#Belladonna kids au
bridgyrose · 11 months
Team RWY all reconvene and discover they each have a Faunus Belladonna baby. Blake has no idea how
Ruby sighed as she held her child close to her chest, making sure her son was swaddled tightly in his blanket. She gently stroked her son’s cat ears as they poked out of the blanket, closing the door to the apartment behind her. Her heart thumped hard in her chest as her scroll chimed with an alarm, her reminder to start leaving to make it to the airship on time. “All I have to do is make it to the bus, then the airship, fly for a few hours to Mistral, check into the hotel, and then meet up with my old team. Easy enough, right?” 
The child in her arms cooed, then coughed for a moment, scaring itself. He started to cry loudly, pressing into his mother. 
Ruby gently bounced him and held him close as she started to walk towards the bus stop, absentmindedly checking the bag at her side to make sure she had everything for him. She let out a small sigh once she heard her son start to calm down, keeping him close to her chest. “Its okay, Viridis, you’re okay. Just a little travel and then we’ll be done.” 
Ruby stopped at the bus stop and sat down, taking a deep breath to try to relax for the trip. The last year and a half hadn’t been easy for her between finding out she was pregnant and having to slow down on huntressing after her child was born. And now, three years since her team split up, Yang and Blake had wanted to meet back up with everyone. She normally wouldnt have minded, but now that she had a child, she wasnt thrilled about the idea of making her way to Mistral. Still, she couldnt refuse her sister or her lost love. 
The bus arrived and Ruby made her way on, taking a seat and gently bouncing and whispering to her son as the bus started to drive off. Ruby winced as she felt every bump the bus went over, feeling herself start to drift to sleep as the bus nearly rocked as it continued down the road. Though, it wasnt long for it to make its way to the airship, stopping abruptly and jolting Ruby awake. 
Ruby made sure she had everything she needed and disembarked the bus to get onto the airship, keeping Viridis close to her chest. Once she made it to the airship, she handed over her ticket and took her seat, slowly dozing off for the trip to Mistral. She slowly closed her eyes and leaned over, waiting for rest to finally set in. 
Ruby was abruptly shaken awake as the airship landed, still tired from the trip, though glad that her son had been quiet for the ride. She held her son close to her chest, trying to hide him as she made her way off the airship and into the streets of Mistral. With weapon on her back, and a satchel to her side, she walked through the streets, checking her scroll periodically to make sure she was still heading in the right direction to meet back with her team. 
“Ruby? Is that you?” 
Ruby paused in her step as she heard Weiss’s voice, her body relaxing as she turned around. She froze once she saw a young child hiding behind Weiss’s legs, taking a slow step forward. “Weiss, who’s that behind you?” 
Weiss knelt down and smiled at the child. “Lin, you dont need to be scared. This is Ruby, the friend I’ve been telling you about.” 
Ruby watched as the child moved out from behind Weiss. Long black hair peppered with white was braided, shortening it down to her shoulders. The girl held herself close to Weiss, short claws pressing into Weiss’s skin as blue and amber eyes stared at Ruby, almost scared. Ruby slowly knelt down, being careful with her own son. “You never told me you had a kid.” 
“I could say the same about you,” Weiss said as she stood up, letting her daughter hide behind her. “Though, it has been a while, hasnt it? Three years does allow for a lot of change.” 
“Yeah…” Ruby stood back up and walked closer to Weiss, relaxing a little. “I thought I’d be the only one with a surprise. How old is she?” 
“Lin turns three in a few months.” Weiss sighed and looked at her own scroll, her smile slowly fading. “So… about as long as its been since I’ve last seen Blake.” 
Ruby hesitated for a moment as she looked down at her own son, who had started to wake and cry. It felt strange having seen Blake more recently than Weiss, though part of her started to question if that really was Blake. There was no talk about her seeing Weiss or Yang, no talk about previous friends or exploits, just a date and a night that left her with a child nine months later. Her arms shook a bit as she tried to get her thoughts together, slowly sitting down to get a bottle out of her satchel for her son. 
Weiss gently took hold of the strap of the satchel, smiling a bit. “Here, let me help.” 
“Its okay, I have it,” Ruby said as she moved her son to the crook of her elbow and dug around for the bottle. She pulled out the bottle and started to feed her son, slowly relaxing a bit. “We should make our way to Blake and Yang. I’m sure they’re going to worry about us if we’re not there soon.” 
Weiss nodded and put a hand on her daughter’s back. “Yeah, and it’ll be nice for all of us to catch up. Not just the two of us.” 
Ruby nodded and started to walk quietly with Weiss, no longer sure what she could talk to her about. Three years had been a long time, enough time for the two of them to have kids, long enough to question if she even knew her old team anymore. “So… are… are you still huntressing?” 
“A little bit when I dont need to be at the SDC,” Weiss answered. “Though, ever since I had Lin, that has been less frequent.” 
“I understand that,” Ruby said as she held Viridis close to her chest. She stopped as she finally reached the address Yang had given her, adjusting her grip on her son as she watched Weiss knock on the door. 
“Coming!” Yang called out from behind the door. 
Ruby waited nervously as she listened to a couple footsteps make their way to the door, her body relaxing once she saw Yang. A smile crossed her lips as she took a step into the small apartment. “Long time no see, Yang.” 
