cokowiii · 1 year
Me when I see y’all telling me to take breaks
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watatsumiis · 1 year
hey! ty for liking my tsaritsa so much!!! i'd love to hear more of your thoughts on her, if there are any!
omg of course, she's absolutely stunning, your art style does her so much justice (and honestly is just an awesome gorgeous style in general!!) and tbh your design is how I picture her in my head now !!
I have a lot of thoughts and ideas about the Tsaritsa, a lot of them are just kind of ~vibe~ based and hard to convey, but i'll toss them beneath the cut!
I really like the theory that her 'ideal' is love, like it's such a fun and interesting concept
like, to begin with i imagine she was a very kind deity, not in a familiar way, but in a general sort of .. benevolent to her subjects and open to those that sought an audience with her. Not exactly 'warm', but not entirely shutting them out either
though i imagine that sort of hollowed out as time wore on and she realised that even being an actual deity didn't give her the power she needed to be able to make any real tangible changes to things or help those who were doomed from the start (which is probably a big part of why shes so anti-celestia or whatever)
despite her despair and attitude towards romantic love sort of withering, she places a heavy emphasis on familial love (including found family) and on forming bonds that will stand the test of toil and time
she comes off very aloof, especially to those beneath her, and will actively try to avoid being around others if she can help it. She dislikes forming close attachments
this isnt to mean that she doesn't care. she just cares so much that the only way she can deal with it is by distancing herself, or else she's just setting herself up for repeated heartbreak when her loved ones inevitably die.
the exception to this ? pierro.
pierro is cursed with undeath, and even before that he was someone with a fiercely loyal (and stubborn) streak.
they both told themselves theyd never allow themselves to become attached to someone else after all the losses theyd been through, but in making this pact alongside one another they basically sealed their own fate
there are no simple words for the kind of intertwined, codependent, epic-spanning love-hate they have for one another.
their bond was one forged in the fires of loss and hardened by the ice of grief. despite what they both may say, they're in it for the long haul. Tsaritsa has slowly become accustomed to this idea. Pierro has not and will still vehemently deny it.
i guess to really shave it down id call it a queerplatonic relationship. something unholy and gorgeous. two flowers holding onto a cliffside by the tips of their roots and growing around one another.
the second 'exception' is columbina. i imagine she's like a weird nibling to the tsaritsa. she was picked to be amongst the harbingers because of her ability to light up any room she's in (i imagine tsaritsa secretly has a nickname for her that's somewhere along the lines of 'songbird' because of her voice ngl)
outside of this, the tsaritsa is cool and aloof and works very hard to maintain her composure, especially when under scrutiny. she is brilliant at keeping this facade in place.
until she's no longer in the public gaze, that is.
i like to think she's a tiny bit of a goofball, she has a soft spot for 'dad jokes' that make pierro roll his eyes and rub his temples, and she quite enjoys wine (im sorry but if she were a facebook mom her page would be minion memes and posts talking about how its wine o-clock)
she also rather enjoys slapstick humour - there are a few dottore clones running around who have perfected it enough so that she has to cover her mouth with a hand to stop her subjects from seeing the way her lips twitch upwards as she holds back her laughter
she's also really, really petty. not that she'd ever do anything about it, but more than once pierro has found himself in her chambers late at night, watching as she paces back and forth, her sixth glass of wine in hand, and complains about how that 'brick-brained geo archon just won't sign the damn contract! isn't that his entire shtick?!'
she also has a soft spot for kids, or people who have a youthful energy about them. it reminds her that maybe not all is bad in the world, and that she's going to change it for the better for their sake.
