sandumilfshou · 9 months
still kind of insane to me that people talk shit about jiang cheng without fully understanding what he has been through so lets just understand what his mental state is like BEFORE canon begins:
born via a dysfunctional marriage to be the sect heir
father doesnt care for him, mother expects too much from him/everything he does is not enough
has his three dogs just kicked out randomly with no notice because of some kid he's never heard of by the father who never gave him love and/or attention
said father then favours this kid more than him, to the point that the entire world basically thinks that this kid is biologically your father's son as well, which causes even more family dysfunction
despite this still learns to love this kid as his unofficial brother
works his absolute hardest but is always second-best because his new shixiong is naturally talented
nobody appreciates the hard work he puts in at being second place despite the fact wwx literally doesnt work hard for it
masks his emotions with anger as a coping mechanism to minimise the amount of hurt he feels
ok great so now lets actually take all of the above and apply this mental wellbeing to canon events FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE (keep in mind this is literally what jc is seeing/experiencing because he DOESNT KNOW what the reader knows):
brother is off being the protagonist and getting in trouble and gets their sisters marriage ruined
comes home from a year away and then almost immediately has to go and be a hostage where brother continues his protagonist behaviour
gets trapped and nearly dies in a cave with a 400-year-old monster, is in charge of finding a way out and making sure everyone else escapes
brother and a guy who maybe hates him get stuck behind in the cave so now jiang cheng has to boost it home ON FOOT, without food, to get manpower to rescue them, which takes a minimum of a few days likely without any food or sleep
no appreciation or thanks for doing that since brother was more heroic and killed the 400-year-old monster
gets scolded by his father for being annoyed by this
parents immediately get into another fight about father loving wwx more than jc
because of the above shenanigans their sect is targeted next
tries to defend brother against being whipped to death and/or having his hand cut off by mother
witnesses his entire sect being burned and murdered
loses both his parents
decides to sacrifice himself to save his brother's life, instead of dying he is tortured and has his golden core melted
on top of his inferiority issues, the ONE THING he was expected to do was be the sect leader for the yunmeng jiang. the sect that no longer exists. he is now a sect leader with no sect and no golden core. no shit he wants to mcfuckin die
miraculously gets a new golden core but loses his brother
immediately plunged into a war and he's only like 17
spends 3 months trying to find his brother only for his brother to show up doing the Forbidden Magic and necromancy which is Super Disrespectful in their culture like holy shit what are you doing
brother refuses to use his sword in favour of the Forbidden Magics and kind of keeps undermining jc's orders as sect leader which makes jc look weak in front of all the other sect leaders when he's actively trying to rebuild their sect and be respected as a leader
fights a war for [handwaves] an amount of time, certainly a few years minimum, while watching his brother descend further into Unhealthy Behaviour but brother refuses to do anything or talk about it
ends up lowkey being a war hero
the other three great sects (of which there are now only four) swear brotherhood, leaving out ONLY ymj/jiang cheng, which, what the Fuck dude
is now a teenager who has lost his parents who now has to rebuild his sect from scratch with fuck all money, supplies, and support
brother, who promised to always be at his side helping, is not helping, and in fact is actively just getting drunk and being a nuisance and STILL REFUSING TO SAY WHY
entire cultivation world starts to turn on his brother who is now looking like a loose cannon bc he has Forbidden Magics that are Terrifyingly Powerful and also it has been proven that he does not give a fuck about jc's opinion since he's constantly doing whatever the fuck he wants
literally out of nowhere said brother decides to piss off everyone, start fights, and then KILL JIN GUARDS at a camp and MAKE OFF with like fifty people who are part of the family that he just fought a war against and were responsible for slaughtering his family/sect
go to the terrifying haunted mountain where wwx and the wen remnants are and sees that he's essentially starting a new family with a kid and crops, doesn't seem to care that jiang cheng is still trying to keep the ymj afloat and look like they have any strength
brother is still doing Forbidden Magic and refuses to explain why, and now says he'll secede from the ymj so his bad reputation doesn't reflect on jc like he HASNT BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE TIME
so now shixiong wants to just abandon jc completely after jc has lost his parents, had to rebuild everything from scratch, while ignoring the promise he's made their whole life? ok fuck you
jc also can't defend him in public because that would turn the ymj into a target and please keep in mind he is a teenager who was expected to do this ONE THING by his parents and he has poured his heart and soul and blood and tears into rebuilding the ymj and they are So Vulnerable Right Now
uhhh what the fuck suddenly wwx kills their sister's husband ?? bro what the FUCK?
everyone rallies to go and attack wwx for this and again jc literally cant do anything about it and refusing to go will just make everyone assume he's on wwx's side and their sect can't afford to be attacked rn
bro what the fuck now THEIR SISTER IS DEAD?????
oh even better now said brother is DEAD
jiang cheng literally has NO ONE LEFT. no friends. no family. no parents, no siblings, everyone he knew growing up is dead. its literally just him and his infant nephew, who by the way, is living with the sect who are the most powerful and also most likely to be super fucking shady so jc has to tread very carefully
so jc spends over a decade raising his nephew ALONE while trying to make ymj powerful and also hunting/killing demonic cultivators that now p much only exist bc his brother invented/popularised the technique
oh yeah and also this whole time the guy who maybe hated his brother is now like EVEN colder and more antagonistic towards jc like it was HIS FAULT that wwx is dead? get fucked lan wangji you didnt even like the guy (or if this is cql/untamed canon: you literally did nothing either so where do you get off on acting like you're better than jc)
over a decade passes and suddenly his dead brother is alive again and causing more problems and acting like the things he did were not major contributors towards jc's entire family and sect dying
More Political Drama Happens and jc has to manage it
suddenly its revealed that the guy he's been co-raising his nephew with is the major villain who caused the entire world to turn on wwx in the first place oh and also it turns out that the fucking miraculous core jc has IS HIS BROTHER'S, WHO NEVER SAID ANYTHING, AND THIS IS THE REASON HE STARTED THE FORBIDDEN MAGICS AND STOPPED HELPING AROUND THE SECT, but he didnt even BOTHER to tell jiang cheng about it
by the way did i mention this was done via an entirely unconsented experimental surgery
and now the brother of the doctor who did the unconsented experimental surgery is ?? mad at jiang cheng about it ???? like he was supposed to KNOW ABOUT THIS when wwx was KEEPING IT FROM HIM ON PURPOSE???
and now theyre all nearly dying in this dumbass temple - and the ONE family member jc still has is literally being threatened with a garotte
oh cool now jc's brother is saying forget the past let's just leave it all behind !!! as though THAT ISNT JC'S ENTIRE LIFE AND TRAUMA and the ONE THING he EVER wanted was for him, wwx, and jyl to be alive and happy, and now wwx is saying just forget it! like FUCK YOU???? does jc truly mean NOTHING???????
oh and now his brother is off gallivanting with the guy who hated him - who it turns out doesn't hate him - and now they're getting married
and jiang cheng is meant to just. pretend all of this never happened and live his life normally. while wwx is out there. being happy and married.
like... if you can read all of this and still treat jc like he's the bad guy, i'm sorry, but you have literally zero empathy. dude had it probably more rough than any of the other main ensemble cast, and i am including jgy in that, because jgy Made His Choices. jc literally just had to let things happen around him helplessly
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revoevokukil · 3 months
Hey! I hope you're doing well. I wanted to ask if you have any thoughts on Esterhazy, the master swordsmith from Fano?He gave Ciri a sword, and the name of the sword as well as the patterns carved on the blade both have significant implications. Additionally, his lines are quite profound. I'd love to hear your insights!
Thanks for asking.
One, Esterhazy is a decent man. He abhors violence and maltreatment, but is sober enough to realise he can only demand others respect his morals under his own roof, in the space he can control (he has hired protection at his beck and call). In meeting Ciri, he realizes very quickly what kind of fate awaits her in Bonhart's hands. Perhaps he has been Bonhart's supplier in the past and has heard of his dealings in more detail. At any rate, in gifting the sword to Ciri, Esterhazy does try, in his own way, to instil hope. It's as if to tell Ciri: embrace hope, not death. (The irony: Ciri has long been placing hope in learning to kill, and now it has caught up with her. She will die in one manner or another as long as a sword's purpose guides her hand, but she is equally doomed without it, and with no choices left to her at all.)
Two, the sentiment accompanying the gifting of this sword in particular is... interesting. After all, for either ending it or ending your enemies, any blade would do, but this blade is laden with symbolism. And serves as a guideline of sorts. Esterhazy says: "So that what is to come about, will come about." Very profound for a swordsmith, however, as already noted, Esterhazy guesses at what awaits Ciri, so this could simply be a piece of depressing fatalism tinged with hidden hope that Ciri will prevail somehow after all. On the other hand, the Tower of the Swallow follows Ciri's journey to Tor Zireael - a kind of "going within herself?" because in her war both death and hope. And to that end, another person says something to the exact same effect as Esterhazy: 'Whatever is destined must occur.' 'So what must occur?' 'Whatever is destined to.' It is in Ciri's hands, but it isn't like the plot and characters in this story aren't helping her along. Sometimes actively so. You just got to wonder: what a profound coincidence that there was exactly this sword with exactly this history and exactly this etching and symbolism at exactly this swordsmith's workshop.
Then again, it could just be the seams of Sapkowski's storytelling flashing themselves unabashedly - here, witcher girl, future Lady of the Lake, here be your very own magical sword into which is wrapped your entire character concept.
Three, that sword's origins are suitably shady for speculation. For one, the blade is over 200 years old. It's from an era when elves still held some power in that part of the world. It's a gnomish gwyhyr, but the finishing (including the etchings?) is more recent, made by the gnomes of Tir Tochair to Esterhazy's order. The choice of etching is interesting, because it pays tribute to the doom of the Elder Races - who are into tarot? - and the elves in particular via their mandala. Blathan caerme, garland of destiny: stylised oak blossom, bridewort and broom flower. A cosmic truth? Another circular item connoting cyclicality and recurrence, like the Ouroboros, like the tor'ch, like the "loop of fate" Milva mentions in Baptism of Fire (i.e. time can repeat itself if you give it a chance by taking up the same place where/in which something has already happened before). The mandala negates or balances out the associations rising with the Tower, and is intended to make Ciri identify with the symbol lacing her name.
If Esterhazy ordered this etching as part of the finishing, then why? Perhaps as a tribute. Perhaps because Esterhazy, despite frowning on the loss of honour in a world where every oaf can draw a noble blade, is secretly an idealist. and very soberly aids along in placing meaningful swords in hands that seem like they could do meaningful things with them toward turning the tide, if only by a little. Or maybe the idea was placed in his head.
Four, Esterhazy's demeanour changes after Bonhart hisses he will force the girl to reveal her true identity before killing her. It's as if the swordsmith recognises the girl for someone. A doomed girl, for sure, but what if more than that? He says: 'I couldn’t guess who the sword was meant for and what it was to serve. Now I do.' Truthfully, Esterhazy considers Ciri very carefully ever since they enter his workshop. It could be due to the collar around Ciri's neck and the circumstances between her and Bonhart, of course, but I cannot help but wonder if Esterhazy has not heard a thing or two about elven prophecies or rumours about a girl like Ciri. After all, he commissioned the finishing of this blade and the finishing of this blade is a blatant lead that contributes to Ciri becoming convinced later on that she should head to the Tower of the Swallow. For how long has that blade been sitting in his inventory? Surely there would be other wealthy buyers for a gwyhyr like this? It's the same situation as with Buyvid Backhuysen's travel letter, which is a convenient book in a convenient place at a convenient time. Involving an elf who, apparently out of the goodness of his heart, shows pearls of elven interstellar architecture to the oinking humanity.
You cannot help but wonder.
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abhainnwhump · 3 months
IMYM Chapter 37
Nightmare's Labyrinth: Dream?
(Content warnings: Torture, psychological torture, hallucinations, eye gore, minor mouth gore, noncon body modification, hypnosis/mind control, child torture, injuries via glass, pseudo death, minor body horror, bad pun. Yippee! This chapter is fun.)
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Dream fell to the ground, and it was a miracle his bones didn’t break. His emaciated body trembled as he sat up and looked around. He tried to nap, but the portal opened beneath him snapped him out of it. They were in a hall made of gray bricks varying in shade. It seemed familiar, yet they couldn’t place why. He could’ve sworn the corridor was shifting, but that could’ve been his tired eye lights.
“Hell- hello? Core? Cross? Blue? Is anyone here?” Dream’s voice was raspy from lack of use and lack of water. His voice echoed through the corridor, but no one responded.
