#At least in the musical they didnt have any time to do face makeup so Hyde's still as attractive as whoevers playing Henry but yeah its-
How did every other Jekyll and Hyde adaptation get away with having the same plot and why didnt you guys warn me .
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mountslove333 · 1 year
your throat burned as the liquid flew down making your face scrunch up and your eyes squint, yet you'd happily agreed when your friend offered to order more.
you and mason are in possibly the roughest patch you've ever had in your relationship, masons love language is physical affection but recently he barley speaks to you let alone touches you.
so instead of talking to him and dealing with it, the consequences being to scary for you to face, you thought you'd run away from the problems and spend your Friday night which otherwise would've been alone with mason out getting drunk with your best friends.
you put on your littlest dress, curled your hair in the perfect way he liked, and did your makeup to match. you made sure he saw you before you left, it may be petty but that was you, you never knew how to have serious conversation and you thought maybe, just maybe he might compliment you, ask you where your going something but no. All he did when you walked past him to leave was gulp loudly and and told you to have a good time, like did i repulse him that much?
you tried not to let it get to you, only let it fuel the fire to your reason for this night. So there you were third shot in putting on a smile as your favourite song to dance too blasted through the club speakers, you and your friends all squealed running on to the dance floor. you could feel the music pulsing through your body, your heartbeat loud in your ears as your body moved the song, sipping your new found drink.
the rest of the night was a blur, you’re not quite sure how you ended up stood outside shivering calling mason
the phone rang out a few times, you thought he wasn't going to answer that alone enough to make your drunken mind tear up until finally you heard his voice
“y/n?” he questioned you could tell he had just woken up making you instantly feel bad
“sorry maseyyy, didnt mean to wake you” you whispered drunkenly thinking it would help being quiet since he just woke up
“y/n, where are you?” he questioned sternly
“uhhh,” “excuse me where am i” you asked a stranger next to you
he told you where you were then followed with a cringey pick up line about taking you back to his which u declined wondering if mason heard
“i’m just-” you began
“yeah, yeah i heard” he said slight anger in his tone if you squint
“im coming to get you, please wait somewhere safe till i get there” he told you the rustling of clothes and keys evident in the back ground
you were happy, he cared. well at least enough to come get you.
“thankyou mase, i love you” you told him your drunken mind not even thinking twice or registering till after you and mason haven't said that phrase let alone for those three words to each other for awhile 
“you too” he said, you weren't able to infer how or what tone he said it in but that didn't matter, it was enough for you to get the idea. he never didnt say it back. you realised now you couldn't not talk to him anymore, you'd put it off too long and it wasn't doing either of you any good. 
So when mason pulled up, fuelled by liquid courage you decided you were going to talk to him now.
you opened the car door careful double checking it was him before getting in. it was silent for awhile, different from the club you previously were, you could now feel your heartbeat pulse through you and the soft hum of the radio in your ears.
“mason?” you called almost triple checking he was there and you weren't sat beside a stranger, though that's how it felt recently
you looked to him fixing your gaze on his face, then down to the way he hands gripped the steering wheel, tight, he had both hands clutched around it he didnt look angry. just tense.
the only reply you got was a small hmm, him not even bothering to steal a glance your way, something he wasn't usually opposed to especially since you had reached a red light.
“do you still love me?” i questioned not quite the way i wanted the conversation to go but its ultimately what i longed to know,
“i- y/n, i will-” he spluttered
“oh” was all i said feeling hot tears brim in my eyes, the thought of him no longer loving me enough to make me sober in an instant
“what did i do mason?”
“is there something else, someone else?”
“why am i not good enough anymore!” you raised you voice slightly, you wanted answers, it was no use running anymore
“I'm not talking about this no y/n, your drunk” was all he had to say
“no mason you don't get to do that!” we had no pulled up i went to get out the car getting inside as quickly as i could mason following behind me shortly, i didnt look back at him once not wanting to know what expression his face sported
i quickly went upstairs to are bedroom and began packing a small bag, he must've heard me doing it cos when he entered the bedroom it was the first time I'd seen emotion upon his face in while, he looked shocked, hurt. I felt bad. considered unpacking the bag, no he didnt get to to this. he doesn't love you y/n, keep packing.
“what are you doing y/n?” he asked although we both knew the answer 
“don't act upset now, i don't know what else to do mason”
“I'm tired of being the only one that cares, the only one that tries in the relationship”
“i knew you didnt feel the same for me anymore but i tried to run, thought if i left it long it enough it would go away”
“i love you so much mason and you cant imagine how much it hurt when you couldn't say those words back!” i said angrily, hot tears rolling down my face by now as i stuffed more of my things into my bag
“of course i love you y/n!” he shouted taking the bag from my hands tears now beginning to appear in his eyes too
“funny way of showing it” i sarcastically laughed through the tears
“you haven't acted like you know me for more than a week mason, i stopped trying to fix things to see if you would make any effort and you didnt so you don't get to say that now, how do i even know you’re not lying”
“because i love you so much it scares me y/n!” he admitted
“i never felt like this about anyone, and i don't deserve you.” “i cant give you everything you want, you deserve someone better who can be there for you always” 
“so i thought freezing you out, would make you want to leave me and would hurt you less” “ believe me its been killing me” “seeing you leave the house today it was so hard to not beg you to stay, to stay with me.”  
“and when i heard that guy flirt with you on the phone i thought it had worked, i thought you'd got with someone else” he gushed tears now streaming down both our faces 
you stopped packing, thinking.
“please don't go” he whispered almost inaudible
“i love you” he almost begged
you walked round to the side of the bed he was sat and sat beside him. you leaned your head on his shoulder just sobbing, you weren't sure if it was alcohol or the pain of the last two weeks just crashing down on you or maybe both.
“I'm so sorry” he kept repeating
now his heartbeat was pounding in your ears, steading your own
“i thought you didnt love me anymore mason” 
“your everything i want, i could never be happy with someone else cos i’d always know you were out there” 
“please never make me feel like that again” you pleaded
“i promise y/n”
“i love you” he said wrapping his arms around you tighter
“i love you too mason” you said burying you head into him, the tears not quite stopping yet. only they were ones of relief.
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Looking at jm’s tracklist for FACE got me really surprised because the a lot of producers that posted pics with him aren’t on there (except for pdogg ofc lol)… it got me wondering if jm’s has plans on releasing whatever they worked on down the line if it wasnt scrapped… really glad abt the credit though because not only does it seem like FACE is fully in house project but we got Rm writing too (minimoni collab 💜💜💜) and most especially JM has writing credits on all of the tracks except for interlude!!! jm worked really hard and judging from the snippets we heard from the behind video, I know I’m gonna fall in love at first listen… sad that there’s no yoonmin tho, altho set me free pt 2 is potentially a callback for d2 interlude set me free. I’m looking forward to JM’s spin on it!! Some people are disappointed that the album is gonna be short but tbh jm has the least experience in writing/producing his own solo songs so I wasn’t surprised but i know for sure they’ll be quality tracks because of his historg of producing bangers. I had also been guessing that jm will be doing full promo and seeing that he has an eng vers for a track makes me certain that there are plans for us promo too!
Ive been laughing at your reply to the anon abt FACE all day bpp but it also has me delulu that maybe he’ll release a makeup line because that man can definitely sell out just from his face alone and the colors for the album itself def very similar to what brands are releasing these days… army twt def makes me delulu with all the edits too… like didnt nwjns release some kind of limited ed bag for their debut album??? imagine if one of the tannies did that…
Ask 2: addtnl bec i accidentally pressed the button to send the ask without finishing
seeing pdogg in the credits for FACE tho makes me kind of wary that he’ll have jm use his higher register again but seeing that this is jm’s solo album and they dont have to worry abt his voice harmonizing with the rest of the members to make tracks that work i am very hopful that we’ll hear jm’s lower register more…
i’m hoping that at least one of the dance performance will have him doing some pole work too… maybe not the whole song but like a segment of it… i’ve been watching a lot of pole dance videos and there’s a lot of beauty that can be created in it it’s truly an art form too and jm has the muscle strength to execute those moves perfectly too… i really cant wait for march!!!!
Hi Anon,
I loved reading this. Thanks for taking the time to lay out your thoughts so fully. But before anything else, and because I've seen this in a few places, I want to start off with one thing:
"Looking at jm’s tracklist for FACE got me really surprised because the a lot of producers that posted pics with him aren’t on there (except for pdogg ofc lol)"
It's possible those people still worked on the album. Visiting another producer can serve a myriad of purposes - those producers could have worked on the arrangement, Jimin could've used their sound engineers, recorded vocals in their studios for processing, etc. It's also possible you're right and these were initial meetings to discuss ideas and establish a relationship on which Jimin can leverage for his later music. But I'm saying this to point out we haven't seen the full credits yet. Pdogg as main producer and Jimin working with RM who has supported every solo venture Jimin has ever done, is obvious too, but we won't see the full credits until the album is out.
As for the make-up line, I think I've been saying forever that in my head, Jimin already has a fragrance house. What I want for Jimin is for him to delve headfirst into releasing a whole line of perfumes (sorry, make-up lovers). I know he loves flowers but for some reason, I imagine he smells more gourmand and musky with a hint of citrus and chypre, rather than floral scents. But yes just his face alone on any sort of palette would sell it out instantaneously lmao.
I think we're also getting a standard BTS cardboard album packaging lol. NewJeans is under Ador, not under BigHit, and we know that Ador and BigHit are fully independent sub-labels under HYBE, meaning what NewJeans does has zero bearing on anything BigHit does... for better or worse.
Your mention of pole dancing reminded me of that edit that dropped after Jimin mentioned wanting to do it for a Run episode.
(This non-Jimin is doing such a superb job)
Yes let's have Jimin in a skintight mesh piece showing off his full back tattoos doing an inverted crucifix move with black hair and black nails. All our synapses will misfire (and this likely has an 80% of not happening), but after writing out my own outlandish wish list for PJM1 (now, FACE), who am I to say nay?
I'm not the type to analyze album covers, concept photos, or even album/song descriptions so I don't have much to say right now, until I actually hear the music. After the initial excitement, I'm now stuck in this 'let's wait and see' limbo, but I do have certainty about one thing:
Jimin is coming to fuck all of us up.
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aethxr-ash · 2 years
Hi Ash! First of all, how are you? i hope youre doing well! Ive only seen your blog recently and i love your works! And i saw you’re doing matchups and ive never done one of these so i wanted to give it a try. May i request a matchup for genshin impact , bsd, and sk8 if thats alright
- genderfluid (but currently she/they)
- panromantic asexual
- gemini, intp, 5w6
For appearance, I look pretty androgynous and can pass as any gender (thankfully)with some makeup help. my aesthetic changes based on my current preferred gender; grunge (masc) 90s (they) or elegant/cottage core(femme) altho i mix and match when im in the mood. The closest character i look like is gin akutagawa, same eyes, same hair but wavy, and same physique but shorter and i have slightly tan skin. In fact, i cosplayed as her once and it was pretty cool!
For personality, As much as i would like to think otherwise, my friends described me having the same personality and temperament as a grumpy cat and even refer to me as one(lovingly). Silent, comes and goes like a ghost, Constantly judging, looks like is about to stab someone, hates being around people, sassy and sarcastic. Im the ‘leader’ of the group by virtue of being the oldest and looks like i got my shit together but i am as clueless if not more, im only good at pretending I understand and just going with it. when im in my element though i do talk alot more and i can go on and on about things im currently invested in. i would want to have more friends and talk to more people but i always chicken out and stare at people accidentally because i get stuck trying to gather the nerves to talk to them(which paired with my resting bitch face looks like a death glare).
As my friend said, im basically raiden shogun/ei(both the puppet and ei herself) but with scaramouche’s height and sass. I have been kin assigned and i didnt even know what that was at the time
I like aesthetics, fashion, food, art and music. I really like cute and fluffy things especially plushies!(My bed is mostly plushies now) My hobbies are drawing and painting or any kind of art and crafts. Though my free time is currently preoccupied with either reading or playing video games. Really i do anything that keeps me indoors and with least social interaction. If i dont have to leave my room, i wont.
As a person who reads a lot of fics, my favorite dynamics are enemies to lovers and idiot x “oh no thats my idiot”. My love language are quality time, acts of service and physical touch. Memories are my most cherished treasures, although i keep them all to myself and the closest to me only.
I hope i did it correctly. I look forward to reading more from you! Have a nice day and dont forget to hydrate and rest!
- 👻 (you can call me ghost :))
Ps: typing in mobile is hard lol
⊱┊personality matchup for ghost (anon) !
hi ^^ ! thank you for the compliments, it made me smile :) i hope you're doing well too ! enjoy ^^
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⊱┊ genshin impact
jean !
✧ knows how to keep you in check if need be
✧ gently but firmly
✧ you'll have to stop her from working herself to death though
✧ she'll listen to you talk whenever you need
✧ she's insanely good at multitasking, so she usually listens while doing paperwork (someone get her an actual assistant please, she's going to work herself into a grave)
✧ she has quite a few of your artworks in her office and she adores them
✧ acts of service as a love language !
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⊱┊ bungou stray dogs
margaret mitchell !
✧ she definitely calls her partner things like "honey" and "darling"
✧ you both are incredibly sassy and sarcastic but have a kindness in you
✧ she'll kill for you - after all, you're part of her family now, your honor must be protected
✧ she'll be the social face for you two
✧ loves making memories with you, no matter how small they may seem
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⊱┊ sk8: the infinity
reki kyan !
✧ lots of physical touch + quality time with reki
✧ he's not as sarcastic or sassy as you are but he thinks it's badass
✧ he'll teach you to skate (if you want)
✧ or encourage you to skate with him
✧ he really likes it when you come to the skate park to watch him skate, although he won't force you to at all
✧ idiot x oh no thats my idiot vibe
✧ he does stupid stuff sometimes but it's adorable <3
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atinyniki · 7 months
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!kim seungmin x f!reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, crying, fighting, possessiveness (seungmin), lots of jealousy (also seungmin), seungmin is referred to as min, minnie, and seungie, seungmin is still toxic but gets better, drunk seungmin, vomiting
authors note: i tried my best to make a pt 2 for yall ! didnt have much motivation tho :P and its like... all over the place. SORRY </3 this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 4039
(pt. 1)
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“agh minnie! hold still”, you pouted.
he continued to grin, enjoying teasing you and poking at your cheeks every now and then. you couldn’t hold back the little giggle that escaped your lips. 
he eventually obeyed of course, not wanting to make you upset or anything. you continue working on his makeup, admiring the smile on his face with his eyes shut.
you notice how he squirms in his seat every time you bring a brush up to his eyelids. “ticklish?”
“i do this all the time, i'm surprised you haven’t noticed yet”, he giggles.
you smile, his laugh is music to your ears. you finish the rest of his makeup, quickly wiping off some excess lipstick.
“all done!”, you beam at him.
he looks at you with stars in his eyes, hands wrapping around your waist. “seungie, not here. you’re gonna ruin your makeup”
“fine”, he pouts. he lifts you off of him, now standing in front of you and holding you close to him. he lands a small peck on your nose, unable to resist, and quickly walks out the room.
you smile to yourself while you finish packing up, the feeling of his lips on you still lingering.
you walk out and meet the boys in a group again, talking about the look for the next performance. all of a sudden, the conversation shifts into you. “y/n, why do you look like a clown?”
you stare at changbin incredulously, “what…?”
“your nose.”, chan laughs.
you turn around to look at chan, wiping off the top of your nose to see what it was. you look at the back of your hand, noticing the reddish residue left on it. you smile at seungmin, a lovesick look in his eyes. 
you’re falling bad. you know it.
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“seungmin. what the fuck are you doing at my door at almost three in the morning”, you ask, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. you look up at him, your eyes finally adjusting to his bloodshot eyes and red nose.
“i’m sorry, i can go back if you-“
“seungie what’s wrong?”, you cut him off. you let him inside, closing the door and wrapping him into a hug. you feel him tremble under your touch, his breath tickling your neck.
