#Black Panther will wrestle anything
roachesbf · 1 year
Anywho, mind the intro, if you haven’t done anything for Ghost within the courting series yet…
Imagine Ghost as a feline of sorts, like.. a black panther or a lion. Just a silly little guy. He’d be the type of cat that’s got that judgemental look until they see their favourite person and their eyes get all big.
Type of guy that loves to wrestle for play, and provides food/gifts for his S/O. Typical dead mouse on the doorstep type of gift.
He wouldn’t be much into physical contact, but god would he melt when his chin is scratched of his ears are gently rubbed. And rather than holding hands, he’d constantly have his tail wrapped around your arm or leg. The small purrs he would emit but deny.
Just a silly little guy all together, got that rescue cat energy to him<3
Anywho, love your work and be sure to take care of yourself!!<33
- 🪶
Black Panther Ghost Courting Headcanons
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Ghost does give very much sheltered cat vibes once the two of you are in a settled relationship lol. It was a bit difficult at first because he had a hard time showing affection to you in normal ways. The main indicator of him liking you was on missions, he’d present to you a kill and wait until you said something, especially if it was someone who in turn was going to hurt you. If you praise him he’ll croon but he won’t tell you what the noise means. If you question him on why he brought it he’ll just hum and turn away. After putting the puzzle pieces together it was just him trying to show off that he can protect you. 
Once he knows that the two of you are comfortable with each other, it’s practically a mess. Your bed sheets and pillow covers are ripped up from his claws because it’s his way of marking your room as his territory as well. He always apologizes but the smug look in his eyes show that he’s not actually sorry and that the next time you buy new ones, he’ll do it again. Along with that, he’ll curl his tail onto your leg during meetings, or anywhere. To him it’s the easiest way of telling others to back off without actually saying anything. If you try to catch him off guard by grabbing it he’ll smack your hand away and scold you for it later, he can’t be caught lacking in front of the soldiers, he’s got a reputation to uphold. 
Ghost is a big fan of training because he always forgets how big and heavy he truly is. Something in his brain switches and he views training as a way to just play and mess around with you. The more you fight back, the more adrenaline he feels. And if he wins he’ll be a good sport about it, of course he takes it seriously for your sake by also giving out pointers. But training always gives him a rush because there really are no hard feelings in it. If your body isn’t too sore by the end of it he’ll allow a break in the comfort of your room, letting you lay on top of his chest as the two of you try to regain your energy. His gross skull mask will be off, but you’ll have to peel the balaclava halfway up if you wanna give him chin scratches. His stubble feels weird but it’s also a part of the charm when he gets comfortable and starts rubbing his face all over you. 
It’s cute that when he truly is comfortable he’ll start purring unconsciously, his tail slightly swinging back and forth on the bed. He’ll start kneading at your back, and it’s not until you start giggling does he notice his lovesick behavior, which ultimately makes him stop. If you whine and complain for him to continue, he’ll deny anything even happened and get up to go make tea or something, anything to distract him from how red his face is from being caught. I feel like Ghost is a really petty guy so it’s best to not say anything or he will make sure he never does it in front of you again. 
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what-if-rpg · 1 year
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Welcome to the family, HAN! Your application to DANIELLE HARPER was accepted. We’re really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Danielle “Dani”  Elizabeth Harper CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28, August 21st OCCUPATION: Barista/Aspiring Singer-Songwriter. FACE CLAIM: Demi Lovato HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: Taylor, Texas, NYC, New York SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Lesbian, Cisgender Female RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: warm, dedicated, gifted NEGATIVE TRAITS: aloof, anxious, hypercritical CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: “My mind and me. We don't get along sometimes. And it gets hard to breathe. But I wouldn't change my life. And all of the crashin' and burnin' and breakin', I know now.”- My Mind & Me (Selena Gomez) ANYTHING ELSE?: I’d like to tweak the headcanons a bit with name changes and a couple of concept changes which I’ve included below, copying and pasting what was written previously. I also think I’d like for her to be a barista, working to make ends meet and song-writing on the side with the goal to be a singer one day. She’s just hustling and making her way in NYC at the moment. I’d like the evolution of her career to be something I explore through her dash interactions, tasks and self-paragraphs. Oh, my favorite Marvel character is Black Panther.
Dani will always love Santana even now, she was the girl that got away and Dani regrets letting her go, but she is too prideful to admit it, and seeing Santana being happy with Brittany leaves her melancholy, and often, when she’s drunk, a bit bitter and resentful. She keeps Santana and Britt at a distance and tries her best to fake it as she wrestles with the one that got away.
Dani has a notebook of songs that she’s too shy to share with anyone just yet but she can  be seen singing covers and trying out a few of her originals at the local coffee shop she works at.
Dani had her first time with Santana, it was special and romantic (yet with a little bit of booze in their systems). She hasn’t sleep with anyone else since.
Dani struggles with depression, anxiety and PTSD from her home life. Her father, once her biggest hero, the one she would sit at the pew and watched for hours, turned violent, angry, lashing out at her family. She struggles most when the voices of her past come back to haunt her. .  She escaped to NYC at the pushing and prodding of her grandmother after her father kicked her out of the house.
Dani has a crush on Juliette Fabray, a best friendship that’s beginning to bubble into something more. Dani’s not quite ready to admit to herself what it could mean.
PARENTS: Ramon & Gina Harper. Growing up, Dani, known primarily as Danielle in a small town just outside of Austin was a devoted church kid, the one who taught Sunday school to younger children while her father preached in the next room, or sat at the pews next to her mother. Gina knew that her daughter was gay but her father, a devout Catholic preacher in the bible belt, couldn’t stand to face what that would mean for the church and his reputation. So, she kicked her out. SIBLINGS/OTHER IMPORTANT FAMILY: Grandmother, Grandmother Lila Jean, was the one who took Dani in when her parents kicked her out. Dani talks to her grandmother weekly, if not daily when she’s struggling the most. CLOSE FRIEND: Rachel Berry & Quinn Fabray: They both took it upon themselves to take Dani under their wing and welcome her to the big city. Juliette Fabray: Her best friend and current crush. Juliette spends a lot of time reading at the coffee shop/bookstore that Dani currently works at. Dani gives her free drinks and they chat over the newest book that Juliette is inevitably reading.
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prqltothesql · 2 years
Been feeling really really depressed recently. Like REALLY depressed since my birthday. So here’s what my 2022 has been like
- Started an indoor drumline at the brand new HS that I’m teaching at. We did a show of Spider-Man music from the Spider-Man PS4 game, the Into the Spider-Verse movie and Avengers. We did standstill so it was low-commitment, low importance, but they had an undefeated season (of two shows lmao) and the kids did great. - Taught Middletown’s pit and wrote their show which was in dedication to Kevin, who passed in July 2021. We did Jupiter, Schism, Wish You Were Here and Waiting on the World to Change, which are 4 very different songs but I think I made it work. Kids did great, I met a new tech named Lauren from UD who was super awesome and became one of my closest friends during the season. At Wildwood, while we only finished 5th, we finished 2nd in music, getting 1st overall in music achievement from the only judge on the panel worth a damn. Was my last season after working with them since 2014 and a great way to go out. - Saw Tool, Dream Theater and John Petrucci live in concert this year, as well as seeing 3 wrestling shows; NJPW, AEW and WWE. - Saw The Batman, Doctor Strange 2, Jurassic World: Dominion, Thor: Love and Thunder, Rogue One IN IMAX!, Clerks III, Black Panther 2 - My dad died this year. I’ve been wrestling hard with my grief all year and it’s hitting really hard as we get to my birthday, Christmas and the New Year, all things that were extremely important to my dad and us as a family. A few weeks before he died, he started doing a bunch of stuff around here. Fixing my ceiling. Putting up floor jacks in the basement, fixing things, offering to buy me things I wanted. It was very weird, like he knew he was gonna die and didn’t have long. Two days before he died, he had a mini-heart attack. He said he threw up and was sweating and having chest pains, every sign of a heart attack. Yet that same day, he had his friend over to record and was helping him record a song. The day before he died, he woke up feeling great, we ate dinner, he was in an awesome mood, everything was fine, and he woke up the next day, had another heart attack and died. My sister didn’t wake me up cause she didn’t want to leave him alone, even though I was right upstairs and it would have taken just a few seconds. I don’t know if there was anything I could have done, or anything anyone could have done at that point. I never got to say goodbye to him. I never got that chance. I woke up and he was dead. - I planned his funeral and burial, I think I did a good job but didn’t write a eulogy, just gave some haphazard speech that went only a couple of minutes. That still haunts me. I miss him so much and think about him every day. The grief, the regret, the anxiety, the depression, the guilt. It’s not been 5 stages of grief, it’s just been a recurring cycle, ping-ponging back and forth between all of them, never quite hitting acceptance. - After he died, I gained a lot of weight and wasn’t active in the summer to the point where a brisk walk made me short of breath and caused my back to ache. After doing more band, I felt a lot better, but I still haven’t lost any of the weight I put on. - I went and saw a Blue Rocks game with Rachel on Father’s Day, just so we didn’t have to sit at home and refresh social media and see a bunch of stuff about Father’s Day. I went and saw 2 drum corps shows with Drew and it was really really fun just getting to go and be a spectator and talk shit and watch shows. - I met a girl online who lived in Ohio who we talked for 3 months and then she blocked me on everything and ghosted me out of nowhere. So there’s that. - On a whim, I applied for a job teaching the front ensemble at George Mason University. The director is a guy I’ve known since I was in HS, also a Delaware guy. I’ve never taught or marched world class, I’ve only taught HS for a majority of my teaching career. I didn’t think I’d get it, but I applied anyways, interviewed for it and was offered the position. I’ve gone down 6 out of the 8 weekends so far and it’s been a blast but very humbling. I never would have gotten the chance to do this had my dad been alive. He hated me doing band, and now with me driving down on the weekends and being gone all weekend, stranding my sister here by herself, he’d have lost it and it would have been miserable. But instead these weekends are like little adventures for me, and I’m learning so much and getting my name out there for possibly other things. It’s a bittersweet thing. - I got COVID. After the first marching band competition of the season, I felt bad, wound up being sick, wound up testing positive for COVID. My sister also got it. I’m vaccinated, my sister is not, but it both hit us equally as hard. That was really rough. - Odessa went to ACCs as a competing unit for the first time this year and it was at Hersheypark Stadium, so getting to take this little band to such a big time place was awesome, and we finished 3rd in percussion and 3rd in colorguard, which was huge. Last year was weird because I was still dealing with strife with my dad about teaching again, I was double dipping at Middletown because I was loyal to Kevin’s memory and Garrett, and Odessa was only doing a backing-track-led Festival class show. And Middletown had a core of seniors in the drumline. So it was hard splitting my time. But this year, committed only to teaching one school, it was a lot better. And I enjoy working with Odessa because the kids are brand new and only learning what I’m teaching them, so I can drill in fundamentals. I don’t have to break bad habits or change culture. I’m creating the culture, I’m creating the technique program. It’s been super fun. - I’m still at my job. We lost our manager back in February and we gained a new one back in August. It’s been rough in that transition as she’s changing the paradigm in our department, but it’s been good. - We lost our second to last dog, Wolfie, back last November. The last remaining dog, my dog Angel, she doesn’t have long either, so I’m dealing with a lot of sadness and anxiety about her, hoping she’s good, trying to keep her health the best I can these last few days, weeks, months she has. Overall, I’m in a decent position in my life. I’m still single, I’m still in the same crappy house, I’m still stuck with my sister. But I’ve made moves, I’ve improved as a teacher, I have two really great jobs lined up teaching and I’m having a blast at both, whether I’m good or having success or nobody likes me or not, it’s been very fulfilling. And I’ve done a lot of cool stuff and despite the soul-crushing sadness of losing my dad that has taken hold of in my heart, a lot more opportunities to live life and have fun have opened up for me and Rachel and it’s been interesting learning how to live in this new life.
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #169: If We Should Fail -- the World Dies Tonight
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March, 1978.
This is a bit of an odd duck.
As I’ve mentioned, its a filler issue.
It only features Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Panther.
The cover is neat though. Three dooms so the spiked ball pink energy sort of separates the cover into a sort of triptych of the situations where I guess these three Avengers are looking for the three dooms.
Since there’s no last time context that will make this make any more sense, lets get into it.
We start with Iron Man doing a crossword while Captain America and Black Panther help him, moodily.
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Considering that they’re enjoying some downtime, they don’t seem to be, well, enjoying it.
So maybe its no great loss after all when the wall explodes and a green-armored man stomps in promising the Avengers a battle to the death!
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The battle doesn’t start off great for the Avengers. Perhaps because of poor planning.
Cap jumps at the guy and just gets grabbed and thrown. Iron Man rushes straight at him and gets multiply missiles for his haste. Black Panther grabs him but the dude can heat his suit up to two hundred degrees.
Also, apparently the green armor is a hyper-suit that this intruder spent millions on.
The Avengers get their shit together and start attacking in unison, managing to get some repulsor and mighty shield hits on him.
But then things get... weird.
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And a bit uncomfortable.
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The guy starts shouting stuff like “Fight me, Avengers -- fight and kill me!” and “Fire your repulsor rays at me -- until I’m dead! Destroy me! That is my last wish!”
The Avengers realize that there’s more going on here and presumably suspect that they’ve been duped into aiding some guy’s suicide by Avenger or extremely niche fetish.
But since the guy will kill them and is breaking their mansion in the meantime, Iron Man knocks the wind out of his sails with some sustained repulsoring.
Iron Man unmasks the stunned aggressor and discovers... JASON BEERE!?
