myanonymuniverse · 11 months
Manchmal sind es nur Kleinigkeiten und deine Welt zerbricht wieder in 1000 Teile.
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fesselblog · 3 months
Rollentausch für einen Tag
Rollenspiele erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit. Gerade bei sexuellen Abenteuern nehmen die Partner gern diverse Rollen ein und gestalten damit ihr Sexualleben etwas abwechslungsreicher. Aber warum das auf ein kurzes Abenteuer beschränken? Wie wäre es mit einem Rollentausch für einen ganzen Tag? Continue reading Rollentausch für einen Tag
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studentknight01 · 11 months
STUDENTKNIGHT (www.studentknight.de), die deutschlandweite Jobbörse für Studenten, ist eine Plattform in über 520 Orten, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen von Studenten zugeschnitten ist.
STUDENTKNIGHT dient als Schnittstelle zwischen Arbeitgebern, die Stellenangebote für Studenten anbieten, und den Studierenden, die nach passenden Jobmöglichkeiten in unserer Jobbörse während ihres Studiums suchen.
Unsere Jobbörse für Studenten bietet eine Vielzahl von Stellenangeboten, die für Studenten geeignet sind, wie zum Beispiel Praktika, Werkstudentenjobs, Studentenjobs, Teilzeitstellen oder Abschlussarbeiten. Die Plattform ermöglicht es den Studenten, nach relevanten Stellen in der Jobbörse zu suchen und sich auf diese zu bewerben.
Darüber hinaus bietet unsere Jobbörse für Studenten zusätzliche Funktionen und Dienstleistungen, um den Studenten bei der Jobsuche und Karriereplanung zu unterstützen. Dazu gehören in der Jobbörse beispielsweise Filter- und Suchfunktionen, Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Bewerbungsunterlagen, Informationen über Arbeitgeber und Karriere- und Beratungsressourcen.
Unsere Jobbörse für Studenten ist benutzerfreundlich, stellt aktuelle und relevante Stellenangebote bereit und bietet eine umfassende Unterstützung bei der Jobsuche und Karriereplanung. Sie ermöglicht es den Studenten, passende Jobmöglichkeiten in der Jobbörse zu finden und sich auf ihre zukünftige Karriere vorzubereiten.
Das Schalten von Stellenanzeigen für Studentenjobs in unserer Jobbörse bietet verschiedene Vorteile für Arbeitgeber. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Vorteile:
- Zugang zu qualifizierten und motivierten Studierenden: Durch das Schalten von Stellenanzeigen für Studentenjobs in unserer Jobbörse können Arbeitgeber auf eine spezifische Zielgruppe zugreifen: Studenten. Studierende bringen oft frisches Wissen, neue Perspektiven und eine hohe Lernbereitschaft mit. Sie können eine wertvolle Ergänzung für das Team sein und die Arbeitskraft unterstützen.
- Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit: Studenten suchen oft nach Teilzeitjobs, Werkstudententätigkeiten oder Praktika in unserer Jobbörse, die mit ihrem Studium vereinbar sind. Sie sind bereit, ihre Arbeitszeiten an den Stundenplan anzupassen und während der Semesterferien mehr Stunden zu arbeiten. Dadurch erhalten Arbeitgeber mehr Flexibilität bei der Personalplanung.
- Kostenersparnis: Studentenjobs bieten oft eine kostengünstige Arbeitskraft für Arbeitgeber. Studenten haben oft niedrigere Gehaltsansprüche als erfahrene Fachkräfte und können somit eine kosteneffektive Lösung für bestimmte Aufgaben und Projekte darstellen.
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Mehr Infos: www.studentknight.de
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artconservation · 11 months
Studium fertig – was nun?
Wie gelingt der Start ins Berufsleben von Restauratoren?
Das Ende des Studiums ist für viele erst der Anfang: Neue Situationen kommen hinzu und es stehen eine Vielzahl an beruflichen Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, die einen überfordern können. Doch der Übergang vom Studium muss nicht immer herausfordernd sein.
In unserem Artikel haben wir einige hilfreiche Informationen gesammelt, um dir dabei zu helfen, erfolgreich in deine Zukunft als Restaurator:in zu starten. Erfahre, welche Schritte du unternehmen kannst, um deine Karriere voranzutreiben und welche Ressourcen dir dabei zur Verfügung stehen. Lass dich inspirieren und finde wertvolle Tipps, um den Übergang vom Studium in die Berufswelt erfolgreich zu meistern.
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laran-fitness · 1 year
Nützliche ➤ Gewohnheiten für einen maximalen ➤ Erfolg im ➤ Beruf und Leben
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nolifedestiny · 2 years
Wochenenden - Träume - Bestimmungen?
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Kennst du dieses Gefühl, wenn du dich die ganze Woche durch den Job quälst, doch selbst am Wochenende kaum zur Ruhe kommst? Freitagnachmittag bist du Platt von der Arbeit, Samstag machst du "wichtiges" Zeug und am Sonntag bist du deprimiert, weil alles morgen wieder von Neu beginnt. Und dann sind da noch all die Leute, die Familie, die Freunde und Partner; die unentwegt fordern, erwarten und beanstanden. Für die meisten Menschen ist das Wochenende daher keine Freizeit, sondern vielmehr eine Regeneration von der Arbeitswoche. So wie eine Reha-Kur die man machen muss, um nicht vollends zugrunde zu gehen.
Es gab Zeiten, da war ich mit meinem Job zufrieden. Klar, der Lohn hätte ruhig höher sein können und nicht jeder Tag war schön, aber es war ausgewogen und gelassen. Zu dieser Zeit waren die Wochenenden erfüllt und energiereich. Die meisten Menschen arbeiten aber in einem Beruf, der sie unglücklich macht. Vielleicht, weil es nichts besseres gab oder sie nicht das richtige gefunden haben... genau so Unglücklich sind auch ihre Wochenenden.
Manche behaupten auch, sie seien nicht gut genug für ihren Traumberuf, aber ein Traumberuf ist eben auch nicht mehr als ein Traum. Spätestens wenn du diesen Traumberuf erreichtest, würde das geschehen, was mit allen Träumen passiert: Du würdest aufwachen und dein Traumberuf würde sich vielleicht als kraftaufreibende Burnout-Tortur herausstellen. Höre nicht auf Plattitüden wie: "Folge deinem Traum". Suche stattdessen lieber nach deiner Bestimmung. Was kannst du gut? Worin liegen deine Potenziale? Was inspiriert dich? Danach solltest du dich ausrichten. Egal ob im Job oder anderswo.
