#Bleach headcannons
imaginingbleach · 4 months
Forever your protector,
Word Count: 1,176
Requested: No, personally wanted to write angsty fluff using the phrases: My first instinct is to protect you, no matter the cost. && I never realized how much I needed you until you weren't there.
Summary; You distance yourself from Ichigo in hopes your absence will go unnoticed when you're taken to Hueco Mundo... Ichigo's more perceptive than anyone gives him credit for and rescues both you and Orihime.
CW: implied that reader has been stalked by Aizen; kidnapped to Hueco Mundo; tiny confrontation with Uryu; Ichigo worrying; Ichigo is hurt but what else is new
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Tears streamed down your face as you ran over to him, the man who had come to your rescue despite everything...
You had known that Sosuke Aizen had planned to kidnap you at some point... It was not a matter of if but when.
You had accepted that fact long before it happened...
You had accepted that when you went to help Ichigo rescue Rukia that he would see you... And you already knew whatever he was planning was not good. As soon as he showed his true colors to everyone... you knew it was only a matter of time before he was going to come and find you.
When you returned to the World of the Living, you had said goodbye to Ichigo and his friends, and had made a silent vow to yourself. You didn't want to drag them into anything, so you would begin to distance yourself from the others.
You saw them less and less, you basically dropped off the face of the Earth... However, unlike Rukia, though, you didn't just suddenly disappear from their memories.
It came as no surprise to you when strange hollow like men came to take you. This was the first time you had met any arrancars, and likely the first time they had come over to the World of the Living. You had accepted that this was going to happen and that there was nothing you could do to fight against it.
Fate had a funny way of reminding you of what you had left behind... Orihime at some point had been brought to Hueco Mundo and that was when you knew Ichigo would come to save her.
How would you be able to explain to him just why you were here? What would he say?
... Would he give you that famous scowl and tell you how stupid you had been for running off on your own?
The thought made you giggle to yourself, but it made your heart ache...
"The hell do you mean you haven't seen them since we got back?!" Ichigo growled as he gripped onto Uryū's shirt, leering down at him.
"I said they haven't been in class or clubs since we got back from the Soul Society. I don't have their number, so I can't contact them... I would think you would've heard from them, Ichigo."
"I..." His grip loosened as he began to think over the days since their return. He remembered saying goodbye to you... He remembered saying he would see you later... And... Then, what? His thoughts were racing through every face he had seen since then and none of them were yours. Not a single one.
"I gotta go," he spat out, letting go of the other's shirt and running off. He had to see you. How did he manage to let the days go past without noticing?! His jaw clenched, hands balling into fists and speeding up into a sprint towards your home. You were okay... You had to be okay.
The thoughts of you being hurt or dead made his chest ache and only made him go faster. Once he arrived, he quickly searched for the spare key you had. In his haste, he nearly dropped it before managing to get it into the key hole and slam open the door. He called out your name, looking everywhere within your home.
He was just overreacting, right? You would be in your room, curled up with your computer or a book and peek your head up at him... Looking confused why he sounded so frantic... Right? You had to. His hand shook as he reached for the doorknob of your bedroom, twisting it and pushing the door open.
But you weren't there.
His lower lip trembled as he looked around your room. The bed was made and honestly it looked like no one had been in there for... Well, it definitely looked like you hadn't been home much since your return. He gritted his teeth and slammed the side of his fist into the door frame.
Unfortunately, he didn't have time to even begin thinking about where you could be or what could have happened to you... The arrancars soon came down and he was thoroughly defeated. Then they came back and took Orihime with them.
As he was preparing to head to Hueco Mundo to rescue Orihime, something hit him. He remembered his conversation with Grimmjow during their last interaction.
"Hah! You're so dense, Kurosaki! All these people and none of you even noticed we've already taken one of your pals!"
His eyes grew wide at the realization, feeling like he was hit with a train.
"He wasn't talking about Orihime! Son of a-"
"You're such an idiot, Ichigo! You didn't have to do that," you sobbed out as you fell into the sands before him. He had gotten badly hurt during his fights... And naturally you blamed yourself.
"Heh, but I did... My first instinct is to protect you, no matter the cost." He explained, smiling up at you as Orihime began to heal him.
"That's stupid and you know it!" You whined out in protest, feeling a bit better now that he was starting to get healed. "I'm not-"
"Hey, none of that. You are such an important person in my life," he spoke softly and reached up to wipe your tears away. "I never realized how much I needed you until you weren't there..."
"D... Don't say weird stuff like that!" You huffed, cheeks growing warm with embarrassment. Despite that, you never tried to move his hand from your cheek.
