every movement of her muscles is restraint and her eyes dart around, scanning for any danger from each corner. Laudna grabs at her belt and clutches Pâté in her bony hand and holds him tight. While her other hand holds a fork and mindlessly pushes some food around her plate, never taking a bite.
Imogen shudders a breath. Did they make the right call bringing her back? She wanted it to be her choice this time, and in her heart she hopes it was Laudna who chose to come back. And though she's sure that this is what Laudna wants too, seeing her so scared and guarded it becomes impossible not to have a few seeds of doubts.
But the alternative, a world without Laudna…
Imogen swallows down the lump in her throat. In hindsight, Orym calling upon the Tempest had been the right move. This resurrection was the acceptable road; the clean version that would make them honorable mercenaries for saving their friend. But if someone else had offered a hand, if she had to make a pact with a demon, or hell, if Delilah had taken that gnarlrock in exchange for Laudna’s life, Imogen wouldn’t have hesitated for a second. No cost is too great when it comes to Laudna, and she isn’t sure what kind of person that makes her. Maybe protective, but certainly not honorable, and definitely desperate.
Mister jumps in front of her plate and Imogen startles out of her thoughts. He’s swinging around a toy gun and runs crisscross on the table. It is absolute chaos around the dinner table, but Imogen fails to focus on any of it. Her eyes can’t leave Laudna. Afraid that if she looks away, engages with her friends just for a moment, Laudna would disappear again.
Laudna seems to notice, as her eye catches her. Those beautiful, big eyes of her. Usually so full of life, and now they look so scared instead.
“Quite the dinner, right?” Imogen tries for a smile.
When Laudna doesn’t immediately reply, she thinks she couldn’t hear her above the noise and wants to connect to her telepathically to ask again. But then she notices the frown on Laudna’s face, still pondering over the question, and she decides to wait.
Her nails rub on Pâté’s skull in a repetitive pattern and for a flash Imogen sees another Laudna, Matilda, the shadow form of a shy girl playing with her dolls, she has become acquainted with in the other realm.
Laudna’s lips part to say something, but then she holds back. She looks over to Imogen once more and nods her head slightly. Her eyes dart back to her lap, and Imogen’s heart sinks in her chest. She isn’t sure if it’ll ever be the same, but she does know that she has made a promise to Laudna. That whatever holes Delilah has left, she is going to be there to help fill it. Whatever it takes. Whatever Laudna is willing to accept, she will give. Always.
At Laudna’s request, they camp beneath to the Sun Tree for the night. It’s cold outside, but the warmth radiating from the tree reaches over them like a protective bubble, making it bearable to sleep out in the open.
Chetney and Ashton fall asleep within seconds, while Fearne and Orym are chatting softly like they usually do. It only becomes noticeable when Fearne’s giggle comes through every so often. And even though F.C.G. is a bit further away from her, Imogen knows they have their eyes on her, ready to jump into her dream in a moment’s notice.
But she knows she won’t find rest any time soon. Her mind is moving at the speed of lightning, refusing to slow down. She has a million questions and even more doubts. Hearing about Laudna’s memories over the years was one thing, but today she got to experience them. Nothing could have prepared her for that. No wonder Laudna was so skittish during dinner. On their travels she’s seen glimpses of this side of Laudna too, but never this bad. Memories start flushing back to her mind and even more questions surface.
When did you start calling yourself Laudna instead of Matilda? How awful was it, being thrown back into your most painful memories? Could you hear me during the resurrection ritual? Do you know if Delilah is still present? Are you truly happy you’re brought back, or did you want to have eternal peace instead? It’s okay, I understand either way. I'm sorry for bringing you back to Whitestone. It was the only option left. Will you forgive me for being so selfish, for needing you beside me?
She feels Laudna stir underneath her arm and Imogen holds her breath, afraid even the slightest exhale would wake her up. Laudna’s visage relaxes once more and a slight smile curls on Imogen’s lips. She’s missed this. Curled up together. Being close. Admiring her friend. Wishing her nothing but a blissful sleep with none of the pain and heartache she has been needing to endure for decades.
She remembers when she truly realized watching Laudna was her favorite sight. Just after they made up after their fight. After Yu. Still so fresh, hardly a week ago, and so much has happened since then. It’s hard to comprehend. It’s even harder to comprehend it has taken this long to fully grasp how deep her feelings run for Laudna. She has fallen in love with her best friend, and she’s afraid she’s still standing on the edge, leering over the unknown depths of how much deeper she can fall. And she will. Imogen knows she will take that leap and only fall deeper from here on out, and she knows it’s the last thing Laudna needs, and it wouldn’t even matter. Every day she is going to fall deeper and deeper and it will be the most wonderfully terrifying experience of her life.
