#Audio Transcription
nearest-dearest · 10 months
You finally said Hello
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. . .
*Someone picks up the phone*
Wally Darling: Hello? Is it you again Neighbor?
You: Um. Oh geez, I don't what to say. Uh, hello Wally.
Wally Darling: Neighbor? Is that really you? You finally said hello.
You: Hehe, sorry it took this long for me to say anything. It's really hard to get this phone in the train station working right.
Wally: Train station? Where are you heading off to neighbor?
You: No one where in particular, just sitting by the benches and watching the train pass by. . . Say Wally?
Wally: Yes neighbor?
You: I'm glad to finally to talk to you, everyone seems to not know I'm really on the other end. You were the only one who knew I was there. Why is that?
Wally: Oh, that. I'm afraid that's a secret dear.
You: I see.
Wally: Hey neighbor? I'm also glad to finally talk to you to. I don't know how you did it, but I'm happy that you did. Now I can ask you a very important question.
You: Well, okay then. What is it?
Wally: When we looked into each other's eyes. What did you saw? I hope you saw a friend.
You: Oh silly Wally, of course I saw a friend! Wanna know a secret?
Wally: A secret? How interesting. What is it neighbor?
You:. . . You were my first ever friend.
Wally: Really? Well, I'm honoured to be your friend, neighbour.
You: Thanks, I just wish I can get to know your other friends. Julie seems like a fun fella. Oh! And Barnaby's jokes never failed to make me smile.
Wally: I'm happy you seem interested. Maybe you could give them a call next time?
You: Hm, I could, but I don't want to bother them in case my phone is broken again.
Wally: Oh, I know it won't break again. Just give it a shot.
You:. . . Alright then!
Wally: Good, I'm happy the neighborhood can finally meet you neighbor.
*Sound akin to a train*
You: Gosh, I need to go now. It's been fun talking with you Wally. Guess this won't just be a secret between you and me anymore h̴̘̭͓̲̖̾̈́͊͛͆̉̕̕͝e̴̛̪̞̤̳̦̜̻̣̲͖̱͕̺͈͒̓̈́̑̽̈́̎͐́̀̎̐̔͝ͅh̵̪̠̏̃̀́̓̿̈́̅͝͝e̶̢̽̐͗̿̒́̉̈́́́̉̾͒̕͝.
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awilddaydreamer · 1 year
Fuck, I'm actually crying. Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy are all together (because Tommy came to Wilbur's place) telling Tallulah and Chayanne about the SBI MCC4 :(((
(long audio transcription under the cut)
Wilbur: Ok, let's tell the story!
Phil: Alright, they're just over here, they'll hop on the bed, and then when we're- when we're done we just leave and they place their beds down.
[Phil and Tommy chuckle in endearment]
Wilbur: Aww
Phil: It's cute right?
Wilbur: That is cute as hell Tommy, overlapping: Hi Tallulah!
Wilbur: M'kay. So, a long time ago, in the distant land of the year 2020
Phil: I'm gonna turn you up
Phil: NEVERMIND! Ouh. [laughs]
Wilbur: It was built for the Minecraft Championship, which is th- the biggest.. thing that has ever happened. Speci- Phil: It's like the Olympics Wilbur: Mm. Specifically number four, all the others pale in comparison. Phil: Yep Wilbur: None were as good as number four. Phil: Yep
Wilbur: And um... basically there were these four people chosen, and they were: the great- the great elder. The wisest of the miners. [Phil wheeze-laughs] The longest survivor of all time, Philza Minecraft. Phil, whispering: That's me! Wilbur: There was... the PVP legend. A master of his domain. a destroyer of men, women, and their now orphaned children. Phil: PFFT Wilbur: He was very very good at it. His name, was Technoblade. [Phil chuckles]
Wilbur: There was also the scrappy young upstart, the- the y'know the prodigy s- the prodigal son who was going to take on the crown and soon take on after his- his predecessors. Tommyinnit. And there was Wilbur. [pause]... and together, they-
[Wilbur and Phil laugh]
Wilbur: Together they formed MCC4 Purple Pandas. Phil: Yeee Wilbur: Now, they were the dead-set favorites to win, and there was gonna be a crazy upset.
