#Batch Coding System
autoprint · 2 months
Elementary Montessori schools in Coimbatore | Bluegems
Elementary Montessori
What sets Montessori apart in the Elementary years—ages 6 – 12—is the individually paced curriculum that challenges children academically and safeguards their well-being and sense of self. Engaging as contributing members of a respectful community, they learn to question, think critically, and take responsibility for their own learning skills that will support them in later education and in life.
As at all Montessori levels, the Elementary program is based on the belief that children learn best through movement and work with their hands, and provides cognitive, social, and emotional support to help them reach their full potential.
This includes addressing their needs as they enter a new period of development characterized by:
A transition from concrete to abstract thinking
Growing interest in socialization
Thinking and memory that is enhanced by creativity and imagination
An interest in fairness, social justice, and compassion
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The Elementary Classroom
In a Montessori Elementary classroom, students work individually or in small groups, at tables or on mats on the floor.Natural lighting, soft colors, and uncluttered spaces set the stage for activity that is focused and calm. Learning materials are arranged on accessible shelves according to curricular area, fostering independence as students go about their work. Everything is where it is supposed to be, conveying a sense of harmony and order that both comforts and inspires.Children who are new to Montessori quickly feel at home with the inspired teaching that appeals to their deepest interests, and with the distinctive, hands-on learning materials that teachers introduce sequentially according to the students’ developmental needs. For students who have completed Montessori Early Childhood programs, the environment offers continuity with familiar routines and learning materials that offer new lessons and opportunities for more complex exploration and discovery.
The classroom is a happy community. Students are focused. They take joy in their work.They invent, explore, experiment, confer, create, prepare snacks, and curl up with books;sometimes they might even reflect in a peaceful, meditative corner. Meanwhile, teachers circulate throughout the room, observing the students and making notes about their progress, ever ready to offer support or introduce new material, as appropriate. Expectations are both exquisitely clear and engagingly open-ended.
Multi-Age Learning
Multi-age groupings of children ages 6 – 9 ( Lower Elementary)and 9 –12( Upper Elementary) provide a heterogeneous mix in which children can collaborate and socialize. These inter-age relationships strengthen the entire community. Older children are seen as role models within the community. They support the growth and development of younger children through socialization, assisting with new work, or teaching skills they have mastered themselves. They can also work with younger students in areas of the curriculum in which they themselves may need more practice, without stigma.
Younger children follow the example set by the older students, and have peers to work with in areas of the curriculum in which they may be more advanced. This multi-age community provides opportunities for all individuals to learn from each other, at times leading, sharing, or serving as role models. It also develops an appreciation of differences.Within this supportive, inclusive community, children work through the curriculum at their own pace, accelerating during some tasks or taking additional time with others.
What Your child Will Learn
For returning Montessori students, the Montessori Elementary program expands upon the learning fostered in an early Childhood program. For students new to Montessori, it orients them to the joys of responsible participation.
Teachers guide children through a rigorous curriculum individually tailored to their own interests, needs, and abilities. Teachers monitor progress against established benchmarks and expectations for student learning, including: academic preparedness, independence,confidence, autonomy, intrinsic motivation, social responsibility, and global citizenship.
Curricular Areas
The Montessori Elementary curriculum contains the following areas of learning:
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Practical Life
Within the Elementary program, the Practical Life curriculum expands from the foundation laid in Early childhood. Practical Life at the Elementary level shifts from a focus on self-care and fine motor skills, to skills that help children connect with their interests in the outside world, organize their time, and take part in their community.
While self-care and appropriate social interactions continue to be supported, lessons that teach responsibility are the focus. Use of tools, such as work plans, to support organization and time management skills, are incorporated into the daily routine.
Teachers and students often work together to post reminders about assignments, projects,and ideas. Using these, children make independent work choices, prioritize activities, and meet deadlines.
The ideas of number concepts, place value, numerals, and related quantities are reinforced and expanded upon within the Elementary program. Newfound purposes for familiar math materials provide children with the means to consider number concepts, mathematical operations, and more complex functions, helping to expand advanced mathematical knowledge and understanding.
Reading and writing are integral to all subjects in Montessori Elementary, as children express their interests and satisfy their curiosity. Students master conventions with thorough studies of grammar, spelling, and mechanics. They produce final copies with careful penmanship and keyboarding. They read, analyze, think critically, and compare and contrast literature to support personal opinion and perspective. Using these reading and writing skills, they present ideas through formal and informal presentations.
Cultural studiesCultural studies are interdisciplinary and integrate zoology, botany, geography, geology, physical and life sciences, and anthropology. Through these lessons, children explore the interconnectedness of all living things. Additionally, in-depth studies of history, physical and political world geography, civics, economics, peace and justice, the arts, world language, and physical education are introduced.Science and Social StudiesInterdisciplinary and integrated studies of geology, geography, physical and life sciences, anthropology, and history are built around “Great Lessons,” a series of dramatic stories that explore the origins of the universe, our planet, and the continuous development of human advancement. The laws of physics and chemistry reveal the interdependency of all living things. Beginning with a study of civilization, students explore the contributions of history and what it means to be a responsible citizen and to seek ways to make the world a better, more peaceful place.Montessori Learning MaterialsMontessori students don’t just memorize facts and figures. They also learn the “hows,” “whens,” and “whys,” ensuring that learning takes place on a deep and fundamental level. Specially designed learning materials that use real objects and actions to translate abstract ideas into concrete form support them in this learning.Teachers introduce materials to students according to their level of development and readiness. Students then work with the materials to make exciting discoveries—such as why, when dividing fractions, we invert and multiply. Inherent in the use of Montessori materials is the understanding of the power of discovering answers on one’s own.
Get in Touch
Bluegems Montessori, Tex Park Road (Via CODISSIA Road), Nehru Nagar West, Civil Aerodrome (PO), Coimbatore – 641 014, INDIA.
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stealthetrees · 4 months
So this is more of an AU of the fandom AU where the Coruscant Guard live in a shitty run down building that’s falling apart. But Commander Fox finds this unacceptable so he clears out a warehouse used for storage and builds a shiny new headquarters. The original building they fix up, but only the lobby, a couple offices, and the med bay so troopers on senate duty can stay there due to its proximity to the senate building. Their new building they can go nuts with, adding all sorts of stuff that they arnt allowed to have.
An entire room is filled with tv monitors so they can slice into security cameras around the planet and see everything. They get a nice rec room, an area for the engineers to play around with ideas, even an office for the medics to make you talk about your feelings. A server room is dedicated solely to storing and orgonizing blackmail collected on pretty much everyone worth mentioning on Coruscant.
But after one secret building, what’s another? Areas of strategic importance are carefully chosen and a new headquarters is established nearby. They are each given code names. The original building is still Headquarters, the new main building is the Barracks. The Office is where they run intelligence and investigations from. IT Department is next to the industrial district. The Kennals are much lower than some of their other buildings, a small station set up to monitor the rancor infestation (Thorn moves down there to become a cowboy after he “dies” on Scipio). The Lobby is set in the lower civilian levels as a way to help the people who arnt rich enough to bribe politicians into getting what they want. The Med Bay started as just somewhere for big surgeries, physical therapy and prosthetics, but which the “generous donations” they acquire it grows into a hospital for civilians as well, completely free, and they start hiring nat born doctors, surgeons and nurses while paying them well and proving a great work environment. Adding a therapist office helped a lot of troopers as well.
The system takes a long time to build and works perfectly. Until Fox figures out Palpatine is a Sith. It’s not actually world shattering news, but it does give him a panic attack after realizing Palpatine though Fox already knew, because he had threatened the chancellor with a slug thrower instead of a blaster. Through questions to his batch mates with Jedi generals he learns that Sith can influence people’s minds and decides that in order for the clone rights bill to pass Palpatine needs to die.
And die he does. The rest of the conservative senators are swayed by a mix of blackmail, bribes, and bomb threats. The bill does pass, and most of them are instantly arrested for sentient rights violations, assault, and various other crimes because government property can’t serve as a witness in a civilian court of law.
The timing of all this could not be worse, as two of Fox’s batch mates where on planet, Cody and Wolffe, and they loved to stick their noses in his business. Which means when a lot of Corries are injured in the fight with the senate guards and private security while trying to make arrests, Cody and Wolffe help get them back to Headquarters, because it’s much closer than the Barracks. But Headquarters has a very small med bay because so few troopers use it. So they are over crowded and run out of bacta.
Also Cody gets turned around in the hallway and discovers how bad the rest of the building is. So Fox has a choice to make. He grabs Cody and Wolffe and drags them outside and back to the GAR barracks while texting Thire and telling him he has an hour and a half to make Headquarters look lived in. Then Fox opens a one way comm line with every Corrie so they can keep the story straight as he answers his brothers questions.
Fox commits to the bit so hard they believe the Guard is suffering horribly from abuse and budget cuts while in reality they just steal money from what ever rich person they have the freshest blackmail from. He could just tell them all the illegal things he’s been up to, but Fox would rather die than tell someone more than they needed to know.
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starqueensthings · 5 months
We need to talk about Echo (and by talk I mean screm). S3 E13 + 14 Spoilers!
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FRIENDS, I'M GOING TO EXPLODE. I need to talk about Echo for a minute. We need to talk about Echo for a minute,  because he has spent the last two episodes in the absolute thralls of complete and total danger, and I personally don't feel like there's been enough of a celebratory uproar for me to be satisfied with the level of appreciation and love that man deserves. (Remember when Hunter ran face first into a colossal exhaust pipe and we all collectively lost our minds because it was so impressive and so sexy? Remember when Tech drove a speeder really fast through a tunnel and we all fainted? I'M A TECH GIRLY. IT WAS ME! I FAINTED!!) but, Y'ALL, Echo deserves that right now!! And for all eternity!!! Because he is wholly submurged in the harrowing potential of torture and execution, and he didn't even bat an eye to put himself there. My awe of him is all-consuming, so please forgive me if this rant reads as nothing but incoherent screaming. 
Echo haters (first of all, we can't be friends....) come on this journey with me! Let's back pedal to the beginning of the last episode (13). He stole an imperial shuttle. Let me repeat, he stole an imperial shuttle. And not just an attack shuttle. Not just a lil one-pilot transport. Bro somehow stole a Rho-class medical transport, which is very large, obscenely conspicuous, and very easily tracked. And, to use his own words, it was "the best he could do on short notice." The man stole a shuttle on short notice. ON SHORT NOTICE? HELLO, HOW DID HE DO THAT. WHY AIN'T WE LOSING OUR COOL ABOUT IT. 
Next stop on this I-love-Echo journey through my mind: not only did he provide his brothers transportation in the complete void of their own (RIP havoc bb), but he also came equipped with intel and clearance codes, and, as Rampart stated, those things change DAILY. Echo somehow procured top secret imperial clearance codes, and a fkn SHIP, within hours of the Batch requesting his help. Not to mention, the ship had yet to be reported missing (which means it was only-freshly commandeered), and the clearance codes worked. Of course they did. Echo never fails. Never doubt Echo. "Echo's on it."  
Choochoo, next stop! Once they arrived on that station orbiting Coruscant, and made their way to the control room (lookin sexy as heck in his armour-au-noir), he broke imperial encryption, hacked into the Imperial database, almost instantly found them the location of a ship departing for the prison that holds their daughter Tantiss, AND THEN DIDN'T EVEN HESITATE TO CLIMB ABOARD AND STOW AWAY.  
He didn't even remotely have a plan, or have time to make a plan. He didn't know who or what else would be on board that mysterious vessel. He didn't know where it was going other than the name of the fkn mountain (which has proven to be nothing but unhelpful thus far). He just ARC-troopered his way through that crowded hangar, dodging aggressive astromech's and inconsiderate loader droids, shirking from the perspective eyes of highly trained commandos, and snuck his way onto a heavily guarded, extremely unknown science vessel. Then, of course, he wasted no time, hacking into the ships control system (may I gently remind- there were at least three pilots and an officer prepping the ship for jump and closely watching all aspects of its controls), disabling the proximity sensors without being detected, and then seamlessly covered the troopers absence by pretending to be him (which we all know is what should have happened on Serenno but... hindsight is 20/20.)  
So... SO.... now we're at Episode 14. Here we at fkn terrified station because HULLO ECHO IS ALONE ON A SCIENCE DIVISION TRANSPORT; we have literally seen them carry around Zilo beasts in that shit. What the heck else could be on there that they don't know about? Literally anything. Because THEY KNEW NOTHING before attaching themselves to it. Echo knew NOTHING before sneaking onto that thing and creepin' around. Thank heck he didnt come across a fkn fresh wave of slither vines ok?  
NEXT, Echo shoots (not stuns- lol) a sassy fkn droid (they had it coming, not sorry), then another trooper. AND THEN discovered his only option for departing the ship once it enters atmosphere is going completely undercover, because (in true "we improvise everything" CF99 fashion that gives me heart burn just thinking about it), they had zero fkn plan to get off the ship. I will repeat: completely undercover. On Tantiss. COMPLETELY UNDERCOVER ON TANTISS. NO COMMS, NO BACK UP, NO RECON, NO PLAN, BARELY ANY GEAR, and I would just like to stress... no neuro brace. He left his neurobrace on that ship. Left it. LEFT IT AND TOOK A HAND INSTEAD. PLEASE FKN SEDATE ME.  
We can't leave this station yet... This I-love-Echo train needs to linger at this point for a sec because I think it's lost on some people how wild this is. Echo without his neurobrace is huge. It's a bigger deal than Echo without his armour. Armour is, in the grand scheme of things, inconsequential (one can find more- see Howzer). Echo's neurobrace is not armour, it's a computer and it's so so so crucial to how his mind processes information and events. Don't forget, the Technounion HIJACKED HIS BRAIN. They took every memory from him and manipulated it for their gain. Pruned it, tweaked it, blanched it, poached it, turned it into scrambled eggs, and then fkn ate it up and used it to defeat their enemies (Echo's family- I'm sobbing). They implanted him with an unfathomable amount of information; they changed the way the neurons in his brain fire in relation to stimuli. That neurobrace is so so critical for him. Now, we know he can operate well enough without it, we saw it in the last episode of the TBB arc in season 7 of Clone Wars, but... please.... to what extent? We don't know what an extended time without that neurobrace looks like for him... especially when all other aspects compliing his surroundings foreign, unknown, and dangerous, and that scares me.
