#Astarion: aren't we good now?
maegalkarven · 11 months
Nemo returning to Baldurs Gate and collecting his unholy assasins like stray kittens.
Meeting them in the vault and scolding the hells out of them because what do they think they're doing??? Playing clowns for all he cares about. One assasin actially bursts out crying because he's one of the urchins Nemo picked up and: a) thought Nemo was dead b) is being scolded by his idol and parental figure rn
Finding a bunch of his deadly losers in the park and being like: "WHAT are you all wearing??? You look like fairytale villains. Dumbasses."
And that one assasin being like: "Right?? I told them! Also omg Lord Nemo you're back!"
Him promising them he'll take some of them along on some really cool murders if they behave.
"Who wants to kill A Vampire Lord?"
"So...Sharrans. Anyone ever killed a sharran?"
"These steel watchers what have been malfunctioning lately...Anyone tried to destroy THAT?"
"So I'm going to Hell, yes, AGAIN. Anyone wants to volunteer to kill some devils? Oh, and Mephistopheles' son as well."
The entire party being like: "WTF. What do you mean you RAISED some of them. First of all, how old are you? Second of all, what???? No, I don't think it's a good idea, I mean, any ally in <that particular fight> will be a bonus, but-"
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thepioden · 1 year
Lifespan gap shippers we need to chat about this romanticizing of the longer-lifespan partner shortening their lifespan or straight-up committing suicide when the shorter-lifespan partner dies of old age. Like. Y'all good?
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neckromantics · 11 months
The closer you get to Astarion, the more mischievous the two of you become.
I'm talking gossip. Grade A shit talking with your bf when someone you don't like is just out of earshot. Sometimes, when they're still in earshot if the two of you hate the person enough.
Him, nearly knocking heads with you in his rush to make a sly comment about a particularly atrocious pair of shoes that an enemy is wearing. You doing your best not to burst out laughing and failing miserably bc he's right (obviously), and now that's all you can look at while the big-bad is making their big-bad speech. He's gotten so good at talking to you out of the side of his mouth, it's honestly impressive.
You, side-eyeing him to make sure he also heard that one dumb thing someone said, and sure enough he's meeting your gaze a millisecond later. The two of you perfected the art of having the most judgy conversations with your eyes only. He slow blinks whenever he's particularly unimpressed. You make your eye twitch to ask "can we just kill this guy, already?" The eye rolls from the two of you alone cause 2d8 psychic damage at this point.
You're just always making eachother laugh tbh.
You pretend to fall asleep on Astarion's shoulder and snore whenever someone's going on and on about something neither of you care about, and he has to turn fully away from you to keep a straight face. Sometimes when he's REALLY annoyed, he'll slowly pull out a dagger and feign stabbing at someone when they're turned away- and you can't even pretend to be disapproving bc you're about to piss your pants.
One of your favorite things the two of you do is play fight.
The first time it happened, it started out as a genuine disagreement. You said something stupid- or maybe he said something stupid, neither of you can remember- but whatever it was became a serious back and forth that could have ended in tears if one of you hadn't stopped and realized how utterly stupid the two of you sounded.
All it took was one look into eachother's eyes- the absolute worst one-liner you could conjure from the back of your brain and all was forgiven. The argument soon devolved into a quip-off so intense that the rest of camp couldn't even tell you weren't actually angry anymore.
You've done it for fun a couple times, now. Usually, it's bc you're in the mood to annoy the rest of your companions after they've given you a rough day.
Astarion initiates it this time- bc he wants to be a nuisance to poor Gale, who's just trying to read his book by the warmth of the campfire. Though luckily for him, it's such a ridiculous display that it doesn't last long.
You're seething. Boots slapping hard in the mud as you storm across camp to get Astarion by the shoulders- your hold delicate despite the venom in your tone. It looks like you're shaking him a little, but you aren't. The vampire is just vibrating from having to reign in his laughter.
You look ridiculous.
"Oh, yeah? Why don't you say that into my fucking mouth, then?"
Gale looks up from his book in confusion, only to see an equally not angry Astarion fist his hands into the fabric of your cloak and yank you closer.
"Maybe I will." He growls, or maybe laughs? Gale doesn't know at this point. He's too busy shutting his book, and walking briskly to his tent- far, far away from the giggly make-out session you're about to have in Astarion's tent.
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fangsandfeels · 11 months
The vagueness of Astarion sleeping mechanics drives me mad sometimes
So, the game says that elves don't sleep - to the point where it's ironically stated that the only way for them to experience sleeping is to either drink a potion of Angelic Slumber or "get hit really hard with a chair".
Instead, they enter a semi-aware meditative state (Revery) where they experience memories from their past lives (usually most positive and emotional parts). Or they just sorting through their current memories.
Now, we've seen Astarion meditating if his way of lying on a bedroll is anything to go by. He is also immune to sleeping spells. We could also see him sleeping (in a Durge run). I know that devs technically recycle the same sleeping pose for all romanced companions, but still. Also, Astarion has nightmares, which is not typical for elves.
Of course, when I was going through the lore, I scratched the surface, but from what I understood, Revery is supposed to be a controlled state, and nightmares aren't exactly controlled.
But, I've found a very interesting bit that (so far) is still considered part of the official canon:
Elves can sleep and dream just like any human, but almost all surface elves avoid doing so. Dreams, as humans know them, are strange and confusing to elves. Unlike the actual memories of one’s primal soul, present life, or past lives, dreams are uncontrolled products of the subconscious, and perhaps the subconscious minds of those past lives or primal souls as well. An elf who dreams must always wonder whose mind these thoughts first arose from, and why. Priests of Sehanine Moonbow are an exception: they sleep and dream to receive signs from their god, and elves consult such priests to interpret their own dreams."
From: Mordenkainrn's Tome Of Foes, Chapter 2: Elves
And not only does this little bit explain a lot, but it also provides some food for your fic writing purposes.
Now, I'm entering the headcanon territory, so be warned.
Astarion's access to Revery got horribly fucked up after he had been Turned. Not only does he no longer have access to his previous lives since he is technically dead and plucked from the cycle, but he also can't even have his happy or good memories before he became a spawn. Even if they are still there, somewhere in the memory palace, getting to them requires going through the catalog of traumatic and painful memories he acquired after being enslaved by Cazador. It's like running through a burning house trying to rescue your family photo - and the hall gets longer each time. So, entering a trance means confronting the worst memories of his life over and over because there is nothing else there.
Due to this Astarion may resort to sleeping, which elves don't usually do. Elves don't like dreams because dreams are subconscious, and they can't be controlled, which scares them. For Astarion, however, it means there is a chance of him subconsciously dreaming of something nice or just being blissfully empty. However, it doesn't safeguard him from nightmares which (because they are the product of his unconsciousness) get even more twisted than simple memories.
Additionally, there can be a possibility that after becoming a spawn he got cut off from meditation and trances completely, relying on sleeping only: at least, the cut spawn epilogue by Withers mentions how while Astarion needs to sleep again, he doesn't sleep alone. While we don't know what that means exactly (and whether it will ever be implemented in the game), I assume that the tadpole gave him the ability to meditate back, but it was a small improvement because his memory headspace no longer holds happy memories capable of offering solace or refuge.
So, my personal headcanon is that he switches between meditating and sleeping depending on how aware he needs to be, and whatever option feels less torturous at the moment.
For instance, in his Origin run, when he remembers the moment of Cazador carving scars into him, he is in a trance. Which is why the memory is so horribly vivid, as if he is reliving it anew.
However, when he has a nightmare where Cazador finds him, he is sleeping and experiencing a memory affected by his subconsciousness. Which is why he jolts himself awake and desperate to know the limits of his freedom.
So, yes, the man literally can't catch a break.
On a happier note (and for your hurt/comfort fanfiction purposes), once Astarion starts traveling with Tav and the group, his memory bank gets updated with memories that are actually fun and nice, so he has something to linger upon when he is meditating. Sleeping gradually becomes a bit more pleasant experience because his subconsciousness got more material to work with, so the quality of his non-controlled dreams has to gradually improve.
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pythoria · 1 year
i don't think you can fully understand astarion until you do an origin run tbh, or at least watch a video of his dream and all the responses you can give. it's hinted at in the final dialogue with cazador with his "you've never forgiven anything", but astarion wasn't some indisciplined brat who "deserved" or "kinda asked for it". He would apologise and beg for forgiveness, he would mind cazador's wishes and schedule and be constantly anxious about it, and the only reason that he got the worst of his wrath wasn't because his personality is just abrasive and it angered cazador, it was purely for entertainment, because he begged the prettiest, he screamed the loudest, etc. You can make the argument that he was the most vulnerable of the spawn, the least powerful, the runt of the pack.
Sure, he wasn't a great person while he was alive what with all his magistrate bs, but he was young and a bit of a dick, not evil. When he was alive and kinda abused some of his privilege as a magistrate that was posturing, underneath it there was always weakness and self-doubt. And when he was stripped of that little power he had, he became his "truest" (or rather basest) self, which was a scared boy who wanted to make it big or impress his superiors. On some level I think he admired Cazador for all the power he had, and we know that at the ritual "he wanted to be just like him". I don't think he would ever purposefully anger someone he looked up to, even with all the shit he was forced to do. For 200 years he was an obedient puppet, and it was his shortcomings, not his defiance that earned him all the torture.
So when you meet him after the nautiloid crash, you aren't seeing a single genuine personality trait of his. Not until the love confession in act 2. All you're seeing for the majority of 2 acts is a mask, a character he created, as well as him in full survival mode. Of course he doesn't want you helping innocents, this might be his only chance to escape, he doesn't want that derailed. Honestly, you don't really see the "real" him until after you've killed cazador. For anyone who finished his quest, y'all know how different he acts in the graveyard scene. He's uncharacteristically soft, even nice, and yes he's angry and he can't undo centuries of suffering, but you've helped him come back to himself. By act 3 he already stops rlly dissaproving of helping people, and when talking to the gurs he's defensive because he doesn't want to get their hopes up and dissapoint them, not because he wouldn't give anything to help. Astarion at his core is sassy, sure, but he is undoubtedly *nice*. He's a good person, he feels so much guilt for what he's done and sympathy for his victims, and he *has* to push it all down lest the psychological pain alone kills him. He likes killing, sure, but more as a sport than a past time. And honestly i could go on and on but let's leave it at that for now.
