Hi :3
So someone said Kamala is the female Obama and I've been thinking about it....
And then did some internet sleuthing about it.
Hear me out
Didn't Dems use Obama to win Black voters after losing the previous election to Bush cuz Al Gore (like Clinton) lost?
And didn't they blame the 3rd party candidate Ralph Nader for Al Gore's loss?? Much like they blamed Bernie Bros?? Even tho the truth was that al Gore was hardly better and lacked the charisma Bush had? (Again, like Trump?)
So are we sure this is actually democrats conceding anything at all?? Are we not sure they put Kamala in the WH just to adjust voters to the idea of her being president anyway? That maybe they do realize the need for change but have chosen to err on the side of token progress that keeps them in power...again?
Article from Dec 2010:
At first glance, the president and Harris have much in common: Both are mixed-race children of immigrants raised by a single mother; both are eloquent, telegenic big-city lawyers with strong liberal credentials who catapulted from relative obscurity to the national stage. And like the first African-American president, Harris has broken a long-standing barrier — she’s California’s first African-American attorney general and the first woman to hold the office.
[...]“She’s a rare talent who will be a national figure shortly,” said Chris Lehane, a former Clinton aide who is now a consultant in California. “People call her the female Obama. It’s more apt to say she is the female Obama that progressives thought they were voting for.”
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Are we absolutely positive that we have been learning lessons from history; like even recent history even? Because she isn't actually much different from Obama at all and this was Obama's legacy:
People were then reassured by Obama and rather than voting for 3rd parties in 2012 like they said, they elected Obama again. Just like y'all tried to do with Biden. And definitely like what will happen under Kamala.
He even got people to vote for him cuz of his promise to secure abortion rights and he did this right:
But tell me how that stopped the supreme court from stripping it???
Don't fall for this again
Cuz people were fucking pissed after Obama weren't they. Progressives wouldn't put up with a moderate like Clinton even compared to Trump. And that was unexpected wasn't it, progress that they couldn't come back from. So they lost to Trump, but what a convenient reset! Suddenly settling wasn't so bad for the American people, huh? And y'all elected Biden.
Who, outside the homoerotic Biden/Obama memes, people didn't like (and I'd argue those memes are what made him likeable to the younger generations to begin with).
But things have been tense, haven't they? The displeasure of voters didn't completely go away when Biden remained a centrist. It wasn't enough, especially when he supported genocide. And now they give us Kamala after we wanted Biden to step down for supporting Israel?
....But she still supports Israel?
Nobody knows how/if progressives will show up for Kamala because we can all feel how much Kamala isn't pleasing anyone. The tension is still palpable. Democrats have made an awful bet.
And I am DONE.
Dems have been manipulating voters away from 3rd parties every single election while making promises they never keep good on, while doing NOTHING to actually protect any of us or make anything better. While killing people, deporting them, and justifying war crimes! While liberals promise to push them left and never do and ALSO tell everyone not to vote 3rd party "right now"
All they do is perpetuate the systems that serve each other. I mean we're in 2000 & 2008 again, politically. Already.
They will never ever systematically support progress the way that 3rd parties do. And they don't care to listen or change cuz they know they can Force you to vote for less by making sure that a centrist Democrat is always on the ticket with ballot access in every state and nobody else is.
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They make sure if it in fact
If progress is what you want it's time to Genuinely start listening to people who tell you a vote for democrats is worthless for your goals.
I'm just fed up mexi-ojibwe american adult who grew up with shitty presidents and grew up with full access of the internet to educate myself about what led to this mess.
So are a LOT of other adults who feel this way!!!
And what we know led to this situation is the two party system. And how the system has been enabled by scared liberals who listen to fear-mongerering Democrats every election.
Democrats want history to repeat because it keeps them in power. Because what they do and how they treat you keeps them in power.
Is that what you want? To be treated like this in perpetuity for almost nothing in return?
Me neither.
So unless you have a better idea or plan to start burning shit down yourself then your most realistic option to break out of this abusive cycle is to vote 3rd party.
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"vote blue in the primary, it's our only realistic option!" -> "if you don't vote blue you deserve trump" -> "can't you just be happy republican/trump lost?" -> quietly not doing much between elections-> "vote blue in the-" etc
Cycles don't end on their own, that's the thing about cycles in fact.
So vote 3rd party. Yeah it's scary. Yeah it might not work. But again, do you have a better idea? Because what we're doing and have been doing for the last 30 years, this "lesser evil" & "vbnmw" thing was the liberals' idea and that isn't working for any of us At All. Its keeping us here in this cycle where nothing gets better but it can Always get worse.
If you can't vote 3rd party in your state ask yourself why that is then do something about it.
Quit expecting democrats to give a shit about the equality you need when you've been protesting genocide for nearly a year and they still welcomed the war criminal for a conversation in the white house.
Any right you've won under democrats is as superficial as Obama's executive order and that's been proven.
⭐ Tldr ⭐
According to all available history: FUCK DEMOCRATS; You NEED to be supporting 3rd parties if you support progress and you need to do the work of getting their names out. Democrats DO fight and suppress 3rd parties. So its more work to support a 3rd party than a democrat, yeah.
But if progress is worth anything at all it should be worth at least trying to do the work it takes to get a viable 3rd party on the ballot.
Thank you
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Fandom's Takes On Trauma Are Terrible And Here's Why: brought to you by terrible Coriolanus Snow and Anakin Skywalker discourse
I've been on the verge of making this post for a while now, but I kept not doing it because this might be a bit of a hot take and I don't like offending people. However, I've been growing increasingly annoyed with the perception of one specific character type so lets see how much my dumb opinions stir the pot this time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This will be focused mainly on my current main fandom: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes, as well as Star Wars. You'll see why. Now, I need to make it clear that I'm not judging anyone for their opinions on characters for any reason. In no way am I insinuating you're a bad person for having opinions different to mine or that you’re not allowed to have them. What I am saying is that fandoms have some frustrating and frankly insulting beliefs around trauma and those who survived it, and I'm gonna talk about it because I want to get this off my chest. With that said:
Y'all don't understand how trauma works and it annoys me
As stated in the title, I'm writing this because of the Coriolanus Snow discourse, specifically regarding whether he's a good or bad person. Lets rip off the bandaid straight away: He's a bad person. There's no question about it, Snow is a vile human being. And he's one of my favorite characters because of it. He's fantastically written and hands down one of the most realistic, viscerally terrifying yet utterly pathetic villains ever. And what I hate about the TBOSAS fandom more than anything (aside from how some of them treat the actors) is the way they take away all his agency in the story. But I'll put a pin in that because I have a lot to say about him and instead start at the beginning of my growing frustration with how fandom perceives trauma (feel free to skip through this post, I'll label my sections in case you don't wanna read this whole thing). There's two sides, and both are equally stigmatized and wrong. So lets start with the more obvious one through the lens of Anakin Skywalker.
The Star Wars Fandom's Weird Relationship With Traumatized Children Behaving Like Traumatized Children
So Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader is pretty explicitly a Bad Dude who's done some Bad Things. Bro committed genocide, ain't no getting around that, except... It's a little more complicated. Sure, he did all those terrible things, but a lot of people take that to mean he was always a horrible monstrous big bad in the making who was destined to become the galaxy's worst nightmare. That's missing the whole point of the prequel trilogy, because those movies essentially serve to explain all the reasons for Anakin's descent into villainy, and he had surprisingly little hand in it. Growing up into slavery means he not only has a warped view of the galaxy thanks to all the horrors he's witnessed, it also means he lacks the teachings Jedi younglings get when they grow up in the temple. He was pawned off onto Obi-Wan who had only recently been knighted and was in no way ready to raise a child, and became "friends" with Palpatine who fed him all sorts of lies to manipulate him into becoming little more than an attack dog. Not exactly ideal circumstances for a child in their formative years. Did Anakin shirk the Jedi's rules? Yes. Did he do dumb stuff? Yes. But he was a traumatized teenager, of course he's acting out. When he massacres the Tusken Raiders, it's Padme Amidala who reassures him it was the right thing to do. He felt guilty about it, so this idea that he's some apathetic monster from the second he's born is dumb. It's not that Anakin was born wrong, it's that the people around him either failed to help him go down the right path or were actively trying to push him down the wrong one. Anakin never fully grasped the Jedi's ideals, because the person meant to teach him just wasn't equipped to do so. If he'd had someone to teach him how to get a hold of his emotions, distancing himself enough from them to make the best possible decision and helping him understand the importance of letting someone go when you have to, he wouldn't have fallen to the dark side the way he did.
Anakin did terrible things, but blaming it on him just having an evil heart shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how people's environments change who they are. A life in slavery, where he was not allowed to have anything and risked losing what he held dear at any second with no control over it likely caused him to be very possessive of what he held close to his heart once he did have some control over what he kept and lost. Shmi died because he wasn't there to protect her (in his head), so he clung to the people he loved so he could save them the way he couldn't save his mother. Palpatine actively groomed him, if you think that didn't have any effect on him I don't know what to tell you. Throughout the war, he constantly lost people he was close to. That control he had slowly starts to fade as Ahsoka leaves and he starts having dreams about Padme dying. He does everything to save her, only to find out she betrayed him (in his mind, a thought quite likely influenced by PTSD as well). I can tell you that believing one of the few people you trust has betrayed you can make you act very impulsively. Anakin made an impulsive decision and regretted it for the rest of his life. He wasn't born a monster, the world turned him into one.
