#May: when will you learn?? When will you learn that your actions have consequences!!
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
@seasidemew lmao hi I'm bullying ur boy, hope you enjoy
Actions and consequences
Syn turned on his feet as his head craned to look around and admire the vast expanse of the training room, it was large though a bit dull, the floorings and walls and even the ceiling were squared evenly.
"I, expected a bit more than just a room?" He queried glancing at May who shrugged back to him.
"It can be anything anyone wants it's just currently being left as a room," She leant her body backwards avoiding a stray scrap of rock that sank into the flooring by a few inches, there was a loud crash of energy followed by a distressingly loud reverb that shook and vibrated through their bodies, May had to adjust to not be swept over by the sheer force of the energy outburst.
Dark energy collided with bright purples as Darkness and Axel violently physically clashed together, their shoulders ramming into the other with bangs of energy being released by each collision before they rapidly split and repeated. Syn blinked, watching the sheer abundance of energy being released along with all the stray attacks going wild as the two Mewtwo fought trying to defeat the other, his tongue licked his inner lip.
"My, so much power.. What are they fighting over?"
"They're trying to work out who's strongest, Darkness made herself by all means perfect and enhanced herself with synergy crystals as you know while Axel is the first Mewtwo of our world and the beginning of our bloodline so is I suppose he's Darkness' potential in its purest rawest form, no dna damage through cloning or anything, sooo they're duking it out."
Syn hummed watching the fight, not entirely sure who was winning. Sensing more he glanced to the side spotting a familiar red pink hue on a mega Y form mewtwo, they were flying around showing off with tricks away from the fight with arms made of pure stable psychic energy.
"Hey look Auntie Imp I got it!" Syn heard and watched the mega twirl before seeming to teleport with rapid jumps of speed, a mewtwo he'd never seen before sat watching Matt in his foolishness, he watched her clap her hands thin delicate tail swaying as she spoke praises.
"She's not your aunt, there's no genetic relation between you!" Axel hollered in his fight, sending a kick into Darkness' face.
"Fuck youuu an auntie is something spiritual not necessarily related!!" Matt hollered back as he sped jumped about before hitting a wall and hitting the floor with a thud and losing the mega form. Syn couldn't help a slight chuckle as his eyes roamed the unfamiliar two before returning to the active fight at the horrid crunching as Darkness was send slamming into the floor with Axels standing on her back to do so making her body scrape the floor and crunch harder as his weight and psychic force crushed her down.
"Just submit." He pushed down on her harder making something else crunch, Darkness' hands clenched into fists shaking with rage and pain.
"how about," Darkness' hands unclenched resting on the floor of the arena, "NO!" stones erupted from the floor spiking jagged and fast, blood spilt onto her back from Axels side as he shot upwards missing the worst of it but bleeding. With noticeable effort Darkness pulled herself out from the crater made from her impact before shooting after Axel to resume fighting. Syn let out a low whistle as the floor shimmered and returned to its original state.
"You weren't kidding..they're going at it…" Despite not having a need for it he wondered how Axels life would taste, how much energy and power he could rip from his chest. Part gluttony part jealousy as he watched the large two, he moved surprisingly quickly for his size and with surprising agility and flexibility. As Syns' eyes followed trained on Axel he noticed he had a slightly different flying style. It was hard to explain, he moved more effortlessly like he was lighter.
"So, he's like your dad then?" He inquired casually glancing at May for a second before returning to the fight. "I can't see a resemblance."
"Ehhh, I'm like 5 generations down from him lots of dna damage from like being a clone of a clone etcetera so lots of differences have arisen since him to make me how I am, Darkness and Matt are 6 generations down from him," She paused to think counting on her fingers quietly, "I, don't know for sure but I never really saw or heard whisper of my like direct dna parent, I don't think they made it to be honest they just had their dna, maybe stem or sex cells or both or whatever not sure I'm not a scientists but they had stuff taken from them to make me, and well the others that didn't make it…" she quietly shook her head flinching her shoulders at a loud sharp bang of lightning, "Dusty is actually only 3 generations down from him, he's similar to Axel purple and all, his dna wasn't immediately used preserved and made later so technically he's genetically older than us but he's younger. I think he's the only one living from further back in our bloodline, I think the others were terminated or just didn't survive." She watched the fight with quiet concern that they might be going too far with this battle.
"I think someone should stop them.." Syn put out a hand to stop her moving.
"Not letting that someone be you, they're both too high on aggression right now, if someone were to get between them now I think they'd attack them blindly. So no you're not pulling some self sacrificing someone's gotta stop this fighting nonsense because you'll get hurt and then they'll get mad at you for interrupting and getting hurt." May huffed hot air at Syn in mock frustration as she pulled a face making him chuckle. His finger booped her nose softly. "Am I right princess pout or am I right?" May let out a sudden exhale of a laugh.
"Princess pout? I ain't pouting!" She laughed giving him a look that melted into a smile, "but, you're right yea they'd be mad I didn't let them figure it out." Syn chuckled casually wrapping an arm around her shoulders pulling her in to give her a squeeze.
"See I'm learning, getting you all figured out. I'll be able to worm my way into your heart in no time." He casually joked as he felt her leaning against him more.
"Nah you've already done that, and unfortunately for you you can't take this knowledge into different worlds you have to learn it all organically there yourself." Syn snorted and snapped his fingers.
"Damn," and provided a soft shoulder squeeze in play and held May closer at another loud crashing. Looking back to the fight Axel had Darkness rammed into the wall and was flying along keeping her shoved into the barrier at rapid speeds leaving a trench in the foundations till they fixed themselves bits of rubble flying around for emphasis before he made a beeline down still dragging Darkness through the wall essentially before slamming her once more into the floor with enough force to send up a plume of white smoke dust and bits of brick.
Axel landed waiting for the dust to clear before slowly approaching where Darkness lay crumbled.
"Do you yield." Darkness whimpered in response before trying to shove herself back up on trembling limbs. Axel grabbed the middle section of her tail turning on his feet and swinging to slam her back into the wall with a cry of pain before she slid down the wall.
"Do you yield."
Again Darkness did not answer palms pressing down on the rocks strewn about trying to once more press on to fight further. Axel stood on the side of her neck and pushed down with force enough that May and Syn felt the breeze.
Darkness opened her eye around the bruising giving him a defiant glare before her eye looked away closing again.
"I yield.." The words reluctantly left her mouth feeling like poison on her tongue as Axel stepped off her neck, he wrapped one arm around and under the middle of her body carrying her dangling limp form. Syn watched like a hawk as Axel put Darkness down near the other Mewtwo, Imp was it? And Matt, with Imp moving to use some healing moves. Syn tried to wrack his brains as he watched, he couldn't recall a proper full fight with Darkness, usually she avoided conflict, cheated or deferred..
Face pulling into a confident smirk his arm slipped from Mays shoulders as he strode over casually. May blinked in confusion before quickly following.
"What are you doing Syn, what are you thinking?" She already got the horrible feeling he was going to do something stupid. And when he turned to offer her a cocky grin her worries were further confirmed.
Axel regarded them both with his eyes regarding Syn with displeasure and giving May a similar look.
"That was an impressive battle," Syn spoke with sure of himself confidence, "if you're up to the challenge old man I'd like to spar with you." Axel regarded him again his side already healed and bruises and scrapes disappearing with each second, his eyes scanned down at Syn taking in his features lingering on the stone before looking at his face again.
"And why would I waste my time on that." His tone was flat and uninteresting and Syn swallowed awkwardly, having expected him to jump to the challenge.
"Well, we're both powerful individuals, why not settle who's strongest. You've won in your family but what of strangers hmm?" Syn tried to save the conversation. Axel only continued to gaze upon him with disinterest. With a slow thoughtful blink he spoke.
"Fine, but if I win this match you leave here forever gone bye bye." May watched Axel her mouth pulling to the side knowing he didn't have the power or capability to simply make Syn leave permanently as that decision was out of his hands controlled by a higher power. Axel extended his hand to shake on the bet. Syn considered before grinning.
"Alright, but if I win you join me in my corruption accepting a shard of my crystal and submitting beneath me." Mays brows fell into an unamused look as she glanced between the two idiots knowing once more he did not have the power to cause such an event and that just because he corrupted someone it didn't mean they'd submit. She exhaled a sigh through her nose watching the two men eyeing each other up making a bet neither could keep as Syn took Axels hand giving it a firm shake to cement the deal.
Axels grip did not release as Syn attempted to pull his hand back from the shake, Syn didn't have time to react as Axels grip turned tight and vice like and in a mere blink Axel adjusted his feet throwing Syn up over his head using psychic energy for lifting before slamming him down harshly into the floor with the psychic energy also dragging him down creating an immediate mini crater and gust of displaced air.
Syn groaned quietly, wrinkling his face as he opened his eyes to snarl at Axel before all he could feel was pain. Crackling sprawling crawling green energy shot through Axels hand directly into Syns, the erratic green sparks covering his body fully ripping through his skin easily tearing him open all over, he felt like he was being bitten into and chewed and eaten alive, as his energy was rapidly drained. He was bordering on unconscious when he finally registered that the attack pain had stopped, his body burned and itched and ached all over though, fizzles and smoke raised off his body as Axel let go of his hand causing his body to slump, no longer held up.
"Sorry Pretty boy. You lose." From the sidelines Matt blinked muttering to himself 'oh I see where I get it from then.'
"Axel you fucking cheated!" Mays voice was a thundering uproar, her tone raw with anger and displeasure.
"We made our bet, shook on it and the battle started. He should've been more prepared." Axel didn't look at her as she rushed to Syns side softer glistening green energy leaving her hands to start healing his many wounds and recuperate his health.
"You know damn well that is not how a mutually agreed sparring match goes! It'd start when someone announced the battle begins, what you did was tricksy and cowardly!"
Axel scoffed, "it doesn't matter anyways, we had a fight he lost so now he has to leave, I'm sure you'll find someone in equally bad taste to disappoint me with later."
"What. You think I care about Syn out of pettiness towards you?!" her tone was a snarl as Syn stabilized his wounds fully healed, she gently caressed his cheek before standing, "I care about him for a multitude of reasons but not FUCKING one of them has anything to do with you. But you know what?! All or nothing, if you win I'll never interact with him ever again."
Axel turned his head to regard May standing in all her 5'4 fury with an expression that showed he didn't take if seriously.
"Oh? Alright then, and what if you win by some miracle huh? What do you get out of this battle, or has little May not thought about that because she doesn't think ahead about these things when it involves something for herself because she's full of self loathing hmm?" his tone was casual and mocking, as May met his gaze with steely cold glare.
"I see where Matt gets it from then." Axel smirked with an exhale of a chuckle as he looked down on her offering his hand out to shake with such unwavering confidence and smugness as though expecting her to take it despite witnessing the trick he pulled on Syn as though expecting her to be that stupid and trusting.
May slapped away his hand with the back of hers as her other fist sporting a darkened shadow claw punched straight into the soft flesh of his stomach, he barely managed a grunt before the shadow energy exploded out across his whole body like lightning and he screamed.
Shadows ripped through his muscles into his bones causing breaks and tears, sapping his life energy as it rapidly damaged him all over his flesh being seared by zigzagging shadows and losing pigmentation as his physical form and structure began to distort in its destruction. And all he could do was scream.
May pulled her claw slick with his blood out from his body not regarding him as he collapsed simply flicking his blood away as her claw vanished moving instead to Syn who was seeming a bit more conscious. She gently pulled his arms to pull him into a sit and using his arm she adjusted pulling him up onto her shoulders like a fireman carry as he made a soft gasp and disorientated giggle at being lifted and carried.
"I'm going to get Syn seen too." As she turned and left impressively carrying the still slightly limp Syn who clumsily attempted to wrap his arms around her to hold on his tail curling around her waist as he made vocalizations and purrs. Darkness looked at the mess that was Axel on the floor, breathing but barely and was glad in this place death wasn't truly possible and that he'd recover.
"Get dunked onnn!" Matt made a hand gesture as though dunking a basketball one handed.
"Matt you're fucking 5 stop making undertale references."
Imp blinked as the siblings argued, 'It's a classic!', 'it's inappropriate!' Moving to help Axel where he lay on the floor looking mighty sorry for himself.
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always-coffee · 7 months
WV Libraries Are Under Attack: How to Help
News came out yesterday that West Virginia House passed House Bill 4654. This would remove “bona fide schools, public libraries, and museums from the list of exemptions from criminal liability relating to distribution and display to a minor of obscene matter. …”
Potentially criminalizing librarians is bad, and it’s straight out of the fascist playbook. “Opponents of the bill said that while the bill does not ban books, the bill would have unintended consequences for public and school libraries, resulting in increases in challenges to even classic books and attempts to criminally charge librarians over books not pornographic in nature, but books that include descriptions of sex. They also said it could result in improper criminal charges against library staff,” Steven Allen Adams writes.
So, the question is: now what? What do we do? Where do we go from here?
If you live in West Virginia, call you state senate reps. You can find them listed here.
It’s okay to keep your message short:
“Hi, I’m [full name] calling from [ZIP code], and I’m a constituent of [Senator Name]. I am calling to voice my opposition to Bill 4654, because this is a dangerous step toward book banning. It could potentially harm librarians and libraries, which is incredibly wrong. Do not back this dangerous bill.
You can also ask how many people have called to voice their opposition to this bill. This may annoy the person on the phone, but they technically have to answer you. They may be evasive anyway. But you can either give them your contact information and tell them you’d like a call back or you can call back again later and ask for the tally.
The thing is, people rarely call in. A handful of calls is considered a lot, and the best thing you can do right now is make yourself a nuisance. Good trouble, etc.
Only call if you live in West Virginia, because they do not count calls from those outside their constituency. I am obviously not an expert, but if you have additional questions, ask them and I’ll try to help. I learned way more about how politics work during the last presidency than I thought humanly possible.
Additional resources:
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yourstardarling · 5 months
Lilith Analysis
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(Lady Lilith, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
In my perspective, Lilith symbolizes the female intuition which is often vilified in our patriarchal society. She questions the status quo, defying societal norms and forges her own path for how she lives her life. In some interpretations, Lilith is depicted as the serpent in the garden, tempting Eve with the apple as revenge for her expulsion after refusing to submit to Adam. Targeting Eve instead of Adam, shows how Lilith understands the curious nature within women to want to know more and what ifs. It is the same curiosity that made Pandora open the box releasing malicious spirits into the world.
The energy of Lilith is a vengeful one as she sought revenge against God for her banishment out of the garden. In her expulsion, she was stated to steal babies and harm innocent lives, unsympathetic to anyone in her way. So within our charts, Lilith shows where we've experienced profound shame and societal rejection. It is where we are often demonized for refusing to yield to others' expectations. If we don't heal this pain it often becomes a form of self-destruction, fueling a need to gain revenge, harming anyone in our path. This part of our chart is usually suppressed, relegated to the shadows, but integration of this energy is crucial. Mainly because keeping our shame underneath the surface will often cause self-sabotage within the house Lillith is in. Finding the underlying root of the problem will often lead to reclaiming of your power, making Lilith be an energy of magnetization and authority. Neglection will only exacerbate internal conflict.
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Lilith in the 1st:In the first house, these individuals are the walking embodiments of Lilith. They are often faced with deep-seated feelings of shame regarding their sexuality and physical appearance. Many have endured the pain of bullying in their youth, which has made them feel shunned out from society. This shame becomes a heavy burden that feels as if it is a part of them, complicating efforts to express their true self openly. Consequently, a portion of their identity remains veiled, guarded against potential judgment or rejection from others. Yet, beneath this veil within their unconscious, lies a potent magnetism. A profound sense of sexuality that others find rather attractive or unsettling. They find themselves both desired and feared. But honestly like Britney said it’s because, "All of the boys and all of the girls want to if you seek Amy." Lilith's influence in this house encourages independence and self-assertion. It teaches the importance of standing firm in the face of societal pressures and refusing to be demonized for your own authenticity. However, yielding to criticism and seeking external validation risks facing internal conflicts. A constant battle against yourself. That is why confronting the shadow aspects of one's personality should be practiced, as it offers a pathway to self-discovery and empowerment. When you are able to show resilience and unwavering faith in yourself, you're able to garner admiration and respect from those around you. The ability to transmute pain into productive actions serves as a magnetic force, attracting allies and opportunities alike. Learning to embrace your inner sexual energy is imperative, as it is something that cannot be suppressed. Unfortunately, this embracement may invite unwanted attention, leaving you vulnerable to exploitation and trauma. Overall, the role of Lilith in the first house is one of self-acceptance and defiance against societal norms. It's a journey marked by challenges, but also by profound personal growth and authenticity.
Lilith in the 2nd: In the house of personal gains, Lilith has felt great shame surrounding her personal values. Individuals with this placement have a hard time surrounding their self worth and physical assets. Possessive tendencies lie beneath the surface, as a consequence from being betrayed in the past. People may have taken advantage of them for their material value and stolen from them. Financial wounds run deep making them unable to properly trust themselves with money. Might find themselves in cycles of reckless spending, prioritizing instant gratification over long term investments. The types go on a shopping spree and then feel guilty for indulging materialistically.These people can either be overindulgent or extremely picky when it comes to what they spend. There is an inherent value of pleasure and spending resources on things that make you feel good.The sign Lilith is in will give you an idea on what you unwarily spend money on and guide your financial decisions. Implementing a budget plan can be very beneficial in uncovering and healing shame surrounding your spending habits. It will help you regulate your spending. Underlying shadow challenges when it comes to self worth is another aspect of this placement. Leading to having doubts about deservingness and attaining success. Lilith in the 2nd, prompts a reevaluation of your values. Rather than being overly picky, you're encouraged to be intentional in your pursuits. Learn to align your investments with your deepest values and aspirations. Family dynamics may also contribute to your relationship with money, with the possibility of past generations engaging in questionable financial practices. Additionally, Lilith's immature aspects may tempt individuals to resort to unethical means of acquiring wealth, such as engaging in sex work or participating in illicit activities. However, succumbing to these temptations risks exploiting others and ultimately perpetuating cycles of harm. In navigating the influence of Lilith in the 2nd house, you are urged to exercise caution and integrity in financial dealings. By confronting shadows and cultivating a sense of self-worth, they can transcend shame and reclaim power over their financial well-being.
Lilith in the 3rd: When Lilith is in the third house of youth and mental stimulation, these individuals have deep shame within their speech and communication. Oftentimes they were demonized as a child, facing constant scrutiny about their childish behavior. Parental guardians made them seem like they were to blame for the smallest issues that occurred. In school they may have felt shunned out from their peers, becoming the target of bullying and ridicule. This ridicule can even come from their teachers that overly criticized them for not being the perfect student, leading them to feel like they were a bad kid. Might indicate having a speech impediment, having a hard time communicating how you feel and issues surrounding being able to read. Your intelligence was significantly downplayed from the earlier years of school which made you believe you were dumb. For this reason, you may prefer being quiet and only speaking when you are needed to, often avoiding starting conversation. To others you may seem standoffish when you speak, but instead it can be anxiety to say what you really want because of public reaction. This Lilith wound is one centered around your inner child and taking back power over your mind. Intrusive thoughts of feeling less than can often be an underlying trigger, but you must recognize that these voices in your head are not your own. It is programming from the ridicule you received as a kid. Mindfulness and meditation practices can help regulate the outside input that comes in your head. You're a very intellectually capable individual that often understands knowledge about topics considered unconventional by society. Don’t be ashamed of what you know and use it to teach other people information you are passionate about.
Lilith in the 4th: Within the house of home and heritage, Lilith has wrested with feeling of shame for her family background. These individuals can often grow up feeling sexually repressed by their family. Criticism for what they were and being called a slut for wanting to express themselves. This placement reminds me of Meg from Family Guy, and how she is consistently made the butt of all ridicule by her family. As you went through puberty, you could've felt uncomfortable being objectified by family members. Some could've faced even faced exploitation by their own family. There is a strange focus on purity within the household and committing towards conservative ideals of presenting yourself. From their point of view, you may be seen as someone who is promiscuous and disobeying traditional values. You might find it hard to feel at home within yourself because of these past afflictions. This can even lead to you feeling ashamed about your emotional responses, often viewing them as evil instead of necessary feelings. Aside from sexuality, this Lilith placement also indicates having shame regarding your origin. There might have been concealed truths about your birth, unraveling as you mature. Might have felt like your family were strangers and you did not belong with them. Issues with the mother figure can be highlighted by this placement. You don't get along well and could feel a sense of cruelty from her. A shadow side to you is kept veiled from your family, which makes you feel like an outsider by them. You may have a reputation of being the rebellious cousin. They may harbor outdated ideologies such as racism, homophobia and xenophobia, that makes you more ashamed of them. The home you grew up in may have been the cause of this shame too, because of its design or infestation issues. Overall, stepping away from your family's point of view of the world is a big factor with this Lilith placement. You cannot allow their lives to dictate who you are meant to be. Learning to nurture yourself and finding your own community is an essential part of your journey. As time pass, you may discover yourself becoming a space for other people to confide in about their personal issues. A testament to Lilith making a home for herself outside the boundaries of Eden.
