#Tw near death
cheesecakethots · 1 year
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Part 2
Your mother had described meeting her soulmate, your father, as the most influential moment of her entire life, despite the fact it had been so ordinary.
They had simply been passing each other in a busy marketplace, and happened to brush hands. The static and pull they both felt only meant one thing, and the rest was history.
Your siblings met their soulmates before you, your older brother even having met his as a young child. Maybe that’s why you were chosen, and not them. Maybe that’s why they didn’t fight for you, after all.
The village you live in had a harsh winter, with no crops being able to grow and people starting to freeze to death in their own homes. You had known the village leaders were the superstitious type, but you almost scoffed aloud when they declared the hardships faced must’ve been the work of a vengeful spirit or yokai.
You had been woken up when some of them dragged you out of bed, still in your flimsy old nightgown that did nothing to protect you from the frosty bite to the wind. Your father didn’t intervene, didn’t cry, didn’t do anything as he watched them carry you away. Your mother had broken into sobs when you screamed at her to save you, but still did nothing. Your siblings didn’t even bother to leave their rooms to watch you be hauled off like some livestock on route to a chopping block.
The woods were long and hard to traverse, but it wasn’t long before they had taken you to the centre, using old and frayed rope to tie you by the waist to a thick tree trunk. They didn’t turn back when leaving, didn’t so much as spare you a glance while you screamed and screamed and screamed.
You stopped after ten minutes, instead allowing yourself to cry silently, hoping that you would wake up soon with your parents ready to comfort you, your siblings waiting to laugh off your silly nightmare. No such thing happened.
It’s been about half an hour now. Maybe less. Maybe more. You’re certain at this point that no hungry spirit is going to find you, and instead you’re going to die a slow, cold death, all alone. Well, maybe not slow.
You don’t hear the soft crunches of snow in front of you, too busy staring at your own feet that are starting to go blue.
“Hm, what do we have here?”
Your eyes glance up. For a second you believe that you’re hallucinating, taking note of the clearly wealthy man in a large hat before you, as well as the men in armour situated behind him.
The man raises an eyebrow. “Well?”
Mouth opening and closing, you attempt to splutter out something, but what comes out is a shaky, unsure breath.
He scoffs, moving closer, “Speak up, will you? Or is your throat frozen?”
A cough leaves you, your throat feeling scratchy and dry, but you spit something out nonetheless.
“Th-They l-l-left me h-here,” you stammer, your voice shaking and teeth chattering wildly. Every breath you take feels as though the ropes around your torso are tightening and tightening.
“Who left you here?” He asks, despite the fact that he sounds rather uninterested.
“Th-The village. M-My fa-family. They left me h-here to die,” you whisper, and you’re surprised by the bitterness you somehow have the strength left to conjure. You look up at him, tears still streaming down your face, “H-How cou-could they throw me a-away like that?”
Something in his expression shifts, and he takes another step towards you, head tilting to the side as he considers something.
“Why did they leave you here, then?”
“Sa-Sacrifice to a yokai. T-They thought it w-would s-stop the wi-winter and help the cr-crops grow.”
He chuckles, but there seems to be little amusement in his tone. “How ridiculous.”
You cough again, your body shivering all the more. You’re going to die soon, you know it.
“What would you offer me if I were to save you?”
Hope doesn’t crawl into your veins at his words, instead a dry sob leaves you, “I have n-nothing left to give. Nothing.”
“Not even your gratitude?”
His eyes meet yours once again, and you can’t help but note how very pretty they are, despite the fact you’re on the verge of death.
“I-If you save m-me, I’ll forever be indebted to you.”
“Hm. It’ll have to do.”
The ropes holding you up fall before you can even realise what’s happened, and in turn so do you, landing on your hands and knees, your body quaking violently.
“Up. Otherwise you’ll freeze to death here. Stand up.”
But you can’t. Any apologies you have die on your tongue when he tuts, kneeling in front of you.
He reaches a hand out to roughly pull you up by the wrist, “Archons, I have to do everything aroun-“
His grip on you leaves as fast as it came, and he stumbles back on his feet a little, watching as you peer up at him, eyes wide.
You don’t have much time to consider the consequences of what has just happened, as your body finally gives way, and you collapse into the snow in front of your soulmate.
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mugloversonly · 3 months
What Happens Afterwards?
I read this post by @acowardinmordor and was obsessed with what happened next. Written with their blessing.
also on AO3
tw: overdose, drugs, near death experience, mentions of HIV
Famous Eddie doesn't touch drugs...too bad Steve does After Steve ODs at a Corroded Coffin concert, he wakes up in the hospital.
Steve woke up groggy and confused. Is he in a hospital? Suddenly the night rushed back to him. He did a line, borrowed a needle. He’d meant to go back to the dressing room, but he hit the deck before he could. Shit!
He shot up and frantically looked around, hoping beyond all hope that he was alone. Luck was not on his side though, because Eddie was asleep in the hospital chair next to him. Steve took a long look at the love of his life. His eyes were red and puffy with deep bags. His hair was a tangled mess as if he’d been yanking on it. And his clothes were rumpled as if he hadn’t changed them in days.
Steve sighed. He really didn’t want to have this confrontation right now. Before that thought could even leave his brain, Eddie opened his eyes and met Steve’s. The pools of chocolate were filled with a myriad of emotions. He leaned forward and took Steve’s hand.
“Hey, Stevie. How’re you feeling?” He asked softly as he reached over and pressed the nurse call button. Steve was confused by the softness, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“How did I get here?” He asked instead, dropping his gaze.
“You were brought in as a John Doe after the concert baby.” He whispered, his voice thick. “They said you overdosed.” He didn’t sound angry, Steve would have preferred that. Instead he sounded guilty. Steve forced himself to look and felt bile rise up at the expression on Eddie’s face. “I’m sorry baby.” Eddie said. “I’m so sorry.” Tears ran down his already tear coated cheeks. Steve expected yelling, berating, and ultimatum. Anything but an apology.
“Sorry for what, Eds?” He asked. “You didn’t do anything.” That turned out to be the wrong thing to say as it turns Eddie’s cries into sobs. Something sour built a home in Steve’s chest.
“Exactly! I didn’t do anything!” He said emphatically, gesturing wildly. “You were missing! And i didn’t do anything! I let everyone else handle it while i panicked. I still played the show. I didn’t follow my gut and looked who the junkies were that night!” Tears streamed down his face, but the words rattled something in him.
“How long have I been here?” Steve asked hesitantly. Eddie took a stuttered breath.
“Five days. You’ve been here for five days. You were missing for over 24 hours.” He bit his lip trying to stifle more tears.
Steve was floored. Five days?! Wait…missing? “Oh, baby.” Steve said, mournfully running the hand not hooked up to anything along Eddie’s cheek. He melted into the contact and put his hand over Steve’s. “I’m sorry for putting this much stress on you.”
“For a minute there, I’d thought it came back.” Steve knew exactly what Eddie meant. The upside down. “But when I found out you ODed…I almost wish it had.” Eddie admitted. “This is all my fault.” He whispered unable to hold the tears back any longer.
Steve felt like he’d been on top of the world from what he could remember of the high, and he thought about chasing that rabbit. But the look in Eddie’s eyes, the deep well of pure devastation and guilt swirled together, made Steve pause. He couldn’t do this to Eddie again. “This isn’t on you.” Steve insisted. “I told you I quit. You had no reason to assume I’d be in that bathroom.” Eddie just shook his head.
“If I hadn’t forced you on the road, you never would’ve had access to this kind of hardcore shit in the first place. If I spent more time with you, if I never left you alone, you wouldn’t have felt the need to do this.” Eddie trembled. “I should have protected you better, I knew what that shit could do, I’m so sorry baby.” Steve knew then that there wasn’t anything he could say. Eddie would blame himself for this until the end of time.
That more than anything else, broke Steve down. “I’m sorry, love.” His voice trembled. “I shouldn’t have lied. I just didn’t want you to worry.” He flipped his hand up in offer. Eddie immediately filled it with his. He squeezed it as he continued. “You had so much to worry about, I didn’t want to be another. But I should have known that you’d worry anyway.” Steve looked away, ashamed.
“Baby…” he was cut off as a doctor came in.
“Well, Mr. Harrington. You’re lucky to be alive. The cocktail of drugs you took was extreme.” The doctor said.
“What do you mean?” Eddie asked.
“The heroine appeared to be laced with meth. And the line he did was cocaine and ecstasy.” The doctor said calmly. Eddie gasped a shuddering breath and his hands shook in Steve’s grasp.
“I didn’t know the heroine was laced.” He said. “It wasn’t my needle.” The regret was finally showing up. At this the doctor’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. Eddie yanked his hands away and covered his mouth.
“I’ll send in a nurse to grab some blood so we can run some tests.” He said. “In the meantime Mr. Munson, I recommend limited physical contact.” He directed that to Eddie with a look of sympathy. He nodded and the doctor took his leave. Tears sprang to Eddie’s eyes and ran down his face.
“You shared needles, Stevie?” He asked in shock, his voice quiet. His fear was clear on his face. “Have you been…doing other things for the drugs?” Steve had to come clean.
“I’d do pretty much anything for them.” He admitted.
Eddie stood up quickly and made to leave the room. “I’m going to go let Robin know you’re awake.” He dashed out before Steve could say anything else.
He fucked up. He always felt guilty after the high wore off, but this time it was horrible. He’s in the hospital, after disappearing for over a day. He should have been more careful. He knew sharing needles wasn’t the best plan, but at the time the high was worth it. But the look of betrayal, sadness, and the tiniest glimmer of disgust on Eddie’s face just now, was enough to make him never want to touch another pill. Sleep snuck up on him and he prayed that Eddie would be back when he woke up again.
His prayer went unanswered. The next time he woke up, it was Robin by his bedside. She was staring at the TV but she wasn’t really watching it. “Hey Robs” he said. She whipped her head around so fast he wouldn’t be surprised if it popped off.
“Steve! You’re awake!” She exclaimed. The smile on her face fell quickly. “You’re an idiot. If you weren’t in this hospital bed right now, I’d smack you.” He shrunk down in the face of her ire. “What were you thinking?!” She shrieked.
“I didn’t think it’d be that bad.” He admitted. The fire in her eyes could set the arctic ablaze.
“Not that bad? Not that bad?! You ODed at Eddie’s concert.” She began counting on her fingers. “You lied about being clean. You shared needles with some random junkies!” On the last point she threw her hands up. “How often have you done that? Don’t lie to me Steve.” Her eyes narrowed.
“Every once in a while when I get the itch for it. Maybe once every few months or so.” He admitted grimly. Robin’s eyes narrowed.