Imogen breathes out the swirling thoughts and closes her eyes, trying to find some sleep through it all.
Will you ever be able to access that part of your brain? If not, is it still okay that I do? That I’m only beginning to realize how much I love you? Do you know it’s fine if you can’t love me the same way? That I wouldn’t mind either way? Because I don’t care how I can express it, as long as I’m allowed to love you. As long as we can be together for the rest of our lives. Is that okay? Would you mind?
“What’s keeping you up, darling?” Laudna’s mumbly voice penetrates her thoughts.
Her eyes shoot open and Imogen stares at Laudna, who still looks fast asleep. Though Imogen is sure it wasn't imagined, and suddenly gets worried she accidentally connected with her mentally without realizing. Then again, Imogen doubts she’d look so relaxed if she had. It’s just Laudna looking out for her, as always.
“A lot,” she admits, not daring to link mentally in case any of her thoughts spill over. It’s the last thing Laudna needs, and Imogen has made her peace with that. Though she doesn’t want to keep any secrets from her either. She hesitates for a moment and then adds quietly: “You, mostly.”
Laudna’s eyes flutter open at those words. “You want to talk about it?”
She shakes her head and tucks some hair behind Laudna’s ear. “Not tonight. You need your rest.”
“As do you.”
She shushes her, and it’s all it takes for Laudna’s eyes to droop again.
“Don’t worry about me, Laudna,” she whispers to her, and she feels Laudna curling into her, falling and falling and falling deeper. Deeper asleep. Imogen’s heart aches, feeling the weight of her love she will carry from now on. Maybe one day it’ll be too much and she’ll explode, but she can’t imagine that even being a bad thing, because she knows Laudna will be there to pick up the pieces.
Imogen plants a gentle kiss on Laudna’s temple and nestles inside the nape of her neck. The cold of Laudna’s body feels warm compared to yesterday, and Imogen sighs happily.
“It’s okay,” she mumbles before drifting off, “I can wait.”
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nochi-quinn · 10 months
campaign 3 episode 68: I'm not making the 'nice' joke about next episode bc last time I did that someone died
okay let's see if I can get through this one without having a panic attack ten minutes in
(that's why there wasn't a liveblog last week)
I was making a sandwich during sam's ad and came back to Suddenly Bear
and then I saw "Baldur's Gate 3" in the subs and it all made sense
"that is your wife" which wife, laura, marisha or liam?
a teensy weensy little demon pact
oh, we have that autobots shirt sam's wearing
kiddo wears it to school for jersey days :D
throw it in the hole
talking weapons: not even once
ashley what
per spoilers in the group chat, Sword Bad
that thing is twice his size isn't it
ashton has the brain cell
"I don't care about you" letters
King of Fuckingwhere
travis' face
but who's on the council
ashton: please hold
grizzly man
ashton is the best narrator in this moment
yeah yeah hell yeah
fcg in his mind palace
matt doing the mass effect codex voice
prince fruitoftheloom
s a m u e l
both of you
fresh cut "I can fix him" grass
fcg: the vibes are rancid
nigerian demon prince
"you can eat my ass, this is my card right now"
king butterknife
oh hell
hate THAT
"he barely listens to us"
liam :(
how fuckin old is ludinis
kiki :(
keyleth pace urself
I love that cloak so fucking much
the Hand of the Tempest does sound really fucking cool
liam you can't make me cry that's illegal
everybody hates the raven queen but keyleth especially hates the raven queen
(okay they don't all HATE the raven queen, I'm just saying)
liam: that winged man, that beautiful angel, that absolute specimen of masculinity -
matthew so help me god not the tr - I HATE YOU
"those who call themselves gods" dang
it must be nice, it must be nice, to have asmodeus on your side
but no dogs. no dogs on the moon.
they just run right off the damn thing
just do dark moon magic in the room of the head of state who just recovered from an assassination attempt, nbd
until her what now
travis and marisha
"I've got wind chimes where my name should be"
"fuck off, ghost!"
oh y'all were gonna get blood fountain'd
vox machina road trip
"there was an accident and here I am"
ashton lore ashtON LORE
travis: that was me! :D
oh we got chair perch
"vast and frightening"
the key is to stop trying to apply logic to your friends
I'm assuming this is the blight tree from - IT IS THE BLIGHT TREE
"the enemy of my enemy is a dick"
marisha: you KNOW what I'm saying, just TELL ME
"all our allies are dead or doin' stuff"
what IS dorian doing. give me my boy back.
liam and his tea
keyleth's BEEN elementals. several of them!