Lilith in the 5th: In the fifth house, individuals have grappled with profound shame surrounding the way they experience pleasure within their lives. Their childhood may have been faced with restrictions on the ways they could have fun, such as engaging in hobbies solely to appease their parents rather than for personal enjoyment. Activities you found enjoyment in, felt like you needed to keep hidden away from other people in order to not get ridiculed. There are plenty of hobbies you enjoy that others will find unorthodox to have. For example, going to shooting ranges, participating in drag shows, taking part in the circus or cosplaying your favorite characters. When it comes to your talents, you might face envy from others because they want the attributes that you have. May face hate in your extracurricular activities and being outcasted by team members. In your own eyes, your often unsure about your talents and feel like you're not good enough in your practice. Additionally, there is also shame regarding sexual pleasure. You might find it fun to explore, but some experiences make it unsettling for you to enjoy. There may be a need to keep your sex life a secret from other people. However, sex positivity can be a notable aspect of this placement though, not having much conservative notions in your sexual experiences. When it comes to children, you might feel some shame for not wanting to have kids and face scrutiny from others for this stance. You can even feel like you hate the thought of children and not wanting them around you. If you do end up having kids, they can exhibit Lilith quality traits of rebellion and unorthodox behavior. There is definitely a shadow side to how you gain pleasure with this placement, indulging in self destructive behaviors and selling yourself away for fun. You must learn to tame that primal urge within you when you are having a great time. Especially as this can lead to addictions to pleasure, such as having a gambling, drug abuse and being overly sexual. Learn to set boundaries when you're having fun.
Lilith In the 6th: In the house of service, Lilith plays a commanding role within her work space. This placement reminds me of The Devil wears Prada, where Miranda was seen as a formidable figure by her colleagues. Similarly, coworkers may harbor similar feelings toward you, casting you as assertive & harsh. You may face a lot of scrutiny in the workplace and could even work in an environment where there's a prevalence of discrimination. Workplace harassment can occur here as well, oftentimes facing oversexualization. Navigating and accepting your shadow persona in the workplace becomes essential. As long as you come there to do your job, that’s all that matters. Just try not to lash out at your colleagues because of misconception and other issues. There may be a big rumor that you are lazy for not doing as much as everyone else. However, you're the type of person that only comes and does the work that is necessary, not overworking themselves as everyone else. On the flip side, you can be hyper focused on work and do a lot more in your day that others don’t really see. This can take a toll on your health and work stress can be a big indication of this placement. Speaking of health, you might have a terrible relationship with health officials. Health experts in the past might have treated you poorly and even faced a misdiagnosis. Your relationship with health overall is something you can feel intense emotions around. A health condition could make you feel like you don’t have the same capabilities as other people. Might struggle with digestion and eating food to nourish yourself. There is a lot of necessary shadow work to uncover within your habits and daily routines with this placement. Learn to not be so hard on yourself, making time to properly maintain your physical needs.Health is wealth after all.
Lilith In the 7th: When Lilith lies in the house of partnerships, there is often shame surrounding the close connections these people have. They often easily attract people with Lilith energy in their lives, such as rebellion, ostracization and outcasts. You're often able to see the version of others that they keep hidden underneath. For some reason, people can feel like they can trust you with their problems and you make space to not judge them. Something about you just allows people to feel easily able to open up their shame to you. It might be because there is a part of you that has felt the same shame of being shunned out by other people. In your love life, there could be a tendency to feel outcasted by your partners which leads to having a warped perception of yourself. Partners often can make you feel like you are too much and incapable of being loved. May find it hard to feel their needs being met in their personal relationships. Here lilith indicates issues of being taken advantage of by other people and personal power being exploited. Aggressive aspects can also show facing abuse, which can make these individuals pretty guarded when meeting others. You could feel the need to be in control and have a dominant role in your love life. However, self-destructive tendencies may spur from not getting what you want out of a partner and lead you sabotaging your connections. You can often pursue relationships you know are unhealthy for you. There’s a tendency to want people that bring out an unhinged version of yourself, becoming a whole different person with a partner. Shadow work needs to be done as to why you chase these toxic connections, which sometimes is rooted from the way you viewed the partnership of your parents.
Lilith in the 8th: In the house of death and loss, Lilith is put to face the extremes. Each time they are in a transitional phase in their lives, they get kicked out of their paradise. These individuals understand the darker sides of life and are somewhat good at navigating their shadow. Shadow side can often take things to the extreme when they are out of control. Really good at understanding the taboo and being okay with things that are scarier for other people. A necessary need to make peace with inner demons and resolving past psychological conflicts. While they are able to easily exude a seductive persona, sex can be a harsh topic for them to feel comfortable with. Losing their virginity might have been a monumental experience that shifted the way they act in their lives. There is a need to work on resolving issues with sex and not being afraid of it . Also, you might be into some fetishes that you feel the need to keep hidden from other people. Hiding is a big coping mechanism for them, whenever they feel like the world rejects them, they bury themselves down in shadows to not be seen. A distinct relationship with death, some hold huge guilt for being unphased by death, while others worry about their own deaths. If a family member had died, you might feel guilty for not being sad or crying at the funeral. These people can mourn their innocence a lot, thinking of a time they were untouched by the world around them. During transitional phases of your life, you could be vilified and demonized for acting differently. Might have had a dark aesthetic or emo phase during your teen years. Change can be a scary thing for you and you could harbor strong resistance towards new possibilities. This mainly comes from the scrutiny you’ve felt by other people. Learn to embrace the taboo and understand change will only allow you to reclaim your power.
Lilith in the 9th: These individuals hold a complex relationship with religion and belief systems. Growing up, they likely experienced a religious environment that instilled fear and submission to authority. It's possible they had overly religious parents who prioritized adherence to faith, rather than showing genuine love and understanding for their children. As you mature, there's a tendency to reject traditional systems of beliefs for more esoteric philosophies, helping you find empowerment through alternative spiritual paths. Although shifting your beliefs will allow you to have a sense of freedom, remnants of past religious trauma still linger in your mind. Guilt for what you believe in is a big focus for this placement. They often find themselves at odds with mainstream perspectives, feeling a sense of alienation and struggling to fit in. There's a tendency to doubt their intelligence and the information they know. This struggle extends to academic pursuits as well, where they may feel out of place and struggle to connect with their peers. Moving away from their area of upbringing can be liberating, allowing them to explore their shadow aspects and embrace their darker side through travel and adventure. In doing so, they may discover a newfound magnetism and allure, attracting others to their path towards self-discovery.
Lilith in the 10th: In the house of public career, Lilith exerts a strong influence on one's outward image and persona. When in public settings, you often see people being easily magnetized towards you. If Lilith is conjunct the Midheaven (MC), it can signify experiences of unwanted attention, including catcalling. There's a deep-seated fear of being seen, stemming from the difference between your public persona and true self-image. Overexposure to the public eye can lead to discomfort, particularly in career fields where others seem to dominate or overshadow you. There is a natural ability to exude sensuality that others find intriguing. They may develop a reputation for sensuality and allure, which can intimidate others, particularly men, due to the inherent power they radiate. Despite the fantasization, they may resent the objectification and sexualization. In professional settings their bosses may even attempt to take advantage of them. This placement can also indicate stage fright and social anxiety, causing them to prefer the sidelines rather than the spotlight. An unbalanced version of this placement would be sabotaging yourself when it comes to your career. Promoting bad behavior so that you can gain the upper advantage in situations. It's crucial for them to be vigilant against exploitation by authority figures and to properly navigate professional relationships and contracts. Despite potential misconceptions about their character, individuals with this placement must embrace their authenticity and prioritize their own career aspirations over societal expectations. Your that b*tch for real, and you cannot allow the public opinion of you to dictate who you are. Also, Lilith in the 10th house may signify a challenging relationship with their father, involving absence, mistreatment, or attempts at control. This further fuels aspirations to become a successful person, in order to prove their farther wrong. Embracing their power and authenticity is important for success and fulfillment in the professional world.
Lilith in the 11th: Friendships are never easy with Lilith in the 11th. Despite outward display of support, these individuals frequently encounter betrayal from those they consider close allies, discovering that supposed friends harbor secret animosity and ulterior motives towards them. Friends could make jokes about insecurities you have, while accusing you of being soft for finding offence. Your secrets are not the safest within your social networks, they are like blind items ready to spill all the tea about your personal life. This atmosphere of distrust can lead to a cautious approach to forming friendships, resulting in a preference for family and romantic relationships over the unpredictability of friendships. Despite these challenges, individuals with this placement often gravitate towards unconventional or marginalized groups of people. Finding companionship in the outcasts who defy societal norms. They may become strong advocates for the rights and liberation of marginalized groups, focusing on the need for women's rights and the empowerment of societal underdogs. So while friendships may be met with much difficulty, these individuals create meaningful connections with fellow non-conformists in society. Finding solidarity in their shared struggles, leading to finding community outside of Eden.
Lilith in the 12th: Individuals with Lilith in the 12th house tend to keep Lilith's energy to the depths of their subconscious mind. They are often unaware of its magnetic, rebellious, and sexually charged nature. May doubt their own sexuality and seductive capabilities, feeling overshadowed by others charm. However, when in solitude, Lilith emerges to confront them about their inner shadows and demons. This often leads to solitary battles with their deepest fears and insecurities. Sleep issues are common with this placement, as they may struggle to maintain a stable sleep routine. May prefer the quiet solitude of the night for introspection and self-discovery. In their dreams, they often confront scenarios designed to evoke feelings of inadequacy and shame, forcing them to confront their inner vulnerabilities. They can be drawn towards dream working, meditation, shifting and exploring unique ways to access their subconscious mind. By using the arts, they can transmute fears and underlying issues in their mind to a reservoir of creativity. You can often see their shadow portrayed boldly in their art. Also, these individuals are often empathetic and hold nonjudgmental view towards the shadows of other people. Overall, through uncovering their darkness, Lilith in the 12th house can lead to spiritual growth and artistic development when integrated unapologetically.
Remember to look at the aspects to Lilith in your chart. Since it is an astrological point & asteroid, it doesn't hold as much significance compared to the planets. So aspects allow you to know how much of this energy can be brought up to the surface. Also, this reading is for all versions of Lilith in the chart.
-your Star Darling
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(Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci, by Piero Di Cosimo)
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3hks · 5 months
Writing Character CHANGE
Character development is absolutely CRUCIAL to a story, but having spent more time thinking about this topic, I came to the realization that I misunderstood a lot of points other people have made when teaching how to write character development.
There are a lot of factors that play into character development, but in this post, I'll cover some overall, but the main thing concerns any change to your character! (Which is also a huge part in development, really.)
So with this post, I'll be teaching you MY personal tips regarding this subject!
*The Basics*
Before we really get into the developmental stage, there are some things you want to establish, in which I'll explain later!
A couple of flaws.
How your character views themselves at first.
Your character's morals/ideals and how they think.
These things may vary, but you want your readers to be able to at least roughly predict how your character will act during specific events!
Character development is just about how your character changes throughout the story. I like to say that there are several different ways one may change, (we'll get into that later on) but your character should NOT stay the same as the same person during the exposition and during the resolution!
"During character development, your character should grow."
This is a common piece of advice; your character needs to grow. And while I've assumed for the longest time that I understood what it meant, it never truly clicked.
While they will use words such as grow, what they really mean is that your character should mature. By the end of your story, your character may not always end up as a better person. When I say mature, I mean that they have reflected back on their life and have understood the consequences that came with their actions (if any) or how they could've done things differently.
Your character will not always end up as a better, fixed person, but they should understand their world and themselves better.
*Negative/Passive Change*
Alright then, so how does a character develop if they don't necessarily change for the better? Well, I'll get into that!
No matter what, your character should have learned a lesson through their experience. Even if they haven't exactly improved as a person, there should be a moral they can learn from what they have gone through.
If not, then did they really grow?
Additionally, how did their qualities negatively impact themselves? If they are bad traits, then it needs to be clear. And the best way to achieve this is by demonstrating how it hurts your character! However, it is rather uncommon for a character to undergo little to no change after a story!
*Positive Change*
Let's circle back to the basics, real quick. Remember how I said that before any development takes place, your character should be anything but perfect? That same thing applies to after the change.
Do NOT create a flawless character by the end of your story. Instead, focus on one or two flaws that get fixed as the story continues. These don't have to be huge, life-changing imperfections, but they can be minor ones that still shape their life in one way or another.
"Fixing" too many shortcomings can make your character seem, well, out of character, producing a character development that's more forced. The same thing applies if you're attempting to FULLY alter a fault that's just too big. The change will be too noticeable.
What am I talking about? Here's an example!
Imagine a character who's incredibly closed off to other people, wanting to ensure that he never gets too close to others.
That's a pretty sizable flaw, no? By the end of your story, you do not want to completely change because you need to preserve character, but you can change it a bit. Does he have a few friends now? Does he understand that there are some people worth trusting?
He may still be closed off to majority of people, but at least it's not everyone, and that's a realistic change.
*Different Changes*
As I continue to read more stories and watch more shows, I have realized that character development is not always about fixing flaws or personality, but it can extend far past that line.
So listen up, because I feel like no one really talks about this.
Your character can change their IDEALS, MORALS, and how they VIEW THEMSELVES.
Hear that? If your character has strong morals, they will hardly stay the same as they reach the end. Remember the requirements I mentioned at the beginning?
See how it connects now? There is SO much more to character development than changing a few imperfections. Like I said in the start, your character needs to grow and mature. Things like new morals or ideals assist with that!
In order to start character development, you need a couple of flaws, an idea of how your character looks at themselves, and their morals. This is because those are the main parts of you character that may change through time.
Growth = Maturing (gaining a better sense of who they are and the world they live in.)
For negative or passive change, make sure to clarify how their imperfections affected or hurt them and have some sort of moral that follows.
They should not be perfect in the beginning, and not perfect in the end! Do not 'fix' too many traits because you want to preserve character.
I think that's all! It's quite the post for something so simple, eh? But hey, character development is absolutely PIVOTAL to a story so I hope I at least explained the 'change' part of that well!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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risestarkiss · 9 months
Being Baby Blue
Rise Ramblings #313
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Leonardo Hamato is…an interesting individual.
As a middle child, he doesn’t have to shoulder the responsibilities of the oldest, nor is he fawned upon or babied over like the youngest. Therefore, he ends up having more of a lackadaisical approach to life.
In his free time, instead of training like Raph, Leo can normally be found reading comic books.
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And for good reason! Someone has to be up on the latest issues of Jupiter Jim and his space odysseys.
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But, other than being a Jupiter Jim superfan, who is Leonardo Hamato?
If you ask Leo, he's...*takes out a list*: “Primetime,” “First,” “The Best,” “Number One,” “The Champion,” or some other iteration of all of the above.
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...Huh. Anyways...
Of course, the first thing Leo would tell you is that he's the team's "Face Man."
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As the "Face Man," he’s the one that turns up the charm when they need to schmooze their way out of, or into, something.
He's the face of the group! It's a very important title, right?
Well, in this scene with Hueso, we learn what Leo really feels about his place on the team.
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"There's no team with just a face man." "I'm nothing without them."
Hmm. If he thinks that he is nothing without his brothers, then what's the deal with all of this "Number One" and "Champion" talk?
I believe that Leo is exhibiting a form of Reaction Formation.
Reaction Formation is a primitive defense mechanism that involves transforming one's unacceptable feelings or emotions into the opposite.
"Solicitude may be a reaction-formation against cruelty...romantic notions of chastity and purity may mask crude sexual desires, altruism may hide selfishness, and piety may conceal sinfulness."
Leo has been creating these grandiose titles and this larger-than-life persona for himself as a means to cope with his feelings of insecurity, his anxieties, and combat his self-deprecation.
Gee, forming a larger-than-life persona to counteract their suppressed feelings also reminds me of someone else we know…
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But, I digress...
Behind the fabrications, his insecurities, who he pretends to be, and who he wants to be, the real Leo is still on display, starting as early as the first episode.
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He's attentive, he understands the team's strengths and weaknesses, he assesses situations, he comes up with great plans on the fly, and he is a voice of reason.
These are all the characteristics of a great leader.
However, something happens when he’s actually appointed as such.
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There he goes again. He's cocky, arrogant, and act's as if he's unphased even by the prospect of loosing his brothers. If this is Reaction Formation, then what is he trying to mask with these behaviors?
Previously, he was masking his insecurities, his anxieties, and his self-deprecation, but with the faces he pulls when he thinks no one can see them, I want to say the newest emotion is fear.
He is terrified of being the leader and floundering under his new responsibilities. He's scared of the consequences of his actions, and what those consequences may mean for his brothers. However, instead of voicing his insecurities, or communicating with his team, he doubles down and falls back into old habits.
The "Face Man" persona is turned up to an 11, and things get worse and worse until...
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His greatest fears have been realized.
He has failed as a leader. He has failed his brothers. He has failed to stop the invasion, and they are all going to die because of his failures.
Now he's faced with the harsh reality of his own mistakes, thus he finally faces himself.
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"It's scary to be responsible for the lives you protect, your team...your family. But we do it anyway because that's what it means to be a hero."
He may be speaking to Raph, but he's talking about himself.
His words are his true feelings, the same feelings that have been holding him back this entire time. By opening up, he's able to surrender to himself and let it all go.
And it's the breakthrough we all have been waiting for.
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What Leo doesn't know is that through letting go, he's able to become the true face of the group he is destined to be.
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He's the face of hope.
Previous | Being Big Red
Next | Being Purple ○ Part One • Being Purple ○ Part Two • Orange, Baby!
Finale | Being Hamato Yoshi
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cum-allergy · 2 years
morning newspaper
#anyway since you read the tags alex and it may seem others its now funny to me#and i will blast random thoughts into the ether#i feel like the theme here is the WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. YOUR ACTIONS HAVE /CONSEQUENCES/ vine#although i do immediately miss having someone to harrass (complimentary) at a moment's notice#not that i don't harass my other partner far from it actually#but the specific dynamic we did have was immaculate and it's unfortunate that the choice he made had consequences#missing someone is wierd in this case where it's like. there was no other option.#i'd already made it clear that his actions made me deeply uncomfy#and if i make an ultimatum there's no way to confirm that 1. he will improve for himself instead of improving just for me#and 2. ultimatums are very harsh and create an unnecessary tension#it holds the status of the relationship over someone's head#when he asked if there was any going back#i just wished i could've elaborated that better. i might say something later if he asks again#also deeply unrelated but i've been having dreams again about my Haunted One inciting incident#(its what im calling the recovered memories of childhood trauma. its funny)#and like OK I GUESS#it just blows#why . why why why why why am i having these dreams that are graphically replaying traumas and expanding upon them to make them Worse#it's probably because the breakup really triggered those memories to come back but still#boy howdy#i was having a great time not thinking about it but then he struggled to give clear consent and boy howdy did that dig it all the way up#its just . like damn . ok i guess
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azsazz · 1 month
Over Ice
Hockey!Rhysand x Reader
Summary: Anon Req: I think we could really have fun with the different courts and Illyrian values on a thematic basis but ALSO if the reader is in something very artsy and hasn’t really been into sports and then she’s walking around Campus and BOOM right smack dab into Broody McBrooder!! She THEN finds out he’s the tutor for one of her hardest courses (personally Psych would be a good one) and they become super duper close with him and the team!!! She decides to wear Cass’ jersey to make him mad and when he finally gets a hold of her after the game: *cue innocent shrug* he asked me to!
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3032
Notes: While I work on a plot for an azzy hockey x figure skater au, please enjoy a rhys hockey au 🤪
This was originally an Az idea but I thought it fit better for Rhys bby so here we are. I feel like I've forgotten how to write and this is shit (dont judge me im going thru smthin rn)
A giant FU stares up at you.
Well, actually, it’s only an F, but it may as well be the former with the way it’s circled in thick, red ink.
Three. Fucking. Times.
Tears sting the back of your eyes but you refuse to let them fall. It never feels good, failing, and even if you’d gotten a C+ like you hoped, you would’ve still beaten yourself up over the grade because plain and simple: that’s who you are.
Two months ago, at the beginning of the semester, psychology had seemed like a breeze. The lectures were easy to listen to and intriguing, and you had no trouble following along with the professors’ slideshows as you took detailed notes of everything on the screen. Your assigned readings were completed in a similar state, though they weren’t graded but included important information you’d find on the tests.
Somewhere along the line, your grade slipped, and you don’t remember if it had been between studying for Biology or reveling in your newfound freedom away from your parents, partying and enjoying a true college experience with your roommates.
Whatever happened, the repercussions are hitting you right in the face, the taunting letter you have never seen before on any of your assignments throughout all your years of learning.