“let’s head to bed, yeah?”
you lay down with him, limbs entangled while you whisper sweet nothings into his ear. “i’m sorry, i don’t mean to keep you up for so long.”
“shhh… you’re okay. what happened?”
seungmin couldn’t tell you that it was just his brain overthinking. that’s not at all a valid reason to knock on someone’s door in the middle of the night. just because his stupid brain didn’t stop running.
“oh nothing… just a nightmare”
you hummed in acknowledgement, kissing his forehead again. “try to get some rest baby, ill be right here when you wake up.”
“baby?”, he looks at you, wide eyed in the dark.
you giggle at his reaction to the pet name, pulling him towards you and gently rubbing his back. he soon falls into a slumber, the tears and sniffling finally stopping.
you allow yourself to fall asleep then too, safe in your boyfriend’s arms.
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“how do you even do it…?”, you ask incredulously.
“i don’t know, but it is so fun”, he slurs.
out of all of them, seungmin would probably be the one you’d least expect to get white girl wasted at every party, but here he is. 
“hey, you chose him, and now you’re gonna have to deal with him”, jisung blurts out.
“yeah yeah whatever”, you roll your eyes. you dart your eyes to seungmin who’s clinging onto your arm, the same fond look in your eyes as his. “guys. get a fucking room, im gonna vomit over here! and its not because of the alcohol.”, minho complains.
you laugh with the rest of them, seungmin still holding onto your arm to balance himself. his head is pounding, but he doesn’t want to say anything about it when you’re having so much fun.
you continue talking with the boys, most of them leaving to tend to others not too long after. now you’re only left with felix and seungmin. 
you and felix continue to talk, he wasn’t as drunk as the others so it felt easier to speak with him. what you didn’t notice though, were the eyes staring into felix’s entire being.
seungmin would always get jealous, you’re very well aware of that… but… of felix?
still, he chose not to say anything, only to stare. felix leaves soon after, and then you hear seungmin finally speak up. “can we go home? my head hurts…”, he speaks quietly.
you look over to him, his eyes brimming with tears. “oh gosh why didn’t you tell me baby? of course we can go home”
his head hurt of course, but he didn’t want you to know the main reason behind his tears. 
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seungmin wakes up late in the morning to yelling coming from the outside of the bedroom. he walks out, afraid that you could be in danger, but stops in his tracks when he sees felix and minho in your home.
you were safe of course, but he didn’t miss the smile on your face while you talked to the both of them. suddenly, he rushed back into the bedroom, feeling a surge coming up his throat. 
he runs to the bathroom, hovering over the toilet and finally letting loose. you heard his footsteps as he ran back in, the three of you jerking your heads towards the door. 
“i’ll be right back guys”, you say quickly before walking into the room.
“seungie? you okay?”
you hear the gags and retches coming from the bathroom, instantly shutting your eyes at the though. you run to him, rubbing your hands along his back soothingly.
he’s finally calmed down now, and you dont think much of it, assuming it was because of the alcohol he had yesterday.
“that was… so gross. im so sorry… you can go back out now. thank you.”, he says, voice still raspy.
“what do you mean by “go back out” minnie?”
“don’t we ha- have people over?”, his voice cracks in the middle, still hoarse.
“they can wait. let me grab you some water.”
you rush to bring him a glass in his favorite pochacco mug in hopes that it would cheer him up. it’s safe to say you were right.
he flushes the toilet, taking the glass from your hands and washing his face not too long after. he kisses your forehead, bringing you back into the living room to meet the boys.
you seem to notice this time how seungmin looks at the boys, a smile on his face but his eyes are still cold. you can’t quite place the issue, but you don’t mention it.
it’s probably just the hangover.
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you lightly dab the blush onto his soft cheeks, smiling a little at him. he tries his hardest not to smile back, knowing that it could mess up your work.
once you’re finished with all his makeup, he kisses you again. come to think of it, it’s been a while since he’s kissed you actually.
normally, he can’t go a second without you, even though he hates physical proximity with most people.
“seungmin. you okay?”, you ask softly.
he shakes himself of his thoughts, looking up at you again and hugging you closer to him. “im fine, you don’t need to worry about me”
you smile at him again, poking his nose gently and bringing him out of the room to meet the others again. 
you seem to notice the same look in his eyes, and everything starts falling into place. the cold look. the monotone voice. leaving parties early. he was jealous. you thought it had ended once you started dating.
you make a mental note to ask about it later.
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you’re at another party again, making sure not to drink because you need to bring seungmin home later. you’re leaving on the kitchen island, helping chan set out the drinks.
seungmin doesn’t seem to be anywhere near, so you’re a little bit unfocused during the conversations you have with chan.
“just… i don’t know where seungmin is. normally he’s here on time”
he places a hand on your shoulder, “relax, im sure he’s fine”
seungmin walks into the kitchen, a small layer of sweat on his forehead. “speak of the devil…”, chan mutters under his breath.
“nice to see you too, chan”, he says with a bright smile. the three of you talk for a bit, chan leaving a wasted seungmin with you not too long after. 
suddenly, jeongin approaches the two of you, seungmins head laying peacefully on your shoulder. the second he heard jeongin’s voice, his eyes shot open. 
you laughed around with jeongin once he took his spot on the couch next to the two of you. the conversation flowed naturally between you two, it felt so much better without the tension.
the tension you didn’t seem to realize though, was actually between seungmin and jeongin. his screwed up in displeasure, staring right at jeongin. 
the tension in the air has your mind spinning, and you go quiet for a little bit. jeongin puts his hand on your shoulder, “are you okay y/n?”
“hands off my fucking girlfriend.”
both of your eyes dart towards seungmins, the anger visible in his irises.
he quickly retracts his hand, “sorry…”, he chuckles nervously and quickly excuses himself, not wanting to further escalate the situation.
“we’re going home.”
“what? why y/nnie?”
“we need to talk.”
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“seriously? jealous of them?”, you ask.
seungmin averts your gaze, staring back at the floor. 
“and don’t try and tell me it’s just because i liked jeongin. i’ve seen you do it with the others as well.”
“i’ve never… reacted that way though.”
you’ll have to admit, of course you’re glad that seungmin doesn’t blow up at the other boys, but what he did at the party was simply unacceptable.
“seungmin, you seriously have to fix this little jealousy issue of yours. it’s getting out of hand, i can’t live in the constant fear of you getting mad at every guy i talk to.”
he nods, keeping his head hung low, “im sorry.”
his head began to throb again. gosh he should really stop drinking so much. he pivots on his heel, turning around going to the bedroom. 
“is that it? you’re just to leave and act like nothing happened?”
he stops in his tracks, “my head hurts”.
“mmm. sure it does. just like every other time you try to avoid a situation, your head hurts. right?”
tears prick at his eyes, but he tries to fight them back while you’re there. he can’t cry, it’s his fault this is happening. he scurries to the bedroom, engulfing himself in the pillows. 
they didn’t seem to warm him up in any way, the cold side of the bed basically taunting him. he tries his best to sleep, clutching over his chest. 
he knows it’s his fault, but he’s never felt this way about anyone before. he couldn’t let you go, it’s too risky.
he checks the clock. it’s almost four in the morning, why aren’t you in bed yet? he opens the door slowly, avoiding the creaking floorboards.
his heart sinks into his stomach when he sees you splayed out uncomfortably on the couch, a blanket over you and your eyes shut.
his heart clenches again once he sees the red under your eyes, he hates himself for being the cause of it.
carefully, he removes the blanket and picks you up bridal style, careful not to wake you. he sets you down on the bed, vision blurry and head still pounding. 
stroking over your head lovingly, he admires your sleeping state. ever since he’s moved in, he feels like he’s never gotten the time to do such things.
the tears begin to well up in his eyes again, and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. “i know i fucked up y/n, and im so sorry. i promise you ill make it up no matter what. please just give me a chance. i- i think i love you y/n. i can’t lose you over this”, he whispers, clutching your shirt.
he makes sure to stay quiet, it’s a lot easier to let go of his feelings when you’re asleep. the tears fill up more and more, until a droplet falls onto your cheek, waking you.
your eyes flutter open, his wide eyes staring right back at you. “seungmin…?”
he brings his hand to your forehead again, “shh… go back to sleep my love”
you dont seem to notice the pet name due to your drowsiness.
he gives you a quick peck on the forehead, turning around to leave the room. “why are you crying?”
his breath hitches, he prays you didn’t hear. “i told you, i have a headache. it’s just a little painful right now. goodnight.”, he rushes out the room.
you’re left alone again, but this is what you wanted right? it’s not like it’s your fault. he deserves this.
he lays down on the couch, your scent still lingering there. his hands ball up into fists onto the blanket, the cushion muffling his sobs. “i love you y/n”, he whimpers to himself.
“im so sorry.”
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seungmin has been giving you the space he needed. of course it was a little difficult considering your job, but once you’re done styling him he just leaves to talk with the boys. 
he seems to hide his cold glances towards the boys while you’re there, even going as far as smiling at some of them. if you’ll be honest, it felt kind of great.
the only issue is, while he did this, he would never talk to you. you asked for space, and it seemed that he’s really good at giving just that.
he’s been sleeping on the couch every night since then, but you don’t tell him to stop, your pride getting in the way. though you don’t know it, he apologized to jeongin for the way he acted.
of course, jeongin understood what seungmin was feeling. there was no longer any tension between them, and you wonder what happened. 
you left for home a little bit later, waiting for seungmin with the dinner made. you haven’t made him dinner in a while, you feel like a giddy teenager waiting for her prom date.
hours pass, he doesn’t come home. maybe he’s just staying at the dorms.
seungmin always goes to chan for help, it’s basically inevitable. he paces his studio, tears leaving his eyes uncontrollably. chan doesn’t regularly see seungmin cry, he knows something’s up.
“seungmin, breathe. talk to me, what happened”
he takes a deep breath, staring right at chan. “i think i just fucked up my relationship. really bad.”
chans eyebrows furrow a little bit in confusion, and he motions for seungmin to go on. “i get jealous of other people with y/n all the time, you know this. it’s difficult containing those feelings but, i accidentally snapped at jeongin. and now she wants space from me, and- and i don’t think i can win her back.”
chan stayed silent for a few moments, processing and trying to think about what seungmin could do. 
“it’s worse because i feel guilty. my jealousy drove me earlier as well. she could be much happier with jeongin, they liked eachother back then. the only reason jeongin rejected her was because of me and- she would have been so much b-better with him…”
chans eyes widened at him, finally taking in the state of seungmin. “i love her chan, i don’t- i don’t know what do to…”
he continues talking with chan, getting some advice from his older brother. the conversation was filled with lots of interjecting apologies and thank yous, seungmin is truly grateful to have someone like chan.
they continue talking, not yet realizing it’s nearing almost nighttime now. suddenly, chan gets a phone call.
“you can answer, don’t worry”
he picks up his phone, “it’s y/n…”
he answers, holding the phone up to his ear. seungmin looks at him, anxiously. “hello?”
“hey chan! do you by any chance know where seungmin is?”
he lets out a sigh of relief, glad there’s not an emergency. “yeah he’s right here actually”
“oh… do you mind giving him the phone?”
“no not at all, i’ll pass it over now.”
seungmin takes the phone “i’ll give you some privacy, call for me if you need me”
seungmin nods, waiting for chan to leave and picking up the phone. “um… hello?”
“are you okay?”
“what? yes im fine i-“
“come home… please.”
seungmins heart shatters at the sound of your nasally voice. you had been crying, and he wasn’t even there to comfort you. it’s been a while since he’s heard your soft voice, the tone you only use with him.
“im on my way, darling.”
you end the call, waiting for seungmin to walk over to your home. he knocks on your door only ten minutes after, a nervous look on his face.
you open the door to him, seeing his loving eyes trace your features, healing you again. you drag him by the arm towards the kitchen, showing him the food you’ve made for him.
“i wanted to have dinner together tonight.”
he looks at you, smiling. he brings a hand to your shoulder but retracts it before it touches you. you still need space, the reminder staying in the back of his mind.
“yeah… okay.”
he sits down at the dining table with you, his eyes staying open. he doesn’t want to close them for too long, afraid you’ll disappear like this was just another fragment of his imagination. 
you both finish dinner, seungmin eating a little slower than you. he couldn’t seem to get the food down due to the lump in his throat. “are you okay minnie? you look uncomfortable.”
he looks up at you, eyes softening at the usage of his nickname. his eyes are filled to the brim with tears not too long after, just standing in front of you in the kitchen. 
the tears finally leave his eyes again, hands clenching beside him. “i’m sorry ive been so jealous recently. i know it’s completely unfair to you and i shouldn’t do that just because im insecure. it’s okay if you don’t f- forgive me, but ill do anything to make up to you…”
your heart breaks at his tone, you didn’t think he was that stressed about it. you bring a hand up to his face, softly running your fingers through his hair and down his spine. 
“it’s okay, i forgive you. i think you’ve done enough to make it up to me, min. you don’t need to be insecure about anything. you’re perfect, i want you seungmin, not them”, you giggle, placing a peck on his nose. 
his tears drop onto your cheeks as his face hovers over yours, his hands holding firmly onto your jaw. “i love you.”, he confesses.
his heart pounds in his chest, watching as your eyes go wide for a second. “i don’t know what i’d do without you, y/n”
your heart is beating so loud you’re sure he can hear it. you pull him by the collar of his shirt, kissing him softly. “i love you too”, you breathe out, your arms wrapped around his neck.
you both stay like this for a little while, eventually moving it to the bed to cuddle. you’ll admit, you’ve missed being in the same bed as him.
you hold him through his tears, his emotions finally freeing themselves from his walls. mumbled apologies leave his lips as he hugs you tighter, crying into your chest. he mentally thanked chan for his advice, he was glad he didn’t let his pride get in the way of things.
he just needed you back.
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“minnie wake up…”
you try to shake him off of you, but his grip around your waist is firm. “min.”
he retracts his arms, and you get out of bed. he doesn’t seem to move though. you finally take in the dark eye bags right under his lashes and the way his eyes scrunch up.
“seungmin? are you okay? should i call chan?”, you ask softly.
he looks up at you, eyes red and pleading. “can i stay home today? please, i haven’t spent time with you in what feels like years…”
you smile at him, stroking your thumb over his cheek. “alright, how about this. i’ll go to work with you, and after we can go on a little date, yeah?”
his face instantly lights up and he leaps out of bed to get ready for the day ahead. it’s nice to see him so happy again.
not to long after, you both make your way to work, entering the building together this time.
you dragged him to the dressing room before the practice room to cover over his eye bags before he went to go dance. 
“jeez seungmin stop squirming! i can’t apply this properly.”
he drags you onto his lap, looking up at you to make it easier for you. it feels like you haven’t been this close in months, and a familiar warmth spread throughout your body. 
once you finished, you pulled him into a hug for a bit longer, missing the feeling of his skin on yours.
tears almost spring to his eyes again just by looking at you, missing the soft smile you always gave him. 
you finally lift yourself off him, bringing him into the practice room with the boys. you sit on the floor next to the mirror, watching intently while they all dance.
the boys take a quick break not too long after, and felix sits down next to you. you two talk for a little bit, discussing a little about the whole vibe for the new songs.
seungmin kept staring in your direction, so you turn your head to look at him. instead of the cold eyes that you once saw looking at felix you see a pair of soft eyes, filled to the brim with pure love, staring right at you.
he breaks into a little smile, missing the way you looked at him, but he shook himself out of it and continued to talk to chan. 
you smiled to yourself, almost forgetting that you were talking to felix.
“oh yeah- what? sorry i got distracted”
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“i love you…”
you turn around to face him. “hm?”
