#Avengers Cast x reader
juiles · 3 months
Horror Movie Queen
Requested: yes
Summary: a teen reader whos done a bunch of horror movies is filming a scene where she has to scream, freaks everyone out in the cast. Italics is the filmed scene.
Tags: really just fluff except one mention of torture and hitting
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A/N: Its short but its something new. i think im getting back to writing again so thats exciting!!
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Y/n sat staring at the star studded cast in front of her at the reading table. Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen. It was wild all the people she had spent her whole life looking up to, and here she was, about to film a whole Marvel movie with them.
This was new territory for her too. A whole new genre of movie, different from the horror movies she was known for. The rest of the cast didn’t watch her movies so they didn’t know how she worked.
“Y/n? You okay?” Chris Evans asked waving his hand around in front of her face. “You zoned out there.” He added softly to the teen who flushed slightly and nodded looking down at her hands. “Have you done enough reading now? Are you ready to get into costume and makeup?”
Y/n paused for a moment picking at her fingers before she looked up and nodded. “Yeah. Ill go get ready. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” She took a quick glance around at everyone who shot her small nods before she disappeared. When she finally came to set, fully ready for her scene, her manager waved her over.
“Okay… lets get this over with guys.” She said, her manager chuckling at the bored look on the teenagers face that was currently covered in bruises and blood, her clothes hanging off of the girls frail body, a gash across her face where a scar usually sat on her characters face.
She was filming her background scene, how her character, Maddison, got where she was, fighting with the Avengers. The torture and pain the character had gone through obvious with the way she was dressed. “Alright you, are you ready to scream?” Thomas asked the girl with a grimace, knowing what he had to pretend to do to the girl. She nodded and stepped on to the set, a cold damp cell that had red splatter all over one wall, showing what she was supposed to have gone through. Thomas stepped forward, the director getting ready for filming, unknown to the teen, the rest of her cast mates stepped in to the studio, hiding in the shadows.
Scarlett elbowed a nervous looking Lizzie who motioned to the makeup on the girls face, the blonde shook her head slightly motioning to be quiet with a finger to her lips. Evans eyes widened as he studied the gash on the girls face. They all knew it was makeup, but as they had grown protective of the young girl, it scared them all. The all focused in on the girl when the director called action.
--Filming scene--
Maddison, a 13 year old girl who had been kidnapped by Baron Strucker at the age of 5, sat huddled against the bloody wall, her whole body shaking as she slowly lifted her head, a giant gash across her face, towards the man standing in front of her. The man merely raised his hand that held a ragged, rusty dagger and slashed down at the girl, her face getting slashed.
The girl let out a blood curdling scream, a scream so loud it even made Strucker take a step back out of shock. The man then turned on his heel and slammed the cell door closed whispering to the girl. “No one will ever want someone as disgusting as you.”
--Scene over--
The director called cut and y/n stood up and with a lack of emotion on her face and grabbed her water bottle. She had barely gotten a sip of it when she was collided with, a pair of arms wrapping around her, gripping her tightly. The teen squeaked as she tried to move the blonde hair to see the horrified look of all her adult castmates standing around her. She patted the back of what she assumed to be Scarlett with a look of confusion running across her face.
“What was that?” Mark asked as he nervously twisted his hands. “How did you bring that up? That was so real…”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked as Scarlett finally pulled back. “I’m confused?”
“It was very convincing sounding darling.” The actress said, one hand not leaving the teens arm. “Are you okay?”
“Oh. I’m fine?” She responded. “I did- have you guys never seen any of my movies?”
RDJ looked at the girl sheepishly. “Your movies are intense kid… theyre a little scary for most of us.” The teen barked out a laugh shaking her head.
“My whole career I’ve only done horror movies, that scream just is what it is at this point. Nothing behind it, just 5 years of perfecting it.” She said with a small shrug and a small smirk on her face.
“Jesus kid, you gave us a heart attack as a whole.” Hemsworth chuckled as he ruffled the girls hair making the teen roll her eyes with a small smile as she was called back to the set.
Taglist: @mythixmagic @boredandneedfanfics @natashamaximoff-69 @asiangmrchk13
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book-place · 1 year
Avengers: Lost in Germany
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers cast x reader platonic
Request: Uh uh uh I became a second idea. Marvel cast X reader where the cast had a interview or something like that in Germany and because no one ever was there (expect reader who lived in Germany) they kinda got lost and reader is like „seriously guys who in the name of my half eaten potatoes did you even got lost here“ and then comes to rescue
can they even get lost? I DONT CARE they do now for the sake of this request
Request by: @kiyomi-uchiha777
*not my gif*
Summary: Who knew everything could go wrong when you decided to take one nap and leave your co-stars to fend for themselves?
A/N: This was fun to write
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Should we call her?” Mark asked in a quiet voice, glancing around nervously at his co-stars as he awaited an answer.
“Are you crazy?” Robert hissed, “We can’t call her! She’s gonna think we’re idiots!”
“You kind of are though.” Scarlett pointed out unhelpfully.
“Uh uh uh,” Downey turned to her, narrowing his eyes and pointing a finger at her, “You’re just as much at fault here as the rest of us are.”
“I just followed you guys, I have no idea what’s going on.” Evans looked exhausted as he threw his hands into the air.
“This city is wonderful!” The other Chris chimed in, looking around in awe, as if oblivious to the others bickering, “Y/n is so lucky to be from here!”
Jeremy looked around and nodded in agreement, “This place is nice.”
You and your avengers co-stars were all in Germany, your home country, on a press tour, and the six of them had gone out for a stroll whilst you were taking a nap in the hotel, only to wind up lost within the first twenty minutes.
“So why don’t we call her?” The actor for Bruce Banner stressed, “We’re lost and she knows this place like the back of her hand! She even said so herself!”
“It’s humiliating!” Robert cried dramatically.
Scarlet rolled her eyes, “I’ll take being humiliated over being lost down this random alleyway anyday.” She quipped back.
The actor dropped his head with a long sigh, and Evans clapped him on the back, “I think you should be the one to call her. You know, since you feel so strongly about the issue.” He had a spark of mischief in his eyes.
Robert groaned, slowly taking out his phone and clicking onto your contact, holding his breath as he listened to it ring.
Six rings in, it was cut off and your voice floated through the speaker, “Hello?”
“N/n, hey,” Downey chuckled awkwardly, pausing. One sharp look from Scarlett, though, had him scurrying to continue, “Listen… we may or may not have… gotten lost?”
There was a silence following his statement/ question, before you sighed loudly, “How did you idiots manage to get lost? It’s really not that hard. It’s quite simple.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He grumbled, giving a dirty look to his snickering co-stars.
You finally allowed yourself to chuckle a little bit at the predicament before you relented and said, “Alright, fine. Send me your location and I’ll come get you all.”
When he did just that, another long silence stretched out.
“… You guys know you’re only a street away from the hotel, right?”
The volume on Roberts phone was apparently loud enough for all of them to hear, because all six of them facepalmed in sync.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 10 months
Let's talk on the phone
Avengers Cast x Male Reader
Request - Ok so can I request avengers cast x Male Reader R has worked with all the avengers cast before and has played as the love interest of them in different movies but he finally debuts as Danny Ketch Ghost Rider in doctor Strange 2 (I haven't seen it but let's say he makes a cameo) and the fans are loving him and are going crazy when it's announced his also gonna get his show that's gonna ma15+ and when Marvel release the trailer for R's ghost rider show all the fans are going crazy.