His body went cold like a coat of ice covered his body. Dream knew the feeling from anywhere, especially from the last month or so of torture. He looked down at the Anti-Magic cuffs on his wrists. They had been attached so long that they began to rub his wrists raw, leaving nasty wounds.
Nightmare’s smooth voice echoed through the space. “Welcome. welcome, my dear prisoners. I assume you have many questions about your current predicament. Let me explain. This is a challenge I came up with to deal with you. It’s a maze you must traverse to get to the other side. There is no time limit, so don't feel pressured to rush and hurt yourselves. The rules are simple, there are three. One, no magic allowed. However, you can have your weapons back.” The voice paused and Dream’s twin blades clattered down in front of them. They were useless as a bow since he had no arrows, magic or otherwise. 
“Two, you may team up with your friends if you see them. It’s not my fault nor the fault of anyone else if they’re . . . different. Three, the challenges will involve you challenging your moral compasses. Don’t be afraid to act a little selfish to survive. If you find your way out, you will be free to leave. If you don’t, you’ll still belong to me. Is that fair? Good. That’s what I assumed. Ta ta." The voice went silent, leaving Dream to only hear their own breathing.
“Nightmare . . . why.” Dream muttered. Sighing, he picked up the swords off the ground. He looked around for an exit but saw nothing. The only path was the corridor ahead. To freedom, to death, to better, or worse, Dream didn’t know. He didn’t have a choice. The hall was as cold as Nightmare’s soul. The walls were made of bricks tainted with purple. While his aura-sensing magic worked for a while since he was so powerful, it couldn’t anymore. They wished it did.
They watched for the others, cautious. He stopped and yelped as he felt something clench around his foot. He kicked and pulled it out of what appeared to be a large mouse trap. This place was booby-trapped. He still heard nothing of the others, no sign they were okay.
Dream walked a while longer until he came across a fork in the structure. Purple glitter shone on both paths, enchanting the maze. Dream’s gaze flipped between both paths. They feared one of them would lead him to a hole where he would fall to his death. Truthfully, compared to everything else, an eternity of falling through darkness sounded peaceful. Dream looked around and spotted some pebbles. He picked both of them up and threw them down the hall. They both bounced and made an equal amount of noise, equally safe, he wouldn't die yet. Dream hummed, taking the left path after a bit more thought.
What were these puzzles Nightmare spoke of? That's what worried Dream the most. He wasn't mentally prepared for the horrors his brother had up his sleeve. They had to get out, it may be their only way back home.
“I hate that octopus bruh . . .”
Epic trudged through the maze, muttering to himself. He squeezed his chicken to have something to do. The only thing to keep him interested was the hallways kept changing directions. He ignored the scuttles and creaks because he knew it was Nightmare trying to scare him. Or one of the Murder Time Trio members. Epic liked pranks, but those guys were just assholes. Was Nightmare serious about everyone being in here? Epic smirked. He wasn’t going to break, he told himself that a thousand times in his cell.
Two thuds caused him to turn. He didn’t see anything, he thought his nerves were taking over. Epic looked forward and footsteps ran up to him. When he turned around, no one was there. He could barely react before he accidentally stepped on a pressure plate and spikes ripped out of the ground, tearing into his coat and bones.
"Ow! What the heck?" Epic pulled his spiked and bleeding body from the trap. His clothes were all torn up and his jacket was shreds. He also bled from several bones. Epic shed the jacket off, it was useless now.
If it couldn't get any worse, ghosts surrounded him. They were pure black with purple eyes that looked so white. Epic squinted and felt sick. He recognized Alphy's tense and short figure anywhere. All these ghosts were the souls of the monsters Nightmare corrupted when he infected the AU. They muttered muddled words, either nonsense to disturb him or his final words.
You can make the guilt fade away, all you need to do is let your feelings go. A voice echoed through the hall, or maybe it was in his head. A sash appeared at his feet, melted from malice and whatever the floor was made of.
"What? I'm not doing that! Why would I blow up my dead friends? That'd make them double dead." Epic laughed and tried to make a joke, but it did affect him. The Omega Timeline was a great place to live, sure, but he missed his AU.
The shadows started to surround him, clawing at him and crying for his help. Epic pushed them aside. For some reason, his hand didn't go right through their bodies. It felt a solid surface, which made it worse when they could all grab and touch him, scratching up his bleeding body further. Epic kicked them aside, but it hurt since well, he knew these people. That was the guy he got drinks from every Tuesday. That was his coworker. That was his friend's girlfriend.
"Get off me! I tried to help you, but I couldn't save everyone! Leave me alone!" Epic looked at the grenades. That would only make him feel worse, right? Epic groaned and gave in, grabbing the sash and throwing a bomb at some shadows nearby. He squeezed his eye sockets shut so he wouldn't have to watch.
The shadow screamed way too humanly for his liking. He opened his eye sockets to notice he wasn't being attacked anymore. Epic looked around. The room went silent with only a shadow puddle where the bomb hit. He felt even guiltier than before. The malice that gave him the bomb sash before now summoned a white jacket with darker camo prints. It was even a trench coat like his old one with a new black turtleneck, how considerate! Epic switched out his clothes and noticed the ends of the sleeves at strange buttons on his palms. They were tiny black devices that reminded him of a web-slinger. The purple liquid with the drop sign on the bottom helped him figure out it was a poison blaster, one on each hand.
Epic stared down in one of the malice puddles and his hand slacked. His face had new scars across his nasal bridge and right cheek from the spikes. A teal swirl spun around inside, going right to his soul. Also going right to his soul was malice climbing up his body and eroding his soul. His worldview changed completely. As the voices said, all his feelings of guilt faded away. He wondered if he could finally sleep at night. Not a bad deal if he did say so himself.
He looked around and threw another bomb at some shadows. It screamed and ran away with a misty arm. Then he tried the poison blaster and stung one in the eyes with a yelp of pain. Epic began to laugh. Holy bruh, this was a lot of fun! He could wipe them out like one of the video games he used to play with Cross! He could even make fake points and have a score. Cross was going to love this, wherever he was.
Blue tried to keep his head up as he went through the maze. He was glad Nightmare let him keep his hammer. He kept it on his shoulder, swinging it slightly. He thought the maze switching around was fun if infuriating at times. It was more interesting than staring at the same gray stone walls every day. He held Error's scarf, which he started wearing after his murder. But he also found it weird he hadn’t seen anyone. Were the others okay?
“Dream! Cross! Epic! DREAM! Is anyone around?” Blue called into the darkness, but the only response he got was his echo. He worried about them. What if this was all a death trap? Blue had to watch his step to keep from setting off a spike trap or something else. He came across a gap in the middle of the floor and took a running jump. His left foot slipped, but he did make it over the edge. He accidentally stepped on a button and glass shot through his foot. He hissed, looking down at his red boot turning dark purple. How strong was that glass to break through his boots?
He paid more attention to the ground this time. He listened for any possible footsteps or screams. What if they were in danger? The knight tilted his head. He didn’t hear screams, but he did hear laughter.
Wait, laughter?
Blue cocked his head and walked faster. He traveled toward the sound until he came across a hallway. He walked through it, barely avoiding the malice crawling around on the floor.
He entered a palace so gray it was white. Blueish-white light shone through the windows. Queen Toriel sat on her throne, wearing a gold crown and a purple dress adorned with jewels. She held a sword across her lap. But that was only at the end of the massive hall. A long red rug lined the ground and barriers blocked off the side. Dozens of monsters stood and looked at him, expecting something. Blue squinted and noticed the banners lining the sides of the huge castle. The Deltarune sign? But that was only used in the royal guard ceremony! He knew this because he watched hundreds on TV when he was a babybones, dreaming he could be up there someday.
“Woah, a knighting ceremony? Home? But . . .” It was long gone. Blue knew that. His world was turned to dust by Error. Error kept him as a hostage, but grew attached. Thinking about Error made his soul ache, so he focused on the current moment.
Queen Toriel laughed. Blue hadn’t heard that sound in ages. She held a gloved hand out toward him. “Of course this is your home, this is your knighting ceremony. This is your moment, come here.”
“My knighting ceremony? Are you saying I got into the royal guard? Wowie . . ."
"Yes, you've proven yourself brave. Come here, hero."
Blue stepped a foot forward, but he hesitated. This could be one of those puzzles Nightmare talked about.
Stretch set his hand on his shoulder. Blue's older brother, he hadn't seen him in years and teared up. He still smoked and refused to get out of his orange hoodie. But Blue couldn't care less. “G’job, bro. You earned it. Go get yer reward, I'm here for you."
"Th- thanks." Blue stammered out. He took the chance and walked down the hall. No one seemed to mind he was a glitch with a mostly inverted color palette. When he made it to the end, he got down on one knee out of respect. Toriel laughed lightly and waved her finger. With magic, his unwashed old glitching armor turned into a fine set of royal guard gear. That . . . wasn't something she could do before, but oh well.
"I hereby knight Blue PopPrince as a member of the royal guard. You'll start tomorrow morning. You'll arrive each day at four in the morning, you'll train and fight from sunrise to sunset, you will never take the armor off, and you'll see your brother on holiday only. Most of all, you'll leave the Star Sanses. Your life is devoted to this cause alone. That's why it's an honor."
“Wait, what? This isn’t what I wanted!” Alarm bells went off in Blue's head, the ones trying to warn him earlier. That wasn't even right, he knew the guard guidebook by heart. He clawed at the armor, trying to pull it off, but it wouldn’t budge. It was like it was part of his bones. Blue screamed and kept trying to yank his gloves off, but it still didn’t do anything.
Toriel, or at least what he thought was Toriel, laughed the same laugh, but darker. "I thought it was. This is how the world works. Nothing is as we want. It's a miserable and cynical place, chasing our dreams will only lead to more heartbreak. You'll learn."
Toriel's face glitched into a spiral and malice crawled up his legs. It held him down and forced him to look. The malice that didn't restrain him swam into his soul and sucked the joy out of him. He still couldn't take the armor off.
As he stared into the teal swirl, Blue scrunched his face. It felt like weights pulling down his mouth and eyes and forcing his face into a permanent scowl. The strangest part was it felt . . . natural. He tried to look away, but something kept him looking. His friends and brother faded around him, including Toriel.
Blue blinked away the swirls now reflecting in his eye lights. His soul went cold and ached. He finally managed to look away. The room around him faded and he was back in the boring, dreary hallway. Blue scoffed at the walls. This place sucked. He still had the metal armor stuck on his body. Something in his head told him malice held it in place.
Cross paused at the sound of a scream, followed by a shifting a new hallway opening up. It had to be Epic, he could recognize his best friend’s voice from anywhere. Cross narrowed his gaze and bolted toward the hall. The halls shifted again and Cross focused on hearing in order to find him.
After Fresh and his home world, he wasn’t going to lose anyone else. Dream had already been falling mentally, along with himself. Cross jumped through a small opening and rolled on the floor. He finally spotted Epic on the floor, crouching with his hand covering his eye sockets.
Cross’s eye sockets darted around the room in case there were any traps. Coast was clear. He was expecting a torture chamber, but instead, it was a normal hall. Epic sat in the middle of it, scratching at his arms like he was covered in fleas. He didn't notice Cross at first, not even when he snapped his fingers to get his attention. Cross raised a browbone in suspicion. Just in case, he tightened his grip on his swords. Nightmare wouldn't let them find each other this easy, right? He hasn't even seen any of the 'puzzles' he boasted about.
Epic turned around and wiped his forehead with a dramatic sigh of relief. "Bruh! Finally! I was waiting for you to show up!
Cross relaxed when he spoke. It sounded like him, but something was still off. That wasn't Epic's normal jacket. He wore purple and black clothes, Cross had never seen him wear white camo in his life. Where did he even get it? Epic noticed his skepticism and laughed it off. "Got caught in some spikes and it ripped my coat to shreds. It's somewhere in that area." Cross gestured vaguely behind Cross. He looked back at where he pointed but saw nothing.
Epic picked up a sash from the ground. Shocking Cross, the whole thing was lined with grenades. "I got this too. Wanna see something cool? There are these shadow things around this area that are annoying as hell, but I figured out how to get rid of them. Watch and learn, Oreo."
Epic loaded a grenade and threw it up on a tripwire trap. Shadows of Epictale's citizens wandered around the place. Epic kicked the side of the wall. It set off a wire and the bomb rolled down onto the group of five creatures. It exploded and Epic covered the sides of his skull. Two of them flew against the wall and the others scattered and screamed, leaving what looked like Monster Kid to be charred. As Epic said, they disappeared.
