#there is a way to do it well and Im not against a jekyll and hyde where my guys are pure evil but like. you know. you know!
How did every other Jekyll and Hyde adaptation get away with having the same plot and why didnt you guys warn me .
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yourfavouritefighter · 4 months
OKAY SO IM KINDA NOT IN W GREAT MOOD RN SO IM GONNA RANT ABOUT THE JEKYLL AND HYDE MUSICAL since none of my irl pals are gonna listen you guys have to
-the whole plot hinges around the core idea that Henry himself is a man with good intentions who goes too far, and that he was warned to stop but he doesn’t and his own hubris and desire to have scientific recognition pushes him to extremes, and in turn-his and many other’s deaths.
—> that’s bullshit however, considering in the 1997 musical sound track (the most recent one i can get my hands on) there are more songs convincing Henry that he should carry on than their are dissuading him (considering they cut board of governors). allow me to list examples and why it’s stupid that he’s a man who was dissuaded but chose to walk a danger game path anyways.
—> firstly, his best friend Gabriel John Utterson, deeply trusted and level headed with a good moral compass “Henry you have come too far, remember what you have a stake” and “you’ve got to see it through” both stated in a song called “pursue the truth”. this song is heavily pivotal as it inspires Henry to continue when he wouldn’t have otherwise due to pressure from the board of governors of st jude’s hospital. In this song he was not told that going forward would be dangerous, John likely knew exactly what Henry was doing but wholeheartedly encouraged him, Henry trusted his judgement. He was not dissuaded.
—>Emma and Lisa, for the sake of coherency I’ll be referring to her as Emma as i’ll be using the newer soundtrack for this discussion. His wife to be, who he’s supposedly madly in live with; spends all of “i must go on” encouraging his pursuit of science, encouraging him to carry on his work. In lines like “when this all began, we knew there’d be a price to pay”, “too late to turn away”, reinforcing the idea in Henry’s mind that this is the best way forward- who cares about stuffy governors when those dear and near to him have expressed clear support of his work.
—>You could hypothetically argue that neither John nor Emma truly knew the extent to which Henry was going with his experiments, not truly understanding what he wanted to or was trying to achieve. However, if that was the intention the writers should’ve made that more overt considering later in the play they heavily emphasise the theme and idea that Henry has, quote “gone too far”, a phrase repeatedly used. Instead they lead the audience also view this as an honourable goal, due to the growing support of Henry and the audiences like of the characters at this point in the play.
Through the removal of Lanyon, the central conflict and core flaw of Henry Jekyll as a character has been removed, if he has no close friend to strongly and brutally disagree with him, it was no long *his* flaw that he carried on, it was no longer his fault, as the blame could be feasibly shared between him and those who encouraged him, shifting the play and narrative from a criticism of society in that extremism whether it be for or against change leads to a poor outcome, to being a story about how a well intentioned yet flawed scientist was misguided by his passion and loved ones, and payed the price.
-(next point because i’ve argued long enough about that.) was Henry Jekyll really as well intentioned as the play attempts to convey?
—>(Short answer, no. Long answer, potentially). Henry’s morality is heavily debatable, with it being dependant on the rendition of the play you watched, for the sake of the cohesion of the argument i’m going to be basing this entirely off of what i’ve seen of the 1997 and the 1995 plays.
—> firstly let’s discuss what the writers intended, or at least my perspective on what they were aiming to convey. within the opening scenes, we are greeted with Henry and his unnamed(?) father who is stuck in a mental asylum for reasons we as an audience are not privy to, Henry sings “lost in the darkness” a song establishing his motivations and goals as a character. I believe that the intention here was to give the viewer the impression that Henry as a character and person is moral and good, becoming misguided in his efforts to achieve his goals and save his father, eventually sacrificing himself for the sake of the safety of society, once the monster of his own well intentioned creation consumes him. So as a character it could be argued that he is moral. However i what the writers intended and what they conveyed are hugely different.
—> Due to the placement of Henry’s motivation being at the beginning of the play, the intention was likely to hook the audience into liking him as a character, forcing them to see how well intentioned he is before exploring his flaws and then eventually having him sacrifice himself to show his respectable morality as a character. However, by closely following this with “board of governors” (and the 1997 equivalent assumedly) we are hit with the whiplash of what was presented as a good person, and the man who argues with the board. Due to how bitter and cruelly he acts in a futile attempt to gain funding(?) and support for his project, the audience may rightfully assume that his kindness was a facade (especially since facades and the duality of man are central themes) and that Henry’s true colours are shown within this situation. If the writers truly intended to establish his perfect morality, they should have had Henry visit his father, and “lost in the darkness” take place after Henry is refused by the governors, so that his rage and refusal to take no for an answer is a shown to be a result of his stress and care for his father- not his questionable morality. This is because the audience will retain things that happen later in the play best, using them to form their impressions, so by shifting the placement of this scene it shifts the presentation of the character as a whole. But that is not what we are here to discuss.
—> Henry and Lucy. Another instance of Henry’s good morality working against him, as despite entering with the intention to find a test subject- he leaves having given Lucy his business card(?) and offering her support due to her situation. This eventually leads to her death, but it is another instance of his good morality, there were no strings attached to this aid, as Henry was a soon to be married man, and there is no implications that he finds her attractive (if you are to follow the play’s implications that Jekyll and Hyde are truly separate beings). So clearly you could argue that his morality is good, right?
—> Hyde. From a scientific standpoint, matter cannot be created or destroyed, going from that perspective, Hyde’s intentions cannot have just appeared-they had to be fuelled by Jekyll’s innermost desires and thoughts, especially since Hyde goes after those who have wronged Henry during “murder murder”. So the murderous impulses, the sketchy behaviour and outright illegal behaviour towards Lucy came from Jekyll. However this doesn’t make Henry an immoral character.
—> Humour me for a moment while i discuss the concept of the id. So freud (yes that freud) had a theory that stated that humans were comprised of three parts that all worked together, the id the ego and the super ego. The id was your animalistic urges and desires, your superego is societal expectations for the most part, acting as your selflessness. With the ego balancing the two; preventing you from donating all of your money to charity and putting you on the streets, and preventing you from going on a murder spree, killing the upper class. Within the original novel, Hyde is implied to be without the ego or superego, merely the embodiment of Jekyll’s id. So now comes the debate, is a person immoral for having immoral desires, if unacted upon?
—>Therein lies the conflict, as whether or not immoral desires mean an immoral person or character. Personally i believe no, the average person will have immoral thoughts from time to time, the true evil comes from how such desires are dealt with. So while Hyde is evil, despite being based upon Jekyll, you cannot state that that makes Henry evil in turn. Paired with the potential that Hyde is a twisted version of Jekyll’s own desires (for example Henry wants revenge against the governors-Hyde interprets that as murder, whilst Jekyll implies showing them that he was right).
anyways this has got way too long so rip, mb if this is incoherent i woke up and was like ‘jekyll and hyde musicals really sucked at doing plot and character development…welp time to rant’
please correct me in the comments if i’m misremembering shit i’m stupid so it’s a possibility
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
I'm curious as to peoples idea for what he'd do for the next power hour so
[These all being popular ideas or ppl he's mentioned]
This was all just a ploy to get you to read my info dump theory on the concept of a Chonny Jash Power Hour loser HAHAHA
Im joking tho. Not about my CJPH theory, that is very much real but I'm not forcing you to read it lol
However if you're curious, my inane rambles are further down :}
[Long Rant Post Below]
Okay so I'm gonna start with the basic idea I got it from; that being Nerd. Nerd already foreshadowed the THDPH & the WWPH [Even down to the last song for each of them] Not only that, but he references the stuff hes done in the past as well with a break/pause inbetween.
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[This is what I mean]
The first three being all stuff he already did. BDG with Pocket, Tally Hall with Vol.1 & then Cage by Tim Minchin being the start the power hours.
The next two being the power hours he would do after this song [Memento Mori & Charlie's Inferno-Will Wood & That Handsome Devil]. But those are the only songs he would reference in Nerd, leaving no more clues as to what the last one would be. The only thing left in it is the video game references & Stairway to Heaven in the ending. [Which oddly enough also fit the pattern in a way. StH being about dying and the afterlife like Memento Mori & Chonny's Inferno and the video game references being all covers he made on his old channel]
While the VG refs could be a hint at a Videogame or Toby Fox Power Hour, I think at most, if its a clue at all, hinting at the next thing he does is recovering old songs.
Next, a couple of his songs reference his past stuff. Fine, I'm Fine has a good amount of lines that vaguely refer back to songs from the before [heres a post that goes more into it that's pretty cool!!]. And more importantly Dear Machine references Pocket, Dream (Outro from Calamity) & wings of wax. Pocket being later used in Nerd & the mention of Icarus coming back in Art. Not only that, but the voice in the very end Thermodynamic Lawyer is the exact same [if not very close to] voice filter/effect he uses in Dear Machine. Even down to the British accent he does in it. [Tho it is fairly normal for a music artist to reference their older songs in their music so it could be nothing]
Speaking of Dear Machine tho, quick thing to add about it is that it shows he not against covering his own songs. While yea technically its just a different version of Ode of the Cog, DM,HtC in a way counts as a cover of OotC. Same goes for bargaining/compromise & The Ballad of Dr. Jekyll.
Another idea with a CJPH is that in the CJFS discord theres a "Question of the Day" Channel. Where, as the name says, a Mod or Helper will ask a CJ related question & everyone can give their idea/imput on it. For Day 100, as a special fun lil thing, they asked Chonny if he wanted to give a question for that day. His question being:
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And yes he does say that he doesnt plan on doing anything like that in future [if he even were to do it]. I fully believe he wasn't lying there & honestly I never saw him redoing any song ever until I had the idea of a CJPH [aside from stuff like Spring and a Storm & Storm and a Spring obviously]. But this is the best idea I could ever see him doing that. Also that question was from early August so a fair amount of time has passed. Whether thats enough time to equal "at least in the near future at all" I have no clue, but it is a thought.
One of my last points [that I remember atm lol] is on how he would end the power hours. Cos like, while yea he does whatever he wants & doesn't rlly follow what anyone says or asks [which I 100% agree with & is completely valid btw], I'd imagine he'd still want to end the PHs with a bang. Which is why I originally didnt think the recent one would be Will Wood.
He's stated a couple of time that hes one of his favorite artist & he definitely knows that a huge chunk of his fan base listen to WW as well. So why not end with that? Why not end with one of the most requested artist people wanted him to cover? Why wouldn't he end with a power hour of the artist that was his #1 on his Spotify Wrapped? What else could he do after that? Well maybe he'd go with his #2 artist? WHICH IS JUST HIMSELF BBYYYY
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Plus, the name Power Hour already comes from this:
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So it's very likely he's had himself play multiple times in a row & had a "Chonny Jash Power Hour".
Of course theories are just theories so there's always the chance I'm wrong & just insane. And again he does whatever he wants whenever he wants so who knows what it'll be. I just think id be an interesting idea for him to do.
As for how a Chonny Jash Power Hour would look? Maybe each song being a cover of a song from a past album or single? I'd imagine one from the before. & Covered in Discontent [maybe Gothic Whore?]. Like remake Pocket since its been referenced so much, tho that's still just a BDG cover so who knows. the before. would be interesting just to see how his perspective has changed since he originally wrote those songs. Gothic Whore he already has 2 songs that have a story version & a him version so I can see him doing another.
I HIGHLY doubt he'd do anything related to Vol.1 as its his completely separate thing & he doesn't rlly wanna touch any song that's TH/HMS related until whenever he feels like starting Vol.2 [which is valid lol]. If anything I could maybe see like TWWAY, Special or maybe Greener? Or go a different route with the og I'm Gonna Win or like a more outta the box one with like Just a Friend [only cos be did a 20 second "cover" of it in Mucka Blucka]. Again, I do not see him touching anything Vol.1 related but still something to entertain ig? [4th TME cover; The Chonny Electric when/j]
Tho maybe he'd just remake songs that he he fully made [like the before. or Gothic Whore], since those are more of actual Chonny Jash songs rather than the others just being covers. Would be very cool to maybe see a remake of some of his Majora's Mask song tho [no this isn't me coping over HEAL not being on spotify shush]. Or maybe he'd do songs from his old stuff like Don't Take it Personally? [also not me coping over wanting that song on Spotify too]
Idk these are just my thoughts on the idea of a CJPH [or even a Can of Soup Power Hour/j]. Either way I am gonna say idc what he'd do, BDG or Streetlight Manifesto are my other guesses, but anything he makes is always rll good & fun so I'll be interested to see whatever it is.
But ya know considering I typed all this out in the span of an hour & a half I kinda hope im not wrong PFFT
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roguelov · 30 days
A thought occurred to me today, and I figured you might want to hear about it since you have an affinity for smut writing. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Jekyll and Hyde musical, but there’s a song in it called Dangerous Game (this performance of the song changed my fucking brain chemistry, and it definitely influenced the way this thought developed: https://youtu.be/JyMAFD_Faew?si=FQgmOo1K7Be2nhrM), and I keep imagining that song but from the narrative perspective of a Yandere!Morpheus with a reader that is desperately trying to fight against the innate draw they feel towards him.
SAY LESS IM IN LOVE WITH THIS IDEA (and I never listened to the whole musical but I know about the song confrontation 😂)
You being aware of Dream’s previous relationships and knowing it won’t end well. Yet, your heart can’t help but to crave him, to be near him. In the Dreaming you seek him out. When you’re near you lean closer to him. You are wise enough to be your hands to your sides, but you want to run your fingers through his hair to hear what beautiful sounds he could make.
Dream who tries to stay away, but continues to feel the pull. Perhaps when you’re in the Waking going about your day, he’s always - or always tries to be - near by to watch you. Maybe he’s disguised as a cat, or a crow, or maybe he appears as a woman or an older man to just accidentally run into you, whatever it may be he has to see you. He has to see your smile, and to hear your voice. Maybe at night when you sleep, he watches over your sleeping body seeing how lovely you look, how at peace you are, and sometimes his mind will occasionally imagine laying in bed with you and slid between your legs to wake you up.
Now while you keep your hands to yourself, Dream does not. His hand will always rests on your lower back guiding you, his fingers will glide down your arm absentmindedly, he will pluck eyelashes off your cheeks (and make you blow it away to make a wish), he will whisper in your ear, and he will always invade your space. And you happily welcome it.
And finally will all the tension finally breaks, Dream is insatiable. He has you pinned down, running his hands all over you with more urgency. He will have you in many different positions, he will be loving and soft in some moments then absolutely feral and pounding into you in others. He will bring you to pleasure over and over again (but not before teasing you to hear all your pretty cries). And once he claims you, you are his forever … just make sure your eyes never stray away from his you don’t want to upset him now, do you?