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abigrafen · 2 years
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Ergreift eure Chance und sammelt wichtige Infos auf den aktuellen Jobmessen im Juli!
➡️ https://www.abigrafen.de/jobmessen-juli-2022-zu-warm-fuer-messen/
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sammeldeineknochen · 2 years
Mit seinen weniger sprachmächtigen Mitmenschen hat ein Dichter gemein, daß sein Leben Geisel seines Berufs ist, nicht umgekehrt. Und es ist nicht richtig, daß er für seine Worte bezahlt wird (selten und kümmerlich). Tatsache ist, daß er für sie auch noch bezahlen muß (oft ganz schrecklich).
Joseph Brodsky: “Liebesgedichte”, S.104
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businessfotos · 3 days
Verkaufe das Reiseziel, nicht den Weg dorthin!
Business-Coachs und Mentoren gibt es zuhauf – und sie versprechen oft das Blaue vom Himmel. Ganz ähnlich wie im politischen Populismus sind die Lösungen stets überraschend einfach und ohne viel Mühe umzusetzen. Man zahlt dafür allerdings einen hohen Preis, seien es undemokratische Parteien in Regierungsverantwortung oder teure Trainer. Der reale Nutzen ist in beiden Fällen suboptimal bis…
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kanzlei-job · 4 days
Teil 3: Probezeit – Wenn ein Wechsel unvermeidlich ist – Der professionelle Ausstieg
Einleitung: Die Entscheidung, einen Job zu verlassen, besonders wenn dieser erst kürzlich angetreten wurde, kann eine der härtesten beruflichen Entscheidungen sein. Diese Situation erfordert nicht nur eine gründliche Selbstreflexion, sondern auch eine strategische Planung, um den Übergang so reibungslos und professionell wie möglich zu gestalten. Ein wohlüberlegter Ausstieg kann nicht nur die…
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berufundkarriere · 1 month
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itsgerges · 2 months
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Can The Gravitational Waves  Produce A Light Beam?
Paper hypothesis
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field
The hypothesis explanation
The question asks
Can The Gravitational Waves  Produce A Light Beam?
Let's summarize the answer in 5 points
(I) The FACT
The Gravitational Waves Produce A Light Beam
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This new article tells - the gravitational waves can move by high velocity motion and can produce A Light Beam–
Shortly- the article answers our question tells (YES) (The Gravitational Waves Can Produce A Light Beam)
We know the light beam is produced by the value (C^2)
Means, the article tells
The gravitational waves can move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) and that enables the gravitational waves to produce the value (C^2) and produce A Light Beam! 
I suppose the sun rays are produced by this method and not by any nuclear fusion,
Means, The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays, instead, the sun rays are produced by the gravitational waves motions energies  
Here is important moment of the science history, No longer the nuclear fusion process will be used as the reason for the star rays production- instead- the gravitational waves motions will be used in place of it –
Clearly- we see the change in the mechanism
The sun nuclear fusion uses the nuclear fusion process to produce the sun rays from the sun mass as the source of energy- where the sun mass is changed into the sun rays by the nuclear fusion process- But the gravitational waves use the motion energy to produce the light beam (the sun rays)– means- the sun rays production method is changed- shortly- the production mechanism is changed (from nuclear fusion process) into (the high velocity motion) – and the source of energy is changed from (the sun mass) into (the gravitational waves motion energy)   
(Notice, I refuse to suppose there are many methods to produce the light beam, I suppose the light beams are produced by one method only)
That force us to analyze the gravitational waves production and Nature- let's do that in following- 
Let's ask
(1) (its source)
How Are The Gravitational Waves Produced?
By What Method and from what energy The Gravitational Waves Are Produced?
(2) (its nature)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Speed Of Light?
And - Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Less Velocity Than Speed Of Light?
Are there proves for this fact (the gravitational waves move by speed of light)?
Can We Follow The Gravitational Waves Motions Trajectories In The Solar System?
Can The Gravitational Waves Be Reflected? And Why Is The Wave Reflected?
What Effects Are Produced By The Gravitational Waves Reflection?
(6) (its result)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Produce A Light Beam?
Means - If the gravitational waves move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s), how can the value (C^2) be produced to enable the gravitational waves to produce the light beam? This discussion aims to answer these questions in details. 
Let's ask (Where's Planet Motion Energy?)
Any moving body produces motion energy (1/2mv^2), but where's the planet motion energy? The planet can't store its motion energy inside its body because it would raise its temperature, and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so- again (Where's The Planet Motion Energy?)
Logically, Planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form-
The space is similar to the sea of water and planet motion in space is similar to a fish swimming in water- the fish motion creates waves in water and the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- means- Planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form. 
Let's see this picture accurately- we observe one swimming fish in the sea- the fish hits the sea water by its tail and pushes some water and by that the fish swims and moves- we conclude the water moves by a velocity Equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force- means- the fish swimming creates wave in the water and this wave moves by the fish motion velocity-  
Similar to that-
Mercury motion energy creates wave in the space- this wave velocity equals Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) -means– while Mercury moves, its motion creates waves move by the velocity (47.4 km/s)- 
Shortly- All planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by these planets velocities- The space waves are similar to the water waves, they move far from their sources and can be reflected-
The Conclusion
I suppose the gravitational waves are these space waves, they are produced by the planets motions energies and NOT by the Sun gravitational field 
We should notice that- the article tells (the gravitational waves can move by a speed of light) but the article believes the gravitational waves are produced by the sun gravitational field- BUT- I refuse this idea- the gravitational waves are NOT produced by any gravitational field but by the planets motions energies as I have explained.
(the discussion proves this fact by the analysis of the gravitational waves nature)
The sun rays is created from the gravitational waves motions energies and the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies-
Based on that 
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions
The Sun Is NOT Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays- instead- The Planets Motions Energies Total Is Used To Produce The Sun Rays
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion – means
The Planets Are Created And Moving In Their Orbits Around A Point Of Space Before The Sun Creation- And The Sun Is Created On This Point Of Space around which the planets revolve - And
No Planet moves by The Sun Gravity (Newton is Wrong) - And
The Sun Doesn't Produce A Gravitational Field (Einstein Is Wrong)
The Sun Is A Phenomenon Created By The Planets Motions– means-The Sun creation and death depends on a cycle – means – after this current sun death another sun will be created for the solar system.
The logical idea summary
We agreed that, the planets motions produce energies and the motions energies are stored in the space in waves form- simply- the stored energy should be used- by that this stored energy is used to produce the sun rays- means- the sun is the outlet for the stored motion energy in the solar system and without the sun the stored energy can cause a continuous risk of explosion for the solar system. 