"I mean it... It took me way too long, but, I love you."
"Y-... You're just dizzy from blood loss! Stop saying weird things when you're so hurt!" You could feel the steam coming out of your ears, heart racing and trying to turn situation to have less of a focus on yourself.
"Hey! I am not! I've been thinking about this since the day I realized you were gone! It's taken me way too long to realize it, but you know me... I'm not always the best with these sorts of things. I'm just happy I can see you again and tell you how I feel."
Before you had a chance to say anything, he had gently pulled you forward until your lips met with his. It was gentle and sweet and left you absolutely breathless. When he pulled back, forehead resting against yours and his hand still cupping your cheek, you felt a soft sigh leave your lips.
"You're so stupid... and reckless... and I love you too, Ichigo."
"Great, wanna go on a date after we defeat Aizen?"
He stared at you with a confused look for a moment, watching as you just began to laugh at his silliness. His expression soon changed to a soft smile, knowing just how ridiculous he was being. It was the first time in a while he had gotten to see your smile... so he didn't mind you laughing at him.
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sokonoi · 2 years
𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢 + 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞
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KENPACHI first found out you were pregnant because of yachiru. sure, your face looked puffer and more glossier then normal & sure you smelled different! didn’t mean anything to him. that is until yachiru throws out the idea of you being pregnant.
“i don’t know what’s gotten into y/n,” kenpachi muses at the dinner table
yachiru stuffs more rice balls into her mouth. “she’s probably pregnant,” yachiru says although kenpachi didn’t catch the beginning of the sentence all he heard was pregnant. his eyes blink again and again until it sinks in.
KENPACHI does store runs alot. your midnight cravings are very serious to him. he will go in the middle of the night if needed while sleep is still tugging at his eyes.
KENPACHI who caters to your every whim. even down to keeping his hair smooth & treated. ever since you made a comment about how coarse his hair feels between your fingers.
KENPACHI who’s favorite part of the day is when he comes home & gets to talk to “ladybug”. he knows your carrying his daughter he’s about 99.9% sure. he doesn’t care about the gender, but deeply in his heart he wants a girl.
KENPACHI actually enjoys being a girl dad. he stays with little clips in his hair & the elaborate tea parties with chairs he can barley fit in because of his size. the frilly dresses yachiru & you wear to be regal.
KENPACHI is very over protective & his squad seems to inherit the trait very quickly. it’s like having your a whole army behind you. so when kenpachi isn’t around you still don’t lift a finger.
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shanksbaby · 5 months
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m34gs · 1 year
An Anon ask from someone you definitely don't know, I swear.
Tell us your head canons for Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach 👀
Well, I wonder who this could be from. Hmmm. Not a clue. No idea at all. (based on this post)
Thank you for the ask, anon! It's been a hot minute since I talked about Bleach and Ichigo Kurosaki :D I have a few headcannons about Ichigo and I am rather excited to share them! (some of these are pretty heavy and serious headcannons...sorry, not sorry😅)
PTSD and Night-terrors: Ichigo has both. From flashbacks, to angry outbursts, to panic attacks, to waking up screaming in the middle of the night from a dream he can't even remember. Sometimes it's things directly related to Aizen, Ywach, and the wars. Sometimes, it's little things: a flash of something shiny moving too fast in the corner of his vision, an innocent noise from a tv show that sounds like a hollow, or even just not knowing where his sisters are when they're late in coming home. This boy literally died and became a hollow (briefly). There's no way he doesn't struggle with PTSD and/or night terrors.
Fear of Becoming a Parent: Let's be real. Even with a loving father, and knowing how much his mother loved him, Ichigo is probably gonna have issues. He's going to worry about another life to protect. He's going to stress and probably think "How can I be a dad, when I can barely get my shit together" every time he has a melt-down from one of his PTSD triggers. I would find it highly unlikely that anyone who's been through what he has would feel really confident in parenting. There's also the fact that Isshin, while definitely trying his best to parent and at the same time pretend he doesn't know anything about Soul Society, wasn't exactly the greatest dad to Ichigo. I just don't think he gave his son a lot of emotional support through the series, and I think that really messed with Ichigo's head. I don't think Ichigo would see him as a role model for parenting.
Substance Use Disorder: in the form of: addiction. I think, building on my other headcannons, Ichigo is probably not gonna cope very well. (We've seen how badly shit went down in the Fullbringer Arc. This boy has Issues and No Coping Skills whatsoever.) Whether he gets an addiction to some sort of drugs (probably pain killers or something else he has easy access to) or alcohol, I think he'll need a serious wake-up call (probably from Chad) before he's able to get through the addiction.
