#Axel bisexual moment
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
@seasidemew lmao hi I'm bullying ur boy, hope you enjoy
Actions and consequences
Syn turned on his feet as his head craned to look around and admire the vast expanse of the training room, it was large though a bit dull, the floorings and walls and even the ceiling were squared evenly.
"I, expected a bit more than just a room?" He queried glancing at May who shrugged back to him.
"It can be anything anyone wants it's just currently being left as a room," She leant her body backwards avoiding a stray scrap of rock that sank into the flooring by a few inches, there was a loud crash of energy followed by a distressingly loud reverb that shook and vibrated through their bodies, May had to adjust to not be swept over by the sheer force of the energy outburst.
Dark energy collided with bright purples as Darkness and Axel violently physically clashed together, their shoulders ramming into the other with bangs of energy being released by each collision before they rapidly split and repeated. Syn blinked, watching the sheer abundance of energy being released along with all the stray attacks going wild as the two Mewtwo fought trying to defeat the other, his tongue licked his inner lip.
"My, so much power.. What are they fighting over?"
"They're trying to work out who's strongest, Darkness made herself by all means perfect and enhanced herself with synergy crystals as you know while Axel is the first Mewtwo of our world and the beginning of our bloodline so is I suppose he's Darkness' potential in its purest rawest form, no dna damage through cloning or anything, sooo they're duking it out."
Syn hummed watching the fight, not entirely sure who was winning. Sensing more he glanced to the side spotting a familiar red pink hue on a mega Y form mewtwo, they were flying around showing off with tricks away from the fight with arms made of pure stable psychic energy.
"Hey look Auntie Imp I got it!" Syn heard and watched the mega twirl before seeming to teleport with rapid jumps of speed, a mewtwo he'd never seen before sat watching Matt in his foolishness, he watched her clap her hands thin delicate tail swaying as she spoke praises.
"She's not your aunt, there's no genetic relation between you!" Axel hollered in his fight, sending a kick into Darkness' face.
"Fuck youuu an auntie is something spiritual not necessarily related!!" Matt hollered back as he sped jumped about before hitting a wall and hitting the floor with a thud and losing the mega form. Syn couldn't help a slight chuckle as his eyes roamed the unfamiliar two before returning to the active fight at the horrid crunching as Darkness was send slamming into the floor with Axels standing on her back to do so making her body scrape the floor and crunch harder as his weight and psychic force crushed her down.
"Just submit." He pushed down on her harder making something else crunch, Darkness' hands clenched into fists shaking with rage and pain.
"how about," Darkness' hands unclenched resting on the floor of the arena, "NO!" stones erupted from the floor spiking jagged and fast, blood spilt onto her back from Axels side as he shot upwards missing the worst of it but bleeding. With noticeable effort Darkness pulled herself out from the crater made from her impact before shooting after Axel to resume fighting. Syn let out a low whistle as the floor shimmered and returned to its original state.
"You weren't kidding..they're going at it…" Despite not having a need for it he wondered how Axels life would taste, how much energy and power he could rip from his chest. Part gluttony part jealousy as he watched the large two, he moved surprisingly quickly for his size and with surprising agility and flexibility. As Syns' eyes followed trained on Axel he noticed he had a slightly different flying style. It was hard to explain, he moved more effortlessly like he was lighter.
"So, he's like your dad then?" He inquired casually glancing at May for a second before returning to the fight. "I can't see a resemblance."
"Ehhh, I'm like 5 generations down from him lots of dna damage from like being a clone of a clone etcetera so lots of differences have arisen since him to make me how I am, Darkness and Matt are 6 generations down from him," She paused to think counting on her fingers quietly, "I, don't know for sure but I never really saw or heard whisper of my like direct dna parent, I don't think they made it to be honest they just had their dna, maybe stem or sex cells or both or whatever not sure I'm not a scientists but they had stuff taken from them to make me, and well the others that didn't make it…" she quietly shook her head flinching her shoulders at a loud sharp bang of lightning, "Dusty is actually only 3 generations down from him, he's similar to Axel purple and all, his dna wasn't immediately used preserved and made later so technically he's genetically older than us but he's younger. I think he's the only one living from further back in our bloodline, I think the others were terminated or just didn't survive." She watched the fight with quiet concern that they might be going too far with this battle.
"I think someone should stop them.." Syn put out a hand to stop her moving.
"Not letting that someone be you, they're both too high on aggression right now, if someone were to get between them now I think they'd attack them blindly. So no you're not pulling some self sacrificing someone's gotta stop this fighting nonsense because you'll get hurt and then they'll get mad at you for interrupting and getting hurt." May huffed hot air at Syn in mock frustration as she pulled a face making him chuckle. His finger booped her nose softly. "Am I right princess pout or am I right?" May let out a sudden exhale of a laugh.
"Princess pout? I ain't pouting!" She laughed giving him a look that melted into a smile, "but, you're right yea they'd be mad I didn't let them figure it out." Syn chuckled casually wrapping an arm around her shoulders pulling her in to give her a squeeze.
"See I'm learning, getting you all figured out. I'll be able to worm my way into your heart in no time." He casually joked as he felt her leaning against him more.
"Nah you've already done that, and unfortunately for you you can't take this knowledge into different worlds you have to learn it all organically there yourself." Syn snorted and snapped his fingers.
"Damn," and provided a soft shoulder squeeze in play and held May closer at another loud crashing. Looking back to the fight Axel had Darkness rammed into the wall and was flying along keeping her shoved into the barrier at rapid speeds leaving a trench in the foundations till they fixed themselves bits of rubble flying around for emphasis before he made a beeline down still dragging Darkness through the wall essentially before slamming her once more into the floor with enough force to send up a plume of white smoke dust and bits of brick.
Axel landed waiting for the dust to clear before slowly approaching where Darkness lay crumbled.
"Do you yield." Darkness whimpered in response before trying to shove herself back up on trembling limbs. Axel grabbed the middle section of her tail turning on his feet and swinging to slam her back into the wall with a cry of pain before she slid down the wall.
"Do you yield."
Again Darkness did not answer palms pressing down on the rocks strewn about trying to once more press on to fight further. Axel stood on the side of her neck and pushed down with force enough that May and Syn felt the breeze.
Darkness opened her eye around the bruising giving him a defiant glare before her eye looked away closing again.
"I yield.." The words reluctantly left her mouth feeling like poison on her tongue as Axel stepped off her neck, he wrapped one arm around and under the middle of her body carrying her dangling limp form. Syn watched like a hawk as Axel put Darkness down near the other Mewtwo, Imp was it? And Matt, with Imp moving to use some healing moves. Syn tried to wrack his brains as he watched, he couldn't recall a proper full fight with Darkness, usually she avoided conflict, cheated or deferred..
