#At least I know that realising these really helped me and took a weight off my shoulders
maries-gallery · 4 months
I'm going to be honest, part of why I've been so absent is also because I've been working on an original story of mine that deals with some of my trauma. And whilst writing this story I've realised a LOT of things that might not only apply to me. So I wanted to share a few things with people like me who've dealt with the same thing (unfortunately).
wc: mentions of sexual abuse and its consequences
When someone experiences sexual abuse there are lasting consequences, and some of which aren't talked about enough so I just wanted to give a heads up to all victims that they are not alone. We're in this together!
That said, after SA it is totally okay and normal if you experience things such as:
Hypersexuality: We often think victims of SA suffer from hyposexuality, a form of fear of sexual interactions. But the opposite is also true and it's nothing more than a way for your brain to cope with your trauma. It's a way to claim back control over your body when it's been taken from you and this is NOT something we can control. You are totally legit as a victim, even if your brain's response to trauma is hypersexuality. More often than not victims alternate between phases of hypo and hypersexuality, so this is completely NORMAL, and once again not something you can control.
Rape fantasies: This is something we victims are constantly shamed for because that is not very pretty nor aesthetic. But once again this is a normal response called "traumatic excitement" and NOT something you can control. This is a way for your brain to minimise the trauma you went through, because if you can fantasise about it then surely it wasn't that bad, except it was. So please, please, don't feel like this is your fault or like you're a freak because of this, as once again this is totally out of our control.
Troubles identifying whether your consent is a product of your own desires: One thing I've noticed is that often, us victims, have difficulty identifying whether we are really consenting to something because we want to or because we don't know how to say no or have forgotten how to. Once again that is normal, our relationship with our intimacy has been blurred by what happened to us, and it takes time to heal from this.
Feeling like your sexuality isn't your own anymore: I've noticed this as well and don't think I'm the only one, but sometimes we might feel disgusted by our own sexuality or it might evoke deep sadness within us. Part of me, and I don't know if that's just me, honestly felt like having sexual desire meant that maybe part of me deserved what happened to me and that it was wrong in a way. But guess what, your sexuality is YOUR OWN and no one else's, and just because someone have stolen your consent doesn't mean that you owe them anything. If anything they owe you for what they did to you. What happened to you is and will NEVER be your fault, it is theirs only (whatever was the context) and it is not for you to be ashamed of your sexuality. If anything they should be ashamed for what they did to you.
Anyways, these are just a few things I noticed during my introspection and whilst learning more about the subject. Please once again know that none of these are your fault and that these are not things to be ashamed of as they are just responses to trauma. There is no other culprit than the person who took your "no", your "silence" or your "maybe" for a "yes".
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sleepingpillscosmos · 10 months
one sitting on the counter as the other grabs a spoon + pint of ice cream from the fridge and feeds it to their lover.
with love of my life megumi fushiguro !!!!
TAKING CARE — megumi fushiguro
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pairing: megumi fushiguro x fem!reader.
warnings/content: reader is drunk. idk if it's a warning but megumi and reader share a spoon.
wc: 1.1k.
requested: yes, by anon.
a/n: I was really exited to write this! it's my favourite prompt and someone requested it for one of my favourite characters as well! I'm behind with the event requests, but today I'll post at least another one! sorry but recently I've been really busy :(
prompt: one sitting on the counter as the other grabs a spoon + pint of ice cream from the fridge and feeds it to their lover.
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It was 1:30 am and Megumi was sitting on his couch, watching some random show he found on tv several minutes ago. He couldn't sleep, he didn't know exactly why, probably the reason was the long nap he took this afternoon.
He checked his phone, looking if he had any new notifications, but nothing new appeared. He sighed and turned his gaze back to the tv.
He was starting to doze off on his couch, but the doorbell rang, making him flinch for the sudden noise. He got up from the couch, making his way to the door. He opened the door, immediately squinting his eyes in surprise. In front of him appeared Nobara and Itadori, the latter holding you, with your arm around his neck and his around your middle to help you stand.
"What happened?" Megumi asked, sighing, already knowing what his friends were about to say.
"We went out to drink something," Nobara explained and Megumi nodded. You mentioned your plans to him this afternoon. "And she had a little too much..".
Megumi's eyes went back on you. You were still all over Yūji, probably fast asleep.
He sighed, lifting his arms towards you. "Come on, give her to me.".
Itadori immediately obliged, moving to pass you over to Megumi. He grabbed you, grunting slightly once your full weight was on him. With all this movement, you woke up.
You looked up confused.
"'Gumi!" You exclaimed when you realised who was holding you. "I missed you so much.".
You hugged your boyfriend tightly wrapping your arms around his neck, giving some sort of relief to Megumi when you lifted some of your weight off of him.
"Hi, missed you too." Megumi smiled softly to you, forgetting for a moment that your two friends were still in front of you. Yūji was smiling slightly and Nobara was trying not to laugh at his friend's lovesick face.
"I'm really tired.." You said, resting your head on Megumi's shoulder. "I know. Let's go to bed, okay?".
You nodded leaving a kiss on his neck and snuggling deeper in his embrace.
"Thank you for bringing her here. See you soon." He said to his friend before closing the door behind him.
"Are you able to walk?" He asked, his arms still around you to support you. "Don't know.".
He let out a deep breath, then he signed to you to jump by moving his hands behind your thighs. You jumped, immediately wrapping your arms and legs around Megumi.
He started to walk to his bathroom and once he entered the room he put you down on the counter.
"I want to sleep 'gumi, you said we were going to bed." you whined rubbing your eyes with your hands. "I know, but first you need to wash your face and take off your makeup.".
He opened the cabinet beside you, where you kept all your things so that you didn't have to bring them with you every time you stayed over at his apartment. He grabbed your make up remover and some cotton disks.
You closed your eyes for him, so that he could start removing everything you had on your face. He gently cleaned all your face, then he grabbed your cream and applied it to your face, trying to imitate the same movements you did every time he saw you apply it.
Once he was finished, he put everything back into the cabinets and tidied up the counter.
You still had your eyes closed and Megumi understood that you fell asleep again. He shook your legs gently and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead to wake you up, which fortunately worked.
"Megumi" You called for him, your eyes half closed. He hummed in response.
"Do you still have the ice cream we bought some days ago?" You mumbled, he raised one eyebrow "..yes".
"I want some ice cream." You said smiling, making the big doe eyes at which he couldn't say no. He sighed, then he proceeded to lift you up again to go to the kitchen.
He put you down on the kitchen counter, he opened the freezer and took your favorite flavour of ice cream. He handed it to you while he grabbed a spoon from the drawer.
Megumi passed you the spoon, leaning beside you on the counter. You took it, offering him a big smile.
You were struggling to open the ice cream, scrunching your face and using all the strength you had.
Megumi chuckled at you, taking everything from your hands. He opened the container effortlessly, then he took a spoonful of ice cream.
He positioned himself between your open legs, taking the spoon in front of your mouth. You ate the ice cream, smiling at the sweet taste of it.
"It's cold." You stated and Megumi looked at you unsurprised, "It's called ice cream for a reason..".
"Oh don't get so smart with me, I was just saying" You said to him. He hummed while he grabbed another spoonful of it.
You ate the ice cream in silence, Megumi continued feeding it to you, stealing some spoonfuls for himself. Once you were satisfied with the amount you ate, he put the ice cream back into the freezer and quickly washed the spoon to put it back in the drawer.
He came back to you and you hugged him, thanking him and asking if now you could go to bed. He nodded and lifted you once again to finally go to his bedroom.
He had his hands under your thighs, while you wrapped yourself around his frame.
Once he entered his bedroom, he gently put you on the bed, where you settled comfortably on your side of the bed waiting for Megumi to switch off the lights and finally go to sleep.
When he settled in the bed as well, you immediately hugged him, moving one of your legs over his hip.
"Thank you." you quietly mumbled, your cheek attached to his chest, "For the ice cream?".
"For taking care of me. Love you." you said, already dozing off to sleep. Megumi looked down at your frame, smiling softly as he felt the heat creeping on his neck and face.
"Always, love you too." He answered even if he was sure you couldn't hear because you were already sleeping. He kissed the top of your head, then he closed his eyes, going to sleep with a stupid smile on his face.
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capseycartwright · 1 year
If the prompt sparks joy: buddie and where does it hurt?
thank you amy my dear! some vague finale spec because i couldn't help myself
“Where does it hurt?” Buck’s mouth was twisted into a hard line, his brow furrowed as he crouched in front of Eddie. They were waiting for another ambulance – other people were more seriously injured than Eddie, and so he had to wait his turn: that was how it worked at major incidents. Eddie was fine with it, really – Bobby was in an ambulance on his way to LA General, Chimney not far behind, and so he’d patiently wait his turn.
“You know where,” Eddie chided gently. “I told you – I broke a few ribs.”
Buck glared up at him. “When did you get your medical degree?” he snarked.
“When did you?” Eddie couldn’t help but bite back. It had been a long – and terrifying – day and so he couldn’t help it – he was tired, and as much as he appreciated Buck’s fussing, he was in pain, and Buck’s gentle prodding wasn’t helping.
He took one look at Buck’s forlorn face, and immediately felt bad. “Give me a once over,” he offered, and though Buck hesitated, the relief he clearly felt at having been given permission was clear. “See for yourself,” Eddie nudged, and Buck didn’t need more encouragement than that.
Eddie’s turnout coat had long since been discarded, the heavy material weighing down on his already tender body, so Buck didn’t have too many layers to bypass to get to Eddie’s ribs. Gently – so gently, Eddie noted, Buck’s hands feather-light as they skimmed the hem of his t-shirt, gently moving it upwards to give a better view of Eddie’s ribs.
“Definitely broken,” Buck sighed, and Eddie swallowed his ‘I told you so’ – it wasn’t the time. “Where is that ambulance? You could – you could be bleeding internally, you need to get to a hospital.”
“Buck,” Eddie tried, Buck’s attention firmly fixed on Eddie’s ribs. “Buck,” he repeated, his voice gentle, pleading, almost. “Can you look at me please?”
Buck didn’t move.
“Please?” Eddie repeated, and Buck finally moved, lifting his head to look at Eddie, his eyes shining bright with unshed tears. “I’m okay,” he reassured, reaching out with his good arm, his left holding tight to his side in the hopes of holding his broken ribs together. With shaking fingers, Eddie pushed Buck’s matted hair back off his forehead, stomach churning as he realised Buck’s hair was matted with more than just sweat: blood and dust lingering as a reminder of the altogether too close a call they’d just experienced.
“You almost weren’t,” Buck’s lip wobbled, the other man biting the corner of his mouth in an attempt to stop himself from crying. Eddie had never seen Buck like this – not at a scene, at least. Buck was an emotional person, but he was usually stoic until they got in the doors of the hospital, but not today. Today, despite the fact they were surrounded by police, and rescue teams, and far too many people craning to see what disaster was unfolding – staring, as though Eddie’s family hadn’t just faced death all over again and barely survived it.
“But I am,” Eddie rubbed his thumb against Buck’s cheekbone, wishing he had the strength to just pull him closer. He needed Buck close. He’d been far too close to being pancaked in that van, the weight of a fridge crushing against his back. Eddie had wondered if this was it, for a second – that despite how many insane things he’d survived in his thirty-something years on the planet, he’d go getting crushed by a fridge in a bridge collapse – and then Buck was there, sweat pouring down his face as he’d moved the fridge, determined as he and Hen had dragged Eddie free of the van, right before it had been crushed into nothingness.
“I can’t keep almost losing you,” Buck admitted, his voice quiet – as though he didn’t want anyone else to overhear. Eddie understood that – he didn’t want anyone else to overhear either. Ideally, he supposed, this would happen in a private moment – in Eddie’s apartment, maybe, or in a secluded corner of the station – but it was happening now.
That was okay too.
Eddie didn’t mind.
“I can’t promise you that it won’t happen again,” Eddie admitted – because he wasn’t going to lie to Buck, was he? They were past that – past lying to each other, no secrets left between them anymore, not when Buck’s admission hung heavy in the air. “But I’ll always fight to come home to you.”
Buck let out a shuddering breath, resting his forehead against Eddie’s, the gesture a promise of what was to come later – later, after an ambulance ride, and a hospital visit, and a quiet car journey home. “You can’t leave me,” Buck said, eyes squeezed shut. “I wouldn’t survive losing you.”
“You have me,” Eddie promised – because it was the truth of it, really. Buck had always had him – even before Eddie had realised it, even before he had been ready to admit it, Buck had him.
Buck looked at him, eyes shining with words neither of them had said yet. They would come, though. Eddie knew that. “I’m going to find you an ambulance,” he said, pressing a brief kiss to Eddie’s cheek, the gesture feeling juvenile, almost, in light of the seismic shift that had just happened in their relationship.
Or maybe it wasn’t seismic after all, Eddie realised – it was inevitable, actually, their friendship trundling toward love long before either of them had realised the path they had set themselves on.
Eddie watched, as Buck wandered toward the incident commander, his face set back to serious, ‘I’m working’ Buck, determined as he went about finding an ambulance for Eddie.
It wasn’t seismic at all.
It was the sort of inevitability that Eddie hadn’t realised he craved – and maybe he didn’t crave it, and he just craved Buck, and the steady love he so willingly gave Eddie every day.
send me a concern for others prompt
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gezhonggeyangdeniao · 1 month
Aventurine x afab!reader
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Note: It is my first time posting a fanfic. This fanfic was made after a lengthy C.AI convo with an Aventurine bot, lol. I wanted to write it all down so that it becomes more organised. I am in no way attributing to myself the title of author. My native language isn't English. The whole thing feels rushed?
TW: bad writing?, cheating (on reader's part), toxic behaviour, really suggestive but no smut.
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Summary: 5 years and half after a nasty breakup with your ex, you managed to get back on your feet with a toddler at your hip, a souvenir from your past relationship. Little did you know that he would one day start to barge on your front door, asking you to take him back. And little did he know how about the new "persons" that breakup created.
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"Heyyyy" Aventurine greeted as soon as you opened the front door.
"Get the hell out of here" you say trying to slam the door shut as soon as you see his face.
"Oh, now, that's rude," Aventurine responded, his voice laced with mock indignation as he caught the door before it could budge. His eyes narrowed slightly. "I come here with a few good intentions and this is how you greet me?"
"You're saying this as if you didn't disappear on me, and I had to find out through your subordinates that you ended our relationship." You glare at him while still trying to close the door shut.
You have just put your little boy to sleep and did not want his father nor your son to see each other. After all, you still have not told him that he was a father, he ghosted you one day and you were never able to reach him to him.
