#Band Member Imagine
justmystyles · 11 months
Ok so I was thinking Harry is very private and only seen with skinny girls but then he got a new bandmember but she is plus size and wears glasses so even tho they act cute and couply ? On stage fans just think they are really good friends but one night Harry slips up bc bandmember got hurt by flying objects and he rushes over to her giving her hugs and pecks asking over and over if she is ok ? And well he might’ve sorta forgot where they where but then didn’t care bc his baby girl got hurt hope that makes sense and hope you wanna write it
Line of Fire
check out my other works!
pairing: Harry Styles x band member plus size reader
word count: 1.5k
summary: you and harry have been keeping your relationship off the radar, but his concern for you overwhelms his need for privacy.
warnings: physical injury, not sure if that is one, but better safe than sorry.
a/n: thank you so much for this ask @fanficismydrug! i loved this idea so much, and it was so exciting to bring it to life. i hope it's what you were hoping for!
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @brightlightsinlife @cute-as-ducks420 @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @lexiecamposv @n0vaj3an @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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You tapped gently on Harry’s dressing room door, almost immediately hearing him call for you to enter. As you stepped over the threshold, you watched his eyes peer up from the book he was reading, his pensive expression quickly turned to a smile as he folded over his page, putting the book down on the table behind him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.” You apologize as you enter the room. 
“Don’t be silly, you’re never a bother.” He outstretched his arms. “Get over here, angel.” 
You happily sauntered into his embrace, kissing him softly as he pulled you into his lap. “Hi,” you smile against his lips. 
You were so excited when you were hired to play trumpet in Harry’s Love on Tour band. It felt like the ultimate validation after spending so many years as a tormented band geek. You were in your element, playing music with people who loved it just as much as you did. Especially Harry. 
You hadn’t expected you’d spend much time with Harry, he was the superstar, you were just in the background. But you quickly realized that was the farthest thing from the truth. The two of you clicked immediately, falling into this comfortable flirty friendship. You two had become inseparable, everyone on the tour knew that if they couldn’t find one of you, your best bet was to look for the other. Even the fans had noticed your back and forth on stage, and you were quickly labeled as Harry’s bestie. 
You had been ‘friend-zoned’ so many times in your life that you were used to palling around with the guys you liked. It didn’t stop you from falling for Harry though. You knew he was flirty by nature, so you always tried not to read too far into his actions. He obviously didn’t see you the way you saw him. You’d seen the kinds of girls Harry had been photographed with, you’d heard all the rumors about his lovelife. None of those girls looked anything like you, they were these gorgeous supermodels with tiny waists. You would never be that, so you just settled for being his friend. 
But then, there was a shift. Harry’s touches started to linger a little longer, when you would hang out and watch movies, you noticed he started to sit closer and closer. And then, one day everything changed. You had just finished sound check, and Harry asked you to come back to his dressing room with him. And he took that opportunity to confess his feelings for you. You had been together ever since. 
“You’ve been busy today, I’ve hardly seen you.” Harry pouted, you giggled before biting his bottom lip gently. 
“I know baby, I’m sorry. I promise I’m going to make it up to you.” You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a lingering kiss.
“Mmm, you always do.” He sighs, squeezing your hips gently. 
“Oh, I meant to ask you. How’d your date go the other night?” He gives you a confused look. You chuckle as you pull out your phone, tapping a few times before pulling up a deuxmoi post that was submitted of Harry, the caption saying he was out on a date with a mystery blonde. 
Harry’s eyes soften, and he lifts his hand to your cheek, stroking it gently. “Angel, you know that’s nothing right? It was a business dinner.”
“I know, I’m just joking around.” He smiled widely at your words and pulled you in so that your head was resting against his chest. 
Harry liked to keep his private life to himself. He felt that he gave so much to everyone all the time, that he wanted to keep some things just for him. Your relationship was one of those things. You were fine with that, you didn’t need to parade your relationship around to the world to know it was real. 
Later that night, you were onstage playing your heart out. You and Harry had been playing off each other all night, like you usually would. He would also shoot an occasional wink, or sly smirk in your direction every now and then. 
The crowd had been particularly rowdy all night, but as the opening notes to Watermelon Sugar began, the screaming crescendoed and people began truly losing their minds. Harry and the band had gotten used to things being thrown onstage, you had gotten pretty good at dodging the assorted items. Until you weren’t.
You were so caught up with the energy in the room, watching Harry drink it all in and give it right back to them, that you didn’t see the watch soaring in the air. But you definitely felt it when it hit you in the side of the head, knocking you to the ground. 
Harry heard the crowd collectively gasp when you went down. He looked around, his brow furrowed in confusion, looking for the scene that caused such a reaction. He turned behind him and saw you on the ground, wincing in pain and holding your head. 
He ran full speed toward you, dropping to his knees in front of you. He tossed his microphone on the riser beside you before collecting you in his arms. 
“Y/N, are you alright?” He asked frantically, stroking your hair. He felt you nod against his chest, but it wasn’t good enough. “Talk to me angel, I need you to say it.” 
You pulled back, tears streaming down your face, you looked up at Harry with a sniffle. “I… I’m.. it’s okay. You n–need to finish.” 
“Oh sweetheart,” he takes your face in his hands, leaning in to kiss your tear stained cheeks before turning you to inspect the spot where you were hit. It was already starting to bruise, and there was some blood dripping down. He looked up at Pauli signaling for him to toss him a towel. He pressed it to your head gently as he tried to calm you down. 
