fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Sees characters that are black and white coded/opposites attract trope, me and my husband looking at each other: "uh oh"
~too many characters to tag so I'm not gonna do that to you mpc #💜🖤💜
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the-descolada · 2 years
Out of curiosity, how does the audiobook pronounce Xate Yawa?
Ex-ate Yaw Wa
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oodlenoodleroodle · 1 year
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yourfrankiethings · 6 months
Baroo, Los Angeles, 2/6/24
entrance – 905 E 2nd St #109, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Baroo, which opened in Sept 2023, was the result of a collaboration between Chef Kwang Uh and his wife Mina Park.  The pair had previous small places starting in 2018 and after much evolution opened this concept featuring a Korean fusion.  Presently they serve only one tasting menu but hope to offer vegetarian options in the future.  Their price…
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d34d-weight · 2 months
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baroo, yujee itahappy, nagitoe koemeda, and enui (me punchd her).
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kafi-farigh-yusra · 1 year
فلک میں آگ لگ جاتی جو دونوں روبرو ہوتے
غروبِ شمس لازم تھا طلوعِ چاند سے پہلے
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Falak mai aag lag jati jo dono ro-baroo hotay
Ghuroob-e-shams lazim tha tuloo-e-chaand se pehle
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honted · 9 months
ok new one
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bonefall · 2 years
Would modern Skyclan know what some big cats are, since a few are kittypets and I'm sure some of their twolegs have pictures and and had the huge cats on T.V.
Nah, they don't! I think they see strange animals on human TVs and go "bit odd innit" but not have dedicated words for them.
It's not like they understand the documentaries, and they're not on all the time. If they know about the big cats it's only in a big category of "strange human animals that live in the box and in designs, like child toys, dishes, art."
They might call a REAL tiger something like a "Large ginger tabby," and lions "Giant golden cats with manes," but Lions, Leopards, and Tigers to them are completely unrelated mythological creatures poorly translated.
I think what's more interesting is what they'd make of ELEPHANTS. Humans LOVE elephants. They put them on everything. What the hell do you make of an elephant as a Clan cat?? Gray worm-nose?? Big Pig? Longface-Knifetooth???
Clanmew specifically likes to name animals after their noises. "Baroo" could end up being an elephant if the BBC doc is on FULL BLAST but like, what about animals that make unclear noises or are only on art pieces?
How about pandas? What the hell is a panda? Do they even know what a bear is? Stick-Bear? Black-and-white Teddy? Ultimate Shrew?
Meerkats? Seals? Zebras? Monkeys? And they'd have NO idea if they were named like, Monkeystar, that their name correlates to the animals on the screens.
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theboysfromaustin · 4 months
I'm watching Shiloh while I draw. Haven't seen this since it came out, but you wouldn't be able to hide a Beagle in a pen because BAROO BAROO BAROO BAROO
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moralpuppet · 1 year
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The harrowing shrieks achin to an actual name , the name of the lord himself no less , seems to have been the belting of a canines' baroos . Soon enters a boy on scene , face riddled with silent apologies .
❝ Sorry, sorry that's just my dog , Bartholomew , he's friendly he just gets excited ! ❞ 
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
-checks watch- what kind of kinning have i been up to the last few months.... i can't think of a strong fictionkin moment... oh i've been too busy being a werewolf otherkin. yeah that'd do it. (#🧪💗)
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gosoldier · 1 year
23:A, 26:A and 30:A
23: A song you think everybody should listen to.
tulip baroo by of montreal
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love.
against the kitchen floor by will wood :]
30: A song that reminds you of yourself.
wuz gonna cop out and say i like giants because of you but. hmm. jenny was a friend of mine by the killers
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aurik-kal-durin · 2 years
Federation of Allied Systems (Galactic Civil War AU)
The Federation of Allied Systems, more commonly known as the Federation Allies, is the successor state to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or Rebel Alliance in years following the Battle of Endor and the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.
The Federation was founded in 1 ABE (1 year After the Battle of Endor) by the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and former member states of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, who expressed reluctance in joining “The Alliance to Restore the Republic” as they did not wish to return to the days of corruption and centralized government that had plagued the Galactic Republic in it’s final days. Thus, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was reorganized into the Federation of Allied Systems, openly inviting former Separatist worlds and their sympathizers to join the battle against the Galactic Empire.
