#Behavioral Correction Services for Pets
deadboyedwin · 2 months
Fair point. Dear Anonymous, if you or anyone else could offer any more clues that would be greatly appreciated. For example any strange sounds? Or pets acting strange?
-- Well, my cat has been rifling through my dressy clothes and makeup like it wants to go on Drag Race, but other than that the only noises I've heard prior to the soda disappearance is the opening of my son's door, mysterious footsteps and the crack of a can opening.
Oh, and the thing in the oven keeps screaming about hellfire, but the service man said that was normal. 🤷‍♀️ I hope you can help.
Common cat behavior it seems.
Perhaps this case is less paranormal than we thought.. have you considered your son as the culprit?
Oh! I stand corrected. Screaming ovens are not exactly a standard-
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imaginehappyhavoc · 14 days
may I order a celeste, kyoko and toko (seperate) x fem reader who's epileptic hcs? Maybe perhaps include how'd they avoid their girlfriend around flashy stuff or how they'd act if their girlfriend had a seizure?
A/N: I myself am not epileptic, but my father is! (Was, rather. He was one of the lucky few who grew out of it.) Please let me know if there is anything I’ve gotten wrong here!
Pairings: Celestia Ludenberg x Reader, Kyoko Kirigiri x Reader, Toko Fukawa x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort if you squint
Warnings: Mentions of epilepsy and grand mal seizures
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Celestia Ludenberg:
♡ Listen, it’s difficult to get Celeste’s favor, but when you do she’s fiercely protective.
♡ She does her best to feign disinterest when you tell her you’re epileptic, but anyone could see her instant changes in behavior.
♡ She starts deliberately avoiding certain places, even ones that she frequents often, because she knows the lights are too stimulating there.
♡ Anytime the two of you are together in a public place, she sticks uncharacteristically close to you. She’ll even link your arms together as you walk so that she can quickly guide you away from unexpected triggers.
♡ Of course, she’ll refuse to admit any of this when asked. She’ll say something along the lines of “What? I simply decided against going there today. I’m quite unpredictable, you know.”
Kyoko Kirigiri:
♡ Even before she was your girlfriend, Kyoko took it upon herself to learn all she could about epilepsy and seizures as soon as she knew you had them.
♡ She only doubled down on her knowledge when the two of you started dating. She even went so far as to take classes on basic first aid.
♡ She develops a sort of sixth sense for this stuff as well. Her natural gift of perception is shockingly useful.
♡ It almost like having a service dog. The moment there’s a single flash, Kyoko’s tilting your head down and walking briskly toward the exit.
♡ She seems to know you’re going to have a seizure before you do. When it happens, she’s ruthlessly efficient.
♡ She knows exactly what to do, and how to do it. If anyone even tries to get in her way when she’s helping you, they’ll be getting a verbal takedown so vicious it warrants therapy.
♡ Otherwise, she just sits behind you, holding you steadily in the correct position and waiting for it to pass. She’ll pet your hair and mumble soothing words, even if she knows you’re past the point of being calmed by them.
Toko Fukawa:
♡ Toko, oh Toko. The poor girl is a walking panic response.
♡ She thought she was prepared for it if you had a seizure, really, she did! It was only when you started to go down that she realized how wrong she was.
♡ For as long as you were conscious, you tried to gently talk her through it. She was definitely absorbing the information, but she just couldn’t calm herself enough to but it into practice.
♡ She ended up calling an ambulance, in the most distress she’d ever felt in her life.
♡ After a while, though, she gets the hang of it.
♡ Her hands will never quite stop shaking, and she’ll always have to control her breathing, but now she can help you through it.
♡ She’ll hold your hand so tight as she leans against your back, keeping you in the proper position and reminding herself that she’ll have plenty of time to freak out after this passes.
♡ While she’s about a subtle as a brick to the face about it, she’ll always keep an eye out for any triggers.
♡ Again, she panics quite easy, so she ends up yanking you in the other direction with a high pitched squeak.
♡ Should anyone flash lights in your face on purpose? May God have mercy on their soul, because Toko surely won’t.
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temmtamm · 2 years
omg hi i also currently have donnie brain rot and will totally dump some requests in your asks! also just wanna say thank you for your service there’s not many rottmnt blogs active, your doing gods work <3
anyways can i request some hc of donnie with a reader who speaks a diff language? (spanish to be specific if you want) like would he try and learn it? would he be annoyed he doesn’t know what they’re saying? would he shit talk with them in secret? inside jokes?
please and thanks you!
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(Asks are temporarily closed until I can finish them all)
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Both him and Mikey speak a little bit of Spanish, so he can understand most of what you're saying, but likes to play dumb so that way you don't stop.
Took special notice to your use of "Mi luchador" when you're tired of his antics.
Just something about the way you say that as you're trying your best not to chew him out for whatever stupid shit he did today just makes him fall in love with you all over again.
Whenever you have trouble with an English word, surprisingly he won't tease or poke fun as he usually does and would instead correct you as quiet as possible.
One day it somehow slipped out that he really knew what everything you're saying meant, as one night after a particularly long battle he sleeping mumbled "Mi mundo" to you while you two were cuddling. He definitely had some explaining to do after.
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Look, I love him but I think we can all agree he wouldn't know what the he you are saying.
It's not that he doesn't know Spanish or what it is, he definitely heard some of it and learned a few words of it thanks to Ghost bear.
He is unlikely to understand all of the little nicknames you give him until Leo decides to be a little menace and translates you one day.
His favorite of all the nicknames is "Mi héroe", not only cause it feeds into his hero complex but it makes him feel like his leadership skills are actually being appreciated by someone.
He never corrects you when you get anything wrong in englisj- Matter of fact, even if you pronounce a word so terribly wrong he's convinced the way you said it is the right way and will pronounce it like that too.
He loves it when you cuss people out in Spanish, he doesn't know why but he is absolutely smitten when you get so deep into an argument or conversation that you start speaking your mother tongue without realizing.
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He, like Leo, can speak spanish although only a little. He mostly knows just pet names and a few curses in Spanish.
He loves to call you "Vida Mia/Mio" and in return you usually call him the same, though you still also save a few pet names for when it's just you two and you want a cuter more intimate pet name for him.
He is quick to correct you whenever you incorrectly say something in English, even offering to help you with the words you struggle with.
He sometimes likes to mimic things you've said- Like if you stubbed your toe and said, "Oh, hijos de puta. Te comeré vivo." He'd repeat it himself when angry or hurt. This has resulted in Leo and Raph chewing you out for turning their baby brother into a cussing machine.
He doesn't really mind though, if anything he fines it fun restarting some choice words you say to his brothers whenever they get into a fight, even if it always results in you trying to get him to stop by not cussing.
The attempt is futile though, as he had a taste of the bad boy life, and he wants more swears and devious behavior
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You'd think with how smart he is he'd know a multitude of languages, but you'd be wrong.
He was much more busy with his tech and being enamored with science than languages.
Though, he knew that his lack of knowledge on other languages would bite him in the ass one day, and bite him in the ass it did!!
He sometimes automatically thinks that whenever you're talking in Spanish, you're talking shit about him but after building a translator for himself he was surprised to see that when you were ranting in Spanish, it was really about mushy lovey stuff that you thought he wouldn't enjoy but still wanted to say.
You love to call him "Tesoro" and although it's cheesy and a bit overused, he likes to call you "Mi Amor" whenever he's having a lovely moment.
Unfortunately, he is a stickler for grammer and will constantly correct and tease you whenever you have trouble with an English word.
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Thanks for reading ♥︎
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astroshitter · 2 years
The houses in astrology
The first house, the ascendant- House of the self.
the horizontal calculated position of the constellation of stars that was behind the sun at the time of birth, the sign that opens the first house. The house of the ego, physical features, what people perceive of me.
The energy I radiate, the aura, the physical health. Personality and external physical characteristics that the world perceives from me.
Impulses, can also indicate childishness. House of new beginnings.
natural position (original sign in the division of the zodiac); Aries, and planet Mars.
Second House - House of our value to things, people and ourselves.
Property, finances, comfort(our comfort zone).
The sensory (the 5 senses), also connects to the throat, possessiveness, stubbornness, fixation.
Can represent early childhood, responsible for what a person needs in his life to feel stable and relaxed, a house also responsible for financial conduct.
Natural original ruler - Taurus and planet Venus.
Third House- The house of sharing.
siblings, the neighbors, the general close environment surroundings in childhood, short trips, public transport and cars in general. Communication, information, transfer of information, daily routine.
Thinking, receiving information, intellect.
Recognition of Patterns and boundaries (our ability to separate), objectivity. head>emotion|emotion=head
duality. Focusing on small details.
The neurosis alongside a constant need to learn and teach, to do something all the time. multitasking.
Natural ruler - Gemini, planet Mercury ruled by day star Mercury.
Fourth house- the family base house.
Parents, the environment we grew up in, the place we refer to when we think of our original home.
Our comfort zone, subconscious emotional security (what we need to feel emotionally secure). Roots, heredity.
Inclusion, hospitality, parental emotional care. (sometimes shows how we express love)
How we act when no one is around, what comes naturally for us
Natural ruler - Cancer and the Moon
The bottom ray on the chart that is called IC (imum Collie)
Fifth house - the house of pleasure and vitality.
Vitality, creativity, close friends, romance, being in the spotlight, ego, addictions.
The house of children (the inner child, our children and the children of other people). theatrical dramatics. Sex and dating, flamboyance, selfishness, the heart. (physiologically as well as emotionally), give and take.