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elysiuminfra · 1 year
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GOOD MORNING ANON thank u for this question :] i love talking about being a hater btw sorry not answering your ask directly i tried and tumblr wouldnt let me :( just kidding im not actually as big of a hater as i say i am. when i talk about the musical - im not talking about any recordings, im talking about the ORIGINAL album. because i havent actually been able to find good quality recordings of the musical. :( and. well. warlow's jekyll is my favorite jekyll hands down now onto thoughts. i think the musical is fine, i like to listen to it sometimes even. some of my favorite jekyll and hyde stuff people have made are musical animatics (which go hard.) and im fond of the actors who have played jekyll/hyde, i just think the've done excellent with casting for the musical over the years. HOWEVER. i have opinions. many of these are based on my own personal tastes, some of them are actual criticisms - all of them are subjective. dont let me dash any reader's enjoyment of it on the rocks. i dont think its a "good" adaptation of the original story. it sort of.... misses the point? of the. everything? it treats jekyll and hyde as separate, with hyde being "pure evil" and jekyll being. well. good. there's not a lot of nuance to it. it IS from jekyll's perspective, and jekyll is an unreliable narrator (one of the MOST unreliable) but i just dislike how it handles hyde's entire deal. because even with jekyll being an unreliable narrator, it still doesn't give any other nuance other than hyde is entirely separate and entirely evil and the source of all of jekyll's woes (not the point - its not OBVIOUS in the book, but it can be easily gleaned through jekyll's breakdown). not only that but the weird and unnecessary inclusion of violence against women and painting hyde (and by extension, jekyll) as a sexual predator. i don't think that's necessarily TERRIBLE WRITING, as. well i believe jekyll does have a lot of issues surrounding sex but i, personally, cannot see jekyll/hyde as a sex pest in the way the musical sees it. he's an effective villain for sure. i just wish it...... handled it better. i just can't see jekyll like that, not even in the original book. i also think the inclusion of not 1 but 2 female romantic interests kind of.... takes away from the original point, i think. what i liked about j&h proper is that it really is about jekyll's relationships with the other men in his life - particularly utterson and lanyon, and in the background poole and jekyll's unnamed father - and how his own issues and problems cause him to navigate those relationships (as well as him reinforcing toxic masculine standards) BUT THATS NOT THE STORY THEYRE TRYING TO TELL. which is fine!!! it's a story about jekyll, and how good his life was before he destroys it. i just don't like that they used misogynistic writing to tell that story. i wish the women in the musical were given far more depth than "jekyll's love interest" and "weary prostitute that hyde stalks", and that they had more.... substance. outside of jekyll/hyde. this isnt uncommon, and particularly not uncommon for musicals / media of this genre. women are just not given as much substance compared to the male leads. and its SAD :( another thing is the.... music. not the score itself - the orchestra is not particularly striking compared to some other musical soundtracks i listen to, however they do reuse motifs throughout the musical - and its exciting to pick that out! there are certain series of notes associated with jekyll/hyde. and i think thats cool because i love motifs. lyrically, i think it's lacking. i think it could have been far, far more interesting lyrics wise but im not sure why they didn't push for it? there's a lot of other musicals (frankenstein, for one) i can think of that are, musically, very stylistically similar but LYRICALLY far superior. i like that it takes a lot from the book, but the way it uses it... leaves something to be desired. the melodies are pretty good in some songs, though, ill give them that. i also dont like the idea of hyde as a crazed serial killer. the death of carew in the book was poignant. i think, it was jekyll's (hyde's, technically) first murder. i also dont think hyde (and by extension, jekyll) WOULD go on a crazed killing spree just for. whatever reason. i just don't really see it happening, but that's because the musical- once again- treats hyde as separate and fully evil and not part of jekyll. when i think of hyde - i think of, what would jekyll do if given the chance? serial killing is not one of those options for me. but the musical doesnt handle jekyll/hyde that way - all of it points towards jekyll not being in control, and not WANTING these things, but hyde, being SEPARATE, doing them anyway. because if.... if it didn't, it would paint jekyll as a very, very, very bad person. someone who 1. is willing to cheat on his fiance with a prostitute, 2. willing to HURT those he is sexually attracted to out of selfish desire when he's rejected 3. a potentially extremely abusive husband. i don't think this was the intention. i really don't. but if you put the musical through that lense, of jekyll/hyde being the same guy, well...... yeah i just dont think thats what they were going with. so i dont think, in the musical, they're portrayed as the same guy. which is not a kind of adaptation i like or prefer. to wind down, i think it's lacking. a bit... boring and somewhat tasteless. i think it couldve been much, much more. i think the lyrics could've been better, i think the writing could've been WAY better, i don't think, overall, it's a good "adaptation", or even a good retelling. i think it's misogynistic. i think it completely misses the point of the original book. i don't think it's even a "great" musical by musical standards. it's more.... just... lukewarm. i suppose. not "terrible" just not. good. BUT i do like some of the tracks, and i DO LOVE that UTTERSON is a big part of it! he's typically ignored in a lot of adaptations. i do love the dedication that theater groups bring to the musical (there's a recording of the russian version with an INSANE SET!!) - and i do love the actors that have portrayed these characters over the decades. i just wish the musical was..... i wish it understood the original message more. and wasn't obsessed with torturing women. and was actually good. and didnt suck. long story short. its not good. there's some qualities i like. but overall i think it sucks mad cheese. the end
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Green with Envy
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer gets green with envy over something reader can’t control angering reader- hot and heavy makeup sex ensues.
A/N: hey guys 🥺 this is my sixth fic for my 1250 follower celebration and this is a day late- thank you to everyone who was super nice and considerate about me pushing this off till today- I was having a super hard time emotionally last night and I needed some time to myself. Again thanks so so much- this is based off of a combination of this request and this request for jealous Spencer. Also part two to Dr. Jekyll will be out tonight or tomorrow depending on if I can finish it- still a little bit behind schedule from me pushing this off last night. Thanks for reading 🥺
Warnings: 18+, Someone’s harassing reader at work, Spencer is a jerk at first I promise he apologizes, Unprotected sex, Oral sex (F receiving)
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
“Could you go and check case evidence? And bring the detective with you.” Hotch had approached me, giving me orders for the next step to take in the team’s investigation. I accepted them with no discernible dissent in my voice towards Hotch, even though I would have rather stayed with Spencer working on the geographical profile. Especially since the detective had not taken my subtle hints of turning him down when he flirted with me. Unfortunately like many of these instances it was just easier to keep my mouth shut rather than cause problems with the police department we were liaising with. Though I still did know if I’d I had told Hotch he would’ve understood and changed it with a drop of a hat. it was still just easier to not say anything and power through the case, however sad and disappointing it was.
The detective had been hot on my heels ever since we had touched down here. At first it had been endearing and I just carefully let him down, saying a simple no to coffee.
I was sure he got the impression that if he ‘convinced me’ more he’d get me to say yes. I hadn’t told him until later that I had a boyfriend because it hadn’t been his business. I had only told him with a snippy tone in frustration when he would not let up. Unfortunately for me again he seemed to take it as a sign of ‘playing hard to get’ and did not stop his pursuits. I should probably tell Hotch about it before I punch him in the nose.
I was frustrated and annoyed, plus basically every other negative feeling in the book. I just wanted to be alone, or with Spencer.
When I finally got time to slip out of the room for a breather I scampered my way over to where my boyfriend was as he always gave me some sort of solace.
Unfortunately, it seems like the universe was against me this week.
Spencer’s eyes usually held not one ounce of anger, especially not towards me. When he flashed me a glare I got a little angry myself. What had I done to face the wrath of the genius? His demeanor towards me wasn’t doing anything to squash my bad feelings as it normally did, right now it was just fueling the flames.
I decided to just ask him upfront after a third glare was flashed in my direction instead of dancing around the issue any more, we did have a job to do, “Hey- Spencer, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” His tone was clipped and sharp, sharp enough that it felt like it could cut me.I wouldn’t have been that surprised if it did. It was obvious that ‘nothing’ was not true, there was obviously something going on.
I decided to ask again just to be sure, though there was definitely a possibility I was going to be snapped at again, “Are you sure?”
The harsh glare I was given was more piercing than the previous ones, cutting me deep.
“Yes, I’m sure!” Was whispered shouted at me along with the glare. It took every fiber of my being not to snap his head off even harsher than what he had done to me. Blinking back tears I got up and stormed off, completely done with the day- with this case. I just wanted to put this case behind me, putting it in the files to never be thought about by me again.
When we got to the hotel, after we were finished for the day, there was an eerie silence that fell over us. The silence only held for a moment as we stared at each other. I wasn’t going to speak before he was and if it wasn’t an apology I didn’t know if I had the energy left in me to say anything back.
I had ended up telling Hotch what had been going on with the detective, it had become too much for it to be reasonable to brush off (though in a perfect world brushing off someone like that wouldn’t be a reality but that’s just a daydream of mine I guess)
I stood at the other side of the room for a minute waiting to see if he’d say anything or if we’d be dancing around each other like this for the rest of the night.
He ran his hands through his hair a few times, looking like he was trying to collect his thoughts and sat down on one of the beds in the room. I wondered also if I’d be slipping into the second untouched bed by the window tonight.
“I-I’m so sorry.” My only response at first was a slight hum from the back of my throat while I processed my own thoughts. He seemed sincere, I wanted to believe he was sincere that is.
“Sorry for what?” On the ride back to the hotel, once my irritation towards his attitude had somewhat satiated in the cool silence of the car, I had figured out what he had been bothered by. Spencer wasn’t all that hard to read once I got to know him. However, I wasn’t going to provide the reason for it, I still wanted to hear the reasoning from his own mouth.
“I was envious- jealous of you and the detective today.”
“You were envious?” Being green with envy wasn’t something that Spencer had ever expressed in our relationship before. Being envious- or jealous as most people would call it could be something to be played with in a relationship. It’s an emotion to be delicately handled otherwise the relationship could be filled with possessiveness and aggression.
Spencer was for sure out of line earlier today, he was certainly right when he said I’m sorry.
But, since he had said sorry and that I could tell he was sincere, maybe there was still a chance to play with the delicate emotion in a way that would not crack the foundation. Plus the added fact that I didn’t need to ask for an apology was comforting. There was no need for a fight when the person at fault admitted it. And, in time I’m sure when our relationship has had more time to build a larger foundation, those feelings of envy would not be so easily provoked— unless of course if it was time to play with those delicate emotions.
“Y-yeah, I was getting mad that I wasn’t the one that you were with today. A-and- I also didn’t like that the detective wouldn’t stop flirting with you…” His stuttered apology wasn’t what I was totally paying attention to, though don’t get me wrong I did appreciate it. What I was focused on was how much I wanted to claim him, to show him how much I was just as much as he was mine.
“Well, I’m glad you apologized, I accept it and I understand where you were coming from- plus the case hasn’t been easy on any of us. Just don’t ever do something like that again, please.” Spencer’s shoulders slumped from a sigh and an added nod, relaxing from my words after being tense with anxiety. Sauntering over to him after I had accepted his apology with one plan in mind made my panties wet with anticipation. When I straddled his lap his eyes blew wide, not expecting these turn of events. I grabbed the back of his hair, not too harshly, just enough to get a firm grip to tilt his hair back while I spoke into the shell of his ear, “And, now I’d like to show you how much I belong to you— and it’s just as much as you belong to me.”
Instead of getting an intelligible response from Spencer all I got was a moan, not that I was complaining. While I captured his lips in a breathless kiss I began to grind my hips down onto him in slow circles, giving him a taste of what’s to come.
He surrendered to my dominance in the kiss almost immediately, letting me guide him in any way I wanted him to go. As I rocked my hips over the bulge in his slacks I could feel it grow harder underneath me, I couldn’t wait to free it from its confines. I made sure to mark up his neck with as many hickies that made me satisfied- plus I let him give a few to me as well.
His submission underneath me wasn’t something that I was unused to. This time seemed to be a little different however.
I couldn’t place my finger on what exactly was different, maybe it was that we were so desperate for each other that the clothes practically melted off- which was a lot quicker than how we normally took our pace.
“Can I show you how good I can be for you, Miss?” His eyes were wide and begging, there was no way I could refuse a face like that.
That was how I ended up riding his face, with no hesitation in sight from him. All he wanted to do was to please and he was greedy for it. Even after I had started to pull up off of him after I had already had a shattering orgasm he pulled his hands down onto my hips to have me writhing on top of him im overstimulation. I could’ve punished him for it, but it felt too good to punish.
I was going to make sure he was ready too, possibly by taking him into my mouth for a bit, which I loved to do. However, his little whimpered out pleads about how much he wanted to feel me were just as hard to ignore as the previous pleas. It was hard to say no to a face that looked so pretty when he begged.
I sunk down on him slowly, at least letting myself relish in that feeling for a bit before Spencer would undoubtedly coax me into a faster pace because of how desperate he was. My own desperation wasn’t too far behind to be honest.
When I took him down fully to the hilt I only let myself feel the weight of him inside me for a moment before I started to roll my hips to create a rhythm. The pace I created was just as everything else up until this point had been, desperate.
While I bounced on him I had become unsatisfied with the amount of marks I had left on him before, diving into his neck to pepper them with hickies not really considering the fact that we had to go to work tomorrow. At least he still had that concealer he bought when we first started dating.
Seems that Spencer could not seem to think of it either as in between my ravishing of his neck and upper chest he’d also been getting in his fair share of marks. His were more centered at my chest, he’d been making sure my boobs were not neglected.
My second orgasm washed over me when Spencer brought up his fingers to rub my clit in quick circles. When my pace began to stutter in their movements as I rode myself through my orgasm while trying to help Spencer reach his, his hands came up to my hips to help aid me. Once my pleasure had partially abated I began to focus on his.
“Come on, sweet boy, you’ve shown me how good you are, now I want you to cum for me.”
His eyes rolled back into his head at my words, close to falling off the edge. I grabbed both of his hands interlinking them together and pinned them to the bed to help push him towards his release. A high pitched whine came up from his throat and he fell over the edge, cumming inside me.
We stayed together like that for a bit while we were both coming down from our highs. For a while there was only silence between us as we basked in each other's presence until I decided to make a joke.
“Are you no longer green with envy?” I simpered a bit at him, teasing him just a little as I started to even out my breath some whileI also traced all the marks I had left on him. I was teasing him about the events of today, but I’m reality that horrible detective was far from my mind- it was just Spencer and I. I’d have to see later while looking in the mirror what marks he had also left on me to claim me just as much as I had done to him.