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You are at Comic-con with the Avengers cast. They are answering questions from the fans and talking about upcoming projects. You are sitting between Elizabeth Olsen and Benedict Cumberbatch, you get along with everyone. A fan asked you a question...
“Hi, Y/n. Umm is it true, you did other movies with everyone from the Avengers?” She asked.
“Yes, that is true. With Cobie Smulders, I played her cheating husband, then with Elizabeth Olsen, I played her boyfriend in a time period movie. Then I played Scarlett Johansson’s husband in a movie but I died. But I did work with everyone in the Marvel cast” You smiled.
“Today, we will show a cameo that is what is expected in Doctor Strange 2,. So here is the first look of Danny Ketch, also known as Ghost Rider,” Sam Raimi said.
The lights get dim. The video starts to play Scarlet Witch fighting Doctor Strange, but they stopped because they hear someone…
“Is your friend?” Doctor Strange asked.
Ghost Rider is on his motorcycle and he gets off the motorcycle. Then Ghost Rider takes out the whip.
“No. But I don't care I will fight you or him” Scarlet Witch said.
“Avengers? Fantastic Four? X-Dudes? They can all kiss my bony, flammable ass." You said.
Ghost Rider was about to fight then the video stopped.
“Ghost Rider will be played by Y/n. And Ghost Rider will get his own series and will be rated as mature” Sam Raimi said.
Everyone starts to cheer then Elizabeth hugged you. Fans started to ask questions about Ghost Rider and you answer each question.
After the Q&A, you took pictures with fans and signed autographs. Then you take a break with Benedict.
“Everyone seems to be happy that you will be Ghost Rider,” Benedict said.
“I’m just this time Ghost Rider will be accurate like in the comic books. If he wasn't accurate then I would have given up on the role. The fans did like the cameo and I'm happy about that. Plus we are going to get to see a different side of Danny, but that goes along with the storyline like in the comics” You said.
“I’m guessing, Ghost Rider is your favorite hero?” Benedict said.
“Good guess, but yeah. Since I was a kid, Ghost Rider has been my favorite. I have action figures and comic books. Anything related to him, I would buy it” You said.
“I know you will do great as Ghost Rider. Can't wait to keep working with you” Benedict said.
“Thanks” You smiled.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✫
Weeks Later… you have been doing interviews for your role as Ghost Rider. The fans are liking the outfit and Ghost Rider’s form. You are doing an interview with the cast
“Is Ghost Rider going to meet the Avengers?” the host asked.
“Yes, but not in a nice way. All I can say is that he will not follow Steve Rogers's rules” You said.
“I had to film a few scenes with him and Scarlett. We think the fans will like how our characters meet” Chris said.
“The fans can't wait to see that. Y/n, have you always been a fan of Ghost Rider or have you found out recently who he is?” the host said.
“I have always been a nerd when it comes to Ghost Rider. He is my favorite character and I'm glad the movie and the show will be accurate to his storyline” You smiled.
“He has told me many Ghost Rider facts that I didn't know. For his birthday, I got him a Ghost Rider poster and t-shirt, and he stop smiling about it” Scarlett said.
“That was a cool gift” You smiled.
Much later, you went out with the cast to eat. Some fans did take pictures with you then you signed a few autographs.
You are on set filming for the Ghost Rider show. You took a selfie with Elizabeth, Chris Evans, and Scarlett Johanson, and it was posted online. Everyone is liking the outfit of Ghost Rider. In the picture, you have on the jacket and you have the chains around you.
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Dandelions (S.J)
Scarlett Johansson x Actress Female!Reader
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Summary: When love comes between friendships.
Warning: None, just a little angsty fic.
A/n: Hello! It feels good to be back here with my very first fic of Scarlet Johansson. It was inspired by this sweet song but for some reason i feel angst from it so i wrote this. I hope you like this fic! To angst lovers, i have more coming. :D Happy reading!
Main Masterlist
Her fingers rake through your hair, giving you soft touches on your head that takes you to cloud nine. You know you fell in love with her since the first time you both met at a charity event. Since then you both became inseparable. She has been so sweet and caring to you.
Having a picnic with her under the tree on a field of dandelions on a beautiful day feels definitely so nice and wakes up the butterflies in your stomach for real.
Her green soothing eyes locking gaze with you. The smile that was patched on her face is insanely beautiful. You feel okay when you see her smile. You look at her lips then back to her eyes. Your mind quickly plays all of the smiles and laughter when you two spend time together.
Your heart beats like crazy. She looks back deep into your eyes. You love the feelings of her body on you. You can feel her front lying on yours. One of her hands lay flat on your chest and prompt her head up. Her fingers run smoothly on your face and give a rush of soft electric waves all over your body. It's the best feeling and you can never get enough of it.
Gosh, you adore her so much. Her voice is like a melody to your ears. All the teasing sweet words she says and you love the little vibration from her body onto yours when she laughs at your jokes.
Her eyes drinking the view of you under her with awe. It gets so hard for you to breathe when she is looking at you. The sunlight for sure makes her beauty look even more flawless.
Her hair sparkles perfectly as if you see stars even though it's broad daylight.
"You look so beautiful." You told her as your right hand cups her left cheek.
"And you are so adorable." She replied, followed with a giggle as she held your right hand then kissed it softly.
"I love how I feel when I'm with you. You have made me happier since we met. I love how I am when you are with me. Promise me that you won't ever leave me." She adds and her eyes twinkles. You see her cheeks blush.
"I won't go anywhere. I promise." You smile and give her assurance she needs.
Your heart beats fast and slow at the same time as soon as you see her face get closer to you and her lips meet yours. You love the softness brushes your lips and how she doesn’t let go of the kiss for a few seconds. You can say it was a few seconds of a trip to heaven and back.
Every kiss you had with her felt so real, including this one until you heard a familiar voice interrupt everything. “Aaaand, CUT!” You feel her lips leave yours right after that. You internally complain, NO..NO, you secretly hate it.
“That was a wrap, everybody!” Pat, the director announced and everybody on set cheered and clapped at the same time.
Lizzie smiles at you and then quickly gets up, so do you. Trying hard to hide how you really feel. You smile back at her as Pat comes to the both of you.
“Lizzie, Y/n! That was awesome! I really love the chemistry both of you have! Every single kiss scene you two did really warmed my heart. Are you sure both of you are just friends?” Compliments flowed freely out of his lips followed by a joke and a teasing smirk.
All you and Lizzie did was laugh. You laughed nervously but you saw her laugh with no problem. Gosh, you wish you could hear her thoughts now to find out what her laugh means and that blush, why did she blush?
A few minutes of talk later, Pat finally left you both alone.
“Wow, today was easier than I thought. So, I’ll see you next week for lunch as we planned?” The brunette asks with an excited tone and a huge smile as her hand reaches your hair to clean some dandelions off your hair..
“Oh yeah, of course. You better not cancel on me.” You replied with your little joke. “Of course I won’t. By that time, I will already miss you, silly.” She responds. You see her smiling again but then you realize it wasn’t for you as she waves to the direction behind you.
