#BeChloe Fluff
massivedrickhead · 11 months
3. “Do you think it would be helpful if we were cuddling?”
Totes a Chloe Beale statement…but even better if it’s Beca offering to cuddle cause she knows this is what Chloe needs
This was a lot of fun to write!
3. “Do you think it would be helpful if we were cuddling?”
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
Beca approached Chloe’s bedroom door with caution, glancing back down the hall to where the other Bellas stood huddled, nodding at her and gesturing her to keep going.
Beca knocked on the door and quickly withdrew her hand, as if afraid the door might suddenly bite her.
“What?” Came Chloe’s response.
“It’s Beca,” Beca said, her voice trying to be cheerful but coming out too forced. “Can I come in?”
There was a pause, in which Beca looked back at the Bellas with a shrug. 
“Fine,” Chloe said.
Beca braced herself for a second before she turned the handle and entered Chloe’s bedroom.
“What is it?” Chloe asked, not even looking up from her laptop as Beca entered.
“Um, well, I was just wondering, we- we all were wondering if everything was okay?” Beca asked. 
“Why wouldn’t everything be okay?” Chloe responded, her bottom lip getting caught between her teeth as she frowned at her screen. She started rapidly hitting the backspace.
“It’s just… Apparently, you’ve been holed up in your room all day. Jessica said you nearly bit her head off when she asked you about something,” Beca said, taking a hesitant step forward.
Beca had arrived back from her internship to find all the Bellas except Chloe discussing something around the kitchen table.
The energy in the room felt so serious that Beca felt something in her stomach drop.
When she asked what it was, they looked at her with solemn expressions.
“Something put Chloe in a bad mood.”
Beca understood the seriousness.
It was rare for Chloe to be in a bad mood. Rare for her to stay in her room all day. Rarer still for her to snap at one of her sisters.
Beca asked if any of them had tried to speak to her, and a set of shaking heads was her response.
Again, Beca sort of understood. Chloe was scary when she was angry. 
“Well someone has to check on her.”
They all looked at her.
“You’re the co-captain,” was Amy’s response.
“So,” Beca said, after a long silence where Chloe still didn’t look at her, “what’s up?”
“Nothing’s up,” Chloe said. “I’m fine, I just have an essay to finish.”
“Okay,” Beca said. “I guess… I’ll just leave you to it then.” Chloe didn’t reply and just carried on typing. “Okay,” she said again. “I’ll just,” she jerked her thumb back towards Chloe’s open door, even though the redhead still wasn’t looking up. “If there is something wrong, and you do want to talk about it, you know where I am.”
Chloe let out a sigh and abruptly shut her laptop. Beca jumped.
“I didn’t sleep well last night,” Chloe said, finally looking at Beca. “Or the night before. Or the night before that.”
“Oh,” Beca said. “How come?”
Chloe shrugged, and Beca saw a look of helplessness on her face. “Stress?” She said. “The World’s are coming up and we aren’t even close to being prepared, I have a bunch of papers I need to write, exams I need to prep for, and even when I try and take a day out to get on top of it, they,” she gestured to the rest of the house, “still need my help with one thing or another.”
Beca couldn’t help but feel guilty. She’d been so busy focusing on her internship that she’d let the preparation for the World’s fall by the wayside. She’d just assumed Chloe could deal with it.
“I’m sorry,” Beca said. “I’m sorry this has all been left for you to handle.”
“It’s fine,” Chloe said, shaking her head, and looking down at the scattered sheets of paper on her desk. “I can handle it, I just need… I need more hours in the day. And I need to be able to shut myself away without it being declared a national emergency.”
“No one’s declared-”
“You’re telling me you weren’t immediately pounced on by the Bellas as soon as you got home?” Chloe asked, eyebrows raised.
“Well, yeah, a little. But they’re just worried. We all are.”
Chloe shook her head. “I love them, so much, but sometimes they act like I’m their Mom. And that might be my fault, I took that role on when I became captain, but Moms need a break too you know.”
“I know,” Beca said. “We all know. No one deserves a break more than you do, Chlo’.”
“There’s just no time for one,” Chloe said. 
“Of course there is,” Beca said. “And… And maybe you can handle doing everything - being everything for everyone - but you shouldn’t have to. You don’t have to. We’re co-captains, remember? So I’m going to step up. And I’ll make sure the girls do too. We’ll figure out our set for the World’s, I promise.”
“And the other stuff?”
“Those too,” Beca said. “When is this paper due?”
“In a few days,” Chloe said. 
“Okay,” Beca said. She checked the time on her phone. “So, have a nap, come have dinner with us, and then you can get back to it after that.”
“I can’t just… have a nap,” Chloe said. “I can’t sleep. I can’t shut my mind off, there’s so many things I need to think about.”
Beca hesitated, her bottom lip getting caught in her teeth as she bounced lightly on her heels.
She shot a look over her shoulder, before shutting Chloe’s bedroom door.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to ask this once, and if the Bellas find out I’ll deny it, I’ve got a reputation to uphold,” Beca said. “But… Do you think… Would it be helpful…” Beca lowered her voice a fraction. “Would it help if we cuddled?”
Chloe’s eyes widened briefly before she smiled. “Are you actually asking me that?”
Beca rolled her eyes. “Yes,” she said. 
“But you’re not a cuddler.”
“No,” Beca said. “But you are. And… And it isn’t so bad when we cuddle, so yes or no?”
Chloe could see the blush creeping across Beca’s cheeks, and she knew what a big deal this was for her to ask. 
“Yes,” Chloe said. “That would be really nice.”
Beca smiled. “I’ll be back in a second,” she said.
“Where are you going?”
“To tell our kids to fend for themselves for the rest of the night.”
Beca returned to the kitchen and the Bellas all looked at her expectantly. 
She took one of the girls’ notebooks left on the table and tore out an empty page from the black. She rummaged in the kitchen drawers until she found a sharpie, and then scribbled do not disturb on the paper.
“If we aren’t out by dinner time, come and get us,” Beca said. “But otherwise, no one disturbs Chloe for the rest of the night, okay?”
“Okay,” Emily said.
“Is she alright?” Stacie asked.
“She will be,” Beca said. “She just needs a break.”
She pinned the note to Chloe’s door, and then shut it behind her. 
Chloe was back to typing at her computer, but she looked up when Beca entered this time.
“Are you in a good place to stop?” Beca asked.
Chloe nodded and shut her laptop. She looked Beca up and down. 
“What?” Beca asked.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” Chloe asked.
Beca looked down at her outfit. It was her usual attire, black jeans and a checkered shirt slung over a black tank top. “I didn’t realise there was a dress code,” Beca said. “Should I have worn my tiara?”
Chloe laughed. “Shut up,” she said. “You can’t nap in jeans.”
“I’m not the one napping,” Beca said. “You are.”
Chloe shook her head. “How am I supposed to comfortably cuddle you if you’re dressed like that?”
Again, Beca looked down at her clothes. “It’s never stopped you before.”
“This is different,” Chloe said.
Beca didn’t bother asking how and just watched as Chloe started rummaging through her drawers. She handed her a pair of sweatpants. “Here, put those on.”
Beca took them and looked at Chloe expectantly. 
“Oh,” Chloe said, catching on after a few seconds. She turned around so her back was to her. “Sorry.”
Beca changed out of her jeans and put on Chloe’s sweatpants. She then took off her shirt leaving her in just the tank top. “Better?” She asked.
Chloe turned back around. “Much better,” she said, grinning.
“Do you want white noise or anything?” Beca asked, looking down at her phone as she set a timer to stop them from over-sleeping.
“Can you put music on?”
“Sure,” Beca said, searching for the perfect playlist. She hit play and set her phone on Chloe’s nightstand. 
They got into bed and Chloe wasted no time in cuddling into Beca’s side, her face buried in the crook of her neck, her arm wrapping around her waist. 
“Is this okay?” Chloe asked.
“Yeah,” Beca said. She knew Chloe found it relaxing when someone played with her hair, so she brought her hand up to do that. 
“You sure?”
“Positive,” Beca said.
Chloe felt some of the stress and tension she’d been carrying over the last few days begin to lift.
“Thank you for this,” Chloe said.
“You don’t need to thank me,” Beca said. “The amount you do for us, this is the least I could do. And don’t tell anyone I said this, but this isn’t exactly unpleasant.”