This analysis explains why (the sun nuclear fusion theory is wrong logically) because the solar system is rich in the motion energy- the planets move and produce motion energy continuously and this energy is stored in the space – that tells – there's massive motion energy stored in the space- the logical idea tells this energy should be used to produce the sun rays- but – the scientists created very artificial reason for the sun rays production (the sun nuclear fusion theory)- the theory is wrong in principle because the theory left the stored motion energy without using in the space and created the artificial idea (which doesn't depend on any cycle or motion), while everything in the solar system depends on motions and cycles
The Discussion Is Divided Into Two Parts
(Part No. I) The Gravitational Waves (Source, Nature and role
(Part No. II) The Sun Rays Production Details
Let's start our discussion immediately
(Part No. I) The Gravitational Waves Analysis (Source, Nature and role)
I- The Gravitational Waves Analysis (Source, Nature and role)
I-1 The Sun Doesn't Create A Gravitational Field
I-2 Planet Motion Reason
I-3 The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies (The Paper hypothesis) and (the hypothesis proves)
I-4 The Planets Waves Are Unified Into One Unified Wave
I-5 Space And Matter Definitions  
I-6 Can The Motion Be Transported Among The Planets?
I-7 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Planets Data) 
I-7-1  Preface
I-7-2  The Unified Wave Trajectory
I-7-3  The Unified Wave Reflection Theory
I-7-4  The Unified Wave Reflection Proves
I-7-5  The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Theory)
I-7-6   The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Proves)
I-8 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Energy From Which The Solar System Is Created)
I-8-1  The Solar System Creation Theory
I-8-2 The Solar Planets Creation
I-8-3 The Rate Of Time Use
I-8-4  The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light
I-8-5  Planet Velocity Analysis
I-8-6  The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion (Proves)
I-8-7  The Total Solar Eclipse Proves The Sun Rays Is Created By The Gravitational Waves Motions And Not By The Sun Nuclear Fusion
I-1 The Sun Doesn't Create A Gravitational Field
I claim (The Sun Doesn't Create Any Gravitational Field)
The Sun Rotation Period is (25.4 days at equator) and (34.4 days at pole), that proves the sun has NO massive gravity (even it has no gravity equal any planet gravity otherwise it would rotate in one period of time)
The gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and Not by any gravitational field - I prove this fact in point no. (1-3)
No planet moves by the sun gravity (Newton Is Wrong).
The planet moves by its creation force- means-  the planet creation and motion should be done by the same one force because if two forces have effects on the same one planet, this planet would be broken
Mass gravity Can Not Cause any Motion- (Again Newton is wrong)– let's explain that
Mass gravity is a bond between 2 masses –
The Earth and the moon are bond together by the mass gravity- They are similar to a lorry and its trailer– If a force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with the Earth– this is the effect of the mass gravity but the mass gravity can't cause any motion! Why? Suppose the moon moves by the Earth mass gravity
The moon motion produces energy (1/2mv^2)- and– From what source this motion energy will be provided? From the mass itself!
means- If the Earth causes the moon to move that necessitates to decrease the Earth and moon masses by the motion energy– it's wrong definition for the mass gravity
The mass gravity creates a bond between two masses- and if a force causes the Earth to move the moon will move with the Earth, in this case, this force will provide the motion energy for the Earth and the moon– but No Motion can be done by the mass gravity.
I-2 Planet Motion Reason
Now let's ask (How Does Planet Move If Not By The Sun Gravity?)
My Planet diameter equation proves the planet creation data is created based on its motion features- means – the motion is found before the planet creation- my planet diameter equation provides a new vision for the matter nature and motion- let's summarize it in following-
The Matter Nature
The space and matter are created from the same original energy and they move with this original energy motion- BUT the matter has a distinguish picture and different velocity from the space picture and velocity (notice- The Gravitational Waves Prove That The Space Has A Motion)   
If we suppose the space is similar to the sea of water, the matter be similar to a whirlpool or a vortex found on the sea page- means- the matter is a geometrical design has distinguish picture from the space- as the whirlpool, it's created from the sea water but it has a distinguish picture from the sea waves picture
The whirlpool is carried by the waves motion- and- the matter is carried by its original energy and moves with it- No Mass gravity is required for the matter motion- means- the matter is MOVABLE by nature.
The whirlpool dimensions are defined by the water motion - for example- we have a whirlpool its diameter is (2 meters)- this diameter is defined by the sea water motion features (velocity, pressure and other motion features) by that- the water motion analysis explains how the whirlpool dimensions are created
Also- the whirlpool is created but the creation requirements are needed every day- means- even if this whirlpool is found since years it can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed- means- the whirlpool creation process is NOT a historical one.
Also- the matter is similar to a creature muscle, the muscle is found based on the blood motion and without this motion the muscle can be changed or removed.
Shortly -the energy was found and moving before the matter creation -and from this energy the matter is created and for that the created matter dimensions are in harmony with the motion features because the created matter moves with the original energy motion means the matter moves this same motion of the original energy- where the matter dimensions are created based on this original energy motion- that explains the full harmony between the matter dimensions and the motion features.    
This idea is proved by my planet diameter equation (my fourth equation) –
The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion
Means- All planets are created and found in their orbits and they revolve around a point in space before the sun creation- later – the sun is created in this point of space around which the planets revolve- this fact is proved strongly in point no. (I-8-6)
I-3 The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies (The Paper hypothesis) and (the hypothesis proves)
The paper hypothesis tells (The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies)-
This hypothesis is important because- it gives us a method to use deep (analysis) for the gravitational waves features- on the other side- the idea tells (the gravitational waves are produced by the gravitational field) causes major difficulty for our analysis because no one knows what's the gravity or how does it work? means the idea puts the gravitational waves (features) under the same mystery of the gravity (work and effect)   
Because of that- there are massive importance to prove this hypothesis- let's prove it in following–(before we need to remember the planet motion energy analysis) 
Planet Motion Energy Analysis –
(Where's Planet Motion Energy?)
Any moving body produces motion energy (1/2mv^2), but where's the planet motion energy? the planet can't store its motion energy inside its body because it would raise its temperature, and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so- again (Where's The Planet Motion Energy?)
Logically, Planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form-
The space is similar to the sea of water and planet motion in space is similar to a fish swimming in water- the fish motion creates waves in water and the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- means- Planet motion energy is stored in the space in waves form. 