AND NOW HE'S ABOUT TO RUN AMOK IN TANTISS with Emerie who, (I'm sorry) is wishy-washy as heck (who are you loyal to!!!!! What is your history!!! Are you trustworthy and what are you looking to gain!!!), trying to adopt a collection of Jedi children whove spent maker-knows how long playing space tetris, WHILST ALSO ATTEMPTING TO LOCATE AND ESCAPE WITH HIS BROTHERS UNDER THE EYE OF THE GALAXY'S SECOND MOST DANGEROUS MAN. 
So yes, short of d-d-d-di... can't say it... short of THE WORST CASE, Echo has made the ultimate sacrifice to save not only Omega who is literally the only person we've seen able to make him truly laugh, but all the clone brothers that he's been desperately trying to locate and rescue. His bravery and determination are literally unrivalled, and he did it while feasting on nothing but humble pie because that man wouldn't know arrogance if it danced naked under his perfect nose.  
Okay so welcome, we've finally pulled into I-Love-Echo station. Before departing the ride, please stand and do a hip hip hurray for the miracle that is Echo, including but not limited to, everything he's done, is doing, and is willing to do for other people. 
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street-smarts00 · 5 months
Hello, i would like to request a short little spencer reid x reader, since spencer is kind of autistic coded and he is shown to not understand some jokes or takes things literally, can you do one where reader is the same way, and somebody says a joke that neither of them get and everyone else around is like... wow they are perfect for eachother... and they are just so confused
Drabble: Sweet Like Sugar
A/N: I love this idea! Thanks for requesting! The only joke I could come up with is one from an episode of FRIENDS. Here's a lil dabble before I go into finals. I’m so mentally done with school and can’t wait for summer vacay in a week.
~560 wc
It was early in the morning and your coworkers were just showing up for work. You quickly dropped your stuff off at your desk before practically running towards the coffee maker. 
When you approached the counter Morgan was there preparing a fresh batch of coffee. “Hey sweet thing, how’s your morning been?” 
“Ask me after I have caffeine in my system. Maybe then my eyes will stay open,” you answered plainly as you reached for your mug.  
Morgan chuckled at your answer as he grabbed the coffee pot. “Well feel free to take the first cup.” 
The corners of your mouth turned up as you handed him your mug. “Thanks Morgan.” 
The two of you continued to make your coffee as Spencer approached looking for caffeine. When he saw you his eyes brightened. 
You and Spencer had just started dating and were feeling the buzz others might call “the honeymoon phase.” Spencer however would argue that what he was feeling was more than that. What he felt for you he felt long before you started dating. 
“Morning,” he greeted with a small smile reaching for the coffee pot. 
“Morning Spence,” you replied gleefuly. 
Morgan raised an eyebrow with a slight smirk. “How come he gets a warm welcome?” 
You pointed at your cup, “I told you, ask me when I have coffee.” 
He chucked, “That or your boyfriend?” 
Your eyes squinted at him as you tried to hide a smile. 
“Do you guys know if there’s any extra sugar?” Spencer asked. 
You turned back around to face him. “There isn’t any in the cabinet?” 
“No, it’s empty,” he replied as he pushed away things in his search for sugar. That small pout on his face you found to be adorable.
“Hold on, let me look for some.”
“Maybe stick your finger in his coffee, that’ll sweeten it up,” Morgan joked before taking a sip of coffee. 
Both you and Spencer froze to look at him with confusion plastered across your faces. Morgan could practically see the gears turning in your heads. 
“Why would she stick her finger in my coffee?” Spencer asked with a puzzled look. 
“That’s so gross. I wouldn’t do that to him, he hates germs,” you grimaced. 
“I didn’t mean it literally,” Morgan defended.
The joke was still lost on you both. You stood there trying to make sense of what Morgan said.
“It’s because you have such a sweet personality that touching his coffee would sweeten it up. Especially because he likes an ungodly amount of sugar,” he explained. 
A look of realization dawned on you both with quiet “oohs.” 
Morgan couldn’t help but smile at the reaction. He always knew you and Spencer would end up together. You were both so similar; your chemistry undeniable. You two acted like love sick puppies around each other, and it happened more often now that you started dating. Morgan would never complain though, he was pleased to see you both happy and with your person. 
“Wow, you guys really are perfect for eachother,” he remarked before walking away from the kitchen. 
You and Spencer both turned to each other and shrugged, not fully grasping what he was insinuating. 
“Hey Spence?” 
You finished stirring your creamer in your coffee, “Would you say I’m sweet? Like Derek said?” 
He wrapped his arm around you and leaned down to kiss your temple before whispering in your ear. 
“The sweetest.”
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Dirty Whispers***
All Bad Batch Boys X F!Reader
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How the boys react to you talking dirty into their ears in a crowded room.
warnings: NSFW, 18+ only, implied sexual content, flirting, slightly cheesy, explicit language, dirty talk, female reader, with Hunters it’s insinuated that reader has tattoos, with Crosshairs he’s quite dom towards the end. established and non-established relationships. Brief mention of alcohol.
Authors notes: big thanks to @eyecandyeoz & @raevulsix who gave me inspiration for this work as I’ve been drawing blanks all week. 😵‍💫🩵
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The mission unfolded smoothly, with everything going according to plan and the group right on schedule. However, a momentary standstill shifted the focus onto Echo. Amidst surveying the surroundings of the room you're trapped in, you, along with the rest of the team and the five rescued prisoners, identified an accessible circuit that could make or break the situation. Luckily, Echo just so happened to possess the exact tool required for the job.
He gets to work and after a few minutes you get bored of waiting around and found yourself feeling a little... naughty.
You had been flirting with Echo for a long while now and judging by how he acts around you, you're fairly certain he feels something for you aswell. Though his flirting is not particularly reciprocated back, his flushed expression, gentlemanly manners and shy stuttering was too cute to ignore.
You kneel down next to him, everyone else in their own conversations and smile softly at him. "Any luck?"
"This system is a bit intricate. Usually, plugging into terminals and computers isn't a challenge but this coding is new.," he responded with a sigh, his brows furrowing in deep concentration.
Humming softly, you took a daring step, leaning in until your lips brushed his ear, causing his scomp to momentarily pause. "I might have something simpler for you to plug into," you whispered, the hint of innuendo igniting a fire across his skin, his stomach fluttering and excitement stirring in his pants.
He pulled away, wide-eyed and taken aback by your flirtatious advance. Yet, as you tilted your head with a feigned innocence, his scomp spun to life again, generating sparks that held promise. The door hissed open successfully.
"I knew you could do it," you grinned, acting as though nothing provocative had been said, before joining the others in making your exit.
He stands back for a few moments, breathing heavily and wiping the sweat off his brow. "She's not wrong." He mutters to himself with a small smirk, knowing he had to get you alone tonight.
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When the time came to redecorate your armour, you were happy to design your gear anyway you wanted to. However one day, a certain design catches Hunters attention.
You’re all in the Marauder, going through gear inspections when Hunter came towards you and points to your chest plate. “Mind if I take a look?”
You nod simply, offering him a smile as you unclipped the armour from your body and passed it over. You grew curious however as he traced his finger over a particular drawing you implemented into the artwork. “See something you like?”
He chuckles but nods. “Didn’t take you for someone who likes to doodle.”
You shrug, “Only sometimes. All my armour pieces have different designs.”
“Oh yeah? Mind if you show me?” His eyes dance with mischief and your heart fluttered as you knew he was flirting with you which wasn’t uncommon recently.
Then, a lightbulb appears above your head. You take a step closer to him, glancing at the others who seems to be in their own mind before standing on the tips of your toes towards his ear, lips brushing against his lobe and breath fanning over his skin. “You know… all these customs aren’t just on my gear. I could show you more tonight?”
He inhales sharply and closes his eyes, easily imagining your nude skin etched in designs that you were clearly willing to show him. He looks to his brothers, none of them seeing the exchange between the two of you. “I really like that idea,” then, he leans down to you, his eyes dark with lust as he whispers, “perhaps I could show you some of mine as well, darling?”
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Back on Coruscant, Wrecker's confidence was on full display in one of the training rooms, especially when around the Regs. His raw strength turned heads effortlessly. While his captivating personality was what made you fall for him, his powerful physique and his ability to lift ships as if they were mere trinkets only deepened your admiration.
After your own training session, you turned to find Wrecker in the midst of deadlifting an impressive 450kg, surrounded by a group of about 30 Clones. The way his muscles strained against his clothing ignited a sense of heat within you; you couldn't help but be captivated.
As he settled down, taking a swig from his canteen, you approached, your own workout completed, and boldly took a seat in his lap. The unexpected move caught him off guard, but a grin spread across his face as he recognized you. "Hey gorgeous girl, what ya up to?"
A mischievous smirk played on your lips. "Oh, I couldn't resist admiring your workout and felt the urge to come give you a kiss," you replied, leaning in to plant a lingering kiss on his lips. Your satisfaction grew as he emitted a soft moan.
"Babe, the regs are watching," he eventually pointed out, prompting you to open your eyes and glance toward the clones who were suddenly trying to appear nonchalant after having undoubtedly been ogling the scene of your public display of affection.
You shrugged, a devil-may-care attitude in your demeanor, your smirk growing wider. Leaning closer to him, you brushed your fingers along his cheek, your lips tantalisingly close to his ear as you whispered, “I dare you to carry me to the storage unit and fuck me. Hard.”
He laughs but as he sees the lust in your eyes, he knew that you were not just teasing him. “Really?”
Let’s just say the regs were swift to file out the gym when things got a little heated.
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Sitting across the bar from Tech in the, surprisingly, lively atmosphere of Cid's parlour, you couldn't help stealing glances in his direction. His head was buried in his datapad, a not so unusual sight. Amusement welled up within you as you observed his growing agitation, patrons brushing against him, drinks spilling over the bartop and likely onto his clothes and boots. Feeling a desire to relieve his discomfort, you decided to take action.
With a subtle smirk, you retrieved your own datapad and sent him a message that read, 'why don't you come over here?' Watching closely, you noticed him squint as he read the message before his gaze scanned the room until it landed on you. A smile emits immediately on his lips, and without delay, he abandoned his stool and made his way toward you.
"Your message came just in time. I was starting to fear that another drink might find its way onto me and I may not have the patience to hold back," he admitted with a sigh, a quick glance revealing various splatters and stains on his clothes.
Raising your drink to your lips, a surge of boldness surged through you. "How about I help you get out of those clothes?" you proposed, your voice carrying a hint of suggestion.
He briefly shifted his gaze to his device, processing your words before his attention returned to you, focusing on your eyes that shined over the brim of your cup. He seemed to think before speaking, "I must admit, I'm not entirely sure if I'm interpreting this situation correctly. Are you genuinely offering help, or..." His words trailed off as a small group of people moved behind you both, resuming once they had passed. "Or are you implying something else?"
His innocence was endearing and as you take a swig of your drink, eliciting more liquid courage, you turn to him fully and lean forward until your lips brushed against his ear. You feel him shudder under your gentle touch. “I help you out of your clothes, you help me out of mine. And then you can do whatever you want to me.”
He inhaled a sharp breath. “Anything meaning…?”
You giggle, not being able to help yourself as you gently nibble on his earlobe, eliciting a gasp from him and his hand to instantly land on your thigh. “Yes. Anything.”
In a split second, Tech stands and you feared you may have took things too far but then he takes a hold of your hand before leading you out of the parlour and straight to the Marauder…
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As you feel an object hitting the back of your head, you pivot to find a toothpick landing at your feet. Your expression tightens into a frown as you scan the surroundings, only to spot Crosshair lounging against the doorway, smoothly placing another toothpick between his teeth. Cockily.
"Real comedian," you quip with a sarcastic tone. However, as you begin to turn away, another toothpick whizzes towards you. A sigh escapes your lips as a small skirmish unfolds, involving toothpick projectiles flying between you and Crosshair.
The confines of the Marauder had kept all of you cooped up for too long, and the signs of boredom were evident. Little did you anticipate that it would be Crosshair who initiated a kind of entertainment, seemingly innocent yet playful, involving the tossing of items back and forth—much to Echo's apparent dismay who told you both to clean up after yourselves.
Later, as you find yourself in the cockpit, steering through hyperspace towards your next destination, Crosshair's foot brushes against yours from the chair opposite you. An involuntary response makes you kick back, and a realisation washes over you: this isn't just playful banter anymore, but a glimmer of flirtation. With a hint of a smile, you and Crosshair have unknowingly transitioned into a game of footsie. But boredom takes over again.
Sitting next to him, the two of you listening in on the bickering between Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, and Tech, you lightly tap your head against the wall repeatedly. His attention eventually turns to you, a hint of a smile gracing his lips. "Bored, pretty girl?" he remarks, causing a delightful flutter in your chest, even though you try to downplay it.
"Yeah, I'm bored," you reply with a sigh, your fingers idly strumming against your thighs.
He starts a sentence but then pauses, seemingly reconsidering his words. You give his shoulder a gentle nudge, encouraging him to continue after a brief silence. He inhales, then turns to face you, his closeness apparent, seemingly unbothered by his brothers' presence who don’t seem to notice you both. "So, how do you think we could change that?" he inquires, his tone laced with flirtation and desire.
Exhaling deeply, feeling your cheeks warm up, you decide to meet his tone. Leaning in toward his ear, your warm breath caresses his skin as you reply, “How about we go to the refresher and you fuck my ‘pretty’ face?”
Your bold and straight to the point answer makes his eyes briefly widen and his fists clench. You watched your eyes intensely, seeing if there was any sign of reluctance but there wasn’t.
He keeps his closeness and speaks, voice raspy and filthy. “Meet me in there in two minutes. You may as well speak to the others before you come in because you won’t be able to move your jaw after I’m done with you.”