I like to think she's extremely good at various sports - i love the idea featured on the asker's blog about her having an elk instead of a horse. that's so cool and lives in my brain rent free and forever tbh. her and pierro on their steeds racing through a snowy forest on a rare free afternoon
i think she would've once been the type to enjoy prosey, flowery words, long poems, romantic tales of star-crossed lovers, that kind of thing. she read a lot and even wrote some. not any more though.
she has a very stern and strict air about her and won't hesitate to play into that if she feels like she needs to, but honestly she's got a good sense of humour on her. things that pierro scolds the other harbingers and such for are often things that she secretly finds really funny
though ALSO she's a stickler for good manners. i like to think that has extended to the snezhnayans , who are, when dealing with those outside of their immediate familial circles, are super duper polite (even if their tones may come off as abrupt). there's also a very heavily laid-on vibe of 'respect your elders' in snezhnaya.
she has such motherly vibes, but in a really standoffish way. she wont tell someone directly that she cares about them or what happens to them, but it'll be rerouted through like three other people like a game of telephone. like, yeah, that one person she caught shivering while on guard is gonna get a nice new pair of gloves but it will be from an anonymous donor (or just shoved into their hands by pierro with an annoyed grunt)
honestly now ive started im kind of finding it hard to stop but i just adore the tsaritsa so much and i love love love how you draw her so much, she's just so amazing and feels so like.. real, y'know? thank you so much for this ask, i really enjoyed rambling and thinking about the tsaritsa some more. i think your design and ideas should be canon actually
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arisveah · 2 months
hermitcraft is slowly removing my willingness to curse and possessing me to say things like HECK and DARN and GOSH GOLLY GEE like a comically angry butler from the 1800s or an old southern lady, neither of which are a good fit on a goth 15 year old
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torsrighteye · 1 month
Vivian is my bbg, not urs >:[
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gosh gee golly darn gee willikers i gone darn gersh turned emo! and she’s my bbg stfu
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sophsicle · 2 years
been thinking about how innocent baby boy Fabian says “gosh” in his thoughts. I will never recover. 😭 hope he finds a boy who loves him soon
yeah but actually, i decided that he didn't swear, and the amount of times i was like dam--darn gosh golly gee like i swear like a sailor it was so hard, i feel like the rest of the chapter had more swearing than usual just to make up for Fabian's innocence
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biceratops7 · 2 years
I think a skill that we as a society really need to relearn is how to dislike people. Like you are not a bad person for having preferences, it is perfectly acceptable to dislike someone with or without reason.
And the fact is we’ve made “not wanting to associate with someone” this big bad thing. So the only solution for most people is to wildly overstate or UNDERstate harm because they’re convinced they need a justification for their feelings. I’ve seen people in my life accused of being abusive when their only crime was being rude a few times and having an off putting personality. Meanwhile I’ve also had (ex) friends who continued to make excuses for a seriel sexual assaulter (who we knew personally, not a detached celebrity figure mind you) because gee golly he’s just so gosh darn likable, and he said he was vewy sowy 🥺
This whole stupid mindset of “I’m not allowed to exclude ANYONE EVER from my personal bubble without reason” is making it so we’ve jumped from bullying people for being “cringe” to accusing them of all kinds of unhinged shit to make liking them morally wrong. That way you don’t have to put in the work of treating people you find irritating as equals.
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The Days Before Christmas
Five days until Christmas, and God bless the tree
It’s dead, get a new one and pay the steep fee
Undecorate, redecorate, how does it look, let’s see
It always dries up, gosh darn, golly gee
Four days until Christmas, beware of Mom’s nerve
And I’m lucky my finals were graded on a curve
The jello’s expired, now what will we serve?
The roads are so busy, I was forced to swerve
Three days until Christmas, and lo and behold
The bread that was fine yesterday, is now full of mold
And the decorations we need silver are actually gold
And why, oh why, is the house so cold?
Two days until Christmas, we’re ready to cry
Weather matches the feeling, rain falls from the sky
Run to the stores for some last minute buy
I need a present for Mom, maybe something to fry?
Last day until Christmas, with shouts everywhere
Clean up this here! And don’t put that there! 
The scent of burnt cookies wafts through the air
And now it’s time to hang stockings with care
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quinloki · 10 months
hope you’re ready for this one.. why wouldn’t you date kaku??
... @mamaalpha's not gonna forgive me for this.
/breathe in, breathe out/
Leave it to Beaver called, they'd like their 1950 wholesome family vibes back. Kaku's got such a Boy Next Door vibe going on that dating him requires you to use words like "Golly" and "Gee Willickers".