Let's see this picture accurately- we observe one swimming fish in the sea- the fish hits the sea water by its tail and pushes some water and by that the fish swims and moves- we conclude the water moves by a velocity Equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force- means- the fish swimming creates wave in the water and this wave moves by the fish motion velocity- Similar to that-
Mercury motion energy creates wave in the space- this wave velocity equals Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) -means– while Mercury moves, its motion creates waves move by the velocity (47.4 km/s)- 
Shortly- All planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by these planets velocities- The space waves are similar to the water waves, they move far from their sources and can be reflected-
The Conclusion (The Gravitational Waves Are These Space Waves, They Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By The Sun Gravitational Field) 
The Hypothesis Proves
I will refer to the proves in following in summary but and these same proves will be discussed in details in the mentioned points.  
First proof
The planet motion energy analysis proves planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form (the gravitational waves) – as explained before
Second proof
The energy is reflected in the solar system and this reflection proves the gravitational waves are belonged to the planets and not to any gravitational field –
the energy reflection is discussed in details in point no. (I-7-4)  
Third proof
The motion is transported among the planets- this fact is proved by my planet diameter equation (my fourth equation)
The transportation of motion and energy must be done by some method and the gravitational waves are this method by which the transportation is done 
The transportation of motion among the planets is proved in point no. (I-6)
Fourth proof
Planet velocity analysis proves that, there's a motion by speed of light in the solar system- means- the planets velocities are defined to produce a motion by speed of light in the solar system- and – because the gravitational waves move by speed of light (as the article states) that tells – the gravitational waves move by speed of light depending on the planets velocities which prove these waves are produced by the planets motions energies and Not by any gravitational field
(planet velocity analysis proves this fact in point no. I-8-5)  
In point no. (I-7-6) I put the proves for the fact tells (There Are Relativistic Effects In The Solar System)- the fact supports the article discovery- means- because the gravitational waves moves by speed of light that caused relativistic effects to be found in the solar system-
Fifth proof
The sun rays creation proves the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field- because- the planets motions energies are stored in the space (and should be used because logically the energy can't be stored in the space forever without using) that tells the sun rays is produced from this stored energy and by that the sun is the outlet for the solar system motion energy
Understandable, if the stored energy is not used, it would cause a risk of explosion for the solar system
(also the sun creation depends on a cycle which is suitable for the solar system motion principle – where the nuclear fusion idea is very strange here because it doesn't depend on any cycle)  
The sun rays production is discussed in Part NO. (II) of this discussion
I-4 The Planets Waves Are Unified Into One Unified Wave
We agreed- planet motion energy creates waves in the space- and these waves are similar to the sea water waves they move far from their source and can be reflected
Also- we agreed- planet motion energy creates wave in the space and this wave moves by a velocity equal the planet velocity  
By that– all planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by their planets velocities
What's Happened After The Planets Waves Creation?
The planets motions waves are unified into One Unified Wave
The one unified wave is a wave moves by a velocity = the planets velocities total
Point no. (I-7-2) explains in details how this unified wave is produced by the planets motions waves
The important information is (The Unified Wave Definition)
The unified wave is a wave moves by a velocity = the planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity (29.8 km/s) = 205.8 km/s
The moon velocity is added because the unified wave revolves around the sun through the moon orbit-
(the moon velocity = the Earth velocity because they revolve together around the sun) 
Shortly, There's One Wave Revolves Around The Sun Through The Moon Orbit And Its Velocity 205.8 km/s
We should consider that- the unified wave is The Major Player in the solar system and this wave motion is the most important and effective motion in the solar system
The next discussions will explain the reason of this importance
I-5 Space And Matter Definitions  
Here we need to define the space and matter natures – shortly- we need to see the whole picture in which the matter is created and moves and produces waves in the space- let's try to see that as clear as possible
I suppose the space is similar to the sea of water
Let's ask (How Can The Sea Waves Be So Strong and massive?),
Because, the sea has millions of creatures, they swim and produce motion energy which is stored in the sea water as waves- here – we conclude the sea waves don't depend on the winds force but on the motion momentum of the millions of creatures live in the sea
I suppose space is similar to sea of water and the matter is similar to a whirlpool found on the sea page- by that- the space and matter are created from the same one energy and both move with this energy motion but the matter has a distinguish picture and velocity from the space- that causes to see the matter in motion relative to the space but the space itself is in motion also by different velocity and the gravitational waves prove the space also has a motion- Let's explain that more clear -
The matter is similar to a whirlpool found on the sea page- this idea is explained before- and we agreed the whirlpool creation is not a historical one but the whirlpool dimensions can be changed immediately if the water motion features are changed
This idea is still insufficient - we need 3 Dimensions Moving Whirlpool - by that- this whirlpool will be similar to a fish swims in the water- and this fish motion energy creates waves in the space- here we see the picture more clear- the whirlpool is created from the sea water (the matter and space are created from the same energy) and the whirlpool motion (similar to a fish motion) creates waves in the space, by that the whirlpool motion produces energy and this energy is stored in the space in waves form- and these waves are the gravitational waves- 
But- we should remember that- the whirlpool is created based on the sea water motion features- that causes the whirlpool to be in (full harmony with the motion) because it created from this motion         
The previous explanation has two goals
I refute the planet classical definition tells (The Planet Is A Rigid Body Created Independently From The Space And The Other Planets Creation)
I prove that the space has mechanical features and any moving body in the space produces motion energy which is stored in the space in waves form and these waves are the gravitational waves (Notice this idea will be explained in more details with the planet creation discussion point no.I-8-2)
I-6 Can The Motion Be Transported Among The Planets?
The Motion Transportation Is Proved In Details In Point No. (I-6)
I don't put the proves here to avoid the confusion- but – I have to refer to this fact because all required ideas are discussed already. 
Shortly The Motion Is Transported Among The Planets  - But How?
