#and Anakin was dealing with three years of war
kyliafanfiction · 1 year
Padme didn’t just “lose the Will to Live” because Anakin fell.
She was witness to three years of horrible war, while she constantly and desperately tried to hold a government she loved and had dedicated her life to defending together, in the face of creeping autocracy and systems breakdown. She endured the stress of maintaining a secret relationship, hiding it from friends and family and all the people in her life.
She then not only saw the man she loved turn to fascism, but murder hundreds, thousands of people, including people she knew, and watched the Senate fucking applaud the death of liberty and the rise of the Empire - organized by a man who, whatever their political disagreements, had once been a treasured mentor and even probably a friend once.
She watched her life’s work burn, and then - and THEN her husband, the man she loved, not only turned on her, but tried to fucking choke her to death and nearly succeeded. THEN after all that, she gave birth in what appears to have been a particularly difficult birth (I can’t imagine nearly dying helped), and the compound psychological and physical stresses killed her.
It’s really not fucking hard. 
But no. It’s just ‘George Lucas is baffled by the Uterus’. Because it’s so much easier to say that than to engage your brain for five seconds.
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malusmagpie · 1 year
Ask Nicely
Pairing: Hayden Christensen x Actress!Reader
Summary: You landed a role in a Star Wars film and your co-star is none other than Hayden Christensen.
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A/N: IM SORRY IVE BEEN GONE. I have had this one in my notes for a month and I finally decided to post it. Enjoy <3 i missed y’all
Warnings: Age gap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE A BIG AGE GAP!!!!!! Oral, fingering, edging.
Word count: 4.5K
You were late. Again. The alarms you set had no effect on your will to get out of bed. Your entire body hurt from training for hours the day prior. It was intensive and hard on you. They had purposefully given you a heavier prop lightsaber to train with because you weren’t very strong to begin with and the crew wanted the real prop to look like it was a feather in your hands. Hayden, of course, breezed through it. Meanwhile, you had to take a break every hour to catch your breath and keep from throwing up.
You knew you had to get up now or you’d be in a fair bit of hot water but you couldn’t move. A soft knock was heard at your door and you groaned as you reached over to push your fingers against the screen of your phone with your eyes closed until you finally hit the “stop” button for your alarm. “Come in.” You yelled, hoping the person on the other side would hear you. A small click was heard as the door unlatched and the hinges made a squeaky sound that made you want to kill somebody.
“You’re not up yet?” Hayden’s voice rang through your ears and your eyes snapped open. You pulled the blanket over you subconsciously as you sat up wearing the sports bra and shorts you had trained in, you’d been too tired to even wash your face after yesterday and opted to just deal with changing and showering in the morning.
“I was so tired.” You said as he stood at the door. “You can come in. Or not, I mean you’ll be late if you don’t go now.” You stuttered as he crossed his arms and leaned his shoulder against the doorway, his leg across the other. Your eyes were glued to him, he was wearing baggy black pants and a white t-shirt that hugged his chest in the most drool-worthy way. His blue hat, which he very proudly represented his home country with, sat on his head and you loved it.
“That’s normal. They’re not expecting you to be perfect, Y/N. Take your time.” He shrugged. “Besides if I go now I’m just gonna be waiting around for you to get there and we’re supposed to train together. I’m already late, can’t be late twice.” He laughed softly. He was older than you by a fair amount of years. Hell, you hadn’t even learned to walk properly by the time he played his role as Anakin for the first time, yet he always treated you as an equal. You watched him for a moment before sliding your legs over the edge of the bed. With a slight wince you let your feet touch the ground. You felt him watch you and you scrambled to find something to say.
“Well I appreciate the gesture.” You said, keeping your cool, as you walked toward the washroom after grabbing new clothes from your suitcase that you hadn’t bothered to unpack. “Take a seat or something, I’ll be ready in ten minutes.” You called over your shoulder and you heard him walk in as the door closed behind him. He sat down on the small couch in your trailer and you got ready as quick as possible.
You threw your old clothes in the hamper as you emerged from the bathroom with a fresh set of the same clothes you had on before. “Time to go?” You smiled as you bumped your hip against his shoulder. Hayden looked up from his phone at you and nodded his head with an “mhm” and you smiled. “Come on then lazy bones.” You continued as you opened the door. Hayden rolled his eyes at your ironic remark and stood up from the couch.
“I’ve been up for three hours and I’m the lazy bones?” He questioned as he followed behind you, his hand pressed against the door and held it open as you walked out and he closed it behind the two of you. You laughed in response to his words. You looked over at him and your smiled dropped a bit. He was quiet, staring at his phone while the two of you walked. You fought the urge to peer over at his screen but decided against it.