The new capital for the Federation was to be the Outer Rim planet of Baroonda, in the Calaron Sector. A tropical world of lush jungles, verdant swamps, sulfur fields, and massive volcanoes, Baroonda was a tourist destination known for hosting the Galactic Podracing Circuit in the time of the Galactic Republic. Baroonda’s planetary government offered their world as the capital for the Federation of Allied Systems in gratitude for the Rebel Alliance’s part in repelling an Imperial incursion into their system some years before the Battle of Hoth. Baroonda would come to host not only the Federation Parliament, but also the new Jedi Order established by Luke Skywalker, who would build his Jedi Temple in the capital city of Baroo.
With the establishment of it’s new government on Baroonda, the Federation Allies began to extend their influence across the Outer Rim, which brought them into conflict with the Hutt Cartels, ultimately compelling them to form an uneasy alliance with the Dominion of Mandalorian Clans, led by former bounty hunter Boba Fett.
Despite the newfound peace and stability on the Outer Rim brought on by the Federation’s efforts, former leaders of the Rebel Alliance never lost sight of their original goal of liberating Coruscant from the Galactic Empire.
However, the Empire had grown in strength following the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. A new Emperor was chosen in the form of Teyrn Caerellius, a former student of Palpatine meant to serve as a puppet in the wake of his death, and a scapegoat in the event of his return.
Unbeknownst to Palpatine, Emperor Caerellius would form an alliance with the fallen Jedi Master Jorrus C’baoth in the months following his death. C’baoth would lead both Caerellius and Grand Admiral Thrawn to Exegol, where the new Emperor worked with C’baoth to sever Darth Sidious’s connection to the Force, rendering his plans to be reborn in a cloned body undone. Grand Admiral Thrawn subsequently destroyed the Sith Temple on Exegol, along with it’s shipyards, bombarding the planet from orbit. The surviving Sith Cultists joined Caerellius and C’baoth in establishing a new Sith Order that would see the Rule of Two abolished, resulting in many new Sith acolytes trained in the way of the Force as it was in the era of the Jedi Civil War under Darth Revan.
With the fall of the Tarkin doctrine coinciding with the Emperor’s death, the Empire began to adapt it’s fleet to better combat the Federation Navy’s formidable starfighter core. Thousands of Venator-Class Cruisers were pulled out of mothballs to be retrofitted and modernized, and now served alongside the Imperator-Class Star Destroyers and remaining Executor-Class Super Star Destroyers.
To augment it’s new fleet of Venator-Class ships, the Empire began mass producing the TIE/HU Hunter Multirole Starfighter to replace the TIE/LN Superiority Fighter, which was relegated to a support role. The TIE/SA Bomber would remain in service, but with a number of modifications under the hood to improve it’s capability against fighters, the newer models were re-designated the TIE/FB Fighter-Bomber. Identical to the TIE/SA on the surface, but functionally superior and more balanced. The TIE/DR Defender and TIE/AD Avenger also entered mass production, though TIE Defenders would be held back to protect critical Imperial worlds and installations (including Coruscant itself) while the TIE Avenger would be reserved as a personal starfighter for naval officers and Sith Warriors, including Emperor Caerellius himself as well as Jorrus C’baoth and Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Meanwhile, the Federation Allies gathered strength in preparation for what they believed would be the final showdown on Coruscant. The Allies augmented their ground forces with modernized artillery from the Clone Wars, including AT-XT walkers, AAT battle tanks, TX-130S Fighter Tanks, as well as the combat speeders and AAC-1 Missile Tanks used during the time of the Rebel Alliance. The Allies also made two new additions to their starfighter fleet with Slayn & Korpil’s new SF-02 “Razorwing” Starfighter, nicknamed the R-Wing (which itself was based on the older V-Wing Airspeeder) which boasted better performance in atmosphere similar to the Empire’s TIE Striker, as well as FreiTek’s E-7 Escort Starfighter, a more expensive but higher-performance alternative to the X-Wing.