Planet motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move freely far from their source- by these waves the energy is transported among the planets
The planet matter (is NOT rigid body) but it's similar to (a whirlpool on the sea page), the energy waves can transport among the planets and the planets (matters) can be effected by these waves energy- the whirlpool example explains clearly this idea-
Suppose we have 9 whirlpools on one sea page, where these 9 whirlpools are found at distances from each other- can the motion be transported among them? Of course Yes 
With the sea water the motion is transported- and if we put some color (red or blue) on the sea water far from these whirlpools this color may pass through all these whirlpools which proves the motion and water are transported among them  
I refer to this fact here- because- the planets data prove strongly that the motion is transported among the planets –powerful proves are discussed in point No. (I-6)
NOTICE My planet diameter equation depend basically on a transported motion among the planets- let's explain that more clear
Each planet diameter is created depending on this mathematical equation and based on its geometrical rule- and we have to ask- how can planet diameter be defined by a geometrical rule? the fact is that, there's a force moves from a planet to another and forces each planet to define its diameter according to the same geometrical rule and by the same one equation- now – the next question is (what's this force which causes each planet to define its diameter based on the same mathematical equation?) this force is a transported motion – this motion is transported from Pluto to the Earth moon and the transported motion transports also (energy) with it and this energy forces each planet to define its diameter based on the geometrical rule and by the same mathematical equation – let's refer to my planet diameter equation in following
(v1/ v2) = (s/r) =I
v1 = planet velocity in second
v2 = another planet velocity in second
r  = Planet Diameter
s  = The Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period 
I  = Planet Orbital Inclination
v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet
The planet (v1) be defined by test the minimum error 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity             Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter) - The equation is discussed in my paper and The transportation of motion is proved in details with
I-7 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Planets Data) 
I-7-1  Preface
Here we analyze The Gravitational Waves Source And Nature in details
The point answers our questions, let's remember them in following
(i) (its source)
How Are The Gravitational Waves Produced? Means
By What Method and from what energy The Gravitational Waves Be Produced?
(ii) (its nature)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Speed Of Light?
And - Can The Gravitational Waves Move By Less Velocity Than Speed Of Light?
Are there proves for this fact (the gravitational waves move by speed of light)?
Can We Follow The Gravitational Waves Motions Trajectories In The Solar System?
Can The Gravitational Waves Be Reflected? And Why Is The Wave Reflected?
And What Effects Are Produced By The Gravitational Waves Reflection?
(vi) (its result)
How Can The Gravitational Waves Produce A Light Beam?
Means - If the gravitational waves move by speed of light (C=300000 km/s), how can the value (C^2) be produced to enable the gravitational waves to produce the light beam? This discussion aims to answer these questions
We remember the hypothesis (The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies)
We agreed that- the planet motion energy must be stored in the space in waves form-and these waves are the gravitational waves- that proves the hypothesis
Also – I have put other proves for this hypothesis, let’s refer to them    
(1st proof) planet motion energy analysis (2nd proof) the reflection of energy
(3rd proof) the motion is transported among the planets and the gravitational waves are the transportation method
(4th proof) planet velocity analysis proves the gravitational waves move by speed of light depending on the planets motions
(5th proof) the sun rays production proves the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field.
I-7-2  The Unified Wave Trajectory
We agreed, Planet motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves are similar to the water waves they move far from their source and can be reflected -
We agreed also that, these waves are the gravitational waves - Now let's follow these waves trajectory- 
The planets revolve around the sun in the same one direction because of that their motions energies waves move in one direction toward Pluto (perpendicular on the revolution direction)- and the waves are unified together in Pluto orbit and consist together One Unified Wave contains the planets motions energies total 
What does mean (One Unified Wave)? means
One Wave Moves By A Velocity = The Planets Velocities Total –
Let's remember this picture
We observed one swimming fish in the sea- the fish hits the sea water by its tail and pushes some water and by that the fish swims and moves- we conclude the water moves by a velocity Equal the fish velocity because of the reaction force.
Similar to that-
Mercury motion energy creates waves in the space- the wave velocity equal Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) because of the reaction force- means – all planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves move by these planets velocities- now these waves are unified into One Unified Wave moves by The Planets Velocities Total
Shortly- the 9 planets velocities total =176 km/s- and- there's One Wave in the space moves by this velocity 176 km/s- this wave motion is created by all planets motions energies- this is the unified wave and this unified wave is created in Pluto orbit
Now let's resume our process – we follow the wave motion trajectory- 
The unified wave (176 km/s) is reflected from Pluto toward Venus– in fact – the unified wave is reflected three times in the solar system –
let's refer to them in following…. 
The energy is reflected from Pluto to Venus (first reflection) – in details – the unified wave is reflected from Pluto to Neptune, then from Neptune to Uranus and then from Uranus to Saturn– BUT- inSaturn the unified wave is reflected one more time inside Saturn body- Means- Saturn body worked as 2 mirrors and the wave is reflected between them-          
The reflection inside Saturn is the second reflection of energy
After the reflection –
The energy unified wave left Saturn moving in its same original direction toward Venus – and then the energy reach Venus –
Then Venus reflects the unified wave energy toward Mars and the energy is stored in the Earth moon orbit between Venus and Mars
The energy reflection from Venus to Mars is (the energy third reflection)
Shortly- the planets motions energies total is stored in the Earth moon orbit in one unified wave moves by velocity 176 km/s But
We have to add the moon velocity because the energy is stored in its orbit- the moon velocity = the Earth velocity, by that 176 +29.8 = 205.8 km/s
Means- The Unified Wave Velocity becomes 205.8 km/s
There's ONE WAVE Revolves Around The Sun Its Velocity 205.8 Km/S And This Wave Revolves Around The Sun Through The Earth Moon Orbit-  
Where we see the planets revolutions we don't see this One Unified Wave revolution around the sun- while – this wave motion contains all planets motions energies-
The One Unified Wave is the main player in the solar system- because – by this wave motion relative to the sun point of space the light beam is created (the sun rays production)
Means- the light beam is NOT created by any planet motion energy – but by the one unified wave motion energy- by that- this unified wave which is Not seen by us we should consider (the main player in the solar system) and the most important effective motion in the solar system – we keep our eyes on it frequently
I-7-3  The Unified Wave Reflection Theory
How Can We Discover The Waves Reflection? And what effect of this reflection is found? The reflection of energy causes (basic changes) we can discover clearly and simply which are
The wave motion trajectory is changed
The wave velocity is SQUARED
The players are reflected (the data will explain and prove that clearly)
The data are reflected (what's used as "A" before reflection will be used as "1/A" after reflection) and (what's used as "a period of time" before reflection will be used as "a distance" after reflection)
The previous features are very important for my theory of the gravitational waves- for three reasons
(First Reason) the light beam can be produced only from (C^2), and the gravitational waves can move only by (speed of light = C= 300000 km/s)
Shortly- if the velocity (Can NOT Be Squared) No light beam can be produced
Means-the light beam is produced only after the wave reflection because the reflection causes the velocity to be squared
In next point I put powerful proves for the wave reflection, that point shows how deep effects of the squared values are found in the planets data-
I want to say, the unified gravitational wave moves by speed of light (depending on the planets data because the waves are produced by the planets motions energies) and for that the wave velocity square causes to square many related data of the planets – the data analysis proves this fact clearly
(Second Reason)
The planets data are reflected- the next point proves that with powerful data- we can't explain how can the planets data be reflected on one another?