If your parents saw this, they would bring the entire house down with their scolding.
It’s not like you didn’t try. You studied, even if the word is a loose term for what material you used. Things started piling up this month, with it being a new semester and all. You didn’t schedule out the time to focus on psychology when the classes you were really interested in—Introduction to Nutrition and Kinesiology—took first and second place for your attention. Plus, with the number of social events your best friends—who are also conveniently your roommates—invited you too, it was almost impossible to say no. Friends are a vital part of the college experience and you were in desperate need of some fun after having spent the summer lounging at home with your parents.
You found a psych support group that met at the library once a week to study together. It wasn’t anything like you thought it would be, a bunch of clueless students with grades similar to yours. All they seemed to want to do with your precious time was bitch and moan about the professor instead of actually trying to conquer the areas of study for the upcoming test.
And now the consequences of your actions have made themselves known.
Grumbling, you shove the test into your binder before shutting it with a snap that does nothing to ease your frustration. A few students still trail from the room, though most bolted right after being released. Some linger at the bottom of the lecture hall where the professor sits, answering their questions.
You have about a million-and-one of your own but you’re too worked up about your grade to go down there and hash it out with Mr. Hybern. His peppery colored hair is perfectly coiffed on this terrible day, his beard trimmed close to his jowls. His gleaming, golden skin makes you think that maybe he’d spent his weekend grading tests out in the sun, and you have half a mind to stomp your way down the stairs and demand a second review of your test.
It wouldn’t solve your irritation, and it would certainly be embarrassing if in fact your F is correct.
Placing your binder, notebook, and pens back into your bag, you zip it, sling it over your shoulder, and make your way to the exit, holding your chin high because if there’s one thing you’re not going to do, is cry over your terrible, awful grade in public.
The waterworks will just have to wait until you’re locked in your private bedroom in your shared dorm.
There is good news. It’s Friday, which means you can snag the pint of your favorite ice cream that your roommates won’t dare touch because ‘no ice cream that’s worth it should have fruit in it, that’s like asking for a steak on your spaghetti.’ You have no idea what Mor—one of your roommates—was on about when she brought up the awful comparison, and in reply all you’d done is scooped out a chunk of cherries embedded into the creamy, pink goodness and stuffed it into your mouth.
With it being the weekend, you can also wallow well into the night without having to worry about hiding your puffy eyes in the morning. You’ll have all day tomorrow to figure out a plan of action, once you allow yourself the time to properly grieve and process…and maybe have a drink or two.
You shoulder through the heavy lecture hall door with your head down, hiding the red stain to your cheeks. So, maybe you’re not going to hold you head high as you trail back to your dorm, but you will not cry.
The door swings open and you barely catch the noise of surprise before you’re barreling into something that’s akin to a brick wall. Your breath leaves your body in a whoosh and your balance slips out from under you, arms flailing as you fall.
You squeeze your eyes shut, bracing for impact, but it never comes.
Slowly, mortified because you know exactly what’s cushioned your fall, you peek your eyes open, carefully meeting a sapphire gaze that surely would take your breath away should you have any left.
This close, you can see the perfection of his angular features: a long, straight nose, high cheekbones under the dusting of pink that caresses his own face. His lashes are dark as charcoal, the same color of his hair that looks as soft as silk.
Whatever it is that has you entranced by his beauty, the sentiment seems to be mutual. Those bright eyes trace across your features, carefully drinking you in. You don’t know if you’re thankful that your face is already as red as the marker on your test or if you want him to see the way your cheeks go molten.
There’s a warmth against your hips that you don’t notice until he speaks, his hands that have a solid grip around you, keeping you steady to his chest. His whispered breath brushes across your lips. “By all means,” he teases softly, “Take your time.”
“Oh, my Gods, I am so sorry,” you squeak, rolling off his chest. You can hear his chuckling as you scramble to climb to your feet, but your knees are so weak at the sight—and touch—of the most handsome man you’ve ever seen lifting gracefully to his feet, holding a hand down to help you up.
You try not to notice just how big his hand is in yours, and for the second time today, you fail.
“Don’t worry about it, darling,” he says, displaying an easy grin that makes your heart stutter in your chest. The door opens with a loud click and the both of you startle. His hand comes down warmly on your spine, ushering you out of the way of the student that’s beaming grin falters into apology at the idea of almost running you down, already on the phone with someone and gushing over their test result.
It’s hard to reign in your glare.
The student’s conversation seems to jolt the man out of his stupor. He blinks, shaking his head as if to rid him of a spell you might have cast on him, or maybe he’s testing to see if he has a concussion from the fall.
When he returns his attention to you, it takes everything in your power not to melt into a puddle beneath that gaze.
“Is Mr. H still passing out tests?” he asks, and you swallow the sourness that accompanies the name of your professor. You and he are not on good terms right now, not that this boy knows that.
“Yeah,” you answer, remembering you saw him sitting on his throne (desk chair) with his loyal citizens (students) kissing his feet (talking through their tests). “I think so.” Then, because you’re pretty sure you would remember a face like his if he were in your lecture, you ask, “Are you in this class?”
“No,” he answers with a scoff that tells you he breezed by this class. “I took Psych 101 freshman year, but I have Professor Hybern again for Cognitive Psychology and I need to turn in my paper early.”
Turning in a paper early? What is he, some kind of genius?
“Oh,” you answer lamely, “Cool.”
His answering grin cracks open the casing of the butterflies you didn’t know were living in your stomach, taking off in a flurry of emotion.
He shrugs like he couldn’t really care less about any of it, but to you, the fact that he’s managed to pass Psych 101 at all is an impressive feat, though you don’t know why he’d sign up for even more torture. “Sure. Look, I’ve got to run, but are you sure you’re okay?”
It’s nice of him to ask if you’re okay when he’s the one who had his back painted to the floor only moments ago. “Yeah, I’m fine, but I should be the one asking you that. Are you okay?”
His laughter is rich and warm, and you want to melt into it. Before you have the chance to make even more a fool of yourself in front of this handsome stranger, he answers. “I’ve been checked harder, darling. You have a nice day now.”
“Thanks, you too,” your words trail off as he catches the door on its next outswing, ducking inside without waiting for your response.
Jeeze, he must really be in a rush, then.
It’s when you exit the doors to the psychology building that you curse yourself. You should’ve gotten his number, his name at least. You could’ve invited him over for something more distracting and yummier than the ice cream you’d planned on demolishing.
At least you have something better to think about tonight than your test.
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With a heavy sigh, you allow your backpack to fall off your shoulder. Now that you’ve arrived back to your dorm, you’re suddenly feeling more exhausted than ever.
The walk home from class had been nice, your time spent thinking about the boy you’d run into. The broadness of his shoulders you didn’t seem to notice until he turned away, stretching wide beneath his tight t-shirt. The bulge of his biceps beneath said t-shirt, flexing as he pulled the door open for himself. The shape of his ass in those snug jeans.
The sight of that is what had your eyes nearly popping from your head. What’s he doing that gives him such a bubblicious ass? Squats? Lunges? You can do those. You choose not to, but if there’s a guarantee that you’d have an ass like that, you’d start right this second.
Tucking your lip into your mouth in concentration, you plant your hands on your hips, making your way to the refrigerator that your ice cream is housed in, lunging your way there.
It’s not that far, the communal space in your shared dorm is small, but your heartrate is elevated by the time you’re two lunges away from your prize: your ice cream.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Mother!” You shout as the voice of your roommate breaks your concentration. Your knees wobble and your thighs shake, unable to hold you up from the burst of exertion you used. You clearly need to get into the gym more, another thing to add to your already busy schedule. “You scared me!”
Mor rolls her chocolate-brown eyes, sliding into one of the stools at your counter. It’s not built for it, the laminate countertop doesn’t hang over the island far enough for your legs to fit, but you and your roommates thought they were cute, nonetheless. You can suffer having to hunch over your knees to reach your cereal bowls in the mornings in favor of having more space for company to sit.
When you haul yourself off the ground, you take in your roommate. She’s wearing some kind of jersey, one you’ve never even seen in her wardrobe before, and you probably spend more time in there than her because she has every item of clothing you could ever imagine. The top she’s wearing now totally clashes with everything that screams Mor: silk scarves, tight bodice tops, leather pants, and what she has on now isn’t even red, a color that’s a staple in her closet.
“Well, if you were paying attention,” she scolds playfully, flipping open the compact in her hand, checking her makeup in the tiny mirror. She makes a few faces that would make you chuckle if you didn’t notice how she looks like she’s ready to go out, and that means she’s going to try to drag you with. “You would’ve heard me walk into the room. I am wearing heels, you know.”
Of course you know. Mor doesn’t do sneakers, only when it’s five in the morning and the sun is still sleeping, the perfect time for working out where nobody will catch her. Maybe I should join her, you think, mind wandering back to that boy’s butt.
“Why are your cheeks all red?” She asks, planting her palms on the counter and leaning towards you, eyes narrowed in inquisition.
“Nothing,” you wave her off, reaching for the door to the freezer. It’s the last thing between you and the cherry chunk ice cream calling your name.
Before you can open it more than an inch, it slams closed, Mor’s sharp, bright red fingernails splayed out to stop you.
Damnit, how does she move so silently?
“What do you think you’re doing?” You question each other at the same time, biting back your smiles at the mistake.
She answers first. “Why do you look like you’re about to get the ice cream, put your pajamas on, and wallow in bed all night?”
“Because that’s exactly what I’m going to do,” you cross your arms over your chest defiantly. “So, if you’ll excuse me…” You trail off, hoping she’ll step away and leave you to your peace.
She doesn’t. That’s not Mor.
“I had a rough day!”
“You say that every day,” she whines, stomping her heel-clad foot. “Don’t you even want to know what I’m inviting you to tonight?”
“From the look of your clothes, no, I don’t want to know what you’re doing tonight, Mor, and no, I don’t want to join you, either.”
Your roommate scrunches her nose, tipping it towards the ceiling. “I’ll have you know that this outfit is cute.”
“Yeah, if the definition of cute changed to ‘not pleasing or appealing to look at.’”
“You take that back,” Mor shouts, full naming you.
As your lips part in apology, because that was rude of you, your other roommate pads out of her room. Her reading glasses are perched up on her nose, blue eyes round and wide, and it always looks like she’s looking around the room in wonder. She has a blanket thrown over her shoulders and looks every bit of cozy you wish you were.
“Gwyn,” you sigh in relief at the sight of her. “Please, help.”
“I already said no,” she offers you a sympathetic wince. “I don’t think there’s any getting you out of the hockey game, sorry babe.”
Now it’s your jaw that falls to the floor. No, it falls through the floor and about five more floors down, hitting the lobby with a crack that echoes through the building.
You whirl on Mor. “Hockey game? Since when have you been interested in hockey?”
“Since my cousin got named team captain this year,” she says smugly, and you don’t know why she’s acting vain, it just means that he’s captain of the douchebags now, even you know that. Mor turns, showing off the back of her jersey. The number one stands out like a beacon, and you brush her blonde hair over her shoulder to read the smaller patches spelling out what is in fact, her family name.
“Think of all the parties we’ll get into,” she says over her shoulder, and she does have a point there. The athletes at your college are a group of students that you don’t ever interact with, nor do you care. Mor is all about connections though, and if she wants to go to the hockey game, then it looks like you’re going with her.
You wonder what excuse Gwyn used to get out of it. She looks mighty comfy right now, slinking over the plop down on the couch and turn on a movie.
“Why do we have to go to the game? Can’t we just go to the parties?” You ask, grasping for anything to get out of this. You don’t want to go sit in the cold arena and watch a bunch of guys wearing full-body padding slide up and down the ice. Why couldn’t her cousin have been on the baseball team? They have nice, tight uniforms.
“Because,” Mor emphasizes with a glare, spinning to face you once more to give you the full effect of her irritation. “I’m a good cousin, and if we don’t attend the games, we’re going to be blacklisted from the parties,” she grumbles, the fight leaving her a little bit. “I’ve already argued about it with Rhys, I don’t want to have to argue with you too.”
It’s with your sigh that Mor brightens. “Fine. I’ll come with you, but I’m not going to be happy about it. And don’t expect me to cheer.”
Her squeal pierces the sound barrier. What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?
Mor grabs your hand, dragging you towards the empty single room that’s left in your dorm. She uses it as an extension of her closet until someone else gets placed with you. So far, you’ve been lucky, living here since freshman year, just the three of you. “Great! I got you a shirt!”
Over Ice Taglist:
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eamour · 6 months
a radical change.
radical change requires radical action. i am not indicating any physical act but rather an act done in the mind. if we aspire to change radically, we must radically BE and HAVE within imagination. we are compelled to satisfy our inner self and save our own personal reality.
imagination as the real self.
"you are now an outer reflection of inner identification."
this is a principle that everybody who wants to successfully manifest needs to understand: your true self is IMAGINATION. what you are physically, you have been mentally first. we are not pretending, not trying to sound spiritual, we are simply stating something factual. you can only ever be imagination since imagination is your purest form of being. it’s the place where all things come to fruition.
the personal reality within.
knowing that imagination is our real self, our inner being, that means that we may decorate it the way we want. we can make it as beautiful and as ugly as we please. as a consequence, your inner reality does not obey nor surrender to outer circumstances. the rules and restrictions of the outside do not apply to imagination, nor is your inner world bothered by the limitations of life. meaning, to ensure a change of reality from WITHOUT, you will first have to affirm a change of reality from WITHIN. there is no way around it.
to change radically.
the medium through which we experience is the same medium through which we change — it’s FEELING. an assumption is a feeling. to assume that you have or do not have your desire is a feeling. it’s a state of mind. a mental state that reveals your inner self. to change self radically, you need to assume radically. you need to FEEL radically.
"nothing changes if nothing changes."
the importance of drastic change.
from what i have learned in my own manifestation journey, it is so important to drastically change. to desire the impossible and to dare to asssume it, for courage is necessary, means to step out of your comfort zone. it means to prove the law's credibility and functioning for yourself. otherwise, it's always going to be "coincidence", "luck" or "it would have happened anyway". when i choose to make radical things happen by radically changing within, i won’t go out and seek for answers outside of me. i will understand that i am CAUSE and i am the EFFECT.
be the change.
a little change of mind can only result in a little change of reality. that being so, a bigger change of mind has no option but to result in a bigger change of reality. and your inner self can only identify with what you identify with. thus, you are always in charge, always in control. so why not be the change? again, you can only ever experience the PRESENT, the very NOW in imagination. for you to see changes NOW, you are obligated to change NOW.
"all the mind asks is, 'what do you want?'" — edward art.
with love, ella.
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thesirencult · 6 days
Lunar Eclipse In Pisces, Tarot Reading
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Pile 1
“When a young tree is injured it grows around that injury. As the tree continues to develop, the wound becomes relatively small in proportion to the size of the tree. Gnarly burls and misshapen limbs speak of injuries and obstacles encountered through time and overcome. The way a tree grows around its past contributes to its exquisite individuality, character, and beauty. I certainly don't advocate for traumatization to build character, but since trauma is almost a given at some point in our lives, the image of the tree can be a valuable mirror.”
― Peter A. Levine, Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
How Will This Eclipse Change You?
Pile 1, things will get worse for you, before they can become better. Right now, you have been going through a period of upheaval. You feel as if though you have to watch every step you take. There might be people around you who are praying for your downfall. This to me shows that you are someone who takes charges and like to lead the way, otherwise, these people wouldn't have a reason to be intimidated by you.
This eclipse will shake things up. Expect a confrontation with someone, especially at work. You will find out who is by your side and who isn't. Be careful. Retreat and don't fight back. Tigers don't compete with kittens, for they know their power.
You are someone who has "grown around their traumas". This eclipse prompts you to escape your "in-between" position and show your teeth by setting even higher goals. Take charge, travel if you need to and never lose faith. Become more vigilant but not aggresive.
Kittens can not and will not stop a tiger!
What New Era Is This Eclipse Ushering You Into?
This eclipse is doing all the work for you. If you take a break or travel for a while, expect a different setting when you return to your familiar environment. Justice came out. I don't know why, but I get the impression you are someone who tends to suffer quietly. You don't like to give attention to petty people and small things others may find annoying. Keep doing that, but work through it internally. The Justice card is ushering you into an era of getting paid back your good karma, while those who wronged you are getting served theirs.
Another thing I see, is that in this era you will realize that every action has consequences, be it good or bad. This will offer healing and make you think twice before you do everything. You are a calm, cool and collected individual who may struggle with setting boundaries and taking responsibility because you don't believe you are good enough. Expect things to fall into your lap and getting celebrated for past successes. Get over your "imposter syndrome". You deserve to be rightfully compensated,
Where Is It Asking You To Focus Your Energy?
Focus on raising your risk tolerance and lowering your tolerance for bullsh*t! You have great potential for success, so act accordingly. Any ideas about new ventures you should turn into plans. Find wholeness within and don't wait for external validation, be it about your self worth or plans. Overall, stand on your own and be like a tree that withstands the jarsh conditions by bending with the wind. You are strong enough to let the storm pass.
Pile 2
“Through transformation, the nervous system regains its capacity for self-regulation. Our emotions begin to lift us up rather than bring us down. They propel us into the exhilarating ability to soar and fly, giving us a more complete view of our place in nature. Our perceptions broaden to encompass a receptivity and acceptance of what is, without judgment. We are able to learn from our life experiences. Without trying to forgive, we understand that there is no blame. We often obtain a surer sense of self while becoming more resilient and spontaneous. This new self-assuredness allows us to re-lax, enjoy, and live life more fully. We become more in tune with the passionate and ecstatic dimensions of life.”
― Ann Frederick, Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
How Will This Eclipse Change You?
This eclipse will make you sharper, quicker to act and ready to be strategic about your plans. After many trials and errors you have come to the conclusion that you're the only one who can change your life. You are becoming more stoic and pragmatic.
You are getting the bird's eye view, sitting high up in your throne like the queen/king you are.
I'm getting the message that clarity is here, not because of others but because of a change in your mindset that comes down to this: "I'm setting myself free from expectations and expecting. I'm choosing my battles wisely. I see things from a higher perspective."
Wisdom, truth and logic are the tools you are going to use to manifest your dream life.
From now on you will be guarding your heart and letting it rest for a while. Now, it's time for the sensitive heart to give the reigns to the cold head, just for now...
What New Era Is This Eclipse Ushering You Into?
This is perfect! I just saw a carousel on TikTok that talked about the "winter arc" and when it starts (October 1st). I'm getting that this eclipse is ushering you into your villain era/winter arc.
You are a very soft and caring person but you've had enough, haven't you? I'm not getting that in this era of your life you'll turn into a b*tch and go from one extreme to another. I'm getting that you'll simply use radical honesty with yourself, you'll cut out the fluff and use your empathy to empathize with the one who deserves it, YOURSELF.
I want you to know that after this much needed period you will see that only people with the beat intentions approach you. I'm not getting that you will be lonely, I'm getting that you will choose to keep your distance from toxicity. You may meet someone who is going after their goals too and you two become really great pals.
Where Is It Asking You To Focus Your Energy?
Very interesting...
First of all, share your gifts with the world cause this will lead you to material abundance. It's been reaffirmed that you are a generous and empathetic person. The Universe wants you to know that it's clearing out from your life those that are leeching off of your energy and are sticking around just to have a taste from the fruits of your flavour.
Since you will become more logical in this period of your life, you will see that certain people are better to be left in the past.
You need to focus your energy on making money, finding like minded souls who reciprocate your positive energy and also, SERVING karma. Be okay with being the villain in someone else's story. They wronged you first and now they just want to use you. Don't feel bad that you want them to watch you win, because they wanted to watch you lose.
Now, let them watch from the sidelines, while you are running towards success. It's going to be sweeter though, cause you will be so focused on the path ahead of you that you will not care about the bench sitters.
Take care !
Pile 3
“Every trauma provides an opportunity for authentic transformation. Trauma amplifies and evokes the expansion and contraction of psyche, body, and soul. It is how we respond to a traumatic event that determines whether trauma will be a cruel and punishing Medusa turning us into stone, or whether it will be a spiritual teacher taking us along vast and uncharted pathways. In the Greek myth, blood from Medusa’s slain body was taken in two vials; one vial had the power to kill, while the other had the power to resurrect. If we let it, trauma has the power to rob our lives of vitality and destroy it. However, we can also use it for powerful self-renewal and transformation. Trauma, resolved, is a blessing from a greater power.”
― Ann Frederick, Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
How Will This Eclipse Change You?
As far as I can tell, Pile 3 needs to read both this pile and number 2! You are a complex person with lots of layers and reading both piles will help you gain two very distinct perspective on this next cycle taht will transform you COMPLETELY. It's not just about the eclipse, it's about the node change and the overall energy of the next 18-20 months. One of the two piles may not resonate right now, but in a few months or even a year it will be helpful to read it again for guidance.