Face pulling into a confident smirk his arm slipped from Mays shoulders as he strode over casually. May blinked in confusion before quickly following.
"What are you doing Syn, what are you thinking?" She already got the horrible feeling he was going to do something stupid. And when he turned to offer her a cocky grin her worries were further confirmed.
Axel regarded them both with his eyes regarding Syn with displeasure and giving May a similar look.
"That was an impressive battle," Syn spoke with sure of himself confidence, "if you're up to the challenge old man I'd like to spar with you." Axel regarded him again his side already healed and bruises and scrapes disappearing with each second, his eyes scanned down at Syn taking in his features lingering on the stone before looking at his face again.
"And why would I waste my time on that." His tone was flat and uninteresting and Syn swallowed awkwardly, having expected him to jump to the challenge.
"Well, we're both powerful individuals, why not settle who's strongest. You've won in your family but what of strangers hmm?" Syn tried to save the conversation. Axel only continued to gaze upon him with disinterest. With a slow thoughtful blink he spoke.
"Fine, but if I win this match you leave here forever gone bye bye." May watched Axel her mouth pulling to the side knowing he didn't have the power or capability to simply make Syn leave permanently as that decision was out of his hands controlled by a higher power. Axel extended his hand to shake on the bet. Syn considered before grinning.
"Alright, but if I win you join me in my corruption accepting a shard of my crystal and submitting beneath me." Mays brows fell into an unamused look as she glanced between the two idiots knowing once more he did not have the power to cause such an event and that just because he corrupted someone it didn't mean they'd submit. She exhaled a sigh through her nose watching the two men eyeing each other up making a bet neither could keep as Syn took Axels hand giving it a firm shake to cement the deal.
Axels grip did not release as Syn attempted to pull his hand back from the shake, Syn didn't have time to react as Axels grip turned tight and vice like and in a mere blink Axel adjusted his feet throwing Syn up over his head using psychic energy for lifting before slamming him down harshly into the floor with the psychic energy also dragging him down creating an immediate mini crater and gust of displaced air.
Syn groaned quietly, wrinkling his face as he opened his eyes to snarl at Axel before all he could feel was pain. Crackling sprawling crawling green energy shot through Axels hand directly into Syns, the erratic green sparks covering his body fully ripping through his skin easily tearing him open all over, he felt like he was being bitten into and chewed and eaten alive, as his energy was rapidly drained. He was bordering on unconscious when he finally registered that the attack pain had stopped, his body burned and itched and ached all over though, fizzles and smoke raised off his body as Axel let go of his hand causing his body to slump, no longer held up.
"Sorry Pretty boy. You lose." From the sidelines Matt blinked muttering to himself 'oh I see where I get it from then.'
"Axel you fucking cheated!" Mays voice was a thundering uproar, her tone raw with anger and displeasure.
"We made our bet, shook on it and the battle started. He should've been more prepared." Axel didn't look at her as she rushed to Syns side softer glistening green energy leaving her hands to start healing his many wounds and recuperate his health.
"You know damn well that is not how a mutually agreed sparring match goes! It'd start when someone announced the battle begins, what you did was tricksy and cowardly!"
Axel scoffed, "it doesn't matter anyways, we had a fight he lost so now he has to leave, I'm sure you'll find someone in equally bad taste to disappoint me with later."
"What. You think I care about Syn out of pettiness towards you?!" her tone was a snarl as Syn stabilized his wounds fully healed, she gently caressed his cheek before standing, "I care about him for a multitude of reasons but not FUCKING one of them has anything to do with you. But you know what?! All or nothing, if you win I'll never interact with him ever again."
Axel turned his head to regard May standing in all her 5'4 fury with an expression that showed he didn't take if seriously.
"Oh? Alright then, and what if you win by some miracle huh? What do you get out of this battle, or has little May not thought about that because she doesn't think ahead about these things when it involves something for herself because she's full of self loathing hmm?" his tone was casual and mocking, as May met his gaze with steely cold glare.
"I see where Matt gets it from then." Axel smirked with an exhale of a chuckle as he looked down on her offering his hand out to shake with such unwavering confidence and smugness as though expecting her to take it despite witnessing the trick he pulled on Syn as though expecting her to be that stupid and trusting.
May slapped away his hand with the back of hers as her other fist sporting a darkened shadow claw punched straight into the soft flesh of his stomach, he barely managed a grunt before the shadow energy exploded out across his whole body like lightning and he screamed.
Shadows ripped through his muscles into his bones causing breaks and tears, sapping his life energy as it rapidly damaged him all over his flesh being seared by zigzagging shadows and losing pigmentation as his physical form and structure began to distort in its destruction. And all he could do was scream.
May pulled her claw slick with his blood out from his body not regarding him as he collapsed simply flicking his blood away as her claw vanished moving instead to Syn who was seeming a bit more conscious. She gently pulled his arms to pull him into a sit and using his arm she adjusted pulling him up onto her shoulders like a fireman carry as he made a soft gasp and disorientated giggle at being lifted and carried.
"I'm going to get Syn seen too." As she turned and left impressively carrying the still slightly limp Syn who clumsily attempted to wrap his arms around her to hold on his tail curling around her waist as he made vocalizations and purrs. Darkness looked at the mess that was Axel on the floor, breathing but barely and was glad in this place death wasn't truly possible and that he'd recover.
"Get dunked onnn!" Matt made a hand gesture as though dunking a basketball one handed.
"Matt you're fucking 5 stop making undertale references."
Imp blinked as the siblings argued, 'It's a classic!', 'it's inappropriate!' Moving to help Axel where he lay on the floor looking mighty sorry for himself.
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🕯️needs for the next season 🕯️
girl vs girl finale
the season takes place at a different setting
julia still has a mullet but it’s more refined
mk and julia lez out
prileb crashes and burns
millie stops being cringe
emma and nichelle do stuff that’s not lame
chase dies
scary girl hijacks a plane and does 9/11 2
axel develops a personality outside of ripper
damien goes joker mode
zee has a bisexual moment
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lazy-cat13 · 4 months
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It's pride month!!!!!
Here's some sexuality HCs I have for each organization member I drew
Zexion/ Ienzo: Asexual. VERY ASEXUAL CODED. Single/ no crush cause my guy has been researching 24/7
Saix/ Isa: trans f2m and gay, has a current crush*cough cough Axel* and it's VERY obvious (bbs/ post kh3)
Axel/ Lea: bisexual, has a crush on saix, but thinks Isa doesn't have a crush on him and Roxas and Xion are just disappointed. People think he's a dumbass on that. (Post kh3)
Demyx: pan. No crushes at the moment, but very pan.
