#Bernard the elf fan fiction
myersmaniac · 10 months
Bernard x Y/n ( Scott’s niece) pt.1
Falling like snow.
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It was a very snowy winter's day at the North Pole, Bernard went about his usual business, ensuring all toys were being made with love and care, he knew today Scott’s niece would be visiting for the very first time so he made sure that everything was in check and looked just as magical as possible, he really didn’t suspect much would happen today but little did he know that this particular day would forever change his life. Y/N found herself walking into Santa's workshop, it was more beautiful than she’d imagined. She was in awe of the Christmas wonderland surrounding her, she took a deep breath soaking all the Christmas magic surrounding her in, she was very quickly pulled out of her trance by a certain elf “ you must be Scott’s niece, I’m Bernard the head elf, I’d be happy to show you around.” Y/n was no longer enchanted by all of the lights, decorations, snow and other material things instead it was Bernard who now held her full attention. With mischievous eyes twinkling like stars, and a smile that could melt icicles, Y/N was a force to be reckoned with for Bernard. Though the air was freezing cold and followed by a winters blow the both of them felt a rush of warmth flow through their bodies just by looking at each other. “ uhh, yeah yeah that’d be great thanks, you can call me y/n by the way it’s nice to meet you Bernard.” Bernard had never seen anyone as beautiful as y/n to him she was like a snow Angel. As they began to walk around Bernard began to talk “ Scott’s told me a lot about you, he says you’re pretty mischievous. Do me a favor and keep that mischievousness out of the workshop we’re very busy here.” Bernard says. “ you have nothing to worry about Bernie, I’m not gonna mess up your precious head elf duties.” Y/n playfully rolled her eyes and giggled. “ and another things it’s Bernard not Bernie.” Bernard responded. “ yeah yeah whatever Bernie.” Y/n said as she trotted off to go visit her uncle. Y/N wasted no time in making her presence known as she stayed at the North Pole, always finding ways to engage Bernard in conversation. She possessed a quick wit and a flirtatious nature that seemed to make the usually confident elf blush and stumble over his words. Bernard walked into the room with a candy cane in his pocket prepared for a snack, “ you seem very excited to see me Bernie” y/n said with a wink as she looked down towards his pocket. Bernards cheeks turned 10 shades of red “ it’s a candy cane!” He said with wide eyes and his teeth pressed down together. Her playful banter had a strong effect on Bernard, of course he’d never admit it but she was slowly starting to tell, so of course she’d do everything in her power to get to him. Every day, Y/N would find new ways to push Bernard's boundaries, slipping in dirty jokes and slight touches during conversations about toy-making and reindeer training. The contrast of her innocent appearance and cheeky sense of humor left Bernard awestruck and captivated. He couldn't help but be drawn to her magnetic personality. He acted as if he could care less about being around her, as if it were his obligation to do so but she knew better. “ Hey Bernie when we gonna sneak off to your office and have a little fun.” Y/n playfully said. “ only in your dreams.” Bernard said with an annoyed expression. as the days turned into weeks, his love for her only intensified. It filled him with joy and warmth, yet also tugged at his heartstrings, knowing that their time together would eventually come to an end. “ hey y/n” Bernard said in a serious tone, y/n quickly turned her head, she could tell something was off. “ hmm” she responded quietly. “ when do you have to leave here?” He asked subtly. Her face lit up “ aweee Bernie you’re gonna miss me” she teased shaking his arm. “ no.. I’m just excited to see you go.” He said lying straight through his teeth. They went on about their business but Bernard was still worried, he didn’t really get a direct answer. Eventually Bernard got the call he was dreading from Santa. “ hey Bernard can you help y/n get her things together?” ..
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𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓸𝓭 (Bernard the elf x autistic! reader)
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Summary: Bernard always strived to get along with his underlings, though a certain mechanics department head made that difficult for him considering they were snappy and closed off, refusing to get along with anyone though especially their head elf. However, Bernard would come to find that their intentions lye deeper than what he or anyone can perceive.
Warning/s: slight accidental ableism, lots of fluff though!
A/n: just a little disclaimer, I'm writing this story unique to my autistic experiences, since I'm sure most people are aware that every autistic person experiences it differently with similar symptoms. So this story won't be accurate to every autistic person's experiences. Also, the person who requested this story specifically asked for an enemies to lovers story so that's why reader seems rude at first.
Regardless, i hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2K
Smiles all around, smiles for days.
It was always a sight for sore eyes walking into the factory from his office, away from the stresses of being stuck in his own mind and absorbing the contagious joy of his dear underlings. Even when he was so stressed, gazing upon his hard work never failed to put a smile on his face.
He'd stroll through the factory, checking in on everyone in their respective departments, giving a 'hello' and 'howdy' where necessary, making sure things were running smoothly, and overall completing this ritual minor maintenance with a bounce in his step.
That was until he reached the mechanics department.
He had nothing wrong with the department itself, since he had only the most talented elves put into each department and overall he was pleased with it's progress.
It was the elf he'd assigned at the head of that department who posed a personal issue.
(Y/n) (L/n), head of the mechanics department. They're an elf about his age, extremely talented in their area of work. They were efficient, fast working, and always produced top notch items when it came to little robotic toys and what not.
It was just their attitude that Bernard didn't like.
But he always did try to be polite.
"Hey (Y/n)! How's the work coming along?"
His greeting was met with silence. This wasn't unexpected though, they were much less likely to respond when they were working on something, as at that moment they had a little robotic chicken in their hand that they were tweaking.
"(Y/n)?" he'd ask a little louder, though still to no response.
He decided to move in a little closer to their desk, and speak louder.
"Get out of my space, I can hear you!"
Ah, there it was.
"Well, (Y/n), usually when someone greets you, you acknowledge them," Bernard replied snarkily, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're insufferable, Bernard," (Y/n) scoffed, shaking their head as they refused to look up at him. "I'm just trying to be polite!" he exasperated, offended that they'd say that to him of all people. "Yeah, well you're doing it wrong," they uttered sharply, followed by a click of their tongue as well as a short whistle.
He didn't know why they did that - clicking their tongue or making a popping sound with their lips followed by a short whistle. It was a strange quirk in their character, but it was quite distinguishing and unique. He didn't ask though, it wasn't his place.
"Alright, fine, whatever, sorry," he huffed, taking a step back from their desk, "just make sure you meet you quota by the end of the week." "I always do," they assured him, and he simply huffed again and stomped away, his mood now bitter for the rest of the day.
Even after these confrontations, he tried to reset himself each day, hoping one after the other that he'd figure out just what their problem was.
Nevertheless, his attempts at any sort of help were in vain.
It was in the next few days when he had seem them walking amongst the crowded walkways of the factory, their head down as all they seemed focused on doing was getting by. He couldn't exactly read their face, since it always seemed blank, but he figured it was worth a shot to try and talk to them.
"Hey (Y/n)-"
As he greeted the elf, they seemed to be startled at this sudden communication, jumping back and tripping over a toy which had been laying on the floor - not uncommon for this section of the department, where all the action figures are made.
They looked stunned, so Bernard knelt down and tried to help them up.
"Uh-are you okay?" he asked, grabbing their arm.
The second he touched them, they ripped their arm away from his grip, shuffling away from him.
"Don't touch me," they snarled, quickly getting up off of the floor and rushing the opposite way.
He just didn't get it. All he was doing was trying to help.
Perhaps they were a lost cause. Perhaps they didn't want to get along with anyone.
So, eventually, he just stopped trying.
Every time he saw them, it just made him mad. He was so very bitter to them, and did anything he could to avoid. Realistically, he wasn't mad at them - not at all.
He was hurt, because he really liked them.
So, to remove this pain, he'd feign anger.
This would have dire consequences in his future.
It was a few weeks later when Bernard would find himself unable to absorb the sweet spirit of his factory. This week, he was grumpier than usual. He was not happy, and everyone was about to know about it.
This mood was the consequence of a minor inconvenience - a mistake in his statistics that he mailed off to the higher ups which would cost him more time than he could afford. Yes, this mistake was his fault, but he was too upset to care about how taking it out on others would affect them.
With everyone else, he wasn't too bad. Just a few snarky comments here and there and a little bit of grumbling and groaning.
He was saving hell for (Y/n).
As he stomped up to their desk in the mechanics department, he called their name like usual.
"(Y/n)," he growled, to which he got no response.
This time, he didn't repeat himself as usual. Instead, he slammed his fist against the desk, and they looked up, startled, afraid, and cradling their fragile work in their hands.
"I'm not in the mood for your silly little games, (Y/n)," he growled, towering over them from his place on the other side of their desk, "when I call your name, you respond!"
In his rage he couldn't see the fear in their eyes, he couldn't see the way their body trembled, the way they were trying to maintain their composure though it was slipping away by the second. They couldn't speak, and this only made him madder.
"What did I do to you?? Why do act like this around me??" he asked, his voice trembling with rage, "all I've ever done is be nice to you and you can't even muster a simple hello?"
Everyone around them was staring. Everyone.
(Y/n) felt like they were suffocating, like they couldn't breathe, like their whole world around them was crumbling.
So, they did all they could think of doing. They got up, and removed themselves from the situation.
Bernard was stunned by their silent exit, not noticing until after they left that everyone around them was also silent and watching everything unfold.
The head elf flinched when he felt a hand come to his shoulder, spinning around only to see that it was his second in command, Curtis. He looked a little disappointed.
"Bernard, that was really uncalled for," Curtis said, his voice echoing in the silent factory, "I really think you should apologise to them."
Bernard felt himself gradually cooling down, though he wasn't ready to admit that he was in the wrong in this situation. After all, he wouldn't of snapped had they been polite to him, right?
With a huff, he stomped back off toward his office, hollering a brief 'get back to work' as he retreated to his hidey hole.
However, on his way, he was caught off guard by the echoing whimpers which lured him from nearby. Even in his sour mood, he wasn't one to ignore sorrowful cries.
It wasn't difficult to track the sound to the end of a long hallway, in a tiny, dark, cramped janitors closet.
On the floor, was (Y/n). They were curled up and crying, and all of a sudden Bernard felt his world flip upside down.
Perhaps he wasn't being polite correctly, as (Y/n) said.
"Oh, (Y/n)," he whispered, his aspect softening as he crouched down on the ground and got a little closer to them, "I'm sorry...I shouldn't of yelled at you like that, I didn't mean it-" "No, Bernard, you don't get it," (Y/n) sobbed, sniffling and hiccupping through all their tears as they shook their head and curled up tighter, "you d-don't get it." "Hey, hey. It's okay, I see you, (Y/n)," Bernard assured the elf, though they were quick to snap back. "No, you don't understand!" They snapped, their demeanour angry though in their eyes Bernard could see nothing but despair.