Well, we don’t know who this is but Iron Man recognizes him. Beere is one of Tony Stark’s major competitors.
So what is this all about? Some extremely niche fetish?
Jason Beere: “Because I am dying... because, when my heart gives out -- when I breathe my last -- I -- I want the world to die with me!”
And then he passes out. Because he’s dying.
Iron Man flies Beere to the Stark Industries Flushing plant and tells the Avengers to meet him there.
And by Avengers I mean Captain America and Black Panther.
I don’t know where Thor, Wonder Man, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Yellowjacket, Beast, or the Wasp are. Probably at the opera.
Anyway, to save Beere, Iron Man uses a spare chest plate and an artificial respirator to keep him alive.
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When Cap and Black Panther arrive, Iron Man tells them what he’s learned... somehow.
Iron Man: “Listen, Beere’s a megalomaniac -- he’s planted four bombs somewhere in the world, and they’re all set to explode the moment his heart stops. They’re neutron warheads, powerful enough to obliterate all life on Earth. Friends -- simply said -- Beere wants to take us all with him when he goes!”
Wait, four bombs? Then why three dooms? Cover, you’ve lied to me yet again!
Anyway, maybe Iron Man visited Beere’s office after temporarily saving Beere’s life but before Cap and Black Panther showed up. Because as Cap parachutes into Peru, he thinks to himself about the information they got from the notes in Beere’s office-safe.
For example, the location of three of the bombs.
And that Beere’s wife left him and took the children the previous year.
And how to disarm the bombs.
Anyway, this filler has chapters because. So:
Chapter 2: The Temple of Winged Death!
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Cap just finds the first spiky orb neutron bomb chilling out in an alcove of a Peruvian pyramid.
Its not even hidden. Its almost too easy.
Oop, spoke too soon. Cap aggroed some locals.
Now these bird helmed fellows are just defending their sacred temple but Cap is trying to save the world. Its one of those unfortunate ‘smoking gun’ things that fiction sets up.
They also don’t speak English so he can’t communicate with them and since he dives in punching and also swivels one of their number into the path of a poisonous dart attack, I don’t think they’d be too keen to listen to him.
Seriously though, Cap? Dick move.
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You have a shield.
I mean, sure, they have a cure for their own poisons so the man will live. Provided someone gets the cure to him in time.
That’s how Cap justifies it to himself anyway while patting himself on the back for not being a killer.
I’m being uncharitable.
Anyway, the priest or perhaps falconer of the tribe shows up. He can speak English.
And it transpires that instead of just defending their land, they were paid by Beere to kill Captain America should he show up.
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For shame, comic. Turning the bird hatted people into evil mercenaries to justify Cap’s invasion of their territory and indirect poisoning of one.
This does raise questions though.
Beere evidently knew that the Avengers would find his bombs and made contingencies for it. He also knew that Captain America specifically would go for this bomb. And I guess knew that only three Avengers would be in this issue and that they wouldn’t bother calling others.
Truly an unique mastermind, this Jason Beere.
Anyway, Cap swings from a branch, uses some bees to attack the sacred harpy eagles, sproings off a branch, nabs the neutron spike orb and flees for his Quinjet.
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Because putting most of your points into Acrobatics works.
Chapter 3: Black Prowler... White Death!
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Meanwhile, Black Panther was sent to the arctic circle so he could wax philosophic about being a prince of a tropical country now alone in a world of eternal cold.
Truly he is misplaced wherever he roams.
Oh and Black Panther pretty easily finds his bomb too. Just sitting right inside an ice cave.
Which happens to be the ice cave ice lair of the biggest polar bear Black Panther has ever seen.
Life hack: You don’t have to pay natives to murder an Avenger if you just put a bomb in a polar bear cave. -taps temple-
So obviously, Black Panther is going to wrestle that polar bear. That’s just the inevitable path that this comic set him on.
Plus, the man once put Silver Surfer in an arm bar. He’ll wrestle anything. He’ll wrestle himself.
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He kind of goofed up though. He forced the polar bear to stumble off of a ledge, probably to knock it out, but he misjudged the thickness of the ice.
So down they go into the freezing water.
With the cold numbing him and also a lack of oxygen, Black Panther has to abandon his plan to wrestle the bear.
Instead he breaks an icicle over bjorne’s head and then uses his face as a springboard back to the surface.
Like Cap, Black Panther too doesn’t want to kill. Its not the polar bear’s fault that its a killing machine. It needs to kill to eat. Black Panther just doesn’t want to be eaten. But he wishes him luck with the next meal that isn’t Black Panther.
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Also, damn, I don’t think he has a change of clothes and he’s soaked to the bone. Also his costume is explicitly freezing due to the water soaked into it. Walking away from this without hypothermia is a testament to something.
Black Panther’s willpower perhaps.
Chapter 4: Madness Over Moscow!
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I notice that all three of these bombs were placed so that the Avengers would have to invade someone else’s turf to retrieve them. I wonder if that’s an overall thematic point or Beere’s just being a dick.
Since he wants the world to die with him and he isn’t a sympathetic anime girl with a cape, its probably the latter.
Iron Man actually wanted to call ahead and get the cooperation of the Soviets (because even if he saves the world from Beere’s bombs, ratcheting up the doomsday clock by annoying the Russians is hardly an ideal outcome) but realized that coming to them and saying hey can I ransack your museum for a bomb that my fellow capitalist countryman hid there wouldn’t come off well.
So he figures its better to never have to ask forgiveness than permission and he’ll sneak this shit.
Problem: Beere’s is a dick.
He set up secret messages for the Soviets to intercept that revealed Iron Man was going to invade the country.
So they were watching for Iron Man.
How did Beere’s know that it would only be these three Avengers? Geez.
Iron Man starts pondering along similar lines as Cap. Obviously Beere knew the Avengers would find his notes and go to retrieve the bombs. Its almost as if he wanted them to find his bombs. But why?
And why any of this? If the plan was for the world to die with him, why involve suicide by Avengers at all? Why not just quietly commit suicide? Why alert the Avengers at all to what was going on?
Iron Man finds the bomb but the museum is booby-trapped to prevent burglars from escaping.
Burglars don’t tend to have power armor though. I mean, yeah, they do. But mostly in New York.
So Iron Man just seals his mask from the knockout gas and OH YEAHs through the wall.
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He retrieves the bomb but finds himself surrounded by Russian soldiers with heavy ordinance.
Given that, he asks if they want to hear a story.
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Chapter 5: A Fateful Decision!
Iron Man returns with his bomb!
There was a bit of a delay as he had to let Soviet officials examine the device but once they did they were more than willing to let him remove it from their country as soon as possible please.
So with all three bombs, its time to stick them together like in the blueprints.
Black Panther asks if they should follow Beere’s instructions. He is the guy that’s trying to blow up Earth. But Iron Man examined the spike balls and there’s no detonator.
Putting the devices together absolutely will not explode in their faces, guaranteed.
And it doesn’t.
Point to Iron Man.
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Instead, it plays a pre-recorded message. I guess they’re really spiky tape players.
Jason Beere: “Greetings, Avengers! I congratulate you on locating my first three devices! But then, I knew you would succeed. You see, my diary and notes were planted for you to discover. They were to lure you away from the real bomb! A bomb primed to explode when my heart beats its last. My doctors say I will die within the month. That is not fair for a man who is worth two hundred million dollars. Therefore I decided, when I go -- the world will go with me! You have been duped Avengers -- sent on fools’ errands! And now... now it is too late. I am dying, and the final bomb has been activated. Farewell, Avengers! We shall met again soon... in the great galactic gameroom -- beyond!”
Captain America slams his fist down on a computer bank in frustration for being snookered and maybe even smeckldorfed.
But not so fast: Beere’s may have been one step ahead but Iron Man was half of a step ahead of him.
When he examined the device, he realized it wasn’t a bomb but a tape player. And with that realization, he deduced most of Beere’s plot. And having heard the tape, he’s also deduced the location of the fourth and real bomb.
Because Beere’s is that kind of asshole. Like Iron Man said, he could have quietly committed suicide and nobody would have been wiser to his plan or able to stop it.
He wanted the Avengers to know, to try, and to fail. I don’t know why. The guy is a megalomaniac. Its not enough that the world dies with him. He wanted to beat the Avengers and have someone know how brilliant he was before he died.
So he couldn’t help but drop a clue because thats what people do, I guess, when they think they’re so much smarter.
The fourth bomb is primed to explode when Beere’s heart beats its last.
The bomb is attached to his heart.
And Beere’s didn’t reckon with something else either. Tony Stark keeps his heart troubles a secret. Nobody knows that Iron Man needs the chest plate to live, even though he keeps keeling over anytime anybody so much as lightly bumps into his chest during fights.
The chestplate is keeping Beere’s heart going. And its giving the Avengers time enough to try to disarm the bomb.
Unfortunately, after running some tests, Iron Man determines that the bomb can’t be removed. If they try, it will detonate.
So plan B.
The Avengers put Beere in a cryogenic chamber. Beere’s heart will be slowed down but non-stop.
Maybe one day they’ll find a way to remove the bomb. But until then, Jason Beere will live. Its no life but he’ll live.
Rather than die young, he’ll probably outlive all the Avengers.
There’s a real something feeling about that. Poignant or ironic or some other thing. Lash out in rage over dying young and end up frozen alive forever.
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Iron Man: “He is a true Eternity Man...”
Black Panther: “Whose every heartbeat keeps the world alive!”
And I presume that Eternity Man is frozen to this day. Hopefully Tony Stark doesn’t go bankrupt like the three times that has happened and lose the ability to keep the cryogenic chamber going.
Maybe they’d better just have Jean Grey launch the entire facility into space so it can be safely detonated...
Anyway, that was filler.
It was okay filler.
Iron Man basically solves everything off-panel and wraps everything up in a hurry on the last page but so it goes.
I’ll forever wonder why the other Avengers didn’t get involved but there’s no refunds on opera tickets. And the Ring Cycle was playing.
Next time we get back to the Korvac Saga. Or as I like to think of it Part One of the Peter Henry Gyrich Ruins Everything Saga.
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hi dollface.
❥ i’m 19 and i go by the pronouns she/her. personally, i rather not have my name all over the internet, so you all can call me four things, angel, princess, star, or venus.
—those are the cutest things i could think of at the moment.
❥ i’m black, so generally speaking when i write i’m envisioning a black person. not all of my fics are labeled black reader though.
❥ i do take requests. i easily get tired out though so your request may take a moment. please pay attention to when i’m taking request and when i’m not.
—if you request something when i’m not taking any i might use it for inspo and specify where it’s from or i’ll just ignore it until, or if, i get to it.
❥ send me asks to just talk about stuff, i always see requests and that’s it. y’all are so funny on here. ask me about my day, tell me about yours, or about a tik tok or something.
❥ i’m in school and my life gets too much sometimes. bare with me babes, i’m trying.
❥ i also don’t mind people asking me about why something in my writing is that way, but if you make a big deal out of it (and i mean you’re just really going in) 9/10 i’m obviously gonna get annoyed.
—if it was any other person you wouldn’t care and wouldn’t say anything. if it was your work with dumb questions on it you’d get heated. don’t piss me off. i came to read, write, and relax.
enough of that, i’m here to have fun. i hope you can have fun with me <333
now who do i write for? ↴
Criminal Minds
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
House of Wax
Bo Sinclair
Nick Jones
Wade Felton
Roman Reigns
Carmelo Hayes
Bron Breaker
Seth Rollins
Jon Moxley
Hangman Adam Page
Jeff Hardy
Mustafa Ali
Baron Corbin
The Lost Boys
Michael Emerson
On My Block
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Cesar Diaz
Ruby Martinez
Jamal Turner
Rue Bennett
Ethan Lewis
Black Panther
Shuri Udaku
Riri Williams
T’Challa Udaku
Namor - K'uk'ulkan
Lil Meech
Jahking Guillory
Michael Rainey Jr.
—if a series you want to be added to is completed i won’t add you, but you will be placed on any possible sequel or backstory.
okay now that that’s out the way, let’s have some fun! that’s why we’re here.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ and if no one has told you this today then its okay because i will, i love you and i hope you have an amazing day. keep going, it was the best decision i made. <3 *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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amazonianbeauties · 3 years
She-Bulk No More
It was only a matter of time, fellow schmoes. 
In “Avengers” (2018) #750, we see She-Hulk absorb large amounts of gamma radiation. The result gives us a She-Hulk with massive muscles and bulging veins, looking like she’s about ready to explode. And she does...
When the smoke clears, we’re greeted with the sassy, sensational She-Hulk of old!
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And comic fans collectively cheer as the lean, green, sass machine makes her much-awaited return. While schmoes... Well, we’re left a little disappointed. 
Ever since Brian Michael Bendis’s “Civil War 2″ (2016), Marvel’s treated us to a bigger and bulkier She-Hulk with a meaner and tougher personality. She-Hulk is put in a coma by Thanos. When she wakes up, she seems... different.
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Hubba hubba.
Maybe not the reaction that Bendis and Marvel wanted, but a She-Hulk with full lips, long hair, and beefy Death by Snu-Snu arms is going to awaken something in a man of culture like me. 
We saw more of this She-Hulk in writer Mariko Tamaki’s “Hulk” run, a series that followed a traumatized Jennifer Walters struggling with her savage persona. Some artists did a decent job at drawing her sinewy new look, while others... 
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But then, towards the end of Tamaki’s run, we got the sensational She-Hulk back for a bit. 
Then “Avengers” (2018) happened. Creative team Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness were attached, and fans were given a taste of what to expect with the release of a new cover. On it, you had Thor, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Captain America, and She--
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If you thought She-Hulk was big before, this one ate the last She-Hulk and made a run for it with her gains. But what happened? Wasn’t She-Hulk back to normal now? 