The reflection can be done (for waves only) and not for (planets) that proves these waves are produced from these planets (and not from any gravitational field) because the wave reflection caused to reflect the planets data   
(Three Reason)
Also we follow the wave motion trajectory, and the unified wave changes its trajectory- as I have explained before- the planets motions produces energies in waves form and these waves move toward Pluto because the wave move perpendicular on the revolution direction- here we follow closely the wave motion trajectory- But the waves are unified into one unified wave and this unified wave is reflected from Pluto toward Venus- (The wave first reflection), this reflection shows the motion trajectory is changed and the energy no longer is found in Pluto orbit
By that, the energy left Pluto to Neptune then to Uranus, then to Saturn, but in Saturn the energy is reflected one more time because the data shows (the velocities square) and the data is reflected on one another (one more time)- that tells another (new reflection is done for the wave energy) this reflection (the second one) is done inside Saturn body – Saturn body works as two mirrors between which the energy is reflected and left Saturn moving in its original direction toward Venus
Venus reflects the energy toward Mars (the third reflection) and by that the energy is stored in the Earth moon orbit between Venus and Mars        
the three reasons prove that the refection of energy is a fact – the planets data analysis in next point will prove that with powerful data
The Energy Is Stored In One Unified Wave Moves By A Velocity 205.8 km/s And Revolves Around The Sun Through The Earth Moon Orbit.
This is (The One Unified Wave) in which the planets motions energies total is found and by this unified wave relative motion to the sun point of space the light beam is produced.
I-7-4  The Unified Wave Reflection Proves
(The Unified Gravitational Wave Reflection)
Let's remember, Planets motions energies create waves in the space and these waves are the gravitational waves-
The planets motions energies waves move far from their planets and unify together in Pluto orbit, and the unified wave is reflected from Pluto to Venus (first reflection),
Means, the wave moves from Pluto to Neptune to Uranus to Saturn and in Saturn the wave is reflected inside Saturn body (second reflection) and the wave left Saturn to Venus (the wave completes the motion in its original direction), then Venus reflects the wave to Mars (the third reflection)
Also we remember the wave reflection causes the following changes
The wave motion trajectory is changed
The wave velocity is SQUARED
The players are reflected
The data are reflected (what's used as "A" before reflection will be used as "1/A" after reflection) and (what's used as "a period of time" before reflection will be used as "a distance" after reflection) – let's prove this fact in following
The Proves
Proof No. (1)
Sin (3.4 deg) =(1/17.2) where (3.4 degrees = Venus Orbital Inclination) and
(17.2 degrees = Pluto Orbital Inclination)
We see clearly, Pluto orbital inclination is reflected to Venus orbital inclination.
(more analysis for the two orbital inclinations are found in the paper discussion)
Proof No. (2)
The inner planets order is
(Mercury – Mars- Venus – The Earth)
The order tells greater diameter (and mass) necessitates Longer orbital distance
(I prove Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus in my paper)
The outer planets order is
(Jupiter– Saturn – Uranus– Neptune - Pluto)
The order tells greater diameter necessitates Shorter orbital distance
The order is reflected clearly
Proof No. (3)
Venus orbital circumference 680 million km
And Mars orbital period 687 days (error 1%) -And
Venus orbital period (224.7 days)
Mars orbital distance (227.9 million km) (error 1%)
The data is reflected (what's time for one planet used as a distance for the other)
Proof No. (4)
The planets velocities proves the reflection because (v1v2= constant=322) (my equ)
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity)  x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity)
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity)        x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2    (error 2%)
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2      
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity)        x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)       (error 2%)
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity)
The constant (322) proves The Velocities Are Reflected on one another
Proof No. (5)
Each planet orbit is defined based on an angle, these angles are reflected also – let's prove that  (I suppose –There's a right triangle by the three points The Sun, Mercury and Venus) - Now
Venus angle is (61 degrees) because Venus orbital distance (108.2 mkm) x cos (61) = Venus Mercury distance (50.3 mkm) -
Here we can replace Venus with any other planet in the same triangle to define this planet angle based on similar calculation – as a result
Earth angle is (51 degrees) because Earth orbital distance (149.6 mkm) x cos (51) = Earth Mercury distance (91.7 mkm)
Mars angle is (41.7 degrees) because Mars orbital distance (227.9mkm) x cos (41.7)= Mars Mercury distance (170 mkm)
Jupiter angle is (22.2 degrees) because Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) x cos (22.2)= Jupiter Mercury distance (721 mkm)
Similar to that – Saturn angle is 16.5, Uranus angle is 11.6 deg, Neptune angle is 9.2 deg and Pluto angle is 8 deg- these angles follow the same system – for example
Pluto angle is (8 degrees) because Pluto orbital distance (5906 mkm) x cos (8)= Pluto Mercury distance (5848 mkm)
NOTICE No. (1)
The right angle and its triangle is (a hypothesis) – we Can prove it because
(v1/v2) = (θ1/ θ2)
means – these angles are rated with their planets velocities – for example
(Neptune velocity 5.4/ Pluto velocity 4.7) = (9.2 deg /8 deg)
Shortly -the angles which are defined based on the sun perpendicularity on Mercury orbit – all of them- are the correct angles by which the planets orbits are defined – that because the planets velocities are rated with these angles and Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity)- means- the planets orbits are defined based on these angles and that causes the angles rates to be equal with the velocities rates
That tells indeed the sun position is perpendicular on the (inner planets orbits) – in fact – the sun is perpendicular on the Earth moon orbit- and this perpendicularity has effect on all inner planets because of the small distances among them. 
NOTICE No. (2)
The planets angles are REFLECTED based on one another – that tells – the planets velocities also are reflected based on one another –
Let's prove that in following
940 = 2 x Venus angle (61 deg) x Pluto angle (8 deg)
940 = 2 x Earth angle (51 deg) x Neptune angle (9.2 deg)
940 = Jupiter angle (22.2 deg) x Mars angle (41.7  deg)
Mercury is not used because of the right angle -
The Conclusion
The Planets Data Are Reflected On One Another- and this reflection can be explained only if the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies- because the reflection is a feature of the wave nature- means- the planets data reflection should be used as a proof for my theory tells (the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by any gravitational field) 
The planets velocities rates create rates of time for the planets motions (which we be explained in details later), and
Because the wave reflection causes to square the velocities, that causes to square the rates of time also – we should study that in details in point no. (I-7-4)
I-7-5  The Unified Gravitational Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Theory)
The following equation is the proof for this fact
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2 where
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect for velocity 297000 km/s (= 0.99 C)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total (176 km/s) + the Earth moon velocity
(The moon velocity =29.8 km/s = the Earth velocity because they revolve together)
Why does the data use the squared value (205.8)^2?