However, that does not excuse his actions. It explains them and spreads the blame to more people, but his actions are still his actions. Anakin separated himself from his past because of all the pain it brings him, and in doing so he did a lot of bad things. And he still needed to face consequences for those actions, even if the events that led up to them aren't necessarily on him entirely. If he'd gotten therapy, he wouldn't have choked Padme to death. Possibly he wouldn't have attacked the temple. But he didn't, and he did all those things trauma or not. I have major issues with the way some Anti-Anakin parts of the Star Wars fandom insist on ignoring or writing off his trauma, but that doesn't mean I'm absolving him of all guilt.
An explanation is not an excuse, and that sentiment brings us to the reason for this little rant:
Coriolanus Snow's defenders have a habit of infantalizing trauma survivors and I wish they would stop
Oh Snow, how your amazing character completely flew over the heads of most of your loyalest fans. I'm joking, obviously, but also... It's not exactly wrong. Now, I need to make this clear: I'm not insulting Snow fans here. I'm kind of one of them (I hate his guts but I love how he was written, it's a love hate relationship). However, the way people talk about his trauma... I'll be honest, it's kind of sickening for reasons I'll talk about later after getting through the technical(?) stuff. Where the way people view Anakin disgusts me, the way people treat Snow disturbs me. Because people view The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes as if it's some typical tragic villain backstory that humanizes and in some ways justifies who he became, to show what changed him from a normal person into a monster. It's not. It actually shows that Snow has always possessed the traits that made him the monster we know from the OG series. What it does is explain why specific things were so important to him and how he grew to lose all redeeming qualities, letting the worst aspects of his personality grow and take over until it's all there's left of him.
What made Snow do stuff like poison political adversaries and constantly beat down the districts so they don't rebel? A thirst for power. A thirst he's always had, born from the feelings of entitlement he held thanks to his family's previous status. He deserves that power in his mind, so he'll do anything to get it. Power, control, and influence are his driving motivators. It's at the back of his mind throughout TBOSAS, and by the time he becomes a gamemaker it's the only motivation he has left. Those traits, the things that pushed him to do what he did, they were always there. There was just more stuff to cover it up. Stuff that fell away with time. Snow is a terrible person, but people pretend he's some poor misunderstood baby who just needed a hug because... why? Because he has trauma. And that's the root of the problem. Does he have trauma? Absolutely. He survived a war, he lost his parents, struggled through poverty while being raised by propaganda from the Capitol and was arguably groomed by Gaul. Sound familiar? It's kind of like Anakin. Horrible childhood filled with loss, less than amazing figures raising him and grooming. Except people use the opposite argument for him which is equally wrong: he's traumatized, so we cannot blame him.
Yes we can.
Trauma does not justify your actions. It might explain them, but you are still accountable for your own actions. Snow murdered people, starting with Bobbin, and every single time it was his choice to do so. It doesn't matter why he made that choice, because he still did it. He ruined countless lives and ended nearly as many, both directly and indirectly. No amount of trauma justifies that. I've seen people claim he's just an anxious young boy who's a poor victim of circumstance, and anyone who doesn't believe so is simply unable to separate the actions of an 80-something-year-old from the 18-year-old, but... No. That's one of the most braindead takes I've ever heard, I'm sorry. Snow hadn't committed the crimes of his older self yet, but the behaviors he shows in TBOSAS are the ones that led him to doing so later on and ignoring that is just stupid. I don't need to judge Snow based on his later actions to call out how fucked up he was in TBOSAS. Again, he chose to murder several people and deluded himself into believing he was justified. That's what makes him a great character. Bad people always believe, on some level, that they're doing the right thing. It's fascinating. But people take his words at face value when he says he's doing the right thing, and the whole point is that he's wrong. He's lying to himself. Because that's what people do sometimes. Snow's family was knocked off its throne, and Snow clung to the idea that the districts are beneath him and at fault to cope with that. He deluded himself into believing Gaul's dumbass theory to justify continuing the games.
It's the exact opposite of Anakin Skywalker: Trauma is relevant, it does inform your perspective on the world and your actions, but it does not mean you can do no wrong. Snow had every chance to be a good person: Knocking Bobbin out or running away instead of murdering him, joining the rebellion with Sejanus, staying in district 12 with Lucy Gray and being honest with her. But he killed Bobbin. He fucked over the rebels and got Sejanus killed. He lied to Lucy Gray and destroyed any chance he had with her. Every chance he got, he threw into the fire without hesitation. Anakin leaned into being a bad person to forget the past, Snow chose to be one because it benefitted him the most. Neither of them are excused because of their trauma, their descent into villainy is simply explained. You know why? Because both of them created new victims. Snow was complicit in the murder of hundreds of children before becoming responsible for thousands more, he killed people with his own hands and ruined several lives over the course of TBOSAS. All that pain he caused isn't erased because we can explain why it happened. Even at 18, Snow has many things he should be held accountable for. War, being an empoverished orphan, being groomed, none of that nullifies the shit he's done. People who say Snow's just an anxious, young, traumatized boy are one side of the horseshoe theory of the myth of "the perfect victim". The "Anakin's Trauma Should Be Ignored Entirely" crowd are the other side. Which brings us to...
It's all horseshoe theory
To conclude the analytical part of my post, I'll bring it back to what I briefly mentioned in the intro to all of this. Agency. That's the running thread here. Both in cases like Anakin and cases like Snow, the fandom takes away all agency a character has in the story for the sake of justifying one's feelings about them. Anakin was born a monster and he was always destined to be evil. It wasn't the trauma, it wasn't the events of the story, he's just bad. On the other hand, Snow is a good person who was made to do terrible things by his trauma. It's all the trauma and nothing else. His bad childhood caused him to be this way and it has nothing to do with his own worst personality traits. See the connection? In both these instances, the characters had no influence over who they became. With Anakin, nothing could've had any influence because he's just born wrong. With Snow, it's everything around him that shaped him into who he was. Both scenarios completely ignore the character and focus on external factors to explain everything. One demonizes trauma victims by saying those that went off the rails are just bad people and there's nothing to be done about it, the other infantilizes trauma survivors by saying they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions just because they have trauma and it's only when they're older and should know better that we can bring consequences down on them.
Victims of trauma should be held accountable, though. The only thing the presence of trauma should change is what kind of accountability. Merely locking them up won't change anything, they should receive help to work through their problems while residing in a place where they cannot hurt anyone else. Including themselves. That is what acknowledging trauma is useful for. But this? This is doing nothing but stigmatizing trauma survivors even more than they already are, and I hate it. And you wanna know why I hate it? Because I've been both sides of this horseshoe, and it nearly got me killed.
The part where I talk about my Tragic Backstory(TM) to explain why this bothers me so much
This'll be a little heavy, so while I'm not gonna go into detail I advise you to please be careful. If you're not in the headspace to handle talk about actual real life mental health issues, feel free to stop reading here. I'm putting this at the end for a reason. If you really wanna know why people's perspective on Snow disturbs me but don't wanna risk getting triggered, skip to the last bold line in this post.
Without going into detail, I've dealt with some pretty big mental health issues throughout my life. One of them is PTSD, so believe me when I say I understand that trauma can heavily influence one's actions in ways even they don't understand. But I had to learn the hard way that there's a difference between explaining and excusing. I used to believe that, because of my previous experiences, I was entirely justified in doing what I was doing. Kind of. At that point, I didn't know that what I was experiencing was PTSD, but I did feel justified in my actions the same way Snow does. I explained every bad thing I did away and wrote it off as nothing or sometimes even as a good thing. Granted, I never did anything as big as committing murder, but I don't live in a country as dark and horrible as Panem so we'll chalk it up to that. As I grew older, I started to recognize the ways in which I accidentally hurt the people around me, and eventually had the realization that my past does not in fact justify the pain I was causing people entirely uninvolved in what happened to me. They had nothing to do with that, and shoving all my pain onto them the way I did was wrong. My view of myself pivoted to the other side of the horseshoe. If I'm not justified, am I... am I bad? Am I evil? Am I just born wrong?
I don't know how to explain this to anyone who hasn't gone through this themself, but that is a horrible feeling to have. To feel like you're just bad and there's nothing you can do about it... It kills something inside of you. A hope, a will to keep going and keep trying. Why bother when you cannot be fixed? I've lost the will to live at two points in my life, and that was one of them. And now I get to see both of these mentalities be repeated by dumbasses who don't understand the first thing about trauma. It's... not fun. It's grating and aggravating in a way I can't accurately bring across with just my words. It makes me wanna scream and laugh hysterically until I cry.
Here's the thing: I relate to Snow, and the way people perceive him disturbs me on a visceral level.
