#Because he's literally sleeping beauty in this story mode
nartblartmallcop · 1 year
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So it turns out the mario golf super rush Story mode is kind of wild
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godsofhumanity · 9 months
Hey, I'm the Wonder Woman anon here
So apparently Modern Wonder Woman's origin story is the product of the Adultery between Zeus and her Mother and was told she was made of clay to trick a Jealous Hera
I fucking hate re-iterations when they're terrible
I like the old versions way better:
_ Diana was made of clay and given life by possibly Aphrodite since originally Aphrodite is the Mother of all Amazonians since she crafted them out of clay. One said there was a magical liquid that gave life to the clay baby Diana
_ Diana was the result of a literal virgin birth, her Mom crafted her out of clay and Zeus gave her life by striking a lightning bolt into her clay body. See the clip here:
(A woman literally said Hippolyta wanted a child not created out of unholy union. Which means she wanted to have a virgin birth. I think that's a beautiful cause since childbirth is a horror to women and it also brings out the femininity of the Amazon much more profoundly, it is also my fave version of Wonder Woman's origin story)
I don't think Hera would have anything against a baby who was given life to by her husband's power,it's not like he physically cheated with a Woman again, if anything she would give the child blessings, maybe that's why Wonder Woman is said to be better in some aspects than the Olympians
But the Modern version of Wonder Woman's origin is that she's an affair child and had a faked birth story so Hera won't get jealous
This is why I prefer the old ones, they're so better and not to basic
If Hera can be someone else other than a jealous, evil wife then I think Wonder Woman shouldn't be just an "affair child", considering how she's importantly known as a sacred being, almost reaching godhood
I'm not hating illegitimate children, but I can't see Queen Hippolyta having an affair with Zeus for so many reasons, cuz it literally ruins her character and the entire ideal of the Amazonians, which is to worship all the greatness of a Woman, I don't think they view unholy affair as one of the good things they have followed and preached for centuries
Also the Amazonians greatly worshipped the Olympians, Hera and Zeus ARE the rulers of Olympians, Queen Hippolyta must be willing to shame herself till the end of time if she would do something like sleeping with the God and tricking the Goddess she so greatly worshipped. It's literally Religion 101
I'm sorry but no matter what some might say, cheating with someone's spouse is never cool or it is a feminine/manly thing, it's not okay
first of all. amen to that last statement, i 100% agree with you.
honestly though. personally, the only situation where i can see Hera not going rage-mode over WW is if Zeus actually consulted her and was like, “hey theres this cool clay model of a woman and i think if i gave her life, she’d make a great hero,, if you blessed her also she’d do a lot of good..” he has to include her in it,, king and queen of Olympus creating heroes together. because then, in a sense, WW is a champion of Hera too.
but otherwise. Hera is a very vengeful, quick to anger goddess. so i think in any other situation, even if Zeus technically didn’t “biologically” make WW, she’d still be furious with both Zeus and WW. i say this because, if you look at the myths of Dionysus and Athena, even though Zeus did actually need a woman to create at least dio and thena’s foetuses, Hera sees their births as something Zeus managed on HIS OWN. and that pisses her off a LOT since he effectively renders her sacred role as a mother redundant. it’s a huge slight to her.
i am not familiar with Queen Hippolyta’s (DC) characterisation… however, in the myths, Theseus is usually portrayed as forcing himself on Hippolyta after he defeats the Amazons and they have a son, tragic Hippolytus. so, if that means anything. i’d imagine that Hippolyta (DC), in the spirit of the treatment of her namesake in myth, must also be rejecting relationships with men too. but then again, i do not remember the lore details of the WW films, i only remember that i liked the portrayal of WW herself specifically.
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robins-den · 9 months
My ideal guilty gear game is like. I don't even know when it would be set timeline wise but it'd . Okay I've decided it plays like a warriors game. This is Guilty Gear: Warriors. involve fighting s Robo Ky army while you have three different rovo kys on your side (why'd you betray the pwab: one for pussy which he gets none of, one because you defeated him in combat and he must learn how you fought so well. And the last one (rk-ii) never actually tells you hwy he joins. He just joins on a random map after you've beaten 1/3 of the game.). Also there's a bunch of forbidden spells or something. That you're also fighting. And there's a small side story mode focused on the assassin's guild where it's like ., millia is still there idk why. She and venom are fighting for the last bit of hair conditioner (they literally use different types but the war has cut rations) and zato comes in and steals it. Because eddie wants to eat it. And they're both mad at him for that. They join you because it turns out Elphelt (who is here because of time travel shenanigans) had a period where she was absolutely obsessed with home making beauty care products so she has ten gallons of conditioner.
Justice is also on your team. Because the robokys woke her up and she just wanted to fucking sleep. She needs glasses and thinks that you're all gears.
Uhhhhh Nagoriyuki shows up randomly to. Destroy the battlefield idk.
Idk the plot I just really want Justice in a new guilty gear game.man
Also we have fire emblem supports because i forgot that that's not a standard part of warriors games.
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wack-ashimself · 10 months
For the hype, 'The Creator' was actually quite fucking basic.
Sure, it had a few good twists and turns but....I have a rule.
If your movie wasn't super expensive and pretty, would I still watch it?
And the answer for this one is a pretty sturdy 'no.'
Because this movie is ONLY worth the watch for how stunningly beautiful it is AND how visually entertaining the fights are.
Plot wise, story wise....weak as fuck. ESPECIALLY the lead.
AI robots nuke LA. USA goes genocide on all AI (mostly in Asia for some reason). Lead is USA solider who hates AI, sees them as things, treats them as such the WHOLE ENTIRE MOVIE, then, changes his mind at the last minute because of his dead ex, who was super Pro AI (tho he spent tons of time with her where, logically, if he was gonna change his mind, it would've been when she was ALIVE.)
His motivations made NO fucking sense. He was allowing the kid AI (ultimate weapon that can control everything) to stay alive to find his ex, then, he does, and goes 'well, after killing countless innocent humans AND robots, I guess I was wrong.' There were WAY too many moments before this he SHOULD have changed his mind. When he did was convenient for the script, not logical for his character.
So lame story. BUT here's more plot holes cuz I was REALLY looking forward to this movie, and it pissed me off.
-The nuke in LA? Tho they GLOSS OVER IT, they basically say there was no way it was AI, it was a human computing error. But they don't say if it was USA people, foreign governments, etc. So the REASON THE MOVIE HAPPENS was a lie, then they never clarify the lie AT ALL. LAZY.
-How his wife survived a DIRECT BOMBING and was rescued: never covered.
-His wife KNEW he 'used' to work for the enemies. And, it turns out, she's the fucking leader of the AIs. SO....WHY WOULD SHE NOT KEEP EYES ON HER HUSBAND THAT JUST TURNED SIDES?!
-How his wife created the super AI, before she went into a coma, it was hidden for 5 years, and only THEN the bad guys figured out it existed. The Ai was underground, in a vault. WHO THE FUCK TOLD THEM? It wasn't the god damn lead! I mean, if his wife DID trust him (at least at the moment) why did she not tell her husband of the AI based on their unborn child? Either she DID trust him or not. Cuz it seemed like she was 1/2 way both ways. Contradiction.
-The first sky bomb knocked the lead out, made him forget some things. The 2nd sky bomb....he just ended up in a boat. Cuz why the fuck not?
-Where is literally any of Asia's federal government's military? They say it is new Asia, small vulnerable towns (and they all look poor) so...HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY REGULARLY AFFORDING TO BUILD COMPLEX AI ROBOTS!? THEY DON'T HAVE THE RESOURCES OR MANPOWER!
-Where is literally the rest of the world? No joke, most of the movie is the USA using a sky bomber to bomb all of Asia. Without proof or reasoning. The rest of the world is okay with this? Also Asia is the ONLY country working with AI?
-Again, anti AI usa. THEY USE AI. Primitive stuff, but still use it. And you're telling me a SPACE BOMBER doesn't have SOME level of AI? Fuck off.
-This is just me, personally, but if someone was hit with a remote sticky grenade and got on my helicopter, no they didn't; I'd kick them the fuck off. Mofos-this is war. And I ain't going to kill 5 people in hopes I save 1. That's just stupid. Looks good in movies; stupid on fucking paper.
-The bad guys had no reason to bring in the lead alive (and prove that by letting him roam free) outside of 'for the movie to happen.' Nor to let him kill the super AI except, AGAIN, 'for the movie to happen.' TERRIBLE fucking logic.
-If AI have a sleep mode, known to all, why would they not either uninstall it or block it? Sorry but if I was an AI, I'd spend all my time finding out ways to upgrade my body.
-Once on the space station, why in the world would the bad guys only send PART of their solders? If this is a 'they could destroy the base' kind of moment, SEND EVERYONE. Within the base and outside.
-How did the AI child know to upload her mom's consciousness into another AI body? THEY HAD NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF IT DONE! ('The lead told the AI.' Only that her mom was on the stick. She still should not have known what to do with it.)
-How did some of the escape pods land after the ship? How did the ship crash, and escape pods that launched BEFORE it crashed, land after? It looked good; made no fucking sense.
-Space base of not, the bad guys still have tanks the size of 20 city blocks. ....this better not open for a sequel.
-I'm sorry, but at the end of the day, with how many humans and AI he killed, the lead isn't even an anti hero. He's a bad guy that did the right thing in the end. BIG difference.
-GPS. Sorry but super AI, space bombers, space shuttles flying like planes...BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE GPS ON EVERYTHING?! People to tanks to anything else. SO many future tech movies do this: we can go into your BRAIN....but fuck if we cant find you within a city of 1000s of cameras. DUMB.
Worth seeing, not worth thinking about. It will make you dumber. I will never understand how me, a regular guy, can find plot holes in multi million dollar movies which the script had to go thru MANY levels of approval. But this is what happens to 'art' when you want it to be profitable, not make a point.
'The Creator'. 6.4/10.
ps-best part? Ugh. Do I have one? It was a pretty movie. Hm..I liked the lead AI kid. Good actor. Actually, all of the acting was spot on. It was...what they had to work with script wise...ok. I do have 2 fav parts. Both DUMB AS FUCK, but I loved them. Not once, but TWICE in this movie animals unintentionally killed the bad guys. It...was unexpected, but fun. DUMB, but fun.
Side note: for how much this movie pushed the idea that AI and human were equal, make a note every time an AI is killed. A good...1/4 of the time, they play it off as comical. Not the human deaths, but the AI ones....