You turn your head curiously only to find Robbie smiles at Lizzie while talking with some of the cast. Your stomach churns, your heart aches. You tried to hold back a disappointed sigh. Yes you are jealous. How could you not?
You have been secretly falling in love with her and have been there for her. Of course, by the time you decided to make a move, you also saw that Lizzie and Robbie started to see each other. You retreated yourself from your plan. All you could do now is to accept the fact that being her best friend is the only way to stay close with her and to love or care about her.
“Ohhh, Le boyfriend is here.” you tease Lizzie with a fake french accent and it makes her laugh. She rolls her eyes playfully. “Yes, y/n. Don’t be jealous, you know that I see you more than I see him, right? Plus you’ll see me again next week.” Lizzie replies with her own version of teasing. She hits your arm in a frisky way as she giggles. You and Lizzie love teasing each other casually.
”I know, I know. So how are things with you and Robbie?” You pitched the question to change the topic. “We are good. He’s just busy with his band and sometimes we argue a little but we handle it pretty well so far. It has its ups and downs.” Lizzie tells you her private life comfortably.
As she speaks, Lizzie notices a familiar face. “Oh Scarlett’s here, y/n.” she informed and her elbows nudged yours knowingly for sure that the blonde actress is here for you. Lizzie waves at her excitedly before she smiles at you and then proceeds to give you a kiss on your cheek and bids her farewell.
"I'll see you next week, okay? See you, y/n. Also, that was a good kiss scene." you feel Lizzie’s hand gently rubs up and down your upper arm followed by a teasing wink.
Your mind always wonders if Lizzie really meant all the teasing banter she does to you or it was just a pure joke to her. Sometimes you swear that she looks at you in the eyes differently as if she has feelings for you but you always think maybe you were wrong and never take any actions to it. You don’t want to ruin the friendship.
You are lost in your thoughts as you watch Lizzie do little small talks and laugh with Scarlett.
Scarlett’s voice greets you excitedly as soon as she gets in front of you. “Hey, y/n?” the older woman instantly gives the warmest hug possible. “Hi Scar.”
“How was the last filming today?” Scarlett asks while trying to keep herself together as she looks at your eyes then to your lips before her gaze gets back to your eyes again with her hands in her back pocket to contain how she really feels. She knows what scene you had to do with Lizzie today. The second you told her about it a few months ago, her heart kept wishing that it would be her who does the kissing scene with you, not Lizzie nor another actress in your other movie you play.
Her heart belongs to you. She has been secretly keeping her feelings to you all this time. You never tell Scarlett about your feelings with Lizzie but she sometimes notices how you look at the brunette whenever the three of you hang out.
Scarlett always looks at you the same way you look at Lizzie but you never notice it. She sees forever in your eyes while you are sure that Lizzie is the love of yours.
Little that you know Scarlet wishes for you all the time. When you are looking at her, she never feels so alive and free but to you, when Lizzie looks at you have never felt so happy.
“It was good and easy.” you answer and your cheeks blush as soon as you remember how the kiss felt to you. You smile awkwardly. Scarlet looks at you dearly with a little smile, thinking how happy she is everytime she sees you.
Scarlett has been venting out with you about her marriage for a while. You know in the back of your head every story she told you while she cried and you held the tissue box. He takes her for granted. You have been a very good listener and have been there for her even when she was going through her divorce until it was finalized a year ago. All the sweet things you do and care give her made Scarlett fall for you.
A lot of what if’s halt her steps to confess her feelings for you. Worry fills her heart that you will walk away from her if she does so. Her mind sometimes wonders if you will like an older divorced single mom, let alone being in a relationship with one.
“How’s the launching preparations for your new product? I’m so excited for you. Are you ready? Thank you for inviting me to have lunch with your business partner.” your hands do a little exciting clap expressing how thrilled you are.
Your words stop her bouncing thoughts in her mind. “Of course! Yes, I’m ready. Are you?” she tries to answer it as if she was not thinking nothing about you, followed with a smile.
“Yeah, let’s go.” As soon as you are about to leave, Scarlett stops you. “Wait, y/n. You forgot something."
You turn around and find her holding up to you a dandelion. "I forgot what, Scar?"
"We are in a dandelion field so at least you have to make a wish and blow it, silly. Here, one for you and one for me." Scarlett suggests with a playful smile.
"Oh, i don't know about that but okay, i'll do it." You smile with agreement and take the dandelion.
You close your eyes and make your wish, so did she.
Both of you blow the dandelions at the same time. You wish on every one that Lizzie will be yours someday and Scarlett wishes that you will be hers.
A/n: Welp, that's all for today folks! I hope u enjoy it. Let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @marvelwoman-sugarbaby @imdoingsortagay @savethefbees @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd  
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janesociety · 1 year
the interviews
marvel cast x teen!reader
summary: you and the cast have a day full of interviews for Infinity War and you spend the day worried about one in particular
notes: like the other one, kinda cringy and a few years old. also this is based off how i expirience dyslexia and may be different than your experience!
marvel masterlist
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The whole cast knew you were dyslexic. It was hard to not notice sometimes. It had first been brought up in one of your first Marvel movies a few years ago. It was when you were quite a bit younger and not as good at reading allowed and connecting words to objects.
It was your first read through and you kept mispronouncing “Fury” as “Furry” and were confused as to why the Avengers were fighting a furry. Eventually, Scarlett had leaned over and corrected you. You were embarrassed, but the cast found it endearing, if anything.
It was now time for the Infinity War press tour and you were nervous. You and the cast had just finished up the small LA portion of the tour and were now off to New York for the first full week. The New York portion was always the hardest for you- mostly because of the chaos of it all.
The New York portion was where all the late night show or morning news appearances happened and the “major” interviews such as Buzzfeed and Wired. And there lied your problem.
Your day started bright and early at 6:00 in the morning so that you and the cast could be ready to go on Good Morning America.
“Hey, kid,” Robert said, walking up behind where you were sitting and placing both of his hands on your shoulders. “You ready?”
“For this? Yeah,” you laughed. “Everything else? Not so sure." He shook your shoulders.
"You'll do great, kiddo, I promise," he said, giving each shoulder a squeeze before walking off again into the chaos.
It was only a few more minutes before you and the rest of the cast were sitting down in two rows in facing an interviewer. The crowd of people watching the show clapped as you all walked out and took your seats.
"And we're back in..." a producer held up three fingers, then two, then one, signalling the end of the commercial break.
"Alright, we're back now with our special guests: the cast of Avengers Infinity War!" the interviewer said. "Hello, guys, it's great to see all of you!" There was a chorus of greetings from you all. "Okay, so let's get started...."
The interview went without a hiccup and you and the cast were off to your next set of interviews- which happened to include the ones you were worried about.
Your agent handed you your time table for the interviews you were going to be doing and your heart started to pound. The Buzzfeed interview you had been warned about was on there, first, however, you had to sit through nearly three hours of other interviews. Interviews normally put you on edge, but knowing what was coming after just made it worse.
You found the room that your morning block of interviews was in and sat to wait for the other two people you'd be with. When Sebastian and Anthony walked in, your face lit up, knowing the interview would be 10x less stressful with them there to entertain/distract the interviewers.
