#Before midnight
lucy-mclean · 2 months
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BEFORE MIDNIGHT (2013) dir. Richard Linklater
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verademialove · 10 months
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“I guess when you are young, you believe that you will meet many people with whom you'll connect with, but later in life you realize it only happens a few times.”
Before Sunset (2004)
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joshoconnaissance · 3 months
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Each film is a window onto a stage of life, sharply attuned to the possibilities and disappointments of one’s twenties, thirties, and forties. Taken together, they have become something much larger and more radical: an ongoing collective experiment in embodying the passage of time. (x)
BEFORE SUNRISE (1995) BEFORE SUNSET (2004) BEFORE MIDNIGHT (2013) dir. Richard Linklater @pscentral event 28: throwback
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cynthpop29 · 11 months
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I've never felt so seen.
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nerdside · 2 years
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dir. Richard Linklater
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oyeevarnika · 1 year
it's always "wyd" and never "let's go to a bookstore and I'll buy you books"
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jun-oh-artdump · 2 months
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maybe the most detailed work so far (I'll try)
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akavenicebitch · 3 months
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mauvefayette6 · 1 year
Hi! I looooove your writing!!!! If it’s no problem, could you right about the boys (specifically Meeks, but I saw that you write for all of them too, so whichever you prefer doing) having a huge crush on keating’s daughter and maybe asking her out?
Mr Keating’s Daughter | [Steven Meeks/fem!Reader]
"I don't know why you read that, you aren't going to follow it anyways," you muttered. You saw a smile rise as he put the book down.
"It keeps me occupied before classes start," he winked and you rolled your eyes. "Shouldn't you be heading over to your school?"
You scoffed, "Why can't I just go here? It would be so much easier for the both of us," you complained. He only shook his head.
"For you to be surrounded by cute boys to distract you? Now, hurry along or you'll be late for your classes."
You groaned before getting off and heading out. You began walking, you looked around the school and admired the building. The walls adorned by ancient photographs of past alumni. You smiled at all of it.
"Hello?" You heard a boys voice say, it snapped you from your fantasy world.
"Hello?" You said back staring in front of you.
"Do you go here?" He asked and you shook your head.
"I'm a teachers daughter. Just heading to school..." You said approaching him. You noticed him and really took in his features.
Curly ginger hair, brown eyes, and big glasses that took up most of his face. You saw his cheeks turn a rose shade of pink and you smiled.
"Sorry, you must not get a lot of girls around here," you smiled and extended your hand for him to shake.
"No, not really..." He mumbled shaking your hand.
"Well, I really should get going. Another tardy and it's a detention for me," you winked before walking away. He watched as you walked away, still in a trance he didn't notice Mr. Keating behind him.
[POV switch]
"I like you very much Mr. Meeks," he said startling him. "Keep your hands away from my daughter, okay?"
Meeks turned around and nodded nervously. Mr Keating walked away as he stood there frozen. No way that beautiful girl is Mr. Keating’s daughter. He shook the feeling away and continued his walk back to his dorm.
He had forgotten his tie, which wasn’t the first time he did that. He walked it, grabbed it, and walked back to the dinning room. The fuzzy feeling resurfaced, the thought of the girl came back.
He sat by his friends still awestruck.
“Meeks?!” Charlie shouted finally throwing a paper ball at him.
“What?” Meeks said startled, he looked at Charlie who had a smirk.
“Who are you thinking about?” Charlie asked mocking Meeks’ lovestruck look.
“None of your business,” he mumbled moving his food from one side to the other.
“It is so my business,” Charlie scoffed offendedly, “If there’s a girl I have to know!”
“Just leave him alone, he must really like this girl if he is keeping it from us,” Neil defended. The bell rang, saving Meeks from Charlie’s interrogation.
Meeks and Pitts walked besides each other.
“You have to tell me who this girl is,” Pitts said looking at Meeks who was much shorter then him.
“I don’t have to do anything,” Meeks mumbled.
“At least tell me if she’s pretty!” Pitts begged.
“She is very pretty,” Meeks blushed.
“You have go introduce me to her! It’s not everyday that we see girls!” Pitts pleaded.
“Obviously not. Besides she doesn’t go here…” Meeks sighed devastated. Pitts and him entered the classroom, they sat at the back of the classroom. Todd and Neil were in the same class but sat in the front, and Charlie and Cameron were by the windows.
Meeks had trouble concentrating in his classes, the girl was still on his mind.
English rolled around and they all walked together to Mr. Keating’s classroom.
“Good evening gentlemen,” Mr. Keating said smiling at the boys entering. “Good evening Mr. Meeks.”
“Good evening Mr. Keating,” they smiled walking to their assigned seats.
Class went on as usual, until the girl from before interrupted the classroom.
“(Y/n)?” Mr. Keating said as she waved to him.
“Last class was canceled so I decided to come… early.” She whispered walking to him.