"Bruh, their screams! They sound so desperate! It's one bomb, you're overreacting! Easy kill!" He braced himself on the wall to stop his laughter.
Cross wasn't as disturbed about the fact Epic blew up these . . . creatures, but his reaction. They've laughed at memes about dark humor or death, but directly someone's suffering? That was something Killer, Dust, and Horror would do. The confusion and disturbance must've shown on his face because Epic relaxed.
"Oh come on, that was a little funny. Live a little! I thought you liked my jokes!" Epic jabbed his elbow into Cross's side. Cross pushed him aside. Something was wrong with Epic, more than the clothes. Cross shook his head, making Epic roll his eye lights.
"Boring. Come on, one hit, give it a shot!" He held a bomb out for him. Cross pushed it away with gentle force. Epic frowned, dissatisfied. “Ooo, you still got your necklace! Maybe this will knock you out of your daze because I don't know bruh, but it's going to be fun." Epic pounced on Cross.
Cross tried to push him off, but Epic snuck around the back. He grabbed the necklace and dangled it in front of Cross to taunt him. "Aw, ya want this? Fetch!" He threw it far down the hallway.
Cross blinked in shock and grunted. He ran after and grabbed his locket as Epic laughed at him. He glared back at him, both out of anger and confusion. Nothing was broken. The pent-up rage mixed with the hope he could snap him out of it made him slap Epic in the face. It caught him off guard and made him clutch his cheekbone. Epic's eye lights lost the glaze for a brief moment and he looked scared. Then it turned cocky again, and Cross could tell he pissed him off.
"The hell is with you, bruh?" Epic asked. Cross got his act together and huffed, grabbing his friend by his collar and pulling him up.
Cross tried to explain he wanted to bring Epic out of there with hand gestures and sounds. Epic watched and shook his head, shoving him away. "I get whatcha trying to say, but no. What's the point? Not gonna lie, being this is a lot more fun than that rubber chicken I used. I betcha I could find better friends than you." He crossed his arms and slid down the wall, glaring at Cross. He stuck his tongue out at him.
Cross's eye socket twitched. He gave up on arguing, he wasn't listening like this. He planned to come back for Epic, but for now, he stormed off. He couldn't bring himself to leave him behind, even if he was acting like a complete prick for no reason. He had to snap back to his senses soon, Nightmare was inside his head. He wouldn't get inside his.
Nightmare nuzzled close to Ribbon as she cuddled into his lap, head leaning on his chest. Nightmare kissed her skull as he watched Cross leave Epic alone in the hall. Ribbon tilted her head with interest, taking a small handful of popcorn to eat. They sat in the fancy living room of his castle, relaxing on the black velvet couch on a dark wood floor.
He looked behind himself at the two souls strung up in black threads. They throbbed as liquid hatred covered them. One was a regular white monster soul and one was a black soul covered in glitches. Three more sets of threads hung empty. Killer poked Blue’s soul, Horror watched the footage with him and Ribbon, and Dust leaned against the wall. It was his idea to bring popcorn and treat the torment like a reality show. He believed that was what Dust called them. Nightmare never watched one.
“This is possibly the greatest idea I’ve ever had, don't you agree?” Nightmare inquired, enjoying watching them break and split from each other.
“Hey!” Ribbon argued.
“The second greatest idea I’ve ever had,” Nightmare corrected. He fed Ribbon another popcorn piece. He kept her under his jacket to use as a blanket. “You will always be my number one.”
Ribbon seemed satisfied with the answer and went back to watching the others suffer. Nightmare wrapped an arm around her. She seemed to enjoy the suffering as much as he was, what a perfect wife. He watched as Core tried to traverse their way through dirt, dust, and traps, Dream looked miserable, and Epic fell asleep. The traps were only there because he felt a little extra today. It sounded entertaining. He also decided to give them all new outfits. If they would be his toys, he decided how to use them.
Killer poked Blue’s soul again and this time, a screen appeared. Killer jumped back. “Shit! Boss? I think I broke it.”
Nightmare hummed and looked behind him. “Ah, you're fine. That’s simply a little extra spell I put on them so I can see through their eyes.” Nightmare snapped his fingers and one more appeared above Epic’s soul.
“Is it possible to get out? Or did you make it secretly the traps impossible to do?” Killer asked.
“It is possible. None of them have been smart enough to solve their puzzles though.” Nightmare smirked at the screen. “Which one do you think will make it out?”
“I’m betting twenty gold on Cross. He already doesn’t trust anyone, I bet he won’t get into his trap. He’s too smart for that.”
“None of them. You owe me and Horror twenty gold. each if he fails.” Dust muttered.
“Had hope for Blue but . . . not anymore." Horror added.
Nightmare looked down at Ribbon, curious for her answer. She just shrugged and lay her head back onto his chest. He didn’t need an answer. Ribbon’s comfort was enough to satisfy him. He looked back up at the screens and watched as the next prisoner fell to their trait.
Core Frisk figured out where they were a few steps after the announcement. (name) in the Omega Graveyard. It made them antsy. They were right there.
They squinted as they tried to see through Nightmare’s magic's block. If the negativity wasn’t enough, the Anti-Magic cuffs made their foresight useless. They didn’t care about that though. Their thoughts surrounded the Omega Timeline. The graveyard was only about five miles from the central and while they still had no clue what went down, it was bad. The second they got out of here, if they got out of here, they planned to rush back and save whoever was left.
Core was so lost in their thoughts about rescue and cooking Nightmare into sushi that they didn't notice the floor change. Instead of the dark stone, it was smooth, almost blue tile. The walls were the same texture. An archway with a sterile purple light glowed above them. Core walked onto a bridge and looked down, realizing where they were. It was pure white light, the color of the void. Undertale's CORE. They covered their mouth. The memories they tried to repress for decades. If this is what they thought it was, then they knew who was coming.
“Kid,” Sans said.
Core glanced to the side. They caught sight of their hands, which turned almost yellowish. Their sweater transformed from gray to blue and purple. They haven’t been in this position for a century, it was how they turned into an outcode. And when that happened, their mind stuffed this memory down as deep as possible. This trap made all those memories smack them in the face.
Sans kept his usual nonchalant smile as he walked onto the bridge. He kept his hands inside his blue jacket, but his look was different. Sans’ face was burned in Core’s mind, so they knew. His face blurred, like imagining a drawing but when it came time to put it on paper, it was confused.
“Sans?” Core asked. They took a step back. If this was what they thought it was, they had to get out of here.
"Heya, you've been causing a lot of problems, both for me and my friends. I hate to pick a bone with anyone, but this can't happen anymore. See ya." He raised his hand and blue magic surrounded Core. Sans' eye lit up blue and they threw Core into the white void below. They screamed and reached out as their body fell further and further into the abyss. As they fell through the top, their body stung like a million scissors cut into it.
Just as their hands faded, they woke right back up at the start of the maze. They blinked in confusion but ran across this time. Sans wrapped them up in blue magic. "Kid. You've been causing a lot of problems, both for me and my friends. I hate to pick a bone with anyone, but this can't happen anymore. See ya."
He threw Core Frisk back into the void, scattering their remains across time and space. It hurt as much and like before, they're right back to the start, clutching their arms. Black malice began to form from both sides of the bridge. Oh, now they figured out their puzzle.
Over and over, Core Frisk tried to make it across the bridge or fight, only to get the same results every time.
"You've been causing a lot of problems-"
Help, HELP!
"I hate to pick-"
Another scatter.
"This can't happen anymore. See ya."
Core's entire body stung and they panted.
It’s too much stress, isn’t it? It’s driving you mad. You can't handle it and want to cry and hide.
Core listened to the voice over the speaker in the corner. It didn't sound like Nightmare, but it was something he would say. They narrowed their eyes. No way in the multiverse were they going to do it. Especially not with the malice crawling around the floor. It threatened to eat their soul. Core narrowed their eyes and groaned. As they teleported back to the start, they knew they needed a new plan.
Give up. You're just a child. This is too much pressure for you.
"Shut up! I'm thinking!" Core shouted at nobody. They shut their eyes to avoid looking at the spirals appearing on the screens around the CORE. They didn't have much time before Sans came back in. Their eyes darted between the malice puddle growing on both sides. Their eyes set on the bridge itself. It wasn't that wide and there were pipes around it . . . they had an idea.
Sans walked back inside. "Kid. You've been causing a lot of problems, both for me and my friends. I hate to pick a bone with anyone, but this can't happen anymore. See ya." His eye flashed blue and he wrapped Core in his magic, throwing them into the abyss. Core wrapped one hand around the pipe and swung under it, holding on for dear life. The dust slipping from the boots fell into the void.
Core waited for Sans to leave, listening for his sigh and the slippers walking away. Their hands started to slip as they clung to the bottom pole of the bridge. Their shoes slid off the bars and they almost fell again, kicking dust into the void. Core summoned all their strength and pulled themself up. They rolled onto the bridge and took a deep breath. They kept an eye out for more malice or another trap, but there weren’t any. It all faded away when they solved the puzzle. The door in the back of the room opened. Core ran to it, but checked for traps before going through. There weren’t any.
They were safe for now and ran off. Their body turned back to monochrome, everything was good. Well, except their body stinging with pins from being soul scattered twelve times.
Dream walked through the hall, dead-eyed like a zombie. Glass and spikes ripped into his feet and boots, but he managed to ignore it.
He hadn’t seen another soul in this maze and it felt like he was wandering for hours. Did Nightmare lie? Or did the others escape? Or did they . . . no, he wouldn’t think about that. Stay positive. Hold onto that little bit of hope left in his heart.
He turned down another one of the hallways that never ended. They could’ve been searching in circles and he would never know. Maybe this was Nightmare’s punishment for him, dooming him to walk in a maze alone with no exit yet a desperate goal. Dream sighed, but then a sound caught their attention.
They didn’t sound friendly, but Dream was desperate. “Hello! It’s me, Dream! Who’s there?”
“Dream?” Blue’s voice echoed clearer. Dream grinned when he came into view. However, something was off about him. His clothes, where did he get the suit of armor? His eye lights were dull, more white than blue, but that was natural for monsters in pain. More magic was used to keep them alive than to keep their soul bright.
Dream ran up to Blue and hugged him. For some reason, he didn’t hug him back. "Thank the stars, I thought you were dead or worse. We have to stay together. I'm worried about Cross. I've been hearing voices saying he could be in danger, come on. We have to find him and the others." They took his hand.
“Oh boo hoo hoo, your boyfriend is gone. We all lost people, get over it. You’re not special, Dream. You're the last one who needs pity.” Blue said his name with a sneer.
Dream blinked, trying to be sure he heard that correctly. He also had to be sure he didn’t see Blue’s eye lights flash with teal swirls. “I . . . I wasn’t saying I was special or deserved extra attention. I’m saying I’m worried about our friends! Blue, what’s going on with you? Did something happen? Where did you get the armor? I can try and help you, I'm not held back by a cage anymore."
Blue rolled his eyes lights. “You can’t help with anything! Even if you could, it would just get worse again. Everything always gets worse.”
“That’s not . . . well, it is true. Things have been getting worse, but we have to get out of this maze. We can get angry about it later." He gave him a questionable look. “Why are you talking like this? This isn’t you. The Blue I know would be finding an optimistic approach to this and never giving up. That's what you've done this whole time! Now when we need the support, you're stopping?"
“Optimistic?” Blue scoffed and turned away from him. “Why would I ever be an optimist? That’s just another word for naive and stupid.” He flicked the front piece of his guard helmet down over his face.
Dream was taken aback by his words. They brushed their fingers against his arm, which was cold and smooth. He reached out and took his soul in his hands. His white soul turned dark and appeared scorched in a fire, dappled with bits of teal. That wasn't Blue.
The Guardian of Positivity tried to use his magic to purify Blue's soul, but then he remembered the cuffs. He groaned in frustration and let it go. "Fine, if you're going to be miserable and not help, then figure this out on your own! I don't need you!"
"Good! I don't need you either, you pompous piece of shit!" Blue yelled. He rolled his eye lights and stormed away at the same time as Dream. Dream was almost too angry to feel bad for him. He nearly punched the wall, but his senses knew better. The injury wasn't worth it. He turned and walked away. This must've been what the maze did, turn them into evil caricatures of themselves. Oh, he hoped Cross wasn't affected. He worried what a twisted version of him would be.