And so your long morning started, the three of you bounced off each others energy and jokes. Most of the interviews went well, although there were ones here and there very obviously spoiler fishing.
"I take about what 60% of what he says is true," Sebastian told the interviewer, making you laugh.
"60% of the time, I am right 5% of the time," Anthony said, confusing the interviewer and making you laugh harder.
"What he's saying is that he is only right 5% of the time, over half the time, which is generous, in my opinion," you said upon seeing the confusion on the interviewers face that did not clear up after your comment.
"So, Y/N, we know this movie is a big game changer for Marvel, and people have been wondering what your, as the youngest cast member, future looks like in the MCU?" they asked, trying to move on from the previous conversation.
"I don't even know what my present in the MCU looks like," you answered. "Am I even in this movie? I don't even know- I just show up where they tell me to."
"Same, I don't get scripts until the week after we film the scenes," Sebastian said.
"A week? Damn, I still haven't gotten mine," Anthony laughed.
"I think that's all I have for you guys today," the interviewer said, obviously somewhat disappointed that they couldn't drag any spoilers out of you. "Thank you!" he said, his voice sincere but his expression sarcastic.
Anthony clapped as they left the room, jumping up out of his chair excitedly. "Alright, lunch time," he said, turning to smile at both of you. While you were grateful for the break, it only meant you were closer to the interviews where you had to read on camera.
"Gotta eat something, kid, gotta long day still," Anthony said, watching you stare at your sandwich. You looked up, nodding and then taking a bite. Just focus, you'll be fine.
"You okay?" Sebastian asked from next to Anthony. You forced a weak smile as you finished chewing.
"Just nervous," you answered, wiping your hands on a napkin near you.
"Why? You're great at interviews," Anthony said.
"I have to read in the next few and I'm worried I'll mess it up," you said, playing with the sleeve of your shirt. "I know it's dumb- I just get nervous about it."
"You got nothing to worry about, kid," Sebastian said. "If you mess up, just play it off as a joke- people will love it it'll end up in one of those 'Y/N being the best MCU cast member' compilations."
"Thanks," you said with your mouth full.
"Chew your food," Anthony said, throwing a napkin at you.
"I'm Tom Holland," Tom said from beside you.
"And I'm Y/N L/N, and we're going to be taking a quiz to see how easily we can identify Marvel movies-" you cut off, waiting for Tom to finish.
"That had been terribly described," he said.
"Alright, first one," you said, pushing your nerves out of your mind. "A boy destroys his planet because he doesn't want to share it with his sister who broke his favorite toy." You read slowly as to not mess up, and it worked.
"Is that the one Guardians of the Galaxy movie?" Tom asked, thinking out loud. You hummed in thought, trying to figure out what it was.
"None of them have sisters though- except for Gamora but it says him," you said.
"It's Thor!" Tom shouted. "Thor: Ragnarok." You smiled, looking back at your computer, realizing you had to type your answer. Great.
"How do you spell Ragnarok?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"It's exactly how it sounds," Tom said, already moving on to the next question. You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Tom, I'm dyslexic, I don't know how to sound things out," you said, him going red remembering it.
"R-a-g-n-a-r-o-k," he spelled out for you and you laughed as you typed it.
"'A boy solved daddy issues with the power of friendship'," Tom read. You both looked stumped.
"Tony had daddy issues," you thought out loud. "So does Loki- maybe it's one of the other Thor ones."
"Would they put two Thor ones in a row?" Tom asked.
"Maybe it's to trick us?" you offered. You both shrugged and started typing.
"Ah! This one is Guardians of the Galaxy," Tom groaned.
"'A dude made a wormhole to seek attention'," he read, moving on to the next one.
"I have no clue," you laughed, leaning back in your seat.
"I don't either," he laughed. "Give up?" he asked, cursor hovering over the button. You nodded doing the same.
"Avengers?" you read out, confused. "Did Loki make a wormhole in that or something?"
"Maybe? God, we're such bad Marvel fans," Tom laughed.
"'Small guy who likes committing international war crimes becomes a him- a himbo who still likes committing international war crimes'," you read aloud.
"Ant-Man," you and Tom say at the same time, laughing as you type the answer in.
"What?" you yelled as it the screen reads Wrong!
"Captain America?" Tom asked, confused.
"We were so confident!" you said, smacking the table.
"'Someone just got out of prison commits more crimes, but now with inces- insects'," you read.
"Did you almost say incest?" Tom laughed/yelled. You burst out laughing too, covering your face.
"Oh my god," you wheezed with laughter. "Can we both agree it's Ant-Man?" you asked, both of you still recovering from laughing, the question only sending you into more fits of laughter.
"'A surgeon gets operated on by his ex-girlfriend'," Tom read. "See, I think this one is Dr. Strange, but that's not actually the plot, so I don't know."
"Want to guess it?" you asked. He nodded, both of you typing it in and getting it right.
"'Man had to face his consequences after ignoring a- a weird guy 2- years before, while adopting a kid who owned the garage he broke in?'" you read, not so sure of the ending. "Was that it?"
"Yeah, that's it," Tom nodded, his brows furrowed. "'Garage he broke in,'" he repeated.
"Oh, Iron Man... 2? Maybe 3?" you said.
"I think 2?" Tom said. "Let's go with that.
"Goddammit, 3!" you groaned.
"Okay, last one," Tom said. "'An orphan fought his teammate (who tired to run away because he hated the American government) with his best friend who murdered the orphan's parents when he was younger.'"
"Okay, I'm almost positive this is Civil War, but we've gotten a lot wrong that I've been sure of, so I don't know," you laughed.
"I think it's Civil War- orphan Tony, teammate Steve, killer Bucky," Tom said, explaining his thought process.
"Alright..." you said typing it in.
"Yep!" Tom yelled but you looked up at him confused.
"I got it wrong?" you said, showing him your laptop. He read what you typed and tried to hide his laughter.
"Y/N.... it's c-i-v-i-l, not c-i-v-a-l," he said chuckling. You turned a bit red and glared at him.
"I hate you," you mumbled, closing your laptop and rolling your eyes.
"We're terrible Marvel Fans," Tom said, looking at his 38% and your 25%.
"Wanna go binge watch every single movie now and redeem ourselves?" you joked. He smiled.
"Sure why not," he chuckled.
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darkstar225 · 7 months
Avengers Masterlist
Okay, idk what I’m doing but yeah. Thank you for reading :D
Avengers x Reader
*Sick Spider-Girl ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff* *Spider-Girl gets heatstroke ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff* *Dragonoid-Girl is saved by the Avengers ft Wanda Maximoff* *Spider-Girl has a panic attack ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff* *Kid Y/N feels under the weather, what is gonna happen? ft Wanda and Natasha* *Spider-Girl bitten more than she could chew in the field ft Natasha Romanoff* »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« 
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Imagine being an Avengers’ cast member, known for swearing a lot.
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You finally came into the backstage area, having been running late because of traffic, wiping a little sweat off of your forehead. You were about to say hi to everyone when you noticed that they were all gathered around Scarlett, watching a video on her phone, all of your castmates looking absolute enthralled.
“What are you guys doing?” You asked, taking a step closer. That’s when the volume hit you.