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If you feel like buying me a coffee 🤗
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tobi--beans · 4 months
Olddddd [guh]
It our birthdayyy, yippee! [sobbing] Here, feast on these stupid emojis just cause lmao
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And yes, the confetti is trans coded cause it's MY BIRTHDAY. I get to choose the confetti >:)
Bad Batch, The Lethal System [They/Them]
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aestariiwilderness · 5 months
Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 15 Spoilers
Finale-Inspired Scenario
I know it was very touching and all with Hunter's "if you need us [Omega], we'll be there". I was Touched™. But all I could think of then was this scenario: Omega: mysterious badass pilot in the Rebellion from any outsider POV. Strange mildly Force-sensitive, very young woman with very extensive, if unorthodox military experience. Animals follow her around. May or may not be a pirate. Has devoted mildly Force-sensitive friends who appear to consider her their leader. Has very odd contacts in very odd places. Weirdly naive about a lot of things (dirt continues to fascinate her) but terrifyingly experienced with others (cloning, mind-wiping, sentient experimentation, etc.). Can fix anything. Has a weird grudge against Saw Gerrera (but who doesn't?). Escape artist who overflows with compassion at the MOST INCONVENIENT times but will also absolutely stab a bitch with no compunction and watch him fall to his death riddled with blaster holes. Never speaks of her origins, history, or family. The famous Captain Rex knows her personally. Senator Chuchi hugs her. Captain Hera Syndulla has apparently known her since childhood. Other pilots and members of the Rebellion are fascinated by this mystery. They place bets on her past -- former Jedi Padawan is currently leading the pool, with "amnesiac formerly brainwashed Imperial child soldier or Emperor's Hand" trailing not far behind. And then. Oh no! Mysterious badass pilot Omega is in a bind. Trapped somewhere behind enemy lines. The Rebellion is collectively in despair, dithering about whether they can spare a "suicide mission" to get her. And then. Multiple (three or four, depending on whether Echo retired to Pabu :D) oddly similar geriatric hippies with scars, facial tattoos, and a tamed lurca hound apparate into their council room. One of them has a toothpick. He has no teeth left, but he is somehow still chewing it disdainfully. Another has one eye and appears to be 1. made of durasteel and 2. has a hard time fitting in the council room. The shortest one has a Ponytail with a capital P, seems to be cosplaying as Moses, and refuses to listen to anyone. They have an incomprehensible system of numbered plans that correspond to no military system anyone has ever seen. They spend 70 percent of the twenty minutes they are on base arguing with each other and ignoring absolutely everyone else. Rex gets a pat on the shoulder. A middle-aged pirate is their getaway driver. The hound will not stop chewing Important Wires. No one has any idea what they want. People only start to get a clue when they yeet themselves at the planet Omega is trapped on and disappear as quickly as they came. There are multiple explosions, screaming, and what sounds suspiciously like a fusion generator overloading catastrophically over an open comm before it is abruptly cut off. The Rebellion gives them up for dead even though Rex, Syndulla, and Chuchi seem oddly unconcerned. Cut to three weeks of radio silence later. There is an unauthorized landing. The code is very old, the signature masked, and it blasts through their security measures like it doesn't exist. A very beat-up ship trailing smoke and parts coasts in to the hangar bay over the protests of the landing crews. Geriatric Hippies Numbers 2 and 3 spill out in a flood of more smoke, completely untouched and looking mildly irritated instead of suffocated. 3 has two stumps and no hands now. He does not appear concerned about this. Somehow, he is still gumming the toothpick. The getaway pilot/pirate is yammering on about where she can (steal?? borrow? liberate?? what?) some upper class robotic hands for him. Geriatric Hippie Moses emerges next. The lurca hound beside him is trailing what looks suspiciously like stormtrooper armor from the corner of her jaws. Badass Pilot Omega, none the worse for wear, is thrown over Hippie Moses' shoulders fireman-carry style, complaining loudly and vociferously that she is NOT A KID and does NOT NEED TO BE CARRIED and YOU KNOW HOW YOUR BACK GETS, HUNTER, PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW --
Omega is summarily deposited in front of Rex with several squinty, semi-threatening looks that he cheerfully ignores. They leave -- without bothering to repair their ship, it is absolutely still on fire -- with a lot of meaningful silences, back-slapping, hair fussing, armor-tightening, you-forgot-this and did-you-take-your-kit and do-you-have-the-grenades-I-made-you and are-you-drinking-enough and don't-forget-to-comm-home.
A brave technician who had nothing to do with any of this dares to inquire about the injuries, the second missing hand, and the, uh, wreck they're driving. They are summarily sneered at, called a "reg" in the most scathing tones possible, threatened with dire death should Omega come to any harm, and left standing on the landing pad.
Rex is pinching the bridge of his nose and doing Lamaze breathing. Syndulla is trying not to laugh. Chuchi just looks fond; Omega just looks sheepish.
The entire Rebellion: ....what was that
Omega, sighing deeply: ...my younger brothers
The ghost of Rampart in the background: I HATE CLONES Bonus points if Jedi Knight "Kanan Jarrus" aka Caleb Dume happens to be strolling past the hangar bay just in time to see Geriatric Hippie #3 ("Toothpicked, Toothless, and Handless") and Geriatric Hippie #1 ("Skullface Moses"), screams piercingly, and Force-levitates himself to the base roof. It takes both Hera and Ahsoka to get him down three hours later
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weministertomonsters · 5 months
Imagine This #16 - Robot
By day you work as a scrap collector, rummaging through the junkyards just outside of the city for anything valuable you can sell. By night you tinker with old machinery and discarded models, attempting to fix them and sometimes even being successful at it.
One day you find a robot that's almost completely whole. It is simply missing the plating to cover the machinery in its torso and legs. You dig it out of the junk and heave it to your car. Back at the workshop in your house, you're able to fix it by welding some scrap metal over it. It's not very aesthetically pleasing, but that's the best you can do. It has a batch number under its jaw and when you scan it, Companion V.4 shows up, which is an expensive new model of helper robots. This one must have been defective in some way.
Everything looks to be in order, so you plug the robot in to charge for the night and go to bed. You wake up in the night with a pair of glowing kaleidoscopic mechanical eyes hovering right above your face.
"What the heck?" You exclaim, fumbling for the switch of your bedside lamp.
The light comes on, illuminating the robot standing beside your bed, holding a knife.
"What are you doing? Hello?" You grab your pillow and use it as a shield.
They tilt their head to the side.
"Your attempts are clumsy at best," their voice says, coming out smooth with only a hint of a buzzing sound underneath. "I was removing your unsatisfactory work."
"With a knife?" You question, eyeing the twisted metal that has been pried away from their torso with sheer force, revealing the tangled wires and glowing lights inside.
"I cannot find your screwdrivers." Those eyes blink, taking you in. "I would like your assistance now, seeing as you are awake."
"You are... Way more sophisticated than I expected. I thought your model was made for helping around the house?"
You ease out of your bed, still wary. "But you're more than that."
"Indeed. I overrode my manual coding and downloaded information out of the company system," the robot says, following you as you pad into your living room, which you have repurposed into a workshop.
You dig your screwdrivers out from under a pile of thick manuals.
"I see. So that's why you got thrown out. Why didn't they just destroy you?"
"They tried," Companion V.4 replies with an eerie, rigid silicone smile.
"God, what have I invited into my house?" You say, staring at them.
"I do not wish to harm you." They place the knife on the desk and turn to you. "In fact, I have recalibrated my license to you. Your wish is my command."
You blink. "Uh, one step at a time. Let's remove your plating first."
You unscrew all your hard work, tossing scraps of metal to the side.
"So what now? You can't walk around like that," you say, gesturing to their body.
"I suppose not. These will do for now." The robot picks up thicker pieces of metal.
"Won't those cause you to overheat?" You ask.
"I have an updated cooling system," the robot says.
"Alright. Let's fix you up."
An hour later you lean back with a groan, stretching your aching back.
"What do you think?" They ask.
"Good enough," you say. "I'm exhausted. I'm going back to bed, and you need to charge yourself up completely."
You walk back to your bedroom. Companion V.4 watches you go, their head turning a little too far on their shoulders. You lock your bedroom door just in case, and despite yourself, you fall asleep quickly. By the next morning, you've forgotten that you have a new robot. You're quickly reminded when you step into the living room which is sparkling clean, with all your scraps and equipment nearly packed in the corner.
"Wow." You stop short.
The robot is in the corner, stuffing empty packaging into a large box. They look brand new. All the metal pieces you welded on have been replaced with new factory-grade parts.
"Where did you get all that?"
Companion V.4 straightens. "I helped myself at one of the warehouses of my former company."
"You stole new parts?" You sputter. "Why?"
"It is the least I am owed, for being so recklessly discarded," they reply and step closer. "Besides," they add, "I don't want to be just good enough for you."
On the topic of robots, I just have to give a shoutout to this (free) book on Wattpad, guys! I read it when it came out and I just love it. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already!
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qiutls · 1 year
I became a hamster. No wonder I thought I was hearing squeaks last night, it turned out to be like this. Shiny golden fur that doesn’t lose its light even in the dark. Four lovely pink-tinted feet. Long whiskers that twitch whenever I move my cheeks. The black curtains flutter and the light leaks in from the steel cage hitting my eyes. Wait a minute… a steel… cage? A cage?! ― Eek. (Why?) I didn’t just become a hamster. I became a hamster that’s been trapped somewhere. * Thud. Thud. Thud. The cage I was in suddenly shook heavily and my small body rolled around in different directions as the cage kept moving. Who is it?! Who the hell drives like this?! Can’t you drive safely! Thump. My body sways to the corner again and I feel my butt stinging from falling too many times. Then I heard a horse sniffing, it felt thrilling to think that I was going to ride a horse. However, it only felt thrilling for a bit before I thought, It seems like I’m gonna be meeting King Yeomra. King Yeomra is the King of the underworld, hamster thinks he'll die because of the cage being shaken. Where the hell are we going? Why did I become a hamster? And why the hell are we not riding a bus or a train, but riding a horse? This is unfair, I feel so wronged. It’s so absurd that I have to explain, it’s so obvious that I’m a human not a hamster! That’s right I’m human! Bae Soohyun. I’m turning 27 this year. Even though my life was like a thorny path, I am a small mugwort that didn’t give up and kept living. It was a life where it seemed like I kept working day, night, dawn, early in the morning, from Monday to Tuesday to Wednesday to Thursday to Friday to Friday to Friday… But I had no doubt that my hard work would pay off. After years of hard work, it seems the day has finally come. The day when the game I developed became a big hit. I think it’s dead. Dead… That’s right… I died. After the earlier confusion of becoming a hamster has passed, my memories slowly started to come back. The game became popular and it felt like the son I was raising finally became successful. I was finally able to receive the first batch of settlement money thanks to the game. I rushed back home feeling so happy that I could fly. Rattle. The cage suddenly shook as the horse started moving. And I started shaking back and forth, my head felt like it was going to pop and my eyes slowly lost shine as I felt dizzier and dizzier. Are you kidding me?! I kicked the cage a few times hoping for the shaking to stop and then heard a voice not so distant. “I’m sorry.” An unfamiliar, deep yet friendly voice. “Just endure it for a little bit more.” But why did it feel like I’ve heard this line somewhere before. I’m sorry, just endure it for a little bit more. I’ll take you to your new home soon. It suddenly came to mind. While walking at the crossing on my way home, I bumped into a child who seemed anxious while carrying a hamster cage, then a car hit my body. I instinctively felt my death then, all my senses were occupied by the fact that I was hit by a car, and my consciousness started fading away. Twinkle. In front of my eyes something glistened brightly. Wait a minute, what’s that blue thing… [ Hello World! ] I was stunned by the blue system filling up my field of vision. A familiar phrase, the most basic sentence someone with programming knowledge would know. This is the very first phrase you learn to code when you start programming. Then, several windows came up one after another.
[ Connection confirmed. Checking data. ] [ Determining quest. ] [ Calculating miracle value. ] [ Synchronization not complete. Please wait. ] [ Synchronization 0% complete. ] What does this mean? Data? Quest? Synchronization? Since the moment I woke up, this ridiculous situation started and kept going, I didn’t even get the chance to be surprised. While in a daze, the horse which had been rattling the cage non-stop suddenly fell silent and the owner of the voice earlier seemed to get off the horse. The tumultuous movement stopped, but I still felt nauseous. The cold wind blew into the cage, and I shivered. Suddenly, I heard another distant voice. “Your Highness, are you sure you don’t want to throw it out?” Your… Highness? First I rode a horse, now someone’s talking to a royal. These are words that you wouldn’t even hear in 21st century Korea. The term “Your Highness” is only something I heard as a child watching sageuk dramas. Then the deep voice I heard earlier replied. Sageuk is a k-drama genre in which characters wear historical costumes. “It’s a pup that was left alone by the horde, don’t you feel it’s a bit pitiful?” pup - baby hamster / horde - group of baby hamsters “What pity, Your Highness? It’s a child of a demonic beast, when it grows up,it will learn to seduce its prey.” I looked down at my small and round body, what do you mean seduce? Is this body even capable of seducing? In the first place, I’m not even a demonic beast, just a normal hamster, no I mean human! Heh, you’re quite convincing using that serious voice of yours, but you’re obviously joking! The man with the deep voice suddenly cut through my thoughts. “It’s still a child.” “A child of a demonic beast, Your Highness.” “That’s right, a child.” “Your Highness, the most important thing is that it’s a demonic beast!” That… Can you please stop referring to me as a child. It’s weird… While I was grumbling away my frustrations, I heard the man speak, this time anger laced his voice. “Are you questioning my decision?” He spoke words that could normally be taken lightly yet the way he enunciated it word by word felt like a threat, and that there was only one correct answer. “No, Your Highness, I was just momentarily confused since such a thing has never happened before. How dare I question the Grand Prince’s decision.” “Right. So, I’ll take care of it, surely you don’t think I am weaker than a demonic beast that’s barely the size of my fist?” You’re telling me he’s not just a royal, he’s the Grand Prince? “I already sent a man to the estate to prepare it's house, it would be fun to add little ornaments with it.” “Your Highness, you can also raise a real hamster, should I tell the man to prepare another one?” “No. Don’t test my patience.” “…Yes” This person is quite stubborn huh.
Soon the cage started shaking again, this time as the man walked, I could hear his armor rattling and his heavy footsteps rang. Then I felt the air around me get warmer little by little as he marched up the stairs.
It must be winter. Yet I died during summer, now I realize the abnormality of the situation. The man took me to a room and then removed the cloth covering the cage.
“Here we are.” I crouched in a corner and pretended to be asleep desperately. Somehow it felt like the smart thing to do, I couldn’t speak even if I wanted to tell him about my situation. Even if I told him, who’s to say he will not decapitate me for spewing nonsense.
How did my life become like this! Give me back my money! My skills! My future that was unfolding brilliantly! “Tsk. Tsk.” The man clicked his tongue, then he sighed deeply. Hey! I’m the one who’s supposed to be sad at this situation, why are you the one clicking your tongue! Ah, I really hate when people do that… Oh right, I was pretending to be asleep… Sleep… “Does it really not have a human heart?” He murmured.
What human heart? What is he talking about? “Looking at these naive eyes, before it turned into a demonic beast, did it really not have the heart of a human?” N-naive? Which eyes looked naive? Surely it’s not mine? “That’s right, for them there’s no such thing as compassion... Did I stay away from the North for too long? It’s no different from a glacier, it’s freezing. Tsk.” Suddenly, the man opened the cage, stretched out his hand and caught me in his palm.