Bernard leaned back a moment - he didn't want to smother them, and he didn't want to pretend that he understood what they were trying to say to him. He'd already done enough of that.
"You’re looking at me, but you’re not seeing me. Do you know how that feels?" (Y/n) cried, shuddering in their own anxieties as they pleaded, "Just see me. Please."
In all of their beseeching, Bernard took a moment to simply take them in. Outwardly, they seemed to off standish, so harsh and cold like they didn't want to get along with anyone. Though, perhaps he was reading into it the wrong way. Perhaps they couldn't get along with anyone.
Like their brain was wired differently.
"...are you...?" Bernard began to ask the question, but he had no idea how to go about it. He didn't want to harm them any further.
They nodded, and sighed a shaky breath.
"...I'm autistic. I know it seems like I don't wanna try and get by in this environment," (Y/n) began, the tears in their eyes topping up once again and spilling back over, "...the truth is, all my energy is just going toward coping without having a meltdown."
Just like that, every interaction Bernard had had with (Y/n) had began to make so much more sense.
Every time they snapped at him when he touched them, was simply because they didn't like it. Every time he tried to talk to them and they looked at him without saying a word, they were likely mute or unable to speak.
And now...with the fast paced environment and his yelling, he likely overstimulated them into meltdown.
"Oh, (Y/n), I'm so sorry," he apologised, his shoulders sagging in guilt, "I must've come off way too strong, I should've given you more space and time and patience."
They sniffled again and shook their head, trying to wipe their tears away.
"N-no, it's okay...it's not your fault," they snivelled, trembling out of instinct, "you didn't know." "Is there anything I can do for you?"
He asked this, but they didn't respond. He wasn't angry this time, he understood now.
"Can I touch your hand?"
They looked over at him, reluctance and caution in their eyes as they were still afraid of being yelled at. They knew he was sorry, but even so fear was evident.
Though, when they locked eyes with their head elf, they couldn't help but feel a subtle sense of genuinity. I daresay, they even saw safety in those big chocolate eyes of his.
Hesitantly, they nodded, loosening their grip around themselves as they relaxed their muscles and all. Bernard took this as his green light, and slowly he'd reach over and touch their hand.
His touch was soothing, and something about it made them wish they hadn't denied it, or him, in the first place.
In a sudden swift movement, (Y/n) threw themselves at Bernard, into his body, wrapping their arms around his lanky body. At first, he was taken a back, considering the kind of relationship they'd just had beforehand. However, he finally felt at peace knowing that it wasn't really a personal issue, and that they could talk about it, and he returned their embrace.
(Y/n)'s sudden need for affection would attribute to this first acceptance. They didn't know what would become of them had they told anyone this, afraid that they would be shunned or bullied like in the past. But this time it was different.
They had found their favourite person.
"No one is meant to be all alone. That’s not how humans are built. You don’t need to do all this on your own. I'll be here for you from here on out, okay?"
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iamther0t · 10 months
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(Gif isn't mine)
Nightmares (Bernard The Elf x Fem!Reader)
Request from @zero-spacee ♥︎
(sorry if it's not the best, I'm a beginner writer and am still learning! i ended up getting this one out quicker than I anticipated ^^)
Word Count: 900+
Y/N L/N; Santa's daughter, the only human besides her father to live in the North Pole.
She couldn't say it wasn't odd, being surrounded by elves for all her life. It was most certainly not bad, per se, just a little strange, her and Santa being the only of her kind.
It wasnt particularly lonely-- She made friends with plenty of the elves, as they got along with her and enjoyed her company.
But, there was one that had caught her eye in particular; Bernard, the head elf. They started off acquaintances, Bernard asking Y/N to help out with simple little tasks every now and then, and she'd oblige.
One special Christmas, when the two were left alone, a strange mistletoe had appeared above their heads.
After that, they'd gotten closer and closer, falling in love each passing second they spent in each other's presence.
When they'd earned the title of dating, all the elves were overjoyed to hear.
Well, except for Curtis.
"Goodbye, Santa!" A group of elves called out in unison as Santa waved goodbye, the sleigh floating upward into an abyss that lead him to the real world. A large, velvet bag that carried gifts rested beside him, snugly tucked out of vision and nuzzled against his calf.
Once he left, all the elves talked amongst themselves for a little while, the jolly spirit of Christmas lingering in the air, even when the main source was gone.
Y/N smiled, glad that everything had been going smoothly so far. She'd worried about the holiday season, moreso about her dad and boyfriend overworking themselves.
She searched amongst the bustling crowd for Bernard, though he was nowhere to be found. Her heart ached; all she wanted to do was curl up in her sweet elf's arms, the crackling fire filling the soundless room.
But it seems that wouldn't be happening as of currently.
With a defeated sigh, she yawned, suddenly realizing how tired she was.
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Y/N crawled into her bed, the fuzzy green and red blankets tangled into a mess. They smelled sweet, like peppermint, while the pillows smelled--and tasted-- like marshmallows. She laid her head down, eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment. Tomorrow was Christmas, the best day of the year; what could go wrong?
Y/N shot up, chest heaving up and down with each swift breath that escaped her lips. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, her shirt sticking to her chest. Her heartbeat elevated as distinct, vague memories of a gut-wrenching dream flooded her mind. The room was spinning and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears. It felt as if the unwanted knowledge of living throughout such a nightmare was overflowing, pouring out her mouth into a hopeless mess.
Y/N was used to having nightmares, as she used to have them all the time--nights similar to these stacking into a pile of horror, and though she was all too farmiliar with the situation, it still felt worse and worse each time.
But, no night terror she'd mustered through could compare to the one she'd awoken from just now.
Bernard had fallen off a cliff, inevitably dying.
*Her* Bernard had died.
In a panicked mess, she jumped out of bed; blankets that were wrapped around her legs securely had fallen to the floor. Tears pricked at her eyes, threatening to fall.
Running out of her room, she called for Bernard with fear laced in her voice. She'd checked the bakery; nothing.
The room filled with hot chocolate and marshmallow cluttered cabinets; nothing.
Y/N choked on a quiet sob. She sniffled, for she'd checked everywhere.
Everywhere except...
She raced to the stalls, her H/C hair breezing behind her as she ran.
She halted to a stop, noticing Bernard and Curtis.
Bernard's head perked up upon hearing footsteps enter the room. Noticing it was Y/N, he smiled for a moment, until he saw the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Y/N!-" He rushed to her, and she didn't hesitate to jump into his arms. He enveloped her in a warm hug, and the farmiliar smell of peppermint that often lingered on him comforted Y/N.
"Hey, hey, sweetheart, what's wrong? What happened?" He cupped Y/N's cheek with his hand, one arm still wrapped around her waist. Curtis peeked over Bernard's shoulder curiously, to which he shooed him off.
"I- h-had another nightmare...where y-" She choked on a sob. Bernard pressed a soft kiss to her temple, pulling her back into a warm hug. "Shh..you're alright, Y/N/N.."
He let her stain his clothes with tears; normally, he'd mind if it were with anyone else, but he'd always had a soft spot for Y/N.
"I'm not going anywhere, doll," He carded his fingers through Y/N's Y/H/L hair as she leaned her head on his chest.
"I l-love you.." She stifled words in between quiet sobs.
"I love you too.." He planted another kiss to her forehead. "Hey, what do you say we head back to my room with some hot coco?" The couple stood there in each other's arms comfortably, thankfully alone since Curtis had left the room, most likely going to check up on the workshop.
Y/N nodded, gazing up at Bernard. He wiped her tears, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Alright, honey.." He picked her up bridal style, somewhat catching her off guard, but once it had settled in what he was doing, she obliged happily.
(The End :D)
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kinfanfiction · 2 years
Bernard x Elf!Reader - Chapter 7 - Mistletoe
A/N: This is the chapter I have been SO EXCITED TO WRITE!!! (Letter reveal tomorrow!) 
Added my token cuss word into the fic. There was no other word more fitting to use and you’ll see what I mean.
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     Today, as much as Bernard wanted to spend more time with you, he had to work on writing your letter. He sat in his office, finishing some work before he locked into writing your letter. He thought about everything he could write. He decided to start by writing down the meanings behind each of the charms on your necklace. Once he started, his mind just kept filling up with thoughts of you. Everything he saw and felt when you were around, and even when you weren’t. His thoughts flowed from one page to the next, and he realized he was writing far too much, and a lot of what he wrote hardly made any sense once he read it back to himself, so he decided to take bits and pieces from his rough draft and make it more concise, so maybe you might understand the depth of his emotions. In his letter, he made alluded to the promise that his feelings wouldn’t fade over time. He wrote about all the trips he wanted to go on with you, thinking about your conversation the night before. 
     You, however, were missing his presence in the workshop. You were used to this feeling, but being used to this sadness didn’t make it go away. Now that he wasn’t there, Curtis and his rulebook were back. Usually, you’d just try to hide away somewhere, or at the very least hide your face so as to not draw attention to yourself or your work. But today you felt a little more brave. Inevitably, he started going off about how you weren’t doing your project correctly, and in that moment you felt like you might explode. “You still won’t follow toy making protocol!”
     Luckily, you knew how to control your temper to where, once you spoke you only sounded slightly annoyed. “I’ve been making toys this way since you were a baby, no one has ever bothered me about it before. Not even Santa.” 
     “‘Not even Santa!’” He mocked, “Yeah, maybe the Santa you knew when I was a baby, but I’m sure our current Santa would enjoy seeing you follow the rulebook!” He continued to argue, and you really weren’t in the mood.
     “Curtis! It’s fine! Please, just give me a break!” You shouted, and by now the whole workshop was watching the two of you bicker.
     Curtis, in spite of how patient you were trying to be with him, was still very wound up. “It’s not my fault you refuse to follow the rules! Just because the head elf is in love with you doesn’t mean you can avoid all constructive criticism!” At this sentence you stopped and gave him a confused, and still very frustrated look. 
     “I don’t need your ‘constructive criticism’, I have gone many years crafting toys the same way and perfected each project I’ve been given without any issue. Also, Bernard is not in love with me, we are just very close because we’ve known each other for so long.” You told Curtis off on both parts of his snarky remark. Yet, where your words ended, the workshop collectively rolled their eyes. You noticed this, and turned to look at all their faces. They were silently telling you that you were an idiot for not already knowing Bernard had feelings for you. “Do you.. all think he’s in love with me?” You questioned. Everyone nodded at the same time. “Why?” Now Curtis was real annoyed.