I can't date someone who tuts his tongue when I swear.
Yeah, it's great when he's holding doors open, and pushing in your chair, but that end of date kiss is so chaste it comes with it's own chastity belt.
Even if you get through the first few dates, by the end of the month he's breaking up with you because you're too agressive. He's saving him for Lucc-- Marriage, like a proper Good Boy Next Door, and your desire for a little tongue is just Too Gosh Darned Much.
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noipsaskblog · 8 months
Gee, golly, and gosh darn it as well!
I feel as though someone, in the world, needs a hug!
Is it YOU?
YOU, want a hug?
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rpfisfine · 8 months
I have no idea what your music taste is so Im going to send softer stuff than my usual but if you want hardcore recs let me know. My rec for you is Use of Time by 311 LMK if you like
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this!!!!!!!! | downloading immediately!!!!!! | already in my library
HEYYYYYY WEST oh my god this is honestly my new favorite song .......golly gee........gosh darn it.....this beat is......WOO!!!....this beat is DANDY!!!! soooo beautiful you honestly hit my music taste on the head with this one even though our tastes r i presume very very different which is insane to me. thank you so much ive been listening to this on repeat for the past 3 days!!!!!!!
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ask-the-usa-manor · 1 year
By the power that we anons apparently can access: New Jersey you now have 72 hours where you are able to see & talk to your deceased twin.
Because ghosts sort of exist apparently according to Eve. Get some closure and don't hurt anybody or yourself! I'll be back in a few business days.
(Ahhhhhh, darn! Looks like I’ve conveniently waited until the deadline is up because I refuse to give New Jersey such an easy way to recover. Gosh golly gee, what a bummer. Looks like he’ll have to recover through hard work and go to therapy.)
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kissandships · 10 months
More Suitable Terms for The F-Word
Gee whiz
Darn it all
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youreawizardjerry · 2 years
sometimes i feel v amish because i dont know anything about these perceived cultural pillars or classics or wv that so many other folks talk about like i have never seen a star war or lotr for ejemplo like i just recently watched the craft and scream i could go on etc etc etc but anyways one of these thangs that caught my attention somehow so i started reading it is BERSERK and it is so....gosh darn gee golly cannot stress this enough...fkn poggerz man
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heartrender6 · 2 years
my parents when i was 11 watching me have full-blown meltdowns/panic attacks after minor last minute unexpected changes happening to my schedule: "golly gosh that sure looks like a neurotypical to me, gee whizaroo. yep. just our neurotypical child having totally non-autistic reactions to things, yessiree. boy oh boy that sure is a regular kid. gee golly darn it diggity doo dang
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phormex1 · 10 months
Bob and Batman’s Bizarre Oreo Extravaganza
by me and my best friend
(professionals, clearly)
Once upon a time there was a man named Bob the Indian Brave who lived in India. It was July 4th, 1776, when Bob, dressed in a large top hat, vest, and large boots, went on a journey to his local Walmart to come into possession of Oreos. He had a large cell phone which was given to him by his best friend, Batman, when he married his wife, Shrek. Suddenly, as Bob was about to enter the Walmart, a tornado walked over to him and spoke to him.
“Hey, Robert, if you do not get away from these lands soon, me and my homie, who is also communist, will come back from Venus and jump you,” said the tornado, menacingly. This left Bob shaking in his boots. When the tornado left, Bob pulled out his cell phone and called his best friend, Batman. Batman came in his Batwing as soon as he heard the news. When he arrived, they immediately went inside the Walmart to gather materials so they could build fortifications for when the tornadoes came back. After 4 hours of work, they successfully built sturdy fortifications around the perimeter of the Walmart. Batman looked through a telescope in the distance, originally seeing nothing beyond the fog, until he noticed the two tornadoes approaching menacingly in the distance. “Prepare the shovels and muskets, get ready for the fight of your life, Robert,” Batman ordered, intensely. The tornadoes approached quickly.