"how are we gonna make fun of that name, it's too hard to pronounce"
oh kiki :(
stop saying entities
quick go find milo
cut ludinis off at the root
highlander the bitch
"you battled an earth titan" "I mean TECHNICALLY"
delilah alarm weewooweewoo
fearne would be a choice chaos deity
milo-joe dream team
"don't tell him I said that"
"he is a brilliant mind with specific limitations"
"I can feel my heart rate rising!" and then he went into cardiac arrest
I fully recognize ashton's tone re: fcg trying to contact dancer, that is a parent's "redirecting a child away from an inappropriate choice" tone
I feel like it's dancer tbh
it's time to d-d-d-d-duel
"oh changebringer, what the FUCK does that mean"
it IS dancer
"the changebringer…..sucks"
listen, I remember some of those vm planning sessions, this is high strategery
marisha: leave me aLONE
you're gonna carry that weight
oh no I'm gonna cry again
oh shut the fuck up
just put me in the fucking ground
can laudna get a tattoo? would the skin just kind of. fall off?
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juniberserker · 4 months
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Names: Ashton/Juniper
Nicknames: Ash, Juni, AshyWashyKablashy, AshyWashyBobashy, Ashy Elbows (Only Annie), Star, Anarchy, Cat, Mr Peg, Nuwuman, Bitchboy, Juniskibiski.
Pronouns: He/They/It/Neos
Fandoms (Shows/Games): Cookie Run: Kingdom, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Five Nights At Freddy's, Good Omens, Red Dwarf, Sonic The Hedgehog, MCYT (Support Shelby!), Heartstopper, BBC Sherlock, The World Of Mr Plant, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, The Amazing Digital Circus, Nowhere On Air, Heathers, Mandela Catalogue (fuck Alex Kister [?]), The Owl House, Amphibia, and many more.
Bands/Artists: Slipknot, Tubeway Army/Gary Numan, Artio, Witch Fever, Destroy Boys, Gum Disease, The Oozes, Bring Me The Horizon, GHØSTKID, System Of A Down, Scene Queen, Korn, Hot Milk, Pinkshift, Nova Twins, I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, Insane Clown Posse, ZAND, WARGASM (UK), Sir Chloe, HIMALAYAS, TX2, Grandmas House, STARSET, Muse, Will Wood (And The Tapeworms), Tom Cardy, Freddie Dredd, Electric Light Orchestra, Mother Mother, Ewy, Jack White, Jack Stauber, My Chemical Romance, 6arelyhuman, Odetari, Destroy Boys, Lemon Demon, Tally Hall, Penelope Scott, Be Your Own Pet, Those Who Dream, Panchiko, Nervepitch, Kittie, Jazmin Bean, Opal In Sky and also many more.
Labels: Queer, Transmasc, Ambiamorous, Aroaceflux, Non-binary.
Other random shit: I purely exist for the purpose of being chaos incarnate in my brain and drinking things that make me physically chaos incarnate. I like music and I like lost media, those things merge. I also write on some platforms, I dare you to guess which ones >:3
Proshipper with personal boundaries, crit is not accepted, concrit is borderline.
Artio fanblog: @youve-been-artioed
Spotify - starknot ~ ♡ ~ he/they
Twitch - juniberserker
Others changed to ask!! Srry, tryna keep a lil more private :3
DM status: open if you're not tryna be weird or rude, we can be friends
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Some shitty sideblog: @thiswreckageicallme
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Crossover - MDZS + Twisted Wonderland
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Twisted Wonderland Part 1:
Backstory: the MDZS cast was transported to the twisted wonderland world by a talisman or from a gathering nighthunag or with an ancient artifact. Though, when they get back it’s where they started so it’s a pause on their world. This will be taken place after all the over logs actually. ENJOY!~~
P.s: this is my first so no hate!!!
Headmaster Crowley:
This bird man will absolutely get disliked immediately
He has the same vibe as Jin Guangshan and they irresponsibility similar to Wen Chao
Lan Qiren will most likely lecture on his way
Bird and Goat be murdering each other with eyes and remarks
Lan Xichen will be smiling but fuming inside
He does not tolerate such horrible behaviors to kids who overblot or the qi deviation but with black goo
Crowley has to be careful of these men who will not hesitate to throw hands
He gonna be fried one way or another
Gonna assigned them to ramshackle dorm where they help Yuu and possible terrorize Grim—
Crowley be watching his back cause flying whips, a ghost general, demonic cultivation, Lan magic spells be crawling up his back
Divus Crewel:
He gonna click with Jiang Cheng
These two blasted dog lovers!!!