“i love you a lot. i know i don’t say it enough but… i adore you”, he confesses while he traces a finger around your wrist.
you pull him close to you, arms entangled and wide smiles on your faces. “i love you too min…”
you press a kiss to his nose, then his cheeks, and then right above his lips. he looks at you with wide eyes, a blush creeping onto his face.
you grab his hand, holding it under the sheets, and it provides you a little safety. your heart pounds in your chest after looking at him again.
his soft eyes stare right into yours, faces only centimeters away from eachother. “you’re so beautiful…”
your eyes go wide as you look at him in shock. since when has he expressed this type of affection?
“you’re gorgeous, y/n. i could stare at you all day.”
you hide under his gaze, but he pulls you back up, to look at him. he nuzzles his nose into yours before kissing you, the pure love seeping out of each and every one of his pores.
“i missed you so much, i- thank you for giving me a chance”
you hold him tightly, foreheads touching. you didn’t need to say anything, he just needed to feel you there with him. you comfort him through it all, rubbing circles onto his back and kissing all over his face.
the smile you see now is much different from any other one you’ve seen before, the giggles slipping out every so often.
you missed the seungmin you first started dating. you’re glad you got him back.
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wqk-k · 3 years
Obey Me Brother react to an idol!MC
 hi this is my first set of headcanons for the brothers  👉👈 i apologize if the brothers are ooc in this, though i tried my best jksajdufhj. i hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Cursing
Reader Pronouns: They/Them (4A)
Background: MC is a very popular idol in their world, best known for their impressive singing skills, music and the amount of rewards they have recieved because of their talents. Surprisingly, they aren’t only popular in their world, but in the Devildom and Celestial Realm as well.
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since lucifer didnt actually read who you were on the paper that had blown to his feet, he had no idea you were an idol at first
but after couple days at RAD, he noticed that random demons kept coming up to you in between classes and didnt leave until the next class started
most of them had come up to you with a pen and some paper asking for your autograph
he was just like ??? 
after a while of this happening luci decided to just ask you straight up why they were coming up to you like that and you had told him you were an idol back in the human realm
that explains it
he honestly doesnt mind
if people start hating on you in public, he’ll honestly just shoot them a death glare and it works
so damn well
he got too much pride to deal with those underlings
if you start working on music/mv projects that you left off on in the human realm (like shooting mv or singing) he will absolutely rent you a recording booth or fuck, even a whole ass theatre if you needed it
sometimes he likes to sit in the recording booth and listen to you sing for a bit before returning to his stacks of mammon’s bills 
v proud of you dont get him wrong
but he will make sure you’ve done all your homework first LMAO 🛌
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when mammon first found out you were an idol he started digging through boxes that had been in his closet
after what seemed like hours he finally found the box he was looking for and he started to dig through it
he pulled out an old camera that levi gave him a couple hundred years ago bc he said he didnt need it
mammon had the best idea ever, he could sell pictures of you to your fans for at least 10,000 grimm each.
surprisingly it worked
like really well
so well that you found out
you confronted him about it, saying that you find hella uncomfy with him snapping pictures of you at random times. not only that but it was an invasion of your privacy
despite him earning so much grimm, he agrees to stop but keeps some of the pictures to himself to look at when he misses you 
if you get hate in public he’ll turn into his demon form and scare the person away, maybe scaring you in the procees but apologizes right away if he does
if you start working on music/mv projects he’ll offer to help you shoot mvs or record you singing if you need the help
just make sure he gets some credit for helping you
but he genuinely thinks you look amazing in anything, like anything
you could be wearing a big bird cosplay and he’ll think you look breathtaking
gets you to model w him sometimes
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wait you look really familiar
really really familiar
you almost look and sound like that one really popular human idol that hes simped for time and time again
oh shit
v embarrassed when he finds out it is actually you and gets really nervous when hes talking to you
is the demon asking for your autograph
but you have no idea how much power you have over this man
you could tell him to come out of his room and he’d come out with ease, no protesting, no nothing
may ask you to record a ringtone for him for when he wakes up
even after months of you two knowing each other, he still gets flustered when you start talking to him with your stupid cute ass eyes and your perfect hair and your perfect voice and your perfect-
yeah you get the point AKJSDKLASFBG
if you get hate in public he will deadass growl at the person before escorting you to your favorite ice cream place
if you start working on music/mv projects he will be by your side 24/7
he wants to see the god/ess themselves at work
hes like your personal butler for the time youre working on the projects and its adorable
hes bby
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when he finds out youre an idol he will 100% voulenteer to help you write lyrics for your next song
but besides that, like luci, he really doesnt mind
he hears some other demons talking shit about you after art class and he’ll be angy as usual, but after stomping off and accidentally bumping into you he just
turned into puddy??
idk what it was but it was something abt they way your hair was a lil messed up and looking at him like that wish a small embarrassed look
just wow
every ounce of anger just evaporated while you apologized over and over again because the face he was making made him look like he was angry for some reason 
when he snaps back into reality he says its cool but then asks if youd like to go to the library w him because honestly youre his safe haven now
sometimes he asks you to hum a tune for him when hes reading
if the demons start hating again, you may need to hold him back KJASNDJFG 
if you start working on music/mv projects, again, will voulenteer for helping with lyrics
if you already have the lyrics down he’ll review them and give constructive critisisim if needed
or he’ll just write every lyric himself and you can judge it after hes done
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is not surprised at all
hes actually heard some of your songs and damn id he doesnt have them on his “on repeat” playlist on devilfy
he thinks you have an outstanding voice, not only that but youre a gorgeous lookin thing
asmo likes to hit on you a lot because he likes to see that flustered look on your face but he would never over your boundaries
he wouldnt want to be over the internet bc he made one of the most praised artists in devildom (thats not even a demon) angry
asmo doesnt want to be cancelled yet JKSJKDGFUA
but seriously, he thinks youre amazing
like really amazing
there like no lust involved in his admiration for you he just geniunely thinks youre cool
but he does think you look amazing 24/7
will ask you to model things for him for devilgram
if you get hate in public, he’ll hold your hands and shower you with compliments and tells you to ignore them
if you start working on music/mv project he will insist on doing backup vocals or being a backup dancer
or like the head backup dancer or whatever theyre called
is like your personal stylist wherever you go as well
along with that he can also help you come up with a beat for your song if you need one, he is more than happy to help someone like you
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he honestly thinks youre really cool
asmo showed him one of your songs before and thought it sounded really catchy
not only that, you sounded beautiful, almost like you were actually from the celestial realm, consider him a fan
so when you showed up for the new exchange program he was surprised but got really giddy
was one of the demons who asked for your autograph
you gave him a sweet smile after he asked and he just- melted
man down man down
will want to spend lost of time with you and take you to ristorante six on fridays as his treat
you usually end up paying though which he feels really guilty about but you tell him its fine
youre an idol who is loaded to the chest, youve got nothing to lose KLSKADJHF
if you get hate in public he’s also the type to death glare but people dont really hate on you in public when youre w him bc he has a naturally scary aura
lowkey thought you wouldnt like him at first :(
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll start cooking you meal and making sure you get enough water
will absolutely cook your favorite meal- or any meal in fact- if you request it
if you dont request anything he’ll just wing it and make something he think you’ll like kjskdhsf
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couldnt care less  🧍
he thinks your voice is pretty nice tho
hears beel listening to your music once and agrees w him on you having a really nice voice
lowkey sing him to sleep
like its super cute
plus he thinks youre gorgeous?? like wow you rlly pretty
once tried rubbing your face bc he thought you were wearing makeup but when nothing came up on his thumb he muttered a small “wow” and hugged you
it was the cutest thing ever ohmy god KJSJDSIF
ever since that day hes obtained a habit of rubbing your face when he finds you stunning or at random moments
if you get hate in public he will literally murder the person?? but in like an alleyway or something
he’ll say something like “wait here” and walks toward a dark area to do his thang
when he comes back he’s covered in this red shit and you worry for him but he just glosses over it and takes you into a pillow shop LMAO
he is v protective over you
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll occasionally help out but most of the time he’s sleeping so he doesnt really care 
sometimes he’ll give beat/lyric suggestions or help flim the mv but thats it  🧍  
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heavcnslyre · 3 years
ricky bowen x reader series! part two
— starstruck au!
series masterlist, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten
IN WHICH you’re dragged along to camilla’s plans to try to meet ricky bowen— but the wrong one out of the two of you ends up in an encounter with him instead.
WARNINGS a lot more swearing this chapter rather than last, you have to get stitches
NOTES this chapter is actually pretty long. i’m not super happy with how it ends but it’s going to pick up in the next chapter exactly where it left off in this one, i just didn’t want to keep adding onto this one lmaoo. also there are some parts that are lowkey written poorly but i’m tired and it’s not too bad HAHAH enjoy!
edit 1-16-21 i changed the song he was singing if u saw it before no u didn’t!!!
(y/n) - your name
text dividers from @writeyourmindaway !!
lowercase intended.
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“bye ash! have a good time!” you called as ashlyn was leaving. she waved goodbye and drove away in her parents car. it had taken a couple of hours for her to be happy with her outfit and hair/makeup, but she ended up looking really nice (not that she didn’t before, she just seemed to glow when she felt prettier). as you turned back into the house, camilla grabbed your arm and pulled you into your bedroom.
“what the hell cam?” you asked as she closed the bedroom door.
“mom and dad just agreed to me taking you around the city tonight and we’re going to nini’s party,” she said, turning towards the still packed suitcases and digging through them. you watched, eyebrows raised.
“really? what’s in it for me? i’m not just going to follow you to la to stalk this poor guy.”
camilla rolled her eyes and holds a dress up against herself in the mirror. “you can meet nini, maybe. you like her music, don’t you?”
“that dress is mine. and yeah i like her music but i’m not crashing her birthday party just to meet her.”
“whatever. you can wait in the car. i’ll just.... buy you something later.” she put the dress she had down and grabbed another one.
“how about you stop talking about ricky? i’ll go if you stop.”
camilla gave you an incredulous look. “stop talking about him? have you met me? or seen him?”
“fine. at least for the rest of the trip. take it or leave it.” she sighed and paused for a second, before nodding and grabbing the first dress she had.
“alright. but i’m wearing your dress.”
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after the short drive to los angeles, camilla drove around, trying to find parking. but, naturally, it was los angeles, and there was no available parking. after more than ten minutes of searching, camilla sighed in frustration and pulled over, directly next to a ‘no parking’ sign. you pursed your lips and pointed up at it.
“cam, this is very clearly a no parking zone. you’re going to get a ticket,” she ignored you and dug in the backseat for her bag.
“i’ll be back in less than half an hour. stay put. if someone tries to talk to you... ignore them. or punch them, or something. i don’t care. just be safe.”
“you too,” you said, although it came out as more of a question. she moved the mirror to face her, made a few adjustments to her hair, then left the car quickly. you sighed and sank into your seat. it was going to be a while.
after almost half an hour with no sign of your sister, you texted her a simple ‘you okay?’ but recieved no response. you fidgeted in your seat, switching between random apps on your phone, trying to pass the time. eventually, close to 50 minutes pass and you sighed, realizing that you should probably go look for her.
you wrung your hands out and grabbed your bag, opening your door quickly and rushing across the street. the street was crowded and the main entrance to the club was packed full of fans wanting to get into the building. you stood on your toes, trying to find camilla, but you didn’t see her anywhere. ready to give up, you spot an alleyway by the building. you considered it for a moment before mentally saying fuck it and walking towards the alleyway. you’re busy looking for an entrance when a door opens suddenly and you ram into it, head first, knocking you onto your butt.
“ow, fuck,” you said, rubbing your head and wincing as you saw you were bleeding.
“oh, god!” the person who opened the door exclaimed as they knelt onto the ground to be at your level. “i’m so sorry— i didn’t know you were there.”
“it’s... it’s fine,” you said. “how could you have known?”
“can i help? i might have some bandaids in my car...”
you shook your head and look up at the person. “no, it’s... wait, are you ricky—”
he put one hand over your mouth and the other on the side of your face. “i’ll give you tickets to my next concert or something if you don’t scream my name.”
you shoved his hand off of you. “didn’t have to make it sound so kinky. i don’t want tickets to your show.”
“i...i didnt—” ricky stuttered but trailed off as a car pulls up in the alley. someone comes out of the drivers seat quickly.
“ricky, what the hell is going on?” the person asked as they advance towards you quickly. the person in the passenger seat gets out shortly after the first person and walked towards you as well.
“i... i hit her with my door on the way out. should probably take her to the hospital?” he asked nervously. the person knelt next to you and you recognize him as the guy ashlyn’s talking to from a few pictures she’s shown you.
“wait, you’re—”
“(y/n)?!” the person from the passenger seat exclaimed as they approached you. your eyes widened as ashlyn kneels in front of you, putting her hand on your cheek.
“ashlyn? what the hell?”
“i was about to ask you the same thing, what are you doing here?” she asked, worry written on her face. she moved your hand to look at the mark on your forehead.
“cam forced me here, she came to meet...” you looked over at ricky. “came to meet him.”
ashlyn rolled her eyes, not looking away from your face. “of course she did.”
“wait, how do you guys know each other?” ricky asked. “and who’s cam?”
“(y/n)’s my cousin, camilla is her sister. huge fan of yours,” ashlyn explained. “i should get her to a hospital.”
“let me take her,” ricky piped up. “i was the one who hit her.”
“ricky, you’re not even supposed to be out of the house right now. imagine what the press would say if you show up with.... a girl you don’t know at a hospital. you’d never get the role,” big red said firmly. ashlyn gave him a similar look to what big red was giving.
“i know but... i should take her. it’s only fair, i hit her,” ricky said, and him and red stared at each other for a minute. “besides, she just said her sister’s here. someone needs to find her, it’d be easier to explain coming from her cousin than me.”
“she would probably have a heart attack if it came from you,” ashlyn agreed. red sighed.
“fine. but just be careful, and stay out of the light. lurk in the shadows, or whatever. i’ll see you at your house in two hours.”
“okay.” ricky said. ashlyn stood up and helped you up.
“ricky, if you do anything to her, i will kill you. be careful. (y/n),” she turned to you. “i’ll try to distract cam and i’ll meet you at grandmas. text me what the doctor says.”
you hugged her quickly. “okay, i will.”
ashlyn gave one more stern look to ricky who raised his hands in defense before walking away with big red. ricky grabbed your bag off the ground and offered an arm for you to lean on to help bring you to the car. you shook your head, telling him you were fine and climbed into the passengers seat of his fancy car. he looked around before getting into the car quickly and putting on sunglasses.
“are you like on the run from the cops or something?” you asked after a minute of silence. he lookedcat you quickly, eyebrows knit.
“what do you mean?”
“well, you were coming out of a club through an alleyway, your friend was pulling the car into the alley and you’re acting super paranoid. should i be worried?”
he laughed. “no. running from the press, more like. i’m not supposed to be out this weekend. i’m.... up for a lead in a new tv show and any press this weekend, good or bad, could ruin it.”
“then why are you out? you could have easily avoided this whole situation by staying home,” you said pointedly. he sighed.
“i promised nini i’d sing at her party. i didn’t want to let her down. and i didn’t think someone would be walking down the alleyway at close to midnight anyways.”
you scoffed. “yeah well, i was there because of you anyways. your fault all around.”
he looked over at you with the same confused expression as before. “you were there because of me?”
“not like that. don’t get your hopes up,” you said. “my sister is obsessed with you, remember? she told me to wait in the car while she went to find you. it had been a while and the main entrance was packed. i needed to find a way in.”
“so... more your sisters fault, huh.”
“yeah. i guess so,” ricky grinned at you. you gave him a small, unamused smile back and turned to look out the window.
once you made it to the hospital, a doctor came to greet you almost immediately, as there were few people there. the doctor closed the curtain around you as he did the examination and ricky sat on the other side of it. you ended up getting a few stitches but he confirmed that you didn’t have any serious damage. the only thing he suggested was to keep an ice pack on it.
“so she’s okay?” ricky asked, peeking in through the curtain. the doctor laughed.