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I wish the actual avo fruit would grow, but alas I live in fucking Europe 😭 I wanna make cooooin
I think that weird woman's son is also an Atiny (child has no choice lol). Anyway she used to work and now she doesn't, living my dream... no, because she's a weirdo in private and cares about Atz tooooooo much. Please kpop fan wars in the family 🤭
France in the first half: *I sleep*
France Mbappe in the second half: *killler mode*
Well isn't football beautiful, you never know what the fuck is going to happen. The twists, the penalty, THE PENALTIES 😵 anyways congratulations to Argentina, I'm not necessarily their biggest supporter (as in they're not in my top teams), but good for them and for my guy Di Maria! 🐓 won in 2018, so it someone else's turn now. Baek, but next WC is happening in Vancouver! That buying referee tweet is killing me dhiahsuadhajsh
Initially I thought it'd be cool to do this "Latil's looking for a Harem, but her true love has always been next to her" it'd have been interesting with the power dynamics etc. However, Sonnaught is too boring and emotionally closed off I fear. And wtf is he doing in the novel 🔪 I never doubted you Tasir (okay, maybe for a second, but he does seem sus alright) 💖
I do pace around my room, it's the ADHD, babyyyy. Manifesting Y/N moment for Baeksussy soon 🙏🏻
KQ isn't perfect and I question a lot of their decisions, but stans are like KQ is overworking them vs KQ isn't promoting them well, so?! What's the fucking truth 🤨 I don't think more melodic songs will fit the current part of Ateez's storyline (but one can dream) I hope if they're still experimenting with noise it's more like Movement, less like Paradigm cause wtf is this song, I'm sorry 😭 what are people who absolutely love it on. Someone said it's in their top 5 Ateez songs ever??? Personal taste is objective, BUT ARE THEY OK
Baekhyun reading fanfics lmao, what if he does that in the military as well
Seonghwa after we're done with him
Bestie wdym, you want me to make choices 😭 I'm a gredy person, I want it all! But I'm exicteeeed
Mingi, you literally wrecked so many people with that photo and the 2nd one is good too... Seonghwa demonic grandfather <3
Something happens to me every time Seonghwa shows up with his hair parted... I don't know what's wrong with me, but not enough people appreciate this hairstyle
Oh? I see... anyway he needs to take lessons from Minghao and Jaehyun in anti-parasocialing so hard, because this is NOT GOOD❗❗❗
Lolllll.... and this was my first thought, omfg the SW agenda. Listen, I really need Seonghwa in a Wotakoi type of story, embrace the nerd!
Okay, but same apparently one of my birthstones is blue topaz
I had 2 quizzes for you, but Iost them naaaaurrrr, anyway I got fake dating for that AU one... - DV 💖
hiii helloo!!
I wish the actual avo fruit would grow, but alas I live in fucking Europe 😭 I wanna make cooooin /// I think that weird woman's son is also an Atiny (child has no choice lol). Anyway she used to work and now she doesn't, living my dream… no, because she's a weirdo in private and cares about Atz tooooooo much. Please kpop fan wars in the family 🤭
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭  no avo coin for u i guess 😭😭🤚🏼NOOO POOR DUDE 😭😭 BULNORIYA-ING AT 3 YO 😭😭 setting him for bullying bc what if he starts dancing to kpop in class during his older years, immediately evaporating  
France in the first half: I sleep France Mbappe in the second half: killler mode /// Well isn't football beautiful, you never know what the fuck is going to happen. The twists, the penalty, THE PENALTIES 😵 anyways congratulations to Argentina, I'm not necessarily their biggest supporter (as in they're not in my top teams), but good for them and for my guy Di Maria! 🐓 won in 2018, so it someone else's turn now. Baek, but next WC is happening in Vancouver! That buying referee tweet is killing me dhiahsuadhajsh
NAHHHH SERIOUSLY, literally france wasn’t even playing the first 80 mins, mbappe was not ONCE mentioned, maybe they had a fight or some bc the team’s dynamic was cold
ppl saying mbappe owned argentina in less then 2 mins YEAH ON PENALTIES BRO 😭😭 HE SCORED 1 GOAL THE REST WERE PENALTIES WHILE ARGENTINA WAS 1 PENALTIES 2 GOALS,, di maria literally made them win, HE WAS LIKE A SNAKE if not for him they would not have, he fought every min he’s angel indeed 😭😭😭 football is truly beautiful, the cut-throat tension the constant goals- i thought netherlands v argentina was good but france and argentina was better 🫡 truly what a world cup what a memory
me to di maria martinez and dybala esp :
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martinez’s goal keeping phewww his hand touched the mbappe shot but the ball was to fast, almost got his ass 😭😭 i just find it so funny that they did a moment of silence for
him after winning it like mf didn’t insult the south american teams & w the ppl shitting on them for CELEBRATING A WIN AFTER 3 DECADES love this guy 😭😭
IT ISSSSS AND U BET I AM GOING TO GO SEE IT ALLL IF U SEE ME ON THE SCREENS VOLUNTEERING NO U DID NOT BRMWHDKWCK BRAZIL’S TURN THIS NEXT ONE COME ON 😭😭 NO INJURY THIS TIME,, AND U BET I WILL BE SCREAMING FOR THEM ALL HD 1080P VIDEOS,,,,, will also be on a lookout for ibrahimovic in the stands <3 also wondering who will perform, better not be some drake 😭😭 rihanna needs to come thru
no but why is u.s getting so many cities, if the final is there and the celebration is how argentina had it, it would take a dark twist real fast also just learned jude bellingham is a birmingham guy 😭😭😭
Initially I thought it'd be cool to do this "Latil's looking for a Harem, but her true love has always been next to her" it'd have been interesting with the power dynamics etc. However, Sonnaught is too boring and emotionally closed off I fear. And wtf is he doing in the novel 🔪 I never doubted you Tasir (okay, maybe for a second, but he does seem sus alright) 💖
IF ONLY. IF ONLY THAT WAS TRUE. ID BE JUMPING SCREAMING CRYING. but tbh the harem is slightly boring bc latil doesn’t understand the meaning of a harem, like theres barely any interactions and its mostly awkward 😭😭 the interest is slowly going dry 📉📉 sonnaught’s solider aura is taking over this emotions i guess,,, FBWMDHWK TASIR BABES WE LOVE U DONT U WORRY BOY WE NEVER DOUBTED U EVER
I do pace around my room, it's the ADHD, babyyyy. Manifesting Y/N moment for Baeksussy soon 🙏🏻
doing all them scenarios <33 normal behaviour <33 BFMQJDAKJC ID NEVER GET THAT MOMENT ☺️☺️ i can only have these moments in my delusions ☺️
KQ isn't perfect and I question a lot of their decisions, but stans are like KQ is overworking them vs KQ isn't promoting them well, so?! What's the fucking truth 🤨 I don't think more melodic songs will fit the current part of Ateez's storyline (but one can dream) I hope if they're still experimenting with noise it's more like Movement, less like Paradigm cause wtf is this song, I'm sorry 😭 what are people who absolutely love it on. Someone said it's in their top 5 Ateez songs ever??? Personal taste is objective, BUT ARE THEY OK
Baekhyun reading fanfics lmao, what if he does that in the military as well
he said he used to read them during debut days bc there used to he so many and it was hard to avoid fhwkgdk 😭😭
Seonghwa after we're done with him Bestie wdym, you want me to make choices 😭 I'm a gredy person, I want it all! But I'm exicteeeed
Mingi, you literally wrecked so many people with that photo and the 2nd one is good too… Seonghwa demonic grandfather <3
wrecking here too bc when this man goes any shade of blond he’s suddenly a different person,,, demonic grandfather ….
Something happens to me every time Seonghwa shows up with his hair parted… I don't know what's wrong with me, but not enough people appreciate this hairstyle
Oh? I see… anyway he needs to take lessons from Minghao and Jaehyun in anti-parasocialing so hard, because this is NOT GOOD❗❗❗  ////// Lolllll…. and this was my first thought, omfg the SW agenda. Listen, I really need Seonghwa in a Wotakoi type of story, embrace the nerd!
Okay, but same apparently one of my birthstones is blue topaz //// I had 2 quizzes for you, but Iost them naaaaurrrr, anyway I got fake dating for that AU one… - DV 💖
topaz gANG LESSGOOO,,, see I will manifest fake dating au for u, ur in europe, anything and everything can happen there atp im rooting for u <3
wtf is this
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michellenero · 2 years
Bucci gang social media headcannons and how they post you! (Excluding Fugo and Giorno)
A/N this is my very first fic so please be gentle. Any advice is welcome! I excluded Giorno and Fugo because I don't know much about them but I will try to do my research! Please enjoy!
[CW: one or two curse words, fluff] Cut for length.
Bruno Bucciarati 
Dear god. 
This man has every social media under the MOON. With a pretty big following too. 
Only uses Instagram though
His username is literally just his first and last name because he thinks it’s more practical. (BucciaratiB) 
For posts of himself they’re strictly neck down, aesthetic outfit posts with no caption. 
Now, if he’s posting you everyone on earth is gonna know just how lovesick he really is. 
Mans will post a MINIMUM of 3 pictures of you, smiling so pretty at the camera. (most of the time) 
His captions for you consist of italian pet names il mio bellissimo angelo (my beautiful angel) 
Will occasionally post you on his story but isn’t fond of it because he likes to look back at his page and admire you. 
Leone Abbacchio 
Hates social media, says it rOtS yOuR BrAiN (he never shuts up about it) 
Has an instagram only because you threatened to take his lipstick away. 
His username is just his last name because he CLAIMS he “didn’t have time for that bullshit” but we all know its because he just isn’t creative (AbbacchioLeo) 
He REFUSES to post any pictures of himself unless you’re in it and even then he's very reluctant
Mainly posts candid pictures of you, maybe you’re sleeping, sitting beside him watching a movie, or looking off somewhere else. He’ll snap a picture of you any time he thinks you look beautiful even if you think you’re in gremlin mode. 
He has very simple captions such as a black heart emoji or a quick “:)” 
If he's really deep in his feelings he’ll post a picture of you all dolled up with mio piccolo raggio di sole (my little sunshine) because let's be honest you are the light of his life. 
His social media page is BARE okay? He mostly posts you on his story but he has two or three actual posts on his account that he absolutely adores 
He blocked Mista because he wouldn’t stop commenting heart eyes under his posts of you. 
Guido Mista
Holy hell, reader. 
Be prepared because you will be plastered all over every social media platform known to man. Mans has instagram, snapchat, twitter, any and everything you can think of. 
He prefers to post (and communicate with you) through snapchat. 
His username is stupid, but predictable. (Italysnumber1gunslinger)
Can and will spam his story with you any chance he gets. 
They’re usually selfies you’ve sent to him and already approve of but sometimes he’ll catch you off guard with a mouth full of pasta and you have to be reminded of it for the next 24 hours. 
He rarely captions his posts since there's so many of them so frequently but sometimes he’ll hit you with a bella ragazza (pretty girl) and make you melt. 
If you think you’re safe from his other social media, think again. 
You’re this man’s profile picture, your anniversary is in his bio, and his only posts are you (on his main at least, beware he does have a shitpost instagram account) 
Narancia Ghirga
He only has snapchat, he claims any other social media is for “boomers” (like okay nara spell the word boomer.) 
He didn’t know you couldn’t change your username after you’ve submitted it so he panicked when he realized he was stuck with (anklebiter420) 
Makes sure he posts you at least once a day
They’re always selfies of you two, whether you realize he's taking the picture or not…
You could be asleep with drool all over your pillow or brushing your teeth with toothpaste hanging down your chin and he’ll still post it just to mess with you. 
Nine times out of ten though, they’re really good pictures. Like…REALLY good. Nobody knows how he takes such good selfies. Not even him. 
His captions are either two red heart emojis or something teasing like il mio più grande fan (my biggest fan)
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littleonixel · 2 years
I'm new here and I want to know about ur au
can I have a lil info?
have a nice day :3
You also have a nice day/night ^^
And my au(and I'll include ships bc there kinda part of my au -3-)? Well sure
•Purple has a negative side of them, I call them corrupt, kinda like a voice, it was caused by his trauma as a kid, and that "voice" pretty reminds them of that quote on quote negative past, and yeah sure he does have happy memories, but Corrupt doesn't really like them, he likes to torture purple with it (sorry Purp)
(the voices were also inspired by @whumpydaydreams 'fanfiction)
•Purple is the type of guy who gets in to fights easily, and has anger issues, but their also a caring person when it comes to friends (Color gang, Mt, hallow heads? Maybe, not sure yet -.-")
•Is a anthophile, which means they like flowers, Alot. And that's why my purple likes hanging out with Blue so much, they also came up with flower nicknames for the color gang and Mt.