“Sorry about that, Blake and I have been… busy.” Yang motioned for Weiss and Ruby to come in as the sounds of a couple children could be heard running away. “Taking care of our kids hasnt left us with a lot of time.” 
Weiss looked at her curiously. “Kids?” 
Yang nodded. “Jasper and Sienna. They’re twins.” 
Ruby nodded and shut the door behind her. “Guess we have all been a bit busy, havent we?” 
Yang slowly paused as looked over the kids that were with Weiss and Ruby, pausing when she saw the cat ears on Ruby’s son. “You have a boyfriend?” 
“No, I’m still single, but uh… I think… he’s Blake’s kid. With me.” 
Blake peeked out from the kitchen when she heard her name. “That cant be right. Yang and I have been living together for the last three years.” 
Weiss sighed and pulled Lin in front of her. “Then, you dont remember the night that we had almost three years ago, right.” 
Blake shook her head. “No, I havent left Yang’s side.” 
Ruby sighed and laid her son down as he started to fuss. “Then we have a lot to talk about.”
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strqyr · 1 year
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it's blake's turn for a messy sketch (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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museforblooms · 2 months
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀TROUBLE IN SHANGRI-LA is the fictional second mini—album released by the idol band BELLADONNA on August 1, 2024 by Superbloom Media. The album was accompanied by two title tracks: HOME and PHOENIX. While Trouble In Shangri-la sold well, it was carried by domestic netizens with a sizeable margin between them and the international fans. In total, Belladonna sold 300,000 units by the end of their first week, which was a 66% increase in total sales, showing just how popular they were becoming. Despite issues with their international fans, Belladonna were everywhere in South Korea during their promotional period and they were given the nickname THE NATION'S ROCK PRINCESSES by the media. In particular, lead singer KWAK YULLI and BAE HAENA became two of their newest darlings.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀Trouble in Shangri-la is named after the same song from the album, which discusses themes of love, betrayal, loss, and redemption. However, Shangri-la would not be chosen as a title track, not even performed at their comeback stage, for unknown reasons. According to BAE HAENA, Shangri-la serves as a metaphor for an ideal state of mind that has been disrupted by conflict, which can be seen throughout all seven songs on the album. The album has two versions: UTOPIA and DYSTOPIA, with the second selling a considerable amount more than Utopia. DALLAS LINWOOD would serve as the executive producer of the album and would feature OLIVER SONG in a guest role on PHOENIX, though the girls would take more charge in the production side and write all their songs.
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TRACKLIST — playlist.
‘ # 001.⠀ ⠀ROTTEN ──── written by bae haena, produced by dallas linwood, and performed by kim wonhui. rotten explores themes of rejection, frustration, and a sense of being undermined in a relationship. according to haena, the repetition of "worm in the apple" emphasizes their perception of themselves as being seen as flawed within the relationship, as if they are unwanted within the sweetness of the relationship. there is a continued sense of self-doubt within the song and the narrator is completely burdened by their own flaws, with the apple representing their identity and being stuck by something small. wonhui was chosen to sing the intro due to her deep, yet hypnotic tone that served as the perfect introduction to the album.
‘ # 002.⠀ ⠀TITLE TRACK. HOME ──── written, produced, and performed by kwak yulli. home is an exploration of longing, identity, and the search for a place or state of security. she reflects on the idea of "home" as not just a physical space, but as a deeper emotional and psychological state. she wanted to capture the nuances of feeling out of place and the desire to want to return to a state of comfort. home captures the theme of loss as well with many not understanding why it was chosen as the title track until yulli went into depth about it on their comeback live. home was well received by fans and earned their multiple music show wins.
‘ # 003.⠀ ⠀SHANGRI-LA ──── written by all the members, produced by dallas linwood and bae haena, performed by kwak yulli. as mentioned above, this song features on themes of love, loss and redemption. it's a vivid picture of emotional turmoil and the search for inner peace amidst chaos, the members reflect on young love that was once vibrant but was tainted by heartache by the end. though their love interest was once unique and someone that they cared about, they acknowledge the pain and shame endured within the relationship. it delves into the complexities of love and forgiveness as well, conveying a sense of resilience as they grapple with the broken promises and struggles with their past.
‘ # 004.⠀ ⠀UNLOVED ──── written by bae haena and kim eulsun, produced by dallas linwood, and performed by bae haena. this track explores themes of unrequited love and the longing for genuine affection as the singer yearns for a morning where the sun shines brighter than angel wings. they have a strong hope for a second chance at love despite all that has happened in the past, which is shown in the chorus through the concept of misplaced love and betrayal. they are pleading to "turn back to love" as they call on everyone to rethink their understanding of love.
‘ # 005.⠀ ⠀PHOENIX ──── written by kwak yulli, produced by oliver song, and performed by kwak yulli. just like the name suggests, this song focuses on messages of resilience and rebirth—that their pain will lead to growth and renewal, just like it does for the legendary phoenix. it's an anthem of hope and strength, completely different from the rest of the songs on the album and yulli stated that it was like a "dream board" for belladonna. she wants the members to look at these shared memories they have together and hold onto their deep connection forged through not only superband, but the two albums that they have released together. she reminds them that they are stronger than they think and even in the darkest times, the potential for rebirth exists.