“-e ‘illed me with a fucking handgun!” “Oi, fuck u you dropshooting fuck.” “Don’t - don’t - aww shiit, I’ll break yer fuckin’ legs.”
That was your voice alright, and you recognized it. Some of your fans had tendencies to piece together compilations from the gaming videos that you sometimes put up on yuor youtube channel. ‘Y/N Rages’ they were called. People thought it was funny hearing your original aussie accent coming through rather than the more American-ized version you put on for work.
Robert noticed that you were there, and stood up, walked over, put an arm around your shoulders. “I’m starting to think you might have a bit of a problem,” He teased. “They cast you wrong. You and Mark there should switch roles.”
“An Australian hulk,” Chris Hemsworth laughed. “And an Australian Thor! We’ll show them what the down under can really do.”
Requested by: Anonymous
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You are so Strong
REQUEST: Hi Emma, would you mind writing a piece about fem reader who was sexually assaulted (doesn't have to be written in detail) who comes running to her trailer and all/some of the civil war cast are there (focusing on the male cast members maybe Chris H and Robert) and they comfort her from a panic attack and take her to the hospital and maybe a bit about her talking about the situation a few years later on a panel. I know that this isn’t always in everyone's comfort zone so you don't have to do it x
Warning: Sexual Assault, Crying, talk of domestic abuse, mean reporter
Paring: Robert Downey Jr x reader, Chris Hemsworth x Reader
AN: Thanks for being so Patience with this. it was 3 months ago I was asked to write this. I personally never went through something like this so if it is wrong or too fluffy I'm sorry. 
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Taglist: @slutfortaylorswiftandzendaya​ @winter-soldier-vibes​
You Hated the Press
Like every other of your co-stars, you always got bored of being asked the same questions repeatedly. As a young female in the industry, you always got questions about your clothing, Love life, and you were so sick of it. Were there some fun press memories? Yes of course but the majority of them are the same old same old.
For example, right now you were in Hall H promoting Civil War. For the first time in Marvel history, they released a behind-the-scenes video before the movie was released. the video consisted of Chris Hemsworth walking around interviewing the cast of Civil War about the movie, and it was shot mockumentary style. Since Chris wasn't in the movie, but he had his own movie being released a week earlier before Civil War, both PR representatives from the respective movie thought it was a great idea to gain press. The video was being played on the screen and the audience was laughing and really enjoying the video. However, you were feeling very uncomfortable because this wasn't a fun day for you. You were trying to hold back the tears in your eyes and were taping your knees to keep your anxiety in check. Robert Downey Jr was sitting next to you and knew why you were anxious. He took your hand and squeezed it, to let you know there he was there for you. 
The video ended and there was a round of applause, you Quickly dry the tears off your eyes and started applauding with the rest of your friends. The interviewer saw you do that and looked at you. “Hey Y/N were those happy tears?” she laughed. Robert Downey Jr gave her a look that basically said don't ask her any more questions. But the interview didn't see it that way. 
“Describe how it was that day on set. I know you've worked with Chris before in a different film, what was it like working with him on the Marvel set?” she asked again, trying to understand why you were crying. You look towards Robert who gave you a squeeze before turning back towards the reporter. 
“It was super fun to have Chris there, but the day wasn't all fun and games. Right before I was interviewed something terrible happened to me and I feel if I stay silent about it does nothing for other victims.” You said into the microphone. “ Just to let those in the audience know I'm going to be talking about sexual assault so if this is too heavy for you go ahead and leave and we'll have something to let you know when you can come back in.”
You were sitting in your trailer waiting for a new costume piece to be delivered when you heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” you said, still scrolling through your phone. The door opened and you saw Chris Hemsworth walking in. “hey sweetheart” he said with a big smile on his. “CHRIS” you shouted as you hugged him. The two of you were in a family comedy where you played his daughter so you were very excited to see him again. 
“ How are you doing sweetheart, how is Life here on the Marvel set?” he asked as he sat down on the couch in your trailer. “It's super fun and I love it so much. I wish you were doing this movie with us” you said as he gave him a side hug again. “yeah but it doesn't make sense plot-wise thought but I'm excited to see it in theaters” Chris said with a smile on his face. 
“So when are you going to interview me,” you asked as you turned to face him. “I'm going to come by After I do Downey’s interview because you have a costume fitting. once that's over I will come and do the interview.” he said. “sounds good.” you said as he stood up and went towards the door. 
“Stay out of trouble until then, got it?” you rolled your eyes at him in a playful manner. “Yeah Chris I got it, I'll see you later,” you said as you waved goodbye to him. Just as he Left he held the door open and this man came into your trailer with a black bag. You haven't seen him before but you assumed he was a new member of the costume crew.
“Hi!” you said as you introduced yourself. “I haven't seen you before. is this your first day?”
“Yeah, my name is Cody.” he held out his hand and you shook it. “Nice to meet you, Cody! thanks so much for your help with this movie it wouldn't be possible without you.”
“I appreciate it,” he said as you went to unzip the bag and pull out your suit for the movie. It was light blue, tight, and had belts and hooks to holster the fake weapons. “so this is just one of the possible costumes we have for the fight scene you're filming in a week. We wanted to see it on you and make necessary adjustments before shooting.”
“That makes sense. Just give me one second, I'm going to head to the bathroom to change into it,” you said as you took the suit very carefully to the other side of your trailer. It's not that you didn't trust Cody, he was just a man that you just met and didn't want to get naked in front of him.
“You don't have to I'm perfectly fine if you change in front of me, I've been doing this for a while,”  he said as he sat down on the couch. That comment made your stomach turn a little bit. It was weird of him to say that. “Understandable Cody however I just met you. the other customers can tell you this, it took me a while to get comfortable in my undergarments around them.” You quickly took your suit and went into the bathroom. You felt a little uncomfortable with him but you just brushed it off.
Once you came out of the bathroom with your suit on, Cody stood up from the couch. “How does it look?” you asked him and you turned around. Cody smiled at you, “You look hot as hell” he said as he scanned your body with his eyes. 
You quickly wrapped your hands around your stomach. “I appreciate that, but don't you think it's a little inappropriate?” you asked as you notice him coming toward you. “I don't think so, I'm a customer and the goal is to make you look good to the audience. So I'm just saying what the audience would say.” it made some sense to you but still made you uncomfy. As he looked more at the suit, you notice a hand graze your butt. “looks like there's some extra fabric here.” he said as he touch the fabric on your butt, pulling it down. you backed away from him quickly.
“Cody, I really don't appreciate you touching me without asking if it was okay. Can you please just take some notes and give them to Jen?”  You said looking at him, a little freaked out. “no can do that, she wants me to do the adjustments and put the pins in were needed now.” He then put the pin in where the bunch of fabric was he's made his way over to your front side.
“can I ask you a question?” Cody asked. You nodded your head. “Do you find me attractive?” he said as he slowly tugged on the fabric that was on your breasts. “Can you please stop, this is really wrong,” you said as he felt him move your hair to expose your neck. 
“We are two very attractive human beings and you're in a tight suit. Getting me a little hard thinking about what I would do to you in this.” Cody was behind you as he rubbed up and down on your hips. You took this advantage and kicked him with the back of your shoe in his area. 
“You BITCH” he yelled and he bent down to recover. You took this opportunity to run out of your trailer towards Downey Village. You remember Chris was there with Downey doing their portion of the interview. 
