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thxnews · 10 months
Lucy Frazer Ignites UK's Creative Future
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  Celebrating Success and Charting a Course for the Future
In a bid to propel the UK's creative industries to new heights, Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer convened the WeCreate conference at Aviva Studios in Manchester. The event brought together over 140 cultural and creative businesses from film, TV, fashion, music, and video games to explore strategies for maximizing the potential of the creative sectors. The primary focus was on celebrating the success of the North of England's creative industries and fostering collaboration between the government and these sectors.   Expanding Opportunities for Creative Businesses Notable success stories from Greater Manchester, including Broaden Films and Scoop PR, have emerged from the government's Create Growth Programme. Today, Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer announced the expansion of the program, allocating £10.9 million to six new areas, doubling the covered regions. The targeted business support aims to elevate 1,800 creative organizations, fostering private investment and advising on scaling up to transform start-ups into future industry leaders.   Empowering Grassroots Music Venues Frazer encouraged grassroots music venues, promoters, and festivals across England to apply for a share of the £5 million investment. Grants of up to £40,000 will support initiatives to develop new revenue streams, make improvements, and enhance the live music experience. This move reflects the government's commitment to nurturing the diverse and vibrant landscape of the music industry.  
Charting a Course for Growth
Addressing industry leaders at the conference, Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer emphasized the progress already made toward ambitious growth goals. The creative industries, which outpaced the wider economy's growth from 2010 to 2019, generated £108 billion in economic value in 2021, employing 2.3 million people—a 49% increase since 2011. The government's vision aims to propel the creative industries by £50 billion by 2030.   WeCreate Conference Highlights Collaborative Efforts The WeCreate conference features discussions on collaborative efforts between business and government to maximize investment in the creative industries. The agenda includes a panel discussion on the adoption of emerging technologies to drive growth, exploring both the challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence.   Supporting Grassroots Music Fund and Skills Development In a strategic move to fortify the grassroots music sector, the Culture Secretary has announced a new round of the Supporting Grassroots Music Fund. This expanded initiative goes beyond the conventional, addressing a broader spectrum that includes rehearsal and recording studios, promoters, festivals, and venues hosting electronic music. The overarching goal is to ensure that grants reach various components of the grassroots industry, fostering high-quality live music experiences for audiences nationwide. Darren Henley, Chief Executive of Arts Council England, underscored the significance of government investment in supporting the music industry. This proactive move is not just a financial injection; it's a profound commitment to enabling communities to actively design and develop creative and cultural activities, thereby fostering and nurturing local talent.   Investing in Creative Skills for Future Growth The WeCreate conference aligns with Discover! Creative Careers Week, emphasizes the crucial role of skills development in industry growth. Over 70 events across 270 schools aim to introduce the next generation of creatives to diverse sectors, job roles, and career pathways. The Local Skills Improvement Fund, announced last week, further supports creative skills training and investment in new facilities and equipment.   Pioneering Creative Skills Hubs Calderdale College in Halifax, West Yorkshire, is set to receive £1.2 million to establish a state-of-the-art creative skills hub. This initiative aims to develop and deliver new digital courses covering the latest technologies in theater, film, TV, music, and video games. Meanwhile, North Hertfordshire College will receive £485,000 to develop courses meeting the skills needs of the film and production industries.  
Investing in Growth and Creativity
The Create Growth Programme, delivered by Innovate UK, has been extended with additional funding, totaling £28.4 million. Six new areas, including Nottinghamshire, Hull and East Yorkshire, West Midlands, West Yorkshire, Devon, and Hertfordshire, will benefit from the £10.9 million expansion. Since its launch in 2022, the program has already supported local businesses, such as Broaden Films in Manchester, enabling them to host entertainment festivals and build sustainable studios.  
Nurturing Grassroots Music
The Supporting Grassroots Music Fund, managed by Arts Council England, invites applications from England's grassroots music industry. With grants available until March 2025, recipients can enhance lighting and sound equipment, undertake repairs, and produce live-streamed content. This initiative reflects the commitment to diversifying income streams and building new audiences within the grassroots music scene.  
Boosting Creative Skills Nationwide
UK's creative future Seven creative projects, receiving a share of £165 million from the Local Skills Improvement Fund, are poised to enhance creative skills training and facilities across Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Berkshire, London, and West Yorkshire. These strategic investments aim to build a robust pipeline of skills, aligning seamlessly with the government's visionary goals for the creative industries.   Sources: THX News, Department for Culture Media and Sport & The Rt Hon Lucy Frazer KC MP. Read the full article
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nklkhangtruong95 · 11 months
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Overview
What Was the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)?
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was a proposed free trade agreement between the United States and the European Union. Its primary goal was to promote economic integration and strengthen trade and investment ties between the two largest economies in the world.
The key components of TTIP included:
1. Tariff Reduction: TTIP aimed to eliminate or reduce tariffs on a wide range of goods and services traded between the United States and the European Union. By doing so, it intended to make products cheaper and more accessible for consumers and businesses on both sides of the Atlantic.
2. Regulatory Cooperation: TTIP sought to align regulations and standards between the EU and the US. The goal was to reduce unnecessary regulatory barriers, making it easier for companies to do business across the Atlantic. This alignment would apply to various sectors, including food safety, environmental regulations, and intellectual property rights.
3. Investment Protection: TTIP included provisions related to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). ISDS mechanisms allow investors to sue governments if they believe their investments are being treated unfairly or if new regulations negatively impact their investments. These provisions aimed to protect investors and provide them with legal recourse in case of disputes.
4. Services and Public Procurement: TTIP aimed to liberalize trade in services, which would benefit sectors such as finance, telecommunications, and transportation. It also sought to open up government procurement markets, allowing companies to bid for public contracts in both the US and the EU on an equal footing.
5. Economic Impact: Proponents of TTIP argued that the agreement would lead to economic growth, job creation, and increased market access for businesses. By harmonizing regulations and reducing trade barriers, the agreement was expected to facilitate smoother trade and investment flows between the two regions.
However, TTIP faced significant criticism and opposition. Critics raised concerns about potential threats to environmental and health standards, loss of jobs, and the erosion of national sovereignty through ISDS mechanisms. There were also worries about the lack of transparency in the negotiation process and the influence of large corporations on the terms of the agreement.
Negotiations for TTIP began in 2013 and continued until 2016. Despite several rounds of talks, the agreement was never finalized or implemented. Public protests, political challenges, and changing priorities in both the US and the EU contributed to the suspension of TTIP negotiations. As of my last update in September 2021, TTIP had not been revived, and its future remained uncertain.
Understanding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was a proposed trade agreement between the United States and the European Union (EU) that aimed to create the world's largest free trade area. The primary goal of TTIP was to boost economic growth, increase jobs, and promote international trade and investment between the two regions. Here are the key aspects to understand about TTIP:
**1. ** Trade and Market Access:
Tariff Reduction: TTIP intended to eliminate or reduce tariffs on a wide range of goods and services traded between the US and the EU. By reducing tariffs, the cost of imported and exported goods would decrease, benefiting consumers and businesses.
Non-Tariff Barriers: TTIP aimed to address non-tariff barriers to trade, such as differing regulations and standards. Harmonizing these regulations would make it easier for companies to sell their products and services in both markets.
2. Regulatory Cooperation:
Harmonizing Regulations: One of TTIP's significant objectives was to align regulatory standards between the US and the EU. This meant working towards common standards in areas like food safety, environmental regulations, and intellectual property rights. Harmonization would reduce redundant testing and certification processes for businesses operating in both markets.
Mutual Recognition: TTIP sought mutual recognition of standards and certifications. If a product was certified as safe or compliant in one region, it would be recognized as such in the other, further reducing barriers to trade.
3. Investment Protection:
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): TTIP included controversial provisions related to ISDS. These provisions would allow investors to sue governments if they believed their investments were being unfairly treated. Critics were concerned that this could infringe upon national sovereignty and environmental and labor regulations.
4. Services and Public Procurement:
Services: TTIP aimed to open up trade in services, including sectors like finance, healthcare, and telecommunications. This would facilitate the flow of services between the US and the EU.
Public Procurement: TTIP sought to grant companies from both regions equal access to public procurement contracts, promoting fair competition in government contracts.
5. Economic Impact and Controversies:
Economic Benefits: Proponents argued that TTIP would stimulate economic growth by increasing exports, creating jobs, and fostering innovation. It would provide businesses with larger markets and more opportunities for investment.
Controversies: TTIP faced significant opposition, primarily over concerns about potential erosion of consumer and environmental protections, as well as worries about the influence of corporations over public policy decisions. Transparency in negotiations was also a point of contention.
Despite several rounds of negotiations, TTIP talks faced challenges and opposition from various quarters, leading to a slowdown in the process. By my last update in September 2021, TTIP had not been ratified or implemented, leaving its future uncertain.
Proposed Actions from the TTIP 
While the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations were never finalized, several proposed actions and provisions were discussed during the talks. These proposed actions were intended to facilitate trade, promote economic integration, and strengthen cooperation between the United States and the European Union. Some of the key proposed actions from TTIP included:
1. Tariff Reduction and Elimination:
Reduction of Tariffs: TTIP aimed to reduce or eliminate tariffs on various goods and services traded between the US and the EU. Lowering tariffs would make products more affordable for consumers and encourage increased trade between the two regions.
2. Regulatory Cooperation:
Harmonization of Regulations: TTIP proposed aligning regulations and standards in areas such as food safety, environmental protection, and product safety. By harmonizing these regulations, businesses would face fewer barriers when exporting products to the other market.
Mutual Recognition: The agreement sought mutual recognition of standards and certifications. If a product was certified as safe or compliant in one region, it would be recognized as such in the other, reducing duplication of testing and certification processes.
3. Investment Protection:
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): TTIP included controversial ISDS provisions. These provisions would allow investors to sue governments if they believed their investments were being unfairly treated. The purpose was to protect investors and provide a legal mechanism to address disputes.
4. Services and Public Procurement:
Trade in Services: TTIP aimed to liberalize trade in services, allowing businesses in sectors such as finance, telecommunications, and healthcare to operate more freely between the US and the EU.
Public Procurement: The agreement sought to open up government procurement markets, enabling companies from both regions to bid for public contracts on an equal basis. This would promote fair competition and increase business opportunities.
5. Intellectual Property Rights:
Protection of Intellectual Property: TTIP proposed strengthening intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Enhanced protection would encourage innovation and creativity in both regions.
6. Sustainable Development:
Environmental and Labor Standards: TTIP aimed to promote sustainable development by encouraging adherence to high environmental and labor standards. The agreement aimed to ensure that trade and investment did not compromise social and environmental goals.
It's important to note that these proposed actions were subject to negotiations and could have undergone changes or refinements during the negotiation process. However, as of my last update in September 2021, TTIP negotiations had not been finalized or implemented, and the proposed actions remained part of the discussions without becoming legally binding agreements.
