#Blue Hellsite (Derogatory)
kyliafanfiction · 6 months
I'm genuinely impressed how bad and completely missing the point of... everything that a take can be, on this website.
Just... it was impressive, how far-reaching the complete 'I am showing I understood literally nothing' wrt to the movies.
I've seen my share of bad prequels takes but MY GOD that one takes every cake. Absolute worst, and the Prequels hatedom has some truly abysmal takes.
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
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theponyarchive · 7 months
Turning the queues on all my blogs up to max and letting them run out. Checking to make sure my ad-free sub isn't going to auto-renew. I'm turning out the lights after almost 10 years here. Fuck you @photomatt I hope you get hit with hammers.
@theponyarchive @thisisstarfleet @i-like-thing and @roombaton-resort are going dark by the end of the week
I would say find me elsewhere but this is the last social i used and i'm going to see how it feels to be free for a while
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all-that-jazz-93 · 1 year
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This bot is literally named innocuous-scam
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
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blackbird-brewster · 11 months
Since the newest Queerminal Minds post is making the rounds, I've been thinking about making a QM master post with links to everything, because Tumblr's tag system is busted (yet again).
I stg this site constantly finds new ways to break my meticulous tag system to the point it's almost impossible to find older posts. This blog is meant to be an archive, but it's so hard to navigate with some of the newer updates.
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There are plenty of reasons to not like other people.
They bully or treat you or people you care about badly.
Their beliefs will do harm to other people.
They root for the the wrong sports team/politician/Blorbo from your show of choice.
Even still it’s far better to block and move on, and try to be an even more positive force if they’ve really gotten you mad.
Hate in the inbox is never the answer.
Not for ships.
Not for creative works.
And definitely, definitely not for a very pop-culture savvy joke that is literally for the benefit and preservation of the hellsite (affectionate) where we all reside.
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midcenturymorbid · 1 year
Oh goody it’s back to bot whack-a-mole time again!!!
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feyarcher · 1 year
"New users won't understand reblog chains"
Excuse me, 28% of every other social media platform is screenshots of tumblr posts where the reblogs with comments are what make it good. People see and understand these all the time on reddit and fb and pre-downfall twitter and probably insta but I don't actually do insta. There is no confusion. Your aunt is sharing some 5 year old tumblr post on fb right this second with a bunch of 😂😂😂 attached that she found on her local radio station's fb page. Leave the good things alone.
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cordyceps-sapiens · 1 year
Tumblr users: "I love tumblr's minimalist aestetic"
Tumblr: "here is a new dashboard to clutter it up, the good news is we're doing an experiment, the bad news is we've already decided you're all getting it"
Tumblr users: "I hate it, it's too cluttered, change it back"
Tumblr: "We hear your feedback! Here's a giant unremovable clown pirate, if you don't like it write a program about it lol"
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mrslittletall · 11 months
I put the world Rowling into my filtered tags because I don't want to see any HP stuff or discourse on my dash, but for some reason, the tumblr filter also grabs when it is used in the word "growling". ...That is so dumb!
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kyliafanfiction · 1 year
Padme didn’t just “lose the Will to Live” because Anakin fell.
She was witness to three years of horrible war, while she constantly and desperately tried to hold a government she loved and had dedicated her life to defending together, in the face of creeping autocracy and systems breakdown. She endured the stress of maintaining a secret relationship, hiding it from friends and family and all the people in her life.
She then not only saw the man she loved turn to fascism, but murder hundreds, thousands of people, including people she knew, and watched the Senate fucking applaud the death of liberty and the rise of the Empire - organized by a man who, whatever their political disagreements, had once been a treasured mentor and even probably a friend once.
She watched her life’s work burn, and then - and THEN her husband, the man she loved, not only turned on her, but tried to fucking choke her to death and nearly succeeded. THEN after all that, she gave birth in what appears to have been a particularly difficult birth (I can’t imagine nearly dying helped), and the compound psychological and physical stresses killed her.
It’s really not fucking hard. 
But no. It’s just ‘George Lucas is baffled by the Uterus’. Because it’s so much easier to say that than to engage your brain for five seconds.
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belphegor1982 · 1 year
Okay, Tumblr, very hellsite of you to erase 84% of my tags from memory a couple of weeks ago, but doing it again now with almost all the rest!? What the actual hell??
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demonindistress · 2 years
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I'd been slacking off for a few days, so I had the joyful task of blocking and reporting no less than 27 bots this fine day.
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
Now hear me out; tumblr post counter.
you don't have to stop, no limit but it tells you how many you've seen that day
how fast would we all hit 10K tho?
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bugswarm · 2 years
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Oh they want to be tumblr so BAD
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