Dream thought he was hallucinating, but it was Cross. His eye lights seemed less glazed than Blue's, in fact, none at all. His clothes were the same. Dream didn't run up to and hug him this time, he kept his distance. Cross sighed in relief at the sight of him and leaped over a tripwire. He pressed Dream against his body, using one hand to hold the back of his head. Dream melted in the comfort and hugged him back. Cross was still himself, this was real.
“Cookie, something happened to Blue. He’s acting weird. He was cold, angry, and almost heartless.” Dream shivered and spoke with a rasp. "Have you seen Epic? Or Core?"
Cross nodded at Epic and shook his head at Core. He frowned at the sound of his name and Dream assumed the worst, he was acting like Blue was. What was going on here? Core was likely infected with whatever this strain of the virus was too.
“Let's get out of here. If we can't save them, we have to save ourselves. I'll protect you, come on." The couple held hands as they worked their way through the maze. If it picked them off one by one, it should have a harder time when they were together.
The maze opened a fork as usual and they took the right at Cross's request. They took a few steps before the room went dark, near pitch black. Cross held Dream close with his daggers out. A light flashed in the distance and revealed a platform with three mini stairs. On top was a delicate piece of metal, a shiny steel. As if it was modeled to fit his skull, it was a lower jaw bone the perfect size to fit Cross. He walked toward it, but then the floor broke, separating Cross and Dream.
Cross wobbled as it separated them over two arm's length away. The light on the metal appeared to glow brighter. Dream could almost hear Nightmare's laughter, enjoying tearing them apart. He gasped as he advanced a hand toward it. It made his eye lights unfocus.
"Cookie dough, no! It's a trap! I promise that as soon as we leave, I'll find you a prosthetic or a spell! I know you want to talk again, but don't. Believe me, I will help." Dream reached their hand out.
Cross stared at him. Faint sounds Dream couldn't hear whispered around him, but they made Cross agitated. He gave in and took the lower jaw off the platform. He held it up to his own and attached it in place. It sealed on its own, digging into his jaw and leaving indents to fit. Cross yelled out. Dream held back from running to him.
Malice surrounded Cross's soul and made his eye lights flash. Dream ran to the exit, but his boyfriend jumped in front of him, blocking the path. He smiled down at him, but not his usual caring bashful grin. Dream didn't want to fight him, but he kept his swords out. "You're just going to leave me here? Dream, I got my voice back! I don't have to be fed with those tubes anymore. Why aren't you happy for me?"
Dream stepped back. Cross winced as the new jaw made a chain grow around his neck, locking tight. The end was a lock with the letters C + K engraved in it. Cross tried to remove it, but it wouldn't budge. Dream took his chance, wiping tears out of his eyes. He'd have to leave him behind too. Dream dashed for the exit, pushing Cross aside. But he was faster, the magic gave him a power-up, and he pinned Dream to the wall.
I thought you cared about me, you're going to leave me behind? Alright then, flower." Cross brought his dagger down in his eye socket and Dream screamed. Despite all the torture Nightmare put him through, not a single beating or electrocution compared to this. It burned and sent bolts of pain through his mind. He pulled it out and Dream clutched his eye socket, gold blood running between his fingers. They pulled it away and blinked it. It was dark. Cross blinded him.
Cross had no remorse. His scowl turned crueler if possible. Dream was frozen in shock, horror, and mind-numbing pain.
“Get up, it’s just an eye. Or are you too kind to do anything about it? Fight me! It was a mistake to be with you, I could've had a fun relationship with someone like Killer. But you? You're boring and pathetic.” Cross set a hand on his head as horns broke out the top, curving out. It reminded Dream too much of when he was infected in Birdtale.
“Cross, stop it! Snap out of it! I know you're not in control right now! Oh my stars . . . ow, ow!" Dream gasped in pain. Was this how Nightmare felt when he lost his eye to the corruption?
Cross ignored him. Instead, his hand brushed against his locket. He ripped it off, snapping the chain, and threw it at the ground. A crescent moon mark appeared on his cheekbone. "Don't need this anymore, don't know why I kept it."
Dream looked between his boyfriend and the other direction. He grabbed Cross’s locket and ran as fast as he could in his condition. His starved, exhausted, powerless condition couldn’t go far before tripping and skidding. He took a moment to catch his breath before moving. Cross didn't chase him, he lost interest.
Dream dragged himself through the corridor, clutching the locket in one hand and holding the wall with the other. He let go of the wall occasionally to put pressure on his bloody eye. Golden blood covered his gloves. Dream took deep breaths before collapsing to the ground again. This was torture in its purest form.
“Is this what you want, Nightmare? I have nothing left to lose, you won!” Dream looked around, expecting his corrupted twin to appear from the mist and mock him. The guardian wasn’t sure why he still had his soul. It should have been drained by now. Their gaze settled on a strange sight, a small cardinal. Where did it come from? Or was it another trap?
The bird chirped. Come on! I know a way to safety! Come, come! Quickly, before he gets back!
Dream didn't hesitate. He chased after the bird as it led him down a special path. He slipped between the walls of the maze, not quite a corridor, and entered a different room. They breathed in the smell of fresh grass and warm water. The bird landed on the grass beside the pond and grew to be twice as large as Dream in a spark of blue magic. Dream blinked in surprise. Sit down, let it out.
Dream did as the bird asked, crouching in front of it with one hand still on their eye socket. The bleeding failed to cease. The bird tilted his head and blinked at him. For a brief moment, its eyes flashed into spirals. Dream looked away, but it was long enough to stir something inside him. The negativity building up finally spilled.
“It’s not fair . . . IT’S NOT FAIR!” Dream screamed through his tears. “I work so hard to make everyone else happy, but my life keeps getting worse each time I do! My friends are gone, my boyfriend beat me, the multiverse is falling apart . . .” He sobbed, every word feeling like a bullet into his weakened soul. He was so tired, he just wanted to sit out of a fight or conflict for once. He wanted someone to let him rest and tell him everything was going to be fine, he was so sick of being strong . . .
Dream turned back to the cardinal. “I’m too nice, is that it? Everyone uses me as a doormat. None of this would've happened if I wasn't nice! Everything bad that has ever happened to me was my own fault. Blue was right."
The cardinal gently nudged their shoulder. It opened its beak, but instead of the squeaky voice he was expecting, it was a cold booming voice. That’s right, there’s no one left for you. Your friends, your boyfriend, your home, they all turned on you. Stop pretending you’re a hero when all you do is lose. You’re bitter and cold, and your heart knows it’s true.
Dream listened to those words with a conflicted heart. Part of him wanted to deny it, but the stronger bit believed it to be true, just as the words said. They had to urge to get revenge on the villagers, a wish they didn’t die so he could torture them. They felt like someone was going to hurt them and they had to fight first. The cardinal kept speaking in that same voice, the painful words telling him he was envious, bitter, angry, hateful, sadistic. If no one would respect him, fear would be a good replacement.
The bird's eyes flashed into spirals and Dream didn't bother to look away. An outfit melted out of the malice for Dream to try on. He recognized it from the variant of him in his visions. Dream tossed his gold cape off and replaced it with the dark gray one. He pulled the hood up and took the eye patch for his bloody eye.
Give up, give in. It would be so much easier since you’re too far gone to win.
Dream covered the sides of his skull as he continued to feel hate rip apart his soul. It shaped into something else. It fed faster due to the sheer amount of positivity. He could barely breathe and let himself embrace the malice. The blue crescent moon appeared on his cheekbone.
“Fine! If the multiverse won't let me be happy, then I won’t allow anyone else to be either!” Dream threw aside his gold circlet and replaced it with the black thorn crown.
Core ran through the maze, still shaking after that puzzle. They brought themself together and kept going. It was too silent, even by creepy labyrinth standards. They expected to see someone by this point, or at least hear running and traps. But nothing. Where was everyone else?
Their legs ached, but the rest of their body finally shook the stinging off. They held their left arm with their hand and walked down another hall. But the end of this one was different. Instead of a dark path, it was an arch carved with a black apple on the top. Core didn't hesitate and ran to it, jumping over for speed and jumping outside. They rolled on the soft dewy grass and looked around. It was dark outside and only crickets chirped, but who cares?
“I’m out . . . I’m out! WOO HOO!” Core shot their fist in the air and did a little happy dance in a circle. As they spun, they realized they were the only person there. Where were the others? They closed their eyes. Despite being outside, Nightmare’s magic still interfered with their foresight. But they had glimpses of the maze. Maybe there were multiple exits, or they were the first one? How long were they in there for-
“Well done, Core.”
Core turned their head around to the sound of slow clapping. Killer, Horror, and Dust stepped out of the shadows from behind them, clapping in sync. Killer and Horror grinned, Dust was apathetic. Core’s body went cold.
"Killer, you owe me twenty gold." Dust whispered to him. Killer sighed.
Nightmare walked out last, holding Ribbon’s hand as he bounced. Core scoffed. They couldn’t look any more different from each other with their clashing aesthetics. And they thought Nightmare had taste. Core stepped up. “Where are the four?”
Nightmare waved his hand and four bodies dropped from portals, hanging by ropes made of malice. It looked like it would snap any second. In order, Blue, Dream, Cross, and Epic hung unconscious from them. Their outfits were all darker and their souls were stained black. Their cheekbones glowed with blue moon marks.
Core covered their mouth. Nightmare laughed at their face, which was followed by the Murder Time Trio. Ribbon only smiled. “You’re the only one who escaped, you’re a smart cookie. I should've given you more credit. They all could have made it if they acted on logic rather than emotion. That was part of the challenge. They have no one to blame but themselves.” Nightmare walked around and placed his hand under Dream’s chin, grinning at Core. “I was honest when I said I would play fair.”
Core stomped on the ground. “Play fair? You . . . you just doomed the Doodlepshere and killed thousands. That's not fair, you-"
“Still, I didn’t break my rules.” Nightmare’s voice stayed nonchalant. His face looked extremely punchable right now. Core stared back up at their friends. "I should've mentioned one more rule, my apologies. If you want, you can exchange your life for one of theirs, choose wisely."
Core Frisk glanced between all four of them. If they saved Blue, he wasn't strong enough to take this on his own. If they saved Dream, he'd drown in guilt over the others. If they saved Cross, he'd want to get Dream or Epic back. And Epic wasn't experienced in multiverse combat enough, plus he'd try and save Cross. Core felt a pang of selfishness, just what Nightmare wanted. "None of them. I'll keep my life."
"Very well, congratulations. Now, you may go. I won't be after you unless you try and attack me first, sound fair?" Nightmare snapped his fingers and the cuffs broke off Core's wrists. Then he opened a portal behind them to the middle of the corrupted Omega Timeline. Core glared back at Nightmare, then up at their friends. They wanted to take Nightmare down right now and wipe the smug grins off the MTT's faces.
But Core wasn’t a fighter, they were a seer, a mentor. It would be suicide to attempt to fight. Instead, they balled their fist and looked at the necklace. Each soul charm glowed brighter the closer they got to their friends. They looked at Ribbon, remembering how they first met Ink. Core sensed a disturbance in the multiverse and found him zipping around AUs. He introduced himself and called himself the Protector and the rest is history. So was Ink's existence now.
Core glanced at the others and ran through the portal. Nightmare shut it as soon as they left. Ribbon bounced with cheer. "We did it! We did it! They won't hurt us anymore, right?"
Nightmare chuckled and brushed her chin. "No, of course not. If they do, I will protect you. The multiverse is ours. Oh, and before I forget, Killer, what do you think of your new boyfriend?" Nightmare lowered Cross's unconscious body. "He despises everyone and no longer has his loyalty, but I adjusted him to adore you and you alone. Well, and serve me and Ribbon. Dress him up however you like."
Killer set his hand on Cross's cheek, pressing his skull against it. He pulled on the chain collar around his neck. "I love him, boss. Hell, he's hotter like this. How much does he hate Dream and everyone else?"
“If I put them all in the same room while they’re active, they’d kill each other. But he will be loyal to you. I don’t want to lose my new toys in a bloodbath, at least not yet. Give me some time to test them out.” Nightmare stared Dream in the eyes. His naive, pathetic brother was finally on his level. He knew the perfect place to place him. He'd have him patrol the Omega Timeline while Nightmare was tending to the rest of the multiverse.
Everything he ever wanted, Nightmare had right here in the palms of his hands.
