#Being uncle is tiring
Malcador: Today I realised I'm old.
Valdor: What happened?
Malcador: I fell in the Throne room and instead of laughing, the Emperor came running to see if I was ok.
Malcador: I saw fear in his eyes.
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satoryuuu · 2 months
Lewis’s response about Lando’s comments: “it didn’t bother me, no.”
*taps mic* this is what I mean by lewis is no longer phased by these sort of comments because he was in the trenches during 2014-2016 and giving as good as he got from Nico. It really is an age thing.
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clownsphysics · 1 year
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I don't think he likes being a therapist guys
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cnth-rb · 1 month
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Algo así como un AU pero ni siquiera yo sé qué está pasando.
Something like an AU but I don't even know what's going on.
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yallwildinrn · 11 months
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ID in alt text. Click for better quality.
Please like and/or reblog if you save! Thank you!
These idiot spies have enraptured me in heart and soul, so I just had to make some edits/collages/phone backgrounds for them! Hope y’all enjoy em <3
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
Elastic Heart Ch 7 (Linked Universe story)
Summary: When Sky goes missing, the Chain scrambles to figure out where he is and what happened before it's too late.
(AO3 link)
<<Previous // Next>>
Hyrule Castle hardly felt like the safest place for any of the Links given most of their adventures, but it was as good a place to regroup and heal as any other. Although the entire group was well aware that the knights were useless, and the whispers of nobility hung close over their shoulders, the queen gave them as much privacy as possible and lent her best healers to their cause.
The next twenty-four hours were a somber affair. The heroes kept vigil at the beds of their fallen friends. When they weren’t fretting over them, they were wandering aimlessly, too forlorn for words and too anxious for rest.
It was late into the night after their return from the desert, and Time was staring into a fire contemplatively, his mind still trying to process everything. Twilight had already eased him out of his armor, which had been silently hidden until it could be cleaned of Sky’s blood. Somehow, despite all his experience, Time still seemed to be the least functional when someone was this injured.
How was it that in the span of four weeks he’d almost lost two of his boys? He still hadn’t figured out what had led to this, why Sky had been so terrified, so insistent that they leave, why he’d been apologizing with his dying breath.
There was just… so much. All of it was too much. The Shadow, Sky, all of it. Why had the Shadow taken his form and then spoken such words about Sky creating him? Was that why Sky had been so concerned with eliminating it himself? Some words about a curse, lies hissed between demonic teeth about how Sky had somehow made this mess?
Goddesses above… what had that thing convinced Sky? No matter what had started this… surely Sky wasn’t blaming himself for it?
That had to be the issue. Sky, sweet and soft, always in the background until he decided it was time to cause a little mischief… the boy had always been the least of Time’s concerns when it came to causing actual trouble. He’d always seemed the calmest, the most put together, the least traumatized, the most normal. Between that and his adoration for a sword Time would rather see at the bottom of Lake Hylia, the boy had never really been someone that Time had to keep a close eye on.
Yet here he’d been, taking on the weight of their journey himself and trying to leave the others behind. He’d nearly gotten himself killed for it.
Time had assumed the position of leader in this group and he’d nearly failed in recognizing when one of its members was in desperate need of help.
How long had Sky been spiraling like this? What had led him to this point? Had the Shadow spoken to him on the night he’d taken watch? Had it started before then? Did he blame himself for Twilight’s injury as well? What else was he hiding? What curse had the Shadow been talking about?
Time heard footsteps, and he turned to see the veteran walking morosely through the room, pointedly ignoring his leader. Twilight stood at the entranceway to the room sectioned off for their two fallen brothers, arms crossed as he watched Legend leave. When Time’s eye met his own, he said, “Finally convinced him to go to bed.”
“How are you holding up?” Time found himself asking before he could stop himself. He was worried for all of them, especially his descendant, who naturally took others’ wellbeing and protection as his own personal responsibility. They were all heroes, they all felt that burden, but his Ordonian made it his life’s mission to protect his loved ones far more than anyone else.
Not to mention Time had been doing a terrible job of checking in on anyone.
Twilight sighed tiredly. “I… would feel better if I were the one in the bed. It’s way worse just being the one helplessly looking on.”
Time would rather not relive the events of a month ago, but he knew what Twilight meant. It was the worst feeling in the world, being a child of destiny, someone who was so used to fixing all the problems, and being stuck in a situation where there was absolutely nothing to do.
“I know,” Time said simply, resting a hand on the young man’s shoulder.
“Cap’s still in there,” Twilight said quietly, eyes looking at the ground as his own emotions got the better of him. “I managed to get the rest out. Vet was the last.”
Time hadn’t even been in there since their arrival. Warriors hadn’t left the boys’ side. It was almost as if their positions were reversed from the last time. He wasn’t sure he should be happy about it or not. He felt almost guilty for not hovering the same way, but he’d been fairly useless last time. It would be better if he could actually help the others as Warriors had, but he’d spent the majority of the day in a daze, guided around by Twilight, who had taken the captain’s role in guiding and leading everyone else.