“yeah, she’s fine. let me go grab the ice pack, i’ll be back,” he left you and ricky in awkward silence for a moment. but, it was broken by his phone ringing loudly. his eyes widened and he answered the phone quickly.
“mom? what’s up?”
you couldn’t hear what she was saying on the other end, but he seemed to tense up after every second she talked. you watched, raising your eyebrows.
“okay, alright. stall him. i’ll be there in...” he looked at the clock on the wall. “twenty minutes. okay. thank you!”
ricky ended the call and turned towards you, a sheepish grin on his face. “yeah... so we may have to take a quick pit stop before i take you home.”
you glared at him. “you’ve got to be kidding.”
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he wasn’t kidding.
as soon as you pulled up to his house, you text ashlyn.
you; help ricky is kidnapping me he just brought me to his house
ashlyn; if i didn’t know ricky i would be really worried rn
ashlyn; pretty well we’ve hung out a few times
you; oml
you; well he’s a kidnapper. and he made me get stitches
ashlyn; no way you needed stitches? what are you gonna tell your parents?
you; no clue!!!!! do i just casually tell them ricky bowen ran a door into my face???
ashlyn; fuck they probably wouldn’t take that well. i’ll figure it out and save ur ass. hang on.
you; you’re my favorite person in the entire world
ashlyn; i know
“you coming?” ricky asked from outside the car. you looked up from your phone, not even realizing that he had been waiting.
“oh, sorry.”
“no problem,” he mumbled. you get out of the car and he lead you into his house (past his six cars). it was huge. tall ceilings, brand new looking leather furniture, huge doors leading to the backyard, a spiral staircase. if you were being honest, it was pretty close to your dream house (or, one of your dream houses). you stared at it in disbelief.
“you, a seventeen year old, live here?”
ricky doesn’t look at you. he was staring into the yard, searching frantically. “yeah. been in the industry five years now, makes you a lot of money. i guess.”
“you guess?” he didn’t answer, instead suddenly pulled you out of the view of the backyard. he looked around, sees that it’s clear, and pulled you towards the stairs.
“keep your head down for a second,”
you put your head down and walk quickly next to him. “ricky, what the hell?”
“just... hang on.”
“why the hell are you pulling me?”
“shut up for a second.”
you stared at him, taken aback. “fine.”
once you got upstairs, he pulled you into a random room.
“here’s my guest room. make yourself comfortable i’ll... be right back,”
you folded your arms over your chest. “why the hell did you bring me here just to hide me?”
ricky looked at you with wide eyes. “no, no! i’m not trying to hide you, necessarily. i just... don’t think either of us want anyone to see you.”
“harsh, but fine. go, mingle or whatever. just be quick. i don’t want my parents to be more pissed than they probably already are,” he thanked you and ran out of the room quickly. you sighed and sat in a chair in the corner of the room, pulling out your phone.
ashlyn; talked to ur parents. told them that you’re with a friend of mine because you fell and he wanted to take care of you. they’re not... happy, necessarily. less pissed than before tho
ashlyn; u still alive over there?
you; yeah. ricky hid me in his guest bedroom so he could go mingle at some party i’m assuming his parents are throwing
ashlyn; OHH yeah his parents threw a party tonight, i don’t see why he needs to be there?
you; he told me on the way here that a producer of the show he’s trying to get a role in is here and he wasn’t supposed to leave home this weekend
you; idk or at least that’s what i think he said i didn’t rly pay attention
ashlyn; aren’t you just a kind ball of sunshine
as you were typing your response, you heard a guitar strumming from outside. looking up and realizing that the balcony door was open, you decided to go see what was going on. you looked down and saw ricky sitting on a stool, strumming his guitar. he started to sing— a song you didn’t recognize. you knew most of his music (in result from camilla blasting it around the house every chance possible) but this one sounded new.
you say you gotta think it over
i can't stop thinkin' of you
is he the guy you want to hold ya
i'll be here when you need me to
you listened, suddenly intrigued. this song was nice— gentle, almost. you actually kinda liked it. and he seemed at peace as he was singing in front of these people, he seemed genuinely happy.
make you feel beautiful in the morning
light you up when the rain won't stop pouring
'cause there's a million little things I haven't told ya
it kills me every time he's with you, so
ricky made eye contact with you and his expression almost softened when he saw you watching. he smiled gently at you.
he continued the song. he seemed to be in a trance, so focused on the song and perfecting it. as you listened to the lyrics of what was obviously a love song, you sighed. it was beautiful, but you didn’t think it was appropriate for you to just be standing here watching him, as if this was a big romantic gesture in a movie. before he finished singing, you turned away and left the guest room.
you made your way down to the garage, trying to avoid anyone who happened to be inside— for both yours and ricky’s sake. you slipped into the garage quickly and before you even took ten steps inside, ricky was behind you.
“what are you doing?” he asked, a happy expression still on his face from singing. your eyes widened at his expression but you shook the feeling off quickly.
“i want to go home,”
“alright. were you planning on walking?”
you rolled your eyes. “haha. no dumbass, i was going to wait for you in here. not walking to glendale.”
he grabbed a pair of car keys from the hooks. “hey, glendale’s not that far, you’d make it there alright.”
“yeah, a teenage girl walking the streets of california at random hours of the night by herself. definitely make it there alright.”
he hummed. “you did it earlier,” he winked at you and moved to open the passenger door of his blue car for you. you got into the car and he closed the door, going to the drivers side.
“what’s your grandmas address?”
you told him the address and he pulled out of the garage, checking to make sure no one was watching, pulled out of his driveway, and drove down the street.
“so, what are you in california for?” he asked after a couple minutes of silence.
“holidays. we haven’t spent christmas with my family in a while, and california with my grandma seemed like a somewhat neutral place for us and my aunt and uncle to come to.”
“and where are you from?”
“western new york.”
ricky whistles. “completely across the country. yikes. different time zone too, right?”
“yeah. and the jet lag is an ass, i’m exhausted.”
“oh i get that. when i go on tour... i do nothing but sleep, eat, and perform.”
“that is quite the life to live.”
“tell me about it,” although he obviously meant that as a joke, there was a lining of bitterness in his tone that you picked up on. you looked over at him, but he stared straight forward at the road.
“so,” he started again, obviously eager to change the subject. “ashlyn’s your cousin?”
“mhm, has been my whole life,” you joked and he rolled his eyes playfully at you. “i had no idea you guys knew each other.”
“you didn’t know she was talking to big red?”
“i knew she was talking to a boy, she didn’t mention who he was, other than showing me a couple pictures. didn’t even tell me it was nini’s birthday party she was going to tonight.”
“oh. yeah, ashlyn’s the best. big red’s really happy with her.”
“and she seems happy with him. turn left here,” you pointed and he moved over into the turning lane. he turned onto your grandmas street and her house was the second on the right.
“thank you. for the ride,” you said awkwardly as you opened the door to his car.
“yeah, sure. thank you... for not getting too pissed at me for making you have to get stitches.”
you give him a small laugh and sit for a moment, feeling like you should say something else, but finally deciding to just leave. you said a small bye and he gave you a small wave and you rushed into the back door of your grandma’s house.
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perksofhs · 4 years
‘So... the weather?’
This is a little AU piece that was requested! The prompt: Hey could you do a one shot where harry and famous reader are in a talk show and he has a crush on her. Maybe he accidentally hurts her while playing a game and he feels awful about it orrr maybe the host put a video where harry says that the reader is his crush and he gets nervous and embarrassed.
Promoting a movie was all but glamourous. It was a constant string of 14 hour days, 5am wake up calls and repetitive questions about working with this person or that person with very little time spent discussing the actual plot of the film. The savior of press tours was any interview where you werent alone, whether it was a joint interview with cast mates or a full couch talk show.
You’d been on the Late Late Show once in the past and you had to be honest, it was so much fun. Your first appearance included a 7 minute long musical medley involving fifteen quick changes and you very nearly faceplanting the floor.
By this point you were sitting in the dressing room, your hair being tugged one way or another by David your hairdresser, with your make up artist Cam working his magic on your noticabley exhausted face. “Who am I on with tonight Maggie?” you ask your manager, realising no one had actually told you. Maggie looked up from her laptop, a smirk on her lips. “James told me not to tell you so you’ll have to wait!” she said smugly. You rolled your eyes, “Of course he said that, that man has to stop trying to set me up”. James was a good friend, the two of you having met a number of times through industry parties award shows. He’d always try and find the mosyty eligible bachelor in the room and push you towards them just to shit you. Suffice to say none of them worked out.
Once your hair and makeup were done and you were dressed in a cute but entirely impractical and kind of uncortable outfit, a crew member came to get you and walk you down to the stage. “Ok so once we get to the stage, you’ll hear James announce your name, walk down the steps through the audience, wave or high five whatever you feel like. Then greet James and take a seat, then he’ll then announce the next guest”. You nodded along politely, already knowing the drill. “By chance, do you know who the other guest is?” you say shooting Maggie a smug look. “Yeah its Harry Styles” with that your heart skipped a beat, you’d always found him attractive and incredibly charming which is something you had stupidly mentioned to James once or twice. “That bastard” you say under your breath, you didnt have much time to think about it though because not even 30 seconds later you rounded a corner and there he was.
He was a gorgeous as ever, wearing what you could only assume with a gucci knitted jumper with a delicate lacy collared shirt beneath it, his signature pearls hanging perfectly around his neck, and a pair of cream flared pants. The outfit was quintessentially Harry. He was chatting to another random crew member who seemed to be giving him the same speech. You could hear James wrapping up whatever he was talking about, you were too distracted to follow it, you couldnt look away from the man 8 feet away from you. “You good?” Maggie says, pulls you from your bewildered state, Maggie’s words also caught the attention of Harry who finally looked in your direction.
Harry’s eyes landed on you and unbeknownst to you he was just as taken by the sight of you. Realising his gaze was lingering, Harry snapped himself out of it “Hey i’m Harry, nice to meet you” he said, taking a few steps towards you, his hand awkwardly out for a hand shake, something Harry was already kicking himself for doing. You took his ring clad hand in yours briefly “Hey I’m-” before you could finish you could hear James announce your name, you let out a laugh “that’s my queue”. It was probably a good thing that James has inadvertently introduced you, who knows whether you could have actually remebered your own name in that moment.
You descend the stairs, meeting James at the bottom with a friendly hug before taking your place on the couch. “Can you also put your hands together for the incredible Harry Styles!” James proclaims, the audience erupting once more, you watch Harry interact with the audience effortlessly as he makes his way down the stairs, having a bromance moment with James before he plops down next to you, sitting closer than you had expected him to. “So have you guys met before?” James says, knowing full well the answer is “No we haven’t, we met briefly backstage” Harry says. He couldnt stop thinking about how awkward he’d made the initial encounter but he couldnt help it.
Throughout the interview it was all too clear that sparks were flying bewteen the two of you. Harry had talked about his new music, you’d talked about your new film, an anecdote or two thrown in from the both of you. all was going smoothly until about 15 minutes in when James began to look very smug. “Now Harry, I know you two hadn’t met before but from what I hear you have quite the crush huh?” Harry’s cheek went bright red knowing exactly what was about to happen. You on the other hand had zero idea what was going on. “And how would you know that James?” Harry says trying to pretend he has no clue what James was referring to. “Funny you should ask my friend, this clip might just answer that for you!”
Your eyes darted to the nearest screen as the clip rolled, it was an interview from the press tour of the movie Harry had been in last year. The interviewer had asked the cast who they’d love to work with on future projects and to your surprise, Harry’s pick was you. The interviewer then asked why you were his choice, Harry’s response was “she’s just so talented, every time I watch her in something I’m just profoundly captivated. Her on screen presence is incredible.” One of his castmates laughed, playfully poking Harry in the shoulder adding "If it wasn’t already obvious he’s got quite the crush! He made us watch like 4 of her films during our set downtime” before the clip ended.
Harry dramtically buried his head in his hands out of sheer embarrassment as the audience let out a series of ‘oooohs’ and whistles and James burst out laughing. You let out an laugh as you awkwardly fiddled with your fingers, not entirely sure what you were menat to say or do in that moment. "Well then Harold, go on, ask her out. Nows your chance!” James goaded. Harry was utterly mortified but wasnt the least bit surprised. “So... the weather?” the audience laughed at Harry’s miserable attempt at changing the subject. “Alright alright i’l drop it but you can’t say I didnt try! Just remember this moment when you get married ok?” James said, throwing his hands up in defeat as he got in one last playful jab.
The rest of the interview went awkwardly by, although you were a little distracted. Did he really have a crush on you? How could he have a crush on you? You’re the one who had the crush on him, surely he didn’t feel the same?  James wrapped up the interview and once the cameras had cut both you and Harry made your way backstage.
“Well that was sufficiently awkward and I apologise for how uncomfortable I’m sure that made you. I’m honestly gonna fucking kill James for that” Harry said, you could only giggle in response. “He has no idea what’s coming the next time we catch up. In all fairness, despite how uncomfortable that whole ordeal was, it was lovely to meet you” the two of you smiled at each other. “It was lovely meeting you too Harry, no need to apologise, I bloody knew he was up to something. anyway, I have to head back to my dressing room, I’ll see you around” you say before starting to walk away. You only make it a few steps before Harry stops you “Hey wait! What are you doing this afternoon? This was my last interview for the day and I was gonna head from here to get some food. Wanna come along?” You pause for a moment to think about what the rest your day looked like before smiling back at him “Well, I had planned to go home and eat some left over chinese in front of a film... but I like your idea better. Swing by my dressing room on your way out?” Harry could conseal his happiness with your response, a giddy grin now plastered on his face “It’s a date, but we have to make a deal that neither of us tell James ok? You know how smug he’d be. Deal?” Harry said with a wink, reaching his hand out to seal the deal. You laughed as you shook his hand once more, this time a little less awkard than the first encounter. “My lips are sealed. Now you better not take too long, I’m starving!” you say as you walk away with a smirk and as they say, the rest was history.
Hey lovelies, I hope you enjoyed this one! And I hope the anon who requested it thinks I did an ok job! I havent done many request pieces. Also I know its not super long but I still think its pretty adorable.  Requests are open, just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do! xx
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afrival · 3 years
omg i got so excited when i saw you write for soul eater! do you have any hc's for liz with a fem reader? also, sorry if i didnt ask write, im still knda new to tumblr
YES I love Soul Eater even though the fandom is lowkey kinda dead 😩💔 I got you bestie. Thank you for requesting
no warnings
canon compliant
- LOVES to do her girlfriends makeup, nails, hair etc
- Like her way of bonding is just giving you a makeover every so often, please let her do your makeup for any events y’all go to
- She hates horror movies but if you love them then she’ll sit through it, however she will squeeze your hand the whole time
- Might even hide her face in your neck or chest bc she’s just looking for an excuse to be clingy
- Her least favorite holiday is Halloween Patty took her to a haunted house once and she pissed herself cried
- SPA DATES BAYBE or she’ll find some way to make her own at home spa
- Liz will ask you to help her study bc she’s so bad at it but she also likes spending time with you
- You two rarely ever study tho
- Has made it her own personal goal to become best friends with your weapon/meister like she just feels like she has to since you’re such good friends with Patty and Kid
- Loves loves loves cuddling, will gladly be big or little spoon. She likes being held a little more tho plz make her feel safe
- Likes to lay with her head in your lap while you share earbuds for music
- If your soul wavelengths match (which they do) , you’re one of the only people besides Kid who can use Liz
- Kid yells at you for it though because he cannot stand the fact that you can only use Liz and not Patty
- Liz smacks him over the head a lot tho
- Neither of you have any money but when she does she likes spoiling you a little, like she’ll get you a shirt you were looking at or take you out to eat somewhere small
Sorry there’s not a lot 😩💕 I tried my best, it’s been a minute since I’ve seen Soul Eater
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Smut Prompt 1
Warnings: possessiveness, jealousy, anger, aggressive nature
Words: 4.3k+
Features: Badboy/tattooed/hardcore dom Johnny, choking, rough fingering, finger sucking, rough roadhead, forceful hair grabbing/pulling, knife play, deep thrusting and gut scrambling, getting pounded into the mattress, unprotected sex, creampie, whiny/needy/subby reader, 
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1.  “Don’t make me take you home and punish you.”