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nerdythebard · 3 months
#61: Loki Laufeyson [Marvel Comics]
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[Art Credit: Gabriel Hernandez Walta | Doctor Strange (2015)] ---
I'll start by saying this, my dear Deities... I am not a fan. As a resident mythology nerd, I have a few baseball bats with Marvel decision-makers' names on them. But, I am a bard of the people and therefore shall hear my audience's requests. And thus, we're building Loki Laufeyson as depicted by Marvel Comics. Plenty of changes to the real Loki (which will be featured!), so let's see what we can do.
Next Time: You want more gods, I give you more gods. No more monkey business! Unless the monkey's business is to become immortal.
So, what does this so-called Loki brings to the table:
Tall Tales & Tricks: Loki in most of his iterations is known for his speechcraft and manipulation techniques. This one, however, is also quite fond of spells and various magical practices, specialising however in illusions and shapeshifting (although seemingly limited to mostly humanoid forms).
Tough as... Ice: This Loki is a full frost giant (...shh! Keep the Jotunn lecture for those who ask, Nerdy) with all the physiological advantages. We're talking durability, strength, the entire package.
Shinies & Stabbies: This Loki likes his pointy objects. Daggers and the sword Lævateinn seem to be his particular favourites. Plus, we all remember the glaive/scepter he gets in the movies.
To properly represent Loki's Jotunn lineage, we will reach for the "distant cousins of giants" in the world of D&D - Firbolgs, as depicted in Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse. We get +2 Charisma and +1 Constitution, some Firbolg Magic which lets us cast Detect Magic and Disguise Self (once without expending spell slots, unless we have slots to spell - spoilers: we will), ability to turn invisible with Hidden Step, ability to communicate (one way) with nature using the Speech of Beast and Leaf, as well as Powerful Build which makes us count as one category larger for tasks such as carrying, pulling, or lifting.
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Loki's many things, but in most instances he is a Charlatan, so that's what we're going with. We gain proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand, as well as with disguise and forgery kits (which will be useful to alter our clothes, as it cannot be done via magic). We are also able to craft False Identity for ourselves, completed with an entire past full of tangible evidence. What's better for a foundling child, adopted by a local warlord, who needs to use disguise magic to hid his true form?
This one's obvious - we are putting our highest score into Charisma, we will be using it most of the time both in and out of combat. We also need to avoid, dodge, and slip into the shadows so Dexterity will be next. Finally, let's grab Constitution, just in case some musclehead with a hammer catches us once in a blue moon.
Intelligence will actually be next, we're good at gathering information and utilising it. Strength comes from our giant lineage, although we rarely get physical. Finally, we're dumping Wisdom - if we had it, we'd learn to not constantly betray our brother or the heroes that gave us a chance (again).
Level 1 - Rogue: We will start with our non-magical skills. Rogues get a d8 as their Hit Die, [8 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiencies with light armour, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, and thieves' tools. Let's give your standard leather armour, and two daggers plus a shortsword (which what would a Norse primary weapon be, provided you're wealthy enough).
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Our saving throws are Dexterity and Intelligence, and we can choose four skills from the class list (Acrobatics, Perception, Performance, and Stealth). Rogues start with Expertise to their skills, doubling the proficiency bonus of two chosen skills; for this Loki, who uses illusions and body switching so often, let's put Expertise in Persuasion and Stealth. We also know Thieves' Cant (can't what? - no, that joke will never not be funny), a system of phrases and symbols used by Rogues to communicate. Slip some Asgardian lingo without worry of revealing plans.
We can also apply Sneak Attack to any attack (with a Finesse or Ranged weapon) that we have an advantage on. The amount of damage increase as we level up; for now it's an extra 1d6.
Level 2 - Rogue: Our quick thinking grants us Cunning Action. We can now take the Dash, Disengage, and Hide Actions as Bonus Actions, allowing for better positioning.
Level 3 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack bonus now becomes 2d6. We also get to pick our subclass, our Roguish Archetype. I'm guessing some of you would go with Arcane Trickster here, but remember we're focusing on quick and stabby Loki in this part; put on your feather caps, we're going Swashbuckler! With Fancy Footwork, we do not provoke opportunity attacks if we make an attack against the enemy (notice, it doesn't say we need to hit the enemy, so this is a perfect testing-the-waters technique). Thanks to our Rakish Audacity, we can add our Charisma modifier to our Initiative, making us a good scout and once again helping with our positioning.
Additionally at this point, when we're in melee range of an enemy and there's nobody else within 5 feet, we do not need advantage for our Sneak Attack.
Level 4 - Sorcerer: As one wise Loki said "blades are worthless in the face of a Loki Sorcery", so we're going to focus on that now. Multiclassing into Sorcerer does not give us any extra bonuses, but it enables Spellcasting. Charisma is our casting ability and we know catrips and regular spells. Sorcerers get a fixed number of spells. We start with four cantrips (Fire Bolt, Friends, Minor Illusion, and Prestidigitation) and two 1st-level spells (Comprehend Languages and Sleep).
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Sorcerers also pick their subclass, their Sorcerous Origin, at this level. We shall circle back to our giant legacy and pick the Giant Soul option from the Unearthed Arcana 51. With the legacy of the Frost Giants embedded in our essence, we gain Jotun Resilience - every level up we get an additional 1 Hit Point. We also carry the Mark of Ordning, which grants us some additional spells; at this level it's Armour of Agathys and Ray of Frost.
Level 5 - Sorcerer: We discover our inner Font of Magic and are now able to convert Sorcery Points into Spell Slots and vice versa. We can also grab another 1st-level spell; let's grab Charm Person to emulate the usage of the Mind Stone.
Level 6 - Sorcerer: We unlock Metamagic, which lets us use Sorcery Points to alter the properties of our spells. We get to choose two options: Quickened Spell uses 2 Sorcery Points to change a spell from Action to Bonus Actions. Subtle Spell uses 1 Sorcery Point to cast a spell without verbal or somatic components - perfect to sneakily place an body double illusion.
We also unlock 2nd-level spells here, so in regards to my previous sentence, let's take Mirror Image. We also get Hold Person from our subclass.
Level 7 - Sorcerer: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. Let's raise our Charisma and Constitution by one, and then we can move to our spell selection. We get a new cantrip (Green-Flame Blade) and another 2nd-level spell: Misty Step.
Level 8 - Sorcerer: At this level, we normally do not get anything; the optional feature from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything called Magical Guidance lets us spend Sorcer Points to re-roll failed ability checks, but ask your DM about that one.
We do, however, unlock 3rd-level spells, so let's take Major Image to improve the quality of our projections, while we stick to the shadows.
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Level 9 - Sorcerer: We get another subclass feature. With Soul of Lost Ostoria, we gain a benefit based on the Giant heritage we've chosen previously. For Frost Giants, after casting one of our Mark of Ordning spells, we get temporary Hit Points equal to our Consitution modifier. We also get another 3rd-level spell; let's grab Antagonise.
Level 10 - Sorcerer: Halfway through the build and unfortunately, we get no class boons here. We do, however, unlock 4th-level spells so let's take Charm Monster to hopefully avoid potential non-human fights... or to cause them.
Level 11 - Sorcerer: Time for another ASI. Let's put points into Constitution and Wisdom, and then grab another 4th-level spell: Greater Invisibility.
Level 12 - Sorcerer: Once again, we get nothing class-wise. We do unlock 5th-level spells now, so let's take Creation to have an opportunity to always have a tool or a wepon on our hands.
Level 13 - Sorcerer: We get to pick another Metamagic option here. With Extended Spell, we can extend the duration of our spells (if available) by spending Sorcery Points to a maximum of 24 hours. Useful to keep some illusions or the Creation spell we've picked up last level.
We also pick up our last cantrip of the build (Mending) and another 5th-level spell; this time, let's get Telekinesis to reorganise the environment around us (and pick some loose trinkets laying in the open).
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Level 14 - Sorcerer: Once again, no new class boons but we do unlock 6th-level spells. With Mass Suggestion, we can now convince an entire crowd of mortals to bow down before us (or perhaps vote us President).
Level 15 - Sorcerer: For our next ASI, we will increase our Dexterity by two points to get better AC and Initiative options.
Level 16 - Sorcerer: Unlocking 7th-level spells, we can now use Teleport to call up a lift from Heimdall. Just make sure to collect some knick-knacks from the place you want to teleport to for a better chance of actually going there. Spatial travel's tough.
Level 17 - Sorcerer: For our final subclass option of the build, we are able to unleash the Rage of Fallen Ostoria. When casting a spell, we can spend one additional Sorcerer Point to transform into our Giant Form. For 1 minute, we become one category size larger and gain the following benefits:
Our current Hit Points and Hit Points Maximum increase by 1 per Sorcerer Level.
Our reach increases by 5 feet.
Our speed increases by 5 feet.
We have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
We get a bonus damage to our weapon attacks equal to our Constitution modifier.
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Level 18 - Sorcerer: Once again, no class boons, but we do unlock 8th-level spells. To once again hopefully avoid combat, let's use the power of the Norse Runes and grab Power Word: Stun.
Level 19 - Sorcerer: For our final ASI of the build, let's cap our Charisma to 20. Who knows, maybe the BBEG would be so willing to step down after having a nice little chat.
Level 20 - Sorcerer: For our capstone as Sorcerer 16, we get to enhance our Metamagic yet again. For the late game, let's get Twinned Spell to add one additional target to some of spells (like Telekinesis, Charm Monster, Major Image, etc.).
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And this is what I can do for the Marvel Comics version of Loki. Let's see what story I came up with:
First of all, we have a fantastic Initiative score. With a +7, we are almost certain to start every combat first which gives us fantastic opportunity to hide, reposition, or distract the enemy before they even make their move. Because this is what we are: we're a skirmisher, a supporter. We have enough to protect ourselves with but mostly we use Crowd Control and sticking to the back lines. We are first and formost the Party's out-of-combat Face for all social interactions.
Our AC is 14 and we have the average of 153 Hit Points.
Despite a solid identity as the Face, our Wisdom score is absolutely abysmal, which is not really great considering that is one of the most used and abused by the enemies. We are very vulnerable to any charmed or feared effects, so it's best to avoid being seen or invest into some magic item protection.
So that is it. You guys want more gods, I listen and serve. It's good to be back in the character building saddle. I'll see you soon with another breakdown build, my friends <3
-Nerdy out!
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nopoodles · 19 days
@flashfictionfridayofficial Fff269 Living Weapon – Anyone Can Pick Up A Sword
Billie is a character from my upcoming series Claretbury Chronicles, you can also find them in How To Not Start A Fight and Or Die Trying. NO SPOILERS here but there is swearing and some corporal antiquated punishment if you’re sensitive to those things.
“You are more than an average human.” The trainer assigned to Billie’s class always held a cane like something out of a Victorian schoolroom display, a thin switch of bamboo-like wood in a pale sandy colour with knuckles at irregular stages down it. It left lines of welts that turned to bruises. Billie had evidence of its use in each stage of healing: some bright red and speckled, some deep wide purple, and some green or yellow with age. “You can take more, you will tolerate more, because you are the last line of defence between us and the horrors of the supernatural.”
Billie held in a sigh, not quite managing to keep from shifting on their feet. They had heard this rant one too many times for them to be able to maintain even feigned interest.
The Guild was monotonously repetitive with these kinds of things. Supernatural was bad. Guild was good. There was such a thing as good and evil and there was nothing like grey morality. But Billie had heard these kinds of binary thoughts before and they hadn’t sunk in further then than they did now.
The soft whoosh of the cane moving had Billie leaping out of the way. All that raining had to offer something useful and apparently this was it. Except, of course, when the trainer expected Billie or one of the others to take the enacted punishment without fighting it.
“Stand in the line,” the trainer snapped.
“Fuck that,” Billie snapped right back.
The can swiped again.
Billie danced back, avoiding both the cane and the others in the class.
The trainer barked out a word of magic, something Latin or Greek or Arabic or Cushtic or even an earlier language Billie couldn’t name. The power grabbed at their ankles, yanking them off their feet. The cane swung down toward them again, aiming for Billie’s middle: ribs or stomach or upper thighs. All places that Billie had bruises already. Their hand flashed out, closing around the wood before the sting of pain registered.
They shouldn’t have been able to yank the cane out of the trainer’s hands, he had the hooked end and had rendered Billie semi-immobile. Still, somehow, they did, almost yanking the man off his feet with the power of it. He stared at them, open mouthed at Billie snapped the horrible thing in half and half again with only the strength in their hands. They tossed the kindling to one side with a clatter, pushing into a sitting position with their eyebrows drawn low over their eyes in a scowl.