“You’re alright baby, I’m right here. I’m so sorry angel, I love you so much.” The words flew from his mouth rapidly, seemingly unaware that his nearby microphone was picking up on all of it. 
Once you composed yourself, you reached beside you, grabbing your glasses that had fallen off when you hit the ground, and placing them back on your face. “Sorry Harry, you didn’t have to stop everything for me.”
“Of course I did,” he assured you. “You’re my girl, you come before anything, always.” 
A wave of murmurs washed through the crowd at Harry’s words. Tens of thousands of people were all watching with rapt attention as he cared for you so tenderly, and professed his love for you. Their confusion and curiosity quickly turned into a chorus of ‘awwws’ when they watched Harry press his lips against yours. 
The sound brought you both back into the moment, suddenly realizing that you were still onstage, and all eyes were on the two of you. Your face turned bright red, you quickly brought your hands up to cover it. Harry chuckled, pulling you close. 
“I guess you’re about to get your deuxmoi debut, angel.” He joked. 
“And tiktok, and twitter, and everything else.” You chuckle in response. 
Harry pulled back so that he could look you in the eyes. “C’mon, let me walk you off and get you comfy, then I’ll come back and finish up here.” 
You shake your head quickly. “No, I want to finish the show. I can do it.” 
“Are you sure?” He asked, his tone thick with worry.
You nod and stand up, picking up your trumpet to show him you were fine. He shrugged, giving in to you. He knows how stubborn you are, it would be easier just to finish the show. He gets up as well, picking up his microphone with one hand, and taking your hand with the other, leading you to center stage. 
“She’s okay!” He announced into the microphone, lifting your arm up in the air. 
The crowd erupted, and you curtseyed shyly. You looked over to Harry, who was already looking at you, you could see the adoration in his eyes as he lifted your joined hands to his lips. 
“Alright,” Harry returns his attention to the crowd. “Shall we try that one again?” The crowd cheered and Harry let go of your hand. When you turned to return to your spot onstage you jumped suddenly when you felt Harry’s hand playfully tap your backside. You shot him a wink over your shoulder and he smiled in response. 
You waved off your fellow band members as they all asked if you were alright, and if you were sure you wanted to do this. You lifted your horn to your mouth, showing everyone that you were fine and ready to move on. The song began, and the rest of the show went off without a hitch, Harry continuing to look back at you, giving you questioning thumbs ups to ensure you were feeling alright, you returned them all with a wink. 
You were alright, you were great even. You knew you didn’t need the validation or acknowledgement of his fans for your relationship to work, but it felt really nice to know you had it anyway.  
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bearw-me · 1 month
"imagine meeting lute because she was your biggest f*cking fan"
WAIT cuz actually imagine. That would be so adorable 😭. Like, lute would probably be giddy everytime she remembers she's dating her literal favorite musician (and she'd hide the giddiness obviously lol)! Could I request that with a female reader?
yessss! lute just completely folding when she's staring at you <3
𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐧 — 𝐋𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𐐒 includes : fan!lute x bandmember!fem!reader 𐐒 cw : fluff 𐐒 summary : lute sometimes just remembers she's dating her biggest celebrity crush and gets overwhelmed 𐐒 note : love this au + embarrassed lute
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every time she remembers she's dating her literal celebrity crush her face gets flush with nerves
you still give her butterflies
yes, most often you are her girlfriend (her extremely good-looking girlfriend) who she's used to just hanging out with and throwing popcorn into your mouth
dumb stuff like that
then it just hits her like a wave sometimes when the light gets your hair just right
your a literal, fucking rockstar, and SHE'S DATING YOU
you'll often catch her looking away from you quickly, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as possible
red all the way up to her ears
she sometimes tries to hide it by lifting her wings over her face
ABSOLUTELY denies all allegations you throw at her
"You love me don't you"
"Shut up! I'm. . . just not feeling good. I'm fine now"
i still love the idea she has a picture of you at the first concert she ever went to, right on her lock screen.
as your girlfriend, i think she'd hate the attention your fame subsequently gives her
don't get me wrong, lute doesn't give a f*ck what anyone says or thinks. . . its just a bunch of needless drama she'd rather not stress about
imagine just laying on the couch with her, lute on top of you while you scroll through your phone, petting her hair while she thinks
"I'm dating her. my literal favorite musician."
when she gets overwhelmed like that, she just clings to you and buries her head into your chest until it tickles
trying to literally smother the feelings out
she still keeps mementos from your concerts in a box somewhere, filled with her and adam's tickets and some guitar picks you threw just to her
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feralsteddie · 2 years
where that one post about Steve accidentally inventing pastel punk because he wanted to be edgier for a Corroded Coffin gig, but wasn’t willing to part with his soft colors
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leeknowsnot · 8 months
listen (platonic han x reader)
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genre: angst, no comfort, band!au
notes: platonic, 9th member!reader, reader is changbin's sister, written in 3rd pov, reader is referred to as she instead of "you"
warnings: mentions of d-ath and s-ic-de
i'm still in the process of writing kinktober day 3 so here you go for now!
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ" your burden is not yours alone
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ there are those who share it
there are those who learn from it
and there are those who
willingly speak about it
you just have to listen"
January 7th, 2023
"Stop. Let's stop," Seungmin abruptly said from the other side of the room, ceasing the music being made within the four-walled enclosement they were in. Everyone had looked at him in confusion as he ran a palm through his face with an exasperated exhale, the guitar hanging on his shoulder yet looking like it had weighed more than it did. Minho was silent but he was eyeing the other male along with Chan who was raising his eyebrows. Seungmin's tone was not loud yet it was laced with quite the frustration.
