#Bernard: and that’s the end of my tedtalk
Bernard: i lied. i don’t like sex. put your clothes back on babe and watch my power point presentation about What The Fuck Is Going On Between Batman And Twoface
Tim: …
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fuck-customers · 3 years
*cries into hands* if you have a dog, please... please read this...
BRUSH YOUR DOG. Not just surface brushing, LINE brush your dog. Pull the hair back and brush down. NOT TOO HARD or too much in one spot or you'll give them brush burn. Use a SLICKER and a METAL COMB for best results. You wouldnt let your hair get pelted and then go to a hairdresser and ask them to keep all your hair.
If you get your fluffy dog wet, YOU CAN NOT LEAVE THEM WET. Double coated (huskies, shepherds, st. Bernard's ect) will get HOT SPOTS if they are left soaked. And any dog with longer hair WILL get matted if not dried properly.
STOP TAKING YOUR KITCHEN SCISSORS TO YOUR DOGS MATTS. If you dont know what you're doing, you'll cut them wide open. Also it's really annoying to have to even out chunks taken out. If you need to groom your dog at home, 30$ on amazon you can get a small grooming kit. I use it at home and it works just fine.
Wipe your dogs eyes. Seriously. It's not that fucking hard. Get some baby wipes, and wipe their eyes at least once a day. Wipe their ears while you're at it too. ESPECIALLY if they have a short snout, or are a senior.
Wipe your dogs ass too. Females can get UTI's if their back end is matted and soaked in fences and urine. I see it all the time. I dont like shaving out matted shit and piss.
Your dogs nails should never be touching the ground. Imagine walking on your toe nails. If your dogs nails are overgrown, take them every 2 weeks to get them done and the quick will recede eventually.
Your groomer is not responsible for BASIC maintenance on your dog. You wouldnt leave your child with matted hair, covered in their own piss and shit, and bring them to someone asking them to fix it. Your child would be taken away.
In my experience, some groomers will do just basic brush outs and maintenance (this would need to be done at least once a week at the bare minimum) IF YOU NEED AND ARE WILLING TO MAKE THE COMMITMENT. WE WANT TO KEEP YOUR DOG FLUFFY, WE WANT YOUR DOG TO LOOK AND FEEL THEIR BEST.
Also tip your groomer.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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Now that DC brought Bernard back (well not now, now but this was half made in my drafts so ignore me) I would like to present you my TEDtalk about a couple of forgotten amazing characters DC should bring back to add to Jason's storyline (instead of that flight attendant in rhato that I don't even remember her name because she was boring as fuck and is just there to be Jason's sexualized love interest).
Using "Batman: a death in the family" because in my view, this is one of the most important issues that makes mostly of what Jason Todd is today.
1- Mrs. Walker; A sweet Old lady who used to be Catherine Todd's Friend. She was responsible for saving some of Jason family’s possessions after Catherine died and Jason ran away, hoping she would see the boy again to give it back to him someday.
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For those who didn't read this comic quick explanation: these possessions were responsible for Jason's discover that Catherine wasn't his birth mother.
So, Mrs. Walker plays an important role in this issue and shows care for Jason, viewing that she kept his belongs for years waiting to see him again. Also she already knew him before for being Catherine's, her friend, son. great Potential grandaunt figure, genuinely cares for Jason and seems to be really kind. Good one to bring back to today's Jason comic run, knowing that bringing back women to be his Lover doesn't add nothing to the story BUT NOW WOMEN MOTHERLY FIGURES these are great. Jason already have like 5 moms figure but he can aways use some more :)
2- Sharmin Rosen; one of the candidates for Jason's birth mother.
Quick explanation again; in the comic Jason finds an old notebook of his father which had her name in it, knowing that his mother's name started with an "S" he thought she might be his biological mom.
Okay but this woman, omg, she seems to be so cool.
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She is simply a spy, a fucking SPY. Batman and Robin meet her when she's in the middle of a mission and Jason nearly sacrifices for her
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Did I mention she is a badass?
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Anyway, in the end Robin asks her if she ever had a baby in Gotham, she says no and that's the end of their interaction.
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Did you get the part where she's a secret agent? Which means this woman is smart alright? Must as well be a hell of a detective.
Now, I would literally die to see these two brought back in a Red Hood comic where years later Sharmin gets curious about Robin's question for some reason and decides to dig into it, after all this boy nearly sacrificed himself to save her life just so he could ask that specific question. Being the badass she is, Sharmin quickly discovers Robin died in Ethiopia with Sheila Haywood the same day they met, both killed by the Joker.