“You said I’m the weapon,” they snapped. “Does that mean you’re wielding?”
“The Guild is.”
“Then the Guild needs to make me want to fight for you instead of against you.”
“There is no other option.”
“There is always another option. Anyone can pick up a sword. Every weapon can be turned on its creator.”
© Will Soulsby-McCreath, nopoodles, 2024. Please feel free to share around tumblr via reblogs but do not copy to another site or feed into AI.
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bitchfitch · 4 months
anyways cat boy build for Elden ring.
Warrior starting class-> take off all armor->get horse-> Benny Hill run to the sages cave to grab the Raptor Talons-> Benny Hill to the Impalers Catacomb to get imp head (cat) via farming. You are now catboy. while cat boy the only armor that is permissable is the nobles trousers. and your cat ears. Just don't get hit.
the mentality is max damage done quickly, just don't get hit, and if their health is gone before yours you win, doesn't matter how wrecked you are. You eat every item that can be eaten as soon as it enters your inventory, you discard the rest. like a true catboy. live fast, Blaidd is your enemy.
Optional weapons:
Hook claws and any aow that can be equipped to them. but especially quickstep (Not Bloodhounds Step) Beasts roar, Braggarts roar,
AOW you may equip another weapon to use but not attack with otherwise:
Lions claw, piercing fang
Recommended talismans:
green turtle talisman, prosthesis wearers, claw, twin blade, roar, assassin's crimson dagger, Rotten/ winged sword insignia, Millicent's prosthesis, lord of bloods exultation, the Radagon charms that are annoying to spell. you know the ones.
Dragon cult seal or beast seal, all beastial incantations, all dragoncult Incantations. No Intelligence. If you put intelligence in your beast over what is strictly necessary to meet weapon requirements you have failed to be a catboy.
nightmaiden and swordstress. You are this lovely lesbian couples cat and they love you very much. You die before they do.
ruptured crystal tear (both of them, coward)
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spopsalt · 6 months
Ayo it's me, the Anon with the long posts and short memory of what to write next.
This time I have a question for you: How long do you think that the stans are unironically going to say that the whole conflict of the Horde conquering the universe as well as Hordak starting the war on Etheria pre-Despondos release was both indirectly 𝘢𝘯𝘥 directly Adora's fault for existing (aka taking chipped Catra's opinion of her during the lash out to heart).
Still confused of why they'd make that logic? I'm glad you asked 'cause here are the steps for the stans' potential bashing:
The First Ones didn't stop the Horde and simply went "welp, we lost, might as well die" even though we don't know what caused them to mostly disappear when Etheria came back to the universe from Despondos.
2. Light Hope was continuously going for Adora when Hordak was pulled so 𝘢𝘭𝘭 of Etheria's plight, and more specifically Catra's pain, is because Adora was born to be Adam's twin and therefore having the prerequisites to transform into She-Ra. How dare she (Adora, that is).
3. Similar to point 2, how dare she live a life of peace and privilege in the Etherian Horde while the universe outside of Despondos is being depopulated by Horde Prime due to him being a despot that had no-one try to kill him via light magic until Etheria was able to be properly placed back into the universe it originally belonged to before being transported to Despondos so that she would have the means of seeing him face to face at all.
The tl;dr? Adora existing in Etheria and not first destroying its Horde (and specifically Shadow Weaver) and then the galactic version after pulling the planet from one dimension to another even before she was old enough walk and therefore understand the situation she was in is enough reason for SPOP stans to take chipped Catra's words e.g. "this wouldn't happen if you didn't exist" to heart and take umbrage at her (Adora) for not doing enough in their eyes to be worthy of being called a predestined heroine of the series' universe.
Hopefully my ramblings made sense and not seen as the words of a fool losing their marbles.
Welcome back! Don't worry, it made sense and I agree. Even when Catra was normal she still took advantage of Adora's guilt complex, in the words of corrupted Catra (Yes I'm counting it as normal Catra since there's no confirmation that her being corrupted changed her personality at her) "Let's be honest, all of this is your fault" "If you hadn't gotten captured, your sword wouldn't have opened the portal" "Admit it, Adora! The world would still be standing, if you had never come through that portal in the first place" "You broke the world and it is all. your. fault." if that isn't enough proof for you, even regular Catra said "It won't be over until I see the look on your friend's faces when they find out that you failed! Because you were too weak to save them." "You're good enough at hurting your friends without my help." Catra just love manipulating Adora, and she even brags about it to Lonnie "She's (Adora's) slow, and easily manipulated"
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gust-jar-simulator · 8 months
So I've been analyzing the Triforce Poly to figure out Baldur's Gate builds for fun, and honestly their fighting styles say a lot about them and really interest me.
Zelda: archery. She's thematically associated with defense, sealing, and shielding, but the most common thing we see her actually use is a bow. Shoutout to Twilight Princess Zelda, who uses a sword, but while it's probably hers it's notably when she's possessed by Ganon. I have feelings about the fact that she's an archer and the other notable tool of the goddess is a harp. Something about strings on a frame. Something about angels and smiting. Hylia DOES have a sword, but she gave it to her knight.
Link: sword and board. Skyward Sword link definitely fits the paladin archetype, you literally get back to Skyloft via prayer. Honestly though I think his devotion to Zelda would've been blasphemous if she wasn't. Y'know. The goddess incarnate. I have feelings about that. Anyway, Link does multiclass into bard notably in Ocarina of Time, but the thing about Link is that he's a hero. "Love not the sword for its sharpness, but that which it defends," etc etc. He might be a chaos gremlin who specializes in property damage, but he helps the little guy and carries groceries for grandmas in need. He wields the sword of the goddess and the shield of Hyrule. He is a divine weapon, but also the protector of Hyrule, and both of these are equally important.
Sometimes it takes awhile for him to find one or the other- you could say a lot about Skyward Sword, for example, because he Starts Off with the weapon of the goddess and develops and understanding of what that means as he goes, but he only gets the Hylian Shield after engaging with people and exploring and immersing himself in the land. In Wind Waker, he starts off with the shield of an old hero in his family, and has to basically rip the sword from the jaws of the gods with undeniable moxie. He's not a weapon of the gods, he just demands to be, because he's foremost a protector and the shield is inherently tied to his family.
Ganondorf: dual scimitars, trident. His notable scimitars have the names of his mothers carved into them, and the Spear of Power is a callback to Ganon's very first appearance and Zhu Bajie's war rake. Notably, these are melee weapons, and he uses both hands for offense. He tends to compliment his fighting style with some casting, like fireballs or lightning, and of course there's the massive fuckoff demon king transformation in several games. As far as I know he doesn't use a shield. Demise came later on, development wise, but he also uses a greatsword and lightning.
Ganondorf is a king who plays politics and can lie like a devil, but if it's to the point that he's actually personally fighting you there's no need for illusions or sugarcoating. He's a warlord and his style is hit you until you die, and he will fill both hands with pointy objects to overwhelm the opposition and make sure you stay down. Also from personal experience, fighting a dual wielder or a polearm is Fucking Terrifying. Archers are sniper fear, either they hit you or they don't, and they need time. Sword and board is somewhat predictable, if hard to actually hit. Dual wield or polearm is like picking a fight with a tornado.
Thematically speaking, the scimitars are carved with his mother's names. He wields the blades in their name, aligned with their goals, and it's a connection to his roots as the king of the Gerudo people. The spear is more connected to his nature as the heir of Power, the weapon of the Demon King. In FSA, pulling the spear from a stone is actually what transforms him from a Gerudo into the Demon King, in a sort of magical girl King Arthur situation.
Also to round it out because I think I'm funny, Vaati can use a sword but he fights you as a caster because he doesn't want to fucking touch you. He's above that. Then after his demon transformation he's just trying to swat you like a fly because he's mad.
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
The order of events that lead to Hawke and Anders being aboard the Nautiloid are a bit scattershot, in keeping with just how much the universe likes to jerk the two of them around, specifically.
Event the first: Hawke volunteers to stay behind in the Fade to distract the Nightmare so that Thedas would have a prayer of restoring the Wardens and allowing the Inquisitor and company to escape. Hawke is presumed dead.
Event the second: Varric Tethras pens a letter to each of Hawke's former companions to alert them of his passing. This includes, naturally, a long letter to Hawke's husband, Anders. The letter includes both the sad news and the strongest possible sentiment that Anders should not do anything rash about this news.
Third: Anders receives the letter and has an emotional breakdown that ends several hours later with him curled up on the floor of the cave he'd been hiding in. Choosing to either find Hawke trapped in the Fade or die trying, Anders makes the decision to attempt entering the Fade via one of the many rifts opening across the landscape. Justice does not stop him expressly because he honestly did not think it would be possible.
Fourth: Anders enters the Fade and Justice gains control of their body. They search for, and locate, Hawke after expending a great deal of willpower to mold the landscape enough to actually reach him. The pair are knocked into the void by the Nightmare and assume themselves doomed.
Lastly: While fleeing the githyanki pursuit, the Nautiloid flashes into the plain containing Thedas and the Fade. Hawke and Anders are abducted largely by coincidence.
Which, as you can see from the above red string cork board, is where the Absolute fucked up.
Not yet pictured is Anders getting wormed after Lae'zel, being put back to sleep as the worm tries to fight the taint in his blood, Hawke getting worm'd, and then Justice taking over once the Mindflayer leaves-- expelling the worm as he essentially burns it out of them. Justice physically ripping himself out of the pod after Lae'zel fucks off [she didn't listen when he asked for help and he's very annoyed by this], and then just hammering on Hawke's pod until it opened and then hauling Hawke up by the front of his fucked up armor like "get your shit together, we have things to kill and safety to get to and Anders cannot help" and also "I cannot believe you did this if it wouldn't be counter productive i would kill you, is2g". But in Justice terms, so it's more "Prepare yourself, we are beset. Anders cannot aid you, so i shall suffice." And after Hawke gets his feet and scrounges up a few daggers on the way through the corridors, its "Your decision in the Fade was unwise. Anders was compromised. Do not do this again, it was unpleasant."
Lae'zel is just happy to have two people for back up instead of none, even though one is very much just wailing on imps with whatever weapon he can pick up. Because while Justice prefers a sword, he'll use what he has available that Anders' body can heft. And Anders is surprisingly strong for being a mage. He does, however, notice Hawke is slow and comments on it.
"Sorry, the bloody worm in my skull might be throwing me off, Justice!"
"We shall see it removed, then. You will not be able to keep Anders safe like this."
"Fucking watch me."
"I will have no choice."
Lae'zel does not appreciate the banter. "Tch, less talking and more fighting!"
"I can multitask." Justice insists, grabbing hold of an Imp's head and squeezing until it popped.
"You're being a lot clearer than usual--" A dodge of a gout of fire before a well placed stab takes out another imp. "Is this still the Fade?"
"No." With a grunt he buried a hand axe into yet another imp. "The worm's magic overpowered him. This is simply what occurs when he cannot muddle things."
"He doesn't muddle--"
"I will not argue the balance of my being with someone outside of it. Be content that he shall be safe when we are free of this place." He fixed his gaze on Hawke as the last imp fell. "I am no longer complete alone, this will not be sustainable."
"Is he hurt?"
"I believe the pain is emotional, as is the relief. He is weakened and would not survive in control." He pulled a long sword from under a dead thrall and tested its weight. "Come, we must reach this helm before my hold fails."
Lae'zel continues to be annoyed by the chatter. Justice is mostly doing it because he hasn't been able to actually speak when he surges to the fore. Fronting isn't easy for him, it's almost always in a dangerous scenario and his being is very intertwined with Anders' so he gets waylaid by anything Anders is feeling at the time. Which means he tends to overreact and thus why conversation doesn't exactly fucking happen.
Shadowheart's just going to see this little band come to her pod and Justice absolutely will just rip the fucker open. A Just Action. Just wrenches it off and informs Shadowheart they're going to the helm-- only to pause when Hawke's worm does the brain connection thing. All Shadowheart knows is they have a giant glowstick of a man with them and he's very focused. Hawke is looking at shit and pocketing stuff while they hurry, but he's still hurrying.
Anders will absolutely not believe Hawke that Justice was vaguely chill later. It would make him feel both better--that his personality is intact--and worse--that HIS emotions are what twists his responses.
Also not pictured is Justice yeeting himself out of the ship after Hawke gets knocked out and just. clinging on to slow his fall before they hit the ground. The added durability of his control is largely why they weren't unconscious by the time Hawke wakes up but it was Work to keep aware and in control so Anders wasn't just passed out on the beach.