A theory of mine is that Jason Aaron wasn’t aware that Mariko Tamaki was going to change She-Hulk back to normal. Notice how McGuinness drew She-Hulk on the cover of “Avengers” #2.
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There’s no scars, but this basically grey She-Hulk. Even down to the eyes, although some artists were inconsistent with those. 
Either way, the explanation for Shulkie’s beefier form was that she came into contact with a dying celestial, who gave her a cosmic power-up in order to fight The Final Host. 
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The reception was mixed, to say the least. Not just because of the big muscles, but because She-Hulk became more of a lumbering oaf like her cousin, Bruce Banner’s Hulk. At least in the Tamaki run, Shulkie still had her wits about her.
If anything, Jen was just angrier and more terse with people. Sometimes that anger made her take things too far. 
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Aaron didn’t help matters when he wrote “Avengers” #20, a passive-aggressive issue in which She-Hulk battled “trolls” while wrestling with the criticisms thrown her way about her new looks. We even get this infamous panel. 
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Anyway, of all the artists who did the best job portraying beefier She-Hulk, my favorite would have to be Ed McGuinness. 
McGuinness is known for his musclebound superheroes, especially his renderings of the Hulk. He admits that, while editorial wanted her huge, he tried to maintain her femininity to make drawing her somewhat enjoyable (which may also explain the Big Barda inspired costume). I’d say the result speaks for itself. 
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Unfortunately, Ed appeared less frequently on the title. He’d drop in every once in awhile with amazing artwork, but She-Hulk was nowhere to be found half the time. 
She would show up in other series, though, like “The Immortal Hulk” (2018) . While her first appearance there was SERIOUSLY rough, Joe Bennet eventually got the hang of it and did some beautiful drawings of her, including this now iconic cover of “The Immortal She-Hulk” (2020). 
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It’s safe to say her return to form is because of the upcoming Disney Plus She-Hulk show, which is coming out sometime in 2022. There was no way the MCU was going to have She-Hulk show up on-screen looking like a beefcake. Although, there could always be the possibility of us seeing a savage She-Hulk in the future. Who knows? 
At any rate, while her dim-witted personality wasn’t the best, it was nice to see a new side of She-Hulk. To think a schmoe like me lived in a time where I could crack open a comic book and see a beautiful, long-haired, fortress of a woman with bulging biceps, rippling abs, meaty traps... 
Excuse me. I’ve got some light reading to do. 
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viscoushibiscus · 3 years
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I got the idea for this AU like AGES ago and wanted to finally finish the dream team characters ( just for comparison, this was started back when Niki didn't fully dye her hair pink yet, and it's probably made somewhere during Tommy's exile). I just really like the dichotomy between herbivores and carnivores in Beastars and thought exploiting them for possible fluff and angst is a great idea. Here are a few head cannons I came up with:
-Dream is a coyote, and one of the strongest students at the school (Cherryton academy or maybe another school?). Everyone thinks he's going to be the next Beastar because of his charisma and very accepting nature, though it's a tough pick between him and Techno.
-thing people don't know abt him is dream actually goes to the black market (place for herbivore meat trade, which is illegal) very often.
-He used to sneak out of class with Sapnap, and one time he brought Sapnap to the black market. He and Sapnap ended up making it sort of a monthly to bi-weekly thing
-when the two became friends with George, however, Sapnap started to feel bad for eating herbivore meat and started flaking out. Dream tried to reason with him that it's "completely different" but sapnap still refuses to go because he feels he has at least SOME moral backbone to fight his carnivore instincts. the whole affair kinda puts a stick in their once strong as hell friendship. Sapnap still sticks by his values though, especially when he makes friends with Karl ( a llama) and Quackity (a duck). Dream still thinks of Sapnap as a coward for being such a softie.
-dream acts very protectively over George ( who is a dwarf rabbit), and George is either completely oblivious to his advances or has zero self-preservation instincts being next to a carnivore.
-idk if Sapnap as a panda bear would be 2 meters tall or have to take the government-mandated medication, but just for the angst factor, imagine him having to take that strength-reducing medication, and always gets such a bad head-ache. He's just in his dorm room, writhing in pain, and bbh always comes and brings him soup, or honey, and comforts him, rubbing his back, encouraging him.
-Bbh is the absolute nicest panther ever, he was probably a past beastar or gonna be a candidate for one.
-Tommy has a one-sided rivalry with dream, Tommy doesn't want to be a beastar as much as he wants to just kick Dreams ass at something like Techno does and put him in his place.
-One time though, tommy decides to follow Dream when dream sneaks out late at night. Worst f**king decision ever made. He is lead to the black market, and the moment he steps in, he's IMMEDIATELY overwhelmed by all the scents and smells, it's so so much. He sees all the herbivore meat hanging from hooks and stuff, at first he's pulled to it, but immediately cowers out, thinking of tubbo and techno and starts having a mini panic attack in the alleyway. He runs away as soon as he can.
-The next day, Tommy feels very uncomfortable around everyone. He's just very reactive to the slightest movement. He's an omnivore, so he doesn't have that need for meat as carnivores do, but he's still pulled to it. Nearly biting off Tubbo's hand at some point. At that point, he just decides to hide in a bathroom stall until classes are over. Ranboo finds him there, sobbing in the corner, and sits beside him. They share their problems, Tommy shares his story about the black market, Ranboo empathizes.
-Tommy originally hated Ranboo because he didn't feel that Tubbo was safe hanging around a carnivore( ranboo is a komodo dragon, because ender dragon->dragon->komodo dragon connection), but Tubbo just told him that Tommy himself is an omnivore so he shouldn't hang around him either if that's the case.
-Tubbo actually doesn't fear death, death fears him. He can, will, and does walk into the carnivore dorms to hang around his friends at 2:00 am, thank you very much.
-most, if not all of the dream smp is in the drama club, and some go to different clubs for different interests along with that.
-The dream smp lore is just a big ass multi-part play they're all working on in drama club
-Niki is a golden retriever, she is always very kind, and even herbivores feel safe around her. Don't be fooled by her appearance though, she is still very fierce when she needs to.
-one of the teachers is an ant-eater, and Wilbur absolutely hates that teacher and hates anteaters by extension.
-Wilbur also has a friend in the drama club, who is a blue sheep, but never caught her name, so he just calls them Friend. even when he finds out about their name, he still calls them Friend for the inside joke.
-at some point Wilbur was so sleep-deprived he started looking like a ghost, people start nicknaming him ghostbur. and ghostbur hung around Friend a lot, they took care of him then, mostly.
-wilbur is an otter because orcas and salmon are fish and otters are water mammals( fish->water->otter. idk made sense with his connection to water and all.
-Techno is the strongest herbivore able to wrestle and beat dream, which is very surprising for a hog. He got that scar on his eye from the fight he had with dream. Techno has a hunch he knows exactly what's going on with dream but doesn't say anything. He prefers not tp get involved. You'd think he's feel bad for the herbivores, but he lives by "survival of the fittest" being probably raised in a very harsh environment. (or maybe he had a Louis-esque story, being bought/saved from the black market by Phil)
-Dream knows that Tommy followed him into the black market, he just let it happen, and now he holds that over him like blackmail. (cue the bullying and/or emotional manipulation exile-arc style)
That's it for now, I have a few more ideas but I don't want to make this post too long. Hope you liked it,please don't take this too seriously, this is just for fun and exploring herbivore carnivore dynamics with dream smp characters.
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winterspiderpurrs · 3 years
Okay but.... Soulmate marks with Bucky and Peter.
Like maybe Bucky has a spider tattoo( same one that bit Peter) maybe hydra thought he was gonna get paired with the Black Widow but the spider doesn't match and Natasha doesn't have anything related to Bucky. I picture it on his chest over his heart or on his wrist.
Peters when he becomes of age gets his tattoo. Its starts at his shoulder and runs down all the way to his finger tips. It mimics the gold plating in Bucky's new arm he would get from the Black Panther.
And maybe Peter doesn't know about Buckys new arm yet so doesn't think its related. And Bucky kinda just ignores his mark cause he thinks his person would have passed on already.
And Peter wears gloves now and when questioned he says he is covering his mark so people respect that. Bucky's mark is hidden with his cloths.
Que the day Bucky shows up with his new arm and he has taken his shirt off in the gym with the team. Peter falling over himself to push the button on his suit and he wrestles it down low on his hips to show off his arm. Which they are surprised at the large tattoo mark and of course that Peter had on a thong as well.
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Erik and Selina and Kitty stuff cause I’m obsessed with them now
Gonna redesign her suit once again to look like her dads in Black Panther. So in my canon T’Challa didn’t end up killing him and the cousins worked together instead of against each other and they compromised. So like technically Kitty could be heir to the throne of T’Challa and Shuri don’t end up having children
Kitty totally wears her dads military pants with some heels and a cute black crop top for outfits and she makes them look damn good, and they bring out her pretty green eyes
Kitty always asks her dad for money to go to the mall, and he tries to say no but she just gives him her sad kitten eyes and he sighs and hands her his credit card, and she kisses him on the cheek before running out with Nancy to go shopping
Kitty can totally have Holly over whenever she wants, both her parents are pretty chill and Selina is just Mrs. George from Mean Girls who peeks her head in the door and is all “Do you kids need anything? Some snacks? A condom? Let me know!” and Erik just pretends he doesn’t know about any of it and during dinner he’ll talk to Holly like he didn’t just hear them back in Kittys room-
Also Erik totally loves Holly and is proud to call her his future daughter in law, cause she’s not scared of his tough exterior or scary buff military man act. Like she saw right through him and wasn’t scared of him not only cause she just wouldn’t be but also because all the lovey dovey stories Kitty told her about him. But like THESE TWO ARGUING OVER WHOS THE BIG TOUGH PROTECTOR IN KITTYS LIFE AND THEY ARM WRESTLE AND HOLLY WINS
Erik and Selina are definitely that couple that kiss all the time and flirt constantly, like, Kitty comes out to get cereal for breakfast and her damn parents are nearly doing it on the counter and she just rolls her eyes and shoves them to get to the silverware-
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Warning for some blood and gore in this one
Chapter 145: Silver and Opals
Something constricted over his face, pinching his nose shut and clasping down too close to his mouth, the edges of it just below his eyes and on the curve of his jaw, something pointed digging just beneath his chin on one side.* He breathed in the dusty scent right onto his tongue, there was no natural lighting in the gloom for him to see what was happening.
"Guys!" Remus squeaked at once, his hands scrambling over nothing of value as he reached up to try pulling it off. "Guys!?" There was a muzzle on his face, somebody had slapped a muzzle back on him!
"Somebody get me out of this thing!" He was already howling like an animal, he could hear the desperation in his own voice and he didn't care as his skin pulled and stretched and it wouldn't come off! This was no cruel prank, even Sirius would never do something like this as a joke.
"Sirius!? James?! Help!" He couldn't even back away as whatever it was held him in place by his face, and there was screaming all around him now. He couldn't even tell if it was his own. "Padfoot! Prongs! Pete?! Somebody!"
He could still breathe, it was neither tightening nor loosening, but that was somehow worse as his eyes adjusted to nothing. He forced them to remain open. They were not in the dimly lit hospital! He'd rather black out than live like this though. There was nothing but blank wall in front of him, he couldn't feel a single one of them around him, his breath was hot and kept blasting right back into his mouth with no escape. "Sirius! Sirius!" His nails were scraping dangerously against the ridges of his eyes, determined to rip it off by any means necessary.
Peter wasn't sure if those cursed robes once thrown out of Grimmauld place had been sent here, or if they weren't one a kind, but he wasn't getting the air to ask as the material wrapped tight around his throat. He gasped and spluttered in disgust, hearing the shouts and cries around him, but instinctively tried to vanish with a little pop that thankfully worked. Scampering a few feet away to be sure as they fell back harmlessly to the rack, he changed back and yelled in fright, spinning on the spot with no idea where to begin.
Regulus was hanging onto the handle of a black cabinet and stumbling dangerously, about to fall into something that seemed to have no true back and no telling what it would do.
James had tried the same trick, but Prongs's hooves slid uselessly on the ground as it held tight, so he changed back and lashed his hand onto an already trembling case full of jewelry that was about to topple him as the black cord wound tighter up his leg and tried to continue pulling him back towards a dangerously whirling device that glinted of metal even in the non lighting. He tried desperately to go for his wand while being torn in two, but didn't seem to be making much progress.
Sirius couldn't dare try the same, wrestling with a panther that had him ruthlessly pinned to the ground by its claws digging into his chest. Only a hastily thrown up shield charm was keeping his neck safe, and the glistening fangs shoved his wand's barrier a little lower to the ground every time.
Remus was losing his shit, he hadn't even gone for his wand to get out of that thing keeping him in place, it was too dark for even his sharp eyes to see exactly what it was.
A splattering of blood suddenly came from above and he looked up to see Frank yelling as a broom slammed him repeatedly into the ceiling, he'd bet anything he was incapable of letting go. He couldn't even spot the other two to know the horrors they were in.
Lashing out his hand to grab the back of Regulus' robes, he verbally threw a spell wildly at James while issuing a silent apology. It worked as it should, the severing charm cut straight through down to the bone, releasing him and a howl of pain as Regulus got his feet back under him.
All Prongs seemed to notice was that he was free and he immediately took in the same situation. Feeling guilty as hell for prioritizing, but Remus was screaming his lungs out so he was definitely more alive than Longbottom not even doing that anymore, Peter turned to Regulus and said, "mind your head."