His nose scrunched up at me and he giggled, his giggles were my favorite sound. When I first heard it I knew I would become addicted to pulling little giggles out of him as often as I could. In an uncharacteristic comeback through giggles Spencer then said, “No you kinda fucked it out of me.”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Sub Spencer: @thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge @calm-and-doctor
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Syndicate + gang leader au where Henry kills his brothers
Jacob x Henry because it’s healthier than Lanyon x Henry
Anyways <3
Gang leader / Syndicate crossover au:
Henry is the youngest of the three brothers, Raphael and Kent are nonidentical twins. Henry is two years younger than them and has always been the baby of the group. Raphael and Kent have always been protective of him and also love to mess with him.
Their parents were abusive, Raphael and Kent decided to take the opportunity to leave Glasgow the first moment they got and they took Henry with them. They moved to London and one of their uncles-- who owned and inherited quite a successful shipping company by the London docks-- gave Kent and Raphael jobs as Henry went to university. The uncle died before Henry graduated, and left the business to Raphael and Kent.
Henry did not talk a lot to his brothers while in University. He tried to reach out to them but suddenly Raphael and Kent were "incredibly busy", Henry assumed they were busy trying to keep the family business going well.
He went to visit them on their dock after he graduated and got his doctorate. He had learned a lot about the London "culture" and gangs from Robert (and Rachel) telling him everything there is about the London underground and the aristocracy. Much to his horror, he arrived at the docks to find his brothers dressed as Templars.
Henry was quickly forced into the Templar order against his will. His brothers gaslight and manipulated him into joining, other members threatened to hurt him or his friends if he didn't join, and it ended up being Henry's biggest regret.
Henry spent about 13 years in the Templar order working in secret for it. He was allowed to do as he pleased as long as he made poisons for them. In the meantime, Henry tried to make up for the guilt he had from the suffering he had caused by helping people on the street. Hungry, dirty, sick people who quickly becoming loyal to the doctor who always feeds them and gives them what they need to survive.
In this part of the au, Henry more directly creates the gang. He realizes that these people are willing to fight for him and they have placed him on a pedestal. He can't get himself down from it so he takes advantage of it. He makes sure that the Society is under constant protection and that the gang brings in money that can be spent on taking care of the members and keep the Society afloat. No Lodger cares enough for the finances to notice the sudden influx of money, and Henry merely tells Rachel and Robert that it’s “sponsors”.
It was only when the Frye Twins entered and began to liberate London that he decided that it was the perfect time to finally break free from the Templar order. He had long since lost any love he still had for his brothers and he would do anything to be free again. He ended up cornering and murdering his brothers in cold blood while his gang distracted the Blighters, and he blamed the murders on the Frye Twins afterwards, the very same Frye Twins that quickly would... Well... Realize that they did not kill these Templars and instead try to track down the murderer that blamed it on them.
In the end, they find their way to Dr. Henry Jekyll's office. Henry had done a good job and working behind the scenes and no one had really suspected him of working for the Templars, so the twins-- while hearing from Greenie that it was rumored that the Jekyll Brothers and Dr. Henry Jekyll were related-- did not know that Henry himself used to be a Templar.
Henry, however, assumed they had broken into his office to kill him. He had already resigned himself to his own death, he was not going to fight it. He had burnt every photograph and document he had that connected him to his brothers and he had merely been waiting for the twins to come and kill him. He was, honest to god, quite disappointed when the Twins seemed confused and instead asked him if he knew anything about the murder of the Jekyll brothers.
"...The murder of my brothers, the Templars? The murder committed by someone close and well trusted by them, the murder that went undetected, and that was later blamed on you? The murder that had slank past the eyes of public after a convenient gang fight right that moment?"
It does not take long for the twins to realize what he is hinting to. His voice his bitter and his body language is cold, yet it doesn't sound like he regrets it.
ahaha anyways i ended up accidentally just retelling the entire thing well time for some actual hcs about this au branch.
Henry gets extreme paranoia after having murdered his brothers. He swears he can still see their faces of terror or hear their screams of pain and agony when he closes his eyes and try to go to sleep. He constantly feels followed by them, but he is too used with Hyde, so he doesn't pay attention to "them". When he doesn’t sleep, they silently follow him with whatever other hallucinations he have at the moment, like Moreau.
He wanted to be the one to murder his brothers himself, he didn't find it dignified to have someone else do the murdering for him. He generally does not want his gang to murder people, only hurt those of necessity, and he still wanted to give his brothers the dignity of not having to be killed by a random gang member.
Something in him kinda... Died that day. His friends, the Lodgers, and his very on gang could all notice how Henry seemed... Colder, more tired, constantly exhausted. He refused to tell anyone why, though, and he still did everything he needed to do so no one could force an explanation out of him. It was not until the newspapers reported on the murder that people realized that he was acting weirdly because his brothers had been murdered. Henry debated snapping his own neck once the Lodgers began to flock to him with words of sympathy, unaware that he was the murderer.
He is extremely benevolent to his gang, something many feared he wouldn’t be at first. He has always been a kind person and that’s why people began to flock to him as it was, but some feared that he would... Ah, turn crueler after a while like most gang leaders. That never happened, though. He saw each and every one of his gang members as his family, and took care of them as such.
He and his gang began teaming up with Lucy many years before either met the twins. It was always fun when Rachel tried to introduce the two of them without telling Henry that Lucy is... Well, Queen Lucy, and it was always fun to act as if they had never met before and as if Henry hadn’t just been invited to dinner the night before. Henry is really good friends with Patrin and Elise.
Henry’s gang wear blue. The Blighters wear red and before the twins and the Rook started, Henry didn’t want his own gang associated or reminding him of Hyde. Blue it was, and it easily made his gang slip into crowds and disguise themselves to be the Scotland Yard.
Neither Brokenshire nor Abberline knew about Henry’s gang until Abberline started working with the twins and until after Henry was “recruited” by them. Depending on if Henry murdered his brothers before or after he joined the twins, Abberline and Brokenshire helped him cover up the murder. 
Ahaha wow Uhm. I keep forgetting how I format and classify these as rambles but anyways time for some Jekyll x Jacob <3 This is just going to be in general btw so <3<3
Henry was incredibly endeared by Jacob from the moment he heard about him. Something about a tall, strong ruffian bringing justice to the streets of London (and fighting Templars) was just incredibly... Ah, attractive in Henry’s eyes. He actually allowed himself to feel that because hell, he works for the Templars and Jacob is supposed to be the enemy, Henry hates the Templars, why not be incredibly gay for the assassin?
Jacob shamelessly flirted with Henry from the first moment the met. Breaking into his office to figure out who murdered his brothers and Jacob could certainly not read the room. Henry was far too gone that he merely huffed and flirted back... Well, until they came to the topic at hand. Even in other branches were Henry was recruited by them to make poisons, or where they met in a gang fight, and Jacob still shamelessly flirts with Henry.
Jacob tries so hard to be romantic. Henry is incredibly amused by it. He will be working in his office late at night and Jacob will pop by his open window to demand attention. He will come back to his office after having ran son errands and there will be bouquets of fresh lavenders, lilacs, and tulips. Jacob will constantly “force” him (or, well, bribe him to leave his work) to go on dates with him, dates that consists of wandering the rooftops of London and watch the stars at night or have a nice dinner together. He loves to spoil Henry rotten <3
Jacob loves cuddles. Henry was not very physically affectionate at first. He was afraid that Jacob would end up doing the same thing Robert did to him and while he couldn’t keep away from him, Jacob made sure to take it slow for him. Their favorite pastime is to cuddle on one of the couches in the train after exhausting missions, and Henry finds that he can’t keep away from Jacob’s touch for too long.
Rachel and Robert began to introduce Henry into the more... Ah, illegal luxuries of the London life. They take him to a fight club and are highly confused when Henry suddenly gets incredibly excited as he watches his boyfriend kick the shit out of people. He completely abandons them and practically fall into Jacob’s (sweaty and slightly bloody) arms the moment the fighting is done. Both he and Hyde love to check out Jacob fighting in fight clubs.
(Jacob post-fight is probably the hottest sight Henry has ever seen and Jacob knows that fully well. Jacob often uses the money he wins from the fights buying gifts for his lil boyfriend <3). 
Another ideal date in the eyes of Jacob is highjacking Henry’s carriage and abducting him. It’s all fun and games until he accidentally does that when Jasper, Rachel, or Robert are in the carriage too. That was not fun for Henry to explain.
After Jacob and Evie have liberated all child factories, Henry makes a spur-of-the-moment decision to adopt Clara (the child who wanted the twins to free the children in the factories). Clara ends up getting raised by two very protective and very lovely-dovely dads. She spends most of her time in the Society (while still helping the kids on the street) but Jacob visits her and Henry a lot.
Look I just want Henry and Jacob to raise a kid that won’t come back and try to murder them later on ok.
Anyways on to some other hcs. Jacob loves to make sexual jokes to Henry. Henry either acts dumb and as if he doesn’t understand them, or he will shot them right back until Jacob is the one blushing (or highly embarrassed).
Jacob loves to break into the Society and follow Henry around but make sure he doesn’t see him. He will be parkour over the ceiling beams and all the Lodgers will notice and get extremely paranoid, trying to get Henry to notice it too because clearly something is up, Henry will completely ignore him most of the time.
Jacob rarely sleeps because his work as an assassin rarely allows him to, but once he and Henry starts dating he always makes sure to visit Henry during the night (or have Henry come to the train) so that they can cuddle and sleep together, knowing Henry won’t sleep by himself.
Henry is always the tiny spoon. Always. Jacob loves to hold him. Henry is always cold and Jacob is always warm so for Henry it’s like being wrapped in a blanket and for Jacob it’s like having an ice cube chilling down his overheated body.
Henry gets overwhelmed quite easily, both in general and with their actual relationship. As dramatic and clingy Jacob can be at times, he always gives Henry the space he needs and especially in the beginning, when everything was so new and Henry had to take his time to process everything. Jacob is always patient with him.
Henry likes to create stuff for Jacob. It can be everything from new poisons to new gadgets, to something as simple as a painting or a hand-made sweater he did himself. When the gifts became more... Simple, so to speak, he worried that Jacob wouldn’t like them, but Jacob absolutely loves and treasures anything Henry does for him, although he routinely gives the sweaters and clothing back so Henry can wear them, and so Jacob can get them back and it smells like his boyfriend <3
(Evie always finds Jacob cuddled up with the sweater in the mornings when they can’t be together. She thinks that it’s stupidly adorable).
Jacob stays in London after Evie and Green get married and move to India. He would originally have thought of leaving London to return to the Assassin Order in Crawley, but ultimately decided to stay with his lover in London. After the end events of TGS, the two of them buy a horse ranch out in the countryside where they retire. Jacob occasionally returns to London as the leader of the Rooks, and soon they begin on working to expand the gang to other cities. Henry doesn’t normally return to London, but always eagerly awaits his husbands return. By the time they have retired and moved, Clara goes to University in London, but she always makes sure to visit her dads inbetween her semesters.
They get to die a peaceful death after having lived a long and fulfilling life. Henry died first, his body having gotten weaker after many years of HJ7, and Jacob died only a few days afterward. Clara made sure they got buried in the same grave, and their little farmhouse and their belongings (and their story) has been passed down from generations ever since. 
Lydia, Jacob’s canonical granddaughter that lives through ww1, is instead Greenie’s and Evie’s grandchild for this au/ship.
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damonsvftie · 4 years
𝒜𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊
Draco Malfoy x reader
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Warnings: self doubt and I think that’s pretty much it
Note: this is 3.7k+ words. Also if you have any feedback let me know as I’m always trying to improve!¡ also h/n means house name also ngl im kinda proud of this 🖐😌✨
Summary: Draco unexpectedly breaks up with y/n and moves on with his life and now dates Astoria Greengrass but y/n still wants an explanation to why he suddenly dumped her leaving her heart broken but do things ever go back to what they were?
He was slipping out of my hands. I was losing him. I was losing myself. I was losing everything I had ever wanted.
My love for a certain platinum blonde haired boy was unconditional. His voice was delicate and soothing and was certainly music to my ears. His touch made me melt into his beautiful pale and creamy skin while he would caress me tightly but all of it was gone. Everything I had ever wished for was crumbling before me.
Draco Malfoy was no longer with me. After all we had been through it felt like nothing was no longer worth it and it hurt me to see him walking through the corridors with Astoria Greengrass clutching onto him. She was always with him, clinging onto his arm, feeding him in the great hall and now she even had access to his dorm. He promised me no one else would take my spot but at this point I assumed it was all a lie.
“You know what? I’m not even mad he ended things with you because he doesn’t deserve you y/n,” mentioned Hermione while you looked across the great hall towards Draco who had Greengrass sat beside him giggling .Me and Hermione had become best friends since our arrival at Hogwarts and she had always stuck by me through thick and thin. Our friendship was an unbreakable bond and i had always shared my thoughts and feelings to her and trusted her more than anyone else.
“Surely I wasn’t deserving enough for him-,” you whispered softly as you played with the plate of ravioli in front of you,piercing thousands of holes into it every now and then.
When he left me, he gave no explanation for the sudden breakup. Everything just shattered and I had remembered pleading him while tugging on his arm for clarification while drops of tears streamed down my face. He couldn’t face me, he couldn’t even muster the courage to look into my eyes and tell me he no longer loved me. He harshly moved away from my grasp and walked away leaving me all alone at the top of the astronomy tower. What seemed to hurt me the most was how he confessed his love for me after the Yule ball had ended and now he had dumped me in the same exact spot . Was I not good enough for him? Was he deserving of someone else? I wanted him badly to come running back to me telling me it was a joke of some sort. I wanted to wake up and pretend everything that had happened was just a nightmare but it was real. He was really gone.
The next day after lunch I made my way to my favourite tree. I would normally
sit by it and read the muggle stories I owned or just catch up on some work. I held precious memories here. I remember the first time me and Draco actually spoke to one another it was under the same exact tree only except after a few days I would read him stories like Alice in Wonderland or Jekyll and Hyde which he would thoroughly enjoy by sitting in one of the trees branches while munching onto an apple listening to the words that would come out of my mouth. He never really understood my thirst for reading muggle books. When I had first read them to him he was acting as if it was some sort of crime but once the stories got into depth he eased a bit and understood why I adored reading and it was all because I could get lost into my own imagination.
When I had reached the tree I couldn’t seem to believe my eyes. Under the tree laid Astoria’s head on Draco’s lap as he hesitantly stroked her hair almost looking a bit uncomfortable. I felt my eyes starting to well up and my vision instantly turned blurry. A pain in my chest made it seem as if my heart had been torn into millions of pieces. I stood there slightly trembling and took a step back. To my surprise my foot crunched under a pile of twigs and branches disturbing the two as Draco and his girlfriend looked up at me. He pushed Greengrass of him and scrambled up as if he were about to say something but Astoria tugged on his arm while glaring at me darkly and I decided to run back to my dorm. He really had replaced me.
