#Bandstand fic
acefictionwriting · 4 months
Ways Johnny Simpson is Warm
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His Smile
When Johnny enters the bar you own, he is talking with Davy. However, when he sees you, he immediately smiles. His smile is warm. It makes your chest feel warm as your heart beats faster. Your face feels warm too, as you can’t help but blush as he half-runs half-walks over to hug you as a greeting.
His Hugs
Johnny’s hugs were warm. He always seemed warmer than anyone else, especially when you were entirely wrapped in his arms with him gently kissing the top of your head. You could feel his heartbeat he was holding you so tightly. So happy to see you. This happened everyday. You loved it every day. You smile up at him.
His Eyes
Johnny pulled back from the hug and looked at you with such warm and kind eyes. So in love you could see it on his whole face. His Green-Gray eyes met yours. The way he looked at you never failed to warm something in you, some emotion in you, that no one else could reach. No one else could touch that part of you, and warm it as he could.
His Voice
“Well Hey, Sweetheart! Hey, we just got done with the gig down the street, is your shift over? I feel like dancing!”
You know his shift ended an hour ago. You knew he and the boys had been drinking from the way Wayne and Davy were struggling to stand. You knew he thought they had just finished. you also knew your shift wouldn’t end for another half an hour. You didn’t have time for dancing. There wasn’t even live music in the bar tonight.
”Sure Johnny. I’d love to dance with you. I’ll put on your favorite record.”
There was his smile again.
His Laugh
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You turned the music on and headed back to where Johnny was sitting with the band. He was laughing over something Davy said. His laugh was loud. He never tried to hide his laughter. He saw you and you once again his eyes brighten. He walks over to you again, and takes your hand. He kisses your hand softly while keeping eye contact.
“Hey! Do you wanna dance? The record that makes me think of you is on.”
“I would love to Johnny.” You said softly, smiling because his smile is so cute and contagious.
Johnny Simpson’s hands are cold. His hands shake. Both from his PTSD and his nerve damage. His hands are cold, but when he holds your hand to drag you to the dance floor, it makes you warm. Today, his hands were lightly shaking as one of his arms snaked around your waist for a slow dance. His hands were freezing against your dress, where you could feel it through the fabric. However, as his cold hands held you and sent chills through your body with how cold he was, you felt hot. Johnny Simpson wasn’t just warm. Johnny Simpson was hot.
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evergreenstringbean · 2 months
Fanfiction Masterlist- evergreenstringbean
Please read AO3 tags prior to reading! Some of these are old. Some of these were written for tumblr challenges. Sue me if they're cringe now.
Blue text will detail crossover fanfictions, but are included in both fandom lists. Green will signify oneshots, purple will signify multi-chaptered works. All are completed.
Keeping The Ghosts Away (Nick Radel/Wayne Wright): It happens every night at the same exact time. Wayne doesn't know that Nick isn't asleep this time.
Water and Smoke (Jimmy Campbell/Johnny Simpson): They all want to go on a beach vacation. Jimmy knows he can't handle it, but agrees.
Pets Are The Best Medicine (Nick Radel/Wayne Wright): Nick wants a dog. Wayne, of course, doesn't. Nick, of course, doesn't listen.
Thoughts (Jimmy Campbell/Nick Radel): Jimmy doesn't know why his thoughts seem to never listen to him.
Parallels (Jimmy Campbell & Julia Trojan): Julia can't face the band after Donny tells her what happened to Michael. Jimmy comes to visit her.
Once Upon A Time (Jimmy Campbell/Aaron Miller): Jimmy's so grateful to have Aaron in his life.
Forward (Jimmy Campbell/Johnny Simpson): Jimmy can't move on. But he can more forward.
Palliative (Character Study- No Ship): Palliative Coping: Making the situation more tolerable or keeping it under control without directly taking care of the problem.
Something in Return (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): The band is exhausted after a nationwide tour. Jimmy most of all. A night at the Blue Wisp sounds like a good idea to relax. Turns out Jo has hired someone new.
Another Language (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): Impromptu duets lead to interesting thoughts as Jimmy learns more about the new employee of The Blue Wisp. Continuation of "Something in Return".
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Here It's Safe and Sound (Ted Spankoffski/Henry Hidgens): Henry doesn't mind the silence anymore, but he really needs a break from it.
Still The Dance Goes On (Ted Spankoffski/Henry Hidgens): Showtunes help Henry with whatever emotion he feels.
Everything's Perfect/Nothing's Real (Ted Spankoffski/Henry Hidgens): Henry theorized this exact scenario thirty years ago. But what if it wasn't simply a theory?
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Which Direction is the Right Direction? (Peter Parker & Tony Stark): It's been one month and Peter gets a call in the middle of class. "He'd tried putting it into his computer, that hadn't worked at all. He'd tried looking through old archives that Pepper had allowed him to scan, nothing. He even tried asking Karen, hoping perhaps the man had sent something about it to him without him knowing. Nope. So, it looked like he was stuck with a million questions and no right answers."
The Postcards Protocol (Peter Parker & Tony Stark): Peter finds out about the Postcards Protocol, and wonders why it's called that.
Prisoner of My Past (Peter Parker & Tony Stark): Peter's finally figured it out, with help from Tony. Sequel to "The Postcards Protocol"
IT (Movies)
some time can bring perspective that we need (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier): "The moment he made it to the surface, he was booking it out of the house and made no effort to stop. When panic set in with Eddie Kaspbrak, it failed to stop until he was absolutely sure he was out of danger. He was blocks away from Neibolt before he was able to stop for breath, and he was almost regretting tossing his inhaler into the fire while his lungs burned from the exercise. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his mind was swirling with questions he didn’t know the answers to." In which Eddie Kaspbrak gets the ending he deserves.