Let's write the answer idea here and its proof is found in details in point no. (I-8-4)
The unified wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s relative to the sun point of space, the sun point motion velocity 1 km/s (we accept this motion as a hypothesis for now)  
The unified wave velocity 205.8 km/s relative to the sun velocity 1 km/s
This motion creates a rate of time (1=205.8) means
(One Hour Of The Wave Clock = 205.8 Hours Of The Sun Clock)
Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity by that (One second of Mercury clock = 1.6 seconds of the Earth clock)– by this rate of time Mercury and the Earth move equal distances in equal periods of time
Let's return to our wave
The motion causes to create the rate of time
(One Second Of The Wave Clock = 205.8 Seconds Of The Sun Clock)
But, the energy is reflected (as I have proved before) that causes to reflect the players also – means – the rate will be 
(One Second Of The Sun Clock = 205.8 Seconds Of The Sun Clock)
But the wave velocity is 205.8 km/s
While one second is passed on the sun clock, the wave clock passes 205.8 seconds and the wave moves by a velocity 205.8 km/s – means-
During one second of the sun clock, the wave passes a distance = (205.8 km)^2 = 42253 km
This is a new velocity 42253 km per second (relative to the sun clock)
We remember 300000 km = 42253 km x 7.1 and
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect
Means- if the light (300000 km/s) moves one second we will not see (300000 km) but we will see n(42253 km) because of Lorentz length contraction effect
And that makes the two velocities equivalent – means – the velocity 42253 km/s is equivalent to the speed of light 300000 km/s
(because the reflection of energy enables to reflect the geometrical effects)   
The previous analysis tells the unified gravitational wave moves by speed of light (depending on the planets motions and velocities)
I-7-6 The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (Proves)
Relativistic Effects Are Found In The Solar System
The next planets data proves there are relativistic effects in the solar system– that proves the motion by speed of light
A velocity 297000 km (=99% of speed of light) causes Lorentz length contraction effect with a rate (7.1)- (we used this rate before)
BUT- this rate is used also with a modification
(7.1/100) + 1 = 1.0725 - this rate proves the relativistic effects existence- because
This rate controls around 40% Of All Data In The Solar System –as the following data proves- no explanation for it except Lorentz length contraction effect-  
DATA No. (1) 
(243/224.7) = (29.53/27.3) = (27.3/25.4)= 1.0725 –where
243 And 224.7 Days Are Venus Rotation And Orbital Periods  
29.53 And 27.3 Days Are The Moon Orbital And Day Periods
25.4 Days The Sun Rotation Period.
DATA No. (2) 
(778.6/721)=(721/670)= (670/629)=(1433/1325)=(1284/1205)= (2872/2644)= 1.0725
These are distances measured in millions km – let's define them
778.6, 721, 670 and 629 are the distances between Jupiter and the sun, Mercury, Venus and the Earth respectively.
1433, 1325, 1284, 1025 are the distances between Saturn and the sun, Venus, the Earth and Mars respectively.
2872 and 2644 are the distances between Uranus and the sun and Mars respectively.
DATA No. (3) 
629 million km (The Earth Jupiter distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 551 million km (Jupiter Mars Distance)
4495.1 million km (Neptune Orbital Distance) =1.0725 x 2 x 2094 million km (Jupiter Uranus Distance)
5906 million km (Pluto Orbital Distance) = (1.0725)^2 x 5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)
5127 million km (Jupiter Pluto Distance)= (1.0725)^2 x 4437 million km (Mercury Neptune Distance)
2.574 million km (Earth motion distance daily) = 1.0725 x 2.4 million km (TheMoon Orbital Circumference)
(around 40% of all distances in the solar system are effected be 1.0725)
DATA No. (4) 
(28.3/26.7)=(26.7/25.2)= (25.2/23.4)=(122.5/113.4)=(97.8/91.3)= 1.0725
The values (28.3 degrees, 26.7 degrees, 25.2 degrees, 23.4 degrees) are the axial tilts of (Neptune, Saturn, Mars and the Earth) respectively –
The values (122.5 degrees, 97.8 degrees) are the axial tilts of Pluto and Uranus
113.4 degrees =90 deg +23.4 deg and 91.3 deg =90 deg+ 1.3 deg (Jupiter orbital inclination)
DATA No. (5) 
Let's remember our equation
300000 km =7.1 x (205.8)^2
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s+ the moon velocity 29.8 km/s =205.8 km/s
(the moon velocity = the Earth velocity because they revolve around the sun together)
7.1 is Lorentz Length Contraction Effect (for a velocity 0.99 speed of  light)
That shows the planets velocities total is defined based on the speed of light (300000 km/s) and that causes to find the high velocity motion in the solar system by which these relativistic effects are produced- this data supports the article discovery 
This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
This new article tells the gravitational waves can move by high velocity motion and can produce a light beam.  
I-8 The Gravitational Waves Nature Analysis (A Vision Through The Energy From Which The Solar System Is Created)
I-8-1  The Solar System Creation Theory
1-8-2  The Solar Planets Creation
I-8-3 The Rate Of Time Use
I-8-4  The Unified Wave Moves By Speed Of Light
I-8-5  Planet Velocity Analysis
I-8-6  The Sun Is Created After All Planets Creation And Motion (Proves)
I-8-7    The total solar eclipse proves the sun rays is created by the gravitational waves motions and not by the sun nuclear fusion
I-8-1  The Solar System Creation Theory
The solar system is created from one energy- this energy is provided by one light beam its velocity is 1.16 million km per second (The velocity is proved in Part II, also this velocity disproves Einstein hypothesis)
From this energy the space is created and the energy is consumed in this creation and the rest energy after the space creation is found in One Wave moves by speed of light (300000 km/s)
Shortly -We have 2 operations for the solar system creation-
(First Operation is the space creation) by this operation the energy of the original light beam (its velocity 1.16 million km per second) is consumed and that caused to decrease the speed and the rest energy is a wave moves by light speed (300000 km/s)  
(Second Operation is the planets creation)
The planets are created from this one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
This idea is proved with powerful proves in (Part II) and I put this idea here to explain that the solar planets are created from the energy of this one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s) because this is the solar planets creation cornerstone
The Conclusion /The Solar System Is One Wave Moves By Speed Of Light (C=300000 km/s) Through the space-
1-8-2  The Solar Planets Creation
We know- The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s)
Through the space- (till now NO any planet is created)  
Now -The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point Its velocity Zero relative to the moving wave its velocity is 300000 km/s
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the wave velocity 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point relative to the wave motion)–these two velocities produce a relative motion with different velocity 300000 km/s– this relative motion is the solar system design cornerstone.