“You should talk to him,” explained Hermione.I had told her everything from the way he made me feel and how uneasy I would feel whenever Astoria would be beside him. “If I’m being honest he really did downgrade,” added Ron while he took a bite out of his sandwich.
“I-i can’t, I just know he’ll try to avoid me,” i mumbled.
“You really think that? Weren’t you the one who said that he pushed Greengrass off him when he saw you?” Mentioned Harry sarcastically as he put the daily prophet down.
“But that doesn’t mean he wants to talk to me, I bet he doesn’t even care about my existence,” I groaned while i glanced at all three of them while Harry had a smug expression painted across his face.”let’s test that theory shall we?” .You knew he had some type of plan.
“Malfoy, theres a letter that’s addressed to you,” spoke Crabbe as he took the letter between the beautiful white owl’s beak. Draco snatched the letter out of his hand and opened it:
Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight at 12. This is extremely important, it’s about y/l/n. Her life is in danger.
Draco read the letter, while his thoughts circled his head.His two minions, Crabbe and Goyle, tried peering over him to take a look at what was written.His heart started beating at a quicker pace and he was worried sick about you.He hastily shoved the letter back into it’s envelope.”What does it say Malfoy?” Asked Goyle curiously.
“It’s none of your business,” he snapped back.He didn’t want to put you into any type of danger because he still cared. He couldn’t bear seeing you hurt because he still loved you. However not everything was what it seemed.
“Harry I don’t want to start any trouble-,” I muttered before getting cut off.
“Come on y/n, tonight we’ll find out if he’s still in love with you,” interrupted Ron.
Hermione placed her hand on mine, almost as if she was trying to reassure me that everything would be okay. Harry’s owl came swooping through the gryffindor common rooms half open window as Hedwig plopped himself onto his owners shoulder while Harry stroked its feathers.
“He’s got the letter, now we just have to see if he turns up,” explained Harry as he looked at me flashing me a confident smile. I returned one back but something inside me made my stomach churn. What if Draco didn’t turn up. What if he didn’t really care about me and what if he was happy with Astoria. I had so many questions.
The clock striked twelve, and I cautiously made my way to the astronomy tower making sure no one saw me out of bed after curfew. I was still in my h/n uniform shivering as I had left my robe in the common room. Once I got there I gazed at the stars hoping that Draco would come. I still wanted him to care for me, to love me but as time ticked by I stood there reconsidering everything. I had made a fool out of myself by showing up, I should have known better. He had moved on and I should have too. I was about to leave when I heard a familiar voice. “What are you doing here?” Questioned Draco. I had turned around to see him although he was a few metres away from me. I couldn’t quite make out his expressions. “I thought I was here to meet Potter not you,” he snarled. If I was being honest his words cut me deep leaving a wound that wouldn’t ever be healed. He really seemed as if he didn’t want to see me but I still had hope.
He turned around and almost started walking away but I had stopped him. “ if you didn’t care about me you wouldn’t have showed up,” my voice slightly broke towards the end. Ever so slowly I had made my way towards him hesitantly placing my hand on his shoulder. He glanced back at me not fully turning but his expression seemed to ease down a bit. “ Draco, I know it was wrong but I just wanted to talk-,” I felt my eyes tearing up but I quickly wiped them away.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he answered back.
“Yes there is, why did you dump me? Do you realise how much it hurts to see you and Greengrass in the hallways! do you realise what you put me thr-,” I started to raise my voice while I vented at him before he cut me off.
“What I put you through?! I had no choice y/n. Don’t you think it didn’t hurt me when I left you?!” He had never spoken to me like that before.
“I just want my answers Draco, why? Why did you do this? Why did you end ‘us’?,” I whispered as I tried fighting back my tears but I couldn’t. He turned around now facing me completely. He seemed nervous as if he didn’t know how to break the news to me but he knew he had to, he knew he couldn’t keep me in the dark like that.
“Because... because I’m marrying Astoria,”
I covered my mouth with my hand trying to muffle my cries that tried to escape, stumbling backwards from him. He had never seen me so devastated and it really showed. I could tell he wanted to comfort me but he couldn’t. It would have been wrong.
My sobs started to get worse and Draco had noticed. “Y/n I need you to calm down.. please,”. The tone in his voice was soft like butter and I couldn’t help but listen to him. Hesitantly I pulled him in for a tight hug I could tell from his body language that he didn’t expect me to do that. He didn’t hug me back although it felt like his hand was hovering against my back almost as if he wanted to but couldn’t. I pulled away from him patting my tears dry while I shivered in the cold. I could have sworn that the tension in the air could have been cut with a knife. The next thing I knew, Draco took of his slytherin robe and covered me with it to stop me from shaking. “ I thought maybe you would need it,” he stammered. I crossed my arms looking down at the ground.
“Why are you marrying her?” I questioned while I furrowed my brows together.
“It isn’t my choice y/n, my father wants me to marry her because she’s a pureblood,” he responded while he looked at you with blurry eyes. You knew that his parents wouldn’t have ever approved of you, well mostly Lucius. He had despised you since the day you walked into the Malfoy Manor after finding out you were a mudblood.
“You should have told me, we could have worked this out, we could have done som-,”
“THERES NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT!” He sneered as he quickly scuttled away leaving me alone at the top of the tower.
The winter break was here and you were returning home for the holidays.
Every night since my return at home i couldn’t help but think about him. I started to become restless and i wished for the holidays to come to an end quickly so that I could see him again but what was the point? He was happy with Astoria and I would eventually move on from him sooner or later but I still had faith.
When the Winter breaks had ended we were returned back to Hogwarts.
I remember when I had reached my dorm I started unpacking all my luggage when I found Draco’s robe inside my suitcase. I clutched onto it tightly while running my hand over the soft fabric inhaling his sweet scent that consisted of citrus and mint. Everything felt wrong. I had to give his robe back to him although he would have bought a new one but I still had to. I no longer meant anything to him.
The first class of the new semester was defense against the dark arts which was taught by Umbridge. Everyone seemed to loathe her apart from a bunch of kids who became a part of her clan. Unsuprisingly Malfoy was one of them.
I couldn’t help but stare across the room at him. He was just so beautiful. His prominent, sharp jawline could have easily cut whoever’s fingers glided across it and his magnificent blonde hair had grown a tiny bit compared to last year. I had sat there just admiring him from a distance when he seemed to notice when he had turned around to talk to Goyle. Our eyes had met until I pulled away quickly. I couldn’t do that to him since everything was over but I still yearned for him.
“I’m so sorry y/n, we didn’t expect Malfoy to react like that,” explained Hermione when you had told the trio everything that had happened before the winter break.
“I can’t believe he’s marrying her, out of all people he chooses Greengrass,” muttered Ron while he took a sip out of his cup.
“It’s not his choice Ron,” I mumbled under my breath just loud enough for him to hear .
“Are you going to give him his robe back?” Questioned Harry while he glanced at me with a weak smile.
“I suppose so, it doesn’t belong to me anymore,” I sighed while letting a shaky breathe out.
I could see from across the great hall, that he was staring at me until I had noticed. He quickly shifted his attention to Astoria while she rested her head on his shoulder. She was starting to infuriate me.
We were going to Hogsmeade today and unfortunately Harry couldn’t come because he couldn’t get permission to go on the trip or I could have hung out with him there. “Harry I’ll get you something from there,” I mentioned kindly with a small smile across my face. He simply nodded with a small smile and then left.
I thought it would be best if I left Ron and Hermione alone since I didn’t want to be the 3rd wheel besides I wanted to explore Hogsmeade alone and get all the heavy feelings of my chest and for once be carefree.
Once I had finished exploring all of Hogsmeade I decided to go to Honydukes to buy some candy for Harry since I knew he absolutely loved lemon Sherbets and well I had promised him I would bring him something back.
I went into the shop searching around for lemon sherbets and looking at the different types of candies in the glass jars until I saw Draco. Obviously he was with Astoria. My heart did a quick jump in my chest and I just froze. “What is she doing here?” Groaned Astoria. Draco just stared at me and then looked towards the ground. I could feel my hands starting to become clammy and a few drops of tears spilled down my face. “I see you EVERYWHERE, don’t you realise that things have ended between you and Draco? He’s MINE not YOURS,” sneered Greengrass. I quickly sprinted my way out of the shop while Draco was going to run after me but she had pulled him back from doing so.
The next day in the great hall, I hid my head in my hands silently wheeping trying not to cause a commotion while Hermione rubbed my back in circles. “You should have stuck with us,” spoke Hermione while Ron nodded along agreeing with her.
“If i were there I-“ Harry started but got cut off when Hermione silently shook her head slowly, almost telling him to stop rambling on.”i-i need to go.. I’ll be back,” I stuttered.
I went to my dorm and grabbed Draco’s old robe and hurried back into the great hall. I was striding towards him furiously while everyones attention was drawn on me. The next thing I knew Astoria and him both looked at me astonished as I threw his robe in his face.”thought this belonged to you,” i whispered while my voice cracked and off I stormed back to my dorm.
I could hear everyone in the great hall talking about the commotion I had just caused while I ran through the corridoors.
The next day was a ordinary Monday, Draco had promised to meet Astoria at lunch and then they would supposedly spend some time together. Lunch was intimidating for me. The buzz about all the drama that had happened yesterday was still news to everyone. People gave me sly looks from across the hall and others were concerned or confused.
Draco would give me small glances then look away just in case I saw. In my heart I still felt as if he wanted me but I wasn’t so sure. It had been a long period of time and it felt as if the 2 were starting to become closer than ever.
After lunch Astoria and Draco were walking the hogwarts grounds. She practically forced him to drape his robe around her. Greengrass was very touchy and there were moments that made him uncomfortable and he would slightly move out of her grasp.
“I don’t understand why y/l/n always has to come between us,” she muttered. Draco stopped walking and looked her in the eye.
“I don’t understand why you hate her so much, what has she ever done to you?” He snarled. Certainly Astoria never expected Draco to ever defend you like that, after all what were you to him?
“Draco, what are you saying?” She questioned while her cheeks turned a tint of red in embarrassment. He took a few steps towards her until the gap between them closed. He seemed agitated while he clenched his fists tightly.
“I’ve never wanted to marry you,” he snapped. Astorias heart started beating rapidly at this point he was scaring her.”Its never been you, it’s always been her,” he sneered as he snatched his cloak away from her body leaving her shivering in the snow.
I was at the top of the astronomy tower, lunch had just finished but since it was still winter season the sky has turned dark in the evening. I looked up at the sky admiring the beautiful colours above. This was my favourite spot to relax. A place for me to escape all of my worries and concerns. Everything that had been happening felt like a nightmare that wouldn’t stop haunting me. If I was being honest I had wished that Draco would be beside me, vibing into the moment like we use to but all of that was gone. I started to shiver slightly as I was only in my uniform and I had again left my robe inside thinking that I would be in all day. Turns out I was wrong after all.
Suddenly someone covered me with their robe. It smelt familiar, like mint and citrus fruit and it’s aroma was sweet with a hint of bitterness. “Thought this belonged to you,” uttered the voice softly under its breath. I slowly turned around to face the person when I saw Draco stood behind me.
To my surprise he gave me tight hug lifting me off the ground since he’s way taller than I am. The hug was different. He didn’t seem to hesitate and it seemed confident like he thoroughly wanted to. He held me there almost cradling me until I slightly wriggled out of his grasp. “Malfoy What is wrong with y-,”. He immediately went in for a kiss. It wasn’t anything extra just a peck on the lips until I pulled away from him. “Draco we can’t do this,” I spoke while my cheeks blushed.
“why can’t we?,” he asked while he pulled me back moving me closer towards him. He was acting totally weird as if he suddenly forgot that he was going to be marrying Astoria. “I think you’ve forgot that your marrying Greengrass,” I sighed after letting a deep breathe out. He seemed to loosen his grip and that managed to create a one metre distance between the two of us. He scratched the back of his head while I crossed my arms trying to avoid eye contact.
“Yeah um.. about that, I don’t want to marry her,” he spoke.
“What do you mean?” I asked hastily.
“Look I know after all that we’ve been through it was wrong for me to leave you like that with any sort of explanation and i just want you to know I’m- im sorry. I don’t care what my father has to say about the two of us. it’s never been her... it’s always been you,” he confessed. I stared into his beautiful eyes and I could tell he really meant what he said. The same Draco Malfoy has apologised for everything he had done and he was even ready to fight against his own father. On my tiptoes I caressed his alluring face with both of my hands as I pulled him down a bit until our lips grazed against each other. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine while one of my hands found their way to his head, softly tugging on the bottom of his platinum blonde hair while his arm slithered across my waist pulling me closer to him till no space was left between us. Pulling away panting slightly I smiled widely. Everything had gone back to what it was and I couldn’t have been more elated. “It’s always been you,” he whispered.
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Ok so can u explain how magic works in your universe? im kinda curious. Oh! And i guess werewolf stuff too, since Markus and Zonta are the main focuses
Ok witches/magic users first!
basically there's three kinds of magic in this universe: Dark Magic, Normal (which can have a variety of different specifications, Zonta is friends with another witch who works with forest magic), and Light magic. Dark magic is frowned upon because it can be dangerous, but it's inherently less harmful that Light magic, so it's not illegal. Both Light and Dark can turn a person into something called a Husk, essentially a being made of magic that takes the appearance of their original human forms. The Dark Husks tend to look like zombies or ghosts, while the Light Husks tend to have an ethereal appearance that slowly turned terrifying with age. Magic hunters, magic users on a quest for power, tend to go after Dark Husks cuz they're relatively common, it's very easy to perform magic and have a mishap happen. They use spells to drain the magic until the Husk completely vanishes.
Light Husks are far more rare because Light magic is technically illegal due to it's high risk. It takes a few tries with Dark magic to turn into a husk, but with Light magic, one time is pretty much all it takes unless you have a very specific skill requirement set up. There are currently only seven Light husks in existence, and they are worshipped by the Light Cult, a group of people who view these Husks as gods. The Light Husks are kept in anti-magic chambers to keep them from basically destroying the universe, hence why they have a huge cult following them.
Zonta specifically dabbles in Dark Magic, to the point where it can be considered dangerous, hence why when she was 18 she created a spell to protect her from turning into a Husk. Every now and then a magic user will come around who has an enormous amount of magic ability, and it can keep them from turning into a Husk. Zonta and one other person I haven't introduced yet are a couple of people who can use these skills without worry.