     “Do we have to spell it out for you? We’re Santa’s elves. We see everything. The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you. The way he’s constantly reaching for you. Open your eyes! We’ve all known for so long that he’s in love with you, we’re just surprised you still don’t.” You looked at the other elves for confirmation, and they all nodded again. “Anyways, just try to follow protocol! It might make things easier for you.” Curtis spoke finally before walking away.
     You tried getting back to work, but Curtis words stuck with you all day. Was your best friend really in love with you? Were the younger elves reading too much into it, or were you not reading into it far enough? You tried not to think about it too much, especially as their theory began to make more sense as you looked back. There was a certain look he had on his face when he looked at you that you always took as a deep admiration for you as a friend, and more specifically you thought about the way he’d looked at you when he leaned in close the other day. At the time, you assumed he was tired, but now as you thought the moment through.. your head hurt. He seemed different when you were close by, but you already knew that, you just figured that your closeness as friends made him that way. 
     You had to focus on your work. It was the 23rd. Absolutely NO room for mistakes on the day before Christmas Eve. You couldn’t think about Bernard anymore. You cast aside any thought that didn’t involve the work in front of you. You went outside to feed the reindeers again, letting the cold distract you from inner turmoil. Then, near the end of the day you returned to work indoors, focusing on more candy making. 
     Bernard had finally written his letter in time for Christmas Eve. Tomorrow he could focus on getting Santa ready for takeoff, and then once he was gone Bernard could focus on you. As he was thinking of you, he realized it was getting late and you hadn’t come up to find him. So, he went downstairs to find you. He checked your usual spot in the workshop, and you weren’t there, so he went to the candy station, and he found you very carefully crafting candy canes once again, your eyebrows were knit tightly together and your tongue barely sticking out. He chuckled at the sight, and the sound of his voice made you jump and screw up your candy cane. “Dammit! You scared me.” You said putting a hand to your chest as you regulated your breathing.
     He widened his eyes, “I had no idea you’d be so surprised to see me. Everyone else has gone home, I figured you might want to?” He spoke more as if he was asking a question rather than making a statement. You looked around and noticed you were the only two elves left. You were indeed surprised.
     “Wow, would you look at that.. I really let time slip away from me today.” You spoke with a nervous chuckle. You put away all the candy material you had been working with and looked at Bernard with a curious look he recognized. You had something on your mind and it had something to do with him. He was too afraid to ask what you were thinking, so he silently hoped it was all good things. As you inspected him closely you thought about what Curtis had said earlier, and as you got closer Bernard grew more nervous. He felt like a mouse about to be attacked by a cat because of how you were staring at him, but quickly that feeling faded as you grabbed his hand and began to walk with him out of the workshop as always.
     You had to be sure he had feelings for you, and you had to find out in a subtle manner just in case he didn’t. You watched him as you walked, continuing to hold your hand in his. He seemed fine for now, smiling when you made eye contact. He was acting friendly. You didn't understand what the elves were on about. Then, when you got to your door, you made a mistletoe appear. You weren’t gonna kiss him on the lips or anything! That would not be subtle. You watched his reaction. He looked at the mistletoe and then at you, immediately blushing. It was just a blush, maybe he was just embarrassed at the idea of kissing someone he only saw as a friend? It was sort of a strange reaction from a friend, but it wasn’t exactly what you’d call a telltale sign. You had to play it off like you had nothing to do with the sudden appearance of mistletoe, “These things are always spawning around the North Pole as we get closer to Christmas Eve.” You stated with a shrug and chuckle, before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He let go of your hand and took a step back, his whole face went red. He chuckled anxiously and put a hand to his chest. “I-Hm- Goodnight!” He stuttered, not sure what to do with himself as he began to walk away. With his every move, you felt more and more like such an oblivious idiot. He was in love with you. And now you knew it for sure.
     You spent the night pacing throughout your house, flooded with a mix of emotions. He was in love with you and didn’t tell you. You had been calling him your best friend for hundreds of years and for who knows how many of those years he’d been in love with you! You had never even begun to consider loving him as more than a friend, not because you could never feel that way about him, but because you just didn’t think of it. You never desired a romantic relationship with anyone your whole life simply because the thought of it felt unfamiliar, scary, and ultimately unnecessary to your way of life. Why have a romantic relationship when you can just do everything usually considered romantic with your best friend? Oh god and now you just felt so guilty. Here you were being romantic with someone who was in love with you because you didn’t know. If you’d known you would’ve-! Well, actually, you weren't sure what you would’ve done. 
     Now, you had to address your own feelings for him. Man, you were so unsure. Being friends with him was familiar, comfortable, and safe. But a relationship? You’d get closer and be more vulnerable with him in a way you’d never been with anyone before. Then again, you already were closer and more vulnerable with him than you ever had been with anyone else. So... could you be in love with him? In the end, you knew you couldn’t just decide to be in love, you had to truly feel it. You stopped pacing and sat down. You made a thinking face and just sat cross-legged staring at the fireplace from your bed. So, when you thought of relationships, the idea itself made you feel unsafe and insecure. To you, relationships were fickle moments where you poured your soul out to someone and they just... left. Yet... nothing about you and Bernard’s relationship was fickle. He’d always been at your side through everything. He made you feel safe, secure, loved, supported. You meant it when you said he was perfect. He warmed your heart in a way no one ever could. When he held you, you felt as if you could melt into his arms...
     Holy shit. You were in love with him too.
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amidstthemists · 2 years
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I made my first mood board for my first fan fic! I have no idea if anyone will even see this but I’m proud.
“What is the fan fic, misty?”
Well I’m glad you asked, voice in my head! It’s a Bernard the Arch Elf (could have sworn it was Head Elf but AO3 says otherwise) x OC that starts between the second and third Santa Clause movies and will eventually go through to the end of the third one.
The summary I am currently working with is:
Gale is the faerie daughter of Legendary figure Mother Nature. She’s an ancient being with powers that move the air and wind with the wave of a hand. Why, then, does the Arch Elf have to babysit her during her visit to the North Pole? Especially when her visit is to do with coming-of-age duties her mother won’t stop going on about… and what could any of those duties have to do with the meddling and unkind Jack Frost? An almost star-crossed love story between an overworked Arch Elf and a troublesome faerie girl.
I’ve been trying to get into writing more and would really appreciate feedback, support, a community, etc.
I hope that I can find it here and am not just calling out to the void.
If you are interested in reading my story Something In The Air, I am bad at technology and am attempting to link it with this post. If this link and myself are failures, you can find the story on AO3, titled Something In The Air, under the pen name AmidstTheMists.
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Masterlist 3!
Here’s the third masterlist for all of my works! If you want to check out more of my work, here’s the links for masterlist one and masterlist two Imagines marked * are smutty imagines! Imagines marked ` are requests! Imagines marked ⭐ are personal favorites!
STRANGER THINGS small ~ jim hopper` dance with me ~ eddie munson ⭐ starry night ~ steve harrington* (part five) ⭐ at the hip ~ steve harrington` ⭐ triple date ~ steve harrington (part six) ⭐ the freak ~ steve harrington (part seven) ⭐ oblivious ~ eddie munson ⭐ jason doesn’t know ~ eddie munson ⭐ this is music ~ eddie munson` ⭐
SUPERNATURAL strange human feelings ~ castiel` cleaning ~ dean winchester`
HANNIBAL into fiction` sob story ~ hannibal lecter
THE BOYS obsession ~ billy butcher* ⭐ herogasm ~ soldier boy* ⭐ alone on christmas ~ billy butcher can’t get too close ~ billy butcher ⭐ change in a heartbeat ~ billy butcher ⭐ the bad room ~ homelander ⭐
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY life father ~ diego hargreeves` rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves’ ⭐
THE LAST OF US (HBO) friendly neighbors ~ joel miller ⭐ too sweet ~ joel miller
BARRY attraction ~ barry berkman` treat him better ~ barry berkman
AMERICAN HORROR STORY late night sins ~ xavier plympton (1984)*`
VICTORIOUS lost dog ~ tori vega` junker ~ beck oliver
HEMLOCK GROVE i don’t ever wanna see you with him ~ roman godfrey ⭐
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES roses are red ~ damon salvatore` ⭐
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH captive ~ blackbeard/ed teach ⭐
PEAKY BLINDERS moved on ~ thomas shelby
FUTURE MAN winner ~ josh futturman* ⭐
GAME OF THRONES littlest lion ~ oberyn martell (part one) ⭐ freedom ~ oberyn martell (part two) ⭐
THE WITCHER destiny ~ geralt of rivia
DOCTOR WHO looks of a princess ~ eleventh doctor ⭐
BRIDGERTON by the lake ~ benedict bridgerton
THE GENTLEMEN the assistant ~ raymond smith ⭐
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN spirit of nature ~ jack sparrow`
THE MAZE RUNNER i’ll keep you safe ~ newt`
MARVEL how things are now ~ marc spector and steven grant` ⭐ kneel ~ loki* the most wonderful time ~ bucky barnes fast ~ pietro maximoff ⭐
1917 early morning ~ will schofield*`
THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT happy birthday ~ javi gutierrez ⭐
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S i need someone older ~ william afton ⭐ the ice cream girl ~ mike schmidt
SALTBURN new toy ~ felix catton ⭐ partners ~ oliver quick ⭐
THE SANTA CLAUSE santa’s sister-in-law ~ bernard the elf
8 MILE one of the guys ~ jimmy smith jr ⭐
THE FALL GUY the space cowboy and the pa ~ tom ryder
A QUIET PLACE i’d find you in any life ~ eric ⭐
GLADIATOR II betrothed ~ emperor geta ⭐
PETE DAVIDSON your gift` favoritism`
HARRY STYLES the perfect tree a star in the making` sleepy head`
MACHINE GUN KELLY baby mama` ⭐ my queen*` getting your attention*` all the mistakes` not what it looks like` can’t keep doing this*`
EMINEM may the best artist win*` too close for comfort` ⭐ when it’s wrong but it feels right` in the dressing room*` he’s acting different` we have to stop meeting like this` every inch*` let’s surprise the world` i’m sorry i let you down`
GOODGUYFITZ wake up call*`
CORPSE HUSBAND letting go` they forgot` ⭐
ASHTON IRWIN home life` cover me*`
CONAN GRAY pushing`
MATTHEW LILLARD accidental drunk confessions`
JOHNNY KNOXVILLE feeling good*`
ALEX TURNER more than a song*` ⭐
BO BURNHAM can’t handle this right now ⭐ look at me*`
KRISTEN STEWART special customer`
TARON EGERTON he already has my approval ⭐
ROBERT PATTINSON my favorite superhero
GERARD WAY good girl*`
GWILYM LEE history repeats itself`
RYAN GOSLING play date`
JOSEPH QUINN bad idea, right? ⭐
RANBOO fluffy haired gamer boy`
JACOB ELORDI height advantage`
MOTLEY CRUE she is mine ~ mick mars`
CHRIS EVANS not used to normal` ⭐
SWAGGERSOULS our next step`
JSCHLATT too far ⭐ the hotel room* ⭐
JOHNNY DEPP just for us`
TRAVIS BARKER the parent trap`
family reunion ~ hermione granger x draco malfoy`
showing pedro pascal fan edits ⭐ sitting on jschlatt’s lap ⭐
rook (jp capellette)*` eddie munson* ⭐ billy butcher* ⭐
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I was wondering if you were still interested in writing Bernard the elf x Reader fan fictions? I’ve read about every single one I can find and writing them yourself isn’t as fun as reading them 😖 if you are, we could make a trade and I’ll write anything you want! I just need another Bernard the Elf fan fiction! Thank you :)
I’d be tooootally down for a fic trade!! Message me!!!