The eclipse will change your perspective when it comes to your "all or nothing" attitude. Now, this change might have started already but what I see is that you will have a moment in the next month where you will realize that you have the ability to stand still while the world around you is moving. Before, you saw this as your inability to change and evolve but spirit wants you to know that you have the super power and luxury of following your own path. Your timing is way different than taht of others and your ability to move mountains while being still will help you advance in life. You see yourself as a walking contradiction but in reality, energy may manifest in different ways but its substance is the same. Stop beating yourself up and let your energy flow in different ways/wavelengths.
What New Era Is This Eclipse Ushering You Into?
You always get so close to the finish line but refuse to let go of the burdens so you never finish the race. The Universe is asking you to let go of expectations, negative beliefs and fear. Ask and you shall receive. Your options are confusing you, that's why they will fall away one by one. This new era is the era of shedding your new skin and of stripping down to the basics. You can not jump into cold water with clothes on, they won't help you even though they protect you at the shore, in the water they will weigh you down and you'll drown. Different things work at different phases, now it's a new phase and whatever was helpful before it's not working now. Paradigm shift.
Where Is It Asking You To Focus Your Energy?
Know that your life is headed towards a beautiful direction and trust your inner compass to lead you to this destination. Focus on improving your skillset and mindset and let yourself prepare for abundance. This next chapter is all about sharpening up before we climb the mountain. Thinl about it, if you had to climb up Everest wouldn't you want to be as prepared as possible. This last hump on the road is just a preview of the mountains you will climb.
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princessjojo-x · 10 months
Love Notes
💝 the reasons you sometimes harmonise well with men, despite it not making sense astrologically... A) people you’ve spent a considerable amount of time with, your family & friends, have similar placements to him. as a consequence, you’re very familiar & comfortable with that signs energy, despite not necessary being the most astrologically compatible with it. therefore, it’s useful to check the sun signs of the people closest to him, to learn what energy he is accustomed too. B) despite having a disappointing synastry chart, you have hopeful & balanced composite chart. B) one of his placements falls into one of your following houses: 1H - energy you give off. 4H - emotional wellbeing & comfort. 5H - love, happiness & inner child. 7H - partnerships & relationships.
💝 it doesn’t matter how attractive other girls are compared to you, as long as you & him have mutual attraction written in your synastry chart. however, it doesn’t matter how pretty you are compared to other girls, he will still cheat on you if betrayal is written in your synastry chart.
💝 your best match will not have similar placements to you but instead opposite energy to balance one another out. find someone with the energy you’re lacking.
💝 our preferred house overlays could be indicated by our venus sign. for example, leo venus may enjoy 5th house synastry or scorpio venus may feel comfortable with 8th house synastry.
💝 in regards to your natal chart, fifth house shows how you act in the beginning of rxships & your dating style (first dates, first kisses). eighth house shows how you act when feeling real connection & how you behave sexually.
💝 knowing which house of theirs your moon falls in, is the key to understanding how they perceive your emotional world & what area of life you give them comfort/nurture.
💝 in order to get over your ex using astrology, meet someone new who has their south node conjunct your ex’s moon, ascendant or venus.
💝 many couples share similar moon aspects in their natal chart. for example, partner A has moon square rising & partner B has moon opposite rising, both harsh aspects.
💝 many married couples have their rising in neighboring signs.
💝 often cancer & taurus placements end up together.
💝 the least compatible signs are taurus & virgo. the spark dies quickly & partners get irritated with each other as time goes on. but partners stay together bc the rxship “works” practically.
💝 starting a new rxhsip during venus rx is guaranteed to teach you a karmic lesson with a karmic partner.
💝 oddly enough, the same placements that indicate potential of becoming a stalker are the same placements that indicate being a victim of stalking. if you look at the charts of real stalkers & their victims, there's often similar aspects.
💝 high chance of compatibility if theres more harmonic aspects (trines, sextiles) than hard aspects (oppositions, squares) within synastry chart. however, you NEVER want a rxship with no challenging aspects bc that would be so boring & you’d both lose interest quick asf. we need that spice, that challenge, that potency.
💝 trine = the most positive aspect
💝 sextile = harmonious & ease
💝 square = challenge & action
💝 opposite = attraction & instability
💝 moon = represents a man’s spouse.
💝 venus = how we love & want to be loved. the type of woman men are attracted to
💝 mars = the type of man women are attracted to
💝 juno = venus & mars shows what partner we think we want but juno shows what marriage partner we need & will get. (leo)
💝 lust = represents desires & uncontrollable turn ons. lusts energy is not related to love or romance, no emotions involved, it’s abt our instincts.
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messiahzzz · 5 months
it is a conscious choice of mystra to initially present herself as this benevolent, courteous, and merciful being. a practiced and perfected approach she knows will compel gale to follow her demands with the least amount of resistance on his part. he already refused to follow her instructions when she sent elminster to request his death — his effective father figure, gale’s self-proclaimed hero, mentor, and the one who plucked him from obscurity in the first place — so another appeal is in order.
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narrator: "elminster's visit weighs heavy on your mind. his face you did not expect to see again." narrator: "when you last saw him, you were in your prime. no orb, no tadpole. a mage of growing renown, all power, pride, and potential - beloved by the goddess of magic herself. narrator: "it's one thing to have fallen from such heights, but to have elminster himself now witness your humiliation is almost unbearable." gale: [his disappointment cuts deeper even than mystra's. he was your hero.] narrator: "while most know of elminster the legend, few know him as you have. he plucked you from obscurity. offered you his guidance. his faith. and most recently, his pity."
yet it is curious how quickly she changes her tune once gale doesn’t readily agree to her demand to return the crown of karsus to her, no questions asked. or even dares to impugn, or criticize her reasoning for leaving him to die.
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gale: "a great ask indeed. you've given me much to think on - as you always did." mystra: "so be it. follow the needles of your own wisdom. we shall see how truly it leads you."
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gale: "because i disobeyed you. you punished me for it." mystra: "how so? you think i should have cured you? erased the consequences of your actions?"
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gale: "you break up with me, cut me off from the weave, leave me to die, and that's all you have to say? 'you look well'?" mystra: "i did not come here to suffer a mortal's admonitions. certainly not yours."
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gale: "you were threatened. you realised you couldn't control me." mystra: "you were many things to me, but never a threat. and never a saviour." nodecontext: sharper, almost a warning - don't entertain such thoughts, gale. you won't like where they lead.
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gale: "i don't know. i need time to think." mystra: "so be it. follow the needle of your own wisdom. we shall see how truly it leads you."
particularly interesting to note is how she uses his surname as a tool to chastise and taunt him. only referring to him as "gale dekarios" in the context of him displeasing her, when he doesn't readily obey, whether he simply wavers (needing time to think) or outright declines her instructions. she uses the very name he had actively discarded and refuses to be referred to at this point in time. a deliberate reminder of his fallible humanity, of the flaws he tried to distance himself from. she knows this.
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gale: "i won't let you down again. when the absolute is vanquished, i will surrender karsus' powers to you. you have my word." mystra: "thank you. may the weave's light guide your purpose, and it's wisdom guide your hand." mystra: "the future of magic rests on your shoulders, gale of waterdeep". mystra: "i promise you - it is a burden you are strong enough to bear."
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gale: "i don't need your forgiveness. the crown of karsus will be mine, and the karsite weave will obey me." mystra: "crown yourself, gale dekarios, and you will learn what it is to carry such weight upon your shoulders." mystra: "if it does not crush you, i will." nodecontext: an icy edge entering her voice - a hint of a challenge gale will face if he pursues this course. nodecontext: here we glimpse the true, unimaginable power of mystra. she's still in control of herself, but her anger should be palpable.
i have already addressed the overall topic of mystra & gale's relationship in several posts i wrote some time ago [x] [x] [x]. however, since then we have received new snippets of information with patch 5 that shed more light on the progression of their relationship as a whole. this post is intended to be an update of sorts, containing a more comprehensive list, as well as lore excerpts for added context and proof. i will split this essay into several sections for coherency — buckle in, cause this is going to be a long one!
✧ mystra's history of manipulation ✧
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one of the epilogue letters revealed that elminster first sought gale out when he was about 8 years old. which according to gale's canon age being 35 (as listed on his idle champions character sheet) means that their first meeting occurred around 1465 DR. although elminster's wording suggests that this may merely be an estimate on his side.
furthermore - in the ending where gale dies in the attempt at ascension, raphael has the following to say:
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raphael: "you were the spark of ambition that rekindled gale's ambitions, after mystra had so cleverly put them to rest."
insinuating that mystra did make an active effort to keep gale in line, to temper his ambition, lest his thirst for more knowledge would eventually prove bothersome for her. keeping an eye on him at all times, keeping him close, placating him, and urging him to be patient.
what distinctly stood out to me is how this also aligns with some of azuth's quotes in the temptation of elminster, while he gives advice to a then-young sage of shadowdale.
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we are her treasures, lad—we are what she holds most dear, the rocks she can cling to in the storms of wild art. she needs us to be strong, far stronger than most mortals ... tempered tools for her use. being bound to us by love and linked to us to preserve her very humanity, she finds it hard to be harsh to us—to do the tempering that must be done. she began the tempering of you long ago; you are her 'pet project', if you will. [...]
"you serve mystra differently. she watches you and learns the human side of magic in all it's hues from your experiences and the doings of those you meet—foes and friends alike. yet the time has come for you to change, and grow, to serve as she'll need you to, in the centuries ahead."
and yet again, there is a reoccurring pattern in her relationship with sammaster, another of her chosen, as well:
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sammaster fell to his knees and wept upon mystra's feet. they ended up spending ten days together. this made him the first chosen of mystra since the seven sisters. when he asked for the reason that mystra had chosen him, she replied that she had foreseen that one of her chosen would be killed in battle, and he would be the replacement. he left this encounter feeling as though he and mystra were in love.
mystra is no stranger to fostering feelings of boundless devotion that weren't present before. observing her potential chosen, appearing before them, promising them power. luring them into service without the knowledge of what this may entail. where other gods may instill fear, mystra instills the notion of love. practicing seduction while mirroring her chosen's humanity. intentionally portraying herself as someone sympathetic and approachable. syncing their language, highlighting mutuality, making them feel favored and seen. mystra sees no need in the act of divine separation, a display of godlike grandeur — inimitable, menacing, larger than life, towering above her chosen. instead, her manifestation is purposefully unassuming. she meets them in the form of a woman in her early 30s, conventionally attractive, palpable, and appealing to the masses — a human figure. the very embodiment, the very ideal of traditional beauty an impressionable, young wizard may have.
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gale: "i can't quite describe it, the need i sometimes feel to see her - to draw the filaments of fantasy into existence." gale: "no sculpture or painting could ever do her justice, only the fabric that she herself is and embodies."
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gale: "in her likeness, i used to read a thousand stories. she was beauty, wisdom, elegance, power... she contained universes."
player: “what did mystra’s attention feel like?” gale: “love. [...] perhaps it was not quite love, but you see, the wizard was but a very young man. it was most certainly love to him. [...]"
how we see her in the game is very likely the same form she chose to present to a young gale. beauty, wisdom, elegance. perceived perfection, yet humble in her divinity.
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the mystra of now (1490s DR) retains some of the memories of all of her earlier selves, and the relatively young and inexperienced midnight is “in there,” but wholly subsumed. mystra could generate an avatar or seeming that might fool some mortals into thinking they were meeting midnight, but it would be an act. [x]
generating an avatar in the form of a mortal she subsumed. purporting mutuality. midnight was just another mortal added to mystra's long list of "human stock" — vessels intended to preserve her power. favored, chosen, and ultimately suppressed by the very essence of mystra herself. midnight is no equal piece of mystra, the deity, there is no conscious part of the mortal that remains. [x] the mystra that currently exists is a union of the original mystryl, as well as all the other reincarnations of her that melded into her being. fragments of their minds that linger in the weave, scraps of humanity that could perhaps aid in her knowledge and understanding to prevent further betrayals in the future.
mystra's approach has always been indirect, instead of being outright menacing and portentous. the fact that mystra isn't written like the other gods in the game doesn't mean she's more sympathetic to gale's struggles or more inclined to understand human nature. her concern will always be the preservation of her domain and her hold over the weave — to do as the gods do.
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gale: "you're one to talk. how many innocents were you prepared to sacrifice if i detonated the orb?" mystra: "such eddies are unexceptional. souls arrive and depart your plane with every tide, in circumstances just and unjust." nodecontext: matter of fact, not interested in these kinds of specifics
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ketheric thorm: "who decides what is right? the gods did not care for right and wrong when they dismantled my life piece by piece." ketheric thorm: "and when i tried to buy it back, it cost me everything - everything." ketheric thorm: "we are copper pieces in their belts. tokens to be traded for scraps."
it is often mentioned that mystra makes her attention known by brushing against her potential chosen. whispering to them, touching their skin, eliciting a tingling sensation. which is also how mystra chose to reveal herself to ariel manx (midnight) in 1353 DR, while she was 21 years of age.
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gale mentions feeling a similar sensation if he chooses to destroy the summoning circle in balthazar's office at moonrise and thereby receives her blessing.
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gale: "did you feel that?" gale: "if i wasn't surrounded on all sides by the darkness of the shadow-cursed lands, i'd think it was mystra herself brushing against my skin."
mystra isn't above using manipulations to get her way. once again evident in her instigating dornal and elué silverhand's union in the first place, as well as intentionally withholding information from dornal that she actively took possession of his wife, elué. to ensure that they would indeed produce her offspring — the seven sisters — her chosen and the vessels to house her power.
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where elué had previously been reluctant to acknowledge dornal's advances, he found them suddenly returned with great fervor once mystra took possession of her body. [x]
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"by the time elué was carrying her final child, she was in effect a lich - a crumbling shell kept alive only through mystra's power. dornal was shocked at her deterioration. he sought magical aid to cure his wife, and when he learned from the most powerful priest he could find that his wife was possessed by an intelligent force of great power, a sickened dornal tried to slay her. he struck off her head one moonlight night as they walked together in a wooded glade. mystra was forced to reveal herself. dornal was shattered by what he had done, and aghast at how he - and especially elué - had been used." [x]
dornal, who had been kept in the dark throughout, abandoned his lands and children after slaying his wife, traveling to the north, with the plan to seek his own death. he repeatedly tried to poison himself, yet mystra wouldn't allow him suicide and magically neutralized the lethal doses to keep him alive against his will. after his death in 797 DR, mystra turned him into another servant of hers: the watcher — one who wanders the realms, seeking out new potential chosen to this day.
which brings us to...
✧ mystra's foresight and her "death" ✧
mystra possesses a degree of foresight - she foresaw the time of troubles and her own passing at the hands of helm in 1358 DR for defying him and her attempt to converse with the overgod ao without the tablets of fate. the very reason why she sought out mortal vessels to house her power (the seven sisters) — to avoid disaster should another entity win control over her in the chaotic period of wildly fluctuating power struggles that was the time of troubles. this divine power slumbers within these individuals, which she can call upon.
in 1385 DR mystra (midnight) was struck down by cyric and shar, which brought upon the spellplague.
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in 1479 DR mystra was located by elminster inside a cave in cormyr, guarding her mortal body. she survived cyric's assassination by inhabiting the body of a bear, while still able to contact her chosen. she returned to her full power in 1487 DR.
the important part, that i've often seen outright ignored or misinterpreted by fandom altogether, is that mystra wasn’t actually “dead” for over a hundred years. at least not in the way we perceive it. we can’t equate her death with our mortal understanding of it. her powers were diminished to an extreme and she was weakened, yet she was still able to communicate. it was in her power to contact her chosen and to guide them. evident by her calling for elminster through her telepathic link and directing him to recruit other chosen for her to restore her power.
the plot of baldur’s gate 3 takes place in 1492 DR. meaning gale's actual year of birth would be 1457 DR. while elminster likely sought him out around 1465 DR, when he was only 8 years old. however, i once again want to emphasize that “couldn’t have been more than 8 summers old” indicates that this may merely be an estimate on elminster's side. he could’ve possibly reached out to him even earlier than that, or perhaps later. gale was 22 year old at the time when mystra was found in her diminished state by elminster in 1479 DR.
✧ mystra's awareness✧
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gale: “so, all it took to get mystra’s attention was to learn how to reforge an artifact that once destroyed her." gale: "it's obvious, when you stop to think about it."
even if you may personally be skeptical of elminster’s insertion into gale’s life at age 8 (as well as mystra's ability to contact her chosen during her death) to be enough evidence of mystra’s attention — she had to be aware of him for his talents alone since he was a mere child. there is no way around this.
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player: "how could she possibly know we read a book? hasn't she got more important things to worry about?" gale: "the weave is a highly sensitive magical network threaded through all life on this plane. any shift in magical energy, no matter how small, is akin to a beacon, alerting mystra to its cause." gale: "opening a book like the annals of karsus was akin to us shooting a firework spelling 'look at us, mystra!' directly into the skies of elysium. she knows."
mystra IS the weave, as gale himself has stated several times. it is an extension of her being, threaded through all life. by touching the weave one is directly touching the goddess of magic herself. mystra is aware of any magic user, able to deepen this contact at her choosing.
shadowheart: "isn't it so, that every time you speak as you cast a spell, you're endeavouring to call upon mystra?" shadowheart: "i'm surprised she still listens to you." gale: "she has no choice - she's sworn to hear all magic users. even me." gale: "i'm sure she at least stuffs her fingers in her ears to muffle my invocations."
gale described himself as a child prodigy. a virtuoso that was able to manipulate and compose the weave at will from an early age.
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gale: "magic is... my life. i've been in touch with the weave for as long as i can remember. there's nothing like it."
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gale: "i'm what one might call a wizard prodigy, who from an early age could not only control the weave, but compose it, much like a musician or a poet."
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gale: "such was my skill that it earned me the attention of the mother of magic herself. the lady of mysteries. the goddess mystra." gale: "she revealed herself to me and she became my teacher. in time, she became my muse, and later, even my lover."
someone who was able to perform feats way beyond the skillset of his peers. he managed to wield the blackstaff itself, accidentally facing an irritated death slaad, and lived to tell the tale. he summoned and befriended tara, as well as the magma mephit, k'ha'ssji'trach'ash. we also know from elminster that he was able to cast fireball — a 3rd level spell — at age 8.
it is indisputable that mystra must’ve taken notice of the precocious young wizard during this time, even in her diminished state. much like she had once observed midnight. she began to whisper to him, drawing back the veils, revealing herself bit by bit, urging him that he was special — chosen.
gale: "he fancied himself much more than that. he fancied himself favoured above all others. [...] mystra showed him the secrets behind the veils. the gossamer veils first, draped across the weave. the delicate veils next, draped across her body. ‘chosen one’ she whispered, as she slipped them off completely."
✧ final part: power imbalance & exerting control ✧
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gale: "the weave is still here, all around us - inside of us too. as long as the goddess lives, magic is a tangible thing for those who know how to touch." gale: "i've studied magic for many years, and in as many ways i am still a more than capable wizard." gale: "it's just that i'm no longer able to perform those feats even arch wizards would marvel at." gale: " to have one hand on the pulse of divinity." gale: "you have to remember that the weave is a living thing, both the embodiment and the extension of mystra herself." gale: "she can give and she can take away. i'm afraid i'm still very much on her naughty list."
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gale: "mystra commands all magic. salvation, if such a thing exists, is hers to bestow or withhold." gale: "and yet, even now, more than i fear losing my own self and soul, i fear losing my command of her art."
player: "he sounds like a very talented individual." gale: "he was. even though it was in mystra’s affections that his true power lay."
even apart from their innate different forms of existence as a mere mortal and the literal goddess of magic, mystra is in full control of gale's power at all times, able to grant and withdraw her favors at will. claiming that such a power imbalance doesn’t exist, that it doesn’t apply to their respective relationship, that it might’ve been “healthy” at one point if gale was indeed of age at the time their relationship transitioned into a sexual nature is —pardon my french— fucking insane.
this stance disregards everything we know about the gods, about mystra’s involvement with other mortals and her chosen. it disregards the level of authority she wields over any magic user. it carelessly and naively disregards the implicit difference in power. mystra is the goddess of magic, his goddess. the very object of his worship and adoration since childhood. the goddess he devoted his life, his work, and his unyielding loyalty to. it is ultimately irrelevant at what exact point their relationship underwent its final transition from muse to lover. this discussion is redundant. mystra has been a constant presence since his early childhood. his worship of her began with the practice of his first spells, even if it wasn't conscious at the time. every practitioner of magic inevitably honors mystra, regardless of their faith in her. magic is his life, in the same way that mystra is pure magic. she is in total control of the tools he wields.