Chloe chuckled and Beca felt it tickle her neck. “No?”
“No,” Beca said. “I actually kinda like it.”
“I’ll keep that for a rainy day,” Chloe said. 
“As if anyone would believe you,” she said, trying and failing to stifle a yawn. Chloe laughed again.
“I thought you weren’t going to be napping?”
“Yeah, well, we all know I’m full of crap,” Beca said, closing her eyes.
Beca’s alarm came far too quickly, and Beca managed to shut it off before Chloe woke up. It wasn’t even a conscious decision for her to close her eyes again and settle back down into her nap.
When dinner time came, Emily gave a tentative knock on the door that went unanswered.
She knocked again. And again.
“Beca told us to get them,” Stacie asked, taking hold of the handle and pushing the door open, ignoring Emily’s weak protests. “Oh my god,” she said when the door opened. “Go get the others.”
“No, we can’t,” Emily said, her voice reduced to a whisper. “Look at them, they’re so cute!”
They were both still fast asleep. Chloe still using Beca as a pillow, Beca’s head resting against Chloe’s.
“Fine,” Stacie said, shaking her head. She withdrew her phone and took a picture. “But that photo is going to come in handy.”
“Should we wake them?” Emily asked.
“You should wake them,” Stacie said. “I have to live here, and I’ve had enough experience of Beca when she’s grumpy. Plus they’d never be mad at you, you’re basically a child.”
“I’m eighteen,” Emily said.
“Which is exactly what a child would say,” Stacie said.
“But they look so comfy!” Emily said. “I don’t want to disturb them.”
“Beca told you to get them-”
“-she told all of us to get them-”
“-so you should-”
“Oh my god, we’re awake,” Beca grumbled, cutting them off. “Get outta here or you’re both grounded.”
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annakendrick47author · 2 months
I'm so proud of this despite being short. I hope you guys enjoy some Bechloe domestic fluff
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kdawgsuperfan · 1 year
Hey. It's been a while since I've written something and I wanted to put this out there because I finally finished this snippet I've had for years now. This story is part of a much bigger world I created for them and if you'd like to see more of it maybe I'll post more in the future. Hope you enjoy it x
Read on AO3
The floorboards creak softly as Beca tiptoes down the hallway, trying not to be too loud. She walks to the doorway where the source of the sounds were coming from. She opens the door to her right slowly and peeks her head into the room. 
“Hey baby boy, what’s the matter?” She says, entering the room quickly, making sure to leave the door open a crack so she can exit quietly. 
She makes her way over to the toddler bed and crouches down next to it, surveying the little boy in tears. He reaches out for her and she happily accepts him as he crawls into her lap. 
“What’sa matter? Why are you sad? Hmm?” Beca asks as she begins to stroke his back in slow circles, now fully sitting on the floor. 
“It’s okay sweetheart, it’s okay.” Finn seems to calm down under Beca’s touch, sniffling and breathing heavy against her chest as tears continue to fall from his eyes. She begins to hum softly, rocking back and forth. 
Chloe stirs in her bed reaching out for her girlfriend. After a moment she sits up, groggily looking to the alarm clock to find that it’s only 2:47 in the morning, far too early to be awake. The bedroom door is open she notices, so she turns on the light and prepares to get out of bed. She pads across the room with a yawn, eager to find Beca at this late hour. As she enters the hallway, she notices Finley’s door cracked open and some indistinct whispers were coming from the room. She tiptoes down the hall and peeks her head in. Chloe’s eyes welled up with tears as she watched Beca lay next to her son, rubbing his back while humming the tune of “you are my sunshine”. She watches a moment longer before she backs out of the room, leaving it open a crack. Her heart swells as she tip-toes back to her bedroom. A warm smile on her face as she continues to replay the moment in her head.
It was only a minute or two later when Beca returns to the bedroom, a worried look on her face as she closes the door behind her. Chloe stands to greet her. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t wake you,” Beca says in a whisper. “You just had a long day and I just wanted you to get some rest, he was pretty upset so I thought I’d just-“
Beca’s words were cut off by Chloe’s body colliding with hers. “Thank you.” Chloe whispers softly into her girlfriends hair. “I..I love that you just did that.”
Beca pulls out of the hug and places her hands on her girlfriends waist. Chloe smiles and cups Beca’s cheeks with her hands stopping to wipe a tear that slid from her own eye. The pair join lips in a soft dreamy kiss. 
“Baby…” Beca purrs, slowly guiding Chloe backwards until the backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed and she sits down. 
Chloe holds onto her arm and slowly pulls her forward, into another kiss. 
“I just can’t believe how good you are.” She whispers scooting away from Beca to her side of the bed. 
“Well I try.” Beca giggles as she follows her, sliding under the comforter as Chloe eagerly slides under the covers and into Beca’s side tucking in close. Beca reaches over Chloe to shut off her nightstand light before sliding down, Chloe still hugging her body tightly. Beca holds her girlfriend and listens to the soft sounds of her breathing. 
She’s slowly beginning to drift off until she feels something wet on her chest. She waits a brief moment before reacting, only until she feels another wet drip join the first and run down the valley between her breasts. 
“Sweetie? Hey, what’s going on?” She speaks softly to the redhead laying on her chest. Beca begins to rub her girlfriends back in circles, her go to comfort tactic. Chloe sniffles, 
“I just never thought I’d find someone like you. Someone that loves not only me, but also my son, and you do.”
Beca’s heart skips a beat as she thinks about the two of them. 
“Baby, of course I do. You two are without a doubt the two most important people in my life. I care about that little boy like he’s my own, and I hope that one day, he can be.”
“Really?” Chloe says, fully rolling on her stomach so she can better look at Beca, resting her chin on her collarbone and looking into her deep blue eyes.
“Of course, I…I kinda think you’re it for me Chlo.”
“Beca..” Chloe says, her bright blue eyes welling up with tears.
“Don’t cry baby,” Beca says running her hands through her girlfriends hair as Chloe snuggles closer, wrapping an arm around Beca’s torso.
“I just can’t believe you feel that way about me.”  
“I really do.” Beca says, her own eyes welling up with tears. She leans down and presses a soft kiss to Chloe’s forehead.
“I feel that way about you too…just so you know.” Chloe says after a moment. 
“Oh I know.” Beca smiles and pulls Chloe in to hug her tighter. 
Chloe continues to sniffle and wipe her tears as she lays on Beca’s chest holding her close. 
After a moment, Beca swallows and looks down at her girlfriend.
“I wanna marry you Chlo, and this isn’t me asking you because I want that to be special, but I just don’t want you to feel insecure about it, because I am so in love with you.” 
“Becs…” Chloe starts, propping herself to stare down at her girlfriend. The moonlight cascading through the window hits the corner of her eye, and Beca can see a tear threatening to spill down her cheek. 
“I’m in love with you too. You make everything make sense.” She whispers as she leans down for another kiss.
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
Secret Love?
Everybody knows Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale have been best friends for years. Everybody knows they have won awards in their fields (Beca as a music producer, Chloe as an actress). Everybody knows they are always each other’s plus one to the awards show. Everybody knows they share a home in L.A. Everybody knows all these things, so they think they know everything about the best friends. But do they really?
Beca Mitchell walked the Grammys red carpet alone for the first time in four years. She felt a vulnerability she had never felt before without her constant companion, Chloe Beale, by her side. Chloe was an award-winning actress, and seeing one without the other at most awards events was rare.
Beca was worried because she had no idea where Chloe was; her texts and voicemail messages have gone unanswered. 
“Beca, over here!” one of the multitudes of photographers called out. 
Beca would stop and pose before moving on to one of the many media entertainment reporters set up along the red carpet.
“How are you feeling tonight?” the first reporter asked.
“I’m feeling pretty good,” Beca responded. “It’s always exciting to be nominated.”
“Where’s your other half?” the reporter jokingly asked.
“I’m not sure,” Beca said with a chuckle. “Something came up, and she had hoped to be here, so we’ll see if she makes it.”
Beca was lying through her teeth, but she wasn’t going to let the reporter know that. After repeatedly stopping by several interview areas and being asked the same questions, Beca finally made it into the Staples Center.
Beca greeted her fellow musicians, most of whom also asked about Chloe. Of course, Beca gave them all the same spiel she gave the reporters. 
Beca reached her seat, and looked at the empty one beside her, knowing that some ‘seat filler’ would be sitting next to her for the night. She sighed and rubbed her forehead.