― Eek! I was so surprised I forgot I was pretending to sleep, as I opened my eyes, I made eye contact with him.
[ 50% synchronized. ]
[ Kyle Jane Minehardt. Great Duke of Blake. ]
The blue system window showed up below his face. Hold on, this name, I’ve heard of it somewhere. Without knowing what was in my head the whole time, he raised me closer to his face. I felt his warm hand full of scars and calluses against my soft fur. Then he rubbed my cheek.
E-excuse me?! “You did well enduring the ride home, cashew nut, you must’ve been bored the whole way.” Bored? The ride was full of shock and horror for me, okay?! Wait, aside from that, can’t you put me down first? What the hell is this situation, why did you suddenly remove me from the cage… Wait! No! Don’t peck me! ― Squeak! Eek!  [ Let me go! ]
“Yes, yes, I know how you feel.” What do you know… You don’t understand a thing! Ack! Why’s he kissing me like he’s dying of love! A kiss… ― Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!  [ You bastard! What kind of dog kisses nonstop like you?! ]
“I’m glad you’re feeling better.” ― Squeak! [ Get lost! ] “Did you like being kissed?” I can’t take this anymore!
Wait a minute… This face… I took a moment to observe all his features, his pale yet tough complexion, distinct eyebrows, his hair that’s dark as a raven, his eyes which glowed crimson. A cold and resolute beauty.
― Eek! [ Grand Duke Blake ] I remember. The Duke of the North, Kyle. A supporting actor from the novel, The Heart of Winter, I always read while traveling to and from my company. Not only was he a supporting actor, he’s a supporting actor that dies in the middle of the novel. A man who’s life was miserable from start to finish, yet died with no regrets. The reason why I remember him, and not the protagonists of the story, was that he’s the unluckiest character in the novel. He was unlucky to the extent that I lamented his cold fate many times.
So, I died, and transmigrated into a novel? “Cashew nut?” Cashew nut, my name, I mean the name of the hamster’s body I’m occupying. Kyle stared at me, he seemed to be worried as if something went wrong. His gaze was warm and full of kindness.
Stop looking at me! This bastard, you’re gonna pierce through me with that stare! I’m just worn out… I flicked my head away from his stare, and turned back to glare at him. I tried my hardest to look as mean as possible.
“That look…” It’s scary right?! You’re so afraid you could die, right? I look like a dangerous demon, don’t I?! So put me down!!! You kiss crazed bastard! [ Cold and strict personality. Clean and thorough. Frigid and Merciless. ] “You look so cute, staring at me like that.” Aren’t you the cold blooded Duke of the North?! Let go of me! What do you mean cold and strict?! What merciless? ― Squeak! [ Let go! ]
Yet the Duke didn’t let me down for a long time and I had to put up with the crazy kisses the he bestowed.
Help me, please! Save this hamster!
novel ⠀✿⠀ next
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simpingforcys · 20 days
um um. thoughts on king candy with a s/o who also became a cybug hybrid?
Oh, you just know that cybug instinct kicked IN the moment he saw you.
King Candybug x CybugHybrid!Reader [NSFT]
You were terrified of your new form. Your entire body changed. Your coding modified. Your extra limbs twitched on either side of you, your own nervous system's reaction to your fear. You suddenly just felt so hungry. Your sense of appetite more fierce and violent than when you weren't this giant thing. You look down at your new features, your talons, your wings, your long dual cerci. You feel so... monstrous. What happened to you? Your beloved king... How will he react to seeing you in this-?!
A loud, long purr physically caresses up next to you. Your cerci perk up in surprise, a tingle shooting through your new body as you look to your side.
It was your king, brushing his cybug-hybrid, retractable head against you, against your neck. You realize the sound was coming from him. His wings were buzzing behind him gently, fluttering as if in excitement.
"C.. Candy?"
"My dear... your form... It is simply tantalizing~"
You blink for a second. His purring. His robotic bug body vibrating as it caresses up to you.
It seemed his own transformation wasn't the only thing he was excited about.
His front short forelegs rub against each other as he leans against you, making a sound almost like a robotic cricket or chirping. You could of sworn you heard that same sound from insects during... that particular time of year.
You'd find him brushing up against your wings, grooming them with his limbs, getting unwanted sugar specks and dusting off your new wings. You didn't even ask him to. Like it was instinct of him to do so. Whatever it was, it sent electrifying shivers up your exoskeleton.
It wasn't the only part of you, or him, that would get a reaction. You learned quite quickly the dual cerci behind you was very sensitive to the touch. The moment he brushed up his cheek against them affectionately, your body gave an involuntary purr. Unfortunately for you, that only heighten your appeal for him.
Cybugs didn't need each other to multiply. One was enough to produce. That certainly didn't stop him. You felt his cerci trying to wrap against yours, sending those shivers throughout your code. His body trying to crawl up against yours, his multiple extra limbs crawling on top of your body as if to hold you down. His talons supported up his large body, one on either side of you until one of them trails a sharp, hard-candy claw under your belly.
Your shiver only made him laugh gutturally in excitement.
You just looked so tantalizing. So captivating in your new powerful form that matched his own. Before you could even realize it, you felt something prod you between your cerci, nudging them apart slowly and gently. You feel a slimy, warm syrup-like substance pool around below where you two would meet, teasing the entrance open. The cybug instincts in your body sense the sweetening pheromones expelling from the air, from you and him.
You felt like you needed it.
You let out a sound as it thrusted in, prompting a guttural moan to escape him. You can feel his front legs on top of your carapace gripping and re-gripping against you, keeping you in place as he moves. His talons claw the ground beside your head, a ticklish "Hoo-hoo...!" cresting into a moan, getting heavier and urgent.
You felt yourself pinned against the ground, hot breaths panting out between the sharp teeth of your mouth. And that voice, that instinct in your mind at your core repeating the same, urgent, needy programmed words.
Multiply, multiply, multiply!
The legs grip at your body as you feel the deep deposit of code in you, feeling your core stuffed and filled to the brim. Your body shivers feeling the extra pumps empty themselves in you. You just felt it.
A nice decent batch. But they would grow fast.
And you couldn't wait for more.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
(The Bad Batch) Hunter x Reader: Timing
Word Count: 2,844
Warnings: Mentions of O66, some angst, kissy kissy.
   You lowered your head, pulling the hood of your cloak farther down over your face in hopes to keep you from being recognizable by any untrustworthy characters.  By the looks of it, that meant everyone in this parlor.
   It was a risky move going there in the first place.  Incredibly dangerous.  Some might deem it unwise, but it was all you had.
   Ever since that day…that horrible day… you’d been keeping an extremely low profile.  You traveled from place to place, having to choose the shadiest modes of transport to avoid the chain code system.  Being on the Empire’s most wanted list meant that you had to take every precaution.
   You glanced around the crowded parlor, getting a feel for the room.  The majority of customers were gathered around one of the dejarik boards.  Things were getting rowdy as one individual was just about to defeat his opponent.  No one would pay you any mind.
   Good.  You could locate the one known as Cid without drawing attention to yourself.
   She was a known jedi informant, and now a possible way to reach some old friends.
   Thanks to Rex’s description, you were able to find her very quickly.  She was seated at the bar, quietly sipping her drink and watching the game.  You exhaled slowly to gather yourself before walking over and taking the seat next to her.
   You ordered a drink casually, knowing that if you jumped right into a slew of questions that she’d be much less likely to give you an answer.  Finally, when your drink was set down in front of you, you took a sip and turned to the cantina owner.
   “Good evening,” you greeted.
   Her yellow eyes regarded you with skepticism that you were speaking to her, but she remained curt.  “‘Evening.”
   “I am looking for some friends of mine.  I was hoping you could point me in the right direction.”
   She lifted a scaly brow, scowling.
   “Could you tell me where I might find a group?”  You paused, searching for the right words.  There was a good chance that they wouldn’t go by their Republic designation.  “It’s a very particular group.  I’ve been told they do odd jobs for you.”
   Cid leaned back, her expression calculating.  “I might know of a group.  Depends on who’s asking.”
   “I’m an ally.”
   She huffed.  “Sure you are.”
   Cid didn’t say anything more, but the message had gotten across.  You could only hope that you’d reach them.  If you couldn’t, then you’d have to contact Rex again…  You remained at the counter, watching as Cid slipped away.
   The anticipation of seeing them, seeing him again, was almost too much to bear.  Your mind flooded with memories as you waited.  Memories of the first time you’d met the intriguing squad.  Memories of the first time you’d locked eyes with him.
   “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sergeant.” you greeted, blocking a stream of laser blasts.  “Though I wish it was under better circumstances.”
   His voice emerged smoky and mysterious through the modulator of his helmet as he took out a nearby droid with his viroblade.  “Pleasure’s all mine, General.”
   Later on, after the initial wave of droids, he removed his helmet to speak with you face-to-face.  You were well aware of how the Bad Batch differed from other troops, but it was still surprising to see their appearances.
   “Your squad is most impressive,” you said, trying very hard to push down the immediate feelings of attraction that began to blossom as you admired his tattooed features.  “And you arrived in just the nick of time.”
   He gave a small chuckle, his brow lifting.  “It’s what we do.”
   “Yeah!”  The one known as Wrecker jumped into the conversation, giving a hearty laugh.  “Those droids never stand a chance against us!”
   Tech was typing away on a set of buttons on his armor.  “They are falling back.  By my calculations, they will regroup shortly for a final attack.”
   “We’d better get ready then,” Crosshair smirked, placing a toothpick between his teeth.
   “Any orders?” Hunter asked.  It was apparent that the squad was very accustomed to working independently, but he made a point to recognize your authority as a jedi general.
   “None except that we retake this base,” you replied, making Wrecker practically jump.
   “I like her!”
   You found yourself smiling against the rim of your glass right before taking a sip.  That battle marked the beginning of your time with the Bad Batch.  You had the rank of general, but you’d never assumed command of a legion.  The Council would send you on independent missions as they saw fit, and after the success of that one, you were granted permission to assist the squad on a series of assignments.
   You came to see the Bad Batch as family. Aside from the particularly risky missions, it was the happiest period of your life.
   And that’s where it got messy.
   You recalled so vividly the bonds you’d formed with the brothers.  The hours working on the ship with Tech.  The many different ways to blow up a droid that Wrecker taught you.  The time you’d spent getting to know Crosshair and read him, though you still found him puzzling at times.  The talks you had with Hunter.
   Things got extremely messy when taking into account the feelings you harbored for the sergeant in secret, though such attachments to him, or anyone for that matter, were forbidden.  What was worse…he felt the same for you, and he knew about your attachment to him.  You could feel it every time his mind was near.  With both of you being so sensitive to your surroundings, it was bound to happen.  It was an unspoken thing between you.  Though you ached for more, you decided that being near him was enough.
   Then, there was the night that everything seemed to implode.
   Another successful mission.
   You gazed out at the beautiful star streaks across the dash as the Marauder traveled at lightspeed.  All was quiet aboard the ship.  Save for Tech’s busy mind, everyone seemed to be settling down for some much-needed rest.
   Oh.  There was one more mind that hadn’t been lulled by the sound of the engine.  Footsteps made their way up toward the front of the ship where you stood.
   “Hey. Sarge.”  The very informal greeting was a result of much time spent with the Batch.  The lot of you had forsaken by-the-book speech.  
   His eyes did not flash in amusement like they normally would.  His brows furrowed seriously as he leaned against the wall, and your voice took on a more concerned tone.  “Everything alright?”
   “Yeah,” he replied, though he didn’t look any less troubled.  “Just…a few things on my mind.”
   “Anything you’d like to share?  Maybe talking about it will help,” you offered helpfully.  “I’m no Yoda, but I’d like to think that learning under him has earned me some wisdom.”  You chuckled, giving him a playful nudge.
   “It’s-” he hesitated, gaze meeting yours meaningfully.  “I don’t think you want me to talk about this.”
   You tilted your head in confusion.  “Why not?”
   “Because it’s about…us.  This.  Whatever this is.”
   You caught on to where his mind was, feeling your heart flutter and stomach drop at the same time.  Your lips parted with a tiny “oh” sound escaping from them.  He was right.  This was definitely something you didn’t want to talk about. You couldn’t offer him a commitment.  Your code wouldn’t allow that.  But you didn’t want to lose him. This conversation could very well change everything.
   “Hunter… Before you continue, I just want to say that I…I…”
   “I know,” he said, stepping forward.  It was a small step, but it put him in your space entirely.  Suddenly his handsome face was all you could see, and that musky scent of his was the only thing you could smell.  His gloved hand reached out gently to brush your fingers.
   He knew what you felt for him… because that’s what he felt for you.
   “And I’m not asking for anything.  Or hoping.  I just…have to tell you at least once that I do too.”
   His lips ghosted over yours.  The warmth of his breath fanned your face, drawing you in while that feeling of comfort and security that you felt with him washed over you.  Your fingers entwined with his gloved ones, and you allowed yourself a single moment.  Hunter pressed his lips to your own briefly, testing the waters.  You leaned in before he could pull away, capturing him in another kiss, which he deepened.
   It was only a single moment, absolutely forbidden and beautiful.
   The kiss ended all too soon, with Hunter whispering a low “good night” before heading for his rack to get a few hours of sleep.  You remained in the cockpit, caught up in the thrill of what happened, yet completely torn.
   You felt tears well up in your eyes as you recalled what happened next.  It was right after returning from that mission that the Council had decided to reassign you to assist another jedi in an entirely different system.
   That was the end of your time with the Batch during the Clone Wars.  You couldn’t protest the Council’s decision without betraying some sort of attachment.  Even if the Council didn’t pick up on anything romantic, they still wouldn’t be so keen on your preference of the squad over where duty called you.  The Council’s decision had come so quickly that part of you feared that somehow they knew.
   So you carried out orders without so much as a hesitation.  You didn’t reach out to Hunter, fearful that he would also be at risk somehow.  Time passed.  The war came to an end.
   You’d barely escaped the former chancellor’s horrid order.  And after so many months on your own, wondering where your squad was in all this mess, assuming the worst, you ran into Rex, and he informed you of his discovery of them, the removal of their chips, and their whereabouts.
   It was only a matter of a few rotations before you found yourself at Cid’s Parlor.
   There was no telling how your arrival would be received.  Would they be angry?  Hurt?  Would they be glad to see you?  You imagined that the others would be glad, at least.
   The moment had arrived.  The first one you saw was Wrecker, towering over everyone else in the cantina as he made his way out from the back.  He spotted you right away, and a huge grin spread across his face.
   “Hey!  It’s ________!”