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elunee · 11 months
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Astarion: Oh good, puns. Because clowns aren't enough of a horror already.
Player: You love the spotlight, don't you, Astarion? Here's your big chance. ['Astarion -1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minsc 2', 'Halsin 1']
Astarion: What? No. Don't you dare. This isn't funny.
Clown: Ooof - my heart! The enthusiasm is… too much! Now, up, up - double sharp! Or poor Buddy will think you don't like him. Right there - perfect!
Player: Go on, Astarion! ['Astarion -1', 'Gale 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 2', 'Halsin 1']
Astarion: Of course, what fun! I'm going to fucking kill you.
Gale: Hmm. Not to my taste, but I'll take a clown over some hack magician pulling peonies from his breeches.
Player: Gale, you're good at tricks, right? Up you go. ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Gale: Truly? I might as well go mount the gallows.
Player: Go on, Gale! ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Gale -1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Gale: You truly are testing the patience of a man who could level a city if he wished, you know.
Shadowheart: Gods, I hate clowns. I'm not even sure clowns like clowns.
Player: I think my friend Shadowheart will make a far better assistant.['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 2', 'Shadowheart -1', 'Gale 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Shadowheart: Are you quite sure you have a friend called Shadowheart? Not an enemy?
Player: Go on, Shadowheart! ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 2', 'Shadowheart -1', 'Gale 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Shadowheart: I'd advise you find someone to taste your food from now on.
Karlach: Oof. No. Sorry Dribbles.
Player: Go on, Karlach, up you go. ['Astarion 1', 'Gale 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 2', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Halsin 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Karlach: Hang on now, soldier, I'm not paying for your sins.
Player: Go on, Karlach! ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 2', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Karlach: This had better be violent, sexy, or both.
Lae'zel: Can we not find a more pleasant amusement? Gouging out our own eyeballs, perhaps?
Player: This is your time to shine, Lae'zel - up you go. ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel -1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 2', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Lae'zel: Tsk'va. You can't be serious.
Clown: Ooof - my heart! The enthusiasm is… too much! Now, up, up - double sharp! Or poor Buddy will think you don't like him. Right there - perfect!
Player: Go on, Lae'zel! ['Lae'zel -1', 'Astarion 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 2', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Lae'zel: Chk. And here I thought ceremorphosis was the ultimate torment.
Halsin: Why is that daubed fellow being forced before a crowd like so? Is he being punished? Ritualised humiliation?
Player: Lend him a hand, Halsin. ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1']
Halsin: The local customs are... veiled to me. Are you sure this is wise?
Player: Go on, Halsin! ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Gale 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Halsin: Very well... Oak Father, shield me in the trials to come.
Wyll: Between you and me, I love a good clown - and Dribbles is the best.
Player: I think this is a job for the Blade of Frontiers, don't you, Wyll? ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Karlach 2', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Wyll: I'm no so sure...
Player: Go on, Wyll! ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 2', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Wyll: Well - if you insist.
Jaheira: Heh. What? Shut up.
Player: Well, Jaheira? Care to make your debut? ['Lae'zel 1', 'Astarion 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 2', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Jaheira: You think I haven't mounted a stage before? Though be warned, clown - if you mean to throw knives, I will throw them back.
Player: All hail the High Harper! ['Astarion 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Gale 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira -1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Jaheira: You understand the nature of a secret organisation, yes?
Player: Minsc would be honoured. ['Astarion 2', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Minsc: Honoured is Minsc! But be warned, jester - none may juggle my hamster but me.
Player: Go on, Minsc! ['Astarion 2', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Halsin 1']
Minsc: On closer inspection, Boo, this clown does not much look like the jolly sort...
Nightwarden Minthara: Just give the word, and I will kill the clown. We would be praised as heroes.
Player: My good friend Minthara is the funniest person I know. ['Lae'zel 1', 'Astarion 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Minthara -1', 'Halsin 1']
Nightwarden Minthara: Am I indeed? Perhaps I will tell my favourite joke. It is about you, bleeding to death.
Player: Go, Minthara! Tell the one about the man who married a drider! ['Astarion 1', 'Gale 1', 'Shadowheart 1', 'Wyll 1', 'Lae'zel 1', 'Karlach 1', 'Jaheira 1', 'Minthara 1', 'Minsc 1', 'Halsin 1']
Nightwarden Minthara: It was a beautiful webbing.
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chaiisms · 2 months
all of the following prompts are taken from party banter between the companions in larian studios' baldurs gate 3 (2023). there should be no spoilers! also, a disproportionate amount of these are from astarion and karlach. i'm not sorry.
I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, [ name ]?
You'll be as depraved as the rest of us in no time.
Friend of yours?
Were you always so sneaky?
If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
How are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.
We're not going to have trouble, are we?
If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.
Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
Do you have pet names for each other yet?
[ name ]! Was that a joke?
You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
Given your own nature, are you really the one to judge?
You can read?!
I'm surprised - I expected you to turn your back once you got what you wanted.
I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
Can't say I love what they've done with the place.
I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'.
You have so much to learn. Repeat after me: honey muffin, sweetie pie, sugarplum.
Nice to be in a crowd of normal people for once.
So [ name ], how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
You seemed a million miles away just then.
I fear I've been rather hasty to judge you, [ name ].
Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
Step one of starting a conversation: think before you speak.
I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently…
All right, just keep it down. We're conspicuous enough without your hyena call.
Not one for roughing it, I see.
Why not have a little fun?
You're right, of course. Forgive me.
My money's on you, [ name ].
The echoes - listen! They're coming from three directions!
Want me to carry you?
Feeling at home?
Treat them right, or you'll have me to answer to.
Oh, darling, would you?
No doubt they found me too intimidating.
A girl could get used to this.
Now I don't know what to believe.
Well - yes, it was a joke.
I know that, too. It just wasn't funny.
And here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
Man, it's good to be home. First round on who?
Oh, I wouldn't actually leave. After all, where would you be without me?
You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
Well what would impress you, then?
Let's just stop this conversation right here, shall we?
Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here
You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.
Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.
I never was scared of the shadows.
I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
Are you charging for this sage advice, or is sticking your nose into my business just a hobby?
Pragmatism, thy name is [ name ].
That's ironic, coming from you.
We're either very clever or very lucky.
You do not need luck to survive, [ name ]. Not when you have me.
That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky.
Stop gawking at the decor. This place is dangerous.
I can't tell if you're joking.
So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, [ name ]?
You think I'm beautiful?
I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me?
Use your words.
You gonna catch me if I eat a brick?
[ name ], I've heard you talking in your sleep.
Let's never speak of this again.
You can take a day off once in a while, [ name ]
Hey! Something bit me.
Cheer up. It might be all downhill from here.
I love a nice secret hideaway, don't you?
Think the bar is open?
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fangswbenefits · 9 months
I understand why people feel protective of Astarion. I do. It is rather instinctive to second-guess everything as in "does he really want this? is he really consenting?"
But his entire story (if you don't ascend him) is about him reclaiming his sense of agency and sexuality and autonomy.
I see time and time again people questioning the writers and assuming that Astarion's romance scenes (post confession) aren't being done out of his own volition. With full consent. And because he wants to.
It defeats the purpose of his story arc if people keep acting like he still can't decide for himself. That the graveyard scene was "forced" on him even when he's the one who initiates it. That we are forcing him to kiss us. That he actually wants to say no but can't.
Astarion will break up with you if you press him for sex when he's not ready. Your romance with him ends there for good. He even tells you he didn't know how to say no before, but he does now.
Of course there are instances where he's trying to heal and things go awry (with the drow twins, for example), which I think it's a very important detail to show that healing isn't linear.
I know we're dealing with sensitive topics here, and not everyone reacts the same way, but please trust the writers and Neil's performance 🙏
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egooppidum · 9 months
Astarion's comments after final battle
Ascended!Astarion: The Underdark? You poor thing. I have a palace, you can sleep on one of a hundred couches until you're on your feet.
Spawn!Astarion: The Underdark? Now that's a thought. Just not to the Drow - they don't treat pretty boys too kindly. Or any boys at all, really.
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Ascended!Astarion: How wonderful, but do try not to limit yourself. You've just saved the world, now is not the time to become boring.
Spawn!Astarion: Just remember who your friends are, will you? In case you start to become... well, you know, hungry.
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Ascended!Astarion: I suppose we'd better honour Gale - perhaps there's a library somewhere that has a bar and a room full of virgins.
Spawn!Astarion: I suppose we'd better honour Gale, - perhaps there's a library somewhere that has a bar...
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Ascended!Astarion: It's not so bad in the dark. Only about half of the Baldurian sewers are active.
Spawn!Astarion: You are braver than I could ever dream to be. I hope we will meet again, on a cloudy night.
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Ascended!Astarion: Yes! We should see if the Elfsong's still standing. It's been so long since I've had a fine wine. And we have more than earned it.
Spawn!Astarion: Yes! We should se if the Elfsong's still standing. I won't imbibe, but I'll be happy to be away from here, and in your company.
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Ascended!Astarion: Although I suppose there is a lot to do here - power to consolidate, a palace to claim. It will take time.
Astarion: But first, you and I are going to find the most hedonistic establishment in this city, and we are going to have a night that will go down in legend.
Astarion: After everything, I think I've earned it.
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Ascended!Astarion: Walk safely into the dark. You were truly tentacular.
Spawn!Astarion: I hope the nights and shadows treat you well. You're an odd friend. But, I suppose, a friend still.
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Ascended!Astarion: You're joking. After everything we've been through, you expect me to do manual labour?
Spawn!Astarion: After everything, that's your suggestion? Aren't you tired? I'm tired.
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Ascended!Astarion: Why stop at Amn? There's a whole world out there - we just have to take it.