“So however many months you’ve been doing this, you’ve been sharing needles?” She clarified. At Steve’s nod she sprang up and paced the room. “Every time?”
“Not every time, but not rarely either.” He said as guilt started to creep into his stomach. She ran her hands into her hair and yanked on it softly.
“Have you been getting tested at least?” She asked.
“I’m not cheating on Eddie, Robin!” Steve yelled, hurt that she’d even imply that. She stopped pacing and turned to him.
“Okay, first. I didn’t say that. Second, your word has no credibility right now. I know you wouldn’t, dingus. That’s not why I was asking.” She grabbed his hand. Before she could continue, a nurse came in.
“Oh good! You’re awake. I’m going to be taking some blood okay?” She asked but really was demanding. She glared at Steve as he held out his arm for her.
“Is everything okay?” Robin asked. The nurse turned to her and gave a small smile before glaring again at Steve.
“With the patient, everything is looking like it’s returning to normal.” She snapped the tourniquet into place but when Steve flinched she didn’t look remorseful. She drew a few vials of blood, stuck a bandaid on, and pulled off the tourniquet all in silence. As she got cleaned up to leave, she finally spoke. “Look kid, it’s not my place. But that boy out there? I can take a guess as to what your relationship is with him.” She flashed a tiny pride flag pinned inside her scrubs. “He cares about you so much. He was beside himself when he came in and saw you, he had you moved to this room, he asked us if there was any kind of experimental treatment, anything to help you.” She turned that glare on him again. “He loves you to the ends of the earth and he will never leave you. You better clean up your act to be worthy of that devotion, because make no mistake. He would let you drain his veins and apologize for not bleeding out faster.” She stalked over to Robin and handed her a stack of papers. She jabbed a finger in his face, “don’t you dare break up with him in a misguided attempt to save him from you. You clean up your act. If not for yourself, then for him.“ With that she stomped out of the room and practically slammed the door behind her. For a moment neither of them said a word. Steve was filled with regret and Robin was a bit smug. She looked down at the stack of papers. Rehab clinics.
“Should we pick one?” Robin asked.
“I think I want to do it with Eddie.” Steve replied. “The nurse was right. And so were you. I’ve taken him for granted and my word means shit right now. I want to prove to him that I want to get clean.” Robin hesitated.
“Do you?” She asked. “You don’t seem particularly regretful about the actual drugs.” Her tone was soft even though her words were harsh.
“I do!” Steve exclaimed. “You didn’t see the look on Eddie’s face, Robbie. He was devastated and blamed himself for all of it. When I told him I’d do anything for the drugs he got up and left. I don’t think he’s coming back in.” He trailed off into a whisper. Robin took hold of his hand.
“Stevie, he’s right outside.” She said. At Steve’s confused look she continued. “He’s sitting on a bench right next to the door. He wanted to come back in, but I asked him to let me talk to you alone.”
“Why?” Steve asked. Robin’s eyes hardened.
“Because what I’m about to say, he wouldn’t like, but as your best friend I have to tell you hard truths. And Eddie's my best friend too so I have to protect him.” She took a deep breath. “You deserved his love once Steve. I truly believe that. But right now, his love for you is hurting him. And the only one who can fix it? Is you. He hasn’t slept or eaten practically at all since you disappeared.” Steve flinched at the word disappeared. “When he called me he was sobbing so hard I thought you died Steve.” Her eyes watered. “He kept repeating ‘it’s all my fault. I did this to him’ and Jeff had to take the phone to explain what was going on. When I got here, you were still touch and go. You died on the way here, Steve. They had to resuscitate you. The sound he made when the doctors told him that…” she shuddered. “I felt his heart shatter. The nurse is right. He will forgive you and he won’t ever stop loving you and he won’t ever leave you.” Her eyes got intense again. “So you need to promise me. Promise me! That you’ll take care of yourself. Because I don’t think I could survive watching him wither away if you leave him.” The emphasis she put on leave tore Steve apart. She didn’t mean break up with him. She meant leave him. “You don’t deserve his devotion. Not after you lied to him for months. But you have it. So now, you need to cherish it. Got it?” She asked. Steve could only nod as the dam finally broke. They held each other’s hands as they cried together.
“Can you get Eddie? Please.” He asked after his eyes dried up. Robin nodded and dashed out the door, waving Eddie inside.
Steve’s heart broke at the sight of him. He looked exhausted and his eyes were red rimmed as if he’d been crying for hours. Steve held a hand out to him and Eddie rushed to take it. Steve slid over in the hospital bed, yanking Eddie in after him. He curled around him and held him close being mindful of the wires in his hand as he draped it on Eddie’s chest. Eddie took a deep breath but Steve could feel the anxiety still thrumming under his skin. “I’m sorry, love.” Steve whispered. “I shouldn’t have lied.” He halted when he heard the sniffles. He sat up, peering at Eddie. His cheeks were wet again and Steve reached up to wipe them clean.
“Stevie, I have to ask…” he began. “And I hate to even think it. But…” he paused. “Did you…when you said you’d do anything for the drugs. Did you sleep with people for them?” He finally spit out. Steve wanted to be mad. He wanted to hiss and spit and rage at the accusation. But he knew that wasn’t fair to Eddie. He was within his rights to ask.
“No my love.” Steve promised. “Never.” Eddie nodded and sighed with relief. “I don’t know how much my word is worth right now.” He admitted. Eddie pressed a finger to his lips.
“I trust you.” He said. Those three words broke Steve. How could Eddie trust his word after everything? He asked him as much. Eddie just smiled softly. “I trust you because I want to. That’s all there is to it.”
“I’m sorry for everything.” Steve repeated desperately.
“I forgive you.” Eddie promised. “Now, let’s forget the past for a minute and focus on the future.” Eddie said. Steve looked over his shoulder to the door to the room and saw Robin and the Coffin boys. The boys were glaring at Steve but he knew it was because he hurt their friend.
Steve grabbed the rehab brochures and the two went over them until they found one that had a branch in DC. “I don’t want you to cancel the tour Eddie.” Steve was adamant. He ruined enough of the tour so far and he wouldn’t be the reason it ended. At least in DC he’d be close to Robin who would keep him in line. She promised Eddie daily updates (real updates) once Steve got out until the end of the tour. Eddie finally agreed after the boys convinced him he’d need the distraction so he wouldn’t be pacing around the house all day.
Steve leaned up to kiss him, but Eddie pulled away. The regret in his eyes was almost enough to soothe the hurt. “Not yet Stevie, okay?” He asked. Steve nodded but his head tilted in confusion. “Not until the blood tests come back.” He explained. Suddenly, Steve understood. He put himself at risk and Eddie too. The virus going around was deadly and Steve had been careless. Playing russian roulette with not only his life, but Eddie’s too and by extension the band’s.
The shame that filled him was so intense he reached over and retched into the nearby bed pan. Robin ran over with a trashcan and he kept heaving. Eddie rubbed his back as he emptied his body. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I…” he cut off by dry heaving. He finally understood why Eddie ran from the room earlier and why the nurse glared at him. He’s a monster. He put the love of his life at risk of contracting a deadly disease just so he could get a fix. What the hell was wrong with him?
When he was finally done, he was exhausted. “Sleep baby.” Eddie whispered. Steve clutched tight to his hand.
“Will you stay with me?” He asked. As his eyes drifted shut.
“Forever.” Eddie whispered as Steve floated off into a dreamless sleep. His last thought was that he needed to prove he was worth forever.
The next time he woke up, Eddie was still there. Asleep curled up beside him. But in the chair next to him was someone he hoped not to see. Wayne. Their eyes met and he didn’t say anything, he just raised his right eyebrow and Steve folded. He apologized for letting Wayne down, for hurting Eddie, for lying about it. He begged Wayne’s forgiveness, but the man didn’t respond. His gaze flickered to his sleeping nephew and softened.
“You listen to me boy.” Wayne said. “My nephew is a gentle soul, quick to forgive and let things go. You should know that based on how he was after that spring break.” They both shivered at the memory. “So, he’s not going to want to hold you accountable. He’d rather just move on and take your word for it. But lucky for him, and not so lucky for you, I will be holding you accountable.” He leaned in. “I love you like one of my own Steve, I really do. But I love my brother too and he ain’t seen Eddie since they locked him up. Eddie forgave him within days, trusted him. I learned then, that if Eddie loved someone, he’d forgive pretty much everything just to keep them around. So I’ll tell you the same thing I told Al. Eddie is my boy, first. And I will protect him from anything that will hurt him, even if it’s himself. So I’ll be holding you accountable. You’re going to rehab?” Wayne asked. At Steve’s nod and explanation of where, he continued. “You’re going to give the rehab my information as someone who they can talk to. I’m going to call to check up whenever I see fit. Got it?”
“Yes sir” Steve replied. The nurse from before knocked and opened the door quietly. She paused as she saw Eddie curled up in the bed next to Steve. She gently shook him awake.
“Mr. Munson? We have both of your blood tests back.” At this Eddie was wide awake.
“You got some blood tests done Ed?” Wayne asked.
“Yeah, just um…just in case you know?” He trailed off not making eye contact with his uncle.
“Good news or bad news first?” She asked.
“Bad news first, always.” Eddie and Steve replied in tandem. They shared a private smile.
“Bad news, Steve you have moderate kidney damage. It won’t take much more to send them into failure.” She said with hard eyes.
“And the good news?” Wayne spoke up.
“Good news, you both are negative for any STDs. Including HIV.” The three men breathed a huge sigh of relief. The nurse turned to Steve. “You got lucky kid. Don’t forget that.” Steve assured her he wouldn’t and she left with a nod. He couldn’t believe he’d been so reckless. He turned to Eddie and was immediately pulled into a soft kiss.
“They said you’ll be discharged soon.” Robin said later. “Then what?” It was just the two of them.
“Then, Eddie drops me off at rehab and I get help. I stay clean. I do everything to be worthy of him.” He declared. Robin nodded her approval. Eddie came back from the hotel with all of their things packed away in a rental car. He slid into bed next to Steve.
“Hey, baby. You ready?” He asked. Steve nodded and they all left the hospital. The three of them piled into the car and drove Robin to the airport. She was going to fly back to give the boys some time alone. She hugged Steve and then Eddie. She whispered something in the his ear that had him tearing up. She went into the airport with a promise to call Wayne if she ran into any trouble.
Then it was just the two of them. They spent the first hour or so making idle small talk before the curiosity got the best of him. “What did Robin say to you?” He asked.
“Nothing important.” Eddie answered far too quickly.
“Oh, come on. You can tell me.” He knew he was being annoying but he didn’t want to think about what was awaiting him at the end of the ride. Eddie sighed, he never could keep something from Steve.