Both be whipping so gonna be besties
Wei Wuxian will run and disapprove
I doubt he survives the savanna law canine students
Crewel appreciates the aesthetic of Nie Huasiang so they click
Fans galore it will be!!!
He will most likely be intrigue by the Lan spell
I’m betting he gonna ask how to do it since seeing Lan Wangji doing it at a bad student
Crewel with his whips and degrading names will soon be equip with silencing spells and body freeze
Mozus Trein:
He has a cat so he Wei Wuxian approve book
Probably be displease with Jin Ling or Lan Jingyi one way or another cause they be like the aduece duo
Trein will VIBE with Lan Qiren no doubt
I can imagine these two complaining and just having a sophisticated tea meetings
These two will go on ages on fussing Crowley in respectable mannerism and literature with history
Old man acquired—
Ashton Vargus:
Most likely will do sparring with the lans cause abnormal Lan strength
Will make Nie Huasiang miss his brother cause Nie Mingjue and this egg fanatic will click
He be crying and seeking solace from afar
Wei Wuxian will prank this man cause he is very gullible
Jiang Cheng will be neutral on him
Lan Xichen gonna reminisce with Nie Huasiang
These poor babies be missing the passed Nie Sect leader
Lan Qiren ain’t gonna be impressed
Like eating so much eggs for what?!
He be confuse but chickens
I imagine Vargus be having pens of chickens and now a scene of Lan Wangji giving Wei Wuxian a chicken
Chicken be a marriage gift lmao!!!
Jingyi will be ecstatic and will hang out with Vargus
He can and will catch up cause Jingyi be doing handstands while writing them rules down
The cultivators will be concern about the ghost ngl
Lan Xichen will be concern and will rethink he practice demonic cultivation when Sam is not a demonic cultivator like Wei Wuxian
Both Wei Wuxian and him will click like-
Both be advertising stuff either pats or present
Cause Wei Wuxian be selling radishes during those sad sad years
They gonna click about the annoying voice on ghouls and ghost
Lan Wangji be concern to the max—
He be selling fans and all art to Nie Huasiang that his room be loaded to the max
Like why—
Jiang Cheng be suspicious of him for a whole 2 months before calming down to trust him a bit
Just a bit
Cause ya know what be happening back those dark times
Ramshackle Dorm:
Yuu/ MC:
Another duckling been acquired
Yuu will be under the care of Wei Wuxian cause he attracts children in the most good and bad ways of all things
I imagine that Yuu will get along with the Junior Quartets cause they be similar to the first year gang
Yuu and Sizhui be vibing and bonding on their friends chaotic energy
They will be protected by the adults no matter what
Cause Lan Xichen be guiding
Nie Huasiang be decorating
Lan Qiren making sure that Crowley does what a responsible guardian does
Qiren will have a soft spot, Yuu be reminding him on his little nephews
Jiang Cheng teach sec defense while may threatening to break legs
But we all know he won’t~!!!
Wei Wuxian be teaching bad stuff
Yuu will get to ride spiritual swords instead of brooms or walking to get to class
Cause these adults will escort the poor magicless child to class
That will be Wen Ning cause Wen Ning a good boi and Lan Xichen or Jiang Cheng
If girl?
These sect leaders and veterans of losing their precious female members will go on to PROTECT YOU!
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian will be reminded of their deceased sister Yanli-jiejie
Cause Yuu be pulling Mickey Mouse and being a mediator hike fixing all these emotional teenage boys trauma
Yanli be doing the same—
Wen Ning will be an older brother or uncle figure
Wei Wuxian will be momma bear and pull flutes to chase bullies with hordes of fierce corpse or ghost
Lmao! Being girl will give extra points
Just discipline and mannerism
Qiren be scary while Jiang Cheng be threatening
Grim better be good if he wanna walk or speak again
Will be poked fun of and forced to do things by Jingyi and Zizhen sadly
Wangji be pulling the silencing spells
All in all, Grim better be good or else~
These ghost will chill and cause a few mischief
The cultivators will have to get used to these well-meaning ghost
Will be warned that ghost are different form ghost of the MXTX world
Yes. MXTX world. We be having the SVSSS and TGCF as part of the MDZS world
Ghost will help out and will be intrigue by the music cultivation of talking to ghost
Lan Qiren better not qi deviate so much—
Hope you all enjoy!! This is my first HC and crossover. But bold but who asking? This is just part one as the dorms will be next. I tried to include the characters that are alive. And yes, I ain’t adding sect leader Yao cause who likes that stinky guy. Also if you don’t know either Twisted Wonderland and MDZS. It’s alright!~
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lightvsdark18 · 2 years
Seven Humans And One Demon Au
"Okay, who summoned the demon in our living room."