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goosetrainer · 10 months
Thank goodness the palkia/dialga raids are 5☆, couldn't have dealt with another mewtwo fiasco.
Quick guide this time, them being lv. 75 makes them much easier to deal with and leaves more options to choose from; but they're still legendaries, so I'll drop some guidelines and a couple builds.
About both:
They're both dragon tera, both know Draco Meteor (only dragon type move of their set) and Fire Blast. They wipe the player's stats modifications and ability once at 80% HP left, and their own twice at 75% and 50% time left.
Draco Meteor can be exploited if you can survive it comfortably once (bring a non-fairy type with enough special defense/HP), let it hit you so the enemy's special attack goes down by its own and you only have to care about your offensive power.
However, since there are TWO enemy side stat wipes, and they are fairly close, you would have to survive a full-strenght Draco Meteor thrice!
The other way is to bring a fairy type and make your own special defense (via Calm Mind and Amnesia).
In any case, it's more efficient to buff your own statistics than debuff the enemy's.
Lots of coverage here, mainly in the form of Steel Beam (BAD news for fairies!). It also has a move that can lower your special defense (Earth Power) and a once-per-battle scripted Iron Defense.
It looks incredibly hard to beat on paper, but in reality it's still only lv. 75 and can be done with a common all-purpose Azumarill (you know the one: fairy tera, max attack & HP, huge power, shell bell, belly drum + play rough? Remember to teach it or make it remember Amnesia)
The trick is to NOT terastallize. It'll be a bit slower, but Steel Beam hurts a lot when you lose the resistance from the water typing and maybe it was me but it kept critting >:(
Instead, use Amnesia at the start of the battle, attack until the shield goes up (NO Belly Drum before that), Amnesia again - possibly 2-3x, then check how much life you've got left and see if you can slip a Belly Drum before attacking with Play Rough.
Keep in mind that you will probably die at some point (not gamebreaking, I won after fainting twice in the same try so it's doable) and if you do you have to reapply at least one Amnesia each time you come back. On the other hand you don't need to use Belly Drum, because Dialga will have a preference for Steel Beam which, while strong, also hurts the user - you can literally spend the entire duration of the shield setting up and watching it go down by itself.
Use healing cheers sparingly, keep them in case you get burned by Fire Blast, or for when you're done maxing out your attack and special defense but you risk going k.o. and the Shell Bell won't heal you enough.
You could try Leftovers instead, too. It's a bit more annoying but the healing is better (and not dependent on how much damage you deal, which is not a whole lot, this time...)
Azumarill can also learn Light Screen via TM, forgot about it so I can't say how efficient it would be and when to use it, but could def help
All in all not the cleanest solution in my repertoire, but I would hope everyone and their mother has a raid-grade Azumarill by now u-u
Would have loved to use Azumarill on this one as well, but it has Thunder (AND Rain Dance) so no can do.
Great results with Florges, though (which is nice since there are event mass outbreaks of Flabebe rn). Any other pure fairy type with good special bulk and access to Calm Mind (OR both Amnesia and Nasty Plot/Swords Dance/Belly Drum, depending on which offensive stat is higher) and Moonblast (or whatever other strong fairy type move your pokemon of choice can learn) will do. Other strong contenders we didn't try are Sylveon, Clefable (especially with Magic Guard!) and maybe Scream Tail.
Palkia, too, between Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Hydro Pump, and Thunder, has great supereffective coverage, but thankfully they all only hit fairy neutrally. Just need enough special defense to tank everything.
Our Florges had 252 EVs in special defense and special attack (and 4 in HP), a Shell Bell, and only ended up using Calm Mind and Moonblast. Sylveon-Clefable-Scream Tail would use the exact same build of course.
They're less common pokemon to have for raids (unless that was your choice for the Charizard event), but once they're ready the battle is extremely easy. Use one single Calm Mind at the start of the battle, Moonblast until your stat modifications get nullified, now use 6x Calm Mind, terastallize if you can (if not use more Moonblast(s) to charge), and simply more Moonblasts until Palkia goes down.
You can use a healing cheer if you end up paralyzed by Thunder, but there's plenty of time so you can even ignore it and let your walking bouquet miss a couple of turns, without fear of being kicked out. You can 100% ignore burns from Fire Blasts too, as it doesn't have any effect on your special attack and you heal much much faster than the chip damage it deals.
If you want to be safer you can bring moves like Draining Kiss, Wish, or Synthesis for emergency healing, but again you could literally do this battle with 2 moves only >:)
More info
Other useful things you may want to know.
-the natures seem fixed (Quiet for Dialga, Modest for Palkia). The IVs apparently not, though. They will have 4 stats at random with max IVs, and the other 2 with random IVs. I didn't reset a lot but I think the IV spread is fixed as long as the location is (in other words: if you're looking for a different IV spread, you have to change the date - or wait for it to change by itself. If you save in front of the den - or, really, anywhere - the IV spread is fixed again, and needs another date change to change again). Keep it in mind if you're looking for certain stats.
-they do not have their signature moves yet (will learn them at a higher level)
-their ability is basically useless in these raids, so pretend they don't have one
-I didn't mention that Dialga also has Trick Room (it actually works to your favor if you bring Azumarill, but only for the first 5 turns) and Stealth Rock (deals some damage upon reentering from a ko, not much of a problem unless you bring like. A Talonflame. Do not bring a Talonflame).
-advanced trick for Dialga: if you think you're going to die on the next turn (let's say you are at 10HP left, no sp.def. boost, and you can't be sure Heal Up will bring you back to over half HP): you try and terastallize. If you're lucky, Dialga will kill you with Steel Beam instead of Earth Power or Fire Blast, and the doubled damage to you (because of your type change) will mean double recoil damage to itself. If you're EXTRA lucky and Azumarill acts first you can also get more direct damage from a tera-boosted Play Rough. Not a game changer but anything helps!
-Dialga again (sorry that's the one from the version I own so I had more time to mess with it, lol): Dudunsparce, Umbreon, BELLIBOLT, and Mudsdale npc allies are... not as necessary as with Mewtwo, but definitely very very welcome
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A terminology cheatsheet, for those not already familiar with the Locked Tomb series:
NECROMANCER - an adept of the Nine Houses more with the ability to control thanergy and thalergy. Either you’re born with the juice, or you aren’t. Necromancers tend to be a lot more physically weak than non-necros - less muscle mass, less physical strength, and just really weedy and pathetic-looking in general (although there are exceptions). Necromancers are unable to use any sort of magic outside of a planet’s immediate vicinity. 
CAVALIER - a swordsman of the Nine Houses who’s sworn themselves to a specific necromancer. Traditionally wields a rapier as a primary weapon, as well as a secondary weapon carried in the offhand. This offhand weapon can range widely from a smaller sword, to a shield, to all number of other accessories. Cavaliers protect and assist their adepts, and typically swear an oath of fealty to them. 
THALERGY and THANERGY - Thalergy is the energy of life, and is produced by cellular reproduction and growth. Most living beings are thalergetic in character, including living beings and naturally occurring planets. Thanergy is the energy of death, and is produced by cellular death and decay. The planets of the Nine Houses are thanergetic in character, in particular. Living beings produce a shock of thanergy when they die, which necromancers are able to harness.
The easiest way to remember the difference: thaLergy has an L, for LIFE, and thaNergy has an N, for NECROSIS (death). 
THE NINE HOUSES - the solar system that necromancers, cavaliers, and other members of the Emperor’s empire reside in, spread out across nine planets in total. When one refers to a single ‘House’, they refer to both a certain community of necromancers as well as the planet that community resides on.
THE EMPEROR - also known as God, the Unsleeping Prince, etc, etc, you can probably pick up on his many other names via context clues. The first necromancer to exist. When he ascended almost exactly a thousand years ago in the aftermath of a terrible catastrophe that destroyed all life in the system, he resurrected the people and planets, forming the Nine Houses System. Has not been seen in the System for hundreds of years.
LYCTORS - personal servants, guards, and disciples to the Emperor, also known as his saints. Functionally immortal, can achieve things a normal necromancer would not be able to (such as being able to use magic in space). There were seven original Lyctors, but despite their ‘immortality’ a considerable number have died over the years. The Emperor is seeking to replenish their numbers. 
DOMINICUS - the central (thanergetic) star in the Nine Houses System.
THE COHORT - the formal name for the Emperor’s military. They defend the Nine Houses from external threats, and colonize planets outside of the main system for convenience. 
FLIMSY - a thin plastic material that is used in place of paper -  since true paper is hard to come by, these days. 
THE RIVER - the place where spirits go upon vacating their bodies/dying (apart from ghosts and revenants) – essentially the afterlife of the Nine Houses. Not a physical place, rather a metaphysical one underlaid beneath the physical world.
REVENANT - an angry ghost who died a violent death and decided to stick around. Can possess a physical body if it’s left empty/open. They usually have some sort of final mission to fulfill - once that’s complete, they will return to the River. 
CONSTRUCT - any object or creature created through necromancy to serve an adept.
BONE/FLESH/SPIRIT MAGIC - the three main schools of magic that a necromancer is able to perform. Bone and flesh magic concern manipulating pretty much exactly what you’d expect. Spirit magic concerns manipulating people’s souls, forming conduits to the River, and chatting with ghosts.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
There are theories that she's coming back AGAIN somehow, and like...
There's actually some evidence for this.
For one thing, there's the fact that the Maiden Transfer was the wrong color. There's also the fact that she had a telepathic conversation with her successor in a white void (something which did NOT happen when she received the powers in Volume 7). Then there's Volume 9.
Firstly, we have the green puppet seen in Episode 2, which turns into one of Penny's swords after the heroes steal it (the puppet is even directly compared to Penny through visual symbolism via the "jar of hope"). Then there's a talking mouse Ruby names "Little", a denizen of the Ever After (magical alternate world Team RWBY falls into during Volume 8's finale), who serves a similar narrative role to Penny. Namely, an innocent and somewhat naive being who bonds with Ruby. Little is even directly compared to Penny a few times through visual symbolism. Little, being an Afteran, doesn't permanently die. When Neo crushes them underfoot to try and drive Ruby over the edge, Little's lifeless body is taken by the Ever After, and they are reborn (without their memories) as "Somewhat".
The Blacksmith, the Avatar/User Interface of the Great Tree that created both the Ever After and the Brothers who created Remnant, states that "nothing, no one, is ever gone forever". This line doesn't relate to Penny in the final version, but in the cut epilogue (which was originally going to be part of the EXACT SAME EPISODE where the Blacksmith says this), Winter says "And now, because of me, Penny is gone forever" in the middle of her depressed rambling. The Volume 9 Epilogue was only cut because they ran out of time and budget, and an animatic created from the storyboards was shown off at a convention (albeit trimmed down because some elements of it were planned to be used in Volume 10 instead).
So like, there's still hope for Penny being able to come back to life in a mechanical body (since they don't have any way of making another meat body), assuming all of this is ACTUALLY foreshadowing!
Inch resting
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polliwoggers · 2 years
aughghuhg sorry i've disappeared again i don't have art to make up for it so have some headcanons (mostly worldbuilding/mechanics-based as opposed to character- or relationships-based, with some exceptions)
• Dark Mind is actually both of the mirror versions of characters people often theorize them to be - mirror-Zero and mirror-Nightmare. This is because mirror-Nightmare got a lil too cocky and tried to drive a hard bargain to the mirror dimension's resident Dark Matter(s) and ended up getting himself possessed.
• Speaking of mirror-world Dark Matter; the distinction between the "Shadow-" and "Dark-" epithets for the various mirrorworld characters comes from whether or not any given character sided with the mirror dimension's Dark Matter invaders. The invasion only happened after mirror-Nightmare caught the Dark Matters' attention by trying to deal with them. So, Shadow Kirby & Shadow Dedede actively opposed the encroachment of Dark Matter or didn't otherwise get involved, but DMK & Dark Taranza both sided with the invaders in exchange for not being forcibly possessed or assimilated.
• Galaxia is sentient and can speak to its wielder (+ others within a certain radius) via telepathy. She can also do that sacred lightning/fiery thing it did in the anime that one time if she disapproves of whoever's trying to wield her. It's excruciatingly painful, and a major reason as to why successful wielders only come about every couple of centuries, if that.
• Galaxia used to be a person, existing prior to the rise of Halcandra. The method by which her consciousness was forged into the sword upon her death has been lost to the eons, similar to how people irl forgot how to make Damascus steel.