Familiars are all immortal, and usually when their magic user dies, they go back to a kind of primordial soup thing until a new magic user comes in to their powers, where they then go to the user and take on the first animal form they think of. In Zonta's case, her familiar is a brown cat she named Snickers. He's very cynical and wary about her Dark magic use, because he's seen his past users die and turn into husks, but he can't really do much to stop her.
Werewolves are born with a gene in them that activates when they turn 12-13 years old, when that happens, an older werewolf will ask if they wish to turn. If they say yes, they receive a mark from the older werewolf's claws, which causes the ability to shift. Werewolves are not exactly well-liked, as there are plenty of horror stories where werewolves went rogue and attacked innocent civilians, causing unease whenever someone clearly had signs of lycanthropy. Because of this, werewolves use two names; one for their human form, and one for their werewolf form.
Markus is a special case, he was changed against his will. Because of this, he represses his negative emotions to the point of almost having a Jekyll/Hyde personality, with Fenrir being his repressed emotions and the result of his trauma. He's gonna go further into what happened to him in one of the things I write later, but if you want to know what happened you can find it on my self insert blog, I've talked about it before on there.
It's inherited, as well. Markus' mom is a werewolf, and his younger twin brothers have the gene, but they haven't been turned.
Usually the way you can tell someone is a werewolf is if they have an unusual hair color that matches their eyes, Markus has dark violet eyes and hair, his mom has dark green eyes and hair, etc., and if they have a scar of some sort. The normal scarring is supposed to be a crescent moon shape on a body part that can be covered to signify werewolves association with the moon, but Markus has four long scratch marks on his torso.
During full moons, werewolves turn into something called a Full Wolf, a giant wolf like creature that's a little bigger than a horse. They tend to be a little more feral, and are the main cause as to why people are afraid of werewolves. They can keep their control in this form, but it's a lot harder because this is their more feral side and they can't control shifting into this form. The rest of the time, they turn into a wolfish looking being at any time they want.
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jeks-tgs · 4 years
Surprise, Dr. Jekyll!!
(For @darling-dolly-darlene uwu)
Henry had been sick with anxiety for the past month or so. Hyde, his idiotic, stupid, fool of a counterpart had fallen asleep after a rather... ahem.. intense hookup. He hadn't left in time, and when Hyde suddenly spasmed in agony, the couple he'd bedded with had leapt up, concerned and startled. When Henry had coughed the last remaining bits of green fluid over the side of the bed, the pair had stood, staring in shock, and it wasn't until Henry had lifted his head that he realized just how fucked he truly was.
And so, after hastily tugging on Hyde's clothes, he'd fled, the man and woman chasing after him for a good bit, shouting for him to come back. Obviously, he hadn't listened, not wanting to end up in Bedlam, thank you very much. Ever since then, he'd been terrified, jumpier than usual, enough so that the Lodgers were starting to notice. Of course, they just added this to their little roster of insults, and for once Henry was glad Frankenstein had turned them all against him. What could he say if they'd shown concern? That he was near ill with panic because a couple he'd indirectly had a threesome with had seen him transform from Edward Hyde into Henry Jekyll?
So, his panic remained, and only grew over time, waiting anxiously for Scotland Yard to burst through the doors and drag him, kicking and screaming, to Bethlam Royal Hospital. His only relief was, ironically, treating Frankenstein. It was easy to forget his troubles when he was being harrassed by an old woman, having to out all his focus on not throat-punching her the next time she called him a slut. Hyde's hisses that, technically, by proxy, Jekyll was a slut, he could do without, though. It was during one such insult-filled checkup that the other shoe finally dropped.
"-just a hack doctor, an industrialist slut groveling at the boots of the wealthy!" Henry's eye twitched, it getting harder by the second to keep his smile in place. The Lodgers were being extra stubborn today, refusing to leave while he treated their oh-so-valiant hero. As Frankenstein started up with another batch of repetitive jabs, Henry bit back a sigh. Could today get any worse?
Henry stiffened as all the Lodgers turned to look in the direction of the unfamiliar voice. Well, unfamiliar to them. Henry knew that voice. It had shouted repeatedly at him as he had fled. Shaking with dread, he turned to see that, yep, Hyde's 'friends' were in the doorway, looking livid. Henry paled as they marched towards him. This was it. This was the end of his life. They would grab him, throw him into a police coach, and then he'd be Moreau's new neighbour, tested on each day until the insanity truly did set in—
"You leave our Jekyll alone, you ol' hag!!" Henry squeaked, startled, as the man slung his arm over his shoulders, the woman moving to lean against his side. His mouth opened and closed, akin to a fish being told the most shocking news imaginable, unable to speak. The Lodgers seemed even more surprised than Henry was, and the look of shock on Frankenstein's face admittedly gave Henry a maliciously gleeful sort of feeling. "Henry is brillian', unlike you, ya deadbeat parent!" The woman's voice was thick and slurred, and if it weren't for the fact that Hyde knew that was her natural accent, Henry would have assumed she was intoxicated.
"That's right, ya old bint," The man gruffed, scratching at his bearded jaw as he eyes the old woman with cold disinterest. Henry had by now turned from pale to a vibrant red, so fast he was worries his blood cells would experience whiplash from it. He stammered, unable to form a full word, let alone a proper sentence. The Lodgers were looking at the duo with more interest now, and when the woman casually wrapped an arm around Henry's waist, rubbing his hip soothingly, a few murmurs and titters broke out. Needless to say, Henry was humiliated. Frankenstein shook herself out of her shock, grinning, "Well, I guess my 'slut' comments weren't far off!"
Quick as hounds catching a whiff of blood, the two stormed over to the old scientist, gritting their teeth. It was almost hypnotizing, watching the way they seemed to weave around one another, and Henry tugged at his collar, ashamedly admitting to himself that, yes, he did find their aggressive coordination and brash attitudes attractive.
"Now you listen 'ere, bitch!!" The Lodgers gasped as the woman got right up in Frankenstein's face. "Tha's our boy, ya go' tha'!? Don't say anothe' wor' abou' 'im, or I'll knohk yer damn 'ead off!!" She leant back, her partner easily stepping around her to take her place.
"Lay off!! He's done nothin' but care for you, you wretch!!" He spoke slower than his lover, his accent implying he was possibly from Kent, or maybe Sussex, and Henry only grew a darker shade of red as Hyde teased him about liking the way it sounded. "You've got some nerve, comin' into a man's home and disrespectin' 'im! He's a fine gentleman, and jus' because he knows when and where it's appropriate to show the real 'im doesn' mean he's some stuck up prat! If anythin', it makes 'im smarter, knowin' how to play the game to keep those he cares about safe!" He narrowed his green eyes at her as he growled lowly, "Unlike you, he actually knows what it takes to survive. Then again, I wouldn' expect a spoil' rich girl who ran away from all her problems to understand that." With that final jab, he turned and strolled back to the woman and Henry, the two wrapping their arms around him and pulling him out the door as he sputtered. It wasn't until they were alone in a hallway that he hesitantly asked, "You.. aren't.. turning me into Scotland Yard..?" The pair looked surprised by his words. They shared a look, then cracked up laughing, leaving poor Henry even more confused.
"An' lose th' bes' shag in all of London~?" The woman asked, causing Henry to squeak with embarrassment. The man leant in next, purring in his ear, "What kind of stupid twat gives up a 'two-for-one' deal~?" Henry uttered a soft, "O-Oh, dear..", earning a chuckle from the man. He patted the doctor's back, beaming, "Come on, then, there's drinks to be had, gettin' to know each other, all the fun parts!"
"W-Wait, I–!! I don't even know your names!" Henry complained, not sure if he should be disturbed by how quickly a fond sort of exasperation was settling in his chest.
"Tom Bishop," The man rumbled, and Henry was flustered to admit he liked the sound of it.
"An' I'm Chasity Bishop," The woman crooned, and Henry realized with a jolt the two had matching copper bands on their fingers. Henry groaned, uttering, "Edward Hyde, what have you gotten me into?" The two only laughed, pressing closer to either side of them. As they approached his office, Henry shyly wrapped his arms around their lower backs, the two smiling softly as they recalled a certain blond who loved to do the same.
"I know Hyde has mostly been drinking brandy and gin with you, but all I've got is red wine, I hope that's alright?"
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Kinktober - October 7 (Jekyll, Mordred, Hyde)
“So we tied and gagged him.” Mordred glanced over at Jekyll, crossing her arms. “What’s the plan now?”
He had no idea.
Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that they would successfully transfer his alternate and berserker side to his own physical body. For the first time in their entire lives, Hyde was not a part of him. He was his own human being with his own mind and his own- well, they didn’t know about a soul, but still.
Jekyll could feel his hands on his own waist, feeling his own shirt on his own person.
He could finally wear briefs.
The thought made him snort a little.
Of all the things to do when one was separted from their evil half, he would immediately think about having the safety and security of a pair of men’s briefs rather than the boxers that Hyde would, on occasion, decide to let him indulge in wearing.
It had nothing to do with anything right now though.
It was actually a bit perverse to be thinking about right now.
“Oi! Jekyll!”
Jekyll jumped a little, looking over to the blonde only to find his gaze returning to Hyde.
“What do you wanna do?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“What? So why did we go through all this trouble? You’ve been workin’ with Da Vinci for months on this kind of shit.”
“I know. I know. I just…”
He reached down, petting Mordred’s beast of a cat while she wound between his legs. “I’m going to um… Allow me a few moment with my thoughts. Do you mind-“
“Eh, whatever. I’ll watch ‘im. Just think of what we’re gonna do. He probably will need his own room if we’re going to register him as his own servant for Gudako.”
He processed a total of none of that information.
In fact, he was already moving out the door and heading towards his closet that he shared with Mordred instead.
His mind was on other things.
Exciting, one personality kind of things.
However, Mordred remained behind.
Mordred sighed at the man as he skipped off to do God only knew what. The excited little smile that had been adorning his face had been weird. Not in that it looked wrong or he wasn’t supposed to smile, but more in the fact that it just made her face feel a bit warm when she watched him.
There was a strange heart issue that she needed Bedivere to help her with that she got sometimes when looking at Jekyll.
I’ll talk to Nightingale about it later.
“He’s getting to leave,” Hyde warned, spitting the fabric out of his mouth.
“That’s because he doesn’t really kill people… outside of the master’s commands.” Mordred glanced over at him, propping her feet up on a nearby table and pulling out her sword for sharpening. “You, on the other hand, have a real problem with that.”
“And you have a thing for men in knots.”
Mordred paused, mid-swipe with her whetstone.
“You have me bound here, waiting for who knows what, but I noticed you brought me to your old room… away from everyone.”
“No one knows you exist separate from Jekyll.”
The man hummed, those eyes glinting.
“I don’t know what kind of shit you’re gettin’ at.”
“You have a fetish mind. You wanted me bound here. You like the feeling of standing over me like the king that you are.”
“I do- The hell you mean?!”
Hyde laughed, leaning forward in the seat. “Untie me.”
“You think I’m that stupid?”
“Come on, I’ve seen you at your worst. You could take me easily. No, I’m just saying that you don’t want to let me go.”
“And why’s that?”
“…Untie me.”
The demand was given in a weird low voice, his eyes gleaming oddly as he smiled at her.
On the one hand, he was right.
She could definitely take him if he was up to something. The sheer amount of strength that she had was far greater than Hyde. She also knew he had weak ankles, much like another servant she knew from training.
On the other hand, he had something in mind. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she didn’t trust it.
Then again…
Mordred pulled the ties off, setting them aside and looking at him expectantly.
If he had something to say, like he’d insinuated, then he needed to go ahead and get on with it. What was he talking about? What had he been trying to-
His arms wrapped around her waist.
His lips, surprisingly, slammed against her own, bringing a strange feel to her being. Her legs were wobbling, losing their strength as though he were some succubus. She couldn’t fight it when he was doing magic shit to her. Her hands, grabbing at his chest, was failing to find purchase there.
Legs buckled, she found herself slumping against him before those lips were back.
More of her air was gone.
Her hands were tangling in his hair, yanking hard only to hear the moan escape his lips.
“My king,” the man breathed. “You wanted this, remember?”
She was sure she hadn’t.
She was sure…
His mouth moved to her neck, pressing to a place that made her body shiver.
“My great king, ruler of me,” he breathed, that voice by her ear. “There is no other I’d follow, no other I’d bother to kill for. I can feel your warmth against my leg. I missed this between us. That fool doctor kept taking you from me. You want to do filthy things, not lay in the same position day after day.”
She closed her eyes a moment, attempting to gather up her senses.
Mordred, a voice something like Bedivere’s own echoed in her head, I swear, you and the other knights share a single mind sometimes, one that can think backwards at all.
Her eyes opened to the man moving up her body, his hands stroking at her mouth.
“I’ll pay reverence if you do the same.”
“Wh-what the hell’re you talkin’ about?”
The soft chuckle came from his lips, the man leaning in.
“You make me think there’s something better than life or death. I intend to drink you down to the last drop, but you’re going to do the same.”
What the hell was he talking about?!
Something came to her mouth, stalling her thoughts. She could feel the fabric of his boxers against her chest, brushing against her chest and sending a thousand sparks through her body. She opened her mouth wider, gasping a moment before he pushed himself in deeper.
She gagged, watching those eyes flash.
“Take me in,” he breathed. “Please… You gorgeous king, you.”
Damn him.
The man was no better than Merlin, getting his way without having to really try.
Mordred closed her eyes, attempting what he asked.
The feel of his length was as big as it felt elsewhere, but her mouth wasn’t the same as down below. Her mouth pressed on him more, her throat itching and aching as she found him moving slowly in and out. Her teeth grazed against him, her eyes drifting to look up at him.
“Take more, my king,” the berserker pleaded, “There’s no other way but to drink it in. Come on. Yes! YES!”
She could feel her throat tighten as he went in further. She couldn’t keep this up. Even if his hands were petting her and her body was on fire. Even if all she could do was hold his hips and hold him close, trying to take more of him in.
“Mordred… Ah, my king,” the man’s hair was wilder than before, his eyes closing a moment before he cried her name out.
Mordred squirmed, pushing at the berserker and flipping herself over.
Jekyll’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her further away and leaping at his other ego. Their fists rose to one another, leaving her to pant and taste the semi-sweet taste that had flooded her mouth.
That had been… different.
“C-call me king again.”
The two men paused, staring over at her.
“Let him go for a minute, Jekyll.”
She had to know what they’d just done… and what it meant. But before that-
“Call me king again, Berserker.”