Different people to represent the avatars of sin and there's no House of Lamentation.
The Avatar of Chaos, or whatever you want your Mc to be, was summoned and kinda just lives in the brothers' house and refuses to leave because it's cozy.
The main reason is they want a break from the proper and noble appearance they have to keep up, and not having to deal with the other avatars during every meeting they attend.
Lucy= Lucion, Mammon= Marvin, Levi= Lee, Satan= Sam, Asmo= Ashton, Beel= Beck, Belphie= Benjamin. (Or whatever name you want for them.)
Lucy: 38, Mammon: 35, Levi: 32, Asmo: 27, Twins: 23, Satan: 17.
They were orphans and grew up together. Lucy, when turned 18, worked hard to get his "siblings" out of there.
Lily fell in love with a boy who died from a illness. She passed away at young age from an incident at the orphanage.
Satan is the kid of Lucy. When Lucy was 21, he had a girlfriend who got pregnant and lied about being a family together when the baby was born. She dropped Satan in Lucy's arms and left.
Lucy and Satan's relationship is not bad or good, Satan's just a rebellious teenager. He pulls pranks and is troublemaker, but there are dad embarrassing son moments. He has blond hair with black roots, cause rebellious teenager.
Asmo summoned Mc because Solomon, the demon, tricked him into using a demon summoning circle.
Asmo and Solomon forged a pact when he was still in the orphanage.
The humans and demons are the only ones who switched, the angels are still angels.
Lucy is Diavolo's assistant and Barbatos is his manager. (Diavolo= Diaman, 28. Barbatos= Barnes, 41.)
Mephistopheles, Melburne and 37, was Diavolo's former assistant and left the business to be a journalist.
Simeon visited the brothers because of the demon not going home and Luke followed him because baby wanted make Michael proud by sending the demon back where they belong. Only be scared by said demon.
Luke and Simeon hung around to keep an eye on the demon, opening Angel's Halo as a cover.
Solomon is keeping contact with Asmo and laughing at the demon not leaving. He's the Avatar of Distrust.
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huntinglove · 1 year
Hi Ghosty. I have a couple questions about your tags. I’m on the mobile version of tumblr. Do I have to add the heart or star on the tags in order to blacklist them? If so, how do I add the heart or star to the tag, are those emojis? Sorry if this is obvious 😅
No need to apologize at all nonny!! They're not emojis, they're text symbols! I understand it can be hard to type it because of that so I'll add the symbols I use right here I really hope this helps 💙💙💙
For fandoms -> ❧
For miscellaneous tags -> ✯
For selfships -> ❥
❧ ✯ ❥
Under the cut are all of my current tags, please copy anything you need to blacklist! (Also, when you do so, please remove the parenthesis () or square brackets []!)
❧ tawog
❧ toh
❧ welcome home
❧ animal crossing
❧ black butler
❧ demon slayer
✯ lovely asks (nice asks)
✯ how bothersome (anon hate)
✯ dreaming near the stars (imagines)
✯ homely ships (my ships)
✯ wonderful ships (friends/mutuals' ships)
✯ i hope you'll smile (memes/positivity)
✯ here's a question (polls)
✯ living and creating (art/edits)
✯ let me tell you a story (writing)
✯ let me know what i can do (ask memes)
✯ oh my (nsft, if you're a minor please blacklist this tag!)