‘ # 006.⠀ ⠀CONFUSION ──── written by kim eulsun, produced by bae haena, and performed by kwak yulli. confusion explores themes of self-doubt and the struggles with personal failures, reflecting on the singers own perceived shortcomings and the emotional impacts of not measuring to soceity's standards. eulsun revealed in a livestream that confusion is autobiographically and started as a journal entry right after she moved in with her grandparents. she also said it was very "plastic flowers" inspired, which did not go over well on twitter.
‘ # 007.⠀ ⠀WANDER ──── written by kim wonhui and bae haena, produced by dallas linwood, and performed by bae haena. just like the rest of her members, wonhui struggles with her self-worth and the concept that life is a series of trails and errors. she's always been outspoken about her need for perfection despite much of her life being a "beta test" of personal development. she is constantly testing and refining herself even when it gets hard. though the track was primarily written by wonhui, haena was given a songwriting credit for fixing and improving the lyrics at wonhui's urging. in the end, she calls for fans for embrace their imperfections and view them as a larger part of the journey rather than a setback, which was her resolution for the new year.
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Come Home: Single Mom AU
Blake: (sets serving tray on the table and pours two cups of tea) How are things back in Menagerie?
Kali: They're going just fine, dear. How are things here?
Blake: (pauses) They've... uh... been better.
Kali: Oh?
Blake: (sighs) The landlord sold the building to a new company, and they're raising rent. I can't afford it with my current job.
Kali: I'm so sorry, dear. (sips tea) ...I know this might not be what you want to hear, but have you thought about coming home? You and Kela can live with your father and I until you save up enough money to buy yourself a house, Kela won't be bullied at school anymore, and I'm sure your father can get you a job working in the liaison office.
Blake: (worries lip) If you had asked me that a few months ago, I would have jumped at the offer....
Kali: (arches eyebrow) Oh, what changed?
Blake: (blushes and tucks hair behind her ear) I... uh... I met someone...
Kali: (deadpans) Blake.
Blake: Let me explain, please. She's a wonderful woman. She didn't run away like other dates when she found out about Kela. In fact, she ran down to the flower shop to pick her up her own bouquet of flowers. She even let her come with on our first date. She's been so kind and patient with both of us, and Kela thinks the world of her.
Kali: Hmm... (sips tea) She sounds interesting. When did you intend to introduce this mysterious Faunus girl to us?
Blake: (sweating) Uhm... She's actually a human...
Kali: (spits out her tea) A human?
Blake: That's actually better than I thought you'd react (sips tea timidly)
Kali: Blake-
Kela: (entering the apartment) Mommy, we're home!
Blake: Hi, baby. You're home early. How was school?
Kela: I got a gold star on my book report! Hi, Grandma!
Kali: Hello, little cub, my how big you've gotten! (stares pointedly at Yang) And who is this you've brought home with you?
Kela: That's Ya- oops... Uh, that's Ms. Yang! She's dating Mommy.
Kali: (eyes narrow) Ms. Yang? Why do you call her that?
Kela: Because Mommy says I need to be polite and show my manners when talking about her around adults. When we're alone, I can call her Yang.
Kali: Really? And do you like Yang?
Kela: Mmhmm! She picks me up from school every Thursday, and helps me with my homework when Mommy's too busy. We all spend Saturdays together and go to parks or the library. She offers to make dinner those days so Mommy can have a break on those days.
Blake & Yang: (sigh in relief)
Kela: She's stayed overnight a couple of times too! I saw them wrestling on the couch one night when I went to get a drink of water. She makes the best pancakes!
Blake & Yang: (silent screaming)
Kali: It sounds like you like her very much.
Kela: (nods)
Kali: Does she make you happy?
Kela: Yes!
Kali: Does she make your mommy happy?
Kela: She's happier when Yang's around. (whispers) Even though she tries to hide it.
Kali: (laughs) I believe it. Well, how about you go to your room and put your stuff away while the adults talk for a minute.
Kela: Okay, Grandma! (gives her a hug, rushes to give Blake a hug, and finally gives a shell shocked Yang a hug before running to her room)
Kali: (sipping her tea) Well, Yang, you might as well have a seat. Now that I've gotten my granddaughter and daughter's opinion of you, I think it's time we've had a chat.
Yang: (shuffles over to the table like a zombie and sits down) Am I going to die?
Kali: Oh, hardly. I just want to formally welcome you to the family. I haven't had that much fun in ages. I think I'm already beginning to like you.
Part 2
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itsupermanti · 2 years
RWBY DC AU Important Notice;
It has come to my attention that in this community created RWBY DC AU that was started by @howlingday , we have yet to discuss one crucial topic about this AU apart from some of it’s history and lore…
Thus, I nominate my favorite costume choices for some of the characters;
For Jaune Arc as the Flash, I nominate the DCYou Flash suit;
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I think this suit would work really well for Jaune, especially since it has a greater abundance of gold throughout it, and gold happens to be Jaune’s main color.
For Oscar as Kid Flash, I nominate two costumes;
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This makeshift costume that Bart/Bar-Tor wore in the New 52 before joking the Teen Titans. Oscar will wear something similar when he first starts out by helping Blake fight back against the ruthless Anti-heroes.
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Once the other heroes come out of retirement, his Aunt Ruby will fashion him a proper costume based on Wallace “Ace” West’s Future self from the “Future’s End” variant cover of the New 52, the black and silver would contrast perfectly with Jaune’s abundance of red and gold.