Spawn!Astarion: It would be good to travel. It's been so long, kidnappings aside.
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Ascended!Astarion: True, we have served our respective purposes. We're free to go wherever we wish.
Spawn!Astarion: Oh, you can't mean that. After all this? (devnote: to suggestion of the party going its seperate ways)
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dez78 · 9 days
Tav's Gift
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Warnings: None. Just fluff.
Pairings: Astarion x Fem!Reader
Summary: You give Astarion the ultimate gift. The gift of sight through your eyes.
You sat by the fire with your companions, when you noticed Astarion missing. You didn't have to look far, you peered over your shoulder and saw him, looking into his hand mirror. You furrowed your brow and stood.
You approached him slowly. Given he was invisible, he saw your reflection immediately. He sighed,
"It's been two hundred years, you know." He said to her, you were quiet.
"Two hundred years, since I've seen my face. I don't even know what I look like. Not since my eyes turned red and I grew fangs." Astarion explained solemnly. Your brows knitted together in empathy.
Astarion got frustrated and spun around to face you.
"I wished there was some way, I could see myself again. My face is just some dark shape in my past. Another thing I lost." He said as he angrily threw the mirror to the ground. You grew bold and spoke,
"You have nothing to worry about, it's a very good face." You told him.
"Is it? What do you see when you look at me?" Astarion questioned, hopeful. You approached him and stared into his eyes; you took in every detail of his face.
"What?" Astarion asked curiously.
"I see you." You replied,
"And what do you see, exactly?" Astarion questioned you.
"I'll be your mirror, what do you want to know?" You asked him. Astarion didn't even hesitate to respond.
"I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. What you see."
"Strong, piercing eyes." You started, Astarion smiled,
"Oh, go on." He said.
"That dangerous smile." You purred, Astarion held his head high.
"Very good. Now just tell me I'm beautiful and we can call it a day." Astarion said boldly.
"You're beautiful Astarion." You replied in a honeyed voice, Astarion looked emotional for a brief moment before sticking his nose up.
"Mirrors aren't much use, but being reflected in someone else's eyes?" Astarion explained,
"Well, I could do worse." He added.
Months had passed on, You and Astarion were lovers at this point, the Shadow Cursed Lands tainted everyone's morality in the party.
Astarion laid in bed, reading a book. You were lying next to him, your head on his chest as she made small circles across his skin with your fingers.
"Do you remember our mirror conversation?" You asked suddenly, Astarion looked down at you.
"How could I forget? You called me beautiful." He teased playfully. You looked up,
"I found a way." You said, Astarion cocked his brow at you.
"To show you, your face through my eyes." You explained. Now you had his attention,
"Truly?" He questioned with wide eyes. He set his book down and the two of you sat up together.
You took a deep breath and held Astarion's hands in yours. Both of you closed your eyes and you pushed into Astarion's mind with the help of your tadpoles.
Before he knew it, Astarion was looking at himself. He gasped audibly.
"I'll be your mirror, what do you want to know?" You asked him. Astarion didn't even hesitate to respond.
"I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. What you see."
"Strong, piercing eyes." You started, Astarion smiled,
"Oh, go on." He said.
"That dangerous smile." You purred, Astarion held his head high.
"Very good. Now just tell me I'm beautiful and we can call it a day." Astarion said boldly.
"You're beautiful Astarion." You said in a honeyed voice, Astarion looked emotional for a brief moment before sticking his nose up.
Astarion saw his piercing ruby eyes, his delicate features, and his tuffs of silver hair. He was truly seeing himself and better yet, he was seeing himself through his lover's eyes. The woman he cherished more than anything in the world.
It was a beautiful miracle. That made the vampire tear up.
You pulled away from him, both of you opened your eyes.
"That was truly remarkable, please, show me more." Astarion told you, you chuckled.
"Anything for my beautiful star." You said, Astarion cracked a genuine smile as he took your hands once more.
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meanbossart · 6 months
regarding the drow as a companion, do any of the others have little quips when he's recruited? something along the lines of shadowheart's little remark about karlach throwing her over her shoulder.
I can imagine Gale saying something, like "OH! Really? He's coming with us? Well... Erm, sure, better with us then loose in the wilds, I guess" while glancing around nervously LOL
You did get me thinking of something else though, camp reactions!
Shadowheart: "I'm aware that drow aren't known for their integrity, but theirs is a perseverant kind. I think having one at our side in our present predicament could serve us well." (TAV: "Have you had any experiences with drow before?") Shadowheart: "I might have. I might haven't. All kinds gravitate towards my Mistress's calling… And the spider queen hardly leaves them a choice."
Gale: "Our new friend is surprisingly shy for a man of his stature, couldn't get as much as a "good morning" out of him yet… Well, with a little time, I'm sure he'll warm up to us. Maybe a nice pot-roast will help! He does have ah... Hungry look in his eyes."
Lae'zel: "A blade is only as effective as the one wielding it, and I'm not sure who - or what - is handling the drow you've dragged into camp as of recently." (TAV: "I'm wielding him.") Lae'zel: "Tchk! Have it your way. But I won't come to your rescue if you fall on your own sword."
Astarion: "You have quite the flair for rescuing rabid strangers off the side of roads, don't you? Not that I'm complaining, the more the merrier! Just make sure to put this one back in his cage when we go to bed at night."
Wyll: "A drow on the surface is strange enough a sight… But this one seems… Especially peculiar. I hate to be the one making hasty judgments, but I hope you've made the right choice in allowing him to shelter at our camp."
Karlach: "New guy's a little closed-off, but hey - I sure as hell don't mind just looking, for now. Speaking of looking, Can't wait to see the big lad in a fight, I bet he can mince a fucker to bits in an instant."
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Hi hi!!! I just found your blog and I love how you wrote Astarion. I have a small request if you're still taking them!
Because of Halsin's one line about how his wildshape is hard to repress I have a headcanon that certain druidic animal forms get triggered by certain emotions. So what if a druid Tav was hurt or scared and got stuck in animal form, and Astarion had to calm them down long enough for them to shift back/get healed
Aww, I like this. But some TW: The reason for them being hurt/scared is fucked and involves dead children. I killed off some NPCs for this one (but they live in the real game I swear!) Also set in Act 2, after he confesses. Just so you know! Don't trigger yourself for this.
There was a reason that Astarion always tried to convince you to not leave him behind at camp. Mostly because it could be dreadfully boring, doing nothing but sitting there waiting for your return. But also because he didn't like being out of the loop. There had been many moments, too many, where he had been the sole reason you were still standing. Whether that be stabbing someone in the back who held a dagger to your throat or being the one to help you back on your feet from the brink of death, Astarion had gotten very good at keeping you alive.
He didn't trust anyone to watch out for you the way he could, a belief that was instantly strengthened when the group came back. With you nowhere to be seen. It was only Halsin and Shawdowheart, beaten and bloodied as they limped their way forward.
The sight of them had Astarion on his feet in an instant, an awful feeling settling in the pit of his stomach as he waited for you to slink out of the tree line to join them. But nothing.
"Where are they?" Astarion asked, his voice loud and fraught enough to cut through the others questions on what happened, "Why isn't Tav with you?"
Neither of them answered, instead they swapped a knowing grimace. The silence was enough for Astarion's blood to go cold, the worst jumping to the forefront of his mind. B-But that couldn't be. The two in front of him wouldn't just leave her to die, would they? He would hope not, otherwise he'd be forced to bleed them both dry. Astarion was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't even realized how heavily he was breathing, how his hands were trembling at the very thought of your being gone. Your corpse just left behind for the wolves in the cursed Shadowlands.
"Astarion, breathe," Halsin said gently, the behemoth of a man suddenly standing in front of him, his hands gently resting on his shoulders, "I know where they are, they're okay. They just... aren't exactly themselves right now, or at least not the version you know."
"If they're okay then why in the hells aren't they here?" Astarion seethed back at him, swatting his touch away before steeping back, "You just left them out there? Alone?"
"It's not that simple," Halsin started, right as Shadowheart piped up, "Karlach is with her. We aren't that incompetent."
"Well considering that our leader is missing, I wouldn't exactly call you capable," Astarion barked back at her, already turning back towards Halsin, "Take me to them. Now."
The venom in his voice would have surprised Astarion himself if he was capable of thinking about anything but you dead in the middle of nowhere. He barely even had the patience for Halsin to get adequate healing, but it was better than having to wait for him to limp the entire way there. He felt antsy and off center for the entire journey, completely foreign emotions taking over him. He didn't care about people like this, for the precise reason that it led to these horrifying moments of uncertainty. He didn't know what he would do without you anymore. He didn't want to ever find out.
It figures that you would go and almost get yourself killed right after he admitted a portion of his feelings to you. And now everything he wished he'd said was invading his every thought.
"Oh come on now, don't make that face! You know me!"
The sound of Karlach's voice was enough to bring him out of his own head. She was up ahead, kneeling next to a small cave opening as she spoke, "For something so cute, you're being a bit of a pisser right now. Aren't you?"
Astarion didn't miss the bodies littering the way between where he stood and the cave, a mix of homely gnolls and dead tieflings, some that he unfortunately recognized from the grove. He didn't take the time to examine them closely, but... he was aware that many looked young. Much, much too young to have died here.
"There they are," Halsin sighed as Karlach cooed at the cave opening, "They've been in there since we stumbled upon all of... this."
"They've gotten less scratchy at the least," Karlach added, standing up with a stretch, her gaze pointedly avoiding the massacre in front of them, "But they won't stop hissing up a storm. I tried to pull them out by the scruff and almost lost a hand, so I'm thinking we may have to wait this one out."
Astarion ignored her as he got closer to the cave, his eyes widening at what he saw. It was you, or at least he was thought it was. He was well-aware of your druidic abilities and he had seen you polymorph into a ferocious beast many, many times. But never like this. No, you always had a human air about you when you shifted, the reality of your true shelf always shining through your eyes, never without perfect control.