✯ let's get serious (discourse)
✯ undead ramblings (random)
✯ speaking from the grave (vent)
✯ recovery break (queue)
✯ my heart sings (playlists)
✯ a ship has sailed (things I ship)
✯ a heart full of love (gushing)
✯ welcome to the turned mansion (turned mansion original universe)
✯ ghosty's mail (submissions)
✯ sweet little heart (age regression)
✯ reanimated dove (dark imagines) Selfships:
❥ golden heart (Hunter)
❥ my emperor (Belos)
❥ let's duet (Raine)
❥ i'm already cursed (Eda)
❥ playing together (Collector)
❥ cat lovers unite (Amity)
❥ two dorks against the world (Edric)
❥ devil eyes (Bump)
❥ when does a man become a monster (Viktor Arcane)
❥ stalking the stalker (Yoonbum)
❥ dreaming on the rails (Enmu)
❥ set my heart ablaze (Zuko)
❥ bunny on ice! (Yuuri)
❥ building our own world (Tadano)
❥ you make my heart bloop (Zucker)
❥ the puppet and their lover (Donna)
❥ two halves of the same coin (Tenebris)
❥ when does a man become a monster? (Viktor)
❥ guarding chaos (Nathan & Cleo)
❥ love with a dash of poison (Gyutaro)
❥ emotions greater than words (Kyogai)
❥ the ghoul and the reaper (Grell)
❥ ghastly knock out! (K.O)
❥ turbo hauntings (T.K.O)
❥ my one true ruler (White Diamond)
❥ the love virus (Ashton)
❥ the sun sets over the ocean (Tanjiro)
❥ death can't do us part (Emily)
❥ special lover's discount (Howdy)
❥ you make my heart smile (Barnaby)
❥ welcome home my love (Wally)
❥ you make hell feel divine (Stolas)
❥ the duality of love (Todoroki)
❥ snoozing together (Beau)
❥ naps and kisses (Sherb)
❥ a ghost and a half (Napstabot)
❥ a laugh for a kiss (Undertaker)
❥ cultist royalty (Douma)
❥ forgive me father (Muzan)
❥ us against all else (Alois)
❥ glistening on the battlefield (Bismuth)
❥ bonely hearts (Sans)
❥ at the center of the ring (Joker)
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hplovecraftmuseum · 1 month
Azathoth, perhaps the first NAMED cosmic character to appear in Lovecraft's fiction, is generally interpreted by fans and students of his works as a physical entity not unlike all his others. He is often illustrated as a bundle of tentacles or just a demonic grimacing face floating in outer space. Certainly Lovecraft used a variety of language to reference Azathoth, including frequent alternatives like 'Chaos'. Some of the discriptions are more 'poetic' and probably meant as 'Traditional' names than others. Early on Azathoth is cited as "The Daemon Sultan", possibly meant as a translation of a name given to him by someone of 'Arabic' origins. Abdul Alhazred, being a likely origin for the 'Sultan' reference. In later stories and the FUNGI FROM YUGGOTH sonnets, AZATHOTH particularly, the idea that Azathoth is more than an isolated physical entity is unquestionably posed by Lovecraft. One might bristle at the apparent inconsistencies, but one only need look at the similar diverse and illogical concepts of "God" in traditional Christian art, and scripture, to see that such is nothing unique. Writer Fritz Lieber was perhaps one of the first to recognise that HPL meant Azathoth to be more than purely a leader among demons. In one of his early essays on Lovecraft Leiber Jr states that HPL conceived Azathoth ultimately as "GOD". Even Derleth in a letter to Clark Ashton Smith admitted that Azathoth was the ultimate source of all the other fictional entities, including Cthulhu. Despite knowing this Derleth went on to structure the Cthulhu Mythos as Cthulhu- Centric. (Exhibit 489)
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strless · 3 years
tag dump
relationship part 1
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#tag dump#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › it's the little things you do that make me so crazily attracted to you  ⋮ aaron & adeline .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › and in the middle of my chaos there was you  ⋮ adrian & emily .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be; right in front of me  ⋮ ahra & gabriel .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › i will love you louder than your demons  ⋮ ahri & kinam .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › i realized that i loved you when home went from being a place to being a person  ⋮ aiden & minji .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › you're the best thing i never planned  ⋮ ailin & sungho .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › if love is madness may i never find sanity again  ⋮ alexander & june .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › he came into my life and became it  ⋮ amelie & william .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › i want all my lasts to be with you  ⋮ angelica & erick .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › i hope i was your favorite crime  ⋮ ahreum & yeona .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › it was instinctivethe way i fell for you like an effortless instake of breath  ⋮ ashton & iris .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › i fell for you and i'm still falling  ⋮ astrid & azriel .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › i want to be your favorite place to go  ⋮ august & georgie .#* ♡ ˖・゚ 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 . › it's you at 2 in the morning or 4 in the afternoon; since the moment i met you it's always been you  ⋮ aurora & ayla .
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All T no shade i love how the cr cast have gotten better at rp and having fun in dnd. U can see alot in cr1 the players getting bored when they arent doing anything. Most of them dont even really pay attention to what anyone ia doing unless its funny, combat takes SO long partially cus almost none of them try to figure out what they are going to do ahead of time. Travis is extremely vocal about being bored when there isnt combat and often just has grog be a test dumby or dumb muscle just to participate. Percy did and almost said nothing before the briarwoods and its great seeing tael rp more after it. Grog suddenly got SUPER eloquent during his arc and of course reverted after it cus travis gets bored of rp and planning (at least when its a plan to complex for him to contribute.)