Beca checked the time and saw they still had about thirty minutes before the show started. She got up, made her way to a quiet place near the back, and pulled out her phone. She was going to try calling Chloe again when she noticed an Instagram notification from Chloe’s acting account.
“I said YES!” was the caption under a picture of Chicago Walp holding a hand and showing off an engagement ring. The hand was the only part of Walp’s new fiancée that could be seen. Even if she hadn’t been on Chloe’s Instagram, Beca knew that hand almost as well as her own; it was Chloe’s.
Beca doesn’t know how long she stood staring at the ring. She was brought back to the present when Stacie came up to her.
“You saw?” Stacie asked quietly.
Beca nodded and asked, “It’s her, isn’t it?” 
Beca knew she was grasping at straws and was holding onto whatever hope might tell her this was all a bad dream.
“Yes, it’s her,” Stacie said. “Her agent, Gail, confirmed it on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. I’m sorry, Beca.”
“Great,” Beca said with a strained smile.
“Are you okay?” Stacie asked. She could see how pale Beca suddenly looked.
“I’m not feeling so great,” Beca said. “If I win anything, could you accept it on my behalf? I need to get out of here. I really don’t think I want to see a picture of me puking plastered all over the tabloids tomorrow.”
“I’ll get Emily to do it,” Stacie said with some concern. “That way, I can take you home.”
“No, stay. Enjoy the night,” Beca said. “I was already feeling a little sick. At first, I thought it was just nerves, but now I’m not so sure. I probably should have stayed home anyway.”
“If you’re sure?” Stacie said, and Beca nodded. “Okay. Text me to let me know you made it home and that everything’s okay. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Thanks,” Beca said.
Beca made her way out of the Staples Center and grabbed a cab. Finally, she arrived home and stood at the front door, remembering when she first bought the house and all that had happened there.
Five years ago, Beca had recorded her first album and was able to afford what she called her mini-mansion. A year later, Chloe told Beca she was moving to L.A. to try her hand at acting, and it was a no-brainer that she would live with Beca. They had been sharing this home since Chloe moved to L.A. four years ago. She and Chloe were happy with the house, and although they could afford it, neither wanted to move.
They were BFFs as well as roommates and were always photographed out and about in L.A. Then, about a year ago, Chloe admitted she had some not-so-friend-like feelings for Beca, and Beca reciprocated those feelings. They were still BFFs, but now they were in a secret relationship, and nobody knew. Beca hated sneaking around but was on cloud nine because, duh, Chloe Beale was her girlfriend. The two were in love; at least, that’s what Beca was led to believe. Apparently, Chloe was as good an actress as her two Oscars said.
It was only because of Chloe’s career that they kept their romantic relationship a secret. Beca was okay with that until Chloe and some new actor on the scene named Chicago were cast as love interests in Chloe’s latest movie. For publicity to hype the film, they were seen out and about as if they were a couple in real life. Beca and Chloe weren’t going out as much together anymore, even as BFFs; Beca wasn’t happy about that. Chloe would smile and tell her that it was her job and just a publicity stunt. She also said it would only last until the movie came out. Besides, Chloe would tell her she would always come home to Beca.
Beca took a deep breath and walked into the house. She made her way upstairs to the room she shared with Chloe and changed out of her Grammys outfit. She then pulled out her suitcases, and without thinking about it, she started packing everything she could fit into them. She then found some boxes to put her personal belongings in. She left anything that Chloe had given her, plus all the photos that had Chloe in them, on the bed for Chloe to find. She left behind the hoodie she ‘borrowed’ from Chloe and always wore because Chloe said it looked better on her; Beca didn’t need it anymore. It was just another reminder of Chloe’s betrayal.
She carried everything to her car and made one last trip through the bedroom and the rest of the house. Then, she got into her car and drove off without looking back.
Beca was about five miles from the house before she broke down and pulled over to the curb. The tears started slowly, and she let them fall unabated.
~Secret Love?~
“Thank God,” Stacie said when she opened the door of Beca’s house to find Aubrey standing there.
Stacie had tears in her eyes and started pacing back and forth. Aubrey closed the door and walked over to sit on the sofa. As Chloe and Beca’s best friends, Stacie and Aubrey knew all about Beca and Chloe’s secret relationship.
“I should have insisted that I bring her home,” Stacie berated herself. “I knew she shouldn’t have been left by herself. She seemed way too calm when she saw the ring on Chloe’s finger.”
“And you’re sure she left?” Aubrey asked.
“All of her clothes and mixing equipment are gone,” Stacie said. “She left some things on the bed. It looks like stuff Chloe had given her over the years.”
“Where do you think she went?” Aubrey asked.
“As far away from Chloe as she possibly can,” Stacie said. “I swear to God I’m going to kill Chloe when I see her. How the fuck can she be with Beca and get engaged to Chicago? If anything happens to Beca-”
Stacie and Aubrey stopped and looked toward the front door when they heard keys jingling. The door opened.
“Beca?” Stacie called out as she moved toward the door. She stopped and glared when Chloe walked through the door.
“Beca isn’t home yet?” Chloe asked as Stacie stood with her arms crossed over her chest, still glaring at Chloe.
“No, Beca’s not here,” Aubrey said, coming to stand next to Stacie.
“Is she still at an after-party?” Chloe asked. “I really need to talk to her.”
“Where were you?” Stacie asked. “Beca waited for you at the Grammys.”
“I, um, had a meeting with some producers for my next movie,” Chloe stammered. “It went longer than I thought.” 
“Why didn’t you return Beca’s calls or texts?” Stacie asked.
“My phone’s battery died, and I didn’t have my charger,” Chloe said as she pulled out her phone. “Can I borrow yours to call Beca and see when she’ll be home?”
“Don’t bother,” Stacie spit out. “She’s not here, and she’s not coming back.”
“What do you mean she’s not coming back?” Chloe asked, confused.
“She packed up her stuff and left,” Stacie said.
Chloe’s eyes widened, and she ran upstairs to their room. Tears came to her eyes when she saw all of Beca’s stuff was gone except for what she left behind on the bed for Chloe.
“I don’t understand,” Chloe cried as she made her way back downstairs. “I thought things were going great with us. What happened?”
Stacie stood there fuming while Aubrey took Chloe in her arms and held her while she cried.
“Chloe,” Aubrey said gently. “She saw the Instagram post about your engagement with a picture of you and Chicago showing off your ring.”
“My engagement?” Chloe asked, pulling back to look at Aubrey. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play innocent with us,” Stacie said. “Gail confirmed it on Instagram and Twitter.”
Stacie pulled up Chloe’s Instagram account and shoved the phone in Chloe’s face. Chloe’s eyes widened when she saw the pictures and Gail’s comment about the happy couple.”
“These are photos from the movie,” Chloe said, barely containing her rage. “I’m not engaged to Chicago, nor do I want to be engaged to him. I’m going to kill that bitch.”
Chloe grabbed her phone and screamed in frustration when she saw it wasn’t working. 
“Chloe, take it easy,” Aubrey said. “Don’t do anything you’re going to regret.”
Chloe quickly plugged her phone into the charger and paced back and forth while waiting for it to have enough charge to make a call. Stacie and Aubrey stood by, watching her pace back and forth.
“The only thing I regret is letting the studio hire that bitch as my manager and publicist in the first place,” Chloe said, seething.
Chloe checked her phone and saw she had enough power to make a call. She first tried Beca’s number, and it went to voicemail. So Chloe started speaking when the beep sounded to leave a message.
“Baby, please call me as soon as you get this. That story isn’t true. I swear to you; it’s not true. Call me. Please?!”
She ended that call and wiped a tear from her eye. She then pulled up Gail’s contact name and hit send. “She’d better answer her-”
“Hello, Chloe,” Gail answered in a sweet voice. 
“Don’t hello me,” Chloe snarled into the phone. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing posting pics of Chicago and me and saying we’re engaged?”
Gail laughed. “Just more publicity for the movie.”
“Bullshit!” Chloe yelled at her.
“Chloe, calm down,” Aubrey said, trying to soothe the angry redhead.
