#Audio Books
mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Hello language learners!
Have you tried Librivox?
It's a website that has public domain audio books in TONS (47 to be exact) of languages! (my followers, yes, it has Finnish too!)
You can find loads of free books on there! I recommend it a lot!
For Finnish books, I noticed they even have Seitsemän Veljestä which is a must-read for every Finnish student.
Here's a link:
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storiesofsvu · 24 days
Bonus points for WHY! 👀👀✍🏻✍🏻
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gio-dude · 5 months
I'm so amused and slightly baffled by how often the murderbot diaries and the goblin emperor seem to be read/listened to together or very near each other.
I finished the murderbot audio books earlier this year and this is third time reading the goblin emperor (okay, 5th time, but listening to it back to back to back counts as one instance in this case).
But like, what do they have in common??? Like, surely both being from MacMillan audio can't just be it, right?
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viktoriaashleyyx · 2 months
Okay I am seriously curious. This is not to start an argument but more to just see how AudioBooks vs Reading the words on the page translates to our understanding of the books.
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elizmanderson · 4 months
audiobook available for download
AT LONG LAST, after some snafus, the audiobook for The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher is available for download through my publisher!
you can download it here: link to audiobook at Midnight Meadow Publishing
it will be available on other platforms at some point, but dear lord it's taking its sweet time populating even though the distributor approved it. it won't be on Spotify but should be available in the other usual places at some point.
thank you so much to everyone who asked for an audiobook! this literally happened bc Tumblr asked for it. and thank you to everyone for your patience as my publisher has worked to get this off the ground!
[video ID: pink graphic with red banner reading The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher in curly letters and white text reading "audiobook out now!" below the text is a hardcover bookform of Remarkable Retirement with a pair of headphones on it. blue sparkles spray up in celebration from the lower corners. end ID.]
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iloveschiaparelli · 4 months
I'm listening to the False Prince audio book right now (major spoilers in this post btw!!!!!!!!) and I'm still in the first chapter but the reader (Charlie McWade) has read most of the narration in a pretty flat tone while giving all the characters wildly performance accents, EXCEPT SAGE, who has a basic American accent just like the narration and so far only has slightly more life injected into him. Conner and Mrs. Turbeldy are both being read in these performative British accents.
If you've read the books then you know that not only are Conner and Turbeldy both Carthyan but SAGE, who is actually Jaron, is ALSO carthyan and spends most of the first book pretending to be Avenian and faking an Avenian accent.
Help??? Is Sage's accent going to change from American to British as the book goes on and he "learns" to fake a Carthyan accent? Is the narration going to change to a British accent at the end when we realize that he's been Carthyan all along?!! Or has he been in the Avenian accent for so long that now he just thinks in an Avenian accent?
Help I know I'm probably reading too much into it but this is insane i can't stop thinking about it, Sage/Jaron's accents and sarcasm play SUCH an important role in the series so it feels SO wrong that all the characters would get essentially Pro Voice Actor Treatment while he gets to be read in a flat American tone regardless of what façade he's putting on at any given time.
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brokentripod · 1 year
Map and crew manifest can be found by clicking here and then clicking [Map].
Chapter 1 audio here (see personal website or tags for additional chapters)
I recorded myself reading Chapter 3 of what's going on on @derinthescarletpescatarian's normal and functional space ship. (16m:02s)
Time to Orbit: Unknown is a free serial by Derin Edala currently being posted twice a week at their website. You can support Derin via Patreon.
Disclaimer: There is no set schedule for recording these and I cannot promise to continue recording these.
(I have also cross posted on my personal website)
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pixierainbows · 1 year
Is it easier for you to read, or to listen to spoken words? Do you ever use a screen reader for helping you with tumblr and other websites? I like playing with a lot of different text to speech voices when stuff is hard for me to read. :) When it comes to entertaining media, do you prefer things like Audio books and music to stuff you would have to read?