What an insane week this turned out to be.
“Get some sleep,” Time finally said, patting Twilight’s cheek affectionately before lowering his hand.
Twilight watched him uncertainly, biting his lip and nodding. He walked by without another word. The eldest Link took a steadying breath, heading into the room.
It was a fairly small chamber, with both beds’ headboards against the same wall. Time saw Warriors asleep in the chair between the two, scooted a little closer to Hyrule’s bed. The captain was dressed down in his undertunic and pants, scarf and armor set aside in his own quarters. Time pulled an extra blanket that was folded by the bedside and wrapped it gently around his fellow hero. Despite his attempt to be gentle, the captain stirred, one of the lightest sleepers in the group, and turned bleary eyes towards his elder.
“Go to bed,” Time said softly. “I’ll watch them.”
Frazzled and exhausted, Warriors let out a weary exhale, rubbing his face. Time thought better of his dismissal, recalling that the captain had checked in on him in the past, that he himself had just checked in on Twilight. He shouldn’t brush off the man just because he held himself together better than anyone else.
“It’ll… be all right,” he tried to reassure the man hesitantly.
Warriors stiffened, shoulders shaking, much to Time’s alarm. However, instead of sobs, he heard an amused snort. The captain looked up, eyes exhausted but somewhat alight. “You’re really not good at this whole emotional support thing, are you?”
Despite his own mood, Time found himself scowling mildly. “That bad?”
“Your tone isn’t reassuring at all.”
“I’m not used to saying things that…”
“That you don’t believe?” Warriors finished for him. “Me neither. That’s why I try distraction instead.”
Time huffed, looking between the two sleeping boys. They both looked so peaceful now. Not pale, not on death’s door, not desperate or begging for forgiveness.
He sighed heavily as his gaze returned to the captain. Not recognizing he was under scrutiny, Warriors had let his expression be more open, fear and worry pulling at him. He looked so damn tired. He’d seen this too many times. Time himself had seen the expression when Twilight had been dying.
Warriors was far more accustomed to this than any of them. And Time hated that.
The captain shifted to get up, but then he paused, staring at the bed. Time followed his gaze, watching with sudden intensity as their esteemed traveler scrunched his nose and twisted in bed a little, eyes fluttering open.
“Traveler? Link?” Warriors leaned forward alongside Time, his hand gently reaching for Hyrule’s shoulder.
The Hero of Hyrule blinked a few times, seeming to register his surroundings, and then he gasped, practically leaping into a seated position. Time immediately sat on the bed just as Warriors jumped forward, both placing steadying hands on the teenager’s shoulders.
“Sky!” Hyrule immediately exclaimed, squirming under their hold.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Warriors insisted, putting a second hand on the boy’s chest. “He’s here.”
Hyrule paused, panting for air, eyes wide and wild, before they settled on the pair. “He’s okay?”
Time and Warriors exchanged a look before the leader spoke. “He’s here.”
Hyrule huffed, eyes wet, and then he laughed shakily, tucking his knees into his chest. “I—I thought—I thought he—I—”
He laughed again, more nervous than before, entire body trembling. Warriors settled on the mattress beside him, arm wrapping around his shoulders carefully. Hyrule wasn’t the most comfortable with touch and usually didn’t engage in it, and neither Warriors nor Time were particularly cuddly men, but after everything, they all felt the need to stick close to each other. The traveler leaned into the hold, tears trailing down his cheeks as he continued to chuckle, his breaths quickly accelerating into something akin to panic and relief, a conglomeration of emotions crashing out of him in a fashion that he couldn’t control. Warriors held him tighter.
“We’re glad you’re alright,” Time said softly, his thumb tracing across the boy’s collarbone. “You scared us back there.”
“Yeah, what with the Triforce and all,” Warriors piped up, squeezing Hyrule a little more tightly as he smiled. “You sure did have quite the trick up your sleeve.”
Hyrule’s tearful relief evaporated in an instant, eyes widening with alarm. Time felt his own concern rise – did the boy not remember using it?
“It’s okay,” Time assured him. “We’re all heroes here, Traveler. We’ve borne pieces of the Triforce as well. I just didn’t realize one among us had carried the entire sacred relic. That’s quite an honor.”
“R-right,” Hyrule mumbled, looking at his knees.
“How are you feeling?” Warriors asked, brushing past the distressing topic.
“Where’s the Triforce?” Hyrule countered.
The elder pair glanced at each other again before answering honestly. “We… don’t know. It vanished once you’d finished using it.”
Hyrule watched them a moment, still and silent. Then he buried his head into his knees.
“We’ll find it,” Warriors assured him. “One way or another. Such an artifact stretches far beyond our understanding – it might have returned to your era.”