Fear of Being Alone: I think he would be very afraid of being left out and alone again. Especially after the Fullbringer arc. He can't handle not being able to protect his friends or family.
Let's have a couple slightly more light-hearted, not-so-heavy ones, lol:
Forgetting what's normal: I think Ichigo has been so wrapped up in fighting Hollows and Aizen and working with Soul Society for so long now, and through so many large events with so many people changing sides, that he sometimes forgets what is normal conversation for regular people. This leads to some very odd/concerning conversations that leave others wide-eyed and going 'what the fuuuuuuuck' and leave us, the audience, in stitches laughing. ("How did you and Grimmjow meet, Kurosaki?"/ "He tried to kill one of my best friends and then kidnapped the other one. We beat the shit out of each other"/ "...what")
Suspicion: Ok, so Ichigo has been burned so many times by someone promising him something or pretending to guide him, only to then turn around and demand something or betray him or some other form of deception. So, I think he'd be Extra Suspicious of people, especially in positions of authority. Which means, I'm picturing him going to university and the prof going "this assignment is worth 10% of your grade" and Ichigo going "Is it? Is it really? You're not gonna make it 20% at the last minute, are you? Hmmmm??? HMMMMM???????" except you know, in his Ichigo way. Meaning. He'll probably corner the prof after lecture and intimidate the shit out of him. Poor little old professor. Or: Other Professor: "As long as you follow what I say, you will do just fine and pass this class easily". Ichigo: "Fuck that" /does the opposite. gets a bad grade. Shocked Pikachu emoji/ LOL.
Tiredness x 1000: Ok, so this one is kind of not funny but also kind of funny. I think that due to being wired all the time from adrenaline and such, and not being able to get a good night's sleep, Ichigo is exceedingly tired. Always. And that leads to slightly funny (but also realistically dangerous) things on the surface because he becomes That Friend who will fall asleep on anything as long as the surface is vaguely horizontal. In class. In the cafeteria. While shopping with friends. On a train. On a bus. On the sidewalk. In the Park. On a bench. In a pool. Upside Down. One time, he falls very deeply asleep in the middle of a spar with Grimmjow, and Grimmjow freaks out and thinks he's actually killed Kurosaki. Grimmjow panics and starts planning the funeral to calm himself down. When Ichigo wakes up, Grimmjow is so relieved but also annoyed because how Dare he fool Grimmjow, that he kicks Ichigo.
Thanks again for the ask, anon! Hope you enjoyed these headcannons!!!
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feitanii-ll · 4 months
巛—𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗶𝗴, 𝗳𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗵—⫸
[[ crush!ichigo x reader headcannons ]]
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✩ crush! ichigo who can't seem to stop thinking about you, wondering why you're always on his mind.
✩ crush! ichigo who doesn't know that you're harboring a huge crush on him, and unbeknownst to you, feels completely the same.
✩ crush! ichigo who gets distracted by the thoughts of you during hollow attacks— which ends him getting scolded, and a bright red blush on his face when asked "what happened out there!?"
✩ crush! ichigo who spots you one day at the grocery store, feeling his tummy erupt in butterflies when you see him and begin approaching.
✩ crush! ichigo who looks so damn good standing in front of you. he's always so well dressed, and he smells like a dream. he's so soft when he speaks to you, dropping that usual grumpy demeanor in your presence.
✩ crush! ichigo who gets so anxious and is determined to make a good impression when he suggests the two of you hang out at the mall.
☆ crush! ichigo who carries your bags from the things HE bought you. from books, to clothes, to jewelry— he simply shakes his when you say, "ichigo, I can do it myself." only for him to reply with, "noo, girly. I've got it. dont worry about, 'kay?" and he says it so nice, so tender that all you can do is swoon and pout, turning away to hide the clear embarrassment on your face.
☆ crush! ichigo who bring you to his favorite store in the mall, Zumies, and basically yaps about what he likes and doesn't like about their clothing options.
☆ crush! ichigo who is so passionate about fashion and clothing, it's a little heartwarming for him to open up about his interest, and you can't help but smile up at him as if he's the light of your life. and in a way, he is.
☆ crush! ichigo that's just so protective over you. you don't know it, but he feels the need to take care of you in a way. he WANTS to, just to make you happy.
☆ crush! ichigo who almost gets into a fight with a man in the store after you accidentally bumped into him. when you had tried to apologize, he had grumbled a mean name towards you that had ichigo livid! there's almost a scuffle, but you managed to convince him to just leave the asshole alone crush!ichigo who yaps about how he "should've kicked the guy's ass!", unable to get the memory out of his head, "I would've won, too. who the hell does he think he is?"