Transparency, Uncertainty, and Criticism 
During the negotiations and discussions surrounding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), several issues related to transparency, uncertainty, and criticism emerged. These factors significantly influenced public perception and contributed to the challenges faced by the agreement:
1. Transparency:
Lack of Transparency: One of the major criticisms of TTIP was the perceived lack of transparency in the negotiation process. Many stakeholders, including the public, civil society organizations, and even some policymakers, expressed concerns about the secrecy surrounding the talks. Critics argued that the negotiations were conducted behind closed doors, limiting public access to crucial information about the proposed agreement's contents and potential implications.
2. Uncertainty:
Uncertain Impact: There was considerable uncertainty about the potential impact of TTIP on various aspects of society, including jobs, environmental standards, and public services. Different studies and analyses provided conflicting predictions about the economic benefits and drawbacks of the agreement, leading to confusion among the public and policymakers alike.
Changing Political Landscape: The political landscape in both the United States and the European Union underwent significant changes during the negotiation period. Shifting priorities and leadership changes in both regions contributed to the uncertainty surrounding the fate of TTIP.
3. Criticisms:
Corporate Influence: Critics raised concerns about the influence of large corporations over the negotiation process. They argued that multinational corporations had disproportionate access to and influence on policymakers, potentially leading to provisions that favored corporate interests over public welfare.
Potential Erosion of Standards: Environmentalists, labor unions, and consumer advocacy groups expressed fears that TTIP might lead to a race to the bottom in regulatory standards. Concerns were raised about potential dilution of environmental protections, workers' rights, and food safety standards to facilitate trade and investment.
Protests and Opposition: TTIP faced widespread public protests and opposition in several European countries. Mass demonstrations and online campaigns were organized by activists who were concerned about the potential consequences of the agreement. Public resistance further complicated the negotiation process and contributed to the uncertainty surrounding TTIP.
In summary, transparency issues, uncertainties about the agreement's impact, and various criticisms, including concerns about corporate influence and potential erosion of standards, played significant roles in shaping public opinion and the overall discourse surrounding TTIP. These factors contributed to the challenges faced by negotiators and ultimately influenced the decision-making process related to the agreement.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was a highly debated and controversial trade agreement between the United States and the European Union. Its potential advantages and disadvantages were widely discussed. Here's a breakdown of the key points on both sides:
Advantages of TTIP:
1. Economic Growth:
Increased Trade: TTIP aimed to reduce or eliminate tariffs and other trade barriers, leading to increased trade between the US and the EU. This could potentially boost economic growth in both regions.
Job Creation: Proponents argued that increased trade would create jobs in various sectors, including manufacturing, services, and agriculture.
2. Regulatory Cooperation:
Harmonized Standards: TTIP sought to align regulations and standards, reducing duplicative testing and certification processes. This harmonization could lower costs for businesses and consumers.
Facilitated Business Operations: Mutual recognition of standards and certifications could simplify regulatory compliance for businesses operating in both markets.
3. Investment:
Investor Confidence: TTIP's provisions for investor protection and dispute resolution mechanisms were intended to enhance investor confidence, potentially leading to increased foreign direct investment.
4. Innovation and Competition:
Intellectual Property Protection: Strengthened intellectual property rights could encourage innovation and protect the interests of creators and inventors.
Market Access: Enhanced access to each other's markets could foster competition, encouraging businesses to innovate and improve products and services.
Disadvantages of TTIP:
1. Regulatory Concerns:
Lowered Standards: Critics feared that harmonizing regulations might lead to a reduction in environmental, health, and safety standards, as well as labor protections, to accommodate business interests.
Loss of Sovereignty: Concerns were raised about the potential erosion of national sovereignty, especially regarding ISDS provisions, where corporations could sue governments over policies that impact their profits.
2. Impact on Workers:
Job Displacement: Opponents argued that TTIP could lead to job losses, particularly in industries facing increased competition from imports, potentially outsourcing jobs to countries with lower labor costs.
Wage Suppression: Some feared that increased global competition might suppress wages, especially in industries facing pressure from imports.
3. Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals:
Access to Medicines: There were concerns that TTIP could extend patent protections for pharmaceutical companies, delaying the availability of generic medicines and increasing healthcare costs.
Privatization: Critics worried that TTIP could encourage privatization of public services, including healthcare, potentially leading to reduced accessibility and higher costs.
4. Lack of Transparency and Democracy:
Lack of Public Input: The secretive nature of TTIP negotiations was criticized, with concerns raised about the limited involvement of the public and civil society organizations in shaping the agreement.
Corporate Influence: Critics argued that large corporations had disproportionate influence over the negotiations, potentially leading to provisions that favored business interests over public welfare.
In summary, the debate around TTIP centered on striking a balance between the potential economic benefits of increased trade and investment and the safeguarding of social, environmental, and labor standards. Different stakeholders had varying perspectives on whether the advantages outweighed the disadvantages or vice versa, leading to significant controversy and ultimately impacting the agreement's progress.
The Future of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
As of my last update in September 2021, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations between the United States and the European Union had been stalled for several years, and there were no immediate indications of the talks being revived or finalized. The political landscape, public opinion, and priorities in both regions had shifted, impacting the momentum of the negotiations.
Several factors influenced the future of TTIP:
1. Political Climate: Changes in political leadership in the United States and European Union, as well as shifts in political ideologies and priorities, played a significant role in the fate of TTIP. Different administrations had varying stances on trade agreements and prioritized different aspects of international relations.
2. Public Opposition: Public opposition and widespread protests against TTIP in several European countries had a substantial impact. Concerns about transparency, potential loss of regulatory control, and the influence of corporations on policymaking led to significant public skepticism and resistance.
3. Bilateral Trade Agreements: The focus of both the United States and the European Union shifted to other trade negotiations and agreements. The United States pursued bilateral trade deals with various countries, while the European Union continued to negotiate agreements with other regions and countries around the world.
4. Global Trade Challenges: The global trade landscape faced challenges such as rising protectionism, trade disputes, and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These challenges shifted the priorities of many countries, potentially influencing their willingness to engage in large-scale trade agreements like TTIP.
5. Evolving Economic Relationships: Both the United States and the European Union continued to engage in economic relationships with other regions, leading to evolving trade dynamics and potentially altering their priorities regarding TTIP.
It's essential to note that the future of TTIP, or any similar trade agreement, is highly contingent on the political will and priorities of the parties involved. As of my last update, there were no concrete plans to resume TTIP negotiations, and the agreement remained in a state of uncertainty.
For the most current and specific information regarding the future of TTIP, I recommend checking official statements from relevant government sources, trade organizations, or reputable news outlets for updates on trade negotiations between the United States and the European Union.
Is TTIP Still Being Negotiated?
As of my last update in September 2021, TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) negotiations between the United States and the European Union had been on hold since 2016, and there were no active negotiations taking place at that time. The talks faced numerous challenges, including public opposition, concerns about transparency, and shifting political priorities in both regions.
However, please note that my information might be outdated, and I recommend checking more recent and reliable sources, such as official government statements or reputable news outlets, for the latest updates on TTIP negotiations. Trade policies and agreements can evolve, and there might have been developments since my last update.
Is There a Current Trade Agreement Between the U.S. and the European Union?
As of my last update in September 2021, the United States and the European Union did not have a comprehensive trade agreement in place. However, it's important to note that trade relations between the U.S. and the EU are governed by various agreements, including the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), which serves as a platform for dialogue on trade and investment issues.
The absence of a comprehensive trade agreement between the U.S. and the EU meant that trade relations were conducted based on World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, and specific agreements existed for certain sectors and issues, but not for broad-based tariff reductions and regulatory harmonization.
Since my information might be outdated, I recommend checking official government sources or reputable news outlets for the most recent updates on trade relations between the United States and the European Union. Trade policies can evolve, and new agreements or developments may have occurred since my last update in September 2021.
What Industries Would Have Benefited From TTIP?
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) aimed to facilitate trade and investment between the United States and the European Union, potentially benefiting a wide range of industries. While the specific details of the agreement were not finalized, certain sectors were expected to benefit significantly from TTIP due to reduced trade barriers and regulatory harmonization. Here are some industries that were likely to benefit from TTIP:
**1. ** Automotive Industry:
Tariff Reduction: TTIP would have eliminated or reduced tariffs on automobiles and automotive parts, making it more cost-effective for companies to trade these products between the U.S. and the EU.
**2. ** Aerospace and Aviation:
Reduced Regulatory Barriers: Harmonization of regulations related to safety standards and certifications for aircraft and aerospace products could have facilitated trade and reduced compliance costs for companies in these sectors.
**3. ** Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare:
Intellectual Property Protection: Strengthened intellectual property rights could have benefited pharmaceutical companies by providing them with more robust protection for patents, encouraging innovation and investment in research and development.
Streamlined Regulations: Harmonization of regulations related to drug approval processes and product standards could have reduced the time and costs associated with bringing pharmaceutical products to market.
**4. ** Agriculture and Food Industry:
Tariff Elimination: TTIP would have reduced or eliminated tariffs on agricultural products, making it easier and more cost-effective for farmers and food producers to export their goods.
Regulatory Alignment: Harmonization of food safety and agricultural standards would have facilitated the export and import of agricultural products and reduced compliance costs for businesses.
**5. ** Information Technology and Electronics:
Reduced Tariffs: Tariff elimination on electronics and IT products would have reduced manufacturing costs and made these products more affordable for consumers.
Harmonized Standards: Alignment of technical standards for electronics and IT equipment could have facilitated trade and reduced barriers to market entry.
**6. ** Financial Services:
Market Access: TTIP could have facilitated market access for financial services companies, allowing them to operate more freely across the U.S. and EU markets.
**7. ** Energy and Raw Materials:
Streamlined Trade: Harmonization of regulations and standards related to energy products and raw materials could have facilitated trade and investment in the energy sector.
It's important to note that while these industries were expected to benefit from TTIP, the specific details and provisions of the agreement, as well as its potential impact, remained a subject of negotiation and debate. Additionally, the agreement faced criticism and opposition from various quarters, which influenced the direction of the negotiations.
Read more: https://computertricks.net/transatlantic-trade-and-investment-partnership-ttip-overview/
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svaemtl · 1 year
Entry 4: Sport event bid analysis for a global sport.
When it comes to hosting an Olympic Games in your country, there are multiple benefits that each host city will earn, such as promoting sports participation levels, creating sporting mentors for starting sports fans, encouraging national character through their citizens and hosting being a way to generate a global audience and showcasing their city to the rest of the world (Kolt, 2013). The hosting bids for the Olympic Games have increased due to the fact that host cities have seen an increase of physical activity, population and promotion levels that presenting the Olympic Games (Amagasa et al. 2022). Within the years between 1992 to 2020, there were a total of 39 cities from 27 countries that had applied to host the Olympic Games, this as well as the multiple attempts each city had applied every year, resulting in an average of 7.4 bids per Olympic games from a total of 59 bids within the 28 years in focus (Maennig & Vierhaus, 2019).