“I—I didn’t want him to die,” Hyrule said in a trembling voice.
“We know,” Time soothed gently, sliding his hand along Hyrule’s back. “We didn’t want that either.”
Hyrule glanced up at him, cheeks stained with tears once more. “He’s okay, right?”
Time swallowed. Sky remained quiet in the other bed. He pushed lightly on the teenager. “Get some sleep, Link.”
It was the middle of the night when Legend finally gave up on sleeping.
His mind was whirling too much. Watching Sky basically die right in front of him, watching Hyrule nearly kill himself with the effort to wish him back with the Triforce…
It had been entirely too familiar.
He thought he’d gotten passed that. He thought he’d learned to keep moving in spite of the shadows cast over him by his journeys.
Clearly he’d been wrong.
So the young hero, a veteran of more adventures than any of the others individually, found himself incapable of handling the situation. And he hated that.
Legend wandered the castle, ignoring the cold and uninviting stone all around him. His feet guided him back to the room they’d set aside for Hyrule and Sky. The candle in his hand flickered slightly at the draft in the cavernous antechamber, chilled now that the fire in the large hearth had mostly died down.
When he slowly opened the door, he wasn’t surprised to see someone holding vigil. Time glanced up to meet his gaze.
“Just wanted to check on them,” he said dully, not bothering to hide his reasoning. This felt so different from when Twilight had been injured – Hyrule had been in there constantly trying to heal him. They’d avoided the area to let him concentrate. It had been awful, but at least there’d been a thread of hope to work with. It wasn’t as if there weren’t healers here, but the words they’d been given were little comfort.
They’d needed rest. There was nothing else they could do.
No potion could heal someone who couldn’t drink it. No spell could be cast when the one who knew the spells was the one who was unconscious. And so they’d all just done the last thing they could do, the only thing they could do.
They kept them company.
They kept them company, and Legend simmered with grief, guilt, and unresolved emotions from so many years ago that he didn’t even know how to put words to them.
Time pat the empty chair beside him welcomingly. Legend was thankful for the invitation, thankful that there were no questions being asked. He shuffled over to the chair, watching Sky sleep before his eyes drifted to Hyrule next.
“Our traveler woke up earlier,” Time said quietly.
Legend turned to him, eyes wide. “He did?”
“Yes. I think he’ll be alright with some more rest.”
Thank the goddesses, he thought. He didn’t remember the Triforce being so draining, but Hyrule had used it to augment his magic and grant a wish, so perhaps it worked differently than it had for Legend all those years ago.
Time’s words hung in the air, and then there was silence. Legend’s candle held steady against the darkness, illuminating his face, but he had no words to offer. For a moment, as he watched Sky, it felt like he was holding vigil over a body, a mourner lost in time, adrift in a different Hyrule altogether, grieving the loss of someone who was equally displaced and wholly forgotten to this era.
His breath hitched in his throat. He swallowed hard.
The silence seemed suffocating, but he had nothing to say. Time shifted uncomfortably beside him, clearly trying to find the right words. Legend didn’t care.
Sky. Sky had… just like…
There was usually something to distract him at this point, some task he had to accomplish that made him move forward despite the emotions dragging him down. But this felt like the end of a journey, after his first one or after Koholint, where there was nothing left but the emptiness in his chest, the fresh wounds on his heart. He had no road to travel on, no home to go back to, no Zelda to talk to.
He just stared at Sky.
“I have confidence that the Triforce healed the worst of it,” Time said. “Though I do not know if he will fully recover—”
“He died,” Legend interrupted.
“Veteran… he’s right here. He’s alive.”
“No,” Legend said firmly, feeling his throat tighten. He swallowed hard to fight it. “No. You don’t get it. None of you gets it. He didn’t just get hurt, he didn’t just fall. He died.”
They didn’t understand. They didn’t realize why they felt the way they did. Even he couldn’t truly comprehend it, but he knew why. He knew because it had happened before.
“The Triforce brought him back,” Legend explained. “But that doesn’t change the fact that he died. He died and none of you get that, he died, he died—”
Legend didn’t know when he’d lost the battle with his voice, when the tears had started to leak out, when the words had devolved into pathetic sobs, an admittance to a grief that he’d carried with him for years, a fresh wound and terror and horror that had ingrained itself into his soul.
Sky was one of his dearest friends. And he’d died.
He couldn’t even be angry at the Shadow, couldn’t even be curious as to what its words had meant, couldn’t even be worried about why Sky had left in the first place. All he felt was utter and absolute grief and loss.
Because Sky had died. They’d had to resurrect him. The others were caught in a confused haze of worry and fear, as if they were just watching an injured brother instead of acknowledging what had actually happened, instead of realizing that they should be mourning too.
Legend’s cries grew louder, inadvertently waking Hyrule. He didn’t notice. He couldn’t see it through his tears, through the darkness that engulfed him when Time pulled him into a hug.