As I said, I justified my own bad behavior the same way he does. I convinced myself I was a blameless poor victim who had no hand in their actions. But just like Snow, I did. Not nearly as much as I would have liked, but I did. I learned to control the defensive mechanisms my trauma gave me, and I grew from it. Seeing people defending Snow with the same arguments that kept me from ever getting over what happened to me, crying out that he's just traumatized so none of it's his fault... it disturbs me. Because they're outsiders who should be able to see the pain he caused others and realize that nothing changes the fact that he did that. But they don't. They're me, without any of the personal stakes that kept me trapped in my own delusions. It's all just fiction, and I know that, but it hits just a little too close to home for my comfort. It's a little too raw and a little too real for me to just let it go and move on again like I always do.
I'm sorry for the rant, I didn't mean to make this post this long but I guess I hope you find something of interest in here that made it worth reading? Have a nice day 💜
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
On the topic of your last ask: the cognitive dissonance of these colonial right wingers is astonishing.
“We hate these people” - “BUT they are not allowed to leave”
“It is not a distinct culture” - “BUT we hate their culture”
“Their language is not a language, it's just a dialect” - “BUT we don’t understand it and will be super angry if they speak it”.
“They are Spaniards just like us” - “BUT they speak weird and they are not like us at all”
Like, please… Do you have to be BOTH fascist and confusing? Can’t you just… try to make sense while being an asshat? Sorry, I had a bad day (foreigner living in Catalonia, with a Catalan husband and a Catalan child, that is constantly asked “WhY HaVe YoU OnLy LeArNeD cAtAlan aNd nOt sPaNisH?”) and the story of that ask made me so angry. My mom had to deal with the same thing when she proudly used some phrases she learned in Barcelona to some Spanish colleague and he got all upset because "that's not the right way to speak" like bro what? Anyways, thank you for your blog. I have learned so much from you and I know it must be really difficult to deal with sometimes but you are so appreciated and I often go tell my husband "look at todays useless catalan fact", and we often both learn something new.
Thank you so much for your kind words and your support 🥹❤️ and I'm very proud of you for learning Catalan and of your mother for learning some. What a shame that she ran into such intolerant people!
And yes, these contradictions are exhausting. I would add one more, used to answer when we ask for political or cultural rights: (said by the right-wing) "we shouldn't listen to them because Catalans are only radical terrorists that hate Spain and want to burn down Catholicism and Capitalism" and at the same time (said by a big chunk of the Spanish left-wing) "we shouldn't listen because all Catalans are bourgeois and any demand for Catalan cultural rights is only a bourgeois demand, done to divide the working class when they should be giving up their language so there can become citizens of the world like us". Which one is it? How is our whole country either of these? And why is our country's working class not as worthy as their country's working class? Why do we have to give up our language and culture and assimilate into theirs to be "of the world"? Why are they more "of the world" than us, because they invaded and committed genocides in the past to spread theirs around the world? Where are we from, if not from "the world"? From the Moon??
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davekat-sucks · 7 months
Vriska is the best while Bro, Eridan and Gamzee are inredemble abusive monsters despite also being subjected to the same forces people use to defend Vriska.
If you dislike Vriska you are a misogynist that hates women and antihero characters.
When most antihero characters don’t torture one of their friends, cripple them, and then destroy their self esteem in a attempt to make them strong.
Taylor Hebert is a character from the web serial Worm who also has a complex mortality and does many immoral things. But the Worm Fanbase as a whole does not hate Taylor because she is a female antihero. Because Taylor never does some of the things Vriska did.
I hate how Tavros is completely ignored despite being a abuse victim while Dave gets a whole arc and Bro framed as a horrid monster. Tavros’s trauma is completely glossed over because of Vriska.
Adding in Kate Mitchell having to depict Tavros as a chaser in Pesterquest, it made people turn against him. Even if Pesterquest is not canon, people would rather use this because it talked about their fave Vriska in good light. Also trans can't be abusers and Vriska is trans in Pesterquest. I'm not sure if I would call Eridan abusive. Harming in an emotional draining way to Feferi? Yes. Feferi wanted to stop Eridan from possibly committing true genocide against land dwellers and wanted to have him lose the idea of the hemospectrum. She would even call him out of not actually going through said plans since he has friends like Karkat and Kanaya, who are lower on the caste system and land dwellers. But you must also remember that Eridan thinking hemospectrum is great is normal for trolls. Characters like Vriska and Equius are this. Feferi is one who is against this and hopes to change it once she rules. Not realizing that even when she would make everyone equal as implied with Beforus, there would still be problems. Like how it was still a FUCHSIA in charge of making the rules for what's considered bad or good. Not by the troll citizens themselves. And how the Alpha Trolls had lots of issues for their session that they had to Scratch to create the trolls we know and love. Part of it is also them having worst communication ever in the moiraillegiance. Especially when they go at each other with different flirting ways. Eridan trying to flush flirt with Feferi and Feferi going pitch, causing vacillation.
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kcuf-ad · 9 months
Okay I saw the post where you were raging how people say Sasuke commited genocide, right? I'm gonna trust you saying he didn't actually commit actual genocide, but consider:
Literally no one considers Sasuke as someone who did genocide, EXCEPT for the people who are fully aware he didnt and are just making fun of him (because how else to cope with the trauma than make fun of it)
Sasuke be getting mad about something and Naruto just casually goes "Whoa there, I think the genocides you've already done is enough for ya" and immediately Sasuke's trying to kill him with a "IT WAS ONE TIME! AND IT WASNT EVEN A GENOCIDE! I JUST KILLED LIKE TWO PEOPLE!" and then Sakura goes "What, you think that makes it any better?" and Sasuke is just losing his shit trying to explain that they're damn SHINOBI, they're SUPPOSED to kill people.
Alternatively, in Boruto era Naruto sometimes gets done with his son and is like LISTEN UP IF YOU DONT STOP MESSING ABOUT ILL SEND YOU TO UNCLE SASUKE, HES A MURDERER YA KNOW
Boruto side eyes the thirty year old who looks like he's having his emo phase again and is like SUUUUURE
And then Sasuke goes in a very calm voice while glowing red Would you like to find out?
Or the kids just hear the jokes aimed at Sasuke and don't realise that they're literally 75% made up and take them mostly seriously.
As far as the kids know Sasuke's killed about seven hundred people and no one wants to correct them because it's too funny. (They did have to make it very clear that the kids can not keep asking Sasuke to kill people just because they don't like them- not because the kids are serious but because Sasuke might actually do it-)
Damn it this is god damn hilarious.
Bro, Sasuke could be mad at what Kakashi did at during his shift and the anger is clearly visible, so what does Kakashi do? Like any reasonable adult, he stands up and yells, "SASUKE NOT AGAIN! WE JUST GOT YOU OUT PRISON FOR THE LAST GENOCIDE!" which Sasuke never wanted to commit it until now.
He was rumoured that he killed an entire village for fun, and not because he accidently knocked someone while walking. The rumours spread so wide that people actively make sure that they don't make him mad. If he is ever alone in a different village and is seen with his neutral face (aka angry face) and people are sweating bullets and try their absolute hardest to cheer him up, sometimes, they even bribe him so he doesn't be upset.
Everytime he talks about this, the three bust out laughing at this.
Boruto looks at Sasuke who looks like he is listening to every emo song ever known for the 14th time in his life and thinks "This is the guy that caused all of those genocides? I don't think he could kill a bird, let alone a guy." Not knowing his criminal history.
Sarada looks at his dad and doesn't believe any rumour because this man barely knows how to talk to his own daughter, do you really think he could cause a genocide?
Knowing Sasuke, yeah, no one should give him suggestions. Sakura once said that the owner of the nearby kebab shop was bit of a jerk and Naruto had the bright idea of joking that Sasuke should kill him.
2 days later, he was never heard from again.
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enlighten3d · 5 months
More Oc lore
ummmm no reference picture for him yet but John Doe, the real name of the stag who is the cult leader.
He is the gayest gay to ever gay
he basically was just some white guy in the 70s chilling with his boyfriend until he saw the horrors and kind of went insane. He sacrificed a few people and when his boyfriend found out he said he did it for “gay rights” (it’s kinda coverup to make himself look good) and he wants to destroy the universe. His boyfriend Kenneth absolutely being distraught about this fact broke up with him and decided to “fix” him with the ✨power of friendship ✨but that only resulting in one night stands with him or one of his friend is dying. eventually Kenneth dies from ingesting a potion which is somewhat curse so John goes why the hell not, retrieves his corpse from a morgue and preserves his body in a glass case, like any good boyfriend.
he is also have deer motif, and most of his right hand men/ plane travelers have prey symbolism
so uhhhh yeah very silly, he hasn’t done anything wrong (committed genocide in multiple universes) and if he did he was feeling a bit goofy
...JOHN DOE?? JOHN DOE ? LIKE JOHN DOE FROM MALEVOLENT- sorry im insane about malevolent. theres a.. guy who names himself john doe. qjsndjfhsjfjskckd. (i am aware that its a rly common placeholder name !! just when insane for a hot sec when i saw it ahdndkdjfjsjd)
okay.. cult leader is john doe. fascinating .
oh boy !! sacrificial murder in the name of gay rights, definitely definitely. bro saw the horrors and is not sane. very logical on his part /s. byebye universe ! its impossible to stop gay people so the universe is fucked ig /silly
KENNETH. MATE. 'i can fix him..' no the FUCK you cannot. rip kenneths friends ig. and kenneth too ! this is what happens when you fuck a cult leader who wants to destroy everything (why does he wish to do so, if i may ask..)
aand hes sleeping beauty now. checks out ! is he gonna use kenneth for some sort of Ritual.......