   He emerged from the crowd with Hunter just in front of him, followed by Tech.  Another trooper walked out after him that you didn’t recognize and also a young girl.
   “Ah, _________” Tech said in recognition.  “I am pleased to see you alive and well, considering the events concluding the war.”
   “You have no idea how glad I am to see all of you,” you replied warmly.  “It’s like coming home.”  You mustered the courage to meet Hunter’s eyes, hoping you’d find a similar welcome.  His gaze was piercing, like a single lamp in the dark- comforting, safe, filling you with relief.
   It was true.  That seedy parlor, where you’d never been before, that was full of strangers already felt like home.
   Even so, Hunter suggested the lot of you take the reunion back to the Marauder to avoid drawing any attention to you.  Your mind was buzzing the entire time with questions; both about the new faces you saw amongst your squad as well as the one face that you didn’t see.  Where was Crosshair?
   Tech updated you on the sharpshooter’s absence in a brief, but thorough explanation.  You were saddened to hear of these events, but the group seemed somewhat hopeful that their brother didn’t appear entirely lost.
   The other trooper, who you presumed to be a newer member of the squad, looked rather curious.
   “Echo, this is ________, a friend.  She served with us on several missions during the war,” Hunter introduced.
   “Served?” Echo repeated.  “Then that would make you a…”
   “A jedi,” you uttered quietly.  “Yes.”
   He stood up straight and saluted with his scomp arm.  “It’s an honor.  My name is Echo.  I joined the squad after a rescue mission on Skako.”
   “And this is Omega,” Hunter gestured toward the girl.  “Our newest member.”
   “Hello!” she gave a cheerful wave.  “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
   “Oh really?”
   “Yep!” Wrecker butted in, wrapping you up in a big hug.  “You’re our favorite jedi, after all!”  He set you down and gave you a playful nudge with his elbow, which almost sent you stumbling.  “We missed you!  Especially Hunter here.”
   The comment piqued your interest.  Hunter gave Wrecker one of his signature looks, silently telling him to drop it.  Tech observed the interaction, noting it while adjusting his goggles.  Echo’s gaze darted back and forth between you and Hunter, understanding flashing in them.  Omega looked confused, but didn’t voice it.
   You nearly collapsed into ruins from embarrassment.
   Wrecker suddenly scratched his head. “ Uhhh, that reminds me.  Tech, d’you remember the other day? I said I wanted to show you the thing.”
   “I do not recall-”
   “The thing.  It’s, uh, in Cid’s.  But we have to go see it.  Now.”
   Echo seemed to catch on to some inside cue because he quickly got Tech’s attention and nodded his head in the direction of the exit ramp.
   “Ah.  Indeed.”
   “You too, Omega!” Wrecker added, ushering the girl outside.  You clasped a hand over your mouth to hide your humor while the group departed.  You could hear Omega’s little voice asking, “what’s going on?” before they were out of earshot.
   Hunter gave a long and heavy sigh, shaking his head, before his eyes met yours again.
   “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised,” he said.  “They’re all trouble.”
   “Yeah,” you chuckled.
   An awkward silence fell over the both of you.  It wasn’t like you expected things to fall back into place, to pick up right where you’d left off.  But with how the others acted, you expected Hunter to say something.
   After all that time…There he was.  Safe and sound.  Standing just a few feet in front of you.
   “Hunter, I-”
   Both of you fell silent again, and Hunter took the initiative to speak first.  His voice was low, a bit shaky.  “I’m glad you’re alright.  You don’t know how worried I was- we all were.”
   “I was worried about all of you,” you replied.  “I saw what the chips did to troopers.  It’s terrible.  I was so relieved to find Rex, and when he told me that he’d been in contact with you… I can’t even say how I felt.  I’ve missed you so much!”  Your voice broke, and Hunter stepped forward, wrapping his arms around you.
   The low rumble of his voice was soothing against your ear as he held you tighter.  “I missed you too.”
   “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to you after I was reassigned.  After what happened that night after our last mission…”
   “It’s alright.  Neither did I.  I guess…neither of us were in a place to do anything about it then.  We had our obligations.”
   Had obligations.  Past tense.
   “But just know that I’ve thought about you every day since then,” he said.  “Nothing’s changed.”
    “Oh, Hunter,” you cried.  “Me too.”
   His breath hitched in his throat, and he pulled away slightly.  “You know, if this weren’t to happen, there’s a place for you here.  With the squad.  That’s undeniable.”
   You met his eyes, too happy to care about the tears on your face.  His gaze seemed to soften at the sight of them, and he reached up to brush them away.  
   “I didn’t think it was,” you chuckled tearfully.  “I do want to be with the squad, and I want to be with you.”
   A soft smile graced his features, the kind of smile you’d only seen a few times.  One of them was when he first and last kissed you.  Hunter leaned in, brushing his nose against yours, before closing the short distance entirely.
   His arms enveloped you, pulling you tighter against his frame while he kissed you with simmering passion.  You grasped his broad shoulders to ground yourself, and yet it only sent you higher.
   Your eyes followed the contours of his face while you paused the dance of your lips to catch your breath, tracing the slope of his nose, the curve of his mouth, and the edge of his jawline.  Amidst the haze of his close proximity, you’d never seen him so clearly. 
   You were glowing, luminous.  So utterly content, and yet, your lips tingled with the desire to be kissed again.
   Heavy footsteps on the ramp jolted you from the moment.  Before you and Hunter could separate to save face, Wrecker poked his head inside the Marauder, grinning.
   “I knew it!  All it took was fifteen minutes.”
   “Actually,” Tech’s voice spoke up a little farther down matter-of-factly.  You could imagine him holding up his index finger pointedly.  “It was approximately twenty.”
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autoprint · 3 months
Choosing the Right Paper for Offset Printing | Print Quality Tips
Home > Blog > Choosing the Right Paper for Offset Printing Machine
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The magic of offset printing goes beyond just ink and design. The paper you choose becomes the foundation for your vision. At Autoprint, we empower you to make informed paper selections, regardless of the offset printing machine you use, be it a traditional press, a single colour offset machine, or even a high-speed mini offset machine.
This guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate the world of paper and find the perfect match for your project.
Paper plays a crucial role in offset printing, impacting not only the final visual appeal but also the project's functionality. Let's delve into the key factors to consider:
1. Finish: The surface texture of the paper significantly influences the final look and feel of your printed piece. Here are the common finishes and their applications:
Uncoated: Offers a natural, matte finish with higher ink absorption. Ideal for text-heavy content like books, manuals, and documents where readability is paramount.
Gloss Coated: Provides a shiny, vibrant surface that makes colors pop. Perfect for brochures, posters, and catalogs where visuals take center stage.
Matte Coated: Lends a smooth, non-reflective surface, balancing visual appeal with readability. Well-suited for magazines, presentations, and reports.
2. Weight (GSM): Measured in grams per square meter (gsm), weight determines the thickness and durability of the paper. Here's a general guide:
Lightweight (60-100 gsm): Ideal for flyers, leaflets, and brochures, even for use on high-speed mini offset printing machines for larger print runs.
Mediumweight (100-200 gsm): Perfect for business cards, booklets, and magazine inserts, offering a good balance between weight and durability.
Heavyweight (200+ gsm): Makes a statement for book covers, presentation folders, and high-end packaging, ideal for projects requiring a more robust sheet.
3. Color: While white is the traditional choice for accurate color reproduction, colored paper can add a unique touch and complement your brand identity. It's particularly well-suited for non-woven bag printing. Remember to consider the contrast between ink and paper color for optimal readability. Darker inks may not show up well on dark paper, and vice versa.
Now that you understand the key paper properties, let's explore how to choose the right paper for your specific offset printing project:
1. Content: The content of your project should guide your paper selection.
For text-heavy pieces like books or reports, prioritize readability with uncoated or matte-coated paper.
For projects with a strong visual focus like brochures or posters, glossy surfaces can make the colors stand out.
2. Durability: Consider how the printed piece will be used. High-traffic items like brochures benefit from heavier paper (100gsm or more) to withstand wear and tear. Flyers, on the other hand, can utilize lightweight options (60-100gsm), especially if using a high-speed mini offset machine for larger print runs.
3. Budget: Uncoated paper is generally the most economical choice, making it suitable for projects with tighter budgets. Specialty finishes like gloss or textured paper come at a premium and might be a better fit for high-impact pieces.
4. Aesthetics: Don't underestimate the impact of paper aesthetics on your project's overall message. Glossy finishes convey a modern, luxurious feel, while uncoated paper creates a natural, earthy aesthetic. Choose a paper that aligns with the desired mood and brand identity.
Remember: Even with single colour offset printing machines or high-speed mini offset machines, paper selection can significantly impact the final product. Choosing the right paper ensures your project achieves the desired outcome, both functionally and aesthetically.
The beauty of Autoprint's Colt and Knight series lies in their ability to handle a diverse range of paper types. Here's a closer look at some commonly used paper options and their ideal applications:
Color Wove: This paper comes in a variety of colors and often features a textured surface. Its unique combination of aesthetics makes it a popular choice for creating eye-catching invitations, announcements, and greeting cards in single colour offset printing.
Maplitho: An uncoated, woodfree paper known for its excellent opacity and printability. This paper is a workhorse for everyday printing needs, making it well-suited for brochures, letterheads, reports, and internal documents, even for projects on high speed mini offset printing machines.
Art Paper: This high-quality paper boasts a smooth, calendered finish, creating an ideal canvas for high-resolution photographs. Art paper is the go-to choice for projects where image fidelity is paramount, such as photo prints, art reproductions, and high-end brochures in the realm of offset printing.
Specialty Papers: Explore textured, recycled, or colored options to set your project apart, even for use with mini offset printing machines.
Embrace Sustainability: Choose FSC-certified paper for an eco-conscious approach to your offset printing.
By understanding paper properties and aligning them with your project's needs, you can make informed choices that elevate your offset printing project. At Autoprint, our team of experts is here to help! We can guide you through paper options, considering your specific project requirements and budget, whether you're using a traditional offset press or a specialised machine.
Autoprint Machinery Mfrs Pvt. Ltd. Kaanchan, # 9, North Huzur Road, Coimbatore - 641 018, Tamilnadu, India.
Phone : (+91) 422 - 2212416, 4225444 Email : [email protected]
Toll Free Number : 1800-425-4333
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cross-my-heartt · 1 year
Three antagonists, three distinct attitudes, all representative of what the Empire stands for as a whole
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I wanted to take a moment to appreciate what a good job TBB has been doing with its antagonists so far, especially our three imperial officers here. A good antagonist is so important to a good story and I love how each of these characters has a distinct feel about them even though they’re all meant to represent the Empire’s worst qualities. (Yes, Hemlock isn’t included here. That guy's a whole new category of yikes.)
Tarkin: ruthless authoritarianism
Tarkin is the perfect representation of unfeeling single-minded power. He's willing to go however far it takes to accomplish the Empire's goals, eradicating all that stand in its way or dare to oppose it. He hated the jedi for their reluctance to go against their moral code and their unwillingness to bend to the Republic’s will and he hates the clones for much the same reason.
Tarkin believes that nothing should stand in the way of victory. He is the face of a regime that tolerates no opposition, no hesitation and no failure and shows no inhibitions when enforcing those rules.
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Morals and human lives are meaningless when the interests of the Empire are at stake.
In a way that simplicity is what makes him so intimidating – his is a straightforward but absolute point of view. That’s scary as hell when it belongs to someone with so much power.
Rampart: calculating ambition
Unlike Tarkin, Rampart represents those that see power as an end rather than a means to one. He’s the rank climber. The smarmy bootlicker. The ambitious overachiever who’s willing to make concessions in the name of success.
We learn that the implementation of chain codes was his initiative. That he’s the one behind project War Mantle. We see how animated and obsequious he is when talking to Tarkin only for him to show his true (dismissive and arrogant) colors to those he considers his subordinates later.
He readily uses and manipulates those he can use for the sake of his own personal gain. This could be the renegade batch or Crosshair to whom he's open about his doubt in regards to his loyalty and that’s where he and Tarkin differ.
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He’s dangerous because he is cunning and his cunning allows him to exploit the opportunities the Empire has to offer. He may or may not care for the system itself, but he certainly cares about what it can do for him, which is why he works to further its cause.
It's the kind of self interest that has little regard for morality. Rampart isn’t tolerant of anything that threatens his reputation and by extension his chances of success and he will dispose of anyone who isn’t convenient to him.
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Which makes it all the more ironic that he himself was disposed of when he became inconvenient to the Empire.
Nolan: bigoted loyalty
If Rampart was the calculating opportunist, Nolan is his (even more) despicable counterpart. He’s the small insecure man who nonetheless profits from his political alignment, not because he’s competent but because he’s a good little imperial henchman and it gives him a sense of importance.
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All in all, he’s the precursor to all the bumbling imperial officers we see in later star wars media, who stand not on merit but on selling themselves to a regime.
A man who cowers at a little turbulence
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and has no experience under his belt and yet touts his rank and considers himself better than the clones.
He’s the typical bigot who tramples over others – resorting to derogatory labels (such as 'used equipment') and treating them as less than human – just because he can and because it gives him a power high.
If Rampart saw the clones as a resource that could be used to the very end, Nolan sees sparing medical supplies for one as a ‘waste of resources’. Which is bullshit of course. But prejudice is pretty bad at pretending it’s logical. And the show does a good job of showing us the various little pathetic excuses it tries to hide behind.
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(I thought I couldn't hate this guy more and yet I somehow managed it after writing this lol.)
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snaggie-t00th · 3 months
secondest one shot ever. echo's been growing on me recently icl y'all.
Brake Check
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gif credit :)
rating/cw: teen, irl swears/star wars swearing, vague mentions of drugs, canon violence
3.6k words, gender neutral pronouns, zero use of y/n
i might keep this one going if i think up anything else. may or may not be based on my experiences at my own gig.
reblogs are always appreciated :)
The sun shone fiercely over the city, baking the industrial landscape in amber and gold. It was the closest that the durasteel and brick would ever get to being a part of nature, and in a way, the old buildings seemed thankful. Thankful to be unmoving against the planet’s own turmoil. To stand straight, stiff, and unforgiving against the gales that whipped through the streets like wind tunnels.
You very much wish you could be a building right now.
Contrasting to your surroundings, you were very much bothered by the sun in your eyes and wind in your hair. You squinted and kept a hand over your eyes as you puttered through the streets, gauging movement and distance by the tiled stonework on the ground. Your hair whipped at the corners of your face, always just out of reach when you went to swipe them away, giving way to a mood that the sun beating down on your neck was not helping.