“That’s okay, go on to the back and do some homework,” Mr. Keating smiled and patted her shoulder.
“(Y/n),” Meeks whispered.
“Sorry gentlemen, that was my daughter,” Mr. Keating announced. He resumed class without another mention of her.
Class was over as everyone packed up for their final class of the day. It was a short Study Hall class. Yet no one was talking about school or homework or how hard the Latin test was. The only thing people were talking about how beautiful Mr. Keating’s daughter was.
“I so call dibs on her!” Charlie announced.
“You can’t dibs a girl, Charlie!” Neil scolded.
“I so can and I so did,” Charlie smirked. Meeks rolled his eyes at Charlie.
They entered the classroom and split into a group of three. Cameron, Meeks, Pitts and Charlie, Neil, Todd.
“That must be your mystery girl,” Pitts whispered to Meeks who blushed.
“Can you two stop talking about girls? It’s Mr. Keating’s daughter have some respect!” Cameron scolded.
Pitts rolled his eyes at him and continued to talk about her with Meeks.
“Cameron is right, that’s Keating’s daughter. We should be respectful and not talk about her like she’s an object.” Meeks whispered to Pitts.
“Tell that to Charlie, he is going around announcing that she’s going to be his girlfriend.” Pitts whispered back.
“Charlie is starting to piss me off,” Meeks whispered.
Class ended and everyone walked to their assigned dorms. Meeks decided to make a detour to the restroom. Deep down he was hoping to bump into her.
He sighed as he climbed up the stairs with no sign of the young girl.
“Meeks?” He heard a feminine voice say from behind him. He quickly turned around to see her at the end of the stairs.
“Yes?” He responded.
She climbed up the steps and smiled at him, “I was starting to feel like you were avoiding me.”
“Avoiding? Why would I ever do that?” He laughed nervously.
“Doesn’t matter, want to walk with me? I forgot something at school and really should get it,” she smiled and Meeks nodded.
[POV Switch]
You walked besides the nervous boy and began telling him about your day.
“Janine is such a bitch,” you told him. “She’s cheer captain and is so taking my spotlight. I voted for Amelia to be captain but everyone always picks the cheerful two faced girl to be cheer captain.” You laughed.
An awkward silence began. You enjoyed the leaves crunching on the floor.
“So… tell me about your friends, how is Welton like?” You smiled and he shrugged.
“Not as interesting as your school. Being in a school full of boys is kind of lame. We take everything seriously and really aren’t allowed to enjoy ourselves.” Meeks complained.
“I bet, for the tuition your parents pay I would think the staff would be awfully strict. Where I go no one takes anything seriously.” You smiled.
“Must be nice,” Meeks smiled.
You shook your head, “In all honesty… I don’t think I’m being used to my full potential. I take advanced classes yet those feel so unchallenging. I’ve been begging my dad to enroll me at Welton or at the very least Henley Hall! I mean I think I could really use the challenge!” You laughed and he laughed with you.
You entered the school with Meeks following behind. You opened up your locker and took out your math and science textbooks.
The walk back was more quiet then the walk there. You could feel your heart beating quickly as your face reddened.
“So, call me crazy but I really like you,” you smiled at him.
“W-what?” He stuttered.
“Yeah! Although you aren’t very talkative I don’t mind! I can talk for the both of us,” you laughed. “I know my dad probably told you to back off, but I would really like to go out. There’s this really cool library cafe combo Downtown if you’re free on Saturday.”
“I’m very free on Saturday,” Meeks smiled.
“Cool. I’ll see you then,” you smiled at him.
You parted ways from Meeks to go to your dad’s classroom.
[POV Switch]
Meeks walked to his dorm his face red like a tomato. His heart was racing and it felt like he could collapse from a heart attack at any point. He entered his dorm and with a giddy expression.
“What happened? You were gone for like hours,” Pitts asked.
“Well, let’s just say I have a date on Saturday,” he smiled.
“Seriously?! With who? Keating’s daughter?!” Pitts exclaimed and Meeks nodded happily. “That’s amazing! Charlie is going to be so angry!” Pitts laughed.
“To hell with Charlie! I have a date with the prettiest girl ever!” Meeks smiled and flopped on his bed.
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kissedmeinsane · 10 months
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f. scott fitzgerald, hope sandoval & the warm inventions, ron hicks, [?], [?], before sunset (2004), ransom riggs, before sunrise (1995), [?], before midnight (2013)
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trinits · 14 days
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fav color right here
a lil bit of everything:)
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werewolff · 11 months
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fallencinestar · 2 years
ethan hawke playing a guitar and singing to julie delpy about their first meeting for the movie "before sunrise", behind the scenes of the "before midnight", 2013
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ethanshawke93 · 7 months
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im-lastgirlonearth · 1 month
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So come on, come on, dark star, been loving you and I can't get enough, dark star
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