☆ crush! ichigo who, after getting so distracted by this thoughts, snaps out of it when he feels a light pressure on his arm. it's you, leaning your head against him as you sigh. "I know you would have... please don't feel like you NEED too, though." you murmur.
☆ crush! ichigo who feels his heart flutter at your actions and chuckles. "yeah? anything for you.." he says it casually, though it means so much more.
✩ crush! ichigo who you just love so so much <33
☆ crush! ichigo who's definitely already yours, even though you two aren't official.
☆ crush! ichigo that rambles to renji low-key about how much he likes you.
☆ crush! ichigo that sits up at night thinking about you. your time spent all the mall together. your laugh, your smile, your purse that he thinks is a little but ugly and tacky, but likes it only because you find it cute.
☆ crush! ichigo who, shamfully, traps his pillows between his strong arms and cuddles it vertically as if it's really you. though he learns to be cautious about that as Rukia tends to break into his room at ungodly hours of the day; which ends up rather embarrassing for him.
just..crush! ichigo
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theanimeroom · 1 year
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💎 men who’s cocks are so fucking huge but they have absolutely no idea how to use it. you had somehow gotten yourself in a situation where you had this beauty all to yourself, and you were more than happy to teach him how to split you in two with it.
his hands grip your waist so tightly you’re sure there’s gonna be finger shaped bruises littering your skin in the morning. his mouth is dangerously close to your ear, his breathy moans warming the cartilage until your body is shuddering in his hold. his cock is pressed against your hole, your hand around the base, cunt squeezing around air as you tried to suck him in. with a pained whimper, his hips flexed just slightly, the head of his cock sinking into you.
your voice shattered as the muscles in your thighs tightened, moan tipping over your swollen lips as your head tilted back, clenching down around him. the moment his cock felt the warmth of your cunt, he hissed, fingers digging even tighter into your hip as he bullied himself the rest of the way in. he was big, almost too big for you to take, but you don’t dare tell him to stop. instead, your eyes roll to the back of your head and you force yourself down on him further, the burn eliciting the sluttiest of noises from you, if he had any opinion in the matter.
you’d bounce on him a few times, needing time adjust to the size before letting him have free reign. you rocked back until you felt him hit that little bundle of nerves inside of you, opting instead to release him while trying to hold the position you were in.
the moment you handed over control though? he seized your hips, holding you still as his drilled his cock into your pussy. your voice came out in broken whines, his tip reaching places you didn’t even know existed. your moans mixed with his as he focused on prodding that soft spot inside you, the deep arch of your back only forcing him deeper inside of you.
he stayed close to you, chest pressed against your skin as he let out the foulest of noises. his lips kissed and sucks at every part of you he could find, refusing to leave a single spot untouched. his hands were no better, sliding between groping the globes on your chest, to yanking you onto his cock by your hips, to threading his hands in your hair to see how pretty you looked while fucked out on his cock.
he refused to admit that the expression on his face was comparable to the one you were making right now.
he’d spew shit that didn’t make any sense, his brain muddied and left useless. his voice was light and airy from the endless gasps flowing from him, a string of curses littered in between.
“fuck…you’re so warm baby,” “could sit inside you forever, oh my god,” “mfph, you’re so tight, i can’t even move,”
“you’re just too big, you dumbass,”
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kazutora, shinichiro, hakkai, naoto | murasakibara, kagami, kiyoshi | nagi, bachira, reo | ikkaku, ichigo, chad, shuuhei | + your favs 🫶🏽
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jinnyart06 · 7 months
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Left behind in a field of narcissus, thin ice spreads across the blooms
(aka 12am brainrots)
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readerinsertz · 10 months
(age 20) toshiro s/o who gets turned on by watching him do his paper work. he just looks so good. you wanna play with him so you into his office to stir him on
Rating: Explicit, MDNI 
Warnings: afab!reader, fingering
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But that man is very fiiiiine 
He's sat there doing his own work and you're busy sitting on his sofa thighs squished together to get even a little bit of friction 
He’s just so in the zone and authoritative and attractive 
You're thinking about slipping a hand down and maybe getting a little friction on your slit
Without looking up, Toshiro will tell you to come over to him
Points at his lap without breaking in his writing. If you take too long, he will grab you with his left hand and will pull you down to straddle his thigh.
“Ride.” Is all he’ll say to you. So you begin to grind on his muscular thigh, starting off slow and a bit shy.