Seeing the picture through the story of events from the subjective eye.
Natural ruler - Leo and the Sun.
Sixth house - House of health and service.
Bills, documents, medical treatment, medical nurses, technical daily routine, giving, criticality, patients, digestive system, perfectionism, work, practice.
Doing things behind the scenes (managing things behind the scenes)
Anxieties, obsessions, psychosomatics.
animals and pets.
Natural ruler - Virgo and night star Mercury.
Seventh house - The house of balance.
Relationships, romance with partners, political correctness, boundaries, beauty, connections, our partners. Intimacy
Behavior of partners, self-renunciation/no compromise, balance, superficiality, qualities we are not aware of (alter ego), visible enemies (of which we are aware).
Natural ruler - Libra and planet Venus.
Eight house- House of transformation.
Sex, death and rebirth, taboo, obsession, secrecy, thoroughness, research, psychology, suspicion, skepticism.
Compulsivity, fears, truth, underworld (Witchcraft), astrology, mysticism, traumas, closure
Repetitive patterns of behavior. karma; Previous generations of the family (grandfather, grandmother, etc.), awareness - to see the truth as it is without the ability to beautify
Natural ruler - Scorpio and Pluto, second ruler Mars.
Ninth house- The house of expansion and essence.
Trips outside the borders of the country, languages, different cultures, philosophy, optimism, the big picture without being able to get into the small details (not thinking about consequences).
Tactlessness, religion, spiritual outlook, publishing.
In-depth research, spiritual or physical journeys alone,
Lack of boundaries, lack of absolute truth (related to boundaries).
Freedom, claustrophobia, unwillingness to commit, fear of missing out , desire to see everything from everywhere.
Natural ruler - Sagittarius and Jupiter.
Tenth house- House of career, public persona.
Status, how people see me (public reputation for better or for worse).
This is a house that is crossed in the upper horizon in the chart, after all, it is the midheaven of the Sky MC (medium Collie)-
Self-fulfillment, preoccupation with how I am seen from the outside,
Investment in work, persistence, tradition. represents one of the parents. Materialism, personal promotion, pension, making yourself name in your workfield.
The 10th house reflects our ACS, the first house, which by understanding our first house, it could shows us why we want to attain the qualities of the 10th house in the first place.
Natural ruler - Capricorn and the planet Saturn.
Eleventh house- the house of the extended society.
Politics, social promotion, anti-primitiveness, anti-framework, progressive, new age, ideals.
Courts, demonstrations, action for the common good, activity for our inner ideals, the God complex, arrogance, emotional distance, feeling like an alien, strangeness.
Natural ruler - Aquarius and planet Uranus, second ruler Saturn.
Twelfth house- The house of sacrifice and mysticism.
Things that the owner of the chart is not aware of (but other people see them), hidden enemies, hospitals, institutions, prisons, closed places, emotional withdrawal, solitude, cinema, directing, music, closure, escapism, rose-colored glasses on reality, dreaming, emotional overflow, visions, tarot and astrology,
Secrets, subconscious connection to others (intuition), feet, wisdom of life, the fool / naivety / childishness,
Peter Pan complex. A house that closes the zodiacal wheel (closure)
Natural ruler - Pisces and planet Neptune, second ruler Jupiter.
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krikeymate · 1 year
Okay so what’s your take on pets at the Carpenter house hold. You might have already touched on this subject. I can’t remember lol but This could be post 5 or 6. Or even your foster AU. But like half of me says Sams a cat person. But I also remember reading something of yours where Sam is like a dad sometimes or something. So the other half of me is like Tara really wants a dog and is begging for one and Sam caves and says they can get one but it’s 100% Tara’s responsibility but behind closed doors she absolutely loves the dog. They cuddle on the couch after Tara is asleep. She enjoys waking up early to talk the dog for a walk. Total dad behavior.
So, here's the thing: Sam is a dog (German Shepard) and Tara is a cat (Siamese), so Sam is naturally a cat person. I have a headcanon, based on absolutely nothing, that Tara was afraid of dogs when she was younger. She got more used to them as she got older, she never quite loved them, but after everything she's been through, she's wondering if maybe they should get a dog... for protection. (She brings it up to Sam and Sam is like Tara we live in an apartment in New York, where the fuck would we keep a dog?)
(They end up getting a dog. Gale forks out to get them a German Shepherd puppy to be trained as a service dog for PTSD. Sidney has one!)
You're 100% correct where Sam would be like this is your pet, I'm not having anything to do with the damn thing -> napping on the couch a week later with it. Sam falls in love with jogging because of the dog.
They end up adopting a couple of stray cats as well, because Sam sees the little things meowing on the street, looking so pathetic and sad, and is like well shit.
In Foster AU, Tara has an emotional support cat called sam. Little sam is a Russian Blue, as I think that suits this Tara very well.
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dynamoe · 1 year
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A break in the narrative of TOMORROW'S JUST ANOTHER DAY for a flashback to Burbank. 1989. (6101 words) read on AO3 (better for your eyes) → or keep reading here below the break ↓
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He waited for the craft service manager to leave to empty the coffee urn. She’d be gone ten minutes max so he had to work fast. He pushed a cooler to the edge of the table, stood lightly on the lid and surveyed the end-of-day remnants. He grabbed the bowl of Hershey's Miniatures and up-ended them into his backpack. Same for the bowl of trail mix. The hummus wouldn’t keep and he didn’t have a container for that; he’d have to eat the carrot sticks he already swiped from the green room plain. Everything else was too picked over.
He jumped off the cooler and opened it— only a couple cans of TAB and RC Cola left. He closed it in disgust. Craft service was tapped, he could give the green room another once-over but he already had snatched up the last third of the party sub, the crudité platter and a bowl of M&Ms.
He turned back in a rush, smashing directly into someone walking the other way. He bounced backward, dropping his backpack and all his raided provisions spilling onto the floor
“Whoa whoa whoa,” a familiar voice admonished, “Watch where you’re goin’, kid.”
“Mr. White! Sorry, I—” Billy collected his wits and then dove onto the pile of peanuts and M&Ms leaking out of his backpack.
The taping ended an hour ago, why are you still here?”
“I missed my bus back to the hotel so I’m just killing time, I guess,” Billy lied, stuffing as much food back in his bag before Mr. White noticed as he could. White didn’t seem very observant, focused fully on the craft service table.
“I gotta stay to record promo bumpers for all the affiliates on Fridays,” Mr. White muttered sourly and then sniffed loudly.
Billy looked confusedly at Mr. White, out of wardrobe and wearing pale-gray jeans and a polo shirt. 
“Audio only,” White explained, looking back at the table, “Someone took all the Krackel bars! Nuts!”
Billy spotted a miniature Krackel he had dropped next to Mr. White’s foot. He retrieved it and held it up in White’s field of vision.
“Thanks, kid,” White snapped it up and stuffed it in his mouth, “Oh, you’re the champ this week.”
White never learned the Quizboys’ names. They turned over too quickly. Two tapings a day five days a week with only one champion carrying over from show to show, that’s 21 Teacher’s Pets he had to feign interest in meeting on-camera and then never making eye-contact with after.
“Yeah, Billy Whalen,” Billy introduced himself again. Not just “this week” but the last three weeks but he wasn’t going to correct the host.
 That was the problem. He had come out to Hollywood to tape his episodes with only two changes of clothing and no long-term plan of how to take care of himself. The production paid for his flight and his hotel room but other than that he was left to his own devices. He got paid $10 a day as an appearance fee, but his winnings were locked up until he ended his streak. He couldn’t drive and Los Angeles wasn’t terribly accommodating on the public transportation front.
There was a long weekend starting tomorrow that meant no taping on Monday, meaning one fewer day of meals and one fewer 10-spot provided. He always collected the leftovers at the end of a shoot day to tide him over into the weekend but he felt unusually desperate and was pushing his luck.
“Hardly behavior befitting a Quizboys champion to be stealing craft service, huh?” Mr. White teased him.
Billy froze and felt like he was going to cry, “I don’t want to, but we’re not shooting for the long weekend so I needed to take something to eat tomorrow.”
“I was just kidding around, loosen up, kid,” White said, smacking Billy on the back.
“We get catered meals on set, but if we’re not shooting I just stay in my hotel room and watch TV. I figure food left at the end of the day is stuff no one else wants so I can take it. It’s not really stealing, if it’s gonna get thrown away, right?”
White was sort of half-listening until the content of what Billy was saying sunk in, “Wait, No food. Alone all day in a room for… how long have you been on the show?”
“Three weeks,” Billy reminded him. That means he had been on-camera ‘introduced’ to Mr. White thirty times.
“Where are your parents, kid?”
“I came by myself,” Billy said with a tone of finality indicating he didn’t want to get into it.
“All that time by yourself. That’s awful,” Mr. White was horrified.
“That’s showbiz,” Billy threw jazz hands.
“Fuck it. No,” Mr. White took a stand, “Leave this. Come with me. I’m getting you a decent hot meal.”
Billy hesitated, “This seems like a conflict of interest. A Quizboy fraternizing with the host might smack of favoritism.”
“Why? I don’t decide who wins. I didn't write the questions. I’m just the dancing monkey who reads the cue cards. Who cares?” White shrugged it off.
“What about taping the bumpers for the affiliates?”
White sniffed, “Eh, fuck ‘em. They can use ones from last week.”
Billy walked meekly behind Mr. White as he charged out of the studio, still doubting if this was ethical but also really, really hungry.