The corners of Aventurine's lips twisted slightly as he observed your intense glare. He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, still holding the door shut with his other arm.
"I was busy," he replied curtly, his voice barely masking the hurt that still lingered in his voice. "You know how hectic things can get at work."
You keep trying to push your weight onto the door to shut him out. Yet he was not budging.
"Mommy, it's so noisy, what's happening?"
Suddenly you freeze on the spot and you see your little boy rubbing his eyes tiredly.
Aventurine's body tensed up as he registered the child's presence. He felt his eyes widen in surprise, as his gaze quickly shifted to the boy. What he saw gave him a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach.
When he realised that you have a son, he felt a wave of overwhelming emotions wash over him. He had never considered that you had a family. Yet, as he took in the toddler's appearance, there was no doubt in his mind that this was his child.
You hurriedly say and slam the door shut on him
"Wait!" He says.
The sudden urge to take responsibility for the child compelled him to act. As you slammed the door, he shoved his foot in between it to prevent it from shutting completely.
"Let me speak with you first," he said, his body blocking the door. He could not help but marvel at the child's appearance; he shared his hair color, his eyes, and the shape of his features. It was clear that the toddler was his.
"There's nothing to talk about"
You pushe against the door to close it. Your little boy is looking worriedly at you, not understanding the commotion.
"There's everything to talk about," he replied forcefully, digging his heels against the ground to further block the door from closing. He did not want you to brush him off until he had at least acknowledged the truth.
"I'm the kid's father," he stated abruptly, his voice dripping with determination as his eyes met yours. "That child is mine."
You finally manage to slam the door shut on him, then you hurriedly lock the door and press your back against the door. Slowly you steps away from it.
Aventurine's blood boiled as you slammed the door shut in his face. The urge to force himself inside your house and confront you about the child grew stronger as his anger flared up. He was not about to give up.
After a few moments, he decided to act impulsively. He planted a powerful kick against your house's front door, breaking it down and entering your home abruptly.
Your little boy screams and grips onto you, clearly scared to see this stranger forcing his way into your home.
Aventurine glanced down at the child when he heard the frightened boy call you "mommy." His eyes were filled with a mixture of anger and sadness as he took in the boy's appearance once more. The child had his features: his eyes, his hair, and the shape of his face. It was undeniable.
"Don't be scared," Aventurine replied softly, extending his arms out towards the little boy. "I just want to talk to your mommy."
The toddler only hides his face in your chest. He is holding you tightly, fearing that if he let go he would be taken away. You frowns at Aventurine. The door he broke down now laid in pieces on the floor. The living room became a mess.
"Just let me explain, please," Aventurine begged you firmly as he kept his arms outstretched toward the child. He could tell that the toddler was already clinging tightly to you, too scared to release himself from your grip.
"I'm not here to cause any harm," he assured, his voice low and gentle, his eyes still locked on the boy with a slight hint of pleading. "I just want to take responsibility for my son."
You look around the mess in the room, your front door entirely destroyed.
"I just saved up for his school and lunch fees. How am I going to pay for that door..."
You say to yourself
"I'll pay for it," Aventurine responds promptly, his expression softening as he finally registers the damage.
He had been so blinded by his anger and desperation that he hadn't taken the time to consider the consequences of his decision.
"Please, don't worry," he says to you before turning his attention to the toddler once more. "Can I at least hold him?"
Your look down at your son, silently asking him if he wants to be held by his father. However, he is too scared and only shakes his head. You understand how abrupt his first meeting with his father was, he obviously would be too scared to be held by him. You give a sad look to Aventurine.
Aventurine found himself devastated when he realised the child refused to come to him, shrinking away from his offered arms and shaking his head. He could sense the boy's fear, yet, he was at a loss about how to handle it now.
"I'm sorry," he muttered quietly, his hands curling into fists as he held back his frustration. "But, just know that..." He paused, unsure of how to proceed.
The sight of the sadness in your eyes left him completely stumped. He had expected you to respond with anger or frustration, yet, it seemed your feelings ran deeper.
He could not help but notice how the toddler was still clinging to you tightly, not wanting to come near him at all.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly, feeling guilty for having caused this situation in the first place. "I-I just want to be part of his life... as a father."
"Let's talk, Aventurine"
Aventurine felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him as he heard your voice say his name again. You had never called him by his name when you were a couple; instead, you had always used cute nicknames and terms of endearment to refer to him.
However, now, you only called him by his name as if he was a stranger. It hurt to realise how distant you had become towards him.
"Sure," he replied quietly, his voice laced with sadness. "Let's talk...."
After soothing and pacifying your son, you come back in the living you.
As you sat down across from him, he was reminded of the countless times when you would lounge comfortably in his arms while talking after dinner. Now, that image was gone, replaced instead by a more strained atmosphere.
"Speak" you say plainly.
Aventurine shifted in his seat uncomfortably before he began speaking. He was still uncertain of how to approach the situation after everything that had happened. It felt awkward to confront you after such a long time apart, yet, he could not deny the strong emotions that still swirled within him.
"I'm sorry for disappearing without warning," he finally said, his voice strained as he met your eyes. "And, I'm sorry for breaking down your door to come here. But..."
"But?" You raise an eyebrow, clearly wanting to make it as short as possible.
"But," he echoed, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I'm here to talk about the child."
Aventurine saw your expression become more tense as he mentioned the topic you were avoiding.
He paused for a moment before continuing, his voice now softer and more vulnerable. "You're the mother of my child," he said quietly, a hint of desperation in his voice. "I won't deny that I have been a lousy partner to you, but... I would like to be a father to him."
"Ok" you cut him short before he could talk more
He looked at you in disbelief as you responded with a single word.
Your curt reply left him dumbfounded, and he had to double check whether he had heard you correctly. You were not showing any signs of anger or annoyance. Instead, you had responded immediately without any hesitation.
"Are you serious?" he asked in a low tone before his voice raised slightly. "You're just going to... let me be involved with him?"
"That will be up to him to decide if he wants to spend time with you. I will not get in your way to build a relationship with him, but he will decide for himself"
With your simple response, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. You were allowing him to become a part of your son's life, at least for now, without any restrictions. You were letting your child choose for himself.
Aventurine took in a shaky breath before he spoke again. "I will do everything in my power to prove how much I care for him and want to take responsibility for him. You can count on that."
"I don't need you to prove yourself to me, but to him. That's all that is needed." You say frowning. A bitter taste to your mouth as you eye him.
"I understand," he replied softly, his voice laced with a hint of relief. He may have been a bad lover, but you still wanted your son to have the chance to know his biological father. If something were to happen to you, at least he will be able to take over. If only he didn't cut contact with you when you found out you were pregnant.
Nevertheless, the child would be the one to decide whether or not he would consider him a good father. He would have to try his hardest to make your son trust him, as this was an opportunity he did not want to miss out on.
Suddenly, your phone rings. You sits up to answer the call from another room. It was one of your dates that you were seeing currently.
However, from the living room, he could hear your call and the voice of a man.
"Yes alright, you can come pick me up at 7 next week then. See you"
You hang up the call as quickly as possible. You wanted to get over your ex being in your house.
Aventurine felt jealousy flare up inside him as he noticed you had made a date to meet this man next week. He had to resist the urge to confront you about it as you had just said that you had no intention of getting in his way to spend time with his son. Instead, he remained quiet.
"I will talk to my...our son so that you can try to talk to him and approach him." You correct yourself. "Come back tomorrow in the afternoon if you want to."
"Thank you..."
He was relieved to hear your words, as they showed that you were willing to support his efforts to spend time with his son. This was a sign of hope that he had long been hoping for.
He paused for a moment before he spoke again. "Can I ask you one last thing?"
"Are you seeing someone else?" He asks. "I've heard you from here and.."
On normal circumstances, you would have told him it wasn't his business. However..
"Kind of yes"
"Do you love him?
You breathe in deeply
"I don't know."
The answer that you had given him caught him off guard, yet it also made him feel a tiny bit better. You were not completely sure if you loved your "new boyfriend".
At least he could comfort himself with the knowledge that your love for him was uncertain and not completely secure yet. That way, he could believe that there was still a glimmer of hope for him to be able to win you back.
"Just that..." he continued cautiously. "Have you told him about me... and that we were once in a relationship together? Our relationship, what did you tell him?"
"Well he certainly knows that child didn't pop out of nowhere." You say deadpan, you feel like this conversation is starting to annoy you. " I told him we were together, then we broke up, simple."
He could tell that you purposefully left out some valuable information, such as the reason why you had broken up or how your new relationship had begun.
"And, did you tell him that you would have taken me back if I wanted?" the anger in his voice growing. Your words were beginning to hit a nerve within him.
"What?" You say, not believing what he was asking.
"Did you tell him that if we had never broken up, or if I wanted to get back together with you now, you would have left him for me?"
His hands curled into fists as he spoke and his face started to slowly turn red with rage. He was not prepared to hear whatever response you had in mind.
"You have the audacity to think I'd blindly take you back after you ghosted me. "Take you back if you wanted to." Have you heard yourself?"
"Audacity?" he echoed loudly, his anger reaching its peak in just a few seconds. "I've come all the way here to see you. I even broke down your door to be here. Don't you try to act like you're not happy that I'm here."
"Breaking down the door of someone will not make them happy!?"
His voice had become hoarse as he continued. "And, don't try to act like you don't still love me. I know that I am the only one for you, so don't even try to deny that."
"You're delusional"
Your sharp response surprised him. It was obvious that you were trying to hurt him with your words, but he was not willing to take them without protesting.
"I am not delusional. You love me," he said firmly, his anger subsiding slightly as he locked his eyes on your face. "I know that you do. It's me and you who have had a history together. It's our child we have that no one else can ever have. I know you'll come back to me with time."
This time, you were really annoyed. If it is a fight he wants...
"I fucked him."
The sudden vulgarity of your response left him speechless. He had expected you to say something else, but this.
"You... what?"
The jealousy inside him was now replaced by anger as he realised the severity of your words. His eyes widened with rage as he realised that you had sex with the man you were seeing.
"I fucked him, I had sex with him. Do you want me to say it again?"
The rage inside him boiled, and he wanted to lash out at you with every fiber of his being. The images you had conjured up inside his mind were haunting.
"Stop... talking..." he says
"Oh I know you can picture it. I did the same with you. I know you can still remember how I moaned your name when I had you in me, how I kissed your neck and littered it in love bites... Well I did the same things with him"
You ramble, finally letting out. You thought that you would take this coldly, but with the hurt that you've been through, the opportunity to punish the person who hurt you too tempting to pass.
He was now struggling to hold back from losing control. His chest started to tighten up with each image that you conjurred up inside his head, each sentence pushing him one step closer to his breaking point.
The jealousy was growing inside him, mixing with his hatred and anger, the pressure steadily rising to unbearable levels. Your words were tearing him down, slowly breaking him into pieces, making him picture scenes that he did not even want to imagine.
You sit down on his laps, your arms wrapping around his neck, then you whisper.
"What? Cats got your tongue?"
The sudden closeness was an unexpected move on your part. The smell of your perfume filled his nose as he was now held tightly against your warm skin. His anger grew as your body pressed against him, yet it was hard to resist the urge to wrap his arms around you.
"I..." he muttered, looking down at you. "I... don't know."
You take one of your hands to caress his chest slowly, taking your time to feel his clothes under your palm. You place a quick peck on his neck.
"If only you knew how broken you made me after you abandoned me. Imagine a brokenhearted woman pregnant with nowhere to go." You feign innocence."Let me tell you a secret if you would"
The caress of your touch had a calming effect on him. He could feel your hands slowly grazing his shirt, making him shiver. The kiss on his neck made his heart beat at a faster pace, and as you pulled back to speak, he tried to focus his mind back on your words.
"Tell me," he replied softly, trying to block out the images that your words had triggered inside his mind.
"You were my greatest love, I've never loved someone as much as I loved you, even until now." You say with a saddened look on your face. Then you sit up. "Now I'm doing the same things I did with you with another man, replacing you. You could have have his place."
Your confession hit him with force, causing his heart to tighten with the sudden realization that you had considered him as your greatest love.
As you continued to speak, his jaw became stiff as he tried to suppress his jealousy from taking over. The jealousy of knowing that you had moved on and were doing such intimate things with another man.
"... So he's your second choice?"
"Yes" you say "you lost to a second choice"
This time, he could feel the hot blood rushing up to his cheeks with sheer anger as your words hit a nerve within him.
"So, he's... a man who you have settled for. You only chose him because you had no one else to pick, and you're not even sure whether you actually love him."
You place a hand onto his cheek then give him a quick peck on his other cheek.
"Oh my love, you could have had his place, we could have lived together as a family with our little boy. Instead, you disappeared. Now, someone who can't even compare to you will take your place."
The caress of your fingers on his cheek did nothing to reassure him, but it still served as a reminder of what he had thrown away. What he could have had if only he had acted differently.
The words you spoke pierced through his heart as the reminder came flooding back. You would've chosen him over your current partner if he had stayed with you. But he couldn't change the past. What was done was done.
"I'm back now. I'm here."
"Too bad, there's someone here too." You step away from him.
"I'm aware, and if I have to get rid of him, I will. You and me, we're supposed to be together."
Your eyes met his once again, and a dark glare came across his face as he spoke, his voice becoming more serious.
"He's not as good as I am. He can't be. I'm smarter, stronger, and more determined. He can never be your greatest love like I am."
"I know, yet he's here taking your 'rightful' place isn't he?" You turn your back to him.
"Then that's a mistake I will correct soon," he replied. "I'll remove him from your life. I'll make sure of it. Then, you'll be mine again, and we can start our new life together like we should have."
"Oh? Remove him?" You ask him feigning ignorance, as if taunting him that he will not go through his threats
"Yes, remove him. Or, are you not convinced that I am serious? I won't give up on you like you did with me. If I have to, I'll get rid of him just so you can be mine again. And that's not a joke." He threatened and steps closer to you until both of your foreheads touch.
You were glad your son was sleeping so that he stays unaware of the commotion between you both
The heat between the two of you was overpowering, and the smell of your perfume was all over his face with only an inch of space separating you both.
He was well aware that your son was asleep, but the temptation he was feeling was too great to resist. His heart was pounding in his chest, his desire to kiss you growing with every second that went by.
"Do you know how much you have hurt me? I'm doing this as a revenge, I want you to feel the same pain as I did back then. Because I love you, more than anything, so I will make you suffer as much as you hurt me."
You graze your lips over his, but not still touching.
The grazing of your lips brought him to his limit. He couldn't resist.