✧ summary ✧
mystra possesses a degree of foresight, already knowing about the time of troubles & her subsequent passing. this being her reason to seek out mortal vessels to secure her power.
mystra feels any shift in magical energy no matter how small, immediately alerting her. gale was able to cast a third-level spell at age 8.
mystra has a history of instilling feelings of love that weren't present before and using her chosen/other mortals for her own means. (elminster, khelben, sammaster, the seven daughters, ariel manx etc.)
mystra's manifestation is a conscious choice. midnight has been wholly subsumed by her.
mystra wasn’t actually “dead” in 1479 DR, but merely diminished. she was inhabiting the body of a bear and was still able to communicate with her chosen. she directed elminster to recruit other chosen to restore her power.
elminster sought gale out around 1465 DR when he was about 8 years old, as stated in the epilogue letter.
mystra first functioned as gale’s mentor, then his muse, and later his lover.
gale’s relationship with her was indeed of a sexual nature, he has explicitly stated so several times. their intimacy wasn't restricted to incorporeal interactions either, even though they were preferred.
during the ending where gale fails to ascend raphael states during the credits that tav has “rekindled gale’s ambitions after mystra had so cleverly put them to rest”.
azuth describes mystra's chosen as "tempered tools for her use". being bound to them by love and linked to them to preserve her very humanity.
mystra's intention to shape gale into yet another loyal, devoted asset to her portfolio has been there from the very moment she chose to reveal herself, to instruct elminster to seek him out. it was a conscious decision to directly insert herself into gale’s life, sowing his conviction that he was favored above all others. singling him out among his peers, isolating him with subtle promises of his greatness, his uniqueness, and all he could yet accomplish to be under her guidance. offering him her teachings, her inspiration, and eventually her love. yet all the while tempering his perceived greed and thirst to reach for even greater heights, unless it acted in her favor. keeping him close — lest his growing ambitions should ever prove to be an outright challenge to her rule.
the groundwork has been carefully laid from the very beginning.
gale: “goodnight. and thank you for your patient understanding. [...] try not to think too poorly of me. a cat can look at a king. a wizard can look at a goddess.”
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em-dash-press · 1 year
The 5 Most Essential Turning Points in a Character’s Arc
You spend so much time creating a character because you want them to feel real. You want to connect with them and use them to create an experience for your readers. Their character arc is how that happens.
Don’t miss out on these essential turning points that make an arc feel not only whole, but complete.
1. The Inciting Incident
Your inciting incident gets your plot moving. It isn’t going to be the first sentence of your story (also called your hook), although it could be if you crafted your first sentence for that purpose.
An inciting incident is a plot event that guides your character in a new direction. It’s the successful prison break, the meeting of instant rivals, or the moment your protagonist wins the lottery in your first chapter.
Without the inciting incident, your protagonist’s life would carry on as usual. They wouldn’t start the arc that makes them an interesting person for the reader to stick with throughout your story.
2. Introducing the Protagonist’s Main Flaw
Every protagonist needs a primary flaw. Ideally, they’ll have more than one. People aren’t perfect and they rarely get close enough to only have one negative characteristic. Protagonists need that same level of humanity for readers to connect with them.
There are many potential flaws you could consider, but the primarily flaw must be the foundation for your character’s arc. It might even be the catalyst for the story’s peak.
Imagine a hero archetype. They’re great and well-intended, but they have a problem with boasting. Their arc features scenes where they learn to overcome their need to brag about themselves, but they get drunk and boast in a bar right before the story’s peak. The antagonist’s best friend hears this because they’re at the same bar, so they report the hero’s comment to the main villain. It thwarts the hero’s efforts and makes the climax more dramatic.
Other potential flaws to consider:
3. Their First Failure
Everyone will fail at a goal eventually. Your protagonist should too. Their first failure could be big or small, but it helps define them. They either choose to continue pursuing that goal, they change their goal, or their worldview shatters.
Readers like watching a protagonist reshape their identity when they lose sight of what they wnat. They also like watching characters double down and pursue something harder. Failure is a necessary catalyst for making this happen during a character’s arc.
4. Their Rock Bottom
Most stories have a protagonist that hits their rock bottom. It could be when their antagonist defeats them or lose what matters most. There are numerous ways to write a rock-bottom moment. Yours will depend on what your character wants and what your story’s theme is.
If you forget to include a rock-bottom moment, the reader might feel like the protagonist never faced any real stakes. They had nothing to lose so their arc feels less realistic.
Rock bottoms don’t always mean earth-shattering consequences either. It might be the moment when your protagonist feels hopeless while taking an exam or recognizes that they just don’t know what to do. Either way, they’ll come to grips with losing something (hope, direction, or otherwise) and the reader will connect with that.
5. What the Protagonist Accepts
Protagonists have to accept the end of their arc. They return home from their hero’s journey to live in a life they accept as better than before. They find peace with their new fate due to their new community they found or skills they aquired.
Your protagonist may also accept a call to action. They return home from their journey only to find out that their antagonist inspired a new villain and the protagonist has to find the strength to overcome a new adversary. This typically leads into a second installment or sequel.
Accepting the end of their arc helps close the story for the reader. A protagonist who decides their arc wasn’t worth it makes the reader disgruntled with the story overall. There has to be a resolution, which means accepting whatever the protagonist’s life ended up as—or the next goal/challenge they’ll chase.
Hopefully these points make character arcs feel more manageable for you. Defining each point might feel like naming your instincts, but it makes character creation and plotting easier.
Want more creative writing tips and tricks? I have plenty of other fun stuff on my website, including posts like Traits Every Protagonist Needs and Tips for Writing Subplots.
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k-zuzu · 22 days
s.CB, h.HJ, h.JS, l.YB 𖹭 gn!reader
my enemy.
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synopsis: they eventually give in after years of hatred, rivalry, and built-up tension only to get caught by another member.
content: changbin, hyunjin, han, felix (seperate) 𖹭 reader, enemies, suggestive/nsfw/18+ (minors do not interact), idk what this is honestly, poor attempt at comedy, reader has gender neutral pronouns and no specified genitalia, gentle brat tamer!cb x brat!reader, mean dom!hj, switch!felix x switch!reader, subby!han x mean-ish dom!reader, bondage, unprotected sex (cb), big dick | blowjob | dubcon penetration | photography (hj), implied feelings | doggy style | penetration (felix), lots of teasing and some pet names in all of them, swearing, not proofread, lowercase intended.
zuzu's note: part 2!!! hope u enjoy. part 1 here.
main masterlist.
"you need to learn your place," changbin spoke softly, his tone dripping with condescension. he had chased you around his room for quite some time before he finally caught you, and with a swift and experienced motion, he grabbed your wrists and skillfully bound them together behind your back with a length of silk rope. his grip was firm, yet gentle, as he tied the bindings tight against your skin.
what could you have possibly done to make the kind and lovable seo changbin hate you? you were a brat, a nuisance who pushed his buttons and tested his patience. he tried to be patient with you for months, but your bratty behavior was too much to handle. and worst of all, you sent him mixed signals. half of 'i am a brat because i have a crush on you' and the other half being 'i am a brat because i hate you.' years passed and changbin had finally had enough, he decided it was time to do something about it.
with a swift and powerful motion, changbin easily picked you up off the floor, walked to his room, and tossed your form onto his bed, not missing a beat as he quickly locked the door behind him. he looked down at you with a stern expression, his tone firm as he spoke.
"you can't just go around doing what you do." he scolded softly.
you looked up at him, feigning innocence. "doing what i do?" you repeated his words, genuienly confused. "y'know, changbin, if you want me to come up with a great comeback you're gonna hafta give me some details—" your words were cut short when changbin stuffed a piece of fabric in your mouth.
changbin looked at you directly, his gaze intense and focused. "let me do the talking," he said firmly. "i need to know if you want to fuck me or not." he held your gaze as he waited for your response. "so, just nod if you do." he continued, his voice steady. "and shake your head no if you don't." he wasn't afraid of the consequences of his actions. it was you sending mixed signals, and he wanted to clear the tension by being direct.
he watched. struggling to keep the smile off of his face as he watched you nod your head, eyes staring directly into his. finally. for once, you were easy to talk to.
"okay... may i take you... here, now?" changbin sat on the bed next to you and removed the fabric from your mouth.
"...yes... you may." you said, breathy.
"but i wanna be able to use these ties, is that okay?" he asked. "to be able to do that, you'll have to get naked."
"yes, fine, please, whatever! just- just take me." you shook around, trying to free yourself from the restrains so you could undress yourself.
"don't get too excited." changbin reached for the hem of your baggy shirt and pulled it over your head, revealing your exposed chest — he wanted to roam his hands all over your body so badly but he had to be patient. he pushed you against the bed so you laid down on your arms. he steadily, cautiously, painfully slowly pulled your shorts and underwear down. finally taking the remainders of the silk rope on your wrists and he tied them expertly around your thighs, keeping them spread.
you watched all but in silence, giving bratty, annoying commentary about how he was taking his sweet time, but he was patient once more because he knew he would be able to fuck you in silence. but you're not very quiet in bed to no one's surprise.
finally, when he was done, he stood up and observed his masterpiece, you, spread all perfect for him — you looked at him in silence, expression defeated by how he took his sweet time and you were still horny. finally, changbin climbed onto the bed, hed in between your legs and he collected his saliva before spitting onto your hole. fitting his middle finger inside, you squeezed tightly around him and let out a soft mewl.
"ah, come on, do you have to be such a tease~?" you whined out. you couldn't move much so your only weapon was your words
"yes, yes i do." changbin curled his finger in your hole right where you wanted it and your entire body jolted at the sensation.
"f-fuck, just take me now. don't wait. i can't take it anymore!" you shuffled around his bed, almost crying.
"beg for it." changbin watched your desperate form freeze at his words.
"what? this isn't a porno, quit making me do shit and just fuck me already—"
"beg. for. it." he stood up and pulled out something from his drawer. "i got a vibrator here and i could edge you all night if you're not up for begging,"
"f-fuck. fuck you. fuck." you closed your eyes and sighed deeply. "please. please, changbin, fuck me. i want your cock in me so bad, please... i'm begging." you whined, tears forming on your eyes.
"good job." changbin placed down the vibrator on the table and climbed over you, one hand stroking the side of your hair and his thumb grazing over your cheek. "don't cry. s'beautiful." he whispered. unzipping his pants and pulling out his hard, fat cock, pushing it against your entrance that begged for him to come inside.
"ahh, please..!" you whined. your legs were already sore from the restraints and you just wanted his cock to fill you up so good. "seo changbin!" you yelled. finally, he pushed his dick inside without a warning, erupting a yelp from your throat.
"fuck..." changbin hissed. hips unmoving as he let you adjust to the pain. "fuck, are you okay?" he asked, looking into your eyes and you nod, lips parted and unable to speak.
"better than okay. keep going..." you took deep, ragged breaths, squeezing tightly around changbin's thick cock as he began to thrust into you with an unrelenting pace — he was so much faster than you ever would have expected him to be. (not that you ever imagined having sex with him.) "ahh, changbin! keep going~" you moaned out, your voice high and desperate as he thrust into you faster and faster, the bed creaking beneath the force of his movements. the sound of you being pounded filled the room, mingling with your pleas for him to continue.
the noise of your moans and changbin's thrusting filled the room, effectively covering up the sound of keys jingling and the door slamming open. however, the moment was quickly ruined by a high-pitched scream that didn't come from either of you.
han stood frozen in the doorway, his mouth and eyes wide with shock as he took in the surreal scene before him. "OH MY FUCKING JEEBUS," he yelled, too traumatized to even flinch. he began crying and quickly barged out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. "I'M SO FUCKING SORRY, I'M SO SORRY." he sobbed. you weren't sure if he was apologizing to you guys for barging in or apologizing to himself for ever coming inside unwelcomed.
"hyunjin, i swear on my unborn dead great grandchild's grave. delete that photo right now." you chased hyunjin around the living dorm room as he cackled like a maniac. "hyunjin, i'm fucking serious! someone might walk in! don't be such a dickhead."
"oh, but throughout our relationship when was i not a dickhead?" he stopped running and held the phone farther out of your reach when you attempted to grab it. "y'know, i'm starting to think you wanted me to see this."
he held his phone tightly in front of your face, revealing the nude mirror selfie you took a few minutes ago and accidentally shared to him. in a panic, you accidentally unsent the photo 'for you' rather than 'for everyone' causing you to quickly cover up in a robe, run to his room in hopes that he was asleep so you could delete it before he saw anything, only to lead to this very moment.
"why on earth would i want you to see that?! delete it! " you whined and grabbed his phone but he pulled it away from your grip, his eyes flickering down to your exposed chest in your loosened robe.
"come on, y/n, stop playing hard to get." he held your chin and put his forehead against yours. you pushed him away and scoffed.
"fucking forget it. asshole." you grumbled and walked away.
"you sure?" hyunjin called out to you. "i know a way you can get me to delete it."
you froze in your step and slowly turned around, eyes meeting his across the room. of course he knows a way. it's hyunjin. you let out a small sigh and crossed your arms over your chest.
"...fine. what is it?"
hyunjin shrugged. "deal with the problem your pic caused," he set the phone aside plopped himself down on the couch, legs spread wide.
you wanted to scoff and tell him to fuck off but you thought this could be an opportunity an eye for an eye, or in this case, a nude pic for a nude pic — so, you walked over and sunk down on your knees. hands roaming his pyjama-clad thighs before ghosting over his erection. you smirked, looking up at him. "is this all just for my picture?"
"do you want it to be?"
"ugh, you're impossible."
"i technically can't be 'impossible' because i exist, the term you're looking for is that i'm 'improbable'—" his retort cut off short when you squeezed his cock through the thin fabric before kissing it softly.
"blah blah blah. you're hard for me." you looked up at him before slowly pulling his pants down along with his underwear. your breath hitching in your throat as you catch sight of his large, long, and pretty penis — fuck, you're starting to just wanna suck him off but you can't let your plan go to waste.
hyunjin looks down at you, brows a bit furrowed and lips slightly parted as he takes in steady breaths. you take in the tip of his dick into your mouth and he lets out a soft moan, you bob your head a bit before pulling away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you together. "fuck." hyunjin mutters under his breath, throwing his head back, eyes closed.
"is it good?" you ask as you pump his length with one hand. the other reaching down for your own phone in the pocket of your robe.
"more." he whines.
you smirk as you turn on your camera and turn the flash off, your right hand pauses from jerking him and you stand up to take the perfect photo of his fucked out form on the couch, legs spread and dick exposed in all his glory. hyunjin looks at you and immediately runs to grab your phone. "hey! what do you think you're doing?" he grabbed both of your wrists, squeezing your left hand until you dropped your phone to the carpeted ground.
"taking your picture since you have mine." you winced at his grip but that didn't stop you from being a bitch.
"i already told you i'd delete yours if you just-"
"what? sucked you off? nah, i'd rather use your own picture against you." you chuckled in his face.
"but you already- why did you have to- ugh, you're so frustrating!" hyunjin tossed you on the couch and pinned you down, his large frame over yours. he uses one hand to undo your robe and he lines up his member with your entrance. it was all so fast but you didn't want to interject.
"you need to finish what you started, darling." hyunjin pushed his tip inside you.
"fuck, fuck-" you hissed out as he stretched your insides and you grabbed on tightly to his shoulders. "it hurts!" you cried out and hit his back, he immediately pulled out and looked at you.
"fuck, sorry, are you alright?"
"asshole, couldn't you prep me first? you know you're big." you grumbled
"ayyo what the fuck," a deep voice erupted from the doorway. your heads simultaneously snapped to felix. his eyes darted from your position, your exposed body through the undone robe, to hyunjin's hard dick. the sparkle in his eyes faded as they grew wider and wider. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
"stop making a fuss about everything! focus on a way to get out."
you didn't know how a private discussion with the hate of your life inside the storage room would lead to you both being trapped in it. you were convinced one of the members did so, but it was not funny.
"kick it down, asshole!" jisung stepped back, giving you space.
"you kick it down!" you yelled, almost offended that he even believed you had enough strength to kick the damn door down. "you have the years of training and working out for performances—"
"quit yapping about and just do something about it, i'm tired of sharing oxygen with you—" you slammed jisung against the wall, rendering him and yourself speechless. you didn't know what your next move was at this point, but when you saw the small tent forming on jisung's thin pyjama pants, you knew what your next move would be.
"shut up." jisung darted his eyes away from yours, stepping closer to the door and repeatedly banging his hand against it. the loud, irritating noise filling the room. "guys! is anyone there? let us out!"
"stop it." you stepped closer to jisung, your form sandwiched his with the door on the other side. "you don't want them to hear what's gonna happen next, no?" you gently guided his body to turn around so he faced you before you got on your knees and slowly pulled his pants down, revealing his large hard-on squeezing past his black underwear.
you looked up to see jisung with no objections but still avoiding your gaze, so you slapped his bare thigh to garner his attention. "hey." you blankly called out for him. "look at me." without hesitation, he looked at you, his brows were furrowed and his eyes were watering a bit.
"fuck, can you just suck me off already?" his hands reached for your hair, pulling you toward his crotch, but you fought back, pushing yourself away from him with the help of the door behind him.
"don't be so eager, jisung—" you attempted, but he was too strong, one hand turned your head to face his dick and pushed your lips against him.
"shit," he hissed, throwing his head back. he began rocking his hips and pushing his clothed groin against your lips.
"jisung!" you yelled and slapped his thigh again, erupting a yelp from him, pausing his actions. "i told you not to be so eager."
jisung's knees fell weak and he slid down the door, sitting against it and covering his face in shame. "b-but i wanted it so bad—"
"well, you're gonna have to earn it." you got on your feet and stood, looking down at him.
"make me cum."
jisung eagerly nodded and went on his knees, going straight for your crotch, but you grabbed him by his hair and pulled him back. "ah ah," you tutted. "don't be eager." slowly, you gently guided his head to your crotch. "slow and steady," you whispered and let out a breath of relief as you felt his warm breath against you.
slowly, you let go of his hair and pulled your shorts down — the scandalous sight of your enemy, han, on his knees for you, his warm breath against your skin, his erection still evident and aching against his underwear — all of it combined turned you on more than you thought it should.
you stepped backward so you had something to lean on while han pleasured you, instantly, your back met with the shelf and you hit it a little too hard — causing a stack of unopened canned paint to fall down and clatter against each other as they rolled across the floor, you and han slowly watched as it rolled from your side, all the way down to the door that was now open. your eyes went from the bare feet, slowly going up to the skinny form see hyunjin with his jaw dropped (you were surprised you didn't see it on the ground next to his feet.)
"BANG CHANNNNNN," hyunjin ran away from the ungodly sight.
"fuck." you cursed and pulled your shorts back up, running after hyunjin and leaving han on the floor. "HYUNJIN, WAIT, WHAT YOU SAW IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS." (what the fuck else could it be, y/n?)
"c'mon, don't tell me you haven't imagined us making loveeee~" you purred, sauntering towards felix's bedside. you'd walked in on him mid-fanfiction, his phone glowing with the words of a steamy enemies-to-lovers scenario on ao3, his phone discarded and long forgotten on the floor. he flung it across the room when you walked in. funnily, he flung it in your direction. so, you picked it up and read enough to get the gist.
"don't tease, y/n. it's art, it's a- a novel—" felix tried to excuse his behaviour with a scoff and made a weak attempt to push you off of his bed, you remained seated.
"novel my ass. the literature published on ao3 are nothing but for self indulgence and the pleasures of dirty minds like yours."
"aren't most books?"
"come on, just say it. say you wanna fuck me." you giggled, poking his side teasingly. "say itttt~ ah!" you let out a pained yelp when your head bangs against the headboard and felix pins you down on his bed.
his face hovered inches above yours, his breath hot against your face. "is that so bad?" he growled, his voice dropping to a lower octave that sent shivers down your spine and straight to your core. you gulped, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.
"oh shi, my bad bro, i didn't mean to trigger the demon within-" you attempt to laugh it off. but your heart raced in your chest as felix continued to pin you down with his gaze, his grip tightening around your wrists. "come on, i was just teasing, bro, let me go. i have work to do."
"come on, if you had time to come in here and tease me, you can take a few hours off work, no?" he purred, tilting his head closer to your face.
"quit joking, felix-"
"you're one to talk about joking," felix whispered, his lips brushing against your neck. you let out a breathy moan in response as he placed open-mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin.
"no, really," you gasped, threading your fingers through his hair to keep his head close. "you can't handle hours with me. you'll tap out first."
felix chuckled darkly, his hands roaming over your body. "wanna bet?" he asked, mouth against your neck, peppering kisses up until he finally connected your lips together, you moaned into his mouth and chased him as he pulled away.
"fine, let's bet then," you challenged, breaking free from his grip and reversing your positions. straddling his hips, you slowly lowered yourself onto him, grinding once, twice. his hands dug into your hips, and he buried his face in his pillow to muffle a deep groan. "what's wrong, baby boy? can't handle it anymore?" you teased. grinding again before taking your sweater off and tossing it aside.
"nah, come on, you can do better than that." felix laughed and pulled his pyjama pants down, revealing his plain black boxer shorts. you pushed his shirt up, exposing his chiseled abs, and you peppered them with kisses, pressing a soft kiss against the bulge in his underwear.