She quickly links Sheila with Gotham then Sheila with Willis Todd, Willis Todd to Jason Todd which suspiciously died the same day that Robin Died. Sharmin decides that she will take revenge for Jason's death going after Joker in a secret mission to kill him. If her name was in Willis' notebook it means that she met him at some point in her life.
So she goes to Willis' old apartment to get information, but when she gets there she ends meeting mrs. Walker. Sharmin tells her what happened to Jason and Mrs. Walker decides to go after Joker with her because just like Sharmin, she also deeply cares about Jason.
They start to work on a plan to kill the Joker but at the same time Jason is also working on a plan to stop Joker for doing something evil or whatever. Then the two badass women thirsty for blood meet with red hood in the same place.
Red Hood: what the fuck are an old lady and a... I guess a not-that-old lady doing in Joker's hideout??
Sharmin: Step aside, this is a secret mission and you will end up spoiling it Red Hood
Mrs. Walker: Who are you calling old, young man?
Red Hood: OMG okay look, I'm trying to stop this mad clown from burning the entire city down okay? So if you could just go away and do your secret mission or whatever somewhere else me along with ALL GOTHAM would thank you enormously.
Sharmin: Well, me and the “Old lady” here are going to kill that crazy clown so whatever you were going to do, we can do it quicker and efficiently.
RH: ...what do you mean “kill”?
Mrs. Walker: (cocks her gun) she means putting a bullet in the clown's head.
RH: ...Two random ladies are more willing to kill the fucking clown than my own dad who watched me and my mother die because of him in a FUCKING WAREHOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF AFRICA?!? (Keeps shouting)
Sharmim: Wait a minute- JASON TODD?!
Mrs. Walker: Who now?
Jason: (stops shouting suddenly)... what did you just call me?
Sharmin: (starts smiling towards Jason) So, answering your question or two now I can say I've been in Gotham city, but I still haven't ever had a baby there, Robin.
Jason: (realizes) No fucking way...
Mrs. Walker: Oh for the love of God I should never have given you that box.
They start a mission to kill the joker together but Batman Finds out about it and tries to stop the two women from killing the joker but he gets beaten by an old lady with a purse
Mrs. Walker: (beating batman with her knit purse) HOW DARE YOU LET THAT PSYCHOPATH KILL MY SWEET BOY
Batman: Ma'am if you could just listen- MA'AM I can't cross that line!
Mrs. Walker: That's what my husband said in the war and you know what happened? (Gets closer to Bruce's ear) He crossed the fucking line and beat the shit out of a bunch of nazis while his friends died in the other side of the line.
Jason from distance: Holly shit.
Anyways, this is just an idea that I found fun and genuinely think DC should go on and explore. Bruce seeing people trying to give his son the only thing he ever asked for but he himself can’t give it, the potential emotional scenes are just too good. Plus, everyone knows that Jason and badass Mother figures are the best combination ever.
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viviana-gdc3-blog · 5 years
“It’s Okay To Not Have It All Figured Out” TedTalk by Sorah Yang
I had this TedTalk open in one of my many tabs for a while now but never got around to watching it (while knowing that it would most likely help me feel a lot better once I did). So, while taking a break from thinking and working on my FMP, I finally watched the TedTalk. I actually knew of Sorah Yang way before I watched her talk, because she’s known as a dancer and has been dancing and posting dance videos on YouTube for several years now. When I saw that she’s giving a talk and the title being “it’s okay to not have it all figured out”, I knew that I’d want to watch her talk and listen to her experiences. Being born into an Asian household, and having that type of upbringing, there are, like Sorah Yang explained about her own experience, a huge amount of expectations expected from you that you hardly have a chance to do the things you liked and much less pursue your dreams as your career. In my family, it wasn’t as strict, since I am here studying art after all (even though not all of my family members are accepting of that), but here I am. And it’s not really that art is what I’m truly passionate about and what I’ve always dreamed of doing. It’s not really like that, because I don’t know if this is what I want to do and what is “right” for me.
Watching Sorah Yang talk about her experiences was so great because I could relate to what she was saying, her experiences, the feelings she felt, the pressure she was under to meet her parents expectations, and in the end still choosing to do what she loves and make a career out of that and become successful in her own way. She mentioned a quote from Bernard Byer that I really liked and wrote down.
“If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind is when it wanders.”
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