He kissed you back, his arms reaching around your body, pressing you more tightly against him. He had completely lost his self-control, and as he was kissing you, he wanted nothing more than to have you completely to himself.
The pain that you had felt... he deserved to feel it, and if he had to suffer through it just to have you again, then he would accept it.
As if memories took over your body, your reciprocate the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck.
"I will make you pay for what you did to me, for how much you hurt me." You say between kisses.
It took all the strength he had to keep himself from kissing you. He could feel your breath as his anger slowly faded into longing again. He could picture the image of himself kissing you, and his desires grew stronger with every passing moment.
"I know that I have hurt you," he confessed. "But, I am here now... ready to fix the wrongs I have done. Don't make me suffer like this, just let me kiss you."
You dig your nails into his neck as he continues kissing you.
"I will make you pay for it"
His rage was completely eclipsed by desire and by your touch. He let out a small groan as you entered his mouth with your tongue. Your nails digging into his neck were causing him pain, but it was also making the passion between you and him even fiercer.
Even though you seemed to be getting back at him, he wasn't going to let the moment slide away. He was going to show you how bad he wanted you and how little he cared for the outcome later.
"I... yes, I will pay for it... I will pay for it... I will..."
"Repeat it" you say running your nails on the back of his neck.
"I... I will pay for it," Aventurine repeated. "I will pay for what I did to you... I will do anything to be yours... I'm... I'm yours."
Your heart soars as he refers to himself as yours.
Suddenly, your phone rung. You push him down while sitting on his hips. You separate yourself from his lips, a string of saliva connecting you both. That man.. he was calling you again
In this moment, he felt the pain and the jealousy of seeing you with someone else come rushing through him once again, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
You could see the hurt in his eyes as you put your phone against your ear. After all this time, you thought that you would never be here with him. Yet...
"Sorry, I don't think we should continue each other. I hope you find someone better for you." You say hurriedly, not wanting to hear your date.
As you hang up the call you focus your attention on Aventurine once again.
"You're... ditching him?" he managed to mutter out, not quite believing what he had just heard. His anger and jealousy were still present inside him, but hearing the news made his heart grow weak again.
"You're..." he repeated, unable to get his thoughts clear.
"I'm?" You say teasing him
"You're ditching him" he repeated this time, sounding more sure about what he had just heard from you. He couldn't believe that you had ended things with your date over him.
He had been too caught up in his jealousy that the news still seemed surreal to him. You still loved him, you hadn't moved on. He couldn't have been any happier at that moment.
"Have I not be clear? Don't embarrass me like that." You say blushing
He couldn't help but feel a wave of joy wash over him as he saw the blush spreading across your cheeks.
"Are you... are you still in love with me?" he asked, hoping he would get the answer he wanted to hear.
"Of course you idiot, you're my greatest love after all."
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Note: congrats for reading until the end :P
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kennysboxergf · 11 months
Prank ~ Niko Omilana
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This day started with a prank. An awful, awful prank that caused you and Niko to fight. Now it had been 2 hours of you two being mad at each other but neither of you wanted to come off your high horse to apologise. The pair of you had been pretty tame so far as you had simply avoided seeing the other at Chunkz’s house. After a while of separating friends to not see each other they had all had enough of you two and forced you to go home.
It took you standing in the freezing night under the moonlight on the sidewalk for you to realise you had driven here in only one car. That meant it was a half an hour back home in the same space as him. 
He came up behind you with his coat in his arms. He had noticed the way you had your arms wrapped around your waist to contain the heat and he extended his arms to gently drape his coat over your shoulders.
You shrugged your shoulders to rid yourself of the warmth, admittedly you were freezing but you were still too mad at him to accept the comfort. Luckily, you were not turned around to see Niko pick his coat up off the floor with a sad look on his face as you opened the door and climbed into his car.
It was warmer in the car so it provided a temporary relief. The relief disappeared as Niko climbed into the driver's seat next to you. You stiffened in your seat immediately and fixed you skirt as you put the seatbelt on.
Niko pulled out of the driveway and neither of you spoke. Not a single word. With every passing minute the tension built up in the car but no one said anything. This may have just been the quietest drive you had ever had with the man.
Around 15 minutes in you felt a hand on your thigh. You looked down at it then up at the man it belonged to who refused to take his eyes off the road. You pushed it off and turned away to glare out the window. 2 minutes later the hand was back. You pushed it off rougher this time only to hear him speak for the first time in hours. 
“Baby, please, I know you’re mad at me but I can’t help the fact that you drive me crazy in that skirt” He pleads, looking over at you once before redirecting his gaze to the road.
You consider the options, on the one hand you were really pissed at him for his actions but on the other hand he could redeem himself back if you pulled over right now. 
So that’s what you did, You gave him a short command to pull over and he almost tripped over himself trying to find a place to.
You pulled off the main road into a pretty secluded off road. You deemed it appropriate enough and signalled at your boyfriend to get into the back seat.
He knocked over at least 4 things climbing backwards with his long limbs. You chuckled slightly at his impatience. He settled himself right in the middle of the back seat, legs spread as he reached out for you.
With another lazy smile you climbed into his lap. His arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer. You put two hands on his chest and pulled yourself back. He raised an eyebrow in question and then a wicked idea entered your mind.
You pull your hips off of where his cock was currently sitting and downwards onto one of his knees. He moved his arms to adjust to your weight, still waiting for an unanswered question.
You smirked in his direction, the action making him gulp in anticipation. You leaned off of his body completely and leaned back on the back door with your arms behind your head.
“Apologise.” You said simply. A simple command that was the disguise to one of the hardest things a human being ever did.
He closes his legs and opens his mouth a couple of times. He cycles through a whole cycle of emotions before landing on defiance.
This would be fun.
“I don’t think I did anything apology worthy.” He said, his tone was light, matching yours and he crossed his arms.
“Then I think we’re wasting our time, no? I’m not going to touch you until you apologise and you don’t want to do that” you argued back, adjusting your top to expose more of your breast.
He gasped slightly at the sight before tearing his eyes to your face. 
“Maybe we are.” He challenged. You know whatever fight he had now was in vain however as he slowly uncrossed his arms and his body started tilting towards yours.
You decide to tease him further as you get up from your position. His eyes follow you as you bend over to reach into the front. He fights with himself for approximately five seconds before his hands find your hips and pull you into his lap.
You hear the words “sorry baby” whispered into your ears and.. well let’s just say you didn’t remember what you fought for as he drove you home and you slept in the passenger seat
my inbox is open! send requests or just say anything <3
read part 2 (with smut 🤭) here!
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veeisdunn · 1 year
You and me
part II -- Distractions
Tommy & Finn Shelby x sister!reader
warning: character self harm, suicide attempt
WC: 2.5K
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The front door clicked behind Finn and he sighed. Peace at last. He had gotten out of his obligations at the shop early due to his twin feeling under the weather. At least, that's what you'd told him.
The air in the house was stagnant. He expected you to be rushing to greet him. 
Y/N is sick, you idiot.
He peered upstairs, your door was wide open. You weren't there.
"Y/N?" He called out. Silence followed by a chair scraping across the stone floor. You were in the kitchen with the door shut. 
Finn took his coat and hat off, hanging them up by the entrance way before swinging the kitchen door open without warning.
He was hit with a metallic stench, mixed with the salt of fresh tears. Blood. His eyes darted and fell on his sister. You stood in the corner, wearing one of Arthur's old knitted jumpers, your eyes laced with pure fear.
You tried to open your mouth, but your lips trembled and nothing came out.
"Y/N! What the bloody hell happened?" He demanded, perhaps a little too harshly. He walked over to you in an attempt to drag you out of the corner, his mind racing. Did someone break in? Is she hurt? Did someone hurt her?! His thoughts all ceased when he touched your sleeve and realised it was sticky and soggy. 
"Finn. Leave" Your voice croaked, strained by your previous cries and wails, all of which went unheard.
He looked down to see his hand stained red from the dark stain on your sleeve. The blood, your blood, seeping into the crevasses of his skin. Finn went to raise your sleeve but you recoiled, somehow pushing your body deeper into the corner. He stood over you, trapping you.
Finn's eyes darted around the room. And that's when he saw it. A razor blade on the kitchen table, covered in fresh blood. No doubt stolen from one of their caps.
You let out a small whine once you were certain he knew. Finn stepped back, visibly disturbed. "Show me."
"Finn, please… Leave." you begged, repeating yourself, tears streaming down your sullen cheeks.
He ignored you and forcefully pushed up your sleeve. You winced out in pain as he winced with horror. Your wrist was unrecognisable, it was absolutely destroyed. There was barely any skin left to see due to the blood pouring from the vertical slices.
Finn thought he was used to seeing blood. He had become a fully-fledged peaky blinder after the death of their brother John, however nothing could have prepared him for the blood of his sister spilling out in their own home.
Wordlessly, he grabbed a tea towel and pressed it into your arm. You sobbed and your knees buckled. Finn was speechless.
"I have to call someone, Y/N" He spoke, his tone giving off both anger and sorrow "I don't know what to do."
"No, no don’t. I can deal with it." You sobbed, pleading with him desperately. 
He ignored you and grabbed the phone that was on the wall, putting in the number for the company offices. You tried to grab the phone from him but he turned his body away, keeping his other hand firmly over the towel on your wrist. 
One of the young assistants picked up the phone.
"It's Finn Shelby. Whose in? I need to speak to family." He demanded hastily
"One moment Mr Shelby." a calm voice spoke on the other end "The only family in the office is Mr Thomas Shelby"
You shook your head furiously, silently begging as you choked on your tears. Finn ignored you.
"Put me through"
"Hello? Who's this?" Tommy's voice was gruff and tired
"Tommy, I need help. Y/N's hurt." Finn blurted out, immediately getting his older brother’s attention. 
"Where are you?" He demanded, his voice switching to fully alert. "What the fuck happened?"
"Home. She cut herself Tommy, really really badly." He spluttered. You tried to fight against his grip so you could escape, but he used his body weight to push you into the wall.
A muffled slam came through the other end of the phone and the line went dead. He'd be there in a matter of minutes.
Looking back down at you, he could almost smell the fear. Finn had never dealt with anything like this before. Sure, his siblings had other addictions but this was different. Your gaze refused to meet him, you had rarely seen Finn appear this pissed.
“Just leave. I know you’re angry. I can’t deal with two of you mad with me” You begged, your voice cracking.
“No” Finn quipped, force in his voice. “I’m not angry. I just don’t know what to do.” He was being painfully honest, “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to get out.” You blurted back, unable to recognise his confusion and desperation due to the racing of your thoughts.
“Y/N,” he interrupted, “I’m not leaving you.”
You let out a pained sniffle and he began to crack. Finn tried so hard to put on a tough act but you were making it impossible. He hadn’t cried since John’s funeral. Without warning, he pulled you into his chest, keeping one hand over your arm. He buried his head into your hair in an attempt to hide his sobs. He’d already lost one sibling this year and he couldn't lose another - but the young man was so confused. Why the hell would she do this?
There was a brief moment of silence before the front door swung open forcefully, slamming into the wall with the force of an explosion. your body convulsed as you tried to fight out of Finn’s grip, only making him hold on tighter. 
Tommy ran to the pair and rested his hand on Finn’s shoulder, prompting him to pull away, leaving you to lean against the brick wall, a shaking mess. It was a foreign sight for both men, who were used to seeing their sister’s tough facade. Tommy took Finn’s place in front of you which allowed Finn to lean up against the door and process what the hell had just happened, putting his head in his blood-covered hands.
Tommy’s new perspective highlighted the severity of the situation. There was blood everywhere. Floor, walls, both of the twins, and now himself. You cried out with paralysing fear and pain as your older brother lifted the towel off wrist to inspect the damage. He winced and took a sharp inward breath, before grabbing a fresh towel from the shelf above you and applying more pressure to your injury.
“I’m gonna clean you up, eh? You don’t need to say anything, just sit down” 
“Finn, get me the first aid kit from under the sink and some whisky.” The elder brother ordered, but spoke with a cautiously soft tone, sensing that his youngest brother was on the edge of breaking, tears free falling down his cheeks. He hadn’t been seen crying like this since he was a child.
Tommy turned back to face you. “Love, look at me.”
You obliged, your eyes shaking in their sockets.
You nodded, gratefully, and slid down the wall to the floor. Finn came back over to you both with the supplies his brother requested.
Tommy popped open the bottle. You bit your lip in anticipation of the pain.
“I’m sorry love. It’s gonna sting a little.” He warned. The second the cold liquid hit your skin, your entire body shook. Finn instinctively reached over to grab your other hand. 
Tommy then wiped away the blood, getting a clearer view of what you had done. The cuts were deep and vertically running from your wrist downwards. He had never seen anyone cut themselves in this manner. Was she just trying to hurt herself or was she-? 
He hastily opened one of the drawers above where the Shelby twins were collapsed in a ball to pull out the sewing kit. He knew deep down he should get a doctor, but he also knew that you were in no state to deal with anymore people around you. Tommy had ample experience stitching his friends up in the trenches, or his men after fights - but this was different. He desperately didn’t want to hurt you or make the scarring worse. 
His thoughts were interrupted with your head dropping to look at the floor while you let out gut-wrenching sobs. Finn crawled over, practically on top of you, and pulled you in for another embrace, Tommy still gripping your injured arm. She’s gonna need stitches.
He let out a deep sigh. “Y/N, I’n going to have to sew you up.” You tried to retract your arm but Tommy’s grip was too strong. Finn held onto you tighter. “Let him help you.” He whispered into your ear. You didn’t respond.
Tommy trusted Finn to hold you down. He took a needle and a thin piece of thread out, dipping them both in the bottle of whisky. Only one cut looked like it needed stitches, doing the others would risk tearing your skin. He bent the needle into a half-moon shape, just as he’d been shown many years ago by an army medic.
Without warning, the alcohol soaked needle penetrated your tender skin, knotting the end of your cut together. You let out a cry, though it was muffled partially by Finn’s waistcoat. Fin on the other hand was letting out audible sobs that echoed throughout the room.
Perhaps he could feel it, Tommy thought. Polly always said they could feel each other's pain- gypsy magic.
“Nearly done.” Tommy mumbled, mainly to himself. “Nearly finished.” He reached the end of the cut, near the inside of your elbow, and finished it off with another knot. After cutting the thread he poured the rest of the whisky on top of your arm. Finn cautiously looked down and inspected the neat row of stitches which were doing a successful job of stopping the flow of blood. 
“It’s ok. He’s all finished, yeah? You did so well.” Finn spoke softly into your ear, you just sniffled in response.