Brisbane, Australia has been appointed as the host city of the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics, in which has been easily decided as there were no rival bids in competition (Dunbar, 2021). The whole reason for Brisbane being the designated city for 2032 was due to the Olympic Committee looking for a city that had already had the facilities and infrastructure built, which lowers the cost for the cities and the International Olympic Committee (Kleyn, 2021). Throughout the Games from 2008 to 2028, all cities that have/are hosting the Games have been declared as major cities, which leaves Brisbane as a mid-sized city that provides the International Olympic Committee with a project and a new experience when it comes to building, organising and producing the Games within a smaller region (AP, 2021).
A run-through on what the plan for the Brisbane 2032 Olympics is going to look like (Australian Olympic Team, 2021). 
The 2032 Games will hope to set out a $8.1 billion profit for Queensland with an economic boost to tourism and trade of $4.6 billion and an increase of improvement in health, volunteering and community gains with $3.5 billion being aimed to provide (Brisbane City Council, 2023). The hosting of the 2032 has predicted to provide jobs within tourism, hospitality and construction with 129,000 opportunities (Australian Olympic Committee, 2023).
What differences have been made when electing cities to host The Games (IOC Media, 2022). 
References Amagasa S., Kamada, M., Bauman, A. E., Miyachi, M., & Inoue, S. (2022). Evaluation of pre-Games effects of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games on Japanese population-level physical activity: a time-series analysis. The International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19(1), 1–96. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01332-x
AP. (2021, July 21). Without any rival bids, Brisbane picked to host 2032 Olympics. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brisbane-2032-olympics-host/
Australian Olympic Committee. (2023). Brisbane 2032. https://www.olympics.com.au/the-aoc/2032-olympic-games-candidature/
Australian Olympic Team. (2021, July 13). Brisbane 2032 Master Plan – Ariel Flythrough [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA5p-gU33eA&list=WL&index=84
Brisbane City Council. (2023). Brisbane 2032. https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/about-council/news-and-publications/brisbane-2032 
Dunbar, G. (2021, July 21). Brisbane picked to host 2032 Olympics without a rival bid. AP News. https://apnews.com/article/2020-tokyo-olympics-sports-brisbane-australia-olympic-team-germany-olympic-team-cbaf0d0e504b8bb3861f35c2876b7bbb 
IOC Media. (2022, July 23). Brisbane 2032: a new way to elect hosts for the Olympic and Paralympic Game | Brisbane City Council [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WYpZ5BfjxQ&t=29s 
Kleyn, B. (2021, October 23). How a failed Olympic bid paved the way for Brisbane to secure the 2032 Olympic Games. ABC News. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-23/qld-olympic-games-1992-bidding-loss-paves-way-for-2032-success/100551892 
Kolt, Gregory S., PhD. (2013). The impact of global sporting events. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16(6), 487–487. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2013.09.009  
Maennig, & Vierhaus, C. (2019). Which Countries Bid for the Olympic Games? The Role of Economic, Political, Social, and Sports Determinants. International Journal of Sport Finance, 14(2), 110–128. https://doi.org/10.32731/IJSF.142.052019.04
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f1 · 2 years
F1 owners blast FIA president over his 'unacceptable' claim that the sport is not worth 16bn
F1 owners accuse FIA president Mohammed ben Sulayem of 'interfering' in the commercial rights of the sport with his 'unacceptable' claim that it is not worth £16bn amid Saudi Arabia takeover talk By Press Association Published: 12:11 EST, 24 January 2023 | Updated: 12:11 EST, 24 January 2023 Liberty Media-owned Formula One has accused FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem of interfering with its commercial rights by publicly questioning a reported $20 billion valuation of the sport. Ben Sulayem, an Emirati elected in 2021 to the top job at Formula One's governing body, took to Twitter on Monday after Bloomberg reported Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) explored a bid for more than that amount. 'As the custodians of motorsport, the FIA, as a non-profit organisation, is cautious about alleged inflated price tags of $20bn being put on F1,' Ben Sulayem said on his personal account. F1 ruler Mohammed ben Sulayem used Twitter to claim the series wasn't worth $20bn 'Any potential buyer is advised to apply common sense, consider the greater good of the sport and come with a clear, sustainable plan -- not just a lot of money.' He suggested the FIA had a duty to consider the possible negative impact on fans and promoters, who might have to pay more. The comments followed his support this month for Michael Andretti's bid to enter an 11th team on the grid -- a move most existing teams are resistant to because of the dilution of revenues. They also fuel the sense of an emerging turf war between the governing body and a commercial rights holder eager to grow an expanding and increasingly popular championship in new directions. Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) reportedly explored a takeover bid of F1 Sky Sports News reported that Formula One's legal head Sacha Woodward Hill and Liberty Media counterpart Renee Wilm had sent a joint letter to the FIA accusing the governing body of exceeding its remit. The FIA ultimately owns the rights to the championship but signed them over to former supremo Bernie Ecclestone's Formula One Management in a 100-year deal in 2001 as part of a separation of commercial and regulatory activities. 'The FIA has given unequivocal undertakings that it will not do anything to prejudice the ownership, management and/or exploitation of those rights,' Sky quoted Formula One's letter as saying. 'We consider that those comments, made from the FIA president's official social media account, interfere with those rights in an unacceptable manner.' The letter, sent to the FIA's World Motor Sport Council, said the comments risked exposure to 'serious regulatory consequences' and the FIA could also be liable. 'Any individual or organisation commenting on the value of a listed entity or its subsidiaries, especially claiming or implying possession of inside knowledge while doing so, risks causing substantial damage to the shareholders and investors of that entity,' they said. Sources confirmed to Reuters that the details were correct and teams received copies of the letter on Tuesday from F1 chief executive Stefano Domenicali. There was no comment from Formula One and no immediate response from the FIA Advertisement Share or comment on this article: F1 owners blast FIA president over his 'unacceptable' claim that the sport is not worth £16bn via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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prodgreys · 2 years
Blueprint patio cover plans
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(the stoplight at the bottom of the hill) and turn right, going east. Turn north onto US Highway 287/Wadsworth Parkway. Hwy 36, Boulder Turnpike, take the Hwy 287 exit, #. Enter the George Di Ciero City and County Building at the door marked Community Development and Public Works. Directly ahead is the entry to the parking lot, with the George Di Ciero City and County Building in front of you and the Combined Courts and Police building on your right. Drive north to the third stop sign, a T-intersection with DesCombes Drive. Lamar Street will be the 2nd traffic light past Sheridan Blvd. How do I get to the Broomfield building department? You can also email your questions to any of the plans analysts listed on the If you manage to stump one of them, the plans analysts can always connect you with a specific inspector or they will research your question and call you back with an answer. They can answer a variety of questions on most phases of any project. Who can I ask?Ĭall 303.438.6370 and talk to one of the plans analysts. I am thinking about a home improvement project and have questions. All water heaters need to be permitted, this includes new and replacements.
Our highly trained employees deliver services in a professional and respectful manner to maintain and improve the quality of life for our residents.ĭo I need a permit to replace my water heater? Version OptionsBuilding Division Home PageHeadline ResponsibilitiesĪs a part of the Community Development Department, the Building Division is dedicated to keeping our community safe by issuing building permits, making inspections, reviewing plans, and enforcing building codes for all construction in the City and County of Broomfield. Please note, any permit not paid for prior to April 15, 2023, will be required to meet the new codes. Here is the 2021 Significant Change Handout.
The code change proposal will go to City Council in early 2023 with a proposed effective date of April 15, 2023. We anticipate moving to the 2021 ICC Code package. This will apply to newly installed backflow preventers and for the yearly tests that are required to be done. Having the plans already drawn provides you with confidence and protection when hiring, as each contractor will understand exactly what you expect and what is required to complete the job, lessening the likeliness of confusion, misunderstanding or misinterpretation of your project.Announcements Notice to Plumbing Contractors and Backflow Testing Companies:īeginning April 15, 2022, all backflow test reports are required to be sent in to Backflow Solutions Inc. You also have the option of only purchasing the designs and then using them to get bids from other contractors or continuing the project on your own. The design package is initiated by signing a Design Agreement at your initial consultation.Īfter the designs are completed, if you choose to move forward with having us complete the construction, the design fee will go toward the down payment of your project. If you are interested in a custom design package for your patio cover, we are happy to create one, personalized for you, starting at $1,500.00. Our custom design package will allow you to see precisely how your outdoor space will look once the construction is complete and give you a clear understanding of the project cost. The package includes floor plans and 3D renderings of the new space, a Scope of Work document with cost and timeline required to complete the project, and a Budget Items Worksheet to break down the pricing allowance for your selection items. These designs not only provide a visual for you, but also allow us to detail every aspect of the job and specify the cost of materials and labor. To find out exactly how much your patio cover will cost, a detailed design plan is needed. The price can vary substantially based on the tie-in requirements, foundation needs, etc. We build custom designed patio covers to match the existing architecture and style of the home.
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
Does El Cerrito have one of the best protection within the Bay Space?
EL CERRITO There are some good defenses in highschool soccer throughout the Bay Space. However this can be one of the best. El Cerrito Gauchos permits a shade over six factors per sport and begins with two first-class calibers, Washington State’s Warren Smith and junior Kamani Jackson, who had a bid from San Jose State. Behind them is the protection duo of Jermaine Hargraves and Aaron Woodard, two proficient seniors. So yeah, attempting to throw towards El Cerrito is not one of the best plan of assault. Eight of the highest 25 Bay Space Information Group groups this week are giving up lower than 10 factors per sport. El Cerrito, ranked tenth, is No. 1 in that group at 6.4. Miserliness is not any accident. “We push one another into apply, we play on one another’s strengths and we cowl one another’s weaknesses,” Hargreaves stated. “We play for one another, and I feel most groups are struggling as a result of they can not break our bond.” This league kicked off within the spring of 2021 because the quartet had the chance to start out throughout a five-game schedule of pandemic shortened video games by which the Gauchos had been unbeaten. The unbeaten file was good, however the way in which El Cerrito received predicted what was to return. “We knew we could possibly be actually good after we misplaced seven factors throughout that complete season,” Woodard stated. “We knew we had a particular protection and that we had been in a position to come again utterly after that.” Final fall, El Cerrito allowed an eight-point common over his first 5 video games and went on to complete 9-3 and attain the North Coast Division playoffs. This season, the group had one elimination and beat Amador Valley – now seeded 14 – 7-3. “The coach teaches us whereas learning the movie what checks to do once we see a sure group, and through the sport it is extremely clear,” stated Smith, the primary contender for the Bay Space Information Group Participant of the 12 months. “We all know the place we shall be and all of us belief one another to do our job.” Coach Jacob Rincon stated he trusts excessive schoolers to make right performs with minimal enter from the sideline. He praised the management and persona of the gamers, noting that it’s an enchancment over what this system went via just a few years in the past. “Lots of people are used to being in (media) stories, they usually need particular person scholarships and honors,” Rincon stated. “However now it is in regards to the group and we’re taking part in as one, and that is what the El Cerrito group stands for.” The group received a glimpse of how nicely the protection was throughout a group brawl in August that included sturdy NCS De La Salle, Pittsburg and Jesuit-Carmichael of the Sac-Joaquin Division, which was 5-0. “Pittsburgh quarterback Jaden Rashada is likely one of the finest quarterbacks within the area, and our gamers needed to indicate their potential,” Rincon stated. It is not simply the secondary that will get the job accomplished for El Cerrito. The line of defense and the again additionally play their half. This group contains new pupil Sione Fanaika, a 250-pound, 14-year-old who enjoys taking blockers for a run. In step with the team-first philosophy, Vanica was fast to yell at a dignitary to assist him steer. “Tommy Fuukisu is the one who introduced me in and taught me how to slot in,” Vanica stated. “He helped me get via conditions, he was going to take me to the sidelines to get my stage proper.” The Gauchos fashioned as a group that could not look higher once they kicked off the league desk at house towards Bethel on October 7. Rincon stated the aim, similar to each season, is to seize the NCS and state championships. Given this 12 months’s protection, this could be an achievable aim for a program with one NCS title (2013) in its storied historical past. “The sky is the restrict,” Woodard stated. Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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recentjobcircular · 3 years
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies BIDS Job Circular 2021
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies BIDS Job Circular 2021
BIDS Job Circular 2021 has been published by the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies.BIDS Job Circular 2021 recentjobcicular.com has also published it. This time they have published a huge job circular in various positions across the country.BIDS Job Circular 2021 has published many different categories. It can be a great opportunity to change your life. Bangladesh Institute of…
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jedi-anakin · 4 years
2020 – what happened so far
(it’s impossible to include all, but I try my best)
January 1 – Palau became the first country to ban sun creams containing ingredients that are harmful to coral and marine life.