Toshiro will probably squeeze an ass cheek with his free hand to encourage you, maybe pushing you down a bit as he flexes his thigh. 
“C’mon, I want to hear all those dirty moans.” He whispers into your ear.
At this point, you’re over your shyness and are busy humping the material. A wet spot appears embarrassingly quickly but there’s something about him that gets you going.
Especially since he’s not stopped his paperwork, capable of taking care of you and the files 
Probably will chill his finger and run it over the skin of your back. 
Eventually, it won’t be enough and after a few pitiful whines, he will give you his full attention. 
Probably pushes back from the table a little to have a bit more room.
His right hand worming its way down your trousers and into your wet pants. Toshiro will slide his fingers through the wetness clinging to your lips and slicking them up 
Two fingers push into you easily, curling to massage your gspot. It’s intense and pleasurable and not enough all at the same time. 
Toshiro beginning to nip at your sensitive neck as he starts moving his digits in and out of you as his fingertips continue to hit that spongy spot that has your legs clenching around his forearm
Will manoeuvre so he can grind the heel of his palm into your clit, left hand on your hip and guiding you to grind down and take everything he’s giving.
Will start scissoring his fingers to stretch out your walls before adding a third finger
increases the pace, as his teeth scrape down your bared neck
"Gonna cum for me, my dirty officer" "can you feel you clamping down on my fingers"
this man will run his mouth but like in a sweet way.
praises you but also talks you through your orgasm
will still his fingers but press circles into your clit with his thumb to help you ride out climax.
Will slide his fingers into his mouth, slurp up your juices and give a few pats to your ass then turn back to his paperwork and continue as if nothing happened whilst your quivering legs struggle to get your body back onto the sofa.
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alex2xander · 3 months
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genshinfamdynamics · 5 months
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I wore an ao dai for the first time in years, so obviously the only logical thing to do was draw the Kaebedo fam with ao dais and Vietnamese accessories (individual shots under the cut)
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I'm getting a real hankering for domestic grimmichi... but like... pre-getting together grimmichi... like post-TYBW-no-longer-enemies and Grimmjow has his own shit to do in Las Noches but he always finds an excuse to bother Ichigo 'cause he still wants his fight... like Ichigo resuming his education and trying to find a place so he can move out and one of his sisters can have his room... like Ichigo being so tired from uni and his job that he will more often than not just pass out on the couch in his lil apartment... like Grimmjow climbing through the window after being gone for 4 months and demanding a fight like the starving streetcat that he is and Ichigo just mumbling something like "Tomorrow... need sleep... stay over and we can fight tomorrow." But peppered with the appropriate amount of cursing.... like Grimmjow snapping at him that he has better things to do and that- "I ain't gonna wait at your beck and call like the rest of your possy, Kurosaki!" as he settles down next to couch because they've been doing this for almost a year now... like Ichigo yawning through a few apologies before passing out again... like Grimmjow spending the rest of the night just looking at this freak of nature that can afford to sleep with a predator like him sitting so close... like Grimmjow really trying to ignore this weird feeling that comes with the realization that he REALLY likes how much Kurosaki trusts him...
Just simple stuff ya know...
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imaginingbleach · 3 months
Random Assortment of Captains Proposing
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Included: Shunsui, Suì-Fēng, Shinji, Byakuya, Mayuri, Rukia
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Shunsui Kyoraku
One would expect this man to be over the top with his proposal, but you would be surprised to find out it's nothing like you would expect.
Even before becoming head captain, this still held true.
While he believes the world should know how special you are to him, he also wants certain things to be more personal and private.
He can shout how he feels for you to the high heavens, but he wants special occasions to be just between the two of you-- maybe a small group of friends and family at largest.
It would likely happen some quiet evening in the middle of winter when the snow is gently coming down just outside...
The two of you were snuggled up together next to a gently roaring fire.
You didn't need a blanket with how warm he was as he had his arms wrapped around you.
You were starting to lull off into a very soft slumber, struggling to stay awake between the comfort of you boyfriend and the warmth between him and the fire.
He had thought a lot about when and where he should ask you, but the way you looked snuggled up into his chest?
He couldn't stand it.
You were so cute and you looked so perfect there with him...
"Hey, sorry to wake you, but I wanna ask you something," he spoke gently, waking you from your faint slumber.
"Mmf? Wha's up?" You'd slur out, eyes not even managing to open at first.
It was when he didn't immediately respond that you would open your eyes, blinking slowly and looking at him.
"Will you marry me?"
A mix of something between a squeak and a gasp escaped you, his question definitely waking you up.