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steves-on-a-plane · 6 years
What’s the most obscure fandom ur apart of?(ya kno, the one that has literally 0 fanfics, barely a fan base. We all have one lmao)
I literally have so many that I feel like there aren’t enough fics, or web content in general, for honestly. So thanks for giving me the opportunity to list them all off, I’ll let you guys decide what the most obscure is. 
Firstly my ride or die obscure fandom is The Santa Clause. Everyone is thirsty for Bernard the Head Elf, but there’s hardly any content out there. That being said, fellow fans of The Santa Clause series are genuinely the nicest! (Also Bernard is such mood TBH)
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Jim Henson’s The Labyrinth was always something I had a hard time finding Fan Fics for when I was in High School. David Bowie is an icon, but truthfully its been a while since I’ve gone digging for Labyrinth content, there could be more out there now. 
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Up until a few months ago finding Han Solo fics were literally impossible. There were a few imagines circulating around. (usually 200 words or less) but nothing long dedicated to my favorite smuggler. The Solo movie is starting to change that.
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I feel like I’ve talked about this book too much tonight, but it was always hard for me to find fan fiction for The Outsiders when I was younger too. Don’t know how much, if anything there is now.
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but probably the most obscure fandom I’m into has to be The Sorcerer’s Apprentice staring Nicholas Cage & Jay Baruchel. Everything about that movie is pure gold. It doesn’t get enough love, we don’t talk about it enough, and I needed a sequel that will never come. 
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fic-dreamin · 8 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars [SPOILER WARNING]
5.0 out of 5 stars I love Drizzt Do'Urden! R. A. Salvatore is the best. He is my favorite author even above Robert B. Parker, Bernard Cornwell, Ann Bishop, and Anne McCaffrey.. Obviously I read fantasy, mystery, historic fiction and science fiction. Mr. Salvatore uses all of these elements in his Dungeons and Dragons novels and Hero is no exception. Followers of Drizzt will love this book. If you don't know who I am talking about I recommend you begin reading the Drizzt stories from the beginning with Homeland , Exile, and Sojourn. "Drizzt Do'Urden made his first mistake the moment he was born: he was a boy. In the rigid matriarchy of the dark elf city of Menzoberranzan, that makes his life forfeit. But when his own mother tries but fails to kill him, Drizzt's path is set. He must find a way to escape the treacherous Underdark, even if that means setting out alone into the no less dangerous World Above. The Legend of Drizzt follows the tale of a hero born to a race of evil, who struggles with his inner demons and the prejudices of others to become one of the greatest heroes the fantasy genre has ever known." from the jacket summary of the The Legend of Drizzt 25th Anniversary Edition. I am a huge Drizzt fan. If you like Lord of the Rings type stories, you will be too. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Indeed..... A tale to summarize a particular dark elf's journey thus far. More importantly, a message of faith though how much so the author intended I don't know. Not just faith in God or reward but in friends and love and in particular, self. It is written and said that God helps those who help themselves and that message here is clear. In helping himself to go beyond the bindings of his heritage and it's vile ways, Drizzt has saved himself and indeed, others. During the course of his life he has stayed true to his hopes and philosophies and the fruits of his labor has seen not his greatest allies come to his aid but his most hated (at one time or another) enemies who seem enemies no more. By showing them the truth of himself and staying strong in his faith he has turned them.I grant that these are the writings of one man and these characters have no true will of their own. That being said, it is your will that turned the pages and read. Indeed, if your heart has not seen that goodness and honor and faith are their own rewards then the point of the story is lost to you entirely. God's tests come not from a devious intent to submit to his will but from within, to see if your character stands not only on it's own merits, but as a guide and strength for others to stand beside you, especially when you need it.There is something we are a part of, greater than ourselves. We cannot hope to understand it but we should accept it's nature. That nature is this, we must all find our own way to the same destination and without impeding others or forcing them to our path. If your path is true, and righteous then it will be blazed by your trod alone, and others will follow.Read more › Go to Amazon
4.0 out of 5 stars A good ending *spoilers* Warning: there are spoilers in my review.I finished this book in about 2 days. It was an engaging read, though I felt the events could have been divided into two books, or at least in a thicker one, for a lot was crammed into this last volume. A part of me is glad this is the last (or at least, rumored to be last) Drizzt novel. The series has been going on for 20-some years, and has to conclude at some point. I was worried about how it would end, and hoped that it would be a happy ending, for something tragic after such a long journey would leave a foul taste in my mouth.Fortunately for my sappy tendencies, it was a good ending. It felt a bit rushed, but again, a lot needed to be done in this last volume. The epilogue made me fangirl squeal in joy, even as it raised questions. We have been told that Zaknafein’s soul is in a good place (it has been mentioned in previous novels, and was mentioned in this one, too), but where that good place is, we have been left to speculate. Towards the end of Hero, Lolth taunts Drizzt, saying she could return Zak to life, and Drizzt points out that she has no claim to him, that he isn’t with him. Lolth doesn’t deny this, but says it doesn’t matter. In the epilogue, Jarlaxle and Yvonnel are speculating about Lolth, and how she could be “changing”. While I doubt Drizzt has that much influence over her—though she clearly has an interest in him—and then Zak is there. Jarlaxle is thrilled, and so am I, but it raises questions. Who did restore him? Was it Lolth, or perhaps Yvonnel herself had a hand in it? Zak didn’t belong to Lolth, so, if it was her, it makes me wonder which deity she appealed to—something I can’t see her doing—or if another deity was watching and decided to do it her/himself.Read more › Go to Amazon
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𝓜𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰 (Bernard the elf x pregnant! mother! reader)
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Summary: Bernard takes care of you while you're pregnant, and is a devoted, beautiful husband!
Word Count: 2.8K
This story's based off of the song 'Mother's song' by Masakatsu Takagi from the movie 'wolf children'. Btw it has nothing to do w the story but I do highly recommend watching the movie, it's a big tear jerker so bring tissues! Enjoy!
'May I meet you soon, my yet unseen child,' I always wished as I stroke my belly
Fuuu~ fuuu~
I wonder how your face looks like? Fuuu~ fuuu~ I wonder how your voice sounds like?
Bernard adored his wife's singing voice, watching from his place at the kitchen table as his pregnant lover sat on their living room sofa, knitting away at garments fit for the little one they were soon to bring into this world. The sweet melodies that emanated from her lips intertwined with the rhythmic clicking of knitting needles, creating a symphony of love and anticipation.
That song, the one she was singing as she participated in her little activity to wind down, Bernard recognised as the one she told him her own mother had taught her when she was only young. He could hear the sentiment in her beautiful voice, and in his eyes was pure adoration for the woman he was building a life with.
He was supposed to go to work that day, his job as head elf was rather demanding and he didn't have the time to spend every day with her. But right then and there, he wished to be spending each and every hour by her side, focusing his energy entirely on her like she deserved.
With a quiet sigh, Bernard got up from his chair, setting his cocoa down as he strolled over to the woman, taking a seat behind her on the sofa which sunk a little when he did.
"How's the knitting coming along?" he asked, her, the woman smiling as she didn't look up from her work. "Lovely," (Y/n) responded, looping another part of thread around her needle, "I'm almost done another cute little sweater. They'll have an entire wardrobe at my hands alone at this rate."
Bernard smiled sweetly, leaning over and resting his head on her shoulder as he continued to watch her and her intricate work. She shuffled a little so she could make his positioning a little more comfortable for him, and she turned her head to face him, planting a loving kiss on the top of his head.
In that tender moment, Bernard closed his eyes, savouring the warmth of (Y/n)'s kiss on his head. He took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of her hair, and let his fingers gently stroke her belly, feeling their unborn child respond to his touch with a soft flutter.
"I can't help but wonder," Bernard whispered, his voice filled with awe, "how will our little one's face light up when they see the world for the first time? What colour will their eyes be? Will they inherit your radiant smile or my curly hair?"
(Y/n) smiled, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Oh, Bernard, I'm wondering the same. Will they have your kind heart or my determination? Will their laughter be as infectious as yours? And their voice... Oh, how I long to hear their sweet, innocent voice fill our home."
The thought of their child's laughter and voice resonated deep within Bernard's soul. He imagined joyful echoes bouncing off the walls, filling their lives with endless happiness and laughter. They were creating a world where love and music would intertwine, nurturing their child's spirit and fostering a sense of wonder.
Their hearts brimming with love, Bernard and (Y/n) shared a moment of quiet reflection. They had already begun weaving a tapestry of dreams for their little one, eagerly awaiting the day they would finally meet face to face.
One morning, Bernard awoke by his wife's side, noting how uncharacteristically hot and sweaty she seemed to be. He pulled the sheet back to find her, a little paler than usual and seemingly running a fever.
Concerned, Bernard gently placed a hand on (Y/n)'s forehead, feeling the warmth radiating from her skin. His heart raced with worry as he realized that something might be wrong.
At his movements, (Y/n) seemed to awaken, groggy and confused, though she could recognise that she didn't feel right.
"(Y/n), you're running a really bad fever," Bernard whispered to her, wiping the sweat soaked hair which stuck to her away from her face, "are you feeling alright?"
She blinked heavily a few times, trying to wake herself up properly though her altered state of consciousness didn't seem to change.
"...I..." she croaked out, rubbing her eyes, "...I think I'm going to be sick."