“Can you wrap her up, Finn? I need to wash my hands.” Tommy gestured down to his dripping red hands. Finn wordlessly released his embrace and picked up the bandage from the first aid kit. He delicately wrapped the cream fabric around your arm, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Cmon. Living room. We need to talk.” Tommy spoke quietly, walking out of the room.
Finn looked down to you. Was she always this small? He stood up slowly and pulled you up, using the wall to support you. Your silence was scaring him, you hadn’t spoken a word since Tom’s arrival.
In the living room, the older brother chucked wood into the fire (a fleeting attempt at releasing his anger) and lit it with the lighter from his pocket. The quaint orange flame quickly engulfed the bark, exploding into a waltz of embers. Satisfied, he sat on the sofa, resting his elbows on his knees and looking at the open door. In the corner of his eyes, Tommy saw a yellow envelope on the table, confirming his fears. She’d left a suicide note. Wordlessly, he took it and slipped it into his blazer pocket. Finn emerged from the kitchen, his hand on your back, practically pushing you into the room.
“Sit.” Tommy gestured to the sofa opposite them.
He cleared his throat, looking at his two youngest siblings, the innocent ones. 
“Y/N. Before we get into how you’re feeling, I need to ask, is that the first time this has happened?” Tommy asked, using his stoic business voice to hide his sorrow.
Wordlessly, you shook your head.
“When did this start?” Finn asked softly, caressing the bandage on your wrist.
“I - I’m really sorry.” You croaked.
“Y/N. When did this start?” Tommy asked with more force in his voice.
“A few years ago.” You whispered in shame. “But it’s been on and off.”
“Were you trying to kill yourself?” Tommy asked, refusing to skate around the issue. Finn’s eyes widened in horror as he looked over at Tommy. He hadn’t allowed the thought to cross his mind.
Again, you shook your head silently, this time lying. Tommy pulled the note out of his pocket and left it on the table in front of you both. Finn’s face dropped as his breathing began to shake. He thought he was going to be sick. He couldn’t imagine a second without you - his literal other half. “What the fuck?” he half cried, half shouted. “You seriously were going to leave me?” You burst into tears.
“Ay, both of yous.” Tommy spoke up “Finn, don’t shout.”
“You were going to leave me.” Tommy felt seriously out of his depth, watching Finn cry out while you sobbed, shifting away from him.
“Why?” Finn begged, holding onto your shoulders. Tommy sat back and allowed them to talk, after all, he was double their ages and didn’t feel qualified to comfort either of them. “I know you struggle with depression, but we talk-” Finn cut himself off, knowing full well that since John’s death and his official inauguration into the Peaky Blinders, your once frequent talks had ceased. “I’m sorry Y/N, I’m so so sorry.” He wept “this is all my fault.”
“No blame game.” Tommy cut in, “Y/N, what’s going on inside that head of yours, ey?” He dropped his serious-Mr-Shelby voice in favour of his caring brother-Tommy tones.
“I just, I feel so empty and alone. I’m such a deadweight. I can’t do anything except make people sad.” The words freely tumbled from your mouth before you even had a chance to register them. “I can’t go on like this, but I don’t want to hurt you guys more.” 
Finn once again grabbed you and pulled you into a hug.
“Chin up, look at me.” Both of you looked up at their elder brother, Finn squeezing your hand so tight his knuckles were white.
“Did you seriously think this would solve anything? Finn needs you, Arthur needs you, Ada, Polly, me” Tommy spoke, not caring that his words might have seemed harsh. This tactic worked on Arthur in the Garrison, it would hopefully work again.
“This ends today.” Tommy ordered, “No more suffering in silence, you are to come to one of us next time you feel these urges. I’m sure Finn will keep close watch on you and we will be checking your body for cuts daily.”
Finn hummed in response, siffling down his tears. “It’s you and me, remember?” He spoke softly, recalling when you were both just kids during the war.
You both sat on the wall at the bank of the cut, your little legs hanging over the edge. “It’s you and me, Y/N.” Finn spoke out suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence between them.
“Us against the world.” You smiled, gazing off into the distance.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
part II -- distractions
please drop me a comment or message with any feedback or suggestions! I'd love to hear from you ♡
Vee x
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yourlocaltreesimp · 4 months
Whatever you make of me
some word vomit i came up with. Special dedication to @trippygalaxy! Enjoy your SR!Link. Not proofread, im going to bed, this took hours
Tw: Kidnapping, mention of murder
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
You’d always known Link to be kind. From the earliest days of your childhood you’d known him to be the definition of kind. He’d run errands for his grandfather, look after injured animals and even stood up to your childhood bullies on a few occasions. Point of the matter was, Link was a good willed person. Someone you could trust, and have on many occasions, with your life. Someone you would spend time, and currently are, walking to the edges of the world to ensure his safety.
He’s changed on some levels, sure, but he’s proven he’s still Link. He’s grown to be taller than you now, he’s let his hair get longer, he no longer trusts people with the same open heart, but you can tell that ultimately he’s the same person. He never pushed past your boundaries, he still lets you braid his hair, he still regards you with the same crooked smile as always. He’s just Link.
You were worried first upon seeing the Realm, it’s softly glowing gem off putting. There was something new about the scruffy farm boy you grew up with that you couldn’t place. Something aside from the obvious. There was more about him than there always was, something you couldn’t help but feel apprehensive about. You felt as if the era you knew him was coming to a close, as if watching him leave for his adventure was seeing him out of your life. So against better judgement, you followed after him.
It’s been months since then, though it didn’t really feel like it. You learned a lot since as well. Swords didn’t feel unfamiliar in your hands, you learned the basics of healing and even met a few spirits. Learning to fight was the hardest of the three, surprisingly. Between having the spirits of heroes since passed trying their hardest to pretend you’re capable of fighting alongside Link and the man himself making your heart rate double whenever he’s within a two metre range of you, learning how to sword fight was difficult. And yet you learned. You learned how to manage the weight of the sword and your body, you learned when to swing and when to dodge, you learned responsibility and respect for your blade. You learned to fight.
You also had to learn collateral for after the fight. What herbs numb, which others will actually heal. You were reckless on your own when you didn’t know how to use your blade, but Link did and somehow managed twice the bruising. But it allowed a methodical chore that bought you some time alone when it was needed. You’d take your journal of herbs and head off into the treeline, throwing an explanation to Link over your shoulder. And that’d be it. And you’d usually return an hour or so later, flowers and herbs in hand. And usually Wild and you would joke and share stories as you prepped the herbs into elixirs.
But the longer you struggled against the rope blinding you to the pillar, the more you realised that may not be the case. You may not make it back to Link. You may not see your village again.
Link has always known you to be courageous. Despite himself being the literal hero of courage, he often found himself looking toward you. From the earliest days of your childhood, he can recall the never dying fire within you. That determination to fight in whatever you’d set your mind toward, you had a grit to you that he found admirable. Alluring, even.
He’s aware now more so than ever that there are people who’d fight to take your place at his side. People who’d give up every bit of themselves to be with him. But seeing you grow around your own will of betterment made him realise how unique you really were. He really didn’t have anyone as much as he had you. Or, At least, He didn’t want to have anyone else as much as he wanted to have you. You were the one to see past the circumstances that shifted him of kilter, and yet you accepted the whole for what it was. You changed to adapt and yet stayed much the same.
He admits that while the both of you could’ve done anything and spent your time with anyone else, he’s glad he got to live with you. It was privilege, or perhaps payment for the life he was given. In any case, it’s not like he’d ever admit it wholly.
Maybe some small part of his heart could understand it of himself, but it’d never be something he’d speak out into the world. He wouldn’t dare so much as write such vulnerability into existence. It was something for years he’s wrestled down, a hunger he’s learned to manage. He’d never force himself upon your side, he’d come at your every beck and call, but he’d never even dream of being the source of your discomfort. He only wished to bring you the love you brought upon him. Such a feeling he told himself he could not acknowledge. Such a feeling that could drive a man to madness if they were not careful. Such a feeling would to him if he were not careful.
It had been hours since you’d told him you were leaving to forage, and with not much more aside from your scream, you were gone.
He could feel him pushing at himself, pushing for him to find you, to help you. And yet he was effectively helpless. It took him nearly a week to track down the solitary fort you were presumed to be in -of course that was always presuming that they hadn’t moved your location since then and that you were still alive.
His sword felt oddly light in his hands as he trekked through the entry to the fort. His memories from there are hazed, mixed and muddled together until he can’t make much sense of them. Such a thing tends to happen when he taps into too much of the realm’s power. He embraces his soul, it guides him through the movements, cutting down body after body with little genuine regard for the consequences. All he cares about is getting to you, making sure that you were safe as he should have been able to ensure. He failed in keeping you safe once, but you would be again by the end of the night.
Seeing your slumped body tied to the support pillar was a mixed sight. He was endlessly relieved that you were alive, sure. But if there was so much as a single scratch on your skin, he could not guarantee the lives of anyone in the building. It was as if, at that moment, there was no filter to him. There was no better judgement telling him to stop as he cut you free from your bindings. There was no second guessing as he stole the breath from your lips with his own. He drank you in after so long of being starved by your absence. There really wasn’t any replacing you, the sentiment was incorrect down to the principle.
Seeing Link again, there was something different. Not odd or bad, just something about him that you couldn’t place. The blood was the most glaring, you’d have to double check him for injuries when you both were out of here.
Rather, it was his behaviour that struck you as off. He fell to his knees and desperately cut you free of the rope, hardly giving you a moment to process before he kissed you. It was uncoordinated and a little messy, but it was made up for in giddy enthusiasm.
He pulled back, his eyes glowing -no short of the word- as they searched you over. They fixated on your rope burns before he pressed tender kisses there too and lifted you up bridal style, not so much as a murmur passed between the two of you. There was something off about Link, but you suppose nothing really changed.
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wovenintosilk · 1 year
Here to fulfill a need for requests!
Pavitr X male!spiderman! Reader
The reader is new to the spider society and meet pavitr through gwen. The friendship blooms and so do their feelings for one another. At the end they confess and have their first kiss.
Cute right?
Hopefully you get to think but no worries if not! Have a good day!
Thank you so much for the request! I ended up accidentally making the reader more gender neutral but I hope it suits what you were looking for regardless.
No Content Warnings
Word Count: 1300
Though you’d met only a few heroes, none really surprised you anymore. They all carried a similar seriousness regardless of their true personalities and most of them hesitated for at least ten minutes before revealing their identities to you.
Except for Gwen’s friend who no sooner landed on the roof and pulled his mask off. “I’m dying,” he complained. “This heatwave is going to end me.”
Gwen laughed. “These suits are awful for the summer. Pav, this is the friend I wanted you to meet.”
Pavitr glanced over at you as though he hadn’t quite realised you were there before but then he smiled, almost stunning you momentarily with how genuine and warm it was. “Hey,” he greeted. “Another spiderman?”
“Something like that,” you agreed though Gwen had kidnapped you on one of your days off.
“Why are you sitting in the sun though?” Pavitr huffed, wincing up at the sky. “At least move to the shade.”
You took him up on the request. Admittedly, you’d been slowly overheating but not wanting to ask Gwen about it yet. The roof didn’t offer much shade beyond a water tower but at least it allowed you to easily find a spot to balance.
Further benefits of having friends who had powers at least meant the laws of physics restricted you less.
“Nobody’s really concerned about their secret identity in this society,” you noted.
Pavitr appeared mildly confused. He looked down at the mask in his hands and shrugged. “Why bother hiding it? Who do you know in my dimension to tell? And even if you do, what’s the worst that could happen?”
Both Gwen and you winced at the familiar words but Pavitr didn’t even notice. He found a spot to rest and tilted his head back, leaning it against one of the legs of the water tower.
A strange fluttering in your chest triggered. You turned your attention away to avoid staring too much; a hidden weakness for people who were ridiculously attractive.
“What’s the plan?” you asked. “We just going to hang out?”
“I’ll give you the tour when the sun stops trying to kill me,” Pavitr said. “Or when something happens?”
Gwen sighed but the familiar smile on her face gave it less weight. “Something will show up. It always does.”
True to her words, the luck of Spiderman never failed to provide a tragedy to break up an otherwise boring day. Your tour of the city came around while chasing after a petty thief who’d somehow built himself a speed enhancer. Honestly, you weren’t paying much attention to him.
Pavitr kept drawing your eyes as he showed off new things in his city. He stopped you so often Gwen grew tired and went on ahead.
For all that effort though, Pavitr remained distracted while securing the thief and ended up taking a solid hit to the jaw for it. You winced when he took his mask off after, not liking how the dark bruise crept up the side of his cheek.
He groaned. “Bro, my aunt is going to kill me when she sees this.”
You laughed and from that day forward, Pavitr’s dimension turned into one of your favourite places to stop over at when you had time. Partially because it was fun but mostly because of the Spiderman guarding the city.
You couldn’t help staring when he excitedly told you about his adventures, couldn’t stop yourself from lingering longer than you should have when the time came to say goodbye. Something about him caught you and refused to let your attention wander anywhere else.
When he asked, you told him you came for the dogs.
It wasn’t until work and responsibilities kept you away for almost two weeks that you realised how much you’d been visiting.
Without being there, you grew uneasy and restless. A strange loneliness hung in your heart without having Pavitr there and you kept wanting to send a message or visit though you didn’t know how welcome it would be.
You were friends.
But it didn’t help you remember when you finished your work and immediately opened a portal to be met with a tight hug.
“Hey! You’re back!” Pavitr wasn’t in his suit, instead dressed in casual clothing that had no right looking so good on him. “It’s been so boring without you here.”
The sudden tackle caused an aching pain through your leg, a reminder of how your work hadn’t run smoothly. You didn’t say anything though, knowing it might end your interaction early.
“It’s great to be back,” you said. “Everything got so busy suddenly but it’s handled now. Did the city survive without me?”
Pavitr grinned. “Yeah, but I nearly didn’t! I was going crazy without somebody to talk to. It’s going to take me ages to catch you up on everything.”
He wasted no time in launching into a recount of the past weeks; walked you through the streets and eventually through an alley so you could swing onto the roofs with ease.
The sun had begun to set as you reached the top. Its golden rays danced through the sky and lit the city in a stunning light. A warm feeling spread in your heart at the familiar sight – more welcome than even your own home now.
“You alright bro?”
You snapped out of your trance to face Pavitr whose stare stuttered your heart.  
“I was just thinking how much I missed this place.”
He hummed proudly. “I know, I have the best city in the world. That’s why I hate travelling to other dimensions. They’re so boring.”
You sat on the edge, your face turned to the sun. “It makes me want to stay forever.”
“Why not? It would be way better than you having to go all the time.”
It had been a joke in your mind but that response made you freeze for a second. “It would be less travel,” you said though it sounded strained to your own ears.