But now, you were cowering in your panther form, your eyes daring back and forth, your coat so covered in blood that it nearly looked like you had been swimming in it. You even hissed at the sight of him of all people, your teeth bared as you backed farther against the cave wall, nothing but pure animal fear and rage behind your eyes.
"It can happen sometimes," Halsin explained with a frown, "Tav is very connected with this form, perhaps too connected. Enough so for it to take over when they're particularly distressed. It used to happen to me even, many, many moons ago. It can take hours to change back, maybe even days. And it can be very... difficult to remember your life outside of instincts."
Well wasn't that just fucking awful? Figures there had to be a drawback to such a powerful advantage. But he'd be damned if he'd leave you out here alone for days. And he doubted that the extra audience would help with anything.
"Leave us," Astarion ordered, his eyes still on you, "I'll find a way to bring them back to camp."
Halsin and Karlach exchanged a glance, obviously weary at the idea. Karlach cleared her throat, "Astarion, I know that the two of you are, um, close, but I don't think you can do anything-"
"Watch me," Astarion said, his words petulant even to his own ears. But he meant it. If anyone could help you through whatever this was, it was going to be him, "If I'm not back before the sun rises feel free to look for me. Now leave."
"But she could kill you on accident! And if my best friend had to wake up to that-" Karlach tried to argue, interrupted by Halsin putting a strong hand on her shoulder, "Just because part of them is lost doesn't mean all of them is. Astarion can handle himself."
Astarion was a bit surprised to receive the druid's support, but he wasn't about to argue over it. He nodded at them, "I'll be fine. Now go, I don't think the crowd is helping with their nerves."
Astarion watched them walk away, only relaxing when they were out of sight. It felt like he could finally breathe again. There you were, safe and sound if not a bit... changed. But he could work with that.
Astarion sat cross-legged to the side of the cave entrance, his voice soft but scolding as he spoke, "'I'll be safe Astarion, don't worry about me Astarion, you're such a little overthinker Astarion.' And now look at you, trapped in a cave with a cat's body. Darling, I think it's high time that you start listening to me."
Astarion hadn't been expecting an answer, but the pitiful little chirp you let out brought a smile to his face. He scooted a bit closer to the entrance, careful not to actually cross the threshold as he spoke, "I'm serious Tav, do you know how horrible it was to see them come back without you? I'd say a punishment would be in order, if you weren't too busy giving it to yourself that is."
Another small, dejected noise, but it sounded closer this time. Astarion glanced at the entrance, smiling when he saw you sitting there on all fours, your tail twitching as you peeked outside. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest thing to do but Astarion slowly brought his hand up, hovering it right in your face while praying that you wouldn't take the chance to bite it off, "It seems like you haven't lost the faculty for understanding language yet. Lick my hand if I'm right."
You did, your large sandpaper tongue gliding over his palm before retreating. You looked... different than before. In a good way, but not a whole way.
"That's a good kitty," Astarion praised, laughing at the way the pet name made your brows scrunch up. Perhaps you weren't fully yourself, but enough of you was there for him to know you'd be getting him back for that little quip, "Oh don't look at me like that. You're the full-grown adult in the body of a glorified housecat."
The little growl you let out at that just made him laugh harder, "A very pretty housecat. Does that help my love?"
You didn't answer. Instead you turned with a huff and retreated back into the cave, your demeanor much more relaxed than before. Relaxed enough for Astarion to venture in there after you. It was a small space, just large enough for a panther to lay and a man to sit. You didn't hiss or growl as he settled in, just watched him with sharp eyes.
Astarion didn't like it. You were usually so tactile with him, always finding reasons for touch, even if they were simple. Standing shoulder to shoulder, intertwining your fingers together, hugs and kisses innocent enough to make Astarion melt. Even in your animal form, not touching you just felt... wrong.
But Astarion also wasn't trying to get mauled. He kept his hands to himself, his head cocked as he stared at you, "Are you honestly going to stay all the way over there? We might be here all night darling, you wouldn't want me to be cold would you?"
Perhaps that was manipulative phrasing, but at least it worked. You shuffled closer, resting your head in his lap while staring up at him with those big eyes.
"See?" Astarion cooed down at you, taking the chance to pet your head, "Isn't that better?"
You didn't answer, instead you closed your eyes, a light purr coursing through you. You really did make an adorable panther, even when your fur was crusted with blood and the tiniest bit of gore. Perhaps you didn't smell that best at the moment, but you sure were cute. You fell asleep there, right in his lap, your body finally fully relaxed.
This wasn't exactly how Astarion intended on spending his night, but there were plenty of worse things. Like having the bury the love of his life for example. Or watching a gnoll tear into their corpse. But luckily enough for him that didn't happen. No, he had you with him, safe and sound. Panther or not, he loved you, and one of these days he would get the courage to admit it out loud. Hopefully sooner than later, considering how easily you could be taken from him.
Astarion hadn't planned on falling asleep with you, but you were so warm, and the sound of your happy purring was nearly hypnotic. The next thing he knew he was out, awaking hours later to a dark cave and a different weight set in his lap. But not an unfamiliar one.
Astarion glanced down, breathing out a sigh of relief when it was you back to normal, seemingly shifting in the middle of the night. You were laying in what seemed to be an extremely uncomfortable position, your cute face smooshed against his leg as you slumbered.
"There you are," Astarion murmured, the quiet sound of his voice still enough to jolt you awake. You blinked your eyes open, sitting up with a start as you frantically looked around.
"Hey, hey, calm down. Everything's okay," Astarion said gently, tugging you back to him, "You just had a little... incident. That's all."
You nodded, the memories from the day seemingly hitting you all at once. He could see the tears start to well up in your eyes as you stared at the ground, "I... I remember the tieflings. We found them too late. And I saw one of those things gnawing on... on Silfy. And another on Mattis and I just... lost it."
Oh gods. Astarion didn't exactly have a soft spot for children, but the thought of seeing one of the ones you had saved, eaten alive was horrifying. Even against the things he had seen.
"Come here love," Astarion murmured, holding his arms out; his heart breaking at the look on your face.
You went to him, nearly collapsing in his arms as you cried into his shoulder, "I didn't save them. I- they were right there. And I didn't save them."
"You can't save everyone," Astarion said as he stroked your hair, "Not every life can be your responsibility. It just can't."
"Why not?" You sniffled, looking up at him with tired eyes, "Why does this have to keep happening? Why can't I do something about it?"
"Because the world wasn't made for people like you," Astarion said honestly, "It is cruel and horrific and it doesn't deserve you. But it needs you anyway. It needs someone who cares, despite everything that proves you shouldn't. And that's not fair, but it's true."
Part of him could scarcely believe such words were even his own, let alone that fact that he believed them. But he did. You couldn't save everyone, no. But that didn't stop the fact that those you could mattered. That your kindness and passion for good did mean something, it meant enough to help hundreds of people. And enough to change him. Astarion would never be the same after meeting you. He didn't want to be, but even if he did the change was irrevocable. Because that's just the effect you had on people. And he felt so damned lucky that he was one of them.
You nodded against him as you let all of your tears out, his words meaningful but not enough to stop the pain completely.
But that was okay. Astarion wasn't going anywhere.
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floorbe · 4 months
"Desired" [Astarion x Human!Fem!Tav!Reader]
**COMMISSION PIECE** for @jesseapples , thank you sm sm for the comm!! <3
Warnings: p in v s/x, light blood play, biting, first time, hints of Astarion's past / turmoil but not much, hurt/comfort, reader is a virg/n Summary: You'd agreed to meet Astarion after everyone else had retired for the night, but you're starting to have doubts about whether you should.
or; you're a v irgin and worried about not being good enough. Pairings: Astarion / human, fem, tav reader A/N: tbh i wrote for human tav but there aren't many indicators of them when i re-read it?? so go wild! Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3, act one Tiefling party Word count: ~2.4k
To say you’re nervous is an understatement. 
The Tiefling’s celebration is still well underway, babbles and laughter ringing across the camp in a much welcome departure from the usual tense silence (other than the occasional grinding of Lae’zel sharpening her blades. Again). You spy Rolan casting lights into the air, preening under the praise of the group gathered around him.
You watch Cal and Lia lean in to say something to him, and judging by the affronted gasp he gives, you assume they were poking fun at him once more. You stifle a laugh into your goblet, amused at their already familiar antics. 
Though not even they could force your mind away from your current worry. Your eyes drag across the camp, attempting an air of nonchalance.The moment your eyes meet a familiar ruby red gaze you know you’ve failed at your little ploy. Astarion’s mouth is hidden behind his goblet, though you could tell by the quirk of his eyebrow that he was sending you a cocky smirk. 
You swallow hard around the bitter wine, swearing that the heat traveling down your throat was swirling up into your cheeks instead. You avert your gaze, your heart giving a small kick of… something. Anxiety? Excitement? You couldn’t tell the difference as a spark flicked in your belly, and the wine’s disorienting effect certainly wasn’t helping.
“And once everyone else is asleep… we get to know each other.”
His words echo in your mind for the umpteenth time tonight. The ridges of the goblet dig into your palm as you grip it, chewing on the inside of your lip. You had accepted, more than accepted, honestly– but thinking about it now.... 
You’d never laid with anyone before, and now you were going to lay with Astarion? You knew admittedly little of his past, and he yours, but he seemed… experienced. Much more experienced than you, if his confidence was anything to go by. Would he even enjoy it with you? Would you fumble? Disappoint him? This was beginning to sound more and more like a bad idea. 
It seems your turmoil wasn’t as well hidden as you’d anticipated, for when you glance in his direction again, he’s still staring at you. His eyebrows have moved into a furrow, his goblet lowered as his head tilts. You lock eyes with him once again, though this time neither of you make a move to look away.
You feel studied under his intense gaze, inspected, as if he was trying to unravel you from where he stood. You attempt a small smile, but if the way his frown deepens is any indicator, it must come out more as a grimace. In a moment he’s striding towards you, face twisted into something of what you think is concern. 