“Chloe, look,” Gail said with an exasperated sigh. “The studio wants to hype this movie and told me to do whatever it takes to get more attention for it. This has garnered so much more attention-”
“I don’t give two fucks about how much attention this has garnered or what the studio wanted,” Chloe shouted. “You posted something on my Instagram account that I did not consent to. You will post a retraction on every social media account those pictures are on. You have ten minutes or else, so help me God, I will sic Aubrey Posen on your ass. Oh, and in case it wasn’t clear, you’re fired!”
“You can’t fire me,” Gail sputtered.
“I just did,” Chloe said and ended the call.
Chloe tossed her phone on the counter. She gripped the counter's edge and took several deep breaths to calm herself down. She wiped at a tear that had fallen down her face. 
“I need to find Beca.”
~ Secret Love? ~
While Stacie and Aubrey were with Chloe, Beca sat in their living room. She did not know where else to go so after driving around for a couple of hours, she went to Stacie and Aubrey’s.
Beca had only turned on one lamp when she arrived. She was now sitting in the semi-dark living room with dried tear tracks on her face. She needed to talk to someone and finally sent Stacie a text asking when she would be home.
Stacie’s phone pinged, and she grabbed it.
“It’s from Beca,” Stacie said. “She wants to know when I’ll be home.” She furrowed her brow and then said, “Oh, my God! She’s been at our house all this time.”
Stacie immediately texted Beca to stay put and that she’d be home in twenty minutes. Chloe grabbed her keys and headed for the door.
“Wait, Chloe,” Stacie said and grabbed her arm.
“I have to talk to her,” Chloe said with tears in her eyes. “I can’t just-”
“I know,” Stacie said, interrupting Chloe. “But, if she sees you, she’ll react badly before you can say anything. Let me go to her and tell her what’s going on. I promise to bring her back here as soon as I can.”
“Stacie’s right, Chlo,” Aubrey said. “Let her do this alone. I’ll stay with you.”
“Please, Chloe,” Stacie said. “You know this is the best way to handle this. She’ll listen to me. Please, let me do this alone.”
Chloe swallowed and dropped her keys on the table. 
“Okay,” she said and sat down on the sofa. “I’ll wait for you to bring her back to me.” Chloe let out a small sob. “Please bring her back to me.”
Stacie gave her a small smile and hurried out the door. Aubrey sat next to Chloe and put her arm around her shoulders.
“Let’s go into the kitchen,” Aubrey said. “I’ll make us some tea.”
As they walked into the kitchen, Chloe’s phone rang, and Gail’s name popped up on the caller ID. Chloe picked up the phone and answered the call.
“What!?” Chloe angrily answered.
“I did everything you said to do,” Gail said. “I’m sorry for posting it all without your permission. Now, can we talk about your next project?”
“Too little, too late,” Chloe said. “I meant it when I said you were fired. Now fuck off and lose my number.”
Chloe ended the call and checked Instagram. Gail had indeed printed a retraction and taken down all the photos. She pulled up her Instagram account and posted how the story was false and was put up without her permission by her EX-manager/publicist.
Chloe put her phone away. She wanted to shut it off because of all the new notifications she was receiving but didn’t in case Beca or Stacie tried to reach her. So instead, she sat anxiously waiting for Stacie to bring Beca home.
~ Secret Love? ~
Stacie walked in the door, and Beca looked up at her from the shadows.
“Oh, Beca,” Stacie said and hurried over to her friend. She pulled Beca to her, and Beca sat there, unmoving.
“Beca,” Stacie said as she pulled back to look at her. “Chloe came home just a while ago. She explained everything, and it’s not what you think.”
Beca stared blankly at Stacie. Stacie held Beca’s face in her hands.
“Listen to me, okay?” Stacie said. “Please respond so I know you can hear me.”
“I can hear you,” Beca mumbled.
“Good,” Stacie said. “Those pictures were fake. They were from the movie, and Gail put them up to try and get more publicity for it. Do you hear me? The pictures are from the movie. Chloe didn’t know they were out there until I showed them to her.”
“She is always checking social media,” Beca said. “I’m supposed to believe that she conveniently missed seeing those pics on her Instagram?”
“Her phone died,” Stacie said. “That’s why she didn’t call you or text you back.”
Stacie recounted what happened when Chloe got home. 
“Beca, she loves you with everything she has.”
“I read a lot of the comments,” Beca said, staring at the floor. “Chicago wrote happiest man alive.  Everyone else was congratulating her on getting engaged and how cute they were together. It was easy for everyone to believe the story because she hid our relationship. The only ones who knew about us were you and Aubrey.”
“I think you should talk to Chloe,” Stacie said. “Let her explain it all to you.”
“Why?” Beca asked, looking over at Stacie.
“What do you mean why?” Stacie asked.
“No one knows we’re together,” Beca said. “This can happen again, and it won’t be fake next time. I can’t bear feeling like this again. It’s too much. There’s nothing to explain, so I’m not going back.”
“You can’t believe that Chloe would allow this to happen again, do you?” Stacie asked.
“You said she didn’t allow it this time,” Beca said. “But it still happened. So I’m not waiting around for the next time.”
“Beca, don’t do this,” Stacie said. “Go talk to Chloe. Look, I believed everything at first. But, if you saw how she reacted when I showed her the post, you’d know she had no idea that Gail had done it. Please, Beca. I’m begging you. Don’t walk away from Chloe like this.”
Stacie and Beca’s phones both pinged with notifications. Stacie looked at hers, but Beca ignored her phone.
“Look, Beca,” Stacie said. “Gail posted a retraction saying it was false. Chloe approved it and put out her own message about firing Gail for going behind her back. See, it’s not real. She loves you, and you love her. Maybe it’s a good time to talk to her about making your relationship public.”
“I can’t,” Beca said sadly. “Her career means too much to her, and I’m not going to be the one to mess that up for her. So it’s best if we end it now.”
“Oh, Beca,” Stacie said sadly. “Her career doesn’t mean as much to her as you do. Can’t you see that?”
Beca stands and runs her hand down her face, wiping away the tears. 
“Do you think Aubrey would mind if I crash here for a couple of days?”
Stacie let out a frustrated sigh. 
“You know you’re welcome to stay anytime.”
Beca nodded her head and made her way to the guest bedroom.
~ Secret Love? ~
“Did you find Beca?” Aubrey asked as soon as she answered Stacie’s call.
“Yeah,” Stacie said and sighed. “She wants to end things with Chloe.”
“What? Why?”
“What’s Stacie saying?” Chloe asked.
“Put me on speaker, Brey,” Stacie said. “Chloe should hear this.”
Aubrey put the phone on speaker and held it out so Chloe could hear as well.
“Go ahead, Stacie,” Aubrey said.
“Chloe,” Stacie said and paused. “Beca’s inside her head right now and thinks it best if you end things.”
“What?” Chloe said, her voice quivering. “I’m coming over there.”
Chloe jumped up and hurried to the door, grabbing her purse and keys as she went.
“No, Chloe,” Stacie said. “That’s not a good idea.”
“Chloe, don’t!” Aubrey called out, but Chloe was already out the door. “Stacie, I’ll call you back.” Aubrey ended the call as she jumped up and went after Chloe. “Chloe, stop!”
Chloe stopped and turned to face Aubrey with tears streaming down her face.
“I need to fix this,” Chloe said, wiping her face.
“And you will,” Aubrey said. “Just not right now. You know Beca; her mind is made up, and if you go to her now, she’ll retreat farther away from you.”
“I hate that you’re right,” Chloe said. “But what else can I do?”
“Let’s go back inside and come up with a plan to keep you and Beca together.”
~ Secret Love? ~
It was just before six the next morning, and Aubrey was dozing lightly when her ringing phone woke her. She saw Stacie’s name on her caller ID and accepted the call, putting it on speaker and laying the phone on the coffee table near her head.
“Hey, babe,” Aubrey said.
“I was just checking in to see how you were holding up,” Stacie said.
“I’m okay, I guess,” Aubrey responded.
“How’s Chloe?” Stacie asked.
“I got her calmed down and in bed at around four,” Aubrey said. “And she hasn’t come downstairs, so I guess she’s sleeping. How’s Beca?”
“I don’t know,” Stacie said. “She went into the guest room a couple of hours ago. I was hoping she’d go to sleep, but I can hear her moving around. I don’t want to agitate her, so I’m leaving her alone.”
“What are we going to do?” Aubrey asked.
“I don’t think we can do anything,” Stacie said. “We both know Beca won’t make the first move,  so it’s up to Chloe at this point.”