You rushed into the fake lawn set up and bumped into some camera crew. “Hey we are filming here!” you heard someone shout. Tears were streaming down your face that you hadn't noticed before. You pushed everyone out of the way until you saw the God in front of you and hugged him. Chris and Robert were confused as to where you came from, but they heard your sobs as you clung to Chris. Robert made a cut motion to the crew and they turned off the cameras and left the set, sensing there was a big issue. 
“Hey, hey Y/N. It's okay, you're safe. Do you want to go inside?” he said as you started to move towards one of the trailers. You shook your head as you held onto him tighter. “Okay, let's sit down then, okay? There we go.” Chris sat on the ground with his legs out, giving you room to cuddle into him as he slowly stroked your back. 
The tears were still coming as you felt another hand touch your shoulder. You flinched at the contact before you heard a comforting voice. “Hey sweetheart, it's Robert. Can you open your eyes for me?” You slowly opened them. “There you go, sweetheart.” He then proceeds to do the 5-4-3-2-1 technique with you. (sorry I didn't feel like writing it all out loll)
Once he felt you were calm down, he took your hand and squeezed it. “Do you want some water or something to eat?” he asked quietly. ”water please,” you said. He squeezes your hand again before getting up and going inside his trailer. Chris continue to rub your back and you relaxed a little bit more and more. “Wanna talk about it?” you shook your head. “In a bit, just not know. Still shaken up. I'm sorry for ruining the-”
“Hey, it's okay. You are way more important than some Stupid interview. Anytime you need something you'd come to me okay?” he said as he continues to rub your back. You just nodded your head and leaned into him more. Robert came out with a blanket, a water bottle, and a little piece of candy for you. “I assume you need some cheering up so I got you some stuff.” You took it from his hand. “thank you. I think I can talk about it if that's okay.” They nodded their heads and waited for you to start talking.
 As you tell your story, you notice Robert and Chris getting very frustrated. Not at you, but at Cody for what he's done. And also for production for hiring such a man in the first place. Tears were shed on both sides as you finish telling the story. “I'm so proud of you, thank you for sharing. We're so sorry you had to go through that, but know that we are here and we will always have your back.”
“I appreciate it, but honestly I don't know what I am supposed to do now. I don't want Cody to work with me on the set, but it makes me feel like a bad person..”  Chris quickly grabs your hand and squeezes it, making you look at him. “you are not a bad person, Cody is. Never feel bad for the person that abuses your trust and boundaries. Understand?”
“I understand Chris, thank you. And thank you to Downey, I love you guys so much.”
“So yeah. it was an eventful day but out of it, I got closer to some cast mates, and it made me a stronger person. There are also so many resources and you guys can check out my social media pages where you can donate to shelters that house domestic abuse and sexual assault victims. There are people out there that need help way more than I do. I was lucky that I'm able to pay for the resources to help me through this but there's so many that can't and so the more we can do for others the better.” You finished saying into the microphone.  the audience applauded you for sharing your story. You look to your sides and see your castmates Giving you smiling nods.  You knew that they wanted to hug you at that moment but everyone was still trying to be professional and not overwhelm you. RDJ leaned in to give you a side hug which you returned. “Thank you,”  you whispered into his ear. “Anything for your munchkin.” He said he gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
 You look off stage and you see Chris Hemsworth clapping with the audience. “I'm so proud of you,” you saw him say. You blew him a kiss which he caught in his hands and placed in his heart. 
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thund3rst0rmm · 2 years
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Avengers Incorrect Quotes #3
Natasha:: Anyone d-Pietro:: Done?Steve:: Drained?Tony:: Depressed?Loki:: Disliked? Natasha::  -done with their work... what in the world is wrong with you people
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riri53 · 1 year
Here's an example for these kind of fan fic:
Infinity war cast x short!insecure!rader
Summary: Reader is 4'11 and insecure about it but her cast mates and fans show her that she's beautiful.
Warrings: None
A/N: Reader here uses she/her pronouns. Also english isn't my first lamguage so I'm sorry for my grammar.
Y/N Y/L/N had always been self-conscious about her height. At 4'11, she often felt like she was constantly overlooked and underestimated, especially in the cutthroat world of Hollywood. But when she landed a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she knew that she had to put her insecurities aside and bring her A-game.
At the Infinity War panel, Y/N was nervous. She had never been in front of such a large audience before, and she was worried that her height would be a topic of ridicule. But as she took her place on stage alongside her fellow cast members, she was surprised to hear them all gushing about how much they loved her petite stature.
"Y/N is a powerhouse, despite her size," Chris Evans said, earning cheers from the audience. "She's got more energy and spunk than any of us combined."
Robert Downey Jr. chimed in, "And let's not forget how easy it is to maneuver her around during fight scenes. It's like having a little ninja on set."
Y/N blushed, feeling grateful and relieved that her height was being celebrated rather than criticized. And the positive feedback didn't stop there. As she walked around the convention center, fans approached her to tell her how much they loved her portrayal of her character and how they admired her confidence and talent.
But perhaps the most memorable moment of the day was when Tom Holland, her mischievous co-star, snuck up behind her and lifted her off the ground, spinning her around in a playful prank. The crowd erupted in laughter, and Y/N couldn't help but join in.
In that moment, Y/N realized that her height wasn't something to be ashamed of. It was a part of who she was, and it made her unique and memorable. She felt a newfound sense of confidence and pride in herself and her abilities, and she knew that she had the support of her cast and fans behind her.
From that day forward, Y/N Y/L/N embraced her height and all the quirks and challenges that came with it. And as she continued to shine on screen and in public appearances, she inspired others to do the same, proving that sometimes the things that make us different are the very things that make us great.
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juiles · 11 months
All to well
Plot: idk. have fun!
Type: angst and fluff
Warnings: i am in no way saying that this is how all autistic people are!! This fic is based off my PERSONAL experience with autism and sensory overload. Please remember this as you read!!
Masterlist here!
Request here!
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Being autistic has drawbacks for a normal person, but for an actress in Marvel movies, it was tough. I’m proud of who I am but I didn’t want the pitying looks, the comments or being stuck as only getting the “autistic” role so for my own sake, I’m not super open about it.
My parents are ashamed of it so they never told anyone and I was forced to mask anytime I was around anyone. Not even Scar knew, and she was my best friend, almost a mother figure to me. I didn’t want her to think any different of me. She’s known me since i was 7 and played her on screen adopted daughter in Iron Man 2.
We’re filming Endgame right now. I’m on my way to set with Scarlett. Today has been a rough day for me so far as my parents woke me up by screaming at me which then caused me to struggle in keeping my mask up. Scar picked me up and I’m already exhausted, I’ve caught myself stimming a few times and quickly stopped it.
When we pulled into the parking lot, i grabbed my bag and walked with her through set to our trailers where we left our stuff and we’re immediately shuffled to makeup and costumes.
“Oh shit…” I mutter staring at the costume in Erica’s hand. “I didn’t realize it was a fight scene today…”
“Babe.” Erica, my assistant and on set guardian says. She’s known about me since the first day which was when i was 7. “You’ve known about this for a week. Are you okay?”
“I’m super over stimulated right now…” I murmur tapping my leg in sets of 7, a common stim for me.