"Y/N," he called out. She blinked, mouth agape and glanced at him. Seungmin stood before her, eyes wallowing in what seemed to be dismay followed by a few more gazes from Chan and Minho.
She spoke, a confused tone lacing her words. "Y-Yes? What's wrong?"
Seungmin replied with a sigh, "We've been practicing the same song for a whole week now and you've been hitting the wrong beats for more than thrice already. Our first gig is just around the corner and it's only a few days before we finally get on stage with a large crowd watching. Let's try not to mess this up, okay?"
She had found herself having more difficulty nodding than staying silent but she had an uncomfortable fidget on her seat which Chan noticed. "She's probably just tired. We all are, considering we even had weekends reserved for practice and we all know she gets tired a lot more than the rest of us. I think we should call it a day," he tapped on the male's shoulder.
The frown from Seungmin's mien softened, looking at her before he had finally agreed to his proposal. "You're the boss. I'm just trying to keep things on track," he says.
Minho had sent a nod at Y/N's direction as he put back his bass on the stand and with a few words of notice about where he'd be headed, left off.
"I'll be going on ahead as well then," was the last thing Seungmin had said before following suit, leaving the two of them in a complete silence. It felt like Chan was staring right through her soul and it somehow made her conscious.
"What is it?" she muttered through her lips, looking down at the snare drum that had seemed to become the most interesting object to look and distract herself from his stare.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" his voice was straightforward, typical Chan, but there was a slight tone of concern laced within his words. "You do seem like you've been out of it for the past days. Is there something wrong?"
She shook her head, probably out of instinct but she had decided is would only bother Chan if she said yes. "It's nothing, really. You're right, I'm just probably tired. Seungmin has been out of it as well and the others.. They're probably exhausted too."
They weren't. In fact, they had plenty of rests in between practice hours and they were more than enough for exhaustion to be such an overstatement.
"Are you sure?" he asked. His voice was even, mellow.
Y/N hummed, hoping her facial expression was convincing enough for him to stop questioning her which would probably lead to a whole therapy session. "I'm really fine. I just need some breather, that's all," she answered. To which in her surprise, Chan had taken as a genuine response and finally left her to herself by her drum set. She sighed in relief, packing her drumsticks in her small backpack and threw the cover on the set.
When she was finally set on leaving the studio, she stood beside Chan as he sat, burying his face on a piece of paper. Probably finding the right word for a new song from his so-called mind palace. He was never the first to leave the studio and was always the last to leave—thus, the whole band teasing him that he was here more than he had stayed in his own house. She bade him goodbye, leaving the room and headed towards the corridor.
It was never silent in the record label's building. If not for the muffled sound in practice studios, her brother Changbin's loud and booming voice could be heard echoing through the walls. As she reached the training room, the same drum set, recording set, and instruments had welcomed her and brought her waves upon waves of memories.
You always call me full of regret
You want me to save you again
December 12th, 2020
"You really have a nice voice," she had said out of the blue, slightly startling the male whose back was turned at her.
"You really have a hobby of giving people heart attacks," Jisung deadpanned at her, earning a laugh from the female. She sat beside him, hand occupied with her lunch tray and gave him a wide smile.
It was during middle school when they first met. She had been friends with Chan for quite a while but it was also not long when she had met Jisung. "Did you try singing at talent shows or joining bands? You shouldn't put that voice to waste, you know," she said, chewing on a piece of fry.
"No. I don't like bands."
"Why not? Afraid of a little commitment? I heard Chan's planning on forming a band for the school show. C'mon, it's fun!" she laughed.
"It's not very convincing coming from someone who transferred schools a lot and met sorts of people. But no, it's not like that." He eyed back his notebook, gripping the pen between his fingers and started scribbling again. He never had the best penmanship.
"I just don't like how they disband in the end eventually after years of bonding."
After all these years, the days go by
I've seen you fall a million times
Everybody makes mistakes
February 17th, 2022
"What's with that face?" he gave her a side look, ready to inch away. "Why do you look like you're about to cry."
Y/N clicked her tongue, glaring at him. "I'm not. I just can't get this beat right. I've been redoing this part for how many times now, it still sounds weird." She scrunched her nose at him. "Minho won't be too happy if he hears that mistake during our number. You know how he just stays silent but he's actually judging you. Even Changbin refuses to help me out with this."
"Alright, alright. Give me the drumstick, we'll sort your problem out," he sighed at her, which had probably sounded like he was done with her whining. She gave him the weirdest grin.
"Stop it Y/N, you're weirding me out."
June 5th, 2022
Y/N scooted towards Jisung, eyes peeking at whatever he was writing. "What are you doing?"
His head snapped at her direction, a surprised expression on his face. "Y/N, you scared me! Don't go creeping up on people's backs, it's scary!" She only gave him a hearty laugh, taking a seat beside him.
Jisung let out a sigh before chuckling, head turning back to his notebook. "It's a song," he says.
She shrugs. "You always write songs. Don't you do something else? Something more... fun?" Jisung gives her a laugh.
"Rich coming from someone who's also a band member," he rolls his eyes. she nudges his shoulder.
"I play music, not write them. Beating drums prove to be far more entertaining than composing." This earns her a smile from Jisung who turns back to writing again.