Larxene/ elrana: lesbian, used to have a crush on Strelirzia before she was killed(khux), no love interest at the moment.
Marluxia/ laurium: trans f2m(technically cannon) and gay. While he doesn't have any crushes at the moment, he would flirt with brain sometimes for the fun of it.(Khux)
Xion: non-binary(she/ they pronouns) and bisexual. has dating Roxas for a few months now. (Post kh3)
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ripaxed · 1 year
2023 cast romantic attraction headcanons becuz why not
Wayne is a straight person I respect Chase is a straight person I do not respect.
Axel is literally the archetypal lesbian. Her talking about tools with Nichelle and then Julia in the finale is her idea of flirting.
Ripper is gay but in denial because of internalized homophobia
MK I flip between being lesbian and aro. The former is because she dresses and acts around other women like that and the latter is because I’m projecting
Nichelle is pan, couldn’t tell you why
Julia said she was bisexual for online clout then turned out to actually be bi.
Emma is either bisexual with all round terrible taste or a lesbian with massive comphet
Caleb, I don’t care about this man but he can have a little bisexuality, as a treat
Pryia and Damien?? Bi for bi regardless if they’re friends or romantically interested
Millie is general sapphic
Lauren is pan but describes herself as ‘attracted to whoever is most scared of her at the moment.’
Zee, aro. If someone walked up to them and said they wanted to go on a date with them they’d say “Ah, that’s great for you dude” with complete sincerity and then continue drinking his soda.
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canonically47 · 7 months
I'm curious as to your absolute favorite part of each Total Drama season and each Disventure Camp season.
aw thanks for this ask!! i find it really sweet :3 let's see if my memory can hold up to the task!
total drama
season 1: it may be just because i haven't watched this season in a while, and because it's definitely not my favorite if i had to pick, but i think what stuck with me the most were the duncney first kiss scene (which was sooo adorable i miss them sm <//3), gwen accepting to go on a date with trent (i miss them.. sob....), harold's little >:3 after courtney got eliminated, and gwen and geoff's entire arc in geoff's elimination episode. if i had to choose between all of those, i'd pick the latter. it was such a fun dynamic that unfortunately was soon forgotten.
season 2: a lot of justin scenes are iconic but in the end i have to go with a harold scene, which would be the one in which he punches duncan in the face. yeah that's my favorite part always. what a great guy i love him sm. i also really like the entire dynamic of duncan-harold-heather-leshawna as a group they were AMAZING and even without leshawna in that one episode they SLAYED i love that silly trio
season 3: so since you didn't ask for a specific scene but just for a part, i'll just have to say the entire aleheather arc was amazing. they are such a well-constructed ship and i adore them. i cannot picture them with anyone else but themselves. my favorite scene to come out of the entire season also comes from them: when they're dancing on the train, singing "you are the worst, why must you torment me?" oh god they have it so bad for each other
season 4: roti is so forgettable which is sad because it has so many great characters.. i'll have to go with something related to jo since she's my fav and made the season better, i really liked her bickering with brick and anne maria. she's truly a bisexual enemies-to-lovers icon. i love the scene in which she and brick meet up and start ranting about who ran the most
season 5: that season didn't exist wdym?? but in all honesty aleheather dating was awesome and i miss them sm.. when chris said 'are you two DATING??' something in me shifted he was so funny for that idek why
season 6: ugh i hate you so tdpi.. shawn and jasmine dodging the lasers was pretty dope tho
season 7: hard to say because ridonculous race has a lot of GREAT moments but i just loved the dynamic of the cadets in general. i love how macarthur softened up after breaking sanders' arm and how much she cared for her. i also think the step-brothers were awesome and one of my favorite total drama scenes ever is when they realize how much they have in common. i miss those two goobers! the goths were also iconic and i love every moment they are on the screen, but when they came back to the show dressed in even more hardcore goth i LOST IT /pos
season 8: the rajbow kiss. come on. did you think i'd say anything else? the rajbow kiss was ICONIC
season 9: the fact that it ended... that was the best part. but in all seriousness, i really liked ripaxel. i think this is a hot take at this point. even though they were very rushed, they were such a healthy, happy couple. i was scared for them when axel said that awkward goodbye to ripper but i was so relieved for them in the finale. ripaxel definitely made the season better for me
season 10: i love the scene where damien- oh what's that? season 10 is entirely in my head? oh i would've spoiled TD:TBBG? my bad chief
disventure camp
season 1: i will never forget when i actually teared up when miriam and jake opened up to each other... besides that when alec and fiore started plotting together i became a different, better person. i miss them :( please come back to me lovelies :( i also really loved the tomjake kiss but. yeah we all know what i feel about them now. i miss them so fucking much it's not even funny
season 2: kai standing up to yul was so funny to me because why did his hair go like that /pos i remember i had a doodle in one of my notebooks that was kai going haywire the way he did in that scene and i scribbled the following words by him, with an arrow pointing towards him: 'same guy who goes namaste n shit'. also jaiden... save me jaiden... they were definitely my favorite part of the season :3
season 3: i'll definitely update this after the entire season comes out (october btw. yes i calculated. i put it in my agenda and everything /srs) but the villains alliance is by far the most promising and amazing part of the season. i can't wait to see where it goes next!
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itsjustoctavianhere · 2 years
(if you want)drop your fav Octavian headcanons!!They can be absolutely random like fav food,fav color,music taste!:)I’m really curious
Ayeee hello there! I got some :D🌸
These are a few hcs from my fanon version of Octavian’s story:
He’s Korean-Italian, born in Florence. He speaks both languages fluently, along with a bit of Portuguese.
His mom’s (mortal) a famous model turned designer and his dad was working with a famous magazine which was a part of their family company but left (to distance himself from the family) and became a stay at home dad.
He has a rather unstable power of prophecy. Sometimes when it’s big one, or when he can’t control his powers, he has a similar episode as Rachel, but with the words getting brunt on his skin, in Latin. The scars disappear seconds after the prophetic episode, and it’s like nothing happened tho it leaves him with a ton of side effects, ranging from dehydration, nose bleeds and intense body pain. For smaller ones his eyes glow while he reads a from the stuffings. That just leaves him with dry eyes.
This I consider canon: He’s trans 🏳️‍⚧️ and bisexual.
Jason + Reyna + Octavian, the ultimate trio. Until Octavian drifted apart due to jealousy, inferiority complex and his family’s pressure on him.