To Start Over...Somehow (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier/Stanley Uris): Most of the things he’ll think about are simple. What his plans are for the days ahead, new ideas for material that he’s now, finally, writing on his own…and how the world is one cruel, fucked up place. / or / Richie is learning to cope alone.
letting go of what might have been (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier/Stanley Uris): Richie's got it all under control...but sometimes he doesn't / or / Richie's still coping.
words we leave unspoken (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier): Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier has 1500 words left to live. He has more than 1500 words left to say.
From Here to Eternity (Musical)
Something in Return (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): The band is exhausted after a nationwide tour. Jimmy most of all. A night at the Blue Wisp sounds like a good idea to relax. Turns out Jo has hired someone new.
Another Language (Jimmy Campbell/Angelo Maggio): Impromptu duets lead to interesting thoughts as Jimmy learns more about the new employee of The Blue Wisp. Continuation of "Something in Return".
Sanders Sides
If I Didn't Believe in You (Roman/Logan): Roman doesn't want to go to another party. Logan knows what's really happening.
There Was Janus (Roman/Logan): Roman and Logan get to know each other after working in the same touring production for the last month, when Logan asks how Roman got into acting.
Must Be a Dream (Character Study- No Ship): Logan's alone, but not completely. An imagining of post-WTIT after Logan sinks out of the living room.
Roundabout (Virgil/Roman, Logan/Patton): Virgil's got a new job as a school secretary, a vast change from his old life. He quickly befriends a few fellow faculty members, including one happy-go-lucky drama teacher. As the year goes on, and Virgil begins to form stronger bonds, his reluctance to revisit parts of his past may begin to put a strain on the relationships he holds dear.
When You Smile (Remy/Emile): Remy just wanted to grab a quick coffee. He didn't anticipate the cute stranger dancing in line. Part of the "Roundabout" canon.
Borderline (Established Roman/Virgil & Logan/Patton, Janus/Remus): Following the unexpected death of their mother, Roman and Remus are tasked with cleaning out their parents' attic. Old photos bring up old memories, old trinkets bring up old feelings, but a stack of letters may begin to distort the thoughts of their childhood, or bring their thoughts of it to new light. A world continuation of Roundabout.
The Old Guard
When The Sun Lights The Room (Joe/Nicky): “We should do something today. We could pick up some flowers at a shop this evening,” Joe offers to his love, squeezing his hand in an absent check-in to make sure the man is in fact mentally there as he’d claimed to be. A matching squeeze confirms so and he takes a deep breath. “He should be here.” Thirty years ago, Joe and Nicky lost their son. The "finality" of death still gives them whiplash at the tricks it plays.
Always Starting Over (Joe/Nicky): Nicolo di Genova has lived many different lives. He's fought many wars, saved many lives, and donned many names. But everything's over, and he's too cold. In which Joe loses his immortality and Nicky struggles to cope.
Stand By Me
Think of Me Fondly (Chris Chambers & Gordie LaChance): Gordie LaChance was twelve going on thirteen the first time he saw a dead human being. Gordon LaChance was thirty-eight going on thirty-nine when the newspaper headline knocked the wind out of him.
this is life, with the heartache it brings (B.J. Hunnicutt/Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce): It starts with an average day. It ends with nothing being the same. Or, if the American Songbook's "Tribute to the Troops" broadcast took place in 1952 and landed on the ears of the 4077th
Good Omens
I hope you blink before I do (Crowley/Aziraphale): Crowley, after a Hell of a time, sleeps.
Spies Are Forever
All's Fair in Love and Death (Agent Curt Mega/Owen Carvour): Following the final death of Owen Carvour, Agent Curt Mega is thrust into a mission that seems simple at first glance. Retrieve a fellow agent from a completed undercover mission. However, there are a few caveats. For one, the "fellow agent" is a Slozhno. For two, Curt is meant to retrieve the agent in 2016. With the mix of following his mission, learning all about Tatiana's son, and grappling an entirely new world, Curt must leave every stipulation of his real present life behind to protect a potential future at stake.
Detroit: Become Human
So Goes the Roll of the Dice (RK900/Gavin Reed): Gavin Reed and RK900- known as Nines- are ready to move in together, for "convenience" or whatever they claim. What looks to be the ending of a long investigation results in Gavin re-examining the ghosts of his pasts, and the android of his potential future.
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joyfulsoda · 1 year
Interview With Geoff Packard
Hi! It’s been about a week or so since I’ve posted about the fact that I had an interview I had with Mr. Packard, and I figured I would write up a transcript of the whole thing just because! I would post the audio, but the quality is not the best and also I do not like the sound of my voice on recordings. The entire interview was about 16 minutes long and both he and I speak pretty fast (there are a lot of words), so there will be a td;lr at the bottom.
For context, this interview was for a music class I’m currently in, where we had to present on a song that we like - specifically on how the music was written to make us feel, and how it actually made us feel. We could only play two minutes’ worth of whatever piece we chose, so I chose Proud Riff because it’s under two minutes and I figured I could put the clip from the show into my presentation. The idea to ask about an interview came later!
Before I begin, he was an incredibly nice man to talk to and I was super, super nervous but that went away a few minutes in! He asked if I planned on recording it and that he would be okay with it, I said I was, and then we got right into it!