Sky didn’t wake the next morning when Hyrule did. The others celebrated seeing one of their brothers slowly recovering, but the mood was certainly dampened by a lack of progress from their most injured. Wild found purpose in nourishing Hyrule back to health while Warriors started to fall into a field medic mode of sorts. Sky’s comatose state still necessitated care, though it brought a morbid curiosity in Wild – after all, he’d been in a similar state for a century.
Clearly the Shrine of Resurrection worked its magic to help sustain him. Sky had no such luck. His body still functioned as if he were awake, requiring sustenance, removing waste. He needed to be fed and cleaned, to be moved so he wouldn’t get bed sores, to be prodded to see if there was a reaction. It was a morbid affair, and it made Wild uneasy. He’d only been asleep for two days and it already felt like a century in itself.
Wild found it too disturbing to watch. Instead, he helped the others. He felt like he had to pull his weight somehow, had to blink the images of Sky’s broken body in Time’s arms. Hyrule slowly improving was something they could all latch on to. Warriors never seemed to leave Sky’s room, and Twilight spent a fair amount of time in there as well alongside Time. Occasionally Legend and Four assisted, but Wind was kept away, as well as Hyrule. Wild just couldn’t stomach the sight of the care his beloved friend needed. Whenever any of the boys lamented the situation, however, Legend would firmly and adamantly say that Sky was going to be fine.
It was strange, how confident he was. But with all his experiences, Wild had to wonder if he knew something of the matter. He latched on to the hope nonetheless. It seemed silly not to hope in a recovery, given his own history, but, well… that had taken a while. Sky didn’t have a century.
As the sun set on the second day, however, worry began to hover over them like a cloud heavy laden with an oncoming rain. After all, there was no way they could nourish Sky if he didn’t wake up.
“He’ll wake up,” Legend insisted when Four pointed this out.
“Assuming he does, that still doesn’t address the biggest issue,” Four sighed. “What if… what if when he wakes up, he tries to leave again?”
“He wouldn’t!” Wind argued.
“How do you know?” Four fired back. “He’d been running from us the entire time!”
Wild watched the exchange warily. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t wondered what had caused all of this in the first place, but it honestly hadn’t crossed his mind that it could happen again. He felt Hyrule shift uncomfortably beside him, and he turned his attention to his exhausted brother.
“You don’t think he wanted to leave us, do you?” Hyrule asked him quietly.
Words latched on to the champion’s brain, having first hooked in his mind when he’d heard them two days ago.
You don’t realize how terribly you failed.
This entire journey, Wild had been the failure of the group. Hearing those words had made him think the Shadow had been addressing him when he’d known, he’d known that it had been addressing Sky. But what failure was Sky responsible for? He hadn’t done anything wrong. Unless, of course, the Shadow was simply talking about Sky’s pursuit of it. But… Sky’s frantic attempts to argue, to silence it…
“No,” Wild answered distantly. “I don’t think he wanted to leave us.”
“It’s been two hours; we should move him.”
“I can do it.”
“No, it’s all right. You carried him last time. I’ll do it.”
What? What was… what?
Link felt impossibly heavy. His half-addled brain wondered if he’d become a sword spirit like Fi, made entirely of metal.
He was lying on something soft, he knew that much. He felt like he was sinking into it so much that he would never be able to get out.
Except he was getting out of it. Or, well, floating out of it. Flying? Was he flying?
Warmth wrapped around his back and shoulders, around the back of his knees. Two grounding forces, holding him steady in a vast expanse of nothing. He felt himself dangling and shifting in rhythmic motions.
Distant voices grew closer as the sound of creaking wood emitted beneath him in shuffles.
“Don’t spill it!”
“Oh, quit your fussing, Vet! Here, Traveler, just drink slowly. We kept it warm for you.”
“Are you guys done arguing? I have a story to finish!”
Grumbles. Sighing.
“Go on, Sailor.” That voice rumbled, buzzing in Sky’s ear with the warmth of a hearth and accompanied by a gentle heartbeat.
“So there I was, thirty bokoblins between me and my goal—”
“Oh boy, they multiplied again,” a voice remarked dryly.
“What are you talking about?”
Sailor. Sailor? What?
Link tried to focus, but he was being lulled back to sleep by gentle sways as if he were laying on a hammock on Skyloft.
“It seems each time you tell it more bokoblins appear.” There was that rumbling tone again, waking Link slightly, relaxing him and drawing him into a trance. It was so familiar…
There was a decidedly annoyed huff in reply. “Hey, I know what I’m talking about! Anyway, so there were fifty bokoblins between me and—”
Link finally pried an eye open. Then he blearily tried to do it with his other eye. Everything was so blurry.
The hammock he was on continued to sway gently. Back and forth. Back and forth.
“That’s impossible and you know it, Sailor!”