January 2 – The government of New South Wales, Australia, declares a state of emergency whilst the government of Victoria, Australia declares a state of disaster amid large bushfires that have killed as many as 500 million animals.
January 3 – A US drone strike at Baghdad International Airport kills Iranian general Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
January 5 – Iran pulls out of the 2015 nuclear deal, will not limit its uranium enrichment.
January 7 – 56 people are reported killed and over 200 injured in a crush at the funeral of general Qasem Soleimani in the city of Kerman, Iran.
January 7 – A 6.4 magnitude earthquake in Puerto Rico, island's largest in a century, kill 1 person and destroy 800 homes.
January 8 – Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 is shot down by Iran's armed forces shortly after takeoff from Tehran Imam Khomeini Airport, killing all 176 people on board.
January 8 – Duke and Duchess of Sussex announce they are stepping back as "senior" royals, will work towards becoming financially independent.
January 16 – The impeachment trial of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, begins in the US Senate.
January 26 – Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna Bryant dies in a helicopter crash.
January 30 – The World Health Organization (WHO) declares the outbreak of the disease as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
January 31 – The United Kingdom and Gibraltar formally withdraw from the European Union at 11PM (GMT), beginning an 11-month transition period.
January 2020 was the hottest January in recorded history according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
February 3 – Cruise ship Diamond Princess with 3711 passengers quarantined in Yokohama port, Japan after cases of coronavirus found on board.
February 5 – The US Senate acquits US president Donald Trump on articles of impeachment.
February 8 – 20 people dies in a mall shooting in Thailand.
February 9 – Deaths from the Coronavirus overtake those of Sars (2003) with 813 deaths worldwide.
February 10 – More than 30 bushfires put out by heaviest rainfall for 30 years in New South Wales, Australia, helping end one of the worst bushfire seasons ever, 46 million acres burnt, over 1 billion animals killed, 34 people dead.
February 11 – Snow falls in Baghdad, Iraq, for only the second time in a century.
February 23 – First major coronavirus outbreak in Europe in Italy with 152 cases and three deaths, prompting emergency measures, locking down 10 towns in Lombardy.
February 23 – China's Supreme Leader Xi Jinping describes the country's coronavirus outbreak as the China's largest health emergency since 1949.
February 24 – Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape and a criminal sexual act.
February 29 – Luxembourg becomes the first country in the world to make all public transport in the country (buses, trams, and trains) free to use.
February 29 – A conditional peace agreement is signed between the United States and the Taliban in Doha, Qatar. The U.S. begins gradually withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.
March 8 – Italy places 16 million people in quarantine, more than a quarter of its population, in a bid to stop the spread of COVID-19. A day later, the quarantine is expanded to cover the entire country, becoming the first country to apply this measure nationwide.
March 9 – International share prices fall sharply in response to a Russo-Saudi oil price war and the impact of COVID-19. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) plunges more than 2,000 points, the largest fall in its history up to that point. Oil prices also plunge by as much as 30% in early trading, the biggest fall since 1991.
March 11 – The World Health Organization declares the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic with 121,564 cases worldwide and 4,373 deaths.
March 11 – Harvey Weinstein is sentenced to 23 years in prison for a criminal sex act and rape in New York.
March 12 – Global stock markets crash. The Dow Jones Industrial Average goes into free fall, closing at over −2,300 points, the worst losses for the index since 1987.
March 13 – The government of Nepal announces that Mount Everest will be closed to climbers and the public for the rest of the season due to concerns from the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia.
March 14 – Spain goes into lockdown after COVID-19 cases in the country surge.
March 16 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average falls by 2,997, the single largest point drop in history and the second-largest percentage drop ever at 12.93 percent, an even greater crash than Black Monday (1929).
March 17 – European leaders close the EU's external and Schengen borders for at least 30 days in an effort to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.
March 17 – The island of Luzon, the largest island of the Philippines, is placed under the enhanced community quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic in the country.
March 18 – The European Broadcasting Union announces that the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 will be cancelled due to COVID-19 in Europe, the first cancellation in the contest's 64-year history.
March 20 – The worldwide death toll from COVID-19 surpasses 10,000 as the total number of cases reaches a quarter of a million.
March 20 – Smoke from Australian bushfires killed more people than the fires - 417 vs 33 according to new study published in "Medical Journal of Australia."
March 22 – A prison riot in Colombia, which was sparked by coronavirus fears, left 23 inmates dead and another 83 injured.
March 24 – Indian PM Narendra Modi orders a 21 day lockdown for world's second most populous country of 1.3 billion people.
March 26 – Global COVID-19 cases reach 500,000, with nearly 23,000 deaths confirmed. American cases exceed all other countries, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths.
March 28 – North Korea launched an unidentified projectile off the coast of Japan. This is the sixth launch in the last month.
March 30 – The price of Brent Crude Oil falls 9% to $23 per barrel, the lowest level since November 2002.
March 30 – The International Olympic Committee and Japan suspend the 2020 Summer Olympics and are rescheduled for July 23 to August 8, 2021.
April 2 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 1 million worldwide.
April 5 – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted to hospital suffering from coronavirus COVID-19.
April 7 – Japan declares a state of emergency in response to COVID-19, and finalises a stimulus package worth 108 trillion yen (US$990 billion), equal to 20% of the country's GDP.
April 10 – The death toll from COVID-19 exceeds 100,000 globally.
April 14 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says it expects the world economy to shrink 3%, the worst contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
April 14 – US President Donald Trump freezes funding for the World Health Organization pending a review, for mistakes in handling the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and for being "China-centric", prompting international criticism.
April 15 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 2 million worldwide.
April 16 – 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in 4 weeks (5.2 million in the last week), wiping out 9 1/2 years of job gains.
April 20 – Oil prices reach a record low.
April 25 – The global death toll from COVID-19 exceeds 200,000.
April 27 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 3 million worldwide.
April 28 – US Department of Defense releases three declassified videos of possible UFOs from 2004 and 2015.
April 30 – British Captain Tom Moore, who raised more £30 million for the National Health Service walking in his garden, turns 100 and made an honorary colonel by the Queen.
May 5 – The UK death toll from COVID-19 becomes the highest in Europe.
May 6 – Irish organisation repays a 170 year old favor, raising over $2 million (to date) for US Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation badly affected by coronavirus. In 1840s Choctaw Nation sent $170 to aid Irish potato famine.
May 6 – Hungary has become the first EU member state to lose their democractic status according to the NGO Freedom House.
May 10 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 4 million worldwide.
May 12 – Gunmen storm a maternity hospital and kill 24 people, including two newborn babies, in Dashte Barchi, a majority-Shia neighborhood of Kabul, Afghanistan.
May 13 – Every African country now has cases of coronavirus COVID-19.
May 14 – The UN warns of a global mental health crisis caused by isolation, fear, uncertainty and economic turmoil.
May 16 – 118-year old American department store JC Penney files for bankruptcy.
May 19 – Greenhouse gas emissions dropped 17% worldwide in April 2020 when world was in lockdown, in study published in "Nature Climate Change."
May 19 – Two dams on Tittabawassee River in central Michigan breached by floodwaters, forcing evacuation of thousands of residents.
May 21 – Cyclone Amphan makes landfall in eastern India and Bangladesh, killing over 100 people and forcing the evacuation of more than 4 million others. It causes over US$13 billion in damage, making it the costliest cyclone ever recorded in the North Indian Ocean.
May 26 – George Floyd, an African-American man dies after he was handcuffed and lying face down on a city street during an arrest, Derek Chauvin, a white Minneapolis police officer kept his knee on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds despite he was pleading for breath.
May 26 – Costa Rica becomes the first Central American country to legalise same-sex marriage.
May 26 – Twitter adds warning labels to warn about inaccuracies in US President Donald Trump's tweets for the first time.
May 26 – After a recording by a bystander about the arrest of George Floyd went viral the four officers who were present were fired. The same day a demonstrations and protests took place in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul area.
May 27 – The Chinese National People's Congress votes in favour of national security legislation that prevents subversion, terrorism, separatism and foreign interference in Hong Kong.
May 27 – Spain begins 10 days of mourning for victims of COVID-19.
May 28 – The United States Department of Justice released a joint statement with the FBI, saying they had made the investigation into George Floyd's death "a top priority".
May 29 – Derek Chauvin was arrested and charged him with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, becoming the first white officer in Minnesota to be charged for the death of a black civilian.
May 30 – The first crewed flight of the Dragon 2 is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the first manned spacecraft to take off from U.S. soil since 2011. The next day the spacecraft successfully reached the International Space Station (ISS).
May 31 – Since May 26 over a 100 city in all 50 states in the US was held supporting those seeking justice for George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement, and speaking out against police brutality.
May 31 – The hacktivist group Anonymous released a video after remaining silent for 3 years demanding justice for George Floyd.
May 31 – The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 passes 6 million worldwide.
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nakachuchu · 3 years
Red Velvet Cake | Morinozuka Takashi
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SYNOPSIS: He enjoys going to the book shop you work at.
READER: gender neutral
WORDS: 791
WRITTEN: 04/14/2021
NOTES: Thank you for requesting from my event! "I could listen to you all day." + You work at a bookstore and they meet you there.
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You worked at a local book store. You restocked the books, were the cashier, and you read to the children every day before noon.