Meanwhile in cr 3 u have like...1 combat encounter every 2 episodes. Almost everyone is involved in each social situation. Even antisocial ashton, tael makes sure he pipes up when appropriate. Like him grtting the group sandwhiches and inviting everyone over to make costumes was unprompted but for ashtons personality. And while he obviously loves doing the Rogue thing, u can see travis having more fun with roleplay, still having a zany character but a 3 dimensional one whos the smartest in the group but whos intellect is still inhibited by his big ego, paranoia and desire to fuck with ppl cus hes a mean old man whos alolso very nice.
I was just cringing at travis wanting to cause drama by cutting down a tree in the fey wild cus he was bored with them planning on how to cross a demon river for that "chaos gremlin" vibe, but now it feels like even when ppl do stuff thats stupid its more in character and roleplay
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Posting 2nd chapter of my story, do tell me what you guys think.
You are the Mirror of My Soul
“Kit, can you hear me?”
Someone was calling out to him. Kit’s body ached all over while his head kept screaming at him to lie low and safe then act. He should heal himself but he was exhausted.
“Wake up please, Kit.”
This person was persistent and very much inconsiderate to not care about his situation. Kit reached out to grab a pillow whether to bury his head under it or to smother this annoying alarm clock he didn’t know but his hand found grass instead. He went taut as he tried to figure out where he was and suddenly cold wind slapped him in the face as he heard leaves rustle and wings flap.
“Christopher Jonathan Herondale!”
The person shook him and Kit fell into their arms. They were some kind of warrior given on their impressive physique, which made him even more alert until he noted their scent. Wild forest and open sky, a little bit of magic, and a hint of steel made Kit go lax with relief.
“Ash. Ash is that you?”
A shuddering relief went through the person’s body when Kit opened his eyes and stared into familiar green eyes.
“Thank goodness! I was so worried that you might be in a coma.”
“What happened?” Kit asked as he moved to stand up.
“What happened? What happened?” Ash let out a ‘can you believe this guy’ laugh.
“Repeating yourself is not going to answer my question and you will look like someone who has lost his marbles.”
Ash glared at him. “What happened is at the parley you and I fought for the crown of Seelie Court.”
“Yep. I do remember kicking your ass.”
“And then I blasted you with hellfire.” Ash continued as if hadn’t heard Kit. He had quite practice.
“A true fae. Cheating when it wasn’t suspected.”
“We are part-fae and part-shadowhunter. We have to fight with both of our heritages and use them to our utmost advantage. Plus, it’s not like you didn’t use your powers. We arrived here because you teleported us.”
“I was just following your lead.” Kit said with a sweet smile. At Ash’s glare he added, “Okay, you didn’t cheat. You looked for a loophole and used it.”
Ash opened his mouth to say something but a shadow passed over his young face and he sat against a tree with a loud thump.
Kit eyed him and this time asked him in a gentle tone, “What happened after I teleported us?”
“You teleported us nearly 630 feet in the sky. I flew us out with my wings and summoned vines to cushion our landing. I don’t know what happened at the parley but chaos, doubts, suspicion, threats will be high.”
Kit didn’t care about what happened at the parley. He could dwell on it later; Ash was more important.
“Then why are you in such a mood?” When Ash didn’t answer, Kit purposefully began to egg him, “Are you worried what the Seelie court will think? They will think you’ve been kidnapped by me. And the Alliance will think I’ve been kidnapped by you. It’s going to be an amusing blame game and I thoroughly plan on enjoying it.”
“Shut up! I don’t understand how you are finding this funny.”
Kit sat before Ash and took off the golden band, twirling it in his fingers. “I am not hurt Ash.” Ash flinched. “I would tell you if I were and if you had hurt me I would totally make you bow and scrape to my smallest wishes while I recuperate from my wounds." Seeing Ash ignore everything he said Kit continued in a sharp tone, "You listen to me and you listen well.”
“I understood that reference.” Ash instinctively muttered receiving a smile from Kit.
“We were fighting in the parley not as Kit and Ash but as The First Heir and The Seelie Prince. Every bit of it was real from the fight to your hellfire attack and my teleportation. But I know you weren’t ever going to hurt me. You won’t. Ever. And I know this just as you know you won’t ever be in danger from me.”
“You don’t get it. You lay there unmoving and I thought I had gone overboard with my act. I had killed you. I had truly become a Morgenstern, ruining lives of those who love us.”