“Nuh uh, that’s what happened—”
The swaying stopped, jostling Link out of his relaxed state a little more. He tried to look up, but he couldn’t muster the strength. However, his perception was finally piecing together an image in his brain, and he belatedly realized he was not, in fact, lying on a hammock.
Someone was carrying him.
Someone was carrying him, and the sailor was here. But not just the sailor. He recognized all their voices.
“Sky, can you hear me?”
The rumbling from before returned. The gentle, steady heartbeat had increased a little. Who was carrying him? Link tried again with all his might to move his head, to tip it back just enough to see above, to identify who was holding him. It definitely wasn’t the captain; the voice was deeper than his. That just left Time and Twilight.
It had to be Twilight, then. The man was freakishly strong, and Time would never—
“Here—move this—put him here, old man.”
Link felt his world move as the person carrying him—Time—took a few steps forward. There was scrambling and shuffling of items, hushed whispers and excited laughs. Link felt something somewhat hard and warm rise up to meet his back as he was laid on top of something, and his head settled on someone’s lap.
A hand gently brushed his bangs out of his eyes before settling on his chest, giving it a soft pat. With his head facing towards the ceiling, he saw eight faces slowly come into focus, all encircling him like flower petals around its center.
He drank in the sight, having missed his friends so much. Twilight was the one his head was resting on, the one who had a hand on his chest and a reassuring, gentle smile directly over him. Time stood behind Twilight, a hand on the rancher’s shoulder, also watching him, though his expression was less warm and more concerned. To Link’s left were Legend, who quickly placed a hand on Link’s shoulder, Wind, who was smiling so brightly he outshone the sunlight, and Warriors, who had both hands on Wind’s shoulders as he leaned over to see Link more clearly. Hyrule sat a distance away towards Link’s feet, with Wild directly beside him and holding him steadily in a side hug, his face beaming. To his right, Four’s smile was genuine and trembling, his eyes glistening with tears. Link managed to get the muscles in his face to cooperate, and he gave a weak smile.
The group let out a collective sigh of relief, and then laughter echoed in the air. Link was bombarded by voices competing for his attention.
“We were so worried—”
“Our Traveler nearly killed himself to get you better, we thought we were going to lose both of you!”
“We missed you so much, Sky—”
“We really thought you were a goner! Like seriously, Vet was crying—”
“I was not crying!!”
“Are you feeling okay?”
Everyone hushed at the question issued by Twilight. Link watched them all, his smile fading alongside his energy. He took a deep breath, trying to piece everything together, his mind still too slow to process it all, and Twilight patted his chest again.
“It’s okay if you’re too tired to talk,” Twilight said softly. “We got you out of bed so you wouldn’t get bed sores, but now that you’re waking up, maybe it’ll be okay?”
Here Twilight directed his attention to Warriors, seeming to ask him if it would, in fact, be all right. The captain ruffled Wind’s hair, making the sailor giggle and step aside, and he drew closer to Link and Twilight. “Mostly. If he’s too weak to move, we’ll still need to do it for him.”
Link could hardly put anything together. But one sentence suddenly burned in his mind, registering and making him try to bolt into a seated position. His body refused to obey, and he barely had curled into his abdomen before his head flopped back on Twilight’s lap with a grunt.
“Easy, Sky,” Twilight soothed gently, pulling Link onto his lap completely with strong grips under his arms. Link settled his head against the elder’s shoulder, gasping for air at the exertion. “It’s okay. We’ll take care of you.”
“T-Traveler…” Link managed to scrape out, his heart racing.
Hyrule shuffled closer, sitting on whatever object Link had just been lying on earlier. He reached a shaking hand out to the Skyloftian, squeezing his upper arm. “I’m here, Sky. You’re okay.”
His grip felt so incredibly weak, even to Link’s addled mind. He felt his stomach drop.
He’d made it worse. Somehow, he’d made it worse. Hyrule had almost died because of him.
“I’m s-sorry,” he stammered, his eyes stinging with tears, his mind berating himself over and over and over.
“Sorry?” Hyrule repeated, confused. “Sorry for what?”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” Twilight reassured him, his gentle voice relaxing Link’s body, even if his mind continued to whirl.
“Sky, we’re just happy you’re alive,” Four said quickly. “Please don’t—don’t try to do anything. Just stay here. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“N-no,” Link protested weakly. “I—I need—I—it’s my—I can’t—”
His entire world shifted as Twilight lifted him into his arms and stood. “Shh, it’s okay, Sky. Come on, let’s get you back to bed.”
Despite his complete exhaustion, Link almost wanted to snap. He wasn’t a child, damn it. He had to tell them, he had to make them realize it was best to leave him here, he could recover on his own and then he could hunt—
“Shadow?” he asked quietly.
“He escaped, as he always does,” Time said from somewhere to Twilight’s right. “He’s a coward.”