Me: “So, to begin, obviously because you portrayed Wayne on Broadway, I thought it would be interesting to ask how the music influenced your performance. So, as an actor, how did the music of Proud Riff make you feel?
Him: “How did it make me feel..? Um, well, I think the music is sort of optimistic, I feel like it sort of bops and it’s sort of a swing tune and it’s sort of lighter than what is going on in Wayne Wright’s world. Although, the sort of genesis of that song was a conversation Andy Blankenbuehler and I had - Andy Blankenbuehler, the director, choreographer- (laughs) Tony Award-winning choreographer... We had a conversation about what their day-to-day lives may have looked like, and how we don’t really represent a lot of that for the rest of the guys, we see sort of what Donny goes through, but the rest of the guys that came back from the war, we didn’t get to see what their day-to-day was.
“And so, there was a couple iterations of what that Proud Riff would be, and we decided it was how Wayne would be spending his time at home, getting his kids ready for pre-school or school or something, and how he... sort of locks into a habit, or locked into a habit, y’know, he was obsessive-compulsive and he... really used his habits to sort of survive during war time. And we talked about how he probably gained that sort of germaphobia that he has in the play in his trench warfare, because of the necessity to keep everything clean and to have a clean, firing weapon, and all that stuff. So... We talked about that. On an otherwise normal, sunny day, what he might be doing during the day, and that’s where that came from. And so I think the music is sort of sunny, cheerful, and he’s... slowly, y’know, through the habit of cleaning his gun, is trying to stay sunny, and just simply can’t. And I think that’s where the minor changes come towards the end of the song, if I remember correctly. And all the rhythmic hits at the end that are physicalized through tap, and the sort of twitches that Wayne would have- that’s sort of a manifestation of his memory coming back, or him not being able to control those memories.”
Me: “That, actually, was really insightful. And y’know, like... you can kind of see that on stage, but to hear that directly coming from you, it’s like “oh, so that wasn’t just up to interpretation, that was actually what was happening.”
Him: “Yeah! You know, I think- so, for anybody that might be listening to this, I teach at the University of Michigan now, and so, the next generation of theater artists are what I care deeply about, and certainly when I was training, or when I was a young person sort of experiencing shows or reading a play for the first time, I often thought: “Wow! How do they come up with this? This is, y’know, Arthur Miller just writes a play and just, hands it in, and this is the thing?” And what I’ve learned over time is that it’s much more of a collaboration from all parties involved, so, it’s not that Richard Oberacker and Rob Taylor wrote everything you saw on stage in one sitting and then shared it with us- they wrote a lot of it and had a first draft, then we all collaborated and had different ideas that helped them have other ideas. It did not occur until previews, I think, of the Broadway production. We had done a production at the Paper Mill Playhouse that did not have that piece in the show at all, but through conversation and through an idea of how to give a little more insight in their lives, they created that.
“And I should mention, a large part of that creation came from Greg Anthony Rassen and Bill Elliott, who were the orchestrators of the piece. They wrote all the dance pieces and orchestrations, too, so they were very involved in that sort of collaborative process, and y’know, that’s what you got to see on stage.”
Me: “That’s really cool! Well, um... With that last question, you kind of answered the other questions I was going to ask, um...”
Him: “Sorry.” (imagine someone saying sorry in all lowercase).
Me: “No, no, that’s totally fine! I was just going to ask like, how the music influenced what Wayne was doing on the stage, and you answered that with him twitching and, y’know, him having his physical manifestations of trying to stay sunny, and how some of the stuff he did towards the end of the piece coincides with the minor tones and all the hits and stuff, so thank you so much for that.”
Him: “Mhm.”
Me: “So, because I wanted to keep this short, I didn’t have many questions to ask you- relating to Proud Riff; can I ask just, like, one personal question that doesn’t relate to it at all?”
Him: “Sure!”
Me: “Just because I was curious, uh, because Wayne is a Lieutenant in the show, I was doing some research and I found out that most Officers have college degrees, and I just wanted to ask what you think he might’ve gotten his degree in, because- well, I don’t know, it was just something I kind of wanted to know.”
Him: “Yeah! Oh my god, I’d have to go back to my original, sort of, research journal... Um... For that. I feel like at one point in time, I knew where he went to college, and I knew what he studied, but I don’t- I mean, y’know, in my mind what he studied, and it’s not in the script, and I don’t remember really talking about that- I know we talked about him being a Lieutenant a lot, and how that would have led to him being a leader, and not being very content under Donny as the leader of the band (laughs). But what would he study..? The thing that comes to my mind is something mathematical, so I wanna say an engineer of some kind.”
Me: “Oh, that’s interesting!”
Him: “Well, I feel like he, of all of the musicians in the band, he was obviously the most strict and maybe square of everybody? Y’know, I wouldn’t call him an improvisor, y’know, he has that famous line “If it ain’t on the page, it ain’t on the stage.”
Me: “I was actually gonna mention that when you said what you did about him and Donny not gelling well at first.”
Him: “Yeah! Well, you know, he is the only officer in the group, and what that would mean for these gentlemen, y’know, they know that more than- oh, what would they be called, I wanna say muggles and it’s not- civilians! They would know that more than civilians, so we talked about the relationships in that way, but yeah, I think he would be- I forget what it was, but I think it’s sort of engineering, or something that involves something that can be accomplished through math, and that has a specific answer and an end to it.”