“I hate this,” Aubrey said.
“So do I,” Stacie said.
“Brey, I have a plan,” Chloe said as she rushed into the living room. “I know how to fix this and need your help.”
“What can we do?” Stacie asked.
Chloe furrowed her brow and looked around for Stacie. Aubrey stood, picking the phone up as she did, and waved it at Chloe.
“Whatever you need, Chloe,” Aubrey said. “Stacie and I are here for you.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said. “Here’s what I want to do.”
Chloe spent the next 20 minutes telling Aubrey and Stacie her plan.
“What do you think?” Chloe asked as she finished explaining her plan.
“I think she’ll love it,” Stacie said.
“I have to agree,” Aubrey said. “I think Beca will love it.”
~ Secret Love? ~
It was almost nine when Stacie left her house and hurried over to Beca and Chloe’s house. Aubrey let Stacie in when she got there.
“Chloe’s getting dressed,” Aubrey said. “She’ll be down shortly.”
“Good morning, Stacie,” Chloe said as she came down the stairs.
“Are you ready for this?” Stacie asked.
“Absolutely,” Chloe said. “I need to let Beca know how much I love her, and this should do it.”
“Okay,” Aubrey said. “Sit on the sofa, Chloe. I’ll handle the camera, and Stacie will make sure everything looks okay as we go. Okay?”
“Okay,” Chloe said as she took her place on the sofa. “I’m ready.” 
Aubrey readied her phone and stood in front of Chloe. 
“I’ll count back from three, and then you start,” Aubrey said, holding her phone up, making sure Chloe can be fully seen onscreen. “Okay, here we go...3. 2. 1.”
“Surprise everyone,” Chloe said. “Chloe Beale here live streaming to all my followers. I just wanted to come on here and clear up a few things that happened yesterday. First, to make sure everyone has heard, I am not engaged to Chicago Walp. He’s a good guy and will make someone a great husband, but that someone is not me. Second, the engagement ruse was perpetuated by my former publicist to promote the upcoming movie that Chicago and I are in together. The studio told Gail to do whatever she needed to do to promote the film, and she took that to mean lying to my fans. That is unacceptable, and I did not give her permission to use my social media accounts to perpetuate the lie.”
Chloe paused and shifted in her seat.
“The second thing I need to do is apologize to you guys. I’ve been lying to you. Despite appearances, Chicago and I are not dating. And I don’t want to be involved with Chicago in a romantic capacity because I’ve been in a committed relationship...with a woman… for a little over a year. I can’t really say too much about her without her permission, but I can tell you that she has been my rock for a very long time. She kept our relationship a secret so it wouldn’t affect my career. It was wrong of me to let her do that because it made the lie of my getting engaged to a man so easy to believe. I love her so much, and she loves me; at least she did. But, after the news about my phony engagement, she left and told me she thinks we should part ways. And now-” Chloe sniffled and wiped tears from her eyes. “And now, I don’t know how I will keep going without her.” 
Chloe put a hand to her mouth, trying to hold back a sob.
“Stop,” Chloe said, waving a hand at Aubrey. “I can’t do this. I need Beca.”
“I’m here,” Beca said, walking out from behind Aubrey.
Chloe gasped and ran to Beca; Beca wrapped Chloe in her arms.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Chloe said. “I missed you so much.”
“I’m sorry,” Beca said, pulling Chloe tighter to her. “I love you, and I’m sorry for saying we were over.”
“No,” Chloe said, pulling back to grab Beca’s head in her hands and look into her eyes. “I owe you an apology. I fired Gail, and I promise if it’s okay with you, I’ll tell the whole world about us. I never want to go through another day without you in it with me. I love you, Beca!”
“I love you, too, and I want the whole world to know about us because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. As a matter of fact-”
Beca stepped back from Chloe and got down on one knee. Chloe gasped and looked down at Beca.
“Oh, my God,” Stacie whispered. “She’s really going to do it.”
She moved to stand next to Aubrey and whispered, “Are you getting all this?”
“Yes,” Aubrey said. “I never turned off the camera.”
“Chloe, I love you,” Beca said, holding up a ring box. “Will you marry me?”
Chloe wiped the tears from her face and glanced up. Her eyes widened when she realized Aubrey was still live-streaming everything.
“Um, Beca,” Chloe said, reaching down to take Beca’s arms and pull her up. “We’re being live-streamed out to my fans right now.”
“I know,” Beca said, glancing over toward Aubrey. She waved and said, “Hi, everyone! I’m Beca Mitchell, Chloe’s girlfriend and hopefully soon-to-be fiancee.” Then, she turned back to Chloe. “I guess getting engaged during a live stream is one way of letting the world know about us. So, why don’t we ask your fans what they think you should do.”
Beca turned back to the camera. “So, what do you guys say? Should Chloe accept my proposal or not?”
Beca’s phone started pinging with notifications. She pulled it out to read them and smiled.
“Oh, look, SxyStacie says, Say YES!”
Chloe looked over at Stacie only to have her smile and wink back at Chloe. Chloe then looked at Aubrey; she was giving her a thumbs up.
“CBealesMama said you’d better say yes, or your dad and I will disown you,” Beca read. “Thanks, Mama Beale! And based on the number of thumbs up and heart emojis coming through, everyone thinks you should say yes. So, Chloe Beale, will you marry me? Or will you disappoint us all by saying no?”
Chloe stood there with her mouth agape.
“How did you-?” Chloe stammered, looking at Beca. “I’m so confused right now.”
Beca chuckled and pulled Chloe into a hug.
“Stacie told me your plan, and I told her I was ready to propose,” Beca said. “We decided we’d mess with you a bit before I did. So, I came over with Stacie and watched your live-stream on my phone outside. When you said you couldn’t do this without me, I knew it was time to come in and surprise you with the proposal.” Beca pulled back from the hug, saying, “Speaking of, you haven’t answered the question yet.”
“Yes!” Chloe squealed and kissed Beca.
Beca broke the kiss and looked at the camera. 
“You guys all heard her say yes, right?”
Beca’s phone started blowing up with more notifications. She laughed and kissed Chloe again.
“Put the ring on!” Chloe said, holding out her left hand.
Beca took the ring out of the box and placed it on Chloe’s finger. Chloe held her hand up toward the camera, showing off the ring.
“My girl has pretty good taste, huh?” Chloe said before pulling Beca into another kiss.
The kiss went on, and Stacie stepped in front of the camera.
“Hi, I’m Stacie Conrad, Beca’s best friend,” Stacie said, smiling into the camera. “Beca and Chloe are going to celebrate their engagement now. They both thank you for your kind words of congratulations and your support. Bye for now.”
Aubrey stopped recording, and she and Stacie raced over to grab Beca and Chloe into a four-way hug.
“We’re so happy for you, two,” Aubrey squealed.
“I knew it would work,” Stacie said. “And it didn’t take much convincing to have Beca come with me this morning.”
Stacie and Aubrey stepped back, smiling at their two best friends.
“I knew I screwed up, and I was coming home to apologize anyway,” Beca said, pulling Chloe to  her. “I can’t say I’m sorry enough. I love you, Chloe!”
“I love you, too,” Chloe said, pulling back from the hug to kiss Beca.
As the kiss continued, Aubrey grew uncomfortable, so she grabbed Stacie and dragged her out of the house.
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bechloe-trash · 2 years
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pinkpastels113 · 2 days
you know it might be worth it for once
for @pulledpurplecurtains <33
pairing: bechloe
rating: e
word count: 2.3k
in which beca's being a brat at a function because she needs attention, chloe gets rightfully jealous, and smut ensues.
for ana’s late birthday gift <33 i am so grateful to have met you through the fandom mum and to have been through so much together. So happy to be your friend and here’s to some more years so come hehe
(enjoy the spice that you requested sdfghsjdk)
Beca’s in a mood.
Chloe can tell because she can feel the energy radiating off of her. They are at a function celebrating Beca’s latest music award and both are dressed to the nines: Beca in a suit as usual (likely breaking the internet and with all those paparazzi photos and driving her fans wild), and Chloe in a midnight blue v-neck dress with boots up to her thighs. Everyone is flocking for her girlfriend’s attention, there is free flowing champagne, and Beca’s own voice is resonating softly from the speakers that are playing her latest hits all throughout the suite.