Now the random ones ✨
He learnt to play the piano professionally.
He played COD with Travis Stoll for two years before the events of TLH, unbeknownst to them that the other is from the enemy camp. (His name was thedaggerofCaesar88)
He says his favourite colours are purple and maroon but in reality it’s cyan.
He had a bowl cut as a kid, and got made fun of for it, so he cut it his hair himself but it became a choppy undercut. He grew it out for a year and later cut it like Jason’s.
Closest BTS fan. He’s got all his merch hidden away.
Was appointed as Jason’s babysitter after he came to camp. (Has used the “I raised you” guilt trip)
Can’t whistle.
Has a high spice tolerance, but no one believes him.
Has three tattoos.
He writes in cursive.
He once landed a triple Axel.
He was really close with Michael.
He bit someone once
He has got a ‘David’ in his name somewhere
Big fan of Noir films
Has an old school music taste. Ranging from Classic instrumentals to 50’s classics
Has an emotional support Teddy Bear.
Refuses to curse. But the moment he’s outside of CJ, lord have mercy
Loves Melon bread with honey
His skin reflects light. He’s a fucking prism /j
That’s all I got for now 🥹
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
do you have any total drama (2023) season 2 predictions?
thanks for the ask, anon!
these are all based on the four episodes I've watched and the stuff I've seen circulating tumblr abt the season!
imma split this up to make things easier for everyone-
goddammit I need more axel and nichelle screentime pls and tyvm--tumblr has got me shipping them and I can't get out of that hole
but seriously, I hope now that they learned from the mistakes they'd made this season, next season they get far--preferably post-merge
popular take but: CAN CHEMMA FUCKING BREAK UP IN S2?? like emma realizing all this isn't worth it and splitting it off with chase (or, for whatever reason, the other way around--only bc I've seen posts speculating on that happening lmao, or they mutually split it, or what-fucking-ever. I literally do not care how they split or who's the initiator, I just want them split!)
I need more of MK!! I heard she gets booted pretty early :( but I'm hoping in s2, she's back and better than ever!
this is smth I haven't seen a lot when it comes to asks like this, but some solid ripper characterization would be neat--without the fart jokes, might I add. like I saw this post talking abt ripper realizing that his "manly disposition" isn't getting him anywhere and he gets close to certain ppl in the show and have to move past his previous beliefs and embrace his inner soft side that he's repressed.
no but seriously, I don't rlly like ripper all that much rn, so this happening in s2 would be rlly cool to his character!
bisexual emma pls??? and possibly bisexual chase??? idk if fresh will make that happen but a girl can hope, ig lmao
bowie and emma repairing their friendship-
idk I like the idea of a bowie and caleb rivalry bc bowie got caleb voted off, so maybe caleb feels some resentment for that and wants to get even in s2?? and ofc since it's bowie, he's not gonna take that lying down-
need more millie & priya friendship fr
I’ve heard that damien and priya have cute interactions so I hope they get more time to grow??? not strictly as a ship btw but I wouldn’t be opposed to that (my multishipping ass trying to find middle ground here lmao)
I need more damien and scary girl interactions, those two were hilarious
I know most of these are my hopes rather than predictions, but what I will say is that there will def be more raj and bowie moments. like that's a no-brainer, Fresh would be pretty dumb not to have that happen
this is more of a combo of a hope and a prediction, but more multi-dimensional characterizations of scary girl, caleb, nichelle, damien, and axel?? none of them got enough screentime to add more to their characters so I'm betting s2 will focus on them...hopefully
chemma breakup--there's no way that ship can be fixed lmao, they're better off not together and--if fresh rlly wants it--with other ppl
bowie's prob gonna make it post-merge but not to the final two again. idk abt priya but I'm hoping it's the same for her too bc I love both of them sm-
I've seen discussions of a potential 'wayne and raj separate teams' arc, and while that would be crushing, I feel like that could happen?? it'd certainly bring forth some sort of tension/drama
these are all that I can think of. maybe once I finish watching the season, I can give a more lengthy list!
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magnetaxel · 5 months
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( TIMOTHEE CHALAMET, CIS MAN, HE/HIM ) AXEL CAMPBELL the TWENTY-SEVEN year old is known as THE MAGNET within the group. they are known to be PASSIONATE and CONDESCENDING  which makes sense when you think about how HE SPENT TWO YEARS IN A CULT but i guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
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✖ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬
↳ caard | introduction ↳ connections | plot ideas ↳ playlist ↳ pinterest ↳ musings ↳ visage
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✖ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬
full   name.   axel elias campbell
nicknames.   ax
age.   twenty - seven 
date   of   birth.   january 31, 1999  
place   of   birth.   california
gender.   cis - man 
pronouns.   he / him
sexual   orientation.   bisexual  
insipired by.  pactrick verona ( 10 things i hate about you ), sam weir ( freaks and geeks ), the narrator and sometimes tyler durden ( fight club ), holden caufield ( the catcher in the rye ), andrew neiman ( whiplash ), tom ripley ( the talented mr. ripley ), chandler bing ( friends )
✖ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
los angeles. there was nothing more axel hated that have been born and spend the first years of his life in this place. the kind of place where everyone's got their own script, their own lines rehearsed to perfection. yet, behind the glittering lights and palm trees he found nothing but emptiness, like a soundstage after the cameras stopped rolling. his abhorrence for it burned fiercely within him, especially considering he hailed from the part he despised the most: the affluent enclave.
thankfully, it only lasted ten years. michigan felt like a much better fit for axel. while not perfect, it offered a sense of space where he could disappear for days without bumping into anyone—a habit his parents despised since he often used it as an excuse to escape. but for axel, those moments brought a temporary peace, easing his aversion to so many other things.
axel's teenage years are a sore spot for his parents. a staunch rebel, he defied the constraints imposed by his family's wealth and status. despite being a bright student, he disregarded authority and boundaries at school, landing himself in the vice principal's office for truancy often. unlike typical truants, axel wasn't out indulging in vices; instead, he spent his days in the library reading or dozing off. while his behavior nearly led to expulsion on multiple occasions, daddy's money always managed to secure his place in school.
despite his introverted nature, axel had a natural charm that endeared him to others. he remained puzzled by this, but people were consistently drawn to him, leading to his popularity in high school. this popularity often clashed with his preference for solitude. while his twin brother reveled in hosting weekend parties, axel preferred retreating to his room to play drums or bury himself in a good book.
axel wasn't exactly the life of the party, but when he decided to join in, he had a way of turning the gathering into something memorable.
after graduating, axel found himself torn between the universities that had accepted him. ultimately, he chose to stay in michigan, pursuing a major in comparative literature and a minor in linguistics. however, a year before completing his degree, he quietly left without offering much explanation. he vaguely informed his parents that he intended to embark on a backpacking journey around the world, disappearing from most people's lives for two years. recently returning, he resumed his studies at the university but found himself adrift. that's why, despite the volatile nature of his relationship with aaron, he agreed to join him at his lake house.
growing up with ace as his twin was a mixed bag for axel. on one hand, having a built-in best friend and partner in crime was a source of comfort and joy. yet, ace's deep understanding of him also made axel feel exposed and vulnerable at times. their brotherly relationship was tumultuous, marked by highs of friendship and lows of conflict. currently, their bond was strained due to axel's unexplained departure. oftentimes, axel feels stuck in a perpetual tug-of-war between individuality and unity, never quite sure which side he belonged to.