“Let’s do hair and makeup first okay? Keep you out of the costume until the last second okay?” I nod and the two of us move to hair and makeup where Scarlett is getting her hair done.
“Hey, where’s your costume kid?” She asks looking over at me.
“I uh-“ I glance at Erica who steps in for me quickly.
“It had a small tear in it so it’s getting fixed quickly.” Scarlet merely hums in response and I sit. Getting my wig on and makeup done is awful, having everyone touching me and all their voices so close to me ears. I feel a soft hand on my cheek and peek my eyes open to see Scar staring at me in concern.
“Stop grinding your jaw babe…” I release my jaw, not even realizing i had been doing it. “You okay love? You disappeared for a bit there.” I respond with a hum, my voice disappearing from within. “Let’s get your costume on and to set okay?”
I look around quickly and don’t see Erica, Scarlet must see the panic as she quickly says. “She got called away in an emergency. I’m going to be your guardian today.” I nod, feeling the panic bubble up in my chest, but give her a soft smile.
The two of us make our way to my trailer and she helps me quickly slip into the suit. I immediately want to rip it off as it’s skin tight and an uncomfortable material. It feels like it’s digging into my skin and pulling it away as if it’s velcro and my skin is the other side. I take a deep breath and come out to see Scar in costume waiting. “Ready?” I nod and we head to set where I realize it’s a busy day, all original 6 avengers, Lizzie, both Paul’s, Gwen and Cobie are all there. I internally groan as immediately, the girls are coming over to me and Scar talking a mile a minute. I stand next to Scarlett silently until Lizzie turns to me. “Hey kiddo. Ready to fight? We have to fly today.” My eyes widen for a moment before i force a smile and nod at the fake red head in front of me.
“What? Cat got your tongue?” This makes everyone around us laugh but it makes me feel awful. I have no voice, it comes and goes, when it’s gone, my parents ridicule me, I get hit. I look down as i feel my tears well up in my eyes and blink rapidly trying to will them away. I thank god silently when Joe calls us to places which means i get away from the now very suddenly concerned looking Scarlett, Lizzie and Cobie. I’m stuck with Renner as I get rigged up, the feeling of being sick suddenly appearing as more people touch me.
I feel the lump in my throat tighten and the feeling of the harness wrapped around me suddenly makes me feel like it’s constricting my breathing and everyone around me disappeared as my hands flung to the harness, in my panic my hands struggled with the buckle which just made me more infuriated and grunts started coming out as my tears blurred my vision.
I feel a set of hands on mine holding them down, i scream and rip mine away and start scratching at my throat trying to rip it open to get a breath. My eyes started blacking out and the last thing i see is Scarlett’s panicked face as she tries to grab at my hands before it all goes black.
Scarlett’s POV
I know something is off with y/n. Not off but just that she was different. I have had a feeling it was autism for a while now, today proved that to me.
She was silent the whole car ride to set, normally she’d be singing along the radio but she wouldn’t even let me turn it on today. As soon as we got to set she locked herself in her trailer without a word, the next time i saw her, she looked panicked and while she was getting her hair and makeup done she disappeared fully before i brought her back. She has days where she goes mute, she just calls them her bad days, they usually happen on days she has arguments with her parents but normally she can still communicate to me in different ways but today she was completely gone. It got worse as soon as she realized Erica was gone. Walking on to set, she tended up and i saw her tapping her thigh every once in a while. The comment that Lizzie made would normally make her laugh, her reaction today was off.
I watched her from the corner of my eye but had to look away for a second before i heard Renner.
“Y/N!! What are you doing?! You’re going to hurt yourself!” I whip my head around and my heart sinks as i see y/n struggling with her harness, her hands are shaking violently, tears streaming down her face, her eyes are glazed over. I bolt over and grab her hands gently.
“Y/n baby, stop. You’ve got to stop my love.” She rips her hands out of mine and starts clawing at her throat which is when i notice she’s not breathing properly. She’s barely able to get a small breath. Instincts kick in for me and i turn to the cast and crew crowding her. “Give her space. Now. I need someone to set up a dark room with minimal sound and her clothes she was wearing this morning as well as the blanket from my trailer. A cold cloth and her wig taken off.” I turn around as she starts to collapse, i grab her arm and quickly wrap an arm around her waist. “Now!”
It’s a bit of a blur after that honestly, the next thing i know, im alone with her in the green room after everything is unplugged and blankets are draped over the windows. Her wig is already off and someone hands me my blanket and her clothes before silently leaving. I help her unconscious body out of the suit and into her clothes before draping my weighted blanket over her body. I sit back and stare at her, not touching her at all but close enough if she needs me.
It felt like hours but looking at my watch, it shows it’s only been 20 minutes when she finally wakes up.
My heart is beating what feels like a million mile a minute with panic as i watch her blue eyes flutter open before she looks around the room for a moment. Her hand comes out of the blanket and she starts tapping her thigh again, her head nodding along to each tap. She squeezes her eyes shut and i can hear her voice mumbling. “I’m safe. I’m here. I’m y/n.” Over and over again, i quietly cough to get her attention and she quickly sits up and her head whips up to look at me with wide eyes, both hands start scratching at the other wrist. “Oh my god…”
“Baby, you are safe. It’s just me.”
“No… no… no no no no no no no no.” She started tugging her hair and rocking slightly. “They’re going to kill me… you aren’t supposed to know…”
I quickly scoot over and grab her hands before pulling her into my chest, she tenses for a moment before melting into my arms. “I can’t hide it anymore Scar…”
“I know baby… I know.” I mutter into her hair swaying us back and forth slightly.
“I’m autistic…”
“Oh baby i know…” She freezes and looks at me with wide eyes. I can ready the fear in her blue eyes. “You hide it really really well but I’m basically your mom my love. I had suspicions but didn’t want to push you into telling me. Today was too much.” She nods burying herself back into me. “I need you to know that I will always listen to you. That if you ever feel like that again, you can tell me and i’ll get you out of it. Baby seeing you pass out was terrifying. I need you to know that if you’re that overwhelmed, that you do not have to do all that.”
“But… my parents don’t want everyone knowing… they’re all gonna know now…” She mumbles into me, my heart cracks.
“Baby being autistic is not a bad thing. It makes you even more amazing. It’s not something to be ashamed of at all. You are allowed to be who you are. To stim when your emotions are too high. To have bad days. I am here to show you that.” I say looking her directly into her eyes. “I’m here to support you.”
Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded quickly. She sat up and started tapping her thigh as she stared at me. “This is my favourite stim, it’s really subtle but it calms me down… i count the most important people in my life.” She then looks down at her hand as she taps each finger. “Scarlett.” Tap. “Lizzie.” Tap. “Renner.” Tap. “Gwen.” Tap. “Cobie.” Tap. “Rob.” Tap. “Rosie.” Tap. “It reminds me that you guys would love me, no matter how broken or weird i am because i know how much you care.” She looked up at me through her eyelashes. “Another one is tapping here.” She taps her chest right above her heart twice. “Right here.” She does the tap to each word. “This is where you sit in my body. I usually only do this one when I’m not wearing my necklace. Playing with that is the stim i can do out in public.” I pulled her into my arms again as I cried.