“Yeah, but the Old Man left him with a pretty good parting gift!” Wind piped in. “Arrow to the chest! And Champion got one in his eye too!”
Link wilted in Twilight’s arms. The Shadow was still alive, and he hadn’t even been able to land any meaningful hits on him. The others had to come rescue him. The others, who bore the brunt of his own stupidity and weakness, and who continued to do so.
He was too tired for this. Too weak to hold back his brittle mind and body’s reaction. Too spent to care that he was suddenly weeping.
It just wasn’t fair. Why did they have to suffer for him? Why couldn’t he get this right?! How did he just keep compounding upon his failure?!
“Sky, what’s wrong? It’s okay, we’re all okay, the Shadow didn’t get anyone except for you.” Wild hastily said as Twilight hesitated in lowering him, instead opting to sway back and forth calmingly.
He felt someone card their hand through his hair and wipe the tears from his cheeks. “Hey, it’s okay, Sky. Everyone’s safe, and so are you.”
Warriors’ words were both a blessing and a curse. Link was eternally grateful everyone was fine, but this just wasn’t right.
“I—I s-should’ve—should’ve—”
He snapped out his stuttering, surprised at hearing his own name for the first time in ages. He had long since stopped viewing himself as part of the group, but he’d been remiss to throw his name out for the world to hear when he’d realized he was in Twilight’s Hyrule.
“No one is expecting you to eliminate the Shadow by yourself,” Time said firmly. “We wouldn’t all be here if that was the case. Whatever has convinced you to think you should handle this alone, it’s wrong.”
The room suddenly exploded into sound, cutting off whatever argument Link might have had.
“Wait, you wanted to take on the Shadow alone?!”
“Sky, are you insane, I thought you were one of the smarter ones in our group, what the actual hell—”
“The goddesses wouldn’t bring us all together if we could take the Shadow by ourselves!”
“You could have gotten yourself killed, Sky, what were you thinking?”
“Enough,” Time interrupted the group. “Let him rest.”
Link felt himself being lowered onto the bed, and the blankets were tucked all the way to his chin. He saw the group surrounding the bed worriedly, some looking more annoyed than others, some looking scared, and some hurt and bewildered.
Link sniffled helplessly.
Wind immediately jumped into the bed, kicking off his shoes and snuggling in beside him. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Everyone agreed with words that Link didn’t bother to discern, and he felt Wind tuck himself neatly in between his right side and arm, resting his head on his shoulder. Link suddenly felt sore, but he didn’t protest.
“Aryll loves cuddling when she’s scared or hurting or doesn’t feel good,” Wind whispered with a smile. “I figured you didn’t want to be alone.”
Link couldn’t help the small smile that pulled at his lips. He bit back another apology in lieu of letting the sailor have a chance to help, and he closed his eyes, resting his cheek on Wind’s forehead and closing his eyes.
The world grew warm and heavy. Exhaustion pulled at him, allowing him to settle back into sleep, but just before its gentle embrace could take him, his mind jolted back to—
Bleeding. He was bleeding so much. A bone deep exhaustion dragged his mind away, but he clung desperately. This was a different kind of tired, a far too permanent sleep beckoning him.
He had to know. He had to be sure.
“He’s gone,” Time said. “He’s gone.”
He… he did it?
He did it. They were safe. They were safe.
He felt tears sting in his eyes, his heart fluttering. His mission was… over.
He’d finally eliminated Demise.
He laughed, he laughed in relief. His brothers would no longer be haunted by that demon. He couldn’t eliminate the wounds of the past, but he could prevent any in the future.
“What were you thinking?” he heard Time whisper.
It didn’t matter now, whether they knew or not. But he still… he still felt obligated to say it. “M-making… amends…”
He could never truly make up for everything. But at least now he could…
He could rest. Goddess, he could rest.
I’m sorry Zelda, he thought. He apologized to her over and over, to Groose and to all his friends on Skyloft.
He knew. In his heart, he knew.
This was his last mission.
“I’m… sorry,” he said aloud before directing the apology at those around him. Because he knew he was leaving them too, and he knew he would never get a chance to truly apologize for all the harm he’d caused. “I’m s-sorry. I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry…
The darkness pulled, and he drowned in it.
Link’s eyes snapped open. He’d—goddess, he’d—how—
Hyrule. He—he must have—
“Why?” he asked quietly, his voice little more than a whine.
“Hm…?” Wind perked up, already groggy, but his eyes were sharp as he looked at Link. “What’s wrong?”
Link couldn’t let this out on their youngest. But he couldn’t stop his raw emotions either, and before he knew it he was crying again. “Why?”
Wind watched him, eyes suddenly far older than they had any right to be. The boy held a gentleness and understanding to him, a sympathy and sorrow that intermingled, and he leaned down to hold him tightly.
“Because we love you, Sky.”
Sky fell apart completely, sobbing in his brother’s shirt.