"do you think i could take you?" you tilted your head and pulled his underwear down, revealing his pretty erection. you began pumping him slowly, licking the precum off of his tip. you can feel him shiver under your touch and you smile sweetly. "can't take it anymore, honey?"
"you're being unfair." felix complained, sitting up and turning you around to put you on all fours. he pushed the small of your back down, forcing you to arch, and then expertly pulled your pants and underwear down in one swift motion. you decided to let him have his way and see what he could do to please you.
"shut. the. front. door." hyunjin stood at felix's doorway with a cheeky smile. "Y/N, YOU DID IT! I TOLD YOU BEING A BITCH TO HIM WOULD WORK!"
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which everything changes.
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, smut (p in v), almost shower sex, talk of male masturbation, oral (f receiving), upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ wc: 7.7k+
→ a/n: big shout out to @myosotisa for beta-reading this chapter so that for once, it's not unedited, and it's not just between me and god.
spotify playlist.
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19:00 ─────────────ㅇ── 24:00
DINGUS: so either these two are getting along REALLY well or they truly still hate each other’s guts
NANCE: Why do you say that?
DINGUS: when i called to make sure they weren’t dead, it sounded like they were arguing over the line. 
BIRDIE: woah woah woah, hold on. dingus. are you telling me you just SPIED on the lovebirds? or did this ‘fight’ happen during your conversation?
DINGUS: it wasn’t spying! eddie answered and rushed off the line, but it sounded like he forgot to hang up. i was just… curious.
NANCE: No, you were SPYING on them. 
ARGYLE 😎: what did they say, dude? 
BIRDIE: yeah let’s drop the morality bullshit – what’d you hear, my lovely oblivious spy? 
DINGUS: but it just sounded like eddie asking her if she was, and i quote, “fucking kidding him”. He sounded weird when he was talking to me, too.
BIRDIE: the most romantic words to ever be spoken. truly. 
NANCE: Was that all you heard?
DINGUS: yeah, i hung up after that. why?
ARGYLE 😎: should’ve stayed on the line.
BIRDIE: what he said.
JOHNNY BOY: Do you people have no morals? 
It becomes glaringly obvious to you that your comment had been a little too spot on after several minutes of waiting for Eddie to return. 
You hadn’t expected him to really leave you high and dry after that, to just go and take care of himself rather than include you in that process. Honestly, you thought the two of you were finally past hiding behind closed doors. But clearly, you had been wrong. Very, very wrong. And now, the consequences of your own actions were mocking you; there was an insistent, uncomfortable, unignorable burn in the pit of your stomach, and every shift of your thighs that had your underwear grazing your clit had you desperate, nearly mewling and arching your back. The longer you laid on that couch and realized what Eddie was currently doing, the more hot and bothered you grew. 
Fuck him. You’re about ten seconds away from taking care of your own problem right here, right now, on this god forsaken couch. 
Your ears perk involuntarily for any and all noises that may come from the hallway, but five minutes of silence tells you that Eddie had learned his lesson. He wasn’t going to be loud again. 
Fuck him. 
At least if he was falling apart by his own hand, he should have the decency to let you hear such, obviously. If he was going to finish what the two of you started alone with just him and his hand and the polished porcelain of his bathroom, you would have at least appreciated something to get you going, to urge your imagination to roam free through a conglomeration of both fantasies and memories. But, no – the man was so silent, you were beginning to fear he might be dead. 
Maybe he was dead. Death by blue balls. Good. Fuck him.
Your thighs squeeze together once more of their own free will, and you throw your head back violently to groan at the persistent throbbing. You couldn’t even be angry at him, not in a genuine sense, because you had insisted on talking rather than continuing whatever Deftones had started. What a dumb, idiotic, catastrophic decision. What a painful hill to die on. What a shit move on your part. 
It doesn’t take long before you make the choice to stop laying there, wallowing in your misery. If you weren’t going to take care of your problem, and if you were regretting your choices so desperately, you were an adult. He was down the hall, he was here for now, and there was nothing stopping you from just marching up to the door. This wasn’t anything like the beginning hours – the man had seen you bare before him far too many times for you to be shy. He had just been dry humping you like some teenager on his couch. 
No, you didn’t need to have shame right now. At least, not for these last five hours. 
You get up quick enough to make yourself dizzy, swinging your legs and making the soles of your feet connect with the living room floor with resounding slaps. A bit aggressive, and it might startle whoever had the displeasure of living below Eddie, but you don’t care. You have a one track mind, and you force your body into action before you can chicken out. 
You have him. At some wild capacity, the man behind the bathroom door is yours. Whether it be temporary, whether it had started before this night or would last beyond this experience, it was still a matter of fact. You have him – God, you have him so tightly that you don’t even doubt you’re the one on his mind right now as he does what you’re sure he’s doing behind this door – and it was time to accept that he has you. 
He has had you for a while, you realize a few steps away from the bathroom. The moment he had you laughing at his side in some smokey bar all those moons ago, he had first caught you in his web. You hate that it took this long, that it took this moment that should be laced with embarrassment, to let it all settle into acceptance. Like rubble of a destroyed building, the dust is clearing and all you can see is him. Him, with his stupid fucking dimples. Him, with his wide shoulders. Him, with all his twisted words and confusing actions. He’s had you in his grasp – it’s the only way anyone would have been able to get under your skin like he has this past year. 
“Eddie?” you call out as you rap your knuckles on that wooden door, a few too many times for good measure. Your ears strain now that you’re closer, thinking you might catch subtle sounds out of him. Heavy breaths, slick skin, mute whimpers. Anything.
You get nothing for a solid ten seconds.
And then, you hear him clearing his throat, obnoxiously so, before answering, “Y-Yeah?” 
Unsure. He’s stuttering, and the footing of his words is unstable. You were fucking right. 
“Are you…” you start, pinching your eyes shut, shooing away that internal wave of heat as your mind runs wild and imagines him behind the door. The way he’d be naked, the way his fist would curl around the base of his cock, the way his tip has never failed to be the exact same shade of pink as his lips- “Are you still alive in there?” 
Because I’m certainly not out here. 
“Oh, me?” he chuckles nervously, “Yeah, I-I’m good. Sorry, just got distracted!” 
By what? you nearly call in response, your dick in your hands? 
You don’t say it outloud. You have some restraint. 
“That’s fine…” you trail off, unsure of what exactly you should say all while biting your tongue. 
Your mind is still reeling for a possible ending for that thought when Eddie calls out, “I’m gonna take a shower, ‘s all. You cool with that?” 
No. No, I’m not fucking cool with that. 
“Oh!” you squeak out instead, “Yeah, yeah. That’s… that’s fine. Sorry, I’ll just…”
You trail off again as you begin to take a few steps back from the door, making your way back to the living room painstakingly slowly. You’ve hardly moved an inch when you hear the shower turn on inside the bathroom, stuttering a few times as the water begins its flow, static rising from the way it splatters into the tub. 
And then it turns off. Mere seconds later, as quickly as the flow of water had begun, the creaking in the pipes cease. You take another step back until your back bumps into the wall of the hallway, across and veered away from the bathroom door – the throbbing between your thighs still irritating and your confusion even more palpable. 
Wasn’t he going to take a shower? Did he just turn it on to get you to walk away? Were you hallucinating just how quickly the seconds were passin-
The bathroom door is suddenly thrown open with Eddie in the middle of calling out your name, those pajama pants hanging dangerously low on his hips. The moment his eyes land on your, his beckoning for you dies in his throat before he has to clear it. “Oh. Uh, hey.” 
Why were you both being so fucking awkward? 
“Hi,” you breathe out, pressing further into the wall. You felt like a child being caught doing wrong, as if he hadn’t been aware of your proximity to the door just moments before. 
Maybe he was going to find it creepy that you had lingered for so long, and were still so close. You don’t know – you can’t think clearly as you look at the bare skin of his chest and try to decipher whether the moisture gathered there is sweat or condensation from the steam of the shower. 
“Sorry, I just-” he cuts himself off this time before a hand reaches up to his hair, now down and unfurled around his shoulders. His palm presses back his bangs and you can see the moment that all the tension of awkwardness finally snaps, “Oh, fuck this. Do you want to shower with me?” 
Once it snaps for him, you feel your own clinging to it release. It slips from between your fingers slowly, and you come to the realization that there’s no heat emitting from the bathroom behind him – that moisture wasn’t from steam, he didn’t even have the water on long enough for it to get that hot. You should have realized that immediately, but your mind was working slowly through the fog. 
“You don’t have to,” you hadn’t answered him fast enough, and you’re watching him backpedal right before your eyes. 
A quick shake of your head and the smile that splits your lips stops all of his backwards movements, makes his head tilt to the side and a smirk graces his features when you finally reply, “I thought you’d never ask.” 
He shifts to the side of the doorway naturally, leaving just enough room for you to brush past him and let your shoulder knock slightly against his chest once you push off the wall eagerly. 
There’s still a puddle of water at the base of the tub, circling the drain as Eddie closes the door behind your entrance. It’s a bit redundant considering you’re the only two here, but you don’t say a word. You just let your eyes trace over the droplets of water racing down his shower curtain, properly focus in on his toothbrush on the sink and the tube of toothpaste beside it curled up over half the length. 
It hits you all at once, how this game of tension is so ridiculous. “We’re so stupid.”
Eddie is shocked by your snort, “Excuse me?” 
“We’re stupid,” you repeat yourself, “Why are we acting like middle schoolers who just held hands? You’ve seen me naked, for fucks sake. We’ve-” you cut off and turn to him abruptly, waving your hands wildly in the space between you two, “We’ve already crossed this line a million times, Eddie. And we just… it’s like, we keep putting one foot on the other side of it, dip our toes into it, and then take it back when it’s all said and done.” 
A boring dance. The two of you were taking part in the most boring dance of tension the world had ever seen, and only the four walls of Eddie’s apartment had the pleasure of being audience to it. 
You expect his laughter to come out in a bark, but it’s subtle instead, face relaxing in realization at what you mean, “Jesus. I- I mean, you’re right. But does that make us stupid? I think it’s kinda cute, personally.”
“Cute?” you lurch forward ever so slightly, grinning with your teeth. Eddie’s eyes squint up a bit from how widely he grins in return at your amusement, “What about this is cute?” 
“The way you keep getting so nervous around me,” Eddie shrugs, killing off the distance between you as he moves in front of you. You straighten up quickly, and he’s fast to tuck the loose strands of your hair behind your ear, “The way I keep getting so nervous around you.” 
“That’s not cute, that’s just… stupid.” 
“Same thing.”
“It definitely isn’t.” 
You’re close enough to kiss him. And you realize easily that this may be your favorite place in the world, toe-to-toe with him and nearly brushing noses, feeling each breath like a huff of wind on the highs of your cheekbones. 
“Agree to disagree,” he whispers before his lips duck down to yours. The hand that had tucked away your strands of hair had never left your face, you realize, palm now cupping your cheek as he tugs you closer to him. 
Warmth spreads across your chest, brings spring to all the vines you’ve been catering to for a year now. Being able to step back and call this for what it was, ridiculous, makes it all a bit easier to bear. 
It’s just his lips against yours, the shower not even running yet, the gasps that emit from both of you serving as a white noise instead. 
“Is this,” he breaks away from you, only pulling back his lips and leaving his forehead resting against yours with his hand still curled on your cheek, “still stupid?” 
“Even more so,” you nod and he moves his head with yours, almost making you laugh more, “So, so stupid.”
More kisses are exchanged, wandering hands trying to find new curves on the other’s body, before Eddie goes through the motions of turning his shower back on. You notice that from the looks of it, he does turn it on as hot as it can get. It occurs to you that these are small details you’d like to know – how hot he prefers his showers, whether he prefers to take them in the morning or at night, what scent of body wash he swears by – and that you only had so much time to learn the answer to not even half of your curiosities. 
Time. Time was not on your side. 
“You know,” you drawl as Eddie finally kicks off his pants, you soon following his lead as if this was nothing. Because it wasn’t. The two of you had been naked before each other. You weren’t two middle schoolers who had just shared a first kiss or held hands – you were two adults who had had sex, who had admitted to being attracted to each other if nothing more, “You never did say what you’re actually doing with the money.” 
“Again with that conversation?” Eddie asks, pausing with his thumbs hooked in the band of his boxers. 
“Again,” you affirm, tossing your shirt into the same corner that his pants had been discarded, “Can you blame me for being curious? Aren’t you curious what I’m doing with my money?” 
He thinks for a second as you strip off your underwear, leaving you completely naked first. “I mean, I sort of am.”
“College,” you supply easily. You don’t even wait for him to properly ask. He purses his lips and you catch the way his eyes sweep over your nude body quickly before he yanks off his last article of clothing, “College, and then all my debt. Then maybe I can start saving like a real adult. Move to some fancy city once I graduate. Make a…” you pause and make a conscious effort to not let your eyes wander as his had, “Make a real life for myself, I guess.”
“You sound so excited.” 
He’s being sarcastic, you know it, but it begs the question – were you excited about the prospective? All you had ever known was school. Your entire personality has been built thus far on being a student.
So what comes next? Settling into some boring nine to five job that hardly satisfies the dreams that were born of your major? Getting underpaid, getting bored with monotony but telling yourself you were satisfied? 
And that doesn’t even scratch the surface of the bigger questions of the future. You haven’t even spared a thought to kids, to getting married, to life past the next two years. 
“I mean… I am,” you shrug and step into the shower first, Eddie following close behind you and listening intently, “It’ll be nice to finally have the damn piece of paper to say ‘hey! I did it!’” 
“But?” he presses, scooting the two of you around in the small space so that he was standing directly beneath the spray of water. His curls flatten against his head immediately. 
“No buts,” you insist. As if you’re trying to convince yourself more of it than him. 
“So that’s all? You just want to get out of here?” he isn’t looking at you as he reaches for a bottle of shampoo, blinking water out of his eyes. 
This conversation is going surprisingly well. 
“Not here specifically,” you clarify. Your chest aches at the thought of just leaving behind all the friends you’d made, the life you had started in this city. The thought of already beginning to preemptively tear it down was enough to dampen your mood worse than the steam of the shower was doing to your hair, “I don’t know. Who cares about the future? What are you doing with your money?” 
He’s about to squirt some of the shampoo into the palm of his hand when you suddenly snatch it from him, holding up a finger and twirling it in a demanding manner. He’s shocked, but he turns for you regardless, even bending his knees as he gets the message. 
He doesn’t question the fact that you’re about to wash his hair. No protests towards something so domestic between previously sworn enemies. 
“I wasn’t lying earlier,” he starts just as you have lathered up your palms and set aside the shampoo on the shower ledge, fingertips digging right into his scalp. Even with the slight bend in his posture, your arms have to stretch to reach the crown of his head, “A new bike or guitar would be nice but– Oh,” a particular scratch of your nails has him faltering in his words, throwing his head back a bit more and humming. The throb, the ache, the burn returns. “Oh, that’s nice.” 
“Keep talking, pretty boy,” you murmur as he hums even louder. 
“Well, I… It’s not a lot of money, y’know? I mean, it is. But it also isn’t. Am I making any sense? Fuck, that feels good,” he stumbles across his point as your fingers continue small circles, and you already know without looking that his eyes have fluttered shut. 
The pit of your stomach can only rally, twisting and tumbling at his satisfaction. Something so domestic and something you had started with sweet intentions was quickly derailing, but you couldn’t be bothered to care. 
You have him. But you don’t have him. The same type of conundrum he faces with the amount of money promised to the both of you if you were to survive these hours. 
“You’re making sense,” you promise with a shy grin you know he can’t see, “Like, I know the money won’t pay off all my debts or college tuition, but it’s a good start. Anyways, as you were saying?” 
Both of you struggle to focus as he continues on, melting even further into your touch, “I dunno. Maybe if I have anything leftover, I’ll send it to my uncle.” 
His voice is strained as he’s occupied with the feeling of your hands against his scalp, and you know it’s a throwaway sentence, but the small detail of his life you’ve been awarded doesn’t go unnoticed.
Uncle? Why uncle? 
“You in debt to your uncle over a bad night of gambling or somethin’?” you try to joke as you finally release your fingertips from his scalp. Your palms come down on his shoulders as you spin him slowly, encouraging him to keep his head tipped back as he lets the water wash away the suds produced. 
Surprisingly, his shampoo doesn’t smell like boy. It’s akin to green apples, maybe something smoother beneath it all like coconut. Something sweet and something innocent. 
Maybe that’s what has him being so open to you as he explains, “I’ll always be in debt to him, but not for gambling. He raised me. My folks… weren’t the best. I owe everything to that man.” 
There are no good words to respond with. You suddenly feel selfish for pushing him to admit it, and for making that joke to begin with. 
But he only cracks open his eyes as the suds are mostly gone, looking at you through squinty eyes as he grins, “Guess I’m the boner killer now, huh?” 
You snort again (fuck, had he always been this funny?) and shake your head, finally glimpsing below his hips. 
Ironic of him to say that he was a boner killer when there he was, harder than ever for you, tip pink and glistening in a taunt towards you. 
You were both going to Hell. You were standing in his shower, talking about his uncle, both far too horny for the topic of conversation. 
“Modern day Bonnie and Clyde, but make it horny,” you manage to get out, still staring at him and resisting the urge to reach out and start something you didn’t know how to finish, “Does talking about money always get you this hard?” 
“Bonnie and Clyde were robbers, not killers,” he corrects you, “And why, yes. How did you know? Do you plan to use this lethal information against me again later?” 
A cavern in your chest screams out, when is later? Later within the next four hours, or later within the next year? Will you ever even give me a chance to use this against you again? 
You laugh along with his joke instead. 
“Absolutely. Also, who the fuck knows that much about Bonnie and Clyde?” 
You make him turn around again, and repeat a similar process with the conditioner. The entire time, you try to not think about the awareness that the same burn in your own gut is alight in him. 
He shrugs a little, bends a little more to encourage your fingertips back to his scalp. It doesn’t work — you’re focusing the conditioner on the drier ends of his curls. “I do.”
“Well, that’s just weird.” 
You work in silence as you finish threading the conditioner through and detangling his hair with just your fingers. You don’t immediately have him rinse it out, and he takes the opportunity to reward you with the same care, the same domesticity. And just as he hadn’t questioned you, you don’t protest when he manhandles you to spin and face your back to him. You let him indulge you in the same massaging motions that you had just pampered him with, let suds of that sweetness surround you as your eyes shut delicately and you lean your head back into his deliberate touches.
Same care, same domesticity, same sensuality. You never thought washing someone’s hair could be something so intimate until his knuckles are between your locks and your back is brushing up against his chest due to limited space.
“It’s not about the money,” he randomly announces to you once the shampoo has been rinsed out and the conditioner takes its place. “I mean, I figured you knew that, but… still thought I’d say.” 
“Figured as much.”
“I also wasn’t pissing,” he continues to overshare, “I know you figured as much there too.” 
Biting your bottom lip to hold back a grin, you keep the rest of your face relaxed as you nonchalantly ask, “No? What distracted you, then?” 
You can feel every deep breath he takes. The expansion of his chest only presses the two of you closer. Soon, you should both rinse out the conditioner. You should stop wasting water. The two of you should get out of this damn confining space and sleep, do something useful, make the most of the final four hours. 
Instead, you’re letting yourself get lost in billows of steam, and teasing him. And maybe that’s something useful for you. 
“You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?” 
You can hear his grin. God, you can hear his grin and those stupid dimples making an appearance without needing to see his face.
“Say what?” you ploy faux innocence. His fingers are still in your hair. He has no reason to continue to comb them through, but they remain there, grazing your scalp and brushing the back of your neck.
His chin meets your shoulder suddenly, his breath on your ear. “What did you call this earlier, sweetheart? I believe you called it… stupid.” 
Right. Stupid. 
Stupid was the ache that resided inside you for him. Stupid was the way your thighs shook from how hard they pressed together from each soft caress of his breath on the shell of your ear. Stupid was the urge to reach your arm around your back and grab onto him, any part of him, and try to pull him as closely as humanly possible — and then some. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
You’re a bad liar. And he loves it.
“Right,” he draws out the single syllable, hands leaving your hair, drifting at sea as they find comfort on your biceps, touch feather light, “You have no idea what I was doing in here. You weren’t staying by the door to see if you could hear me, trying to get a free show.” 
So you had been right in calling the two of you stupid. Neither of you had been very conspicuous. 
“A free show to what?” you keep up the act of innocence and swallow down the delighted hun when his hands move down your arms. You’re fully flush to his chest now, almost to the point of leaning your weight back against him.
“To me touching myself to you,” bold, crass words leave his lips, “To me fucking my fist to the thought of you. Squeezing my fist around my cock, trying to make it feel like that sweet pussy.” 
Your knees nearly buckle. You try to play it cool, “Oh? Is that what you were doing?”
