#Birb's jokes
iwillwringyourneck · 29 days
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i’m silly
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bibbysstuff · 2 months
Sorry I’m just imagining suit Kinito squating down to tilt your chin and I am exploding/pos
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fckin hell,,
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maomango-doodle · 1 year
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Dumping all my old Strike Hawk art here
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These 3 pages are titled "Lost and Found". It's not rly related to any particular event in the story (it's just the aftermath of a mission here) But i'd probably situate it after chapter 8 with the whole Camu ordeal. I wanted to show how Kamui has found people that accept him and care for him while Camu is left behind, living through Kamui
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glitchyycatt · 3 months
literally just want a crow to bring me shiny things but apparently they're "scary" and "eat songbirds" and "seem like a parasocial relationship to have" and i should go "make real friends"
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
Seeing that ask about the Action Bible, I suddenly remembered something from when I was in junior high and I just wanna ask if you've ever seen the Manga Bible series? This was such a wild trip
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I owned every single one of these and read it religiously
This was my heartstopper
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peripaltepsy · 8 months
I made this a year ago I must release it to the worl
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crow tit
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whiskykitteeeeee · 10 months
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I just drew this and I am very happy about it. An illustrated example of fourshadowing: the art of warning your audience to expect four of something.
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threepandas · 11 days
Bird4Bird Part 2: Yandere Hawks
(Experimenting with tenses n povs, bear with me, will post the whole thing together in the one I/you guys like best, once it's done.)
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His patrol is the exact sort of boring that he both hates and loves. On one hand? More time for flying. Freedom from the office. The watching eyes of... everybody, really. But on the OTHER hand? Boooooored. SO bored!
He's not MADE for bored!
Not that there WEREN'T distraction from said boredom below him. There definitely WERE. God, so SO many. Shiny, fascinating, fast moving distractions. ALL sorts of things to pick apart and hunt down. Rip apart and eat. And fans. So, SO many fans.
Noise and life and stimulus. Calculations and social masks.
He bet he could find a kitten in a tree somewhere.
There had to be at least ONE, rig-?
An explosion catches the corner of his eye. He snaps around, mid air, changing trajectory. Thank FUCK! Excitement fizzing even as cool attention calms him. Warm sunlight heating his back, the smell of smoke already starting to reach him, the rush of wind flying past? Is there anything better?
His eyes take in the scene as he arrives.
Botched takedown. Heavily armed combatant. Panicked crowd. He's already send feathers forward when? The combatant panics, seeing him arrive. Throws everything he has indiscriminately. Probably hoping to overwhelm him. Ha! Cute. Pointless, though.
He's already dragging civilians out of the way, when?
Children's voices. High and panicked. Screaming. The combatant had one last bomb. Is trying to run. Probably thinks he'll have to choose, as though he can't be-...
Magnificent, powerful, WINGS. Massive and sweeping. Every feather an unbreakable shield. Catching the light, past smoke and fires, white and a brown so dark it bordered on black or grey. The patterns of a harpy eagle...
A mesmerizing golden sheen, almost impossible for anyone but those with enhanced eyes to pick up, surged from the base of them. Like the spread of smooth ink across paper, the slide of silk against skin. A glint covering those magnificent wings in GOLD.
No. No, concentrate. His Feather grabs the bomb from the air and flings it upwards. To explode harmlessly in open air. He catches the menace blindly behind him. Honestly, he's done far harder with far less. He can't look away.
Even as those wings, still domed up, shuffle to safety. Move ever so gently, like a grand reveal, to release a veritable HOARD of roughed up kids. Some of whom are still clinging to their savior for dear life. Snot and tears everywhere. They bear it with surprising grace.
They're... they're HUGE~
Not a Heros build, but..? Just STANDING there they look like a threat. They clearly can't help it. Clearly have made efforts to NOT look like one. Have tracked down the cutesiest Hero Merch available to slap on their body, like might help.
It's like looking staring down a pissed off alligator in a princess tiara. There WAS An Effort! He'll give her that!
His face threatens to break out into a VERY un-PR friendly, mean little snicker. It's... God it's so FUCKIN CUTE~. She's so big. Trying to make herself so non-threatening. It's never gonna work. Any PR team worth their pay would tell her to just give up and pick a different gimmick. But... but God, those WINGS!
He HAS to know her flight speed.
So he waves off the complaining newbies he wasn't actually listening too, makes appropriate noises to the appropriate people as he passes. And makes his way over. As he get closer? Oh~?
What a SUPRISE. She's getting ripped into by local law enforcement. Which, fair, she DID use her Quirk. But that's not what HE'S talking about. He didn't even see it. He's talking about her WINGS.
Well, well, well. He KNOWS he didn't just hear local law enforcement threaten JAIL TIME over a MUTATION, did he? That's an abuse of power! He can arrest YOU for that, officer~. He decides to cut in.
"Problem, officer?" He chirps.
His hand going to his new friends shoulder in solidarity. The officer jerks to attention. But the living STEEL under his hand? Jerks violently. She jumps. It's only years of training and the warning he got from his hand physically touching her shoulder, feeling her muscles start to move, that saves him a concussion.