Bernard sighed, shuffling off of his side of the bed to put his slippers on as he was quick to assist his poor wife. He helped her up into a sitting position, careful with her fragile being as he helped her to stand and lead her to their bathroom. This wasn't a moment too soon, as when they reached the doorway, she broke away from him to be sick in the toilet bowl. Bernard was quick to join her at her side again, holding the hair out of her face with one hand and rubbing her back with the other.
As (Y/n) finished retching, her body trembling from the effort, Bernard grabbed a damp cloth and gently wiped her face, soothing her with soft words of comfort. His heart ached seeing her in such distress, but he knew he had to remain strong for both of them.
Once she had settled down, Bernard helped (Y/n) rinse her mouth and guided her back to bed, tucking her in with extra care.
He sat next to her on the bed, rubbing her side affectionately. He couldn't go to work while she was like this.
"I ought to stay home (Y/n), I can't leave you alone while you're like this," he told her, watching as her eyes cracked open a little so she could look up at him. "...you...you don't have to do that for me," she whispered in a sickly way, "...I know how important your work is to you..." "Hey, nothing is more important than you," he scolded her, shaking his head, "I'll just call Curtis and he can take care of things at work for me. I need to be here for you."
(Y/n) was too weak to argue with her devoted husband, and her submitting response was captured in a single sigh that left her ashen lips.
Bernard would call into work that morning, letting his second in command know the circumstances which he was faced with. Curtis replied in an understanding manner, and wished (Y/n) well with his health as well as assuring Bernard that he could handle things at work for as long as he needed.
Grateful for Curtis's support, Bernard focused his attention on (Y/n), determined to take care of her and their unborn child. He fetched a glass of water and a damp cloth, gently wiping her forehead to alleviate the heat of her fever.
Hours turned into days, and Bernard remained a constant presence by (Y/n)'s side. He took on the role of both caretaker and confidant, providing comfort and reassurance during her moments of weakness. He prepared nourishing meals, encouraged her to rest, and read stories aloud to their unborn child, hoping to create a sense of familiarity and love even before their arrival.
Even as she got better, he was still shaken from the experience, and refused to leave her side until he was 110% sure that she wouldn't relapse back into illness.
He knew it would be rewarding in the long run though.
Covered in pastel blue paint, Bernard took a step back to admire his work, having just completed the last wall in their soon to be born child's nursery. They hadn't painted the room blue for any reason other than that (Y/n) thought it was a nice colour, neither of them were interested in knowing the baby's gender until they were born, and even then they weren't keen on forcing unnecessary gender roles onto the child.
As he stood there, surveying the room, he could already envision their little one playing, laughing, and growing in this very space.
(Y/n) stood in the doorway, her eyes sparkling with gratitude and love as she observed her husband's handiwork.
"It's perfect, Bernard," she whispered, her voice filled with emotions that words couldn't fully capture.
As they waited for the paint to dry, the two of the gathered the decorations and furniture they had prepared for the nursery around the door, Bernard ensuring that (Y/n) didn't entrust herself with anything too heavy or hard to handle.
Together, they assembled the crib, carefully arranging the soft blankets and pillows inside. Bernard placed the mobile above, a delicate creation of stars and moons that would gently spin and twinkle, captivating their little one's attention. They arranged shelves on the walls, ready to be filled with books and toys that would ignite their child's imagination.
The room began to take shape, reflecting the love and anticipation that filled their hearts. Bernard hung a painting on one wall, a whimsical scene of a forest with friendly animals peeking out from behind the trees. It was a gift from his fellow elves, who had worked together to create a piece of art that would bring joy and wonder to their child's world.
(Y/n) lovingly placed stuffed animals on the shelves, each one carefully chosen to be soft and comforting, ready to become their little one's loyal companions. She smiled as she held up a small plush reindeer, envisioning her child's tiny hands clutching it tightly as they drifted off to sleep.
Bernard set up a rocking chair in the corner, a cozy spot for (Y/n) to nurse and cradle their baby. He imagined her there, singing lullabies and swaying gently, creating a soothing rhythm that would lull their child into dreams filled with love and warmth.
With each item they placed in the nursery, Bernard and (Y/n) infused it with their hopes and dreams for their child. They couldn't wait to share their world with the little one, to guide them through life and shower them with unconditional love.
As they stood back, admiring the room they had created, a sense of awe and gratitude washed over them. Their journey together had led them to this moment, a room filled with love, ready to welcome their yet unseen child.
Bernard walked over to (Y/n), wrapping his arms around her gently, feeling her warmth and the flutter of their baby inside her belly. They shared a quiet moment, their hearts beating in sync, as they marvelled at the miracle of life growing within (Y/n)'s womb.
The room had been transformed into a haven of dreams and possibilities, filled with whimsical decorations and lovingly crafted furniture.
(Y/n) reached her hands up and cupped either side of Bernard's face, kissing her paint covered lover with nothing but adoration in her intentions.
They stood there for a while, basking in the love and hope that filled the air. In that moment, they knew that their journey as parents had already begun, even before their child took their first breath. They were united in their love and commitment, ready to create a loving and nurturing environment for their little one to grow and thrive.
With the nursery complete and their hearts full of anticipation, Bernard and (Y/n) eagerly awaited the day when their yet unseen child would finally enter their lives. They knew that their love would guide them through the ups and downs of parenthood, and that together, they were ready to embark on this extraordinary adventure.
And so, they continued to cherish each moment of the pregnancy, counting down the days until their little one would make their grand entrance into the world, filling their lives with immeasurable joy and love.
The sudden splash of water hitting the floor below (Y/n)'s legs indicated that the day had arrived. She was to give birth, her body finally signaling that their yet unseen child was ready to make their entrance into the world.
"...Augh...Bernard!" She called to him from her place in the kitchen, the man having been in another room, "Bernard!"
She coiled a little in pain, the contractions having her hold her stomach and groan.
Bernard's heart skipped a beat as he heard the urgency in (Y/n)'s voice. He rushed into the kitchen, panic and concern etched on his face. Seeing his beloved wife in pain, he immediately grabbed onto her, helping her onto the dining room chair.
"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" he asked, his voice filled with worry as he moved closer to her.
"...m...my water broke," she managed to say between contractions, her grip on her belly tightening.
Bernard's eyes widened, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through his veins. He had been preparing for this moment, but now that it was here, he felt a surge of emotions. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.
"Okay, stay right here," he instructed, his voice calm and reassuring, "I'll get everything ready, I won't be long."
He rushed around the house, gathering the essentials they had prepared for this day. He retrieved the pre-packed hospital bag from the bedroom, ensuring they had all the necessary items for both (Y/n) and the baby. He grabbed the car keys and his phone, ready to call the hospital and inform them of their imminent arrival.
Returning to (Y/n)'s side, he knelt down in front of her, holding her hands tightly.
"We're going to the hospital now, my love," he said, his voice filled with determination. "You're doing amazing, and I'll be right by your side every step of the way."
(Y/n) nodded, her face contorted with pain yet filled with trust in her husband. She leaned on him for support as they slowly made their way to the car, Bernard gently helping her into the passenger seat. He adjusted the seatbelt to ensure her comfort and safety, making sure she was secure before closing the door.
With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Bernard quickly got into the driver's seat, his mind focused on getting them to the hospital as quickly and safely as possible. He started the engine and carefully pulled out of their driveway, navigating the familiar streets with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Upon arriving at the hospital, Bernard parked the car and swiftly made his way to (Y/n)'s side, helping her out and supporting her as they entered the building. They approached the reception desk, where Bernard provided the necessary information while (Y/n) focused on managing her contractions.
The hospital staff guided them to the labor and delivery unit, where a team of doctors and nurses were waiting to assist with the birth. Bernard stayed close to (Y/n)'s side, holding her hand tightly and offering words of encouragement with each passing moment.
As the labour progressed, (Y/n) drew strength from Bernard's unwavering presence. His love and support were like an anchor, grounding her in the midst of the intense sensations. She squeezed his hand tightly, finding solace in their connection.
Hours turned into minutes, and the moment they had been eagerly anticipating drew near. The doctor informed them that it was time to start pushing, and Bernard positioned himself by (Y/n)'s side, ready to witness the miracle of their child's birth.
With every ounce of strength, (Y/n) pushed, guided by the encouragement and love from Bernard and the medical team. He supported (Y/n) throughout the process, wiping her brow and offering soothing words.
After what felt like an eternity of pushing, a cry filled the air, piercing through the room. The sound was both beautiful and overwhelming, a testament to the arrival of their yet unseen child.
Bernard felt time slow drastically when their child was brought to them, covered in blood and muck, still with her umbilical cord attached.
The midwife placed the child on (Y/n)'s chest, allowing her to hold the new soul while she was still awaking to the world, a rush of warmth enveloped her. She marvelled at the precious bundle of joy cradled against her chest, marvelling at the delicate features and tiny fingers. The love she felt for their child expanded exponentially in that very moment, filling every corner of her heart. Bernard's eyes filled with tears as he leaned in closer, admiring their new-born baby girl.
"...we're so happy you're here," he whispered, his voice shaky as he had to keep himself from bursting into a full on sob.
(Y/n) looked up at Bernard, her own eyes glistening with tears of joy and exhaustion. She nodded, her voice choked with emotion as she whispered, "We love you so much, our beautiful princess. Welcome to our world."
Their daughter squirmed and let out another small cry, as if acknowledging the love and warmth that surrounded her. It was a moment of pure bliss, as Bernard and (Y/n) savoured their first moments as parents, basking in the overwhelming love that enveloped them.
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𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼 (Bernard the elf x disabled! reader)
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Summary: Ever since the accident which rendered the reader permanently disabled, she's hated Christmas and dreaded the idea for the entire year since the accident, afraid to relive traumatic memories. However, her best friend Charlie has an idea to return this Christmas spirit to his friend, and a serendipitous romance blooms between herself and a certain head elf...
Warning/s: Traumatic events, car accident. However, lots of fluff will ensue!
For @katerinaval
A/N: so the original requester originally asked that I write it in a way that the reader still has christmas spirit, however I found i was much more intrigued by this spin of it so please do forgive me if this wasn't what you were after. Also, I am not physically disabled nor do I know anyone physically disabled so forgive me if this depiction is innaccurate. I do always put a lot of research into my stories but feel free to call me out on anything incorrect!
I hope you enjoy regardless!
Word Count: 4.1K
It'd been 339 days since the accident.
(Y/n) didn't know why she kept count of it when all she wanted to do was forget it. How could she though? She was paralyzed from the waist down.