"It's kind of like a stress reliever for me. I get to say things i can't say. Pour out the feelings I can't show," he says.
She sat beside him silently, an amused expression on her face as she watched Jisung pour out his lyrics on his paper.
It feels so hard to watch you hurt
From the pain a lesson learned
This is how you find your way
July 23rd, 2022
1 ring. 2 rings. 3 rings. 4 rings.
She didn't want to answer her phone. Her weight had gone down yet she refused to move an inch. How many days had she skipped classes? She couldn't count how many.
Usually in cliché novels, it would rain dramatically in sync with the protagonist's melancholy. But it was the perfect weather; no rain, no scorching sun, no whistling wind. Just plain silence that gave such a temperature that was comfortable for everyone but her. Y/N cursed at the sky. She cursed at the simple noises by the street outside her house. She cursed at the faint droplet from the sink by her bathroom. She cursed at everything.
A loud banging from the front door disturbed the deafening silence. It irritated her. She tried to ignore it, hoping it would cease eventually but the more she ignored it, the more it became louder. It took more than half of her will to stand up from her bed, hair disheveled and almost stumbled down the stairs. She was pondering whether to open it or just pretend she was not home. Ths cold metal knob came in contact with her palm as she twisted it open. They stood in front of her, four faces agape with disbelief and distress. Chan was the first to speak.
"Why weren't you answering our calls? We were worried about you," he had a look of both guilt and responsibility. Minho looked like he was ready to scold her for neglect and Chan was not very pleased at the sight of her state. Jisung was giving her a sympathetic look.
"We know you're still sad about our loss. But that's normal. We lose some, we win some," Jisung says. "Here, I had Felix bake you a cake."
"I'm sorry," was all she could say.
You feel so lost, I've been there too
Skies so dark no way through
Stories only scars can tell
November 20th, 2022
Y/N knocked at the practice room door, clutching at her drumsticks in her hand. "Anyone here?"
Seungmin and the others stood behind her, sweat dripping through their shirts as they had finished their last band show for the university—a college farewell party.
A muffled answer came from inside the room. "I must've locked the door by accident. My apologies. Yes, I'm here." Jisung opened the door, his other hand occupied by the guitar he was holding.
"We're going out for a drink. You left the backstage so soon earlier so we came looking for you," Seungmin spoke from behind her.
"It's our last day as students, after all," Minho followed. Chan only gave a nod.
He pondered for a moment, pursing his lips and finally gave an answer. "I'm sorry. I might not be joining you guys this time, I have some... matters to attend to." Y/N gave him a puzzled look. "But I'll try to join once I'm finished."
"Are you sure?" Chan asked in which he responded with a nod. She looked at him, torn whether she should ask if he was doing alright or not. She went for the latter.
"Hey, are you alright?"
He gave her his most genuine smile. "Yes."
February 11th, 2023
The sun had barely touched the buildings when Y/N arrived at the studio. Just a few days ago, the band was running on sticks and stones with her being off beat and Minho being on the edge of losing his patience but today was different. Yesterday was the milestone of Stray Kids' first live musical performance as a band under a well-known label and it was definitely more than something to be celebrated about.
The moment she entered the label's building, a lively party had filled the place from ground to the top floor. It was as if yesterday the othe band had the same festivities right after theirs and that was a couple of weeks ago. It was the label's way of recognition over the bands' efforts.
She squeezed herself towards their room, sometimes bumping past shoulders of people that were familiar only by face but not by name. As soon as she reached the others, she let out a huff. Seungmin was by the side, pouring Jeong In a drink, her brother was laughing at Chan's antics, and Minho was looking at Chan with a weird expression as he always had. It was just like any other day.
Only, it felt incomplete.
As if a puzzle piece was missing.
She walked past Changbin, placing her drumsticks by her set and took her bag from her shoulders. He had given her a wave, greeting her but she didn't answer.
It felt wrong. It all felt very wrong. It felt... What was it? Unfair? Why was she feeling unfair? Was it because she was the only one who felt that way or was it because she was wondering why they never mentioned anything about him?
"Hey," she heard her brother speak from beside her, now leaving an occupied Chan who busied himself with Minho's weird expressions.
"Hey," was the only answer she gave.
"Are you alright? You look like you woke up on the bad side of the bed again," he responded back at her, his locks brushing at his left cheek but to which he paid no heed at. "Don't tell me you're having PMS again—"
"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Changbin," she cut off his sentence. Y/N sighed, glancing at everyone with both her eyebrows raised. Both spoke with a hushed tone that only they could hear. "Doesn't it feel wrong to you? Everyone's having so much fun, it's unsettling."
"Of course everyone is," he spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. "It's your band's debut yet you're the only one who has that ugly, long face. Not that you're weren't ugly before."
She glared at him, ready to stab him with a drumstick the next time he cracks an untimely joke again. "I hate it. We shouldn't be celebrating so much like this. There's nothing to even celebrate about."
Apparently Changbin didn't like her statement. Even Y/N herself was surprised at her own words. "Y/N, I don't see the problem why we shouldn't be doing this and you won't even tell me why."
"I also don't see why you're not feeling the same way I am right now," she retored back at him.
"Feel what, Y/N? I don't get you. If you just told me—"
She had cut off his statement with a louder tone. "Why, you ask? I should be the one asking that. Why is everyone acting as if everything is okay? Why is no one talking about Jisung?"