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oatmilk-vampire · 4 months
A steddie au but it's just the plot of Meet Cute (2022).
Steve, a young man grappling with suicidal thoughts, discovers that a tanning bed in a nail salon is a time machine. Traveling back 24 hours, he relives the best date night of his life over and over, only to decide that his date, Eddie, needs some fixing. Unaware that meddling with the past could ruin the future, Steve goes even further back in time to turn him into the perfect man and free from trauma -- even though he was already pretty perfect.
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DPxDC or Marvel: What is he?
Inspired by the Nimona Scene
(Could work with DC or Marvel as well as Danny or Danielle they're all interchangeable here)
When he received a mysterious sticky note with a gear symbol on it simply saying "Save Him/Her" he didn't think much of it until he learns of a lab. More research into the lab lead to the discovery of another dimension and the United States knowingly holding a member of their royal family as some kind of experiment. In order to save the child he took them and hid them, trying to figure out a way to convince the government and their own team that this kid isn't a monster or a criminal like they're being told.
But after getting cornered with the kid it's clear that at least for now, they're on their own.
"Who are they?" Captain America/Superman pushed, looking fearfully at the black hair blue eyed kid behind Tony/Batman. "What are they?"
He had to make a choice.
Fight his friends to save the kid or give up the kid long enough to convince his friends.
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Just watched the newest Percy Jackson ep and I genuinely liked the way they did the Medusa part and how they’re handling Grover
#Grover my boy#grover underwood#grover#grover pjo#percy jackson#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo#pjo tv series#pjo disney+#semispoilers starting here#like yes he’s fucking tired of these two arguing all the time! he gets to be pissed that they won’t get along!#the consensus song my beloved#I like that we get an actual reaction to his uncle ferdinand being dead cuz like yeah that shit would hurt#the fury (no clue how to spell her name) and medusa each giving annabeth and percy an offer and them denying it was actually a really good#addition in my opinion like it really solidifies their loyalty to not only the quest but to each other#they had the option to get what they truly wanted and they said no and I really liked that#medusa was so pretty and I love how she’s truly our first introduction to the bad side of the gods outside of how percy feels about his dad#also!!! the k on the sneakers!!!!!! luke!!!!!!!!!!#as funny as gabe saying the prophecy was I would’ve liked to hear the oracle say it#I had kinda built up the scene and hearing the raspy dead voice of the oracle say the prophecy would’ve have made an amazing scene#and using gabe for more of a comedic tone kinda dampened the scene for me#but it looked phenomenal and I really can’t wait to see how they do the prophecys in the second and third books#I wanna know who would appear for clarisse and the hunters#I think ares showing up for clarisse and artemis showing up for the hunters would be really interesting#so setting up the whole ‘a different person shows up for everyone’ should be cool#I just can’t get over how it was gabe#i would’ve liked to see that scene but it’s sally or poseidon saying the prophecy for extra impact#I’ll stop nitpicking now it was a really good episode#autism (mads) speaks
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thompsborn · 9 months
parksborn au where harry is a prince. that’s it. i’m not awake enough to think of anything else but harry is a prince and somehow him and peter become best friends as kids and grow up constantly aware of each other and the struggles they face but their struggles are completely opposite from each other’s and and. and. and.
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lore-vigenere · 1 year
I can tell this playthrough is my favorite because I just spent 30 minutes buying dye for everyone's armor based on what I think they'd like to celebrate finishing all their personal quests. An in character shopping trip where my Tav was like, "We've come so far, and we need to look good for the ending! Everyone's getting new drip, my treat!"
Whereas last time, I didn't care about outfit cohesion in the slightest.
Anyway I'll be ranting in the tags about my choices if anyone cares.