✖ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
isfj, type 9 / the peacemaker (enneagram), melancholic (temperament), chaotic good, aquarius, ravenclaw.
for some reason he's charming, which he sees more as a disadvantage than a virtue. even when he tries to be obnoxious people don't take it that way.
much to his chagrin, he also has a naturing and protective personality. he struggles to say no. and if he trusts you and considers you a friend, believe it that you will have his loyalty till the end.
a fucking snob. not about money but he will judge you over your taste in music, movies and books.
while friendly and approachable, he can also be quite reserved and private, especially when it comes to sharing feelings.
very sarcastic, he tries not to be but he just can't help it. also a tad cynical.
typically laid-back and easygoing who prefers to avoid conflict and drama.
deeply impulsive.
✖ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
axel has been playing drums since he was five years old. his parents realize he would not be good at sports so they decided to channel his energy to music. much to his chagrin, he picked the most annoying instrument to have at a house.
learned russian just for fun but he can also speak french.
his guilty pleasure is watching reality shows. he's so ashamed for it.
no one knows this except for 3 people but he's extremely claustrophobic. the 3 people who know are the ones that got stuck with him on an elevator.
hates vegetables. he really does, he can't stand them. green juice? fuck that, should be illegal.
he's trying to quit smoking so that's why he always has tic tacs or gum with him to ease the anxiety.
can't do math for shit. so i bet he's been scammed several times with his change.
has a spotify playlist that lasts 700 hours of music.
the cult thing... if you've read the rumor that shawn mendes was in one, it was that one.
he was shocked when aaron d-worded, but didn't cry. i'm not saying he didn't care, he's just like well...
✖ 𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐧
the magnet
this is the leader, the one people always look to. he just always seems to have the answers and be protective of those he loves. this muse and aaron often butted heads over who was really leading the group. they are the fraternal twin to the spitfire. they are originally from california but moved here at 10 and have stayed in michigan.
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axulrich · 10 months
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⸻⸻ ✦ BOYD HOLBROOK, MALE, HE/HIM ✦ AXEL ULRICH the THIRTY-NINE year old has been in the QZ for FIVE YEARS. The COOK is said to be CHARMING and ARROGANT but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
FULL NAME: Axel Ulrich
BIRTHDAY: July 19th, 1984
ZODIAC: Cancer
TENDENCIES: Overt flirting, being a cocky asshole
PARENTS: deceased
OTHER FAMILY: Only child
Axel's life was a conundrum from the moment he took his first breath. Born to drug addicted teens in the mid 80s who weren't worthy enough to be talked about, in Axel's mind. He was raised by his grandmother who, bless her heart, tried to give him everything she could. Growing up in poverty had taught him a thing or two about skimming your way by to survive.
His young life, despite the hardships, is still rather carefree. He has a normal childhood, a happy upbringing. He, despite his aversion for authority and school, managed to keep himself afloat. He dated around happily, had friends that stuck around, and managed to score himself a sports scholarship with a full-ride to his college of choice in Northern Texas, it was almost too good to be true.
The world falls apart a couple weeks before he was set to start college, undoing all his hard work, leaving him left to pick up the pieces. And his grandmother, well, she doesn't make it past a couple days. The batch of infected grains was the culprit and for once in Axel's life, he's at a loss, finding his grandmother in such a state that, back then, he wouldn't be able to describe to anyone. She was in the early, early stages of infection—all rabid and mindless, her eyes still her own, sad and forgiving. He does what he has to, to survive.
Axel found himself in a different QZ not long after, somewhere in Plano—it was much larger, less democracy and fair-shared tasks. It was a bloodbath half of the time, people fighting for food or to prove their own dominance. Axel would be lying if he said he didn't have to partake a few times, several, actually.
The Dallas QZ finds him later in life and he's never been more grateful. He takes up cooking, not much experience to his name, but he enjoys it. Plus, he never has to worry about going hungry when he's the one supplying the meals to the town. Axel is comfortable, which is rare for him. He appreciates the friends he's made and the place he's been given in the community, he wouldn't give that up for anything. For anyone. He's on his own and he's protective of that, of himself.
playlist — pinterest —
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blueathens · 2 years
Heartbreak Teens
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Summary: In which Steve chats with his hookup gone wrong about unrequited love.
Song: Love Of My Life by Queen Quote: ‘He loves her, so he’s letting her go.’
A/N: Wrote this whilst having Covid, so it’s not the best as I’ve been really tired - so I do apologise for that.
A/N 2: Not proof read.
A/N 3: Italics means flashback.
Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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“Have you ever been in love?” The young blonde questioned.
Steve and the blonde sat cross-legged on his bed. Steve pinched his duvet between his thumb and index finger as he glanced round his bedroom.
It was the easiest question that was ever said to him, so without any hesitation he responded with: “yes.”
The girl simply giggles. “Of course,” she spoke as if the answer was already obvious, “Nancy Wheeler, right?”
He should have just lied, he should have said yes, he should have told her the answer she was expecting, but he didn’t…he told her the truth, and it only made the pain feel rawer.
“Nope,” he says whilst popping the letter ‘p.’ “Y/n Henderson, actually.” He doesn’t whisper it like he was ashamed, but he does speak it quietly as if he was sharing a secret with his hook-up gone wrong.
It was meant to be a hook-up, then she realised this was something neither of them wanted, so now she was getting him to admit all of his deepest secrets.
“Y/n Henderson? No way,” she gasped, dragging out the last word as she tried to wrap her head around what Steve just told her.
Y/n Henderson was a very pretty woman, someone most girls would be envious of, even more if they found out she was the one who captured Steve Harrington’s heart. She was funny too. She always got in trouble at school for being the typical class clown.