OOOH fascinating... symbolism !! beloved! 💥
hes. so silly. definitely. thats so normal of him. /s
guy needs to go to therapy and jail or get killed
FUCK the IRONY THO... hes a genocidal megalomaniac who has a motif of prey. thats insane. bcs if anth hes the predator here. smth smth wolf in sheeps clothing... amazing
this is beautiful
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clingyduoapologist · 1 year
Clings I'd love to hear about the captain rex man. Who he. What he like?
captain rex is one of the deadliest men in the entire galaxy, he's a genetically altered clone of a notorious bounty hunter who has gone toe to toe with jedi, he was trained for war and nothing but war since he was bred, created in lab, and shipped off at the age of 10 all because a prick who looks like an itchy ballsack wanted to stroke his own ego by becoming god empower of the universe and needed some help to commit a little genocide. He's the leader of 501st battalion, one of the most legendary fighting forces ever crafted, he's the right-hand man of anakin skywalker, the youngest Jedi to ever be seated at the council, he watches so many of his brothers die and he even is forced to kill some of them himself when said itchy ballsakk fucks over the galaxy, and yet even after all that he becomes an old grandpa who chills with his bros on an old tank in the middle of nowhere. He even teaches a kid how to fish for galactic space worms. He's the guy who ever
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micheya · 3 years
Stargazing with Diluc while the world slowly ends
...death? Grammar and spelling errors. And terrible maybe very over the top idk bro, im not good at angst 😃👍
Offtopic but, I had no idea how to spread out my paragraphs this time for some weird reason
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Finally | Diluc oneshot
Crashing waves of heat cascading over the seven nations;
Smoke swirled dancing, the flames they originated from only growing, enveloping, devouring.
There was only destruction
"I guess...this is it" you muttered. Diluc who had previously been convincing you to hold onto life had completely lost the spark in his eyes, that determination to pursue justice, make the flames of his vision his own, turn the burden he felt wielding it into a charring inferno. He was going to deliver justice.
Well that's what he thought.
He had tried.
At least he had tried...right?
He managed to flourish a relationship with you, a small seed of affection, blooming into an undying devotion.
Undying. How ironic.
You were all going to die.
All of you.
The agonising screams and cries of citizens in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Fontain and so on carried through the entire continent - yet never reaching the two of you.
It was as if there wasn't a mass genocide being committed around the two of you, as if the sky wasn't streaming with the bold and blue, followed by a some glowing purple hue of meteors crashing down upon Teyvat.
"I...What do I do?" Your body was held firmly in Diluc's arms, as the two of you sat at star snatch cliff, Diluc respecting your wishes of not wanting to die at the Battlefield.
"The traveler is struggling. For archon's sake, the literal 7 gods of this world are struggling." At this point he could only muster a mumble, "We made an enemy of the divine."
"I guess that was our mistake, huh." Chuckling, you gripped onto your side, the scorching hot of abysmal magic had not healed, despite the desperate efforts of Barbara trying to keep up with the contestant flowing of injuries.
Her fake positivity to the situation almost felt patronising, and soon even her songs had to stop.
Back in Mondstadt the knights frantically squirmed like mice in a trap, Kaeya leading the cavalry against multiple ruin guards.
Jean assisting Lisa and Amber against a hoards of abyss mages leading groups of hilichurls
Both groups watching slowly as more men began to die.
"I almost feel bad," grasslands turned to waste, molten rock oozed and trees collapsed, the tree of Vanessa slowly falling victim to the undeniable power of the unknown god. "We're here, and they're there desperately grasping at straws, I hadn't even said goodbye to them."
"Diluc, I really loved you." The most horrifying thing you could possibly do to him at that point of time was die before him, but you waited.
Yes he had told you to hold onto life, but you were just about ready to give up - all you had to do was watch him die first.
But it was getting harder and harder, you wouldn't let history repeat itself, you weren't going to die within his grasps, you were not leaving like his father.
You were exhausted. Though you held on, because you knew even he wouldn't have been able to escape the flames.
"No need to look so down." you caressed his cheek, life equally leaving your eyes, "You did your best. Give me a kiss." Forcing yourself up, Diluc met halfway and pressed his lips gently against yours.
Then he broke out into tears. "I don't want you to go. I wanted to live with you, there was so much to do." He rubbed his face into your neck, muttering on.
"I love you, I love you, I love you."
You had burst out crying at this.
"Would you have accepted my proposal if I had given you one?"
"Where would our wedding have taken place?"
"Our children's names?"
"I wanted to be someone's father. I wanted to make up for what I had been missing, with you. "
The two of you initially failed to notice the incoming projectile
"There was so much I wanted to do with you." Even while the world was ending the two of you managed to stay in sync when thinking as you spoke together.
The heat of a the blazing gold rock rapidly spiked and the two of you could feel your skin melting away even with it being several hundreds of metres away.
Finally, you could rest.
You wouldn't leave Diluc alone to die
And he wouldn't leave you.
"Goodbye, my love."
This was the last time you'd see him. You burned his image into your mind the evaporating tears, his mess of an attempt to smile at you.
"Goodbye, my love."
Carving your smitten smile and equally mess of a face into memory, he waited with you.
And then it landed.
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bomberqueen17 · 3 years
Cliffs Notes: Witcher Two
for all of you lovely, brave folk who’ve said “oh i’ll read whatever you write” and who dove gamely into my sudden descent into Homoerotic Witcher 2 nonsense, and quite understandably reacted with “ok i’m on board with the homoeroticism but. who the fuck are these people”
I love you, you are so brave, you are the best. I am going to take care of you.
HERE is the answer. But, if you need more detail, don’t worry. I’m here. Crucially, do not misunderstand me: canon “fell” down the stairs and i am the “grieving” widow with an inheritance here, who has just answered the door to you in one of those translucent robes with the marabou feathers, and that’s the frame from which I’m telling you this story; I’m really just here to suck out the juicy homoerotic bits. There’s a lot of dumb bullshit in canon.
(Full disclosure: I am sorry but I don’t enjoy the voice acting or animation of this game and so have interacted directly with it as little as possible. I clearly enjoy aspects of its story but the game itself not so much. If you love it, great! but this post isn’t for you anyway, so go enjoy whatever it is you enjoy and I’m not judging you, in fact you’re ultimately the reason I’m here at all. Unironically, ❤️.)
The rest of you, clicky the cut, I promise it won’t hurt much, and then you’ll Know. Well enough, anyway. Uh in case you didn’t catch on, this is all spoilers for Witcher 2.
W2 is from Geralt’s POV, and as the player you can have him ally with one of two choices, to give you two entirely separate paths through the game, with different outcomes. 
In the prologue, you meet Vernon Roche, who is the head of Temeria’s Special Forces, the Blue Stripes, an elite military unit who execute the orders of King Foltest. Foltest is… an interesting fellow, whose policies include some… fairly… uh, nonhuman-unfriendly ones. You also meet Iorveth, commander of a band of nonhuman guerrillas, the Scoia’tael [Squirrels], who are waging asymmetric warfare against… well, among others, Foltest, who has done (or, more accurately, ordered Roche and others to do) some uhhh well let’s not sugarcoat this: genocides. (War crimes have been committed on both sides, to be somewhat fair; the Scoia’tael do some ill shit, and a lot of people die horribly, on both sides, for often no more than the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.)  So, that’s your premise for this ship, incidentally-- Sworn Enemies, Mutually War Criminals. (It’s alleged that the Blue Stripes were created *expressly* to oppose the Scoia’tael, for some extra juice here.)
Anyway, in a flashback in the prologue, Iorveth allies himself with a Mysterious Personage, who at the end of the prologue, assassinates Foltest. (Mysterious Personage has also, just previously, assassinated the king of Aedirn, Demavend, leaving Demavend’s somewhat-ineffectual son Stennis in charge and not doing a super great job at fending off the invasions of the opportunistic Kaedwen, to the north, whose king, Henselt, is, get this, also at risk of getting murdered by the same Mysterious Figure and indeed that’s a feature of your video game choices.)
Going forward, Geralt gets to pick whether to side with Roche or with Iorveth. If you side with Roche, you make a lowkey enemy of Iorveth, and a particular set of... sort of bad things happens. If you side with Iorveth, Roche is pissy with you but actually helps you out here and later when he shows up in W3 he’s slightly huffy with you but also remains a decent bro there, so it doesn’t actually matter, SO I’m going to just assume Iorveth’s path for all these next bits.
So, Iorveth’s Path: VERGEN is a city on the Pontar River at the border between Aedirn and Temeria and Kaedwen, and this wildly popular woman named Saskia the Dragonslayer has raised a peasant army to supplant the ineffectual Aedirnian regular army at repelling an invasion by the neighboring kingdom (Kaedwen) and wants, eventually, in return for her fighting, to establish a Free State there, and Iorveth is allied with her, and Geralt can choose to help her if he does Iorveth’s path, which is what I’m basing these stories on.