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spnsmile · 4 years
The Chuck disambiguation 😂
I've been meaning to talk about Chuck for sometime and his intentions for getting in the game. Is it to make his story exciting? Is it to show TFW he is all high and mighty? Is it hia disappointment of heaven? (or just cause the show gotta end 🤣😂) but there has to be a deeper reason than just the creator having a molting time.
Then I found this post. Quite interesting.
A lil theory until this episodes comes out and we hit the final road.
What if Chuck WANTS to be replaced?
If you remember all the alternative universes somehow turned to shit (the bad place,apocalypse world,the universe were Yokoth and her husband devoured almost anything...).
Maybe Chuck tried to make it work over and over again and he did actually care about the well being of his creations until he became sad and frustrated because it always went wrong.
He became Chuck because he just couldn't take it anymore.
After Apocalypse 1+2+3 etc he maybe thought that Sam and Dean are holding this universe so well and he is so tried that he decided it's time for him to go.
But as the "light that holds the existence of everything " he just can't kill himself.
So after Dean and Sam always find a unpredictable better ways that are always impossible to do but somehow they manage, Chuck decided that he will throw himself in Sam and Deans way as an enemy.
So they have to stop him with another unpredictable better way that he himself can't find.
It would explain thinks like:
Why didn't Chuck kill Jack before he was born if he was so afraid of what he would become?
That he is suspicious about death but really doesn't do anything to see what she his doing.
I also think he KNOWS what's that Death and the shadow are plotting against him and decided go "off world" so they have time for their plan.
A lil theory in the theory:
Why are the shadow and death concerned with hiding Jack if he can be brought back by both of them at any time?
It's because Chuck has the potential to put him somewhere were he can't come back.
And my theory has something to do with Castiel being resurrected by Chuck despite the shadow claiming that no one else than himself has any say in the empty.
Maybe there is a mikro second of transition for a Angel/Demon to go to the empty.In this mikro sec Chuck can catch the Angel/Demon trap it in a death/alive state until he decides to bring it fully back to life or let go.
He can put Jack in this state were he is no danger.
But what about Lilith she died ages ago?
I think it's because the shadow that rules the empty is now so distracted by his wacky Dyssomnias that everyone strong enough can snitch some Demons.
That would explain why Lucifer was able to wake up on his own.
Also a theory of mine is that this series has a lot of plot holes and inconsistencies that I should totally ignore details and I probably reading to much into this." ----end post
Nope. I don't think you are reading too much into it, unless PLOTHOLES 😂. All classic villains have their back story and Chuck is like one of those "Good guys turn bad, see me long enough to turn into a monster" villain." otherwise the "Im the villain from the beginning." A classic Sherlock Holmes mystery 😂
For one, if they base this on the Chuck that we know, scrawny author in robes, wants to hoard toilet papers, then they could relate it to a pressured author who needs a climax to his novel, thus...like Sam and Dean has to go pass the master before achieving the ultimate key to freedom.
Or yes, Chuck wants to be free too. Wants to be replaced. Another classic villain element where they need to manipulate, push the heroes on edge so they will be driven to kill or end the villain who also wants it to end.
Or Chuck is just a major dick with dual Jekyll-Hyde personality, who knows 😂 so many plotholes if that's the only reason. From the beginning he returned in front of Castiel, to the keen eyes on details of his plot, Chuck got riled up because Dean wont kill Jack. A character making a choice and so he snaps. But in retrospect, imagine if Dean kills Jack then, Dean dies too and may end up in the Empty.
Or he doesn't die and get to share Jack's dreams lol compose of angels and snakes. Bit if Dean died then and got sent to the Empty, Castiel going to the Empty would be another plot to rescue Dean (do we doubt Cas to save Dean if he killed Jack?) it's only going to be another roller coaster, another jackpot hit onnthe shelves, then Sam is left alone. That's if it's god's plan at all.
Anyways, lets just write a fic about that 😂
I also believe the mood, ending of god will be like in season 11 where things end well, holding hands, embracing husbands, crying younger brother... You know... I do believe they will give us that ending.
But doesn't change the fact the last episode will come and we have to meet it when it does 😭
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Why Didn’t You Stop Me - Chapter One
bro i can’t believe i actually wrote this anyways im pretty proud. if you wanna read it on ao3 it’s right here
The rain was strange that night. It came infrequently, in short tapping sounds upon the bedroom window. Despite the rain’s strange quietness, it woke Emma.
She stared at the darkened ceiling of her room, feeling her stomach rise and fall with her slow, even breathing. She sighed. Drowsily, Emma pushed herself to sit upon the edge of her bed. Her bare feet touched the cold floor as she stood and hiked up her nightgown ever so slightly with slow fingers. Each step towards her bedroom’s window was passive and delicate in an attempt to stop the floorboards from creaking, which she achieved with some success. With her other hand, she reached to open the window. The whistle of the wind and the hum of a dreaming London always helped her sleep. Moonlight made her thin fingers turn white as she reached for the window’s latch when she paused. There was no rain.
Then a small rock bounced against her window.
Having been knocked out of her tired stupor, Emma rushes to the window and threw it open. She looked down. Standing just a few feet below, rearing back to throw another pebble, was her fiancé, and love of her life, Henry Jekyll.
“Henry!” She called, trying not to laugh. “What on earth are you doing down there?”
He jumped, clearly not expecting her to appear at that particular moment.
“I needed to speak with you!” He called back up.
Emma leaned on her windowsill, her head tilted in amusement. She felt like Juliet.
“Why didn’t you just come in?”
“I needed to speak with you privately.” Henry amended his last statement. “Just…get dressed and come down.”
A sigh escaped her lips. Not of frustration or distress, one of longing. The type of sigh you can only give when the one you care about above all does something incredibly ridiculous. The kind of sigh that can only lead to the utterance of one phrase.
“I love you.”
Emma only caught a glimpse of Henry’s face lighting up in pink and red before she pulled back inside. She dressed as quickly as she could manage, throwing on a pale blouse and simple blue skirt that swept across her feet. She barely put her hair up and rather scandalously, in her mind, didn’t bother with a corset. Besides, she was just meeting Henry. She was getting married to the man in six weeks. Only after a few minutes later, she appeared outside.
When Henry saw Emma, like a beautiful apparition in the moonlight, he rushed to her and caught her in an embrace. She ran a hand across his cheek, coaxing his lips to hers. His kiss felt like the first breath of autumn. Henry pulled away, unable to pull his mouth out of a smile.
“Emma,” He said. “I need your help with my experiment.”
She giggled, slightly perplexed.
“What do you mean?” She asked. “Your proposal was rejected, you don’t have a subject.”
“I know that.” Henry took a few steps from her. “But, I do have a subject.”
Emma placed her hands together. Her stomach knotted with dread.
“Henry, you’re frightening me. What do you mean you have a subject.”
“I’m going to use myself, Emma.” He looked back at her.
That’s what she was afraid he was going to say. She padded forward, clinging onto his arm.
“You can’t be serious…” She said. She rested her head on his shoulder in a fruitless pleading gesture.
“What else am I to do?” Henry pressed his hand over hers reassuringly. He kissed her gently on the cheek. “But I can’t do it myself, I need a witness. I need you.”
It took her a long time to speak again. Emma clung to Henry’s arm, letting the cold wind of the night pass over her skin. She held his arm a little tighter and took in a sharp breath like she was ready to plunge off a cliff into a raging ocean.
“I’ll do it, Henry,” Emma said. “But why come all this way to get me? Why not just get John or Poole to do it?”
Henry turned to look at her, gently taking her hands in his.
“Emma, I’m going to be spending the rest of my life with you.” He said. “If I am to become altered in some way by this, I need you to be there.”
“Oh, my darling, I doubt you’ll change that much. You’re already perfect in my eyes.”
The laboratory was never a place Emma was fond of. She would never tell Henry, of course. It was frigid and not particularly well lit and the surgical tools, strange apparatuses and now-empty animal cages that decorated the relatively small room gave her the creeps. Her least favorite aspect of the room, however, was how much time Henry spent toiling away inside. It wasn’t healthy, spending hours, sometimes entire days at a time locked within its confines. Emma supported Henry’s work, no matter what anyone said about it, it was the extreme lengths he went to complete it which worried her.
Emma watched, holding Henry’s journal and a pen at the ready, as he mixed his formula. The process involved several different liquids and powders, none of which Emma knew the name of, much less how to pronounce, all to produce five centiliters of blood-red fluid. Henry raised the hypodermic syringe the formula resided in aloft. He looked back at Emma.
“It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it?” He asked.
“It’s a bit strange to me.” She said.
“No matter,” He said as he rolled up his left sleeve. There was something frantic in his voice. “This is the moment.”
Despite his visibly shaking fingers, in one swift movement, Henry plunged the straight iron of the syringe’s needle into the vein right in between the end of his forearm and the beginning of his bicep.
“Our moment.”
He injected the formula.
A pause. The air felt so cold that it burned. A single point of black ink bled into the white paper as Emma held the pen to its surface in anticipation.
“So,” She began. “How do you feel.”
Henry stood still. Very still. More still than Emma had ever seen him in fact. His eyes searched the room as his mind searched for the right words.
“Warm. Very warm.” He finally said. “Like there’s this heat spreading through my veins.”
Emma quickly wrote his statement down. Just as she finished, Henry stumbled back, catching himself on the table.
“No, no, I’m fine.” He waved his hand, smiling a very strange smile. “Just a bit lightheaded.”
Emma watched with bemusement as Henry began to laugh. He placed his head his hand, his whole body shaking ever so slightly from this sudden onslaught of glee.
“A slight feeling of euphoria.” He could barely speak the words.
Delirious laughter echoed through the laboratory. Emma quickly stepped over to the table, putting the journal and pen aside, and grabbing her fiancé by the shoulders.
“Henry? Are you alright?”
As slowly as he lifted his head, his laughter died down. Yet Henry could not remove the grin from his face.
“No noticeable behavioral differences.” He barely managed to keep the laughter down once more.
Emma smiled and sighed, removing her hands from his shoulders and retrieving the journal again. She quickly wrote down the few coherent things he had mentioned.
“Now, the die is cast.” She said, flicking out one last letter.
“I suppose it is,” Henry said, placing his hands on his waist. “We just have to wait. But I’m right.”
Emma covered her hand with her mouth and smiled. She’d got him on one of his little monologues.
“I know I am.” He continued. “But only time can prove my theory now. Prove it to all those fools who didn’t believe me.”
His breathing was ragged.
“I’ll prove it to them. I’ll show them.” He thrust his hand forward as if gesturing to some unseen audience. His smile was full of pride. “I’ll show the world I—“
Henry’s hand dropped. His whole body seemed to go limp from some shock. He stumbled again, and again caught himself against the table. But worst of all, the pride was gone, he looked terrified.
“Henry?” Emma asked, somewhere between horror and good spirits. She felt her own feet stumbling backward. “Is something wrong?”
“Oh, God... What’s this?” He barely choked out. A question to the air. His chest rose and fell at an alarming speed with each hyperventilated breath.
Emma was shaking. She clutched the journal so tightly her knuckles turned white and her nails dug into the black leather of the cover.
“Emma,” He barely stammered. “Some-Something is happening, I can’t explain it!”
Henry’s head suddenly whipped downward. He clutched his face in his hand and desperately gripped to the table with the other. Before his face disappeared, Emma could’ve sworn there was a change in it. Some horrible, near undetectable change.
She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t look away.
“There’s something inside me!” He cried out. His voice was strangled. Each word was pushed from his throat with painful effort, and each word was louder and more frantic than the last.
“Emma, it’s driving me insane—“
Henry could barely finish that last word before his voice twisted from barely coherent words to loudest, most agonized scream Emma had ever heard. Both Henry and the journal clattered to the floor. He writhed, his whole body contorting in agony with each cry of anguish. Henry’s voice itself was contorted as well. It began to rasp, seeming to drop deeper as he cried out. Emma wanted to help him. More than anything she wanted to cover her ears and scream, loud enough to drown him out. But she couldn’t. She was paralyzed. Suddenly, Emma felt her eyes playing tricks on her.
Was Henry’s body changing?
She couldn’t bear it. She couldn’t bear to look at that horrible prodigy. Tears came bursting forth from Emma’s eyes as she shielded them with her shaking arms. Her mind was completely submerged in terror.
And then it all stopped.
No more crying out, no more desperate gasps, just silence. Silence and this ever so quiet ragged, rasping breathing.
Slowly, Emma lowered her arms, only to see Henry, no, someone like Henry, standing with his back turned to her. His back was near bent, hunched over the table, as the stared into the mirror just on the opposite side. Emma gasped, tripping backward. He suddenly straightened his posture. He heard her.
With a slow, sweeping movement, his claw-like hand pointed to the journal and pen on the floor. He flicked his wrist upward, wordlessly indicating for her to pick it up. She did, frantically flipping through the pages. The pen rattled in her hand.
“Midnight…” He said. His voice was too low, too deep, too gruff to be Henry’s. He rolled back shoulders. His shoulders were broader than Henry’s, too. “And all’s well.” He added a sing-song tone to his voice.
This creature that stood before Emma and his hands through his undone hair, laughing breathlessly. Calmly, he turned to face Emma, leering and looming over her like some abominable shadow. And finally, when she saw his face, another dagger of fear was driven through her heart.
His face was some gruesome parody of her beloved’s features. Limp strands of hair cast a shadow across his sunken cheekbones, pale lips and dark, merciless eyes. He looked down at his hands, stretching his fingers and savoring the sensation before finally, to her dismay, casting his gaze upon Emma again. His eyes searched for words again, a leering smile pulled his lips.
And once more, laughter echoed throughout the room.
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teal-skull · 6 years
(J&H fanfic) Dinner in the darkness
In the darkness there was a pale spot of light. It came from above and landed upon a long polished mahogany table full of seductive food and treats on silver plates. Four types of fish with a lemon an top of each and fried pepper steaks. A huge stuffed turkey and two fried chickens. More than three big untouched cakes just waiting to be eaten. There were also two men sitting at the both ends of the table.
The other man was a tall, blue-eyed gentleman with his brown hair tied up in a ponytail. This man looked depressed and sick while the look on his face was so sad, poor and anquished. He was in shackles. An incredibly long chain went high up from a heavy iron ring the gentleman had on his neck. An other chain went down then split in two to prison the poor man’s wrists. His ankles were also chained. But despite this, the gentleman was still well dressed and his Victorian clothes were made of a rich fabric. He didn’t care about the good food in front of him. The man just sat quietly on a gilded chair and looked away from the other man who was sitting before him.