“What’re you so quiet for, grandpa?” You asked with a small smile, the nicknames you’d given him had almost everything to do with his age and he’d stopped trying to give you shit for it.
“The mother of my daughter refuses to let me have her this weekend. Says I’ll be too busy to watch her.” He mumbled as he typed away on his phone. Your eyebrows furrowed.
“But you have the weekend off, and I always help watch her when you can’t. You have a whole crew of people here who’d do the same as well.” You started and he shook his head.
“It’s not really about that. She just likes making things specifically difficult.” He said as he put his phone away. “I’m not gonna worry about it. I have two days before the weekend to talk to her.” He said before looking down at you. The relationship you both had as coworkers was normal to you. Being friends with the guy you spent almost every day with seemed inevitable. When you’d arrived to begin working on the movie you were alone, your family was in another state and this was your first real job. Hayden kept an eye out for you, made sure you were safe. He drove you around everywhere and bought you food and whatever else you needed for the first month until you got paid. He still did those things now, but less so now.
There was speculations. Made by the media, fans, everybody really. You guys were often together. Pictures of you both walking with overpriced smoothies you had made him buy, the two of you sitting in the same car when he drove you to get your mail, going on a walk with his daughter when she came to visit him on set. Photos of you doing normal things were plastered all over the internet and seen as scandals. Some people said it was almost unprofessional to hang out with each other but you guys did the interviews and answered the questions. ‘He’s like my set-dad. I bother him more than anything. He’s taken great care to make sure I’m always okay. I came here with virtually nothing but a contract for the film.’ You recalled yourself saying with a laugh during an interview. ‘I see her like a younger version of me. When I was her age, I was kinda scared to be in LA alone. I chose to be a safe space for her. For me, being a dad, that was easy enough. Though, I guess from the outside looking in… It’d hard to understand because there was no context before but that’s why we’re here and answering this question now, right?’ He had said in response to your answer. You had found it hard to lie through your teeth about how you felt all the time. You had always admired him, he was your favourite Star Wars character and pretending he wasn’t the first crush you’d ever had was damn near impossible, but you did it with a bright smile and truthful eyes. Being an actor came to its advantages.
“Just let her do what she needs to.” You shrugged as you walked. There was no point in fighting these things, his daughter would see who she sided with when she was old enough to understand and think for herself. Hayden had commended you for having that outlook on the situation when you first said it to him.
“We have a table read after we train, 6 o’clock.” He spoke as he held the door into the large building open for you. The floors were lined with blue pads stuck together with velcro. You stepped in and immediately sighed when you saw a bunch of raised platforms. Today was the day you were to learn how to backflip with a saber in your hands. You said you wanted to do your own stunts but you didn’t know it would be this intense. You were just glad you would be attached to wires.
“If I live through this session I’ll see you there.” You grumbled. Hayden laughed as he went to the prop station to grab his own stuff as well as yours and brought it over to you. You mumbled a quick “Thanks.” with a smile and your hands grazed across each other as he handed your stuff to you. A blush boiled your cheeks to become a bright red colour and he didn’t even seem to notice what he’d done. You turned your back immediately and walked over to your trainer for instruction on where to start.
You both started off with the simple stuff, blocking one another and doing the small amount of choreography you had learned. Hayden was a fairly large man so doing this even when he was using a quarter of his strength made you grunt every time you had to block him. Sometimes it felt like he was giving you a harder time than what was necessary just to hear you make some noise. You pushed that thought to the back of your mind and continued on with your session.
— 3 Hours Later —
“Alright that’s all for today.” The young woman who was in charge of making you look way cooler than you were on screen yelled out and everybody stopped what they were doing. You let out a deep, content sigh as you let go of your prop saber and dropped to your butt on the padded floor beneath you. Your hair was stuck to your face as you opened your water bottle and practically drank it in one sip. You were too distracted by how thirsty you were to notice Hayden sitting next to you.
“Feeling okay?” He smiled. You rolled your eyes as you kept drinking your water and when you finished you crushed the plastic into a smaller vessel and threw it into the trash can beside you. “Nice shot.” He regarded quickly.
“Yeah. I’m okay. Just need to shower before the read.” You said and a groan escaped your lips as you pushed yourself off the ground. He immediately stood up and stood next to you. “Oh we’re walking together?”
“I mean..” He spoke and looked away for the smallest moment. “We always kinda do, don’t we?” He shrugged and you fought back a smile. Instead you gave him a nod.