White walked him to a kitted-out Suzuki Samurai parked around the block from the studio, “I don’t even get my own parking space on the lot, if you can believe it. Fuckin’ cheap ass production.” He sniffed audibly.
Billy was awestruck, “Is this your car?”
“One of them,” White grinned as jumped into the driver’s side, “Hop in.” Billy eyed the three foot rise from ground to car warily. 
He scooted over to the passenger side and extended his hand, “Sorry, I’m a bonehead. I’ll give you a hand."
Billy grabbed it with his foot on the edge of the running board, White heaved and pulled him into the truck.
White started the engine and peeled out of the parking space, jostling Billy out of his seat. He grabbed at the seat belt over his shoulder, trying not to be strangled by the awkward angle. Other cars honked, which White cheerily ignored, fiddling with the car radio to find a good station. 
Billy studied his host away from the studio lights and he seemed weird. Uncanny even. He wore sunglasses while driving even though it was already early evening but, Billy rationalized, he was a celebrity and that was par for the course. Billy couldn’t quite figure out why he looked so… wrong.
“Mr. White, do you always keep your TV makeup on after the taping?” Billy asked as he and the other contestants were scrubbed clean by the make-up department as soon as the cameras turned off, the more histrionic losers having already cried off half of it before the credits finished rolling.
“I wanna get out of the studio faster so I take it off at home when I shower,” White shrugged, pulling into traffic recklessly with a wide turn. 
Billy nodded. It made sense. It was really sticky, greasy thick stuff and it smelled oily. He couldn’t wait to get it off at the end of the shoot himself, but he didn’t have anywhere to be. If Mr. White was just waiting around to record audio bumpers today, he had time to take the make-up off, didn’t he?
 “Learn to drive, fuckhead!” White yelled out of the window at a car that honked at him, even though he was running a red light.
 The car was brand-new and lit-up impressively. The top of the line stereo pumped She Drives Me Crazy. White even sang along tunelessly. He sure seemed a lot younger than he did on set, but maybe it was the change of wardrobe or that his words weren’t written for him or that he no longer had the authority to give and take points from him.
"Your car's kinda dusty," Billy observed.
White glanced over at the powder on the dash and quickly wiped it away with a finger, "It's wind from the desert. It blows all kinds of dust and grit in the air. I must have left the window open. Forget it."
“It’s awfully nice of you to worry about me,” Billy said, “You probably have a lot of cool friends you could be hanging out with and, like, Hollywood parties to go to on the weekend.”
“Not really. Nah,” White dismissed, “Unless there’s promos to shoot or public appearances for the show at a mall or something I usually just stay home and watch TV, same as you.”
Billy assumed he was humoring him so he wouldn’t feel bad.
“But I can drive and have money and do adult stuff so it’s not exactly the same,” White qualified his answer, “I really wanted a hot dog right now so this worked out great for all parties.”
They approached a boxy building with bright pink awnings just off the intersection of LaBrea and Melrose.
“We’re not going to Spago?” Billy moaned sarcastically.
“No Wolfgang Puck on a first date,” White quipped back, pulling into the small parking lot behind the hot dog stand, “This place has been here forever. It’s a landmark! Orson Welles ate eighteen hot dogs in one sitting here! That's probably what's in those lost scenes of The Magnificent Ambersons, I bet. Just Orson scarfin' down wieners.”
“I thought it’d be in a building shaped like a big hot dog,” Billy said, trying not to sound disappointed.
“You’re thinking of Tail o’ the Pup,” White said, “You know Bruce Willis proposed to Demi Moore right here... Aaaand Aaron Spelling orders a hot dog from Pink’s every day that he’s working in his office up there.” White pointed towards the CBS studios up the block.
“Pink’s Hot Dogs appears in the opening credits of The Golden Child,” Billy said idly, dropping non-academic trivia after hours.
“Whaddya doin’ watching R-rated movies? That’s not a kid’s movie.” White taunted him, “Someone oughta put a parental lock on the cable box in your hotel room.”
“It’s only PG-13,” Billy defended himself, “Fifteen uses of ‘ass,’ two ‘asshole’s, eleven ‘shit’s, three ‘bastard’s, two ‘hell’s, and one ‘goddamn,’ but no f-words at all!”
“What, did you have a bingo card you were filling out?” White mocked him with a snort.
It was late but there were still a dozen people waiting in line at the stand. White mentioned that the line is twice as long during the day and it wouldn’t be more than a few minutes before they got to order as he sniffed and wiped his nose.
"Do you have allergies, Mr. White?"
"Something like that," White shrugged, "Get anything you want, kid. It's on me."
Billy studied the menu card in front of him, with the dozens of hot dog combinations with celebrity names, “I guess I just want a plain hot dog.”
“C’mon. Live a little, Billy!”
Billy sighed and announced, “I want a John Tesh dog with onion rings. And an Orange Crush!”
White nodded and ordered, “Gimme a Marlon Brando. A John Tesh. A side of Tom Berenger and an Orange Crush.”
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White paid and waited, Billy walked around to the patio to claim a table. They settled in to a hot dog feast al fresco in the cool of evening.
A woman in a bikini roller skating down LaBrea with a boa constrictor around her neck passed 
“Welcome to Los Angeles,” she said, skating a ring around their table, waving her snake as she moved on.
“She seems friendly,” Billy observed, a little confused.
“So,” White asked through a mouth full of chewed bun, “Why’s your head so big?”
“That’s pretty tactless, Mr. White,” Billy mumbled.
“What can I say,” White threw up his hands, “I’m a no-bullshit kinda guy!”
“I was born with hydrocephalus. It’s colloquially known as ‘water on the brain.’” Billy shook his head demonstratively, making a faint gurgling sound, “It’s better than it was. I had brain surgery after graduation so I don’t leak anymore.” 
“Huh,” White said flatly, “That’s cool.”
“I know I look kinda weird.” Billy muttered apologetically, breaking eye contact.
“What, are you nuts? You look fantastic!” White reassured him, “Despite the haircut.” 
Billy suddenly felt embarrassed. What was wrong with his hair? Half the teen idols on the cover of Tiger Beat had this haircut. He roughed it up with his hands. Maybe that would fix it?
“Actors hang out here during the day waiting to be ‘discovered,’” White mused while stuffing an onion ring in his mouth, “I never wanted to be an actor. This is my first TV job. I was on radio before this, but they needed someone fast when they shit-canned the old host for getting ‘handsy’ with the Quizboys.”
“Prof. Dolan? No way!”
“Yes way!” White argued back, “They paid plenty to keep it out of the Enquirer, too. Settled out of court with all the kids. A real shit-show.”
Billy was shaken. He had watched Prof. Dolan's reign as Quizmaster on the show since he was five. He always assumed he had just retired.
“He’d take the champ and the runner-up back to his dressing room and give ‘horsey rides.’” White air-quoted, slowing the words down as if this had some well-known double meaning. Billy didn’t know and didn’t want to know what he was implying. He caught Billy’s expression, “Don’t worry, you would have been fine. You weren’t his type— he liked blondes with sad eyes.”
“Are all grown-ups this fucked up?” Billy finally muttered.
“Language,” White tsked.
“Ugh, you sound like my mom.”
“Jeez. I’m not that old. I gotta talk to Wardrobe about the hokey suits they stuck me with. Like I’m frickin’ Richard Dawson!” Mr. White said indignantly, “I only graduated from State, like, two years ago. Less than that!”
“That’s what I’m using the prize money for! To pay for college!” Billy interjected excitedly, “We blew my college savings on medical stuff.”
“Keep winning like you have been and you’ll cover tuition, housing and textbooks and still have money left over for beer bongs.”
“My top choice school is MIT,” Billy announced and then added, “You sound like you might be from near there, Mr. White.”
“Me? Yeah, the general area, I guess,” White prevaricated. He thought he had done a pretty good job rounding out the corners on his regional dialect to Broadcast Standard English but the kid was perceptive.
“Have you been to MIT?” Billy asked, hopefully.
“They had a good radio station,” White searched his memories, “Back in high school me and my friend Donnie would steal his older brother’s car to drive down to see bands in Cambridge on the weekends. That’s as close as I got, though. Sorry.”
“I’m from the East Coast, too,” Billy offered, “This is the longest I’ve been away from home.”
White seemed distracted, rubbing his teeth and gums vigorously with a finger.
“Are you ok, Mr. White?” Billy asked with concern, “Do your gums hurt?”
“Huh?” White said, caught in a tick, “Oh yeah. Just giving them a ‘finger check.’ Gotta floss more. Gingivitis can creep up on you.”
“I think I just saw Dabney Coleman walk by,” Billy whispered excitedly while standing on his seat, craning his neck to see further.
“Hey kid, why are you still wearing that?” White asked, gesturing up and down to Billy’s blazer over a sweater and khaki pants with a knit tie that he was wearing during the taping.
“I don’t have any other clothes,” Billy confessed, “I didn’t think I’d still be doing this three weeks later so I didn’t pack anything else.”
“You’ve been wearing the same outfit every day for three weeks? That’s disgusting,” White turned up his nose.
“No, I have two outfits. I wear one while I wash the other one in my bathroom sink. I trade off every day,” Billy said. 
“At least take the tie off when we’re not on the show so this doesn’t look like a job interview.”
Billy slid the knot down and unbuttoned his top button.
“Better,” Mr. White pointed with the butt of his hotdog, “That settles it. Tomorrow I’m taking you to buy you some decent street clothes.”