The super awesome twist with Saskia is that she is actually a polymorphed dragon herself, the daughter of Borch Three Jackdaws from the dragon hunt of book and Netflix, and it was Iorveth’s idea for her to style herself the Dragonslayer and take credit for her own other form’s disappearance. This is rad as FUCK and I do not know why you would pick Roche’s path when it means you don’t get to help her. 
(There is some complication where Philippa Eilhart fucking mind-controls Saskia after a poisoning plot, which is like, half the game, but only relevant here in the end because I, too, have availed myself of Phil in my post-canon plots and that’ll surely matter now that I’ve worked Saskia in.)
Anyway what you need to know really is this: Vernon Roche is this square-jawed slightly constipated motherfucker whose king got killed out from under him and is left in W3 a patriot without a country:
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[image description: screenshot from Witcher 3, of Vernon Roche, who is a thin white man in a black folded fabric cap, leaning against a wood-paneled wall and glowering just to the left of the camera. And yeah his sword hilt has glitched through his arm because we love CDPR and their physics.]
And Iorveth is an overgrown theatre kid with a penchant for violence and drama in equal measures, far far too beautiful and arrogant for this world. [WEARING a GARLAND of BADGES he has LOOTED from the CORPSES of his SLAIN ENEMIES.]
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[image description: a promotional image from the Gwent game, of Iorveth napping in a tree, arms folded behind his head. He is an elf, one pointed ear visible, and is wearing a red headscarf covering the scarred right side of his face where an eye is missing, and is armored in leather and mail with a long-skirted green-quilted gambeson, a decorative blue sash around his waist, and a leather strap across his chest bedecked with enameled badges bearing the heraldic devices of several human kingdoms. He has a complicated bow and a quiver of arrows dangling from his belt, and looks peaceful. A red squirrel is climbing on the bole of the tree near his head.]
And Saskia is A MOTHERFUCKING DRAGON who looks like this in her human form how could you NOT. [I don’t like her dragon form, it’s… like… trying too hard to be unfuckable, and like, don’t challenge me like that I’m no amateur she is absolutely going to fuck in that form, but also, I’m mentally redesigning her to be less uhh early-2010s video game crusty.]
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[Image description: Gwent card art of Saskia, a blonde woman with a gold-and-red cord headband, standing dashingly on a rock in a heroic pose with flames behind her. She is wearing heavy silver-colored armor with large shoulder spauldrons and a red-and-gold brocade-looking bodice, and brandishing a large sword and a shield. She looks very stern but also looks about 22 and Video Game Hot, though not excessively so.]
Iorveth was supposed to be in W3 but got cut. Alas; he would have been fascinating. Roche is in W3 but is minor, and can either survive it or not based on your decisions. 
(The Mysterious Personage who kills Demavend and Foltest is the Viper witcher Letho of Gulet, who you’ll probably encounter in various other places on your fandom journey, and he’s been paid by Nilfgaard to kill all these kings in exchange for a vague promise of getting to re-establish the School of the Viper, so do with that information what you will.)
Most importantly, in all of this:
if you help Roche, there’s a scene where he defeats Iorveth, but does not kill him, claiming that he hears foes approaching and there isn’t time (after having let Iorveth make an incredibly long melodramatic speech, as he lies there attracively posed with his back arched, bleeding, saying more or less that if he must die at least it’s a worthy opponent: Roche lets him go on for this whole time and then is like welp peace out and bails); if you help Iorveth, there is a scene in which he defeats Roche, and takes his special forces badge as a trophy, but refuses to kill him because he is the “last of a dying breed” and it wouldn’t be sportsmanlike. Yes! Yes! It is THAT HOMOEROTIC in the ACTUAL TEXT, so I am not making this up. They are sworn enemies obsessed with one another and by fanfiction law they must fuck so I am called upon by the ancestors’ spirits to make this happen.
I was going to include an appendix of sources but genuinely, you can just poke around on the Internet if there’s a specific thing here that hooks you. I linked in the story to @laurelnose​‘s github repository of the [WIP-- partial] game transcript, which is less painful than trying to scrub through playthrough vids on YouTube. (Though if you watch only one, here is both possible outcomes of Roche and Iorveth’s Homoerotic Fight Scene. Which gives you a taste of like. How hard you have to work to make this all hot. Listen I don’t like the animation style.) If you’re interested you should totally look more up; there’s a lot of great background character and setting stuff that wildly enriches your fandom experience. But if you’re not, don’t feel bad if this is all you know, because this is literally all I know and I’m pretty confident I’ve got the gist enough for fic, baby, and that’s what’s important. Now I’m gonna rub my gay little hands all over it and polish off the weird eugenics shit and avoid the actual hate crime and go to town.
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Anitta is what we call a "Pardo" here in Brazil. A "Pardo" person is what yall call a "lightskin". Us Pardo ppl suffer a lot of racism here in Brasil. It's kinda hard to explain honestly. She said the n word on a live on Instagram, she was raising awareness about the genocide of black Brazilian youth that day and the haters just cut that word out and give it the context they want. There were two black women on that live w her, teaching her about racism. US is not the center of the world. There are other cultures. Anitta can't rlly be judged for a mistake she didn't even know she was committing. Here in Brasil we didn't even knew the meaning behind the n word till like 2/3 years ago actually. And a lot of ppl still don't know. For most ppl it's just a random word we hear on music. Not saying that ppl here don't care, the majority of them actually just don't know what they are saying, not everyone here understands English. Yall should stop saying she's problematic, I get it yall felt attacked or sum but she's learning. Let people learn. After all she's a Latina finally getting recognized for her job.
Bruh first of all ain't nobody say this is just an American thing. THIS A PROBLEM FOR EVERY BLACK WOMAN IN THIS WORLD. Wake the fuck up.
She's a grown fucking woman who's been on the internet for years. Y'all are fucking dumb with the "she/he just learning" shit. That's for ten year olds not grown ass adults
And she's not fucking light skin. Not even close bro 💀💀
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gltwrites · 3 years
the day isym said: i'm gonna fuck shit y'all up
So this is how it ends. I guess I won't be able to let this go sooner, or not ever.
Following the lives of these incredible characters since 2014 had been an astonishing journey for me. And now, we reached the end of one of the most-loved mangas, Attack on Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin—probably the only masterpiece that will touch my heart like this in this lifetime.
What an awful timing it was that chapter 139 arrived at the time I was supposed to be celebrating with my mutuals on exoltwt lol. While, overall, I rate AoT as 11 out of 10, I can't eschew that the culmination has left me qualms and questions unresolved.
Let's start with Armin thanking Eren for his sacrifices for Paradis—which equates to thanking him for committing a global genocide (bro, wtf???). This did not sit right with me, but I'm taking into account that Armin could see there was no easy way out, and that he believes achieving peace requires sacrifices, notwithstanding his altruistic nature and efforts to not completely throw away his humanity.
And I'm also considering the fact that, with the reality Paradis had, bringing off peace without lives being taken was a wishful thinking.
His idealistic worldview clashed with Eren's, and he wasn't able to present a solid resolution 'til the windup. And yet, Armin was still willing to talk things out with his best friend so they could come up with a better plan, without further casualties.
Up until the very end, he wanted PEACE.
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I think, this is what makes Armin admirable, contrary to what other readers paint him out to be—weak and useless. He's one of the strongest and skilled characters in AoT imo. He didn't need to be a Titan or an Ackerman. He's innately whip-smart and a natural tactician, making himself a consequential character despite his lacking combat skills.
Weighing up Armin's burdens and the mental load he carries, it hurts to be in his shoes, especially since he's the commander. He's torn between his friend's life and the rest of the world. He took the responsibility of the Rumbling aftermath to shoulder Mikasa's burden and let her live in peace.
And in the end, conflict dragged on, and he ended up with a large obligation to the people.
There were little appearances of Historia, which I initially found a bit absurd since she's among the important characters in the whole series. She didn't say anything, and her pregnancy was for what again? I was disappointed. Her bearing a child held no importance and was a random subplot.
Conversely, amid a slew of readers demanding her clarification on knowing Eren's plans from the get-go, her explanation on the matter would be unnecessary. It seemed to me she has done her part on how the story would play out. And if there was an epilogue or a succeeding set of panels, Historia might've made her comeback since her role as the queen is expected to hugely partake in peace propositions.
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And over and above these, the final chapter seemed...rushed? I feel like some panels need to be fleshed out more, such as the whole of Founder Ymir's feelings towards that bitchass abuser Karl Fritz. I was appalled that the root of the sufferings that prolonged for two millennia was because of her martyrdom and servitude to the king and the royal family, which she described as love.
But in reality, without having to chew this over, Ymir didn't really know what true love is. She was a slave since birth, her family was massacred by Karl Fritz, and was impregnated thrice by this murderer who never gave a shit about her. She lived a wretched life, manipulated and abused, and died after jumping in front of the spear to protect the king.
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Brought by fear of losing the power of the titan, he made her daughters eat Ymir's flesh and told then to bear many children. Sick fuck.
Then Ymir discovered Mikasa, who she deemed a mirror of her own. The difference, however, is that Mikasa's love for Eren isn't one-sided. And so her greatest desire to be freed from an abusive relationship was accomplished after discovering what real love is through EreMika.