• Halcandrans (Magolor's species) and other native creatures of Another Dimension (namely the Doomers) subsist primarily off of pure magical energy. Gem Apples, whose crystalline structure is great at storing magical energy for long periods of time, were a staple crop during the Halcandran civilization's long reign. Pretty much every other form of life is unable to eat those things, except for Kirby. he's really good at eating things he shouldn't.
• Dark Matter and Heart Matter are diametrically opposed, as they possess negative and positive charges, respectively. This means that creatures of Heart Matter (puffballs) are actually immune to Dark Matter possession! instead, they'd probably just die, if the Dark Matter's influence is enough to cancel their positive energy out. which is. probably worse actually
• i think Galaxia's mirror equivalent (aka DMK's sword) should be called Andromeda, since it's got the same number of syllables and it rhymes and it's also the next-closest galaxy to our own,,, it's not sentient like Galaxia is, but it does have some dimension-y duplicatory powers that she doesn't, so it sorta evens out
• Morpho Knight is not the same species as the rest of the knights. even referring to it as belonging to a species at all is a bit of a stretch, really.
• Galactic Nova has a soul, to a degree. Star Dream/the Mother Computer did not. The Soul-OS fought in robobot is only possible due to its prior assimilation of Haltmann's soul. not that that fight is canon or anything, but still.
• i don't CARE what the encyclopedia says Ado and Adeleine are the SAME PERSON and i WILL die on this hill
• Dedede actually named Kirby, albeit unintentionally! sometime around the original Kirby's Dreamland game, he wanted to put a name to the pesky little thing so he could more easily hate on it. Asking its name only yielded him some toddler-gibberish, since Kirby was still extremely young at the time. Dedede latched onto whatever little bit of that gibberish sounded most like an actual name and ended up with "Kirby", so that's what he called them, and it stuck! Neither of them really remember this little name-origin fun fact in the modern day, though, but at least they're on friendly terms now!
• The civilization referred to by the modern cast as "The Ancients" was indeed made up primarily of Halcandrans, and built societally off of their pre-existing cultural framework. However, Ancient-membership was far from exclusive to the species! Tons of other sapient life forms were in the mix, too; among them being puffballs, waddle dees (Halcandran form seen in rtdl), and even humans!
• Circling back to mirror things, Shadow Dedede is straight-up dededead. Since he wouldn't willingly go along with mirrorworld Dark Matter's plans, he was possessed and made into a puppet of their every whim. He's been possessed continuously since that point, and is essentially a husk of a person by the time he's (non-canonically) seen in triple deluxe. Even if Dark Matter were to be magically purged from him, he'd be dead on the spot; he's been dead for a long time, in that sense. Other characters I've decided are permadead based on literally nothing include Sailor Dee and Dark Matter Swordsman. also Drawcia but im pretty sure that's canon, so.
• MK first obtained Galaxia by stealing it. DMK recieved Andromeda as a "gift" from Dark Mind following his pledge of fealty and absolute obedience.
• Magolor has a Doomer mouth. like one a them cartoon dinosaurs with the sharp n pointy chompers
• Landia as we know them only came about as four individual dragons who merged as one in order to brace themselves against the manipulation of the Master Crown, not the other way around.
• None of the Soul boss fights are canon, with the possible singular exception of Marx Soul (although this hc is subject to change)
• Meta Knight has some of his (widely theorized, basically fanon) backstory from the anime sprinkled in here and there. the most major inclusion is definitely Nightmare's influence.
• There was never a "princess" Sectonia. Upon being corrupted by the mirror (and probably Dark Taranza, more specifically), she violently conquered the Floralian isles and wrenched control away from the native People of the Sky, aka the flower fairies. She declared herself to be Queen throughout her conquest, but was finally able to truly embody that title once the natives had been wholly and tyrannically subjugated. Taranza was complicit throughout these events, even though he really didn't want to be. Whatever made Sectonia happy made him happy, after all.
• Relatedly, Sectonia & Taranza aren't an indigenous species in Floralia. They both arrived there after having been essentially kicked out of their previous respective homes and were only allowed to stay because of the flower fairies' somewhat trepid tolerance of them. The dual kickings-out of both Taranza & Sectonia from opposite directions in space are just because space spider parenting pretty much just consists of "alright you're born now get out."
• After arriving on the winds to Popstar, Kirby's first interactions with the planet's other denizens was with the Animal Friends. They took him in and cared for him before and after the events of Kirby's Dreamland, for a time. Following the return of Dreamland's food to its residents in said game's events, a few grateful waddle dees took it upon themselves to build Kirby's iconic dome-shaped house, at which point Kirby stopped living full-time with the Animal Friends.
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This or that: Writer's edition tag!
Thank you for the tag, @pens-swords-stuff!! i love these kinds of games so much :D
this post is long, so apologies in advance! that said, i'll tag @writeblrfantasy, @ettawritesnstudies, @ren-c-leyn, and @enchanted-lightning-aes, as well as anyone else who wants to play!! as always, absolutely 0 pressure to participate if you dont want <3
(explanations for choices are optional, i am just a wordy bitch and want to Speak At Length about many things)
- historical or futuristic
as much as i write fantasy, i LOVE a speculative tech-based setting way more than i love a historical or pseudo-historical setting - which is uh. why my main fantasy world does in fact have a cyberpunk corner and Heavily Implied To Be Aliens pantheon.
- opening or closing chapter
the closing chapter is ALWAYS one that ive been champing at the bit to write for the whole book, and its always so satisfying to finally get out on the page
- light+fluffy or dark+gritty
case in point: whispers and the copious amounts of various horror, gore, and downright gut-punch scenes in millennium saga
- animal companion or found family
bonus points for the found family if theres an animal companion of course, but as much as i love wrench, she is a) not the most important member of the party and b) also a robot so i dont think she counts as an animal anyway outside of andy's dubious claims to fitting under the "dragon" definition
- horror or romance
i will write 1000 instances of "what the FUCK" for every page i struggle through writing romance as someone who does not experience attraction
- hard or soft magic system
- standalone or series
surprise! TMS may be a series and my long-running main WIP, but uh. 90% of my concepts are standalones. and tbh i like writing standalones more because i dont have to struggle with multiple books of plot and characters fitting together
- one project at a time or always juggling multiple
while i have a bajillion ideas, i struggle to get any work done if im not 100% invested in the story at hand, so i work on one at a time (while allowing myself to switch if i need to of course; but if i do switch, it's never just a few days. its months, and often seeing something to completion)
- one award winner or one best seller
honestly? id rather be recognized for my hard work in creating the characters/story via an award than via a bajillion people reading it,,, though theoretically if its winning an award at least enough people have read it to a) nominate it and b) vote for it, so? best of both worlds kinda?
- fantasy or scifi
- character or setting description
please god. my beta readers didnt know what color embers hair was until chapter 13 because i couldnt fuckin figure out how to put a description of it in naturally. ill take describing massive trees and open ocean and vast plains of ice and cluttered rooms and stained glass windows any day but dont make me describe the narrator or i swear to fuck
- first or final draft
its the puzzle box gremlin in me like "NYEHEHEHE THE PIECES. THEY ARE THERE. PEOPLE CAN SOLVE THEM. NEYHE" and that simply cannot happen in the first draft
- love triangle in everything or no romantic arcs
we write polyamory, one (1) enemies-to-lovers, or no romance at all in this house (it feels so alienating to write no matter what but if its for the story ill do just about anything)
- constant sandstorm or rainstorm
can i say blizzard? i want to say blizzard. same "dont go outside or you'll die" as sandstorm but less worrying about water and also more excuses for the characters to light a fire and Talk About The Horrors or just commit arson
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dotthings · 2 years
Was happy to see the A18-49 demo went back up a bit on Kung Fu this week, probably due to all the markets knocked out by the Verizon-Nexstar mess being restored.
Been a while since I've talked about Kung Fu so I decided to take some notes on this week's ep. I used to tweet about Kung Fu a lot but since I'm not on twitter any more, I might start doing more episode reaction blogging here.
Season 3, episode 5 "The Harvest"
Pei-Ling and Xiao -- it's a common trope in heroic narratives like Kung Fu that the hero loses her mentor. It's not all that often she gets her mentor back. I'm really enjoying this arc about the resurrection of Pei-Ling, Nicky's mentor, and Pei-Ling's internal fight being possessed by Xaio.
There's quite a lot of symbolism about women being trapped in this ep. Xiao was locked in a mystically sealed cage and starved to death. Henry and Nicky research a way to free Pei-Ling that involves a candle from the Salem witch trials era, to expel Xiao from Pei-Ling, that involves a magical candle used to exorcise evil spirits from accused witches. Henry mentions the women were falsely accused, just to add another level to it. And Pei-Ling has a chain around her ankle in case Xiao takes over and becomes a danger.
Simon and Zhilan -- he gives her his sword, that was sweet. I know she killed him once but I kinda ship it. Zhilan having to watch Simon die again though, ouch. Even though the first time it was her fault.
Zhilan and Pei-Ling -- eventually the narrative of the two sisters intersect. Zhilan and Pei-Ling each fighting their enemy in a non-corporeal kind of place. The set design on this series is lovely. Both places are in black & white (Pei-Ling's mind battle with Xiao) or washed out gray (Zhilan's with the soul eater), with splashes of red. Turns out the soul taker and Xiao are linked and Xiao is feeding on the light of the souls, something both Henry and Pei-Ling see during the ritual. (Henry seems deeply shaken after, maybe because of his role as the compass, it affected him a certain way).
"My mind is like a cage...I thought the poison I felt was your anger. I know now it wasn't your anger. It was fear." Pei-Ling contains Xiao by shutting her in a mental cage. "My mind, my rules." (One of Kung Fu's EP's is Robert Berens who worked on SPN, and this put me in mind of Dean Winchester containing AU Michael in his mind--"I'm the cage.") It's not going to hold Xiao forever, but Pei-Ling (like Dean) has a strong will so it should hold for a while.
Jin -- Jin seems like he should be the politician and run for office since this guy he's working for seems a bit shady.
Althea and Evan solving crimes together for hire is fun. Althea Shen, PI.
Nicky and Henry -- so Nicky and Henry are very much broken up right now but when Nicky's worried about Pei-Ling, she turns to Henry. Only after Ryan suggests it. Nicky is trying to give Henry his space. But as soon as she's face to face with Henry, she shows her fear and vulnerability and it's clear she relies on him still. Just something about couples who break up and then at the first sign of trouble, draw together again and act protective and are there for each other. I realize this might not mean the romantic relationship is going to be restored or healed anytime soon necessarily, but the bond between Nicky and Henry is a strong tie regardless and I really enjoy them.
Zhilan and Pei-Ling --
Nicky and Bo -- there is nothing wrong with Bo except he's not Henry. I won't hold it against him. Bo was right to step back when Nicky seemed that distracted and every time he turns around, she seems to be running back to her ex, whose apartment she was living in while Henry was gone. But Nicky does seem to be into Bo and wants to make that work. We'll see where that winds up.
Mei-Li, Carrie, and Sebastian -- there's a rich small arc in this ep about privilege and culture told via the lens of food. I really like how this show gets written. Carrie (played by the wonderful Kim Rhodes), a white woman, giving lectures to Mei-Li and Sebastian about what can and can't count on the menu of a Chinese restaurant, for an "authenticity" that by Carrie's own words, is a corporate business consideration mandate. "For the brand." Carrie's corporate voice was insisting on a purity, but not an authentic one--it was a purity of brand based on marketing not the views of the two Asian people she works with. Carrie spoke over them. Sebastian rightfully calls Carrie out policing Sebastian's Filipino dish, although he cuts short of saying the blunt words we know were about to come out of his mouth. And I don't think he's wrong. Mei-Li works things out with Carrie more gently, and assures Sebastian's Filipino dish stays on the menu, then asks Sebastian to be more gentle with Carrie, who is a partner with them. There's a lot of layers there on different approaches, maybe different generational approaches too, in calling people on white privilege. I don't like that Carrie is snooping into Sebastian's background, although I think Carrie is a decent person. She is no doubt still concerned about "the brand" and the success of the restaurant and worried about Sebastian but I think she's going to have more of her assumptions disrupted. Should be interesting to see how Carrie and Mei-Li navigate each other, and how Mei-Li and Sebastian's friendship fits orbiting that.
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akunoakuma · 7 years
Oh god, I’ve been tryin’ to think of all these titles for Aku that were similar to Maleficent’s “Mistress of all Evil,” and you just nailed it right there : “Emperor of Evil.”
I love it.
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