He needed no further instruction as he once again over extended his magic, shooting Regulus up to the ceiling with far too much vigor. His arms had come up to cover his head on instinct, so when he found himself next to Longbottom he reached over to yank him off without any further hesitation as Peter tried to lower them back to the ground. The broom fell to the floor with an innocent clatter now that its rider was free.
"No James!" Sirius called calmly and clearly from where he was still wrestling with the cursed item like it wasn't salivating to rip his head off, hands straining to keep his shield up on the thin wood, every muscle visible in his arms and covered in sweat, a small puddle of blood pooling along his sides from the rivulets of cuts because of those hind claws. "Get Remus out!"
Moony had stopped calling for help and was now just screaming incoherently. Heeding Sirius by instinct alone, he changed course and rushed over to slash his wand through the air like a whip as he cried, "relashio!"
It worked thankfully, the bony hand fell away, the fingers uncurling with an ugly crackling noise. Remus finally staggered back clutching at his mouth and gasping in relief. James put a tentative hand on his arm in case he still lashed out in fear, watching closely to see the bloody scratches under his eyes in case that thing had done any worse to him, but Remus turned and held onto his arm still fighting back tears, his knees shaking as he held painfully onto James' elbow while he got his breath back. The few salty ones that leaked out must have stung terribly as they mingled with the blood, but he didn't let go to brush them away.
Prongs tried to be as reassuring as he could while he started dragging Moony back towards a still struggling Sirius, still limping as heavily as Remus' weak appendages. Peter was by Sirius' side now, but none of the spells he used were working anywhere past causing stuffing to fly as the creature continued.
There was a terrible look on Wormtail's face for whatever he was about to blast next to get that thing away, and James desperately tried, "finite," first despite his friend trying to cut off circulation to his arm.
The mock animal went still, and then zapped back to a plush sized toy. The desperation was still in Peter's eyes as he went towards the back, but James seized him and pushed him towards Regulus hovering over an unconscious Frank. "Walk him through some healing charms Pete."
Sirius struggled to his feet but was managing it well enough, so James sorrowfully wrenched his arm free and transferred a still hyperventilating Moony to him, hating to turn his back on the pair as Sirius tried to follow but couldn't as Remus latched onto his back and Padfoot groaned in pain. James was already rushing to the back alone despite leaving a thick trail of blood.
The moment he stepped through the curtain he heard the problem and snapped back to Prongs, which thankfully saved his human ears from the tinkling trance of music holding Evans and Alice in place, blood already starting to dribble from inside their ears. Their eyes were wide and glassy, and he huffed in frustration he could see nothing to turn off. Perhaps an intruder alarm, or something irreparable had broken upon their landing.
He stepped farther in, turned clumsily on the spot, and began nudging the two gently out with his horns while trying to favor three legs. They started moving, thankfully, but slow stumbling steps that made his limb feel like he was trailing a log behind him now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off. He feared that numbness, it could not be a good thing.
As the two stepped back into the rest of the store, it visibly started to wear off, and he changed back, collapsing to the ground in cold flashes of pain, using what little breath he had left to cast a healing charm. He passed out before he could see the bone, muscles, tendons, and flesh knit back together.
Lily and Alice screamed in tandem at the sight before them, burning their already ringing ears. Alice vaulted over the counter like it wasn't there to get to Frank and Lily dropped to her knees in a puddle of Potter's blood. She pushed his pants leg aside and saw he'd reduced it down to a deep cut instead, still oozing.
"He okay?" Sirius demanded from above her, turning a bit gray but holding his wand steady, clearly ready to use it on him if he didn't pass out first. Once again his chest was desecrated by multiple scratch marks, Lupin hanging onto his arms for life, as he watched her every move like that was no hamper at all.
"I got the rest," she promised. "He'll live."
Sirius released an erratic laugh that terrified her as she got her arms under his limp form and began dragging him out of the darkening pool for her own sanity, only managing a few feet where the counter stopped before she sat down beside him in exhaustion, the six of them sizing each other up and just taking in their next precious breath.
"So, who wants to find the book?" Regulus whispered into the following silence.
Sirius' laughter increased, his arms going behind him to hold Lupin in place as his eyes stayed on Potter.
"Stop that," she scolded in exhaustion. He didn't until she got wearily to her feet and used shaking fingers to prod gently along his chest, causing him to hiss in pain and eyes to finally flinch onto her properly. He gently pushed her hand back and finally turned his wand on himself, but stopped quickly and put it away.
He hadn't managed to get them all, and her hands trembled terribly as she got the last few to close while trying desperately to ignore the nausea of seeing the blood flow while he watched her with a steadfast expression.
She tried to go around him to Lupin who was still shaking and gasping, but Sirius crowded him against the wall and tightened his grip with a reproachful look as he jabbed his head at Frank instead. Lupin was taller, she could see the damage under his eyes, his nose was swollen, red, and dripping blood, but he didn't seem an immediate concern as he kept his face tipped towards the ceiling and kept breathing, so that wasn't a fight she was going to pick as she did so.
Pettigrew had walked Regulus through it for the most part, oddly as she'd expect him to do it himself, but he'd only gotten the worst of it and Lily tried her best to help the rest through. She still worried they hadn't done enough when Frank still lay passed out and looked pleadingly back at Potter and Black, who weren't in a position to help anyone in their state.
With a mental slap, she reminded herself she could do this! She wasn't going to let Frank suffer brain damage now! Fumbling desperately with the straps of her bag, she knew for a fact she could do at least one quick potion to help any internal swelling go down. Her hands continued trembling though as she started crushing ingredients on the filthy floor, worried about contamination, her mind starting to fog over as she kept wondering what if she did it wrong, what if she made this worse too?
Alice took her hand, her own flew to her shining amber eyes. "What can I do?" She demanded.
Her first instinct was still to push her away, to not let her guard down now, she could do this herself; but Severus' biting insult flashed through her mind to stop her. She was more than just a mudblood, she did deserve to be here! She pushed the empty cauldron towards Alice and told her in a remarkably steady voice, "start filling this with water, slowly. Only a cup at a time, I'll tell you when to stop."
She still patiently went through every step in her mind before she did it to double check herself, but the potion came out the exact right color as she ladled out the first spoonful and gently eased it into his mouth.
Peter got the nicked Weasley's potion kit out of Alice's bag and went back over to Prongs, nearly tipping the entirety but one drop of that blood restorative into his mouth before wearily handing it to Sirius.
"Thanks," Padfoot did not sound like he meant that as he tapped it, took a sip of his own, and pocketed it, but Peter nodded all the same as he hovered awkwardly.
"I'm sorry," he told them sincerely, though he wasn't sure how much Remus was listening.
"You should be," Sirius clearly meant that, and Peter winced. "Hell Peter, you nearly cut his leg off, what were you-"
"Guys," James groaned from their feet. They glanced down to see he looked every color of awful, but he was blinking dazedly up at them.
Sirius tried to bend down on instinct so he didn't have to crane his neck so far, but Moony still refused to let go and Sirius was starting to look a little flustered as the realization kept hitting him he couldn't help both at once. He was far more angry at himself than he'd ever let anyone see. Only this damning fact had stopped him from telling Evans to back off in the first place.
James didn't seem to want much help anyways, pushing Peter's hands away until he was leaning comfortably against the wall so he could see every corner properly, but he still had no energy to use the most minor of spells. Even his voice came out rough, but kind as he looked at Peter and said, "thanks mate. Everyone's okay, that's the important part." Frank was starting to stir as well, and the girls were dabbing a bit of that potion as far into their own ears as they reasonably could.
"I am sorry," Peter still insisted, but James waved him off with a faint smile.
Sirius was done being nice though. "James didn't try to cut Remus' face off to-"
"He did good Sirius," James repeated firmly now, frowning up at him as best he could from the floor, but he knew Sirius could hear it at the very least. "Who knows what the hell anyone else would do, grab the book? Freeze up? Can't you just be grateful?"
Prongs really meant that, and Sirius watched him sadly as he realized he didn't feel the same. It was the principle of the matter, the instinctive magic he'd heard each of them use underneath Remus' pleas for help. There was a fracture now when he looked at Peter he decided he was done trying to fix for James' sake.
During those three weeks he hadn't been speaking to any of them, Peter had never crossed his mind. Going back to Grimmauld hadn't even crossed his mind, he'd considered living in the Forbidden Forest for the summer without a second thought to Regulus. Only because of all of this mess was he even making more of an effort to involve himself with him, but he'd spent every waking hour wishing he could talk to James again, trying to pretend Remus had just over reacted and would want to come talk to him any day now, forcing himself to respect Moony's wishes and not start the conversation.
He'd been in the wrong, and he knew that now, he still felt the guilt of those actions every time he looked at Remus. He'd done Peter wrong by viciously over reacting to this future, but he'd tried what he could to make amends for that. He didn't hate Peter or Regulus, but he was done trying to make it more.
"Sorry," Peter whispered one last time.
"Yeah, so am I," Sirius stated, but there was something wrong with the delivery. There was a sincerity in there that did not lean towards an apology Peter suddenly flat knew he didn't want to know the meaning of.
James swallowed at the following silence and said, "Maybe I'll try losing an eye next, get out of here looking like Moody!"
Sirius got a grudging laugh and played along like nothing had happened. "First Harry, now him, you trying to mimic everyone in this future mate?"
"Just the cool people," he grinned.
Peter sighed in relief when Regulus summoned the book to get them out of this place and went quickly back over to him. James watched him go with a deep ache of loss as he gingerly stepped over the thick blood still covering most of the floor.
"Silver and Opals," Regulus said clearly and more calmly than Sirius would have given him credit for, as traumatized as he still looked glancing around at every single thing and even the floorboards like they were still going to be attacked any moment inside the rest of Borgin and Burkes. He hadn't been able to see what Regulus survived, but guessed it as he particularly kept eyeing that black wardrobe.
Both Black boys had been in here on multiple occasions well enough they recognized the store now that their eyes had adjusted to the gloom and Evans had lit her wand tip for light. It glinted repeatedly off the metal fan still spinning lazily, the edges razor sharp as a blade and brushing a pleasant breeze across them all, its cord like a dead snake not stopping the movement. Sirius couldn't tear his eyes away from its progress, never ceasing the whole chapter.
Peter was back over here, so Regulus felt safe enough to keep his eyes mostly focused on Harry's speculation as he did a silent one of his own. They were all flinching away from the jewelry case and wondering if they were finally going to hear what Malfoy had bought from this very place, and who it was going to be used on.
Katie Bell, unintentionally, as she'd been the delivery but not the target before it went wrong. Regulus took in every detail he could even as terrifying as it was to describe the sequence of events. All of them spent a very long time checking every spot in here with only their eyes to make sure that necklace wasn't available now, and even still never looked at anything for too long in fear it would curse them next.
Sirius was still practically supporting all of his weight as Remus continued to lean into his back, hands holding tight to his upper arms as if restraining Sirius from doing something instead of himself, which was falling to the floor, face still turned away to breathe in freely even as his fingers held tight. Sirius had to fight the urge to offer him a piggyback ride his knees were still shaking so bad.
"Hey, Remus," Sirius forced his hands to stay in place at his side, letting Remus cling to him in whatever way he wanted in front of the others. Keeping his voice soft and gentle, if James heard he wasn't giving it much notice as he continued listening in worry as McGonagall was caught up to speed, and Malfoy's detention ruined his only suspect. "If you're so worried about being distant, then why not knock it off? Nobody's holding any of this against you."
It was maybe a little hysterical, the laugh that came out of him. That Sirius decided to try talking to him like nothing had happened in between.
Remus let his forehead rest against the back of his shoulder now, he couldn't smell the sweat and blood through his burning nose but he could feel it. Finally his lungs began to even out as he pressed a kiss where none could see as he soaked in his meaning. What Peter had done was the ultimate betrayal of this future and James was still trying to work with him. Ironically Sirius was also reassuring him of the fear Padfoot knew nothing about. Sirius wouldn't go anywhere even if Remus did confess his crush.
He was still reluctant to do so, traitorously letting his mind play him now that he could pretend this was going to last forever, there was nothing in these environments to stop him keeping Sirius to himself. He'd have to tell Sirius when they got back to school, he still knew himself well enough he might murder the first person who made a pass at Sirius in front of him, or Sirius himself, and not be able to explain himself. He had time to do that though, ages of this book left plus the next, and possibly even more if they kept cycling through Harry's life.
It was probably the delirium in him that suddenly found he never wanted it to end.
*If you would like to feel what Remus went through, pinch your nose with either hand using thumb and forefinger, the latter of which and middle finger will rest under your eye, while your ring finger and pinky would sit below your jaw digging in. Now imagine that as a skeleton holding on and not letting go while your other hand tries pulling that off.
The one inspiration I take from the movies, and it's that creepy thing. I cringe every time the scene's coming even though I know it is, and it just grabs Harry's wrist!
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Garrote part 4
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez X Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Warning(s): Mature (+17), sexual tension, graphic violence and language. Previous Masterlist Next
Word Count: 2.3k words
AN: Surprise bitches! I'm an impatient bastard and couldn't wait anymore. This picture is finally appropriate (speaking of, assume all photos for this series are not created by me unless specifically stated otherwise). 
@nicke0115 @1zashreena1 @mental-bycatch
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Something Nice turned out to be a dress Jazmine bought two years ago. A floral print with white petals she was sure a guy like Diego would laugh at. He still hadn't told her what he wanted with her, so she brought a change of shoes depending on the occasion. He got caught up in some work stuff, so the meeting had to wait until the morning. When he texted her the address, she wheezed. When she rolled up into the lobby, she gasped. It screamed elitist big money in every way from the high ceiling to the marble floors. A man who worked for the Jimenez's led her to the elevator, punching in a code for the right floor and stood silent as a statue. A dangerous, beefy, ranch-smelling statue. 