His playful chuckle is the final straw, and his hands now on your waist are the only thing keeping you upright.
“I was.”
“And were you successful?”
How you kept your tone so steady, so even, was lost on you. 
“I wasn’t.”
One hand stays planted on your waist firmly, as if he knows he’s the only thing keeping you from collapsing in this heat between the two of you. The other dares to round to the front of your stomach, fingers splayed and fingertips almost tickling you as he lets them run down the center of your navel. He’s taking his time. Slowly, painfully, his hand travels. Down, down, down. Until his fingertips are grazing right over that fire he built inside you, mere inches from where you need him to touch you most. He has you right where he wants you, and he knows it.
And so he stops. Inches, maybe less, from where your cunt is throbbing for him. 
“Didn’t you say you were good with your fingers?” you’re trying to keep up a cool facade, but it’s becoming useless at this point. Your voice comes out a whine, and your hips subtly buck against empty air to try to encourage his touch lower.
“I did,” he hums directly into your ear. The hand on your waist becomes an arm fully wrapped around your front, and the press of your back to his chest becomes far more intentional. All of it to hold you in place as he moves his hand right over where you want him. He avoids your body’s pleas, and jumps straight to teasing his fingertips over the tops of your thighs. “Wouldn’t you agree?” 
It’s almost funny to remember how flustered he was when he’d first made the comment, how quick he had been to defend it against being something dirtier, only to now be using it against you in anything but an innocent context.
“Please,” the beg falls from your lip as you give up on the game.
It’s a combination of all his gentle touches, the feeling of his curls between your knuckles, the steam that is smothering the two of you without notice, the way you can still feel every damn breath of his. Both through his mouth now softly kissing at the lobe of your ear, and his chest that only presses more tightly to you. That tightening arm around your waist, and the subtle change of position of his knee.
You aren’t expecting it, and your feet slide apart quickly, nearly dropping onto his sweetly placed leg between yours. 
“Please what, sweetheart?” 
You can’t even recall the feeling of hatred you used to get at the nickname. Now, in its place, is something buzzing, something buttery, something contradictory. You’re dizzy with satisfaction from the way he murmurs it directly into your ear. 
“Please touch me,” you gasp when his knee brushes upwards, not quite reaching where you need him. You swear there’s a pulse now, a throbbing cry that would do just about anything to feel those hands on you, “Please, please.” 
You’re losing focus as your thoughts start to fuzz at the edges, suddenly only able to manage the words please and his name.
And it isn’t lost on him. “Look at you. I haven’t even touched you yet, and you’re already going so dumb for me, aren’t you?” 
Your stomach churns, everything in you tightens, and your pride isn’t above dropping yourself down properly onto his knee and grinding. You would if you could — his fucking arm won’t let you.
When you glance down, you realize just how tight his grip is. You can trace each vein along his forearm, catch the white of his knuckles as they curl against you.
He’s holding onto you for dear life, and yet his death grip doesn’t so much as hurt. You only feel safe, you only feel wanted. 
“Please just touch me, Eddie,” you whimper out, not caring about how desperate you sound anymore. You have no shame, no pride, no careful calculations left for the man behind you. 
His hands stop their dance across the apex of your thighs. One moment, you can barely feel his fingertips running over their softness, and the next, it vanishes completely. 
You open your mouth to protest, but all that comes out is a gasp as his fingers are suddenly on your cunt, spreading you apart at a leisurely pace. You move to grab onto his forearm for leverage but he suddenly tsks and stops all of his movements. 
“You can either have me touch you, or you touch me. But you can’t have both, sweetheart. Not right now.” 
Through the haze, you’re unable to use your words to answer, instead cracking your eyes back open and trying to crane your neck to see Eddie properly. But he’s only chuckling into your ear again, arm around your waist tightening. 
“C’mon, baby. Use your words. Which would you rather have?” he taunts, tilting his chin down and letting his nose nuzzle against the peak of your shoulder, lips barely brushing the skin. 
You would have expected to not even catch the subtle feeling of plushness on you right now between your ever-growing frustration and the water still raining down on both of you. But you do; your body is growing acutely aware of every single point of contact between the two of you as the minutes go on. Every inch of your skin is tuned into his touch and where it flows, where it leaves you, where it presses deeper. 
You open your mouth to respond to him, but you can’t. You can’t explain it: there isn’t a tightness in your throat, a pain grasp on your chest, a fear that is swallowing the words whole. It’s the opposite. All of your taut strings have gone slack, waves of surrendering to him having overcome all of your deepest anxieties. In this moment, amongst the white noise of a shitty apartment shower, all that there exists is him. The time limit slips away, the bet is a thing of the past, and the road taken to bring you both here is completely forgotten. 
His touch is able to remain light when he decides to turn you in his arm, the grip once around your waist now pressing into your lower back as you face him. You’re completely malleable for him to do as he wishes. 
Facing him, you watch all of the amusement and cockiness melt away from his features. His smirk goes soft and his face falls in awe, mouth parted as he takes in that look in your eyes. He knows. He knows that in this moment, you are completely defenseless and utterly his. 
You watch all the air leave his lungs, and feel the consequential breath that releases hit the bridge of your nose due to the proximity. “You really are cock drunk for me right now, aren’t you? I haven’t even given it to you yet and you’re just… gone.” 
If you weren’t completely under his spell at this moment, you would have burned with embarrassment down to the bone. 
You just nod. 
With this revelation, his grip on you completely transforms. It’s not just a matter of keeping you upright, but a matter of keeping you tethered to him. As if he’s afraid that the moment he lets go, he loses you. 
If you could find the words, you’d assure him that he wouldn’t. You weren’t something so fleeting, so passing. 
Without words, all you can do is show him. So you press up onto your tip-toes and kiss him. Hard, then soft. Fervently, then patiently. Achingly, and then assuredly. Every flash of contradiction between the two of you and all that has accumulated goes into the kiss as you let him find his breath again, solely by stealing yours. 
“Tell me what you want,” he murmurs against your lips, before his nose rubs against the tip of yours as it begins a journey. Across your cheek, down your jaw, into the crook of your neck. You feel spouts of warm water trickle over his collarbones and against your own. 
This time, you do have the words for him. Or rather, the word for him.
There’s no other way to put it. You just want him. 
He pulls back and stares directly into your eyes, his own brown ones swarming with varied emotions. You’re finally able to start deciphering some of them – lust, want, surprise – but not quite all of them yet. 
Before you realize what’s happening, he’s sinking to his knees. Somehow, he’s twisted you so that your back meets the cool tile of the wall, careful in watching the way it supports you during the entirety of his descent. 
He doesn’t say a word, his eyes doing all the talking necessary through wet lashes as he guides you to balance a foot on the edge of the tub and hook your knee onto his shoulder. Just as you realize what he’s doing, his mouth is on your hot cunt. 
For all the talk and thoughts about just how good his fingers were, you seemed to have forgotten just how good his mouth was. 
His tongue works away at your clit, tracing patterns before alternating to suck it sharply between his lips. He seems to have forgotten about his earlier threat, or maybe he’s just feeling merciful, as your hands instinctively reach down and wind into the roots of his wet hair. Curls matt in your grasp instantly. A harsh tug, and he’s moving his attention elsewhere, nose now nudging your clit as he circles around your entrance, pulling whines from deep within you at the teasing. 
“Eddie,” you throw your head back hard enough that you’re sure that there will be an ache to feel once all is said and done, “Fuck. Right there.”
“I see someone’s found their words,” his voice is muffled and you can feel his smirk rather than see it. 
It’s a damn pretty sight. Him, on his knees, wet curls plastering down his shoulders and back as his face is buried between your thighs. 
You can trace over each indent of muscle across his skin through half-lidded eyes, memorize the way it looks dazzling with the moisture, watch as water pools where his fingers dig into your thighs to keep you balanced. 
When his tongue finally slips inside of you, slow and stretching as the tip of his nose digs deeper into your clit, you swear you’re seeing stars. You were going to snarkily reply, but you don’t have the capacity to reply with anything other than chants of his name. Mixtures of praying to him and praying to God fall from your lips alongside curses. All muddled, all strings of whimpers and moans as he continues to bring you closer to your edge. When he finally resorts to bringing his hand back into the mix, sinking two fingers into your cunt with little warning as he returns to lazy work on your clit, you gasp out – your body lurches forward as your curl into him and your back leaves the now sticky, warm wall. 
The arm that was wrapped around your lifted leg to help you balance is quick to throw over your hips, keeping half your body still pressed to the wall. “Careful, princess.” 
Each word reverberates through you, both physically and somewhere deep in your mind, sending you even further reeling as your fingers grab onto him deeper and try to press him impossibly close. 
Princess. Somewhere along crossing all these lines, you have ventured into new territory. A territory where the nicknames get under your skin in a brand new way, slipping into your subconscious for the better rather than arising any irritation. 
Baby, princess, sweetheart. 
You’ll take whatever you can get from him. 
“Wouldn’t want you slipping and falling,” he murmurs as he pulls back, face now slick with you rather than the steam or water, “Can’t have you ruining that pretty face, getting blood all over my bathroom, now can we?” 
He’s right. God, you fucking hate when he’s right. As much as every part of your body is screaming for him to take you right here against the shower wall, you know it’s not a good idea. And you’ve really, really succumbed to enough bad ideas in these last nineteen hours. 
“Bed,” you manage to gasp out, quick to detangle your fingers from his hair and try to grab onto his shoulders without purchase due to the water still tumbling down, “Bed, now.” 
He gets the message. Rises to his feet and lets your leg fall back down, shaking as he turns to cut the shower abruptly. Without asking, he’s the one to exit into the fierce cold of the apartment first, grabbing at the flesh of your hips and guiding you out along with him. He doesn’t even bother with towels – once he has you out of that potential death trap of a tub, his lips are on yours, nipping and passionate as you breathe him in. He’s the one that maneuvers the two of you out of the bathroom, you don’t even notice when he reaches behind himself to open the door, impressively never tripping as he walks backwards and keeps your lips on his. 
It occurs to you that this is how you two work best. No overshadow of being honest with each other, no clouds of feelings getting in the way. And yet, somehow, it’s the most vulnerable you’ve managed to feel with him yet. 
You don’t want it to only be this easy when both your clothes are off. You want it to be this easy in the early mornings that you wake him up for work, you want it this easy over late night take-out and horror movie marathons. You want more cigarettes at sunset with him, soft confessionals over a rising sun. 
You can’t keep pretending that nothing has changed. You simply can’t. The fierce promise of his protection, the way his eyes stay trained on you even in the busiest of rooms. Nothing could ever erase the blooms left from him hooking his pinky with yours at the parking garage. 
All of the night is flashing through your mind, and even in the trance he has you under, you’re seeing with perfect clarity. 
It’s why just as the backs of your knees connect with his mattress, before he can throw you down and continue what was started in the shower, you’re pushing your palms against his wet chest and forcing him to look into your eyes. 
“If we do this,” you shakily begin, watching his chest rise and fall in sync with yours. Once you say these words, you can’t take them back. You’re vividly aware of it before you continue to force your voice to come out the most steadily it has the entire night, “It changes everything.” 
He blinks, eyes owlish. Once, twice. More of that emotion you finally can single out but never identify swirls like storm clouds in his vision. You wait for him to run, for him to take it all back. You wait for it all to be over – for him to deliver the final blow and leave you to collect the rubble and blood money so you can pretend this night never happened. 
Those aren’t the words of a fatal blow. You think they might send you reeling even worse, though. 
“Okay?” you clarify. If your tongue wasn’t so heavy, you’d say more. Remind him of what exactly it means to change everything. 
It seems he already knows as he parrots back, “Okay.” 
Lips meet again, and this time, they’re charged with everything. With a promise of change and a promise that maybe there isn’t a ridiculous time limit here. There is no doomsday clock between the two of you. When the clock strikes 3 PM, neither of you will vanish into thin air. 
You let him throw you back onto the bed. Your bare back meets the surprisingly soft sheets, and they erupt in the scent of Eddie. Cigarettes, a hint of weed, whatever cologne he seems to douse himself in. You can even pinpoint his shampoo amongst the fragrance now. 
It’s no longer the smell of boy that you once ran from. His hand is behind your back, but not trapped. It’s there willingly and it is caressing every inch of you that he can find, tracing out any dimples in your back he can discover as he lets your legs curl up onto his hips, kisses dappling your neck, jaw, and lips alike. 
Your vines stretch high and proud, and drink in his waves with every passing of his breath on your skin that raises goosebumps. 
You want to live here forever. In the feel of him pausing right before his cock presses into you, in the way his face scrunches up and his mouth falls agape, the haze now spreading from your mind and across both of you. Nameless chants and pleads for what was already both in the palm of your hands before you even knew what to do with it. The roll of his hips and the way his wet skin sticks to your own. Your heels digging into him, bringing him in closer, closer, closer.
Every time, it has felt this way. Something beneath the surface that has you surrendering over yourself. He has hurt you, time and time again, and you’ve let your knives be just as sharp – but the wounds scab over now when it’s just the two of you like this. 
You’re best like this for a reason. Because for once, neither of you are overthinking it. You are vulnerable and you are bare, not just physically but emotionally. Honesty isn’t a request; it is a given. You don’t just have him, you know him. Across oceans and across gardens, across midnight skies and across soft morning light. 
You have him. You know him. 
It’s enough. 
Smokey bars. His protection. Slamming doors and the clicking of locks released. The night air surrounding you and the warmth of his back as you cling to him on a motorcycle that seems to be going faster than light in your memories. That parking garage, and that hook of his pinky – a way to get closer, but also a whisper of a promise. 
He’s bled for you. He’s bled from you. 
This changes everything. 
When his hips movements become sloppy, when the knot in your stomach tightens one last time, when your nails dig into his back and leave their mark, you know it to be true. 
Everything, everything, changes. 
Eddie never really hated you, never really could, and you realize now that the feeling is mutual. 
You hadn’t considered exactly what the aftermath would be when Eddie first dragged you out of the shower, but you surely never could have imagined the scene now playing out. 
Him, on his back, content and humming a song you’re too tired to ask him about. His fingers are trailing mindlessly up and down your spine as you splay out across his chest. You both probably need another shower, but neither of you are willing to leave his bed for it. 
It’s not you who remembers the photo. No, you’re tired, one foot already in the door of sleep as you curl yourself tighter into his side. 
He doesn’t use your phone this time. You didn’t even realize his outdated flip phone had a camera on it. You’re not even sure if you dreamt the soft click that sounds like a camera as you nuzzle deeper into his chest.
“Everything,” he whispers, just as the edges of your consciousness begin to blacken, “Yeah, this changes everything.”
Your last thought is a curious one; will he send the photo he just took? 
Would he dare to admit to everyone how everything has changed?
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guxciestone · 8 months
💋 ❛ ASTEROID MANIAC (228029) ༉‧₊˚ ☆
(through the signs, houses, and aspects)
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i’ve been wanting to dive into this asteroid for the longest now. i hope you enjoy and are having a good day. if you have an astrology or tarot recommendations, i’m always willing to considering them. thank you so much 🫶🏽❤️
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Asteroid Maniac (228029) is the asteroid of where and how you seek thrills and excitement in your life; where and how you are willing to take risks without fearing the consequences. On the other hand, this asteroid presents where we exhibit symptoms of wild behavior to an excessive or obsessive extent.
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maniac in aries
These individuals desire to seek true adventure and spontaneity in their life. They seem to always be eager to seek challenges that they can overcome or scenarios in which they can test themselves or others. Additionally, these people love taking on different ventures and activities at once as it keeps them expecting what is going to happen next. This placement also strives to be leaders, take control of things, and make things happen. This often makes independent, expressive, goal-oriented, and dynamic people; they have a bold and passionate approach to anything they are urged to do. On the other hand, this placement can cause the excessive need to lead others which can point to control issues or a domineering personality. Not to mention, there is the possibility of restlessness and constantly seeking action. Their need for action and impulsiveness can lead to them going after things without any forethought and not caring for the consequences. These are the types of people to seek or invoke anger or irritation in others just for entertainment.
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maniac in taurus
People with this placement strive for comfort and stability. These individuals may have a strong need to be financially stable and secure. Additionally, they are always willing to bask in the luxuries and pleasures of life. Therefore, they are more than likely investing in long-term plans and set goals to achieve these things which makes them determined, resilient, and strong-headed individuals. They are also methodical and practical in how they acquire these things. However, these individuals desire stability and security so excessively that they are not likely to adjust their plans or projects for anyone or anything. This can make them stubborn or hard to please. Due to their immense desire for comfort and pleasure, there is also the possibility of overindulgence. These are the types of people who would gain tons of weight to the point when they get health problems or become heavily obsessed with money to the point when they’ll do just about anything to get it.
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maniac in gemini
These people long for intellectual conversation, exploring ideas, learning, and communication. They are restless individuals who have a strong desire to be mentally stimulated by themselves and their surroundings, even to the point of starting controversy or debates. These individuals are always willing to try new things and learn throughout, which makes them versatile people. They have a creative and open-minded approach to do anything they strive to do. This shows that people with this placement are usually innovatively talented, often mastering music, fashion, art, writing and much more. These people are often willing to speak their opinion about things and they aren’t afraid to do it even if they know others won’t receive them well. However, these individuals tend to speak before thinking which can cause disagreements amongst their peers. Additionally, they often struggle with sticking to a certain project or idea without completing it. These individuals need to practice patience and reflective quality, especially when it comes to others’ input.
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maniac in cancer
They have a deep and personal approach to doing the things they long to do. These individuals strive for emotional comfort, intimacy, and security. They are loyal individuals who would do anything to make sure the people they love and care about are safe and comfortable. Hence, they are super nurturing and helpful people. They are always willing to help and connect with others. However, there could be this excessive need to protect oneself or their loved ones. This could make someone who is possessive and clingy. Additionally, these people are afraid of change due to prioritizing their security and familiarity; and they struggle with vulnerability at times due to wanting to preserve their personal world.
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maniac in leo
These individuals desire to be a leader and take on their world. People with this placement do not let anybody or anything dictate them to do anything as they strive to live their life through authenticity, confidence, and boldness. There is this urge for self-expression and ultimate creativity. Additionally, these individuals strive for attention, regal treatment, and appreciation from others, especially for their talents and abilities. From a negative sense, there could be a need for excessive amounts of attention that could cause ego issues of where they feel underestimated or underappreciated by others. Some individuals may try to bring other people down to put themselves on a pedestal, or do absurd things to simply get the attention of others. It is important to accept to show who you are without becoming domineering, arrogant, or attention-seeking.
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maniac in virgo
People with this placement approach life with sensibility, analysis, and mindfulness. These individuals strive for order and structure. They desire to find productive solutions to problems in their life; additionally, they focus on efficiency of things and pay attention to detail. These people are hardworking and disciplined individuals who are always willing to improve themselves and help others. This placement is more than likely to create people who are idealists in their pursuits. However, there could be a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others, becoming perfectionists. Sometimes these individuals may even be controlling and expecting anything and everything to go their way.
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maniac in libra
These people approach life with calmness, objectivity, and diplomacy. They strongly seek pleasure, peace, justice and balance in their life. Most notably, they desire true connection and relationships with others. These individuals do not mind seeing both sides of the argument and submitting to anyone’s opinions. However, this could cause them to struggle with confronting conflict and decisions or standing up for themselves. These folk also strive to be liked and taken well by others, so they would probably do almost anything to make sure it is that way. This shows that they can lean towards the tendency of being two-faced, fake, or people-pleasing in efforts to get everyone on their side. People tend to not realize that these individuals can be lowkey manipulative if the situation calls for it, especially when they want their image to be perfect and unscathed. They are very intelligent individuals who can adjust things to the way they like it; for instance in drama, fights, and social situations.
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maniac in scorpio
They have a deep, intense, calculated, and introspective way in how they approach their life circumstances. Firstly, these individuals strive for intimacy and confidential elements in their interpersonal relationships and affairs. They desire to get to know themselves and they care about them to a huge degree. This can point to them having a tendency of being secretive and contriving. They want to know everything and anything about someone for the sake of trust and benefiting from it. Additionally, these people long for power and control. Even if it comes to the point where they have to do conniving things to get it, which could give them the tendency of being manipulative and deceptive. On a calmer note, these individuals are not afraid at all to explore the deeper and taboo sides of time, and they desire to. It is important for the people with this placement to respect the boundaries–especially the spiritual boundaries–of others.
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maniac in sagittarius
These individuals tend to have a high-spirited, jovial, and philosophical approach to their life. These people strive to learn, experience, and enjoy the present. They could have a huge love for traveling, exploring different cultures and various topics, and having fun while doing so. These folk are always searching for the next big thing that'll make them feel that spark for living. Not to mention, they love socializing, making friends, and getting to know people as well. However, these individuals can be impulsive because they tend to not have any forethought when they do anything because of their rush to experience what is among their horizons. It is important for these people to not pursue things without any awareness of the consequences. These folk can also be a bit brash and indifferent to other people and their boundaries and feelings. It is crucial that these individuals accept responsibility and the feelings/thoughts of others. This is one of the placements who are more than likely to develop addictions or overindulgent practices.