This other fella had put his dark coat and a black top hat on a back of his chair. A cane was leaning towards the armrest. He was dressed like a gentleman but surely didn’t look like one. He was a short and small man with messy and long white hair, which reached his shoulders. The man’s face was strange. His pale skin wasn’t the cause of some sickness and his eyes were cruel and cold green with a spark of madness in them. And lastly, there was something very wrong in his appearance but it could not be named. He cave a disgusting and loathsome impression to those who looked at him.
This odd man, unlike the gentleman, was eating with a great appetite. He had his hirsute and skinny hands on a chicken leg which he gobbled. His white teeth sunk into the meat and ripped it off like an animal.  After the man had finished his chicken he lifted his half-closed eyes to this shackled gentleman. He leaned on the back of the chair. The smile he gave to him was pure evil and unpleasant.
-You should eat something, he said with his dark and husky voice, -My dear Jekyll.
-I am not hungry for anything you offer Hyde, was the cold answer.  
Hyde smiled in a way that looked like he was pitying Jekyll. He shook his head a bit.
-Oh Jekyll. But don’t you remember the times? When we both enjoyed this delicious dinner we’re having, he said with a persuasive voice.
But Jekyll said nothing. Only watched away from his inner demon who he didn’t want to face. It was like he was looking his past evil deeds in the eye. But Hyde was desiring Jekyll’s attention. Like a child does from a parent when he has done something he's proud of. So he kept talking with a tongue that spoke like a snake:
-Jekyll… What happened? You used to eat so well with me from time to time…
-That happened, Jekyll replied coldly and pointed at the cane.
Chains rattled while he was moving. The sound was hollow and lonely in the absolute silence that surrounded them. Like every voice and sound that came from the dinner table. Hyde clanged the cane next to him. He gave it a satanic smile with his eyes nearly closed. Hyde recalled gladly the memories concerning the cane.
-Ah, said he, -The murder. It was a wild night. I’ve never felt so alive before that. Hell, it was amazing…
-It was horrifying! A cruel crime towards an innocent man! A deed so unforgettable and barbaric… And it can never be redeemed! Jekyll cried and then hid his face im his hands.  
Hyde smiled at first a twisted and evil smile. Then he started laughing. But the laugh was dark and mean. The kind of which made a shiver go down the listener’s spine. A psychotic laugh at someone else’s misfortune.
-You’re a monster…, the gentleman said fearing himself. Jekyll looked directly to Hyde this time with pure regret and sadness.
The laughter stopped there. Hyde put his elbows on the table. It seemed that he was thinking something while looking his other side in the eyes.  
-Let’s analyze that. Why am I a monster Henry? He asked finally with a great interest.
-Because there’s nothing humane in you. You’re a beast. Desire is the only thing that drives you. Thinking only about yourself and doing whatever you want without caring if it hurts others. You have no moral nor empathy, Jekyll blamed him with anger in his voice. He felt disgust towards the creature that was sitting in front of him. But in the same time guilt landed upon him. After all, Hyde was what Jekyll had changed himself in.
-But, the creature pointed out raising his finger, -I am what you called out from your. Own. Soul. Then he pointed at Jekyll like a judge that was pointing at the guilty. And he smiled. He knew how much pain it was to Henry. And that knowledge made him smile even more satanically than he had smiled while beating old Garew.
-And, Hyde continued and rose from his chair, -I am only doing this because you wanted to have fun.
The man leaned on the back of the chair and cleaned his mouth on a napkin. Then he threw it away and it landed softly next to the leg of a chair. Hyde asked:
-So who is the real monster here?
Jekyll let his head fall. He tried to fight against his painful emotions. Doctor’s hands closed into fist. The guilt and regret were torturing him. It was too much. Tears started to flow on his cheeks. Again he hid his face in his hands. A silent snivel echoed among the table. For a while, it was the only sound in the darkness. Then Jekyll heard slow steps when Hyde came closer to him. But instead of coming to Jekyll, that cruel man stopped, cut a piece of a blood red cake and put it on a plate. While doing this he stated:
-I think we both know the answer. It is no one else than Dr. Henry Jekyll. But don’t worry. It’s only between us. Everybody else will always be blaming Mr. Hyde while you will be praised by the public. As it should be, my little hiding place.
Hyde walked to Jekyll and offered the red cake. When Jekyll didn’t react to it he just put it in front of the poor doctor.
-Come on Jekyll! I know you desire this behind that gentleman facade you’re keeping! Hyde yelled with bitterness. He took hold of Jekyll’s shoulder and turned his head by force towards the cake piece. But still all Jekyll did was stare at the cake. Hyde looked in the eyes of his other side but saw no urge in them. Furiously he threw Jekyll out of his hands and returned back to his chair.
-You don’t have to pretend to me. I know you. I know what you are. What you were. What you secretly want. With me you can be as free as you want. And no one will ever condemn you about it. Go on. Take a bite my friend, Hyde tried to manipulate.
-No…, Jekyll whispered and continued strongly: -No! I’m not your friend!
Jekyll slammed his hands on the table causing the plates to shake. He rose standing and looked at Hyde with pure fury in his eyes. Jekyll wanted now, more than anything, to get rid of Hyde. Forever. If only they were two separate bodies he would have killed Hyde right now.
The inner demon saw this but didn’t care. Hyde knew that the only way for Jekyll to kill him was suicide. And he trusted on Jekyll that he would be too weak to do it. But a small whisper of fear went through Edward. Even just thinking of death was scary for him. Hyde remembered how the noose was already hanging upon his head. He touched his throat without even acknowledging it. It was the cause of an instinct.
For a moment Jekyll thought that he had managed to scare Hyde with his behavior but suddenly Edward was calm again and said softly:
-Of course you’re not my friend.
Hyde rose again and walked behind Jekyll.
-I’ll tell you what you are, said he and, against all Jekyll's expectations, hugged him.
-You’re my creator. My father, Hyde told and pet Jekyll. He put his head against Henry's back and closed his eyes.
Jekyll was shocked and confused. He wasn’t able to do anything else than stay still. The realization had taken all power Jekyll had left. He understood that it was actually true. Hyde was his creation. Creation, that he had made from himself. A part of his nature that would still sleep peacefully and do inconspicuous harm. But instead Jekyll had woken it up and now it committed sin. All evil Hyde had done in the past months was his own fault. Because he had created Hyde...
-I know I know, Edward started like he was reading Jekyll’s thoughts, - I am your greatest creation. And how you have a father’s interest in me.
-And you have more than a son’s indifference towards me, Jekyll noted sorrowfully and sighed. Like defeated, he collapsed in his chair shackles tingling.
-Yes, said Hyde and nodded, -And I’m so glad that you let your “son” to play around. I had quite fun.
The demon smiled disgustingly and grabbed a dark green bottle of wine. He decanted the burgundy drink into two ornamental chalices with a calm hand. The man took both of them in his hands and put the other one on a table right in front of Jekyll. After doing this Hyde went back to his own chair, sat down and lifted his feet on the table. The grin upon his face was victorious and hurtful. Edward raised the chalice while saying:
-Let’s raise the glass to ourselves. And to what we’ve become.
Hyde didn’t wait for Jekyll to join him, since he knew that Henry wouldn’t do that. He drank the wine on one glub and banged the chalice loudly on the table.
-What we’ve become…, Jekyll repeated quietly and turned his eyes from Hyde to his untouched wine.         
-We’ve become… nothing else than a dual madman! He shouted with anger.
In seconds Hyde started to laugh very loudly and disrespectfully.
-Oh Jekyll…, Hyde said like Henry had told a good joke, -You are the crazy one of us.
-And you are a pitiful coward who hides inside his better self because he’s so scared of the consequences of his actions, Jekyll insulted with a bitter tongue, looking ar Hyde like a disappointed father.
Edward was mad. He revealed his teeth and took his legs off the table. Without any consideration the murderer threw his chalice at Jekyll and roared in fury like a wild tiger. The doctor got hit in the forehead. A sudden pain stroke Hyde’s head too. Putting his hand to his forehead and snarled dangerously. Jekyll rubbed the spot chalice had hit but he didn’t have much time to recover from this injury. Hyde stepped on the table and kicking all the food and plates out of his way he came to Jekyll.    
Hyde took a hold on Jekyll’s collars and pulled the scared doctor’s face close to his own. The great hate Hyde felt towards Jekyll was more than clearly visible in his eyes. A hellish flame blazed in them.
-You are a damn weakling! Two-faced, honourless, arrogant, pathetic, weak, crazy travesty of a man! Hyde raged in pure fury. In his anger, he threw Jekyll on the floor. The poor man moaned when he hit the ground. Hyde felt Jekyll’s pain in his right side but ignored it and jumped off the table. He put his foot on the doctor’s head and that way kept him on the ground. Finally he started to control his anger and stated with a venomous voice:
-Don’t believe you have any power over me. I am the master of this body. And I will have total control! You can’t do anything against me.
Jekyll looked helpless. He answered nothing and just suffered the pain which stormed inside his soul in silence.
-I would happily kill you right now if this all wasn’t just a fantasy inside your subconscious. I hate you more than anything Jekyll. I hate your weakness. My weakness. I hate how I have to be just a part of your personality.
And Hyde pushed Jekyll’s head towards the ground in his anger even though he was also hurting himself. Hate helped him ignore the pain. Jekyll grinded in pain a little but still stayed silent.
-Well… I guess we’ve had enough my dear Jekyll, Edward stated and rose off his feet.
 Hyde took the chain that went up and cut it off like it was just fog. When he did this, Jekyll’s shackles started slowly to turn black as if Hyde’s touch was poisonous. Then he started walking away holding the end of the chain. Pulled by Hyde, Jekyll dragged behind him like a hopeless prisoner. He had given up.
The two left the dinner table and headed to the darkness like Hyde would know the way. Fading away the table disappeared into the darkness.  After a moment, a really small and dusty pillar of light appeared in front of Hyde. A chain hanging in the middle of it.
Just for his own fun, Hyde unexpectedly pulled the chain he was holding and caused Jekyll to fall. He smiled from schadenfreude and connected these two chains together. The shackles were now totally black. Jekyll rose to sit and looked down sadly.
-Mr. Hyde will be taking care of this body now. But don’t worry. I’ll be taking a good care of it. And besides… There’s nothing you can do about it, Hyde said and kneeled down before Jekyll. While speaking he turned Jekyll’s chin and made him face himself. They stared at each other for a moment. One in despair, the other in evilness. And then, Hyde rose and turned his back to Jekyll. He started to walk away without saying a word. Then he started to laugh like the devil himself. The laugh was cruel, insulting and most of all pure evil. It echoed even long after he had disappeared from Jekyll’s sight. Until finally, the darkness was silent again and mr. Hyde took control.  
So this is a little bit older writing of mine but I wanted more of my own content here. I don’t have a crystal clear idea what the heck is going on here but this is meant to be taken metaphorically rather than literally.  If you would like to see more of my writings, why not to visit my DA page here
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sospeedy · 6 years
Characters: @im-not-a-liar @sospeedy @chasestxin @goldenelixxir
Mentions: @whatoswaldwants
Tommy: He'd found Chase across town, but that distance was nothing to Tommy. He was rushing back up the steps to the apartment door a couple of seconds after hoisting Chase out of the mud. Considering both of his arms were occupied, he kicked at the door with the tip of his shoe. "Hey! Open the door!" Thierry was no doubt still sleeping, but Tommy had never tried vibrating through an object with another person and it didn't seem like the time to experiment.
Chase: As much as Chase hated letting anyone help him - especially Tommy fucking Shepherd - he really wasn't in a place to argue. It was all he could do to cling on, breathing laborious. He didn't think any organs were punctured, at least based on what he knew, but that wasn't saying a lot. He wasn't exactly a medical expert, and even if he was, he was in no condition to assess himself beyond 'fuck that fucking hurts'. It registered in the back of his mind that he'd never actually been here before, and he rather dreaded the idea of being here, in Tommy and Tea's shared space, but he didn't have anywhere else to go.
Thierry: The kick on the door yanked him from a deep sleep. Heart pounding, Thierry fished around in the dark until he found a shirt that didn't belong to him. It had to be Tommy's, since he always put his clothes away. He pulled it over his head and quickly went to the door, pulling it open. The sight that greeted him was the very last thing he'd expected. Eyes wide, the color drained from his face and his lips parted in shock. "What happened??" At the same time he moved back to the couch, his hands beginning to shake. "Here, put him here."
Tommy: "Dunno," Tommy carried him over to the couch and laid him down as gingerly as possible, as if it actually mattered at that point. Jekyll jumped up onto one of the barstools and watched the whole scene with one bright eye. "Went for a run, found him on the side of the road." He took the Fistigons and laid them down on the coffee table. "He said no hospital and I didn't know what the hell else to do with him so..." Bringing him back to the apartment didn't exactly improve the situation any, other than the fact that they weren't outside anymore. It's not like either he or Thierry were doctors.
Chase: Even the relatively soft material of the couch felt abrasive on Chase's raw skin, and he hissed. "Fuck." He was dazed, but conscious enough to murmur a tired "Hey, Tea." This hadn't exactly been the circumstances he'd hoped to see him again in - hell, this wasn't circumstances he'd considered, seeing as until now he had no reason to think he was in any danger - but he didn't have the energy to complain. He was getting blood on the couch, he noted. Oops.
Thierry: "The side of the road?" Thierry repeated needlessly, stepping back so he wouldn't get in the way when Tommy took Chase to the couch. "Hi," he replied softly, his throat feeling oddly thick. The sight of the blood combined with Chase's obvious pain made him feel paralyzed. "Watch him," he said to Tommy. "I'll - I'll be right back."
Tommy: "Side of the road," Tommy repeated. Once Thierry got up, Tommy sat down in the floor beside the couch. "So you got nothin else? You don't know who did this? No clue?" He could mumble if he wanted to, but they kind of needed something to go on. After about half a second Tommy got back up again, grabbed a clean towel from the bathroom, wet it, and brought it back to the couch. "This might suck. It'll be quick." With that warning, he wiped away the blood from Chase's face and whatever else he could do without removing any clothes or moving him around.
Chase: Chase tensed, but didn't flinch, not letting himself duck away from the touch. "No fuckin' idea," he said bitterly. That was new. Usually he figured out pretty quickly who was trying to kill him - or more accurately, he didn't, but Nico and Victor and, a long time ago, Gert and Alex, did. "Some dick kept ramming into the van," he said, voice hoarse. "Pulled over and.." he gestured as best he could with how well his hands were currently working. They'd been protected by the fistigons, but the rest of his arms hadn't had as much luck. "This happened."