Speaking of Eren, I can understand why plenty of readers condemned him. The guy, who masked himself as a peak tsundere, cold, temperamental bastard, exterminated almost the entire global population, and when asked by Armin his reason, he said he didn't know why, so from here we can assume he neither had a goal behind that warped undertaking nor did it for the greater good.
But Armin is smart, and Eren's silence was a tacit answer. The predicament seemed unsolvable, and wiping 80% of humanity is his last resort to hold off the rest of the world from attacking Paradis.
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Taking also into account that he didn't mean to have his mother killed by Dina after rerouting her from Bertholdt. If he didn't, Bertholdt wouldn't end up as the Colossal Titan and Armin wouldn't have eaten him and died along the way.
Bear in mind that Eren believed Armin would save the world, but if he kicked the bucket—and had Eren, who was obviously enslaved by his destiny, altered anything in his memories—would unravel another reality unknown to Eren that could pose a bigger risk.
And the fact that he let the familiar fate dictate him meant opening a door to another door of possibilities of achieving world peace, with Armin taking the lead.
By making himself the bad guy in his story to make his friends be the heroes, the ending suggests that harmony would work out in the end.
In 139, Armin, Reiner, Pieck, Annie, Jean, and Connie were planning to make peace negotiations. And through this, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
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Levi finally bidding farewell to his comrades bawled my eyes out—this is probably the saddest shit ever AoT has ever done to me, next to Erwin's death. Levi is the last one existing among his original comrades, and it sent a pang to my heart when he did his final salute, wearing a faint smile while wrapped in bandages.
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It was not indicated what he'd been doing post-Rumbling. The end of Titans' curse also put an end to the Ackerman bloodline's "awakened power" and above-average human strength, so he's probably a military consultant or mentor, given his amazing contribution as humanity's strongest warrior.
It was also shown he remained in the capital and is with now-grown Falco and Gabi, who both have shown their potential for a military career.
Meanwhile, unlike Levi, Mikasa chose to retire and live in her hometown. While others remark her ending as tragic (I'm guilty of this tbh), her former comrades were on their way to see her and visit Eren's grave next to the tree from their childhood, making her not entirely lonely. I wished she and Armin were in the same multiple frames of the latter panels of the final chapter as they both grieve losing Eren. But given Armin's new and bigger responsibilities for humanity, it's impossible.
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EreMika may not be endgame, and I may be bound to perpetual frustration of them never getting the chance to wear their hearts on their sleeves, I am satisfied with the ending—imperfect but fitting. It's actually funny that my feelings got the best of me upon reading the last chapter, and cursed at the story for not ending in absolute peace and bliss, forgetting that AoT had always been a poignant, anxiety-induced, existentialist story, and hinted at a bittersweet finale from the start.
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
1 Thing I Love & 1 Thing I Hate About EVERY Danganronpa Character Part 1
Part 2
I’d love to hear our opinions as well in the comments or my inbox or DM’s! If you try this trend with DR characters, tag me!
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Sayaka Maizono
♡ Her passion for her career and friends.
✘ The way she tries to screw over Makoto when the game had just begun. Like wait and see what happens before screwing over such a great guy? Leon didn’t deserve it either.
Leon Kuwata
♡ His voice actor (English), and how real and human his execution was in that we all would be so scared and irrational. It was just so iconic and sad as it’s our first introduction to the death in this series and we all think: “shit, this is real... they are really killing these kids.” I didn’t think it would be that brutal, just seeing his body limp at the end with the haunting music.
✘ His design is disgusting. I hate how he looks.
Chihiro Fujisaki
♡ So innocent, so kind, so intelligent
✘ Shouldn’t have been killed for such a stupid reason, also they did Mondo dirty with that motive for killing as well. Just a mess. As for the actual character, Chihiro cries right off the bat when you do your introductions and that was kind of annoying to me personally.
Mondo Oowada
♡ He has a lot of respect, understanding and emotions for someone I thought would be a hard-ass douche biker.
✘ The worst motive to kill ever in a game where you know you’re getting executed if you’re found out. Like you’d be extra careful and that’s his reason to kill? Lazy writing.
Celestia Ludenberg
♡ Bad bitch energy and her goth lolita design.
✘ Manipulation and double murder. Bad bitch energy only goes so far. Confidence is different then selfishness. Also, of all the chapter 3 triple murders... the worst motive to kill.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
♡ Emotions: secure in his masculinity, able to cry, show emotions, and apologize when he’s wrong. He’s funny and likable.
✘ The Ishimondo white hair thing was stupid. Taka was fine on his own.
Hifumi Yamada
♡ Writing takes talent, fan fiction as much as any other style or genre. Also the talent of his voice actor (who also voices Kiibo/K1-B0).
✘ Literally everything else about him.
Sakura Oogami
♡ I love everything about her. I love her wisdom, loyalty, design, voice etc. Just step on me, mother.
✘ Why the hell would she ever agree to be a spy even if it meant the end of her dojo? I just don’t think she would do that rationally because she isn’t selfish. The others would suffer for her spying. She remedies this with redemption in her letter in chapter 4 but still she should’ve said no off the bat. Everyone had something to lose. The dojo wasn’t worth spying for monokuma. Also I just don’t think she would commit suicide. She can’t help the remaining students survive and redeem herself truly if she’s dead.
Kyoko Kirigiri
♡ Bad bitch energy, calm and collected when I could never be.
✘ Especially in future arc of the anime, damn can you show some emotion please? Through your words and expressions not just your actions. Sure she was willing to “die” for Makoto but like I just want more emotion from her sometimes, even in THH.
Makoto Naegi
♡ So pure. I Love Bryce Papenbrook. Makoto reminds me of Sora and I love his design.
✘ In THH I didn’t mind his innocence but in the Danganronpa 3 future arc anime, when people started straight up abusing him and accusing him, he needed to grow a little backbone.
Byakuya Togami
♡ Love my dad, king shit, also love how over the progression of the games and animes he becomes a little more kind to his friends.
✘ Why the fuck did he mess with Chihiro’s body? Just so cruel and disrespectful.
Yasuhiro Hagakure
♡ Funny magic man. Sexy voice.
✘ Please. Please Hiro use your brain just once. Why do we have to prove Kyoko isn’t a ghost?!
Toko Fukawa
♡ Character development in UDG and I love Genocider.
✘ Putting down herself and others constantly gets old in THH.
Aoi Asahina
♡ Love her voice actress and her personality
✘ We really just gonna get everyone killed in chapter 4 huh? Surely you know they don’t all deserve that.
Junko Enoshima
♡ A very memorable villain with great hair and design.
✘ I just can’t stand her. I hate her so much.
Mukuro Ikusaba
♡ Her mercenary background is super cool as a concept.
✘ Too bad it wasn’t explored nearly enough.
Hajime Hinata
♡ Seeing the protagonist be a little less naive, innocent and positive than Makoto was a refreshing change, although I loved Makoto. I liked Hajime’s cynicism and expressions that sometimes just screamed “this shit again, huh?”
✘ I enjoy the way Izuru looks but I hate him as a character. He is sexy to look at but Hajime is just a better character overall
Teruteru Hanamura
♡ His love for his family and mother especially is so cute and heart breaking if you know the full story.
✘ He needs to know when to dial it back and quit with the perversions. And no it’s not just how he looks, Miu needs to chill at times, too.
♡ I feel like he genuinely cares about his friends, just hides it well
✘ His death felt like a cop out and poorly written. It just didn’t sit right with me. Also his design is disgusting to me, his outfit and such.
Mahiru Koizumi
♡ Loyal to her close friends.
✘ I just have no interest in her as a character and I find her boring.
Peko Pekoyama
♡ Loyalty. Loyalty is something I value very highly in every form of relationship. Peko is also very hot.
✘ Come on girl... I know how you were raised but you should’ve known Fuyuhiko didn’t think of you as just a tool and you two should’ve expressed your true feelings long ago. Like even in secret. How do you live like this? Also I feel like killing Mahiru could’ve been avoided with a calm talk.
Ibuki Mioda
♡ Cute design, positive vibes.
✘ Cringe sometimes in the way she talks.
Hiyoko Saionji
♡ Beautiful character design and some very good insults and snarky remarks at times.
✘ Just irredeemably mean and annoying. Even when you do her free time events she is just so annoying.
Mikan Tsumiki
♡ I like her design as well as her hair, expressions, sprites and clothing.
✘ I hate her. I just hate her whether she’s in her true psycho form or timid stuttering form. She’s just annoying in my opinion.
Nekomaru Nidai
♡ So supportive, can hold my drink at a party. Respects everyone and wants the best for them.
✘ Bro Mechamaru was a stupid plot point. I just couldn’t stand looking at him and couldn’t take it seriously. Still sad when he died though.
Chiaki Nanami
♡ From chapter 5 of sdr2 on she is impossible not to love if you didn’t already. Just the selflessness, the sadness of the reveal and execution, how she returns to help Hajime at the end???? I love her. I love her hair design, color palette, her personality, everything.
✘ I’m bitter and miserable about her being the only class member to actually die (the despair arc anime) also her falling asleep at random times is kind of odd and she doesn’t seem to be like that later on in the game??? Like it seemed like a cheap joke but not actually who she is? Hard for me to explain.