And most of all Y/n Henderson had a good heart. Always with those damn kids that were her brother and his friends – no one truly knowing that she protected the life out of them every time danger came, but Steve knew…he knew as he was now the person who helps her.  
“I always thought I didn’t…” he pauses to think of how he should reword his jumbled-up thoughts. “She told me she loved me when I was with Nancy and since then it made me question a lot of things. My questioning made Nancy break-up with me, and when I was ready to tell Y/n that I’m in love with her too, I see her giggling around with some guy she works with…Axel Myers?”
“Unrequited loves a bitch,” the girl breathlessly laughed, “my bisexual arse went and fell in love with this girl who probably doesn’t even know I exist as her eyes are only on this girl called Vickie.”
Steve didn’t even blink at the fact that the girl in front of him was bisexual, no, all he did was raise his brows as he says: “Are you talking about–”
“Your best friend? Yeah…guess I am.”
Robin Buckley is his best friend, the one person who had to suffer hearing Steve cry over Y/n Henderson, the one girl he’s been wanting since the moment Nancy Wheeler broke up with him.
He would bring down the moon for her if that was what she wanted. Or he would buy a star and name it after her, if that was what she wanted. Or he would catch a thousand fireflies to light up her darkest days, if that was what she wanted. He would do anything for her, anything she wants he would do with no questions.
He would do anything for her as long as she knew he loves her.
But he was too late as now Axel was bringing her flowers just to bring a bashful smile onto her face. He was the one that made cheesy jokes just to hear her laugh. He was the one who was sneaking through her window to hold her during the night. He was the one who got to show her the amount of love he has for her.
And he may not have been doing anything extreme in showing his love for Y/n, like Steve would. But Axel was making Y/n extremely happy and that was worth more than a thousand fireflies.
“I-I think I should let her go,” Steve lowly admitted.
“Let her go?” The girl tilted her head, hands reaching forwards to grip Steve’s knees. “Why?”
“And Y/n has the most prettiest eyes ever Rob–”
���You’ve never seen Star Wars?” A familiar voice fills Family Video, a voice he knew so well as he would hear it nearly everyday of his life, but recently he’s been hearing that voice less. It was followed by a laugh that makes his heart jump to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
“No,” a guy chuckled. “I haven’t had the pleasure in watching it yet.”
Steve narrowed his eyes at the door as he watched two of his most favourite people ever enter with his least favourite.
Dustin and Y/n Henderson was with that Axel guy again. He had his arm thrown over Y/n, bringing her closely to his side as he placed the occasional kiss to the crown of her head. He watched Dustin with so much love in his eyes as he listened to Dustin ramble on about Star Wars.
It almost looked like the three of them were a family.
Steve wondered if he could have prevented all of this from happening, if he didn’t push them away the moment he saw Y/n with Axel. He should have told her then, allowed her to see all of her options. To see that he was in love with her, always has been, even if it was too late. That he was secretly in love with her even when he was with Nancy and rejected her.
He was in love with her, but he guess it’s too late to tell her now as she looks happy.
She is happy.
“We got to watch Star Wars now,” the voice belonging to Dustin came closer to the counter, making Steve snap out of his daydream. He quickly looked to his side to see Robin has disappeared, leaving him to check out the film that was now being placed in front of him.
“Whatever you want little man,” Axel teased, placing his hand over the top of Dustin’s hat, and a small scowl appeared on the young teens face when he felt Axel began to move his hand side to side to mess up his hair underneath.
Axel chuckles once more – it was Steve’s least favourite sound – and moved his hand away.
Dustin smiles as he taps the edge of the counter as he looked at his friend, Steve.
“At least you’ve seen Star Wars,” Dustin gave a teasing look at Axel from over his shoulder before looking back at Steve.
“Only because you and Y/n made me watch it with the party.” Steve smiles as he checks the film out.
“Couldn’t leave you uncultured, could we?” A pink tint made its way to Steve cheeks as he hears her voice again – the voice that made his heart race – he glances up to her placing the money down on the counter before wrapping her arms round her boyfriend – well Steve thinks Axel is her boyfriend – waist.
“At least I’ve seen Back to the Future,” Steve narrowed his eyes at her playfully, watching as she rolled her eyes with a smile that could light up an entire city.
Steve made her smile and that was enough to make his day.
“I have now,” she mutters. “Axel and I watched it last week.”
“Oh?” Steve frowns slightly as he takes the money and handed the film to Dustin.
Y/n and Steve always promised that they would watch it together. That he would rent it out and she would get loads of snacks, they would build a den and then watch it together – and perhaps that would be when Steve admits his feelings for Y/n.
But they never did that as Axel happened instead.
“Hey man,” Axel spoke up before Steve could ask Y/n if she liked it. “If you want, you could come over and watch this film with us.”
The Henderson’s looked at him with begging eyes, and Steve would normally never say no to them, but this time he had too as he knew his heart wouldn’t be able to handle the sight of Axel loving the girl that Steve could never stop thinking about.
“I think I’ll have to pass this time,” Steve gives him a fake smile. “Late shift.”
Axel nods, taking the film out of Dustin’s hands before gesturing to the two Henderson’s that they best be going to get some food.
And before they do leave Y/n tells Steve: “we do miss you, Steve. We should all hang out again, I would really like that.”
Steve inhales a deep breath, smiling as he nods at her.
Then he watched the girl he loved too late leave, her hand in Axel’s and when they left the shop Steve watched with a heavy heart at Axel leaned down to give Y/n the softest of kisses.
He kissed her as if she was a gentle flower, and she was, and Steve hopped that that man would look after her as if she was the last remaining flower in the flower.
Steve needed Y/n to stay happy, and so far, she looked like she was the happiest she has ever been.
Even Dustin looked happy.
And as long as the two of them were happy, he didn’t mind, even if that meant he wasn’t in their lives much anymore.
“Why are you letting her go?” The girl questioned him again. “You love her don’t you?”
And that was the thing, he loves her, he loves her so much that he would let her go and be happy with a man that wasn’t him.
He loves her, so he’s letting her go.
And despite the main cracks that would make in his heart, he knew he would be fine as long as knew Y/n was smiling.
“I do,” Steve whispers. “I love her too much.”
“Then why are you letting her go?”
And Steve just smiles before laying back on his bed, arms crossed under his head as he stares up at his ceiling with glassy eyes.
“Because,” his voice cracks as he speaks, “she’s happy.”
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OC SERIES: Before You Go
Writing Rule||Character List||Navigation||Masterlist
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Okay. Um. This is new to me, I never really liked character x reader fics or things of this sort but this- it intrigues me.