She had said it too loud. Heads turned towards her, mouths shushed, and the only noise was the low volume music by the speakers.
"Why is it that everyone just started pretending that everything was back to normal and why did Chan pick up that rhythm guitar without even saying a word? As if Jisung had never been our member? As if he never existed?"
"Tell me, Changbin. Why is no one telling me why he had to take his own life?"
Her voice broke along with her heart as the room fell silent. The radio hushed, mouths shut, and the loud footsteps came to a stop. But her head did not.
Faces upon faces of pity, empathy, and confusion had stared at her. She didn't want any of that. She wanted an answer. A clear answer. She paid no heed to the pool of tears that had found themselves continuously streaming down her cheeks.
"Tell me. Why did I not ask if he really was okay and didn't know that his 'yes' was the last thing I was gonna hear from him. Tell me. Why did we not notice how much he was hiding himself behind his fake smiles.
"Tell me. Why are we so happy without him?"
She didn't hate Seungmin, or Minho, or Chan. Nor any of the other members and bands for celebrating. Nor any of this. She hated herself. Her ignorance. Her blind eye towards what he had actually been feeling. Her guilt.
It was guilt.
She should have listened. Not at the loud strums of his guitar. But at the silent screams of his heart. She should have.
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if you know anyone struggling with d-pression, anxiety, or just need someone to talk to, please PLEASE reach out to them because they're not alone in this fight. you're not alone in this fight. we're not alone in this fight.
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Every band has….
The parental entity that makes sure no one dies.
The one with an arrest record from here to Chicago, probably for doing alot of dumb things
The really nice/wholesome one… who would kill you in your sleep if you crossed them. They know where you live, and will see you under your bed tonight
The one who could throw you into the sun with their pinky finger, either through strength or determination
The overgrown twelve-year old
These can mix and match even if there are two members and can apply to more than one person/ same person.
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hidekomoon · 2 months
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they went on a uk tour ���🥺
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
Okay but hear me out cause I 10”% also thought of this: Harry who wishes hard enough he gets transported to a relative that’s not the Dursleys. Said relative is in Faerun and there’s a stable portal between the worlds but anyway-
Relative is Tav. Tav who is travelling to get rid of the parasite now has a child with them. Tav who is told by Winthers the child has to stay with them.
Cue chaos.
Tav: This is a human child
Withers: Yes.
Tav: I am related to a human child.
Withers: It is a distant relation.
Tav: And I have to raise this human child when I may turn into a mindflayer at any moment.
Withers: Yes.
Tav: Are you fucking ins-
Harry: I can leave if you don’t want me… no one else does
Tav: I would burn down worlds for you without hesitation.
Withers: So the parental instinct has already taken hold.
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mixedstyles · 2 years
As Long as You Are: Part 2
Harry makes contact
LINKS: Part One, Part Three, Social Media Blurb
Author’s Note: Welcome back! I was not expecting such a wonderful response to part one, it truly meant (and still means) a lot to me! So, I just want everyone who reads this lil story to know that I am demisexual, so it takes me a very long time to develop feelings for someone, and it has to be after a close emotional bond has been formed. To move their friendship from platonic → romantic, it might be done through headcanons or small blurbs before more “chapters” are written from their POV. Hopefully that makes sense
P.S There are links throughout the story. They will be bolded and italicized!
Pronouns Used: She/Her (use of y/n)
POV: Third Person. Audrey Nuna is the faceclaim for this story and in my head the music style y/n makes is Gia Margaret’s
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of mental health (depression)
Word Count: 2179
Harry x musician!reader: Harry finally makes contact.
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“Should I do it?” Harry was talking to Mitch about whether or not he should direct message y/n about her music and reaction video.
“I mean, I dunno. I feel like I’m not the person to ask,” Mitch was only half listening to Harry’s questions as he was messing around on his guitar and didn’t care enough, like any best friend would do. The question was more rhetorical than anything else and Mitch had a feeling Harry would message the girl no matter what his suggestion was.
“It’s not like I’m trying to ask her out or anything. I’m not interested in that. I just want to poke a little fun at her and then talk about music. That’s not weird, right?” This time Mitch actually paid attention. Looking up from the notebook that was scribbled with rough music hooks and melodies Mitch finally responded.
“Dude, I love you but it would probably be a little weird. Or maybe not, I’m not sure,” Harry deflated and gave a small glare towards his friend. “Hey!” Mitch protested, “I just think that some random college student getting a direct message from an extremely famous musical artist would be a little jarring. Granted it would be cool. But jarring nonetheless.” He held up his hands in a shrugging gesture and went back to his notebook.
Harry considered Mitch’s words and weighed his options. It’s not like there was a huge risk in messaging her and both of their lives would go on if he didn’t. He wasn’t planning on messaging her for anything other than the reasons he gave Mitch. He didn’t even know the girl. 
“Fuck it,” he said, “I’m doing it and no one can stop me.” Harry opened Instagram back up and searched for the Instagram username that was written in the description of the video he watched the week before.
He didn’t want to follow her, not yet, maybe not ever. Was it rude to message her without following? He questioned. Why is this so anxiety inducing?
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Direct Message: @/areyoulistening 
Hey, so compared to the songs you did with Novo Amor I have to say that Matilda doesn’t seem as sad. sent 10:37 am
And so he waited… and waited. Harry ended up forgetting he had even messaged her with how busy he was that day. But of course, just as he was trying to fall asleep his eyes snapped back open. Why does everything come to my mind while I’m trying to sleep? He pulled out his phone and checked his primary Instagram messages. No response. The DM was still on sent. She hadn’t even looked at it. There are hundreds of thousands of messages he hadn’t gotten around to looking at and unfortunately never would. Maybe it was something like that, he got lost in her general messages and she’d never see it. 