Me: “That makes a lot of sense for him. Well, that all I really wanted to ask.”
Him: “Do you still have some time? Do you have any more questions? I mean, we’ve got three more minutes.”
Me: “Well, let me see if I can think of something, uhhhhh..!”
Him: “Oh, remind me, did you see the show- did you see it live, or did you see the Fathom Events recording?”
Me: “I really wish I could have seen it live; however, in 2017 I was only 14, and going from [REDACTED LOCATION] to New York was... Well, that wouldn’t have been possible, unfortunately, so I’ve only been able to see the professional recording, and- and I love it, I need to rewatch it again. But yeah, y’know, I do really love the show, I like going back and looking at all the little details that happen, like not necessarily what the focus is on the stage, but also looking at all the side interactions- like, there was one time I went back and watched, and I noticed that in Breathe, right after Davy makes his comment about Nick, the “choreography” bit, you walked over to Mr. Ellis, and y’know, Davy just gave Wayne a salute, and it was the funniest thing to me for forever. And these aren’t things that you notice on the first watch-through, but going back and looking at all of it is just- it’s just fun.”
Him: “And the interesting thing about the filmed version of it is that, since film and TV is such a visual medium, the editors, which I think Andy (Blankenbuehler) was a part of, they sort of tell you where to look. If you think about all the things that you’re like “Oh, I missed this from the filmed version,” there’s infinitely more moments like that when you have a whole stage that you can look at. So unless it was in a wide shot on the Fathom Events version of it, you only got to see what the editor wanted you to see in those moments, so... Y’know, that’s why I was asking you if you saw the live version. I really loved the Fathom version, and I’m so grateful that it exists; there’s really no substitute for being in the room. Although you can’t, y’know, you can’t rewind, it, so... (laughs) You just get what you get, you know?”
(After this point, we have a short conversation about me! There are a few identifying details in this section that I don’t feel comfortable sharing, though, so I would rather not type them out.)
Proud Riff was meant to give an insight into Wayne’s everyday life.
It shows how on an average day, the sun might be shining, but Wayne is still struggling.
Wayne most likely developed his germaphobia due to being involved in trench warfare, out of the necessity to keep everything clean and working.
(Including this just because some people might not have seen interviews where it is confirmed) Wayne has OCD, cleaning his gun is a ritual.
The taps are meant to be a physical manifestation of the memories that haunt Wayne- the ones he cannot control.
Proud Riff was not in the Paper Mill Playhouse production of the show.
Wayne obtained a degree in engineering or something relating to math. He likes how they have specific answers and ends.
Wayne is the only Officer in the Donny Nova Band. He usually takes on leadership positions and does not enjoy Donny being the band leader at first.
Wayne is, in Geoff Packard’s mind, the most strict and square out of everyone in the band. 
Wayne is not an improvisor.
There were a lot of side interactions onstage that we did not get to see in the Fathom Events recording. Sad day. :(
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lupismaris · 1 year
Like realistically I acknowledge that in sound mind and body Flint would never do karaoke or sing in front of people
But i also believe in my heart of hearts that if you got enough drinks in him and called him too chicken shit to sing in front of people, and added the caveat that Charles Vane would and had in fact sang multiple times in public (for better or worse), he would then be convinced to do a round or 2 of karaoke
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fandomscraziness22 · 2 years
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making moodboards for my old fics is one of my favorite pastimes! check out right this way and read about how lovely Bandstand is and how many parallels there are to jatp!
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randofanficrecs · 9 months
Today's random fic comes from the Bandstand - Oberacker/Oberacker & TaylorNavigation and Actions fandom, Pulled Me Apart (I'm So Open) by aintweproudriff
Chapters: 3/3 Words: 4,674 Fandom: Bandstand - Oberacker/Oberacker & Taylor Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Johnny Simpson/Davy Zlatic, Nick Radel/Wayne Wright, Donny Novitski/Julia Trojan, past Donny Novitski/Michael Trojan Characters: Davy Zlatic, Johnny Simpson, Donny Novitski, Julia Trojan, Nick Radel, Wayne Wright, Jimmy Campbell Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed, cliches, canon typical nightmares and trauma, canon typical alcoholism, the whole dnb is gay and there's nothing you can do about it Language: English Summary: "They did make their way up to the room, Davy holding out hope the whole way up that Donny had been wrong about his mistake and the two of them were actually getting a room with two beds. Upon opening the door, however, Davy had to let go of that wish. One bed, clear as day." OR I love to write tropes
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losyanya · 11 months
I could not wrap my mind around why Aziraphale was so Stoked to make his offer to Crowley to return to Heaven, when it's so clear to all of us that it's the last thing Crowley wants, that the very offer is so hurtful to him. I mean, the angel was about to POP with his good news!
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Aziraphale is prone to assume what's best for the other person and what the other person is thinking (see him telling Crawley "I know you!" in 2500 BC, when they hadn't even seen each other since the Flood 500 years ago. Yes, he was right about Crawley in that situation - but that's still one presumptuous statement). But where did it all go so wrong on this particular line of thought?
I think it goes back to the last time we see Azirpahale refer specifically to Crowley's angelic origin.
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It has been brought up previously by @kedreeva and others, such as in this discussion, that this line was Already a tentative offer for Crowley to seek safety in return to Heaven, or at least an expression of hope that things could back to the way they were. And Crowley does not say "I don't want to go back to being an angel". He says
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It's old history. It's not worth bringing up because it has passed and will not return.