It's impossible to say why she expected anything less than the secure ritzy elevator to open straight into the home like a front door. There were voices in the room that the bodyguard led her away from, taking her up the stairs and planting her square in front of a door at the end of a hall. 
"Stay here." 
Jazmine did not enjoy waiting. She tapped her foot until her leg cramped, she stretched, she tried the door (locked), and she tried to guess what year the paintings on the wall were made. It was probably pay back. When Diego did show his face, he had the audacity to look surprised to see her. 
"What kept you?" 
"Just business," he said smiling. Bastard. "Inside." 
He let her enter first and it wasn't a bedroom like she had anticipated. There were large picture windows on the northwest corner of the room and a grand piano, other furniture suggesting a kind of study like a bookshelf and an armored cash (she knew a weapons locker when she saw one). Diego's hand slotted itself on her waist as he locked the door behind them. 
"Want to take some pictures," he said by way of explanation. 
"What kind of pictures?" 
Diego smiled cryptically. Jazmine did not miss the way he appraised her form, fingering the soft fabric of her dress before backing up. He pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a candid before she could stop him. He turned the screen her way, showing her own face in the amazing lighting and quality. 
"Nice, right? Sit down." 
He waited until she was situated on the piano bench before he took a seat of his own. She watched him set the picture as his home screen and shook her head. "We can do better than that." 
She missed the big, cocky smile he pulled when he said, "what do you have in mind?" 
"A guy like you? With a picture of a clothed woman in your phone? Unlikely." 
Diego hummed playfully. "I don't think your clothes are the problem." 
There was a huge plush bean bag next to the smaller book stand under the window. An odd choice for such high class taste, but it didn't look like this room got much use anyways. Diego plopped down on top of it like he had just come home from a long day at work. He looked up at her from between his legs, and beckoned her with a crooked finger. 
"Right here," he patted the inside of his thigh. Jazmine wasn't sure if he wanted her to sit in his lap or... but then he said, "on your knees," and she fell easily into position. "You look pretty like that. Haven't asked me what the pictures are for yet." 
Jazmine shrugged, picking up his phone and snapping a picture of him for herself. "I've already got ten ideas for how to use these. My back up plans have back up plans, but I usually go with the flow. It's saved my ass this long…" 
He hummed, motioned for the phone. "You trust me?" 
Jazmine tensed up immediately. "Yeah." 
His movements were slow as he reached up for the back of her head. Gently, he pulled her down until her cheek rested against his clothed thigh, her chin practically inches from his zipper. He watched her gulp but she didn't pull away and he let her go free. 
"That's a good one. Come here." He pulled her up into a wet kiss and she melted into it. He licked his way into her mouth and swirled his tongue around her plush lips until he was satisfied with how shiny and swollen they became. Jazmine settled back instantly into position, proper her hands on his thighs for support as she posed. If his pants were loose, the sight would be obscene. As it happened, he tried not to move too much as the space in his pants became too tight. Diego snapped a couple of pictures, frustrated he couldn't get far enough to get the framing right. She watched him lean his head back to get it right and she couldn't help but laugh. 
"Alright, alright. We done?" 
"One more." Oh, the way she crawled up his body should not have felt so good. She sat her plump rump right over the button of his jeans and he bit his lip to stop from groaning. Jazmine sat up on her knees, sinking into the bag and snapping the perfect picture. "There." 
He could tell she was doing something, her fingers flashed over the screen and he resisted the urge to snatch it from her hands. Her eyes lit up as a notification sounded and just as quickly her eyes averted. He saw as he took the phone she had her contact open, sending herself her favorite pictures (the first and the last), and he also saw that Alicia needed him. 
"I gotta go," Jazmine announced as she headed for the door. 
"Don't get lost." She did a double take at the sudden turn in his demeanor. It sounded like a threat. Diego’s verbal threat paled in comparison to the ice cold, regal look a woman gave her on her way out. That was how Jazmine got her first look at Alicia Jimenez. 
Bored at work, Jazmine let her mind drift back to the morning. She couldn’t get it out of her head, the way his hands absentmindedly twirled the fabric in her skirt between his fingers when he could have easily done so and felt her up. It was intoxicatingly soft, especially for how cheap it was. She slapped some pants underneath it and wished she’d taken out her earrings before her shift– they itched now but if she put them in her pocket she’d never see them again. 
The flow of customers was that of a leaky drainage pipe. They often rolled in and out without so much as a look at her eyes or her name tag, some even going out of their way not to touch her and to turn their bodies sideways as if her existence offended them. Pricks. 
This last guy was acting extra suspicious. Young man with a hat, sunglasses, and a hood drawn up. He was wearing loose basketball shorts in the middle of winter and had his head on a constant swivel. Definitely going to rob the place. Snatch and runs were commonplace, but they hardly looked like this. He was too old not to know you needed a crew for the best haul. But then that means… 
Fucking kid had a gun on him and he was pointing it in Jazmine's face. The chips he had thrown down on the counter were forgotten in favor of the cash in the register– all the cash. He seemed like he was looking for the thrill rather than the kill, but the way he was waving his piece around, he hadn't had much gun safety training. She wasn't dumb enough to try and correct his form right now. Every second he took his eyes off her to scan the area and the barrel of the gun drifted away from her person, she was able to breathe. He ran out the back door. 
Now came the real worst part. Yeah, almost getting shot over $87 wasn't the worst part– calling her boss was. He didn't like his employee's making reports to the police, they had to go through him. Jazmine knew he was into some shady shit, she never felt curious enough to have a look. She barely even registered how long the grown man had been screaming in her face when she heard the door open. 
"Sir we're temporarily closed--"she started to say until she turned to see Diego standing there. 
"What," Frank huffed, "no we are not closed– sir, take as much time as you need, we'll be with you in just a moment." 
Jazmine rolled her eyes. 'We' really meant 'she'. She didn't know how he expected to make change if we didn't have cash, but then something strange happened. 
"This guy bothering you, baby?" Jazmine did a double take. Diego was leaning dangerously over the counter and had locked eyes with Frank. Her boss actually gulped. Taking control of the situation, Jazmine pulled Frank's ass around the counter. Diego followed closely, mirroring their every step with an uncontrollable itch in his fingers. It was beginning to make her nervous. 
Frank turned to snap at Jazmine, "who the hell is this guy" when he came nose to nose with Diego himself. He looked like a panther baring his teeth, and Jazmine watched his hand disappear behind his back. She snatched his wrist, pushing him back to get between the two men. 
"Don't," she hissed in Diego's face. The cool metal of his gun sent tingles up her fingers. "Just my boyfriend, Frank. I asked him to take me home." 
"OK," Frank still sounded confused. Diego's hand slipped away from the gold plated handle of his gun and Jazmine stepped away to gather her bag and wrestle the vest from her shoulders. "Hold on– I didn't say you could go!" 
"Yes you did," she affirmed with a lie. Diego caught the bag thrown at him with a huff, and she fisted his shirt to push him backwards towards the alley exit. 
"No I didn't!" 
"Sure you did! I'll see you tomorrow." 
She knew Diego was pissed. But so was she. As soon as they were free from prying eyes, Jazmine stupidly punched the drug king in the arm. 
"You need to learn about something called boundaries!," she yelled. "From now on, there's gonna be rules about when and where you show up, and who you're allowed to shoot." 
"Eres loco?!" Diego's hand fisted in the collar of her dress and dragged up to look up at him. He pressed the barrel of his gun into her neck and crowded her into the wall of the building. "You think you can tell me what I can and can't do, little girl? Do you know who the fuck I am?" 
He put the gun down so he could slam her into the wall, harder this time until her eyes spun with stars. "You're fucking nothing, cabrona. Todo nada. Do you know how many drugs go through my organization into this city alone? How much money I make?" Jazmine's eyes screwed shut and she let out a loud and regrettable sound. "Are you really shushing me right now?!" 
Diego was about to put a bullet in her head when her hands flew up in surrender. The blow to the head had rocked her– if he wasn't holding her up, she would have fallen to her knees already. 
"I don't want to know about any of that stuff," she said. "I-I can't, Diego. You can't say shit like that around me." 
The man was at a loss. She truly amazed him with her audacity. He let her go as soon as holding her no longer interested him and she slid onto her butt to catch her breath. One hand clung to her throat and the other came up as if to protect her head from a bullet. He considered it, then put his piece away. Alicia would be furious if their deal with Healy fell through like this. For Porsche. 
Cooler heads prevailed. Diego only helped her stand so she would be easier to get into the car, and they drove in silence the whole way to her apartment. Not once did she look him in the eye or apologize, nor did he take his ferocious stare off of her person. Jazmine sighed in relief when the car finally stopped, but as she was climbing out, Diego caught her by the throat one more time and pulled her ear close. 
"I'm not your fucking boyfriend, Jazmine. We are not friends. Don't forget that, querida." 
Healy was waiting for her in her living room. His eyes drifted straight to the red marks rising at her pulse points and the soul crushing exhaustion in her eyes. He offered her a plate of pasta and let her eat in peace for a while. 
"I'm sorry, Jazmine. Really, I am." Healy kept his hands to himself, but he did offer Hercules a treat to keep her busy. "I'll have a talk with los Hermanos Jimenez so you don't have to be on the receiving end of another tantrum like that. The next time you see them, they'll be more careful about what they say around you." 
Tired and beaten, Jazmine merely nodded. 
"Make sure you charge your device. I can't help you if I can't hear you, sweetheart." He left in a moment and for once, she was so glad to be alone. 
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gladdygirl18 · 4 years
A Bond Only Siblings Have
Summary: Shuri was having a boring day in her lab and had nothing to do. The King had a day off and she decided to have some fun with him. T’Challa may be King of Wakanda, but he was still Shuri’s older brother; both sharing a “special” bond only siblings would have and understand.
Word Count: 1742
Okay, let’s get one thing straight. Shuri is the smartest person in Wakanda, a princess, and a scientist; and, when she has to be, a warrior. With her high-tech gadgets, you would think she wouldn’t get bored with them, right? Wrong!
It was a slow day in Shuri’s lab, and said princess was very bored. She remodeled the same gadget three times in the past hour and found nothing else to do to amuse herself.
“Boredom... Why must you haunt me...?” Shuri asked tiredly.
Standing up, she stretched her tired and aching body. Letting out a heavy sigh, she crossed her arms and looked around her lab. Everything was still and quiet.
“What am I going to do today...?” Shuri asked herself.
Leaning back against a desk, she looked up at the high ceiling in thought. A smile soon came across the princess’s face when she came up with an idea.
T’Challa is not doing anything today... Shuri thought.
T’Challa may be the King of Wakanda, but he will forever and always be Shuri’s older brother; someone who she looked up to more than anyone else, someone who she will love and care for, someone who she will always play pranks on. 
Ever since their father passed away, it was rough for the both of them and their mother. But after the whole Killmonger and Thanos situation, both T’Challa and Shuri became closer than ever. T’Challa would take the time from his busy schedule to visit his sister in her lab, and Shuri would make time to visit her brother when the other tribes were there.
Shuri then started to ponder what she and T’Challa should do together. She thought about taking a stroll through the city, but she wanted alone time with her brother, and her brother alone. No guards, no other people; just her and T’Challa. Shuri stood up and started to walk to T’Challa’s room, still wondering what she and him should do together.
“Maybe we could... no, that’s not good either. Or maybe... no...” Shuri pondered.
When Shuri reached her brother’s room, she breathed out and knocked on the door.
“Come in.” answered a voice on the other side of the door.
Shuri smiled at the recognizable voice. Turning the doorknob, she pushed the door open and walked in T’Challa’s room. She had forgotten how big her brother’s room is. Shuri soon spotted T’Challa sitting on the edge of his bed reading a book. When T’Challa saw his sister, he smiled.
“Ah, welcome little sister.” he said.
“Hello Brother. What have you been doing, besides reading?” Shuri asked.
T’Challa breathed out a heavy sigh before setting the book in his lap.
“To be honest, nothing much. I was just looking through an old photo album.” T’Challa said, handing his sister the book.
Taking the burgundy book, Shuri opened it to a random page. She smiled when she saw all the photos of her, T’Challa, their mother, and father.
“Brother, do you remember this photo? It is when Baba took us to the Border Tribe for the first time.” Shuri said, showing her brother the photo.
“I do remember, Sister. And this one was when Baba took us to the River Tribe.” T’Challa said.
When Shuri sat down next to her brother, the two of them started reminiscing on all the times when they were kids.
“I remember you used to be so serious when you were younger, Brother,” Shuri said.
“I was going to be king, Sister. I had to be,” T’Challa said.
“In my opinion, you were more cute than serious.”
“I am afraid I have to disagree. You were cuter than I. Everything you did was cute and adorable.”
Shuri rolled her eyes with a fond smile plastered on her face.
“My statement still stands. Whenever you tried to be serious, you would just end up looking cute,” Shuri said.
“Now that I am king, I have to be serious,” T’Challa said.
“Eh, you still look cute to me.”
“I am not.”
“I bet if I ask Nakia, she will agree with me.”
T’Challa breathed out and averted his sister’s gaze, knowing that she was right. Shuri and Nakia were as close as sisters. They would always gang up on T’Challa. Of course, T’Challa doesn’t mind, but it was annoying to say the least.
“You know I’m right, Brother. Just admit it,” Shuri said.
“I never said you were right,” T’Challa said.
“And you never said I was wrong.”