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Shout-out to everyone who survived a "fun" easter with the family
#fucking hell#it started with finding out my dad smoked in my car when I picked up my sister#who was equally dreading the day#my mum turns into the world's tensest and judgemental presence. worsened by my aunt#then hell for autistic people (of which there are multiple present)#multiple deaf people means one uninspired conversation that isn't interesting in any way.#combinations of passive aggressiveness and people not saying a thing because they can't participate. voice volumes too damn high#weirdass food situations. Very full table. so many smells.#this goes on for over an hour. wishing for literally anything but being there. soul crushing.#then you still have to sit in that room for 2.5 hours. it just goes on and on.#my autistic deaf dad physically looks like how I feel. my mum and aunt keep piling on top of him to demand his mental presence#i leave the room once (to get my phone to show pictures to my uncle) and am immediately followed upstairs by my mum#who demands I don't leave the room (What's next. following me when I need the toilet?)#me and my sister are so bored we start throwing paper planes and fake fighting.#Which amuses the bored and the deaf#but of course my mum and aunt have opinions and this is not allowed. only soul crushing boredom allowed#they complain to each other over it while aggressively doing dishes#finally it ends because my mum and aunt start insisting my dad should go to bed if he's 'that tired'. *sprinkle on some additional ableism*#still sitting through a conversation about allergies one of my sister's friends has. my mum preaching that people should take that seriously#(meanwhile i had to cook for myself for 9 years because when my allergies were really bad no one bothered to check if i could eat something)#me and my sister go sit upstairs to discover our mum has made things we care about vanish in her room#and made things appear that should not be there#I've washed the interior of my car and hope the smell will go#you think it's over after that. but woke up with the realisation that even more things have disappeared from my sister's room.#i can't remember a time when things left outside of my room didn't disappear#I don't know why we do these family gatherings at all. no one has fun on days like that.#the housing crisis isn't making these things easy. my sister is losing her place to live again as well#she'll go hiking for a month and then work on a campsite over the summer#maybe I'll go house sitting again. idk.#can't make commitments a few months in advance like that because I'll cancel everything the second Sparks announces anything important
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badolmen · 10 months
Incredibly frustrated by how condescendingly jaded my uncle can be but I’m being so brave about it <- not blowing him up with my mind even though I want to
#ra speaks#personal#I love him. but my dude. bruh.#made a comment abt how I should try working/volunteering w the homeless#after I commented on his tirade abt homeless ppl ‘gaming the system’ by getting arrested in the winter#to have somewhere warm w food to stay like ‘why are we not talking about how fucked it is that the homeless will fucking die if they don’t?#like sir. buddy. you do remember that I grew up on food stamp right? I have gone to a food bank as a recipient before.#I’ve volunteered at shelters and soup kitchens before. I know addicts and homeless people in town.#this isn’t some naive wide eyed college socialist ‘those poor homeless people are saints’ schitck#this is a tired university food pantry anarchist ‘aren’t you fucking tired of being cruel to people who make the best o thr circumstances?’#sorry you can no longer see the divine value of every human life and must endure the tragedy#of considering everyone not to your standard a lost cause.#some of us see the work to be done and will be doing it instead of wallowing in hate and pity.#shut up and get to work like the rest of us if you hate it so much.#it’s just like *strangled him* you see me twice a year dude I DO WORK AT A SOUP KITCHEN YOU IDIOT#I just don’t talk abt it because it’s just something I do sorry I thought making acts of charity your whole personality#was vain and frowned upon in christian society???#this makes my plans to ditch academia and go into fulltime aid work feel all the more. idk vindicated???#that’s not the right word but you get it. uncle t I love you but you know fuck all and have hardened your heart to the world.#god break that heart of stone you have and bless you with love for your fellow man. or whatever.#for context this convo happened like two years ago but I saw him last week and in light of recent personal revelations I’ve remembered it#core memory locked in ‘are you for fucking real uncle t?’#vocational woes
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onthepyre · 2 months
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keeps-ache · 1 year
Have you become the moss yet?
not yet man!! maybe tomorrow though, tomorrow has moss potential
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tiredspacedragon · 1 year
18 and 19 for the ask game
18 - It's absolutely criminal the fandom has been sleeping on: Rhotuka Spinners. Rhotuka Spinners are such a fascinating concept. Every being in the Matoran Universe possesses the ability to generate a Rhotuka, but can't do so without a launcher. The launcher is just an externalization method for a power latent in its wielder. That's such a bizarre concept and I love it. And then there's the fact that every sapient character has a unique power. It's like Mask Powers 2.0. And quite frankly I'm shocked that I haven't seen more discussion or theorizing about what various characters' Rhotuka powers might be. I get that we only know a handful of characters' spinner powers and that makes it hard to determine a pattern, but I still feel like it leaves a lot of room for imagination and fun fan-talk.
19 - You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like: Okay, look. Just. Hear me out, okay. That post, the other day. The one about the Toa Mata's many parents. Where we all kinda established that Artakha is effectively their father, while the closest thing they have to a mother is Helryx. A very distant, work-obsessed mother, but she did still welcome them into the world and arranged their training and saw to it that they had everything they needed. Yeah, now I kind of...ship Helryx and Artakha. Like. Just a little bit. In a weird, semi-platonic, semi-not way. Like, the precursor to the Order of Mata Nui was the Hand of Artakha, but Artakha himself had nothing to do with the organization, it was just named after him. And I can see him mentioning it to Helryx at some point and her actually getting a little flustered because sure, it happened millennia ago, but at the time, she and the rest of the grew were big fans of Artakha, so to speak. She's basically meeting the closest thing she's ever had to an idol or a role model when he shows up in the Core Processor. I don't know, something about two ancient workaholic recluses finding kindred spirits in each other appeals to me. I can see them sharing a drink, or standing together very stoically watching over their shared superhero children. Barely exchanging more than a handful of words but sharing a mutual understanding of safety and comfort in each other's presence. Yeah, I don't know why I'm like this either.
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