Before he can reach you, a hand grips your wrist and whirls you around. It’s one of the tieflings, Lia, giving you a wide grin as she drags you back to her group. “Saw you sulking over there,” she teases, nudging you as you enter the jovial conversation, “It’s a celebration! I’m not about to let you skulk in the corner!” 
When you cast a glance back to find Astarion, he’s already gone.
In. Hold. Out. In. Hold. Out. 
Your hands are still shaking as you make your way into the forest where you agreed to meet Astarion, the darkness surrounding you offering little comfort. Especially since you knew he could see perfectly fine in it– another bubble of anxiety pops up at the realization that he would see much more of you than you of him. 
“There you are,” his voice startles you as he saunters out from the bundle of trees, a quirked smile on his lips as he stalks closer, “I’ve been waiting. Waiting since the moment I met you.”
He’s in front of you now, piercing gaze freezing you in place as he advances, eyes raking down your form. You repress the urge to curl in on yourself.
“Waiting to…” his smile falters when he focuses on your face again. His eyebrows furrow deeply, searching your face. “...Darling,” he starts after a moment, resting a hand on his hip as he frowns, “I must say, out of all the lovers I’ve taken, you seem rather… unenthused by the opportunity.” 
You flounder for a response, heat swarming into your cheeks again. Your mind is blanking– everything you considered saying while pondering earlier is gone in a blink as he watches you. You can feel your throat tightening, hands gripping the fabric of your sleepwear as you try to find something, anything to say. 
Out of the corner of your eye you swear Astarion’s expression twitches into something softer, almost concerned in your behavior. He seems just as at a loss for words as you.
After a moment he takes a step back, tone considerably quieter, though his face has returned back to the neutral smile he wears, “Performance anxiety, darling? Fear not, we can save our night of passion for another–” he moves to grab his shirt. 
“N-no, no,” you finally sputter out, hands raising in a panic, “I… I’ve never done this before, is all.” 
There’s a pause as you watch Astarion process your words. You can practically hear the gears in his head turning as he looks at you almost incredulously. He lets out a sudden guffaw, head thrown back in amusement, “Oh, nice try, darling. A vision like yourself, untouched? Surely you don’t take me for a fool…” 
His words trail off into silence as he takes in how you seem to shrink even further into yourself. You hear him intake a needless breath before speaking, “...Gods, you aren’t joking, are you?” 
“...No,” you mumble, crossing your arms over your body protectively, “I’m serious.” 
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re one of those ‘I’m waiting until marriage’ people,” he scoffs lightly, though you notice his posture relax a bit at the information.
“No, it just… hasn’t been on my mind, I guess,” you shrug lamely. 
“Sex hasn’t been on your mind?” he asks incredulously, hands on his hips, “Well, you’re certainly not the first that’s said that to me, but I will say that you’ve surprised me, darling.” 
“Why? Do I seem like someone who… partakes often?” 
“...By the Hells. You do realize that every single one of our companions has been trying to seduce you, don’t you?” 
“Dear gods,” he groans, running a hand down his face, “We’ll get to that later. Now– shall we head back to camp? If we won’t be laying together, I would like to sleep on a bedroll.”
“Uh, I mean,” you laugh nervously, “Um… If… I mean…” Gods, how do you even say it?
“...Oh,” he sounds after a moment, eyes round with realization, “You– want me to be…?” 
“If you want,” you answer lamely, repressing a groan at how utterly awkward you sound. He’s silent for a moment, prompting you to look back up at him despite the flush on your cheeks. 
He’s wearing a contemplative expression, one you don’t see very often. You can almost hear the swirling thoughts running rampant in his mind, though he stays silent. You think he wants to say something, some thought that’s popped into his mind, but instead he dons his sultry smirk once again. 
“Darling…” he purrs, padding closer to you, “I’d be delighted.” His fingertips are cold against your arm as he traces up your skin, eliciting a trail of goosebumps in their wake. “I’ll be gentle, don’t worry,” he teases, the pads of his fingers stopping momentarily on your neck, tracing over the familiar pinpricks he’s gifted you almost every night.
“I’ll make sure it’s unforgettable,” his smirk breaks into a grin, fangs revealing themselves as he finally cups your cheeks. You fail to repress a shiver at the cold touch, eyes fluttering shut as his breath ghosts over your lips, “You’ll be begging for more when I’ve finished with you…” 
His lips are meeting yours within a moment, the cool feeling mixing wonderfully with your heated skin. His lips move against yours languidly, one hand slipping down your form to rest on your hip, testing. Your hands find purchase on his collar, one sliding up to tangle gently in his hair as you mold your lips against his, embarrassment forgotten. 
You feel his fang clip against your lower lip, drawing a quiet gasp from you at the prick. His tongue licks into your mouth through your parted lips, exploring and tangling with yours. You can’t help the whine that you release into his mouth as his hand slowly lowers from your hip to your lower back, tugging you flush to his form.
You barely notice that his hand that was once cupping your face has joined the other– though you let out a choked gasp as it quickly finds your ass, giving it a playful squeeze. Your head is spinning, overwhelmed with the new sensations in the best way possible, a haze covering your thoughts as he lowers you both onto the ground. 
His lips trail down to your jawline as your back hits the soft grass beneath you, and you instinctively offer your neck to him. You can feel the grin that spreads across his face at the action, and he wastes no time in sinking his fangs into their familiar spot. 
A moan slips from your lips at the brief pain, followed quickly by a soothing swipe of his tongue before he’s suckling at the points. You can feel his body pressed against yours– how his hands trail all over your form as he skillfully disrobes you, exploring each new inch of your skin with a delicate touch. 
It’s dizzying feeling his cold palms grope at your breasts, thumb rolling your nipple over as he sucks on your neck. It leaves you lightheaded, hips bucking instinctively at the feeling. “Needy girl,” he coos against your neck, “We’ll need to stretch you first, darling. Patience.” 
Despite his seemingly collected words, his free hand travels all too eagerly down to your cunt as he resumes sucking at your neck, a moan vibrating against your skin as his fingers slip over your slit. His finger gathers your slick easily before moving up to swirl over your clit, finally releasing your neck as you let out a wanton noise. He pulls back to gaze down at you, cheeks flushed and eyes hooded, all for him.
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” he whispers, running a finger teasingly through your folds, “So wet for me, aren’t you?” Any response you would’ve mustered is banished from your mind as he slips a finger into your heat, curling perfectly to hit the spot that makes you see stars. 
“Oh, there you go, darling,” he murmurs huskily. 
“‘Stari,” you whine, back arching as he hits that spot again, eliciting a delicious squeeze around his finger, “Please…” You barely notice your hands slipping down to tug at his bottoms, chewing on your lower lip to muffle the whimpers leaving your lips at every skilled curl of his finger. 
“So impatient,” he tuts, though he retracts one hand to join yours in slipping off his trousers. You let out a moan at the sight of his cock, precum already dribbling out of his tip– you can’t help how you tighten around his finger again, hips bucking eagerly at the thought of him finally filling you. 
He lets out a deep groan at the feeling, his cock twitching eagerly. “You’re a vision,” he breathes, slipping his finger out of your cunt. You barely have time to whine at the sudden emptiness when you feel his tip prodding at your hole, teasingly bucking to slide along your slit. 
“Ready for me, darling?” he asks, and though he has his trademark smirk you can hear an edge of care in his tone accompanied by a soft squeeze of your hip to reassure you. 
“Yes,” you breathe, looping your arms around his neck readily, “Just… slowly, please?”
“But of course,” he purrs, steadying his cock to prod his tip into your cunt, “Tell me if it hurts, darling. I told you I’d be gentle and I intend to keep my word.”
It stung at first, feeling his length slowly, painstakingly gradually, sink into your wet heat– it was a delicious sting, one you’re sure you’ll be thinking about in the nights to come. Your eyes flutter shut, hands clasping behind his nape as he shushes you soothingly, hands spread across your thighs to keep you spread for him. 
“That’s it, look at you,” he breathes, eyes locked on where his cock inches further and further into you, “Oh, darling, taking me so well, so good…” 
You moan brokenly as you feel his thighs press against the backs of yours, his balls resting against the cleft of your ass as you both adjust to the feeling. You watch his head bow with a silent moan, heavy breaths filling the air before he finds your eyes again. 
He moves slowly, gently, true to his word as he carefully watches your expression. Your mouth falls open in a gasped moan as his cock drags along your walls, stretching you deliciously. You can already feel the knot in your abdomen tightening, only worsened when his thumb swirls around your clit.
“Sh-shit, Astarion–” you pant, back arching. Your thighs tremble with pleasure, weakening as your pleasure climbs and climbs and climbs…
“Close already?” he purrs, doubling his efforts on your clit, “So sweet for me. Come, darling, give in, let me feel you…”
The knot snaps, pleasure washing over you as he works you through your high, cock sinking into you with a groan as his fingers stutter over your clit. He looks beautiful like this, you think amidst the pleasurable haze, eyes shut and mouth fallen open. It’s something you could get used to.
You whine brokenly, thighs trembling as wave after wave of pleasure courses through you, nearing too much but never quite crossing the line. It feels like minutes before you’re coming down from it, almost light headed as your body relaxes against the forest floor. 
“Fuck, Astarion, that…” you pant heavily, still very aware of how his cock is still hard inside you– twitching, throbbing… 
“I hope you’re not spent yet, darling,” he groans breathlessly as you tighten around him, red eyes locking with yours with a downright lewd grin, “After all, I did promise to make this unforgettable.”
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makenoplans · 1 year
all gale banter! (that i am currently aware of)
hiii gale enthusiasts, i just spent the past few hours picking through videos trying to find all of gales party banter and transcribing it! check under the cut for verbose details
copied directly from the doc i transcribed this into so youll have to bear with the initials to denote who is speaking when! generally speaking, initials are a=astarion, g=gale, h=halsin, j=jaheira, k=karlach, l=lae'zel, m=minthara, s=shadowheart, and w=wyll
(except for two minsc quotes that are also m, both where he mentions his name so like... it's obvious)
transcribed with attention paid to particular noises characters make that aren't quite whole words and also words that are emphasized!
please let me know if youre aware of any banter ive missed!
warning: long
G: Karlach! A hypothetical question for you. If someone - not me, of course - detected a hint of romantic interest in them from another… unnamed individual, erm, what might that someone… do about it?