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“You wanna experience Los Angeles at the cusp of a new decade at the end of the Millennium?” White pontificated, gesturing broadly as they rode down the escalator, “Then you go to the mall. The Beverly Center Mall if you can swing it.”
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“There’s a scene in Less than Zero set at this exact mall,” Billy quizboyed.
“Jesus Christ, don’t tell me kids are reading Brett Easton Ellis novels now,” White peered over his sunglasses. 
“And it’s in Beverly Hills Cop. Briefly,” Billy added.
“Ok, that one is definitely R-rated and—”
“Eddie Murphy says ‘fuck’ in it 60 times,” Billy said with a naughty smile.
They walked off the escalator, crowded by shoppers, as dozens of neon-lit store signs twinkled at them across the atrium.
Mr. White always looked really stylish and put-together, Billy thought. Even when they were just hanging out at the mall he had a deconstructed white linen suit over a pastel-colored t-shirt. Billy reached up to flick some specks of white from his otherwise impeccable jacket’s cuff
“Guess the powdered donut I had for breakfast got away from me,” White laughed.
“Or your dandruff shampoo isn’t working well enough,” Billy suggested snarkily, even though the placement of the white specs didn’t make sense for either of those explanations.
White was still wearing his sunglasses even inside the mall. They had only a slight warm amber fade to them so Billy assumed they were just his regular glasses he wore all the time but it made it hard to look him directly in the eye. He had a big expensive-looking watch– probably a Rolex or something, a small gold chain around his neck and a signet ring with a pink stone on his finger. The only off element was the silky bandana-type wrap he wore on his head— a kind of tight-fitting fabric cap that covered his hair completely.
“It’s a du-rag, Billy,” White had explained on the drive over, “I put a conditioning treatment on my hair this morning so I gotta keep it covered while the chemical processes. You call it vanity, but it’s all part of the job. Gotta be slick and shiny when the cameras roll next week, y’know.”
“It still looks super weird,” Billy felt comfortable enough with Mr. White to offer his opinion. He didn’t feel comfortable enough to bring up that it still looked like he was wearing his TV make up from yesterday or he had put on a brand new face of thick foundation even though they weren’t shooting that day.
White spotted the green sign of the United Colors of Benetton, steered Billy away from the Electronics Boutique and in the front door. Here was a brand that was trendy, but not too intimidating to a fashion novice with, presumably, pretty conservative tastes. Plus they had kid sizes.
“I applied to work here when I was in college. Never hired though,” White remembered bitterly, muttering under his breath, “United Colors, my ass. I guess ‘No Color’ isn’t included that union, huh.”
Billy wasn’t listening, just overwhelmed by the size of the store and all the bright colors. Pop music blared from the sound system. Blown up photos of cheerful diverse groups of young attractive people of all races wearing primary colored Euro-Preppy outfits on white backgrounds smiled at him from the walls. Inclusive, sure, but all of them had a head-size proportionate to their bodies.
Mr. White walked with him to the kids’ section.
"You're really going above and beyond, taking me shopping, Mr. White," Billy said, "Spending all your free time helping some kid you hardly know with his problems."
“It’s kinda fun. Makes me feel useful, too. Reminds me of when I was back living at home with all the cousins and nephews and neighborhood kids underfoot. Lookin’ after 'em. Keepin' em outta trouble. I never thought I’d miss that but being out here is kinda… I dunno... isolating?” 
"What do you mean? Don't you have lots of friends from being on TV?"
"It definitely helps when booking restaurant reservations, but otherwise... nah. I don't even hang out with any of the people who work on the show, it's too awkward. You never know who's on the way out or who's trying to get you fired or take your job."
Billy looked up a shelf that stretched up to the ceiling with tiny square cubby holes for socks in every color of the rainbow.
“You end up alone a lot of the time. Alone and doing nothing. Alone in your car waiting in traffic. Waiting for a call. Waiting to go on set. Waiting for someone to tell you to do something. Makes me feel like my brain is atrophying," White sniffed noisily and wiped his nose, "I used to be wicked smart before this gig, y'know?"
Billy watched his expression shift from melancholy to resolved.
"But not today! Today belongs to us," White went over to a table of folded sweaters in neat piles,"Pick out whatever you want. Get a week’s worth of clothes. Extra socks and underwear. I’ll cover you and you can pay me back out of your winnings.”
Billy hesitated. “Don’t make fun of me but… I’ve never bought my own clothes before. My mom always picked them out and told me what to wear.”
“Explains a lot of your ‘look,’” White sniffed. Billy pouted. “What can I say, I’ve got a good eye for ‘Sunday-Best picked-out-by-mom’ after 250ish fuckin’ episodes now. I tell ya I got sweater vests dancin’ before my eyes when I go to sleep at night.”
Billy snickered. White smirked, “Buying clothes doesn’t have to be a drag. Get something you like, not what your mom likes.”
Billy looked around at the sweaters on tables, the hanging racks, the open shelves with stacks of folded shirts. He didn’t even know where to start.
“What’s your favorite color?”
“I dunno,” Billy thought, “I like green, I guess. Green or yellow.”
“Good choice. Nice contrast with the whole carrot-top you got goin’ on.” White encouraged him while pulling a striped green pullover from a shelf and handing it to him. “Try it on in a couple sizes. These koo-koo European numbers on the tag are meaningless to me.”
Billy made a selection from the rack and walked to the dressing room, White followed him and sat outside the door while he dressed.
“From now on, bring your laundry to the studio on shoot days. Wardrobe can wash them for you,” he shouted over the door, “Unless you, like, crap your pants or something. Don’t bring that to the studio.”
“I’m not going to... soil myself,” Billy sputtered with disgust from inside the room, “Jeez Louise!”
"You say that now but you never know,” White shook his finger, “In a close game those final question challenges get pretty stressful.”
Billy groaned.
“Hey. Did you pack a bathing suit?”
White pulled a pair of swimming trunks from a rack behind him and tossed them to Billy, “Get those, we’re going to the beach later.”
Billy hesitated, “Do I have to get exactly this pair or can I pick out one that will fit?"
Billy had donned one of his fresh new styles to make his debut on the Santa Monica boardwalk. A butter yellow rugby shirt with mint-green stripes over avocado green elastic-ankled slacks. He mussed up his hair to look beach-ready. For the first time in his life, he thought he looked pretty cool (allowing for the whole "built like a bobble-head and shorter than parking meter" factor).
Mr. White donned a bolero hat in bleached straw with a wide brim and switched to a pair of much darker tinted sunglasses. He draped a cashmere scarf in muted mauve over his shoulders. Being out in sunlight was unavoidable in Los Angeles, so he had strategies to protect himself while still looking the peak of yuppie au courant.
“C’mere kid,” White grabbed Billy by the shoulder and squatted in front of him. “You ain’t got much of a nose but it’ll still hurt like hell if you get a sunburn on it.”
Taking a dab of sunblock (top of the line stuff, from France) from the tube, he patted it on Billy’s nose and on the top of his ears. He squirted a streak across the palm of Billy’s hand and indicated he should rub it into any other exposed skin.
A woman in a bikini with a boa constrictor draped around her neck like a scarf roller skated the opposite direction as they walked down the boardwalk.
“Welcome to Los Angeles!” she shouted behind her in a sing-song voice as she whipped past.
Billy did a double take “Wait, is that the same woman from—”
White cut him off, “Nah, there’s tons of them.”
“This is gonna sound weird, Mr. White, but I’ve never been to the beach before,” Billy said, his hand on his forehead shielding his eyes from the sun overhead as he looked out at the small waves lapping at the sand.
“Really? Never?”
Billy nodded, “I’ve even been to California before— four times! Never once made it to the beach.”
White snorted derisively, “No beach. Just came out to admire our world-famous freeway system.”
“My mother didn’t consider the beach culturally or educationally enriching. Didn’t think it was a good use of my time.”
“She sounds like a barrel of laughs,” White said snidely.
Billy counted on his fingers, “I came out twice for academic tournaments at CalTech. Once for a conference at Stanford and once to… UC Irvine, I think. It was some UC school anyway. I was only three. Some grad students let me play Asteroids on a terminal hooked to a DEC PDP-11.”
White smiled nostalgically, “Ah, the DEC minicomps. Gorgeous machines. State had one avocado green.”
“Wow, you know about computers, Mr. White?” Billy was blindsided by Mr. White’s hidden depths.
“My sophomore year, I secretly coded a program in ours that would randomly generate different ‘fuck off’s to any subsequent entered commands. Made the Freshman lab seminar think the machines had attained sentience,” White laughed. 
“You can do computer programming, too,” Billy shouted, even more amazed. He already idolized Mr. White for being tall and handsome and cool, plus being on TV, but if he knew computer stuff, too, he was ascending to god status. Mr. White might even challenge Rusty Venture for his all-time personal #1 hero pedestal.
“Oh sure. I got my BS in Computer Science. I ain’t just a pretty face, y’know.” White winked, “Theoretical and practical. Hardware. Software. Circuit engineering. Hacking, Cracking and limited Phone Phreaking.”
“That’s so cool,” Billy bounced on his heels, having found a kindred spirit, “You’re a scientist.”
“Scientist-Non Practicing,” White clarified, “Other than working as an involuntary help desk every time a boss bought a computer, I haven’t actually used those skills since graduation. I’m probably really behind the technology. I only got through C, never mind the C++.”
“How did you end up being a TV star if you were a computer scientist?”