•Purple hobbies mostly are reading, planting w/ blue, and probably sleeping (purple is also a tired person due to being a workaholic, Headcanon bc of/from working for Mango)
Second coming:
•As you all know, Second is our tired little bean, but also angry when disturbed in their beauty sleep lol
•Second was kinda aware that they have powers, but not fully; second discovered his powers due to his stress, so during stressing out he suddenly blew out his powers, Of course they were shock, but didn't think anything about, bc he didn't care, he was stress okay?
(fun fact, there's still a hole in their wall after that incident)
•Second met chosen in a dream, that's it, I Know I'm weird
•Their hobbies include, building? Slightly, mostly judges them, fighting and ✨SLEEP✨
•Blue, your average stick, has their own little interested, Everyone adores blue, some just don't like that nether wart eating habit
•As some of you AvM fans know that blue is the CG's best cook/hj, even when blue enjoys farming they do still like cooking, it was an interest after farming, he wanted to make something with it, so thus he become the Cg chef lol
•Even some of you make green closer to purple, Blue and purple are much more closer in my au, since both of them share the same interest and purple doesn't mind blue's nether wart eating habit
•Blue's hobbies are farming, cooking, and playing music, and maybe making dru- I mean potions-
•Mm, yes Green, one of our best Cg singers, he does like discovering things and disturb some sticks in their sleep(mostly Second lmao)
•Even if Green loves the disturbing the other sticks in their sleep, he also sings lullaby to the others when having nightmares, getting lack of sleep, ECT.
•Sometimes Green and Purple sing together, one the ppl in the fandom called them sympathy duo which I think is cute -w-
•Forgot to mention Green's other talent! Building, yup. Basically one of the best builders in the Cg group :3
•Green's hobbies are singing and making music, especially building
•Red of course love animals, mostly pigs and chickens, quite an animal lover if you ask me ^-^
•Red is also vegetarian, he doesn't really eat meat, but does eat dairy, the only reason why he doesn't eat meat is because they feel bad of killing animals =3="
•I also like to image whenever Reuben from Minecraft story mode, idk why I just thought it was funny
•Red's hobbies are just literally taking care of animals
•Yellow is the scientist of the group, they really like to create to things, from redstone to potions (not just blue)
•He is also one of the sticks who has been staying up all night, to do research, of course which is a result of burnout
•Although yellow is really smart, he can also be a good at times, mostly around red, he does this whenever the sticks feel sad
•Yellow's hobbies are redstone and potions
Secondpurp- Second liked hanging around with Purple, and of course grew on them, soon Purple also caught feeling with Tsc, and second confessed and now they're dating ^-^<3
McDonald's: Red was and always will be a flirt, and for yellow, they of course went with sometimes sees it as a joke, but sooner or later both started to have a crush on each other, and now they're dating B)
Bamboo: Green fell in love first with blue, it was probably because of their kind nature, a caring and kind stick, the more they hung out the they grew on each other, so few months later Green confessed:')
I know this was few days ago, sorry busy with school, but hope you found this informative, and I'll probably do another part for the other sticks ^w^<3
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
Hi! I’m not sure if this is your kind of thing or not, but do you have any Dad Batch head cabins that you really like? :)
Oh friend—Dad Batch is literally all there is to me.
Dad Batch + Omega headcanons anyone?
Omega rises early with Hunter. They like to cook breakfast together—Meg turns out to be quite the chef and Hunter’buir is surprised to pick up a culinary trick or two. Everyone thinks her cooking is light years better than Hunter’s. Their tastebuds wholeheartedly agree. But don’t tell Hunter that. Or do.
Residing among the Bad Batch has been drastically different in every aspect. Omega is somewhat at a disadvantage because she is now lacking curriculum and structure that was very much a mode of functionality back on Kamino. She is young, we know her mind is curious and hyperactive, and so the Bad Batch has to really put their heads together to implement some strong academic means for her so that she does not fall behind and miss out on developmental milestones.
Tech in particular really comes through in this aspect; he is able to construct a variety of curriculums on the ‘pad to keep her engaged and mentally stimulated.
Omega quickly masters those and branches out to more hands-on activities, dabbling into creative outlets which is where Wrecker steps up to the plate.
Meg discovers her affinity for painting and designing.
She loves to test her skills on Gonky, who is a real champ through all the strung accessories and clothing ensembles.
Because funds are tight, Omega repurposes blankets and different fabrics around the Marauder for Gonky’s outfits. She becomes quite the master of disguise, and the boys are impressed.
In light of a minimalistic lifestyle, Omega adopts quite the set of home-economic skills, which is particularly pleasing to Hunter.
Independence is one of the most important factors for the boys, which they instill heavily in Omega. They do their best to teach her something new every single day, no matter how mundane it seems.
Tech spends a lot of time teaching Omega how to pilot—against Hunter’s wish (he thinks Gonky would be a better instructor than his genius yet hopelessly negligent brother)
Echo spends a lot of time telling Omega stories—it’s usually the last phase of her bedtime routine, at the end of the day, snuggling up with Echo (sometimes not) as he recounts old brothers and early life back on Kamino. The two grow really close through their experiences, as Omega’s own tenure there is still fresh in her mind compared to the other Bad Batchers’ who have largely broken away from their roots. Echo’s stories/memoirs prove to be a very vindicating, therapeutic experience for him. He appreciates Omega’s sage and calm temperament through it all.
Omega takes to maintaining Crosshair’s gear while he’s away...
His armor actually appears to fit her physique the closest out of all the others. She always wants to try it on but refrains out of respect for the estranged Buir. He’ll be home soon. Home, and back in his rightful armor.
Until then: Omega recruits all of the boys to help her forge her own. She is adamant, and her artistic eye leaves her certain of exactly the design she wants. It’s a bit crude, and elementary, but it’s perfect for her.
Lula and Gonky are of course included in the creative process! They become something of muses, their designs incorporated into a pauldron or a Tooka-sized pouch on her utility belt—Lula likes to come on missions, too. :)
Wrecker retrofits Lula with a grenade—in which Omega acquires some valuable textile skills. Sewing a grenade into a plushie’s stuffing is a tricky process.
Wrecker feels better knowing that as long as she carries Lula, she has a weapon and means of protection. He makes haste to remind her to use Lula as a last resort only (though of course he hopes she never actually has to use it). Wrecker is quickly becoming the best Uncle ever.
Hunter’buir is not too keen on Omega sleeping with what is, essentially, a grenade curled up in her arms every night. It’s a bit arbitrary.
Some days, late at night when Hunter is left alone to his thoughts, he wonders if they’ve gotten way in over their heads. He wonders if Omega is actually thriving, and what even constitutes as “thriving” for a child.
Watching her sleep, warmed by a mix of blankets and Bavodu’e and carefully recycled cabin air, he decides that as long as she’s safe, and satisfied, then they must be doing pretty good.
When Cross’buir finally comes home... everything is very different.
Meg—from what little she remembers—knows that Crosshair didn’t talk much before, but he’s even more quiet now. Except for the times he mutters to himself. And the times he wakes up in the middle of the night, shrieking from an episode of psychosis.
For the longest time, Hunter’buir would forbid her from coming to his aid. Saying Crosshair is “unstable”, that he’s not “feeling well”, and that he needs to heal.
Meg can’t help it. She has to be there. Has to help, has to heal. It’s in her nature.
And so Omega will always find a way.
She finds that Crosshair responds well to singing. Her singing.
She doesn’t really know any lullabies except for this one tune—well, more like a few obscure notes—that she would catch Nala Se humming on more than one occasion. Meg doesn’t know the significance, or what it means, but she associates it with comfort. So does Cross’buir.
And so she hums to him, as a late night soothe. He never says a word. But his breathing comes a little easier, his shakes recede, and sleep finds him once again.
While Meg has had ample time to bond with her other Buirs, It takes awhile for her to make actual headway with Crosshair.
When she is discouraged over this, Hunter’buir has to gently remind her that Cross isn’t quite the same as he once was, and to give him time.
She understands. Omega is a beautiful soul.
Cross’buir and Omega bond over board games; silent, strategic games. These are the times she sees a flicker of Crosshair peek through; that deft mind and astounding composure he had before, that he’s always had but that he’s just forgotten. Strategy games make Crosshair feel like he’s in control. That he’s not just detachedly following orders. That his mind is his own, and his mind is free. Cross’buir loves strategy games.
The first time Crosshair utters a word to her since his rescue, months have passed, and it’s after she wakes from a nightmare.
He hears her. It’s faint, her broken whimpers echoing from down the hall. His feet pick up a will of their own.
It feels like an out of body experience, and Crosshair doesn’t much like those, because he’s afraid he’ll slip away again, back to a mind that is not his own, devoid of feeling—
But this—when he comes to Meg’s aid—this feels right. He’s influenced by pure instinct as he gathers her up in his arms. She looks up with a damp face, and whispers his name. And then: “Cross’buir.”
And that charge... that registers to Crosshair. It meets him soundly. It meets him softly. He takes a full breath, and squeezes her tight.
“Cross’buir is here.”
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tomatograter · 3 years
What are your Thots on jake’s pq route?
I already wrote some about it in this post where I discuss the problem with taking dirkjake as a literal parallel to tavris (Mainly, that it’s inaccurate to both situations and misrepresents the dynamics at play) but it’s been long enough since release that I feel like I can talk about it without that criticism being taken as a personal witch hunt. TL;DR: As a general rule of thumb I don’t cite Jake’s PQ as part of his characterization, and I think basing your Jakewriting on it will only lead you astray.
I liked a lot of the Pesterquest routes and the alphas were among some of my favorites, but I think when you play the four of them in sequence Jake’s really... stands as the odd one out. It’s almost as if he’s afforded way less sympathy from the get go for some indiscernible reason, or like MSPAR took a day to say ‘I can’t stand this kid in particular’ after dealing with waaaaaaaay more mindboggling troll customs or stupid dangerous situations that tested their patience and their limits. When it comes down to it, it’s mostly an issue of framing.
Let’s go with the “Just the Alpha routes” example, because I think that makes the overall context clearer and the response/reactions it gathered (or the lack thereof) easier to understand. The alpha kids were the last 4 Pesterquest episodes. They were also afforded entire volumes just for themselves, which cemented our expectations on “oh, they’re going to really dig into unexplored territory!” and for the most part, that’s what we got! It was really nice to see the internal mechanics of Jane as someone raised within a corporate echochamber, Roxy as a grieving, isolated kid, deprived of all human contact, and Dirk as a nerdy doomsday prepper haunted by private flashes of himself as a supervillain. It all works! Those are things the alpha kids were dealing with on the background of the broader Homestuck story, things we were only hinted at as the *larger* problems played out. It makes you understand their point of view. Except on Jake's route, where nothing about his life seems to be relevant at all? 
With Jane we get discussions about HIC and her family, with Roxy beautiful passages about a mother they never met and growing up alone— Same for Dirk, who gets a whole brother zapped from an alternate timeline. But on Jake's route there's not even an expansive dialogue path dedicated to Grandma English, Skaianet, the rebellion, or the giant red ship that came and murdered her in the night and then bombed his house, leaving him trapped inside his only surviving tower. No understanding passage realizing that this kid has had to fend for himself in an island full of Actual Giant Alien Monsters trying to eat him alive, or that he cremated his guardian specifically to avoid attracting predators to the scent of fresh blood drying on her mutilated corpse at the age of an actual toddler. The text refuses to dig into any of the psychological implications or impact an environment like this could have on a kid, which is even weirder when you consider MSPAR has met and helped Vriska get out of a similar situation. The whole thing with Jane in the previous volume has just happened, even, while Jake's particularities go unremarked. He was just supposed to deal with it. And that's because a choice was made to portray all of Jake's problems in this route as sort of... single handedly Dirk's fault? Something he should have Just Dealt with?