For Ruby and Ren as Green Lanterns, I nominate for Ruby Rose;
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Jessica Cruz’s costume, complete with the Lantern emblem over her eye, and probably have her red tips glow green as well when she dons her uniform.
For Ren;
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Hal Jordan’s appearance from “Green Lantern Emerald Knights”, with the black gloves and green cuffs, he can either keep his pink streak or have it turn green like Ruby’s tips.
For Yang Xiao-Long, I nominate Supergirl’s costume from Dark Crisis;
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With pants! Kara’s practically Superwoman already.
And for the character that started this AU, I nominate for Blake Belladonna, Cassandra Cain’s Batwoman costume that appeared in a glimpse of the future in “Red Robin #19”
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This costume is essentially Batman, but meant for a woman, and with Cassandra’s full mask.
Let me know what costume designs you would like for the rest to have in this AU!
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zozoistireds-blog · 2 months
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(Click image for better quality)
Name: Iris belladonna-xiao long
Age: sixteen
Allusion: Puss in boots
Team: SIL (team silver)
Team members: Scarlet card, Leona pridely + herself
Semblance name: charm
Charm is a Semblance that grants iris the ability to captivate and allure others with their words and actions. It is a passive ability that operates subtly, influencing the perceptions and emotions of those around them.
Increased Charisma: Iris gains an inherent boost to their charisma, making it easier for them to persuade, convince, and win over others.
Enhanced Empathetic Connection: Charm allows iris to connect with the emotions of others, intuitively understanding their motivations and desires. This empathy deepens their bonds and fosters trust.
Emotional Manipulation: With focused effort, Iris can manipulate the emotions of others to a limited extent. They can subtly influence feelings of sympathy, attraction, or a desire to help.
Limited Range: Charm's effects are strongest when iris is in close proximity to their target.
Resistance: Individuals with strong wills or who are aware of the Semblance's influence can resist its effects.
Ethical Considerations: Manipulating emotions carries ethical implications. Iris must use Charm responsibly to avoid exploiting or harming others.
Charm can be utilized in various ways, including:
Diplomacy and Negotiation: Iris can effectively mediate conflicts, negotiate agreements, and build alliances through their persuasive abilities.
Social Interaction: Charm enhances Iris ability to make friends, build rapport, and leave a lasting impression.
Battle Support: In combat, Charm can be used to divert attention, create confusion, and sow discord among enemies.
Personal Growth: iris can use Charm to improve their self-confidence, develop stronger relationships, and become a more charismatic individual.
Example Scenarios:
Iris can use Charm to negotiate truces between two warring groups, using her empathic abilities to understand their grievances and find common ground.
Iris uses Charm to inspire hope in a weary community, rallying them to fight for their rights.
Iris can use Charm to infiltrate an enemy base by manipulating the guards' emotions, allowing them to slip through undetected.
Charm is a powerful Semblance that grants its user the ability to charm and influence others. While it offers advantages in social, diplomatic, and combat situations, it must be used responsibly to avoid exploitation or harm. With its inherent charisma and empathetic connection, Charm empowers the user to become a captivating and persuasive force in the RWBY world.
Weapon: La protectora
Description: a dust crystal based rapier that can turn into a whip similar to Weiss as it was a gift from her aunt Weiss and Ruby for her eventual admission into patch’s combat school.
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“Coffee! Coffee!” Said the dragon whisperer, Enya. Stella Junior exhaled tiredly. Since she and Enya are going to stays at planet Earth for a long time, they has been going out shopping for themselves and getting to know this city. Especially now that Stella Junior, with help from Bloom, open up a bank account at The Bank in Townsville, transferring her money from Magix to Earth and converting Magix’s monetary system to American Dollars, and getting her first ever Earth credit card. Stella Junior had manage to magically shrunk their shopping bags to pocket-sized, keeping their new clothes in her skirt pocket to prevent her arms getting sore. But she is definitely now exhausted.
“I never try Earth’s coffee before. But I preferred the one at Molly Moo back at Pixie Village,” said Amaya, Pixie of Rainbow and Stella Junior’s pixie companion. Tori, Enya’s pixie companion, slightly nod. Tori and Amaya came for a visit because they miss them. Three people agreed that they want to go inside. Sapphire Diamond, Enya’s chihuahua fairy pet barks, joining in on wanting to go inside. Oh great now it’s 4 against 1. Is Sapphire Diamond even allowed to go inside? She is consider an animal, despite once was a discarded toy. Plus, there could be a policy stating no dogs are allow.
“I don’t thinks Sapphire Diamond is allowed to enter the coffee shop, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “Plus, we.. No, don’t give me the puppy eyes,”
Stella Junior seeing Enya’s eyes widened and have a pleading expression on her face.
“You are not ten years old, you are fourteen.”
Enya put her hands together.
“Please Stella Junior?”
She need to say no. Marianne and her godmother, Bloom can say it easily.
“No, Enya,” said Stella Junior. “I have to pay for you all. I already spent my allowance on our shopping spree. Bloom lectured me about spending our money wisely.”
“Aww, you are no fun. Where is the old Stella Junior?”