[Wilbur chuckles and Phil laughs]
Wilbur: Everyone- everyone thought Purple Pandas was gonna win, and would you believe it... [pause as they both chuckle under their breath] after a long-fought battle... they won. They won, despite Wilbur d- building something wrong in Sky Battle and falling to his death in the void. Um, and- Phil: So- some would say that was an advanced tactic called Ghosting so he could find out information about the other teams and help us. Wilbur: Mhm. We'll never know. We'll never know
[Phil laughs]
Wilbur: What happened in Rocket Spleef?
Phil: Rocket Spleef, it was Tommy saying- Wilbur: Oh, uh, To- Tommy committed woman murder. Phil: Yep.
Tommy: But Tallulah trust me it- it went hard
[Wilbur and Phil chuckle]
Phil: Tallulah, it was poggers and not permanent, so don't worry. [laughs]
Wilbur: He was feeling good afterwards you could say Phil: He was feeling good
Tommy: Tell them about the dynamic duo- Phil, overlapping: Tallulah has words Tommy: -that was me and Techno.
Wilbur: Oh in- in- in Battle Box Tommy: [unintelligable] -To Get To The Other Side
Wilbur: [reading Tallulah's sign] Tallulah doesn't support that Mr Tommy.
Tommy: Honestly Tallulah it was a dark time for- [Wilbur laughs] Tommy: And I don't- I don't say that kind of thing anymore. You're all safe in my- in my presence. [Wilbur and Phil laugh]
Wilbur: And, yes, there was the dynamic duo in Battle Box and Tommy and Techno, who scored crazy good points- and Techno won Ace Race! Techno kinda was the reason we won that MCC we did fuck all, it was mostly Techno [laughs]. Phil: Pretty much. We got- [stammering] we got carried pretty hard. [chuckles]
Wilbur: But then we won. We won, and it's one I look back very fondly on, there was- there was at- there was at one point a time when I- I- I couldn't bring myself to watch MCC4 because I just got so annoyed at Tommy over and over during the vod. [Phil laughs] Wilbur: But since- since watching it again recently it's actually pretty based, and it's a pretty good vod.
Phil: It's really funny, there was o- there was one moment, Chayanne, where Tommy was like "Yeah I've got this block," and I was like "place it," and he was like "I don't have the block, Phil," and then I just proceeded to berate him and argue with him for like about three minutes until the next round started Tommy: It was a real learning curve in our father-son relationship. Wilbur: Mhm. [Phil wheeze-laughs]
Wilbur: Anyway, get some rest you two. And- and Tallulah when you wake up there will be a brand new home for you, a completely safe new house!
[Tallulah begins playing her flute as Phil begins talking] Phil: It's gonna look- it's gonna look so good. Aww thank you for the song Tallulah. Tommy: Awhahawww! Whaat?! Wilbur: She's just like- just like her old man. Tommy: You're incredible, Tallulah!
[Wilbur and Phil laugh]
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twerlint · 6 months
Call it my (if a tad unfinished) gift to you all for Dougmas! Cheers and triple white chocolate mochas with extra whipped cream to yall!
[Audio Transcript from the end credits of Rogue Runners]
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transguyhawkeye · 5 months
Transcript: Charlie: Are you ever gonna explain this plutonium stuff to me? Eight: Not much to explain; tremendously rich source of energy, kills humans if you get near it unprotected, and frequently used in weaponry. Next? [brief sound of bats chittering] Eight: [slurred] Hhey, bats, great! [Jaunty flute music followed by more bat chittering sounds]
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white-weasel · 6 months
Genuine question about audio transcription: when transcribing something from before a trans person came out and they have since changed their name, should I substitute usage of their deadname/pronouns for their new ones in brackets (denoting that it was something before but this is what it is now) or should I transcribe the audio directly, deadname and all, since that’s exactly what’s being said for equal accessibility to those reading?