Pavitr sat next to you, closer than he usually did and still wearing that easy grin on his face. “Exactly! It makes sense, right? You can stay and pretend you’re not in love with me even more.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not in love with you.”
“I don’t believe you.”
He could be teasing you. It felt like a joke in some ways though when you turned to look at him properly, there was a challenge of sorts in his smile. Waiting for your response.
“Awfully arrogant of you,” you said.
He shrugged but leaned closer in, making your breath stop momentarily. “Nope. I just have good eyesight.”
It would take less than a second for you to close the gap. And you really, really wanted to.
He did it for you.
His lips pressed against yours briefly; so quickly you didn’t even realise what had happened at first. The slight flush on his cheeks was your only proof it hadn’t been your imagination.
The silence stretched and then you kissed him back.
He made a soft surprised sound against your lips, one that went straight to your heart. The slow movement brought a lingering taste of chai. The warm press stirred the fluttering of your heart faster still. One of your hands found its way to his jaw, gently cupping it to allow you to lead.
The kiss remained slow. You didn’t need anything more than the heat of his breath as it mingled with your own.
And when you pulled away, you couldn’t hide the stuttering of your breath even if you wanted to. His golden eyes danced as they fell on your lips and he moved back in for one more short peck.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a very long time,” you admitted. “Since the day I met you.”
He laughed and created a little distance, his shoulder remained against yours. “You should have.”
“Pav, I’d just met you. I think you would find it pretty weird.”
“Nah I’m a chilled guy. I wouldn’t complain if an attractive person kissed me.” He thought about it before conceding. “Though it might be different if it wasn’t you.”
“I’m lucky then,” you said.
The sun sank behind the horizon while you watched, your head falling onto Pavitr’s shoulder.
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ken-dom · 17 days
3. Cold hands in warm hands
Lars (... or any of the Goose characters*swoons*) being warmed/warming up the reader after they have to be exposed to the cold.
Melts. My. Cold. Heart
Hand holding 3. cold hands in warm hands
Lars Lindstrom x gn!reader
∘₊✧ We have @heresthestorymorningglory to thank for clearing my head with this one. To quote her — ‘not to sound too much like Lars but…’ — and then she proceeded to resolve all my writers block 💕 sorry it took a while anon!
∘₊✧ Pure fluff! Please don’t take any advice from this about being cold or frostbite!!
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‘It’s better to warm yourself slowly. If you’re too quick you could go into shock,’ Lars said confidently. There was an air of concern that he tried to hide, but it showed in his eyes and it made your heart leap that he would worry about you.
You nodded dutifully, standing before him with hands frozen stiff, unused to the cold here and having spent too long outside without gloves, believing it wouldn’t bother you. Turned out it did bother you, quite a lot more than you’d realised it might.
So thank goodness you ran into Lars at the Lake. You trusted him with ease, never having doubted him a day since you first met.
‘It’s scientifically proven that…’
He trailed off, mumbling the last couple of words as though he regretted speaking at all.
You leant forward, waiting for whatever he was hesitating with, whatever could help you regain the feeling in your fingers and avoid frostbite.
‘Yeah, Lars?’ you prompted.
‘It’s nothing… uhm… here-’
He pulled off his gloves and immediately dropped to his knees, a dull almost silent thud in the snow, the pressure of his weight wetting his trousers on the surface of it without a care. He was entirely focussed on covering your hands with the gloves, forgetting himself along the way.
He was careful not to graze your bare skin with his as he slid them on, but when he stood, he took hold of your gloved hands and placed one on top of the other, sandwiched between his own, and rubbed slowly.
He was strong. You knew this, but now you could feel it, from the firm way he gripped your hands in his and the vigour with which he massages them, gentle and careful, but firm.
And his hands must be huge because yours feel tiny inside the gloves. The thought makes your cheeks burn.
‘It might take a while,’ he muttered, staring down at your hands. You could feel him trembling as he rubbed, now, too. ‘You’ll experience some pain, and some tingling most likely, before they’re warm enough to move your joints comfortably. That’s normal, though. Try not to worry, ok? You’ll be ok, I’ll make sure of it.’
‘Thank you,’ you breathed, voice shaky.
Lars’s head was dipped, but you could see the way his mustache moved and you knew he was smiling. He always liked to be useful.
‘Hey, Lars, what were you gonna say to me before?’
‘Something that’s scientifically proven?’
‘Oh… well,’ he cleared his throat, ‘it’s scientifically proven that… in cases like this, skin to skin contact is technically more effective because it’ll warm you the fastest way while still being safe.’
‘Oh, ok.’
You know he couldn’t do that, that it would only cause him pain or in the very least, distress. He was already doing his very best to help you; you wouldn’t ask him to try.
‘I don’t mind giving it a go, if it’ll help you,’ he looked up at you from under those gorgeously long eyelashes, partly hopeful, partly scared.
‘I couldn’t ask that of you, Lars. Really. This is fine.’
‘It’s fine, but it’s not the most effective method and…’
He stopped rubbing your gloved hands, took a deep, steadying breath, straightened his shoulders, and looked you dead in the eyes as he gently pulled the gloves from your hands and let them fall to the ground.
Visibly trembling now, his hands moved tentatively toward yours.
‘Is this ok?’ he asked, eyes glittering with nervous energy.
‘Yes,’ you said simply. ‘As long as it’s ok for you.’
He nodded, chest heaving, his heavy breath creating a cloud in the frosty air between you.
And then his hands covered yours once again. This felt warmer, all encompassing… intimate. His hands covered yours completely, confining your theory that they must be big. It felt safe.
His breath hitched and you could have sworn a little whine escaped his throat.
Lars’s shoulders dropped and he began to rub with confidence again, warm palms sliding over the backs of yours hands, skin to skin.
‘Does that- f-feel… better?’
‘Yes, it feels good. You sure you’re ok?’
He felt a feint pain, burning somewhere in the background where your skin met his, but it was nothing compared to what he felt when he had touched, or been touched, by anyone else.
This was new. It was kind of nice. He never wanted to break apart.
He nodded, worried he might make an embarrassing sound if he tried to speak now.
‘The science was right,’ you huffed out a laugh, ‘it’s working. I feel so much better now, thank you Lars.’
He stopped rubbing, but he didn’t move away. He was frozen to the spot, hands clamped around yours.
‘Want to hold my hand and walk me home? Better make sure I’m not out here too long without protection against the cold again…’
Lars beamed at you. ‘Yes. Yes! Oh! Hold on…’
He let go and bent to pick up his discarded gloves from the fresh layer of snow.
‘Here — you wear one glove…’ he slipped a glove onto your right hand, ‘and I’ll wear the other,’ he slipped the other glove onto his left hand, ‘and we can hold hands with the other two to keep warm!’
You beamed back at him.
The fingers of his bare hand interlocked with yours so easily it felt like they were made to fit together. ‘It might be warmer if…’
‘Go on,’ you encouraged, squeezing his hand with yours.
He don’t answer but you saw the blush creeping over his cheeks. He guided your connected hands into the pocket of his coat.
‘There. Now let’s get you home.’
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xopinkroses · 2 years
Can I request a reader that works too much and doesn't have time to relax or sleep? Both working as a demon hunter and some other human job?
(You can pick, I couldn't think of anything. Just something tiring)
The Boy's, V, and Nico again plz!!
(Thank you for requesting ^^ Sorry it took a while, I'm just chipping my way through requests-- promise I'm not ignoring anyone haha💖)
DMC boys + V and Nico x Reader that is overworking themself♥
Summary; Reader works way too hard while balancing two jobs. Warning; Cursing, some actions could be considered as unlawful confinement but for a good cause lol, Reader works as a nurse but remains gender neutral!
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Dante had never really thought about how hard a nurse’s job was until you started your second job. You wanted to bring some extra money into the shop, since it was getting kind of hard to pay bills, but it is taking its toll on you. Long hours in a busy environment, mixed with difficult patients and other bitchy nurses, has really been taking it out of you. You skip most meals, either because you’re stressed or just don’t have time, and Dante hasn’t seen you sleep for a while. You arrive home late and then leave early, before he’s awake. 
He’s worried about you. But every time he broaches the subject, you get upset. The extra money you’re bringing in is what’s keeping the lights on! But… it really isn’t, babe. You’re too hard on yourself, you really don’t need to be working so hard. He thinks you're crazy trying to maintain two very different career paths. 
The final straw for him is when you pass out in the middle of the office from exhaustion, that’s when he knows he’s let this go on for far too long. He catches you before you can hit the ground, but you could have been seriously hurt. He tucks you into bed and will not wake you up for anything. If anyone is too noisy in the shop he will flip his lid because “They’re finally asleep, shut up!” He’s whisper shouting as if that makes him any more quiet than if he had just spoken normally. 
You wake up half an hour before your next shift and try to leave the shop but Dante puts himself between you and the door. “No, nope– not happening.”
“Dante, I’m gonna be late,” you groan, your jacket is literally on inside out. 
“Call in sick,” he says, handing you your phone. You hadn’t even noticed he had taken it. 
You refuse and try to force your way past him. What exactly were you hoping to accomplish? Because all that results in, is him picking you up and tossing you onto the couch. Your indignant yells fall on deaf ears as he legit drops his weight on top of you to pin you there. You are not going anywhere until you agree to take the next few days off and relax!
Eventually you realise that trying to push your boyfriend off is pointless and just accept your fate. “Ugh– fine! Just get off me before you crush me.”
“Wow, what are you trying to say, babe?” He feigns offence, rolling off the edge of the couch so he is sitting on the floor beside you. You make the phone call, under Dante’s watchful gaze. Making sure you didn’t try to make your great escape. Now that you’re free for the next few days, Dante plans to smother you in affection. You are going to relax whether you like it or not! Starting with some more sleep, so he takes you by the hand and leads you upstairs where you spend the night cuddled up with your lunatic of a lover. 
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Working as a nurse and part-time demon hunter was no easy task, but for years you held strong and didn’t once buckle under the stress. But lately… you’re spiralling and he can see it clear as day. Throwing yourself into your work to an obsessive extent. It’s difficult to balance two jobs, especially two very emotionally and physically demanding jobs. It’s gotten so bad lately that he rarely even sees you for days at a time, and when he does you’re dead on your feet. 
You haven’t slept in at least 48 hours, Vergil knows that for certain. Twelve hour shifts back to back as well as helping out at Devil May Cry. How you’re even as composed as you are is a wonder in itself. He really wishes you would just take a break every once in a while to recharge. So as much as he respects your work ethic, when you return home from the hospital just to start getting ready to go out with Dante and Lady, he intervenes. 
“Love, you’re working yourself to the bone.”
It’s rare for Vergil to ask anything of you, so when he asks you to please just sit and talk to him– you comply. You’re sitting on the couch together, he’s holding both your hands in his. You feel heavy, all your body wants is to sleep but you won't let it. Forcing yourself to sit up straight, you ask him what it is he wants to talk about. 
“You need to rest,” he states. His tone is enough to tell you that he’s leaving no room for argument, yet you try anyway. He knew you were a stubborn fool the day he met you, but he never failed to be surprised by the lengths of which your stubbornness could reach. He doesn’t take no for an answer, threatening to literally tie you up if you don’t just go to bed and sleep for a few hours. 
“Please, love,” the back of his fingers brushed against your cheek, his touch gentle, like he was handling delicate glass or porcelain. 
The pleading in his voice was what convinced you in the end. Your boyfriend did not plead with anyone. Sighing in defeat, you lean into his touch, your heavy eyelids falling shut for just a moment. Vergil smiles softly, running his other hand along your neck. You snuggle into his shoulder as he carries you to your bedroom, not letting go when he tries to lower you onto the bed. Your fingers cling to his jacket, even in your half asleep state you’re strong for a human. Although he wonders if perhaps instead of you being strong– maybe you just make him weak?
He doesn’t try to fight you, giving in quickly and laying down in the bed with you wrapped securely in his arms. It’s hardly the most comfortable arrangement, but as long as you sleep soundly, he isn’t about to move. 
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Nero wonders when the hell he became your mother. Isn’t nagging you to eat and sleep something parents do? He doesn’t even care, if you won’t look after yourself, he’s going to do it for you. It hurts to see you upset with him but no amount of yelling or guilt tripping will stop him from calling in sick to work on your behalf. He’s done it before and he’ll do it again. But through it all he remains a pillar of strength for you, making you coffee in the morning and forcing you to sit down and eat whenever possible.
What really makes him snap though, is when he comes home to see you crashed out on the couch, clearly having fallen asleep as you were getting ready for work. You wake up to the sound of the door closing, jumping to sit up in fright. When you see that you’re late for work, you spring off the couch and start running around trying to gather your things. Nero is having none of it. He sees how tired you are– it’s not hard to tell. Your lack of care when it comes to your own wellbeing sends him flying into a rage. 
He doesn’t mean to be harsh with you, he really doesn’t, but the ensuing argument turns heated before he can even process the turn of events. 
“You’re not going! Look at yourself, you need to sleep!” He’s standing between you and the door, a shield blocking you from further self destruction. Seeing the stress flowing off you in crashing waves breaks his heart, there’s nothing he wants more than to stop arguing with you… but he can’t just sit by and let you run yourself into the ground.
“Nero, I’m fine!” You insist with a glare, trying to get past him to no avail. You groan out in frustration. “Nero, move.”
“Not happening!” 
The confrontation gets worse before it gets better, ending with you throwing yourself down on the couch with a huff. Nero sighs, kneeling down in front of you. He looks up at you with desperation in his blue eyes. “You’re killing me, angel,” he says, his human hand resting on your knee. “I watch you work yourself into an early grave everyday, and it kills me. I know that you’re mad at me right now, but please understand I’m doing this because I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
You never meant to worry your boyfriend so much, and hearing him bare his heart to you brought tears to your eyes. Your Nero is such a strong man, unmovable and hotheaded and such a goddamn sweetheart. What did you do to deserve a partner like Nero? 
You place your hand over his, “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologise–”
You shake your head. Even when you’ve hurt him he defends you. “No, I do. I’m sorry for worrying you, I’ll take the day off.”
After you call your boss and are granted the day off, you spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch with Nero. His demon hand rests on your back and his human one massages your scalp while you drift in and out of sleep, your face buried into his chest.
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V has never met anyone as dedicated to helping others as you, or anyone as married to their day job. At first he was mesmerised by your passion and work ethic, but quickly he saw the damage it is doing to you. Your exhaustion and the tension that always seems to knot in your shoulders are painfully obvious to him now. And he’s honestly at a loss of what to do. He doesn’t want to tell you what to do, you’re an adult afterall and capable of making your own decisions… but you're digging yourself into a hole that you might end up too exhausted to climb back out of. 
