#Better safe than sorry ig
flightlaw · 6 months
Just finished PJO s1e3
Spoilers ig?
There are (and should be) going to be SO MANY MEMES based off of the oracle aren't there?
Medusa was not at all like the book, but oh man was it good
I need the full get along song (or whatever it's called) released on Spotify ASAP
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okay hi dog man fandom i drew this while waiting for my scarlet shedder to arrive in the mail cause i was really excited <<33 has literally no connection to the new book but dw about it
anyways do you ever think dog man might like to be called greg (again)
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catboy-ptsd · 8 months
just remembered it's ace week so everyone: be aware of the asexuals. we are present. we are a large amount of the population. lying in wait. there may even be some of us near you. be very aware
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peachssodapop · 1 year
Official totk rating 10/10
because the horses transfer over
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iswateredible · 1 year
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this was from a series of drawings I did of all my childhood LPS ocs
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The great thing about having not seen your mom in 5 years is you can turn your mom jokes uncomfortable really fast
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mialhell · 10 months
vent post because my friends deserve better and I just need to spill it out
maaan I am just upset now
so yesterday i was going out to buy clothes (my uniform for university) and just before getting into the bus I twisted my ankle. It hurt like a bitch but I didn't want to procrastinate on my uniform so I went anyways
3 hours walking on my twisted ankle because the pain wasn't that bad, I could move just fine, my body was just telling me I shouldn't
so we go home after 4 and a half hours and trying on 6 pairs of pants, I'm walking a little funny but the house is right there. I get home and it's just the tiiiiiniest bit swollen. I stopped moving it and an hour later I tried to walk, it hurt! a lot!
so now I got lectured about how I twisted my ankle on purpose subconsciously because I was doing something I didn't want to do, and how this coincides oh so suspiciously with my grandma breaking her leg and wow I still went and overdid it walking around to make it worse, huh?
why am I even being so dramatic about this? why do I have to make myself feel better? I should just not feel bad about this and fix it, feelings don't fix shit
I'm just the worst because accidents don't exist and the only reason I twisted my ankle is because I wanted to waste money and time
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innuwu · 1 year
Sometimes I blow my own mind when I think about what I'm eating and where I'm eating it. It's kind of surreal to think that when I eat a mango, it's very likely that people would have also been eating mangoes in the very same spot I'm in, centuries ago. Something about that makes me feel connected to the better, calmer parts of history.
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at this point, whenever i see a poll without vanilla extract as an option, my telekinesis makes the furniture fly around the room.
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annqer · 4 months
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my only goal in life is to make horror rpg maker-esque sunday art and have it in a sick edit
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sirompp · 2 years
clicking on a tumblr post tagged "blood" is always a gamble like. do they have a nosebleed? a bloody knife for the aesthetic? a small smudge on their face? is there a person cut in half? you never know
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firbolgfriend · 4 months
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I made this disease explanation last week for tt and forgot to post it here
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ao3-crack · 1 year
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I just got to baldur’s gate and I can’t get over the absolute barbie movie villain-esque theatrics gortash has going on during his coronation scene like
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Yah I totally trust this guy, don’t worry about the sinister smirk he only reveals when his back is turned to the audience he is 100% trustworthy!
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cimicherrychanga · 8 months
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Cringetober day 16: objecthead
puter :)
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g1ngerbeer · 4 months
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time's up, timeboy.
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