That sentence hits Stella Junior hard. It takes her a few seconds for the moonlight fairy, Stella Junior to be defeats. She decides to enter Chillaxation for a coffee break. Enya, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond are in a jolly mood. As the five enter inside the coffee shop. Stella Junior picked up the scent of roasted coffee in the air with the hint of hazelnuts, caramel, vanilla, lavender flavour syrup, and chocolate. From the sound of soft jazz music to the biodegradable and solar powered charged lanterns, hanging up on the ceiling, brighten up the place, it is actually quite relaxing. It is no wonders why the Townsville Kids stop by to get snacks and drinks there. There are even a books, stacked in the bookcase at the back of the coffee store. Twinkly would definitely love to read them all. If she joins them. The five join in the line to the counter. Stella Junior notices dog treats and cat treats on the menu. Ok, that is perfect. This place allow dogs and cats to enter. Stella Junior looks at her friends. “Okay, please tell me what do you want? Except for you, Sapphire Diamond, I will decide which dog treats is suitable for you.”
“Bark!” Sapphire Diamond barked. Enya, Amaya, and Tori look up at the menu and the donuts on display.
“Milky coffee and a coconut eclair!” Enya said with a smile.
“I definitely wants their finest rainbow smoothie,” said Amaya.
“An iced coffee please,” said Tori.
Stella Junior nodding at all of their answers. A curly red haired girl with teal/navy blue gradient eyes covered by her teardrop shaped glasses. She is standing by the counter and stares at Stella Junior and her friends. She is wearing a white shirt with a blue collar and blue sleeves. The name tag, Holly Test is on her shirt. Holly is shunned because she see two pixies, she has never seen them in her lifetime. She wonders if they are from Townsville’s supernatural community. And if not, then they must be new here. Holly cleared her throat, and bring back her bright composure after settling in on her new encounter. This is not the time to be looking, she needs to make some sales.
"Hello and welcome to Chillaxation, what can I get for you?" She greeted them with a smile on her face.
“Can I have… A small milky coffee and coconut eclair for Enya, three peanut butter dog donut treats with carob icing for the dog, Sapphire Diamond, one rainbow smoothie for the pixie, Amaya, and an iced coffee for the other pixie, Tori.” Stella Junior ordered. “Make sure Enya, Tori, and Amaya are written on their respective cup. All of the cups have to be small too.”
“One small cup of milky coffee, one coconut eclair, three peanut butter dog donuts with carob icing, one small iced coffee, and a small cup of rainbow smoothie. Anything else?” Holly asked.
“I want both an iced coffee and a rainbow smoothie!” Said Amaya. Stella Junior shushed Amaya, the customers hearing Amaya’s outburst. Stella Junior’s cool composure fractures a bit. Holly Test stares at Stella Junior, then goes back to typing on the keyboard on the POS Terminal, editing the order. “So two small iced coffees then?” Holly asked, ensuring the order is correct. Stella Junior nodded. “Did you want anything for yourself?” Holly asked. Stella Junior shook her head.
Holly nods. "That will be $35.86.”. While Stella Junior takes out her VISA card from her wallet, to tap it into the scanner, Holly turns her head and calls someone to get his order.
A girl with slushy dual colored short hair, black and red and blue eyes is holding a tray of someone else's order. She is wearing the same uniform as Holly except the name tag said, "Mirage Fagry" on her blouse.
“Miss Fagry, this we need two small cups of iced coffee and a small cup of rainbow smoothie for our new… fairy, I MEANS pixie customers, and a small cup of milky coffee for the child named Enya.” Holly instructed, while processing everything she saw. “I will have Mx. Creecher get the dog treats and donut.”
Mirage nod in ennui. Mirage got two cups from the stacks of blank labeled cups and poured refrigerated coffee into Amaya’s cup and Tori’s cup. Then Mirage goes to the ice dispenser machine to dispense some ice to the iced coffees. Mirage stirred the ices in the coffee with a spoon, and then sealed the lid in each cup. Mirage then gets another cup from the stacks of blank labeled cups, but only this time a small size. She dispenses hot coffee into the cup and added hot milk from the milk dispenser. Finally Mirage filed the blank label on each cup with a black sharpie marker, marked their order. Mirage put their orders on the tray. “The rainbow smoothie will be coming soon,” Said Mirage to Stella Junior. She did not care about the presence of the pixies that much than Holly. “So please wait at one of our available tables.”
Stella Junior nod.
“Let’s go sit down,” said Stella Junior. Both pixies, fairies, and fairy pet goes take a seat at the free table to wait for their order. Enya frowned, wondering why they have to wait. It would be so much better if there is magic in this place. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to goes through Hologram, one of Earth’s social media network platforms. Mirage goes to the backroom to make the rainbow smoothie. Meanwhile, Beppi, another employee of Chillaxation with multicoloured hair, applied gloves to get one coconut eclair from the stand, and place it into a paper bag. Then get the dog treats in a separate paper bag as well. They put the bags of ordered treats on the tray. Twenty minutes later, Mirage came back with the small rainbow smoothie. As Mirage placed the rainbow smoothie on the tray, she called out their names.
“An order of milky coffee for Enya! An iced coffee for Tori! An iced coffee and rainbow smoothie for Amaya! With dog treats and a donut!”
Stella Junior stopped what she is doing on her phone. She turns off her cellphone, and put her phone away by putting it in her skirt pocket to leave her table. Mirage served Stella Junior the purchased goods.
“Thanks you,” said Stella Junior.