What Crowley says is
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And he means "The angel of the past - that's not me. It is no longer me, and has not been for ages. I am what I am now - take it or leave it."
But what Azirphale hears is "HEAVEN WON'T FORGIVE ME. There is no way back and it's not worth talking about BECAUSE THEY WOULD NEVER EVER LET ME BACK IN."
So of course he races back from Metatron to tell Crowley that yes, yes they would! yes, he Can be forgiven!
Aziraphale reads into Crowley's words a well-suppressed wistfulness... that is not there. I hear the echoes of so much post-s1 meta and fic saying "now that the Armageddon is over, they need to have a chat, they need to go back to what was said in the bandstand, painful as it was, and talk it through!"
I think they never brought it up once.
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soov · 7 months
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RUMOUR HAS ITㅤ. . .ㅤ﹫ park sunghoon ★
꒰ 📒 ꒱ prince ! park sunghoon & fem reader, 1000 words. ㅤg fluff, royal au, arranged marriage, long fic. ㅤw slightly suggestive, pet names, kissing. ㅤinspired by mr queenㅤlibrary
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“i suppose you know about the rumours by now?” the prince’s deep voice tugged you back to reality, making his presence known by leaning onto the same railing as you.
“why do you think i would’ve called you here if i didn’t?” you asked back, to which he responded with a smile, looking at the scenery in front of him.
sunghoon appeared somewhat unkempt. his hair dismissed the usual slicked-back style, soft black bangs falling on his eyes. he had a white linen puffed-sleeve shirt on, with the first three buttons undone. once, he had admitted that he owned twelve of the shirts, them being his favorite piece of clothing.
as your stare lowered, his high-waisted black pants and boots piqued your curiosity, “what is the reason behind the informal clothes?”
“why the question?” he turned his head in your direction, “you also have an informal attire on, my love.” sunghoon had a cheeky smile plastered across his face, attentive eyes observing the way you toyed with his sleeves.
“my maids said that this color and dress would look good on me.” you reasoned and pushed one of the puffy sleeves slightly up his arm, tracing the delicate veins enmeshed beneath his flesh. “and i only see you wearing this outfit when it’s your birthday or a happy day to you.”
“they were right; you do look good.” he seemed to be enjoying how you were caressing his arm. his muscles flexed and relaxed every time you touched him, making him feel like you were painting a masterpiece across his bare, pale skin. “and well, it is a happy day for me.”
“even with the rumours?”
right. the rumours. the gossip that spread around the castle like wildfire about the soon-to-be king and queen that didn’t truly love each other, only keeping up their looks because of diplomatic problems. that and the supposed cheating accusations, claiming that you were seeing a close friend behind the prince’s back.
in part, it would’ve been true if the false talk started a few months ago — though only the comment about real love being absent in your relationship. you used to think that the boy was a spoiled little brat who leeched off his parents’ high status. yet, you fell right into his trap when your arranged marriage was announced.
with his eyebrows tied together and the smallest pout, sunghoon gave you his trademark confused face, “why would they matter? we love each other and will get married soon, isn’t it? let them say whatever.”
the raw and honest responses from sunghoon were one of the many factors that brought him to the center of your heart. his unfiltered remarks, reminding you of your infinite worth (his words, not yours), slowly guided you to the path without return that is loving him.
you huffed out a breath, a bunch of servants whispering and stroddling through the garden close to the bandstand where the both of you were. if sunghoon wasn’t there, you would have cussed them out, even knowing that you couldn’t. they were your fiancé’s people, and briefly, they would be yours too.
“i do not appreciate how they talk so lowly about us...” you mumbled, chin on your palm. neither of you were big on pda, that was a fact, but you wondered if it was that bad to make the word even more convincing. “i just wanted to shut their mouths and show them that we long for each other.”
“do you, now?” sunghoon grinned, embracing you from behind as his pointy nose went to your neck. “we could give them a little sample of our love.” he muttered, the low timbre of his voice being more than enough proof of your effect on him.
you nearly choked on your own breath, a lump closing your throat. “i thought you were uncomfortable with showing affection in public?” the words left your mouth in a nervous whisper when he gently turned you in his hold to face you.
“princess,” he began, the pet name almost sounding sardonic due to your current position, “that was seven months ago. i hated you at the time, you know it. but i only want to kiss you right now.”
there was something in his eyes, blended with the dark brown hues and the sparkly melted stars that captivated and hypnotized you. sunghoon was so intense that you could never bring yourself to break eye contact, or reply coherently, when you were drowning in his gaze. a nod was all that came out of you.
the prince chuckled, the act so genuine and lovesick that your knees threatened to falter, “you’re so annoyingly beautiful.” he voiced, and leaning in, his lips parted to taste the sweetness of your mouth.
with a gasp, you carded your fingers through his raven hair. it had gotten so long in such a short time. the only place that your hands went to during your kisses was in between his locks.
a soft rumble escaped his chest, body beginning to relax when you played with his hair. in a second, sunghoon cupped a side of your face in his palm, still being smug enough to slide the other to the small of your back, gripping that part. a smirk curled his lips up as he felt the low cut back of the dress, tracing your skin like you did to his arm earlier.
his actions induced a shiver to run down your spine, and you couldn’t do much except feel yourself covered in goosebumps. softly, gently, slowly — that was how your fiancé enjoyed kissing you.