“She said if I could forgive you, I should forgive myself.” He admitted.
“You still blame yourself, love?” Steve asked. Eddie bit his lip as he nodded.
“If I hadn’t dragged you on tour, you never would have found that stuff.” Steve couldn’t let this stand. He knew he had to finally come clean.
“I was already doing it.” At Eddie’s questioning noise he continued. “As soon as we got to LA, I was looking for it. I did it at those events because it was free from someone else's supply.” He took a breath and glanced at Eddie before he admitted the next bit. “I didn’t get into this shit because I was on tour with you. I wanted to go on tour because I didn’t want to be away from you. That it would be way easier to get my hands on shit, just sweetened the deal.”
Eddie was quiet for a while after that. Steve glanced over and saw his cheeks were wet. He’d made him cry again. “So, you didn’t start them because of me?” He whispered.
“No love. And to be clear, even if I started on tour, it still wouldn’t have been your fault. You didn’t hold me down and force a line up my nose okay?” He reached out and wiped away a tear. “This was my choice. Just like going to rehab is my choice. If I didn’t really want to go, I wouldn’t.” His conviction was clear. Eddie pulled to the side of the road to kiss Steve softly before they drove the rest of the way in comfortable conversation.
They arrived at the rehab center and Eddie walked him inside. He checked in, Eddie handed over his credit card, Steve handed it right back and handed his over. The attendant smiled and swiped Steve’s card giving the boys a moment alone. They held each other close and kissed not caring at the moment who saw them. “I love you, baby. Don't forget okay?” Eddie whispered leaning his forehead to Steve’s.
“I know, love. I love you too. More than life.” He replied. He gave a final kiss to Eddie’s lips and followed the attendant into the center. He was determined to come out a new man.
Six grueling weeks later, Steve was out. He had a sponsor and group therapy sessions. Waiting to pick him up was Robin. Eddie was on the last few weeks of the tour. They had to extend it a bit to cover for Steve’s hospital stay. Robin gave him a long hug. “Ready to bust out?” She asked and they both got into the car. He lasted barely five minutes.
“How is he?” Steve and Eddie didn’t speak at all during his rehab. The center thought Eddie being on the road would be triggering to Steve. And to be frank, Wayne thought Eddie needed to distance himself from the process for a bit. Wayne and Robin had kept them both informed on the other.
“He’s okay. I mean…he misses you terribly, but he’s been coping on tour.” Robin said. Thankfully the drive wasn’t very long. Steve wanted to be in a familiar place, even if life outside of rehab was scary. They pulled up to Robin’s building and Steve stepped in after her.
There was a loud pop and confetti raining down on him. “Welcome home Steve!” Came several voices he was not expecting. The entire party was here. Wayne, Hopper, and Joyce too. But what brought him to tears was the sight to his left. Eddie was there, holding his arms open. Steve ran into them, nearly knocking them both to the ground.
“I thought your tour didn’t end for a few more weeks?” He asked in between kisses.
“I lied about the end date to surprise you.” He admitted holding Steve close. “Are you surprised?”
“Very! A good surprised!” The two pulled apart so everyone else could greet Steve. Eddie didn’t go far, not letting go of Steve’s hand the entire time. He’d felt better in rehab once the withdrawals subsided. More clear headed, more aware. But he didn’t feel completely healed. Feeling the warmth of Eddie’s hand in his, Steve felt hopeful for the future. As he made eye contact with the man again, Steve silently promised to stay clean. Not for just Eddie. But for himself too.
He skipped the next tour as recommended by his therapist. The two men decided it would be better if he wasn't alone, so Wayne stayed with him. He'd been retired from the plant and wanted to move out to LA with Eddie anyway.
He and Eddie had a hard time, but they make due with calls and letters. On one memorable occasion Steve sent a racy Polaroid. That night, Eddie called already worked up and they had a wonderful time. The reunion was so sweet. They were locked in their bedroom for days, coming out only for food and water. The rest of their friends knew better than to come visit until the love birds made the first move.
The band wrote a new album and started a nonprofit for drug addicts. It helped those who couldn't afford to get clean and see therapists, providing them with clean needles and clean drugs to help ween off them. Steve didn't shy away from his overdose, or the affect it had on those around him and he encouraged the others not to either. Eddie did several interviews on how helpless he felt when his "best friend" was taken to the hospital as a John Doe. This spurred the nonprofit to add resources for loved ones of addicts too.
Steve had been sober for three years when he went on tour with the band again. For real this time. He got clean and he stayed clean. When he was offered something at a party, he couldn't say he wasn't tempted. But he'd look over to see his love laughing and knew he'd do anything to keep that sound in the world. He never wanted to jeopardize Eddie's happiness again and he finally accepted he was his happiness.
And the next time the band played The Garden, Steve was on the sidelines cheering for Eddie and the band. He made sure Eddie could always see him and know he was safe. That look of guilt and devastation he saw in the hospital never returned to Eddie's face and Steve was determined to keep it that way.
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Already posted this on ao3, but I thought Tumblr would like it too. A lovely commission courtesy of Valacre- cecaelia Skull getting to show his spookier and scarier side.
Some TWs, for this! Bleeding, near drowning, kidnapping and general yandere behaviour, vomiting, being pressured into eating. Proceed with caution if these things bother you!
You felt calm. Very calm.
You really shouldn’t have felt calm. You were probably actively dying. Sinking deeper and deeper into an ocean abyss, bleeding from a head wound you sustained from thrashing against coral in a panic, you couldn’t tell if the way the world was darkening around you was from your consciousness slipping away or your depth increasing. Perhaps a bit of both. 
... But... you just felt calm. The toxins had already well kicked into your brain. 
That was the thing, about sinking too deep in scuba gear. At depths, pressure changed the properties of whatever gas was in your tank. Unless you had a special concoction, suited for the extreme conditions, a tank of normal air would gradually become more and more toxic to your body the further down you went.
The regulator in your mouth, the very thing keeping you alive... was also the thing slowly killing you.
Nitrogen narcosis, right? You thought, nearly giggling. We learnt about it in dive class. What a dumb name, for something that’s gonna kill me.
The fact that you were sinking didn’t bother you. The fact that you were dying bought no panic. In fact, you could hardly remember why you panicked before. Again, you nearly laughed... you were so dumb, it was entirely your own fault you were in this position. Chasing a beautiful fish over the reef, further and further, not even noticing your dive group disappearing from sight. 
The nature had been so beautiful, the fish so pretty... the waters so calm.
You went over an edge, the coral shelving away. You hadn’t seen the bottomless, terrifying void until it had already opened up beneath you.
All struggling did was make you hit your head on a jagged coral branch. Nothing could stop the cold current from sucking you down.
You barely registered the plaintive beeping of the dive computer on your wrist. Quietly, uselessly, trying to warn you that you were getting too deep. 
... Eventually, your regulator slipped out of your mouth. 
Huh. Oh well.
Lights filled your vision. Lights in a rainbow of colours, beautiful and vibrant, catching in the glass of your dive mask and casting across your face. The glimmering tucked around your fading mind, drawing it upward, drawing it away from the brink of nothingness. 
A warm red colour moved closer, and closer, and closer. Pretty. The other nice colours still surrounded you, but the red was the most dominant of them. It was a welcome break, from the endless black and blue that you were sinking into... you felt big hands, on either side of your face, a comforting sensation. 
Is this what dying is like? You stared at the warm red. It’s nothing like what people said it would be like.
You could hear a soft humming. You felt it in your core, too. The drunken, narcotic-esque sensation of the gases was slowly replaced by a much softer and more pleasant emotional state. Less giggly... more peaceful.
Something touched to your mouth. Warm. And suddenly, you could breathe again. A distant, disconnected sense of relief in the back of your head- like despite all of the easy feelings around you, deep down, you were still afraid to die.
... The red glow grew brighter. As it did, the peaceful feeling picked you up, and carried you away.
You were more than happy to let it.
Your eyes opened.
You didn’t expect that.
Immediately, panic rushed through you. It was so dark, so horribly dark - am I dead!? - you sat up, head rushing with a wave of nausea, your lips and fingers were heavy and tingly and your eyes felt as if they were swirling in your skull.
You instantly threw up seawater.
... A cave. You were in a cave. You let out a slow breath, it quivered slightly at the end, eyes darting around the chamber and desperately attempting to gather as much info as possible, hand coming up to wipe your mouth. The walls were black and glossy, seemingly volcanic, and the ground beneath you was dry.
... Wait. You forced yourself to slow down. How can I see?
You turned around. Just behind you, the dry rock shelved away into a large pool. And a faint, blueish-green light emanated from all around its edges, where the mirror-like black water met the stone. Algae? Plankton? Whatever it was, it was just enough light to see by, and it was undeniably beautiful.
... You shuffled over to the water’s edge. Kneeling by it, you leant over, and drew your hand through the still water- the cave grew brighter, as a trail of light followed your palm, flickering across your face and casting soft ripples over the sloped walls.
... The panic didn’t leave you completely. It probably wouldn’t, until you were curled up in your own bed at home. But... something about the bioluminescence helped your emotions settle. It was genuinely beautiful to look at, and the sound of moving water filled your ears, grounding you to the moment. You weren’t dead at the bottom of the seafloor, you weren’t being eaten by some terrible beast. Though you struggled to make sense of the cave’s dimensions in the low light, it certainly wasn’t small and you were grateful to be spared any nightmarish claustrophobia. Not to mention the fact that you were grateful you had light at all.
You took your hand out of the water. Watching the droplets fall, creating their own little flashes of light, made you suddenly realise something. 
... The cave wasn’t the only thing that was dry. You were bone dry, too. You touched your dry hand all over yourself, but felt no damp. How long have I been asleep?
For a moment, you suddenly worried that you shouldn’t be breathing stale cave air, and you reached up as if to cover your mouth. But... you also realised that you had no idea how long you’d been unconscious for. Clearly, long enough for you to dry. 
... Your wetsuit was gone. So was all of your scuba gear. You looked down at yourself, confused; dressed only in your swimsuit and rash vest, your tanks and hoses weren’t anywhere to be found. Even your dive computer was missing from your wrist. 
Looking up only confused you further. No longer frightened about stale air or whether or not you were dead, you noticed there were clothes laid against the rocks closest to the pool edge. Clothes you didn’t recognise- clothes that absolutely weren’t yours. A slightly damp towel, and a very damp shirt, placed neatly and flat... as if someone had taken their sopping wet items off after coming out of the water, and laid them out to dry. Given how warm (yet still somehow fresh) the cave air felt, you could definitely see things drying. 
Possibilities flashed through your mind. Did you do that, then pass out and forget? Or was there someone else here? You weren’t sure whether to be afraid of that possibility.