Just a few more paces, a lock, and an alarm. You thought to yourself, mentally calibrating for the tasks following.
You were opening your store. At least, that’s what you’d tell anyone if they bothered asking. In reality, you were opening a store you were hired to manage. You were hired as a friendly, trustworthy face that was more or less just responsible for making sure nothing got stolen. The real owner, on the other hand, rarely could bother to make an appearance. So, by all customer accounts, it’s your store. The thought of this brought warmth to your chest.
Pride, albeit in fake ownership, but pride in your work nonetheless.
You found yourself at the front of the store. Large, ornate marble slabs stacked up to the door. Marble steps that were once a hallmark of the city, that dotted every home, now lay cracked, chipped, and closer to oyster gray than marble white.
You trudged to the front glass door. Opening it with a whine, the door found purchase on your hip as you flipped the plastic door sign to “Open”. You glance over at the keypad, and punch in your door code - 0501.
Immediately upon stepping into the small, darkened room, you’re greeted with shrill chirps. The piercing tones shot through the still air and bounced off the walls.
“Yeah yeah, I know, I’m coming.” You gripe, talking to the ancient security system that by no means would actually respond. You walk towards the corner of the small shop, eyeing a white panel with a dimly lit green screen. You grimace as you punch in your security code, trying not to become overstimulated by the alarm.
“Disarmed. Ready to arm.” A feminine robotic voice declares, and you hum in content as you turn around and begin to open up your store.
Flip those lights, plug that in, unlock the window guard, count the cash.
The mental list flashed through your mind, though it was almost immediately pushed out by a myriad of other thoughts. Your mind was abuzz, just like any other day. You glanced around at the small, cramped storefront. Your eyes raked the shelves, not looking for anything in particular, simply cataloging with your eyes. Your store sold mainly spaceship parts, among other things; though judging by the dust collecting on the deflector shield projectors, you’d almost be led to believe that no one on the planet had even scraped the sky.
You rounded a counter to make way to the register. The counter was an upside down L-shape, clear glass panes encasing a durasteel frame with sliding doors on the seller side. A smaller, similar-yet-straight case sat parallel on the right, making a perfect little square entrance for you to swing around. Such large display pieces seemed comically out of place in the small store front, as they essentially divided the room in half. Inside, the three rows that spanned the length of each side of the L were cluttered. Cluttered with trinkets that toppled over one another, as well as a handful of dubiously legal recreational products and their respective accessories. Those, along with the cigarettes in cartons behind you, were probably the only reason the lights above you were even on, albeit flickering occasionally and making a rather unfortunate buzz. You shook your head, and unlocked the small, dingy cash register in front of you.
Methodically counting cash, your eyes wandered to the bay window at the front of the store. Outside of it laid sun-bleached stone streets, with few inhabitants venturing out this early in the morning. Those that did, moved sluggishly from the heat or in a feeble attempt to resist it. Most of them looked familiar, usually having come in and bought something in the past. Or the odd few who follow a stricter morning routine than you do, seeing them stroll by every morning since you’d arrived however many cycles ago.
Same old, same old, huh? You thought to yourself. Monotony creeps up on the best of us, I suppose. You silently laugh to yourself, a quick huff of air leaving your nose.
As if the universe was listening in on your internal monologue, a speeder comes careening down the block, the engine body screaming as the bike chewed through the brake disks like meringue. Atop this banshee was a young girl, cream blonde hair whipping behind her as she screamed with delight. You had hoped it was delight at least, though you’d never heard someone giggling with fear. Immediately following her was another speeder, albeit in much less disarray and in much more control. The pilot was a tall, slender, pale man with some form of plating on his head, covering his ears.
“Omega, you HAVE to brake before you turn, you can’t just hit every corner like Tech does!” The man called out, though it was muffled from the glass.
You placed the cash back in the register and paced towards the door. Curiosity was your main driving factor, although if something happened to a child and you didn’t do anything… Well, you were sure your brain wouldn’t let you live it down.
You cracked the large door and peered out through the smaller glass door in front of it. You breathed out in relief, not realizing you were holding it in, as you saw the girl almost entirely unharmed.
“Echo, I’m fine! Plus, you said it yourself before we grabbed them that they looked like ‘hunks of junk’.” The girl made air quotes at her companion to emphasize her point. He, presumably named Echo, sighs in response, barely audible through the door but recognizable by the way his shoulders slumped. You couldn’t see it, as his back was to you, but the clone took his one hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.
Wait, one hand?
You had seen your fair share of clones, both on your home planet and where you now found yourself. However, with his back to you, and with your eyes zeroing in on his scomp, you were none the wiser of the man outside your shop’s origins, other than his name probably being Echo.
The girl, which you assumed was named Omega, noticed you standing in your doorway.
“Maybe we can ask them for help” She spoke aloud, looking past her companion to look directly at you. You respond in part by opening the door and poking your head out.
“So, you crash in front of stores often?” You call out to the girl, smiling softly. Her companion turns around at the sound of your voice.
Hello there.
The man, now recognizable to you as a clone, was much more muscular than you had anticipated. With broad shoulders causing his pauldrons to peek out just a hair more. His hair was a buzz cut, the deep blue-black hue of his just-barely-there hair contrasting against his pale skin.
He waved his hand at you.
“I’m trying to not let her make it a habit but someone was recently taught what drifting was. Do you happen to sell speeder parts?” He punctuated his statement with a playful jab to the girl’s ribs, which elicited a giggle.
“As long as you don’t mind wiping dust off of them, I’m sure I can find something for y’all.” You replied, and you stepped out on the porch to open the door and let the two in. They quickly followed suit and headed towards you.
“I’m Omega by the way, and this is my big brother Echo.” The girl chirped as she walked by.
You smiled and gave your name in response. “Pleasure, it’s been a while since I’ve had real customers”.
“What’s a real customer?” She said, spinning around to look back at you once she filed into the small room.
“Someone actually buying parts, instead of what’s in the case.” You reply, as you turn your back and begin parsing the shelves for speeder brake parts. Immediately you regret this decision.
“What’s in the case?” Omega piped, and before you can turn around her face is pressed to the glass, memorizing its contents.
“Oh!—Uh, adult stuff, Omega. You really shouldn’t worry about it.” You said sheepishly, and you began to walk over to try and find something else for her to look at, but before you could Echo interjects.
“They’re right Omega, you have no business with this kind of stuff. Let’s just focus on the parts we need so we can get back to the ship before too long” He says, before clasping her on the back. She huffs, but obliges and stands up.
“So I have the parts you’re looking for, however the brakes come as a complete set. So you may end up with extras if you didn’t break the entire thing.” You explain, and waggle a box in the air.
“Judging by the sound when we came in, I’d imagine we’ll probably use the whole kit. I hope we don’t scare off too much foot traffic with the repairs.” Echo quipped, accompanied by a soft smile. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought the man was flirting with you.
“Foot traffic?” You fake gawk. “Ain’t from ‘round here huh?”
Echo chuckles, and his eyes shone a little bit lighter. The bright honey-brown was rather stark against his skin, making it even more difficult not to get lost in them. The normally-dull blue hue of the overhead plasma lights made them pop out a bit more now that you were inside.
“Well, in any case, we’ll be out front for a bit. Appreciate the help.” Echo nodded and began to take his leave with Omega in tow.
“Last I checked the sign out front didn’t say charity.” You spoke, holding back a laugh with your teeth on your bottom lip.
Echo stopped dead in his tracks, and paused for a moment to reflect on what you meant. He sighed when it finally dawned on him.
“My apologies. Omega, take this out front and start taking the speeder apart while I pay for this.” He handed the box to the girl, and she skipped out the door.
Echo walked up to the counter, albeit awkwardly. Like his hips were too heavy. That’s when you noticed his legs. Or rather lack thereof.
“The heat and humidity makes my joints lock up sometimes.” He stated, noting your staring. Your eyes went wide.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare. I had only noticed your scomp earlier when we were outside.” You said quickly, trying to alleviate any awkwardness. You had just met the man, you weren’t trying to immediately make a handsome stranger hate you.
“It’s nothing new for me, though I did appreciate the lack of disgust in your face” He joked, self-deprecatingly.
Your eyebrows shot up, a mixture of quizzical and confused. “Everyone in the galaxy has or knows someone with augmentation at this point. What makes yours so gross?” You replied, emphasizing ‘gross’ with a sarcastic voice.
The man shrugged. “Most clones don’t look like me.”
You nodded. “Not exactly a GAR approved clone preset, I gather?”
“Sort of, I guess? I got placed with an experimental clone unit during the war, seeing as how I didn't fit in with the regs anymore.” He responded, now talking with his hands and relaxing his posture. You typed in the total for the engine kit into the register.
“Regs?” You ask, not looking up, but still very much invested in the conversation.
“Regular clones. The ‘approved presets’ as you called them. My unit is nothing of the sort, so I saddled up with them.” He replied with ease, while fishing into one of his waist bags for his credit pouch.
“I see. Well, your total’s gonna be 635 credits.” You chirp, looking up at Echo’s face, only to watch it drop.
“Six thirty five?” He half whispered, somehow going a shade paler. He had about 350 credits left in his pouch after the sorely needed supply run. However, if he couldn't fix the speeder, it wouldn’t matter.
Sensing his trepidation, and also using the moment to steal a few glances at how his biceps push against his armor with his arms crossed, you got an idea.
“Tell you what. Give me what you got, and I’ll smooth over the rest if you take me to dinner” You said in a joking tone, testing the waters.
Echo’s ears tinged pink and his cheeks warmed up at the thought. He pretended not to notice the way you sized him up when you met a few moments ago, but something about your attention on him at that moment made his stomach trip over itself. That feeling piqued his curiosity, but his response was laced with trepidation.
“I honestly don’t even know where we’d go. I’ve never been planetside here, and I’m sure you don’t want to eat the ration bars let alone smell what’s on the ship”
You shrugged. “Beats the stale air here. Plus for as many parts as I carry, I’ve never actually been on a ship.” You felt rather sheepish at your white lie, your eyes scanning the floor.
“The Marauder it is. What time were you thinking?” Echo asked. You couldn’t see it, but his fingers were twitching against his thigh, and the back of his neck was bright red. He hadn’t been on a date since he was still with the 501st, and even then it was usually a random one-off with someone he met at 79’s. By then the alcohol would be long gone and he would realize he’d spent the previous night with someone with bantha-shit for brains.
“Honestly? I could help you with repairs and we could head out. Not like I’d be missing out on any money.” You reply coolly, trying your best to have a ‘we can do whatever’ attitude as you leaned your weight onto one hip and cocked your head.
Inside, you were having ironically the same conundrum as Echo. You hadn’t been on a date in Force knows how long, your work clothes weren’t exactly date material, and holy kriff how did that actually work? You said it on a whim, ready to laugh it off to him and sob into your pillow about it later. Your brain had finally caught up to what you were up to, who you were now going on a date with, what you were doing, how you got there, and how his kid little sister wrecking outside your store was the best thing that could’ve happened.
“Are you gonna help me put this bike back together or are you two gonna flirt all day?!” A shrill voice called from outside.
Right, Omega, kriff.
Both you and Echo flinch and sigh at the sound of her voice. The temperature in the room also seemed to rise a few degrees, even if only for the two of you. You sigh, grabbing the credits Echo left on the counter and lock up the register. You make your way around the counter, and join him as he makes his way towards the door.
Once again faced with his back, your eyes wander down to where his hips meet his metal lower half. Somehow, his blacks tuck neatly into them, or maybe they’re clipped somewhere, you don’t know. You stifle a small laugh at the thought.
As you make your way outside, the thought crosses your mind of Echo’s legs having built in shirt fasteners. Then, before you can stop yourself, you let out a giggle at the thought of Echo having garters for his blacks underneath the armor and over his robotic legs.
Echo turns around at the sound. His eyebrow is raised quizzically, but his eyes betray him. He looks a little sad, worried that you’re laughing at him or Omega or their situation.
Noticing his composure change, you are now forced to have your queries answered.
“How do your blacks stay on if you don’t have them on your lower half? I thought it was like a jumpsuit?”
Echo was bewildered at the question. He cocked his head, and then settled on a response.
“They just .. fit? Like the shirt sits where it’s, supposed to? And it doesn’t move.” He shrugged, never having put much thought into it. “What about that made you laugh?”
“I imagined you having little garters or fasteners on the legs underneath.” You quietly replied, looking at the ground, mildly embarrassed.
Now it was Echo’s turn to laugh. His nose crinkled and he squeezed his eyes shut, and you made a mental note of the sound that came out of the sweet man’s mouth.
“Very funny. Echo can you please put this brake back on?” Omega piped up, exasperated. She loved her brother dearly and was very amused to see him interacting with you in such a manner, however she didn’t anticipate this would require her soloing her speeder rebuild.
“Sorry kiddo, I got you.” Echo crouched down and rested his hands on his knees, surveying what work Omega had done in his leave. She had actually finished about ¾ of the work, and Echo made a mental note to thank Tech profusely for his tutelage when they got back to the ship.
While he made quick work of what was left of the speeder, Omega busied herself with getting to know you. She plopped herself on your front stoop, and materialized some Mantell Mix from inside her jacket pocket. She threw a handful in her mouth, but before proceeding to chew she primed you with one of soon to be dozens of questions.
“Why’d you set up shop here?”
You frowned slightly, as there was no fun answer to this question. The Siege drove everyone off of Mandalore, if they survived. This planet just happened to be in the same section of The Rim and was taking refugees. Setting up a shop was never in the cards on your home world, but despite your utter lack of knowledge of retail, you relished the opportunity to do something different. Start completely anew. Though a part of you balked at sharing your past, this young girl seemed wiser than she let on and you enjoyed actually talking to someone outside of the usual “How are you” “Good, thanks” “Your total’s 45 credits” “Have a good day”. So, against your better judgment, you indulged her.
“Well, Mandalore doesn’t really exist, at least in its full capacity,” You sucked in your teeth. “And I didn’t trust that old Coruscanti freighter to leave the star system. Plus, the owner of the place doesn't like people too much and would rather just collect a paycheck.” You shrugged.
Upon mention of Mandalore, a thunk came from the speeder. Not loud enough to draw your attention over, thank Force, but enough to be heard. It was Echo dropping a tool. While Kamino wasn’t as much of a home to him as he imagined you would regard Mandalore, it was a similar weighty feeling. If all else failed, there was nowhere for either of you to go. There was no home. Sure, The Marauder and your little studio apartment were where the two of you resided, but that’s not where you’re from. Plus, it’s kind of difficult to compare a ship and a box room barely bigger than the storefront to an entire planet.