The tornadoes tore through their defenses, making tons of wood, plastic, and bubble wrap fly everywhere. Bob hurled several shovels, which were painted yellow with black smiley faces on them, at the tornadoes. “Optimism will destroy you, you darned tornadoes!” Bob exclaimed. Batman fired two muskets in each hand at the tornadoes, seemingly doing no damage to them. Bob ran inside and quickly came back out with a bunch of wooden capital letters. He began throwing them at the tornadoes. “Darnit, I thought communists hated capitalism,” Bob stated. Batman then realized that they would not be able to fend off the tornadoes through normal means, so he gave Bob a list of materials. “Go inside and grab these while I distract the tornadoes,” Batman said. Bob ran inside and grabbed all the materials listed. He grabbed 200 leaf blowers and began duct taping them all together. He brought them up to the roof where Batman was distracting the tornadoes. They both grabbed either side and switched it on, blasting the tornadoes so far they flew all the way back to their home planet, Venus.
Bob tossed the giant leaf blower into the dumpster and returned to Batman. “Golly gee whiz, Batman, I never thought that we would ever defeat those gosh darn communist tornadoes, but thanks to your intuition, we managed to defeat them,” Bob stated. The two of them sat down on lawn chairs and began munching on some oreos. Batman smiled and said, “There is always a way, Bob.” Batman powered up his batwing and nodded back at Bob, before flying back home.
Bob went home to his wife, Shrek. The two of them sat down at the dinner table as Shrek laid the oreos out on paper plates and set them on the table. The couple enjoyed their feast of oreos. On Venus, the two communist tornadoes fell in love with each other and got married. They had a honeymoon to Planet 4546B. After Batman flew home, he continued to fight crime with his two friends, Robin and Batgirl. He also continued to not pay them. The End.
This was made for an ELA project and I imagined batman to be the Adam west version from the 60’s television show.
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atangledfate · 2 years
Zaoland Escapade [Part 2]
She was enjoying this little weasels sweating brow, and clear fear that was wafting off of him like a permeable mist! She could already tell he probably thought he’d walk in here speak some pretty words and tis would all be over in an instant! But now that he was face to face with her all that confidence was gone! that bastard looked like he wanted to run as fast as he could! But even if he tried she’d never let him get more then 5 feet before she leveled him! Kill? nah He wasn’t worth her time---scare shitless? defiantly! That sounded like a lot of fun! Not that she was really a killer, she only killed at Starline's orders and even then she hated it. The truth was... she wasn’t a killer, she was never a killer and while she might be capable of it no one here had done a damn thing to earn that sort of reaction. No fear was good, fear was enough in her book. 
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“ Well allow me to properly introduce myself! i am Mayor Zao! and this fine establishment is my pride and Joy! and i was just wondering! A simple tiny little question...might i ask WHY you are haha... wrecking it? perhaps there is a non-violent solution to this little stand off! what do you say? “
He fluttered his eyes as if he were some charming man, capable of swaying anyone he meets! Honestly he was kinda cute, if not for the fact he was a rich ass hole who clearly was gonna try and bribe her! It’d almost be cute if he wasn’t so damn predictable! But she was also noting the dozen or so soldiers slowly surrounding the square, was he just a big distraction? Or was rather he was so arrogant he never considered what he was walking into. 
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+5 Relief!
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“ OH REALLY! well that’s great! i was worried for a second you were going to be unreasonable and hurt me! “
+10 Sarcasm!
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Surge Erupted with Electricity! and this crazy ass smile!
“ AH come on Chief! would i... a calm and reasonable person... do something unreasonable and possibly fun! “ 
+10 Fear!
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The Tenrecs laughter filled the air and she vanished in a flash of movement grabbing the little dweeb and running him up the nearest flag pole! and chaining him in place with a chain they used to bar the entrance! She dangled him up there while his little minions tried to work out where she went! She swiped his hat as a momento and saluted the dweeb before blitzing through his armed guards like they weren’t even there. Causing them to just go flying into the air and out the front gate she went with a laugh! She filled the hat with a large amount of Gems and dropped it into the lap of a homeless man as she made her way out of the city! 
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“ well that was fun... but i should probably try and find my way back to Carols... as much as i enjoy this world, i should figure a way back home...” 
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