“Why would I admit that you are right?”
“Because you are afraid to be proven wrong by your little sister.”
When Shuri said this, she prodded her brother’s side. T’Challa twisted away with a smirk growing on his face. Shuri then smiled mischievously at her brother.
“And I still remember your weakness, Brother.” Shuri said.
“Shuri, don’t!” T’Challa pleaded with a nervous smile.
Shuri just shrugged and then pounced on her brother, dancing her fingers all over his torso. T’Challa let out a yelp before dissolving into adorable giggles.
“See? Even your laugh proves my point,” Shuri said.
“Shuhuhuhuhuhuhuri stohohohohohohop!” T’Challa laughed.
“Not until you say I’m right.”
“Why shohohohohohould I?”
Shuri sighed and started attacking her brother’s ribs, getting a wild buck in response.
“Stohohohohohop Shuri! Plehehehehease!” T’Challa begged.
“Amazing. My brother, the King of Wakanda, and the Black Panther, taken down by tickles. Better hope your enemies don’t find out.” Shuri taunted.
If anything, that only fueled T’Challa’s urge to get away from his sister. T’Challa then grabbed his sister’s wrists and removed them his body.
“Aw, you ruined my fun...” Shuri whined.
“But you did not ruin mine.” T’Challa said.
Shuri looked at her brother in confusion and fear.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Shuri asked nervously.
Her question was soon answered when she felt her brother’s fingers dig into her side. Shuri’s reaction was much more immediate than T’Challa’s. Her laugh was music to the king’s ears.
“T’Chahahahahahahalla! Stohohohohohop ihihihit!” Shuri laughed.
“You did not stop when I asked. So, why should I show you mercy when you did not give me any?” T’Challa asked with a sly grin.
Shuri couldn’t answer brother’s question, nor form a word. Shuri has always been more ticklish than T’Challa, but she knew that T’Challa had sweet spots to make him defenseless as a newborn baby. If only her brother’s grip around her wrists wasn’t so tight.
“Brohohohohohother! Stohohohohohop!” Shuri laughed, twisting her body every which way.
“Not going to happen, little sister.” T’Challa said, scratching his finger in his sister’s armpits.
Shuri’s laughter reached a new volume and octave. Shuri flopped back on her brother’s bed with laughter.
T’Challa continued his onslaught, not acknowledging his sister’s plea. He missed Shuri’s laugh. So pure and childish. Exactly why she takes the award of being the cutest little sister, in his opinion. T’Challa then let out a giggly yelp when he felt fingers on his sides.
“You should know not to let your guard down around me, Brother.” Shuri said.
“I cohohohould say the sahahahahame about yohohohohou!” T’Challa laughed.
T’Challa simply attacked his sister’s side and listened to her melodic laughter.
“Ahahahahahaha! Cuhuhuhuhut it - OUT!” Shuri cried.
Her laughter doubled when her armpits started getting attacked.
“You stohohohohohop first!” T’Challa laughed.
Shuri hated how she was dying laughing whereas her brother was just giggling. She wanted to hear T’Challa’s laugh. She missed it. Shuri gave up trying to tickle her brother and just accepted her fate.
“And why would I do that?” T’Challa asked, resting his hands on Shuri’s sides.
Shuri panted before looking at her brother.
“Because I’m your little sister and you love me.” Shuri answered.
T’Challa smiled and shook his head in amusement.
“I was expecting a better reason.” T’Challa said.
Taking a gamble, Shuri pounced on her brother and wrestled with him until she was finally able to pin him down.
“Again. Never let your guard down around me.” Shuri said, smiling down at her brother.
Shuri then started attacking her brother’s hips, making said man buck in response. T’Challa was soon producing loud laughter instead of giggles.
“There’s that laugh.” Shuri said.
Shuri smiled down at her brother. This is exactly what she wanted. A moment with her brother, and her brother alone. She never expected their conversation to turn into a tickle fight, but in her opinion, this was so much better than a conversation.
“Not until you say that I was right about you being more cute than serious.” Shuri said, massaging her brother’s hipbone harder.
T’Challa let out a new wave of laughter at the new sensation.
“Then I guess I’m never stopping.” Shuri said.
In all honesty, T’Challa really didn’t want Shuri to stop, even though he would never admit to save his life. Like her, he’s been craving time alone with his sister. Right now, in this moment, T’Challa wished he could stop time and spend it with his little sister.
"Do you really want me to tickle you forever, Brother? Because I have no problem doing just that." Shuri said.
T'Challa's laughter soon fell on deaf ears. Taking a gamble, T'Challa shot his hands into Shuri’s exposed armpits. Shuri laughed out but still continued to tickle her brother.
This back and forth tickle fight went on for what felt like hours. The two siblings soon stopped and rested, panting slightly with wide smiles plastered on their faces.
“I missed this.” T’Challa said.
“Me too.” Shuri said.
When the two of them sat up, T’Challa pulled his sister into a hug.
“Brother, can you promise me something?” Shuri asked.
“Anything, Shuri.” T’Challa said.
“Promise me that you’ll always be my big brother, no matter what...”
What Shuri said brought a smile to T’Challa’s face.
“As long as you promise to always be my little sister.” T’Challa said.
“I promise.” Shuri said the second after her brother’s statement.
Shuri wrapped her arms around T’Challa and snuggled closer into her brother’s embrace. T’Challa let out a content sigh and rested his head on his sister’s. T’Challa may be a king and Shuri may be a princess, but they were still brother and sister, and the bond they share is something that cannot ever be broken.
Hope you enjoyed! Stay Safe, Stay Blessed!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 2: Marvel and MCU Easter Eggs Guide
This article contains The Falcon and the Winter Soldier spoilers.
Marvel’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 2 is much less of a slow burn than the first episode. Not only do we actually get Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes sharing screen time together, and a better understanding of what new Captain America John Walker is all about, but we get a host of new Marvel Comics characters introduced to the MCU!
There’s a lot going on in this episode, so let’s start digging in to all the Marvel goodness to be found…
The Star-Spangled Man
The title of the episode is of course a reference to Steve Rogers’ tenure as a piece of propaganda in Captain America: The First Avenger, when he was sent out to convince people to buy war bonds. That excellent MCU film featured an era-appropriate song called “The Star-Spangled Man” with music by Alan Menken and lyrics by David Zippel. When the new Captain America runs onto the football field for his Good Morning America appearance, we have an updated version of the very song being played by the high school marching band. 
Similarly, that quick montage of John signing Captain America merchandise is somewhat reminiscent of the “Star-Spangled Man” sequence in The First Avenger, which showed Steve shaking hands, signing autographs, as well as all the 1940s Cap merch that was being produced at the time.
John Walker
John’s origin is so much better here than in the comics, where he was a reactionary almost supervillain called Super Patriot before taking on the Captain America job. Still, despite his early comics history, Walker took the Cap job as seriously and sincerely as the one we see here on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and MCU John seems even more sympathetic than Marvel Comics John.
Walker using his shield to cushion Battlestar’s fall from the truck is a pretty classic comic book style Captain America maneuver.
Custer’s Grove, Georgia is a fictional town in Marvel Comics, and that’s indeed where the John Walker of the comics came from. To talk more about this here might get into potential spoilers for future episodes (no, we haven’t seen them either), so for now, let’s just say this is a nice nod to John’s comics history.
John’s wife, Olivia Walker (played by Gabrielle Byndloss) is a new creation for the MCU, and as far as we can tell, she doesn’t have a Marvel Comics counterpart.
John Walker mentions that he’s “been a captain before,” and that probably refers to both his military service 
Isaiah Bradley
Co-created by Axel Alonso, Robert Morales, and Kyle Baker, Isaiah Bradley was introduced in 2003’s Truth: Red, White, & Black. In the miniseries, Steve Rogers discovered that after his own creation, other scientists tried to replicate the super soldier serum and experimented on Black soldiers. The lone survivor of this was Bradley, who donned a Captain America outfit and fought Nazis against orders. Like his MCU counterpart, he was punished and thrown in prison for years. Eventually, he was pardoned and spent his days living in obscurity, only known as a legend by the  Black community. 
On the show, Bradley is depicted as being the secret Captain America of the 1950s. This is likely to be the closest reference we’ll get to William Burnside, yet another replacement Captain America. Back in the ‘50s, Captain America comics continued to exist, but were a little too knee-deep in being anti-communist propoganda. When Marvel reintroduced Captain America in the 1960s as a member of the Avengers and introduced the plot point that Steve had been frozen during World War II, it essentially negated his 1950s adventures.
Down the line, they explained that those comics were in continuity, but the Cap and Bucky in them were impersonators who had undergone plastic surgery and underwent incomplete versions of the super soldier experiment. This drove them to insanity and the comics were explained as them being paranoid and seeing communists everywhere. The two were put on ice for a while, but were eventually thawed out to fight the real Captain America and Falcon. While Burnside later became the villainous Grand Director, the fake Bucky went on to become a hero named Nomad.
Eli Bradley
The teenager with Isaiah is Elijah Bradley. Introduced in 2005’s Young Avengers, Eli is Isaiah’s grandson. When the Avengers ceased to exist, Eli became the leader of the Young Avengers under the name Patriot. He insisted that he had super soldier serum in his blood, but was secretly just using Mutant Growth Hormone to get by. Eventually, his grandfather gave him a blood transfusion, making his super soldier claims legit.
Eli is just one of the many Young Avengers characters popping up in the MCU recently (including Billy and Tommy on WandaVision, and Kate Bishop’s upcoming introduction on Hawkeye), suggesting a possible incarnation of the tea is coming to the MCU down the line.
Introduced in Captain America #323, Lemar Hoskins is yet another character pulled out of Mark Gruenwald’s legendary run. Hoskins was originally a professional wrestler who was granted super strength from the Power Broker (more on him in a minute). When John Walker took over as Captain America, Hoskins first became the new Bucky before ditching the name in favor of Battlestar. After the storyline of Walker as Cap ran its course, Battlestar has remained a minor patriotic vigilante in the Marvel universe, showing up here and there through the years.
“Black Falcon”
The kid in Baltimore who greets Sam Wilson as “Black Falcon” seems like a fun nod to the fact that when Black superheroes were first becoming a thing in comics, they were often identified as such with their names (Black Panther, Black Lightning, Black Vulcan, etc). Sam was never known as “Black Falcon” but given the era he was created in, things probably could have gone that way. See also, Sam joking with Bucky about being “White Panther.” (Of course, Bucky’s “White Wolf” moniker was first heard in the post-credits scene of Black Panther).
The Power Broker
Robert Moses was the racist bastard who built most of New York City between the Depression and the 1960s…hang on…different Power Broker.
Curtiss Jackson was originally a Machine Man villain, created by Roger Stern and Sal Buscema in the late 1970s before he was picked up for the legendary Gruenwald run of Captain America. There, he ran a corporation that used super science from Dr. Karl Malus to give superstrength to people for a price. That price: indentured servitude in Jackson’s pro wrestling promotion.
 Among the people given super strength through the Power Broker’s program: Dennis Dunphy, the legendary D-Man; Sharon Ventura, the second Ms. Marvel (and eventually the second Thing); as well as both John Walker and Lemar Hoskins themselves. Jackson was eventually attacked by the Scourge of the Underworld, a Punisher-like vigilante, and forced to give himself his own super strength treatment, which caused him to become a deformed giant.
The Power Broker of the MCU is definitely tracking in some kind of bootleg super soldier technology, and that seems to be where the Flag-Smashers have gotten their augmented abilities.
The Hobbit
The Hobbit was indeed originally published in 1937, but wasn’t published in the U.S. until 1938. So either Bucky was a really voracious reader who ordered stuff from abroad, or his memory is a little faulty…unless James Buchanan Barnes was already running secret missions in Europe long before the United States entered World War II?
Miscellaneous Notes
We get Bucky’s therapist’s first name here, she’s Dr. Christina Raynor. Still not finding any Marvel Comics parallels here, but we’re keeping our eyes open.
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The shot of the two pairs in the truck staring each other out seems like a homage to every tv episode where a duo meet alternate dimension versions of themselves, and aren’t impressed.
Spot anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!
The post The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 2: Marvel and MCU Easter Eggs Guide appeared first on Den of Geek.
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rawiswhore · 4 years
Raven x Fem Reader- “That’s So Raven”
Believe it or not, I think there's nothing wrong with men, guys and boys who don't watch women's wrestling or even professional wrestling in general to get their dicks hard, but I was watching this segment during ECW's heyday in the 90's where Sandman's wife was writhing on Raven, sliding her hands down his body and looking like she's giving him a blowjob, and I thought that was hot/sexy.
Although, it wasn't just hot because of her, and she wasn't really a wrestler, neither was her husband (no offence to Sandman)...
Breaking out from playing that corny Pauly Shore lookalike named Scotty Flamingo he played in WCW and that dorky but unique Johnny Polo gimmick he played in the WWF, Scott Levy has now entered a wrestling company that was the polar opposite of the WWF and WCW during the mid 1990's: ECW, and he now is known as something he'll always be remembered for, an angst ridden, whiny, depressed, and sometimes even sociopathic grunge kid named Raven.
Raven and ECW are perfect for the 90's, not only was grunge immensly popular during that decade, but ECW was edgy, dark, nihilistic, "extreeeeem" and badass, much like the 90's.
Even though he did get hotter and sexier when he joined WCW, Raven was probably one of the few wrestlers in ECW who was pretty sexy and nice to look at, even though his curly hair is hiding his face most of the time.
During his time in ECW, before he joined WCW, there was a segment where he was sitting down in the corner of the ring, his usual and even signature pose.   Several people in the audience were watching him, and this was even being filmed and broadcast on television.   You were on the opposite side of Raven across from him.  