From her room, (Y/n) stared out at the streets, feeling her body go numb as she watched the first snow trickle down gracefully onto her lawn. Before her life changing injury, such a sight would've sent her running out the door, doing all those stupid kid things like rolling around on the frosted grass and catching snowflakes on her tongue.
Now, all she could do was be sickened by it.
Last Christmas, (Y/n) and her family were struck by a drunk driver on the roads of their otherwise peaceful town. He was a provisional driver, it only made sense.
Her family made it out with but a few scratches and bruises.
For (Y/n) it wasn't the same.
The ambulance which took her away from the scene had discovered she'd suffered a severe spinal injury, and after a few consultations with various doctors and specialists, she was told there was no chance she could ever walk again.
The boy who hit their car copped a hefty fine and some jail time. Even so, not even that could bring back her ability to walk again.
And because of that, she was bitter to the world.
To think she was only just beginning life, and now it'd been taken away from her in barely a moment.
It wasn't difficult to see that she hadn't been the same since the accident, though more devastatingly her best friend Charlie could no longer celebrate the holiday he holds dearest to him with his closest friend.
The two had been friends since they were in diapers. She was there for him when his parents split up, when he acted out the way he did, and when his Christmas spirit returned to him after what he could only describe to her as 'making amends with his dad again'.
Charlie hated Christmas before he and his dad made amends, and (Y/n) was there as his rock, trying to convince him that the holidays were a time of loving and forgiveness.
Now, the roles were reversed, and it was Charlie's turn to be her rock.
"What you're asking for here is a bit of a stretch, sport."
"C'mon Bernard, you gotta help me out here!"
Bernard was always delighted when the kid he watched grow up shook his snow globe and summoned him. Usually he'd do this when he needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to or even just when he needed some company.
This time however, Charlie needed a favour.
"Dad would never let this happen with only me asking for it," Charlie insisted, bouncing slightly on his bed as he sat up abruptly, "I need a second word put in there for me. And who better than his second man?" "This just isn't something we do kid," Bernard told him regretfully, pacing around the boy's room, "not just because she's in a wheelchair, but no humans with the exception of Santa's immediate family are permitted within the North Pole's factory vicinity." "Come on Bernard!" Charlie plead, unintentionally slapping his hands together in a beggars way, "You've gotta see it through her eyes! Ever since the accident, she hasn't been the same. Christmas used to be her favourite holiday...our holiday. I'd give anything to see that sparkle in her eyes again, and I know you of all people would too."
The kid was right. Even though Bernard had never met (Y/n), he always regarded her highly since she'd always been there for Charlie, and even tried to coax him back out of the wrong crowd.
He was reluctant to his idea, but he'd be damned if he couldn't at least do something to make things right.
"Okay, I'm not making any promises," Bernard warned him, pointing that old man finger of his as he always did, "but I'll see what I can do."
Charlie's eyes lit up at his words, and he was quick to spring up from his bed and throw himself at the elf, wrapping him up in a big hug.
"Thanks Bernard, you're the best!" he cheered, the elf groaning as Charlie squeezed him a little too tight. "Just keep being good, kiddo," Bernard wheezed, giving Charlie a light pat on the back.
He was sure there was some strings he could pull.
These days, even the quietest knock on her door would startle (Y/n), especially since she spent most of her time in her head, reliving those memories in which she could still walk.
She would never let that fear show however, as she'd always gather her composure and ask whoever was at her bedroom door to come in.
It wasn't unusual for her father to come upstairs with her dinner, one she hardly ever finished anymore considering her appetite left with her ability to walk. This time however, she could sense something different about his approach.
"Hey (N/n)," he greeted, as usual, with a plate of whatever the family was having for dinner in his hands, "I've got dinner. It's your favourite!"
His attempts at cheering her up were always in vain, and she felt so bad for that.
"Just leave it on my nightstand," (Y/n) said monotonously, staring back out her window to the ever-darkening scenery, "I'll get to it later." "Hey, uh, can I have a seat? I wanted to talk to you about something," her father asked.
Intrigued, she made the effort to roll herself over to the man, who she nodded to allowing him to sit on her bed. She was fixated, and she could tell he was figuring out a way to tread lightly on some sensitive topic.
"...Now, I know it's coming up to that time of the year, but I've just had Charlie over here for a proposal," he began, already seeing the way his daughter's eyes were glazing over as she started dissociating, "...he...wants to take you on a trip over Christmas, and your mother and I think it'd be good for you to get out of the house. Especially over Christmas." "What's the point?" she huffed, staring into space, "it's not like I can do much. If anything I'd hinder him in my state." "(Y/n), it's not about that," Her dad cut in, grabbing her hand gently and rubbing her knuckles affectionately, "he was never friends with you because you could walk. He's friends with you because he loves you for what's in there."
The man gently poked her lower shoulder, and she felt it burn like her heart was beginning to work for the first time in a while.
"He just wants to see you happy again, and he'll do anything he can to get you there - even with your circumstances."
(Y/n) sat there a moment, speechless. She really didn't want to go on this trip - since she was no longer independent, Charlie would have to take care of her and help her with her most intimate activities - which, god bless his heart, he had learned to do for her sake. But, she knew she couldn't turn this offer down of all things. She had to admit, she did miss her best friend and doing the things she used to love with him. It couldn't hurt to give it another shot, could it?
She sighed.
"Fine." "You won't regret it kiddo, I promise."
"So, Charlie. You still haven't told me where exactly it is we're going."
Charlie used to frequent (Y/n)'s house quite a lot before the accident. He remembered when her room used to be so messy you could hardly see the floor under her clothes and gossip magazines and torn up homework. It was nauseating seeing it so clean, so empty of what she used to be. He came over to help her pack for the trip that they'd be headed off for that same night, thinking he'd have to dig through clothes to find her valuables and necessities. He was wrong, but he was hoping he could bring her old self back to life with this trip, thanking his lucky stars as well as Bernard for making it possible.
Though naturally, he couldn't tell her where they were going. She'd never believe him.
"It's a surprise," he told her, throwing clothes he knew she liked into her dusty, old suitcase, "but you'll love it, I promise."
For the first time in a long time, (Y/n) felt excited. She was keen on this surprise of life, and for once, she wasn't worried about how she'd cope in the environment.
If she trusted anyone, it was Charlie.
So he helped her pack her things, fare welled her parents, and they were set for the airport shortly after.
However, this was no conventional flight.
Their air travel would be powered by magic.
The first thing (Y/n) noticed when she awoke from her slumber in which she had no memory of falling into, was how cold it was. It was as though she was no longer aboard a plane, but instead something with an open roof. Or rather, without a roof.
Her eyes fluttered open at the feeling of cold specks touching her face, like little ice fairies were dancing on her skin. In all of her confusion, all she could do was stare into the abyss above her - a night-fallen sky filled with little stars which limned their surroundings with subtle but beautiful glow, so unremarkable in the grand scheme of things though such a wonder to human kind. The stars were ancient and retained all the memories of this earth, and (Y/n) could tell just by looking at them that she was in a special place.
There was a splash of something in her eyes, over her nose, and suddenly, a wave of drowsiness was harsh and evident as her eyes became heavy again. She had no idea that this sleep was magic induced, though she'd let it take her under the impression that it was the cold.
This time, (Y/n) awake gently like she had before. This time, it was with a sudden jolt, and to the likes of a handsome stranger leaning over her in a way that was reminiscent of when she was being helped off public transport. She was startled by his presence, though she was intrigued by one thing and one thing only.
His ears were pointed.
"...who...-wh-a..." she stumbled over her words, groggy but very much now awake, "where am I?!" "Hey, hey, it's alright," the stranger assured her, pulling her wheelchair onto flat ground carefully, "Charlie! She's awake!"
She hadn't even taken into account the environment in which she found herself in - like the Christmas section of Walmart had thrown up in there. However, it didn't smell like cheap tinsel and plastic ornaments. Instead, the aroma was sweet, and of gingerbread and cocoa and peppermint. It was bittersweet, but she wanted answers.
As soon as he heard the elf's words, the boy came bounding over, a reckless mess of pubescence as per usual as he came to his friend.
"(N/n), you're awake," he pointed out as though it weren't obvious, "how'd you sleep?" "Don't give me that!" she snapped, confused and infuriated, "where am I? And why does it look like we're in line for a mall Santa?? Did you really fly me overseas so we could see a foreign mall Santa??" "Hold on, hold on! Let me explain," Charlie prattled, waving his hands in front of himself, "This is where my dad works." "Your dad is an overseas mall Santa?" she scoffed, furrowing her brows. "No, no! You don't get it. My dad is Santa," Charlie explained, (Y/n) letting out another scoff as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and my mother's the effing tooth fairy," she jabbed, crossing her arms, "Look Charlie, whatever this sick joke is, I don't like it."
Charlie noticed that her eyes had wondered to behind him, and in them her anger flickered away into shock, daze and wonder. He followed her gaze, turning in the same direction only to find his dad emerging from inside the factory into where they were, the reindeer shed. Behind him were most of the staff which specialised in caring for the reindeer, as well as his precious hot cocoa elf and the young elf in the spectacles he begrudgingly called his second in command.
Her eyes then flickered over to the animals, and then the sleigh. This was all way too elaborate for a mall Santa set up.
"(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)," Scott recited, approaching her with that sweet jolly smile of his, "you've grown so much since last time I saw you."
She stared up at the man in awe, her lips parted slightly and her big (e/c) eyes widened. She could feel the magic emanating from his being.
"I remember when you were 11 years old, the year you wished for a Nintendo ds in your letter, but wrote last minute to me to trade it for some help with your mom and dad's financial situation. You didn't wanna see them fight about it anymore, but I still got you that ds too," the man reminisced, chuckling to himself, "then, when you were thirteen. You never really liked girly things, but you wished for them anyways to try and fit in. I saw past it though, and how you feigned disappointment when you found those action figures under the tree."
(Y/n)'s eyes welled up with tears, and as she blinked they rolled down her cheeks, the girl dampening her lips to speak.
"...not even my parents know that..." she whispered, her hands trembling as she looked down at them, "...h-how...?"
So, they all explained everything. How Scott became the current Santa Clause, why Charlie was in that mental rut the year before, and why they brought her here. It was very overwhelming to her, but at the same time...she felt something other than looming despair for the first time in a long while.
"I knew your dad worked abroad, but..." (Y/n) sighed, running a hand through her messy hair, wettened by the melting snowflakes in it, "...I don't think anything could've prepared me for this." "If I can get you anything please let me know," the head elf she had come to know as Bernard said, holding his hands in one another caringly, "I want you to be comfortable here while you stay." "Why don't you show her to her room? Take a break and show her around. Charlie will help me sort things out here," Scott suggested, patting his son on the back.