“sunghoon...” tugging at the loose collar of his shirt, you tried to regain your composure after the scandalous scene. “did they go yet?”
your breathy voice calling out his name only fueled the pure adoration the boy felt. “not yet.” he hummed, glancing at the flustered maids that giggled amongst themselves. “seems like they’re slow walkers.”
“at least that will make them stop talking.” you grumbled.
he squeezed you tighter in his arms as a response, almost trying to express the extent of his feelings in the way he held you. “it surely will.”
and it didn’t, since, now, rumour has it that the prince is too greedy to go for only a single kiss.
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⠀ ⠀ SOOV © 2O23
ㅤ𝗿𝗲𝗶’s notes ⪩⪨ rumour is the only british version of a word that i will accept
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Hii! Dunno if those exist yet but are there any fics where crowley takes up the title of duke of hell after events of s2? Or honestly any fic where he's important in hell could work as well
Hello! Here are some post-series two fics in which Crowley is a duke of hell...
You're So Vain. by Can_I_hear_a_wahoo2 (G)
“What do you mean you can’t contact anyone?” “I mean exactly that. All lines to Hell just go to voicemail. We’ve phoned all the back channels and not one demon is answering the receiver.” OR None of the angels can contact any of the demons. Aziraphale, Uriel and Michael go to figure out why.
You Say Sorry by AnAbsoluteNightmare (T)
"…Whatever. I'm sick of saying sorry. I love you. You say sorry.” The Supreme Archangel of Heaven and The Grand Duke of Hell rendezvous at a familiar bandstand. Takes place 2 years after S2E6, just before the second coming.
I Will Go To War by DissociativeSilence (T)
Crowley has become the new Grand Duke of Hell. The Supreme Archangel pays him a visit.
ashes to ashes by ashms (M)
Once in Heaven, Aziraphale hears a most disturbing rumor: Crowley has revealed himself to be the ruler of Hell and seeks to avenge his broken heart by declaring war on the angels. And by the time these rumours become true and the demons take over Heaven, Aziraphale finds himself on his own against the man who was once his best friend.
The Third Coming by StuffedFoxWithTheWifiPassword (T)
Aziraphale has been Head Archangel for more than 15 years. Crowley has been Duke of hell for the past 10. A force of nature causes the two to become intertwined again. Can they work together after years, to save the world and their respective head offices? And where the hell does the child fit in?
In Love we trust by TanInu (M)
After a decade trying and failing to change or delay the Second Coming, Aziraphale is done. He wants to go back to Earth, to his demon and is weirdly easy to convince Metatron for that chance. But is there someone to come back to? After all, there was no news about his demon for the last ten years…
- Mod D
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mrghostrat · 3 months
im finally gonna read bnf (also hii i have never talked to you before)
yess!! hellooo! everyone who's been thinking about reading it should jump in now so you can join us for the finale next week 👀
Big Name Feelings (E) - ghostrat
FANDOM AU! • Crowley is a BNF fic writer, and Aziraphale is a lurking artist who might be just a little parasocially in love with him. How they ever became friends is beyond him, but here they are: One month out from Prophet Con, and Crowley is asking him to be his boyfriend. Just for the weekend, of course.
Relationship: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Anathema Device, Maggie, Aziraphale, Crowley Additional Tags: Online Friendship, Online Dating, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Asexual Crowley (Good Omens), Alternate Universe - Fans & Fandom, Conventions, Alternate Universe - Human, Secret Crush, Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), POV Aziraphale (Good Omens), Celebrity Crush, Getting Together, Pining, Social Media, Tumblr, Parasocial Pining, sensually putting on someone's bowtie but not knowing how, flirting via proper sword (yes literally) handling posture, info dumping as a love language, Illustrations, Cuddling & Snuggling, kissing while pining, The Bandstand (Good Omens), Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Long-Distance Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Fluff Language: English Words: 97,934 ⠀⠀ Chapters: 15/17 ⠀⠀ Comments: ⠀⠀ 2,078 ⠀⠀ Kudos: 2,631 ⠀⠀ Bookmarks: 435 ⠀⠀ Hits: 51,492
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Post-S2 Fic Promotion Time
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Summary: After being punished in Heaven for being in love as angels, Aziraphale and Crowley spend the next 6,000 years pretending their relationship never happened. Rating: E Chapters: 6/? Tags: Pre-Fall, Angel Crowley, Crowley has Trauma from the Fall, Aziraphale and Crowley Through The Ages, Post-Season/Series 02, Anxious Aziraphale, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Guilt, 6000 Years of Repression, Arguing, Crying, Rejection, Getting Back Together, First Time, Angst with a Happy Ending
As the summary says, this fic features Aziraphale and Crowley through the ages, with the important difference of each scene in the timeline (some from the show, some made up by me) being altered by their attempt to ignore their former romance in Heaven as angels, and Aziraphale blaming himself for Crowley's Fall :D It’s a lot of angst, especially with Aziraphale thinking his romantic feelings are dangerous for Crowley, but it’ll have a happy ending.
This is a WIP, but the next chapter will tackle the events of s1 (the bandstand...👀), so we're going to catch up to the Final Fifteen soon enough.
Read here, please and thank
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juniperss · 3 months
“First Steps First” Jessamine ‘Lark’ Waterson (OC) x Neil ‘Chick’ Harding
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A/N: so I’ve really been wanting to write something for Jessamine and Chick for a while but was super anxious and self conscious about it for a couple of reasons. The first being that I don’t write much fanfiction anymore and the second is because I’m not wholly convinced I nail the atmosphere of period shows/movies. But this idea just wouldn’t leave my head so I’m biting the bullet and swallowing my doubts!