Notice– The solar system is one wave moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s), or the solar system is carried on light beam moves by speed of light (C=300000 km/s),
Everything in the solar system is carried on this one light beam motion- and nothing is static- No stationary point can be found here-
This is similar to ships are found on the sea- nothing is stopped- all ships move and can't stop- because the motion is done forcedly by the sea waves.
The stationary point will be similar to the whirlpool (vortex) found on the sea page- 
We see the whirlpool doesn't move with the sea waves- for that the whirlpool can be considered as a stationary point relative to the sea waves.  
The solar system needs to create the stationary point
Now – let's try to create this stationary point in following
The solar system uses two procedures to do that,  
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion creates a stationary point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process– for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities to use them as steps to decrease the velocity to Zero- the small waves are The Planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the original wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)  
Means- the planets are created for this process to decrease the wave velocity from 300000 km/s to Zero- and The Planet Is A Small Wave Moves By Low Velocity  
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities –
Please note clearly this idea- because-
The solar system has one motor for all motions which is the wave motion by speed of light (300000 km/s) No any other motor is found in the solar system
The planets are similar to carriages in one train but the train engine is the light motion by that the only motor under all motions in the solar system is the wave motion (speed of light 300000 km/s)
So, we have to ask- how can any planet move by a velocity Less than (300000 km/s)?
Because – The Planets Use Different Rates Of Time-
The rates of time is created based on the velocities rates –
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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Clown Maurer oder Dichter · Reiner Kunze · Aufgabe und Beruf
Ich gebe zu, gesagt zu haben: Kuchenteller. Ich gebe ebenfalls zu, auf die Frage des Sohnes, ob er allen Kuchen auf den Teller legen solle, geantwortet zu haben: allen! Und ich stelle nicht in Abrede, dass der Kuchen drei Viertel der Fläche des Küchentischs einnahm. Kann man denn aber von einem zehnjährigen Jungen nicht erwarten, dass er weiß, was gemeint ist, wenn man Kuchenteller sagt? Das Händewaschen hatte ich überwacht, und dann war ich hinausgegangen, um meine Freunde zu begrüßen, die ich zum Kuchen-Essen eingeladen hatte. Frischer Kuchen von unserem Bäcker ist eine wahre Delikatesse. Als ich in die Küche zurückkehrte, kniete der Sohn auf dem Tisch. Auf einem jener Kuchenteller, die nur wenig größer sind als eine Untertasse, hatte er einen Kuchenturm errichtet, neben dem der schiefe Turm zu Pisa senkrecht gewirkt hätte. Ich sparte nicht mit Stimme. Ob er denn nicht sähe, dass der Teller zu klein sein. Er legte sich mit der Wange auf den Tisch, um den Teller unter diesem völlig neuen Gesichtspunkt zu betrachten. Er müsse doch sehen, dass der ganze Kuchen nicht auf diesen einen Teller passe. Aber der Kuchen passe doch, entgegnete er. Das eine Blech lehnte am Tischbein, und auch das andere war fast leer. Ich begann, mich laut zu fragen, was einmal aus einem Menschen werden solle, der einen Quadratmeter Kuchen auf eine Untertasse stapelt, ohne auch nur einen Augenblick daran zu zweifeln, dass sie groß genug sein könnte. Da standen meine Freunde bereits in der Tür. »Was aus dem Jungen werden soll?« fragte der erste, meine Worte aufnehmend. Er peilte den Turm an. »Der Junge offenbart ein erstaunliches Gefühl für Balance. Entweder er geht einmal zum Zirkus, oder er wird Maurer.« Der zweite ging kopfschüttelnd um den Turm herum. »Wo hast du nur deine Augen?« fragte er mich. Erst jetzt entdeckte ich, dass die von mir geschnittenen Kuchenstücke gevierteilt waren, als wären wir zahnlose Greise. Mein Freund sah die größeren Zusammenhänge: »Siehst du denn nicht, dass in dem Jungen ein Künstler steckt?« sagte er. »Der Junge hat Mut zum Nie da Gewesenen. Er verknüpft die Dinge so miteinander, dass wir staunen. Er hat schöpferische Ausdauer. Vielleicht wird aus ihm sogar einmal Dichter, wer weiß.« »Eher ein richtiger oder ein genialer Soldat«, sagte der dritte, den ich jedoch sogleich unterbrach. »Soldat? Wieso Soldat?« fragte ich auf die Gefahr hin, dem Sohn die Wörter wieder abgewöhnen zu müssen, die zu erwarten waren, sobald sich dieser Freund seiner Armeezeit erinnerte. Er antwortete: »Ein richtiger Soldat, weil er auch den idiotischsten Befehl ausführt. Und ein genialer Soldat, weil er ihn so ausführt, dass das Idiotische des Befehls augenfällig wird. Ein Mensch wie er kann zum Segen der ganzen Truppe werden.« Ich hoffte, der Sohn würde das meiste nicht verstanden haben. Am Abend hockte er sich jedoch zu Füßen seiner Schwester aufs Bett und fragte sie, was zu werden sie ihm denn rate: Clown, Maurer oder Dichter. Soldat zu werden, zog er nicht in Betracht, weil er es dann mit Vorgesetzten wie seinem Vater zu tun haben könnte. Seitdem bedenke ich, wer bei uns zu Gast ist, bevor ich eines meiner Kinder kritisiere. Clown Maurer oder Dichter · Reiner Kunze · Aufgabe Zukunft und Beruf Read the full article
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blumenwieserich · 3 months
Beruf bedeutet nicht nur: Ich will Spaß im Leben haben.
Beruf bedeutet nicht nur: Ich bekomme Geld zum überleben. Beruf bedeutet auch: Ich bringe mich für meine Mitmenschen ein, mit dem, was ich gut kann. Beruf das Wort hängt mit Berufung zusammen: Gott beruft mich zu dem, was ich für die Menschen und mich tun kann.
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renditecloud · 4 months
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