He went to sleep listening to No Fun and Lucky for You on repeat.
Direct Message: @/harrystyles
Hey, so compared to the songs you did with Novo Amor I have to say that Matilda doesn’t seem as sad. received 4:37 am
Her eyes were trying to adjust to the bright light of her phone as she reread the message. Maybe it wasn’t the brightness of the screen making it difficult to comprehend and it was the fact that she was reading a direct message from Harry Styles. 
She read it again. Thumbs hovering over the phone keyboard as she was trying to form some sort of coherent response that wasn’t a keyboard smash. She took a deep breath in, concentrating on calming her shaking hands before responding.
Direct Message: @/harrystyles
Hey, so compared to the songs you did with Novo Amor I have to say that Matilda doesn’t seem as sad.
oh my gosh, hi. i love my fans. i didn’t know i had such famous ones! also you know who Novo Amor is???? sent 12:56 pm
She paused looking at the message that she sent. Why the fuck did I ask him if he knew who Novo Amor was? She turned off her phone, stared at the ceiling, pulled the pillow from under her head, and screamed into it.
“Ahhh! What the fuck?” she yelled, the sound slightly muffled by the fabric covering her entire face. “I love my fans? What the fuck is wrong with me?” She pulled the pillow from her face and simply clutched it as if it would bring her back to reality. It was working up until she came to a very important realization.
Harry-fucking-Styles sent me an Instagram message.
I’m sure you have more than just me as a famous fan. I can’t be the only one. I do know who he is, but I don’t really know much of his stuff.  I watched your reaction to Harry’s House and then listened to your most recent album.  I found No Fun and Lucky for You through the recommendations. Now back to the important accusation at hand: the lyrics to No Fun??? Excuse me???
She sat there frozen, the lyrics to No Fun were suddenly gone from her brain as if they were never there. No Fun, lyrics, sad. Ohhh.
Thank goodness it was a momentary lapse in memory because she did not want to look up the lyrics to her own song just because Harry Styles muddled her brain.
i do not know what you’re talking about 👀
“Like the shadow of my mother / In the background” “With the shadow of my father / Having no fun” “With the shadow of my brother / I was a mistake“ That shit hurt
i’m so sorry 😭 it’s meant to invoke the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness i initially wrote it during a bad time and ali (novo amor) helped me put the finishing touches on it
It’s beautiful Truly The subtleties of it just pull at your emotions It’s both painful and soothing
oh my gosh, thank you so much 😭🙏🏼 i’ll have to let ali know “melancholic lullabies” someone told us
That’s exactly what it feels like Perfect way of putting it | “i’ll have to let ali know” Please do! Did anyone else work on it?
nope! Just us 😌😌 we released it back in 2019
She felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. Does she let her followers know that she got recognized? Does she let her friends know or should it be kept private? What else should I say? She thought. She wanted to keep the conversation going because what is the likelihood that a famous musician - let alone Harry Styles - would message some random person? She also wanted to be casual no matter how not casual she felt.
Thank god for messaging because if it was in person she would have barely kept it together.
hold on. you said you listened to my most recent album??? THE harry styles listened to MY album
I thought it was only fair because you listened to mine Did you just casually make an album in your freetime?
this interaction is ridiculous 😩😩 it feels like it’s not real. i think i’m still dreaming
Not dreaming and this is definitely real
again, ridiculous and to answer your question kind of? since i’m in a music school a lot of students end up creating EPs or full albums of their own so making music isn’t anything special i guess? the album grew from a throwaway piece i wrote years ago that i pulled out of storage for my studio production class i realized it had a lot of potential and decided to run with the sound and feel and i ended up producing 13 songs 😗✌🏼 actually in the process of making another album 🤪 sorry for the spam
That’s so cool All by yourself? And don't apologize, I’m the one who asked!
well if harry styles insists… i guess i won’t feel bad yes 😳 all by myself both of them because i like making things difficult wanna make an appearance on the next album? 👀
She had to shoot her shot, there was no way in hell that he, Harry-fucking-Styles - as she kept saying - would make an appearance on a music students random-ass album that they were working on out of their dingy New York appartment. But she would regret not asking.
Smooth I’ll think about it
oh my gosh i was (mostly) joking! you’re a very busy and famous man, i didn’t expect an answer let alone a “i’ll think about it” gosh, what is this day? it feels fake
Holy shit, holy-fucking-shit. “I’ll think about it” she reread the message over and over. That response was the closest thing she’d ever come to making music with Harry Styles and she was totally okay with that. 
Your sound is so soothing, I’m not sure I’d want to mess with that.
Ah, there it is. She realized. He’s letting me down easy. 
They continued to message sporadically throughout the day but the time difference made it a little awkward once the hours started to pass. Harry was “somewhere in the UK” (his words) and she joked back that she was “somewhere in New York”. They mostly talked about their mutual love of music and what it was like to create something you were proud of. She asked him if he felt a lot of pressure to please fans and critics alike because his music was on such a massive scale; while he asked her if she felt like she could make music she liked or if she also felt pressure to create music she thought others would like, the professors in her case. She ended up sending him a voice memo in response to that question.
He pressed ‘play’. 