Naturally, Bernard agreed to this arrangement, and would go on to wheel the girl to her room so she knew where it is, before he showed her around.
She couldn't help but think him such a charming man as he spoke, his posture a key depiction of his confidence, his kindness as a mentor who guided his underlings to excellency. Though she noticed he had a bit of a temper to him, she found it striking that even such an ancient creature like him had imperfections. She wanted to know what he was about, intrigued beyond belief at what this handsome stranger held in store for her.
(Y/n) had never held such a keen interest in knitting before this trip. Now, Bernard had her knitting like a mad man. It was enjoyable sitting in a circle amongst other elves in the textiles department, everyone doing their own thing though still enjoying each other's company with a little talk or comfortable silence.
She was now four days into her trip, and to say she was enjoying it was an understatement.
Bernard had taught her to knit that morning, her face burning when he grabbed her hands and showed her the motions to begin knitting her very first scarf. She had to admit, it was hard to focus when all she could think about was how nice his hands felt on hers, even when they were as calloused as they were. She enjoyed discovering his imperfections, like little treasures scattered in his being. It was endearing seeing how human this elf really was.
She'd ask him:
"where'd you get those callouses from?"
He'd say:
"oh, it's nothing. I just handwrite most things."
She liked learning about all of his little cuts and bruises and scars. She'd retain each and every story and store it in her memory, though it was all unintentional.
Beside her in the circle, Bernard had sat in a chair, knitting something she wasn't sure of. When he left to run a quick errand, the textiles elves in the circle whispered to her about how he never spent this much time with them, and that she must've been pretty special to have him hang out with her for this long.
At first, she was flattered. But then, she had a bad feeling that he was only doing this because he felt bad for her. She'd heard the tinsel boys run outside to play their football, and how overjoyed everyone else was to go watch and join in. As much as she had succeeded in keeping her mind off of it, she obviously couldn't help but come back around to it eventually.
As the days went by, Bernard could see that (Y/n) was getting noticeably sadder and sadder. Naturally, he couldn't sit by and let this just happen without intervention, though he knew to tread lightly.
"Hey (Y/n)," Bernard greeted her, finding her sat outside in the snow, admiring the festive glow and scenery as the sun began setting, "are you alright?"
She looked back at him, taking him in for everything he was as she turned her head forward once again and nodded. Needless to say, with her sad expression, Bernard wasn't convinced. With a quiet sigh, he approached her, standing at her side and looking down at her.
"You know...you're a bad liar," Bernard pointed out, his hands on his hips, "you're not even trying to hide it." "I don't like pretending," (Y/n) shrugged, her eyes downcast, "I'm over my days of make-believe, it's much too exhausting. I don't see this world for it's colour anymore. Only it's shades." "You're very poetic," Bernard pointed out, tilting his head ever so slightly at her. "When you can't walk, you do other things. Like read," she continued, staring into space once again, "sometimes, I just need the world to be beautiful. I know how dark and ugly it can be but I just want to see something good and focus only on it if for a few minutes." "I know what you mean," Bernard added, the girl looking up at him, intrigued, "I've been around for a long time. I've seen things that I wish I could forget. But, you can't just keep looking back, no matter how bad the past has scarred you. You've just gotta keep moving forward and making the most of every opportunity life gives you. It's a waste of time pondering on the things that could've been."
Why did he always have a point?
(Y/n) felt her insides swirl when he looked down at her like that. Not patronizingly like everyone else did, but instead like he actually understood her. Like he actually cared.
"I'm sorry...I'm being cynical," she sighed, shaking her head, "I'm having trouble moving past my circumstances." "Hey, don't apologise," he told her, kneeling down on one knee in front of her as he took her hands, "it's okay to not be okay and I want you to know that. But it's also okay to push yourself despite the circumstances. You don't have to hide in your shell forever."
She liked staring into those dark, puppy dog eyes of his. Even on the coldest days she could find warmth within them, like two pools of hot cinnamon chai lattes with no milk.
"You intrigue me. You know that, right?" she asked him, a cheeky smile piquing her lips. "Ditto," he whispered, returning her smile.
He squeezed her hands and let them go, inviting her back inside for some cocoa which she happily accepted.
Bernard often helped himself to the duty of putting (Y/n) to bed, since they had become rather fond of each other over the past few weeks. It was hard for them not to when they were so intrigued by one another.
She liked it when he carried her bridal style from her wheelchair, careful not to let her legs dangle as he laid her down on her bed and tucked her in. This night however would be different than the rest.
They had engaged in conversation, and Bernard sat beside her in her bed, leaning over her to see her as they spoke.
"Okay, okay. What about that one?" (Y/n) asked, pointing to yet another scar on Bernard's body, this one being on his exposed collarbone. "Just a factory accident, machinery in mechanics department malfunctioned and nicked my collarbone. Could've been worse though, could've hit a major artery," he explained it's story, his heart fluttering at the way she giggled. "Is it weird...that I like all of your scars?" she asked, her face all rosy from laughing. "No, not at all," Bernard giggled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "but what makes you say that?" "I just...I think it's so neat how we retain all these memories in physical marks. Your body tells me such an interesting story. Not just the scars, all the imperfections," she began, grabbing his hand and feeling his fingers, "like your callouses, and the random moles on your arms, and just anything you've attained." "Hm...you say that about me, yet you find it so hard to accept yourself for the way you are now," Bernard pointed out, and as he did her smile faded and she let go of his hand. "Well...my disability feels more like an inconvenience, and I feel like anyone who has to deal with me...thinks I'm nothing but a burden," she explained, her whole mood drooping back down. "But you're not, and I wish you'd see how much more you are thank you think," he said, taking her hand again and squeezing it tight, "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes." "Yeah? And what do you see?" she asked, trying to sound cynical though truthfully she was starting to feel hopeful again. "I see a beautiful, talented young woman, who despite her disability, excels in other things. And when she keeps her mind off of her dark thoughts, she becomes the most beautiful, most interesting person I have ever met."
In her big doe eyes, Bernard could see his reflection, though barely considering all that lit her room was the meek glow of the candle on her nightstand. Her lips were parted, and she simply stared at him for a moment, dazed.
His eyes flickered between hers and her lips, and he dampened his own to ask a question.
"Can I...?"
But she didn't let him finish that question, because she knew what he was going to say.
She reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him down.
She could taste the cinnamon altoid mints he always chewed on when she kissed him, and his lips were as soft as she had imagined them.
She was sad to be on her way out, after having spent an amazing Christmas with her best friend and her new partner. On her last day, they cuddled up by his fireplace all day before he saw her off with Charlie.
The boy had definitely noticed a difference in her behaviour. He could see that sparkle in her eyes again, and he found himself thanking his lucky stars once again for the way that this Christmas had treated her.
There was one thing he had left to do however.
As he finished helping her unpack her things, he pulled out a gift he had messily yet carefully wrapped and he handed it to her.
"Here (Y/n), I wanted to give you this," he told her, the girl taking the gift.
She was unsure of what it could be, and confused as to why he gave it to her after Christmas. However, when she unwrapped it, it all made sense.
It was the snow globe he had told her about, the one which summoned Bernard when shook with the right intention.
She looked up at him, shocked, only to find him smiling back at her sweetly.
"I figured you'll need it more than I will now," he conceded, pushing out the creases in his hoodie, "look after it, alright?"
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~𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓛𝓲𝓼𝓽~
Okay, so, I’m not really that motivated to write from my own ideas, but if y’all could send in some requests based on the characters listed then I’d appreciate it very much.
Requests // Open! 
I’m honestly up for writing anything, any reader, any character, any reasonable story, any gender, I will write it for you.
Anything with a ‘*’  is a favourite. 
Fandoms I write for:
- Mortal Kombat* - Black Butler * - MBAV * - The Santa Clause - The Outsiders - Alien - Death Note
-Bernard The Elf (The Santa Clause)  -David 8 (Prometheus) 
𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕂𝕠𝕞𝕓𝕒𝕥:
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-Fujin ******** -Cassie Cage* -Jacqui Briggs -Shang Tsung -Frost -Sindel -Liu Kang -Kung Lao
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-Benny Weir * -Ethan Morgan * -Sarah Fox  -Erica  -Rory 
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-L Lawliet  -Mello  -Matt  -Near  -Misa Amane
𝔹𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕋𝕖𝕕'𝕤 𝔼𝕩𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔸𝕕𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖:
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-Bill S Preston Esquire * -Ted “Theodore” Logan *
𝓣𝓱𝓮   𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓼:
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-Ponyboy Curtis  -Sodapop Curtis  -Darrel Curtis  -Dallas Winston  -Two-Bit Mathews  -Johnny Cade  -Curly Shepard  -Steve Randle  -Bob Sheldon  -Cherry Valance  -Marcia 
𝔅𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔅𝔲𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔯:
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-Charles Grey* -Ronald Knox* -Sebastian Michaelis  -Mey-rin -Finnian -Hannah Annafellows 
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REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! (...but there's a catch...)
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With the holiday season rolling around, I've become specifically interested in writing Bernard fics again. I've just graduated high school so I've got much more free time on my hands while I prepare to go out into the big wide world.
Until then, I'm asking for requests specifically for Bernard the elf!
I mostly write x reader fics, however I'm open to new ideas.
I write for many different types of people who may want certain things to centre the story, including but not limited to:
LGBTQ+ community (I'm transmasc!)
People of size
Disabled people
Neurodivergent people (I'm here too!)
People who've been through trauma that need comfort fics
I recognise some people may feel the need to read fics about specific topics due to trauma and discrimination faced by these factors, as a means for comfort. I know fan fiction really helped me.
A fair warning: I cannot always promise I can complete all of these fics, since I have autism and I lose interest in things very easily. However, I will try my best to get as many requests done before Christmas.
Thank you!
Leo <3
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kinfanfiction · 2 years
Bernard x Elf!Reader - Chapter 5 - Pulling Heartstrings
A/N: Tfw elves just being able to build absolutely anything amirite?
Literally came up with the title because of the guitar.
I am literally just biding my time until I can finally write the chapter I’m planning to post the day before Xmas Eve.
Have this chapter really early in the day instead of really late!
Happy Winter Solstice everyone!