Well. The energy and the fact that she has been teasing Chloe all evening.
read the rest on ao3
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afh48 · 28 days
chapter 4 of naked in manhattan is up on ao3!! please go check it out! :)
summary: "Hi, it's Chloe! I know you just landed, and I know you're probably busy. But I would love to see you! So call me when you can!"
On a business trip to Manhattan, Beca meets Chloe in a club bathroom.
fandom: pitch perfect
pairings: beca x chloe, minor aubrey x stacie
other tags: alternate universe, implied sexual content, implied/referenced abuse, past child abuse, homophobia, romance, fluff, angst
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cloudsandcrescents · 1 year
🌙 New Story Alert 🌙
For Beca, most of her best memories started in an empty room. Then again, maybe they were never so empty to begin with. After all, love had always seemed to fill those spaces, even in the beginning and all because of her.
(Inspired by the song Empty Room (Cabu Remix) by Big Wild, Yuna, and Cabu)
A new short story series to push through my writer’s block, enjoy!
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massivedrickhead · 7 months
I got 2 comments requesting a follow-up from my last prompt, and so I thought I'd take a break from the worried/concerned prompts and write something a bit lighter and cheesier.
For those asking to read about Beca and Chloe's date, here you go!
Part 1
Read on AO3
It took almost a month for Chloe to be settled enough to finally take Beca up on her offer for a date.
Chloe had called Chicago the day after she and Beca had confessed their feelings to break up with him, and he spent the next few weeks blowing up her phone.
He veered from being furious with her, accusing her of cheating and demanding he tell her who she was sleeping with, to being pleading and apologetic. He promised he would do better, told her he loved her, and then called her a bitch and a slut a minute later.
Eventually, sick of seeing Chloe frowning at her phone, Beca took it off her and blocked him.
“Get him off your socials too,” Beca said, handing the phone back. 
“Thank you,” Chloe replied, exhaling for what felt like the first time in days. “I don’t know why I couldn’t just do that.”
“Because sometimes you’re too nice for your own good, and I bet you were worried about hurting his feelings,” Beca said. 
Chloe laughed and nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “You’re right.”
A week later, Beca was sitting on the sofa, tapping away at her laptop, when Chloe came to join her.
“Have you got plans for Saturday?” Chloe asked, trying to sound casual.
“Uh, no, I don’t think so,” Beca said, not looking up from her laptop and quickly navigating to her calendar to check. “Yeah, free as a bird, why?”
“Um, do you maybe want to go for dinner? With me? Like, as a date?” 
Beca turned her head so fast to look at Chloe that she almost pulled a muscle in her neck.
“Are you serious?” Beca asked. 
“Yeah,” Chloe said, still sounding far more nervous than she needed to. “I’m ready.”
“Hell yes I will come for dinner with you,” Beca said. 
Chloe’s face broke into the biggest smile Beca could ever remember seeing on her. “Awesome!” She said. “I’ll make a reservation.”
“Where are we going?” Beca asked, her own smile mirroring Chloe’s. 
“You’ll see,” Chloe replied. 
It seemed to take a lifetime for Saturday to arrive, but finally, it did, and Chloe spent hours getting ready.
When the time came to leave for the restaurant, Chloe realised that Beca was nowhere to be found in their apartment.
She was already nervous, but a new knot of anxiety quickly formed and settled in her stomach.
“Bec?” She asked, one hand fiddling with the back of an earring as she walked around the empty apartment. 
She picked up her clutch and was just about to pull out her phone when there was a knock at the door.
She quickly crossed the room, her heels click-clacking on the floor as she went, and she looked through the peephole.
Beca was standing outside, a bunch of flowers held in her hands.
Chloe scoffed and pulled the door open.
“Hi,” Beca said, grinning. 
“What are you doing, you weirdo?” Chloe asked, laughing.
“Picking you up for our date,” Beca said. “Here,” she handed over the flowers, “these are for you.”
Chloe’s smile grew as she realised Beca had chosen all her favourites. “You’re setting the bar super high for our first date,” she said, taking them inside. She didn’t have a vase to hand so grabbed a jug and filled it with water. 
“I figured I’d have a better chance of you putting out later if I brought you flowers,” Beca said, smirking and dodging the whack that was aimed at her. “Kidding,” she said, laughing as she caught Chloe’s hand in hers. “I’m kidding.”
“You aren’t wrong thought,” Chloe said with a wink.
“Are you ready to go?” Beca asked, her eyes travelling up and down Chloe’s body. She was trying to be subtle, but she knew that was a lost cause. She was practically drooling. “You look incredible, by the way.”
“So do you,” Chloe replied. “I’m ready, just let me grab my purse.”
Chloe turned to grab it from the counter, and when she turned back around she saw Beca’s eyes shoot back up, a blush creeping slowly across her cheeks. 
Beca cleared her throat and held out her hand for Chloe to take. “I still don’t know where we’re going.”
“All will be revealed,” Chloe said, taking hold of Beca’s hand. “And don’t think I didn’t catch you staring at my ass.”
“I’m only human,” Beca mumbled in response. “I’ve spent the last however many years deliberately not looking at your ass. I’ve got a lot of checking-you-out time to make up for.”
Chloe giggled. “Likewise,” she said.
Chloe’s choice of restaurant was close to their apartment, so they forged a cab and walked hand-in-hand for a few blocks.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Beca couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Of course,” she said. “I should have guessed.”
It was a small Italian place, and it was one of Beca’s favourites. They ate there on their very first night as roommates in the city, and it remained a place they went to celebrate all their special occasions and achievements. 
“This is okay right?” Chloe asked. 
“More than okay, I love this place,” Beca said, as they crossed the street. “Plus, it’s special to us. It’s how we started our life in the city, and now it’s how we start this next chapter. It’s perfect.”
Dinner passed by in a blur of easy conversation, heavy flirting, and a lot of wine. 
Neither wanted to let the other pay, so they split the check and asked for the last of their tiramisu to go.
They were more than a little tipsy when they left hours later and they made the short walk back to the apartment.
“Isn’t this the part where you invite me in for coffee?” Chloe asked, leaning against the door as Beca searched for her keys.
Beca grinned. “Would you like to come in for a coffee?” She asked.
Chloe pretended to think it over.
“I don’t know,” she said. “What will my roommate say if I don’t get home until late?”
“I think your roommate will be cool with it,” Beca said, succeeding in locating her keys and opening the door.
“Let’s hope you’re right,” Chloe said.
Beca held the door open for Chloe to enter, and a second after she had closed it behind her Chloe was pushing her against it, her mouth immediately on hers.
“Okay?” Chloe asked when they broke apart for air.
“More than okay,” Beca said, wasting no time in pulling Chloe back towards her. “I’ve been waiting my whole life to do that.”
“We aren’t moving too fast?”
“Not for me,” Beca said. “If you’re okay with this, so am I.”
“I am definitely okay with this.”
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annakendrick47author · 3 months
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Chapter 3 - How Do We Do This? is up!
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beca Mitchell/Chloe Beale, Beca Mitchell & Chloe Beale Characters: Chloe Beale, Beca Mitchell, Flo Fuentes, Stacie Conrad, Bella Conrad Additional Tags: Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Friendship, Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Drama, Mistakes, Eventual Happy Ending
Summary: It's simple, really. Just one night of experimenting. No feelings should arise from that, right?
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022
Day 15 - My Spy Christmas
Summary: This is set 2 years after the end of my fic "My Spy."
Beca has been trying to get pregnant again, but two attempts have failed so far. She and Chloe agreed to try one more time; if that one fails, Chloe will try. Her Uncle Matt asks Chloe to help with "one last" case before he retires. Will Chloe agree to help, possibly derailing her and Beca's pregnancy dreams?
Two weeks before Christmas, two-year-old Billy Beale sat on the sofa watching his mama, Chloe, pace back and forth while talking on the phone with her Uncle Matt. Matt had just asked Chloe about helping him with one last case before he retired from the FBI.
"I'll have to talk to Beca about this, Uncle Matt," Chloe said. "Because if I do this, we'll have to find someone to take care of Billy while I'm gone."
"It will only be a couple of days," Matt said. "No more than a week tops."
Chloe heard Beca's car pull into the garage.
"I have to go," Chloe said. "Beca's home. I'll call you later."
Chloe ended the call. She picked up Billy and settled him on her hip.
"Mommy's home, Billy," Chloe said as they went to greet Beca.
"Yay, mommy home," Billy said, clapping.