There's not even a hint that Jake knows Hal exists. Which is important! Jake can pick out Hal from Dirk based on *verbal cues*, and the fact that he considers Hal a barrier between him and his "real friend" getting to communicate with one another is a whole point of contention (and even comedy) in the story proper. Instead of examining Jake's isolation, or grief, or how he literally locks himself in his room and plasters it with cinematic posters to pretend he's just the main lead of a wacky adventure movie in the face of the immense shitshow outside, we get brobot acting nonsensically and threatening to break into Jake's room to beat him up. 
A general reminder on brobot: He was programmed to scout the jungle and deal with predators so Jake could a) Be allowed to safely leave his room (something he simply didn't do before age 13 out of sheer terror, and we know this because dirk and jake talk about it on his birthday conversation, when he first gets brobot) and 
b) Learn how to defend himself in the case of a surprise attack, with different combat settings adjusted to his level. The brobot has a novice mode Jake feels patronized by, but pushes him up levels quickly enough. In Homestuck proper, the brobot only enters "stalking mode" after Hal gets pissy with Jake for finding him out, and forcefully switches the setting on to make Jake work for the Uranium inside it. When you take Hal out of the picture, this plotline makes no sense! Jake's route is set way before the Alphas even think of entering the game, so this particular event hasn't even happened. Jake goes on to text Roxy and she turns the stalking setting off remotely anyways, so even if brobot was programmed to murder Jake in his sleep, or jump him inside the safe zone of his room (he's not) he has literally no reason to be acting like that when he's been set to Baby Buff Up Mode.
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(Brobot does end up spontaneously pulling himself apart to give Jake his reward after this)
Which brings me to my other problem with the general framing of this volume; the alpha kids don't feel present in Jake's life as friends at all. It's all "romantic options" and "shipping discourse" and MSPAR making these silly logic jumps to justify insisting on this line of query, and all it does is completely flatten out anything of interest having to do with Jake as a Person, to build up an image of Dirk as being suspicious and shady for his volume and more or less come to the conclusion that Jake sucks because he just Cant Choose Who To Date Between All His Friends! And that's why jake is just like tavros… and dirk is just like vriska! Or something. 
And just as a reminder, here's Jake talking with Roxy so I don't have to explain why that feels like a weird choice to me. (click to zoom)
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And then there's the endings. On the vriska ending, MSPAR just ends up weirdly angry at jake for being such a piss baby and not getting that he's tavros and dirk is vriska so he had to… uh… take all his anger out on this 13 year old alien girl he has never met and teach her a lesson to prepare to do the same on dirk, or something. And on the other ending Jake mentions his pen pal, is zapped to meet jade, they have some non-committal greetings and then a cosplay party where Jake insists that he totally likes Lara croft not because she's a femme fatale and he relates to that, because he's never ever in his life thought of anyone being interested on him. Or Something. He likes Lara croft for normal reasons only. He wears really tiny shorts and does sexy poses because he's not aware at all of how other people find him attractive. He's just too dumb to get this, or the shipping thing, or that he's tavros and Dirk is vriska (who the hell are these people?).
Jake feels like an afterthought in the grand scope of events. Sidelined on his own episode. This volume is busy with rehashing age old fandom arguments that have little to do with his character, because said arguments were started and maintained by bored teens engrossed on fighting online instead of analyzing Homestuck; we introduce vriska for no interesting reason at all (thank god at least Jake has enough decency to say he's not into hitting on 13-year-olds, because that would have been particularly rancid.) And aside from catchphrases and old slang sprinkled liberally into his dialogue like a fog making machine, none of the motivation for the character is there. What does he want? What does he fear? Why does he act like the way he does? What would accommodating him look like? What would helping him look like? We get this on Jane's volume, Roxy's volume, and Dirk's volume. To really heart-wrenching and dramatic results, too. You get to know who they are, where they live, what they want, what they fear, what might help them get better, but Jake is just sort of There. He's a burden. MSPAR either ends this volume berating him for not doing what they want or finding him weird and confusing and like they don't know each other at all, and the fact both of those were marked as dubiously bad ends in the game files speaks for itself, I think.
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fernisworm · 3 years
Shapeshifter male s/o x Lycan!Karl cuddling hcs perhaps if you have time👁
Decided this was going to be quite short so I tried to sprinkle in some general relationship HC’s for this AU too :]
Once again apologies for the rather short list, I absolutely adored writing this though!!!! 
❀ Characters: Lycan!Karl Heisenberg x Male! Shape-Shifting! Reader
❀ Warnings: N/A
✿ You can find all my stories here!
✿ My requests guide is here! (And you can place a request here!)
🌙 Karl is a BIG cuddler, specially in werewolf form
🌙 He is also a MASSIVE fan of pet names and loves to use ones that quite literally pertain to your powers
🌙 Like he loves to call you “Pet” and “Pup” the most like tbh
🌙 However his all time FAVOURITE pet name for you has got to be “mein täubchen” (which roughly translates to “my little dove”)
🌙 Funnily enough a dove was one of the first bird transformations you’d ever learnt
🌙 Karl explains that doves are known to be able to find their way home over hundreds of thousands of miles- and somehow you found him, which still to this day is somewhat unbelievable to him
🌙 Like? Wow?? He’s literally so lucky???
🌙 Doves also represent hope, beauty and gentleness, which is why they remind Karl of u 👉👈
🌙 Karl has the uncanny ability to cuddle for literal hours on end
🌙 If you do not get up in the morning he will stay in bed all day cuddling you that is no exaggeration
🌙 The den is just.... far too cosy for him to leave, especially when you’re still in it
🌙 Sometimes you cave in and the two of you just have a lazy day in the den where you just veg out and cuddle all day
🌙 Karl likes to use his werewolf form a lot more when the two of you are cuddling, mostly because he’s so much bigger than you and can literally engulf you in his fur (which is??? surprisingly soft???)
🌙 Karl already snores a lot when he’s human but it’s so much worse when he’s a werewolf
🌙 Not that you mind too much, you’re used to it by now lmao
🌙 When Karl goes werewolf mode when you’re cuddling you’ll usually follow suit with your own wolf form
🌙 But sometimes you don’t because your werewolf bf is just so huge and huggable that sometimes it’s nice to have arms to cuddle him back with
🌙 It depends if you’re in a wolf-snuggling mood or a human-cuddling mood
🌙 Either way there is no place you feel more at home than in Karl’s arms cuddling in the warmth of your shared den
🌙 i’ve mentioned this before but every time i say ‘den’ i literally just mean the mess of a bedroom you two have deemed a ‘den worthy’
🌙 Part of Karl’s canine-like tendencies includes the fact that he loves to just walk up and nuzzle his face into your neck
🌙 He just. loves being close to u
🌙 This man is so touch-starved,,, why do you think cuddling makes up literally 67% of his entire love language????
🌙 Likes to hold your hand when no one else is around
🌙 Forehead kisses because he’s taller than u hehe
🌙 He also just. absolutely adores when you run your hands though his hair. he loves it more than anything else in the world
🌙 Long day of work?? Had a fight with Alcina??? Sit him down and put his head on your lap and just play with his hair
🌙 Will almost always protest at first but doesn’t take him long to give in
🌙 oh yeah sometimes Karl gets like really worried that he’s gonna crush you when you guys cuddle lmao
🌙 Especially when you stay human
🌙 Or when you decide to turn into a smaller animal than a wolf 
🌙 Honestly? I’m pretty sure bear boyfriend cuddles would also be on the table at this point 👀
🌙 One time you nearly suffocated in Karl’s fur 
🌙 You laughed it off but he nearly had a panic attack 
🌙 You had both been asleep when somehow you ended up underneath him and you woke up with a mouthful of fur
🌙 He was quick to wake up but still very concerned about you
🌙 As much as it pained him he tried to sleep a little away from you after that and stopped using his werewolf form to cuddle for a while
🌙 To make up for this you DEFINITELY abused your wolf and bear shifts
🌙 Eventually Karl got his confidence back and just made sure to be a lot more wary of how and where he sleeps lmao
🌙 But to change it up a little sometimes you still use your wolf and bear shifts while Heisenberg’s in human form for cuddles
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hii, I think your requests are open but I am not sure, so uhm, if they're not open just delete my ask and pretend it was never there, I'd hate to be disrespectful of you. Would you write about Deku, Shoto and Bakugo (or instead of Baku take Shoji) with an s/o that isn't in the hero course and has a shrinking quirk? Like mount lady but reverse, she can get as small as an ant but usuly when she does shrink she'll be shoulder sitting sized? That could make some adorable things like aaaaaaaa >///
fem!s/o with a shrinking quirk
[a/n: uhmm this concept is so adorable 🥺 thank you for the request anon, you’re so polite 💓 I decided to do all 4 boys so I hope that’s okay, sorry if it seems short...I wrote this in between classes hehe 🙈 enjoy!! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ]
midoriya izuku
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✤ you bet your diddly doo that this boy has MULTIPLE pages about your quirk
✤ when he first saw you use your quirk it was during the sports festival, you were standing there one second but then it seemed like you just disappeared
✤ he was stunned to see how much strength you actually had even when you were that size
✤ he was convinced that you and shinso were robbed of your spots in the hero course but there wasn’t much he could do about it
✤ I think it would take him a while to finally approach you, but when he does, he’s absolutely ecstatic that you didn’t mind all of his questions
✤ baby boy was quite literally vibrating with excitement
✤ “t-thank you so m-much for answering my questions, (l-l/n)-san.” He was stuttering so much but he couldn’t help it, he was talking to such a beautiful girl
✤ “it’s no problem but call me (y/n), at least that’s what my friends call me.” Now he was bright red as if he wasn’t already
✤ “f-friends?”
✤ but of course “friends” weren’t forever because soon after that, you both had confessed your feelings for each other
✤ from then on, he introduced you to a few of his 1-A class mates
✤ oh boy what a mistake that was
✤ you had gotten along really well with Denki of all people, so one day, the both of you prank bakugo apparently you both have a death wish and of course it backfired
✤ you had burst into the classroom with a panicked kaminari behind you, eyes frantically searching for a certain freckled boy. Your heart beating faster when you could hear explosions getting closer
✤ “Izu! Hide me!”
✤ “huh!? wait how will I-“ he was cut off when you sat on the desk and activated your quirk (you were about 4inches or 10cm tall) and made grabby hands at him
✤ he placed his hand near the edge of the desk so you could jump on
✤ “now put me in your jacket pocket!” Your voice was super cute but he held off his fanboying and did what you said, carefully placing you in his pocket
✤ perfect timing too
✤ “WHERE’S THAT DAMN BRAT?! I KNOW SHE’S IN HERE!!” he caught a glance of kaminari’s blonde hair and growled
✤ “I SEE YOU, DUNCE HEAD!!” And with that, they both were off
✤ you stood up and let your head peak out of the pocket
✤ “(y/n)?! Oh my gosh! That’s so cute!” Mina cooed, making both you and midoriya blush
✤ he carried you around on his shoulder often, he thought it was adorable
✤ he once hid you in the side pocket of his backpack and snuck you into the dorms
✤ it was a success so it was cuddle time!!
✤ if anyone ever bullied you about your quirk, he wad instantly be at your defense and comfort you if you needed it
✤ “Don’t listen to them (y/n), your quirk is amazing and very useful, especially in missions where....” and he went on rambling
✤ but it’s the thought that counts
✤ oh!! I almost forgot!