I watched my boyfriend cackle like a hyena as he pulled the cigarette from his lips. He was talking to one of his idiot friends, someone who annoyed me because he always reeked of weed, and not paying attention to me. That was his first mistake.
The second mistake was not letting me fuck him before we came over to this dumb party which was really a bunch of dealers and their next trick scattered about a dingy motel room. There was at least free booze but it was barely quelling my appetite for Johnny. The summer air made the room thick and foggy, the air conditioner struggling to keep it cool with all the bodies within the cramped space. He had taken his patched and studded vest off and gave it to me to hold onto to then removed his shirt. That was when we first got here and now I had to stare at the way his tattoos snaked around his biceps and covered his chest, the ink seeming like it was shifting every time he rose his arm to press the cigarette to his lips.
The shirt had been tucked into the back of his light gray sweatpants that hung low on his hips. The waistband of his underwear was a strip above and barely succeeded at keeping Johnny's dick print sheathed. It was so prominent; those sweatpants left nothing to the imagination which made me even grumpier. I had no idea why I had been so horny all day but it was time after time of denial. He would shove me away and tell me to quit bothering him or to get off him. He could be an asshole most of the time there there were pockets were his sweet side came out. That was why I stayed with him. Not to mention I had never had a man fuck me as good as he did.
But here I was, still horny, still bored, and still wanting to leave. I sipped at the beer that was handed to me by some blonde and continued to glare at his toned torso. I was jealous of every drop of sweat that glided down the column of his neck, dipping ever so slightly in his collarbone. How could I be jealous of that? Why was he driving me insane? I called out to him over the music and he glanced over at me for a millisecond before continuing his conversation. It was then I wondered if I had upset him or something. Perhaps he was just being fucking moody but I was tired of this entire scene. One thing I learned that never failed to get his attention was when other men, or women, tried to flirt with me-or better yet when they touched me.
He wasn't possessive in the sense that he was controlling and wouldn't let me do anything but rather in a primal way. As soon as he saw someone trying to vie for my attention he was snarling fury and ready to mark me. I loved that side of him and it made my body heat up with such tension that I had to press my thighs together and try not to cum right then. But now I had to set my plan into action and the tool that was stoned out of his mind beside me was the perfect play thing.
I lowered the neckline of my midriff tank top to show off more of my chest, leaning into the guy with the guise of chatting about beer, and pretended I was interested in whatever drugs he sold. I made sure my skirt rode up my thighs but still covered my ass-didnt want to give everything away. He was already staring at my tits while I talked, a good sign that he would get bold enough to perhaps stroke my thigh or even twirl a finger around my hair. I had been wearing Johnny's vest since he gave it to me but I tossed it off to show that I was "single".
When the clank of safety pins and buttons hit the floor, Johnny's eyes darted to me again, except this time they stayed longer. I pretended not to notice and leaned into my puppet more. He dared to caress my thigh and even grabbed my ass a little, which I hated. I didn't want him to go that far but as long as it didn't get to a point where I would have to kill him I would continue to play it cool. I made sure to cast a glance at Johnny and I was satisfied that his eyes seemed to have turned pitch black with the intent to hunt. The air trickled with anger that only I could feel. I added fuel to the fire by pretending that I was clumsy enough to spill beer on my chest, making a fuss over the mess. I then asked if the guy could get me a towel or something to wipe myself off with though he continued to make not so sly comments about wanting to lick it off me. After denying and shoving him away, he finally left in search of a towel from the bathroom. In that moment of peace my whirlwind storm grabbed onto my arm and hauled me onto my feet.
"What do you think you're doing?" Johnny growled.
"I'm drinking!" I squirmed in his grasp as more beer spilled on my arm from being yanked up so quickly.
"Mhm," he mocked. "What the fuck you doing all over that guy, huh?"
"I'm not all over him! We were just talking!" I pulled away from him and adjusted myself. "Don't be such a dick."
He didn't say anything more but he grabbed his vest from the floor and shoved me forward. I protested as he made me leave my drink and forced me out of the motel room and towards the parking lot. "Will you stop pushing me?!"
I was up against the warm metal of his car in a mere moment. He tossed his vest onto the hood and trapped me between him and the door. "You think you're so fucking slick, huh? You think I don't know what you're doing?"
"How could you know when you've been ignoring me all day?" I shot back.
He ran his tongue across his teeth and scoffed. "That's what this is about? You being a whiny little brat?!"
"I'm not a brat!" I stomped my foot to accentuate the word. "Is it a crime to want some fucking attention from my boyfriend?! If you don't want to give it to me then I'll just find it from somewhere else." I tried to move away but it was no use. His fingers dug into my arm, making me wince. Johnny pressed his lips to my ear as the other hand cupped between my thighs firmly.
"Yeah? Where else you gonna find someone that fucks you as good as I do? No one and I mean no one will ever make you scream, moan, or squirt like me. You want some pathetic fuck inside you? Is that it?"
I whimpered and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I want you."
"I know you do. Because you're mine. Mine."
"I don't feel like I am." I nuzzled my face into his neck and hid my puppy dog stare. He laughed against the bare skin of my shoulder as he shoved the center of my panties aside and moved two thick fingers into me. I gasped loudly and felt my thighs quiver. I couldn't get a hold of myself and was left clutching at his shoulders. The desperate need that I had following me all day made it so that his fingers were coated in my cum in just one push. He wasn't gentle at all. In fact, he was thrusting so hard into me that I felt like I would collapse at any moment. The shadows of the night kept us hidden but my sounds would surely give us away. It was hard not to scream when that dull and painful ache was starting to get fulfilled at last. "J-johnny!" I panted through a string of curses.
He cuffed the back of my neck and forced me to look at him. "Already whining for me?" He smirked.
I nodded helplessly as I couldn't get another sound out. The only thing I could think to do was grab at him through the sweatpants, wishing I could claw through the fabric. He pulled his fingers free from me suddenly. "Touch me and I'll stop."
"i-i want it. Please. I want you. Please. Please." I begged pathetically.
"What did I say?" He held his fingers away, showing off how my cum glistened in the sliver of pale yellow street lighting above us.
I bit into my bottom lip and whined. "Ok! Ok! I won't touch you. Just please keep going?" I stood on my tiptoes and placed kisses along his jaw to try and entice him. "I'll do whatever you want." I panted. "Anything."
"I know you will because whatever I say goes. You want me to fuck you in this parking lot, don't you?"
I nodded quickly and reached under my skirt in preparation to pull my panties down. Johnny shoved his leg between mine, the muscle of his thigh pressing against my center and leaving a hint of a wet spot on his sweatpants. “Don’t make me take you home and punish you.”
He pried at my mouth with his wet fingers and shoved them past my teeth to smear my own taste on my tongue. I sucked deeply and hungrily, wondering when he would stop torturing me. Tears prickled along the inner corner of my eyes as he pressed down onto the back on my tongue, forcing me to fight against my gag reflex. I gripped his wrist as I squirmed, knowing that he wouldn't pull away until he thought I was close to puking. He was all devilish laughter as he watched me surrender to his every whim. Only when I was a breathless and a teary eyed mess did he move away completely.
I coughed loudly and dragged my thumb knuckle beneath my waterline to try and keep the tears from messing up my makeup. He wouldn't want to see it ruined just yet. I sniffled and looked up at him, unsure of what he was going to do next. That bit of fear made my spine shiver but he simply unlocked and opened the passenger door and commanded me to get inside. I stepped into his car and made myself as small as possible while he walked over to the driver's seat. Once inside he tossed his vest at my lap before starting the ignition and hitting reverse hard.
I was jerked back in my seat and almost tossed against the door when he sprinted out of the parking lot and towards his apartment. "Get a cig for me."
I fumbled to quickly get the mostly empty carton from the breast pocket of his vest and pulled one out. Using the car lighter, I pushed the button in, waited for it to pop out, and set the cigarette between my lips.The now heated metal ignited the tobacco and filled the air with smoke. I handed it over to him and watched as he kept it pursed tightly in his mouth before making a harsh turn. Wind crashed through the open windows, providing much appreciated gusts of night air. It was way better than the air conditioner and eased the discomfort of my warm sticky skin.
Johnny was back to ignoring me, at least I thought so until he snapped his fingers. I barely had a chance to look over at him before I found my head between his stomach and the steering wheel, the bulge in his pants brushing against the tip of my nose. Though I still wanted my own relief, I wasn't opposed to sucking him off. In fact, I knew that once I blew him he would do whatever I wanted. He always said that I was the best head he'd ever had. My gag reflex may not be that great but I always made damn sure he felt like I was going to suck the soul right out of him.
From what I remembered from the drive over to the motel we still had a few minutes until we got back to his place. Just enough time to get him riled up enough so by the time we crossed the threshold into the apartment, I'd be filed and fucked to my heart's content. Just the thought of that made me smile as I kissed his lower stomach and followed his happy trail to the top of his pants. I wedged both his underwear and sweatpants down just enough for him to pop out. He was halfway there and I wondered if my desperation was the cause of his sudden growth. I nuzzled the base of his cock and giggled at the way it seemed to react to the cute touches. "Get to work." He grumbled as he shifted in his seat. A light twinge was at the corner of his lips and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. I was dragging my nails lightly up and down the toned dips in his stomach and though he hated to admit it he was awfully ticklish.
I wiggled my hips as I tried to get as comfortable as possible while being bent over the center console. The storage box was digging into my rib cage but with his big body and barely enough room in his shitty car I was stuck in a half twisted position with his girth now heavy in my mouth. I moaned around him and sucked deeply while I could still fit him in my mouth. Once he was fully erect my throat didn't stand a chance. He was still calm as he drove, humming along to whatever tune was playing on the radio. I held onto his strong thigh to brace myself against the wheels running over uneven pavement. I didn't need to hit my head on anything in the middle of swallowing him.
As he began to stiffen I bobbed my head along his length, swallowing around his head to tease the sensitivity. Johnny shifted his hips and cleared his throat, still trying to keep his cool. I pulled off from his shaft to stroke it while my tongue traced intricate patterns against his slit. The slight tang of the initial drop of precum hit my taste buds and I hummed in appreciation. I was never one to be interested in anything surrounding male cum but Johnny showed me every goddamn perfect thing about it. When it slid down my throat or filled me as deep as Johnny could go my body would go insane. It was another way of marking me, of preventing anyone else from having the satisfaction, and creating an unspoken intimacy between us.
I looked up as I pressed him back against my tongue, getting a little more than half of him down now that he was eagerly wanting more. His bottom lip was pulled taut beneath his teeth but when our eyes met briefly the bite of his lip turned into a scowl. He grabbed a rough handful of my hair and shoved me all the way down to the base of his cock, burning my throat as he prodded at the back of it. I dug my nails into his thigh and flailed restlessly, trying to get him to release me so I could breath. But he didn't stop.
The slow bobs I was performing before was nothing like the brutal way he slammed my head up and down his length. Each time I felt the stab against my esophagus I would squeeze my eyes shut and try to focus on breathing through my nose. My hand was trembling as it gripped his sweatpants in a tight fist. He pressed me down again, holding me there for a small chunk of time, until I tapped out in a last ditch effort to breathe properly. He yanked my head back by my hair and I gulped in air quickly and in between coughs.
"Clean your mouth and stop being messy." He said as he flicked ashes out the window.
I winced and wiped my chin of saliva that had unfortunately accumulated from the deep suction. I swallowed hard and nudged my face into his neck while I fisted the head of his cock. "I love you." I mewled against his jugular.
“Mhm.” He answered simply. It was always ‘mhm’, ‘same’, ‘me too’. Never the words exactly. There were times where i hopelessly contemplated if he actually loved me or not. After all we were just two poor kids living in a dilapidated apartment on the wrong side of town. Hell, we even met running from the cops after we were at the wrong place at the wrong time for a drug bust gone awry. Maybe it was the adrenaline from running away but somehow i ended up in his bed that same night. Now a few months later i was head over heels for him and he was an enigma.
To continue to his cold feelings he returned to grabbing my hair and pushing me down to swallow his cock once more. It was the same repetition of painful yet thrilling chokes and gasps of air. This time i was able to work my tongue over him more and focus on flexing my throat. I felt him turn the car and slow down once i pulled up to secure another breath and lap at his shaft. We were at the apartment already and i wondered what was next for me. He cut the engine and yanked me upwards by my neck before crashing a feral kiss against me. I clutched onto his bicep, digging my nails into the black ink that doused his firm muscle. His big tongue warmed my mouth and sent my head into a foggy submissiveness. His hand came to cup around my throat, adding pressure to each side and the center. My lungs clenched in response as did the quivering between my thighs. Just when i opened my legs to try and see if he would receive my invitation for more brutal fingering he pulled away and set himself back in his pants as best he could. “Get your ass upstairs.”
I nodded and quickly got out the car, running as fast as possible to the inside of our apartment building. I fumbled to get the door open which gave johnny enough time to catch up. Before i knew it my back hit the uncomfortable and old mattress and my skirt was being ripped off me. Johnny climbed on top of me, a smirk on his face as he watched me reach out to him. His gaze casted to the side to a discarded pair of jeans he had left on the floor. A studded belt lay in its loops but soon resided in his hands. He pinned my wrists above my head and secured the belt around them, pulling it taught. I angled my hips towards him, waiting for his next move. “Touch me, you asshole!” I was becoming more and more impatient for my release to the point where my body ached,
“Shut your mouth.” The rest of the length of the belt was wrapped and tied around the non-functioning radiator near the mattress. He reached back into the pocket of the jeans and pulled out his favorite switchblade. With a simple flick, the blade was released and glistened with hidden desire. The tip of the blade started at my inner thighs, just barely scraping against my skin as I writhed. My heart hiccuped in my chest as the nerves hit. I felt like he would never cut me but a small part of me was curious as to how it would increase my lust for him. He continued to drag the blade over the seat of my panties. “Don’t move.”
I froze in place immediately and swallowed hard. “What are you doing?” I asked faintly.
One hand pulled the fabric of my panties taut in his fist while the other sliced the blade through it. He ripped the rest away and hurriedly pressed open mouth kisses and bites along my stomach and above my clit. The blade still teased along the edge of my torso where it continued to repeat the cutting of my tank top so my chest lay bare for him. He plunged the blade into the mattress beside my head with a snicker and sunk his teeth into my chest. I moaned deeply and arched into his love bite as my legs fell to the wayside, accepting him right between them. “You know i love teasing you until you’re so fucking desperate for me.” He pressed the words into my skin.
“You’re so fucking terrible! I hate you!”
“Sure you do. You wanna play your little games, this is what you get now.” He kicked off his sneakers and discarded his sweatpants before wrapping my legs around his waist. The anticipation of his cock pressing into my entrance that festered all day finally ceased to exist. In one swift thrust he was buried inside me, the pain shooting straight throughout my nerves. I screamed and struggled against the belted restraint as he delivered thrust after thrust. I had never felt so alive in that moment and the slickness between us reminded me of how much his body delighted every sense I had. He growled in between bites to my lips, my neck, my chest, anywhere he wanted to mark me and show the world that I belonged to him. 
“M-make me c-c-cum.” My voice trembled. “God, Johnny, make me fucking cum!”
“You’ll cum when I say you can, understand me?” He growled. He choked me then until I felt that fogginess again. I looked up at the dark filled voids his eyes had become, dilated with the adrenaline of controlling every aspect of our fuck. “Lift your legs.” He panted as his hips slammed into the back of my thighs. I raised my knees to my chest, my toes dancing across his shoulders and deepening the pressure in my gut. The hand on my neck switched to two and my eyes rolled back into their sockets. I couldn't say anything. The only thing I could do was watch visions dancing in my brain that were only of me and him. My legs flailed from the strength of his body devouring me. I clenched tightly around him, surrounding his cock like a vice. “Why are you so goddamn tight for me?” He huffed. The strength of the choking lessened and he held the sides of my face instead. “Look at me.”