“‘Star’ is really pushing it, pal,” White dismissed. For a smart kid, Billy was investing the low-budget production with way too much pop-cultural influence. It wasn't even a network show, just pretaped and syndicated to a patchwork of markets. White would make more money managing a Gap Kids or a Banana Republic over the chicken scratch he was paid. 
His condo and his car leases were covered by his… other job.
“You’re squinting pretty hard there,” White noticed.
“I don’t have any sunglasses and no hats will fit me.” Billy sighed. “I’ll be OK.”
White made a bee line for a kiosk on the side of the boardwalk, gesturing to Billy to follow him. A standard little pushcart, stocked with water wings and beach balls and extra tanning lotion. Of interest to them was the rack of cheap hats and sunglasses.
“This looks like it’ll fit,” White joked, putting a kid’s inflatable pool ring on Billy’s head like a swan-headed crown.
“It doesn’t give me any shade, does it?”
White pointed at a rack of cheap neon-colored plastic sunglasses. Billy scowled.
“They’re not going to fit.”
“Humor me.”
Billy sighed and demonstrated, slipping the glasses arms over his temples, warping the hinges long before the bridge met his nose. He forced the glasses on with a shove, the arms digging into the side of his head before snapping off from the pressure and they fell from his face.
“You break it, you bought it, chief,” barked the vendor.
“Yeah yeah yeah,” White mumbled, handing him a couple of crumpled dollars while still combing the racks. He found a plastic sun visor on an elastic strap. He snapped the elastic and showed it to Billy.
“How about that? Pretty clever.”
“No way. I’ll break that, too.” Billy predicted.
White thought and then grabbed a second one, paying the vendor for both. He pointed at a fluorescent green boogie board in Billy was examining. “And I’ll take that, too.”
White gave Billy money to get them both frozen yogurt and sat down with the two sun visors. With the Swiss army knife in his pocket he cut the elastic off the first visor and used it as a donor to extend the length of the second. He didn’t have the means to sew or staple it on so he tied it on in a flat-lying knot. He bent a paperclip into a little slider to keep the free end slightly adjustable. It wouldn’t last more than the day but it was good enough to let the kid wear a stupid sunhat the same as any other normal kid could. 
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He finished up his jerry-rigged creation just as Billy returned, handing a paper cup to White without ever detaching his tongue from his own chocolate-vanilla swirl cone.
“Taa-daa,” White announced, holding up his creation, “I MacGyvered it.”
He slipped it over Billy’s head— the transparent plastic visor looking woefully tiny on his forehead, but actually casting a little shade over his eyes— and tugged on the loose elastic to cinch it on. It fit.
“You actually did it,” Billy said, “I’m totally, totally impressed.”
“Now let’s get to that beach you’re here to see.” 
Finding a stretch of empty sand, they left the boardwalk for the beach proper. White hung back towards a bench with a city-provided parasol covering, well in the shade. Billy kicked off his shoes, pulled off and tossed aside his flashy Benetton duds revealing the swim trunks and t-shirt underneath. 
“Before you go in, lemme refresh your sunblock or you’ll look like a boiled lobster on camera.”
“How about you Mr. White?”
“I’m already all blocked up. I took care of myself before I left the house,” White waved him off. Billy noticed Mr. White seemed to have put more clothes on since the morning, he was wearing his driving gloves on and had a long-sleeved shirt buttoned right up to the edge of his throat, plus that scarf draped over top.
“You’re not going to go in the ocean?”
“There’s a provision in my show contract that I can’t get a tan. It fucks up the lighting in the studio if I’m a different color. So I have to stay in the shade.” White gestured at the beach umbrella overhead
Billy looked a little disappointed, “That’s not gonna be fun. We came all the way here.”
“I live here. I can go to the beach whenever I want. You run around and go in the water.”
Although disappointed, Billy accepted it. He grabbed his neon boogie board and ran toward the ocean whooping cheerfully, his oversized Fido-Dido t-shirt all but entirely covering him.
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“Hey! Hey! Hold up!” White called out.
Billy trotted back obediently.
“Whaddya doin’ keeping your shirt on when you're in the water? It looks dorky. You scared someone’s gonna make fun of your fat boy tits or something?”
Billy screwed up his face, disgusted, “No! Of course not.”
He peeled off his Fido Dido shirt defiantly and threw it on the ground. He threw a stink-face and a crotch-thrust at White before dashing back towards the ocean giggling.
“Oh shit,” thought White. Not what he was expecting on the secondary sexual characteristic front. He was more than a few Tanner Stages off in his estimation of how old this kid was. Speedos didn’t leave much to the imagination and he definitely wasn’t wearing the right size. Billy seemed oblivious, hopping over the incoming waves on his stumpy surfboard and screaming in delight.
White sat on the bench, thinking. The whole day in retrospect suddenly felt kinda shady. How did he feel more like pedophile because the kid was older, that made no sense! He didn't have any kind of attraction to any fuckin' kids; he just felt bad and wanted to do something nice. He shook the thoughts from his head. Fuck what people read into it.
Billy took a break from swimming and padded up to him, his sea-salt-scented bangs clinging in fettuccine strips over his forehead. White handed him a rolled towel.
“How old are you really?”
Billy stared innocently, “Fifteen. Why?”
“All this frickin’ time I thought you were like seven or something.”
Billy frowned, “Because I’m short, right?”
“And the haircut, honestly.”
Billy scowled and shook his wet hair like a dog drying off. 
“The show thinks you’re a little kid, too, y'know. You were competing against 2nd Graders! I'm gonna have to tell 'em.”
“I never claimed to be anything. Your casting people made an assumption at the audition that I chose not to correct," Billy said snottily, “I could have shown my ID if they asked.”
“Yeah, well, Casting is coked to the eyeballs. They’d book a ham sandwich to be a contestant.”
“'Coked to the eyeballs?'” Billy repeated, confused by the phrase.
“Never mind,” White shrugged, “I’ve gotta pick up a package in Sylmar, all the way down in the Valley so I should get on the road soon. Are you ready to go?”
 Billy nodded, wrapping himself in a towel. They walked back to his car.
“Now that I know you’re actually a teenager I guess I should be taking you to more mature attractions, huh?”
“Can we go see boobie movies?” Billy asked, wide-eyed and vibrating with excitement.
“Not that mature,” White rolled his eyes, “Not if you’re calling a skin flick a ‘boobie movie.’”
His car idled in front of the hotel as Billy got out.
“Did you have fun today?”
Billy smiled and nodded.
“Whenever you feel sad sitting alone in that hotel room, call me up and I’ll take you out for ice cream or something. No one should be alone because they’re different.”
Billy was alone more for logistics than his personal uniqueness, but it was still a heartfelt gesture.
“Even if you just wanna talk about anything that’s bothering you,” He reached into his inside jacket pocket and handed Billy a business card, “Any stupid thing. I’ll listen. I get it. I’ve been there.”
Billy turned the business card over in his hand, confused. Tasteful thickness, eggshell texture. “But it’s blank?”
White grimaced, “It’s printed white on white. Tilt it in light.”
Billy held the card up at an angle and the name Mr. White followed by his phone and a pager number flickered in subtle glossy relief to the pale nimbus background. There also was a thin edge of powder grains stuck to the long edge for some reason. He flicked them off.
Billy squinted at small writing next to his name “Why does it say '250 per gram, delivery no pickup' at the bottom?” White ignored him, and clasped his hand.
“If you’re feelin’ alone in the world just... know I’m here for you, kid.”
“Same for you,” Billy said back, but then second guessed himself. “I mean, if that’s not too presumptuous, Mr. White. I don’t know anything about your life. I’m just a kid but… it schucks to be alone all the time.”
“Yeah,” White agreed and sniffed.
“Goodnight, Mr. White.” Billy looked up at him with his puppy-dog eyes, “Thank you. Really.”
to be continued...
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I gave up on posting fiction here because lack of interest and tumblr's annoying text layout but this story has TWO Illustrations and is mostly self-contained so maybe some fan might stumble onto it and get some enjoyment out of it, y'know.
→ Chapter title is a 1991 Boys II Men hit. Did I think it came out in 1989 when I titled this chapter? A little bit.
→ On a TV or Movie set, “craft service” is an assortment of snacks that is set out for the cast and crew to nosh on during breaks in shooting. Because hot meals (provided by a different department “Catering”) come at weird times on shoot, craft service keeps people on set (not ducking out to buy food). There’s a hierarchy of who gets to eat when (eg, SAG actors before non-SAG). A green room is the waiting room for guests (different than a dressing room— one room shared by all the guests) appearing on a talk show or game show and there’s usually a catering tray there, too.
→ Most facts about swearing in Eddie Murphy movies, Pink’s Hot Dogs and the Beverly Center Mall are accurate. I made up some of the hot dog names; I don't know what was on their menu in 1989. The Beverly Center Mall was the setting of 1991’s Scenes from a Mall, which was shot a year after this chapter is set.
→ A lot of that business card crap is a lift from American Psycho. Another novel by Brett Easton Ellis, came out 1991/set in 1987, movie made in 2000.
→ If anything else that needs explaining, ask me
→ the rest of the story is on AO3, but this flashback is a one-off scene. (It mostly takes place in 1995-1996 when Billy is 22, living in the trailer in the desert.)
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A Conjectural Technologies backstory story ('95-'96ish) → with illustrations ←
Billy has a crush on the mean grrrl who works the video store. Pete disapproves and suddenly finds himself ever-popular with a whole new fan base
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evansblues · 1 year
This group of women on here are amazing!