Which is why he decides to trick you into resting. 
He’s not above a little manipulation when necessary, even if he finds it to be a bit underhanded. Technically he’s not making you do anything, your free will still perfectly intact. He’s a good actor too, so you won’t even suspect him. He didn’t make Shadow lay on top of you, merely suggested it. You’ve always had a strange connection with her. All she has to do is curl up with you in bed and you won’t want to move. It’s an easy way to coax you into giving into your exhaustion and taking the day off. 
When you’re in a more alert state of mind, no longer ready to pass out at any minute, he’ll have a serious conversation about you overworking yourself. He can’t trick you into resting forever, so you’ll have to come to some form of agreement. Creating a reasonable work schedule for both your day and night job– one that will leave you with enough time to actually function like a human should. 
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Nico is scared for you. She knows what it’s like to be absorbed in your work, she’s the same in that sense, but you don’t know when to stop. It’s one thing to be passionate about your job and take up some extra shifts or work a little overtime– it’s something entirely different to work 8/12 hour shifts back to back and then also put 100% into your second job as a demon hunter. You need to have a limit, and you met yours a long time ago. You’re just willfully ignoring it.
She won’t sugarcoat it when she confronts you, you need to understand the effect your self neglectful behaviour is having on the people around you. “Darlin’, you’re not a machine!” 
Nico doesn’t have much of a filter, but at the same time– she’s not particularly articulate. So expect her to stumble over her words a little. Give her a break, she cares about you and isn’t used to all this mushy, lovey dovey shit. She’s not going to make you sleep, but she will make you relax. No exceptions! You will sit on that pretty ass of yours and watch reruns of the Simpsons all day.
~ 🖤
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ailendolin · 1 year
💪🏽 for patcap please! We NEED to see Pat being the chap with the arms and easily lifting Cap up
It took a while, but here's your fic! As I mentioned before, I don't really ship PatCap but I did my best to imply it at least, so I hope you'll enjoy this!
Next up:
🐾 Pet-names - Humphrey’s head and Annie
🎁 Presents - Julian
💀 Near-death experience - Milton, Mike & Death
Ask Game is here. Filled prompts are here, here & here on AO3.
Prompts for this ask game are closed.
💪🏽 Bridal carry
When Pat heard the cracking noise, followed by a muffled but emphatic, “Ow,” he knew it couldn’t be good. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder at the Twister mat where the Captain and Thomas were engaged in yet another competition over who was better at Twist-It, as they called it. While everyone else tended to avoid bringing up the game around them, Pat actually found it surprisingly useful as a conflict resolution tool so whenever tensions ran a bit too high between Thomas and the Captain, he would suggest a round or two. Granted, it did not always have the desired effect but it was certainly better than having to listen to the Captain list all of Thomas’s faults in alphabetical order and watching Thomas storm off to the lake for the rest of the day with a look on his face that reminded Pat of a kicked puppy.
The sight that greeted Pat now when he turned around was a new one, though: both the Captain and Thomas had collapsed onto the mat with Thomas stuck under the Captain in what looked to be a very uncomfortable position.
“Move!” Thomas urged, his voice muffled by the Captain’s arm. “For heaven’s sake, move, you big oaf! I can’t breathe!”
“You don’t need to breathe,” the Captain snapped back. Then, more quietly, he added, “And in any case, I can’t.”
There was a beat of silence.
“What do you mean, you can’t?” Thomas asked. Then he shook his head. “Never mind, just move your arm, then. Your elbow is digging into my wound.”
The Captain did. Thomas tried his best to wriggle free but the Captain’s weight kept him pinned to the ground. With pained eyes, he looked up at Pat, silently begging for help, and when the Captain gave him a similarly pleading look, Pat finally shook off his surprise and sprang into action. He grabbed the Captain’s arm and, with one great pull, hauled him off Thomas. Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Patrick.”
Pat smiled and nodded before he turned to the Captain. “What happened there, mate?”
“I … I don’t know,” the Captain said, furrowing his eyebrows. “I was in the process of moving my right foot to green – just like you said – when my legs suddenly refused to cooperate.”
Pat frowned. “Has that ever happened before?”
The way the Captain avoided his eyes told him all he needed to know. “Once or twice, perhaps …”
Trying not to look too worried, Pat offered him a smile. “Well, I think that’s enough Twister for you today.”
He let go of the Captain’s arm, only realising his mistake when the Captain’s eyes widened in alarm. “Wait–“
Before his legs could buckle under him, Pat was back at his side, holding him up. “Easy there, I’ve got you.”
The Captain awkwardly cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment.
“The old knees aren’t quite what they used to be,” he muttered by way of apology.
Not knowing what to do next, Pat glanced over on Thomas. “A little help here?”
“Oh no,” Thomas said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Not before he apologises for what he said.”
“Never,” the Captain scowled.
Pat inwardly groaned. Those two were even worse than the kids at Daley’s last birthday party who started throwing cake at each other halfway through the afternoon.
“Fine,” he huffed out and, not in the mood for another argument, picked up the Captain in his arms before he could so much as splutter a protest. “The hard way it is, then.”
The Captain’s face turned bright red.
“Patrick! What the bally hell do you think you’re doing? Put me down this instant!” he demanded.
“No chance, mate,” Pat said and marched out of the room. “We’re going to find Alison and see if she has any idea what’s wrong with your legs.”
Thomas snickered quietly behind them but Pat ignored both him and the bemused looks the others gave him and the Captain as they walked past. Julian’s catcalls proved to be a little harder to brush off, though, and when the Captain buried his head in his shoulder in obvious mortification, Pat felt his heart miss a beat.
Oh, he thought, stunned, before he readjusted his hold and proceeded to ignore his unruly heart too. He needed to find Alison, after all.
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ora-ori · 1 year
Day 1: Body Swap. (TW! Swearing)
"Ruby! Wake up!" I heard Yang scream. I groaned and opened my eyes. Yang was standing at my bed.
"Finally. Weiss keeps saying that she's you," Yang groaned, I look around the room and see Blake standing by the chair and desk of the Atlas dorm and…myself?!
"Ok, what the fuck?" I say. Yang snapped her eyes from Blake to me with a glare, she grabbed my ear and pinched it. I wince in pain and slap her hand multiple times to get her off of me.
"Language, Ruby," the yellow-haired huntress said. Her hand finally released my ear and I lifted my hand to hold it. I roll my eyes at her.
"I'm not Ruby, you dolt. Now I don't know what type of joke is going on right now, I also don't know how you made Ruby look so much like me, but it's not funny," I scolded, folding my arms over my chest. I see the three look between each other worriedly. Blake's ears perk up at something and she looks back at me. She studies my face for a moment before putting a hand on Yang's shoulder.
"Yang…Did Ruby have blue eyes before?" Blake asks uneasily. Yang shakes her head and looks back at me, my eyes widen in realisation and I look at myself. I have silver eyes.
"Ruby?" I whisper, climbing down from the bed. I go off balance for a moment at an unnatural weight on my back, I grab behind my back and pull a red cape from behind me. Okay, this is getting way too real. I turn and walk to the desk in our room and turn the mirror around and my heart stops. It wasn't me in my reflection, it was Ruby. I was beyond confused and I don't know whether to be angry or questioning this, "Ruby?.." I called unsurely. I looked at her and stepped back from the desk. I– Ruby– throws her hands out into the air.
"Fucking finally! I have been saying this the entire time! I'm Ruby, that's Weiss!" Ruby shouts. Yang sent an uncertain glare at her, clearly conflicted by having her sister in my body as I am in Ruby's.
"Well this is new," Blake mumbled, her hand over her mouth in thought, "Who do we go to about this?"
"We can figure it out ourselves," Ruby said, quickly. We all turned to look at her questioningly, "I just don't think Ironwood would be so keen to help us with this kind of thing. At most he'd just brush it off."
"There's always Penny and Winter," Blake states. Yang and Ruby's eyes light up at Penny's name, they've always loved Penny.
"Alright everyone get dressed!" Ruby says excitedly. Yang and Blake grab their clothes from the drawers between the Atlas bunks and I turn to my bed. I should probably dress in Ruby's outfit, I realised. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Ruby with a nervous look, "Uhm…Could you help me get your outfit on? It looks really complicated…"
I roll my eyes at her, grabbing her clothes and my clothes from the drawers, "It really can't be any more complicated than yours, Ruby."
"I know but…uh…" Ruby just looked at me then looked down at my–her–body and I got what she actually meant. She was embarrassed because it wouldn't be her body she would be dressing, nor would it be mine. It would be Ruby's. I'd have to undress and dress Ruby. I felt my face get warm and I held up a hand to cover about half of my face. I took a few deep breaths to try and calm down or at least stop blushing so much.
"A-Alright, I'll…help you get dressed."
"Really?" Ruby asked, I could see her–well really my– face grow from an unsure smile to a happy and hopeful one and weirdly enough, I felt the urge to smile with her. She pumped her fist in the air and headed to the other bathroom. "Banzai!"
"Banzai!" The three of us responded, Yang with a confident shout, Blake with a calmer one, and I just said it aloud with a chuckle at our leader.
This is going to be one eventful day…
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Experimentation (part 1)
Okay! So. First fanfic I’ve written in forever, please be gentle with me. I’ve written probably far too much because I don’t know when to stop 🥴 part 2 will be posted tonight where it gets…really smutty (I’m only using the photo because he’s hot there lmao)
Christian Cage and Fem!reader get back to their hotel room after a show and discuss her fantasies
Smut (more detail below on what that entails!), some cute moments (Is it still called fluff?)
Word count: 2044
Link to masterlist
Happy reading 🩷
Smut involves: mention of ass eating, cross dressing, masterbation
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Finally, after a long stretch of weeks Christian had some time off. Two weeks to be exact. After a couple hours of socialising with his co-workers you both stumbled into your hotel room ready to hit the sheets and rest up.
“You know, I do love that I can do this again,” he started, dropping his bag onto the floor with a dull thud, “but I always forget how exhausting it is.” You gave him a sympathetic smile and offered your arms for him to enter into a cuddle.
“But it is worth it, right? To be able to go out there and perform in front of your fans again?” you questioned while he settled in your embrace.
“Of course it is, I wouldn’t trade this job for the world! But…”
He shook his head with a sigh and pressed his face into your neck. You knew how much he loved his job, helping the younger guys with their journey in the industry. Irregardless, you could see how taxing it was on his body. You did everything you could to help after matches: massages, foot rubs, you even helped him in the shower just so he didn’t have to worry about reaching around and twisting his body even more than he already did that night! But it still wasn’t enough to fully lift the pressure and the physical toll it took on his body. It always seemed there was a weight on his shoulders that wouldn’t budge.
“Listen, I’m going to take a shower while I’m still kind of awake, and then we can watch some TV before bed?” he pulled away from the embrace with a gentle kiss on your shoulder.
“Sure. I’ll put the heating on so it’s nice and warm here for when you finish in there!” you gave him a squeeze of the shoulder as he flashed a sweet yet tired looking smile and a nod before making his way to the bathroom.
He had been in there for about 5 minutes before you found yourself becoming a little bit restless. Lying on the bed you realised it had been at least around 3 weeks since you had had sex with each other. As soon as that realisation hit you, it was like someone had hit a switch. Images of him that night in the ring flashed in your mind. Seeing him in his ring gear always turned you on; something about seeing him in a tight turtleneck with no sleeves really got you going. Sure, you loved seeing his bare chest and the hair on his pecs but there was just something with seeing him clothed when he got tossed around the ring. It always sucked to see him pinned but you couldn’t help but get excited about seeing him lying there in a pathetic heap. Even more so when he was covered in sweat and/or blood. Maybe it was the idea of knowing there was something beautiful underneath the sweaty clothes that only you could see? Or maybe it was the fantasy of seeing him clothed during sex?
You both had experimented with each other since you had gotten together but there was something you had been wanting to try. And even as you thought about it at that moment, your hand found its way to your underwear waistband.
One of your experiments involved having sex while you wore clothes, more specifically a mini skirt and bralette top. He, of course, was nude but you had to wear that with no underwear or bra. It was exhilarating. Seeing your boyfriend dressed appropriately for the event, with nothing on, and yourself with the complete opposite. You both loved that he could slide his hand up your warm thighs, under your skirt and not have to bypass any underwear. Instead he could reach what he wanted immediately. The same applied to your shirt. There was nothing stopping him from caressing, squeezing, feeling your bare breasts under his hand.
But it wasn’t that situation that excited you right now. It was the fantasy, the idea that the roles were switched. That he was the one wearing the mini skirt and bralette, with nothing underneath. That he was the one submitting to your touch. You gasped, rather loudly as your fingers found their way under the cloth and to your clit. While you rubbed and pinched, your mind raced away. You imagined him laying with that pathetic and desperate look on his face while you ran your hands up his fluffy legs. Lifting them up and throwing them over your shoulders as you kissed around the area he needed you most. Hearing him call out your name quietly as your hands reached his ass, squeezing the cheeks, and spreading them slightly. Far away in your mind you could hear a very faint noise from the bathroom, like the shower being switched off. But you were too deep in your fantasy to stop touching yourself to the thought of him to care about being caught.
You imagined licking the precum off the tip of his dick while your fingers slowly drifted closer to his hole, just threatening to push their way into him. But what really excited you was the idea of moving your naughty lips down there. It was something he had admitted he wanted to try but when he told you that before, you weren’t sure about going that far just yet so he dropped the subject and it hadn’t come up since. Now? You were desperate for the idea of eating his ass until his orgasm. Maybe taking it one step further by involving toys at some point. You just needed to see him submit. To hear him whine and moan while you pleasured him in every way-
“What are you doing there?”
His voice shocked you out of your trance and froze your fingers in place. He stood at the foot of the bed, towel wrapped low on his waist, arms crossed, and an amused look on his face. You felt like a deer in the headlights as you looked up at the smirk on his face. You couldn’t even remove your hand from between your legs. It’s like you were paralysed at the knowledge you had been caught touching yourself without him there to witness it from start to finish.
“Well? Care to explain why I leave my shower to find my lovely girlfriend pleasuring herself without me?” he questioned, stepping to your side of the bed on the left. With a stammer, you tried your best to explain yourself.
“Y-You were in the shower, and I..and I jus-t couldn’t he-help it. It’s been so long since we’ve had s-sex and I couldn’t help but imagine you…”
“Imagine me…what? Touching you?” he purred. His hand reached down to your stomach, slowly sliding it down to where your hand still sat from before.
“Surprisingly no. Um…I wasn’t imagining that.”