Gundham Tanaka
♡ King shit, couldn’t praise him enough. He’s sexy, loves animals, and is funny as hell sometimes. His voice actor is a saint and a cool dude and I named my guinea pigs after the Dark Devas (yes I know they are hamsters in the games.)
✘ Come on dude. I get that being from Hell and magic and having evil powers is your shtick, but we all know that you and Nekomaru sacrificed yourselves so the others wouldn’t starve. We know you care about your classmates. There comes a time when it’s time to let personas and facades fade and be true to your heart. I just feel like him denying he cared at the end hurt. We all know he cared. I didn’t like how he was haughty until the end. He deserved better. I love him.
Nagito Komaeda
♡ I love him so much. So cunning and intelligent, always a step ahead. And he’s big sexy.
✘ Him killing himself in chapter 5 hurt me so bad I was like in denial for days. Also hate how Bryce Papenbrook gives him a raspy stoner psycho voice in the game then a light airy higher-pitched voice in the despair arc anime. It just bothers me. I love his voice still but the inconsistency just hurts my OCD
Sonia Nevermind
♡ I love that she’s so interested in her passions and love her feelings for Gundham
✘ Her outfit and bow are atrocious. Also why didn’t she start liking and talking to Gundham sooner on? Their romance bloomed late and it would’ve made for a better chapter 4 ending if they were a bit closer.
Kazuichi Souda
♡ Cool design and outfit, love his voice (also voices Kaito in V3) and his backstory is relatable at times. He’s also very human in that he’s scared a lot of the time or insecure or blames others in panicked situations. It’s not always a good thing but it’s human and realistic.
✘ Gosh he can be so annoying. Sometimes flirting or whining too much is well... too much.
Akane Owari
♡ Strong-willed and definitely someone I would be friends with
✘ What the hell is her outfit? Gymnasts and athletes don’t wear that shit. Stop objectifying her when it doesn’t even make the product or plot better. Like there’s absolutely no point to making her dress that way. I was a gymnast for 15 years. Even those who do parkour (which Akane seems to do more often than actual gymnastics in the anime and game) don’t wear what she wears. Also she’s underrated.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
♡ I love him. He’s the DR character I’m most like out of all the games and anime. Tenko is a close second. I think he’s adorable, love his character arc, development, redemption, and love his voice.
✘ In the anime/despair arc, Fuyuhiko is not done justice. He doesn’t get enough lines, has a different voice actor, just doesn’t give off the same vibes.
Izuru Kamakura
♡ Sexy man long hair good.
✘ Boring character. I wish he were just Hajime.
Kaede Akamatsu
♡ Loyalty and leadership are such attractive qualities in her. Also she faced her death with such class and dignity and I respect her because I could never.
✘ Some of the voice lines Erika does for her are just weird and cringe. Just random moans or grunts... I don’t know it’s like when Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 (also voiced by Erika) makes suggestive noises as well. Just grinds my gears. Also hate her outfit down to the hair pins.
Shuichi Saihara
♡ I love his nasally voice. I love his design and he’s so adorable. I love how emotional and compassionate he can be. He ties with Makoto for favorite protag of mine.
✘ That sprite where he sniffs his hand. And his ugly ass hat.
Rantarou Amami
♡ Sexy man, sexy voice, sexy piercings
✘ Ugly outfit, and wasted potential
Ryoma Hoshi
♡ I respect him and feel bad for his outlook on life and for how poorly he views himself. I love his little hat as well and he’s the first “different styled” character (Hifumi, Bandai, Teruteru) that I liked the design of.
✘ I hate when he says “got a long ways to go,” it’s overused and annoying, and wish he gave himself more credit. Also hate that when you first meet him he warns you that he’s killed people and is dangerous to be around. Come on buddy, you know you wouldn’t hurt your friends. Stop pushing them away.
Kirumi Tojo
♡ Competence, well rounded, skillful
✘ Boring as hell. I wouldn’t waste one free time event on her.
Angie Yonaga
♡ Dark skin, super cute, love her talent as an artist myself.
✘ Gives religious people a bad name and is super manipulative which I hate.
Tenko Chabashira
♡ I relate to her and feel bad when she’s misunderstood. She’s a good person deep down. Also love her sprites.
✘ There’s more cunning, funny and clever ways to write her digs at men.
Korekiyo Shunguuji
♡ I’m in love with this man. Long hair, voice, mystery, mask, intelligence, passion, talent.
✘ He definitely was a victim of abuse and a lot of people refuse to see that and just hate him. Team Danganronpa should’ve given him a redemption arc where he realized his sister abused him and changed.
Gonta Gokuhara
♡ I love his design except for his suit. Also he’s so cute and naive. I cried for his trail.
✘ No need talk like caveman. Better way to do this.
Kokichi Ouma
♡ Like Nagito, I value his intelligence and crazy cunning.
✘ Shouldn't have died. Also shouldn’t have manipulated Gonta. That was just cruel.
Miu Iruma
♡ She has her hilarious moments and her death surprised me and was sad.
✘ Sometimes she lacks basic empathy, i.e. calling Tenko “Tencrotch” when she just fucking died.
Maki Harukawa
♡ Amazing character development. Didn’t see her surviving until the end at the start. Also her love and passion for Kaito.
✘ “Do you wanna die?” gets old.
Kaito Momota
♡ Just the overall best bro you could ever have.
✘ Has some toxic masculinity issues and anger issues.
♡ Pretty much everything about him. His design, his attitude and personality, especially how amazing and cool he is chapter 5 onward, his execution made me so sad. He’s so innocent and funny without trying.
✘ When you do his free time events he’s very arrogant and just talks about himself a lot... it seems odd and not similar to the Kiibo we see throughout the game.
Himiko Yumeno
♡ Super cute design, love her voice and “Nyeh...” and her sprites. Her character development is great as well.
✘ Why did they take so long to make her important and likable?
Tsumugi Shirogane
♡ An excellent and well hidden reveal
✘ I hate her. So annoying, from the voice to the references and her personality.
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gabzlovesu · 3 years
wait ur a connie fucker too 😭 why did i not know this
i said connie because he’s close with jean, look at them! those two will demolish your shit and leave you cripple for at least a week!!!
aside from this favorable combo, he appears to be the only other man that i find remotely attractive on aot (i mean erwin, onyonkapo, and niccolo were good looking ig and eren is too if you look past the whole ‘suicidal maniac who wants to commit genocide’ thing that he has goin on). connie got a lil sumn about him, ya know what i mean? he hits different from the other guys… he ‘black’ and he funny sooooooo
but yeah that’s why i said connie. i mean who’s better for a threesome than your man’s best bro? 🚶🏽‍♀️
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
I think it's cheesy and unrealistic that Eren would stay friends forever with Mikasa and Armin or that Levi would see dead people while still alive in the last chapter. Since Eren died along with Hange and Erwin, it would've been more believable if the trio in the end was Mikasa, Levi, and Armin.
Thank you for your ask anon,
Yes I definitely agree with what you said, considering the enterity of that last chapter was unrealistic & unnatural as well. I get the theme of "power of friendship" that isayama was trying to go for but it also turned into "power of love" (?) sorry I meant "toxic love", the problem isn't Mikasa being the end key to solve the centuries old curse but it's the fact that it's her relationship with Eren that had to be the answer. As for the EMA trio goes,,, needless to say that 139 left a bad taste. I honestly never was taken a back by trio's friendship nor was I attached to them in the story because ironically enough, other characters were much more interesting than ema together, Imo. But 139 did not only send a message to the readers to embrace toxic love but Alps toxic friendship. Thought the separation they both had from Eren was enough for them to think rather realistically, I mean how do you have the same feeling towards your friends after they commit a whole genocide, which btw you have tried to stop, both physically and through verbal communication time and time again? I know I wouldn't be able to see my friends the same way after that and Armin & Mikasa would have ended up hating Eren ( as they should have ) if Eren wasn't the main character that apperently has every single characters in love with him 🤢 according to isa. Like I said that is not realistic and aot's unique aspect was the fact that it has always executed it's concepts like relationship dynamics very realistically. So you see why 139 is very very hate-able.
As for Levi,,,, 🚶‍♀️ what can I say about my man? He is not a main character of aot but he is the whole face of aot. Without him aot wouldn't be where it is right now,, but there's one issue. He's always been associated with the scouts and Isa has always given his significance to Erwin and Hanji as the trio ( much like ema ) but I hate how both these trio essentially had similar end. The people who romanticised the idea of Levi dying to meet his "true love" Erwin and be with his old scout and Hanji, thinks this way because of all the fanservice ending that he had. You would think his uncle, Kenny would have more significance in his life enough to be shown along side his old scout members right? But apperently not,, not even Kuchel 🤨🤨 but I get it, the fact Levi remember everyone he has lost deep in his heart and if Isa were to show every single one of them,, the list would be way too long :(
Levi Mikasa and Armin were the final trio tho,,, for so many chapters them being close to each other is what made me believe that they'd survive till the end. And they did. Not in the way I'd like but they lived. I mean thanks Isa for that? But it's not explored nearly enough :/ they had so much potential bro... I was almost sure after beheading Eren Mikasa would go back to Levi and eventually they'd both meet up with Armin. But instead we have whatever 139 is 🚶‍♀️
It's very very very unrealistic that Mikasa and Levi didn't end up communicating after that iconic last scene. " Go it,,, Mikasa"? the eye gleam? You want me to believe Isa didn't have an conclusion planned for the Ackerman's? Sounds like a whole joke 🤡
Whatever thinking about it makes my head hurt more.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Why the ATLA Comics Suck
Here is my merger attempt to explain why the ATLA comics suck. Please tell me if I missed anything or if you disagreed with any of my points.
