#BUT coming resurrected
fang-leone · 3 months
ALSO UNLETARED, BUT SPEAKING OF FANTASY AU's, My case for Kyoya being Boromir in a Lord of the Rings AU:
Ngl, would be tempted by The Ring, and try to take it from whoever is Frodo
The "Who is this up-start Gingka son of Ryo, the elfs are claiming as the 'True King of Gondor', my family has been running this country for centuries" to "I would have gone with you to the end" pipe line is real, whether Kyoya wants to admit it or not
Devine shield, aka protector of the realms of Men?
Kakeru can be Faramir, ridding his bike horse up and down Ithilien
Tackled by a bunch of Halflings
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noodles-and-tea · 3 months
I love your merthur art style, it captures them so beautifully!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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willowser · 7 months
thinking about you laying in bed with bakugou and lightly tracing the messy edges of the scar in the middle of his chest, hardly able to comprehend how deep that wound runs. it had already been there for years by the time you'd met him, but sometimes you see it and are unable to swallow the fact that—at one time—you were alive and he wasn't.
very quietly, you say, "it's crazy to think how easily i could have missed you,"
because it's not every day you meet and fall in love with a man that's died and come back. if fate is destined and soulmates are real, you imagine the two separate paths of your lives traveling parallel, in sync—and his breaking away for one horrible moment, torn from you before you even knew it.
bakugou is half-asleep, you know, but he shifts until his chin is lightly nudging your forehead, and speaks into your hair. "nah," he murmurs, voice thick and slow and slurred. "would'a found you eventually."
and somehow, you can't find it in your heart to doubt him.
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i think it would be funny if people occasionally arose from the dead. like if that was a real-life one-in-a-million but well-documented Thing That Sometimes Happens, and the entire legal system around death (laws on inheritance & marriage & murder etc) had to include caveats for the unlikely-but-scientifically-possible event that the dead person in question might spontaneously self-resurrect, even years or decades after death. it would raise so many inconvenient and absurd possibilities
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do2faj · 8 days
His color palette gives me headaches
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sammygender · 1 month
its so so insane how dean has like. the huge fanbase he does. he is AWFUL!!!! i love him truly but im known for loving awful characters in fandoms im used to characters who act like him being viciously hated!!! and the only explanation i can think of is that hes played by jensen ackles (aka pretty white man). theres the fact that the narrative favours dean a lot when hes not actually right (a la s4) but thats not just it because dean is pretty clear-cut presesnted as getting morally greyer to the point of antihero territory in like s9 (where im at) at least. and Yet. he is unproblematic ally king to all??? supportive brother of the century??? Girl what???? do you know who dean winchester is? he is a controlling possessive clingy manipulative aggressive unstable thirty five year old who cant grow past his own damage and never really will because the narrative is perpetuated by the cycles he keeps perpetuating
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“Welcome Home, Barbatos. ”
We all say in unison
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slayerinthetardis · 7 months
Friendly reminder that Amy and Rory fucked so good in the TARDIS that they created a Timelord. A nearly extinct alien race. Amazing.
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heroesriseandfall · 2 months
What did the poor monks and caretakers of Nanda Parbat do to deserve everybody thinking Ra’s al Ghul owns the place when they specifically banned him from it?
This is where all the good vigilantes go for spiritual training and healing or whatever. When Ra’s came he tried to steal their holy water and destroy it. Free Nanda Parbat from the assassin stronghold allegations!
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noyob · 4 months
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femc doodles because I haven't posted in a bit :^p
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fluentisonus · 1 year
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me when I'm sleeby
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denkisauce · 8 months
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heard chef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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—the afterlife of my lost conviction ( @doreensladle )
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gyooza · 9 days
finally watching yesterday's four sided dive, and robbie expressing that he has a hope that maybe they could go back to cyrus' body and keyleth could revive him is so intriguing from the angle of his relationship with orym, because imagine being orym and carrying around this deep grief for so long that you make it part of who you are, and then you bond with this person who you believe might now have an understanding of the pain you've been enduring, and then the exact person who was unable to save your family brings his back like it's nothing
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hauntingyourself · 2 years
So-called “friends” will get mad at you for resurrecting them, like it’s YOUR fault they came back wrong 🙄
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tvklike · 5 days
i feel like toshiro gets too much hate like. ofc he clashes with a western autistic man with different social norms and no boundaries. of course shuro is going to be uncomfortable when his own boundaries are crossed, and being from the culture he is from, it’s difficult to outright express those boundaries in a polite way. he was always secretive and lowkey about a lot of things, his feelings of dislike towards some of laios’s traits is normal i think. he doesn’t dislike laios because he’s autistic. imo i don’t think he dislikes laios at all, he just doesn’t know how to stand up for himself until he hits a breaking point. i think people forget that when we see shuro for a second time and he’s “being mean to laios”, he’s literally at his all time lowest he could be. he doesn’t eat or take care of himself or even think of how much energy he has left. hes just doing the same thing laios’s party is doing (going to save falin) a little differently and with a different party.
all that to say don’t say shuro is a bastard and mean it, because he is a well written character with feelings that can be hurt and boundaries that can be crossed just like any other character. and that’s to say that laios has pretty much crossed everyone’s boundaries at some point, and they’ve lashed out at him about it too. it just so happens that their lashing out is seen as comical and lighthearted, whereas shuro’s lashing out happens at a very tense and serious part of the storyline, so people automatically paint shuro as the bad guy bc “laios is autistic how was he supposed to know” ok but that doesn’t mean laios is absolved of hurting the feelings of others, even the ones he cares for. do not infantilize an autistic adult by saying they’re not responsible for their actions, bc they “don’t know better”. autistic people are capable of growth and character development as well. if shuro came up to laios and was like “hey i didn’t like what you did/said earlier i would like to ask if you didn’t do that again/[insert other mutually beneficial solution here], laios would totally be all “oh shit dude i’m sorry i didn’t know you felt that way thanks for telling me i’ll do my best to work on that because i value our friendship (: “
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