“Hi,” she started, “I know this is random but I felt it would be easier to explain via a voice recording because I have a lot to say. I apologize if my voice wavers, I’m actually quite nervous” she continued.
“So, I can’t say much on wanting to please at a massive scale, but um, I definitely think there’s a sense of wanting to please the professors and the outside critics that are invited to give feedback. But I’ve found that in my first year and into my second one I would produce (and I’m using that term loosely) material that I didn’t necessarily like all that much just because I was looking to get a good grade and please those around me. Like now I’ve found that because I’m making things that I love and that I’m proud of, I'm able to defend it to the reviewers and it’s easier for me to verbally explain why I decided to do X instead of Y.” She paused, taking a breath before continuing.
“I guess I couldn’t really like, defend or explain my stuff before because I was just producing what I thought others would like. It also got exhausting and frankly I was burnt out because I just wasn’t happy with what I was making. Like, why make things you don’t like just ‘cause you think others would, I guess, ’vibe’ with it.” A soft chuckle came from the recording, “I’m not sure if that makes sense but uh, yeah, I suppose that’s my response… okay bye.” The voice memo ended with her dragging out the ‘e’ in bye. 
Harry paused as the words sank in. He talked to the same handful of people everyday and even though he adored them like none other he always found it so refreshing to be able to talk to new people about music. Especially the insight of someone who was going to university specifically for music production. Harry knew that music was a world in which people could communicate via massive distances and it could traverse the gap of spoken language, but there was just something so personal about sharing the way one created music with someone else.
He wasn’t sure if what y/n shared in the voice memo felt as personal to her as it would have to him had he sent it, but there was just something so intimate, not in the sense of physical or romantic intimacy, but intellectual intimacy. The act of y/n being open and vulnerable and allowing herself to share that insight with someone she didn’t even know. That one minute voice memo was what opened the door to the two of them being able to have deep, meaningful conversations where they got to learn how each other's musical mind worked. And it wasn’t anything romantic, it was two people bonding through shared experiences even though their lives were drastically different. It was the beginning of their collaborative album. Whether it was a figurative or literal album.
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khiita · 1 year
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S/TELL☆R, a group of friends that met in high-school, have been making giant leaps with their catchy, space-inspired songs and their energetic indie rock and electropop sound. If you like what you hear, make sure to support them in Battle of the Bands season 4! If you like what you see, follow them on social media!
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freddie's band for @infamous-if ❤ [ x / x / x / x / x ]
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sarcasticassian · 1 year
Robin, Chrissy, Vickie and Nancy are in a rock band, Robin sings, Chrissy and Vickie on guitar and bass and Nancy drums, Steve is their manager and Dustin, Steve’s little brother is their number one fan and tags along to gigs all the time, Mike is more reluctant but even he can admit his sister is kinda cool for being in an all girl rock band that slaps, Lucas is their best friend and so he comes along for the ride, holding back Dustin when he gets too enthusiastic and underfoot until he also gets too excited and they cause a small amount of chaos and Erica is an admirer of the band so she squeezes her way into events as well
Corroded Coffin are currently the world’s biggest new metal band, Jonathan is their actual manager but Max, Eddie’s little sister, likes to follow him around and tell him what she’d do instead, Will and El encourage her much to Jonathan’s dismay and Eddie’s delight, they’ve just dropped a killer album (Satanic Panic) and they’re organising a tour, Max suggests the rock band she’s always listening to and after checking out the discography Corroded Coffin agree it would be a good fit
Steve switches off his hearing aid before he tells the girls about CC reaching out because they’re all big fans and CC is a small influence on their work, Robin and Eddie share the same raspy vocal quality, and he was thankful he did because they all scream, he snarks that he’s assuming they’re up to be CC’s opener and he’ll get back to Jonathan
Max and Dustin connect on social media before the band’s get together and it’s the meeting of two of the most chaotic minds and they’re already causing trouble, I just want them to cause shenanigans and that leads to them deciding to parent trap several members of the bands and teams because then they’re forever intertwined and Dustin and Max can keep going to both of their concerts for free, Lucas thinks its a little manipulative, Mike and Will think it’s genius and El would just like to go to concerts and learn about girl power and fucking the patriarchy and Erica knows a lot about that
the adults don’t know they’re being moved around like chess pieces until it’s too late and then one day Steve sits up in bed, accidentally elbowing Eddie on his way up from where they were spooning, and he’s like those little shits they did this on purpose, it’s 3AM but he’s calling Dustin and making Eddie call Max so he has them both on the phone because he knows they did this only for the two fuckers to laugh and say they really only meant to get Vickie and Jeff together because the two of them had openly stated that they thought the other was cute, everybody else just fell into place after that so they can’t be punished but they’ll take the credit
Gareth and Argyle, who are both still happily single, neither ready to settle down, will take it to the grave that they helped the kids by passing on info about any crushes or hook ups with in the adult group, they just sip on their drinks that the kids money bought them because the information came at a price as well as their silence and enjoy the peace and quiet now that nobody is moaning about being in unrequited love or never getting laid
it went something like Vickie and Jeff started to date which made Chrissy realise Robin wasn’t in a secret relationship or pining after Vickie and Robin realised Chrissy was interested so they make a move on each other, Steve gives Robin some space to date Chrissy without him hanging around and ends up ferrying his brother to hangouts with Max who just happens to be getting dropped off by Eddie despite the fact that both of them can drive but Steve and Eddie make plans to hang out and they make it complicated because it’s them but eventually they get together properly and while all this was happening Nancy and Jonathan were slotting into place quietly but sweetly and it works and now the kids have four couples for the price of one and their favourite bends are gonna be able to collab forever
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barkrry · 2 years
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1,749,284 others
mattyforrest secrets out, hatty forever.