The lids of your eyes had dark colored eyeshadow covering them, you were dressed in a skimpy outfit; a black tube top and black pleather short shorts, your outfit blended perfectly with ECW's fight club atmosphere, especially considering most of the women in ECW were just there to be eye candy fap material.
You slowly began crawling towards Raven, crawling to him like you were Shakira in the "Whenever Wherever" music video when she's crawling in the mud, crawling to him like Britney Spears in the "I Love Rock n Roll" video when she's crawling on the floor.
You looked like a black panther, cheetah or leopard on the prowl, and you were looking at him like you wanted him, smiling from ear to ear wickedly.
As you crawled up to him, the males in the audience were getting a massive kick out of you sexually crawling up to him, standing up out of their seats and filling the room up with roars and cheers,  some of them even making those silly "wolf whistles" at you.
"Mmmmm, mmmmmmmm, y/n!" Joey Styles exclaimed. "Gives new meaning to 'Come Out and Play'!"
Get it?
Because Raven's entrance theme when he was in ECW was the Offspring's "Come Out and Play", and you were coming out and about to play with him.
Raven, meanwhile, didn't seem all that amused.
He still had that little scowl on his face and didn't seem to be mildly interested in you.
Some people in the audience are probably thinking Raven is a homosexual for not being sexually aroused by a beautiful half naked woman crawling up to him like Lady Gaga in the "Bad Romance" video when she's crawling on the floor.
Joey Styles is the commentator in ECW, and even though he wasn't being filmed, he joked that it's a good thing Raven wears those flannels tied around his waist to hide something, try to guess what that joke is.
Joey figures you're trying to seduce Raven with the way you're dressed.
When you had approached Raven, close enough to touch him, you lifted one of your hands from the ring and moved a few strands of his curls out of the way so you could look at his handsome face he's hiding behind those Ramen Noodle-like curls.
He still had no emotion on his face, if anything, his face looked really depressed, grouchy and unamused.
Well, maybe this might tickle his fancy, literally.
That same hand that brushed his curls out of his face grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him closer to you, until your lips locked with his, your eyes closing when your lips collided with his.
Even his eyes shut when his lips locked with yours.
This got a massive pop from the audience, the audience roaring and cheering even louder than before, including some males making those same corny wolf whistles at you.
Though, the audience was probably expecting you to do something like this, considering you were crawling up to him sexually and dressed like you wanted to seduce him.
"Oh my God!" Joey shrieked off camera, sounding like a mixture of Jerry Lawler during his commentary days and Rowdy Roddy Piper, his eyes bugging out and pretending to be shocked, though isn't it obvious you were gonna make out with Raven?
You started making out and kissing Raven, your lips were sucking in between his lips and eventually separating from his mouth by an inch, only to join again by your lips nudging his lips.
He isn't putting his hands on you and pushing you away, and that's a good thing.
The camera filming this is zooming in on your face and his making out with each other.
You were making out with him like Cardi B at the beginning of her "Press" music video when she's making out with some other woman, his top lip in between your lips.
Sometimes, you kissed him long and not let your lips separate from his, having his lips in between yours and sucking that long kiss (and you don't mean suck as in something is terrible).
You even managed to slip him the tongue, your tongue lolling out of your mouth and licking up his tongue.
Some people in the audience could even see that you were French kissing him.
"I saw some tongue!" Joey Styles exclaimed and shrieked.
Raven, however, isn't really licking your tongue back.
The audience, meanwhile, is enjoying this, some of them were even chanting "Raven's got a wood-y!" over and over again, like when Stevie Richards made out with Missy Hyatt.
Raven does have an erection deep down, but he's playing a moody, angst ridden, depressed grunge kid who wants to be left alone.
Could even you, a sexually attractive half naked woman sexually crawling up to him give a cynical, nihilistic grunge brat an erection?
He can't be that depressed, can he?
Hey, y'know, sex can cure depression, can't it?
Your tongue moved from his mouth to under his chin, where your tongue stroked and licked his facial hair, his stubble short, rough and bristly, like sandpaper.
This got a shock and surprise from the men in the audience, seeing you lick his slight little beard.
But the crowd still seemingly loved it, cheering for you and even wolf whistling at you.
Joey Styles was pretending to be shocked and surprised, since this was all rehearsed, his eyes growing wide at you licking his facial hair and his voice shrill and high pitched.
"Oh mah Gawd!" Joey shrieked, his voice the same shrill, annoying Southern accent "Is she licking him?!"
No duh. What else are you doing?
You could nearly roll your eyes every time Joey shrieked out his "oh mah Gawd!" catchphrase.
Raven though, still wasn't all that amused, his eyes were staring at you licking the facial stubble under his chin.
Thank goodness you weren't wearing lipstick because then Raven would end up getting lipstick on his lips.
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softgrungeprophet · 4 years
have now read (almost) all of wyatt wingfoot’s actual comic appearances, can say with great confidence: a lot of them are pretty bad
only one was so bad i stopped reading after like, one issue (that was earth X, an alternate timeline) though to be fair i also have not even bothered to read the most recent issue of slott’s run because that’s also bad, but i know generally what happens and my verdict is: it sucks
anyway my personally most-enjoyed wyatt appearances in chronological order:
-OG meet-cute in 1966 aka Fantastic Four #50 thru #61 which includes their first meeting, and wyatt’s adventure with johnny in africa... this is also the first appearance of black panther i think. it’s definitely dated but surprisingly tame compared to the 70s-80s comics and there are some real good moments... wyatt is immediately ready to throw the fuck down for johnny and he is tall and handsome.
Prefacing this with: I’m white, but I wanna point out some shit before I actually continue the list.
Here i have to note that anything from 1970-2000 has a 50/50 chance of coloring wyatt real badly, even in the digital recolors, with only a few exceptions. The worst offender is in the early 90s in Sensational She-Hulk but that is NOT on my list because it’s bad. Most of the comics on this list, especially as we get into later and better-done comics, do not have red skin because there seems to be a correlation between bad art and bad story, but there are a few sprinkled in here with questionable pink-to-red coloring choices, particularly around the issue 200-somethings of Fantastic Four, and in general around the 70s and 80s.
I also wanna add here that around 1973, after stan lee had stopped writing fantastic four, after repeated statements to do with wyatt’s Comanche heritage (aka a real tribe in OK), gerry conway introduced “Keewazi,” a completely fake made-up tribe which then completely supplanted all but a few mentions of wyatt being Comanche (that being like, a brief comment implying his dead ancestors were comanche but that he is “keewazi”) with only one exception for an errant “Konohoti” (also made-up and in a bad comic that i won’t be recommending anyway) Said conway comic is not on my recommended list, either, but it has a notable line in which wyatt says he feels like he’s known johnny since before he ever met him, which i think about constantly...
Also, (and this is from me googling things to get better understandings of IRL stuff, as i read my way through f4 comics, so it’s by no means an expert’s words and i am still just a white person trying to get context) there are many mentions of Wyatt being on the reservation, of his family living on the reservation, teaching on the reservation, the tribe’s land being taken by oil companies, etc. but Oklahoma does not have reservations the way other states do and has not for decades. It also sounds like Wyatt becoming chief based only on being the previous chief’s grandson is pretty unlikely, but that’s a thing in the comics too.
There are a lot of inaccuracies and stereotypes in almost all of Wyatt’s appearances that are pretty blatant even to white-ass people like me, but some are better about this than others, for sure. So, keep that in mind even with the ones I list as enjoyable.
the rest of the list
i’m just kinda doing a semi chrono order rather than “best to worst” order
-there’s SOME stuff from Fantastic Four #269 thru #280 that i liked but i really could not tell you specific issues and the way wyatt and jen meet is really not well done. i remember kinda liking the arc about central city being transported to the future, in which wyatt has a pretty brief appearance... but overall I just really don’t like John Byrne’s writing so ehh can’t really recommend but some of it’s like, fine
-Marvel Fanfare (1982) #37 [B Story] is pretty cute and brief. involves a double date between reed/sue and jen/wyatt with johnny as the fifth wheel, and also time travel. and arm wrestling. It’s not heavy on Wyatt but it’s cute in general.
-Marvel Graphic Novel #18 (the Sensational She-Hulk) is like............. i’m VERY torn on this. i think overall it has a lot of fun elements but as always with john byrne there’s plenty of bad mixed in, both in terms of sexualizing shulkie, byrne thinking he’s funnier than he actually is, and a bad scene w/ wyatt but it has some really cute moments too. it’s a real mixed bag, man. the infamous “she-hulk carries wyatt under her arm” scene is from this one... long and short is “shield captures she-hulk and wyatt, and they bust out.” Less racist than wyatt’s appearances in the following sensational she-hulk run john byrne did after this, which is NOT SAYING A LOT because wyatt’s appearances in that comic run were pretty fucking offensive. if you like jenwyatt i guess read this, like, it’s fine, but... eh...
-She-Hulk: Ceremony (only 2 jumbo issues long) is another one I’m veeeerrryyyy torn on but RIGHT off the bat i will say it is worth more than the weight of all john byrne’s wyatt scenes combined. The pacing is kind of really weird, it’s got a lot of odd mystical native stereotypes in it... but it’s got really nice art though and mcduffie gives wyatt i think some of the most depth/nuance of any of these comics... he and jen are both equally important and treated as complex characters from the very first page to the very last... it’s one of those comics where i can’t say, “read it despite its flaws” because I just... don’t know. and it’s a comic which has had almost no impact on the works that followed, but at the same time it does have some really nice stuff for both jen and wyatt’s characters. this is the one where wyatt and jen almost get married and wyatt almost goes to law school. anyway I personally really liked it despite its flaws and it seems more researched than some other things but it’s definitely still lacking in some of its approach to indigenous stuff. dwayne mcduffie being black i think does give it a little something that it would otherwise lack, if it had been written by a white dude like all the other things.
-Marvel Graphic Novel #62 (Ka-zar: Guns of the Savage Land) based on the synopsis I read, I expected this to be bad but it was actually alright? I liked the art, wyatt’s handsome... BUT there’s a lot of weird condescending paternalism to it, wrt the indigenous groups and how they’re depicted, and i think that’s a pretty big, glaring flaw along with some of the usual caveats that come with anything relating to the savage land (including, you know, the name itself), but the rest of it is not half bad. ka-zar’s a jackass though. it’s one of the MANY stories wyatt appears in which feature an oil company as the bad guys (Roxxon in this case) but it’s one of the only ones that’s actually halfway decent.
-Marvel Super-Heroes vol 2 #5 (Treasure) short and sweet, features a sea monster, jen and wyatt on a little getaway together, and wyatt wearing heart-patterned swim trunks. almost forgot this one cause it’s easy to miss, but it’s really cute.
-Fantastic Four #394 was okay if i recall. this is when wyatt, johnny, jen, and some others go out to an archaeology dig and lyja stalks johnny. johnny telling wyatt he ought to bottle his charm and sell it... is good. everything with lyja... less good. jen, wyatt and johnny palling around... great. everything with lyja.... not great. a real mixed bag for me.
-Strange Tales vol 3 #1 i did not hate. if i remember correctly it has the same artist as guns of the savage land. it’s about the power of storytelling. i enjoyed this in particular because it shows wyatt’s grandfather as like... a human with interests beyond just being a Wise Old Man--he reads monster magazines! i liked that a lot. it’s still kinda... iffy in spots, especially with doctor strange involved, but it was still fun and i like when wyatt and his family get treated like human beings.
-Fantastic Force was actually pretty fun, I think. Wyatt is only in issues #12-16 so that’s all I bothered to read but it has this very amusing moment of wyatt saying how it’s unfortunate his and jen’s relationship wasn’t meant to work out but he treasures her friendship... while holding her hand after a date. starting on issue 12 there was some context missing but i didn’t really... care.... my reading style is plowing through random issues without ever reading the context and then going: idk what’s going on
-Fantastic Four vol 2 Listen. I know this comic is not “good” but I liked it and that’s what matters here. This is Franklin’s pocket dimension of the heroes reborn alternate universe... it’s definitely flawed, and i think it tries to cram a lot in for the sake of including classic characters, but i honestly really enjoyed it a lot and wyatt is not insignificant, though he’s not like, majorly important either. reading order gets a little fucking weird around issue 12 at which point you gotta also read issue 12 of the heroes reborn versions of avengers, iron man, and captain america. there are reading guides though, thank god. it’s fun, it’s a different take on the four that nonetheless has lots of small nods to the classic comics... a lot of people think it’s bad and like. i get why. but i think it was enjoyable and engaging minus the parts where i was forced to read avengers comics. wyatt’s actually only in issues 4-6 but i wound up starting from the beginning and reading the whole thing except the final issue cause that continued some new plot i didn’t care about from some other comic--it really breaks up in the end there lmao.... Relatedly, i don’t think heroes reborn: ashema is much worth the read; it’s like, fine, but wyatt’s five second appearance is kind of random and features tomazooma which means i immediately dislike it. like CONCEPTUALLY, wyatt piloting a mech is great. but... not that mech.
-Fantastic Four: The End. this comic... is... weird? it’s fine? i don’t know, i don’t think i’d go out of my way to recommend it but at the same time i didn’t hate it? so i’ll include it here. it’s an alternate future featuring some wild robo doom as the villain. wyatt runs an asteroid mining company for some reason. peter has a goatee. ben has like three kids with alicia. johnny rides the silver surfer’s board. it was... definitely interesting. and one of the comics in which sue has short hair, which is always a bonus for me.