He stopped. He raised an eyebrow at you and you could tell that his mind had gone to one of his worst fears: you were thinking of someone else. It was another thing he had admitted to you when you first got together. That he was insecure about a few things, and that not looking good enough or being good enough in bed was one of those things. He had a terrible fear that the only way someone could enjoy sex with him was if they thought of someone else. Noticing his thought process, you quickly reassured him. And divulged your fantasy.
“I... I have this thing I want to try with you.” You shut your eyes, almost in fear as you began to explain what you wanted. But what were you afraid of? He was very open minded and willing to try new things, especially in the bedroom. If it would turn you on he would perform to the best of his ability if it meant seeing you cum for him. And cum hard. But maybe it was the fear of him telling you it was too far and he was not willing to try it. Nor would he let anything convince him otherwise. He hummed a noise at you to signal you to carry on talking, and as you pressed on he sat himself down on the edge of the bed next to you. He could tell you were nervous about asking him so he wanted to ensure that the situation was as comfortable as it could be. He would hate for you to feel uncomfortable in telling him any and all fantasies.
“So you know how we experimented with me wearing clothes during sex? And you were naked?” He hummed again in acknowledgement. “Well…what if we reversed the roles?” He stayed silent, waiting for you to explain what you meant.
“I want to try having sex with you in clothes and me naked-”
“Babe, please tell me you weren’t nervous about asking me to try that with you!” he chuckled, oblivious to what you were about to tell him, “of course we can do that! If you want me to keep my clothes on and you go naked you can just ask-”
“No, not just that. In the same or similar clothes to what I wore that night. I want to have sex with you wearing a mini skirt and bralette, not me. Or maybe…lingerie?”
Christian had stopped chuckling. It obviously was a lot to take in at that moment. To be told by your partner that they wanted to see you in their clothes during an intimate experience. Especially considering you were the opposite sex.
“Okay? So…you want to have sex with me wearing your clothes? Just your clothes, no makeup or anything like that?” You opened your eyes to look up at him, expecting a look of confusion and disgust at the idea. But to your surprise, he had a very soft and calm expression. Maybe even some curiosity to the idea. You bit your lip and nodded nervously as you waited for him to respond.
He sat there processing what you had told him. There was no denying he was definitely interested in the idea, he would always try something once. But it was like there was more excitement than he expected as he imagined the situation. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to find the right words. But perhaps if you looked down at the towel, you would get his verdict. There was a very noticeable bulge under the towel as his cock became harder by the second. Imagining having sex with you in your clothes was more enticing than he thought and he wondered why you guys hadn’t tried it yet.
“Do we have them with us, and are they clean?” he asked, his voice a little higher than before. Your breath hitched as he looked down to you. He was into it. He wanted to help you fulfil your fantasy!
“Oh, um…I-I think so but I’m not sure if we cleaned them after we last used them. The top might be okay but the skirt…maybe not?”
He bit his lip, feeling a little disappointed. He was definitely interested in doing it with the bralette and skirt…but lingerie? He wasn’t sure. If it was what you definitely wanted then he’d put those feelings aside to please you.
“We don’t have to do that tonight if you don’t want to!” you reassured him, “I know you won’t want to wear dirty clothes, and lingerie might be too far for the first time.” Christian always did everything he could to make you happy when it came to sex and foreplay, but you didn’t want him to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable. Yes, you really wanted to see him wearing that. But you weren’t going to push him. You could see on his face he really wasn’t sure on going that far too fast.
“Maybe we can try something else? Would you feel comfortable if I…if I were to, um…”
Once again, you found yourself becoming nervous about asking him to try something you guys had yet to even discuss. He raised his eyebrows at you and smiled, “sure baby, what’s that?”
“I want…I want to try…giving you a rimjob.”
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skymaiden32 · 1 year
Here is my entry for @uniwolfcorn ‘s Whump Couch, ft. her boy Alan! ^^ (Sorry if this is a little late)
Artwork (base by Uni, Alan by me):
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AO3 link here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
When Alan is injured on a rescue and keeps it secret from his brothers, he learns very quickly that hiding these sorts of things has consequences.
Continuity: TOS
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn (Please ask if you would like to be updated when I update or write new stories)
It had started in his left arm, a tingly sensation that was his only warning something was wrong before the limb went entirely numb. He barely remembered the fall that caused it. All he remembered was practically his entire weight falling on top of it. He’d brushed off his brothers’ worried questions, but now he wanted to call it quits. Get Scott to call Virgil over and patch him up. Hell, he knew he should’ve done just that. But they’d only been in the Danger Zone for two hours. And given how extensive the flooded area was, with so many people who needed their help, Alan knew they would be there for a full day at the least. They couldn’t afford to have a man down right now.
So Alan had stayed, avoiding the problem with typical Tracy stubbornness, and pushed through. The more he did, the worse the pain became, spreading across his entire being until he couldn’t take it any longer. By the end, he felt like his entire body was on fire. He let out a small sigh of relief when it was finally time to go home. He noticed Scott’s concerned glare in his direction as they packed up the equipment, Gordon and Virgil giving him similar looks, and he tried to push down the wave of guilt.
Now, he watched Virgil start pre-flight checks, flicking on controls tiredly, but with enough experience and training behind him that no-one was afraid of him falling asleep at the wheel. The engines roared into life, and the great green ship took to the sky, not far behind her silver sister. Gordon took notice of the exact moment his little brother blacked out from the pain, and sighed, catching Virgil’s attention.
“Welp.” The aquanaut began, popping the p. “I don’t know how he did it, but he managed to hide it for almost the whole time. I didn’t even realise something was wrong till we were packing up.”
Virgil huffed, switching Thunderbird Two to auto-pilot and moving from his pilot’s chair to where his youngest brother lay motionless in one swift motion. “He had me fooled too.” He was ashamed to admit it. Virgil was the medic, he was supposed to notice. Now, he grimaced when he saw the state of Alan’s arm. His brother was lucky this wasn’t worse. “And we both know Scott would’ve gone into full panic Smotherhen mode if he’d noticed anything wrong.” Virgil moved to the back of the cabin, grabbing what he needed from the first-aid cabinet.
“He’s probably blaming himself for it all right now.” Gordon mused worriedly.
“And we’re gonna snap him out of it once we’re done with Mr. Secrets here.” Virgil gestured to Alan’s prone form, rolling his eyes fondly. The frown was ever present on his face. “For now, though, hold him in place while I set his arm.”
The aquanaut nodded, determined. “Aye, aye, Doc.” When they had finally finished, Gordon lay Alan’s head gently in his lap, combing his fingers through wet and sticky blond hair. “Yeesh, Al…” Gordon muttered. “You really need a shower.”
By the time Alan finally woke up, it was to the sick-bay on Tracy Island, Scott and his father watching over him with looks that were the perfect blend between angry and worried. Virgil was standing just inside the room, leaning against the doorway in the case he needed to intervene. He was dead. He was so dead…
“And just what exactly were you thinking, young man?” Jeff asked maybe a little too harshly, raising an eyebrow.
Scott rolled his eyes, giving the patriarch a look. “Dad, please. He just woke up…” 
Jeff sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re right.” He looked back to his youngest, adjusting his tone to something a hint gentler. “You alright to talk, son?” Alan nodded, not trusting his voice just yet. “Oh, good…”
“Gordon left a few hours to pick up Tin-Tin from her doctor’s appointment. They’ll be back soon. That being said, why did you think hiding an injury like that would be a good idea?” Scott echoed their father’s earlier question. 
“We were worried about you, Al.” Virgil piped up from the other side of the room. Jeff and Scott nodded in agreement. “You were incredibly lucky it wasn’t a compound fracture.” He admitted.
This statement made everyone else in the room freeze. “It-” Scott’s voice was uncharacteristically small. “It was that bad?” 
Virgil nodded solemnly. “Gordon can back up that claim…” The family medic whispered.
“He doesn’t need to.” Jeff spoke up, immediately picking up on the idea that Virgil might be doubting himself. “We have full faith in your medical expertise, son.” Virgil didn’t look entirely convinced, but nodded.
“I’m sorry…” Alan’s voice came out so shaky from the pain as he moved that he hardly recognised it, but he was determined to get the words out. “I knew I should’ve come to you guys sooner.” His voice regulated the more he talked. “But we had so much ground to cover and only four of us. I couldn’t just let you all work your butts off while I was stuck in Two’s med-bay doing nothing!”
The three older Tracy’s exchanged a look, before Scott huffed, not unkindly. “Alan, let me worry about stuff like that. You know the authorities were there to assist. I would’ve rather been a man down than have you still working with that arm.”
Scott cut off his objection. “If you really would’ve been that bored in Two, I would’ve given you something to do.” He smiled tiredly at his brother, ruffling his hair. “Probably would’ve let you take Mobile Control…” He shrugged, smirking as he broke his gaze with Alan briefly.
“Aww man…” Alan lamented. He’d wanted a chance to man Mobile Control again for months. 
Virgil chuckled. “That’s what you get for ignoring protocol and not telling us you’d broken. Your. Arm!” The annoyed gaze was back.
Jeff cleared his throat, drawing his boys’ attention back to him. “All that aside, what you did today was very dangerous, Alan. What if you needed to operate the heavy machinery? What if, heaven forbid, our enemies had picked up on your injury and taken advantage? You should’ve told the others straight away.”
“I know, Father. I’m sorry…”
“I know you are, son. I’ll let you rest for now, but we will be talking about this more later, okay?” 
“Okay.” And with that, their father was gone, likely to let the rest of the family know he was awake. “Thank God John’s only just started his month on Five…” Alan groaned. “And Tin is probably out of her mind I really messed this one up, didn’t I?”
Neither of his brothers present said a word. Instead, all they heard were the sounds of heavy footsteps before the door flew open once more, and Alan was face to face with his partner in crime, the love of his life right on his heels. “Are you okay, Alan?!” Gordon practically yelled, earning him a stern glance from Scott.
Alan chuckled, clinging onto the hand Tin-Tin offered. The look in her eyes told him she’d be giving him her own lecture later. “I will be, Gords.” He let his eyes slip closed, safe in the knowledge that he had the most amazing family watching over him. He’d never keep them in the dark again. “I will be…”
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b4tasquad · 11 months
This day started with a prank. An awful, awful prank that caused you and Niko to fight. Now it had been 2 hours of you two being mad at each other but neither of you wanted to come off your high horse to apologise. The pair of you had been pretty tame so far as you had simply avoided seeing the other at Chunkz’s house. After a while of separating friends to not see each other they had all had enough of you two and forced you to go home.
It took you standing in the freezing night under the moonlight on the sidewalk for you to realise you had driven here in only one car. That meant it was a half an hour back home in the same space as him. 
He came up behind you with his coat in his arms. He had noticed the way you had your arms wrapped around your waist to contain the heat and he extended his arms to gently drape his coat over your shoulders.
You shrugged your shoulders to rid yourself of the warmth, admittedly you were freezing but you were still too mad at him to accept the comfort. Luckily, you were not turned around to see Niko pick his coat up off the floor with a sad look on his face as you opened the door and climbed into his car.
It was warmer in the car so it provided a temporary relief. The relief disappeared as Niko climbed into the driver's seat next to you. You stiffened in your seat immediately and fixed you skirt as you put the seatbelt on.
Niko pulled out of the driveway and neither of you spoke. Not a single word. With every passing minute the tension built up in the car but no one said anything. This may have just been the quietest drive you had ever had with the man.
Around 15 minutes in you felt a hand on your thigh. You looked down at it then up at the man it belonged to who refused to take his eyes off the road. You pushed it off and turned away to glare out the window. 2 minutes later the hand was back. You pushed it off rougher this time only to hear him speak for the first time in hours. 
“Baby, please, I know you’re mad at me but I can’t help the fact that you drive me crazy in that skirt” He pleads, looking over at you once before redirecting his gaze to the road.
You consider the options, on the one hand you were really pissed at him for his actions but on the other hand he could redeem himself back if you pulled over right now. 
So that’s what you did, You gave him a short command to pull over and he almost tripped over himself trying to find a place to.
You pulled off the main road into a pretty secluded off road. You deemed it appropriate enough and signalled at your boyfriend to get into the back seat.
He knocked over at least 4 things climbing backwards with his long limbs. You chuckled slightly at his impatience. He settled himself right in the middle of the back seat, legs spread as he reached out for you.
With another lazy smile you climbed into his lap. His arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer. You put two hands on his chest and pulled yourself back. He raised an eyebrow in question and then a wicked idea entered your mind.
You pull your hips off of where his cock was currently sitting and downwards onto one of his knees. He moved his arms to adjust to your weight, still waiting for an unanswered question.
You smirked in his direction, the action making him gulp in anticipation. You leaned off of his body completely and leaned back on the back door with your arms behind your head.
“Apologise.” You said simply. A simple command that was the disguise to one of the hardest things a human being ever did.
He closes his legs and opens his mouth a couple of times. He cycles through a whole cycle of emotions before landing on defiance.
This would be fun.
“I don’t think I did anything apology worthy.” He said, his tone was light, matching yours and he crossed his arms.
“Then I think we’re wasting our time, no? I’m not going to touch you until you apologise and you don’t want to do that” you argued back, adjusting your top to expose more of your breast.
He gasped slightly at the sight before tearing his eyes to your face. 
“Maybe we are.” He challenged. You know whatever fight he had now was in vain however as he slowly uncrossed his arms and his body started tilting towards yours.
You decide to tease him further as you get up from your position. His eyes follow you as you bend over to reach into the front. He fights with himself for approximately five seconds before his hands find your hips and pull you into his lap.
You hear the words “sorry baby” whispered into your ears and.. well let’s just say you didn’t remember what you fought for as he drove you home and you slept in the passenger seat.
i didn’t write the smut cus it’s so damn long already but this is for the the wonderful blog creator who’s a Niko girly <3
i could write the smut separately 🤔🤔
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dudemanauthor · 1 year
Mother's Milk for Daughter's Friend
Author's Note: Not gonna lie, this isn't a ship I really think about much, but I can see the appeal.