Mori often came by to watch and listen to you during that day. He simply stood in the back quietly.
You only knew his name because he came by every day and you always checked in with him to see what he needed.
The book store you worked at was also a café, so you would often see him sitting at a table with a cappuccino and a book.
He rarely talked, but he showed that he was listening to your rambles by nodding and smiling faintly.
He was nice to look at you and your eyes naturally gravitated toward him whenever he came by—which was often.
You didn't work at a library, so he would have to purchase books each time he came, which was daily.
You were sure he could have bought books online or simply buy books at once, but he seemed to like coming in.
A part of you wanted to believe that he was coming for you. After all, he always sought you out, whether it be recommending a book to him or asking you about your day.
He did talk, but it was always brief and polite. You didn't mind because you often filled the silence with your long rants and excited voice, but he liked that.
"Thank you for coming everyone," you said to the children. "There are some lollipops by the door. Please grab one and make sure to clean up after yourselves."
You bowed and bid goodbye to the children and their parents before placing the book you were reading away.
You approached Mori who straightened up. You offered him a faint smile and he nodded in acknowledgment.
"Another book today, Mori?" you questioned.
He nodded.
"You must like it here, huh? I do too. I'm really fortunate to be able to get a job I love."
"You're good with kids," he said.
"Thank you. I took care of the neighborhood kids when I was a teenager and I was in some programs at school where I had to look after kids whose parents couldn't come pick them up right away. I'm sorry. You must be tired of having to hear me speak all the time."
"I could listen to you all day," he said.
"Oh." Your face grew hot. "Thank you.”
He nodded. “You’re on break now, correct? Will you sit with me at the cafe?”
You were certain this was the most you had ever heard him speak before, so you were a bit flustered and surprised. You nodded in response to his question and he led you toward the cafe.
“I’ll pay,” he said as the two of you were seated at a table in the back.
“Oh, no, that’s okay.”
He gave you a dead stare, making you gulp and give into him. He nodded in satisfaction at your submission, then opened the menu for you. To get rid of the silence, you began rambling.
“I always get a slice of the red velvet cake. It’s really good. When I first applied for this job, I was surprised to learn that this book store had a cafe with its own bakery. I thought it was super cute and I absolutely fell in love.” You cleared your throat. “What do you usually get?”
He pointed to the cappucino and the croissant before raising his hand to call attention to the worker.
“The usual, Mori, Y/N?” they asked.
The two of you nodded at the same time, then fell into another silence as the worker left to prepare the snacks and drinks the two of you ordered.
“How are you today?” you asked.
You nodded. “Um—you must really love books, right? You come here every day and are always purchasing new books.”
“I come here for you.”
“Oh. Oh—do you mean, like—Well, actually, I’m not sure what that means,” you muttered.
“This is a date,” he said.
“It is? I mean, I don’t mind. I’ve always imagined what a date with you would be like. Oh, please ignore what I just said.”
There was a faint smile on his lips and you briefly saw it before your coworker came back with a slice of red velvet cake, a cappucino, and a croissant.
Deciding to take a chance to not misunderstand anything anymore, you opened your mouth and asked, “Do you want to go out this weekend?”
He lifted the cup to his lips and drank from it before setting it down onto the saucer. He nodded in response to your question and you smiled.
“Great! I—Should you pick me up or…?”
“I’ll call you.”
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deancasbigbang · 3 years
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Title: All Paths of Destiny Lead to You
Author: Angel
Artist: Destiel-love-forever
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Sam Winchester/Eileen, Bobby Singer/Ellen Harvell, Gabriel/Kali, Lucifer/Kelly Kline, flirting only Fergus Crowly/Dean Winchester, past John Winchester/Mary Winchester, past Julian(Death)Novak/Amara Novak past Lee Webb/Dean Winchester, past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester
Length: 65000
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Greek goddesses and supernatural undertones, minor character deaths:Jimmy/Amelia, major character injury/Dean, PTSD and Emotional spirals, strangers fated to meet/soulmates, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Grief, Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism, angst with happy ending
Posting Date: November 1, 2021
Summary: Dean Winchester is a soldier gravely wounded while on a mission only to be sent home to figure out how to make a new life for himself.  Castiel Novak, a grieving brother with his newly orphaned niece, relocates attempting to find peace in a world of chaos. Can the fates and their small furry messenger help these three find each other and become a family?  Or will their pasts and inner demons tear them apart?  Can their paths of destiny change and give them the life they truly deserve?
Excerpt: Do you ever wonder where your fate may lie?  Have you ever considered if the karma you put out into the universe really does impact your destiny?  Would you believe that the worst moment of your life, the moment you believe all light has gone out of your world, could be aligning you for something better? Something perfect?     Who in Hades would believe that?  That's what the Greek goddess Themis thought when looking down at the golden threads being aligned.  She, the goddess of justice, truth, and morality certainly doesn’t believe it.  Even as she watches her three daughters do their tasks, she wonders what if? Her daughters have not always had the greatest of reputations and like other Gods have had their run of both bad luck and good, yet they are still sitting on the thrones built thousands of years ago doing their bidding as instructed by their father Zeus, so long ago. That has got to mean something?  Of her daughters, Clotho is the Spinner. She spins the thread of life, the details of everything that matters.  Lachesis is the Apportioner of Lots. She measures out the amount of time a life gets.   Lastly, Atropos who cuts it at a determined time.  She tends to the fates of the many souls that are impacted and need to come to an end.  She is currently deciding on who will be impacted by the two coinciding moments in time the goddesses are monitoring. As the goddess of Justice and Karma, Themis knows it doesn’t always work as intended. As one of the Moirai it is their job to weave the fates and destinies of the living, yet is what they weave truly what is deserved?  Do these specific humans deserve what will transpire over a matter of the next few hours? Hours, that to the goddesses are just a blink of an eye?  A fraction of time to the gods, infinitesimal in the scheme of things but to these humans, it could and will change everything they’ve ever known. Themis and her Moirai daughters watch as the twisted threads glow and the moments play out on both sides of the world.  Simultaneously the golden threads vibrate. Watching on, as two very different men, both experience the worst moment fate could have thrown at them in their entire existence. These men, to whom Themis knows, have the brightest souls ever seen. Souls that are rich in positive karma.  They truly do not deem these souls  deserving of such tragic horrors.  Pondering these men’s futures, the goddesses watch as the chosen fates come to pass.
DCBB 2021 Posting Schedule
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ilovejevsjeans · 3 years
Daniel Ricciardo’s going to humbling lengths in a bid to overcome his tricky start to life with McLaren.
Though Ricciardo has a 100% point-scoring record with his new team and finally beat team-mate Lando Norris in a race for the first time in the Spanish Grand Prix, his tricky switch from Renault is one of the main sub-plots of the season so far.
Daniel Ricciardo’s going to humbling lengths in a bid to overcome his tricky start to life with McLaren.
Though Ricciardo has a 100% point-scoring record with his new team and finally beat team-mate Lando Norris in a race for the first time in the Spanish Grand Prix, his tricky switch from Renault is one of the main sub-plots of the season so far.
Ricciardo’s struggled to handle certain limitations of the MCL35M as well as Norris, who’s established himself as one of this year’s early stars.
But there’s light at the end of the tunnel thanks to progress the team is making with the car and a painstaking process Ricciardo is going through as a driver as well – one he says leaves him feeling like he’s “back at school”, trying to re-programme himself to learn how to drive the 2021 McLaren.
We knew after the first three races that Ricciardo had been trying to adapt his driving style because he was finding McLaren’s F1 car “a little unique”. Both he and Norris have said the MCL35M can have a slightly loose rear end, particularly at higher speeds.
Ricciardo struggled with that more, describing his car as on a knife-edge at corner entry.
A big part of that problem may be the changes to the tyres and the reduction in rear aerodynamic performance caused by the new floor rules, which have combined to take away enough rear grip to make the car more nervous – especially at high-speed, which is all about commitment.
But at lower-speed, McLaren reckons those changes have also impacted the characteristics of its car under braking as well.
It seems that Ricciardo prefers to ride the brake further into the corner but can’t do that in this year’s McLaren without generating understeer, so he’s slightly slower through the corner than Norris and out of it as well. He’s been waiting for updates to tune the car more to his liking and address that permanently, while trying to learn how to drive around his limitation in the meantime.
The Portuguese GP weekend, where he was a shock Q1 elimination, was made more complicated by Algarve’s low-grip surface and difficult wind conditions. But Ricciardo’s rise from 16th to ninth in the race there left him hopeful he could make progress without waiting for upgrades, as he was happy with the peak of his pace and felt potential set-up tweaks, mainly to the suspension, could bring the car more to his liking.
Then he earmarked the Spanish GP weekend as one without “excuses” given how well everybody knows the track and the fact it’s a grippier, higher-downforce circuit. So Barcelona became a significant reference point in his bid to adapt.
The tweaked front wing that arrived in Spain might be the first example of Ricciardo’s preferences driving McLaren’s development. Lifting up the outer section of the front wing mainplane will reduce the airflow separation in that area, produce more load when that part of the wing is close to the ground, and reduce the understeer.
Ricciardo certainly seemed happier with the feel of the car over the Barcelona weekend. But the effort to address his issues went well beyond changes to his machinery.
We followed Ricciardo onboard for every lap of practice and qualifying in Spain and he was getting consistent messages about trying to shift more brake pressure to corner entry.
In FP1 there was a particular focus on his braking technique, as he was initially riding the brake too far into Turn 5 and at risk of inducing understeer.
Some in-car changes related to differential settings were used to help mitigate that but Ricciardo was also urged to try feeding in steering lock slightly earlier and apply more initial brake pressure at Turn 4 and Turn 12 – two medium-speed right-handers.
That continued in FP2, where the feedback was again to get on the brake harder before releasing it, and relayed to him as trying to create “more of a stabby brake profile”: a sharper initial application of the brake and a quicker release.
The extensive advice he was being given on braking would suggest that Ricciardo is still in a phase of consciously trying to adjust that technique at lower-speed. We put that to Ricciardo after qualifying, and he agreed.
“It’s like being a beginner, all over again,” he admitted. “Tutored every corner: ‘Good job, do that better. OK, improve a bit more here.’
“I’m still having to be a little bit conscious about that, and teach myself enough that it does become natural.
“It still does require a bit of [conscious thinking] in some moments.
“I’m trying to programme myself to basically learn how to drive it faster. So I’m back at school.”
The more confidence Ricciardo feels in the car, the more he expects faster corners to take care of themselves, describing those as requiring technique but effectively rewarding a driver who can just throw it and hold on.
But slower corners are where the big chunks of laptime are, because a driver is in those corners for longer.
The braking phase is a delicate and precise process, the pedal feel and braking traits of the Mercedes-powered McLaren will be different to the Renaults Ricciardo drove the last two years and the Red Bulls before that, and it also happens to be an area the McLaren is still sensitive in at the moment.
That’s not an easy combination to manage, which is why Ricciardo’s still working so hard to get on top of it.