K: Whoever it is, just talk to them, Gale! And leave out the hypotheticals.
G: Talking. Right! I'm good at that!
A: So, Gale, how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
G: [Ach!] I'm hardly pining! Been a year or more since Mystra cast me aside!
A: Oh, my dear wizard, I wasn't talking about Mystra.
W: I used to believe the beauty of first love was unable to be surpassed, but Gale, you are so much more tolerable now that you've found your second.
G: I'll take that comment with the sincerity and good will I assume it was intended.
G: Have you noticed any attachments of the more, er, romantic variety flourishing in our camp, Wyll?
W: I think I'm not the right person to be asking. I can recognize a troll silhouette on a far horizon, but I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
G: I see you waste no time pursuing your quarry, Astarion.
A: Hmph! I rather thought I was a little slow this time. Usually they're begging me to dream them on the first night.
G: Tell me - you always woo your lovers with such patient attention?
A: As the vampire ascendant I can grant my lover immortality and bind them to me forever.
G: Hmm. I trust you speak of the bonds of love, not the shackles of servitude.
G: Am I to understand that you are in love now, Karlach?
K: I sure am. [heh] If there's hope for me, there's hope for anyone.
G: I'm surprised you're permitted to choose a partner outside of your own people.
L: We had to use and misuse each civilization in the stars in every way we know. I do not conquer by blade alone, Gale.
G: I can't imagine Mother Gith would approve. Doesn't she prefer us lesser species enslaved? Or eviscerated?
M: You've been smiling like a fool of late, wizard. Explain yourself.
G: I found love. Surely even you wouldn't begrudge me some happiness?
M: All I can say on the matter is that you were wise to lower your standards from the godly to the ghastly.
G: Tell me, Lae'zel: is it common for githyanki to fall in love?
L: Love? Is that this feeling in me, then? This passion to peel every layer of one's heart to see what light and shadows lurk there? I doubt I am the first githyanki to… to feel this way, but few would ever declare it. Githyanki have playmates, thrill partners but I've never heard anyone profess love, nor read of it in our slates.
L: Gale, I've heard you talking in your sleep. Your mate needs better rest for our journey.
G: And deprive them of the pleasure of hearing my nocturnal postulations? I'd never be so cruel. The mind absorbs much while we believe ourselves dormant. To lie beside Gale of Waterdeep is positively educational.
G: If you're feeling faint after your bout with Cazador, Astarion, I don't mind donating some blood.
A: Aha! Well, you're still full of that Netherese bile, I'll pass, thank you! Besides, I have someone else to nibble on, and they are delicious.
G: I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather… heartless.
M: Loving another is not soft, wizard. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
G: So you admit you found love! Aww. How delightful. I'm happy for you both.
A: So, how was your night with Gale? Did you have a long, hard debate?
G: Ugh. Ignore him. Astarion envies the depth of a bond because he's of a shallower inclination.
G: So Astarion, I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently.
A: My life has taken on "a new aspect." It's only natural that my relationships change as well.
G: Halsin! You must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life. Anything you'd like to pass on to a… strapping, lovestruck wizard such as myself?
H: [hehehe] Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots. What suits me may be a… poor fit for you.
G: Ah. Well. There's no faulting that logic. At least you didn't tell me to "be myself."
H: Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.
G: Indulge me, Lae'zel, as someone unfettered by Faerunian beauty standards: how would you appraise my appearance?
L: Your beard looks like the hairy tufts upon the [surlon], the largest of wyrmkind that sliver our skies.
G: Hm. I suppose that's… a bad thing? No. Don't answer that.
G: Wild-shaping must sprinkle some spice on your love life, Halsin.
H: Heh. Indeed it does. Did you… never experience such delights with Mystra? I, uh, hear the gods enjoy taking on the forms of swans, horses, eagles and the like when… visiting with mortals?
G: Oh no, quite the opposite, actually! She mostly preferred our interactions to be abstract, and incorporeal. Most invigorating.
G: So, Lae'zel, have you ever been tempted to use psionics in your, uh, romantic endeavors?
L: Only once. Did you know, in low-gravity settings, githyanki can maintain aerial suspension for hours at a time?
G: Fascinating! I think the arch-mage Tasha described a spell with similar affect! I really must look that up.
G: I've always felt flames to be a rather perfect expression of love, Karlach. Passionate! Primal! Capable of bestowing the most life-affirming comfort - or - inflicting the profoundest damage.
L: That's… pretty nice. Never thought about it like that. But… now I will.
G: I've been pondering something, Lae'zel. Why is it that githyanki have bellybuttons, hm? When they hatch from eggs?
L: I did not grant you permission to gaze upon my midriff.
G: I- I wasn't gazing! Merely observing! Though that can hardly be said for a certain someone else.
G: Y'know, Karlach, there are other ways to express love beyond run-of-the-mill physicality.
K: Ugh! Are you going to try and teach me about exceptional uses for a mage hand or what?
G: W-well actually, I was thinking of poetry!
K: Oops. Sorry. But, uh, now that I think of it… is mage hand especially hard to learn?
G: Even shaped by shadow as it is, Sharran architecture has a kind of beauty to it.
K: Beautifully intimidating. This place was meant to scare people into submission.
G: There you go. Cutting right through the ephemera to the heart of the matter. Hm! Your finest quality, I think.
K: Uh. Here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
G: Nothing wrong with a bit of friction now and then. You help me keep my mind sharp.
K: Aw, thanks, pal! I think.
G: When we met, Shadowheart, your gaze seemed to linger in the distance on some unseen goal, some insubstantial purpose. But I notice now your gaze settles on something or someone much closer.
S: Is it that obvious?
G: Of course! There's nothing escapes a wizard's powers of observation.
A: I gave my return to Baldur's Gate a lot of thought. I never pictured this, though.
G: Ah, what did you have in mind? A quiet party? Toasting your own return with a few good friends?
A: Less "quiet party with friends", more "days of hedonistic debauchery", but otherwise… yes!
G: Hmm. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you know what? I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
G: I've heard that in Baldur's Gate, "wizard" is also a term used for one who eschews their more, [hr-hrm] carnal desires. Is that true, Wyll?
W: Where are we going with this, Gale?
G: Oh, nowhere. Just think it's a rather cruel misnomer, not at all reflective of the glamor wizarding life affords.
A: So Gale, you laid with a goddess? You must have some sordid tales to tell.
G: Sordid? I lay with the Mother of Magic herself! What we had was… transcendent. Euphoric. Incandescent. Not sordid!
A: You actually made sleeping with a goddess sound boring. Hm. Incredible.
A: I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, Gale?
G: Uhh… sure! In silence.
G: When you've loved a goddess as I have, people often think you less experienced in the way of romance.
S: She just lives on another plane! [heh] Only jesting. I'm in no position to judge, especially after what happened with Shar.
G: It's true for a time, I neglected the physical in favor of celestial euphoria. But our relationship was no less real for it.
G: I feel I've been rather hasty to judge you, Astarion. One heartbreak was quite enough for me, but to experience it as many times as you have… must change a person.
A: Thank you, Gale, but let us both hope that broken hearts are a thing of the past.
A: So, do you have loves waiting for you once this is all over?
G: You know what, that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
S: You mean just… waiting? Like a lovesick puppy?
M: Do you have elder siblings, wizard?
G: You're about to say something awful, aren't you?
M: In Menzoberranzan, after a house has two sons, every subsequent male-born child is slaughtered at birth, as it is useless, even for breeding. You have the aura of a third child about you.
G: The architect who built this must have been remarkable. Pity their vision didn't stand the test of time.
K: All's not lost. I mean, just look at this place!
G: You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
K: Hope keeps you going.
K: So Gale, got any book recommendations for me?
G: You can read?
K: Hmph. Yes, very funny. I can read. School put me off big, boring tomes. Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing.
G: Ah! Say no more. I'll find the perfect book for you. I might even lend it to you from my library in Waterdeep, ooh.
K: Ooh, something with magic please! And no devils!
G: Do you feel that? The darkness, pulling at the strands of the Weave?
K: Er, you'll still be able to do your wizard thing though, right?
G: Of course. Doesn't make the shadows less dangerous.
K: Joy.
M: Gale. Minsc worries you might send a fireball up his butt with all of this… stringy hair in your face.
G: Is that why you keep your head shaved? I assumed it was a custom of some sort.
M: Oh, no. Most warriors of [Rashinan] wear long battle braids weighed down with stone. Minsc can show you, when next we camp.
G: Thank you, but I'm more wizard than warrior. Not sure my scalp would stand up to such a plaiting.
A: Gods! We're not back, are we?
G: On the Nautiloid, no. This is a different nursery. Similar, but not identical. There's likely one in every colony.
A: I don't care what's in every mind flayer colony, Gale. Nobody does. Except you.
A: Ugh, another ruined temple full of foul-smelling beasts spoiling for a fight.
G: No mere temple. This was a monastery, devoted as much to study as to worship.
A: Oh, how ignorant of me. So it'll be free of foul-smelling beasts then?
G: Quite the opposite. Some monastic orders celebrated their pungency as proof of their devotion. "To think is to stink" was the motto of one ill-fated brotherhood near Arm. Oh! Huh, but you meant beasts of the life-threatening variety. Yes I'm sure it's teeming with those.
A: Moonlanterns to keep the curse back? Burly guards to fight off any monsters? I could get used to this place.
G: Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
A: No, of course! Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
H: Ah, Last Light Inn. Half aglow and lanterns lit. Just like a hundred years ago.
G: I imagine the vista was more idyllic back then. As were its patrons' chances of surviving the walk home.
H: [Grunt.] Still though, when you are expecting nothing but desolation, even a small glimmer of hope fills the heart. To think long ago, the druids feared this market down would grow into a city and threaten nature's realm… little did we realize what the true threat was.
G: Divination is a skill few can master. The rest of us must simply muddle along, content to view the past with a clarity the future rarely offers.