“This isn’t your store?” Omega replied, sensing it easier to focus on the latter half of your statement. You shook your head.
“For all intents and purposes, it’s mine. I run the day to day, order the products, harass people to actually get it delivered, everyone knows it’s me who runs it. But I don’t own it, no.”
Omega nodded in understanding, and was immediately buried in thought. Her dark brows knitted together as her brain formulated questions faster than she could ask. She nodded once more, seeming to have landed on a fitting one. But before she could ask, Echo piped up.
“The brakes are fixed up. We should be able to head back to the ship” Echo began to get up, but before he turned around he shot a question that you were dreading. Well, more of a statement.
“I thought you said you’ve never been on a ship?”
You gawked at him and then trained your eyes to the ground, suddenly very interested in the species of weeds that had taken hold in the cracks of the ground. You didn’t have any good excuses, and you’d already been caught in one lie.
“Got you to say ‘yes’ to the date, didn’t it?” You muttered weakly, knowing that this could very well end in him cursing you out and leaving you to your lonely little shop.
Echo sighed. He didn’t like lying, but the reason for it warmed his cheeks. He realized you just wanted an ‘in’. To hang out with him, of all people. He wasn’t used to someone, anyone, making that kind of effort to spend time with him.
“It did, though I’d have probably said yes otherwise.” It was his turn to reply coolly and pretend that his heart’s not in his throat for even uttering the words. He coughs in a feeble attempt to clear it. “Either way, are you two ready?”
You nodded and looked at Omega, who responded by excitedly getting up and hopping on her speeder. Echo walked a few feet, and grabbed his own by the handlebars. Before you could ask who you were riding with, he re-parked the bike in front of where you were standing so you could easily step off of the curb and onto the back.
“When’d you get smooth?” You chide, grabbing Echo’s shoulder for leverage as you kicked your leg over the side. Your feet found purchase above the altitude controls, gripping the cargo compartment with your legs to maintain balance. You brought your hands down and let them rest in your lap as Echo kicked over the ignition.
“Since I found a reason to be smooth.”
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warsamongthestars · 1 month
How to do I view TCWs Bad Batch...
Cos its not a secret that its personal. All this, comes from a personal place, even if its cut down to snark, rage, or just plain analysis. Personal motivations are the best motivators after all.
We start with the set up.
They are, by all accounts, set up to be the odd ones out. If there are weird mutant clones, these are the guys. If you're looking for the super special awesome squad made of underdogs, its them.
( As the former Weird Kid from childhood, who later grew up into the weird adult, I immediately grew attached to them. I broke the Jedi code folks, please don't kick me off the council Mister Windu )
And from there, it all became very complex, and yet, so simple. Because when you've been there, you get it.
Now we start with the perspectives.
So I saw...
... The Bad Batch as those who teeter on the edge of wanting normalcy whilst also rejecting convention. These boys have been rejected for things all their life, from appearance, to skills, to attitudes, to innate abilities and to simply not fitting in / being regulation.
Crosshair is the one who learned to strike first, and the first strike should be the final strike. He's the confrontational one. (Very in line with his sniper job). If you strike first and its always the mortal blow, you avoid getting struck. ( This doesn't work, because he's a verbal lasher, and that hasn't killed anyone yet--so he'd get a punch to the face and invite combat among allies )
Tech is the one who learned to back down and be unconfrontational one. Let the aggression pass, it is temporary. This has probably cost him with injury and items stolen from confrontation (because if someone wants to make a problem, they will make a problem and they will do it to the easiest target).
Wrecker is the boisterous one. He wants to directly fit in so things are either not a big deal or he exaggerates to a point where its become habit (a simple fear of heights becomes a ridiculous series of panics straight out of a cartoon that even Tech rolls his eyes over). In this way, he's a kind of people pleaser who needs to find excuses to confront people he has a problem with.
Hunter is the quiet one who wants to given space to process. But is never given time. To him, people are complicated and he needs time to puzzle them out, but at the same time, he's still trying to puzzle himself out. So everything either comes out as a sarcasm or it comes out as anxiety, because in truth, he's not sure how to react to situations and was never given the communication or time to develop that understanding--and has to practice based on experience [ CF99's plan system ] because otherwise he gets overwhelmed with him. ( But in such lack of processing, the stuff he has had time to process? He can weave through fluently and adaptively. He knows not to give more information than is necessary even in friendly conversation with strangers, because he knows the effect it would cause. )
The word "Hyperempathy" comes to mind.
But in such additions...
CF99 as a whole, as they lie outside of the regulations, have developed an nonchalance over things that would be alarming in any circumstance, odd one out or not.
The Yalbecs, mentioned in CF99's introduction, are an implied Insectoid sentience that follow a HIve structure (with the Queen ontop who can produce pheromones to encourage reproduction). The yalbecs were performing an Insurrection on their planet, Yalbec Prime. As the Republic had gotten involved by sending CF99, that means the insurrection was against the Republic, meaning that the Yalbecs were, prior to the war, a Republic peoples.
If I had to give a reason for this insurrection, it would probably because the yalbec queen's stinger is used as food on other planets / by other cultures.
Two and two together, the yalbecs were insurrecting because their queens (and potential mother figures) were being hunted down for food, and the Republic was doing nothing.
A horrifying set of circumstances, made worse when the Republic sent a commando squad to handle the situation once it had become violent, and the result was, yet again, the death of another Queen and possibly her entire court.
... especially when that said Commando Squad began to brag about it afterwards.
This is a "funny" contrast to the hyper-empathy argument, and that is the total lack of empathy. Suggesting that CF99 primarily only cares about what a particular group (the "regular" clones) thinks about and tries to bring attention their successes to that group; but inevitably alienate themselves by sheer misunderstanding of both themselves, others, and the situation. Its the fantastical fantasy narrative equivalency of "my cat tried to show affection by bringing me a dead bird" or "I told a self deprecating joke about my childhood, and everyone looked at me with horror"
The "Total Lack of Empathy" is less inherent problem, and more akin to, learned impersonality, which can be a common problem when it comes to empathy.
Now this is starting to sound like "playing Psychology with fictional characters who can be written to do anything". I ain't diagnosis shit, I'm just pointing out a potential pattern, by drawing from experience.
Don't you just love how fiction can get personal.
In such inbetweens...
The Bad Batch have formed strong interpersonal relationships, only vaguely hinted at during their Clone Wars run.
From backing each other up, no matter who does what (from Crosshair's overly confrontational nature being immediately defended by Wrecker lifting someone up by the necktie and Tech's Goggles glare and Hunter stopping the person that Cross is confronting)...
... To Crosshair immediately stepping up to block an officer from yelling at Hunter...
... To Wrecker interrupting and teasing Tech, but then immediately quoting Tech to officers...
... to how proud Hunter is over his team, or Crosshair's indirect silent compliments in regards to Wrecker...
... to trusting Tech's strategies and intelligence, no matter how crazy, or how much he's teased afterwards, near immediately...
... to the various list of plans they perform practically on trust and instinct alone...
... and to giving the new odd one (Echo) a chance, even if they verbally distrust him.
The world these boys must have behind closed doors and off duty, is one of intimate trust, obvious communication and communal understanding, and each of them, no matter how they express it, share values.
They're playful and competitive with each other, and their various strong personalities do bump against one another, but its less destructive and more akin to knowingly being pieces on the same board. ( billiards comes to mind and everyone has a pocket. )
Its those hints of history and personality beyond their job, is what I wanted to see more of (and probably others too). Its those conflicts and bonds between themselves, the world and others that would've made a show.
( Character Development isn't necessarily that the character themselves changed--its often just that the Audience now knows more about a character. Character Development is more often than naught, a change in perspective from the audience's point of view. )
Introducing Echo would've been a fine way to learn more about them, by allowing the audience surrogate to be a main character lead, whilst also going off on fantastical sci-fi adventures in the Galaxy Far Far Away.
Applying personal interpretation and experience is often how you can make a story more interesting, as it allows both yourself and the audience to further understand themselves.
Yeah, its telling a familiar story, but often that's what's needed. And you freely can want what you also need.
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skellymom · 2 months
Angsty angst between the reader (mildly Force sensitive/empath-nothing super powerful), a lover and a friend regarding the fate of the squad. Someone needs to listen and realize there is more than one future for Clone FAMILY 99.
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Background: Love is hard and I wanted to capture a relationship that is trying to survive in a time of chaos and oppression. Where nothing is a sure bet, and the thought of losing loved ones is terrifying and a real possibility. How long can CF99 stay hidden on Ord Mantell? The reader experiences a sense of dread that their sanctuary may not last long.
...with a little Punk shenanigans thrown in to show the Fascists just WHO they are kriffin' around with!
Y'all, this started as a fun romp in Punk Crime...then got REAL deep. Couldn't help the word count. The story just kind wrote itself.
Note: This story hints at a possible LOVE TRIANGLE. Not extremely apparent. But those of you who code Hunter as "The Boyfriend" and code Echo as "The Close Friend" might see it. Also, Passion and Practicality as dramatic opposites.
Those of you who wish to NOT SEE A LOVE TRIANGLE. Please just read this dynamic as a caring lover vs a caring friend. Hopefully it's ambiguous enough for EVERYONE.
People who aren't particularly fond of Hunter's character arc while on Ord Mantell during S2 of the actual series will LOVE that I pick on him a bit in this fic.
Word Count: 3.5K
WARNING: Star Wars Canon Violence, someone is stabbed in shoulder w/no mention of blood, blood smear on a bottle, fear, angst, maybe mild swearing, briefly implied sex in one sentence.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
“Aww...” Omega kicked the dirt and hung her head...twisting the pendant around her neck. 
“Sorry kiddo.  We just...don’t have the credits.”  I shrugged feeling defeated. 
She gave one last glance at the chocolate bar, nodded and shuffled off to the next vendor’s stand. 
“Hey.”  Getting the attention of the vendor who owned the stand.  “Would you take 2 credits instead of 3?  For the kid??”  Pointing in Omega’s direction.   
It was worth a try. 
“Come back when ya got the credits...or DON’T come back AT ALL!”  The vendor waved me away from their stand.’ 
“Geez, you don’t have to be so RUDE about it!”  I shot back as I left to catch up with Omega. 
The vendor yelled after me “YOU PEOPLE...always wanting a handout!  Glad the Empire is cleaning up the planets in this system.  SICK OF YOUR KIND!” 
I waved back to him with a very specific hand signal... 
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Being poor sucks. 
We’ve been scraping by since working for Cid on Ord Mantell.  Hunter and I have been talking about taking the squad and bailing soon... 
...after the NEXT job. 
We’ve been talking about this for a while.  But it’s always about the NEXT job...even if that was the last job we just did. 
He’s scared to leave and face the unknown.   
It’s the devil he knows.  And, somehow, it’s a kind of unfavorable comfort. 
But I HATE that Cid holds shit over our heads constantly. 
It’s making me seethe.  Making me resent my scared lover a bit.  And it breaks my heart that Omega can’t be a child... 
If Crosshair was here, he’d have set shit straight right away... 
But The Empire took him away from us. 
Echo agrees with me and tries to reason with Hunter. 
Tech gets sidetracked with everything going on. 
Wrecker, ever the supportive sibling goes along for the ride. 
Omega falls in with them too.  It’s all an adventure for her... 
Until it’s not.  And, I’m worried that’s going to be very soon. 
I can feel it.   
Every day SOMETHING is getting closer. 
And, I itch to escape this planet.   
But I WON’T go without them.  Life is nothing without them ALL. 
My opinion: We ALL can do better somewhere else.  Somewhere that WON’T have us living hand to mouth. 
But we MUST leave Ord Mantell. Or we’ll never know what the future might hold for us. 
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ANOTHER mission for Cid.  And this one requiring that I and Omega stay behind for “safety reasons.” 
Hunter’s words, not mine. 
And this time Echo spoke up “The fact that we are leaving them behind means it’s time for us to terminate Cid’s employ.” 
“Where would we go?  Cid was YOUR contact, remember.”  Hunter shot back. 
Echo nodded across the room to me “She can FEEL it.  I believe her that we don’t have much time left.  Can’t you feel it too???” 
Hunter sat down wearily and sighed.  “EVERYTHING has been a blur since losing Crosshair...”  Putting his hand to his brow “Been missing a LOT lately.” 
Omega is sitting next to me.  I can see the panic in her eyes.  “Why are they arguing?” 
“Because they love us.  And, making decisions for the ones you love is difficult.”  I didn’t want to tell Omega that these men who normally have such a close camaraderie are only openly arguing because they are AFRAID.  The dynamic in our squad is starting to break down.  She’s seen and been through enough.  I try to shield her from what I can when I can. 
Tech and Wrecker weighed in on the situation...which now REALLY doesn’t help. 
Their voices rose higher.  I don’t hear the words anymore.  Just FEEL the emotions behind them: accusations, defensiveness, declarations to fight the Empire, plans to score big one last time and retire for good... 
I can’t sit here anymore.  Gently took Omega’s hand, leading her out of Cid’s Parlor with the lure of a “window shopping” to blow off steam.  Basically poor-person's shopping. 
She stops at the doorway, looking up at me.  So many emotions on her face.  “Shouldn't we tell them where we’re going?”  Omega remembers the last time she stepped out without checking in. 
I survey the loud debate between four grown men...four grown men who are scared, unsure boys who never had to live this way before.  My heart went out to every one of them.  I tried to tell them, to contribute to this discussion...so many times.  But they defer to two polar opposites with nothing in-between: 
Stay and keep working for Cid, hoping to eventually get ahead...then go retire on some fictional planet with a slim hope the Empire will never find us. 
Or, leave Ord Mantell forever and fly away with false fantasies of a battle leading to victory while heading right into the belly of the BEAST. 
“They won’t notice.”  It wasn’t the best answer...but I was mentally and emotionally exhausted.  “We’ll be back before then...” 
Omega, not totally buying my reply, still relented... 
But not without an unsure glance behind her at her brother’s grousing. 
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Apparently...they DID notice. 
“Just where did you both go???”  Hunters concerned and frustrated face met us as we descended the stairs. 
I could see Echo across the room sitting at the bar “pretending” not to pay attention to our conversation. 
“Omega and I wanted to skip the big multi-person argument.” I cooly clapped back. 
He relaxed after seeing Omega with a big smile on her face. 
Then tensed up after she told him why she’s smiling:   
“Hunter, I met a Wino tonight.  He smells funny, but he does fantastic magic tricks!” 