In both cases when labeling the person speaking I would always use their new, chosen name (so something like “New Name: Hey everyone, I’m happy to be here.”) but I’m wondering for the actual name being said within the audio
I tried googling if there was standard practice on this but had a hard time finding anything, so any insight is appreciated!
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tortiefrancis · 2 years
Anyone know of blogs focused on closed captions or subtitles?
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3 Tips On Choosing The Right Transcription Services Online!
Looking for the best transcription service for your business? Now the search is over! ✍️
Transcribing your audio, video, or handwritten content is a game-changer. It makes your copies accessible, searchable, and even SEO-friendly. 📝
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rjalker · 2 years
Okay people need to stop adding "Addendums" or "Corrections" to image descriptions. Unless you are @ ing the person who made the ID and asking them to correct it, and know for a fact they're online and will be able to fix it in any kind of timely manner, you aren't actually making the post more inaccessible, because now, especially if multiple people are adding them on, now it literally means you have ot not only find the damn ID in the notes, you have to find every single single-line addition as well.
If an image description is incorrect, either message the person who made it and ask them to correct it, or just make your own on a blank version of the post.
The entire point of image descriptions is to be accessible. If you're going to force people to reblog an additional comment after the ID in order to have the correct information, that's not accessible.
If you see one of my image descriptions and there's a mistake, @ me to fix it, AND copy and paste it and correct it on your own in case I don't see your notification! You don't even need to credit me! Image descriptions are an accessibility tool, not property. And the people searching through the comments for an ID to reblog will be relieved to see the version you create.
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claudigitools · 1 year
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n-amelessart · 2 years
RECEIVED BY: Matron Gate
DATE: 143/73 NC
TIME: Ert- 3:17AM UTC
> Sender (S): *Static* -work? *Static* Light? But - *Prolonged static*
> Operator 1 (O1): Hey, someone’s on your channel. Pick it up, the static drives me nuts.
> Operator 2 (O2): Who could possibly be trying to reach us right now? *Chair squeaks and machine clicks* This is Matron Gate under the authority of the EUC, identify yourself.
> S: *Static* All it does is -*Static* 
> O2: I repeat, this is Matron Gate. Under the authority of the EUC, identify yourself.
> S: *Static* -it? Oh. There we go. Uh - hello! This is - um. [distant:] Hey! What am I supposed to say?... “Anything” doesn’t help! [clear:] Well whatever, here we go. Hello, this is an audio diary. The jackass over there said keeping records is important, so we will be chronicling whatever needs... chronicling. Though I’m not -
> O2: Hello? Can you hear me? This is an official channel. Disconnect from -
> S: - sure what would be worthwhile. Uh, lets see... we are currently in a room. And it is dark. I’m doing this wrong, aren’t I?
> O2: - this channel immediately. I repeat  this is an -
> S: Mmm... I guess you aren’t wrong. Wait no - was that recorded? No no no how do you delete? *Metal hitting metal*
> O2: -official channel, switch - Hey? Hello? Can you hear me? Boss, I need a little help here. I don’t think these guys can hear me.
> S: *metal hitting metal continues, indistinct shouting in the background.*
> O1:  Just close the channel, it isn’t even that important.
> O2:  You sure? I’m not going to take responsibility for that.
> O1: What? It’s your channel, of course it’s your responsibility.
> O2: Nope. No way. There’s no way I am telling the Chief that I turned off an official channel.
> S: *Arguing gets clearer* I will not have the first words of this journal be, “you’re right!”
> O1: She isn’t that scary kid. Put on your holster and tell it to her straight.
> O2: She definitely is that scary. Tell her yourself. You put on your holster.
> S: *Arguing and hitting stops* From the top. This is a record of a couple of morons in the Drifting City. 