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maniac in capricorn
People with this placement go after their projects and ideas with a sense of discipline, authority, and maturity. These individuals strive to create stability, success, and achievement in their lifetime. They are hardworking and whenever they desire something, they make sure that they get it, even if it takes unusual activities to do so. They are rigorous individuals, which can cause them to become workaholics if they are not careful. They could be the types to work or indulge in their materials (such as money, cars, etc.) to avoid their psychological issues as it seems to be what they value the most. It is important for these people to find balance in work and self-care. These folks know how to make it happen for themselves, and they are usually aware of what they desire. However, they have a tendency of feeling entitled to have something even when it isn’t necessarily theirs. Not to mention, they can get controlling or uncaring of others feelings or desires as well.
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maniac in aquarius
These people approach life with the idea that they should go against the crowd and challenge conventional ideologies with ideas and projects that are unique, objective, and different. These individuals are strong advocates and they could be drawn to being activists or fighting for the unfortunate or different population. They also strive to stand out from everyone else in the crowd, even the point of being an outcast. These are the types of people who would do bizarre and rebellious things to simply challenge society’s ideas and cause a revolution. Additionally, they aren’t afraid of being trailblazers even if it costs getting criticism or judgment. In other cases, these individuals could have a strong interest in technology and sciences of any sorts; or perhaps they could have multiple friends and love socializing with others, especially others with the same mindset as them. However, these folks need to consider others feelings as they could also struggle with obeying boundaries.
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maniac in pisces
They have a creative, compassionate, and spiritual approach to their life circumstances. Firstly, these individuals are creative and artistic, maybe even spiritual. They could love music, the arts, design, astrology, daydreaming, or the occult. They strive to express themselves through their own personal mediums to get away from the world and fall into their safe space. These people long to stay in their world where they don’t have to come into contact with reality and responsibilities. Nevertheless, these folks could struggle with accepting reality as it is and their natural obligations. This can cause these individuals to fall into addictions or unhealthy activities to help them escape from their problems. Not to mention, they are kind, friendly, and understanding individuals. They long to help others and provide others the comfort and getaway they need to feel in touch with their soul. They want vulnerable relationships with others. However, it is easy for these people to be taken advantage of and drained of their energy; plus, they could become dependent on others' energies for happiness and groundedness. In other cases, these individuals can be unintentionally manipulative or emotionally abusive.
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maniac in the 1st house
These individuals aren’t afraid to do what they want and be themselves. They are confident, assertive, capable, and willful. They are the type to unapologetically do and stand by their beliefs, aspirations, and actions. Most notably, these folks want the most out of life. They strive to live out huge experiences; for example: traveling, skydiving, or going out to parties with strangers. Especially, you do not have to worry about whether you’ll have an eventful time with these people because they search for action and thrill all the time. However, these people can brush people off the wrong way with their brash and impulsive persona. They could come off as indifferent to others and their feelings, so it is important for them to consider the environment before they do what their mind tells them to. Due to the inexplicable confidence and assertiveness, they might strive for attention and acknowledgement for their sense of individuality, which can easily turn them into an attention-seeker. These are also the types of people who would do the most bizarre things to the point where it can even be downright unacceptable. On the bright side, these folks love trying out new appearances; they might love dying their hair, piercing their body parts, trying out tattoos, or indulging in surgery to enhance their looks.
maniac in the 2nd house
People with this placement long for material security, monetary value, and physical stability. These folks tend to know how to set long-term and sustainable goals for themselves in which they can achieve those things. Additionally, they love money. They are the types of individuals to do almost anything to become rich and stable. They also always have their eyes on the goal, and do not let anyone get in the way of it. Most notably, they are mainly focused on practical and material concerns, which can cause them to become a bit stubborn in their ways. This could even point to perfectionism as well. They might love shopping, eating, and spending money on things they adore. Nevertheless, this placement can point to someone being overindulgent or being too hard to please or sway.
maniac in the 3rd house
These people are opinionated, intelligent, and debative individuals. They are always willing to learn, discuss, and communicate with their peers. Additionally, they love connecting and socializing. They find thrill in challenging their/other’s minds, even to the point of presenting controversial or touchy subjects. One thing about these folks is that they aren’t afraid to say what they want to say. It is possible that they may have been considered a black sheep in their school years, making them feel misunderstood. Not to mention, these individuals tend to be open-minded to a whirlwind of topics, and they can be creative in their thought processes. However, these people may need to learn to filter their words and thoughts as it is easy for them to not be received well due to their controversial and impulsive opinions and thoughts. This placement, on the extreme spectrum.
maniac in the 4th house
They have a deep-seated connection to their past, home, familial connections, and the emotional and spiritual aspects of their life. These individuals strive to feel a personal environment and safe haven for themselves, and maybe even their loved ones. Additionally, they long for protection and to protect. These folks want to be in touch with their inner world and dive into themselves. However, this can point to the huge fear of moving on from the past and shows that these individuals have many traumas and issues to heal and confront. Furthermore, these people could become possessive and obsessive over their loved ones too. They would do almost anything for the people they care about, and you can imagine how they would be as a parent.
maniac in the 5th house
These individuals have a strong desire to express themselves through their individuality and creative talents. They are often drawn to the dance, music, fashion, and other forms of artistic expression. Furthermore, these folks strive for fun and pleasure in their life–they are the types to love going to parties, taking care of children, and indulging in their favorite hobbies. They tend to have an innocent, optimistic, and naive point of view of the world, and they are always seeking to explore new things too. However, these people can often submit to the tendency of escaping their reality through their leisure pursuits to ignore their responsibilities and practical concerns. Additionally, these individuals have more of a unique–maybe even an entirely eccentric way–of expressing themselves than others. They are more than likely to stand out from others due to their intriguing and different talents and hobbies.
maniac in the 6th house
People with this placement strive for working hard and creating a structure in their daily life. They are individuals who want perfection in their projects, efficiency in their skill, and a routine in everything they do. Not to mention, they value dedication in approach to their goals. They might be the types who care vastly about their health, the nutrition they eat, and their wellbeing. However, this could cause these individuals to be perfectionists or overwork themselves to a troublesome degree. It is almost that they could struggle with stepping out of their routine to accommodate to anything, which can also make these people incredibly stubborn and controlling. There needs to be a balance in regards to their routine, work and personal life. This placement could even cause fear or anxiety such as intrusive thoughts (perhaps even OCD in extreme cases) when they try to rebel against their routine. People with this placement might like the idea of owning exotic pets.
maniac in the 7th house
These people value their connections and interpersonal relationships. They strive to understand the perspectives of the people they are involved with, whether that be romantically, platonically, or professionally. These folks always strive to connect and engage. However, this placement can point to an individual having a strong need for independence in a relationship; they might feel a push to rebel and act merciless in the relationship, not respecting the other partner’s boundaries and feelings. On the other hand, this could indicate someone who has a strong need for dependence in a relationship; they desire for someone to count on them for everything or vice versa. These are the types of individuals who jump into multiple relationships in a short period of time. They cannot live without one. Additionally, these folks could have a chaotic dating history and a line of unexpected partners in regards to their type. In other cases, this placement can indicate that they may attract insane or mad people into their love life.
maniac in the 8th house
They strive for intimacy and deep soul-seated connections, whether that be platonic or romantic. They strive to be vulnerable with others and for others to be vulnerable with them. These people desire power and control amongst many levels because this is what they are comfortable doing. They are the type of person to hex someone who they have it out for. Not to mention, these individuals could want to push boundaries and indulge in taboo practices such as spirituality, the occult, etc. This placement can indicate someone who has unusual, scary, or inappropriate sexual fantasies. However, these folks can have the tendency of going beyond other’s limits and becoming controlling. In extreme cases, these individuals could use vicious methods to keep people under their grasp.
maniac in the 9th house
These individuals long to expand their horizons, discover new things, and live their reality through spirituality and deep wisdom. These are the type of people who are highly devoted to divine practices such as meditation, shadow work, reiki healing, and much more. Furthermore, these folks love to explore and invest in different religions, cultures, and belief systems–even the ones that aren’t accepted by society. These people might like to indulge in unconforming religious practices. This shows that people with this placement have a deep appreciation and acceptance for people, religions, practices, and cultures from anywhere. This placement also increases the chances to connect with diverse people and gain unique ideas throughout their life. These individuals may have certain ideologies and belief systems that others may consider odd. Additionally, they might have a strong desire to travel to unusual places such as countries with eccentric standards of living. On the other hand, these people may want to go to college for a different degree or they want to go to a special type of college from others. However, it is easy for these individuals to develop a superiority complex or become too idealistic. They could struggle with believing that their system of beliefs and philosophies are objective, and that other people’s opinions and ideas are just as important and objective too. They have a tendency of believing that everything they stand for is the correct thing. On an extreme note, this could create scrupulosity as well–higher obsession with religious and/or personal morals to the point of compulsivity.
maniac in the 10th house
These people are goal-oriented, dedicated, and hardworking. They value their career success, public image, status, and legacy they leave behind in this world. Not to mention, they are progressive individuals as they strive to achieve their highest aspirations with no stopping. They’ll persist with accomplishing their biggest desires and will do just about anything to do so. On the contrary, these individuals could have the tendency to become too ambitious, and their ambition could more than likely lead to their downfall. (when I think of this placement, I immediately think of Macbeth or Jay Gatsby because they are the epitome of overly ambitious characters) Additionally, their ambition could lead to them doing many things just to get to where they want to be. They could even become obsessed with status and power and become controlling individuals. On a positive note, these people are relentlessly determined and it is hard for them to give up on what they truly want from life. However, it is important for these people to make sure to maintain professionalism and boundaries in the workplace as they could have the tendency to be entitled.
maniac in the 11th house
Individuals with this placement strongly prioritize and long for their goals, hopes and dreams, friendships, and society. These people will advocate for their friend groups and communities immensely as they long for a sense of belonging and also want to protect the space that accepts them the most. These folks are never afraid to make new friends, even with people that society wouldn’t desire to connect with–such as outcasts, criminals, etc. They are compassionate and open to anyone being a part of their clique. These people also strongly strive to pursue large projects, social reforming activities, and serving the community; and they aren’t afraid to do so. This makes them rebels who would rather do the complete opposite of what is expected of them to prove their point on their values. They will do just about anything to make sure their community or a certain group of people get the security, respect, and hope they deserve. On the other hand, it is easy for these individuals to become distant and indifferent to others and their feelings as well as get caught up in abrupt situations due to self-sacrificing for the people they care about (especially in their social circle) It is important for the people with this placement to not rely on validation from your community and friends too much.
maniac in the 12th house
They try to hide the animalistic, excessive, and wild qualities of themselves; in fact, they may assume that they are the complete opposite. However, the very traits they try to defy only appear through their subconscious and inner self, and eventually become their shadow qualities. It is easy for these individuals to live life controlling their instinctive qualities and inhibit themselves. However, they carry much of their uncultivated qualities inside of themselves. Firstly, these folks are strongly focused with their inner world and imagination. They long to daydream and escape from the real world into their unadulterated mind where they can be without holding back. This placement can point to an obsession or strong desire with the occult, metaphysics, or spirituality. However, this can also point to a whirlwind of many unfiltered but pent up emotions–unresolved fears, emotions, and blockages. Hence, it is easy for these individuals to get wrapped up in their own world and make themselves go crazy. In extreme cases, this placement can point to mental illness, anxiety, or personality disorders. It is essential for these individuals to learn to embrace this side of themselves and to stop holding in all of their excessive qualities and accept it as a part of them.
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These individuals have a charismatic, goal-oriented, and assertive personality. With this aspect, there is this strong need for achievement, accomplishment, and recognition. These people are unafraid and strive to create the best version of themselves; at the same time, they are open and willing to be who they are with no apologies. They carry themselves in a unique and controversial way so effortlessly. However, there are times where this individual may be unpredictable and erratic. Additionally, there is a tendency for these people to be controlling or manipulative.
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Firstly, these people are deeply attuned with their emotions, and they are always open to basking in them. They also seek emotional comfortability and vulnerability with others. On the other hand, there could be a struggle to control or balance one’s emotions and handle their wellbeing. They might be overly sensitive, childish, or lack to respect boundaries. It is important to find a healthy compromise with your inner world and your outer world. Rationalizing and understanding one’s feelings through forms of therapy or art may help these individuals.
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These folks have a unique and special way of communion and logically expressing themselves to others. They may use a medium of art to do so, or they have an eccentric way of communication. Furthermore, they take in information way different from others, and they most definitely view the world differently too. Not to mention, they have distinctive opinions and thought processes that make them stand out from the crowd. However, it is important for these individuals to have a filter when communicating with others as it is easy for them to start a controversy and ruffle someone’s feathers. It is important to be kind and gentle with others in your means of communication.
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These individuals love the idea of love and connections. Most notably, they like being in love and developing interpersonal relationships, whether that be platonically, romantically, or in other forms. They hold very specific values when it comes to love, beauty, the arts, and much more. And they aren’t afraid to execute those said values because that is what they’ll stand by. These are the types of folks who adore shopping for new clothes, indulging in foods, and doing their makeup all the time. However, it is easy for these people to become easily obsessed with their relationships, their physical appearance, their money and much more. They may even get controlling. It is important to not get wrapped up in their ideals.
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These people are deeply driven and competitive individuals. They will do anything and everything to achieve their goals, dreams, and desires. Most notably, they are unapologetically assertive and brave go-getters. They could have a tendency to become overly aggressive and domineering, expecting others to submit to them. They might feel the need to force their way into being respected, which will only cause hate and disorder amongst others and their own reputation. It is important for these individuals to be kind, gentle, and respectful with others and to balance their aggression and masculine parts of their personality.
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This placement indicates one having an impulse to explore and push their luck, to live an active life, and ultimately strive for personal freedom. These individuals tend to have a “you only live once” type of mindset, or they are more lenient when it comes to restrictions, regulations and abiding by the rules. This is only because they have an urge to live without anything tying them down. However, this could also point to them having tendencies in excessive indulgence such as alcohol, food, and etc. Additionally, there could be a habit of taking risks without fearing the consequences.
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These individuals are often disciplined, firm, and thoughtful in their endeavors; they may know how to stay focused and pursue their aspirations. When they have goals to pursue, it is easy for them to attain the ambition needed to accomplish them because they care for their dreams so much. Not to mention, they are fairly meticulous people as they are usually good at planning for the future and successfully going about things. However, there is also the tendency of being too invested in planning and becoming cautious and stagnant in approaching those goals. While on the other hand, some individuals may struggle to stay realistic when it comes to their goals. It is easy for them to be swept up by “what it could be” instead of simply going after it logically. This aspect calls for the individual to be able to balance enthusiasm and ambition with caution and maturity. It is important to be able to stay realistic–but do not feel discouraged–about your goals. As those tendencies can cause one to make rash and poor decisions due to a misguided optimism.
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Characters with this placement tend to have a drive and excitement for change, freedom, innovation and liberation. They may feel strongly about social justices, activism, and many other social-related communities. Additionally, these people are always hoping to beat around the push and challenge the usual to turn it into something new and unconventional. These individuals have a unique sense of individuality, and they feel so strongly about demonstrating their sense of individuality to others with no apologies. However, it is easy for these people to forget about others and the rational and make decisions and changes without considering the potential consequences. And they could easily embarrass themselves or cause chaos. Furthermore, they strive to be open to new ideas and perspectives.
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These individuals dedicate a significant portion of their lives to the unknown, spirituality, intuition, and imagination. They are often creative, interested, and artistic; they more than likely strive to stay in their own world as it is what drives them individually. However, it is easy for these folks to lose themselves in the realm of their vivid fancy. Excessive idealism and a struggling balance between spirituality and practicality is possible with this aspect. It is especially possible for one to neglect their practical responsibilities due to their excessive attention to their inner world. This aspect could also make someone susceptible to mental illness or delusions in extreme cases.
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Individuals with this placement have a significantly different way of handling the abrupt changes and transformations that occur in their lifetime. At the same time, these people have a strong need to adapt to many changes and repeatedly start over in life. These are the types of folks who constantly move to a different home, change their physical appearance, and in extreme cases, change their entire identity. Only because there is a drive to start over and transform into a type of person that is appropriate for them at that time. However, it is important to find a balance in changes. It is easy for these individuals to become excessive in their creative outlets as well as let their emotions and turmoil get the best of them in dire situations.
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These individuals tend to have a complex and intricate self-concept and sense of who they are in the world; they might prioritize their sense of selves to an extreme degree and strive to find exactly who they are and how they contribute to themselves and others on a day-to-day, face-to-face basis. That is why these people may have tendencies of struggling with balancing between their personal priorities and others’ and the outside world’s needs. On one hand, they are entirely focused on themselves to the degree of being self-absorbed, while on the other hand, they are entirely focused on serving others to the degree of neglecting their character. It is important these folks learn to find temperance in a strong sense of self and being open and grounded. It is also easy for them to go insane as they can sometimes drown in the day-to-day routine and autopilot. It is important for these individuals to find true meaning in their life, relationships, and other areas they may have never thought about or neglected.
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These folks put an immense amount of work, dedication, and persistence in regards to their career goals, works, and aspirations. The need for personal recognition and accomplishment is so huge for these individuals, that it is possible that they may feel they could do just about anything to pursue them–even neglecting their personal life. There is also an issue with modesty within this aspect. The approach to success can easily get the best out of these people and turn them into controlling, domineering, and inconsiderate individuals. Not to mention, they hope to reach for the stars–which is good in most cases–but it could lead to them being completely unrealistic and letting their ambition take over without any planning, rigidity, or cautiousness.
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thank you for viewing my post! it’s been a while since i’ve posted, so i’m happy that i’m trying to become active again. god bless you all and have an amazing rest of the day 😊❤️✨
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yan-lorkai · 1 month
Y!Leona x tiger!reader. [gn]
oh boy. the hatred that fuels them. a tiger and a lion in one room? fatal combat.
[y] can be described as a “hot-headed” person.
anger issues.
always carries a weapon. [usually a sword.]
somewhat a nerd, straight 100% and 90%.
Bad at hiding their emotions.
..actually very blunt about their feelings. why bother hiding them?
Easily provoked.
Gets carries away easily.
Bite first then bark.
knowing how they are; they were assigned the Savanclaw dorm. ohh, how amusing things will be!
Hcs.. scenarios.. do whatever u want :) thank you.
sorry, is this too much? too specific? not much information? my apologies, if so, you may delete this if you don’t feel like doing it due to it.
ty !!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: This have been sitting on my drafts for awhile now, it was super detailed and I sort of blue screemed the first time I read it but I kind like the result. So hopefully you like as well, darling hehe. I did some hcs btw.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Leona, being the proud and territorial lion he is, initially views you, a tiger, as a threat to his dominance. He has the entire Savanaclaw following his very order and he doesn't like the thought of you messing things up. The very first time you cross paths, there’s an intense standoff where both of you silently try to assert your power over each other, as you are very blunt and doesn't think much about what you're talking. He finds later, when alone in his room, that he kind of likes your honesty, it's a bit endearing, even if it gives him a headache.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ His gaze is sharp, filled with a mix of feelings, overall, curiosity about you. Sometimes he send Ruggie to watch over you so he can learn about your routine, likes and dislikes, and what kind of person you are. And sometimes he come find you himself to annoy you, since you are so reckless and easily provoked, and he think you're funny when you act without thinking about the consequences. Truly, he is fascinated by your strength and beauty, seeing you as a perfect mate, and he’s determined to make you his by any means necessary.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Unexpectedly but he likes how intelligent you are. The two of you, after overcoming your differences, can be found having long conversations that no one else seems to follow - just further proof of how perfect you can be, of how you were made to be his.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Leona’s possessive tendencies manifest in his overly protective behavior. Despite your own strength and independence, being capable of fighting with a sword and with your own powers, he’s constantly shadowing you, ensuring no one else comes near his “territory”. If anyone, friend or foe, tiger or not, dares to approach you, Leona’s wrath is immediate and fierce.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He justifies his actions by telling you that it’s for your safety, though it’s clear that his possessiveness knows no bounds. He’ll keep you close, often initiating fights just to remind you who the dominant one is - not liking how sociable you can be with other beastmen, yet his gaze softens only for you and his touch is just as soft, his possessive obsession a twisted form of love, since he doesn't know any better, growing up being hated by everyone he knew.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While Leona’s initial approach is aggressive and domineering, he eventually realizes that to truly claim you, he must respect you, for you too are too similar, too hot headed and stubborn. He allows you some space in his humble abode but always makes it clear that it’s still his domain. However, this submission is a calculated move; he knows that by giving you a semblance of freedom, you’ll let your guard down, making it easier for him to manipulate you into staying by his side permanently.
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