The wing closest to him slams out like a battering ram, flicking into an extension just to force him back further. She spins to face him. Eyes locked on, teeth unknowingly bared. And... oh. Oh~!
She has a HARPY Quirk~
Cute like fangs that can probably rip through bone, eyes like his, TALONS that dip the tips of her fingers in a black so deep and glossy, ink masters would weep in envy. And the muscles. Far beyond an athlete. Not quite a top 50 hero, but better then most hero students by far. Not balanced for fighting though, those are PURELY wing and exercise muscles.
And the longer he openly assesses? The more of her teeth are bared. The bigger her wings fluff up. The more her hands spread into clawed, furious, weapons. Ready to swing at his head. Her eyes slowly lighting with aggravation and confrontational aggression.
He used to get like this too. HATED being stared at. He got it trained out of him.
He... he can't help it.
It's too cute. She's SO MAD. He knows he shouldn't. He's supposed to be a top 5 hero. The commission's golden boy. Everyone's watching. Always IS. He needs to behave himself, remember his PR training.
Don't. Do. The Thing...
He reaches out and tugs a feather. She has a mean right hook.
He gets yeeeeeelled at. Sad face. His handlers want to throw the book at her. For once, he puts his foot down. Absolutely Not. HE started that fight. HE'S the one who should have known better. He doesn't CARE if her records show she's a "trouble maker"! (That's a lie. He's CURIOUS now~. Oooooh~ What did you DO, lil harpy? Vengeance? Justice? Speeding ticket?)
They let it go.
He? He does NOT. He knows he should. This is a Bad Habit of his. No, WAS. It WAS a Bad Habit. He's BETTER then this now. There were trainers. Psychological exams. Drugs. All FIXED now! Promise! See? Doesn't even have that Endeavor collection he used to keep.
TOTALLY forgot how they tore it away from him. Destroyed it. Ha ha! He barely even REMEMBERS the EXACT Face, Name, Current Location, and Home Address of every single individual involved in THAT little incident! He's let it GO! Forgot about it, really. Yeeeep, the panic and rage DEFINITELY don't keep him up at night. The helplessness. As they took what was HIS-!!
Deeeep inhale. Exhale. Remember to smile!
So, yeah.
Where was he? Right! His Bad Habit That He DOES NOT HAVE ANYMORE. Because he's FIXED now. All better! He's just... taking responsibility, you know? Wants the chance to keep messing with her. Maybe see if he can get a glorious creature like that her very own flyers license.
Cause, DAMN. Wings like THOSE should be airborne.
God he wants to race her so bad.
Luckily~ he's hired the BEST lawyers. (Love you Tadashi~ say hi to your boo~) and the Judge? A big Fan! Yay, FAVORS! (Guess where YOUR going, little hunter? Run but you can't hiiiiide~) She? Looks SO unimpressed to see him? It's GREAT.
She's even WORSE in a suit. It's hilarious.
Maybe it's just THAT suit. God it's so frumpy. What, did she find it in the "generics weekly" catalog? She should wear armor. Ooooh, a flight suit! Something form fitting and sleeveless to show off them GUNS. Never thought HE'D get to be the one who feels dainty in a relationship, but...
Ah. Wait.
Gotta HAVE a relationship, first...
Unfortunately? Tall, buff, and gorgeous is so pissed to BE here? It's unlikely she'll notice any subtle flirtations....
He's not sure what his face is doing, but the expression is enough to make her HISS, wings mantling in a threat display.
Oh, yeah. Oh this is gonna be FUN~♡
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clown-bear · 2 years
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May I interest you. in some tits in those trying times
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halfapersob · 1 year
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chreechers kissing
Completed with @totallynotagremlin
We drew this very tierd amd exhausted and were dying. On a church pamphlet that doesn't belong to us
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fate-defiant · 1 year
yes yes don't fix what ain't broke but when are we gonna address the fact that Princess Tutu never once utilized the fact that ravens can mimic human speech
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kiwibirb1 · 23 days
She hit the floor
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f1-birb · 1 month
needs to qualify far away from lewis at this point.
if I had a nickel for every time something Lewis did in a sprint heavily impacted Lando's race I'd have two nickels
which isn't a lot but is weird it's happened twice
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extreme-neutral · 10 months
Shit, sorry I'm late! I didn't initially plan on participating in @lazyvoyager's prompt since I couldn't come up with anything. Right until a day ago, as I was lying in bed, me brain went 💡
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This man is not a real human!!
He's five racoons in a trench coat.
ok, i keedzy
He was just jumping zoo enclosures to pet all the animals.
That is, until he got to the terrarium and decided to snatch some residents. For a walk, not permanently! No clue what this "burglary" charge is about.
Anyway, good times. Cop shop seemed like a decent place to commemorate the occasion with a group photo. 👍👍👍
Gonna make a magnet out of it to slap on Rangers' fridge.
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glitchyycatt · 3 months
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