“... You’re not gonna get much done sitting on the floor.” You murmured to yourself, instinctively wanting to fill the silence. Regardless of your quietness your voice bounced off the cave walls. “Might as well have a look around.”
Eventually, you forced yourself to your feet. You were a little wobbly... but nonetheless, you were alive.
The cave was, to your surprise, empty aside from you. No other signs of life. No spiders, no worms, no bats or flies- just those smooth dark walls and the shine of the reflected pool light. It was a decently sized cave, more than enough room for you to stand to your full height and stretch your arms above your head. Gradually, you shuffled your way into the back; the roof edged down slightly, before rising up again. You supposed that counted as a second part of the cave.
The second chamber was still a good size, but it was much smaller than the first chamber. It felt a fraction cooler. The light from the pool had grown so dim that you had to use your hands to navigate, feeling the walls to make sure you didn’t fall over- very faintly, above you, you could make out a hole. Though no light was coming through, you felt fresh air on your face... you let yourself enjoy some relief at the knowledge that there was a source of breathable air. You weren’t going to suffocate.
... Though you felt around more, there was no third chamber, and no potential way out aside from the crack directly above you.
And... nobody else was in the cave.
The clothes by the pool must’ve been me. You thought, a strange sensation falling over you. Maybe I have a concussion...?
Wait. Your head.
You gasped aloud, remembering that you had hit your head on coral. You reached up to touch your head, expecting blood, expecting matted hair, expecting something, anything at all. 
... Your fingers touched dry seaweed.
You paused. The seaweed... it wrapped all the way around your head. Like someone had wrapped it for you. And you felt no pain when you touched the area that you had hit against the coral- in fact, when you moved the seaweed aside, your fingers felt nothing. No scab, no scar, nothing. It was like you had never been hurt.
Something wasn’t right about this. The strange sensation grew, uneasiness intensifying. You stumbled back into the first chamber, eyes on the floor to make sure you didn’t trip over anything in the half-darkness, you wanted to look at those damp clothes again to be sure you didn’t recognise them.
You looked up, over to the bioluminescent pool, mostly to see clear light again and partially to try and calm yourself with its gentle blue glow.
... A large, glowing red eye stared back at you.
You were frozen. Completely. More than just your physical body- it felt as if the air around you stopped, as if your blood in your veins turned to ice, as if your heart paused in its beating and your breath turned to stone in your throat.
The eye didn’t disappear. It wasn’t a stress hallucination, it wasn’t a mirage. As the leadden moments ticked on, the eye remained.
... The eye... was in a skull. It twitched faintly. Only half of the head was above the water, the algae faintly shining where the sides of its face met the water. A vicious crack in the top of its cranium... just from the size of the top half of its face, you knew it was huge.
A siren. It must be a siren. A siren big and powerful enough to recover from such a frightening and severe injury as a head crack.
Trapped alone in a cave with a siren.
The realisation filled you with a numb, hollow kind of fear. It spread through every limb like a pale fire eating through paper.
Am I breathing? I don’t know if I’m breathing.
The siren, silently, lifted a few more inches out of the water. The only sound was the faint rippling of the pool. Droplets rolled down a smile of razor teeth.
You screamed. 
How could you not? Pinned in a small cave, with a beast right out of your nightmares. For a split second, a flash of confusion across its huge face. You tried to scramble away and back into the second chamber, somewhere you’d be out of its reach.
Its smile quickly returned. In an instant, massive black tentacles shot out of the water, sending up sprays of light; though you were aware of the siren’s size you had no idea of its dexterity. Before you could even turn around to run, tentacles seized your arms and legs; wet half-sentient masses of muscle wrapping tight around you. You felt the suckers press your skin, the slimy dark limbs squeezing and twisting, your bones suddenly felt so fragile and your screams so useless. Your voice just bounced off the smooth cave walls.
The tentacles pulled down, and instantly your legs gave way under you. He started dragging you toward him, toward the water- you watched in horror as his grin only grew, razor mouth and feverish red eye growing closer and closer. Death itself, pulling you in, images of those teeth driving into you made you begin to lose feeling in your extremities.
Like a child realising there was nowhere to run from the monster, you squeezed your eyes shut. You didn’t want to look, you didn’t want to see the teeth getting any closer, you didn’t want to see the eye fill your vision. You didn’t want to see it coming. 
The pulling stopped. You were numb, you’d drawn into your head, you didn’t know if you were even still screaming anymore.
The sound of something breaking made any sound you might’ve been making catch in your throat.
... Except... you didn’t feel any pain. Seconds ticked by, and you didn’t feel the heat of blood, or the sensation of shock setting in. The tentacles hadn’t moved, still holding onto you tightly.
Whatever had crunched, it wasn’t your bones. 
... You were still hyperventilating. But confusion allowed you to, slowly, open up your eyes.
The horrible grin was inches from your face, leering down at you. As was the equally horrible eye, bathing you in an overpowering red glow.
... But also in front of you, was two sides of a cracked sea urchin.
You stared blankly. The siren... he was holding them. One half in either massive clawed hand. It was a decently sized urchin, full of golden edible uni. 
One hand was big enough to seize your face, crush your head.
The siren, upon getting no response from you, moved the split urchin a few inches closer. Like he was showing it to you. You tried to lean away, but he just responded by moving it slightly closer again.
... You glanced up at his face. It was a horrifying thing to behold. Jagged misshapen teeth, a half shattered skull... scars lining his body. That big iris, unblinkingly staring into your Soul. Not giving you an inch of space, as if he wanted to consume you just through eye contact.
Back down to the uni. Moments kept passing. Moments where he didn’t maul you to death.
... Wait.
You pulled in a little frightened breath. 
He didn’t like that, a flicker of something else crossing his expression. That same expression as earlier, when you screamed. Like he didn’t like it- like he was getting upset.
Memories were starting to return, now. Fuzzy recollections of lights filling your vision. Alive in a cave, with new clothes drying on the rocks, your injuries bound and healed... 
... This siren had saved your life. Hadn’t he? Dressed your head wound, removed your heavy gear. He rescued you, put you in what must be his cave.
... He was trying to feed you.
Oh no.
You didn’t have a choice, did you? You felt like if you didn't eat the food, he would eat you. Slowly, your hands came up, they were shaking almost comically... you reached forward, taking one of the sea urchin halves.
Judging from his reaction, it was the correct move. His unbearable smile inched wider. And across his tentacles, a dim pulsation of green and yellow light, for seemingly no reason other than happiness. 
You didn’t have anything to remove the edible parts with, so you had to use your fingers. Your hands were shaking so much that it took a few tries to actually get it out. But you managed, eventually.
... It was good uni. Incredibly fresh, salty, slightly sweet. But you had to force yourself to eat it. You felt intensely sick from the fear, your head was swimming and several times you had to suppress your gagging. Don't upset him. Just eat it. The food, though the sweetness did ease some of your dizziness, was impossible to enjoy in any way; the entire time you ate, the siren stared at you. He had an intensity only a wild beast could muster. Inches from you, so close you felt his massive breaths washing over your face... watching every. Single. Bite.
... It couldn't have taken long. But it felt like it took hours. Finally, you swallowed the last bit, and to your immense relief he didn’t try to make you eat the other half of the urchin. 
He seemed pleased- for now.
... His free hand lifted up. You flinched, closing your eyes again; you felt a large claw trace over your cheek. 
It only confirmed your fears. 
Sirens don't feed just anyone. They fed their children, their family, or their... 
... Their mate. 
The tentacle grip around you finally eased. Slowly but surely, pacified by your eating, he withdrew; though the wet limbs dragged across you as they retreated, like he was savouring every moment of contact. The red light of his eye became less and less dominant, the calming blue of the pool returning to your vision.
... He made a sound. It sounded like a deep growl. But given the grin on his massive face, and his obviously pleased disposition... it was probably closer in nature to a purr.
He slipped under the water’s surface, leaving only a glowing ripple behind.
... You forced yourself to slow your breathing. You forced yourself to stop thinking about the terrifying implication of what you’d just experienced, but nothing could stop a few tears slipping down your face, nor a few shuddering breaths escaping from your chest.
A siren... was keeping you. Probably as his mate. Not just any siren- a massive, terrifying cecaelia, who clearly had no intention of letting you go. That's why he left you with most of your things, but took all your scuba gear, wasn't it? So you couldn't dive out of this cave.
No... no, you couldn’t think about that. You swallowed the fear, only letting a few more frightened sobs free before scrubbing the tears off your cheeks.
This isn’t ideal. But... you’re alive, at least. You thought. You wouldn’t have survived if he didn’t intervene. So this is better than nothing, right?
Yeah. Yeah, right. You bit the inside of your cheek. You needed to be thankful you were, at least, alive.
You’re alive. Your wounds have all been tended to and healed. You’re safe, somewhere warm and dry, with a supply of fresh air. The giant siren might be freaky, but he bought you food, and even clothes.
He clearly wants to keep you alive. You’re gonna be okay.
“I’m gonna be okay.” You said, weakly... to nobody except the cave walls.
Skull watched, silently, as the boat moved further and further away. Only once it was out of sight did he allow himself to move through the water again, iris re-igniting. If it had come too close to the den entrance he would’ve attacked.
... He was closer to shore than he liked to be. But it was important he was close to fresh air, and places he could source human things from. For you.
His chest... it warmed so much, at the thought of you. His mate. He had been alone so long, desperate for so long. Now, he finally had company.
... Sure, you were afraid. But it was only natural for a potential partner to be resistant to first advances. It just meant he needed to keep you in the den, and prove he’d be a strong, capable mate. Right? One of his tentacles lashed out, catching a fish. The other divers with you, the members of your pack, were clearly idiots- they didn’t protect you. They didn’t even notice when you were in distress. They didn’t save you when you were hurt... not like he did. 
He felt himself warming even more, pride returning, tentacle immediately crushing the fish. He rescued you. He held you close in your weakest moment, and filtered air into his mouth for you. He stemmed your bleeding, he cradled you in his arms, saved you from the brink of death. He held you close for hours, blanketing you with healing magic until he was certain you were stable, nearly killing himself from the exhaustion of ensuring you would be safe. 
He was a good mate. Fish blood seeped out into the water around him. You would see, eventually, how good he was. All he had to do was keep you in one place, and prove it to you, no matter how much you fought him.
All he needed was time.