Bolen herself is an Artemis type she said.
Ayehsa mentioned abstience being an attractive option: https://womenlovepower.com/why-abstinence-can-be-sexy-and-radical/
Women Love Power archetypes, introduction to the system and quiz (easy to understand graphic): https://womenlovepower.com/13-seduction-archetypes/
About Women Love Power
Starting off with what the anon said, they are correct in the sense that you have the essentialist, representing the mother archetype first, followed by the lover archetype.
It's worth noting that Bolen has also identified the mother archetype as Demeter. Demeter is Persephone's mother and the sister of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
The mother archetype embodies beautiful, nurturing energy. She is selfless and caring, often expressing love through acts of service and taking care of others. However, the downside is that the mother might be overly involved in her daughter's life. In some narratives about Demeter and Persephone, their stories are always interwoven. This dynamic is mentioned in the maiden archetype for Persephone on her website, which varies depending on the lover energy.
On a related note, the lover energy is represented by Aphrodite. The perspective of Ayesha, is that all women should and do need to embody some aspects of Aphrodite energy. This can manifest as physical sensuality or simply a love of dance; it's essentially a profound love of femininity. Aphrodite epitomizes the feminine energy all women should have. Bolen, however, views Aphrodite differently, as an optional goddess; not all women may resonate with or need her energy. Some may possess a mix of Aphrodite energy, while others might not have it at all.
Returning to the mother energy and its association with Chris: Having gone through the entire book by Bolen and the courses, I'm very confident in Chris's archetypes. Bolen has a book for the men called Gods in Everyman and Ayesha covers all the Gods in each of her courses with the best matches for you based on your archetype. This course, by the way, is excellent and worth the investment. It was instrumental in helping me understand my type and why I keep picking the wrong guys.
Contrary to what the anon suggests, the desire for all encompassing love is not the primary objective of the mother archetype. Her archetype even as the sensualist is that of nurturing- family first is the best way to describe her and that means she's children focused not husband focused or love focused. Just to be clear, you can be a mother or sensualist (Both demeter) and not want or have any kids. What replaces kids is up to you but could be pets, those who need help and vulnerable, seniors, the homeless etc. The point is you need to nurture to be happy. Lisa has big mother energy although I'm not sure which one and she's in an unhealthy energy but that's for another story. All encompassing love-That's the domain of a different goddess. Each goddess has her own goals, especially in romantic interactions.
The quiz, which helps determine one's archetype, requires careful attention. It's comprehensive, consisting of about 100 questions spread over six to eight pages. It's crucial to save your progress since refreshing the page necessitates starting from scratch. When attempting it, one should reflect on their lifelong character traits and not merely on situational behaviors.
For instance, even if a woman embraces the nurturing energy of Demeter after becoming a mother, her fundamental archetype might remain unchanged from what it was pre-motherhood.
Using Gloria Steinem as an example, regardless of whether she has children or is married, her primary archetype is that of Artemis, representing independence and advocacy for women's rights. So, regardless of her life choices, they're filtered through the lens of her primary archetype. It's vital to approach the quiz from a standpoint of one's true and purest nature. Don't take it worried about what others would think. Take as you are and it will resonate the most.
Every archetype has its beauty and significance. There's no hierarchy of value among them. One challenge with Bolen's perspective is that many are drawn to the Aphrodite archetype, perhaps because it seems more glamorous or desirable. However, very few genuinely embody the Aphrodite archetype. It's often challenging since those who do are sometimes criticized for their comfort with their sexuality. Think of figures like Kim Kardashian or Marilyn Monroe who often face societal scrutiny for their sensual energy. Aphrodite types are often looked at as "the other woman", have a hard time getting female friends and a host of other problems. Don't romanticize archetypes based on patriarchy!
As a reminder, the quiz is extensive. Approaching it with the right mindset is crucial. It's not about just seduction romantically. It's about seducing yourself, falling in love with yourself, with life and being your own best partner. It's self development and she includes romance and covers it very well but it's not the main aspect. Ayesha is the siren archetype she said.
Personal note- I'm the ingénue type. If you all take it, please do share!
Thank you for writing all that! This is so fascinating!
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moonlight26posts-blog · 8 months
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In Baltimore County, MD: Handsome Stanley Tri Needs Rescue!
Hello, Baltimore County Animal Services is seeking rescue placement for Stanley Tri.
Handsome Stanley is a 1.5yr old, 70lb, Shepherd mix that was surrendered because the owners cannot have him where they are living.
Stanley was originally adopted from us in May of 2023. He is an active guy that will need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to thrive. His previous owner stated that he gets aggressive when told no, for instance he would steal table food and show teeth when corrected. Stanley has reportedly bit one of the owners a couple times but never broken skin. Here at the shelter Stanley has not shown any concerning behaviors thus far besides jumping up in excitement or to seek attention and his behavior evaluation notes are attached.
Due to behavior concerns Stanley is only available to an approved rescue partner at this time and is not available for adoption to the public.
If you are interested in pulling Stanley, or have any questions, please let us know!
Thank you,
BCAS Rescue Team
Baltimore County Animal Services
13800 Manor Road
Baldwin, MD 21013
To see other animals in need of rescue, visit here: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/rescue-partners
Adoptable pets: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/adoption#/
Foster Information: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/foster/
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kangals · 2 years
I was rereading some asks you got on collies and in the last one you mentioned that soft dogs require some flexibility in how they are raised. Could you elaborate on that pls? I’ve also heard people say that smooths are a bit more confident/sharp(but not by much) than roughs, is that true or just diff. lines? (This could be because I’m in Europe tbf). I like collies but I’d like one to be a bit more confident and not shut down at mistakes. Happy new year to you and your pets!
by flexibility, i mostly mean that these aren't dogs that you can just brute force your way through problems with. if you have a soft-natured dog like a collie (or sighthound or whatever) and they react negatively to something, you as the owner need to be adaptable and focus on getting your dog back to a good mental place - if you try to be stubborn and "tough love" it out, you can end up doing serious harm to your dog's training, or with a dog who immediately shuts down at the first sign of frustration. which is not to say the dogs will wilt away under any adversity - a collie should be a confident and curious dog, but they may be more reactive to some things than you'd expect, so you need to be prepared for that and willing to work with what keeps your dog comfortable. if you can do that, i think you won't have any problems.
(plus, it's also going to depend on what your particular dogs find to be aversive. for example: my greyhound boone is super sensitive to tone of voice, and if i say his name too sharply or loudly he will become very anxious and submissive. vs my collie stellina, who could not give a single fuck about verbal corrections and can and will happily ignore me even if i'm shouting at her from right next to her. but, stellina is extremely sensitive to corrections from other dogs, to the point where a gentle correction from another dog can make her go sulk in the corner and be Very Sad until enough time has passed that she's gotten over it. boone isn't really bothered by corrections and will just take the hint and move on. that's the kind of thing you need to be aware of - what your dog may react to, and how to handle getting them back to a positive state after it happens.)
the smooth/rough difference is going to depend a lot on where you're from - in the US, they're classed as the same breed and a litter can have both coat types, so personality is more or less indistinguishable. vs in places like britain where roughs and smooths are considered separate breeds, then you're going to see more of a difference in personality. i don't have personal experience with european collies, but the secondhand information i've heard does suggest that euro collies are more prone to fearful temperaments and behavior, especially the smooths. exactly how prevalent this is i can't say, so if you're interested in the breed i would recommend looking into breeders that do a lot of activities with their dogs such as therapy work, service work, obedience, etc - things that require the dogs to be out in public and well-tempered.
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anotherghoul666 · 2 years
Feel free to delete if confessional booth is closed.
So many good little anonymous subs here-
But I don't do anon. And I don't do obedient. No, I think you've been getting spoiled by all these good pets in your ask box. Never having to fight for your food. Prey just presenting themselves to you, ready and willing to be torn apart.
How would you like a little game? You see, like you, I usually get what I want, and there's fun in the ease. But I bore of not having to fight. Not having to struggle to maintain control. Not having to watch as said control is ripped from my hands. But it's hard to find someone that can tame this flame because, my dear, I do not give in easily. A sadist and masochist through and through, I can deal as much as I receive, but can you? Make you start to worry you're going too hard while I'm just getting warmed up. Not a tear is sight as I laugh and ask "that's all you got?"
So what do you say? Are you up for the challenge? Think you could make me beg? Call you daddy? I doubt it but it would be fun to watch you try ♡
Hello budgie! It's very nice to have you in my inbox ❤️ I appreciate the effort you put in your ask and I'm absolutely certain you'll get lots of people interested in it. Guaranteed this is gonna get people going, stoke their flame!
I'm not going to answer this ask in role play. Because bratting and the type of play you describe is one of my limits. And no matter if it's just via asks or in person in my real life, I owe it to myself to respect and honor my own boundaries, so I shall do just that. I'm sure there are tons of people who would want to play with you after reading this ask, and all the best to you and them! That's wonderful. But it won't be with me.
Now, I'll still answer though, but with a bit of kink history instead. Because you've offered me a wonderful teaching opportunity, and I'm grateful to you for it! So, if you'd like, and for anyone else that is interested, let's take a look at the progression and history of brats (and by that, to clarify for everyone, we mean submissives who want a fight, with whom play consists of fighting them and forcing them to submit. Brats typically will not readily submit. Instead they will talk back, challenge authority, defy their dominants. All with the goal of eliciting a stronger response and show of dominance from them, to be, consensually, forced to give in and be put in their place. Dominants who play with brats are typically called brat tamers.)