The Invasion of Coruscant by the Federation Allies began in 5 ABE, exactly 5 years after the Battle of Endor. To bypass the defensive shields, General Han Solo suggested bringing the fleet out of hyperspace in-atmosphere. However, Grand Admiral Thrawn anticipated this and had the entire 7th Fleet waiting in low atmosphere when the Allies arrived.
Federation ground forces succeeded in landing all throughout the Federal District surrounding the old Senate Chambers, where they clashed with Imperial tanks and walkers. T-47 Airspeeders were employed once against Imperial AT-ATs, as most of the Federation’s starfighter corp were engaged in a colossal furball with the Imperial fleet’s TIEs, and unable to provide close air support for much of the battle. Ground forces would ultimately succeed in bringing down Coruscant’s planetary shield, allowing for reinforcements to arrive.
The Battle of Coruscant would drag on for almost 8 months with massive losses on both sides. The Federation Allies succeeded in driving Imperial forces back into the abandoned Industrial District, where they were lured into a trap. As the Industrial Sector was unoccupied (rendering civilian causalities a non-concern) Grand Admiral Thrawn was able to unleash a full-scale orbital bombardment of Federation ground forces while TIE Defenders drove off Federation starfighters.
While this was occurring, Jedi Masters Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa made one final effort to capture Emperor Caerellius, but were thwarted by Jorrus C’baoth and his own personal guard of Sith Warriors. Though they cut down many of the Sith, Luke and Leia were ultimately overwhelmed and forced to retreat.
The Invasion of Coruscant ended in a humiliating defeat for the Federation Allies, who completely withdrew from the system after 7 months and 3 weeks of brutal warfare on the ground, in the air, and in space. Both sides suffered massive losses, with the Empire losing two of it’s remaining Executor-Class Super Star Destroyers, one of which exploded in orbit while the other crashed into the abandoned Industrial Sector, having been crippled by fleeing Federation ships as they withdrew.
In the aftermath of the failed invasion, Emperor Caerellius sent Grand Admiral Thrawn with the remainder of the 7th Fleet to reclaim territory previously seized by the Federation, starting with the staging ground on Blackmoon that was lost in the months prior to the battle. By 6 ABE, the Federation was driven almost completely from the Core Worlds and had fallen back to the Mid Rim.
In the decade following the Invasion of Coruscant, the Galactic Civil War quickly dissolved into a form of static warfare between the First Galactic Empire and the Federation of Allied Systems. With Coruscant out of it’s reach for the time being, the Federation turned it’s attention inward, solidifying it’s hold over the Outer Rim and stabilizing the government. Luke Skywalker continued to grow the Jedi Order, with thousands of new Jedi joining their ranks with each passing year.
The Sith grew to be as great in number as the Jedi, until in 10 ABE when Jorrus C’baoth ceased open recruiting and declared that any seeking to join the ranks of the Sith would have to prove themselves by killing a Jedi and presenting their lightsaber to him personally as proof the kill. This gave rise to the Sith Prospects, renegade force users and defectors from the Jedi order. Many of them carried lightsabers, and hunted the Jedi relentlessly in the hopes of earning the title of Darth and a place among the Sith. The Delta-7B Aethersprite Starfighter, once used by the Jedi, became popular among the Sith Prospects as a means of transport. Some Sith Prospects would be convinced to turn away from the Dark Side and join the ranks of the Jedi. The increasing availability of lightsaber components and the spread of once-secret Jedi training techniques (helped along by Jorrus C’baoth) caused the number of Force users in the galaxy to surge into the tens of thousands over the course of a decade.
By 15 ABE, the number of Force users in the galaxy between the Jedi and Sith broke a hundred thousand; ten times more than had existed at the beginning of the Clone Wars. The Jedi Enclave on Dantooine was reclaimed by the Jedi Order, along with the ancient Jedi strongholds on Tython and Ossus. Likewise, the Sith would reclaim Korriban, Thule, and Yavin-IV. Emperor Caerellius remained in power and continued to rule over the Empire from the former Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
On Baroonda, Ben Solo- the bastard son of Han Solo and Leia Organa born in 0.9 ABE- was personally trained in the ways of the Force by his mother and uncle, though he was closest with his father and used his surname despite his parents being unwed.