Thierry: When Thierry returned to the couch, he was surprised to see that Tommy had already gotten a damp towel and he set his own aside. He kept his gaze down and quietly opened the pill bottle he'd gotten from his room. They were strong. He'd known too many addicts not to have access to things like this, though he didn't take them himself... as much. "Here," he whispered softly, picking up a glass of water he'd set on the table next to the towel. "Take these. It will make you feel better." Despite how calm he seemed, his hands shook as he reached out, but hesitated when he saw Chase's hands. "Do you need help taking them?"
Tommy: Tommy moved out of the way when Thierry came back. Now that they were all actually there, he was starting to feel a little weird about it. Thierry had -just- told him that he'd gone to see Chase and kissed him. Granted, he'd followed that up with a lot of other stuff, but the other stuff hadn't gone that well (because he'd fucked it up). "So...what're we supposed to do? He said no hospital." And he wasn't inclined to drag him there against his will. He also couldn't keep laying on the couch indefinitely.
Chase: Chase wanted to refuse, but he considered the way his rib felt like it was scraping against his lung with every breath and nodded hesitantly. "M'not dying," he informed them, before having to pause to dribble more blood out of his mouth. "That's fucking disgusting," he said flatly, "Sorry 'bout your couch." He tried to, at least, before getting another flash of pain. "Shit," he said, strained. "Sorry. Yeah, not dying. Definitely not dying on your fucking couch, anyway."
Thierry: Sitting on the very edge of the couch, Thierry gently helped Chase swallow the pills, not even flinching when he saw the blood even though it made his heart sink. He put his hand against the back of Chase's head so he could sit up and drink water so that the medicine would wash down. The very thought of Chase dying was sending him into a quiet panic and he looked at Tommy, his voice soft and pleading. "We have to get Josh. He can help him. If he doesn't want to go to the hospital then he is our only option."
Tommy: "...Yeah. Yeah, alright. How am I supposed to do that?" Josh had helped -him- but Tommy didn't have anything to do with arranging that. He didn't even know the guy outside of that 'hey thanks for fixing my broken head' interaction they'd had. "Am I just supposed to go knock on his door and bring him?" He suspected that was probably what his grandfather had done, but Tommy didn't exactly have Magneto-levels of street cred and intimidation to just go show up and demand something.
Chase: Just the act of swallowing hurt like a bitch, but Chase made a face and tolerated it. He wasn't dying, at least, he didn't think so. He hadn't been exaggerating, unless he'd severely misjudged his condition. To be fair, that was very possible. He wasn't a genius on his best days, and this was far from it. "The shiny dude?" He was likely wrong, but he doubted there were too many freaky mutant healers in Star City who happened to be named Josh. As much of a weirdo magnet as the city seemed to be, that description was specific enough.
Thierry: "I can text him," Thierry said calmly. He knew where to find Josh, but the thought of going across town and looking for him was not a welcoming one. He was too injured. He didn't want to risk it. Without responding to Chase, he took out his phone and wrote a message, his fingers still trembling.
Josh: It was far too early to actually be awake, but Josh never turned his phone off. By the second chime, he rolled over and grabbed for it. [txt]I can come to you. Where?[/txt] Within a few minutes he was out of bed, dressed, and out the door. He could've and maybe should have asked more questions before just agreeing to go, but this was part of it.
Chase: "Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Chase asked, or attempted to. It was mostly unintelligible, and he scowled and shook his head. "Never fuckin' mind." He felt somewhat more conscious, like he wasn't on the verge of passing out any longer, but it was getting more difficult to speak, even if he could articulate things better than before.
Tommy: "He's trying to get someone to help you," Tommy snapped, maybe unnecessarily. He folded his arms and glanced toward the door. "If we wait on him to get here it'll take forever. Tell him to meet me." Tommy named off some restaurant he went past all the time that was on the way from the part of town Josh was apparently coming from. "It's all aboard the friggin' Tommy train today, I guess." With that, he took off, leaving Thierry and Chase to deal with themselves for a little while.
Thierry: Thierry looked up at Tommy when he said that, then nodded in agreement and quickly sent the location to Josh, letting him to know that Tommy would meet him there. He started to say something, but the Tommy took off and he fell silent. Putting down his phone, he turned more toward Chase, reaching for the towel he'd set aside so he could brush the blood off the corner of his lips. "Don't try to speak. You're going to be all right... I promise. He's almost here and he'll help you. Just stay with me."
Chase: "M'fine," Chase insisted, shaking his head. He wasn't - that much was obvious - but he wasn't on death's door either. He'd dealt with worse, but the worst part had honestly been how completely blindsided he'd been by the whole thing. He should've had his guard up. "I'll be okay, y'know," he told Thierry more gently. "I always am. Don't have to worry."
Tommy: Josh had tried to ask questions when he got there but Tommy didn't have time (or answers) and had hoisted him up as unceremoniously as he'd picked up Chase earlier. Not too long after he'd taken off, he and Josh were back at the apartment. "Delivery," he announced, like he had to make himself known before he got all the way in the door.
Thierry: Thierry shook his head when Chase said that, a small, wry smile on the edge of his lips. "You always say that and I never believe you." He hesitated, but then reached out to gently push a bloodied piece of hair away from Chase's cheek. The sound at the door made him look up and he stood to get out of the way, now focused on Josh, and his expression was apologetic. "I'm sorry. I need your help."
Josh: "Kinda worried that all three of you know each other and someone always needs my help." Not that he needed to be told that. The blood on the couch and Chase's...everything, basically, was enough of a clue. "What happened?" He walked over to the couch and knelt down, pushing away the towel Tommy had been using earlier.
Chase: "I got fuckin' jumped," Chase said dryly, or as dryly as was possible when there was still blood in his mouth. "Some fuckin' douche kept rear-ending me, and then I pulled over, and a few guys came and beat the snot out of me." His focus was still on Thierry, and the apparent concern on his face. "I've had worse," he insisted.
Tommy: There were too many people in the living room. He was pretty sure there had never been that many people in the apartment at once, period. It's not like Thierry threw parties or anything, and pretty much all the 'friends' he had were in the room. Anyway, he was pretty sure that his 'job' in all of it was done. As Josh assessed Chase's injuries, Tommy disappeared into the bedroom. Chase was bigger than he was, but he could deal with some tight, not-bloody and fucked up clothes.
Thierry: The story made Thierry's heart sink, even though he had known from the beginning that this had everything to do with him. His talk with Oswald had been cryptic, but he was intelligent enough to connect the dots. He shook his head when Chase said he'd had worse, turning away so he wouldn't see the look on his face. He followed Tommy into the bedroom and shut the door, but stayed by it as he spoke to him quietly. "I know why this happened."
Josh: "Two broken ribs," Josh said, half talking to himself, but sort of telling Chase what he felt. "Liver laceration. Minor." There were a few other things - common trauma injuries. He had deep bruises on different areas of his body, cuts, abrasions, so on. "This is going to feel uncomfortable for a little bit." Josh tugged Chase's shirt up over his stomach until he could lay his hands on his side, just above the two broken ribs. Bones mending together did not feel -good.- He couldn't do anything about that part, though.
Chase: Chase hissed, unable to keep from flinching this time. He'd been healed before - Nico - but it hadn't been this kind of damage, and it hadn't been this fast either. "Okay," he mumbled, breathing still shallow. "Fuck, okay."
Tommy: Tommy tossed a t-shirt onto the bed and turned around. "What are you talking about? He said he had no idea who it was. Just some guys running the van off the road." Tommy hadn't even thought to ask about the van when he'd found him. It hadn't been anywhere in sight. Now that had him wondering just how far Chase had managed to walk before he ran across him.
Thierry: Thierry was silent for a few seconds before speaking again, carefully. "Because Penguin knew about what happened. He did it, out of revenge for... my refusal to take the job." He knew he wouldn't get out of the arrangement scot-free. There would be a catch, somewhere, and this was it. "He did it. And he might come after you next."
Chase: It wasn't the most comfortable place in the world, but Chase had slept in stranger locations. Josh had said something about stimulating melatonin production - whatever he'd done, Chase was suddenly feeling the last couple days' exhaustion like he hadn't since getting fucked up. He figured it'd be safe to sleep now that he was healed, and though he tried to stay awake long enough for Thierry to come back, he couldn't, and fell asleep.
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magicrested-a · 4 years
Hey guys! I’m Maddi ( she/her ) I’m 24, Australian, adore the ever living fuck out of too many things and I’m a biromantic? ( still questioning this bit tbh ) demisexual. So I will warn you now, ships & romance can make me very uncomfortable and, often, bored. If the circumstances are right, then I will adore them. But for now, I hope we get to write some awesome stuff together! 
Most of you may know me as / from creatingxdragons or twiceblessedhalliwell! I have had Wyatt for about 8 years now! And gone through so many phases with him. But he’s always going to remain my favourite muse!
Other Accounts : 
FANGEDPEACE  ─  Vladimir Dracula / cbbcs young dracula
CHAOSPAST  ─  Young Dracula, Being Human, Supernatural + More / multimuse account
YAKSAYAM  ─  Dr. Robert Jekyll / itvs jekyll and hyde
SYCOPHXNTS  ─  Jackson Howell / panic! at the disco inspired oc 
Discord available upon request!
DON’T BE A DICK:  as simple as this is. just no drama, no pushing for replies, respect my rules, no godmodding, stealing hcs, metas or graphics, just be cool bro! 
THIS BLOG IS MUTUALS ONLY:  this means that I will not interact or rp with you if we’re not mutuals, and would prefer no interaction from non-mutuals. Please don’t like any starter calls, posts, or edits of mine. Please don’t reply to posts. I don’t mind being messaged through IMS and asks/memes may be sent in as an icebreaker but if we’re not mutuals its not likely I'll reply. This is simply for my comfort, please respect this.
MULTIMUSES & OCS:  I am multimuse and oc friendly! I love ocs and multimuses. All i ask is that, if your a multimuse, that if you send asks in or like starter calls, that you put down which muse you want it for. If no muse is suggested I will not likely reply. OCs, if you don’t have easily accessible rules and about page I will probably not follow you. 
HARD NO’S:  If you rp, talk about, excuse or romanticise pedophilia, rape, abuse, etc you will be immediately blocked. I know it goes without saying. But even if it seems that you are writing things that fall under these categories but are ‘excused’ with those rp terms you often find on tumblr. I don’t care and I will hard block and potentially report without a second thought. 
ACTIVITY & TIMEZONES:  In terms of activity, this account has varied activity in regards to my muse and energy. It is my main rp account so I’m usually here lurking on the dash. But replies can take some time. I work nights and study at university throughout the day and have my own house. So a lot of the time house work + work + uni exhausts the crap out of me and I can’t be on here. I’m also in the AEST timezone so i’m often asleep when everyone else is awake. 
MUTUALS ONLY:  as mentioned above, this account is mutuals only. I will only roleplay with those I follow/follow back. Sometimes, with tumblrs shitty system, I won’t always see that you’ve followed me. But please do not follow and unfollow me to get my attention because that will just get you blocked. Non-mutuals may send memes, anons and asks in but I do not guarantee interactions or an answer.
PERSONALS:  I love interactions from personals! However, I just ask that you don’t reblog any of my posts, edits or rp related things (such as threads, headcanons, metas etc) and don’t spam my notifications with likes. You’re more than welcome to send asks in, anons, and ims! 
BLOGS I WON’T FOLLOW/INTERACT WITH:  I won’t follow accounts that post too much smut or pornographic material, gender-bent/rule 63 muses or muses with YouTubers as faceclaims. Accounts that rp as living, real people. Accounts that use people who have passed as faceclaims. Accounts that feature / rp pregnancy kinks, incest or anything similar. 
STARTER CALLS & MEMES:  every so often I will post starter calls which are open to all mutuals. If you’re new to the blog, liking a starter call is probably the best way to interact! If not, sending memes in are also welcomed and a good way to rp with me. I don’t participate in reblog karma but when I reblog a meme from someone I’ll send one in because It’s fun, but also so they don’t feel like I’m using them as a source. I don’t expect you to do the same and don’t feel pressured to send any in after I’ve done so, or to send them in if you’re reblogging a meme from me. 
SHIPPING & SMUT:  I am 24 years old so I’m not a minor. However, I do not feel comfortable writing smut and am not entirely interested in it. So no smut will be present on this account. Shipping is varied on the writing partner and characters. But I’m open to plotting it out! If your muse is in their teens / below twenty I will only ship them with teen wyatt. 
MUSE SPECIFIC:  my portrayal of Wyatt is strictly show based with heavy hc & meta influences. I do not take anything from the charmed comics into my portrayal except for the names and powers of his cousins. As much as I love Wes Ramsey his lack of resources makes it hard to use him as a fc. So my fc for Wyatt is Luke Mitchell (focusing on agents of shield for good wy and blindspot for evil wy). 
THE CHARMED REBOOT:  It’s no secret that I do not like the Charmed Reboot. However, that doesn’t mean I’m against following rp accounts from it. I’m actually a big fan of the muses and the world building but the creators and ethics (along with the cw) behind the show are not the greatest and I’d happily see them fail in their mission to destroy television. But the best part about rp is fixing all those gross things the creators do. So I’d love to interact with any of the characters and have a verse available for anyone who would like to rp! Obviously, Wyatt’s portrayal fits with the original charmed as I do not take any of the reboot as canon. 
MUSE SPECIFIC TRIGGERS:  As half of Wyatt’s story includes him being a very, very evil abusive toxic, power hungry character. A lot of triggers can and may be included in this portrayal of him. While most of my writing will focus on him in his changed / good future. That doesn’t mean certain triggers won’t show up. These triggers can include (and will be featured in threads based around evil him): Murder, Gore, Torture, Blood, Knives, Horror, Physical & Mental Abuse, etc.
FANON INTERPRETATIONS OF WYATT:  most people are pretty good with this but please don’t assume that any fanon hcs/interpretations of Wyatt are what I follow as well. While I might accept some as my canon majority of them are not accepted into my portrayal. 
I do not accept the hc that Wyatt killed his mother in the unchanged future, as canon.
I do not accept the hc that Wyatt is a charmed one as canon. 
I do not accept the comics fanon that Wyatt lost excalibur and his twice blessed status as canon. 
Wyatt does not know about the unchanged / evil future and probably never will. (this is probably the most important one!)
I do not accept the renaming / retconning of Wyatt’s force field as an ‘orb shield’, as canon. It’s a hecken force field fight me. 
‘Elsa’ by the lovely somresources used in my icons, header, sidebar image & various edits. ‘Breakfast At Tiffany’s’ also used in some edits.
Icon borders are from somresources as well (I think! If i’m wrong lemme know!)
Base icons used for adult Wyatt / Luke are from insanejournal and hollow art created by elenaishuman, angelicimagination, narcissca, backstreets, twatty, moonshoes, seethesoldiers
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