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candieduranium · 1 month
if there isn’t already, i’d like for there to be like a documentary or something similar about Common Drugs That Fuck People Up. because isotretinoin and birth control have messed with my brain in such terrifying ways. and they weren’t even required for my well-being. it was just for acne. it was 100% optional and it nearly k_lled me.
obviously, it’s VERY important to be aware that some drugs that fuck some people up work great for other people. i just really wish there were better warning labels than “oh, some people hallucinated while on this medication. it’s probably fine for you, though” despite the patient never having been looked at to see how the medication could affect them individually. i want real stories from real people who took real medicinal drugs that affected them in real ways.
please spread this info. this medicine has fucked with me so much. i want people to be aware of this problem. i want people to take into account the dangers of medicine.
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sm0ke4brainz · 1 month
guys i havent posted because guess who got alcohol poisoning and got a ride in the wee woo ambulance yesterday!! this girllll. it was extremely traumatic and i almost died but alas i live. i had to eat a lot today to recover which sucked and i look fat in my new clothes but whatever ion wanna die yet so im just glad to be here.
bruises i got from not being able to walk look cool tho
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honkygay · 11 months
thinking abt FNAF x TMA
“I’m Jonathan Sims, head archivist of the Magnus Institute, London. Statement regarding a former employee of … Freddy Fazbears? in which a springlock failure resulted in a near death experience. Statement begins.”
its sooooo The Buried coded man.
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loopspoop · 3 months
Lupin fans, welcome to a little AU I like to call the Snowmon AU!
Based off a current fixation on ice elementals and everyone’s favorite samurai >:3 I present the first chapter!
TWs: hypothermia, drowning, near death experience, descriptions of CPR, emetophobia
Trudging through the polar snow, Goemon had to admit the amount of white out here was getting vaguely annoying to look at. Lupin’s latest set of shenanigans had brought them to the Shackleton Ice Shelf, over 13,000 square miles of barren white snow and ice making up a rather small portion of Antarctica. They generally tried to avoid places this cold, except that one time with the penguins. Despite that general avoidance, here they were.
“Remind me why the fuck we’re out here again? I’m freezin’ my ass off!” Jigen huffed, pulling his thick coat firmly around himself.
“I told you already!” Lupin called back, smiling as he looked the tattered piece of paper in his gloved hands over for the umpteenth time.
Goemon remembered the exact conversation they had had pertaining to this expedition from several weeks ago.
“Who-?” Jigen looked out at the thief from under his hat, pausing stirring their dinner.
“Douglas Mawson. He was a geologist. Helped with the Antarctic explorations? Seriously?” Lupin raised an eyebrow as he pouted. “Damn, okay. Basically-“
“Yeah, yeah, discovered Antarctica or whatever, your point?” Jigen waved his hand, turning back to the food.
“Rude.” Lupin huffed, flipping down beside the samurai on the sofa. “He didn’t discover it. He explored it. What he actually discovered is loads better!”
“So what did he discover?”
“I’m so glad you asked, Goemon!” Lupin smiled broadly, tossing a tattered paper onto the coffee table. “The worlds largest diamond to date!”
“Diamond? This isn’t for Fujiko, is it?” Jigen frowned, turning the burner off as he walked over skeptically. “If it is, I’m out.”
“No, no, no. This is for us.” Lupin shook his head. “A diamond this big? I could chip a piece off for her and keep the rest for us and we would barely notice it’s absence! It’s huge!”
“How big exactly?”
“Supposedly, it’s over six inches and over 7,000 carats.” Lupin smirked, looking the map over carefully. “About halfway into the Shackleton Ice Shelf in a crevasse.”
“And why exactly did this Mawson guy just leave a find like that sitting in the ice for any petty thief with a plane to come take?” Jigen cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
“It was the early 1900s. They didn’t bring enough necessary technology to get to it since it was pretty deep down and Mawson never made it back to retrieve it. He marked it on this map which I managed to snatch from a successor.” Lupin snickered. “So now all we have to do is get to Antarctica and we’ll be the proud owners of an extremely valuable diamond.”
“Here! I found the crevasse!” Lupin called, waving them over frantically. “Goemon, think you can reach it?”
“Step back.” Goemon waved them back, taking stance before unsheathing Zantetsuken.
In one fluid motion, metal against ice sung through the air as the samurai traveled about seven foot down into the crevasse. Landing at the bottom, he sheathed his sword once again before looking around. It seemed that the crevasse was an opening to a smaller cavern. He could see the diamond sticking out of the ice, deep blue in hue and, indeed, extremely large. Stepping up to the stone, Goemon glanced back at the light pouring in from above.
“You’ve got it, Goemon! Just grab it and jump back out, okay?” Lupin called down cheerily. Goemon could practically feel the excitement in his tone.
“Okay!” He called back, turning back as he grabbed onto the gem.
A blinding flash of light and a large crash met the samurai before everything went black.
Lupin stumbled and fell back as the ice below him shook and powered snow was blown out of the crevasse. Glancing over at Jigen who was flat on his ass and just as shocked, Lupin could feel the blood drain from his face.
Something had just exploded.
Body moving before he even thought about it, Lupin flung himself to the edge of the crevasse and looked in frantically. Was Goemon injured? Had the crevasse caved in on him? What the hell had even exploded???
Goemon wasn’t there. The ice at the bottom had shattered and broken through to the ocean below.
He heard himself screaming before he realized he was actually the one screaming, sliding down as quickly as he could as he tried to find any trace of the samurai, any signal he was there and okay. Zantetsuken was lodged between two rough pieces of ice, it’s master now where to be seen. It made Lupin more panicked than anything else.
“Lupin-!” Jigen shouted, sliding down beside him quickly as he looked around frantically. “Where is he?!”
“I don’t know, I don’t-! Goemon?! GOEMON?!” Lupin screamed, searching the clear water for any sort of sign.
Blue. It was his kimono. Under the surface of the water.
“NO-!” Lupin screamed, voice cracking as he lunged for the water.
“No, don’t-!” Jigen yelped, grabbing him around the middle as he slipped down the ice a bit. “You can’t help him if you’re in shock from the cold!”
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” Lupin cried, hands shaking as he shot the clip from his watch and latched it around the samurais ankle before he pulled him in quickly.
“Come on, come on!” Jigen grabbed the back of Lupin’s jacket and Zantetsuken, hauling both back out of the crevasse.
Lupin pulled Goemon up, laying the soaked samurai on the snow as his hands shook. His lips were blue. He wasn’t moving, wasn’t breathing. God, he wasn’t breathing!
“Lupin! Lupin, do somethin’!” Jigen looked at him anxiously, unsure of what to do.
“I-I-“ Lupin fumbled, hands shaking before he put them on the samurais chest.
Pump. He had to pump his chest. Make his heart beat.
Pumping his chest, Lupin could feel, could hear, Goemon’s ribs crack and crunch under his hands. Blowing air into his lungs before he pressed his ear to the samurais freezing chest, Lupin prayed for a heartbeat, a sound, anything. And then he began again. Counting the compressions, listening for breaths or a heartbeat, going all over again. He didn’t know how long he went for, frantically begging Goemon to open his eyes in between.
And suddenly the samurais body jerked and water gushed from his mouth as he tried to draw in a breath. Lupin rolled him onto his side as he gagged and choked, retching onto the ice as the thief held his hair back and nearly cried from relief.
“Goemon! Oh, thank god!” Lupin rubbed his back, frowning at the large amounts of water he was spitting up. “Easy, bud.”
“Christ…” Jigen frowned, body relaxing slightly. “I thought…”
“I know.” Lupin frowned. He didn’t want to finish that thought. “Goemon..?” He looked him over anxiously.
Goemon slumped against him, eyes lidded as he panted and shivered. Frost was gathering on his hair and on his clothes as they began to freeze over from the cold. Lupin could hear the residual fluid rattling in his lungs as he breathed. He pulled the samurai close to his body as he looked back at Jigen anxiously.
“We need to get back to the plane.” Lupin looked back at Jigen quickly. “Help me with him.”
“Fuck, on it.” Jigen quickly wrapped an arm around Goemon’s torso as he helped Lupin get him up. “Shit, he’s freezin’!”
“Just hurry!” Lupin urged anxiously, going at a half run with Jigen toward the plane.
Jigen threw the door open, helping Lupin bring Goemon inside. Leaving the thief to handle things, he jumped into the pilots seat. He needed to be able to get them to their hideout in Perth as quickly as he could make the plane go. He had to cut a nine hour flight down to as soon as possible for Goemon’s sake.
“Easy, bud, easy. I’m right here.” Lupin assured, helping Goemon out of his soaked coat and kimono until he was completely undressed.
“L-Lu-“ Goemon choked out, clinging onto his arm as he doubled over and retched up more water.
“I’m right here.” Lupin frowned, sitting him down on the bench as he grabbed some blankets as he wrapped them around him. “I’m right here.”
Undressing down to his underwear, Lupin pulled Goemon in close to his chest as he wrapped all the blankets around them tightly. Taking Goemon’s freezing hands in his own, Lupin tried his best to keep them warm. He knew he couldn’t massage him…making him too warm too fast would be dangerous, but he had to stave off frostbite. He could feel the samurais breathing, slow, wheezy, rattling. He was shaking so badly..teeth chattering as he shook. His body was devoid of any warmth, and Lupin was worried his heart would stop again.
“D-Di-Diam-mond-“ Goemon wheezed through shivers, hazily gazing toward Lupin.
The thief could feel his heart clench in guilt. Goemon just nearly left them for good and he was worrying about that damn diamond? Biting his lip hard, Lupin pulled him in closer as he shook his head. Diamonds could be replaced..Goemon couldn’t be. He spent so much time seeing Goemon as an unstoppable force…but he wasn’t. He was just a guy who was way too hard on himself and maybe they were just as hard on him too.
“It’s okay, Goe. Don’t worry about the diamond.” Lupin carefully tried to dry him off with the blankets. “Just save your energy.”
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ur-fairy-of-mimicry · 3 months
Guys... what if Brandon once almost died to protect Sky from danger? Let's say he was still a page in this scenario (probably at the age of 13.)
Should I write a short story about it? :>
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chaosgremlinmunson · 3 months
We had an active shooter near my home today and to cope with stress and worry since then, I wrote this.
Tw: active shooters, medical, death threats, death and dying
“I need you to promise me you'll keep Dustin safe.” He gasped out. “Promise me you'll get him out of here, no matter what.”
“Steve, please, come with us, please, we can make it. We can, we just have to sneak past.” Eddie was pleading, pulling on Steve's hands trying to pull him further behind the barrels and crates closest to the back door.
“Promise me, Eds.” Steve looked over his shoulder then glanced back at Eddie, his eyes pleading.
“I promise. I fucking promise, but you better come home to us.” Eddie ground out his shoulders shaking, Steve leaned in and kissed him before shoving him back towards Dustin and booking it past the shooter. Eddie heard the yell, and a gunshot. He took a shuddering breath and ran through the back door with Dustin over his shoulder, collapsing into the police chief's arms when they made it.