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taylorswift GOALS.
niallhoran my parents ❤️ ↳ mattyforrest my first born  ❤️
harrystyles matilda. ❤️
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran, taylorswift and 1,243,564 others
mattyforrest matilda: the album
05 June, 2023
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gemmastyles not to be confused with matilda the song obvi ↳ mattyforrest the albums better obvi ↳ harrystyles 😑
niallhoran pre order pre order pre order pre order
annetwist excitement is building!
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liked by mattyforrest, harrystyles, annetwist and 1,923,456 others
gemmastyles how can they be bad at karaoke when it’s their job??
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annetwist it’s so lovely having the three of you home again x
mattyforrest in our defence i havent sung ANY 1d in YEARS ↳ myparentshatty OMG THEY WERE SINGING 1D?!! ↳ harrysdimples REUNION SOON?????
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liked by mattyforrest, louist91 and 4,392,394 others
niallhoran throwback: missing matty’s as she was always misplacing hers
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1dforever classic matty lmfao
mattyforrest the exposure?? for what??
niallslefteye ok ok guys nobody panic- I SAID NOBODY PANIC
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liked by annetwist, florieforrest, zayn and 1,483,532 others
mattyforrest he wasn’t happy to be leaving me on this day, happy 13 years to the band x
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niallhoran he was head over heels since day one, surprised you’re only just finding out ↳ harrystyles BRO THE HELL? ↳ niallhoran YOU ALREADY PROPOSED TO HER SHE KNOWS
annetwist oh my sweet boy, happy 13 years guys x
zayn coffee soon? ↳ mattyforrest ❤️
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liked by harrysdimples, 1dforever and 6,382,367 others
enews on the release day of her album, matty forrest has also released her leading single including the music video, with a shocking! surprise.
nemo is the name of the lead single of matilda: the album, and the video for it dropped completely out of the blue at midnight BST. the song is all about matty finding her home, which the video shows incredibly well. but the shocking surprise... are you ready?! she showcases all her favourite moments from the past 13 years, since joining the band, one direction, to going solo and her engagement to ex-band member, harry styles. and then, all 5 members (including zayn) joined her on the balcony to sing with her for the last verse.
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mattymyheart “i look at you, and i, and i’m home” IS THAT A NEMO QUOTE?!
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rexscanonwife · 1 month
Also I've been listening to a lot of MCR...which was also really popular in the 2000s 0 w 0
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iicarussea · 3 months
[WIP] i got too silly earlier while trying to draw the twrp guys and 5 hours later i have a twrpsona so. thats productive! here he is with sung
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my ocs name is ETC (he/she) and it stands for Empty Tin Can, because why wouldnt i give a twrp oc a weird name. lets be real here. (ref sheet below the cut)
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i didnt think it looked good enough to go above the cut. look at ETC go though :D
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jeonggukrimmer333 · 9 months
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italofobia · 3 months
tonight on green's weird oc ideas compilation: italian boyband ocs
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jamiethebeeart · 7 months
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(Ref/insp: 8eyestheband on youtube/tiktok - the conversation mashups and the song association game) supplemental info/explanation in the tags
#spinnerdabi#mha spinner#dabi#dabi todoroki#shuichi iguchi#bnha spinner#bnha#mha#people in the comments of their videos keep talking about how they look at each other/ship them and I of course went “how can make this lov#which spiraled to “who do i think would/could sing with spinner on camera” and went not shigaraki (rip) and landed on dabi#i cannot defend this because its purely based on gut feelings#(im not a spinnerdabi shipper but this just fits for me... i may or may not draw more for this au)#so! conversation mashups: take two songs and “what if they were a conversation” so its a back and forth mashup#im obsessed with the i will wait/dial drunk and this town/stick season ones.#the song association game: person gives a one word prompt and they have to think of a song with that in the title and sing it#first to think/sing a song with that word gets the point#anyways i feel bad for them :/ so many ppl in the comments are talking about them romantically and im like Stop It!!!! those r real ppl!!!!#but the premise of band members falling in love with one another and balancing that with their public image? obviously v v v good au fuel#i even made band au stuff back when it was popular on mha cosplay tiktok (with aizawa) and now im revisiting it :)))#in this au im imagining shigaraki as aro/ace (just because) and handling the behind the scenes stuff. lighting. camera. social media. ect.#these tags are a mess lmao#do you guys see my vision? do you get it?#im planning on a toga duet one rn#(now i hear ya: why not compress? well :) i feel like he'd be a prev boy band member turned solo artist. v flashy v performative)#toga would def be an online singer (lots of covers. lot of gay/bi covers of straight songs. some original stuff. maybe some makeup videos?)#oh! she'd pull uraraka and deku in for a make over. thatd be v cute. she'd have 2 persuade both of them and uraraka would be quicker to agre#idk where twice would fit in. magne would be a makeup artist (for her? or other ppl? idk but she'd rock a social media platform)#mustard? i feel like he'd be a minecraft streamer or smth#kurogiri would somehow be teamed up with compress from time to time.#not to get too korean drama-y but afo feels like a management company person? he's got a spotty track record w recruits tho so hes a lil sus
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