"Hey," Beca said, kissing Chloe and Billy as she came in.
"How was your day?" Chloe asked.
"Tiring," Beca said, taking Billy from Chloe. "I just want to relax and cuddle with my two favorite people."
Beca hugged Billy and kissed his cheek.
"I haven't started anything for dinner yet," Chloe said. "Want me to order something? We can start the cuddling sooner."
"I love that idea," Beca said. "What are you in the mood to eat, Billy?"
"Peeza," Billy said, giggling and clapping.
"Pizza it is," Chloe said, smiling. "I'll call it in. Why don't you take Billy into the living room, and I'll be right in?"
"Okay," Beca said, leaving Chloe in the kitchen. "Want to watch Trolls, B-man?"
"Yes," Billy said, nodding his head.
"Let's do it," Beca said, sitting Billy on the sofa.
"Twolls, twolls, twolls," Billy chanted as Beca scrolled to find it.
"Give me a minute," Beca said, laughing.
"Pizza will be here in about forty minutes," Chloe said as she joined Beca and Billy on the sofa.
"Peeza, yay!"
"So, how was your day?" Beca asked Chloe as the movie began.
"Interesting," Chloe said.
"How so?" Beca asked.
"Uncle Matt called," Chloe said.
"Shhh, mama," Billy said. "Hear Poppy."
"Sorry, Billy," Chloe said, turning to Beca. "I'll tell you about the call later."
"Okay," Beca said. "I need to tell you something, too."
Beca smiled at Billy and chuckled softly. "Sorry, Mr. Bossy Pants."
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
After dinner and another movie, Chloe bathed Billy and put him to bed.
"He's out," Chloe said as she joined Beca on the sofa.
"M'kay," Beca said, covering a yawn. "So, what did Uncle Matt call about?"
Chloe chewed her lip as Beca yawned again.
"You're tired," Chloe said. "Why don't you go to bed? We can talk about it tomorrow."
"Are you sure?" Beca asked as she stood and stretched.
"I'm sure," Chloe said.
"You're the best," Beca said, leaning down to kiss Chloe. "I think I may take a quick bath before I go to bed."
"Okay," Chloe said. "I'm going to clean up a bit and will be up shortly. I love you."
"Love you, too," Beca mumbled as she made her way to the stairs.
The following day, Chloe was up early. She found herself pacing back and forth in the kitchen while waiting for the coffee to brew.
"How do I tell Beca I will be gone for a week right before Christmas?" Chloe thought as she paced. "I quit the FBI because it was dangerous, and we're trying to have another baby. But this case goes back to the drug smuggling case I worked on while at Barden. It would be exciting to be back in the field and help shut down a large smuggling operation for good."
"You're up early," Beca said, causing Chloe to yelp in surprise.
"You scared me," Chloe said, holding a hand to her chest. "What are you doing up? I thought you were off today."
"I have an appointment this morning," Beca said. "Then I'm off the rest of the day."
"Do you have a few minutes to talk before you leave for your appointment?"
"Sure," Beca said. "Is everything okay?"
"My Uncle Matt is planning to retire at the end of the year," Chloe said. "And he asked me to help on his last case."
Beca crossed her arms over her chest and took a deep breath as if to say something, but Chloe spoke first.
"I know what you're going to say," Chloe said, raising a hand to stop Beca from saying anything. "And you're right. I quit teaching to be a stay-at-home mom, so if I do this, we'd have to find someone to take care of Billy while I'm gone. But I feel like I need to help so the FBI can bring closure to everything and possibly shut down the Barden smuggling operation permanently."
"So, this is about Barden," Beca mumbled. "Let me ask you this, do you miss being in the FBI?"
"I'm not going to lie, I kind of miss the excitement that came with the job."
"Are you sorry you quit?"
"No," Chloe said quickly. "I love what we have together. You and Billy are my world."
"Do you still want us to have another baby?"
"Of course, I still want that. I just thought maybe we could put that on hold for a little while. Not for long, just until after the holidays."
"What about Christmas? Will you be home for it?"
"I think so. Uncle Matt said I'd only be needed for a couple of days. A week at most."
Beca pursed her lips and crossed her arms over her chest; she rubbed a hand up and down her arm.
"I'm not going to tell you to turn down the job, Chloe," Beca said.
"But you won't be happy if I take the job," Chloe stated.
Beca walked over to Chloe and put her arms around Chloe's neck, and kissed her.
"I love you," Beca said. "And I can tell you want to do it. Billy and I will manage no matter what you decide. We're not going anywhere."
"So, are you saying that you're okay with me telling Uncle Matt that I'll help him?" Chloe asked.
"If that's what you want," Beca said. "Just promise me one thing."
"Anything," Chloe said.
"Promise me you'll keep your head down and do everything in your power to come back to me, to us," Beca said. "I can't bear to think about what might happen to Billy and me if you don't make it back. We love you."
"I love you, guys, too," Chloe said, hugging Beca tightly. "And I promise you, I will be careful."
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
"Thank you, doctor," Beca said as she left the doctor's office.
Beca sighed as she made her way to the car and got in. She looked out the window and sighed while running a hand through her hair.
"Now, what do I do?" she muttered to the empty car.
After a moment, she pulled out her phone and looked at it. She finally found the contact she wanted and pressed call.
"Hey, Aubrey, it's Beca. Do you have a minute to talk?"
"Sure," Aubrey said. "What's going on? Is Billy okay? Is Chloe okay?"
"They're both fine," Beca said.
"What about you?" Aubrey asked. "How are you?"
"How am I? That's the million-dollar question."
"Are you okay?"
"I, um, I just found out that I'm pregnant."
"Congratulations!" Aubrey said, sounding relieved. "That's wonderful news. I bet Chloe and Billy are excited."
"Um, Chloe doesn't know yet," Beca said. "When I said I just found out, I meant that literally. I'm sitting in the parking garage by my doctor's office right now."
Beca then proceeded to tell Aubrey about Matt asking Chloe to work with the FBI again. She also told Aubrey about the conversation she and Chloe had that morning.
"So, I'm wondering if I should tell Chloe now that I'm pregnant or wait until she is done with the assignment," Beca said.
"Do you think she'll decline the job if you tell her now?" Aubrey asked.
"I, uh, I really don't know," Beca said.
Beca quieted for a moment and stared at nothing through the windshield. Aubrey waited patiently, knowing Beca had more to say.
"God, Aubrey. You should have seen the way her eyes lit up talking about it," Beca said. "I can't take that away from her."
"Maybe you should tell her anyway and let her decide," Aubrey said.
Beca scoffed but didn't say anything.
"Okay, try this," Aubrey said. "Imagine her reaction to finding out you knew you were pregnant before she left."
Beca thought about it and sighed.
"She'd be upset with me," Beca stated.
"Right," Aubrey said. "And how would you feel if something happened to Chloe without her knowing about the baby?"
"I'd beat myself up about it," Beca said.
"Right again," Aubrey said. "So, which scene would you want to actually have play out?"
"Why do you have to have to be so damned reasonable all the time?" Beca laughed.
"If you wanted someone to tell you what you wanted to hear," Aubrey said. "You wouldn't have called me."
"You're right," Beca chuckled. "Thanks, Aubrey."
"Anytime, Beca," Aubrey said. "And congratulations on the baby."
"Thanks," Beca said and ended the call.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
After parking the car in their garage, Beca sat, thinking about what she was going to say to Chloe. She stayed where she was until she saw Chloe standing in the doorway, holding Billy and staring at her.
Beca got out of the car and walked over to Chloe.
"Are you okay?" Chloe asked. "You've been out here for a while."
"I was thinking," Beca said.
"Come inside and tell me what you were thinking about," Chloe said, moving aside to allow Beca to enter.
"Do you want to sit in here or go into the living room?" Chloe asked.
"Here's fine," Beca said, taking a seat at the counter.
Chloe put Billy in his booster seat and asked, "Want a snack, sweetie?"
"Billy shook his head, so Chloe placed a toy car in front of him.
"So, how did your appointment go?" Chloe asked.
"It was good," Beca said. "Did you talk to Uncle Matt yet?"
"Not yet," Chloe said. "I was waiting until you got back. What you tell me next will determine what I tell him. All I need to know is, are you pregnant?"
Beca's head snapped up to look at Chloe.
"How did you know?"