"I-" your brain was going faster than you could verbally reply-- but his calm demeanor helped relax you enough to manage the simplest and yet most important reply you could give him, "yes"
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She thinks she's being secretive about her plans to propose, but she's sorely mistaken.
Maybe in regards to you
However, her entire squad and the stealth force absolutely know.
In fact, they would be doing whatever they could to try to give her hints.
"Oh, yeah, Captain! I got a new ring from-" not very subtle, but he does like to wear jewelry and the ring doesn't look awful-
Maybe of the members would have casual 'conversations' while conveniently walking past her.
"The cherry blossom trees are beautiful in-" "There's a fireworks festival this weekend-"
The squad knew you well enough to know how to suggest things they thought you might like.
She's a bit too caught up in the moment to fully notice what they're doing...
When she does propose, she chose your favorite time of year or favorite holiday.
It doesn't matter how tall you are, she would position herself so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders from behind.
She would pull a cute little box out in front of your face and simply asks if you'll be hers.
You're shocked for a moment, but gladly accept and turn around to kiss her happily.
Some time after she finally proposed... She realized just what her squad had done.
She's a little annoyed but doesn't punish anyone so long as they don't bring it up. Omaeda.
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Shinji Hirako
Okay... This man is so in love with you it's absolutely fucking ridiculous.
He has imagined and daydreamed about how he might propose to you and how your wedding might go...
It's always the same in his mind so he has idea of a perfect proposal and the most wonderful wedding and...
Something always seems to happen.
It could be big or small, but he just has never been able to get the timing right!
He had it all planned out, he had a ring, he had a spot, even down to what season he wanted it to happen in!
It would have been a beautiful little day together where he would propose at sunset! Or sunrise! That all depended on what happened 😉
Every. Single. Time! Bad weather, you were busy! He was sick! He had duties! There was a war going on!
So, when it finally does happen... It's not exactly the most romantic extravagant over the top proposal...
But it's extremely fitting for Shinji.
You had just woken up, the smell of food enticing you towards the kitchen to eat.
He was sitting there with a cup of tea, watching as you stumbled towards the table with your eyes barely open and hair an absolute mess.
To him; this scene was just pure perfection. It was so domestic... It filled him with warmth.
"We should get married," he would blurt out, smiling at you.
"W... Wha? I, wha?" You were so shocked you had dropped your piece of toast, whining as it fell buttered side down onto the floor. "Shinji... It's too early for jokes," you would grumble; now upset you had accidentally wasted food.
"I'm not joking," he would grin and pull out a little pristine box he had been carrying since the day he bought it.
He would sweetly say your name and open the box to show you the ring, his usual grin soon spreading over his features. "Will you make me the 3rd happiest man in Connecticut and marry me?"
"We're not in Connecticut!!!" You would exclaim through laughter, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Yes, stupid... You're also banned from the Internet."
"Hey, you know you love me~ and it made you giggle, so it's not all that bad." He would wrap his arms around you, cheek pressed against yours and gently putting the ring on.
You both made up a story about what happened because you didn't want to have to explain the layers of his stupid proposal. (You both think back on it fondly, though.)
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Byakuya Kuchiki
One may think it would take him a while to propose, but that would be quite the opposite of the truth.
What takes him a while is allowing himself to open up to you enough to realize he has feelings for you...
He guards his emotions carefully, especially after the death of Hisana...
But when he's in a relationship with you?
He genuinely cherishes the idea of being called your husband.
He would tell you that when you are ready and feel comfortable with the idea, he would be honored to marry you.
He tells you this up front since it's taken him so long to even accept the relationship, so he already knows he can see himself being with you for the rest of his life.
Because of this, you don't get the whole 'surprise proposal', but you do get to do a lot of things together.
When you admit that the idea of marriage sounds like something you'd like, he takes you to get rings with him.
Though he's used to a more traditional Japanese style wedding, he is open to hearing your thoughts.
He likely puts in more work than you do planning, mostly because he wants to make it perfect for you.
A big extravagant wedding? Done.
A small wedding with only the closest friends and family? That's perfect too.
He wants you to be happy, since he's already decided a while ago that he wants to repay the happiness you've given him tenfold.
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Mayuri Kurotsuchi
He is an interesting one to say the least.
His way of proposing is far from straight forward and even those closest to him who understand him might not see it as such.
Of course, being his partner means he comes to you with complaints about his subordinates or how his research isn't going the way he wants...
That's not unusual.
What is unusual, is how he gives you random little strange gifts.
Well, one wouldn't call them gifts so much...
You'll notice something interesting on his table and make a comment about it.
He'll tell you it was something from a failed experiment and they if you wanted it you could have it.