"You are welcome. Enjoy." Mirage replied. Stella Junior take their orders before heading back to sitting with her friends. Enya drank her milky coffee and eating her coconut eclair, while Tori drank her iced coffee, and Amaya drank her rainbow smoothie. “Wow! This is the best smoothie I ever tasted!” Amaya complimented. Stella Junior watched them eat and drink, while opening up the paper bag and giving Sapphire Diamond her peanut butter dog donut treat with carob icing. Stella Junior’s cellphone vibrates. Stella Junior pulls out her cellphone to see an emojix sent by Bloom, Enya’s mother and her godmother, expressing a mini Bloom tapping her foot and looking at the time from her wristwatch she is wearing. Stella Junior frowns, realizing that they took so long to go back to Bloom and Enya’s house. Stella Junior send an emojix of Enya drinking coffee, then send a text message that they will be back soon to ease Bloom’s mind. Stella Junior release another sigh. She wish she can say no, otherwise Bloom won’t have to worry. Then again, she should just tell Bloom that they will be running late and where they are now. Also, seeing them being happy go lucky, it’s probably worth it.
Enya Peters-Eraklyon, Stella Junior Dorana Solaria, Amaya, Tori, and Sapphire Diamond belong to @gloriousdreamunknown
Beppi Creecher, Holly Test, Marianne of Domino (mentioned), and Mirage Fagry belong to @froppy-butterflyfan2000 (me)
The Cappyverse belongs to @ej-cappy-universe
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ask-sibverse · 3 months
Other dumb sibverse ship kid comments
Moth and Morpho spent a lot of time with Suta, the BSP+Kumo (Elementale Papyrus) child. It wasn't until they were preteens that Nebby started to be closer to him
Due to spoilery reasons, the kids are raised in either Nox's castle or a detached Doodlesphere floating in the Multivoid. As such the groups are generally referred to as the "castle kids" and "the multivoid kids"
Belladonna has a single child and no more because unfortunately his first and only child inherited his "corruption + floral" issue and another health issue that wasn't apparent until he left floralverse for "normal" AUs
Coder(Ink) needs to friggin keep it in his pants. And all of his kids are gremlins
The "harem AU" timeline has a few unique kids of their own who don't exist in the main timeline
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
Chapter two of the rich kids au is finally up! We should have a regular posting schedule frome here on out!
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madmanwonder · 2 years
If They Had a kid (if you r still doing these still): Ragna the Bloodedge x Blake Belladonna (Blazblue X RWBY) (crossover AU)
Also Ragna x Yang Xiao Long (also crossover AU)
Name: Rachel Saya Belladonna
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Taller than blake but shorter than Ragna. A lean, but muscular build. Heterochromia eyes, left eye: blue, right eye: amber. Identical to Ragna little sister Saya.
Personality: Gruff, Taciturn, Surly, and Empathic
Special Talents: Cooking
Who they like better: Dad
Who they take after more: Dad
Personal Headcanon: Rachel suffer a degree of racism from human and faunus for her dual heritage and being daughter of SS-Rank Criminal and Current High Leader of Reformed White Fangs.
Face Claim: N/A
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Needed Conversations Part II
Jaune looked nervous as he rang his parents. He was safe, they all were. But he knew they worried about him and it was better that his family was told that he was okay than that his sisters came looking for him. Again. He shuddered slightly as the call connected.
"Jaune! How are you?"
"Hi, mom. We're okay. Made a few new friends, Pipsqueak and Pocket-sized. You'd like them!"
"Now I sincerely doubt those are actually their names, Jaune..."
"No, but we call them that. Pipsqueak... Oscar, sorry, is really nice. He wants to be a huntsman just like the rest of us, but he's younger. He doesn't have as much training. That's okay though, we're all helping train him in what he'll need to know. He carries an axe so Nora is a great help, too!"
"I'm glad your friends sound okay. And... pocket sized, was it?"
"He's really tiny, mom. Smaller than my sisters! He's adorable, though. As said, you'd like them."
"Uh huh. And whose idea was it to bring children along? You're going into danger, Jaune, surely they should have stayed at home?"
"You'd think, but O... pocket sized can look after himself. None of us have beaten him yet!"
There was a sigh over his scroll at that. "Keep us informed, alright? And maybe bring your friends to visit at some point? We're not upset that you ran away to Beacon, alright? Forging your transcripts, though... just, try to stay safe?"
"Yes, mom. Tell my sisters I'm okay before they come looking, alright?"
Oscar grinned down at the scroll as it connected.
"Oh, hey, Aunt Em. We're just fine, both of us! We've made loads of new friends, here, it's amazing!"
There was a sigh from the other end of the connection at that.
"Just stay safe, Oscar. Can you put your brother on for a second, please?"
"Oh, sure... Oz? Aunt Em wants to talk to you." Oz took the scroll slightly gingerly, a worried expression on his face.
"Hello, Miss Pine."
"How many times, Tip, I'm Aunt Em, same as I am for Oscar. How are things, really?"
"They're... alright. They could be better, perhaps, but they could also be much worse. We really are safe for now, I promise. Do you wish to talk to Oscar again?"
"I wish to talk to both my nephews, Tip. You're just as important as he is, just... promise me you won't forget that?"
"I'll try." Oz replied, even though he knew that was a promise he couldn't really keep.
"Weiss? Are you going to contact your family any time soon?"