"I didn't," Chloe said. "But when you said you had an appointment this morning, I guessed it was to get tested. So, are you?"
"Yes, I'm pregnant," Beca said.
Chloe jumped up and pulled Beca into a hug. "I'm so excited. This is amazing news I'm going to call Uncle Matt right now."
Chloe turned to go; Beca grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"Wait," Beca said. "What are you going to tell him?"
"That something more important came up, and I won't be available to help," Chloe said, smiling at Beca.
"But, I thought you were looking forward to helping him," Beca said.
"I was," Chloe said. "But, it's just a job. You're more important, and I want to be here with you and Billy. I know we should wait until you're through the first trimester, but can I tell him and Aunt Peggy about the baby?"
"Sure. I mean, Aubrey knows," Beca confessed. "I had a moment and called her for advice."
"Advice for what?"
"On whether I should tell you I was pregnant before you left," Beca said. "Or wait until you got back to tell you."
"I'm glad you told me now," Chloe said. "I would have been very upset with you if you hadn't."
"I know," Beca said, smiling. "That's why I'm telling you now. Although I wasn't expecting you to choose to turn down the job with your Uncle Matt so quickly."
"Did you really think I'd choose to leave over staying with you?" Chloe asked. "That makes me sad."
"I'm sorry," Beca said, pulling Chloe to her. "I saw how happy you were about working with the FBI again, and I didn't want to take that away from you."
"Boy, we're quite the pair, aren't we?" Chloe said, chuckling. "You want to do everything in your power to make sure I'm happy, and I want to do everything in my power to make sure you're happy."
Chloe kissed Beca before adding, "For the record, my staying home with you and Billy will make me very happy."
"Me, too," Beca said, pulling Chloe in for another kiss.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
Christmas morning found Beca and Chloe cuddled together, talking about when to tell the Bellas of Beca's pregnancy.
"Mama?" Billy's voice came through the monitor.
Beca and Chloe got up and went to Billy's room.
"Santa come?" Billy asked as Chloe lifted him from his crib.
"Yes, sweetie," Chloe said. "Santa came."
"Can you take care of him and bring him down after you change him?" Beca said. "I'll get the coffee started."
"Okay," Chloe said.
Beca kissed Chloe and left the room.
A few minutes later, Chloe held Billy's hand as they went down the steps. Billy stopped and gawked at the tree and all the presents. Beca came in carrying coffee for her and Chloe and a sippy cup for Billy.
Beca and Chloe sat on the floor with Billy as he grabbed a gift to open.
"Mommy, open?" Billy said, holding the present.
"Come here," Beca said, sitting Billy in front of her.
Beca tore a small piece of wrapping paper and placed Billy's hand on it. Billy ripped it off.
"Mine?" Billy asked when he saw the truck.
"Yes, it's yours," Beca said, chuckling.
"Yay," Billy squealed.
Chloe sat watching with a content smile on her face. She sighed, and Beca looked up to see Chloe looking at her.
"What?" Beca said.
"I was just thinking," Chloe said.
"About?" Beca asked as Billy handed her another gift to help open.
"About this," Chloe said, waving her hand around them. "And how this is all the excitement I need in my life."
Beca crawled over to Chloe and kissed her. Chloe set her cup down and took Beca's face in her hands, and deepened the kiss.
"I love you," Beca said when the kiss ended.
"I love you, too," Chloe said. "Merry Christmas!"
A/N: My apologies for not posting yesterday. I had WiFi issues and was offline for most of the day.
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becabeale143 · 1 year
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Chapter 1/3
Chloe loves animals, but how did this happen? She befriends a parrot that shows up on her windowsill (of course she does). Beca has...reservations...about having this vulture - um, parrot - in the Bella house. And oh how this bird loves to talk!
Can a parrot bring these two oblivious love-sick nerds together?!
TY to @psychoteacher90 for being a wonderful Beta 🥰
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kailoraurelius · 2 years
Chapter Update! Chapter 8: Yellow Dog
Fandom: Pitch Perfect Pairing: Bechloe Rated: Teen and Up Chapters: 8/? Words: 24,518
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cheeyathebard · 2 years
My new fic inspired by Britt’s new Christmas movie!
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atotalpitch · 2 months
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Bechloe week 2024 day 2: "you're up early"
read on ao3 here Fandom(s): Pitch Perfect (movies) Relationship(s): implied Beca/Chloe, can be seen as either pre- or during relationship! Word count: 666 Warning(s): none Other tag(s): mild hurt/comfort, fluff Summary: they have a conversation. literally that's it. i'm terrible at summaries. A/N: ooffff this is short, but i'm still happy with it!! my best friend, the only person i run these through, thought it's adorable and i trust her. any criticism or thoughts are always welcome!
--- Beca drops her headphones around her neck as she walks into the kitchen. It’s oddly quiet for the Bellas house, but it is five in the morning. She figures she’s the only one awake at the ass crack of dawn. That is until her heart jumps all the way up to her throat at the sight of a familiar redhead. “Jesus fucking Christ you scared me,” Beca mumbles under her breath, not knowing whether Chloe heard her or not. “Sorry,” Chloe half-whispers with a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Opening the fridge and picking up a can of redbull, Beca does a mental double take on the time. “You’re up early,” she states matter-of-factly. “I’m always up early. You’re up early,” Chloe shoots back, raising an eyebrow challengingly. “Your first alarm is at 6.15, it’s 5.42,” Beca ignores the accusation and sits down on one of the kitchen aisle stools. She opens the cold can and takes a sip. “Spill. What’s keeping you up?” Chloe sighs. She knows there is no logical way out of this anymore. “I, uh… it’s dumb. My brother’s getting married. I mean, don’t get me wrong I’m happy for him! I love his fiancée too. It just made me think… I’m only a year younger than him and I’m still stuck in college, while he’s out there living his life and experiencing all these things I thought I would by this age,” Chloe looks out the kitchen window, twirling a spoon in her now cold mug of tea. Beca gathers she must’ve been there for quite a while now, because normally Chloe would never let her tea get cold. “Chlo, you are living your life. Just because you aren’t completing the guidebook of a stereotypical straight woman doesn’t mean your life isn’t good,” she manages to make Chloe at least smile with her insight. “I know I… I just thought my life would be different, I guess,” she shrugs, turning her gaze to meet Beca’s. There is an edge of something in her eyes that Beca hasn’t seen before. Sadness doesn’t suit Chloe, and neither does the tornado of emotions currently whirling in her stare, Beca is sure of it. “Are you happy now? With the Bellas, I mean;” what Beca wants to ask is if Chloe’s happy with her, but she decides against going too deep too early. “I am, yeah,” the answer comes out quickly and it seems to click something back to place inside Chloe’s mind. She still seems unsure, though. “Well there’s your answer. Look, dude, I know I’m not the best with all this emotional shit but what matters is that you’re happy and feel content with your own life. You still have life left to live and there’s no rush to get married or whatever it is that you want,” Beca shrugs, taking another long chug of her drink. “Who knew Beca Mitchell could give actually sensible life advice before six in the morning,” Chloe seems to get a part of herself back as she teases. Beca rolls her eyes, finishing the redbull in her hand with one last swig. (The normal cans are small, you can’t blame her.) She drops the can on the aisle and slides off the stool. “Remember to turn off your alarm so you don’t wake the others up,” she says in a form of goodbye. “Wait, can we go back to why you’re up at this time?” Chloe narrows her eyes and Beca can feel the intensity of the stare on her back. She turns her head and flashes a smile oddly similar to a toddler getting caught doing mischief. “Beca! What did I say about staying up the whole night?” the disappointed exclamation goes to deaf ears as Beca is already halfway up the stairs with her headphones firmly back in place. Chloe sighs and shakes her head, but a small smile forms on her lips. She really is in love with an idiot.
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dinosauring130 · 6 months
Fandom: Pitch Perfect Rating: T Category: F/F Relationship: Beca Mitchell/Chloe Beale (Bechloe) Characters: Beca Mitchell, Chloe Beale Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Pitch Perfect 3, Domestic Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell
Beca hates everything about her life in New York City. She hates her job, the apartment she lives in is falling apart, and she hates the city in general.
The one thing she didn't hate about New York... was Chloe. The one good thing that she's got.
New fic alert!! I haven't written for the Pitch Perfect fandom since 2021, which is wild.
Shout out to the regional train system for giving me time to write this fic.
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