Um. I'd like to do that pair up game? Pretty please?
I'm 18, latina (too dark to be white, too white to be dark), bilingual and working on the next ones. I like to sing, draw, play with my pets. I have 3 cats (F Destiny, M Melquisedec, M Axel), a dog (F Maya), a hamster (M Dante). Autistic, bisexual (but pan when it comes to animated characters, with them I just go WILD) but with a prefference for males in real life but wild fantasies with females. I flirt with both sides though.
If the partner is the, for a lack of a better word, 'authoritary' of the relationship, I tend to be either the pouty partner or the stan partner. If they're sweet I tend to be either the bad influence or the blushing mess. If they're mischivious I am both the voice of reason sometimes and the partner in crime some other times. And if they're the sheepish softies or the shy/scared, I am both the "exCUSE ME THEY ORDERED WITH NO PICKLES" and the "you've been naughty".
I am 5.5 feet. I like sweets better than normal food except when said food is pizza, especially with extra cheese.
Romantic and angst lover. The short king must be very charming, otherwise I will preffer a tall prince. Girls in every shape and size interest me.
Kinda lazy, tbh. And I don't take shit, I'm leaving the second time the partner crosses my boundaries.
Did I give enough information? Was it good?
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups! You did great!
The Case Study of Vanitas Matchup: I pair you with… Noé Archiviste!
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(Romantic Matchup)
A fellow Gryffindor, so Gryffindor power couple! Noé also loves that you are bilingual! He knows a little Japanese but mainly speaks French as he is in Paris. He asks for you to translate things to your native languages all the time because he loves watching and hearing you speak! 
He also loves to listen to you sing, and the two of you bond over your pets! Your pets and Murr don't get along at first, but after working with them from the both of you, they become fast friends! Just keep Dante the hamster away from Murr. He might eat him.
Noé is definitely the sweet partner out of you two but sometimes can be a bit mischievous. He’s also 6’1”, so quite a bit taller than you! The two of you also love to explore Paris for dates and find the best sweets you can! Noé is definitely a tall prince-type character, so he matches great with you! He would also never cross your boundaries and make you uncomfortable!
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Matchup: I pair you with… Alphonse Elric!
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(Romantic Matchup and post-FMAB, so Al has his body back)
The two of you initially met in Xing through Mei Chang as Alphonse travels the world and hits it off quickly! He’s not fluent in a bunch of languages. He really only knows Amestrian and is conversational in Xingese. He thinks it's so cool that you are bilingual! He asks for tips and tricks in learning more languages when he starts learning Aerugonian!
He’s also the sweetest Hufflepuff/Gryffindor I have ever seen, so the two of you make a lovely match! Alphonse also ADORES your pets, especially your three cats! He’s also more of the sweet, mischievous partner like Noé. He has moments when he’s a bit of a prankster, especially after getting his body back.
I don’t know how tall Alphonse is at the end of FMAB, but I can guess. I’d say he’s probably around 5’8-5’9” since he’s still taller than Edward, who is 5’6-5’7” at the end of FMAB. So he’s average height and possibly a little taller, seeing as he’s only 17-18 at the end of Brotherhood! He’s one never to cross your boundaries and make you uncomfortable either! He loves you too much to do that and constantly clarifies so he never accidentally crosses your boundaries. 
Seven Deadly Sins Matchup: I pair you with…King!
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(Platonic Matchup since he’s like over a thousand years old)
I see King as a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor! So a lot like Alphonse and even Noé! Maybe you have a type, lol. King speaks a lot of languages himself. He speaks Fairy, all manner of human languages, giant language, and even the occasional demon dialect! He loves your animals and can even communicate with them to some degree. It’s a natural ability of fairies to be able to communicate somewhat with animals. 
I’d say King is the anxious but more laidback type of friend. Like he cares about you a lot, so he worries about you as well. For example, if the two of you go out to eat somewhere, let's say for lunch, and they get his order wrong? You’ll most definitely have to step up for him because he won’t say anything and just eat it as it is.
I honestly was so confused when I was trying to find King’s height. I haven't watched/read Seven Deadly Sins in YEARS, so I got all kinds of things spoiled for me. But the best I could find was that he was around 5’3”-5’11”. So take that as you will haha. The two of you go out with Diane to find sweets all the time! It’s a common hangout for you three to split up and just go hunt down sweets to later bring back and share :)
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ryansjane · 3 years
Hi Axelle 👋
Fun fact: often, at random moments, I notice something (it can be anything really; from a specific character to lighting or an figure skater’s costume) that seems bisexual to me. And whenever I do, I hear your ‘ting ting, bisexual’ alarm 🛎 from your “every off jumpol’s character is bisexual” video. 😂 Just wanted you to know how much you’ve infiltrated my brain (in a good way, I might add! 😌). And how much I appreciate your videos. 💐
— Thel. 💚
hi!!! OMG when I tell you this is the bestest compliment, I really mean it! truly put a smile on my face <333 this is legit the reason I make videos, thank you so much!!!
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patton-cake · 3 years
Hi, I suck at finding new webtoons to read and I was wondering if other people felt the same, so here's a list of my favourite webtoons.
Keep in mind, I'm a minor, so all of these are like, sfw.
Everything typed like this will be the actual summary written by the author
The rest of the text will just be my own thoughts and opinions
My criteria:
Is it fun to read?
Is the Art nice to look at?
Are the characters interesting?
Is the romance forced?
Still updating
Blood Stain
A story about courage, growing up and finding friendships in most unlikely places... spiced with some MAD SCIENCE!
I read this one not too long ago and I really enjoyed it! The art is amazing, I love the characters and I can’t wait to read more!
A comic about two childhood friends who grew apart, but have now been pushed back into each other's lives, for better or for worse
The representation is so nice and so natural in this one. One of the main characters is a trans gay dude and in his friend group there is a trans bi girl, a bisexual non-binary character, a lesbian, another gay dude and there’s also an asexual character. I just really like it.
Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, meet at a British all-boys grammar school. Friendship blooms quickly, but could there be something more...?
I think we all know this one by now, but yeah, go read it again.
I want to be a cute anime girl
Charon's sister dressed him up as a girl, and he liked it. This is their story, learning about who they are, and their friends and family around them.
Another story about a trans person! Because yes! Anyways, this comic helped me realise that ‘oh, cis people don’t think like that..’. The comic is just overall really nice to read
Lemon, soda & coffee
When you notice a pretty stranger on the streets, chances are you’ll never meet them again. You’ll just walk by and continue your normal flow of life… Axel’s pipe dream of seeing his pretty stranger again is, for better or worse, met with an extra package. 