“Oh baby…”
“You’ve always been my safe space Scar…”
“And i will be your safe space for the rest of eternity.”
We sit in silence for a few minutes before she pulls away with a smile. “Thank you. For learning how to help me.”
“You are more than welcome my love. Let’s go home and have a calm day okay?” She nods before standing up, pulling my weighted blanket over herself. I stand and wrapping my arms around her waist, the two of us make our way out of the room to find Lizzie standing not too far away, crying into Gwyneths arms. Y/n instantly runs over to her and wraps her arms around the crying woman. Lizzie jumps before she turns and sees who it is and wraps the girl into her arms.
“I’m so sorry bug. I shouldn’t have made that comment. I know how bad your parents are.” Y/n shakes her head pulling back and squeezes Lizzie’s hands. “Liz that wasn’t what caused that.” She takes a glance back at me before taking a deep breath and looks back at Lizzie. “I’m autistic and I was overstimulated and everything was just too much. I won’t lie, the comment did hurt a little but i know you didn’t say it in a mean way. You didn’t hurt me, memories of my parents saying stuff hurt me. But not you.” Lizzie’s eyes widen and she glances at me before she nods breathing to calm herself down. “If you ever need to talk or are struggling you can talk to me bug.”
Y/n nods with a small smile. “I know Liz.”
“Hey. Me too.” We all turn our head to see Gwyneth with a pout on her face. “You scared the shit out of me kiddo. Never do that again. Understand?” She pulls y/n’s laughing form into her arms.
“I understand mother Paltrow.” She says making us all chuckle.
Y/n pulls away and biting her cheek looks at me. “I- i uh- I’m not ready to face everyone else yet…”
“They already left bug. It’s just us four left.” Lizzie said smoothing the crazy hair down on y/n’s head. “I couldn’t leave worried i hurt you and Gwyn couldn’t leave me alone but everyone else left to give you privacy. Scarlett went full mama bear mode and screamed at some people for trying to push her into anything. It was great.” Y/n chuckled, which brings a grin to my face.
“Of course you did. But i wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
“I love you too baby.” I say kissing her head softly.
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book-place · 5 months
First Premier
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers cast x reader platonic
Request: Avengers cast x teen reader, where it's like her first premier ever and everyone keeps telling her how proud they are please! Thank you!
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: Your beyond nervous, but your castmates are there for you. Always
A/N: this is ridiculously short
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“I don’t know if I can do this.” You mumbled, wringing your hands together as you looked out the tinted window to the sprawled out red carpet.
The lights of camera flashes were going off as there were some of your castmates walking across it already.
Everyone in the car shared a look when you weren’t looking, and you felt a hand gently grasp your shoulder, squeezing it lightly.
You turned to see Scarlett smiling lightly at you, “We’re all so proud of you,” She reassured softly, “You’ve got this.”
It was your first ever premiere- for no doubt what will go down as the biggest movie of your life- for the Avengers, and you and your fellow main castmates had all shared a limousine to get here.
“We’ll be right by your side the whole time.” Evans promised, beaming at you from over Scarlett’s shoulder.
Robert nodded along from across from you, flashing you a reassuring smile, “You’ve got this, kid.”
“We all get nervous,” Hemsworth continued on with the assuring words, “Even now, it’s completely normal. Especially if it’s your first time.”
“Yeah,” Jeremy laughed, “I’m pretty sure Downey pissed himself his first time.”
That at least got a laugh out of you as you watched Robert scowl and cross his arms, pouting about how that wasn’t true.
“We won’t leave your side.” Mark promised, smiling softly when he noticed the slight hesitation within you still.
Finally, you smiled back at your castmates- your family- with more determination than before, “Let’s do this.”
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bonfireheart · 2 years
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avengersfluff02 · 1 year
Masterlist (add to it later)
Steve (haven’t seen The First Avenger):
Bucky (same as Steve; haven’t seen FATWS):
Tony (haven’t seen Iron Man 3):
Wanda (haven’t seen MOM):
Peter P (haven’t second half of second slo movie and haven’t seen third solo movie, and haven’t seen What If):
STARKID: (add characters and actors later)
Little White Lie:
AVPM (not seen)
Me and My Dick:
SPACE tour:
Holy Musical Batman:
Apocalyptour: 1
AVPSY (not seen):
Ani (haven’t seen):
Trail to Oregon:
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals:
Starkid Homecoming:
Black Friday:
VHS Christmas Carol:
Nightmare Time 1 (have seen Witch in the Web):
Nightmare Time 2 (have seen Abstinence Camp, and Killer Track):
Jangle Ball Tour:
Tin Can Brothers:
Flop Stoppers (haven’t seen it):
Spies Are Forever:
Solve it Squad (haven’t seen it):
Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye (haven’t seen it):
This Could Be on Broadway (haven’t seen it):
Shipwrecked Comedy
Edgar Allen Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party (haven’t seen it):
The Case of the Gilded Lily (haven’t seen it):
Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story (saw first episode):
Unsolved Babesteries (haven’t seen it):
House of the Dragon (add characters after and cast?)
Game of Thrones (add characters after and cast) (I have only 3 more episodes of season 8 left...)
We Are The Tigers (add characters after and cast)
Heathers (movie/musical) (add characters after and cast)
Pretty Little Liars (add characters after and cast) (seen season 1)
Supernatural (been jumping around, but seen most of the series, and saw season 15) (add more characters and the cast later)
H2O: Just Add Water (I know all the lore, but have only seen season 1 so far)
Claire Holt:
Cariba Heine:
Phoebe Tonkin:
Indiana Evans:
Others that you want:
Mako Mermaids (Mako Island of Secrets) (I know all the lore, but am halfway through season 2 (on season 2, episode 9))
Vampire Academy (2014 Movie)
Rosemarie "Rose" Hathaway:
Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir:
Dimitri Belikov:
Christian Ozera:
Mason Ashford:
Zoey Deutch:
Lucy Fry:
Danila Kozlovsky:
Dominic Sherwood:
Cameron Monaghan:
Sarah Hyland:
(Anyone else you want)
Vampire Academy (2022 Peacock Series) (I have not watched the series yet)
Rosemarie "Rose" Hathaway:
Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir:
Dimitri Belikov:
Christian Ozera:
Vampire Academy Book Series (2007 - 2010)
Vampire Academy
Rosemarie "Rose" Hathaway:
Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir:
Dimitri Belikov:
Christian Ozera:
Mason Ashford:
(anyone else)
Frostbite: (I will start reading Frostbite sometime this week)
Other TV shows (that you request/I forgot to add)
Other musicals (that you request/I forgot to add)
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shitiread · 2 years
can people write fanfics where there’s little to no physical/eye contact
like please
it ruins it for me cause i hate them both so much like it makes me so fucking uncomfortable i can’t put it into words
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labrunereve · 2 years
are requests open? :) & are there any restrictions on what we cannot request ? much love to you xx
Oh no, I’m sorry for replying so late!!! I’ve been inactive for forever 😩 I’m so sorry to tell you this, but I’m not opening any requests… My blog is purely for recommending great fics written by other amazing blogs.
So, if you’re looking for Marvel or Bridgerton fics, you’ve come to the right place! But if you’re trying to request, feel free to click away all the blogs I’ve mentioned 😉💗
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