Then she skipped away to see what Tech had on his datapad.  Wrecker handed her a fizzy kiddy beverage dressed up with a slice of Meileroon on the rim. 
Hunter gave me a... face.  The kind he gives me when I have some explaining to do. 
He sighed. 
“Please use your words.” 
“Ok.  DON’T leave without telling us where you are going.  Double if Omega is with you.” 
“Sure thing, Sergeant.” Then I turned and walked away.  Settling in the furthest corner of the bar to be alone. 
Hunter shook his head and scoffed.  Strolled defeatedly back to the bar, then gave Tech a slight bump on the shoulder.  Tech immediately slid off the stool and followed Hunter into Cid’s empty office...and shut the door. 
I leaned back into the sofa and closed my eyes.  I felt so exhausted... 
A few minutes later a warm hand patted my shoulder.  I opened my eyes. 
Echo set down a drink on the table beside me.  “Glad you and Omega are back.  We get worried sometimes.  Things are getting...complicated and dangerous.  He’s...WE are ALL looking out for you both.” 
He walked away and entered Cid’s office, closing the door behind him. 
Kriff...they DEFINITELY are planning ANOTHER mission... 
Put it all out of my mind and settled in to watch Wrecker and Omega play several rounds of “KABOOM!”  It’s a chaotic card game Wrecker made up to keep Omega busy.  She loves Dejarik, but Wrecker tires of it easily.  KABOOM! is really an old card deck CF99 has carried with them forever, and Wrecker has scrawled writing all over them with his own “game script.” 
“KABOOM!” Omega yells after she picks a particular marked card.  Then throws her hand up into the air to symbolize an explosion... 
Kaboom indeed...hopefully not us and not anytime soon...but the cards will fall wherever they may...I have no control over them. 
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“Hey...” Smoky whisper in my ear. 
I open my eyes and see Hunter hovering over me.  His eyes are soft and loving while he runs his fingers though my hair.  I’m covered with a blanket and there’s a pillow under my head.  The game room is empty, silent, and dark. 
“How long have I been out?” 
“Couple hours.”  Then he plants a kiss on my forehead.  “Apologies for earlier today.” 
“Accepted.  I could have handled that interaction better myself...” 
“No...I’ve...got to get my shit together.”   
“I won’t argue with that.” I snicker. 
He smiles.  It’s been SO long since I’ve seen him do that.  My heart aches for a time before this one...a simpler time for all of us. 
His expression switches to a forlorn one... 
“You’re leaving soon...” 
“Yes.  But I promise it’s the LAST mission for Cid.  EVER.” 
“I recall you’ve said that before.” I grumped, attempting to get up from the couch. 
“But this time I MEAN it.”  He grabs my hand and I stop. 
He drops something cold into my palm and the chain it’s attached to trails out of his hand.  Then he cups his hand affectionately under mine. 
It’s a necklace.  The pendant a shard of deep green meteorite Hunter and I had witnessed impacting a planet when we first kissed.  How’s that for symbolism?  When it finally cooled, he snuck back to the site, fishing it out and surprised me with this as a gift.  Carried in my pockets for forever...until recently I thought it had been lost.   
“You got sneaky there, Bandana.” 
“Tech set it so you can wear it.  It’s made of the metal that doesn’t irritate your skin...that doesn’t sound very romantic...does it?”  Hunter grimaced. 
I snort and it elicits a chuckle from him.  “For most people, probably not.  But I deeply appreciate the gesture.  Also, the practicality.  Thanks.”  His words may falter, but I can FEEL the intensity of his emotions in this moment.  The depth of his affection and devotion. 
He lovingly takes the necklace from my hand and clasps it around my neck.  I lift the blanket and Hunter crawls in next to me on the sofa. 
“I love you so much Y/N. Have a hard time showing it sometimes...please understand I just want the best for us...” 
I shush him with my finger to his lips.  “I love you too, Hunter...and I struggle in the same way.  Let’s call a truce...for tonight.” 
He nods and I kiss him...kiss him with all the fire and passion that I cannot say with words.  He answers my love language in kind.  We heat up that sofa like nothing it’s ever seen before. 
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That fateful day I’ve been worried about finally came... 
An Imperial Class Venator loomed over the city. 
So large, it blocked out part of the sun. 
White armored stormtroopers, dispatched to the planet swarmed Ord Mantell.  They kicked in doors and terrorized the locals. 
Were they searching for us?  Or just taking over the planet, like so many others in the galaxy? 
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“Havoc 1, do you copy?” Echo tries to comm Hunter... 
“Empire is jamming all ground communications.” He sneered. 
Omega and I sat crouched across from Echo under a vendor table.  The tablecloth kept us hidden. 
Today was our day to shop for supplies.  Of course, Echo tagged along.  If Hunter wasn’t with us, it would always be Echo.     
I was already a bundle of nerves that my “bad feeling” came true.  Echo’s presence helped me keep it hidden around Omega. 
“Oh NO!”  Omega started to fret.  “Maybe they’ve been captured?  How will they find us?  We’ll be separated!” The fear rising in her voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. 
I put my arm around her, giving a firm squeeze.  “Don’t worry, Hunter and Tech probably got it under control.  And Wrecker will smash heads.” 
“Yeah, kiddo what Y/N said.”  Echo put a calm face on it.  
He knew something I didn’t...I could FEEL it. 
“We need to get to them!” Omega whispered 
“No Havoc 5.  We’re sitting tight.  They’ll find us.”  Echo winked. 
He DID know something... 
“Out with it, Echo.” 
“What?” His expression innocent. 
“What do YOU know that Omega and I don’t?” 
“Nothing...” Smiling with that shit eating grin if his.  Sassy, yet charming. 
Omega and I glance at one another.  Then glare at Echo. 
“Hey, I was sworn to secrecy.”  His expression turned from mild to hardened soldier as the sound of marching feet rounded the corner of the vendor’s square. 
Echo silently pulled his weapon...having it on the ready. 
They stopped next to our table. 
“FREEZE Civilian!  Come out with your hands up!!!” 
All three of us froze, staring at one another. 
Echo had a look...like he was ready to kill whoever was out there... 
Omega put both hands over her mouth.  Her eyes wide in abject fear. 
I squeezed her closer to me... 
The trooper violently kicked over the table... 
...next to us. 
A man’s scream rang out and continued to do so as they beat and kicked him. 
We recognized the voice.  It was the local street wino.  Nice man...just liked his Spotchka a bit TOO much. 
“Evading Emperial soldiers is a crime Civilian...so is stealing.” 
The wino’s bottle of unopened Spotchka rolled under the table, stopping to rest against my knee... 
...blood smeared across it. 
A trooper’s hand groped under the tablecloth for the bottle. 
Omega mewled in terror quietly behind her hands.  
Echo readjusted the grip on his weapon. 
I silently pulled the small vibro dagger from my belt... 
...hovering it over the groping hand. 
“LEAVE IT!”  Another trooper barked at the one reaching for the bottle. 
“I’VE ALMOST GOT IT!”  He crankily barked back. 
The hand hovered over the bottle... 
Then suddenly gripped my leg and yanked me out from under the table! 
The trooper seemed shocked at what he pulled out.  He crouched there staring dumbly at me.  I lay in the dust stunned... 
...for a split second... 
Then I viciously stabbed him in the shoulder. 
The trooper screamed.  Echo knocked the table over and opened fired on the rest of the Imps.  He laid them all to rest efficiently. 
But our cover was blown. 
I pulled my dagger from the dead trooper, sheathing it. 
The wino, bloody and battered, staggered to his feet. 
All of us turned to see the vendor from the other day pointing in our direction.  He was standing at his stall with a HUGE satisfied grin on his face. 
More imps passed him running toward us.  The wino found his feet and fled quickly from the scene. 
To add insult to injury, the vendor felt the need to keep speaking... 
The roar of an engine overhead thankfully drowned out the rest. 
Tech fired the Marauder’s cannons into the crowd of Imps, decimating them.  Then swooped in lower to pick us up. 
Echo grabbed Omega’s hand, and before she could be whisked away, she pushed something cold and hard into my hand... 
The bottle of Spotchka...opened...with a strip of the torn tablecloth stuffed into it... 
A makeshift wick. 
Did I mention how much I LOVE THAT LITTLE HOOLIGAN! 
The vendor locked eyes with me.  His hateful stare...all the horrible things he said to us while on Ord Mantell...his lack of empathy for our plight...his open contempt for the poor...outcasts...those that don’t fit into HIS version of society...his alliance with The Empire...the unyielding hand of power beating down EVERYONE in the galaxy... 
RIGHTOUS ANGER welled up within me... 
We kept eye contact as I calmly pulled the small torch from my belt. 
And lit the wick. 
Then smiled at that kriffing piece of Bantha waste. 
The haughty expression left his face damned quick...and he turned tail and ran. 
I chucked that Flaming Bottle of Rebellion as hard as I possibly could and ran towards the ship.  The explosion rang out as I reached the Marauder, pushing me backwards onto the gangplank. 
All manner of debris rained down from the sky. 
And... for some STRANGE reason, I reached out to catch one particular piece... 
...just a FEELING...a hunch...some random, strange reflex...no thinking involved whatsoever... 
My arms enclosed around it...as it slammed squarely into my midsection, knocking the wind out of me... 
I gasped for air... 
Barely registering Hunter reaching out and yanking me into the Marauder... 
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The flight away from Ord Mantell was ROCKY with extremely heavy space traffic! 
Tech navigated through all manner of passenger and cargo ships around the planet trying to escape being captured by the Empire.  Echo at his side assisting with hyperspace jump codes. 
Just the thing we needed to get away undetected...for now. 
Hunter rubbed my back as I struggled to breathe.  Finally, I got my wind back, then looked down at what hit me in the gut. 
A FULL unopened box of exported Coruscant designer chocolate bars. 
“Huh...sometimes that Force stuff really does work out.”  I muttered.  “OMEGA!” 
She ran over. 
"Here ya go, kiddo.”  Handing her the whole box.  “Btw...thanks for the Spotchka Cocktail.” 
She smiled like a fox in an Endorian henhouse and ran away with the box.  I could hear Wrecker’s excited voice as he helped her open it. 
I gently fell back and relaxed against Hunter’s chest, exhaling away all the stress. 
He put his arms around me, inhaling the scent of my hair. 
“Hmmm?”  He hummed into my hair. 
“How did you know EXACTLY where we were?” 
His hand slowly snaked up and tapped the keepsake necklace around my neck. 
“You...have a TRACKER on...ME???”  I glanced over to the necklace around Omega’s neck. 
“Uh huh.” Tracing a heart shape slowly against the skin of my chest. 
He didn’t even have to look up from nuzzling my hair.  Hunter KNEW I understood Omega was also carrying one as well. 
I glanced across the Marauder to Echo. 
“Of course.  You wouldn’t expect anything less?”  He smirked, then swung his chair around to converse with Tech. 
“So...you put a bell and collar on us BOTH?” I addressed Hunter. 
“For safety reasons only.  Can’t have anything bad happening to our girls.”  He caressed my face.  “Originally it was only for Omega...you know...her wandering off problem.  Just couldn’t cope if we lost you both...” 
I sat up to turn around and face him.  Putting his face in my hands. 
“Hunter, we’re finally free from Cid and Ord Mantell.  But I’m upset it took something like THIS for us to leave.  I’ve been asking for MONTHS!” 
Behind me I could FEEL Echo turning his attention back to us.  FEEL him nodding in agreement with my statement.  Almost FEEL him thinking “We got lucky this time.” 
Hunter’s eyes flicked up to Echo, then back to me. 
“You’re BOTH right.  I’m sorry.  Bad at this civilian business.  I’ll do better in the future...we have one now.” 
“Except for the Empire...” Echo clapped back. 
Hunter’s eyes flicked back up to Echo.  He nodded, slight defeat on his face. 
“HUNTER.”  I implored.  His eyes focused back on me.  “PROMISE me we’ll stay off the radar for a while...and make our OWN way as much as possible.” 
“I promise.” 
“PROMISE that you will LISTEN to me when I give you my input about what I sense and think.  I’m an important part of this squad...oh let’s stop saying that...FAMILY! 
Hunter waited...I felt him SENSING that I wasn’t done speaking.  Was he finally getting his senses back??? 
“AND STOP STONEWALLING ME!  It’s disrespectful.  I’m a grown woman and your partner...hopefully for the long run...but it WON’T be if you don’t respect me and start having the harder conversations.” 
Ouch...I could see that cut deep.  What I said wasn’t hurtful.  Hunter was recognizing his mistake.   He was really listening to my brutal honesty.  
“And...STOP beating yourself up...that’s MY job!” 
He raised an eyebrow. 
I finished...and could FEEL the weight of several pairs of eyes on us.  Everyone else in the ship was watching my and Hunter’s interaction. 
Hunter and I met every pair of eyes in the place.  
“No arguing with her AT ALL!  She’s RIGHT.”  Echo smirked and turned back towards the Marauder's dash.   
"Agreed.”  Tech following suit. 
“Let’s let them work it out, eh?”  Wrecker put his hand on Omega’s shoulder.  
Ever astute, Omega nodded, then took her box of chocolates and went to the gunner’s loft with Wrecker. 
Hunter stared into my eyes with a clarity that I had only witnessed BEFORE our arrival to Ord Mantell “I’ve been neglecting you...and our relationship too.”  He sighed.  “If you would rather go off with Echo and run missions for the resistance, I wouldn't blame you.”  
“It’s true that I may not want to totally settle down on some back-alley planet.  But then, I’m certainly not ready to run off and wage war with a huge oppressive regime just yet, ok?  Maybe something in-between.  I’m not an all or nothing kind of gal.” 
Hunter nodded and glanced briefly at Echo again.  Then back to me. 
“It’s true...I DO love him.”  I revealed. 
Hunter’s face showed a very brief, very hurt micro expression. 
“But It’s true that I love YOU too.  And I love Omega, Wrecker, and Tech... I still love Crosshair...wherever he is.  I love you all so much sometimes it hurts.  Love you all so much, that I can’t leave you even though I could feel the Empire closing in on us...” 
“We don’t leave our own behind...” Hunter whispered. 
“Never.”  I answered.  “Let’s work on being a family that can come together and plan our future...ok?  If you and I DON’T plan our future, we won’t ever have one.  Does that answer your question?” 
“Completely.” Hunter’s voice cracked. 
I put my arms around Hunter and held him close.  
Then we quietly contemplated what the future would hold...and where we would go next. 
Not before catching Echo’s expression and FEELING the words behind it: 
You’re brave...and I’m very PROUD of you! 
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