And that was the crux of the matter. Arawn’s experiments and Annabelle Blackthorn’s maddening devotion had etched into Ash that no one will ever love him for who he was. His mother avoided him, too busy in her plans of uprising and weary of this unfamiliar son. Janus loved him for himself but Ash had realised that Janus' love for Clary was actually obsession which if not stopped would become fatal for everyone, and his love towards Ash was morphing into what Annabelle had showered him for those long years in Thule. He had hated her and he had begun to hate Janus as well but was there anyone in his life who truly loved him?
He had once escaped from the cottage at the Borderlands when Janus had gone to visit the Seelie Queen. He had found himself in the mortal world but it was strange to a boy raised in Faerie and a dystopian AU. Janus had started his shadowhunter training but there had never been lessons on mundanes. Panicked and weary of unknown attacks Ash had quite literally run into the one person on whom his Perfect Love didn’t work. Kit. Ash had been drawn towards this wondrous boy but had soon left for the Borderlands. One thing was clear whatever Kit would ever feel for Ash it would be true but did Ash dare to risk being like Janus and be obsessed with him?
The resolution hadn’t lasted for long with curiosity leading him to Kit again. Kit had been suspicious of him but then he was curious too. They had become acquaintances you didn’t want to meet, reluctant companions because there was something familiar in each other, accomplices against demons and finally friends who laughed, fought, shared secrets such as their problematic heritage (also Ty Blackthorn and Dru Blackthorn. They both had agreed they were in a hopeless situation.) and most of all understood each other better than anyone else.
“Except you didn’t and I didn’t create a shield because I knew you wouldn’t.” Ash turned his head away. “Look at me when I am talking to you Ashton.” Ash glared at him. Kit loved to more syllables to Ash’s name because according to him Shadowhunter names were long so they could be turned into nicknames and they were recognised by those nicknames. So, Kit had to find out Ash’s real name and if Ash found it bothersome, he could just tell Kit his name. It annoyed Ash endlessly but not as much as Kit’s other habit.
“I won’t even ask you to stop as you never listen.”
“Hey! I listen to you just fine.”
“And while we are on the topic, did you have to bring up my age at the parley?”
Kit smiled innocently and those who didn’t know him wouldn’t have doubted him at all. When Emma and Julian had returned from Thule, they had confessed all to the Blackthorns, and Kit, Cristina, Kieran, Alec, Magnus, Jace, and Clary. Their regrouping with Mark, Cristina, Kieran, Clary, and Jace was also discussed in detail. So, Kit had known a lot about Ash when they had first met and one of those things had been that Ash was near to the age of Mina, Max, Rafael, and Tavvy. Bossing Ash around was one of Kit’s favourite things to do, of course when the mood struck Kit also made Ash take the responsibility “because you’ve grown up so much in such short time”. Kit liked to say it was their thing, Ash heartily disagreed.
“Moving on, I know you ever won’t hurt me voluntarily or consciously. Ash, what about me? I have more powers than you. You think I don’t worry.” Ash glanced at him from the corner of his eye. “And if we are going to talk about living up to our last name then remember Herondales go crazy in love just as much as Morgensterns in the thrall of power. Both are dangerous.”
Kit took a deep breath and continued, “You were kept hidden because of your heritage just like I was. Janus may love you now but at first, it was because of Clary. How different is that from me? Tessa and Jem originally took me in because of Will.” Ash made a noise of protest. “Yes, they love me for me now but it doesn’t change that at first, they wanted to protect the Lost Herondale.”
“And if you are plagued by the fact that Perfect Love makes it impossible for them to love you on their terms then remember me. I am here for you. I always will be. Just like you will be for me. I have my fair share of insecurities too, no one had ever loved me until Tessa and Jem.”
“We make such a troubled pair, don’t we? A boy who believes no one can love him genuinely and a boy who believes he can’t be loved.”
“You are a mirror of my soul. Forged by our experiences, expectations of our powers, embodiments of our ancestry but never forget that we chose each other.”
Ash smiled as if the weight of the world had lifted from his shoulder at Kit’s words. Kit placed Ash’s golden band on his own head.
“Gold on gold looks gaudy. You need another metal for your band.”
Kit looked concerned at the idea of not being refined. He looked at the sky and realised dusk had tip-toed on them. He thought back to the mayhem running rampant in Shadow World and sighing wiped the back of his left hand to dispel a simple but quite unbreakable spell. Ash mimicked the action on the right side of his temple. Hidden beneath spells were twin runes.
“Well, then shall we raise hell, my Parabatai?”
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