Back in my day, brats were just, not a thing. The term didn't exist. The behavior did, but when I was first taught the ropes of BDSM, fifteen years ago now, we were taught this type of behavior was bad. Teachers and mentors called it "topping from the bottom", and it was hailed as the worst thing you could do, pretty much. To challenge a dom(me)'s authority was seen as being a bad submissive, and it was something to be corrected out of people. That way of thinking? SUCKS. It sucks, people. Because it's super reductive of different people's experiences and approaches to power dynamics. There is no one size fits all in kink, and through the years the BDSM community has learned that and became less stiff (it still is, in many ways, but god it's better than it used to be, at least). If you had attitude back in the day, it had to be corrected / disciplined / beat out of you, however play went. Bratting wasn't recognized as a legitimate way to play at all. It was an obstacle, a defect, a shortcoming, to be corrected if you wanted to get any play in with people in real life. I heavily dislike how I was taught so reductively. But that was the way back then.
As the years, and eventually a decade, went by, trends in the BDSM world started to change. Back when I started, protocol was big. Service subs, maid/butler service, formal training. Formal collarings, with all the steps and different collars you had to earn one after the other, how many months you had to spend in service of someone before going up a step, etc. It was very very formal. Codified. Nowadays, you rarely even see these things anymore. Protocol is dying, heralded by a few small bastions of staunch lovers of protocol, but like, the last protocol dinner I attended was five years ago. And even then it was pretty lax protocol compared ot how it was a decade prior. Dominants were dominants, submissives were submissives, it was very separated worlds, you couldn't be both, you had to pick a side (doesn't that echo how the LGBTQ+ community used to be / still is towards bi/pan folk, uh). Very strict stuff. And I guarantee, if you would talk to an actual elder, someone who's been in the leather community since the 80s for example, they could talk your ears off about how what I learned was actually super informal compared to how it was in their time, etc. My point is: trends change. Switches became a thing, and it still is sometimes a struggle to be recognized as not "lesser" than "full" dom(me)s or subs, but it's way more accepted. Primal appeared. In the last five years or so, dd/lg or cg/l (daddy dom / little girl or caregiver / little) dynamics emerged as a massive trend. The term daddy got big everywhere, it got use outside of the gay male community, which was unseen before.
The other main trend of the last five years? Is brats and brat tamers. The idea that submissives do not have to behave or be obedient to deserve play. The fun to taunt and poke until your dominant snaps and puts you in your place. The struggle and fight for who's on top for real. Massive massive trend, so much so that nowadays, in BDSM 101 classes, they'll teach about bratting as the "main" or "normal" way to submit, and obedient submission will get mentioned after bratting. That's wild to me. I know because I've seen it taught like that multiple times, by diferent educators, in different cities. I still attend BDSM 101 classes, because I like to follow the evolution of the scene, and see what it is that new members are taught. Brats are the norm now. And for some, that's super cool. I bet many many people vibe with that.
I'm old school though. I've done my time. I've paid my dues. I don't have anything else to prove. I've proven myself time and time again throughout my career as a kinkster, I'm alright now. I don't respond to attitude or threats or taunts because that's not what brings me joy. I'm not here to fight anybody. And for some people, the fighting is the fun part. Precisely, it's the struggle they want. I don't. I don't value that. What I enjoy is to receive someone's submission, and give back my dominance in return. I don't want to force anyone. I don't want to tug it from someone's hands. For me, submission is a gift that has to be offered in full conscience, willingly, enthusiastically. I am privileged as a dominant to receive said gift, honor it, and provide in return actions and play that may satisfy the players who are involved. If there's any chance that submission is not happily offered to me, if there's resistance, if there's attitude, if someone talks back to me or spits in the face of my experience and my patience, I will not risk it, I will not take a chance at a consent breach, and I will refuse play or stop. I've had very bad experiences with brats in the past, before there was a word for it. Before I was mature enough to realize it was a limit of mine. I was harmed by brats before. As aware as I am now that this is all for fun, and the fighting is not real, the insults aren't real, the taunts aren't real, it's not fun for me. It pulls at chords of injuries deep within me, and it takes me to a dark place. It doesn't make me want to assert my dominance and go all alpha, it makes me want to shut down and get mad. Not in a playful way. Get mad for real. And nobody should ever play when mad. Or in an altered emotional state, period, no matter which one. Play should only happen when all participants are sound of mind and able to make clear conscious decisions. I'm not in a good state of mind to make clear decisions, to play safe both for me and for my partner, if I'm mad and I feel targeted or triggered.
So bratting is a limit for me. Because of the way I was taught BDSM and what I've integrated of my teachings, even if I recognize some of those teachings were flawed and wrong. Because of how new of a trend it is. Because of negative experiences, and the importance to play in an emotionally neutral state.
For all of that, I'll pass on your offer budgie. But I thank you dearly for the teaching opportunity you've offered me ❤️ I hope, for eveyrone that's made it all the way through this very long reply hahaha, that you've learned something you maybe didn't know about BDSM and its evolution through the years! :D Thank you very much for putting yourself out there like this and sending this in, it was super interesting to reflect upon! Best of luck to find people to play with, yall go to budgie if you want a fight, they look like a good time! ;)
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brain-deadx0 · 2 years
Ok this ad pisses me off
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This is one of those "register your pet as an emotional support animal regardless of their behavior or actual need! Suck it leash laws!"
Emotional support animals are for people who need them and, while not the same as service animals, are still expected to be well trained.
I'm so sick of people with "support animals" who are just terrors in public. Growling/attacking people or other animals, sitting at the table in restaurants instead of on the floor, sometimes even going to the bathroom inside.
The worst part is the bad behaved fake ones make it harder for people with real support animals (of any kind) to go anywhere with said support animal regardless of the animals behavior.
Your pet needs to be
Friendly with people and other animals
House broken
Quiet (when not on break and playing)
Leash trained if possible (though even rodents and birds should still have a leash and harness just in case)
And have food manners (they won't try to steal food from people (even you))
All very basic things.
The amount of times I have seen people with fake service animals is ridiculous. (I always give the benefit of the doubt and base it off the animals behavior first and whether the handler corrects any misbehavior or not)
People who use the emotional support animal laws to bring their poorly behaved pets places is a big problem and makes business owners not want to serve any disabled person who has an animal because they assume the animal will misbehave.
If you need an emotional support animal that is 100% valid. Hell if you just want to bring you pet everywhere I get that too.
But for the love of God train them to behave in public.
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aaadogtraining · 2 years
Reasons You Should Consider Dog Training Services For Your Furry Friend
Finding the right way to train your furry friend can be daunting. There are many different methods and techniques; knowing what is best for you and your pup can take a lot of work. But did you know that dog training Potomac services can provide significant benefits? This article will examine why you should consider them for your pup!
Reason 1: Improved Behavior
Dog training has many benefits, but one of the most common reasons people seek out these services is to improve their pet's behavior. Dogs often display unwanted behaviors that can be very frustrating for owners, such as barking, chewing, and jumping. Training can help eliminate or reduce these problem behaviors, making life much easier for you and your furry friend. Whether you're looking to solve specific behavior problems or improve your pet's overall obedience, dog training services can be invaluable. With the help of a professional trainer, you can give your furry friend the skills he needs to be a well-behaved family member.
Reason 2: Increased Socialization
Some benefits to increased socialization come from dog training Potomac services. One of the most obvious is that your furry friend can interact with other dogs in a safe and controlled environment. It can help prevent behavioral problems and provide an opportunity for socialization that they may not otherwise get.
Reason 3: More Exercise Opportunities
Dog training services can be a great option if you're looking for more opportunities to get out and about with your furry friend. Regular sessions allow you and your dog to explore different areas and exercise while bonding and learning new things together.
Reason 4: It Helps Prevent Bad Habits
One of the main reasons you should consider dog obedience & behavior York PA services is that they can help prevent bad habits from developing in your furry friend. Like humans, dogs can develop bad habits that can be difficult to break. However, with the help of a professional trainer, you can nip these bad habits in the bud and help your dog develop good habits that will last a lifetime. Professional trainers know how to spot the early signs of bad habits developing and can work with you to correct them before they become severe problems.
Reason 5: Increases Bond Between Pet And Owner
Nothing is more rewarding than watching your furry friend respond to your commands and tricks. As you work together to learn new things, the bond between you and your pet will only grow stronger. Not only will this provide you with hours of enjoyment, but it can also be a great way to relieve stress and tension after a long day.
Dog obedience & behavior York PA services can be a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Not only will it help them become better behaved, but it can also help you better understand your pet's needs. Training also helps ensure that they stick to good habits so that everyone in the family can stay safe. So if you want to give your pet an extra boost of love and understanding, why not consider dog training services?
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prodogz1 · 3 days
Dog Training in Medford: A Guide to Building a Well-Behaved Canine Companion
Dog training is essential for fostering a healthy and happy relationship between you and your four-legged friend. Whether you're a new pet parent or an experienced dog owner, proper training helps ensure your dog behaves well in various situations and environments. If you're in Medford, Oregon, you're in luck! This city offers a variety of Dog Training Medford, from professional trainers to group classes, all geared towards turning your dog into a well-mannered companion.
Why Is Dog Training Important?
Dog training goes beyond teaching basic commands like "sit" or "stay." It’s about building communication and trust between you and your dog. A well-trained dog is more confident, less anxious, and safer to be around other people and animals. Training also prevents unwanted behaviors such as jumping on guests, excessive barking, or leash pulling.