✤ whenever you were sat on his shoulder and feeling mischievous, stand up and give him kisses on the cheek or neck ;)
✤ this will always effectively fluster him into a blushing and stuttering mess
shoto todoroki
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❆ uhm if you weren’t in the hero course, it would take him a little longer to notice you
❆ but you were friends with ochako so he actually often saw you at lunch
❆ one day, you were all sat down and midoriya asked about your quirk and since everyone seemed interested, you gave ‘em a little demonstration
❆ he was kinda paying attention but the soba was so good so he missed the part where you shrunk down a bit but when a gust of wind knocked you over and you landed in front of him, his eyes widened
❆ you were so tiny 🥺
❆ he held out a finger to you and you smiled greatfuly before grabbing onto it and hoisting yourself up, making sure to dust yourself off
❆ he thought your quirk was rather interesting and whenever you shrunk down to size, he would go all doe eyed because he thought you were so precious
❆ you reminded him of the fairies in the bed time stories his mother used to tell him
❆ (i will fight you if you don’t think he used to LOVE hearing about dragons or fairies and fantasy stories when he was a little boy 😤)
❆ once he realized his feelings for you, he just straight up told you
❆ you guys were the cutest couple, the prince and a fairy (ugh oh my god this is freaking cute)
❆ when you first mentioned that you wanted to try and sit on his shoulder while he walked around and stuff, he was a bit apprehensive since he was afraid of dropping you
❆ so you started off easy, you’d sit on his shoulder while he was doing his homework or something and once he was comfortable with that, then you guys got to the moving around thing
❆ he would love it if you sat on his shoulder while he read a book, and he’d read it to you
❆ as much as he loves your quirk, I honestly don’t see him wanting to just rather hold your hand while ya’ll walked around or something but give him those puppy dog eyes and he’d do anything for you
❆ he’d never out right say it but he loves when your on his shoulder and just nuzzle his cheek
❆ he’d call you his little fairy 🥺🦋
❆ “can I please, I’ve had a really long day.” You pouted.
❆ he softly gripped your chin and gently tugged you closer to his lips
❆ “hop on, my little fairy.” He leaned down and gently met you lips, slowly moving them against yours before pulling away and watching as your cheeks and the tips of your ears turned pink
❆ I’m so soft for this boy
bakugo katsuki
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✸ pfft i’m sorry, i just had to use this gif
✸ okay so he’d be all like, “Why would I care about some damn extra!!” As he usually is but specially if you weren’t a part of the hero course
✸ but you were friends with kirishima so he learned to deal with you
✸ he originally saw you do the shoulder thing with kiri and he thought he was having a stroke or something
✸ “kirishima, why do you have a damn bug on your shoulder?”
✸ “huh? Oh that’s (y/n)!”
✸ “hey! Who are you calling a bug, you jerk!”
✸ “call me a jerk again and I’ll squash you like a damn insect! Got that you idiot?!”
✸ one time, you fell asleep on denki’s shoulder and he forgot you were there
✸ so when bakugo saw him acting like a ‘reckless idiot’ he swooped in to save you
✸ he gently picked you up by the collar of your shirt and he put you on his own shoulder, making sure to walk around carefully as to not disturb your sleep
✸ you had accidentally disactivated your quirk so you went back to normal size, causing the both of you to fall to the ground with you laying on top of him
✸ he was in shock so he didn’t really move, your noses were touching, his arms had gone around your waist to hold you still
✸ “I’m so sorry, I-“ you had tried to get up be his hold on your waist only tightened
✸ “shut up! I’m trying to think!”
✸ he turned his head a bit and placed an experimental kiss on your lips
✸ well you definitely weren’t complaining anymore
✸ uhh he’d act like he absolutely hates having you on his shoulder
✸ he lives for it
✸ he likes to have you on his shoulder while he cooks so you guys can talk and whatever
✸ if you’re ever being a brat while on his shoulder, he’ll threaten to drop you in the hot oil
✸ he likes to tease you when you’re tiny
✸ as retaliation, you take his things while your tiny, like you’ll steal his eraser or something and he’d tear up his backpack looking for it before he finally spots it on the desk with you sitting on it
✸ he constantly worries about you because denki and sero like to mess with you when you’re in tiny mode
✸ it’s been too many times that he’s found you taped to something while posting about it
✸ i feel bad for the poor soul that decides it’s a good idea to bully you for your quirk
✸ he would quite literally, ‘blow up their asses’
mezo shoji
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♡ I think shoji is a little apprehensive about making new friends since he’s a bit insecure but he’s open to the idea
♡ so when he sees that you’re eating lunch alone, he decided to sit with you
♡ you were surprised that he had sat across from you, you froze in place while looking at him
♡ he hadn’t said anything though, he just ate his lunch and you relaxed, continuing to eat yours
♡ this went on for a couple of weeks before you finally broke the ice by offering him some of your onigiri, you watched as he grabbed the onigiri and fed it into the mouth on one of his arms
♡ “your quirk is really cool!” His eyes widened at your sudden confession, he watched as a blush formed on your cheeks and looked away. “sorry, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable...”
♡ he just chuckled and shook his head
♡ from then on the two of you would share your lunch with each other
♡ “come to think of it, I don’t know what your quirk is.”
♡ it was the first time you guys were hanging out outside of school, he had invited you to the dorms and you two were in the common room drinking some tea
♡ “I guess you’re right—hey! what’s that?!” he whipped around to where you were pointing
♡ “What? There’s...there’s nothing-what?” Once he had turned back to you, you were gone. “(Y/n)?”
♡ as he was looking around, you climbed up his sleeve and onto his shoulder, “I’m right here silly~” he looked around once more but couldn’t find you, “yoo-hoo! Shoji-kun!!”
♡ he looked down to his shoulder and oh...you were tiny
♡ he placed his hand near his shoulder and you jumped onto it, holding onto his finger as he held you right in front of his eyes
♡ he definitely wasn’t expecting that, he was so caught off guard that he started to blush (not that you’d be able to tell)
♡ you guys would also train together often and it was during one of those training sessions that he had confessed to you
♡ when you guys start dating, he’d definitely love to have you on his shoulder all the time...he can’t help it, he thinks you’re adorable
♡ “shoji...”
♡ “yes mr. Aizawa?”
♡ “what’s that on your shoulder?” You froze and trying to think of where to hide. “don’t make me do it.” He sighed
♡ “...do what?” Shoji tried playing dumb as he heard your tiny ‘oh crap!’ as you jumped off his shoulder, right when you did was when Aizawa activated his quirk and you reverted to normal size, falling to the ground
♡ there was a few giggles from the class as you got up, looking around
♡ “(y/n)? How’d you get there?” Shoji continued his act
♡ “you know, I was wondering the same thing...”
♡ “miss (l/n), please go back to class.”
♡ “yes sir.”
♡ that wasn’t the last time the two of you tried that
♡ he would also enjoy if you nuzzled and kissed his cheek while on his shoulder
♡ he vowed to protect you if anything were to ever happed
♡ he thinks you’re adorable, mini sized or not
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zhongrin · 2 years
for context to any curious and MAYBE mei-
well the whole concept or eros and psyche's myth was the psyche? was like pretty. so gosh darn pretty in fact that aphrodite in true aphrodite fashion was pissed as fuck and sent her kid eros to make psyche fall in love with the ugliest beast in the world. ( mostly because people pulled a fandom and literally started worshipping psyche as the new goddess of beauty oh god this is so meta- )
but eros just...flopped he saw psyche's beauty, his brain suddenly went into himbo mode and he accidentally stabbed himself with his love arrows instead, and falls in love with her. you know, like a himbo. then he falls off of her bedroom window before she notices him and it's all "OH LORD SHE'S SO PRETTYYYYY-"
( you had ONE JOB, man
- aphrodite, maybe )
but anyway, in the near future when psyche was of marriageable age so her dad did the thing you should NEVER do in greek mythos and went to the oracle of delphi. and you never go to the oracle of delphi because all she has to give is bad news. so the oracle was like "yeah, yeah your daughter is pretty but oh wait she's destined to marry a monster so leave her on some random cliff and let her new hubby pick her up."
so yeah, they do that and psyche who's pretty much tired of this shit, and you know, waiting for her freaky husband to show up, just yotes herself off of the cliff. the god of winds, zephyrus ( okay THIS IS TOTALLY VENTI BTW ) picks her up and sends her to this really cool mansion with invisible servants and stuff.
her husband...is like invisible too btw and they spend their nights together. psyche soon falls in love with him but she could never see him properly since he made her promise to never sneak a peek at his face.
then one day she makes a mistake and brings her family to her husbands house ( and we know how it goes, fam ). her sisters, who were already married off to be exact. they got jealous, told psyche she probably married a dragon who wanted to eat her or something and told her to do the very reasonable thing and see if he really IS a monster or not since...you're married to him??? it's only fair???
then it got unreasonable when they asked her to kill him if he was so uh...nope-
but psyche did get pretty suspicious after and ended up waking up in the middle of the night when her sussy husband's sus invisibility wasn't up and takes a look at him.
spoiler alert, it eros.
anyway, the oil from the lamp she was holding spilled onto him and he was woken from his sleep, saw psyche broke her promise and just yote dramatically because betrayal.
long story short, psyche completed three tasks with some help from the gods since she had cleaned up their temples all alone once, got hit with literal death disguised as facial cream ( it was meant for aphoriditeeeee - persephone, maybe ) then eros helped her ascend into olympus.
so uh, she's a god now. yay.
BUT YEAH, the au doesn't have to be a literal copy and paste of the myth. we have the power of creative liberty ( shalalala ). however the idea of morax raining down stone spears DOES sound hilarious XD
greek mythology 101 with aine when? bc i would totally join if i get to read greek mythologies written like this lksjdkljfskldjf
oh gods himbo!eros!zhongli would be hilarious-
or perhaps the reader should take the eros role because archon knows we're all so down bad and are already total simps for that man.
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bella-donna418 · 3 years
Happy Birthday Eren!
A/N: Been very half inactive here 💀💀💀
So it’s our special boy’s birthday today, I might as well make a headcanon like how I did with Mikasa and Falco's birthday (missed Annie’s birthday but like, I celebrated her bday IRL 😂😂😂)
Actors AU again wew 😂😂😂
(Please don’t mind the timeskips)
Birthday boy's day today, so might as well make something for him 👉👈
Let’s go!
Mikasa was literally sitting at the nearest chair she could find in the set and of course;
It's her boyfriend’s birthday today and there’s no fucking way she'll forget about it.
But she can’t just let him get away without revenge!
That’s right, last time on her and Falco's birthday—Eren pranked them.
At least they got surprises and all—
But that’s not the point!
She needs to at least prank him back—worse than what he did. (evil ik 😔😔😔
But he did “indirectly” made her cry that time.
So she decided she’ll also prank him back then surprise him.
An idea then popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but grin to herself.
“Mikasa!” Sasha called, snapping her back to reality from her ‘annual brainstorming’.
She shook her head and looked at her, confused.
“Director is calling you.” She said while munching on a cinnamon bun (usual Sasha)
“Right.” She smiled sheepishly and stood up.
After finishing her scenes and all, she got back to brainstorming.
Oh, it’s also her break time so she could go wherever she wants, but she decided to stay and think for a while more.
Then an idea popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but laugh a bit to herself. And that prank was her ignoring Eren 😈😈😈 Knowing him, he wouldn’t care if other people ignored him. But he'd be worried asf and he could go crazy if she did (your Eren cares about Mikasa’s attention “only” your honor 😔😔😔) And the beautiful cruel woman mode is on. Eren was going to pick her up today for lunch since he also finished his tapings and all (also Armin and Annie's with him) He got out to wait and greet her like he always does. ~~~
Since EreMika and AruAni share a car (lol cuz why not?), knowing that Annie and is the earliest to finish.