“Steve, please, he's still in there. He distracted them so we could escape, Jason Carver came in with a gun and Steve made himself the distraction to save us. Please, you have to save him.” Eddie was sobbing on the asphalt as the paramedics frantically looked them over, Hopper gathering his men and storming the building.
Eddie was cleared and he stood looking behind him at the ambulances, he saw Robin laying there unconscious, her face black and blue. He walked to the vehicle and nodded to the paramedic before gently taking her hand and sitting on the bench beside her. They'd wait for their soulmate together, he knew she needed him and he felt a slight calm having her beside him as he watched the rise and fall of her chest.
Eons past, or what was probably only moments and the doors burst open again, Steve limping out while the police drug Carver in cuffs to the cruiser.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
TW for drowning, implied PTSD and lots of thoughts about dying | 3k words | also on ao3
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
One of the very few facts Steve knew about Eddie was that he had never seen the ocean. It was one of the things Eddie had blabbered to him when he was bleeding out in his arms, the regret of a dying boy. Why had he never done it? He could've just driven down the highway, west or east, it didn't even matter, and seen the horizon. Sure, he had seen Lake Michigan a couple of times, where the shore on the other end was too far away to see, but it wasn't the same.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
It had become a symbol of survival for Eddie, at first. A reason to keep going, even when every single fiber of his body was telling him to let go.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
Part of Eddie had been infuriated by how sure of himself Steve had sounded when he said it again, after he survived but when horrors of a whole other kind came on his path; the horrors of being confined to the four walls of a prison cell. It made him all too aware of how different the two of them were: how much Eddie was not the golden boy, but the devil worshiper, the one who could easily be blamed for killing three of his classmates.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
Another part of Eddie had held on to those words like they were a lifeline. That one promise was enough to get him through the roughest days, a reminder of why it was still worth the fight to get out.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
It was the only thought on his mind, repeating again and again and again like a mantra long after he lost count of how many times the waves had closed above his head.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
It is the first thought that comes to his mind when he wakes up in a hospital bed, until a familiar voice cuts through the silence.
'What the hell were you thinkin'?'
It doesn't even sound angry.
'Wayne? How'd you get here?'
His head feels all foggy; he doesn't know when he opened his eyes, but he quickly scans the room and concludes that Steve is nowhere to be seen.
'Steve called me. I came over as fast as I could.'
His uncle probably means that literally, judging from the way he looks: he has this drowsy look in his eyes that he always gets after working a double shift, an indication for Eddie that he has made the drive from Hawkins to Pennsylvania in one go without allowing himself any sleep.
'I was hopin' I would never have to see you in a hospital bed again, boy,' Wayne tells him in a soft voice.
The complete lack of anger or blame hurts Eddie worse than if Wayne had started shouting at him. He has to blink rapidly to force his tears away. He wants to say he's sorry, but the words get stuck in his throat. It doesn't feel like enough; those words are so inadequate that it's almost laughable.
'What happened?' Wayne asks him.
Usually, between the two of them, Wayne is the one who struggles with words. Eddie has learned to interpret his uncle's silences as if he were speaking, and he has never had a problem talking for the two of them. But right now, Eddie finds that he cannot explain, that it's impossible to translate his feelings into language. And even though Wayne can listen better than anyone, he has never been trained to listen to silences.
So Eddie merely closes his eyes. He doesn't want his uncle to see his tears. He doesn't know how to tell him about... Well, about everything. About what it's like to think you're going to die.
After everything Wayne has done for him, Eddie has only caused him pain, time and time again. And after they thought it was all over, after they thought it would finally get better, Eddie let him down yet again.
He's so tired that he barely registers the big, calloused hand landing on top of his own. He's already fading back into nothingness. He hears Wayne's voice say something to him, but he can't make out the words, almost like he's going underwater once more.
It had been good, celebrating his newfound freedom with Steve. Of course it had been good. It wasn't Steve's fault, and it definitely wasn't the fault of the ocean. It was something inside of Eddie, something still so wrong and broken because of all that had happened to him. Something that had started suffocating him from inside ever since he woke up weakened and broken with needles in his arm in a fucking prison cell. As it turned out, a trip to the ocean couldn't magically cure the all-encompassing fear of a death sentence that had nestled itself in Eddie's chest ever since that day. The fear that got months of time to grow and spread like a poison injected into his veins, taking over his whole body and deforming his mind.
It's not like he had a death wish. He was happy to be alive, to be out in the world again, to make something of the life he still had ahead of him. But he needed to actually feel like he was alive again.
After a sleepless night, he wandered outside while Steve was still fast asleep in their hotel room. The beach was still quiet and the early morning sky gray, the sun barely having risen yet.
He found himself at the shoreline before he knew it. The water felt even colder against his skin than the day before, when he had stood in the ocean for the very first time in his life. And it woke him up like nothing else had in months.
The waves were wild, wilder than before. But Eddie could swim, he wasn't afraid. The icy water stung against his skin and he finally felt truly alive again. It was hypnotizing, to see the tall waves coming, to dive into them when they reached him right at their highest point, tasting salt and foam and letting his feet float away from the sand underneath them. There was a sense of liberation in surrendering his body to the powers of nature and let it get pulled in various directions like he was a puppet attached with invisible strings to Neptune or Poseidon or whatever god was ruling these waters.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
He had never experienced before how easy it was to underestimate the force of the waves.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
It was already too late as soon as he realized he lost control.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
He had once heard that drowning was one of the most peaceful deaths out there. He even wrote a song about it, one time. Your lungs fill with water, and then your brain shuts off like you're falling asleep. You drift away, not one concern on your mind. But what he didn't know, was that it took some time for your lungs and your brain to stop fighting that exact process. And what he didn't know, was that the process that came before was not peaceful at all.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
He found himself desperately kicking, wordless screams getting lost in the waves, panic taking over when he could no longer distinguish what was above and what was below and when all he could breathe in was water while all he needed was air.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
He was here, for fuck's sake. He was in the goddamned ocean because he survived and now that very same ocean would be the one to kill him anyway. Maybe he truly wasn't meant to be alive. Maybe fate did exist – or maybe he was just fucking stupid.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
His legs were tired. His arms too. He was freezing cold. His lungs wanted to stop fighting.
When you get out of here, I'll take you to the ocean.
When he wakes up again, Wayne is still sitting at his bedside. He looks like he hasn't moved at all. Another quick glance around the room tells Eddie that Steve still isn't anywhere, though.
'I didn't mean for this to happen,' he manages to say this time. His voice sounds raspy and weak, not at all like his own.
Wayne looks at him for a long couple of seconds.
'You didn't mean to drown, or you didn't mean to wake up again?'
His words make Eddie flinch. He should've known that Wayne wouldn't beat around the bush.
'I didn't want to die, Wayne, I swear,' he rushes to say. 'Saying I'm sorry does not even begin to cover it. I was – I don't know how to explain it. I wanted to feel free. It was goddamn stupid.' Those fucking tears already start filling up his eyes again.
Wayne sighs. He has this faraway look on his face that already gives Eddie an idea of what he's about to talk about.
'After Nam,' he starts, 'I'd do all kinds of reckless shit. I was causin' just as much trouble as your dad, stealin' cars, drinkin' myself near death every other night, gettin' into fights in the wrong parts of town... I just needed to feel somethin' again. It was like... Like everything was numb. Like the most important part of me had died with my buddies in the jungle.' He sighs. 'But that's no way to live; I found out about that the day you was born. As soon as I held you in my arms, I understood what life was about again.'
A long silence stretches out between the two of them.
'Are you telling me to get someone pregnant, Uncle Wayne? Cause you know that that's never gonna happen, right?'
Wayne's laughter finally drives some of the heaviness out of Eddie's chest – and promptly, Eddie understands exactly what his uncle meant to tell him.
'I'm just glad you're still here, Ed,' Wayne says. 'Just... Make sure to stay here, alright?'
Eddie nods.
'I love you, Uncle Wayne,' he says. Contrary to many other men, that's never been something he's had difficulty saying. But ever since prison he has started to do it more consciously.
Wayne, on the other hand, doesn't say those words often. He saves them for big moments, like when Eddie came out to him, or the first time they saw each other after Eddie woke up in that prison cell with stitches keeping his organs inside his body. But over the years, Eddie has learned to listen to his uncle's nonverbal I love you's as well, so he hears him loud and clear when Wayne stretches out his arm to squeeze Eddie's shoulder lightly.
A doctor comes in to give him a final check-up. She seems happy with Eddie's progress, emphasizes how lucky he is to be here and answers the big question that he hasn't gotten to ask yet.
'Someone saw you from the beach and dove after you right away. You're lucky they knew how to handle a situation like that. It seems like your vital organs are working properly again, so I want to give you a final lung scan in a few hours to make sure that there aren't any lasting injuries, and then you'll be free to go.'
'Where's Steve?'
It's the question Eddie has been waiting to ask ever since he woke up. He finally asks it the moment the doctor closes the door behind her.
Wayne sighs a heavy sigh; it's enough to tell Eddie something isn't right.
'He got real spooked by your stunt, Ed,' he says.
'Did he leave?!' It sounds way more panicked than Eddie would want it to; but the idea of Steve just leaving him alone in the hospital makes him nauseous. He thought... Well, it doesn't matter what he thought. He must've been wrong about it.
'He didn't go back to Hawkins,' Wayne tells him in a reassuring voice. 'But he needed to get away from here – and I don't really blame him for that. He's the one who found you.'
Eddie feels his mouth fall open.
'You gave him a real big scare, boy. Give him some time, alright?'
He lets his head fall back onto the pillow and closes his eyes; not because he's tired, but because he doesn't want Wayne to witness any more of his tears.
After some more rest and a positive outcome on his lung scan, Uncle Wayne drives Eddie back to the hotel. Despite Wayne's objections ('I can sleep in my car just fine, boy') Eddie books him a night in one of the nicest available rooms.
'Look, man, they gave me this money to say “sorry we took four months of your life and wanted to take another fifty years and kill you” so I might as well spend it on some nice shit,' he tells Wayne. 'You can either complain about it or enjoy it, 'cause no way I'm letting you sleep in your car after you drove all the way out here only because I made a total fucking mess of things once again.'
Wayne sighs. 'Alright, message received,' he says. 'But just so ya know: I'm always gonna drive anywhere for you, no matter how often you make a mess of things.'
Eddie wants to answer with something silly and self-deprecating, but when he sees the earnest look in Wayne's eyes, he swallows his words and instead gives him a hug.