This is one of my favourites at the moment. It’s just really sweet and I really like the art. It does deal with PTSD, so a warning for that, but yeah, I really love this one.
Hades' and Persephone's love-struck misadventures.  
Some author as Blood Stain! So the Art is equally amazing, if not better, because damn, those Greek God designs are so cool. Based on Greek Mythology (obviously) but with more consent! That’s always nice!
R.U. Screwed
Howie and Sooch are friends and floormates at Raisley University. Howie secretly has a thing for Sooch. Sooch just wants to make it through the semester. Will they lose their minds?!
Deals with discovering your sexuality and all that. It’s really cute and I love the way the author handles the different sittuations. It feels really comforting to read.
Socializing 101
Ever since he was young Mihai had always been intimidating and socially awkward making others avoid him. He grew up to preferring to stay within his social circle that include his grandmother, two friends and his beloved cat Muffins…Well, that how it used to be until he started university and a new neighbour  moves in with his friend and she turns out to be almost the exact opposite of him. 
Another one of my absolute favourites. Again, it just reads really nice, the art is amazing, the characters are interesting, the romance isn’t forced, I love it.
Tied in Red
Ned's a normal guy. All he wants is a normal life, with a normal job, and a normal wife, in the normal universe where those with soul mates are born with a red string on their pinkie. 
Really like this one too. The art is nice, I like the way the story progresses, the characters are fun, the romance isn’t forced (yes these are my standards. It’s suprising how high they are apparently).
Aerial Magic
The daily life of an apprentice witch.
 This was one of the first Webtoons I read. The art is stunning (no seriously, look at it!!!), romance isn’t the main plot (the demiromantic in me was so happy), the character designs are so interesting and pretty and beautiful and- yeah I could go on about the art
Always Human
This is a story about nanobots, genetic engineering, and two girls falling in love. No matter how technology changes us, we'll always be human.
Same artist as Aerial Magic so yes!! The art is amazing!! I really like the way this author creates fantasy worlds. It’s so interesting (same in Aerial Magic), the characters are again absolutely stunning and it has cute lesbians! What more do you want!
In a very special town, there’s a very unusual bakery where the house specialty is a selection of baked treats hand-crafted to help you make your dreams come true – whether you need inspiration, support or confidence, they’ve got a cake or muffin fresh-made with magic to meet your needs. But for Ray, a quiet young woman with special powers of her own, the order is always the same: a hot tea with a delicious side of romance.
I loved the ending. Sounds weird, but I just really like how the story dealt with everything and how you can really understand every choice the main character makes. Amazing world building, beautiful art,
Just for Kicks
A lighthearted comic about an amateur university Taekwondo club! Join the team as they train, sweat, eat, & laugh their way through daily life.
I know nothing about martial arts, but this was still so enjoyable to read. I just love the art style and yeah, it was a great reading experience.
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Pride Fact Swap! My serpent shapeshifter Naj sometimes forgets hes bisexual XD Hes very much in love with his boyfriend Kain, but every now and again a lady will catch his eye and he'll just have this "oh! Right" moment
That’s a cool fact! Thanks so much for the ask!
My character, Axel coincidentally found out he was bisexual because he developed a crush on someone he frequently saw at the library. He thought he was seeing a nice guy and then a nice girl, but then he found out they were the same nonbinary person, named Avery. They are dating, haha.
Axel and Avery swap clothes to prank his older sister, or if they need to sneak into some place. Think something like this:
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heesulovebot · 4 years
Why are you acting like you're watching actual gay actors when the majority of them are straight men(who are sexist and probably homophobic too) who use these drama as stepping stone for their careers? 99% of bl everyone watches are problematic & promote abuse so it's not like you all are better than that girl. She already apologized for whitewashing & you all trying too much to make something out of nothing. The bl industry caters to heteros & maybe you should direct that anger to bl industry.
hi, anon! whether you're one of axelle's followers or axelle herself, i can tell by this ask that you still fail to see the point.
you're definitely super right about the BL industry: it monopolizes off of the fetishisization of gay men by straight women and their fantasies. it is definitely a deterrent to a lot of LGBT+ issues as it perpetuates heteronormative stereotypes. no one is denying that, or defending the industry. but nice try playing devil's advocate— because that totally doesn't dismiss the issue at hand or anything 🙄
the issue that LGBT+ people in the fandom may have with axelle is that she is someone who allegedly has a big following and she perpetuates these fetishizations to her massive platform all under the guise of being an "ally"... do you fail to see how harmful that can be? essentially, axelle's blog is a space where these fetishists can come and leave creepy asks in her inbox and she will respond to them positively, because she too is a fetishist. i mean… all it takes is to read one paragraph of one of her smutty fics to see that... 
and if someone from the community calls her out, she immediately becomes defensive and makes excuses. yeah, i get it, nobody is perfect— but if you're going to be a self-proclaimed ally, maybe uhhhhhhhhhh don't speak over the voices of actual LGBT+ ppl???? don't dismiss actual LGBT+ people who think you said something offensive???? i don’t know about you, but if someone tells me i’ve offended them, my immediate response is not to refute them. honestly, i’d feel bad. i’d like to know what it is i did or said, and i’d like to educate myself and listen to the voices of the people i’ve offended. in doing this, i can recognize that i’m not a bad person in the grand scheme of things, and that i made a mistake, and i can move forward and grow.
it’s literally as simple as that.  
since @piningbisexuals​ says that people have never asked her for an apology (even though, the moment someone points out you’ve said something or done something offensive you should apologize immediately without being asked to or going on a whole spiel defending yourself— but that’s just me) here are some things i’d like to personally request of axelle:
take the bisexual out of your url if you claim to be a straight ally. having bisexual in your url is completely deceptive (i remember way back when i followed axelle and a bi person came to her for advice in her inbox and she said she was straight, but still proceeded to offer advice). not only is this incredibly deceptive, but this infringes on queer spaces. since you don't seem to understand i'll give you an example that might make it more clear: this is like a white person inserting themselves into a POC space. it's incredibly tone deaf and it makes people in that space not feel safe. i am a bisexual woman and your deception makes me feel unsafe.
since you're such an influential blog, maybe tell your following to stop harassing the queer people who have called you out. i know you think you may have succeeded in painting yourself the victim, but just know that you dismissing these voices is truly disgusting.
literally just reflect on your actions and just grow from this??? please. stop victimizing yourself. calling you out on toxic shit is not bullying. people have tried to speak to you in a mature way, and that obviously didn’t work. literally… just stop making excuses.
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