Reading is for sure easier. Pixie have lots problem understanding strangers voices . And if Pixie haveing hard time , everybody voice Pixie hear like them speak different language Pixie not know .
reading still really really hard. That why Pixie take so long to understand and answer asks .
But Is good important for Pixie practice so not get worse .
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gio-dude · 5 months
I'm so calm and normal about this book. Completely and utterly Normal.
*Presses play to start the audio books a second time immediately after finishing it*
So normal.
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the960writers · 7 months
Kristine Kathryn Rusch:
Writers declared victory on social media. They did a happy dance all over their accounts. They kept their books on Findaway, because that was what Findaway wanted.
The final TOS, though, is much, much, much worse than the TOS writers initially agreed to when they agreed to be part of Findaway.
And therefore, the lawyers at Findaway have won the actual victory and are probably giggling (still) into their celebratory beers.
Here’s how it works, folks.
If writers and writers organizations understood anything about negotiation, they would realize they were part of a bait and switch that lawyers do all the time. In fact, lawyers are trained to do this for their clients.
First, you ask for everything, including the firstborn child and maybe all the children, as well as the stuff that’s objectionable but not as easy to understand.
Then you wait for the expected outcry.
When the outcry comes, you say, Oh, we didn’t mean to ask for children. Our mistake. Here, we’ll fix it.
Then they release their new terms in which references to children are gone, and the language that seems objectionable gets toned down.
The other party, so shocked by being told they’re going to have to give up their children to stay in this organization, say, oh, thank heavens, this TOS is just fine.
They compare the revised TOS to the horrid TOS, instead of comparing the revised TOS to the TOS that the clients initially agreed to.
It’s smoke and mirrors, and it worked beautifully.
There was a tell in Findaway’s gambit. They released the revised TOS within hours. Nope. Had this been a real mistake and these corporate attorneys truly misunderstood what they were asking for, they would have taken days if not weeks to revise the TOS.
The lawyers don’t make the decisions. They draft the TOS, and then the execs give their opinions, usually in writing. Then the changes go back to the lawyers, and the lawyers draft another TOS, which has to go to the execs, who then work it over, and finally, finally, someone will agree to something.
But not within hours.
This “capitulation” was planned. And since it was planned, the question you have to ask is what are they going to gain from this new TOS? If you read it with a jaundiced eye, you’ll see it.
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ezras--moon · 1 year
If you want all of the audio books Pedro Pascal narrated in mp3 format,
please DM me for the link.
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My life got so much better when I A. discovered audio books, and B. stopped listening to people who act like they're not "real" reading.
Plus, lots of libraries carry them and you can check them out, and use apps like Libby.
Also, shout-out to @makingqueerhistory who helped me discover https://libro.fm/ You can pick a local bookstore to support, and the audio files you purchase are actually yours -- you can download the mp3s and play them on a difference app/device or even burn them to a CD if you want.
I love audio books so much!
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cloverofhope · 11 months
I've never heard David Tennants voice outside of httyd bc I very rarely watch other stuff. I don't even know if the man has an accent that isn't Scottish, but I love that he does the httyd audio books so much
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thespooniewrites · 2 months
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rosewind2007 · 10 months
Some really fascinating data courtesy of the amazing @wyndlerunner who looked at the number of copies of the Murderbot Diaries series American libraries hold and the format they are in—so physical books, e-books or audio books.
This was inspired by the observation that their library had a LOT of audio copies of the books!
They got data from thirteen major libraries for the books All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy, Network Effect and Fugitive Telemetry; and partial data for System Collapse—total n=2407
I’ve thrown together some graphs—all errors are mine!
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BUT I thought others might be interested—and yes! Audio is popular, especially in the partial data for System Collapse (70% of all copies are audio)
The traditional physical books are (and this graph doesn’t include SC data as I think it may balance out later) possibly surprisingly popular still, around 42% of all copies—except for All Systems Red! (also, as you can see from above, current incomplete data for System Collapse)
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