This fic takes place in episode 4 during Dye’s celebration party (I can’t get over Harding saying “single fillies”, okay?) and inspired by the song “First Steps First” from the musical Bandstand. The song they dance to is “It’s Been a Long Time” and I don’t care that this version came out in 1945, it’s my favorite LOL
also hey autocorrect pls stop changing Chick to Chuck, thanks
Word count: 1,730 words (😧)
Warnings: none, other than the fact I don’t know how the military works so please ignore inaccuracies🤡😂 this is about the FICTIONAL version of Col. Harding
I saw that you said it was okay to tag you in OC stuff @rosies-riveters, so I hope this is alright and that you enjoy!
“Pardon my brashness, dear
Seeing you standing here
Dancing's more customary
For a soirée."
As much as Jessamine Waterson took pride in her work as a nurse on the Thorpe Abbots base there was no denying the fact that it was grueling, emotionally draining and often went without the accolades that came with other roles in the war. And while most days she was just fine with that, today had been particularly tiresome and Jessamine was glad for the change of pace the evening’s festivities allowed. The anxious energy that had gripped every person on the airbase had been exchanged for easy laughter, jokes, and celebration. After all, it wasn’t every day a pilot and crew successfully flew 25 missions. 
As she sat with Beth and Ginny, an American nurse and mechanic respectively, who had become two of her fastest friends, listening idly to them chat about the dances they’d returned from moments ago, it took much of Jessamine’s will to avoid allowing her gaze to linger for too long on the man who had just entered the room. She had spent months chiding herself for the way her heart started racing at the mere thought of Colonel Harding being so near and despite the effort she put into acting completely normal on the instances their paths crossed, she feared her feelings were all too transparent. 
 It was inconvenient to have a crush during war and even more inconvenient that it was on a man who was not only a good handful of years older than she was, but compounded by the fact that he was an American soldier. An American soldier who was dashingly handsome and confident, who had just looked in her direction and caught her staring. Jessamine busied herself with the drink in front of her trying to ignore the heat burning in her ears.
 “Oh well that was just adorable.” 
Beth’s voice with it’s charming southern accent was usually a source of soothing reassurance and good advice, was now riddled with mischief and good natured humor now that the two women’s attention was focused on their friend. “You know there’s no shame in a little flirting, a little conversation. Why don’t you go ask him to dance?”
Ginny nodded in agreement, leaning across the table, “It’s not like you’ve never spoken to him before,” before turning conspiratorially to Beth, “remember how she gave him pain medication for his headache that one time.” 
Jessamine’s hands came up to cover her face, the full weight of her body resting on her elbows as she suppressed a groan and a laugh. Of course the two of them remembered the  first time she had met the Colonel; a simple exchange of names and him asking for something for a headache. Jessamine, partly sleep deprived and partly fighting off the butterflies in her stomach fumbling with the bottle before spilling a handful of pills across the floor of the nurses station.
It certainly wasn’t necessarily the most romantic or charming first meeting on her part, but Col. Harding had only smiled before kneeling and helping her gather the runaways. There had been a quip about how she could’ve just said no that resulted in flustered laughter from her and another grin from him. And her friends hadn’t let her live it down since she confided about it to them the following day over breakfast. 
“I’m surprised he said anything to me after that.” Jessamine admitted and revealed her face to her friends. Though there had been more interactions with the Colonel after that, they remained confined to mostly professional settings save for a few pleasantries while off duty. “And to answer your question, Beth, I’m certainly not going to bother him and ask for a dance!” 
Ginny rolled her brown eyes and tossed her head back in a sign of exasperation, looking up to the ceiling pantomiming someone experiencing a great tragedy which in turn caused another round of laughter at the table. “Well, if he asked you to dance, would you say yes?” Beth finally asked.  This time all the hints of teasing had left her friend’s tone and there was nothing but curiosity and sincerity. 
Jessamine nodded slowly, allowing the fantasy to tease at the corner of her mind just for a moment but unable to answer because just as she parted her lips to reply another voice cut in. 
“Excuse me, ladies.” Colonel Harding’s voice sent a rush of heat through Jessamine’s body and she felt her posture straighten. She pried her eyes off of Beth to glance up, up, up at the tall soldier now standing beside their table and found that, despite him addressing them all, he was looking determinedly at her alone. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I was wondering if I could steal Miss Waterson for a dance.”
“You’re not interrupting at all, sir.” Ginny chimed in, eyes flitting from the Colonel to Jessamine, “In fact, we were just talking about how much Jessamine was wanting to dance.”
Oh, that Ginny was going to get stern talking to later, Jessamine promised herself, but at that moment she was already standing. Hardings’ hand reached out and enveloped hers as he guided her to the dance floor. 
"Isn't the band sublime?
And as it happens I'm
Just in the mood to do
A two-step, Do step
Out on the floor with me.”
The two of them found a place surrounded by three or four other couples just as the band changed from the upbeat, two step to a slower tune that made Jessamine’s heart pitter faster. If Harding felt any nervousness at the now much more intimate situation the change of song put the two of them in, he didn’t show it. Instead he wrapped an arm around her waist with the ease and confidence of a man who knew what he was doing. Her breath hitching just slightly before she felt him placing the flat of his hand lightly, respectfully against her back. 
Every nerve was firing at once, each hair on her arms standing on end, she was sure of it as her mind raced. She was trying to remember just how one slow danced fighting through the nervousness, when she felt the firmness of her foot under her own. 