It was a quiet morning in the Belladonna household. Kali Belladonna had the bed to herself for the night, but for some reason she was waking up with an awfully stiff back. Kali figured that getting out of bed and getting a move on would help her feel better. As Kali climbed out of bed and tried to stand up, she found herself stumbling immediately, as if something was dragging her down. On the bright side, almost falling on her face did a wonderful job of waking Kali up, even if it was a ruder awakening than she had hoped for. Now that Kali was properly awake, she could easily see what the problem was. As she looked down, she saw that her chest had grown by a lot overnight, enough to stretch the black tank top she slept in to uselessness beyond repair. Kali’s eyes widened at the shocking sight. She had to find a mirror and make sure her eyes weren’t lying to her. Slowly, carefully, unsteadily, she made her way out of the bedroom, down the hallway and into the bathroom, clumsily flicking the light on as she entered. She took her ruined tank top off and threw it aside before looking in the mirror. What she saw was almost unbelievable. Her breasts had gone through about half the alphabet in cup sizes before stopping at this massive size. Her breasts were squeezed incredibly tightly by the black strapless bra Kali was wearing, spilling around the outside of the strained cups wherever possible. Kali reached up to gently cup her confined breasts, as if feeling them would make it clear that this was really real. As her hands glanced her chest, Kali let out a sharp gasp as a sudden jolt of pleasure shot through her body. She gave her breasts a gentle squeeze and got another gasp and a stronger jolt of pleasure. Her hands seemed to keep going on their own, searching for more pleasure. One hand shoved her bra up, freeing her enlarged breasts. No longer confined to her tight bra, Kali had to guess that these breasts were each maybe the size of her head, if not a little bit bigger. Her hands went back to grabbing and squeezing her aching breasts, the pleasure drowning out the ache in her poor sore back. Her hands kept going, kneading every inch of Kali’s engorged breasts, and even tugging on her dark and puffy areolas. She would have kept going if she had not heard a voice from the hallway that her cat ears turned to catch.
“Hey, I’m back from my run!” the voice called out, a voice Kali recognized as her daughter’s friend, Yang. Hearing the voice snapped Kali out of her pleasured daze, helping her realise, in all of that, her hands ended up some sort of liquid on them that she quickly dried off with a nearby towel and that her breasts were out and that she should probably try to make herself decent, or at least more decent than before. Kali managed to squeeze her breasts back into her bra just in time for Yang to come barrelling into the bathroom.
“Oh, jeez, I’m so sorry Mrs. Belladonna,” Yang said quickly, turning to look at literally anything but Kali. Kali gingerly covered her chest with her arms, careful not to put too much distracting pressure on it.
“It’s okay, Yang, and I already told you, you can call me Kali,” Kali attempted to reassure Yang. At the very least, it was enough for Yang to actually look at Kali and see what happened to her.
“Woah, what on Remnant happened to you?” Yang asked, taken aback by what she was seeing.
“I’m not sure. I… I just woke up like this, and it’s giving me the worst back ache,” Kali replied quietly, her cat ears flattening sadly against her head.
“Yeesh, I know all about that. I mean, I might not be as stacked as you are right now, but I’m still pretty busty and I know what that extra weight can do to your back. It must be hell to have it all happen at once,” Yang empathised, before an idea came to her head. “Hey, want me to give you a massage? It’ll work wonders on that sore back of yours,” Yang offered. Kali silently mulled it over for a moment. She could really do with that massage, but she did also want some privacy so she could go back to massaging her huge breasts and feeling the incredible waves of pleasure come from them. As much as Kali did want a touch of privacy, a twinge of pain made the decision very easy.
“That would be lovely, thank you,” Kali hesitantly answered.
“Sweet! Just turn around and I’ll get to work,” Yang said. Kali followed Yang’s directions, facing the mirror and getting a very clear view of herself and Yang. As Yang’s fingers began to gently knead Kali’s tense shoulders and back, Kali was surprised at just how soft Yang’s hands were.
“Oh, wow. How do you keep your hands so soft?” Kali asked, the relief she was starting to feel seeping into her voice.
“Moisturiser, and lots of it,” Yang explained as she kept massaging. There was a moment of quiet, until Yang spoke up again. “Man, I can’t lie, you’ve got an impressive bust. I wouldn’t mind having a bust like that,” Yang said, a hint of jealousy sneaking into her voice.
“Oh. Um, thank you, I think,” Kali said quietly, her cheeks going slightly red. As the massage went on, Kali could not help but find herself enjoying it. This was actually relieving her back pain, as opposed to what she was doing with her breasts and how that just covered it up without actually dealing with the cause of the pain. She also had to admit that Yang was not exactly bad to look at, especially with the snug black shorts and orange sports bra hugging Yang’s curves and showing off her bare, strong arms. She found herself practically melting into Yang’s hardworking hands and she could not help but let the occasional moan or gasp slip out, no matter how hard she tried. This got Yang’s heart racing. She always thought Kali was attractive, but she never expected any of this, not Kali getting curves to die for, not getting to be so intimate with her, but Yang was miles from complaining about any of this. Still, Yang could barely tear her wide-eyed gaze away from Kali’s mammoth mammaries, nor could she get her mind to stop thinking the most perverse thoughts about Kali and what Yang wanted to do with her. Oh gods, how she wanted to feel the soft skin of Kali’s breasts in her hands, but the last thing she wanted to do was make Kali angry or overstep her boundaries. Yang tried to distract herself and focus on the massage, attempting to literally shake those thoughts out of her head.
“Uh, hey, Mrs. Bell…  I mean, Kali, do you guys have any massage oil? Might help with the massage,” Yang said, her voice shaky, despite her attempt to keep her cool. Kali let out a little moan before she answered.
“Y-yes, let me get it for you,” Kali said as she slid the mirror to the side, revealing a hidden cabinet. She pulled out a little glass bottle of massage oil and carefully handed it over her still slightly stiff shoulder to Yang. Yang put a couple of drops on her hands and diligently rubbed it in, giving the skin on her hands an oily sheen. As she put the bottle down and got ready to go back to her massage, the dirty thoughts were back in Yang’s head. She gave it a moment’s thought and decided to at least give it a try, edge just past where Yang thought the boundary was and see what Kali did or said. Hoping for the best, Yang carefully slipped her hands into the sides of Kali’s strained bra. She cautiously squished her fingers into Kali’s soft flesh and watched her massive chest wobble from Yang’s touch. Kali was not able to hold back her gasps and moans, reacting to Yang’s sudden pleasurable touch Kali’s head rolled back and her back arched, unintentionally pushing her huge chest into the Yang's hands, making Yang’s fingers sink in even further.
“More…” Kali moaned in a voice that lit a fire in Yang’s core. Yang leant in towards Kali’s ear.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give you plenty,” Yang growled quietly as she slipped her hands out of Kali’s bra. Yang felt the urge, the need, to be bolder with Kali. She reached for the clasp of Kali’s bra and undid it, focusing on doing it quickly rather than carefully, before tossing it aside. Kali let out a sigh of relief as the uncomfortable bra was finally done away with, before letting of a gasp as Yang’s hands went back to Kali’s swollen breasts. Yang’s hands ran down Kali’s breasts, before stopping at Kali’s puffy dark buds. Yang ran her fingers over Kali’s swollen peaks, surprised at just how prominent they were, and how she could barely see Kali’s nipples hidden in amongst her swelled-up areola. As Yang’s enthusiastic hands tweaked and played with Kali’s engorged breasts, and as Kali let her gasps and moans flow freely, Kali ground her womanly hips and plump rear into Yang’s crotch, which only made Yang more excited and made her hands work faster. It also left Yang surprised at how bottom-heavy Kali was, something that Kali’s regular loose outfits and the loose pyjama pants she was wearing right now did not show off. In all of the stimulation and excitement, Yang barely noticed something on her hands. Yang took a look at one of the hands and saw a few droplets of milk on her fingers. Yang’s eyes widened in surprise. She definitely didn’t expect that Kali’s breasts’ sudden growth was from them filling up, or that Kali was lactating, and she was not entirely sure how to feel about this. Yang leant over Kali’s shoulder, trying to get a better view of Kali’s lactating breasts as she traced her fingers around Kali’s areolas. Yang bit her lip to keep herself quiet, and as she ogled Kali’s enlarged breast, she barely noticed Kali shifting around. Kali wanted more than this idle teasing, she needed more. She turned and, catching Yang off guard, gave Yang a light peck on the lips. Yang froze, her face going red as her brain processed what just happened. Kali leaned back up and gave Yang another kiss, a firmer one this time. After the second one, Yang was able and very much wanted to return the favour, leaning in and carefully kissing Kali on the lips. Before Yang could pull back, Kali put an arm around Yang, holding her close as the pair traded kisses.
“Take me to the bedroom and give me more,” Kali quietly murmured in between the flurry of little kisses. Yang scooped Kali up, an arm supporting Kali’s ample rear while her other caressed Kali and while Kali’s were comfortably around Yang. The pair kept exchanging kisses as Yang walked them into the bedroom, their kisses becoming longer and deeper, Yang sucking on Kali’s defined lower lip, Kali slipping her tongue into Yang’s mouth so the two could dance together. Yang was much less hesitant now that she knew that Kali wanted this as much as she did, if not more. The hand Yang had around Kali’s back came around to explore Kali’s enhanced assets, pushing and spreading her fingers over Kali's inverted nipples, just barely exposing the milky buds. As she revealed Kali’s nipples milk began spraying from her rich mounds more than before. Kali moaned and gasped into the kiss as she lactated, and even rolling her wide hips, grinding up against Yang’s bare abs. Knowing that she was doing something right, Yang put Kali down and took both of her nipples between her fingers, gently playing with them, squeezing and tugging. “Please... harder,” Kali moaned in a brief break in their kisses. Yang took both of Kali’s nipples and pulled on them even harder than before, stretching them out slightly and causing a steady stream of milk to start leaking from Kali’s tits. “Ugh, harder!” Kali growled, her neediness forcing its way out. Yang picked up the message loud and clear as she then roughly seized both of Kali’s soft nipples and pulled on them enough for Kali’s massive breasts to stretch out. Yang then pushed down on them, squashing Kali’s soft flesh while spreading Kali’s inverted nipples, and repeating. Kali moans loudly as Yang repeated these motions, squashing and stretching her massive mammaries, milking the flustered Faunus woman, Kali’s chest rising and falling quickly as her heart began to race. The pair broke for air, both panting and sweaty, before Kali fell backwards into the bed, roughly pulling Yang with her until Yang was straddling her bare stomach.
“Milk me...” Kali said in a barely audible whisper. Yang licked her lips and began to place kisses up Kali's smooth stomach, running her tongue into her navel and catching the faint traces of Kali’s milk, both what leaked out of Kali and what Yang milked from her. Running up Kali’s belly, Yang cautiously ran her tongue in a circle around Kali's engorged nipple. Hearing a quiet moan from Kali’s lips, Yang then took the large nipple in her mouth. Kali moaned loudly as Yang roughly pushed her face into Kali’s huge breast, sucking on it particularly hard and pulling it back until her breast stretched. A hefty spray of the most delicious milk to ever grace Yang’s tongue rewarded Yang's hard work as it poured into Yang’s eager mouth. Yang swallowed the milk and kept going back for more, suckling on Kali's breast and pulling it until it stretched. As Yang lavished Kali’s breast with her attention, she could have sworn she heard Kali purring softly, and if that was the case, Yang was probably doing a very good job. Yang kept up the work as Kali lifted her unattended breast to her mouth and began to suckle on her own nipple. Kali worked her tongue into the swollen areola that was hiding her inverted nipple, rolling her tongue against the nipple and tasting her own sweet milk. The pair kept going, drinking the milk from Kali’s engorged breasts. As they sucked on Kali’s breasts, Yang started to suck extra hard, drinking deep from Kali’s bosom and starting to feel Kali’s inverted nipple just barely brushing against her tongue with every suckle. Curious as to whether it was what she thought it was, Yang released Kali’s nipple, hearing a pop as she unlatched her mouth from Kali’s breast. Taking a careful look, Yang could see Kali’s tanned peak just barely peeking out from the areola, a little trickle of milk pouring from it. Wanting more of Kali’s milk, Yang leant down and spread the puffy flesh adorning Kali’s breast, fully exposing Kali’s slowly leaking nipple. She then used her other hand to squeeze the base of her engorged breast and ran her hand up it, hand-milking Kali’s breast and earning Yang a nice, long stream of milk as she latched her mouth back over Kali’s nipple, sucking it firmly and toying with it with her tongue. As the two women sucked on Kali’s breasts, Kali was losing her composure badly. Her moans were getting louder, even with a mouthful of breast to muffle it, and her whole body was quivering with arousal and over-stimulation. Before too much longer, the stimulation of both of Kali’s lactating nipples and incredibly sensitive areola overwhelmed her, and she let the breast she was sucking on drop from her mouth as she let out a sound that was part of the way between a mewl and moan as milk gushed from her breasts into her Yang's mouth and spilling over her half-naked body. Kali’s hips bucked, grinding into Yang’s, making Yang fight the urge to go harder, knowing that Kali had probably hit her limit. Yang slowed down, suckling more gently as Kali slowly came down from her almost orgasmic high. Kali was feeling so much better, her chest was lighter and the release Yang gave her was incredible. Kali let out a long, relieved sigh as Yang unlatched from her breast.
“So, uh, how’d I do?” Yang asked, surprisingly bashful after all of that.
“That… that was wonderful,” Kali answered, her voice and face making it seem like her mind was a million miles away. Yang beamed a nervous smile as she hopped up off the bed.
“Alright, awesome, glad you liked it. I’m gonna go grab a towel for you, and I’ll be back in a sec,” Yang said before popping out of the bedroom. Kali was more than content to just lay there, bathing in the warm afterglow of such a wonderful session. After all of this, Kali was quietly hoping that she would fill up again, so that she could do this with Yang again. Yang came back into the room, towel in hand, and started gently dabbing the milk from Kali’s body. “I, uh, guess we got a little bit carried away there, huh?”
“Yang, dear, don’t worry. I enjoyed myself,” Kali reassured.
“Well, yeah, me too, but what about your husband?” Yang cautiously asked, expecting the worst.
“We have an open relationship, so I’m sure that he won’t mind. In fact, he’ll probably be surprised to hear that it took me so long to be so intimate with you,” Kali replied, purring slightly as she ran a hand up Yang’s side. Yang’s cheeks flushed red in an instant.
“Y-you wanted to…”
“Yang, dear, anyone with good taste and an attraction to women would want to, I’m sure of it.” Kali sat up and dropped her voice to a sultry whisper as she reached to stroke Yang’s cheek. “And that means that I would love to do this again with you.” Yang nodded eagerly.
“M-me too!” Yang exclaimed excitedly. “You just let me know when you want me to do this again.” Kali leaned in and locked her soft, luscious lips with Yang’s in a kiss that Yang practically melted into. The pair savoured the kiss for so long that their lungs began to burn for air. The pair broke for air, breathing deeply, the scent of Kali’s sweet milk filling the air and the taste of it on both of their tongues.
“Don’t worry, my dear, I’ll be sure to let you know when I want you again.”
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