H: Perhaps I can yet turn hindsight into foresight, provided the curse is lifted. The better way for all. Whole generations were denied their chance to flourish… I must put this right, for them.
A: That orb seems powerful. What could it do once it's extracted?
G: Nothing good can come of it unless it is contained. Why.
A: It might be useful. Who knows?
G: I must tell you, Shadowheart, the bathing waters here leave much to be desired. The ablutions offered at the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep were far superior - and, they have the most excellent soaps.
S: Hmm. I was wondering why you always smelled like a wealthy dowager.
A: From sweet woodland to stinking swamp. Can you do tricks like that, Gale?
G: Easiest thing in the world. Though I'd do it the other way around.
H: Brickwork and stonework. This place is far out of balance with nature, but the Oak Father will reclaim this all eventually.
G: Not too soon, I hope! I've a craving for a soft bed, a hot bath, and a large glass of Arabellan Dry. None of which I've ever found hidden under a log.
H: Hah, you may thrive, but what of other life? A city is no place for wild creatures.
G: Cities teem with life! Rats, pigeons, flies… they count no less, for all their more pestilent qualities.
G: The Society of brilliance has quite the reputation. Even Waterdhavian academics refer to their works from time to time.
S: They talk a great deal but do very little. Which may be for the best.
G: I take it you're not inclined to study the wonders of the Underdark?
S: Its inhabitants and cultures, maybe. Its fungi and cave slime, no thank you.
W: Ethel mentioned Netherese magic. What in blazes does that mean?
G: Magic from the fallen empire of Netheril. Ancient. Exceedingly dangerous. And quite unrivalled.
A: Wonderful. I'd hate to be destroyed by any common old magic.
G: Home and hearth, reduced to ruins. The shadow curse stole more than the light from this place.
H: That is why it must be stopped. Imagine a whole century of life and love denied the chance to ever take place.
G: A hidden shrine dedicated to the Moonmaiden herself. Even amidst this darkness, Selunites are stubborn enough to cling on.
K: Pretty beautiful, isn't it?
G: Look around you! Indulge your curiosity! Sorcerous Sundries is the finest purveyor of magical miscellany for miles around.
K: Where's the axes?
G: What they sell is far more precious than mere sword or shield! They sell knowledge! Ingenuity! The wisdom of mages past.
K: [yawns] Ugh, sounds like more your thing than mine.
K: Doing alright, Gale?
G: Oh, you know. Still alive and kicking despite being surrounded on all sides by an endless manifestation of… darkness and decay.
K: I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
G: It strikes me that, for a mind flayer colony, there are remarkably few mind flayers about the place.
K: Squiddies have gone to war, is my guess.
G: On the Absolute's behalf? Now there's an alliance I'd've been quite happy without.
K: Aw, man, adventuring is thirsty work.
G: There used to be a monastery in this region known for producing a wonderful ale.
K: Ah, that sounds like heaven. Wait. Used to?
G: Oh yes, long ruined, I'm afraid. No chance of a frothing pitcher awaiting us there, but still. At least your thirst for knowledge is quenced!
K: Ugh!
W: It might seem a bit ramshackle, but this place is a boastworthy bar.
G: A bar is only as good as its cellars. Which vintages can we expect on its racks?
W: Here, a bottle is judged more by its ability to crack heads than the quality of its contents.
G: Ah. If that's the main criteria then I shall reset my expectations accordingly. Water it is!
K: We're not taking a boat to Baldur's Gate, right?
G: And give the Absolute free reign to use us as target practice from the banks? I think not!
K: Ugh. My mum always said the Chionthat was unlucky.
G: I don't suppose you've any clue where we are in relation to Waterdeep?
K: From this distance between Elturel and Baldur's Gate, I'd say… a long way away.
G: Ah. That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky. No matter. What she doesn't know can't hurt her. Not at this distance, anyway.
G: Nothing like a brisk stroll through the forest to invigorate the spirit.
K: I was just thinking the same thing! But… poetically.
G: And without so much as a stirring from our tadpoles.
K: A girl could get used to this.
L: These children and their pets lack discipline. Were they githyanki, I'd recommend further training.
G: Not everyone approaches the raising of their young with such militaristic vigor.
L: That is the very purpose of training. To determine which children shall be warriors, and which are suited to other roles. As for the unruly animals, they would make for nutritious marching rations.
G: Mm, that's certainly one way to make them behave.
L: These flowers are quite vivid, not to mention pungent. Not to my liking.
G: Are there no flowers in [tunirath]?
L: In the city of death, the m'lar cultivate the fruiting bodies that sprout from the corpses of the slain.
G: Huh. I'd rather get them from my florist in Waterdeep, if it's all the same to you.
G: That zaith'isk you mentioned intrigues me. Care to tell me a bit more?
L: An intricate device crafted by m'lar, our most gifted artisans. I am sworn to say no more.
S: Why must the Dead Three be so obvious and ugly with their decor? Blood and bones, bones and blood… Pointy nonsense. At least Shar had some panache.
G: As did Mystra's home on Elysium. Her ribbed vaults and buttresses created a magic entirely of their own… not to mention their pleasure domes.
S: Hah! Pleasure dome.
G: It's a perfectly legitimate architectural feature!
G: The road to Baldur's Gate is a long one. Who knows how long it'll take these folks to get there on foot.
S: If they make it. They're slow, vulnerable. Half or more will die long before Basilisk Gate.
G: Doesn't seem to trouble you a jot.
S: What good would it do for me to be troubled? We can't save them all.
S: You seem to know a good deal about our condition, Gale.
G: Everything, really. Not to put too fine a point on it.
S: A humble specimen, aren't you?
G: On occasion.
G: They're not mutually exclusive! The weave is served best with a dash of eloquence.
G: There's magic here, but it's of a rancid, impure form. Nothing like the true Weave at all.
L: This is why I appreciate a sharp blade to a ball of fire or a bolt of lightning. The Weave is inconsistent, unruly.
G: The Weave is constant, but its users - anything but. We must be on our guard.
L: A githyanki warrior hardly needs to be told that.
L: What is this? This place makes me feel sad, melancholy.
G: Ah, so you're susceptible to the tragedy of a broken home. Maybe you've more in common with us weaker beings than you thought.
L: There's no call to be insulting.
G: Not to diminish our efforts, but. Was rather simple getting here in the end, wasn't it?
L: The obstacles ahead prove to be higher still, which will make the pleasure of overcoming them all the more potent. Imagine the glorious din of it all, the streaming banners, the charging knights. The piles of severed limbs and heads.
G: Mm, I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.
G: Whatever I expected to find lurking in this cursed gloom, it certainly wasn't this. A glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.
S: That's one way of looking at it. You could also say it's a prime target, the one pocket of light in the gloom.
G: Oh pragmatism, thy name is Shadowheart. You're not wrong, though. Best we keep our sojourn here to a minimum.
G: So! Shadowheart. Such a name implies yours is a difficult heart to find.
S: It's not that hard to find. Perhaps any difficulty is more telling of you, Gale.
G: I always wondered what a vampire's lair would look like. Can't say I pictured it being quite this… theatrical.
L: I find it surprisingly similar to Queen Vlaakith's aesthetic.
G: That makes sense. She does have a flair for the dramatic.
G: No day, no night. It's as though time itself has abandoned this place. Similar to the Astral Plane in some ways, wouldn't you say, Lae'zel?
L: Mm, hardly. It is said that the Astral Plane is threaded with light and silver, life-giving and wondrous in all directions. Nothing like this dismal abyss.
G: Tell me, Lae'zel, what is it like on the Astral Plane? Your home realm intrigues me.
L: Githyanki lay their eggs on other planes. They cannot mature in the Astral.
L: A tadpole nursery, as on the Nautiloid.
G: Quite right, so long as the attempt won't leave us similarly dismantled.
L: Caution is commendable. Boldness is extraordinary. In this case, I recommend the latter.
W: You're an impressive fighter, Gale. You should consider a new name.
G: I take it you have some suggestions?
W: The Wizard Wonder. Or, how about… the Master of the Weave?
G: Tempting, but I think we already have the maximum number of theatrical titles.
G: Pigeons, gulls, sparrows. These streets would make a fine hunting ground for a tressym like Tara.
M: In the Underdark, we have packs of winged hounds to deal with vermin like your precious Tara.
G: Flying hounds? Come now, you're pulling my leg. Aren't you?
M: Yes, I am. It is the bats that would make a meal of her.
M: Umberlee. Her clerics possess a nasty streak as wide as her oceans.
G: So their reputation suggests, especially among the good folk of Waterdeep. I'm curious to learn how you fell foul of them.
M: Blasphemy, said the temple priestess, but Minsc says do not give horns to your statues if you do not wish the visitors to try and make them toot.
G: Yes. That would probably do it.
W: I admire your courage, Gale.
G: Thank you! Any particular reason?
W: Between the orb and the bug, you've got more than your fair share of unwelcome passengers.
G: What can I say? Mother always told me to be a gracious host.
G: My, my. Well I'll say this for the bonecloaks: they know their mushrooms.
S: Perhaps they should expand their horizons. Too much time spent obsessing over fungi seems to leave them a bit, well… like them.
G: Oh, a byproduct of their profession. Few can spend a lifetime inhaling fungal spores without turning out a bit… muddled between the years.
W: This is it, Gale. Today, we annihilate the heart of the Absolute's power.
G: Entirely unnecessary. Though, if they are so inclined, I might be convinced to share a stanza or two of my own for inspiration! Whatever outcome of what's just ahead… it will be the stuff of legends.
G: I knew you were a graceful man, Wyll, but I hear you're quite the dancer, too! I've been known to trip the light fantastic myself. Mine was a popular hand at the annual Blackstaff's Ball.
W: I'd have loved to have witnessed it, Gale. I wager you are as elegant on the dance floor as you are on the battlefield.
S: What did you mean before, Gale? "A woman with shadows for eyes", you said.
G: Merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, yours have dark curtains across the mirror. No offense taken, I hope.