I blinked through the swirl of colors that swirled behind my eyelids and focused on him. His hair was sticking to his face, dampened with sweat. I felt like I almost imagined a smile across his lips before he kissed me. It wasn't as hard as before but rather sensual and burning with passion for me. My cheeks flushed instantly and i could feel him descending into a slow stop. “B-baby…” I wanted to hold onto him and show him how much I loved him but he didn’t grant me that right. With his body away from me now I gaped around nothingness, feeling my own cum drip onto the sheetless mattress. He grabbed onto my hips without another word and twisted me around so I lay on my stomach. The belt dug into my wrists more and I could already feel them forming marks. I hissed and curled my fingers to focus the circulation to my hands so they wouldn’t feel so numb.
As i suffered under bondage, Johnny raised my hips and took his rightful pace back inside me. His stamina was just as strong and wild, plowing me into unforgiving ecstasy as he shoved my head into the mattress. I bucked against him, howling and whining at each movement. I almost didn’t feel him press his chest to my back or his fingers digging into me. The overstretching ached my small abused hole but the pads of his fingertips nudged as various spots in conjunction with his cock that had me gasping on the verge of an orgasm. The hand keeping pressure on my head moved to fumble through the intricate twists of the belt he created and finally released my hands. His lips were by my ear, a deep chuckle tickling the warm skin of the cartilage. “Now.”
The single syllable was permission to force my hands between me and the mattress to join him in pleasuring myself. I concentrated eager rubs and circles into my clit as i rocked back against him. More and more my legs tensed, my knees dug into the mattress, and my toes curled back. I heard Johnny gasp deeply, strangled yet so goddamn sensual that i followed suit. His cum splashed inside me, pushing back out since i was stuffed with his shaft still. I crumbled when the heat hit, my body shuddering completely as i lost a sense of self. It was as if i was contorting in the exorcism of the devils that tormented me with the hunger for his cock. In a final collapse we left the bed to be stained with cum, sweat, and the echoes of our strained voices.Johnny kissed the back of my neck gently and wrapped his arms around my rib cage. We shifted into a position of spooning as he remained inside me and kept his cum trapped for me to revel in. Fatigue set in almost immediately and it was practically impossible to stay awake. My eyes slipped shut and my breath evened out eventually. We silenced ourselves and just as i was teetering on the edge of sleep I heard it.
“I love you.”
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kaemulti · 4 years
(this is for the like five people who liked my post about me writing this 😤✊🏾and i have an AO3 account but i don’t want my kpop fan life and my non kpop fan life to clash right now so hopefully i can post the chapters for this fic here. i hope i’m doing this right, i literally got tumblr like a month or two ago so pls be nice 💀💀)
Story Summary: Korra Kuruk is an eighteen year old agent of The Air Temple Agency that has been tasked with bringing a rival company’s top teen agent to justice for her crimes. Korra, code name Water Tribe, must figure out what the true identity of the elusive Metal Bender is and what heinous acts her villainous agency is currently planning. How will Korra handle finding out her target is the one person she least expected and what will she do when that same person needs saving?
Deadly Dance : Chapter One : Little Miss Perfect
Kuvira shut her eyes tightly, taking a deep breath through her nose until it filled every inch of her lungs. She slowly let it out once she couldn’t take in any more oxygen and opened her eyes with new determination, deep breath centering her thoughts and calming any nerves that might be lingering. She could feel the whole room’s eyes on her, whole class practically on the edge of their seats as they watched her prepare for the final part of the combination. Kuvira smirked, an evil, sly smirk that would have easily given away her true personality if any of her peers were actually that observant. Fortunately, they were all far to enthralled with her movement, eyes widening as she extended her arms and raised her head. A beat, and she was off, turning and waltzing like she was floating through the air as the music rose in volume. She could feel the sweat running down the sides if her face, causing her skin to itch, but she couldn’t care less, she was electric right now, practically on fire as she completed all the steps without a hitch. Her face never broke from the innocent and vulnerable look of the character she was playing. Her limbs were long and free, passion practically seeping from every pore as the combination came to a close. She ended the fouetté sequence flawlessly, face refusing to show how increasingly uncomfortable her pointe shoes became pain an afterthought to the captivating performance she was seconds away from nailing. With one last turn, she took her ending position, chest slowly rising and falling as the music faded away to silence.
“Absolutely fantastic as always, Kuvira! Everyone please give her a round of applause.” The teacher said enthusiastically, smile wide as she praised her best student.
Kuvira smiled softly as she bowed for the applause from the class. The praise was cut short as the third period bell had rang, meaning they had spent their five minute time period for changing back into their normal clothes watching Kuvira complete the combination.
“Oh, spirits! That’s the bell, sorry I kept you everyone! Hurry and change, those of you headed to lunch should be fine but I’ll write slips for anyone who is going to a class period! Hurry, hurry! Great work today!” The teacher said as her students scrambled around the room.
Kuvira quickly dropped to the floor, hastily taking off her pointe shoes and shoving them into her dance bag. She jogged to the dressing room and begun to change, ripping off her constricting tights and deciding to exchange her bra for her leotard to save time. She finished pulling her skirt on and adjusted her turtle neck, haphazardly slipping on her sneakers as she rushed out of the door.
Luckily for her, the lunch room was only a couple doors down, unluckily for her however, she didn’t pack a lunch and waiting in the line is known to take half of their lunch period. She pushed passed some students in the hallway, raising the tone of her voice to give half hearted apologies as she did so, not that they knew that of course. When she finally made it to the lunch room she scanned the area for the table with her friends, smiling once she caught sight of them.
Being at this school was her least favorite thing ever so the fact she had actually found a couple people that cared enough to talk to her had been a blessing.
“Nice job today, Kuvira!”
“You totally owned that combo! I wish I could dance like that!”
“You should be proud of yourself.”
The praises weren’t new to her so Kuvira simply offered a smile and a couple thank you’s as she reached the table.
“Well if it isn’t the swan princess herself.” Wing teased as she sat down.
“Haha, very funny, Wing. I told you not to call me that when we’re not in practice, especially because we aren’t even doing that ballet this year.” Kuvira said light heartedly as she pulled out her makeup compact.
“My apologies, Great Uniter.” He said with a bow and smirk. The Avatar ballet had been widely requested by everyone in the dance department and Kuvira was beyond happy when she got picked to play the avatar’s ultimate rival, The Great Uniter.
“How was class?” Baatar asked shyly, barely making eye contact with her as he did so.
“It was fine, my feet are killing me but ballet is my second favorite dance class so I don’t mind.” She replied sweetly as she put on her eyeliner.
“I’ll never understand how you can do that so flawlessly, are you just perfect or something?” Wei asked as he practically inhaled one of his spring rolls.
“I wouldn’t say “perfect”, just skilled.” She lied, adding a sharp tail to the liner. She was playing a character right now and, sadly, acting cocky wasn’t in the script.
“I just don’t get how she got here so fast!” Korra panted, placing her backpack on the floor as she slumped on the table. She had gotten lost in the sea of people all trying to get to lunch on time from dance and had to race to avoid the hall monitor.
“Maybe you’re slower than you thought.” Mako joked, offering her part of his sandwich like he always does. He loved Korra to death but that girl was so frantic she basically forgot her lunch three times a week.
“Must you bully me after I almost got trampled in the hallway, again?! I’m hurting.” She pouted, taking her half of the sandwich from him and eating most of it in one go.
“Maybe if you actually started telling Mrs. Xiao when you have five minutes left of class you’d be here on time.” Asami smirked, not even looking up from her chemistry homework to tease the panting girl.
“I would have but she was too busy watching Kuvira prance around the room.” Korra said with her mouth full, rolling her eyes as she thought of the older dancer flawlessly completing that day’s combination.
“I’ll never understand why she gets under your skin so bad, Kor, she’s literally an angel. Honestly, I don’t even think she’d hurt a fly if she had the chance. Besides, you guys are rivals in the ballet, not real life.” Bolin said, blowing on his noodles to cool them down before sucking them up violently.
“And I don’t see why you don’t, just look at her! Being the center of attention every chance she gets.” Korra pouted, gesturing to the girl doing her makeup in her small hand held mirror a couple tables down.
“Are you gonna leave your hair like that the whole day?” Huan asked Kuvira, face contouring to a grimace.
“Shoot, (spirits, she wishes she could’ve cursed) I didnt even notice, thanks, Huan.” She said, placing the compact down so she could dig through her bag for a brush. She always forgot to take her hair out of her ballet bun and Huan, being the guy who was absolutely incapable of staying out of other people’s fashion choices, never let her forget. Kuvira still remembers how she had to force a smile and act like she didn’t want to bust his jaw that one time he said she looked like a snob when her hair was up.
He was right of course, but it still annoyed her.
Kuvira pulled out the brush she was looking for and set it on the table as she started removing the bobby pins from her hair. She smiled a bit to herself as she got the last one out, her favorite part was next, letting her hair down as she felt everyone watch.
She let the bun unravel as she gracefully shook her head, long, dark waves cascading down her back, almost reaching her butt. Honestly, she needed a trim, she’d have to remind Unalaq to make time in her schedule to get one.
Kuvira picked up the brush and ran it through her hair just enough to make it look neat but not enough to brush out the waves. She could feel several eyes on her, both male and female, as she did so. Kuvira wasn’t oblivious, despite how she acted as her character, she knew she was way above average in looks and she liked the eyes on her, craved them even. She opened her eyes and smiled as she caught Baatar looking at her.
Kuvira liked catching him watching her the most because she knew he’d never have a chance with her, no matter how much he wanted one.
“Looks like the line is shorter now, I’m gonna go grab lunch.” She said sweetly, quickly whipping her head around to eye how many people were still waiting in the line. She was fast enough to identify ten sets, five more than last time, of eyes on her before they frantically looked away as she searched for eye contact. She stood up and flipped her hair, strutting to the lunch line with an innocent smile.
“Ok, but it’s not her fault she’s gorgeous, Korra, that’s hardly a reason to hate her.” Bolin said, back at their table, pulling Korra out of her daze as she watched the older girl strut to the lunch line.
“I never said I hated her, she just...bugs me...” Korra replied, crossing her arms with a huff. Ever since the first day Kuvira had transferred to their school something about her seemed too good to be true, leaving a nasty taste in Korra’s mouth when interacting with the older girl.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush on her, Kor.” Asami said, finally looking up from her, now finished, homework to quirk her brow at the pouty girl.
“Wha-no. No! I do not have a crush on little miss perfect, sprits!” Korra said, annoyance clear in her voice as she furrowed her brow at her friend’s accusatory tone.
“Whatever you say, you should really just ask her to the formal in two months.” Mako said before he drank from his water bottle.
“I will not! I don’t even like her like that. Tui and La you guys are impossible!” Korra said, standing up from her seat and heading to the lunch line—because she was hungry! Not so she could stand next to Kuvira, she had more dignity than that thank you very much.
“Hey, Kuvira! How are you today?” Ms. Li, one of the lunch ladies said sweetly.
“I am great, Yuyan, thank you for asking. How about yourself?” Kuvira replied politely. That was one thing Unalaq could never shake from her, her manners for people less fortunate than she was. She had spent a lot of time talking to the school staff when she first got this assignment, she would tell her bosses it’s so she could find her target quicker but that was all a lie. To most, she might be considered to be on the wrong side of history, even if she thought that was nonsense, but that didn’t mean she was soulless. She only wanted the best for these people, why would she be cold if she didn’t have to be?
“Well, I could be better, these kids really don’t know how to say a simple please and thank you. It, um, it gets to you sometimes, you know? But, hey, I guess it could always be worse. Thank you so much for ask—Oh! That reminds me, me and a couple of the other lunch ladies made this for you, since you are such a big help around here.” Ms. Li said, reaching behind her to grab a small chocolate cupcake before handing it to Kuvira.
“Thank you so much, it looks delicious.” Kuvira said, accepting the sweet treat and placing it on her tray with the rest of her food.
“Of course! Anything for our favorite student. Congratulations on getting the part of The Great Uniter by the way, we look forward to seeing you shine!” Ms. Li smiled.
Kuvira smiled brightly as she punched in her lunch number, swiping her school card quickly. She appreciated the praise and she new she deserved it, but too much of it could make her uncomfortable. She said one more thank you to Ms. Li and headed back to her table.
As she was walking however, she almost ran right into someone who was clearly not watching where they were going. If she had been anyone else, her tray would’ve went flying, along with the items on it, and there’d be a huge mess, luckily she wasn’t anyone else. She was Kuvira, member of the Metal clan, the most highly trained spy organization in the world, and she’d be damned if she let her special cupcake get squashed. She easily spun around the person, gracefully hoping one of the railings to catch her airborne tray, every single item she had purchased returning to their places. Well, all except her juice box, which was still airborne, about to land on the ground behind her. She whipped her head back around and made a move to catch it but instead saw her onstage rival, The Avatar, played by Korra Kuruk, hopping the same railing to catch the juice box before it hit the ground, her own lunch items fully intact on her own tray despite the vigorous movement.
“I am so sorry about that! Here, wouldn’t want you to lose this.” Korra said apologetically as she held out the juice box to a wide eyed Kuvira.
As soon as they made eye contact Korra seemed to have picked up on what had actually happened, her own eyes going wide as Kuvira snatched the juice box from her hands.
Before either of them could say anything, the pieces finally falling into place and their initial shock quickly flipping to furry, the fire alarm went off, blaring loudly in everyone’s ears and causing several people, excluding Korra and Kuvira of course, to flinch in their seats. They had been trained better than to get startled by a sudden noise.
“Ok, ok, everyone please grab your phones, and I mean only your phones, and exit the building!” One of the lunch monitors said, ushering kids out of the back entrance so they could head to the field.
Both girls glared at each other, breath heavy in a rage as they did so, before going their separate ways to their respective tables. Kuvira grabbed her phone and followed Baatar out of the lunch room, not bothering to look back at Korra. Nobody at her table asked questions, not having been paying attention to Kuvira when she left the table.
Korra however, returned to a table full of wide eyes and slacked jaws, her friends having watched the whole ordeal after Korra bailed at the mention of a crush.
“That was some ninja shit, Korra! Wh- How- When! When did you even learn how to do that?!” Wu asked, most likely coming off of his hall monitor shift to eat lunch with them moments before the alarm sounded.
“Movies. Come on, we need to get outside.” She said, anger clouding her eyes and lowering her voice. Nobody asked any more questions and, even if they wanted to, Korra was already walking away, one foot out of the door
One thing’s for sure, Korra now had more reason than ever to hate Kuvira.
Kuvira was undoubtably the Metal Clan Protegé that Korra was tasked with arresting for crimes against the environment and the less fortunate.
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juviaafullbuster · 4 years
Gruvia week - Day 4: Sugar
Warnings: None
Relationship: Gruvia
Summary: Juvia plans on surprising Gray with a cake, but things just keep getting in the way.
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The first time Juvia tried to bake a cake for her love, it ended up in a disaster. The kitchen was a mess, the cake half burnt and she's pretty sure she almost poisoned Wendy who was nice enough to try it.
But as everyone in Fairy Tail knew, Juvia wasn't one to give up so easily. She didnt give up on winning Gray for herself and she sure wasn't going to give up on this cake. It isn't like Juvias a bad cook. Her Gray buns turned out delicious every time. So why was this so hard?
Juvia read through the instruction carefully, making sure not to miss a point. She was determined not to mess this up. She started by putting all the ingredients she needed on the table in front of her. Eggs, milk, flour, sugar.. Where was the sugar?