> O1: Fine, keep it open. Turn the volume down and run a trace on them, file a report it after you get a location.
>O2: Alright, I’ll do that. Starting trace.
> S: We found this recording device in a storage room near the bridge, where we currently are. The bridge that is. Jackass over here is acting like a smartass now, saying there’s probably important stuff here but all we’ve found is broken, unidentifiable or both. It’s not like we’re engineers. Hmmm... what else? What’s even worth talking about? My shoes suck. Worn through the soles ages ago, I think I’m going to wear through my feet next. Walking around with nubs like one of those V-Models. Jackass hasn’t had shoes for a while now. Oh right. My left arm is busted, so that is something we’re looking out for though there isn’t going to a fix anywhere around here. There’s gotta be a place that could help but it’s not like we know where we’re going. Of course there’s the chance that place is busted up too. We can worry about that later, it’s not - 
> O2: How far out are they? The trace hasn’t come back with anything yet.
> O1: They said they’re at the Drifting City. Maybe that’s an orbiter? Or one of those caravan groups?
> S: a problem really. It’s been years so I’ve basically adapted. Having two arms might actually throw me off. [Distant voice] That doesn’t mean we’re gonna stop looking! Jackass is heartless by the way. All he cares about are ships. He was a pilot once or something. Next time he want’s to tell that story I’m just gonna hand over the recorder, if I hear it one more time I’ll have to remove my own ears. Sorry, but you guys are the suckers that’ll deal with it. And well... I suppose that’s it for now. I don’t have much to say at the moment so I guess I’ll make another recording when something interesting happens. Uhhhmmm... yeah. The end. [Sender leaves the channel]
> O1: Whelp, there they go, did the trace finish? ... Hello? Did you find out where they are?
> O2: Boss...
> O1: You’re freaking me out, kid.
> O2: ...They aren’t anywhere in the Belt.
> O1: What?
> O2: They are further out than... any settlement I know of.
> O1: Maybe they’re at some kind of outpost? There are a couple small ones as far out as Titan. Or what about some kind of jammer hiding their location?
> O2: ... I don’t know. Jammers can hide their location but it’s pretty obvious when one is being used and I am not getting any signs of that here.
> O1: An outpost then?
> O2: It would have to be, but why would their contact be here and not a closer orbiter or city or something?
> O1: What do you think it is then?
> O2: ... I’m going to report this, someone from the Expedition Department might be more familiar with long range communications.
> O1: Eh, suit yourself. Don’t forget to take the room recording with you.
> O2: Right, will do... wait, the entire room recording? Even when we we talking about the Chief?
> O1: You can cut out those parts, that isn’t necessary for a report.
[REMINDER: All recordings submitted with a report and/or with a request must be unedited for the report and/or request to be considered valid.]
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shawnjordison · 4 months
Microsoft Word's Dictation Tool for Enhanced Accessibility
Unlock the power of the Microsoft Word dictation tool for seamless transcription and enhanced accessibility. #Accessibility #MicrosoftWord #DictationTool #SpeechToText #TechTips
In today’s tutorial, we’re diving into the efficient use of the dictation tool within Microsoft Word. This feature proves invaluable for note-taking during classes or harnessing the power of speech-to-text technology. Video Guide Microsoft Word offers a built-in dictation tool conveniently located on the Home ribbon. Simply navigate to the far right-hand side and you’ll find the option labeled…
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thevenusgreen · 6 months
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transbservices · 6 months
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Do you need transcripts of conversations, meetings, lectures or other audio files? Save Time and Money with Audio Transcriptions! Let Delsh Business Consultancy help. Our team of expert transcribers can create accurate transcriptions of any kind of audio content quickly and at an affordable rate. Get full accuracy and guaranteed quality with our transcription services. Click now to learn more about what we can do for you! https://www.delshlanguageconsultancy.com/services/other-services/transcription/
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Unlocking the Benefits of Academic Audio Transcription
In academia, where knowledge flows ceaselessly through lectures, seminars, and discussions, capturing the essence of these academic conversations is essential. This is where academic audio transcription steps onto the stage, offering an array of advantages that enrich the educational experience, support research endeavors, and improve accessibility to knowledge. 