“You’re right, we do.” You responded as the two of you made your way back to the trailers. His was farther than yours but he never made you walk him over, he always stopped at your trailer to drop you off before moving on to his own. You reached your hand into your bag and pulled out a small white and red pack of smokes and a matching red lighter. You slapped the top end against your palm gently as the two of you neared the fork in your journey’s.
“That’s why you can’t train without feeling like you’re dying, you know.” He mumbled as you pulled a cigarette out of the pack using your lip. You raised an eyebrow at him as you raised the lighter to the small stick.
“Acting like you’ve never smoked before again?” You mumbled as you struggled with your lighter in the wind. He stopped and turned to face you, raising his hands to create a barrier around your lighter and you sparked it with ease. “Thanks.” You inhaled deeply.
“You’re right I have smoked before but the difference herein lies in the fact that I actually was able to quit for my own well being.” He preached as per usual and you rolled your eyes.
“I’ll get to it one day. Just like you.” You gave him a fake smile and now it was his turn to roll his eyes. He clenched his jaw for a moment and your eyes watched the small muscle in his jaw move as he did so. He was so handsome it almost made you angry.
“I’m only trying to help, but you’re right. It never helped me when people urged me to quit. I just see so much of myself in you.” He shrugged and you almost choked on the smoke in your lungs. He sees himself in me? Damn, so do I. You thought.
“Alright, fine.” You pressed what was left against the sole of your shoe to extinguish the cigarette and threw it aside with a smile. “I shouldn’t be smoking around you anyways. I’m sure you miss it.” You shoved your hands in the pockets of the zip up hoodie you had brought with you as you approached your trailer.
“Oh, it’s not a big deal. The smell is good enough for me.” He pushed the door of your trailer open and gestured his hand in a way that said ‘after you’. You gave him a quizzical look for a moment before entering and he followed you. The door clicked shut behind you and he locked it, a gesture that made you feel a bit confused.
“You’re coming in?” You asked and he sat down on your couch again.
“The read isn’t for a few hours. Besides, my shower is only giving me cold water so I thought I’d use yours when you’re done.” He said and you stopped in your tracks. This was news to you. You didn’t question it. You sat down next to him and laid your head on his shoulder as you often did. You kicked off your shoes and raised your legs so that your knees rested on his legs that were propped up on the coffee table in front of the couch. “You smell like smoke and sweat.” He said with a fake grimace.
“Oh like you smell any better.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m too tired to deal with you right now.” You mumbled as your eyes began to feel heavy. A nap wouldn’t hurt anybody. A shower right after would wake you up and you’d be all set to go. It was a perfect plan. Turns out, he had a plan of his own.
Your eyes snapped open when you felt his finger slide under your chin, his thumb cradling it in place. He lifted your face from his shoulder and raised to to be level with his own. “Too tired to deal with me?” He whispered and you felt a shiver run down your spine. “Well.. I guess I could leave you be.” He began to pull his hand away but in a trance, your own hand snapped up to grab his wrist in an attempt to keep him from moving. You shook your head. You didn’t know what was happening but you would be insane to let him walk away. He smiled at you, his blue eyes shining brightly as the two of you stared into each others faces. You didn’t dare say a word, you barely even breathed. “What do you want right now?” He asked and you gulped.
“I-I don’t know..” You started and he moved his tongue gently to make a ‘tsk’ sound.
“I think you do.” He rebutted quickly and your cheeks began to burn again. “I watch you, I see how you act around boys your age. You act like they don’t exist. You have a whole coworker on this movie who’s head over heels for you, he’s your exact age and you don’t even look at him. Me though, what makes me so special? What makes you want to spend every moment with me?” He went on and his words made you feel like thousands of electric needles were being stabbed into your body. “Use your words for me.”
You swallowed but it felt impossible due to how dry your mouth had gotten all of a sudden. Your eyes were wide and you were sure you looked like a deer in the headlights. Your mouth opened and closed for a moment as you collected your thoughts. “I just.. I get along with you. I just.. I wanna be… I like..” You stuttered and pursed your lips with a sigh when you realized you couldn’t use your words. You squeezed your eyes shut and you heard him chuckle. His breath hit your face gently enough to make you let out a small desperate moan, so quiet you yourself could barely hear it.
“I think you want me kiss you, hold you close..” He started and your breath hitched in your throat and your eyes snapped back open. “Touch you..” His free hand trailed down your back as he turned his body to face yours. You shivered under his touch and his lips curled into a gentle smile. “I’d do it you know, only if you wanted me to.” His hand rested on the small of your back and his other hand still held your chin, his thumb made small windshield wiper movements on your cheek now and you leaned into it.