Juvia looked everywhere possible but came up empty. How could she have forgotten about the sugar? She can't do a cake without it, she had it last time and even then the cake managed to be sour according to Wendy's judgement.
Trying not to freak out, Juvia took a deep breath before deciding to ask one of the girls for it. Sure one of them could lend her some sugar.
She went from home to home, but with no success. It was like the whole guild was out of sugar. Cana, Lucy, Mira, Erza.. even Levy, the one who always has everything was out of it. Juvia seemed to have no luck. Frustrated she let herself fall on the bench next to the lake. All she wanted was to bake a cake she could surprise her darling with. Was that too much?
Focused on her thoughts, Juvia didnt register the person coming and sitting next to her.
"What is it that got you so deep in thoughts?"
"Graysama, what are you doing her?"
"I just came back from the mission and was on my way home when I saw you sitting here all by yourself. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, don't worry. Juvia just planned to bake today but ran out of sugar. No one else seems to have some either."
"Oh, what did you want to bake?"
Juvia turned red. What was she supposed to do now? She couldn't tell Gray what she was planning on doing, it was a surprise after all.
"Why are you turning red? Wait, don't tell me.. you're planning on doing those buns again, aren't you?"
Gray looked at her sternly. While Juvia didn't intend to do that, it was a good way of getting out of telling him the truth so she just nodded her head eagerly. At her response, the ice mage just sighed and shook his head looking amused.
"You're something else. I'll be honest, even though it was weird to eat my own face, I admit they were delicious. So if you promise me to not put my face on them this time I can give you some sugar, I have a bag at my place and I don't plan to use it anytime soon. Sounds good?"
"Yes, although Juvia cant promise that she can resist on not putting your face on at least one bun."
Gray just chuckled at her answer before taking her hand and making his way towards his home.
The next day:
Juvia was tired. She didn't think it was possible for her to sleep that long. It had taken her forever to finish the cake and decorate it perfectly, but it turned out just the way she wanted it to. She couldn't wait to give it to her darling. Taking her time she got dressed and did her hair, even applying some makeup for the occasion. She packed the cake in a box carefully before making her way to Gray. But when she arrived at his place it seemed to be empty. It wasn't until Gajeel walked past her that she knew why.
"Juvia, what are you doing her? Everyone is already in the guild hall celebrating. Lucy and Erza organized a big surprise party for Grays birthday. She got decorations, music and a huge cake. Its awesome."
Juvias heart shattered. This wasn't going the way she had planned at all. She was the one who wanted to surprise him. And now her rival had stolen her moment. All the hard work for nothing. She stared down at the box. Stupid cake, all the work for nothing..
Juvia started walking back home, not being in the mood for a party when she saw Gray on the same bench he was sitting at with her yesterday. What was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be at his party? Something must be wrong. She made her way over to him, sitting down next to him just like he had yesterday.
"What is it that got you so deep in thoughts?"
She couldn't see his face but she know that her question made the ice mage smile.
"I guess finding the other like this became our thing, huh?"
"What's wrong Graysama. Shouldn't you be at the party? Everyone sure misses you there."
"No, don't worry about that. They're all too drunk to even realize. Besides, I'm not really a party person. What about you? I didnt see you there earlier."
He had noticed. It filled her heart with joy knowing that her love looked out for her and realized her absence.
"Juvia was at your place."
He raised an eyebrow and looked at her questioningly.
"Juvia made you something and had planned to give it to you. But you weren't there. And then Gajeel told her about the party."
"Is that it? Is it for me?"
At this point both were looking at the box. The cake was already done, so she might as well give it to him. Handing over the box, she waited for his reaction. But there was none. Gray just kept staring at the cake inside, not reacting.
"Is something wrong? It's a chocolate cake filled with strawberries and whipped cream."
"No, it's just.. my mom used to make the same cake on my birthday. It's my favorite.. thank you Juvia, this means a lot."
The way his eyes shined with happiness, the genuine smile on his face, it filled Juvias heart with joy. The work was worth it after all.
"So that's what you needed the sugar for, huh? I have to admit I was really excited for the buns but this is so much better. Let's go, we'll share this cake between the two of us, the rest can have that bought one they got me."
Juvia couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. Taking his hand in hers, he started walking to his place, just like he had yesterday. This was definitely something Juvia wouldn't mind getting used to. And when he looked back at her, with that boyish grin, she knew that this day couldn't have gone any better after all.
"Happy birthday Graysama."
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paladinwife · 4 years
ya didnt have to call me out like that man- GSHSGSJKJGJ but uh all 50 for goober :> (beatrice-santello)
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@beatrice-santello​ @of-saints-and-demons​ oh god here comes Goober
1. Does your F/O have a birthmark? (or any type of freckles or beauty marks?)
None that are visible! She might have some on her body under the clothes, but none that we know about in canon. I headcanon that she has a couple of moles on her torso.
2. Is your F/O the type to volunteer to their community? 
Judging by her past, which she spent fighting to protect her community, she does in her own way. She’d probably keep doing it as well, were she not trapped as an AI in the Corporation.
3. Does your F/O the type to be giving or to take?
Ignoring what I thought this question meant as first she’s more selfless than you’d think. There’s a reason she’s kind of a hero figure in the Back Streets. Even now, her anger is over the dangerousness of the anomalies and her inability to protect people. I’d say she’s more of a giving person.
4. Does your F/O have any battle scars?
There’s a couple very visible on her face. Most likely there’s some on her body as well that you just can’t see because of the bodysuit.
5. Does your F/O wear make up? (Do you think they would be open to wearing makeup if they don’t wear it daily?) 
I don’t think she does, mostly because she sees it as a waste of time. The fact that she’d look great is beside the point.
6. Has your F/O ever dye their hair or worn a wig?
She hasn’t. She probably sees that as a waste of time too, but her natural hair is gorgeous either way.
7. What is your F/O fashion taste?
Sleek and maybe a bit edgy, with lots of black and red. Especially considering her signature longcoat.
8. How tall is your F/O?
Taaaall. She’s taller than every other sephirah in the game. If she’s not six feet tall, she’s pretty close.
9. What is your F/O’s blood type?
In her present form, she doesn’t have blood. Which is a really ominous statement out of context. Even when she did, I have no idea what her blood type would be.
10. When is your F/O birthday?
She doesn’t have a canon birthday, but I think sometime in late October to early November. She’s probably a Scorpio.
11. Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it?
She’s an okay cook, I think. She’s not amazing at it, but she can get by.
12. What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory))
It isn’t listed here, but she probably prefers spicy food over anything else, and I mean very spicy. If she’s not in actual pain, it’s not enough.
13. If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be?
For some reason I like the idea of her just being unfairly good at Smash. She can and will crush you. Her main is probably Ganon or something similar, heavy on offense.
14. What type of aesthetic does you F/O have?
Reeeeed. She has a clear theming color, and I feel like her aesthetic involves it a lot. Red and slightly edgy.
15. What color is your F/O eyes?
They’re a golden color. Sometimes in fanart she’s portrayed as heterochromatic because of her damaged eye.
16. Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not do they like or hate the concept of tattoos? 
She doesn’t have any in canon, but I feel like she could get behind the idea. She’d probably get something in memory of her fallen comrades, as a reminder of what she’s here for and what’s at stake.
17. If you could matching tattoos what would it be?
Hmm, some kind of matching symbol to remind of us everything we’ve been through. Potentially one another’s weapons?
18. Does your F/O have any piercings?
I don’t think she does. She doesn’t hate the aesthetic, but depending on where they are they might be risky in battle, so she might not get any.
19. Is your F/O a cake or pie person?
Oooh, hard. I don’t think she’s crazy about sweets, but she’d prefer pie.
20. Is your F/O a morning or night person?
More of a night owl, I’d say. She’s just used to getting most of her work done at night, and it’s a hard habit to break.
21. Is your F/O a coffee or tea person?
Definitely a coffee person. It’s more readily available at the Corporation, and she prefers the taste. She takes hers black.
22. Is your F/O half empty or half full type of person?
She’s more of a pessimist and can maybe be a bit bitter at times. Hard to blame her, considering everything she’s gone through.
23. Does your F/O have a pet? If not in canon what do you think they would have if given the chance? 
I don’t think she has one in canon, due to the peculiarities of working for the Corporation. In a AU I could see her going for a big dog, or maybe a cat.
24. Is your F/O the type to want to live in the city or live out in the country? 
She’s lived in the city all her life and is used to it, but I don’t think she’d mind the space when it comes to living in the country.
25. Does your F/O like to swim?
I’m not sure she ever has, but (assuming she’s not in robot form) I could see her enjoying it. Helps keep her strong and all.
26. What harry potter house would your F/O be in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin)
She’s a pretty clear shoe in for Gryffindor, especially considering her past.
27. If your F/O was in “avatar: the last air bender” what type of bender would they be? (air, water, earth, and fire) 
Honestly if her design didn’t already scream firebender, the fiery personality sure does.
28. Is your F/O LGBT+? 
It seems to be a pretty popular idea in the fandom that she’s some kind of wlw. I personally like to see her as bi like me.
29. Does your F/O have any artistic hobbies? (Knitting, drawing, painting, etc)
I don’t think she’s ever tried any, and she’d probably say something about just not being meant for that. Still, I wonder if she’d enjoy it if she ever did get the chance to try. Maybe just as stress relief.
30. What’s a piece of clothing your F/O is never seen without? (glasses, a necklace, hat, etc)
Her design changed as a sephirah, but that long coat she wore before was so iconic. When it comes to accessories though, she tends to keep things light.
31. What type of scent does your F/O remind you of?
Maybe some kind of warm, smokey scent. I mean I know she’s portrayed smoking a lot but maybe some kind of nice bonfire smell?
32. What’s something you see often that has little to no relation to your F/O but always reminds you of them?
She’s never used one in canon, but I could see her appreciating a good knife. Just like swords, which I absolutely do associate with her.
33. Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names for your F/O?
Goober. She probably hates that one. I’m also pretty generous with pet names, which embarrass her if they’re done in front of others, but she kinda likes them when it’s just us.
34. What does your F/O house/apartment look like? (or what do you think it looks like)
I think she’s just fine with a smaller space, just a small apartment is fine. She keeps it pretty organized, not minimalist by any means but she keeps it nice and clean.
35. What season reminds you of your F/O? (winter, spring, summer, fall)
Honestly, fall. Not just because of the colors, but I could see her liking it best.
36. Have you ever had a dream with your F/O in it?
Recently she has started appearing in my dreams. Confusingly Binah (who I’m not considering at all) was also there?
37. Does your F/O play any musical instruments?
I honestly doubt she’s ever had the chance to try, so she has no idea how. Her learning to play a saxophone though, hmm...
38. What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear?
For her as a character and not in a romantic way, Firestarter by the Prodigy. It definitely has the right heavy feel, and the fire imagery is always good for her.
Also, low key, Together Again by Janet Jackson came on earlier today, and it had me thinking about my ship with her.
39. What is your relationship like with your F/O?
Actually, really close. I’m one of the few people she feels like she can trust, and really she needs me around. I’m the only one she can lean on, and while she knows sometimes she doesn’t know how to handle emotional things, she’ll repay the debt by doing everything she can to protect me.
40. How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?)
I only just added her to the list in the past few days, but I’ve been thinking about her for slightly longer. Still, it hasn’t been very long.
41. Where is your F/O from? (as in born)
She’s from the Back Streets, which is a slum kind of area which is apparently pretty dangerous to live in. I’m also not sure what the city from Lobotomy Corporation is called, but it’s some kind of metropolitan area. 
42. Is your F/O the type to read reviews, or just go with their gut
She definitely goes with her gut, just as a general rule. After all, her gut is all she has.
43. What does your F/O’s Saturdays usually look like?
God, a much needed break. Get some coffee, maybe get a workout in, not have to deal with the bullshit from the Corporation. Maybe have some time with me. (This is, of course, unless she just has to work on Saturdays anyway, but god I want her to have a break.)
44. What is your F/O’s most valuable possession?
It’s probably a memento from her time in the Back Streets. Something small, but she’s still pretty fiercely protective of it. In some ways, it’s a reminder of what she’s lost.
45. What’s a fad you can see your F/O taking part of?
Honestly the thought of her taking part in any fad is really funny. The closest thing I can think of is her trying crossfit or something along those lines (and even then, something tells me she wouldn’t be impressed).
46. does your F/O prefer to work alone or with a team?
You know, I feel like it’s really easy to assume she prefers to work alone, especially with how she acts in game, but I think she misses having a team of people she could really trust. I feel like she likes to work with a team, but it has to be the right team.
47. How well does your F/O know tech? (such as computers, smart phones)
She has some exposure to tech, but mostly in a Corporation setting. So some things she’s pretty used to handling, but others she has no idea what to do with.
48. What’s some advice your F/O would tell you?
My first thought was she would tell me to hold on to what I believe in. I think in many ways she’s ashamed of not being able to protect others and the situation she’s currently in, so that’s what she wants to say the most.
49. What animal reminds you of your F/O?
I know she’s been compared to various kinds of big cats before, but maybe a bear? Like for both the vicious reputation and the protectiveness.
50. What color reminds you of your F/O?
Well, considering how strong the color theming is, it feels wrong to say anything but red.
51. What’s the most interesting fact you know about your F/O?
So we’re limited in how much we know about her in canon, so my fact might be kind of lame. But while she’s usually depicted wielding Mimicry (Nothing There’s weapon), she uses many more than that in her Sephirah Meltdown. They include, from what I remember, weapons from Spider Bud, Burrowing Heaven, Silent Orchestra, Apocalypse Bird, One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds, Mountain of Smiling Bodies, King of Greed, and Judgment Bird. In fact, I’m pretty sure she touches on most of the aleph-class weapons. Of those, my favorite one that she wields is Twilight (from Apocalypse Bird).
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angelathewitch · 4 years
Tldr: it was harder to come out as a twilight fan than it was to come out as bi
I began reading twilight in middle school. I'd been holding off because my family was "2008 progressive" (aka anti-feminine...ya know?). I remember finding a dusty collection of the series in our garage. Someone had given them to my mom as a gift, which she never read. I was bored, and a little intrigued, so I read them. All. Then I read them again, and again, and so on. I LOVED them. The problem was, I knew I shouldn't. I hid them under mattresses and pillows I took of their covers. I only took them out at night after everyone was asleep. Not because my family forbid it, but because I would rather have been fed to wolves than face the ridicule from friends and family. I didnt want to be pegged as a ditz. I was SO proud my family was progressive and feminist and against the color pink. I was cool, listening to alt. Music and rejecting the jonas Brothers with friends to match. But I always had that old copy of twilight under my pillow. I thought there was something genuinely wrong with me.
I read all about the plot holes, I understood why Edward was toxic, why Bella was bland, why Jacob was a racist character. But I still loved to read it. You know what I loved? I loved how girly it was. I could reject a lot of what twilight possessed, but the ONE thing I loved was the plot.
I had books up the wazoo about war, hardship, distopias, or culture, but twilight was the first book where the plot completely revolves around the romance. Its a wholesome story of two people who are seemingly destined to be apart and together simultaneously. Its all internal struggle and overcoming obstacles for two people to be happy. Its fucking cottage core (you can't change my mind). it's just pure and sweet and lovely at its base. It made me happy.
Although I read the first book 1,000 times, I never talked to anyone about it. I never went online for fear of search engine history. I literally never told a single person I liked twilight till I was a senior in college.
Senior year of high school (2015), I got a girlfriend (I am also female). It just happened. I remember coming home one day saying "I kissed my friend lily" and literally nobody cared. I had never thought about being anything other than straight, but it didn't matter to me what I was. We dated for 7 months. My family was very welcoming. We totally made out at senior prom. People came up to us and congratulated us on being so brave. I didn't really care, or mind. It was normal.
When I went to college, my friend group had 1/5 straight people in it. I didn't tell them till senior year of college (2019) that I liked twilight. They were the first people I told. This is after reading twilight at least twice a year, running my blog (badly), and laughing at the movies by myself in my dorm.