He opens the door to the hotel room he had been sharing with Steve, already mentally preparing himself for waiting God knows how many hours until his roommate will come back – but he freezes in the doorway when he finds Steve already there, sitting on the bed with a pillow against his back and a magazine in his hands.
He looks up and closes his magazine, his eyes wandering over Eddie's face with an almost investigative gaze.
'You're back,' he flatly establishes.
Eddie lets the door fall closed behind him and nods.
'I'm sorry,' he blurts out.
Seconds tick by, but Steve doesn't say anything; he only keeps looking at Eddie, his face unreadable.
'Thank you,' Eddie finally says. 'For getting Wayne here, and for – well, for saving my ass. Again.'
Steve lets the magazine fall on the nightstand next to him, freeing his hands to wipe them over his face and through his hair.
'Well, um... I didn't know if you even wanted me to save your ass in the first place.'
Eddie nods, not really knowing what to say.
'Steve –'
'Do you want to die?' It sounds more scared than accusatory.
'No!' Eddie immediately says.
'Then why did you –'
Eddie waits for him to finish his question, but he doesn't; he only averts his gaze and pinches the bridge of his nose.
'I wasn't thinking. It was an accident, Steve. I swear. A dumb, stupid fucking accident.'
'Do you have any idea what it was like?' Steve says when he looks up again, with a tremble in his voice. 'To wake up to an empty bed, no note, nothing. I just – I just randomly walked to the beach, man, and I saw –' He abruptly cuts himself off again, overcome by emotion.
Eddie takes a hesitating step towards him.
'I really am sorry, Steve,' he says, but all possible words feel utterly lacking. 'I never meant for any of this to happen. I just felt... I felt so suffocated. I already felt like I was drowning, every goddamn day since I woke up in jail. It didn't change when I got out, and it didn't change when we got here, and I just needed to feel free, for once. I'm grateful that you took me here, but...' He sighs. 'I still was taken somewhere, you know? I still didn't feel truly free. I can't really explain it, I know it's fucked... But my whole mind is kinda fucked, y'know?'
Steve nods. When Eddie takes another step towards him, he notices the way his lip is trembling and the tears in his eyes.
'I couldn't bear the thought of living without you,' Steve says in a choked voice.
Eddie sits down on the mattress, right next to Steve, grabbing both his hands without even really thinking about it.
'You won't have to,' he tells him. 'I'm here.'
Steve shuffles on the bed, wraps his arms tightly around Eddie, and pulls him into a warm but bone-crushing embrace. His whole body is shaking and Eddie can hear the quiet sounds of suppressed sobs right next to his ear, where Steve's head is buried in the crook of his neck.
'Oh, Steve,' he whispers. 'I'm right here. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm here.' He keeps repeating apologies and reassurances while combing his fingers through Steve's hair until Steve finally calms down and manages to take a deep, shuddering breath.
'I can't lose you,' he says, in a soft, hoarse voice that sounds so broken that it pains Eddie to hear it.
'You won't,' Eddie whispers back at him.
Steve lifts his head, but keeps his arms tightly wrapped around Eddie.
'When you were in jail,' he says, 'I was so scared I was gonna lose you. It didn't make sense, because we barely even knew each other at the time... But I had already almost seen you die and I – I knew I couldn't go through that again.'
They've never really talked about all the support Steve had given Eddie while he was on trial: about how he kept showing up at the prison any time he could, how he called Eddie as much as possible, how he made his parents hire some fancy lawyer for him... Nor have they ever talked about how much Steve kept showing up for him after he got out, always worrying, always checking in on how he was doing. They never addressed their sudden closeness, not even when they went on this trip to the ocean together, spending every minute of every day in each other's presence, even sharing the same bed every night.
Eddie realizes how much is still unsaid between them. But Steve has seen Eddie at his lowest, and Eddie supposes that right now, he can say the same thing about Steve. So he merely squeezes him back and presses a kiss against his temple.
He knows they'll have to talk about a lot of things. But for now, the look in Steve's eyes when he finds Eddie's gaze, is telling him everything he needs to know.
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coining-ramcoa-terms · 2 months
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Definition : An alter who has experienced an NDE (near death experience), and or has trauma surrounding the body / system's death, near death, or threatened death.
Flag Meaning : The green represents how the alter may feel dissociated from the body. The brown represents rotting, being buried and death itself. The white represents a state or sense of limbo. The grey represents the NDE itself or any abuser's threats of violence and death. The ghost represents how the alter may feel like a ghost or undead and the gravestone represents how the alter may feel dead.
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Chapter 4 of These Are Not Our Masks posted a day early in celebration of @daboyau’s win in their poll!!
Splinter carefully watches April enter the building. Even after she’s safely made it inside, he waits a few minutes just in case she needed to run.
When she doesn’t, he drives off to the auction house.
He hates the silence. He always has. Being famous meant he could surround himself with whatever and whoever he wanted.
The only thing he wanted was to not be fully alone.
Even when he refused to fight for Big Mama anymore, he had his rat as a companion. Anything to stop himself from having to think about his past and what led him to that point in his life.
He has nothing now.
No friends, no family, not even a pet. It’s just him. Arguably the last person he’d ever want to be left with. It may sound like an exaggeration, but he’d rather face physical or emotional pain from someone else like Big Mama or Draxum than his own wounds that keep reopening.
He thinks about his boys.
They’re all better than him than he was at their age in their own ways. Truly, he knows just how much they love him, which is a big change from how he treated his grandpa.
Then again, the way he brought up the turtles was different too. He may not have always been entirely focused on making sure they handled Hamato weaponry, but there’s no way he’d allow Donatello to continuing crying alone after hurting himself on an invention.
He’d never ignore the big smile on Michelangelo’s face after he’s painted their family with his little hands.
No possibility of him turning his back to Raph and Leo wanting to make their own business together because they knew each other’s strengths well enough to be aware that they’re always a good duo.
Thinking about how Draxum tries to force the dynamic makes his skin crawl.
He promised that he wouldn’t let him turn innocent creatures into war machines and he’s failed.
Honestly, without whatever the mad scientist is using, he doubts he ever could have really turned the turtles into soldiers or weapons.
Obviously they have the physical aspects to absolutely decimate enemies, but Splinter feels there’s something else.
Without being raised with love and kindness, they very much could be brutal and dangerous. It’s even still possible for them to destroy humanity.
But living weapons?
That requires a connection to Draxum other than mystics. He would need undying loyalty that you don’t get from blind rage or a single purpose. That’s why his sons could fight it. It’s how he got through to them.
Draxum doesn’t know it, but he too is on a time limit, just as Splinter is. His sons aren’t going to be told what to do forever.
Splinter finally gets to the auction house and parks before quickly sneaking in. It becomes apparent that someone, or multiple someones, have gotten there first. Doorways are smashed, non Lou Jitsu items are scattered around like garbage, and the regular employees are nowhere to be seen.
There are, however, Foot Ninja everywhere.
He uses his skills to carefully make his way to the very back of the auction house. They usually store older items there. His search only lasts about 15 seconds he hears footsteps and has to duck behind a weapon rack that holds several fan blades.
“I can not believe that Draxum had me come to babysit you! If you can’t get one measly item then you’re a failure and should be kicked out of the clan.” Casey crosses her arms.
“Then why are you still in it?“ Raph grumbles.
Foot Recruit gasps dramatically.
“I only failed as a technicality! How dare you speak to me that way!? I am your superior! You work for me!”
Raph stops walking, grabbing her arm roughly to stop her as well.
“I work for Draxum, not you, and he’s not here right now. I ain’t listenin to bottom rung washouts.”
Foot Recruit attempts to pull her arm out of his tight, and although she won’t admit it, painful grip.
“Excuse me!? I’m a more fearsome warrior than you’ll ever be! I have beaten you before! I will do it again!”
Raph releases her arm only to grab her by the face and lift her up. He squeezes her head painfully in his palm. She grabs and scratches at his arm, kicking her legs as well in a struggle. Splinter holds himself back from doing anything immediately, but readies to help if this goes too far.
“You were lucky before. I was bein nice. Not anymore.” Raph stomps over to an old car, getting the door open before tossing Foot Recruit inside.
He slams the door and Foot Recruit bangs on the window. Raph summons his larger form and places its hands on both ends. The form begins adding pressure, starting to make the car fold.
It takes everything Splinter has for him not to go help her. He knows it’s risky, but if Raph really wanted her dead he would have done it already. Revealing himself now might actually put her in more danger.
As the space in the car around Foot Recruit starts running out, she finally relents.
“You win! You’ve beaten me! You’re the better warrior!”
Raph’s other form goes away. He rips the door open again and tosses Foot Recruit back out.
“That means I call the shots! You look for what Draxum wants and bring it to me when ya find it, go it?”
Foot Recruit nods, trying not to let her quickened breathing be obvious.
“I said somethin, respond.” Raph growls.
“Don’t forget. You already wasted all your chances.” He leaves the room.
Foot Recruit’s legs give out from under her, making her collapse onto her knees. She wraps one arm around herself and uses the other to clutch her chest. Her heart is beating a million miles a minute.
He’s been capable of this? The whole time? He’s just been choosing not to maim her? Break her bones? End her life….?
It’s terrifying.
Draxum has three of them acting this way now. Any of them could have done this too? Leo, no, Artemis, has been staring her down a lot. He always has an odd hold on his katanas while he does it, it makes her think now that he’s been imagining using them on her.
Or maybe even using his portals on her.
Splinter turns his head away. He’s sure she wouldn’t want anyone seeing her like this. Despite what just happened, there still is no use trying to convince her to help him. He knows that someone like her has to come to a conclusion by herself.
He sneaks away instead, finally getting to an area with aged books. There’s a box underneath that he recognizes. Opening it up, he sees the scrolls he’s been looking for. He closes the box back up and carefully holds it close.
The key to saving his children is in there. He just needs to find it. Splinter hopes he can in time for April.
After she was dropped off, April headed straight into the building towards the Purple Dragons’ tech area. It occurs to her that they might have actually been there when Donnie arrived and picks up her a pace a bit.
Even if Kendra dogs on her any chance she gets and is a tech supervillain, April still doesn’t want her to get too badly hurt. They have known each other for a while. Most of their lives. It’s hard to forget that, as rough as it may be.
She very carefully enters the room.
Donnie is immediately in her line of sight. He didn’t even attempt hiding himself here. There’s no reason to, she guesses.
April continues inside with as light of steps as she can manage. It isn’t too far in that she sees Kendra tied up like a caterpillar and suspended from the ceiling.
Well, at least she doesn’t look hurt.
Kendra struggles more while staring at April. The tape that’s around her body is also covering her mouth. She’s silently insisting for April to get her down.