"I wasn't planning on it, no. I have no wish to speak to my father and if any of the others wish to talk to me, they can contact me."
That handily ended that conversation, at least.
"Hi, Dad!" Ruby and Yang chorused, grinning into the scroll they were holding up between them. Tai grinned back, a deep relief on his features.
"Hi, girls. Having fun over there in Mistral? Is Qrow keeping you both safe, or do I need to have a few words with him?"
"Uncle Qrow's fine dad, he's protecting us just like he always does." They rolled their eyes at each other slightly, it wasn't like they were kids the age the Professor was at the moment, after all. They could look after themselves, but no... to Taiyang, they'd always be his little girls.
"That's good! Made any new friends?"
"A few. Oscar's a farm boy, he's really, really good, wants to be a huntsman when he grows up. His... brother's... been helping train him. All of us really." Ruby sounded excited, though Tai wasn't really sure why.
"Yeah dad, pocket sized is kinda awesome. You'd like him. Maybe."
"... pocket sized? Whatever, I'm glad you girls are fine, could you get your uncle for me?"
"Sure. Hey Uncle Qrow? Dad wants to talk to you. I don't think you're in trouble?" Qrow just sighed and took the scroll from the girls.
"Hey, Tai. The girls are fine, they're having fun at the moment."
"Who is Oscar and who is pocket sized? I thought they were with the Schnee girl and what's left of team JNPR."
"They are, Tai. The kid's just here, too. As for pocket sized. Eh, you'll see. It's not really something I can tell you over a scroll, but neither of them pose any threat to your kids, I wouldn't let that happen.
There was a familiar looking softness in Qrow's eyes though and Tai felt a sudden suspicion weighing deep in the pit of his stomach. Was one of those two the next Ozpin?
"Just... tell me if anything bad happens, Qrow, and keep keeping them safe."
"Yeah, Tai, always do."
"Hey Mom, Dad. I'm catching up with everybody just fine over here, things have been a bit hectic, though. The world is so much bigger than I ever thought it was. Anyway, did you know magic is real? Because apparently that's a thing now? Anyway, I hope you get this message, I love you." Blake rang off, knowing her parents had to be incredibly busy right now with the fallout from the White Fang. Should she have mentioned magic on their answer machine? She sighed, suddenly doubting herself. Ah well, what was done was done.
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dhampiravidi · 2 years
"Yer heart is beatin' so fast righ' now..." (To Hes! Take this in whatever direction you want xD)
“Baby, I’m fine, I promise. I’m actually…I don’t think that’s just mine you’re feeling.” Hestia stood at the other end of the street, facing a handsome man. He’d had his arm around a blonde woman, until Hestia had locked eyes with him. The moment their eyes met, she had felt a soft ringing in her ears, like the one that had come when she met Anna Marie. Her girlfriend had called her, and of course, she answered. She knew that Anna would be worrying about her and their baby-to-be.
“I think I’m looking at our soulmate.”
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rwac96 · 2 years
(SFW Prompt) If they had (a) kid(s): Ragna x Blake Belladonna
Name: Jin Ghira Belladonna
Gender: Male
Appearance: black hair, green eyes and sporting a tone build.
Personality: Introverted, surly, opinionated and aloof.
Special Talent: Swordsmanship, stealth tactics
Who they take after more: Blake, mostly
Who they like more: Blake
Headcanon: Jin doesn't remember much of his father, who disappeared right around his time as a toddler.
Face Claim: N/A
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Wiggle Room: Step Mom AU
Yang: (trying to reach the inner trunk latch from the backseat of Blake’s car) Oh, come on. It's gotta be here somewhere. I swear. It's easier to find the g-spot than it is to hit this damn thing.
Kela: What's a g-spot?
Yang: (jumps and slams her head against the roof of the car) Kela! Don't sneak up on me like that, you little ninja.
Kela: What are you doing?
Yang: Your Mommy has been having trouble opening the trunk of the car, so I'm trying to wiggle through this small opening (motions to the folded down center seat) to hit the latch from the inside.
Kela: .....That's a small hole.
Yang: Yes, it is.
Kela: You're too big to fit in there.
Yang: (snickers: stop it you 14 year old) Yes, I'm well aware.
Kela: (wiggles through the hole and disappears into the trunk. Pokes head through the hole) Look, Yang! I'm a gopher!
Yang: (blinks) Yes, you are! And you're about to be a helpful gopher.
Kela: (eyes sparkle) What can I do?!
Yang: (pulls a piece of paper and pen out of her pocket and draws the latch mechanism) Okay, it's really easy. I need you to take this screwdriver, put the tip in this slot (points to drawing), and turn to the left. If it doesn't turn, turn right.
Kela: (stares in wonder as she takes the screwdriver) This is so cool...! (Disappears into the trunk)
Trunk: (pops open seconds later)
Kela: (pushes trunk open and jumps up) Ta-Da!
Blake: (stepping out of Yang’s work truck) Kela, why are you in the trunk of Mommy's car?
Yang: (scrambles out of the car) She was helping me unlatch the mechanism. These shoulders of mine are a menace when it comes to small spaces.
Kela: Mommy, what's a g-spot?