When i told my friends, they loved it. We watched every movie together (multiple times, it was a weekly tradition), i read midnigt sun to them (the creepy parts-they thought it was hilarious), they bought me twilight puzzles (horrible), and we put up signs all over the house saying "this is a twilight safe space."
I'm not saying that being a twihard is worse than being gay (yikes), I'm saying that sometimes, society overcorrects itself. If I had come out as a twilight fan in 2008, I would have be flamed. In a way, I'm happy I waited for a positive reaction around people i trusted to keep my secret. However, the years of hiding really took its toll. I don't read in public. I don't share my interests with my family.
Now, I realize I internalized their misogyny. Much like being gay is harder when you think its wrong, twighlight was my closet door. I'm still working on it. Maybe it was because I had to be closeted, or maybe it was my family's values that put liking twighlight as a deadlier sin than being gay. All I know is I can sympathize more with lgbtq+ people because I like twilight than because I am actually gay, which is,,,,,weird. It makes me realize intolerance of any kind can be dangerous.
I understand why people thought twilight was anti-feminist, much like they think makeup or hijabs are antifeminist. They are "staples of our oppression." But, like I said, overcorrecting is dangerous in its own right. The opposite of opression is liberty to do as we please, not to do the opposite of what oppressed us. I've only openly been a twilight fan for less than a year now, but it seems to be working out okay.
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mysteryofren · 4 years
welcome back
part 8 of so happy together
Part 7
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  The days after new years felt like a dream. You and Ben texted non stop. You learned a lot about him in the past few days. The more you knew about him the more you liked him. You told him more about your relationship with his parents, and he tried giving you the best advice he could. You wanted badly to ask if he wanted to hang out, but you knew his parents were home. Even if he acts like it you feel like deep down he missed them, and that he’ll miss them when school starts up again so you never brought up hanging out. 
 Your grandfather went back to working again, so you only saw him at breakfast, and dinner. Some days he stopped working early so you two could go out, or watch a movie before he went to sleep. For a moment it felt normal. As normal as it could be. You felt like you were a regular teen with a regular parent. Well grandparent. He made time for you instead of constantly working and brushing you off. You were originally supposed to stay for christmas eve, christmas, and the next day. That first night was amazing, and you refused to leave. You would stay too if your school wasn't so far. It made you love your time here even more. 
 Gideon and you spent your days exploring the forest and playing games at the house. You learned a lot about the old dog in the days since you got him. One day there was a rare winter rain. You set up by a window and listened to music. Gideon saw you sit and sat next to you putting his head in your lap watching the rain fall down the window with you. He followed you everywhere. If you walked to the kitchen he went with you. You went to bed and he would follow you and sleep next to you. One day you decided to take a bath and he sat in the tub with you. The sentiment was nice, but bathing with a dog wasn't exactly sanitary. Your grandfather had chosen the perfect dog for you. You loved Gideon as if you had been his owner for his whole life. 
 Although they felt like a dream. The days went by fast then next thing you knew you were packing a bag to go back to school. Most kids just went back on the first day classes resume, but you wanted to get back early and enjoy the peace there before the chaos began. Your grandfather helped take your bag to your car. The worst part about going back was leaving him. You had so much fun being at his house the past 2 weeks it made you sad to think you had let yourself get so busy you were only seeing him every few months. He made you a copy of the house key so you could go by anytime you wanted to. You added it next to your dorm keys, and pulled him in for a hug. What were you going to do without him or Gideon. At least you would be with Elaine again, and you would get a chance to see Ben more. 
  The whole ride back you felt a strange emptiness. Like you were going away for good. You knew you werent. You and your grandfather had made plans for the following weekend to get lunch. Either way going back felt weird. Eventually you pulled into the parking lot for your dorm. You parked and got out looking around, and taking in the silence. You grabbed your bags out of the seat and walked to your room. You opened the door and set your stuff down on your bed. You grabbed your headsets and put them on. You started unpacking your bag and putting all the clothes you had used in a basket. You took all your unused clothes and put them away. You picked up the basket and headed to the campus laundry room. 
The next day came fast. You woke up early to get ready making sure your makeup was just right. The one thing you definitely didnt miss about the school was the stupid uniform you had to wear. It consisted of a dark green plaid skirt with a white button up tucked into it, along with a tie. You did have the option of wearing a blazer with the school's logo on it, but for the most part you went without that. The boys had to wear khaki pants, with a white button up, and a red and gold tie. Unlike the girls uniform it was required that they wear the blazer. After you got done getting ready you grabbed your backpack and books and headed to your home room class. 
 You walked in and saw all the familiar faces before sitting down next to Hux. Unfortunately he was the only friend you had in the homeroom. Elaine was always placed in another one. Once you sat next to Hux you said your hellos before your teacher had walked in.
“Welcome back, I trust you all had a nice vacation?” professor Windu asked. 
A hushed reply of yes’ went over the room 
“Good. we have a few things to go over before you go to your classes.” you listened as he went over basic stuff, updating everyone on fundraisers, upcoming events and future assemblies.
 You were close enough to Hux, that you could whisper to him without anyone noticing. 
“So how was the college?” you asked him
“It's amazing, everything is absolutely beautiful, I'm so excited to go at the end of the year.” 
“That's good, what are you going for?”
“I originally wanted to go for law so I could work with my father but they do have an amazing art program and I would love to be an art curator at the Met.” you never knew he was into art.
You two continued talking until the bell rang letting students know to head to their next class. The day went by fast and finally you arrived at your final class of the day. Computer science. You took your usual seat, and waited until your teacher gave you an assignment. A few seconds after arriving your desk mate walked in. You had completely forgotten Matt sat next to you. 
“So I heard you kissed brother, guess that means you’ll be with him now?” he asked as he sat down. 
“I mean maybe, I'm not really sure what's going on there.” 
“Well I consider you my friend so i know if anything does happen you’re cool, and you won't be mean to me like his last girlfriend.” 
“Hey! We are friends, and I would never be mean to you under any circumstance.”  then it finally hit you. How did he know you met his brother? Had he talked about you? Did Luke say something?
“So how did you hear about that happening? Did Luke say something?” 
“No he talked about when he got back. He seems to really like you.”
“I mean i kind of like him too so i guess that's good.” 
 You and Matt had been cut off by your teacher telling you of a new project. Automatically you and Matt looked at each other knowing you were going to partner up for it. She explained the project would be for artificial intelligence. She gave the rest of the period to make a plan and get started. You and Matt made an outline of your plans and started making the powerpoint. Near the end of class you two discussed a day to get together after class along with eating lunch together and working on it. When class was over you walked around campus for a while together you asked him about Hoth and what he did when he was there. He told you about how it was his first time seeing snow, and going skiing. After a while he told you he told you he was gonna go unpack his stuff from his trip. 
  You walked back to your room and saw that Elaine still hasn't gotten back yet. Your guess was that she was still coming back from classes. You set your bag down and laid out on your bed, when you realized you hadn't talked to Ben all day. You pulled your phone out of the pocket you had sewn into your skirt and sent him a quick text. You figured that the first day must have overwhelmed him, and it just slipped his mind. After about 10 minutes you stood up and grabbed your bag. Digging your books out you walked over to your desk and sat down to do homework. You checked your phone every 5 minutes hoping he would reply. After about 30 minutes passed and Elaine walked in and she was wearing her soccer outfit. 
“Dude you'll never guess what happened today!!” she said as she walked in. throwing her bag down. 
“Is everything okay?” you turned looking at her. 
“Yeah everythings fine, but there's a coach from NYU coming to the game next week!”
“Oh hell yeah! This is gonna be so good for you!” you stood up and hugged her.
“You're coming to the game, right?” she asked 
“Of course I come to every game!” 
“Well you were busy with a certain someone else.” she teased. That reminded you to check your phone again.
“Actually a certain someone has spoken to me all day.” 
“Maybe he's busy. It was his first day after all.” she said as she grabbed clothes and headed to the bathroom. She was right, maybe you were overreacting. Some reason it just felt wrong. 
  You decided to throw your phone on the bed so you didn't feel tempted to keep checking. About two hours later you finished your work for the week you even thought of some ideas for your computer science project. Once you were done you got up and grabbed your phone to message Matt about some of your ideas. Still no text from Ben. You sent Matt some of your ideas. Frustrated you asked Elaine if she wanted to go to Mazs place for dinner. She thankfully agreed and you two got dressed. As you walked out you got a message from Matt telling you he had some ideas too. On the walk back you talked back and forth about them before deciding on a few ideas. 
  When you got to the restaurant you saw Hux sitting alone again.
“Do you mind if we go sit with Hux?” you asked her.
“Sure, but can I ask why his name is Armitage and we all call him Hux?”
“He hates his name so we all kinda just started calling him by his last name.” you explained as you walked over to his table. She nodded her head and walked over with you. 
“Hey Hux, can we sit with you?” you asked him. He smiled and motioned for you guys to sit down.
“Of course you can, Phasma should also be joining me at any moment.”
“Cool, we can all hang out I Dont really hang out with Phasma outside of practice.” 
 You both sat down and started talking to Hux when Phasma arrived. You've known her since about middle school. Her parents and yours were friends. You would call her a friend, just not one you hang around a lot. You all stayed four a few hours talking, and laughing. Well most of you are laughing. Hux never really laughed. He kind of just smiled, or let out a breath. You figured that's why him and Phasma were best friends. They were serious as hell. Phasma had her moments of goofiness but for the most part. She was a bad bitch.
  When you decided to leave you all walked to the dorms together. After Hux walked off to his room. You, Elaine, and Phasma had walked to the girls dorm area. Once you and Elaine parted with Phasma you checked your phone again. Nothing. You sighed and put your phone up. You watched Elaine dig her keys out and unlock the door.
“Still no messages?” she said  walking in. 
“No, i'm sure everything will be alright.” you walked in and quickly changed into yours night clothes.throwing yourself on your bed you sighed. “Maybe if he doesn't like me i can just date Hux.” you said jokingly.
“Oh yeah that's something I'd pay to see happen. Can you imagine little red headed versions of you running around. It'd be like a nightmare I had once.” 
“Stars can you imagine. Y/N Hux. it kind of has a ring to it.” you both laughed. 
“I can see it now. You, an up and coming fashion designer, him, a big hot shot lawyer! Together you two strike fear into the heart of New Yorkers!” she dramatically fell onto her bed making it seem as if she had fainted. 
“Actually he wants to be an art curator.” you corrected her.
“Even better you both are art nerds.” she tucked herself in and turned off her lamp light. You did the same as she spoke out.
“I'm positive he’ll text back. He's got to, he’d be an idiot if he didnt.” she yawned out before falling silent. You stayed up a while longer. You searched through old texts looking to see if anything had been different the day before. Could you have said something that put him off? Did he indicate that something was wrong and you didn't notice? You searched desperately for an answer, until you eventually drifted off.
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enchantingexile · 5 years
Damsel - c.b
Request: please god can you write a jealous pissed off colby. i live for those
Pairing: Colby Brock x Reader
Note: its not really jealous Colby, more so pissed off. Also, I didnt proof read this so good luck :)
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You had been looking for any excuse to spend time with Colby lately and thankfully he had just sent you a text asking if you wanted to come to a party with him. Immediately you replied with a yes and got ready, hoping to look hot, mainly to boost your confidence but also a little bit to make Colby jealous.
As you were getting ready you heard your doorbell ring, you knew that it was Colby picking you up. Whenever you and Colby go to parties he always drove youse there and home, him normally staying the night at your house afterwards.
You got up to answer the door, you had only just finished your makeup and were only in your pjs.
“The make up seems a bit much with that outfit” Colby laughs and walks in past you.
“I hate you” You tell him as you walk past and push him onto the couch. “I’m going to get dressed you can do whatever” He nods and walks over to the couch and turns on the tv as you walk into your room to get dressed.
You had tried on at least 3 different outfits and none of them had looked how you wanted them to on your body and your frustration was growing stronger the more you stared in the mirror.
“Im not going anymore” You groan loud enough for Colby to hear you as you walk out to him, he looks at you from the couch.
“What are you talking about? You look hot as fuck” You roll your eyes at him knowing he would have said that about any outfit in hopes of leaving soon.
“Can you just help me out please?” You weren’t annoyed at him but you were releasing it on him.
“I am helping, I’m moral support and I say that this outfit looks good”
He gestures for you to come closer to the couch so he can grab your hand and pull you onto him. You erupt with laughter and so does he as he pulls you in closer beginning to run his finger through your hair. “You look incredible, you don’t have to stress so much. I mean you don’t have to impress anyone, you’re already impressive enough as is” The last part of his sentence comes out a whisper.
You lean back and look into his sapphire eyes as your arms are on his shoulders you comb your hand through his hair, his eyes flutter shut enjoying the small touches between the two of youse. As you get off him his eyes open again and he watches you leave with a sad smile.
You walk to your bedroom again and finish the final touches on the outfit that Colby encouraged you to wear, you walk out into the lounge room once again to leave for the party.
“Alright, Brock lets go right now before I hate my outfit again” You walk over to him and pull him up from the couch and lead him out the door with his hand in yours.
Youse arrived to the party and you could see that the house was packed with people already, you had expected that considering youse were late. The music washed over you as you walked into the house your stresses slowly washing away as you made a b-line to where the drinks were, Colby trailing behind you closely. You chug a few drinks and pull Colby to the makeshift dance floor that was in the lounge room, Colby’s body was close to yours as you were grinding up against him to the music.
“I’m going to try and find Jake and that, you want to come?” He asks and you shake your head in response so he walks off to find them.
You continue to dance on the floor by yourself, sometimes joining into groups of people that you knew, within the timespan he was gone you had gained a new dance partner, you weren’t really sure of his name due to the loud music, also you didn’t really care you were only dancing with him until Colby came back.
Before you knew it, things were getting too hot a heavy so you tried to walk away from him only to have him tightly grip your wrist and pull you back into him.
“Can you let go of me, you’re hurting me” You tell him as you look around for anyone to help you and you lock eyes with Colby who was already staring at you, you beg for help from across the room. As he sees you in need he is over to you within seconds pulling the guy off of you.
“Get the hell off her man, she is clearly uncomfortable”
“Back off dude” The random man says back while pushing Colby backwards. “If she didn’t want me near her she would have said so” You were slowly moving behind Colby for protection which only proved Colby’s point more. You had only seen Colby get this angry a few times and you knew better than to get in his way.
“Touch her again and i’ll fuckin kill you, alright?” He says as he pats the guy on the cheek before taking your hand and leaving, there was practically steam coming out of his ears at this point.
“I should have come over sooner, I’m sorry y/n” he says once youse are outside, his face fallen in a sullen expression.
“That was not your fault, Colby. He was a dick and deserves to be punched in the face.” You reach your hand up to his face “just not by you” you laugh and continue to caress his face with your thumb, his eyes shut at the touch of your hand, all of his anger dissipating with just the feeling of your hand on his cheek.
“If you weren’t here with me right now I would have fucked him up pretty severely” you laugh at him again even though its a pretty serious situation.
“You would have gotten hurt too and I don’t want that, I don’t ever want to be the reason for you to get hurt okay?” He nods at you, while grabbing your hand and pulling you towards his car to take you home.
“Don’t you want to say goodbye to everyone?”
“Nah, I’ll see them again” he says as he unlocks the car and opens the door for you before going around to his side and sliding into the car to get going.
You arrive home and Colby follows you into your room and flops down onto the bed. I guess protecting a damsel in distress takes a lot of energy out of you.
Before you slump into bed beside him, you get dressed into your pjs and take off all your makeup.
“Thank you for everything tonight, Colby. I had a lot of fun, I mean besides what happened” You tell him as you cuddle up into his side.
“All good, Princess” he says as he kisses the top of your head before falling asleep, you hear the lullaby of Colby’s heart playing just under your ear and that lulls you to sleep along side him.
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A nice comment is always appreciated
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