Writing everyone out of Zuko's life so he would go to Ozai willingly and use his advice, despite Zuko making Aang promise to kill him if he ever starts acting like Ozai.
Making Aang promise to kill Zuko and almost follow through with it until Katara stops him.
FL Zuko and Aang “convincing" Kuei to allow the oldest FN colonies to become independent, despite being dominated by FN colonials, just to keep families “together” despite separating families due to creating new borders/nation-states. It is implied Kuei never got reparations (or at least adequate reparations) and so the loss of trillions of dollars of land/taxes partially motives his daughter and Kuvira in LOK.
Makes everyone act stupid so Azula could go on The Search free and unbound, constantly act a menace thanks to her psychotic breaks since no one asks her what she is hallucinating about, nearly succeed in committing matricide so she can use a letter (more details below) to overthrow Zuko, and then allow her to escape into a dangerous forest without giving proper chase (ex. have Aang use AS Seismic Sense, call in June or Toph or just have Zuko run after her in the beginning).
Zuko fails to station guards at Azula's asylum, allowing her to break out her fellow asylum mates (or at least Zirin) without Zuko ever finding out.
Mai finding out about the existence of the New Ozai Society (and the fact that her father is the leader) but not telling Zuko till Zuko has almost been killed and his half-sister (along with her bro) have been kidnapped by Azula and said mental asylum escape(es) who are working with the New Ozai Society.
Mai trusting Ty Lee's "aura sense" in order to gauge the trustworthiness of a New Ozai Society pasty she is dating in order to get intel despite already knowing who their leader is and at least one of their hideouts.
Mai initially honeypots said pasty also to get back at Zuko, but eventually falls for him but he breaks up with since it is painfully obvious that she still simps for Zuko, despite Zuko not really working on any of the flaws that caused Mai to break with him in The Promise.
Zuko trying to get into Mai's pants while searching for Azula's terrorist cell, despite the fact it is largely his fault that Azula is free and Mai and Ty Lee are rightfully fearing for their lives as well as for Tom-Tom's.
Azula getting a very unjustified/unearned power-boost that allows her to slap all of the non-Avatar State powered main characters without really trying once she regains her "sanity."
Azula regaining her "sanity" but decides on a 148D plan to make Zuko into a tyrant when there are better ways of doing so like becoming his advisor.
Ursa telling Zuko to never forget who he is but mind wiping herself of her time at the palace despite the fact that she loses the memory of the kids she supposedly loves and adores.
Ursa writing a letter saying that Zuko isn't Ozai's kid. Ursa knows that she and Zuko only have value if Zuko and Azula are Ozai's kids so if Ozai was smart, he could have used the letter to kill them off. Moreover, it makes Ozai stupid; instead of burning/banishing Zuko or trying to kill Zuko on DoBS, he could have released the letter to the public, essentially disinheriting Zuko without ever getting his hands dirty.
Western-style straight jackets and mental asylums; modern wheelchairs and forklifts.
Sokka getting reduced to comedic relief for the most part and Toph's power level being inconsistently portrayed in order to maintain tension in the various plots she is involved in.
Making the Southern Water Tribe look racist for being suspicious of their Norther brothers, and Kuei and Zuko when the North and EK allowed the FN to genocide their water benders without helping them and Zuko being the leader of a newly post-imperalist nation that he was an important member of before his defection. Moreover, when it is revealed that the North wants to essentially colonize the South for its oil.
Ursa being able to make a mega op poison on command and short notice with materials easily found in the palace but never thinking to use it on Azulon and Ozai until Ozai is going to kill Zuko at Azulon's command.
Never explaining how Zuko managed to make Azula a non-entity in Fire Nation politics; how he managed to make amends to Kyoshi Island to the point the other Kyoshi Warriors were ok with supporting his regime, let alone becoming his bodyguards; and whether or not he managed to help all the people Azula banished.
Aang almost getting killed by some mental asylum escapees; more generally The Gaang constantly suffering the worf effect so they don't stomp every Comics!antagonists like they should based on their show feats.
Never seeing Zuko find out what happened to his ship crew and whether or not decided to ever honor those who were killed by Koizila.
Not touching or trying to resolve the lingering plot threads in the TV show: Hama, Long Feng, and the rogue/ banished Dai Li. Especially since bloodbending eventually becomes common enough that Katara got it banned and the Dai Li are back defending Ba Sing Se during Korra’s era. Like how did bloodbending get spread when Hama was last seen locked up again, Katara doesn’t seem like the person to teach it to others, and it doesn’t seem that people are likely to come up with it on their own due to not being in the same desperate situation as Hama? Did Long Feng survive the coup attempt? And if so what is his plan to take back power of the Dai Li and/or The Earth Kingdom? Is he going to try to take revenge on the Dangerous Ladies, Zuko, and The Gaang for ruining him? And why would Kuei and/or his daughter ever be ok with reinstating the organization that not only betrayed their own country but was also ok with their own countrymen being genocided?
Never seeing someone recognize General Iroh in The Jasmine Dragon and have Iroh explain why it was a good idea to set up shop in the city he besieged for years. Especially when it reeks of economic imperialism and he never actually made amends to the people he had hurt (Earth Kingdom commoners). And point that he has better things to do like actually mentor his inadequately prepared and way over his head nephew in statecraft.
Just a few notes:
1 - It is at least sort of implied Ursa killed Azulon with poison in the show as well, which is why no one can prove he was assassinated despite how awfully convenient it was that Ursa disappeared literally the night he died.
2 - The bending could be inconsistent on the show itself (though NOHING compares to how insane the change on what the characters could or could not do was on the comics)
3 - Iroh, by himself, opening a a tea-shop in a city he once attacked is not enough to make it economic imperialism. And while I too would have preferred him to stay in the Fire Nation, at least for a little while, to help Zuko, the comics can't be blamed for that since the show itself explicitly says that Iroh is going back to Ba Sing Se (mostly because of the trope that the father figure needs to either die or part ways with the hero to show that the character is now grown and more mature, meaning they "no longer need" said father figure to stick around)
But, yeah, the comics are fucking terrible.
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chopper-witch · 3 years
People really are out here lacking the ability to reconcile the fact that they can like a character who does shitty things and I think it’s because it isn’t a character who did their villain shit with flare. This isn’t something like Agent Whiskey who wants to kill all drug users but is so dramatic and cool or Avengers 1 Loki who kills 80 people, but did you see that entrance? People are trying so hard to defend Cross, like babe, just admit he tried to convince his brothers to join space fascism by giving a speech on supremacy.
Like love Crosshair, let him be your favorite, I still enjoy him even though he isn’t my favorite (never has been tho) but understand your favorite literally gave a speech on being superior on several levels, including genetically, before killing four people, several of which were of color. He has good traits too, but you also need to acknowledge what just happened.
And while any amount of arguing he is being forced to be apart of the Empire (initially, bro coulda bounced at any point lbr) can be made - please bear in mind he has always thought his particular batch was superior to other clones. His whole squad has, but he has not been given the chance to develop any better attitude towards “Regs” over the course of the show like the others but also prior was the one with the most obviously hostile attitude towards them. Now he has a fascist organization hyping him up about his dislike instead of everyone ignoring him or putting him down.
The same fascist organization that has been inspired by the n*zis since day one has been giving a clone who already felt shafted due to “being genetically superior” a home, weapons, a sense of identity, and a chance to prove he is superior.
Add on that his batch is whitewashed. Not like how the other clones are, where with the others you can at least tell they are meant to mimic a man of color even if it doesn’t look quite right. The Bad Batch is white. Then they gave this supremacy ideology to the one who is the “most white” in many senses. It’s not that this would be better coming out of a Māori man’s mouth, but there is painful and historical precedence to a white man saying such a thing. It is literally worst idea ever.
You can love Crosshair. You can love villains. You can even love a fictional character who commits genocide and r*pe and is a pedophile. I said what I said. But acknowledgement of their shittiness is a necessary part of liking any character, including one that is n*zi-coded.
Finally, because I’m tired of seeing these posts, yes that word gets tossed around a lot but a man giving a eugenics speech then killing four “inferior” people is extremely n*zi behavior. Like, idk what else to tell you. You bitching about seeing the word and that people are only using it because they disagree with you is wrong and honestly frustrating. It shouldn’t be the go to word - supremacist, nationalist, fascist are all better due to the historical weight of n*zi - but the allegory is there and strong and the word is easy for people to understand immediately.
On a true final note: hating on each other cause of which character you like is literally… not worth anyone’s energy. Unless that person also reflects that character’s views. Spend it doing things you actually need to do or learning about things you may not know.
((Edited to add some clarification and better perspective on the n*zi coding after reading some posts by users who are more personally impacted by this <3 ))
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