-She-Hulks: (yes, with the plural) It’s a mini. I REALLY liked this. wyatt’s in like, two issues but I genuinely recommend the whole thing (it’s only 4 issues total) I really liked this comic, I thought it was a lot of fun and wyatt and jen’s interactions were really sweet. My biggest crits are that the author falls into the same “failing to write teenage girls” pitfalls as many, many marvel writers, and that stegman draws wyatt literally an entire foot too short. but i prefer this old stegman art vastly to his grungy current art. INTERESTING NOTE HERE is that wyatt’s appearances in this comic were published riiight around the same time johnny straight-up died in hickman’s fantastic four run, which is honestly fascinating to contemplate and also extra heartbreaking that i never got to see how wyatt found out considering he was almost definitely in the city when it happened. anyway. good, bittersweet as all hell on the she-hulk front, really enjoyable for me. i did not bother to read any of the hulk comics preceding it for context and i don’t think you need to, to understand it.
-Captain America Corps --This comic is.... something. wyatt is only in the last two issues in a minor role but the whole series is again only 5 issues and I honestly really enjoyed it? Though I think it tripped over itself in a few places. It involves time travel, captain america, an alternate 21st century which would be heavy-handed if it weren’t for trump. I think it gets its message a little tangled up in parts, especially near the end with the femazon whatever bullshit (so close to talking about white women’s privileges), but overall it was a fun little AU mini-series, with some flaws. it also implies that wyatt goes on to become the president which is the funniest thing i’ve ever read. he would hate that so much, man
-FF vol 2. not fantastic four. FF. just the initials. WITH A CAVEAT. Okay. Wyatt is in issues #3-4, 8, and 16. This one is a tough one, though.  This series. I like the art mostly. I like Wyatt’s scenes (tho i will pick a bone with mr fraction about wyatt’s supposed inability to pronounce french or know what to order at a french restaurant when he is multilingual and has gone to several french restaurants before) ANYWAY. Wyatt is really great in these appearances I think, charming, handsome, etc. The issues focusing on the kids, on interpersonal relationships, etc... i really like. But the rest. I do not like at all. The entire doom plot, I hated. Issue 16? Skip to the barbecue on the moon. I mean it. The bulk of issue 16 is a vastly uncomfortable, drawn-out fight scene between ant-man and doctor doom that just made me feel gross to read and just happens to be one of the only comics Victor has ever spoken Romani. So that’s... not great. The plot as a whole--I did not like it, especially not the stuff written by Allred, and I cannot recommend it unless you fucking hate doctor doom and want to watch him get beaten up for like literally 10 pages. That being said... again, the stuff with the kids? with bentley, and the moloids, and tong coming out, and the stuff with she-hulk and wyatt? I really really liked, and I thought was really sweet and fun. Oh also Wyatt looking at old man johnny and just knowing it’s him? chef kiss. So. definitely just. skip around. It’s a REAL mixed bag but there is some good stuff in there amidst the like...burnt peanuts.
-She-Hulk volume 3: wyatt is only in #5-6 and #12, really, with brief shots of his photo in some earlier issues BUT. I read the whole thing. It’s 12 issues total, and I really enjoyed it. The plot you think gets dropped does not get dropped, wyatt punches some demons in the face in the background, patsy is there... I really liked it. The art is a bit all over the place, and is not for everyone--it features Javier Pulido’s work for the majority, and I honestly... really like his work for its style and expressiveness but it REALLY is not for everyone, visually. Obviously Kevin Wada’s covers are gorgeous. The other artist who I forget the name of draws wyatt like... nigh unrecognizably, it’s really weird, and I don’t like his work as much but he does have some good spreads here and there. Colors are fantastic throughout. Again, really liked it. A little iffy on the secretary with the monkey.
-Fantastic Four vol 5 #11-12. These are the issues in which Wyatt gets shot by “hawkeye” and he and spidey hold an intervention for Johnny. I actually started with issue... 9 I think to just read the whole story, and I did enjoy that, though I will pick a fight over the idea that wyatt is a womanizer and would just toy with sharon who prior to this there was never any evidence they were romantically involved ANYWAY. I liked it. I felt feelings about Wyatt and Johnny, as well as the rest of the family. It switches to legacy numbering at one point and goes into:
-Fantastic Four #643-645 which is the rest of the story. I THINK 9-12 + 642-645 is everything.... Either way, I liked it a lot despite the fact that I’m really not a fan of Jesus Aburtov’s color work. Features the Heroes Reborn versions of the Avengers but like, empty, which was a fun nod.
-Hulk vol 4 #11 okay. wyatt’s not actually in this aside from jen reminiscing about her love life and showing like, two flashback panels of him. but. i really liked it a lot and i read the whole run based on the One (1) issue containing those panels. mariko tamaki has a great sense of humor and i found her fourth wall breaking to be actually funny sometimes instead of, like byrne’s, nigh intolerable. she also does some really solid character work for jen (which was later, of course, mangled by the avengers writers 🙄) the following she hulk series is a little less solid but i can imagine it was rushed because of the avengers comic, so, really, i’ll just blame everything on the avengers.
don’t read dan slott’s f4. i’ve read bad comics. i’ve read bad f4 comics. i’ve read bad wyatts. his run pings all of these. how do you write wyatt wingfoot out of character?! ask dan slott. oh, except #5′s bachelor party issue which I do think is fun and has wyatt in the background in a snazzy red tuxedo. #5 is actually my favorite issue of the whole run, which, to be fair, is not saying much. the first like, 2 issues and then issue 5 are really the most solid in there, and it just goes downhill from there.
those are the comics featuring wyatt that i’ve enjoyed the most and coincidentally also the fantastic four and she-hulk comics i’ve read that i’ve enjoyed the most because the venn diagram of “fantastic four comics i have read” and “comics including wyatt wingfoot in some capacity” is a circle.
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In the '80s and '90s, a lot of things were turned into cartoons. We saw a long list of animated shows based on live-action movies and more than a few that existed simply to sell toys. One interesting subgenre you might not remember, though, is when an animated series would age down an established set of fictional characters. All of a sudden, characters you were used to seeing as adults were portrayed as children on another show.
It happened more often than you may think and, honestly, some of the properties that did this to squeeze a little extra money out of their intellectual property may surprise you. At the end of the day, they all had something that made them entertaining enough to stick to the back of our minds.
Let's jump in the time machine and revisit 18 of the absolute best animated shows that age-flipped characters you knew and love--and maybe a couple you were downright terrified of. Also, make sure to check out our list of movies that were based on beloved cartoons. He-Man, eat your heart out.
1. The Tom and Jerry Kids Show
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It's not that Tom and Jerry Kids was a bad show, it was actually pretty good. However, the most memorable thing about it is its fantastic theme song. The series also included a kid version of Droopy Dog, in addition to little Tom and Jerry.
2. Muppet Babies
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This is easily the most beloved and iconic example of this trend. Jim Henson's Muppets were portrayed as babies when they became a cartoon--complete with onesies, baby talk, and a parental figure named Nanny that was only ever shown from the legs down. Muppet Babies is hands-down one of the best cartoons of the 1980s. What's more, the recent reboot on Disney Channel is also quite fun, even if it doesn't cast tiny versions of your favorite Muppets in movie franchises like Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
3. A Pup Named Scooby-Doo
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This was another show with a very memorable theme, though it's a confusing one. A Pup Named Scooby-Doo first debuted in 1988, and yet its theme sounds like a doo-wop song from the '50s. Regardless, this show is a blast as a young Scooby gang hunts monsters and solves mysteries, and of course, feeds the titular dog Scooby Snacks to keep him motivated.
4. Flintstone Kids
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Flintstone Kids was good, but what makes this entry on the list special is the show-within-the-show. Captain Caveman and Son were shorts that aired as part of Flintstone Kids. Originally, Captain Caveman was a character that debuted in the 1977 animated series Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels. On Flintstone Kids, he teamed with his son Cavey Jr. to fight the forces of evil. As for the little Flintstone gang themselves, that part of the show was also very fun, though you might remember it most for the public service announcements that aired during the episodes.
5. Tiny Toon Adventures
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This one is, admittedly, a bit of a cheat. The kids on Tiny Toons weren't actually the kid versions of Bugs, Daffy, Taz, and the rest of the gang. It doesn't get much closer, though. Baby and Buster were clearly a younger take on the different sides of Bugs Bunny, while Plucky Duck has Daffy's temper, Dizzy was the spitting image of Taz, and Hampton was so close to Porky Pig it was scary. What's more, sometimes the classic Looney Tunes characters made appearances on Tiny Toons, seeing them team up with their younger proteges.
6. James Bond Jr.
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This is another one that sort of works, but only if you stretch the premise a bit. James Bond Jr. was the nephew of James Bond and a spy-in-training and, along with his prep school friends, was fighting the forces of evil just like his infamous uncle. What you may not know, though, is James Bond Jr. has his own novels. The Adventures of James Bond Junior 003½ was first released in 1967, written by an author under the pseudonym R. D. Mascott. Interestingly, the actual author of the book has never been officially revealed, though several names have been theorized.
7. Baby Looney Tunes
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First debuting in 2001, this is a much newer series than Tiny Toons. What's more, it actually delivers what you might have been looking for in that show--this is the actual Looney Tunes characters as babies, in case the title of the series didn't hint at it enough. This series essentially Muppet Babies, but with Bugs Bunny and friends. What's not to love?
8. Yo Yogi!
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If you've actually heard of this one, congratulations. You're as nerdy as we are. Yo Yogi! debuted in 1991 and only lasted for 12 episodes. It was the most over-the-top version of the '90s you could expect, complete with a neon-colored makeover of Yogi's clothes. The series casts the bear and his pals--Boo-Boo, Snagglepuss, Huckleberry Hound, Cindy Bear--as 14-year-old crime fighters. What else would you expect these animated teen animals to be?
9. Jungle Cubs
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Yes, Disney's The Jungle Book for the kid treatment, even though the main character in the movie is already a kid. This version doesn't feature Mowgli at all. Instead, the animals are all kids, living it up in the jungle. They aren't crime fighters of ghostbusters or anything like that. Instead, they're just friends hanging out. Oh, and we have to mention the theme song, a hip-hop version of "The Bare Necessities."
10. Clifford's Puppy Days
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If you were a kid in the early-aughts, you might remember Clifford's Puppy Days. Before he was Clifford the Big Red Dog, he was Clifford the normal-sized puppy that wasn't a menace to keep and maintain.
11. The New Archies
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Before Riverdale turned Archie and his friends into a Twin Peeks-flavored murder party of teenage angst, The New Archies made them little kids. The gang is in junior high and, well, not much else has changed. It lasted 13 episodes and was still the incredibly wholesome Archie Comics you knew back then before it went full-CW.
12. Sabrina: The Animated Series
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The animated Sabrina series was a spin-off of the live-action version starring Melissa Joan Hart and featured the titular teen as a 12-year-old. She was still learning her magical ways and getting into all sorts of trouble with her spells. In this series, Sabrina is voiced by Hart's little sister, Emily Hart. However, the original Sabrina does play a role, voicing Sabrina's aunts Hilda and Zelda.
13. Camp WWE
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What if WWE did its own take on South Park? That's Camp WWE, an animated series that's definitely meant for adults. All of your favorite WWE superstars, including "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Rock, and The Undertaker, are little kids at a summer camp run by Vince McMahon, his teen daughter Stephania, and her boyfriend Triple H? That's all you need to know about WWE. It pokes fun at WWE and professional wrestling as a whole, is filled with more adult language than you'd find on Raw or Smackdown, and it actually one of the most entertaining WWE Network originals.
14. Ewoks
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Yes, this is real. There's honestly no telling how old the Ewoks are in Return of the Jedi. But who cares? In this Star Wars animated series, viewers follow a younger version of Wicket and his friends before the events of A New Hope and, for some reason, they speak English now. Originally, this series aired with the half-hour show Droids for The Ewoks and Droids Adventure Hour, otherwise known as the coolest one-hour block of TV you'll ever experience.
15. Iron Man: Armored Adventures
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This is the most recent series on the list, but need to be pointed out. Iron Man: Armored Adventures followed Tony Stark as a teen Iron Man, alongside a similarly-aged Pepper Potts and Rhodey. If you thought Stark might have less of an ego as a teenager, guess again. Still, this take on Iron Man was entertaining and it managed to introduce a long list of popular Marvel characters--from Black Panther to MODOK.
16. The Mini-Monsters
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So, The Mini-Monsters wasn't a show. It was, however, a segment within the animated series The Comic Strip. The segment featured the children of the classic Universal monsters, including Frankenstein's son Franky and the Invisible Man's son Blanko. It's utterly ridiculous, with a premise of a pair of siblings (one of which is voiced by Seth Green) being sent to a summer camp filled with the children of actual horror villains for a year. This is the oddest entry on the list, but one of the best.
17. The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show
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While this is a list of cartoons that turned adult characters into children, it didn't always work out that way. In some cases, the process goes backward, and this is a perfect example of that. On The Flintstones, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm were the kids of Fred and Barney, respectively. That series ended in 1966, though, with The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show following in 1971. In that series, the two titular characters were teenagers, attending high school together and starting a band. What was the band called, you ask? The Bedrock Rockers. This sequel series only lasted 16 episodes, but it remains a cool idea that most cartoons won't dare touch. Bart Simpson has been in elementary school for three decades, and chances are that won't be changing anytime soon.
18. All Grown Up
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This series also aged up popular baby characters. All Grown Up revisited the world of Rugrats. This time, though, Tommy Pickles and his friends were preteens and had more fleshed out personalities. It lasted five seasons on Nickelodeon, airing between 2003 and 2008.
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