There was no experiment.
He got it because he knew you'd like it.
He can't say that though, right?
Anyway, through some long winded convoluted explanation you would end up with a ring.
You would end up unintentionally giving him answers to all the important wedding planning stuff and you wouldn't even know it.
You end up finding out because you snuck into his office one day to surprise him with something and you saw his calendar.
It definitely came as a mild shock at first, but somehow you weren't entirely surprised.
Instead you decided to continue to act oblivious up to the day of the wedding. You had to have some fun with it!
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Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia's way of proposing is absolutely adorable and definitely reflects a lot of her personality.
It takes her a bit to decide on the best course of action...
She has been gathering all the important information she would need over the years, after all.
She knows your ring size, your clothing size, your shoe size, your favorite color-- the works!
So, the most important part of everything is the how she does it.
She decided on a date: whatever winter holiday is your favorite.
It just so happened to be snowing that day, which she thought was absolutely perfect.
Whether it was a gift giving holiday or not: she got you one and had it wrapped nicely!
When you opened it, it was a pair of stuffed animals hugging.
One was a rabbit and the other was your favorite animal!
They were velcroed in a way that they could come apart, and when you pulled them apart to see, a small box fell out from between them.
Rukia would kneel down and pick up the box, gently holding it up to you before opening it.
"Will you marry me?"
You said yes, but you also laughed and cried. It was so cute you couldn't help it.
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introvertedloon · 3 months
The Grand Fisher tragedy is missing some pieces.
Everybody knows two things about that fateful rainy day.
Masaki would've erased that scruggly hamster if there wasn't literal divine intervention.
Ichigo conveniently blacked out before the big scary monster showed up and his mom pulled a bow out of her bracelet, leaving the poor guy blissfully ignorant for the next nine years.
BUT let me tell you my headcannons. It makes a ton of sense Ichigo lost his memories IF FISHER YANKED HIM OUT OF HIS BODY. Human souls USUALLY lose their memories in that situation.
Secondly, have you ever wondered how Ichigo survived? I mean fainted or otherwise his mom was dead, he was six and Grand Fisher was trying to EAT him.
Consider Urahara, a captain-level shinigami who had the shunpo to intervene when Masaki's spiritual pressure suddenly vanished. If ISSHIN could sense the fight no way URAHARA didn't.
We like to rag on the previous generation, but who would predict the Auswahlen happening MID-DAMN-FIGHT? To Urahara, it all must have seemed like yet another failure to add to his long list of mistakes. Did he really freaking leave Ichigo under Masaki's corpse? Was it to chase after Fisher? No wonder he was willing to do the kid favors.
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shanksbaby · 2 years
Shunsui Kyoraku x reader - Never enough pt1
warning: just some angs + events concern pre-tbyw
i will write the part 2 soon dw!!
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ever since you were young, you had a crush on Captain Kyoraku, you admired him from afar: he was the strongest among the captains (excluding old Yamamoto), but he was so kind and humble. In fact, it is because of him that you have chosen to become a shinigami by enrolling in the academy.
luck would have it that you were in the same regiment as your beloved Captain. You thought it was also a way to get closer to him, to admire him more closely. Then you collided with reality …
not only did he seem not to care too much about you (but after all, were you just a sub that you expected?) but you were constantly watching him filter through with other women. and in the meantime, your love for him grew. How ironic, right?
you had also tried to approach him sometimes but nothing, every time you made yourself red as a tomato and apologized as you left. You couldn't look him in the eye. And you hated yourself so much: did you want to get close to him and then you couldn't even say a word? you felt so pathetic.
but one day, you caught him making out with another woman, a subordinate of Captain Muruguma. at the sight of your captain giving someone else a passionate kiss, your chest started to ache, excruciating pain; as tears flowed from your eyes.
suddenly his gaze falls on you, a grainy look - because were you watching him make out or because were you crying? you did not know -.after seconds of tranche, you ran away, trying to get away as much as possible. How did you explain this to Captain Kyoraku now? He was easy-going sure but maybe he could get angry because you had peeked, not to mention that you cried like a baby.
the next day, with the few shreds of dignity you had left, you went to work anyway, aware of the fact that you would probably meet with your captain. And in fact…
" Captain! " you say surprise as soon as you meet his gaze and then make a half bow, keeping your head down as a sign of respect. "I'm sorry about what happened. please forgive me "suddenly these words came out of your mouth. you still remained with your head down for fear of meeting his gaze.