Blake: (eyes widen)
Yang: (silent screaming)
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kroosluvr · 1 month
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i lowkey have too many notes to write down properly KDFHKDS but ill write them down for Future Cele so i can read it later and be like omggg past cele ur so fun and interesting
in general, the more "color" the scenes have, the closer it is to "real life" as opposed to the muted/hushed winter blues of maruki's reality
i.e. the dark frames w akira smiling and the very last panel are when reality sinks in: first for akira, then for goro
by the way this is long winter au but sumire is still brainwashed. this also works for canonverse but i just had long winter au in mind:o
youve heard of laundry and taxes now get ready for coffee and pastries
in every panel, akira is smiling! :) and goro is very much not smiling.
intentionally his face is hidden in the last 2 pages so its unclear whether it's the "ideal reality" already (akira/goro's daydreams/wants/desires), or if goro is still fighting akira on making sure he picks the right choice
the smoke from the first page kinda leads into the 3rd page omfg COMPLETELY UNINTENTIONAL BUT REALLY COOL LMAOOO
that's nameless and belladonna in jazz jin!!! i love them. I LOVETHEM. i miss them so bad is it obvious
the cafe is loosely based off of caffe strada @ uc berkeley LMAO. my parents used to take me there a lot as a little kid so that's the first cafe i think of when i imagine one. its like right on the streetside, basically on the sidewalk, so its very bustling and people are always walking by... probably a little disconcerting to see everyones summery bright smiles despite the bitter cold and snow
in long winter AU, the Ideal Reality starts before 1/1 so yeah they get to see the new years fireworks together (or something)
also intentional that they wear the same winter outfits in the whole comic although it Probably does not take place at the same time. in maruki's snowglobe, time seems frozen in place... but akira and goro are both acutely aware that the sands are running thru QUICK
goro's frustrated expression on page 3 is one also of disdain: "don't speak FOR me you fucking imbecile" type of expression.
goro, who's never lived a normal life and therefore doesn't know much abt "normalcy" nor really actively seeks it. this 3rd semester is basically purgatory for him and he doesn't care to try and go through the motions the way akira does. akira what do YOU know about the type of "normalcy" i deserve? how do YOU know if i "deserve" that?
im thinking that this is a naive akira who is mostly set on taking the deal because he feels hopeless... seeing all his friends with good happy lives while goro and himself are alive and miserable and shouldering the weight of the world during the horror of long winter......
oh but if he takes the deal they could all be good and alive and happy!!!.... and goro knows this. i feel like in any other universe (i.e. akira is 100% certain on not taking the deal and goro knows this) then goro would be happy and carefree to do these little indulgences for himself and akira's sake, to just enjoy the snowglobe world while it exists.
but this goro is discontent. he sees how akira is enjoying the snowglobe and knows maruki is depending on this. goro has to be the one to remind akira that none of this is his to keep........ in this fucked up world, routine is dangerous. becoming comfortable is dangerous. they cannot keep any of this.
on that note, goro says "i hate you" in a halfhearted sort of way (it's not true and akira knows that.) but he's trying to think of a way that he can dissuade akira from picking the wrong choice.....
and i think the thing is, goro thinks all of this, but he still falls into the rhythm of routine with akira anyway. in a way, goro feels hopeless too.
all of this is maruki's doing........ paralyzed by the inability to choose... whatever you do, you lose. goro needs to hold akira at arm's length so the stupid sentimental fool doesn't get too attached and falls into the wrong universe. akira needs to make a concentrated effort to detach himself from goro even though he wants the simplest thing in the world: just one more unremarkable day with him. it's lose-lose..........,
also i liked drawing the tentacles in the last pic the freaking blue lines on them were SO satisfying to draw
edit: also the last page: the blood flooding the panel….. the idea of the ideal world being built off of the blood and sweat and tears and bodies of the people who could have been. of those lost in the actualization, of those destroyed, of those stitched together and brought back to life. all just for a little false happiness. goro sees it but akira doesn’t, and it’s a grim sight.
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🎃 LSBC Questions: Part 9! 🎃
Bringing this back! I cannot answer every Lock, Shock, Barrel, and Callope question with a drawing, but I'd still still like to respond to them in some way! Questions that call for quick answers will be under the cut in batches of 10-15 🧡
Previous bulk questions batch
New questions:
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This AU focuses on their youthful years when they're learning about themselves and exploring their freedom. Marriage will not be part of it.
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This AU doesn't accept Oogie's Revenge as canon. It operates with the movie as the sole source material.
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Though they may not always admit it, they do like living together. They're out of the house most of the time anyway, and it also doesn't feel cramped anymore since they upgraded it: [1] [2] [3]
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yes, but he doesn't like it lol
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Can't give away all their secrets!
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Lock and Barrel don't really argue, it's just Lock getting angry and Barrel giving him space to cool down before seeing how he can fix it.
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As for Shock and Calliope, Shock gets enough yelling done with Lock and then hangs out with Calliope for relaxing, not-yelling time
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Being supernatural creatures, they don't really get sick. However, Shock would drink a lot of tea, Barrel would stay in bed and game, and Lock would be very "leave me alone" but also want people to get him food and stuff
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Jack and Sally do not have kids in this AU. They are newly married and LSB were invited to the wedding: [1] [2]
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For them it was the opposite: they kissed first and then spent the next two years without a label, not admitting to any feelings.
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Barrel thought Belladonna was charming! But Lock has always been his heart's desire.
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Calliope quick links
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