S: Not necessarily. I haven't made up my mind about you yet.
A: Ever heard of a vampire called Cazador, Wyll?
W: I don't think so, no. Why? Friend of yours?
G: He's patriarch of the Szarr family. Nasty fellow, if the histories are accurate.
A: I imagine they are.
L: The right of these prisoners to die in mortal combat was stolen from them.
G: Hardly the worst atrocity the Absolute's committed.
L: One of many, but by no means the least. To die properly is a matter of honor.
W: This is no aimless horde. The Absolute's forces are organized. What do you make of it, Gale?
G: All enemies have some chink in their armor, no matter how much they like to believe themselves invulnerable.
W: And if we don't find any clear weakness?
G: Then we hope our mutual strengths are enough to dominate them. Or! We die nobly in the attempt.
G: I was wondering about your queen, Vlaakith. What tales of her reach us are terrifying. I suppose that's not how you would describe her.
L: Vlaakith is unity. Fear and beauty, life and unlife… eyes like onyx, teeth like daggers. There is none more perfect.
S: Sounds vile. I assume the meaning of perfect was lost in translation.
G: Moonrise Towers lies ahead. We're nearing the heart of the Absolute, I'm certain of it.
W: Then let us push forward, head high, weapons in hand, and turn this tower to rubble.
G: Your confidence is encouraging, but a little premature. Let's keep our eyes on the task ahead- or eye, as the case may be.
W: Who's in charge of the mind flayers, Lae'zel? Is there a squid king or something?
L: No. Each ghaik is servant to an elder brain. No king unites elders, only their collective tyranny.
G: A mind flayer monarch! Imagine that. Such a thing could shatter worlds!
K: Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
G: Ugh. It's the stairs I'm dreading.
G: No sign of tentacles so far.
S: The same. Except for a knot of worry in my stomach that's in no rush to go away.
G: That I can relate to.
G: The masons here thought they were building something to last. How wrong they were.
W: Perhaps it's a blessing that none of them survived to see it fall to the shadows.
G: No need for such a grim assumption. Halsin helped many to escape these shadows before the town was consumed.
W: Then some masons were more blessed still, if they could put their talent to use elsewhere. Perhaps some of their work even graces Baldur's Gate.
S: You seemed quite forward with your compliments earlier. We'd only just met.
G: Seize the day, I say. More now than ever.
S: Careful you don't pull a muscle in this place.
S: Isn't it so that every time you speak as you cast a spell, you're endeavoring to call upon Mystra? I'm surprised she still listens to you.
G: She has no choice. She's sworn to hear all magic users. Even me. I'm sure she at least stuffs her fingers in her ears to muffle my invocations.
G: The history of the city itself is captured in the archives here. A fascinating resource.
W: I wonder what those archives will reveal about us a hundred years hence.
G: Only the most excellent and complimentary things. With some encouragement from us, of course.
G: Look at this place. Such horrors defy description.
S: Silence can be best. Give it a try sometime.
S: What if this creche doesn't work out, Lae'zel? What if your kin fail you?
L: If I can reach the creche, my kin will provide. Any failure will be mine alone.
S: If you say so. Just don't expect me to put all my eggs in the same basket.
G: That expression must sound curious to a githyanki ear, given the way they're birthed.
G: Gods. Who knew such a vile abscess lurked in the bedrock of this city? The very stone reeks of misery and despair.
J: Mm. A sad shrine kept by the lunatic and the lost. The last time I was here, I promised myself I would die beneath open sky. I have not changed my mind.
G: Nor should you. Far better to feel a cool breeze on your skin than whatever foul expirations blow through these halls.
A: Eh, can't say I love what they've done with the place.
G: Unsurprising, really. Fanatical cultists tend to care more for ambience then aesthetics.
A: Hrm. Reason enough to put them all to the sword, I say.
A: Heh, what's this? A clever little hideaway. A little too clever, if you ask me. Watch out for traps.
G: Not just clever. Rather ingenious! Somehow its construction keeps the shadow curse away.
S: The end must be near. No regrets, Gale? You may have been better off staying inside this boulder.
G: Unlikely. Had I stayed there much longer, the orb would have reduced it to rubble. Besides, think of all the fun I'd've missed out on.
S: Fun? Well, yes… I suppose we did manage to make the best of things.
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wehaveimagineshere · 11 months
Prompt: Artist Reader decides to give Astarion their sketchbook filled with sketches of him. Couple: Astarion/Reader
Frost actually gave me this prompt right as we opened up this blog. I knew I had to write it.
"I'll be your mirror."
It had been a casual statement, handed forward with a small smirk and light words. It was taken casually, a fleeting kindness to be snatched by the night wind and forgotten.
The sketchbook being slipped into your small pack now speaks of a different tale, your fingers quickly but carefully tying the twine closed before sliding the strap over your chest. Glancing around, you spy your favorite vampire in front of one of the room's bookshelves, book in hand.
Hooking a thumb under the strap, you stride up, adopting an air of nonchalance. The rest of your fingers grip the leather as he looks up, a half smile bending his lips. "Well hello, darling." Tossing the book back on the shelf, he gives you his full attention. "What can I do for you?"
"Well," you start, trying your best to keep your fingers still, "I was hoping you'd follow me to the roof."
"The roof?" he echoes, eyebrows going up. "I don't believe we're allowed up there." His smile grows. "Which means we should definitely do it. I'm in."
The grin on your face almost hurts. "Let's go."
"One question." His eyes roam the room before tilting up, then back down to your own colored hues. "How are we getting up there?"
Pressing your lips together, your eyes dart away for a split second. "Aren't you the one good at getting into places you aren't suppose to?"
"Well yes, but. Hm." He holds up a hand, index finger half pointed and head slightly tilted. "Is this a challenge?"
You pause. "Yes?"
"Wait right here, darling. I'll be right back."
You turn and watch as he goes to his pack, rustling inside before drawing out whatever it was he was searching for. Then he walks to Karlach, who looks at him with confusion before her face bursts into a grin. Her axe is handed to him, her laugh boisterous as he tries - and fails - to hold it up. There's a bit more back and forth before Astarion physically huffs and comes back to you, tiefling in tow.
"So I hear you're breaking some rules?" is the first thing out of her mouth once you're in earshot.
A smile reaches your lips. "You could say that."
"Sweet. I'll help you guys get on the roof, follow me."
And so you do, out onto the veranda under the bright full moon. Karlach gestures for Astarion, who hands over rope, and she gets to work typing it onto her weapon. One of your eyebrows shoot up as she looks at the roof, bounces the axe a few times in her hand, and throws.
The sound of crunching wood meets your ears. Tugging onto the rope and grinning as the axe holds, Karlach sketches a bow. "Enjoy the stars. If you get caught, that's not my axe."
Astarion gestures to you. "Ladies first, as they say."
Karlach rolls her eyes and heads back inside, muttering, "Thank you, Karlach. You're very welcome, Astarion. Ugh."
You eye the rope warily. "How gentlemanly."
"This was your idea. Now go ahead, and don't worry, I'll consider catching you if you fall."
Huffing but unable to hide the smile, you make your way onto the roof with no issues. Settling onto the tiles, still slightly warm from the sun, you tug your pack onto your lap and look up.
While not as beautiful as they were on the Sword Coast, the stars still twinkle bright and fierce, the moon emphasizing their shine.
"You're not tired of the stars yet?" you hear Astarion ask, settling next to you.
"I don't think I ever will be," you respond, hugging the pack to your chest before turning to him. "That's not why we're here though." Drawing the strings open, you fish out the sketchbook and hesitantly hold it out.
His eyes drop to the book, noting the worn and dented leather, back to you, then back to the book. "What? Are these love poems? For me?"
"Just take it."
Grasping the book with gentle fingers, he settles it onto his lap and flips it open.
Your fingers twine together as his eyes lock onto the contents of the pages. His eyebrows furrow, and you feel your heart sink. "Am I suppose to know who this is?"
Oh. Glancing at him, you say quietly, "It's you."
His chest stills, fingers frozen above the pages.
So quiet, almost blending into the air, you hear him exhale, "What..."
"Turn the page."
So he does. And does again. And again. Each turn more slow, more careful, as his brain processes all he's seeing.
It's him, book in hand, face half in shadow. It's him, head on the owlbear cub's body, one knee up and fingers laced together over his stomach. It's him from behind, arms raised and to the side. It's him, a side countenance, hand on a hip. It's him, his face, the dips of his cheeks and the curve of his jaw, the arch of his brows and bend of his lips, the hair curling around his pointed ears and the nape of his neck.
It's him. On every page, a different angle, a different side of him.
He doesn't speak, barely even breathes, as he takes it all in. As his fingertips trace the panes of his face. Every line, every curve.
Chewing your bottom lip, you shift, unsure if you should break the stifling quiet but knowing you'll go mad if you don't. "I, uh. I said I'd be your mirror, so..."
His inhale is shaky. "You..." Pressing fingers to his eyes, he takes another rasping breath. "There is truly--" His voice hitches and he swallows. "There is truly no one like you."
"I'm glad you like it," you say quietly.
"Like it?" he echoes, hand falling from his face as his eyes snap back to the pages. "I love it."
Smiling gently, you scooch so your shoulders touch, reaching over to give a small, gentle peck to his cheek before slowly resting your head on his shoulder. "The entire book is filled."
He sniffs, a hand wiping across his eyes. "How can I ever..."
"Don't. I didn't do this so you'd pay me back. It's a gift, Astarion."
"A gift I will forever treasure." His head gently rests upon your own, eyes not once straying from the sketches. "Thank you."
You smile. "Always."
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scurvgirl · 10 months
Things I Have Said to My Cat That Tav Could Say to Astarion
Why are you moping? I just fed you.
Yes, yes, you're a vicious little hunter!
You're the prettiest baby in the whole world.
*teeth sticking out in sleep* Teefs!
Why are you biting me? What did I do? Do I taste good right now?
*Cat is yelling at me* Yes, yes, I'm coming to bed to give your your snuggles.
Feeling the drama today, aren't we?
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