He’s admitted he’s found it difficult to be patient in his bid to improve, but that’s his reality with just one-and-a-half days in the car in pre-season putting the emphasis on learning during these early race weekends.
To his credit, Ricciardo has approached the situation with exactly the right attitude. He has shown tremendous humility in doing so. Ego could easily get in the way. As an F1 driver it could feel embarrassing, or he could turn his nose up and say ‘no, I know what I’m doing, I’m not the problem here’ – but there’s no sign of that.
“I’m very happy with how it went in terms of the integration of Daniel into our team,” says team principal Andreas Seidl.
“It’s not a surprise how it went, we all know the personality Daniel is, which character he is, so I wouldn’t say it’s a surprise how he approached these first races.
“We knew that it is a challenge with this limited testing time to get used to the car, to become one with the car. I will say we are not where we want to be, where Daniel wants to be.
“But I’m 100% convinced it’s just a matter of doing more races with us and we will see the performances we are all used to.”
Key adds: “It is just a process of adapting your feeling and what you want to do, to what the car is actually doing.
“Of course from our side we’re trying to adapt the car and facilitate what Daniel’s trying to do. We’re getting there slowly, there’s certain things we can’t change, tyres and other things will be the same, but in terms of the way the car behaves, the mapping of the engine, the feeling of the pedal are all things that are in our control.
“We are chipping away at all those things to try to find a solution which works.”
Ricciardo’s getting his head down and doing the work that he needs to do as part of that. That was shown with constant progress through practice at the Spanish GP, and he did a good job in qualifying. He was perhaps a bit lucky to outqualify Norris given his team-mate’s compromised session but the performance was very close before that.
And then Ricciardo drove an outstanding race. He grabbed a couple of positions early on and he just did a really solid job thereafter, never looked like slipping down the top 10, quite enjoyed pushing the car to the limits. It was his best drive of the season and matched his best result so far in sixth.
In fairness to Ricciardo’s performances pre-Spain, despite lacking a bit of outright pace relative to Norris so far his race drives have been very good.
It’s a shame for him that on the weekend he hooked it up better, McLaren wasn’t quick enough to give him the kind of emphatic Class B victory that Norris enjoyed in the first three races.
But it can be viewed as a clear indicator of progress, and an important step in Ricciardo re-establishing himself as the force we’ve come to expect. (X)
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blueiscoool · 3 years
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Rich B. Caliente Teamed up with Rick Ross to Create a Kaleidoscopic 911 Porsche
One auto designer-turned-artist found a way to sate both of his life’s passions—and the colorful results could be yours. Rich B. Caliente has a hand-painted Porsche 911 and an NFT to match, and the first-of-its-kind duo is heading to auction.
Caliente, a proud Miami local who worked in the auto industry for 15 years before becoming a full-time artist, says offering the NFT in conjunction with his colorful 911 was a way of immortalizing his creation in both the physical and digital world.
“To me, it’s very important to have something tangible,” Caliente said “So it’s kind of like my twist on an NFT, where you have something that’s a digital capsule, but you also have something that can be enjoyed in real life.”
The artist, who has wrapped exotic rides for an array of high-profile collectors, enlisted some impressive help to make the project happen:  The bespoke 2021 Porsche 911 that’s gifted with the NFT was made in collaboration with rapper Rick Ross. The Grammy Award winner also signed the car to give it a dose of celebrity fairy dust.
According to the Caliente, this is the first time that a minted NFT artwork will come with a car title digitally included. It’s also one of the only Porsche art cars of this century, following Janis Joplin’s psychedelic 356 of the late ‘60s that Caliente describes as “amazing.”
The project, which is at the intersection of art, technology and automotive design, represents the culmination of Caliente’s career and also pays tribute to his Miami roots.
“The whole point of this project was to inspire, but also to formulate and represent where you’re from and who you are,” Caliente added. “So this is our little piece of the world that we live in.”
The artist says he briefly considered a Lamborghini Urus but opted for a 911 on account of its “iconic shape,” which he says enhances the artwork rather than compete with it. Caliente spent two days within arm’s reach of the Porsche to conceptualize the design before embarking on the two-week paint job.
The painstaking process involved taking everything off the car and applying his signature splatters and drips, which harken back to the work of Jackson Pollock. Think Tiffany-blue hues juxtaposed with splashes of bright yellow. Parts of the paint, like the orange above the taillights, also glow in the dark to emulate “oozing magma,” according to Caliente. The artist says that the whole design is symmetrical—so even though it’s thrown paint, everything looks purposeful.
The luxe interior, meanwhile, remains largely unchanged save for some custom leather mats, which are also emblazoned with both men’s signatures and Ross’s 2021 album title Richer Than I’ve Ever Been. Under the hood, the car retains its 3.0-liter 6-cylinder engine that delivers up to 379 hp.
The idea to digitally embed the Porsche’s title inside of the NFT may well point to a future of smart contracts that become a standard part of high-end digital purchases. And, since the transaction is processed through the blockchain, it’s completely transparent and traceable. All parties can see exactly where the funds go.
The auction, which is running June 4 through 14, will be hosted by an NFT management consultancy co-founded by Caliente known as Slashdot. Bids will be accepted online in the cryptocurrency Ethereum, and a portion of proceeds from the sale will benefit the Irie Foundation. This organization is dedicated to empowering the lives of at-risk youth in South Florida through mentorship programs, cultural experiences, and scholarship opportunities.
Naturally, the multi-pronged artwork doesn’t come cheap. Bids will start at $305,911, with the first three numbers a reference to Miami’s area code and the last to Porsche’s beloved sports car. For those who want to see the multicolored creation IRL, the 911 will debut at the 2021 Bitcoin Conference in Miami from June 4 to 5.
Caliente is already planning follow-up artworks, too. The artist exclusively shared with Robb Report that he has another NFT and one-off luxury ride in the pipeline, along with a bespoke aircraft and matching digital art.
Best get your digital wallets ready, folks.
By Rachel Cormack.
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lifblogs · 3 years
Whumpay 2021: Day 6 - "Can you hear me?"
Can You Hear Me?
read on ao3 2210 words star wars, the clone wars, anakin skywalker whump, obi-wan kenobi whump, graphic depictions of violence, gore, explosions, surgeries, medical care, burns, concussions, lung injury, ear injury, temporarily deaf
Jedi General Anakin Skywalker’s day was going quite well until the bomb went off. At first, he hadn’t known what had happened. It’d been like an invisible hand had thrown him, quickly followed by a wave of heat, and he was tumbling through the air.
The landing didn’t hurt nearly as much as the other injuries he’d already sustained. The rock scraped him up, and heat licked at his skin, burning the right side of his body. But it was nothing compared to the way his head pounded, and his ears ached inside. Blood dribbled down from them, reaching his jaw and neck. He had a vague notion of wanting to rip them off. Maybe that would stop the pain.
It felt like someone had inflated his chest, his throat, and he could barely breathe.
And his head, oh kriffing hell, his head!
Anakin was awash with aching agony, swollen in it, and layered above it was the burning. He knew he needed help, but was anyone near him? Had anyone been near him when the bomb had gone off? And were his men okay?
His ears were ringing relentlessly. For some reason he tried to get up, but that resulted in him collapsing.
Suddenly, he was surrounded by his men, but with blurred vision, and his head spinning, he could barely make them out. Just saw the white and blue of their armor.
Anakin drifted into black.
Obi-Wan paced back and forth outside of the medical bay on the Resolute. He knew he should probably be back onboard the Negotiator since he had to report to the Council, and had a debrief to run.
But he couldn’t just leave Anakin!
Kix had started work on Anakin right away while still on-planet. It had been gruesome, horrid work, and despite all the horrors of war that Obi-Wan had been forced to see over the past couple of years, he’d been sick. Cody had run to check on him then, and had helped hold him up.
Obi-Wan had fought his commander, wanting to be by Anakin’s side, wanting to hold his flesh hand that had been positioned above his head.
But Cody held him fast. “Don’t look, sir. Please, it’s better if you don’t.”
Perhaps he was right. What Obi-Wan had seen had been enough. A long, tube-like needle had been inserted into Anakin’s arm and he’d seen it move under his skin, making its way up and up… And then Kix had had some men cut off his clothing, leaving him bare from the waist up. Obi-Wan had been able to see burns, and what might’ve been swelling all through Anakin’s chest.
But he had turned his head even as Cody held him fast, seeing as Kix sliced between two of Anakin’s ribs, and had been handed a tube.
Oh hell.
He was forced to fly back to the battleships in a different gunship than Anakin. He would’ve gotten in the way. All the while, he could feel his former Padawan through the Force, feel his suffering even in his unconscious state.
All this was in Obi-Wan’s mind as he continued to pace.
What were they doing in there? More surgeries? Applying bacta? Obi-Wan had to admit that despite his medical field training and the technology available to him, he didn’t know much about what they were doing to Anakin to help him. He didn’t even know what was wrong with him. He’d just seen the injuries, but he knew some were internal.
He was worried about his ears as well, had seen all the blood that had come from them.
His comms blinked on his arm, and after a deep, exhausted sigh, he answered it. “Master Kenobi here.”
“Master,” Mace Windu addressed him through the comms, “the Council has been awaiting your report. You’re late.”
“My apologies, Master. Anakin was injured.”
“Will he be alright?”
Obi-Wan was surprised by Master Windu asking that seeing as he’d never really liked Anakin, but he supposed, to lose a Jedi, one of their members, it would be a great loss.
“We can only hope. I’ll report from the Resolute. Tell the Council I’ll be just a few minutes.”
“Of course.”
The line went quiet, and after glancing back at the doors to the medical bay once more, stomach churning, Obi-Wan made for the central communications room near the observation deck.
It wasn’t till after giving his report that Obi-Wan realized how filthy he was, so he found a fresher to shower in. He didn’t have fresh robes to change into afterwards, but he would have to make do.
When he left the compartment, Ahsoka was running towards him.
“Master, Kix and the medical droids say we can go see Skyguy.”
The two of them took off down the passageway together, not bothering to pretend to be the poised Jedi they were supposed to be.
They stayed by Anakin’s bedside. The right side of him was patched up in bacta soaked bandages. His left arm was still above his head as it had been earlier when Kix had… No, Obi-Wan couldn’t even think of it.
But he did, remembering the tube being placed in Anakin’s side. He swallowed roughly, feeling weak and shaky all of a sudden.
There were some kind of small wads of bandages in Anakin’s ears, and other parts of him were patched up. His neck was supported by a brace, and he was breathing through an oxygen mask. An intravenous tube and syringe was held in place in his left arm with an adhesive. Obi-Wan glanced at the bag of liquid hanging above his bunk, wondering what kind of medicines were mixed in with the water they were giving him.
Ahsoka tried to reach out for Anakin, but then pulled her hand back, realizing he was probably too injured to be touched. Obi-Wan wanted to hold his hand, and, realizing it was doable, he did the right thing, and took Ahsoka’s hand, putting it in Anakin’s.