" Y\N- chan "he replies with a smile, and hearing your name on his lips sends you into fribillation "It's all good, don't worry".
his words relieved you slightly, knowing he wasn't angry comforted you and the fact that he didn't mention your tears meant he probably didn't notice, right? You raise your head and murmur a thank you. He just smiles at you and pulls the big hat over his head before turning around.
and that's where you notice the same girl from yesterday, she was waiting for him … So it wasn't just a flirt? And why do you keep getting this feeling of jealousy? What right do you have?
you stood for a few seconds watching them hold hands, she put her head on his body, then you turned around to continue doing your work. You had to search an area for very powerful Hollows.
needless to say you were distracted, you kept thinking about that woman and shunsui, them together, and here is that feeling appearing again. You were wondering while you were looking around what she had more than you: probably everything, she was beautiful, tall, she had a gorgeous smile and her manner seemed so kind and elegant ..
and just as you thought back to your flaws and that woman's strengths, a Hollow appears from behind, attacks you quickly and unfortunately manages to hit you. From the collision with him you are injured in a leg and an arm.
'shit' you think.both arms and legs hurt, and you can't move properly while the hollow seemed so fast, so try to get away and cast some spells, instead of using your sword. unfortunately you weren't an expert, so the damage the hollow took was minimal.
you thought you were going to die, when suddenly your beloved Captain Shunsui arrives on the scene: immediately killing the Hollow.
"Y \ N, are you okay?"he then asks you coming up against you, you are about to murmur something but the injuries suffered are excessive and then you faint in his arms.
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coffee-cupps · 2 years
Ulquiorra X Gn! Reader
{🦇SFW and NSFW Headcannons🦇}
[In which Ulquiorra is yours…]
Welcome dear! Thank you for the request! I’m a big fan of Ulquiorra and find him pretty cool. Remember, request for all Bleach characters are open 24/7!
Soft Ulquiorra
Dom/sub dynamics
Soft kisses
Nsfw stuff
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Ulquiorra is an asshole, an emotionless asshole, except to you.
When things first started, he refused to look or even talk to you, sometimes refused to be in the same room as you, but overtime, that all stopped.
Now, he really like hovering over you, just standing behind you, showing comfort without others knowing.
When in private, he loves to hold you close and kiss the pulse on your neck. Feeling your heartbeat under his lips does something to him. Not only that, but the concept of you letting him, a hollow, kiss you somewhere that could kill you with one bite makes him feel something. Something like a strong sensation of love and trust.
He refused to show much love towards you in front of any other Espada, last think he needs is him, or worse, you getting made fun of. He won’t allow it.
He genuinely likes to sleep while holding you, he really does enjoy it and he doesn’t k ow why. Feelings such as this is useless, so why does he feel good? Why does he care about you so much.
You where the first to say the big three words. ‘I love you’. And why you did, you knew he wouldn’t say it back. He does love you, but he can’t bring himself to say it, not yet. But once you say it, he became deeply affected by it. Holding you closer, touching you softer, kissing you longer.
He kisses your hand sometimes, which is surprising because the first time he did it, was in front of Lord Aizen himself, after you complete a mission perfectly, even as a human.
He is the type to silently be like, “LOOK AT THAT! THAT’S MY S/O! DOES EVERYONE SEE THEM”? Somehow always has a proud glint in his eyes when your around.
He kinda enjoys hugging you and holding your hand. He finds you so warm and he enjoys it from his cold skin. You set him ablaze.
Ulquiorra will take a long time for him to get this vulnerable with you. Exposing his skin to your eyes is something he was very hesitant to do.
But once he does, oh boy, he is stunning.
During most days, he will be the dominant one, always being soft with you. But on some days, he will allow you to take control.
He enjoys holding your hand during soft sex, and loved having his body really close to yours, feeling your breath on his cheek as he nibbles at your neck.
The first time, he’ll be super soft with you, going in and out of you so slowly as to not break you. But once you two are comfortable after a while, he may get rougher.
The first time he finally says that he loves you is when he finishes inside of you for the first time.
He is really sweet during sex, always whispering kind words to you as he softly thrusts up into you.
He enjoys the lights being off during the act, he finds it more intimate.
He really does love you and really enjoys kissing your lips during the act. Ya’ know…to keep you quiet ;).
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stormsthatrage · 8 months
So I was looking through my post drafts, trying to pick one out to actually finish and put up (insert opening-and-closing-fridge-door-metaphor here), and came across this:
Okay, so just imagine. Shinji, a suspicious bastard. Kisuke, a shinigami who
... And that's it. I have no recollection of writing this. Where was I going with it? How was that second sentence supposed to end? What did I mean?
I am tormented, and the worst part is I did it to myself.
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