Mikasa decided to call her, knowing that she’s the earliest to finish out of all of them, and Armin's probably busy at that time.
“Yo, Annie!” She casually said trying to stifle her laughter (Annie knows what’s up lol)
“What? You’re gonna ask another favor again?” (told ya)
“Can’t I just greet my friend? 🥺” Annie sighs over the phone and said, “What is it?”
Now this is when it gets ✨interesting✨
She told Annie all her plans and she decided to go along with it.
“Oh, tell Armin as well.” where she just received a hum as a reply.
Mikasa saw a glimpse of Eren at the entrance of the building and immediately went somewhere she can’t be seen.
The prank starts now 🤡
She immediately composed herself and put on her poker face.
Eren saw her from afar and smiled at her.
She literally feels sorry for him (😂😂😂)
5 mins earlier…
She was now facing the camera and she could tell that once Eren watches this he'll go “berserk”. (wild Eren 🤡🤡🤡)
“Eren, if you ever see this, I'm sorry. *awkward laugh* Happy birthday to you my loves. I love you.” (literally said that 😂😂😂)
She passed by him without even saying anything—she’s not even smiling! (Mikasa putting years of being a top actress to work here 😂😂😂)
Eren just looked at her confused and caught up to her side.
She won’t look at him and this made Eren a bit sad and more confused.
From what he remembers, they never argued or anything at all.
He's also wondering, ‘Is she ignoring me?’ ‘Is she in a bad mood?’
Going with the second option, he decided to give her time and space like what he thought she needed.
They got inside the car. (well the car is actually like a van, but let me call it a car ok??? 🤡)
Ok, their sitting arrangement is basically like this;
Eren and Mikasa
Annie and Armin
Ok back to the topic—
Annie and Armin were looking at them—well, especially Eren.
“Annie, water.” She looked at Annie who was literally skeptical about her lasting long or even not laughing.
She gave Mikasa her water bottle receiving a smile of thanks from her—Eren looking at his lovely bae (poor Eren 🥺)
Heads up! Everyone knew about it, and yes, when I say everyone, it’s everyone (ok wtf am I even saying?)
So, they were silent for the whole ride and nobody’s talking.
Annie's asleep on Armin's shoulder while he’s busy on his phone.
Eren was stealing glances at Mikasa while she’s also on her phone.
Please, his face is like, “Please notice me already. I love you 🥺👉👈”
If you’re wondering where they’re headed to, they’re going to a restaurant Annie wanted to try (but she’s too shy to ask to the point Armin instantly read her mind and she’s like “H-huh? I said nothing—“) which is also far from their workplace/s.
After a mere hour and a half, they finally arrived at the restaurant, and yay, everyone’s awake! (Kudos to the 3 henchmen for enduring the urge to sleep the entire ride, especially Mikasa)
It’s a fine-dining restaurant (rich bitches 😔)
So they found a table which is good for all of them (driver and assistant included)
To add salt to the wound, Mikasa decided to sit beside Annie (Armin letting her)
Eren only looked at her—not used to getting ignored this long. Why exactly? Because;
She doesn’t ignore him without any reason at all.
If ever they get in an argument, they’d make up and her ignoring him won’t even last for a mere hour or so because y'know.
She has NEVER ignored him this long.
Eren just shrugged it off, but he doesn’t feel good about this.
A waiter finally came to take their orders.
They each had different foods and since Armin was the one to bring them here (Annie's wallet gets saved by bae 🥺), he's the one to pay for all of them which he doesn’t mind at all.
Mikasa was quite clingy to Annie as well while she just went with the flow knowing it’s all needed for her prank.
Even though she’s questioning if it’s really necessary 🙃
After 10 minutes, their orders are finally here!
And of course, hunger doesn’t wait for any kind of bullshit ceremony and all so digging in they go 🍽🍽
They were a few conversations, Armin initiating them because Eren is too quiet (just a few more hours to endure 🥺) and Mikasa doesn’t want to initiate them and cut Eren off because he’s always the one to reply to her topics (it could come off as rude 😅😅)
And of course, everything was being filmed (yes, their assistant is also a videographer 😗✌)
So it’s basically 85% silence and eating (pls they just need a speaker and it’s gonna turn into an ASMR) while 15% are their conversations/topics 🤡
Eren is also on his phone while eating (ok I can tell ppl gonna yell at me for this 🤡)
And Mikasa's taking this opportunity to take glances at him and she couldn’t help but literally laugh to herself and look at the camera then mouth ‘sorry’
Annie's still skeptical and Armin is trying his best not to laugh or something I mean, Eren's still looking gloomy (fact: he doesn’t care it’s his birthday at all and just cares about Mikasa and all)
After a few minutes, they finished and have paid so they’re now on their way back. But the thing is… ~~~
Sasha cam
“Yo, they’re almost back.” She said after looking at her own phone and seeing Mikasa's message.
They immediately went on double-time mode and so far, the room's looking quite ready 🤭
And since they’re freer later at night, they decided to do the surprise that time (poor Mikasa gotta endure more of this torture prank she put upon herself 🤡)
And of course, Sasha’s filming this ✌ ~~~
7:36 p.m
They’re finally free from the shackles of work!
And yes, they’re immediately headed for phase 2 of the surprise for our birthday boy.
So, trying not to encounter Eren, Mikasa immediately headed to the place where she’s going to meet Niccolo to give her the cake (yes, they planned this carefully)
So she finally got the cake and she's on her spot (they all have different spots 😂)
They’re now all on standby and of course, Mikasa went to Zeke so he could bring Eren to the lovely spot since yeah—
About 2 minutes passed and they’re still on standby—and finally, Eren's here!
Eren didn’t even hesitate to open the door and when he did, his eyes widened a bit.
“Surprise!” Everyone greeted him but his eyes were just locked at a Mikasa holding his birthday cake and smiling sheepishly at him.
She handed the cake to Ymir and Eren immediately ran to her —hugging her (he's glad that his suffering is over 🥺)
Mikasa laughed and hugged him back and whispered “Happy birthday” to him.
He broke the hug and pulled her in for a swift kiss making Mikasa surprised.
“Are we gonna eat now? Sasha might finish all of this if Niccolo will keep giving her free servings.” Ymir retorted making everyone laugh.
“Geez, I wasn’t expecting her to ignore him for a full day.” Historia sighed a bit which made Mikasa laugh lightly.
Eren looked at Mikasa with his brows furrowed a bit and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Don’t do that again—” He was cut off by Annie who was now in charge of holding the cake (Ymir do be passing all her chores 🤡)
“Blow the candles now birthday boy.” She said—him complying while arms still around Mikasa—everyone making noises with party blowers while spraying silly strings everywhere after (bear the bad writing 😂)
“Alright! Let’s eat!” Pieck said while giving plates, spoons, and forks to everyone for all of them to finally be able to eat.
Of course, Niccolo is the sponsor for all of their food to eat 😂
Eren was now being a clingy baby to Mikasa which is just 🥺✨
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and everyone telling funny stories and jokes.
Of course, afterward, they gave him their gifts while he smirked and was like, “Mikasa's the best gift—” receiving a smack on the head from her—everyone laughing saying he deserved it.
A/N: I, personally think this is poorly written 🤡
Sorry bout that.
But overall, happy birthday Eren! YOU’RE 20 NOW AND STILL ASSLESS— 🤡😂
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ok bhah ch11 my longest yeah boi ever
i’m literally... so excited I can’t even read it ok ok
oh no not the wedding invitations not this
i swear to god if we have to go through this wedding. knifeemoji
listen I have a fear that we’re gonna get the break up and the car accident same as canon dear god don’t put us through that either
no fears *literally everything that could make bhah more painful* several fears dot meme
god not the jamie invite. she cant even do it. another sign from god you are choosing to ignore
straight to Jamie’s house oh
lmao the red door I just worked out that’s a hill house reference from when I was wondering in like ch3(?) lol the inner workings of my dumbass brain never stop
“can we talk?” it’s happening what is happening
Dani was so tired of lying oh my god
my heart is literally beating so fast
alone in Jamie’s room bro wtf wtf
Jamie is just so soft and understanding always always aaaahhhhh
fuck she just wants out of this wedding so bad but she can’t even tell him
fuck fgkjhdfkjgh this is not good oh no. Dani finally finally fucking doing something for herself and Jamie so aware that this cannot be happening like this right now
and yet both of them just falling into it anyway oh my goddddd
jesus christ jesus christ “Dani had half crawled into Jamie’s lap, kissing her with a fierce and fervent heat” I am on deaths door
god they’ve both wanted this for so so so so long I can’t believeeeeee
(i am so thrilled that y’all just went there right away btw)
“Please, just - I just want to feel how I’m supposed to.” oucchhhh Dani
god her just... knowing. after one kiss w Jamie that she can finally do it and talk to him and end it and it’s so terrifying but goddd yes
“You think I can ever say no to you?” oof
“Ask,” Jamie breathed. “Ask me.” fucking fuck the power of this line oh my god Jamie is so fucking ready to jump of a bridge for her it’s- the dedication the love the longing the everything I am going insane is it too early to start drinking at 1pm
you’re not you can’t NOT THE CANON DINER SCENE
fuck this is like watching a car crash i can’t look away it’s so fucking visceral and nerve-wracking and painful
but god I’m so proud of her for finally saying what she wants
oh thank fuck y’all didn’t take him out with a passing delivery truck
“You must have known. You know me.” oh god this sentiment always kills me
“She couldn’t say it — the words ‘I’m gay’ forever out of reach — so instead she said, “I can’t.”” my whole body is on fire oh my god this is.... too fucking real
jesus christ the near miss w the truck are u trying to kill me (i actually kind of love that Dani will have to deal w her feelings w him face to face instead of having to bury it all in grief like in canon I am so excited to see how y’all handle that)
a fucking HOUR in the car dfkjghdfkjh the torture
oh honey. literally both of them suffering so much ouch
her favourite saucepan pls this is all so awful and sad but that make me laugh so much the poor confused little duck I am glad she has her comforts
god poor Dani
"Is she here to cook something?"  fgkjdhfkgjhfkjgdf
“No. I think you’re brave.” oh
“We’ll figure it out." listen listen I am undoubtedly losing my mind god this is soft
“She had spent so long being asked and not asking. Never asking. She never dared. To ask was to be known, to be made visible, words forging reality as surely as a smith’s hammer. And yet Jamie waited, letting Dani gather the courage herself.
"Can I -?" Dani said, "- stay?"” please fuck I am just so !!!!!!!! about Dani getting to know what she wants and having a fucking voice. just !!!!!!!!
“Jamie inviting her in” fucking just both of them finally getting some of that quiet courage w each other I am yelling so much
“Dani knew that it wasn't just her feeling this, that it had never just been her.” YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT BABEY
““But you do?” Dani asked. “Want to?”