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Advantages of Academic Audio Transcription
#1 Transcriptions Enhance Accessibility
Academic audio transcription contributes significantly to improving accessibility in education. It provides transcripts of lectures and presentations to ensure that all learners, including those with hearing impairments, can fully engage with the educational material. This fosters inclusivity and equal educational opportunities.
Moreover, transcripts can be easily translated into multiple languages, accommodating international students and non-native English speakers and further promoting educational diversity.
#2 Supporting Learning and Retention
Transcription is crucial in aiding learning and retention as it serves as invaluable study aids. They allow students to revisit lecture content at their own pace, enabling a more profound understanding and retention of complex subjects.
Transcripts complement traditional note-taking during lectures. Students can focus on the discussion while knowing they can review the transcript for detailed information later.
#3 Facilitating Research
Transcription supports academic research endeavors in various ways, such as research data, providing quotations, and citations. Interviews, focus groups, and research discussions are often recorded for research data. Transcripts of these recordings provide easily searchable and analyzable data, saving researchers valuable time and aiding in data-driven research.
For quotations and citations, transcripts assist in accurately quoting and citing sources in research papers, ensuring academic integrity and precision in academic writing.
#4 Time-Efficiency
Academic audio transcription offers time-saving advantages. Reading a transcript is typically faster than listening to an entire audio recording, making it a valuable tool for researchers and students with time constraints. Transcripts enable quick reference to specific recording sections, eliminating the need to listen to the entire recording again.
#5 Accurate Documentation
Transcripts reduce the risk of errors or omissions in the documentation of academic content. They provide a verbatim account of what was said during lectures or discussions. Transcription services ensure accuracy and consistency in transcribing technical terms, names, and specialized vocabulary, maintaining the integrity of academic content.
Academic audio transcription emerges as an invaluable ally in the dynamic world of academia, bridging the gap between spoken knowledge and accessible, searchable, and shareable content. Its far-reaching benefits extend to educators, students, researchers, and institutions, amplifying learning, research, and the dissemination of knowledge. In an age where accessibility, efficiency, and the democratization of knowledge are paramount, academic audio transcription takes center stage, playing a pivotal role in advancing education and fostering an inclusive and diverse academic community.
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captioningstar1 · 11 months
Professional Transcription Services | Accurate Audio Transcription
Welcome to Captioning Star - Your Trusted Transcription Service Provider
At Captioning Star, we understand the importance of precise and reliable transcriptions. Whether you have audio recordings, video files, or any other form of media that needs to be converted into written text, our team of expert transcribers is here to assist you. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we offer professional transcription services that cater to diverse industries and sectors.
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Why Choose Captioning Star for Transcription Services?
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Our Transcription Services:
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Business Transcription: For businesses and organizations, we provide transcription services for meetings, seminars, focus groups, and much more.
Academic Transcription: Students and researchers can rely on our academic transcription services for transcribing interviews, research data, and academic content.
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How It Works:
Request a Quote: Fill out our simple form or get in touch with our customer support team to receive a customized quote based on your transcription needs.
Upload Your Files: Once you've received the quote and confirmed the order, securely upload your audio or video files to our platform.
Transcription Process: Our skilled transcribers will diligently work on your files, ensuring accurate and timely delivery.
Review and Download: After the transcription process, you will have the opportunity to review the content. Once satisfied, download the completed transcripts from our secure platform.
Contact Us:
For accurate and reliable transcription services, get in touch with Captioning Star today. Let us know your requirements, and we'll provide you with the perfect solution for your transcription needs. Reach out via phone or email to start your transcription journey with us +1-929-416-2509 or Email: [email protected], Trust Captioning Star for all your transcription requirements and experience top-notch services delivered with precision and care!
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