There was no reaction from his former Padawan, but Ahsoka gave a slight nod of thanks all the same.
“Hey, Skyguy. Wake up soon, okay? We need you.”
Obi-Wan said nothing, not sure he felt comfortable sharing the deep truth of his attachment to Anakin in front of Ahsoka. But he stayed with him.
He’d taken a few minutes to look over the diagnostics report, and once again, he felt sick to his stomach.
Anakin had perforated eardrums, a concussion, burns, and had had pulmonary barotrauma. Obi-Wan began to suspect that Anakin would not wake this day.
So, with a heavy heart, he went back to the Negotiator, bidding Ahsoka farewell, and telling an unconscious Anakin that he would be back as soon as he could.
Obi-Wan was on the battlefield when he learned through the comms that Anakin was awake.
He tried to finish the battle in a blind rush, not quite sure how to focus. His distraction earned him a glancing blow with a blaster bolt on his left shoulder. But he was able to keep fighting, and the 212th did its job spectacularly.
The battle ended with only minimal casualties and Obi-Wan demanded he be brought to the Resolute, not at all caring for his own injury. He was probably bruised in a few places seeing as he’d gotten banged up a bit as well, but still, he didn’t care. And his shoulder would be fine. It was just a scratch.
Once aboard the Resolute, ignoring pleas from Kix to get checked out, he rushed to the medical bay, straight to Anakin.
Ahsoka was already with him, covered in sweat and dirt from her own fighting. Obi-Wan gave a wave that Anakin weakly returned. Obi-Wan was surprised by Ahsoka’ grim expression that he noticed when he drew closer. She was uneasy, the Force wavering around her. And around Anakin there was a darkness, like a wall of some sort. It was thin though, and Obi-Wan prodded at it. To his surprise that earned him a pained look from Anakin that quickly turned into a glare.
He was baffled, and had opened his mouth to say something, when Ahsoka rudely grabbed his wrist and pulled him aside.
“Ahsoka!” he admonished.
“Master, there’s something you need to know.”
Obi-Wan, forgetting about the blaster injury, tried to cross his arms. He grimaced as pain flared through him, and he settled for putting one hand on his chin.
“Yes, what is it?” he asked, not at all happy that he was being held up from speaking with Anakin.
“Kix ran some tests earlier, and… Well, Anakin can’t hear.”
Obi-Wan turned to his former Padawan and frowned. Anakin just turned one side of his mouth down, probably sensing what they were talking about.
“I thought his eardrums had been operated on.”
“They were, but it’ll take some time before they’re fully healed.”
“So he will eventually be able to hear again?”
Ahsoka nodded. “Kix thinks so.”
Obi-Wan’s mouth set into a grim line.
So Anakin would be out of commission awhile longer. But worse than that, Obi-Wan couldn’t just go over and say hello to him.
“Thank you for telling me,” he said.
Ahsoka left, and Obi-Wan went to Anakin’s side. He offered him a reassuring smile.
“Sorry I can’t hear you,” Anakin said, his voice too loud.
Obi-Wan just grasped his hand and shook his head, a sign to not worry. He sent him a comforting pulse through the Force, and it retreated into the wall around Anakin, weakening it. His current deafness was probably what was causing the wall and darkness. Obi-Wan couldn’t blame him. Still, he didn’t like it.
Obi-Wan called over a droid and had it bring him a datapad so he could communicate with Anakin.
How are you feeling? he typed.
“Besides the ears, you mean?” Anakin asked, voice still too loud.
Obi-Wan nodded.
“Everything hurts, and I’m surprised I’m not dead. Am I dead?”
No, Anakin. You’re quite alive, thank the Force. And Kix. He worked quickly. He might be the only reason you’re able to speak with me right now.
Anakin’s eyes were wide at this, and then he tried to shift, but grunted in pain.
“I’ll have to thank him.”
His eyes roved over him, and then they fixed on his injured shoulder. Obi-Wan tried to hide it with his hand, but that just had pain going up into his neck, and wrapping around to his shoulder blade. It went down to his biceps, as well. Force, maybe he should’ve gotten this taken care of already. It could scar.
“Master, you’re hurt!”
“It’s nothing,” Obi-Wan said aloud, and then realized his mistake.
Anakin looked on with confusion, and then frustration.
Obi-Wan tried to take the datapad and write to him on it, but he smeared his own blood on the screen.
“Get that taken care of,” Anakin told him.
“No buts.”
Obi-Wan gave a small smile, realizing he’d spoken out loud once more, but Anakin knew him well enough to properly respond. Of course he knew what he was going to say.
As an answer, he nodded his head, squeezed Anakin’s hand, and then let a medical droid take him away.
Four battleships from the Separatist fleet had split off and were heading towards Geonosis. The 501st and 212th had been sent to intercept them. Word was that General Grievous was on the flagship.
R2-D2 beeped at Anakin excitedly as he flew his fighter towards oncoming vulture droids. It was just like the little astromech to get all excited about having Anakin back in the fight.
“Yeah, I missed you too, Artoo.”
Over the comms, he heard Obi-Wan’s voice. “Anakin. Come in, Anakin. Can you hear me?”
Anakin grinned. “Reading you loud and clear, Master.”
And oh, how good it was to hear Obi-Wan’s voice, to be back out in the fight. It had taken long soaks in bacta tanks and much more treatment for him to be battle ready again. Now, with only minimal pain from his burn scars, he was ready to get back into the thick of things.
“It’s good to have you back,” his former master told him, and Anakin could picture the wide smile on his face.
“Good to be back. Now let’s turn Grievous into spare parts.”
“Patience, Anakin.”
Anakin engaged a vulture droid, spinning to avoid blaster fire. Artoo gave a shrill screech.
“I’ve been patient enough,” he said. Then he tuned in the comms for some of his men. “Blue Leader, follow me on the left. Hit those vulture droids with all you got.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Don’t be reckless!” Obi-Wan admonished.
“Hey, I didn’t get my hearing back just so you could insult me.”
“No, you got it back so you could make my life a living hell.”
“And proud of it, Master.”
Explosions flared all around him as vulture droids were destroyed, and the blackness of space was lit up with green and red blaster fire. Everything was too loud in Anakin’s newly-healed ears as they got into the thick of battle, but at least he could hear again. He hoped to not have another incident with a bomb for quite some time. And right now as he fired on the enemy, his day was going splendidly.
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elianthvia · 3 years
7 Reasons Why I Quit
(only for a little bit)
It has, alas, been another few weeks since I posted. I have an excuse for my unpunctuality: I've been spinning non-stop like a top. The conclusion of the last Zoomester and the start of summer are to blame. I have seven partners in crime.
Culprit 1: Puppetry Workshop
Towards the end of the year, DTI (Design Thinking Initiative), in collaboration with the Theatre Shop, hosted an in-person puppetry workshop where a small number of people could participate per covid protocols. In-person events were few and far between this semester, so of course I rushed to sign up. The workshop ran for about 2 hours on three consecutive Mondays. We met in the theatre shop inside Mendenhall Center for Performing Arts.  
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The first day we made shadow puppets (and mine was a bee); the second day we made hand puppets (mine was a ... cyclop ghost king?); the third day we made marionette or string puppets (I attempted to make a teru teru bōzu, but everyone thought it a ghost). I had a lot of fun trying different fabrics, re-learning how to use a bandsaw, and magically joining things together with the help of a hot glue gun. (Side note: Polymer chemistry is the magician behind the scene, and I will be learning more about the science of hot glue guns in the polymer class I am taking next semester!) The workshop was surprisingly not as popular as I anticipated, maybe because people were busy as the semester came to a close. The good news is that DTI will be running the workshop again in the fall so more people will get to participate.
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(Is she a ghost or teru teru bōzu?)
Culprit 2: Spring Piano Recital
I did not expect to attend a live concert this semester, but I was invited to the spring piano recital as a "special guest." It is a habit I developed while working as a concert crew at Sage, to sit outside the Sweeney Concert Hall and listen to the rehearsals after I finished setting up the stage. That day I was going to do homework outside the concert hall while waiting for my performing friend to finish. The piano instructor spotted me and asked me if I wanted to join. Disbelieving in my good luck, I accepted the invite. About ten students were scattered in the almost empty concert that felt sad and lonesome, but soon music filled the air. I thoroughly enjoyed every performance. Lots of Chopin were played, but my favorite one is Rhapsody in Blue which just entered the public domain this year. All pieces are about or more than a century old, which is not a surprise, but refreshingly, there is a piece by a female composer, Amy Beach, whose granduncle co-founded Bates College. You can find the full program here.
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Culprit 3: End of Classes
The end of classes was epitomized by professor-resembling pixels on our computer screens bidding us goodbye. Usually professors would plan something fun for the last day of classes, virtually as well. 
I remember last semester my Multivariable Calculus professor changed his virtual background to a wall of donuts, explaining that during the pre-pandemic times he used to bring a box of donuts for students on the last day. This semester in Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers, we explored the applications of Fourier Transform by looking at the velocity of a star and detecting the number of planets around it. Our last Circuit Theory lab was in person, where we got to listen to a song/piece of our own choice through the low pass filter and the high pass filter pictured below. The professor handed out prizes (cool items she accumulated in conferences) to students to reward them for their participation in the pre-class trivia games. I received a mini glow moon. In addition, our circuits professor left out end-of-class fun packs with origami papers and stickers outside her office. Our last Organic Chemistry lab was also in-person, where each lab group presented their experiments and findings (through a projector rather than Zoom screen share!) My presentation group decided to dress up for this special occasion after a long year of virtual school. Lastly, for Organic Chemistry, we played organic chemistry jeopardy in our last lecture.
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With all the professors wishing you a happy summer, you start daydreaming about the sunny beach and breezy wind. Oh wait, you still have final exams to take. All in three days!
Culprit 4: Final Examinations
This semester we had a three-day final exam study period (or reading period) when professors are not allowed to assign any homework or set deadlines. Right after the reading period is our final exams. Smith is known for its flexibility when it comes to exams thanks to its Honor Code system. Many exams are self-scheduled. Some are open-notes, and some are untimed. In a normal year, students go to Seelye Hall to print out and take the exams when they feel prepared. 
For the classes I am taking this semester, I had three hours to take my Math Methods final, a whole day to take the Circuits Theory final, and the entire finals period to take my Organic Chemistry I final. Besides the exams, I had several other writing assignments to turn in. I was very fatigued at the end of the semester, so even though I only had three exams, I struggled to muster up mental energy to study. To make things worse, I got my second Pfizer shot during the reading period and had a pretty bad reaction. As a result, I asked the class dean to give me an extension on an exam, which was generously granted, and I was gratefully less overwhelmed.
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Culprit 5: SmithCycle
The finals are now over, but my vacation didn't start yet. I am staying on campus for a few extra weeks to work for SmithCycle. SmithCycle is a program that collects, sorts and redistributes gently used dorm items students donate in the move-out process at the end of each school year. It gives purpose to items of reusable value and creates a more sustainable campus. In the past week, we have collected hundreds of bags (no exaggerations!) of items. Besides clothes, books, school and dorm supplies, some of the unexpected items include coffee makers, brand new water filters, and a monitor. One of my coworkers commented that first-years shouldn't have to shop clothes hangers again while they were going through three boxes of donated hangers.