Jamie’s answering laugh was brief and incredulous. “You have no idea.”” I AM: HOOTIN. AND: HOLLERIN
“I am here” hello? hello I am not coping I am on another plane of existence. DANI FINALLY FEELING SO PRESENT AND WHOLE IN THIS MOMENT
god they’re just holding each other i’m tearing up. Jamie is her home
Dani finally sleeping through the night ow my fucking heart
Mikey’s so chill about all of this sdkdhfdkj I love him
Jamie going out n buying her favourite jam... god the tenderness. love is stored in the strawberry jam and the hairdryer
hmmmmm her attraction to Jamie is so closely tied to a lot of really hard feelings this is gonna take a bit to work through huh???
aw Jamie going to Carson I am so happy she has her little band of gays to help her rn
I love that she can just kiss her now when she gets the urge like maybe chill out a lil just landing all these surprise kisses but like good for u girl. good for both of u
the warmth of the house hmmmmm I love that she’s found this esp because she is perpetually cold and Jamie is always warm but keeps it like that for the kid (and probably for Dani too) aaahhhh
cgjkdfhkjgh Dani is so thirsty poor Jamie trying to keep them in check. these moments are so fucking loaded holy shit
Dani Jamie and Mikey are the cuuutest lil family aw
god the tentativeness between them trying to figure this all out and the casual intimacy and just. all of it is so much and so beautiful to watch unfold
i love this little bubble inside Jamie’s house and Jamie kind of drawing the curtains around them both physically and metaphorically while she lets Dani figure things out and lets it settle between them
it’s all about the hands
oh my god Hannah instantly asking if she needs a place to stay she really is the best
soft little mornings with her Jamie like... once Dani finally defeats the ball of guilt in her chest there is so much goodness to look forward to and I am v glad she has that right now even as she is still struggling a bit. my girl needs all the sweetness in her life
also the idea of Jamie getting to wake up to sleeping Dani in her bed every morning after a lifetime of trying to repress her feelings... god
heh she’s already figuring out all the ways to push Jamie’s buttons god these two are going to have some fun w each other
this idea of learning the creaking floorboards of a new home is so... warm
Jamie leaving all the curtains drawn for her oh my heart keeping her safe keeping her safe
Nan would be so proud of ms Dani u know it’s true
awww Mikey comin home to keep her company
Mikey Dani time is always so sweet I love them
my god Dani n Jamie are so intense w each other and just so full of fucking desire... when those floodgates finally open will they even survive
oof Dani is dealing with soooo much ugh. Jamie always there with a gentle way to bring her back down to earth tho my hearrrtttt
“You’re allowed to be happy.” she is SHE IS ty Jamie Taylor voice of reason
a pinky promise to deal with everything together awwww
“why are you so good to me” “you know why” oh my goddddddd. that’s so soft that’s so gentle that’s so much love
Dani finding little bits in herself in media god i love this
Dani Mikey hours best hours
god Carson... sweet boy. And Judy sending over a whole bunch of food oof just. these quiet little reminders of their love for her. Dani’s about to go through a whole bunch more emotions huh?
fkjdfkjgfh Mikey going into protector mode when Carson is there pls i love hm
ohmy “our room” aaaaaaahhhhh
god Dani expecting him to be upset with her I am so fucking emotional. I relate far too much to Dani in canon and in this story and it’s just. painful as hell to see someone go through the things you know hurt the most holy shit
please Carson is so sweet and understanding and telling her he’s proud of her is making me cry so much I can barely see
this whole like.. uncomfortable but relief-filled kind of coming out between her and Carson is so so beautifully done I can’t stop fucking crying
“God, you two were agony to watch.”  fglkdfgkjdfhkjgh Carson a voice of the people
“You deserve to be happy.” - Carson and also me and also everyone reading this
god he is so wonderful!!!!!! this reminder that she’s not alone and everything will be ok!!!!!!! Carson I love you so much
the box being described as “the beating heart of their childhood“ god the imagery
Jamie so sweetly making room for her and welcoming her into a home I am emotional again the tears have really been unlocked now I’m gonna be a mess the whole rest of this chapter (i say as if I haven’t been already)
the really sweet way Jamie gets her to open up and trust her with the things that have been on her mind
and Dani doing the same for her god this gentle honest space between them makes my heart feel so full I am just so happy that they’ve got each other
“I want you to stay.” please (also now I’m thinking about AE putting Stay on her Jamie playlist jesus christ I am being tortured)
they get... to wake up.... in bed together. i’m so close to crying again when will this stop
i kind of love there hasn’t really been any like... just no more kissing u know but we still get this insane intimacy between them in a way that’s not them shying away from the way they want each other but so carefuly and sweetly and honestly coming towards each other
awww them always waking up all tangled is so cuuute (also Dani feeling so safe and comfy with her that her subconscious is like lets latch on she is good she is home)
lmao Dani having to mediate between these two dweebs and their playfights is so good
Jamie having her lil family surrounding her aww
(also i just noticed the rating change oh god)
sfkjfhdg Jamie looking at her hips all dark eyes and wanting we’ve all been there girl
“you can look” BOLD DANI MY BELOVED
god these two........ the grabbing her silver chain god @ google how to breathe properly??????
“Then show me.” oh my god
fkgjhdfkj so much electricity they shorted out the power
“this is just as nice” when they’re just hugging please they are so soft
i love that there’s just like... gentle soft banter between them in these quiet moments so much
“Dani, give him more homework.”  ghrfjkhjgkjgh
god the heated cheek kiss
this ‘game of chicken’ god they’re just.... really in it huh this is so fun
hmmm Dani going through the suitcases and sort of being able to bring some of herself/her past into this new place is so nice
heh this lil family and their snowfights are so cute
:( she can’t bring herself to eat Judy’s food
Jamie bringing her flowers oh soft
ugh they’re just so softly melting into being together it’s so sweeeeeeeet
“You’re lovely.” and the way Jamie just sinks into her with Dani’s fingers in her hair pleeease I am dying this is so warm
aaaahhhh they’re dancing soft soft soft
“gray eyes fluttered closed, as though the weight of Dani’s touch was too much to bear” god i am..... aaaahhhh
“a gentle calm settling within her. It had seemed that for all her life she had waited for the quiet of this” y’all this is so beautiful and lovely and wonderful and all the good things
ah that kiss. kinda feels like their first real kiss where they just get to be god I am so happy “a profound sense of finally” oh oh oh that’s such a pretty concept
god I love how much they just want each other that second kiss and them just all over each other is perfect and having to try and reel that in and being able to because they know it’s not going anywhere please it’s so so good
god Dani vs Desert Hearts I love this callback and the entirely different circumstances of her watching it again
dsjfhdkjfh oh no Dani losing her mind at Jamie touching her knee god these two have got the biggest storm coming
dfkdjhkgdjh god them like.... trying to take things slow but still letting things happen while having to be aware of Mikey is so funny but I kinda love it and how indicative it all is of them being so grown up and able to approach their relationship in such a mature way. as much as I wish they’d had their teenage love story I do like that it’s unfolding this way now.
“it struck Dani then that she couldn’t remember ever laughing while doing this.” aww
Mikey’s “oh gross” hahahaha poor kid
god this is so funny
“ferret kid” jamie why are u like this sfkjhdfkjf
oh lordt it seems we have reached the unabashedly horny phase good show ol’ chaps
god they’re still so soft tho this is so fun to read
i looove how flustered they both make each other w just their presence. it’s just so !!!!!!
lmao Dani knowing exactly what to do to drive Jamie insane is fdkgfdkjgh perfect amazing show stopping more neck kisses more teasing more barely restrained desire i love it
“the reckless rush of being in each other’s arms” AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
lmaooooo Mikey Jamie is going to lock you outside if u keep doing this
the fact it can just fade back to comfortable companionship too is like. ugh i love them together
“Yeah. You can touch me whenever you want.” oh jesus
“No more interruptions, no more waiting, no more holding back.” it’s happening god it’s happening everyone stay calm (also the slow build to this point has been so fucking perfect y’all are writerly geniuses)
lmao Dani is like please can we just get naked why do u want to watch a movie I am literally right here
“What do you want?” god the tension
aaaaahhhhh just. them being so out of their minds with want but still all nervous and wanting to check in but still just. wanting this so much god this is *chef’s kiss*
lmao Dani already having the hair pulling thing figured out is so good. poor Jamie lol is she even going to survive this
god the fact they’re both still fully clothed n still getting this fucked up just making out n grinding on each other I love this for them
mum just came in to tell me dinner is ready I AM ALREADY EATIN GOOD
lmao fuck I am just... so thrilled for Dani finally getting to experience this get ur whole world rocked baby u deserve this
thumb in her mouth i-
“my idiot” pls that’s so soft
“You have me.” i know this is like. horny but it’s also so romantic sfgkjhdfkjg
ayoooo Jamie’s tattoo excuse me while I lose my mind a lil bit
my god Dani is so impatient to get her naked I love her for it so much “I just want to feel you”... ma’am
Jamie being all nervous is so cute aw
god having this lil moment where they just call each other beautiful n get all cute about it while they’re fully naked n grinding on each other.... perfection
god I can’t stop thinking about every other mention of Dani having sex w Eddie and it just being like adequate or like her not letting him touch her and now LOOK AT MY BABY GO SHE’S REALLY HAVIN THE TIME OF HER LIFE LITERALLY BEGGING TO BE TOUCHED LET’S GO LESBIANS LET’S GO
I feel like I’m like cheering Jamie on rn sfjkghdfkj u guys need anything? some snacks? a condom?? ur doing great!!
Dani crying and thanking her like this is an acceptance speech love that for her
Jamie kissing all over her face aww
I can’t believe this whole chapter is them just getting to fall in love for real
“I want to taste you” i am blushing goddamn Jamie get it
oh my god the dream. she’s literally living out her dreams
“that same focused intensity that could make kingdoms fall” I love that Jamie is just as into getting Dani off as Dani is getting off lmao GOOD FOR THEM
Dani: desperately tryin to get Jamie off. Jamie: are u sure u want to tho??? miss ma’am let the girl touch u already she deserves it (but i do love that she’s always just like.... never wanting to make Dani do anything she doesn’t wholeheartedly want to)
“You sitting here on top of me like this is doing more for me than you can imagine.”  iconic jamie moment
Jamie literally just like.... ‘you can do whatever you want to figure this out’ is so sweet I love her capacity for just. giving herself over to Dani in every way (not just the horny ones) to let her forge her own path
“It was easy to understand now, the exhilaration of it, why people went crazy for it.” god I love this for her so much everything just falling into place
they’re so soft n comfy together and it’s all just so right and lovely
i love that once they’ve started they basically can’t stop honestly get it girls u deserve all the orgasms
“When did you know?” “Sixteen years.” oof my heart she’s known the whole time aaahhhh. all these lil memories god it really was all out of love I could cry. and Jamie admitting the scarf/scar thing whew she really carried around that moment on her face for the whole world to see (also lol at Dani being so fixated on it this whole time that’s so perfect)
heh they’re so cute with their lil teasing banter exchange
lol goddamn this so so spicy I am just dfklghfjkdjghkjdf (that is to say well fucking done I can’t even speak rn)
Jamie just being like you could literally just look at me and I am turned on I... love this whole situation for her so much
god they’re really just going all in Dani is getting like the.... lesbian sex speed run amen
oh god not Karen on the phone just hang up Dani do it do it
god she is so evil
omg she told her abt Jamie go off Dani I am v v proud of u right now
and she hung up on her godbless babe i LOVE your audacity
heh Jamie so transfixed by Dani’s lil purple sweater and skirt I love her
Dani u are such a tease sfkgjdfkg good 4 u tbh
awwww she got Dani’s desk for her oh my god that’s so lovely
Dani n Jamie being entirely not subtle over dinner w their lingering glances and Carson just laughing at them fkjghdkfjgh i love it. he’s so happy for them even w his teasing aw
aaahhh i just love Jamie giving her this space and this room in the house and Dani feeling so right in it
oooh an almost “I love you” god they’re just fuckin u-haulin in love perfection huh
and now we’re back to horny hours love this for them. gotta bless that desk somehow huh!?