“I’m so sorry, colonel.” The apology came out high pitched and squeaky and with the attempt to pull away from the man in front of her. But Harding kept his gentle grip and shook his head.
 “It’s not the first time someone’s stomped on my foot. At least this time it wasn’t on purpose. And Neil is fine, or Chick if you think Neil is too familiar.” 
There he goes again, Jessamine thought, being so effortlessly charming and saving me from my own awkwardness. Sometime in the desperate squeak of an apology she had been repositioned to properly be dancing. One soft hand held in his much larger one, the other placed on his shoulder, and her face precariously close to his as she found herself peering up at him. The rhythm was easy to find with Neil leading and the familiar trumpet crooning at the stage and Jessamine had to fight to keep her eyes from closing. 
“Might you be charmingly coerced
No need to be so shy
Take reassurance, I
Know how to guide you through
The worst steps, first steps first
 “It’s not too late to admit you picked the wrong dancing partner.” Jessamine finally found her voice and the confidence to add just a bit of a teasing tone to it, a smile itching at the corner of her lips. Her cheek had come to rest just slightly against his shoulder as they swayed to the music and as a result her voice was slightly muffled by the material of his dress shirt.
 “You’re selling yourself short. It’s been at least a minute since we’ve had another incident. You’re a natural.” Each time he spoke she could feel the rumbling of his chest against hers and her head felt dizzy with the warmth and solidity of him. 
“And I’m certainly not going to say that after I finally got up the guts to come ask you for a dance in the first place.” Neil’s confession took Jessamine by surprise and she pulled back to look him in the eyes searching for any signs of jest but only finding an intensity that sent her stomach exploding into a storm of butterflies. 
“You...you had to work up the courage to ask me?” The image of Colonel Neil Harding having to work up the nerve to ask anything of Jessamine was too comical to be taken seriously but there was no denying the truth behind his statement. “You’re a beautiful woman, Jessamine. And smart and successful. Hell, you’d have every reason to reject a dance from an old colonel like me.” 
This was almost too much for Jessamine to take and she struggled to wrap her mind around his confession. All she could do was blink dazedly up at him as her cheeks flushed bright red. A smile broke out across Neil’s face and he laughed, arm tightening around her waist for a moment. “I hope that wasn’t too out of line and that I haven’t just read this entire interaction incorrectly. But your friends made it pretty clear to me earlier that you felt the same about me.” 
Oh…oh…oh it was all coming together now.
Jessamine couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up from her chest and she leaned forward to rest her forehead against his shoulder. His own rumbling laugh was mixing with hers and soon Jessamine had relaxed with the words of his confession replaying in her mind. The song faded and another slow ballad picked began, nothing but their breathing and the shuffling of shoes on the floor mixing with the music to fill the space between them.  “So,” Neil murmured, dragging Jessamine’s attention to his face once again, “you do feel the same?” 
This time, Jessamine didn’t shy away from the intense and earnest way he was looking at her. Instead she lifted herself up on the tip of her toes just enough to bring her lips to his cheek. 
 She would have words with Ginny and Beth about this. But later…after another dance. 
Yes, after another dance with Neil.
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evergreenstringbean · 2 years
Updated Tags!
It starts with an average day. It ends with nothing being the same.
Or, in which the American Songbook’s Tribute to the Troops broadcast takes place in 1952 and manages to reach the 4077th.
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joyfulsoda · 1 year
Making designs for the DNB has unlocked something unstoppable in me. Fear me.
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Based on this post.
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hopelesslysleepy · 3 months
Me reading GO fics: No, no don't you DARE. Nooo, step AWAY from the bandstand. Nuuuh- damn it.
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blamemma · 11 months
“Max always loved a good romantic gesture.”
send me the first sentence of a fic and i will continue it :)
Max always loved a good romantic gesture. It had surprised Daniel, the first time he'd arrived home from the airport with some crumpled up flowers, a shit apology for spending three extra days away with Scotty. They were the last ones left in the shop, and Daniel had picked at the yellow 'Reduced' sticker in the taxi home, instead of the skin around his cuticles.
Max's face had lit up at the sight of Daniel arriving home, but then had become even softer when he'd seen the wilting petals in Daniel's hand.
"These are very lovely Daniel, thank you." Max had remarked. "I do not have any vases that I can put them in though."
Daniel had stood to the side and watched as Max had put the flowers in a stolen pint glass, cutting them at an angle so they absorb water better, he had informed Daniel, picking some of the yellowed leaves from the stems. Daniel had felt inadequate, undeserving, of the unconditional love Max was always showing him.
The next morning, he'd woken up earlier than Max, departed his apartment and headed out to buy him a vase so that when he woke up his flowers were in a more acceptable vessel. He picked up two croissants as well and fed them Max in bed, uncaring of the crumbs that littered their bed.
Standing in the middle of the bandstand, lit by candles, a path of petals, the same ones from that original bouquet of flowers, roses scattered in as well this time, a small orchestra of musicians to the side of him, he hopes that he's proven he's worthy of Max's love over time.
He hopes that when Max arrives, he blushes instantly, that his face lights up the same way it did years ago when Daniel had first kissed him. Daniel hopes he can remember his speech, all the things he wants to tell Max, what he's loved about their past, what he hopes for their future. He wants to hold both of Max's hands in his own and hope he doesn't cry too harshly that he stumbles over the question he so desperately wants to ask.
He hopes Max likes the ring.
Most of all, he hopes Max says yes.
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