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     After a restful night, you woke up early and got up to check your calendar. It was December 21st, and there was 4 days until Christmas, and 3 days to every elf’s deadline for every toy and stocking stuffer. You were up to date so far on toy making, so you headed to work stress-free. Bernard was having a similar experience, though it didn’t make him feel relaxed, it made him feel uneasy. He felt like he should be doing more, but everything he’d usually be working on this time of year was already done. He attempted to shake his unease by crafting the chain for your necklace in his office. You, however, still had a steady amount of your usual work to take care of. Candy and toys still needed to be made, and you were up for it. 
     Curtis didn’t see the usually ever-present head elf around the workshop, so once again he went around making sure all the elves were following the rules. You found this to be incredibly annoying, so you took the guitar you were building and looked for a place to hide with it so you didn’t have to deal with him. Unfortunately, finding a place to hide was more difficult than you’d imagined. The workshop was so painfully open that there were no rooms you could conceal yourself in. There was only Mr. and Mrs. Claus room and.. Bernard’s office. The second you thought of his office, you wondered if it was possible that he’d let you stay there until you were done with the guitar, because it was an incredibly precarious thing to make. Not only did you have to perfect the instrument’s structure, you also had to ensure it sounded nothing short of magical. With Curtis constantly over your shoulder, you couldn’t possibly finish it as efficiently as you’d like to.
      You walked up to Bernard’s workplace with your materials and the the neck of the guitar and knocked quietly on his office door. He recognized the rhythm of your knock immediately, and quickly tucked the unfinished chain in his hands away in the top drawer of his desk. He got up and opened the door to see you nervously standing before him, hoping Curtis hadn’t noticed you go up there. “Everything alright?” He asked, curious as to why you had come to find him in his office so early in the day.
     “Oh yeah, of course! It’s just Curtis again, he won’t stop bugging everyone, so I hoped I could disappear up here to finish building this guitar.” You showcased your guitar pieces as you spoke. He rolled his eyes upon hearing Curtis’ name. He walked past you, and to the railing from which he could see the entire lower floor of the workshop. You hadn't even gotten the chance to hide yourself in his office before Bernard began shouting across the building. 
     “Curtis! Quit harassing the other elves and get to work!” He bellowed in the direction of the elf, spotting him amongst the crowd. Curtis slammed the rulebook in his hands shut and glared at you before storming off. You knew he was just going to use his fancy toy copying machine instead of hand crafting anything like the other elves. Being as old as Bernard, you preferred projects that took blood, sweat, and tears as opposed to the push of a button. The finished product was always more satisfying that way. After Curtis left, Bernard turned around to look at you with a satisfied grin. He loved that he could get Curtis to go away so easily. “You’re always welcome to work in my office, but at least now you have options.” 
     You would’ve covered your face to hide your embarrassed expression if your hands weren’t already full of guitar parts. “If Curtis didn’t despise me before, he definitely does now.” You said in a defeated tone, shaking your head.
     “Hey, at least we face his hatred together.” Bernard and Curtis had always been at odds with each other, and he didn’t understand why you cared if he disliked you.
     “He’ll probably target me even more now.” You explained. You didn’t care about being liked, you just wanted to be left alone.
     “If he does, I’m putting him on reindeer dropping duty.” Bernard assured you. “Don’t stress over him, alright?”
     “Alright.. thank you.” You spoke softly, letting out a light chuckle that rested into a smile of relief. “Well, now I think I should let you return to your work, and now that I can I’ll return to work downstairs.” You decided. Bernard’s heart dropped a little, but you both understood that his office wasn’t the ideal guitar building space, and would only make sense if you didn’t have anywhere else to go.
     “Good luck, I’d love to hear how it sounds when you’re finished.” He said with a smile, and then you both separated ways. He sat back down at his desk and continued welding your necklace chain. You went back downstairs and continued building the guitar with some help from other elves. Within a few hours, you had crafted a perfect Martin guitar. You proudly brought it up to Bernard’s office and knocked on his door once more. “Come in!” He shouted out to you just as he had earlier. Having finished your necklace chain, now all he had left to think about was what he would write in his confession card that he’d give to you along with your gift. He wanted every word to perfectly convey his feelings, and unfortunately there were no words for the exact way he felt about you. He hoped that you liked whatever he ended up writing, but he couldn’t think too hard about that this instant. He quickly put his project away as you opened the door.
     You came in carrying the guitar, and you sat down in front of him with a wide smile spread across your face. “It’s done, you wanna hear it?” You said biting your bottom lip, unable to contain your excitement. 
      “Of course! Play away!” He encouraged, glad to see such a bright smile on your face. You played a simple tune, but you felt it was indeed magical, and telling by the look on his face, you could tell Bernard was impressed. 
     “I love making instruments every Christmas, it’s so rewarding.” You spoke, still beaming. 
     “You never fail to amaze me.”
     “Thank you, thank you.” You spoke bashfully before changing the subject. “Well, now that you’ve heard it, I’m going to wrap it so it can go with all the other presents. Then, maybe we can bake some cookies at my house?” You suggested, and of course Bernard nodded.
     “As is tradition.” He grinned.
     You went downstairs, Bernard behind you. You put the guitar in its case, and then you carefully wrapped the gift before placing it carefully with the others. Bernard liked how focused you looked whenever you worked, you always zoned into your project like nothing else besides it existed. For a second he thought he remembered you looking at him that way the other day when you’d complimented his eyes. However, he didn’t consider the idea for too long, and cast it away, figuring he was just being delusional. 
     You walked back to your house and invited Bernard in. You grabbed two aprons and handed him one, and tied the other around your neck and waist. “Is this really necessary? We’re making cookies, not Christmas dinner.” Bernard joked, which made you smile a little as you rolled your eyes at his comment.
     “Just put the apron on.”
     With that, he gave no further argument and did as you asked. He never tried arguing with you for long, because he always went in knowing he’s lose. You put all the dry ingredients together, and he put together the wet ingredients, and then you combined them. He thought about how he wished to hold you as you whisked the ingredients together, but he shook the thought away as quickly as it entered his mind. You were making chocolate chip cookies, because the classics were always appreciated. You added extra chocolate chips as is absolutely mandatory in your mind. You got out a cookie sheet and the two of you got to rolling the cookie dough and setting them on the pan. Together, you made a batch of 8 cookies. You definitely wouldn’t finish them all tonight unless you planned on sinking into a sugar coma. 
     You made hot cocoa again, because you can't have cookies without cocoa, that was an unspoken rule in the North Pole. As you waited for the cookies to bake, the two of you sat by the fire with cocoa once again. “So, what’ve you been up to up in that office of yours all day?” You questioned, which made Bernard’s eyes widen. 
     “Oh.. you know, just whatever projects I could find. There’s not a lot for me to do now that all my paperwork is done. Thank you for that, by the way, your help really took a lot of stress off my shoulders. Unfortunately, now I’m having trouble knowing what I can busy myself with.” 
     “You forget your origins, Bernard. Now that you don’t have much to do as a head elf, you can circle back to basics and help make toys and candy in the workshop.” You suggested. “It’s be nice to have your help.” 
     “That sounds like a good idea. Santa suggested something like that, but he made it sound more like a job of overseeing the workshop rather than helping out. Do you think the other elves would find it weird if I did?” 
     “Why would they find it weird?”
     “I don’t know, I guess just cause they see me as their boss and not a co-worker.”
     “I think you overthink too much. It’ll be fun, the other elves will be fine, you’ll have something to get your hands on, and you won’t feel so restless anymore.”
     “You make a good case, I think I will join in on the fun.”
     “Good.” You said with a smile.
     Once the cookies were done, you both took two and sat down. 
     “This is nice.” You stated softly.
     “Being with you is always nice.”     
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kinfanfiction · 2 years
Potential Future Fics
For More Bernard Fics:
Bernard x Human!Reader
Other Fandoms and Ideas within them:
- Five x Reader (He would be physically 24 or so, and the reader would be the same)
Marauders HP
Regulus Black x Reader
Merida x Reader (Because, like with Bernard, there are not enough of these)
Charlie Eppes x Reader (Because there’s almost NO Charlie fics and I volunteer as tribute to this very tiny fandom)
Cobra Kai
Miguel Diaz x Reader
Ginny and Georgia
Joe x Reader
Boy Meets World
Topanga Lawrence x Reader
Shawn Hunter x Reader
I know this isn’t a long list of potential future fics, but it’s a starting point with a few pre-existing ideas and I will expand the list further once I find more time to write. During Spring Break I will probably start something new, and after June I will have much more time because I’m graduating from high school this year!! Then I finally won’t have so much on my plate and I can be free to write much more!
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amidstthemists · 2 years
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New chapter of my ff story Something in the Air just dropped. This is a moodboard inspired by the newest chapter where Bernard and my faerie OC Gale go on a walk and have a heart-to-heart.
Here’s an excerpt from the new chapter:
“Woah, woah, woah, hold your reindeer,” Bernard started tugging back with his arm, using her grip on him to his advantage. When Gale slowed to a stop, looking at him in surprise, he spoke again. “More than anything, I would like to know what’s wrong. It’s clearly upsetting you, it’s my job to make sure that you are safe and happy while you are staying here at the North Pole—“ Gale’s face started to fall at that statement, but he kept going, quickly adding“—and even if it wasn’t my job, I’d be happy to help you anyway.” They shared small smiles before he finished with, “Especially if brain damage is your current alternative.” He leveled their eyes, molten chocolate brown with golden flecks unblinkingly locked with swirling indigo violet, making sure he met her gaze purposefully and unwaveringly. He was telling the truth.
“What is this place?” Gale asked, looking at the lake and then to the shimmering illusionary magic in awe. It was beautiful.
“This is Kringle Lake, home of the best ice skating races you could possibly imagine. Over there is the Christmas Tree nursery, which turns into the Nevergreen Forest, named after the old magic that lives in the forest and how it is so strong, it sometimes hides the forest completely, even from magic eyes. It mixes with Santa’s illusions to protect the North Pole from mortal eyes and sometimes hides things from all eyes instead.” Bernard admired the area with a fresh view, knowing it was Gale’s first time seeing it all. He was proud of the North Pole. It was where he came from. It was his home.
“I wish I was here under better circumstances. There is so much here that I want to love,” Gale said with a sadness and longing in her voice. She let go of his arm and wrapped her arms around herself.
Bernard frowned at her lamentation, “Why not love what you want to love anyway? Wouldn’t it be nice to have things to care for and enjoy during your stay? Especially because you have something seemingly difficult to face… It doesn’t seem like you to hold back.”
Gale smiled sadly and gave him a shrug, “Just protecting myself, I guess.”
“From what?”
“The question you should be asking is from who?”
Bernard felt a pricking on the back of his neck as he realized he might already know the answer. “Who, then?” He asked.
Click on the link attached to find out what happens next.
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