i love the mentions of all this soft stuff about belonging when they’re about to rail each other it really rounds it out emotionally
HELL YEAH IT IS this is truly what we all deserve
oh my god literally ripping her clothes off her fuck i love how desperate they are for each other and just how into this they both are always
dfgkjdfh jesus Dani are u ever going to be able to get work done at this desk again after Jamie does.... all of this to u on it
“Good girl.” the single most powerful sentence in the lesbian language
jesus christ this is still so incredibly steamy sdflkhskhg it never ends. and them like.... experiementing a bit w some different um. approaches? lol good 4 them good 4 them (and us)
my god them instantly getting all soft after about making each other happy please they’re so dang cute
ok love that we are also getting Dani on her knees it’s equality.gif
this little “I like you” “I like you too” confession right now is... so fucking soft and like... after everything they’ve gone through they still have the power to kinda knock each other off their feet w lil things like this huh?? sappy lil shits
oh no Judy I am scared
holy shit Dani “Didn't think you'd love me anymore” owwww my heart
god Judy is such a good mama I love her so much. reassuring her she’s still a part of the family my god I am so emo. she loves her so much
aw I love this lil shared bathroom scene after so many awkward moments w Dani and Eddie in their bathroom and so many mentions of her fogged reflection. things are finally clear and it’s wonderful!!
lol Jamie well if u didn’t want Dani to get all horny u shouldn’t have worn suspenders!!!!! it’s simple math!
god Dani has changed so much this chapter which only takes place over a couple of weeks right?!?!? after so much anxiety and being so unsure of herself this is so fucking beautiful to see
stop the car thing oh my godddd. she doesn’t even care about having her own cause she’s so happy w the person she’s sharing with I’m so overwhelmingly happy
“You’re perfect.” please I will cry this chapter was so perfect (also so are the memes I cackled so much)
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myhaikyuuthings · 4 years
Bf Hc's for Kageyama bokuto and iwaizumi?
oh my babies, yes ofc!
Boyfriend Headcanons
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very shy when you first start dating
you’re most likely his first relationship so he has no idea what he’s doing
will leave milk on your desk for you, share his milk and even buy your own whenever he buys himself one
would l o v e for you to come to his practices and games
bonus points if you help him practice
spending time helping him practice is the quickest way to get him to open up, fall harder for you And you get more time with him
it’s really a win win to help him out
he loves you 50.1% and volleyball 49.9%
does he love you 100%? yes of course but he also loves volleyball and if you ask him to choose between the two of you? he will have a very very hard time 
i feel like he’s the type to absolutely lose himself in a kiss
hes not huge on PDA but if you kiss him in public, he literally can’t help himself
he thinks he’s addicted to your kisses
doesn’t show affection much in the start he doesn’t know how
but once he gets comfortable with you and you start showing him more affection? he wants it Constantly
hold his hand, please
if you’re cuddling his head is either on your chest while you play with his hair, or you’re laying with your foreheads touching just enjoying being with each other
not the noticeably jealous type but he definitely has his tipping point
he tries not to step in if you’re talking to someone or someone’s flirting with you, he trusts you fully
but if he thinks for one second he Could lose you to that person or you look uncomfortable he will step in and not feel bad about it
a lot of your dates are volleyball related tbh
going to watch games together, practicing together etc
but he likes quiet dates too, take him to a park or a coffee shop and he’s thriving 
actually really good at communication tbh
if he has an issue with you, he comes directly to you about it almost immediately
he doesn’t like having to overthink if he’s got something to be upset about or not he’d rather confront the problem together
expects the same from you, but understands if sometimes you just Can’t bring up what’s bothering you
will wait impatiently for you to come to him
he just really loves you and wants to make you happy, whatever that is for you 
12/10 boyfriend
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i’m in love with him so this is a little biased I’m sorry
upfront about everything
he’s upset? you will know and you’ll know why within seconds
really bad at hiding his emotions as we know
but you appreciate that! never have to play the guessing game with this boy
he is so so so affectionate 
from day one, his hand is practically glued to yours as long as you’re okay with that
we love a respectful king
he needs constant validation tbh and he deserves the praise so it balances out
doubts whether or not he’s good enough  for you sometimes
he just thinks you’re the epitome of perfection, so he can’t wrap his head around why you would want to be with him of all people
lowkey insecure and idk if thats an unpopular hc but i stand by it
you get promoted to #1 Bokuto wrangler when he’s having an episode
go to his games, his practices everything
when you’re there  he’s at the top of his game, his spikes? unstoppable. his blocks? unbreakable
if you happen to miss a game or practice they might as well not even put him on the court
hes so sad omg
he understands Why you couldn’t come, doesn’t help that he’s missing you
the type to want to be around you 24/7
if you have classes together he will hold your hand throughout the entire class, usually leaving his dominant hand useless because he doesn’t want to mess up Your notes
will 100% ask to borrow your notes
study dates! you rarely get anything done but if you promise him a kiss for every question he gets right you have his attention for a solid hour
after that he gets distracted by your kisses
loves loves loves kissing you
if you don’t like kisses on the lips? no problem he will pepper your cheeks with kisses
gets jealous very easily
won’t approach you about it though
just goes directly into ‘emo mode’ 
takes a little bit to get him out of it tbh
usually a simple “you know you’re the only person I want right? I love you, you’re my person” and a kiss to his forehead and he’ll perk back up
kuroo flirts with you just to throw Bokuto off his game when they play against each other
if you’re ever uncomfortable with anything, he will remove you from that situation
has thrown you over his shoulder to get you out of situations before with no issue
loves to work out with you! if you’re not into working out he will beg you to let him lift you instead of weights
doesn’t matter what you weigh, he can and will lift you
constantly reassures you that you are the most beautiful, intelligent, caring person he’s ever met
you’re sad? not on his watch. he will listen to whatever is upsetting you and if he can fix it he Will, if not? he’s doing everything in his power to cheer you up
cuddling him is a mess. you don’t have a set position you two cuddle in
the most common is you laying your head on his thick thighs while he runs his hands through your hair and vice versa
big spoon, little spoon, he doesn’t care as long as he can touch you
when it’s too hot to cuddle, he Must at the very least have a pinky touching you or he gets restless
15/10 respectful, funny, kind, talented boyfriend. marry him seriously  he will marry you with zero hesitation
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  you two roast Oikawa together #couplegoals
he’s big on taking care of yourself, proper sleep a good diet lots of water
if you’re forgetful like me and don’t always take care of yourself properly he will text you every few hours to remind you to drink water and eat something
not huge on pda, mainly because of Oikawa, he doesn’t want to hear his mouth
but if you love pda, he’ll compromise, just try to keep it to a minimum around the captain
no shame in his love for you though
if you tell him you don’t feel the love he is doing a full 180
will full on make out with you in front of Oikawa if that’s what it takes for you to realize how important you are to him
come to his games. he won’t ask you to nor does he expect you to but it really helps him
knowing that  you’re out in the crowd cheering for him, it’s his biggest motivation
bonus points if you’re louder than Oikawa’s fanclub
loves going on dates with you
the type to pick you up at random times for impromptu dates just because he misses you
not super clingy but definitely likes having you around, he knows you both have your own life and he respects that but if you can spend time together he wants to
will leave practice early if you tell him you’re sad or miss him
super cuddly in the privacy of your own home
wrap yourself around him like a koala and he is in heaven
honestly just loves feeling like he can protect you, even if you can protect yourself
will 100% help you study, and is super nice about it
you were skeptical after hearing the horror stories from Oikawa but honestly he has a ton of patience with you and will go over the same question for an hour until you understand it if necessary
just wants you to succeed 
another one who loves your kisses
he likes making out and everything but the small kisses mean more to him
when you kiss his cheek before a game, or press a kiss to the back of his hand while you’re walking together woooo
he just feels so loved and knows you have no other motive
with make outs theres always the chance the other person is just horny, but these? they’re so innocent and he can feel how much you care about him with them
not the greatest at expressing himself at first but not terrible either, you make do
once he fully opens up though, you know he loves you
won’t let you stay sad, if you’re upset for whatever reason hes just
“let’s go bully shittykawa that always makes me feel better”
if by some miracle that doesn’t help you, time for cuddles movies and calming tea
gives the b  e s t massages with no complaint
just a really good boyfriend 11/10 caring, funny, protective 
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boneheadduluc · 3 years
Can I pretty please request some HC's about Laszlo x John? I'm willing to take literally anything, there is very much a lack of content in this fandom compared to the other ones I'm in.
ANON- I LOVVEEE you for this ask!! Ive been DYING to write something for these to but as you said, there is a lack of content of these too *sigh* but luckily you have me ;) Ask and ye shall receive!------
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They were supposed to be friends.
So it was understandable Laszlo was so scared, petrified even when they kissed one drunken night. He was more afraid since he had wanted it. He knew he had and couldn't deny it.
John on the other hand was ecstatic. Cradling Laszlo's bearded jaw in his hands while they kissed gently by the fireplace on a cold night.
After John went home Laszlo went into full panic mode. Drinking until he passed out. he dreamt of his father that night. Imagining his disappointment.
John would visit Laszlo often, unsure of what Laszlo felt or wanted. he didn't even know if Laszlo remembered it. And it really did get on Johns nerve's, not being able to mention it because truth be told he did care for Laszlo in the romantic sense, his head was clear.
One day John broke, confronting Laszlo. "What are you so afraid of Laszlo? Are you afraid that I care for you?" He was standing close to Laszlo, towering over him, looking deep into the brown eyes he loved so.
Laszlo had no words, he tried to speak but couldn't really, so John kissed him again. Cupping his face like the first time they kissed.
Laszlo budged against him, humming in discontent, trying to pull away, John didn't let him, he wrapped his arms around the alienists waist, just pulling him closer and finally Laszlo gave up, going slack against Johns body, leaning into him and opening his mouth, letting the warmth of Johns tongue fill his mouth. There was a hint of whiskey as John kissed him.
John ended up spending the night with Laszlo. And it was really, truly unbelievable. The fact Laszlo let this man in his bed, let him hold him afterward, kiss his weak arm, listen to him whisper how beautiful Laszlo was. Skin to skin. Chest to chest. It was something Laszlo would have never expected.
It was warm and perfect, honestly Laszlo for once couldn't complain. And John was gentle in a way. Especially afterwards when he was holding him and Laszlo couldn't help but feel tears begin to form, John wasn't distant or cold like everyone else in Laszlo life had been.
Instead he turned on the lamp. Sat up with Laszlo, wiped his tears, calmed him and then talked. That's all. Just talked with him until the wee hours of the morning. Talked about all the feelings Laszlo had trapped inside until the both of them passed out.
Laszlo awoke to John, sitting on the chair beside the bed, only in slacks, with his sketch notebook, pencil in hand.
Laszlo rolled over in bed, humming to signal he was awake now.
John jumped slightly, surprised.
"Are you doing work? Illustrating another story?" Laszlo grumbled, blinking his eyes. Trying to fight the urge to fall back asleep.
"Oh no, I'm uh-" John chuckled slightly as he turned the drawing to Laszlo so he could see. "I'm drawing you Laszlo, you have a peaceful quality to you while you sleep." The sheepish smile that made its way to Johns face was another perfect and gentle thing that made Laszlo think this was all unbelievable.
Laszlo sat up, sharing a sweet smile as he studied the drawing, and John got every detail, it made Laszlo jaw hang slightly as he stared at it. He didn't remember John being so talented.
"I love it." Laszlo shook his head, feeling his words weren't enough to express how he felt.
Maybe the 'it' should've been another word. A word Laszlo truthfully feared. Maybe it should've been 'I love you'
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