The winter clothes we collected are going to the International Students and Scholars Office. They have an event called Winter Clothes Closet every fall where international students "shop" for free to help them get accustomed to the New England weather. School supplies will be moved into the Common Goods Resources Center which CEEDS hopes to launch in Fall 2021 (very exciting!). I cannot plug SmithCycle enough. If you are an incoming first-year, visit the Common Goods Resources center before you head to Target! 
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I have always been interested in sustainability and renewable energy and want to get more involved. When I saw the SmithCycle worker position posted on Workday, I immediately applied. Every SmithCycle worker's job varies. I am mainly responsible for washing and drying the linens and blankets. When waiting for the washer and dryer, I help with unloading the van that circulates between houses to pick up bags of donations. I also help with sorting. Pictured below is the inside of Scott Gym where all the items are currently stored.
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Culprit 7: Summer Housing
As college transitions into summer, students who are staying on campus for some part of the summer had to move out of their spring housing assignment into their summer housing. I moved from Chapin, the house in central campus, to Capen, which is on the periphery of Smith. I know Chapin and Capen sound alike, but they are very different houses location-wise and personality-wise! To make up for its distance to the academic buildings, Capen House has its own garden, Capen Garden. The garden a gorgeous place many current Smithies are missing out on. There is a mini fountain, hedges, a garden temple, a plant arch, and a bizarre owl statue. Look at the last picture of the garden in this blog, and you will agree with me that the Paradise Pond is overrated.  
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Built in 1825 and acquired by Smith in 1921, Capen House is named after Bessie Capen, the second woman to be admitted to MIT. She taught chemistry at Smith College. Fun fact: Bessie Capen was once the associate principal of the Mary A. Burnham School for Girls, now Stoneleigh-Burham School; I went there for horseback riding lessons during my first year at Smith. Small world, right?
Case Closed
Thanks for reading this long-ish explanation. I hope my tardiness in delivering this post may be justified by the causes above. To compensate, I will write about my other summer plans and updates in the next few weeks. Stay tuned! Meanwhile, enjoy your summer!
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f1 · 2 years
F1 owners furious with FIA over presidents inflated valuation comment
Liberty Media-owned Formula One has accused the FIA president, Mohammed Ben Sulayem, of interfering with its commercial rights by publicly questioning a reported $20bn (£16.2bn) valuation of the sport. Ben Sulayem, elected in 2021 to the top job at Formula One’s governing body, took to Twitter on Monday after Bloomberg reported Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) explored a bid for more than that amount. “As the custodians of motorsport, the FIA, as a non-profit organisation, is cautious about alleged inflated price tags of $20bn being put on F1,” Ben Sulayem said on his personal account. “Any potential buyer is advised to apply common sense, consider the greater good of the sport and come with a clear, sustainable plan – not just a lot of money.” He suggested the FIA had a duty to consider the possible negative impact on fans and promoters, who might have to pay more. The comments followed his support this month for Michael Andretti’s bid to enter an 11th team on the grid – a move most existing teams are resistant to because of the dilution of revenues. They also fuel the sense of an emerging turf war between the governing body and a commercial rights holder eager to grow an expanding and increasingly popular championship in new directions. Sky Sports News reported that Formula One’s legal head, Sacha Woodward Hill, and Liberty Media counterpart, Renee Wilm, had sent a joint letter to the FIA accusing the governing body of exceeding its remit. The FIA ultimately owns the rights to the championship but signed them over to former supremo Bernie Ecclestone’s Formula One Management in a 100-year deal in 2001 as part of a separation of commercial and regulatory activities. “The FIA has given unequivocal undertakings that it will not do anything to prejudice the ownership, management and/or exploitation of those rights,” Sky quoted Formula One’s letter as saying. “We consider that those comments, made from the FIA president’s official social media account, interfere with those rights in an unacceptable manner.” The letter, sent to the FIA’s World Motor Sport Council, said the comments risked exposure to “serious regulatory consequences” and the FIA could also be liable. “Any individual or organisation commenting on the value of a listed entity or its subsidiaries, especially claiming or implying possession of inside knowledge while doing so, risks causing substantial damage to the shareholders and investors of that entity,” they said. Sources confirmed to Reuters that the details were correct and teams received copies of the letter on Tuesday from the F1 chief executive, Stefano Domenicali. There was no comment from Formula One and no immediate response from the FIA. via Formula One | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/sport/formulaone
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ogbonnaohakwe · 4 years
How To Make Money Freelancing Online In 2021: The Definitive Guide
This is the beginner guide on How To Make Money Freelancing Online In 2021: The Definite Guide Part 1.
Freelancing can end up being a great way to make money for individuals who do it part-time or full-time. The way to make money freelancing is to be dedicated and create a good reputation. Without these two things, it will be hard to find jobs and generate new ones in the future. There are a lot of different types of freelancers out there; including web design individuals, people who have blogs, and writers. How to make money freelancing in Nigeria in simple steps. With all of these opportunities, there are a lot of ways on how to make money freelancing for anyone who has the skills.
Freelancing is probably one of the most well-known ways of making money online. It is by no means the only way but if you have a skill that you can offer others, such as writing, editing, photography, graphic design, or many others, you can become a freelancer. Just choose something you are good at or have a passion for doing and you should be able to make money doing it.
How To Make Money Freelancing, Probably one of the best ways to get started is to look into reputable freelancing sites like Upwork.com, Fiverr.com, or even PeoplePerHour.com that connect skilled freelancers with individuals who want to hire them. There are a few of these and you should take a look at three or four of them at least.
Most of these sites have both free membership and paid memberships. Once you find one or two that have a layout and system that appeals to you, get a free membership and start bidding on projects. You should be able to get a job or two and this will be enough to let you figure out which site is your favorite.
Generally it is recommended that you stick with just one site – especially if you are going to become a paying member. There should be more than enough work on just one of the big sites to keep you making money online, so there is no reason to pay for more than one membership.
A lot of people are intimidated by the idea of getting onto a bidding site and competing with other freelancers for work, but you really shouldn’t be. It is true that you won’t win every project – in fact, you may only get one in every five or ten – but the important thing is that you bid what you think you are worth. Some freelancers think that in How To Make Money Freelancing, undercutting everyone else is the best way to win jobs. But most buyers are more likely to go with the provider who gives a reasonable bid and crafts a good proposal than the provider who just has the lowest price.
As you complete jobs and get the feedback you will become more comfortable with your timetables and prices. This will make it easier and easier for you to get jobs. How To Make Money Freelancing 2021 guides
This also applies to the other common method of finding freelance work – having your own website. By creating a website or blog about yourself and the services you offer, you are basically setting up a sales page for yourself. Many freelancers will say that their website is their most important tool.
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You don’t have to have a website right away, especially if you are still figuring out exactly what kind of services you want to offer. But you should consider getting one as soon as possible. This is because you can reach out and introduce yourself to potential clients as well as stay in contact with established clients.
While becoming a freelancer may seem like a big challenge, the fact is that it is something that anyone with selling skills can do. If you start small and on a part-time basis you shouldn’t have any trouble finding your strengths and moving up to bigger projects and paychecks.
Some people may ask these questions on hot to make money freelancing online:
How can I make $100 a day on the internet?
Here are the sure ways to make $100 a day online freelancing: Start a dropshipping store Run a print-on-demand store Sell custom products online Sell handmade crafts on Etsy Sell products on Amazon Create digital products Start an affiliate marketing business Build online courses Sell freelance services
How can I make money right now?
Start a Shopify ecommerce store and sell dropshipping products online Sell virtual assistant or freelance services on websites like Fiverr or Upwork Sell used stuff on Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace Do micro-tasks on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk program Tutor kids online in English Rent your unused space on Airbnb Drive for Uber or Lyft Create information products Become a Tasker on TaskRabbit Trade in items on Gazelle or Amazon for gift cards
There many ways you can make money online in Nigeria from freelancing and doing affiliate marketing.
Important Steps On How To Make Money Freelancing Online In 2021
Discover the most crucial steps on how to make money freelancing online, although there are too many steps to take, below are the listed and most comprehensive steps to follow to make money freelancing online in Nigeria.
Advertise on Existing Websites:
How to make money freelancing online in 2021 is by advertising your skills on an existing website to attract clients to your profile and work. People who already have their own website can easily generate more money each month by advertising on it. There are a lot of potential advertisers that will pay website owners to advertise their brand or product. This could be a blogger giving away free products that the company sends in or simply putting up some banner ads. When more people click on the banner ad, more money will be made. Website owners who use advertisers that will target their regular visitors have really good earning potential. A good example of such site you can join in Nigeria is Expertanire.com
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Join a Freelancing Website:
Freelancers can easily find new jobs by joining websites that are designed for them. These are free for most members to join, although there might be fees associated with jobs once they are completed. People who need work done will post their job up on the site for all freelancers to see. Individuals who are interested can easily bid on the project if they are qualified. The poster will then be able to look at the profile of the freelancers who bid on the job to see who the best choice is. Although this can be competitive, it’s a great way to make money online for anyone who has a special skill.
Start a Website And Teach:
Anyone who has special skills can easily teach others how to use them online. Like my website, you can see that I offer different services and mentorship programs, you might want to check it out. This could be via a newsletter or even through video sessions on Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, etc. Most people are willing to pay for these things because they are less expensive than taking a real class in person. Freelancers who are skilled and can teach others will have a lot of earning potential online. When more people find out about the classes this will increase the number of people who desire the service.
Become A Writer
There are a lot of different websites that allow freelance writers to join for absolutely no cost to them. They can then find people to write for and get paid whenever the articles are accepted. These websites vary in how they work. Some writing websites are meant for writers to find random people to create articles for. Other sites are meant for writers to find regular people they can work for all the time. The pay will vary based on the types of articles that are written, how long they are, and a lot of other factors. An example of such a site is Fiverr.com
Selling Products
Some freelancers can turn their knowledge of how the internet works into large profits just by selling things! There are a lot of different websites that allow people to sell products to people all over the world. This could be through an auction site like eBay or a marketplace like Amazon; there are a lot of different choices out there. If someone is good at selling and knows how to navigate through the site, they can end up making a lot of money.
There are even photography websites where photographers can sell their pictures to websites or just list them for buyers to find. In addition to this, there are art websites where artists can sell their creations to buyers who want unique items. The best part about these is that sellers can set their own prices for each of the different pieces. A lot of people have made businesses out of these types of websites.
Like in this my website, I created a space where I sell all my digital products, from courses and books some freelancers or digital marketers do create a section on their blog where they sell eBooks and Videos as well, I think you should give it a shot, it worth trying
Read more: https://ogbonnaohakwe.com.ng/how-to-make-money-freelancing-online/
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