April shakes her head and makes a sign for her to stay quiet. Kendra only struggles more.
“I knew you were here the moment you stepped into the building. Take the other nuisance and leave.” Donnie says suddenly, breaking his silence but not turning around.
Both girls turn to look at him.
“Donnie, you gotta come back with me.” April urges.
“That’s not my name, and no I don’t.” He still doesn’t turn around.
April grips her bat tighter.
“Maybe you didn’t understand me! That wasn’t me asking! You are coming with me! And Splinter is going to fix your head!”
Donnie slams the metal he was working on to the ground and bends his head backwards.
“Splinter isn’t going to fix jack, that’s always been my job!”
April nearly freezes at seeing the mask over his face. The pupil she can see clearly is thin, slit, like an animal ready to pounce.
“Well, are you going to fix yourself then!?”
“How about you? Go make a friend that isn’t made of slime and doesn’t have fur or scales you freak!”
Oh, that actually stings.
“I don’t care what people are or aren’t! Especially not you, Donnie! We’re nerdy pals for life, remember?”
“That line reeks of desperation! You constantly hold me back! It makes me sick to be around a loser who can’t even hold a job. I have to come help you with everything because you’re good at nothing! That’s why I didn’t care you were coming up here. I knew you wouldn’t be able to do whatever your goal is. You never can.”
April blinks quickly to avoid any tears from coming. She focuses hard on what Mikey had said. This is Donnie trying to keep her safe. Short term emotional pain is better than long term physical, that’s probably something he’d say.
He only ever approached this level of mean when he-
That’s it!
April rips the tape off Kendra’s mouth.
“It’s about time! Get me down from here!”
“Not before you help me. Where are your headphones?”
“Are you kidding me!? You’re asking for that of all things!?”
“I know what I’m doing! Just tell me already!”
“Ugh, fine! They’re over there!” Kendra gestures with her head.
April starts walking over.
Donnie bends and twists to stand up while still looking at them, slowly approaching Kendra with a hiss in his voice.
“Are you so stupid that you don’t understand I can clearly hear you? I gave you an opportunity to leave with your lives and you didn’t take it.”
“I wanted to leave! It’s just O’Neil!” Kendra shouts.
“Hey, Donnie!”
He turns his head only for April to spray a ketchup packet at him.
“Ketchup!? That’s your plan-!?”
Kendra is interrupted by Donnie letting out the most high pitched scream to ever be heard. April grabs a nearby box cutter and frees Kendra during the freak out that’s happening.
“If you ever use this against him I will personally smash every piece of your tech I find, but Donnie has big issues with the smell and texture.”
“Whatever, I’m leaving! Good luck getting torn apart by your feral brother!” Kendra runs off.
April’s confused by that, she knows fully well Donnie isn’t related to her. Unless….she was trying to be nice after everything he said? It’s doubtful she’ll ever know for sure.
Donnie squirms on the floor like a breakdancing bug. It would be funny if April didn’t feel so bad about it. She holds the headphones she grabbed and takes out her phone, connecting to it.
April kneels down, avoiding flailing limbs as she uses her jacket sleeve to wipe off the ketchup. At the same time, she takes off his goggles and replaces them with the headphones.
His panicked breathing slowly subsides as loud techno music floods his senses. April always keeps a playlist on her phone just for him. Overstimulation really sucks, she knows that firsthand.
She watches his pupils begin to return to normal. No longer slit, but round. His whole body relaxes too.
She turns around in a panic.
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kilfeur · 2 months
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Vous n'imaginez pas le temps que ça m'a prit pour finir tout ça, c'est tout aussi long que le comic du cauchemar de Rayla. A la base, Rayla était censé se battre toute seule contre Callum possédé. Mais j'ai décidé d'incorporer Soren et ça a bien plus d'impact. Je voulais aussi mettre Ezran mais j'arrivais pas à rendre ça cohérent.
You won't believe how long it took me to finish this, it's just as long as Rayla's nightmare comic. Originally, Rayla was supposed to be fighting the possessed Callum on her own. But I decided to incorporate Soren and it has much more impact. I also wanted to put Ezran in, but I couldn't make it fit.
Page 1
Callum : If Aaravos possess me again, I want you to kill me !
Rayla : Run !
Ezran : But...
Soren : I will come back Rayla ! When Ezran is put to safety !
Page 2
Possessed Callum : She run away ! Go, run little elf ! It would make the hunt more exciting !
Rayla : If I could knock him out, maybe that would stop the possession. But Aaravos won't let me get any closer. Damn! What can I do? Soren !
Soren : Ezran is safe with Zym and the others. If you here then...
Rayla : I couldn't come closer during our fight. I have an idea, but it's risky !
Soren : I listen to you.
Page 3
Possessed Callum : You stupid fool! Did you really think you could get me like that?
Soren : No, because it's not me who must to defeat you ! Callum, I know you can hear me. Don't let Aaravos fool you. You're stronger than you think. To face him, you have to stand up to him and say: Never more!
Page 4 and 5
Possessed Callum : Enough ! Enough ! Aspiro Frigis.
Callum : Soren !
Possessed Callum : What ? Well try, but it's not enough. Don't worry, young elf. You'll be able to draw your last breath.
Rayla : Now !
Page 6 and 7 :
Possessed Callum : It is his destiny to be my pawn ! You can't change that !
Rayla : Shut up !
Soren : It's up to him to decide, not you !
Callum : They're right ! You can tempt me, torture me or break me. I'll never belong to you. Be gone !
Rayla : Ca... Callum ! You...'re here !
Soren : Rayla !
Callum : No... I've never wanted this !
La suite : ici
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mintflavouredwhump · 7 months
A whumpee decides to visit their friend's hometown but fall sick due to food poisoning. Due to a lack of proper medical services, they're forced to pull through with just basic care and some medicine from the local pharmacy.
At some point, the whumpee is so weak with illness that one of their friends has to check their pulse every now and then to make sure that they're still breathing.
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babysitting-hellhound · 5 months
This is Ez typing again. I'm big so I can type for Chester.
He wants to first of all thank everyone for their warm wishes in our inbox. We probably aren't going to answer any of the older ones, but we both deeply appreciate it. It's making us both feel so much better already, so he and I can't thank you enough.
Now on to more serious things. TW for serious injuries and near death.
We were in a three-way car crash that almost killed one of the other drivers involved. Chester was also in critical condition, both of his legs and an arm were broken, and that's why I'm here to talk for him. I was miraculously uninjured but definitely in serious shock for a while.
He almost died on us a couple days after the accident, and I was very scared I was going to have to make THAT announcement instead...but he's going to be alright, and is recovering too. We technically shouldn't even have been released from the hospital yet according to the doctor.
Here's the scary part about the future: Chester may never walk again. I wasn't present for a lot of the details but I was told it has something to do with spinal damage. If I get more information (He doesn't want to scare me, which I understand. It could be bad for me in littlespace) I will tell you all what I can. I know that doesn't affect our online presence as much as him being in pain will, but it's an important detail we know needs to be told.
Lots of love from Chester and Ezzi, Even though we were new to the community you all helped us feel more than welcome.
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Augusnippets Day 31
Bonus Day Prompt; "Breaking the Conditioning" + " Forgiveness" ("Mind Control/Betrayal" Part 2)
FINAL DAY of @augusnippets August 2024 Whump writing challenge! (Augusnippets Masterlist)
- POV/Whumpee/Whumper; Lancelot - The Weeping Monk
- Whumpee; Gawain - The Green Knight
- Whumper; OC "Sorceress"/"Mistress"
(Characters; Whumpees)
(Characters; Whumpers)
(Ao3 Link)
Wordcount; 449
TWs; near death, mind control, hypnosis, betrayal, forced to hurt, whumpee turned whumper, abuse.
Continuation of Day 1, Day 16, Day 25.
Direct Continuation of Day 28.
Blood flowed where steel kissed skin.
Emerald eyes widened with shock, then narrowed in bitter pain and understanding.
Gawain's life-force stained the ground, the Knight sunk to his knees with a quick exhale of tremouring breath.
At the terrible sight the hold on Lancelot's captured mind shattered like a million shards of painted glass, a bloodied sword slipped from his fingers and clattered to the floor.
Lancelot sunk down beside Gawain, horror upon his face. Futile hands tried to undo what he had done, pour blood back into a broken, feeble body.
A feeble body HE had broken.
A woman's voice, confusion. Her voice. The one who'd commanded his blade.
That sword found his hands once more.
He would break two bodies today, for the curse of what she'd asked of him. For the sin of his lover's blood upon his hands, leeching into the grass at his feet like melting snow.
The Sorceress spoke soft whispers once more and yet they made no mark upon him.
Faced now as she was with unwavering steel and a mind that would not break again, she quite wisely fled.
Her once sworn blade spared not even a moment to watch her go.
Lancelot dropped to his knees again, weeping into the dirt as he cradled the Green Knight to his chest and begged any God that would listen to undo his cursed actions, to wash this blood from his hands.
"Forgive me..." He cried, buried face into a bloody neck, a heartbeat that still somehow stuttered against his ear.
The voice of the one man he loved, the one man who's destruction would have been the ultimate test of his loyalty to her. The loyalty he had proven until it was much too late.
"It takes more than that to kill me, Lance."
Vines of gold and green crept over the Green Knight's skin and stitched him whole once more, new growth drowning the marks of ruin Lancelot had rent upon him, this desperate prayer answered by Gods he could not name with unholy, blessed magics.
A memory Lancelot could not yet reach told him he'd seen this once before.
"You're free now."
"I'm sorry..."
"You're free..."
"Forgive me, my love..."
"I'm here."
A trembling vine wreathed hand cradled his sharp jaw, brushed a tear away and hooked it gently, then turned it to meet the soft, bloodstained lips of his lover. Lancelot made no move to resist.
This taste upon his tongue, this distant memory made true once more burned through the cobwebs of his mind, a searing clarity shining brightly against the fading throes of the Sorceress' magic.
Awareness flooded him like sun breaking through cloud.
And there we have it, all 31 days of @augusnippets Whump Writing Challenge complete!
Big thank you to @holy3cake for reading this one for me and reassuring me the stilted-for-dramatic-affect writing still read ok.
Hopefully these drabbles and snippets have made sense, being taken from random ideas at random points for/from my main story. Speaking of the main story... Chapter 1 of Horizons into Battlegrounds, my Lancewain fic, has been posted on Ao3 HERE and will be posted on tumblr too shortly, please do go and check that out!
I've really enjoyed these, and I hope you have too. Please let me know what you thought of these, even if your comment is just a heart, it means the world to me and motivates me to keep writing! Thank you for reading, you lovely lot :)
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