Because his mother and uncle were on the Jedi council, the 14-year old Ben Solo faced much adversity from his fellow padawans. Outside of the temple, Ben proved himself a capable pilot as he took part in Baroonda’s podracing scene, becoming the track favorite for the Baroo Coast, Grabvine Gateway, and Fire Mountain Rally. He was kept out of the Invitational Podracing Circuit by his grandfather’s old rival Sebulba, whose underhanded tactics kept Ben from completing the qualifier for several years.
As the Galactic Civil War dragged on, the Federation made significant gains, including a decisive victory that saw Han Solo’s home planet of Corellia liberated from the Empire in 12 ABE. Three years following this victory, Han Solo announced his retirement from military service. Han and Luke encouraged Leia to likewise retire from Federation Parliament, urging her to fulfill her 15-year old promise to Han to marry him. Leia, torn between her desire to see the war through to it’s end and marrying the man she loved, was ultimately forced to accept the unfortunate truth that the Galactic Civil War would not end within her lifetime.
In 15 ABE, Leia Organa stepped down from Federation Parliament and married Han Solo on Corellia on the 3rd anniversary of the planet’s liberation. Ben Solo, as he’d promised his father years prior, served as Han Solo’s best man. Leia would remain on the Jedi Council and continue to train her son as a Jedi, while devoting more and more of her time to her family over the coming years. In 17 ABE, Ben Solo was knighted after he and his uncle survived an ambush by Sith Prospects on Bespin. He was the youngest of the order to receive the honor.
Notes: This is my own personal headcanon for the events after Return of the Jedi. It’s a reflection of everything I love about Star Wars and what I wanted the post-Endor era to look like when Disney took over the franchise.
I hate how Disney decided to just have the Empire collapse after only a year following the Emperor’s death. It’s stupid and it makes no sense. I’m not a huge fan of the Imperial Remnant from the Expanded Universe either, even though I loved the X-Wing novels as a kid.
In my version of the post-Endor era, the Empire remains strong and is united under a new Emperor, while the Rebel Alliance reforms itself into a more legitimate government with it’s own capital. The planet of Baroonda is taken from the video game Star Wars: Episode I: Racer, and it’s aesthetic seems perfectly suited to the Rebel Alliance and it’s successor, the Federation of Allied Systems. It has a little bit of Yavin-IV, Naboo, Dagobah, Mon Calamari, Mustafar, and Tatooine rolled all into one.
I also decided to bring back podracing, as I’m one of the few Star Wars fans who actually likes podracing and wishes it would come back... which is also part of the reason why I chose Baroonda as the Federation capital. I also thought it would be cool to have the teenage Ben Solo face off against his grandfather’s old rival Sebulba.
The name for the Federation of Allied Systems of course takes inspiration from the “Galactic Federation of Free Alliances” from the old Expanded Universe, but as I never got invested in the post-Yuuzhan Vong era, the similarities (to my knowledge) end there.
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“Tulip Baroo” from album “The Gay Parade” by of Montreal
featuring Julian Koster
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acesandfairydust · 2 years
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Wandering Tiger of Baroo found!
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ainews · 8 months
Puggles, the beloved mixed breed of pug and beagle, are having a moment as pet owners recognize their unique appeal. But why are puggles so popular among elves?
It has long been known that elves love playing and working with animals, and puggles make an especially unique companion. Their short stature and intriguing facial features make them an inviting sight for any elfin eyes.
In addition, puggles are known for their energy and playfulness. Elves are drawn to this spirit, and often enjoy taking puggles for a hike or stroll in the woods. Plus, the signature “baroo” sound that a puggle produces is often favored by some elfin ears.
Finally, those floppy ears and their mesmerizing eyes add a special touch to any elfin home. And, let’s not forget, they make an incredibly loyal and protective best friend who will always be there to play and keep an elfin family safe.
So when it comes to choosing a pet, it’s no wonder why elves love puggles. With their adorable appearance and fun-loving personalities, they make the perfect pet for any elfin home.
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