In Medford, training is especially important since the city has several parks and recreational areas where dogs are welcome. Having a well-trained dog ensures that you can confidently enjoy these spaces without worrying about misbehavior.
Types of Dog Training Available in Medford
There are several options for dog training in Medford, depending on your dog’s age, breed, and temperament. Here are some popular methods:
Obedience Training
Overview: Obedience training focuses on basic commands such as "sit," "stay," "come," and "heel." It’s ideal for dogs of all ages and is often the first step in any training journey.
Where: Many local trainers and pet stores in Medford offer obedience training, both in group settings and one-on-one sessions. Rogue Valley Dog Trainers and Pawsitive K9 Solutions are two popular options in the area.
Puppy Training
Overview: If you have a puppy, it’s essential to start training early. Puppy classes in Medford focus on socialization, potty training, and learning basic commands. Early training sets the foundation for a well-adjusted adult dog.
Where: Puppy training classes are available at local pet stores and through professional trainers like Southern Oregon Dog Training. Many classes also offer socialization opportunities with other puppies, which is crucial for their development.
Behavioral Training
Overview: If your dog has developed bad habits such as chewing furniture, barking excessively, or showing aggression, behavioral training is necessary. This type of training focuses on correcting unwanted behaviors and replacing them with positive ones.
Where: You can find behavioral training services in Medford through specialized trainers or local veterinary offices. They often provide tailored sessions to address specific issues.
Agility and Advanced Training
Overview: For dogs that have mastered the basics, agility and advanced training can provide mental stimulation and physical exercise. Agility training involves guiding your dog through obstacle courses, teaching them to navigate tunnels, jumps, and weave poles.
Where: Local trainers in Medford, like K9 Sensei, offer agility courses and advanced obedience training, helping dogs reach their full potential.
Tips for Successful Dog Training
Be Consistent: Dogs learn best when commands and rules are consistent. Make sure everyone in your household is on the same page about training and expectations.
Use Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding good behavior with treats, toys, or praise is the most effective way to train a dog. Avoid punishment, as it can create anxiety and distrust.
Practice Regularly: Training is not a one-time event but a lifelong process. Practice commands regularly, especially in different environments, to reinforce learning.
Socialize Early and Often: Socialization is a critical part of training, especially for puppies. Introduce your dog to different people, places, and other animals to help them become well-rounded and confident.
Finding the Right Trainer in Medford
Choosing the right trainer is crucial for your Dog Training Medford Oregon. Look for trainers who use positive reinforcement methods and have experience with your dog’s breed and temperament. Many trainers in Medford offer consultations, so take advantage of these to see if the trainer's philosophy aligns with your goals.
In conclusion, whether you’re looking for basic obedience training or advanced behavioral modification, Medford offers a variety of resources to help you and your dog thrive. With dedication, consistency, and the right guidance, you’ll have a well-trained and happy companion by your side for years to come.
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furyreblogs · 1 month
I watched the inside the mind of a dog doc on Netflix and I’m so frustrated.
I enjoyed basically the science based bits quite a lot. The behavioral research, biology and evolution explanations, .etc
But I can’t help but feel it sets up for some major misconceptions about service dogs? It at least gave me the impression that there was an expectation that all service dogs attend a school/camp/academy, when they don’t. And when they took a training service dog to a restaurant for practice, customers were just walking up and petting the dog, talking to the dog, Willy nilly and the handler didn’t correct them nor did the show clarify this shouldn’t be done.
I was hoping they’d talk about service dogs Ada rights since they were going to a restaurant and service dogs are frequently barred from entering restaurants despite Ada laws but nope never acknowledged it.
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camerontrever · 1 month
Dog Training Chapel Hill NC: Tips for Choosing the Best Training for Your Dog
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Selecting the right dog training service in Chapel Hill, NC, can be a daunting task for many pet owners. With numerous options available, it’s essential to make an informed decision to ensure that your dog receives the best training possible. This article provides valuable insights and tips for finding the ideal dog training Chapel Hill NC, helping you make the right choice for your pet’s needs.
Benefits of Dog Training
Dog training offers numerous benefits that extend beyond simple obedience. In Chapel Hill, dog training programs can help address various issues, including:
Improved Behavior: Training helps correct undesirable behaviors such as jumping, biting, or aggression.
Enhanced Social Skills: Proper training helps dogs interact positively with other animals and people.
Strengthened Bond: Training fosters a deeper connection between you and your dog, leading to a more harmonious relationship.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dog Trainer
When evaluating dog training services in Chapel Hill, NC, keep the following factors in mind to ensure you select the best option for your pet:
Training Philosophy
Different trainers have different philosophies and methods. Some may focus on positive reinforcement, while others might use different techniques. It’s important to choose a trainer whose approach aligns with your values and is effective for your dog’s specific needs.
Credentials and Experience
Look for trainers who have relevant credentials and a track record of success. Trainers with certifications from reputable organizations and positive feedback from previous clients are more likely to provide effective training.
Program Offerings
Examine the training programs offered by each trainer. Some programs may specialize in specific areas such as obedience, agility, or behavioral modification. Choose a program that aligns with your training goals and your dog’s needs.
Availability and Location
Consider the trainer’s availability and the location of their facility. Choose a trainer who offers flexible scheduling and is conveniently located to ensure consistent training sessions. Some trainers may also offer mobile services, bringing training directly to your home.
Finding the right dog training program in Chapel Hill, NC, involves careful consideration of several factors, including the trainer’s philosophy, credentials, program offerings, and location. Effective training is crucial for addressing behavioral issues and enhancing your dog’s quality of life. By taking the time to research and select the best training option, you can ensure a positive experience for both you and your furry companion.
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nextbedbugtreatment · 1 month
7 Explanations To Choose A Specialist For Kissimmee Bed Bug Treatment
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Handling with a bedroom pest attack is actually a challenge that calls for a well-considered method to make sure total elimination. While do-it-yourself procedures might seem to be appealing as a result of to their cost-effectiveness, working with an expert for Kissimmee bed bug treatment is actually often the best successful method. Here are actually seven powerful causes to spend in specialist parasite control services:
1. Pro Medical diagnosis
Among the major advantages of working with a qualified is their capacity to precisely detect the intensity of the invasion. Bed bugs are actually infamously challenging to spot because of their tiny measurements and also after dark routines. Experts make use of focused devices and also techniques, consisting of heat diagnosis devices and experienced canine assessors, to find bed bugs in their hiding areas. Exact diagnosis is actually important for creating an efficient treatment strategy.
2. Custom-made Treatment Strategies
Expert insect control pros produce adapted treatment programs located on the specifics of your invasion. They determine aspects including the magnitude of the problem, the sort of home furniture or even structures impacted, and also the format of your home. This personalized strategy guarantees that the Kissimmee bed bug treatment is actually thorough and also targeted, dealing with both visible and covert bedroom bugs.
3. Access to Advanced Products and also Techniques
Pest control specialists have accessibility to a range of concentrated products as well as strategies that are actually not readily available to the overall community. These may include industrial-strength pesticides, warmth treatment systems, and also energetic suctions made for bed insect removal. These tools and also products are actually often extra helpful than over the counter solutions and also are used along with preciseness to minimize any possible damage to individuals and pets.
4. Detailed and also Dependable Treatment
A professional Kissimmee bed bug treatment entails additional than only spraying insecticide. Experts use a multi-faceted strategy that may include chemical treatments, vapor cleansing, as well as warmth treatments. They comprehend exactly how to use these methods accurately and in the correct quantities, making sure that all bed infections as well as their eggs are actually removed. This efficiency lessens the danger of a renewal, which is actually common when invasions are certainly not completely dealt with.
5. Knowledge of Bed Infection Behavior
Knowing mattress bug habits is actually essential for reliable treatment. Specialists are well-versed in the behaviors as well as lifecycle of bed pests, which assists all of them anticipate where bed insects are actually probably to hide and also how they propagate. This know-how allows all of them to address the attack better, targeting both the pests and their eggs, which are often the best challenging to get rid of.
6. Safety and security as well as Observance
When dealing with chemicals and other chemicals, safety is extremely important. Specialists are taught to manage these elements properly, lessening risks to your loved ones and also animals. They follow field regulations as well as tips to guarantee that the chemicals utilized are actually used appropriately as well as safely. Also, they may advise you on any important safety measures to take previously, in the course of, and also after treatment.
7. Long-Term Protection and Assistance
Beyond prompt treatment, specialist insect control solutions offer useful insight on stopping future attacks. They can determine prospective entry factors and also weakness at home, recommend adjustments to reduce the danger of potential attacks, as well as give direction on maintaining a bed-bug-free environment. Their know-how in avoidance aids guarantee that you do certainly not experience repeating concerns.
While it may be alluring to try to handle a bedroom insect infestation by yourself, hiring a professional pest control service offers several conveniences. Their competence in diagnosis, personalized treatment plannings, advanced items as well as strategies, efficiency, understanding of bedroom bug behavior, concentrate on safety and security, as well as long-lasting deterrence tips produce them the best reliable answer for eliminating bed insects. Buying expert treatment not only ensures an even more in depth and also long-term removal yet also gives peace of thoughts, recognizing that the issue is being actually managed through professionals.
All American Pest Control
1101 Miranda Lane, Suite 131
Kissimmee, FL 34741
(321) 337-0919
Kissimmee Bed Bug Treatment
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