“I do.” You managed to spit the words out as you watched his eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes.
“You do what?” He urged, keeping eye contact now.
“I want you to kiss me.. Touch me..” Your voice dripped in a quiet desperation and he smirked once again.
“I mean if you say so..” He whispered and your hands grabbed the back of his head to pull him into you. Your lips connected and warmth spread through your body. A small grunt came from his end at the impact and it made you breathe heavier against him. His hands pulled you into his lap and you swung your leg over him as you sat on him. His hands gripped your hips, harshly holding you down against him. You tried to move so you could feel some sort of release but his grip was too strong. The idea made you whimper against him and his hands tightened as he pushed his chest farther into yours. You did the same, wanting to be as close as humanly possible. Your hands slid into his hair and his hat fell off his head behind your couch.
He broke he kiss to look at you, your chest heaved up and down as his gaze dropped between your bodies. “This couldn’t have come sooner..” Hayden mumbled as he let go of his grip on your hips to run his hands gently up and down your exposed thighs, squeezing gently when he’d get to the top. “Watching you run around in this, getting all hot and sweaty. It did something to me that I wasn’t proud of..” He whispered as he stared into your dilated eyes.
His hands roamed your body and stopped at the bottom band of your sports bra. His fingers lightly traced the under side of your tits and you jerked toward him. You pulled it off slowly and tugged on his shirt, pulling it over his head. His eyes were glued to your chest as he began to fondle gently at you. Your head leaned back slightly as you felt how warm his hands were against you. Your breathing was shaky and he pulled your head forward to look at him again, he was in such good shape and your hands desperately ran up and down his chest before trailing down to his abs. You stopped at the waistband of his pants and ran your thumbs over his v-line. You watched his face as small reactions washed over him at your every touch. He bit on his lip gently as you tugged at his pants ever so gently. You could feel something harden under you and your lips curled into a small smile. You pushed your hips down gently in a rocking motion and a soft noise stumbled its way through Haydens soft lips. With a triumphant smile you pulled his pants down and he kicked them away. He pulled you on to the couch and climbed over you with a smirk.
“I like it better this way.” He mumbled as he pressed his lips against the sensitive skin by your collarbones causing you to take a sharp breath and he chuckled. “Relax. Let me take care of you like I always have..” The words made goosebumps raise over every inch of your body and you let out a shaky exhale. His hands pressed into your waist and you were sure they’d leave some sort of mark. His movements were so rough yet so gentle and it caused your head to spin. Your hand reached between his legs and he grabbed it, putting it back where it was before. “I just wanna make you feel good… Don’t worry about me.” Hayden whispered against you as he kissed his way down your body, stopping to take extra long in the spots that made you squirm more. When he pulled at your shorts his eyes widened at the fact that you weren’t wearing any underwear.
“It’s just uncomfortable during training-“ He shushed you and shook his head with a grin.
“It’s hot is what it is.” He mused as he pulled them off and threw them aside. His fingers traced up your legs and another soft, desperate moan left your lips as he continued to kiss down your stomach. “Do you know how many times we’ve stood back to back or close enough to touch and you’re telling me the only thing keeping me from you was your shorts?” You bit your lip as his deep voice sent vibrations through the skin he was kissing away at.
“I guess so.” You smiled with shaky breaths. You yelped when you felt something warm press against you, long and slender. His finger pressed hard against your entire pussy and he could feel your pulse through the touch. You shook at the sudden feeling and your hand cupped your mouth. The trailers were well insulated but they weren’t sound proof and you knew that.
Hayden hushed you as he pulled his finger down to slide in between your folds, collecting the large amount of excitement you’d already created. A smile tugged at his lips before he pressed them against your swollen clit. He created a gentle suction as he pushed a finger inside of you causing your eyes to roll back. You pressed your head against the arm of the couch and your hand that wasn’t covering your mouth grasped at his shoulder as he pumped in and out of you. It wasn’t long before he added another finger and began to use his tongue against you. The soft flicking motion mixed in with the feeling of his long fingers made you bite your palm. The noise still came out of you and even though it was muffled it made him want to make you do it again. His movements quickened when he felt you get used to the sensations he was providing for you and it caused you to moan out again, this time it was his name. He hummed in approval against you and the action felt like a small vibration. You arched your back at the feeling and he pushed you back down, keeping a specific level of pressure on your lower stomach.
“Tell me when you’re close.. Ask me for permission.” He said and your eyes widened. You’d never done that before but you decided to give it a shot. It’s almost like him saying that made the process expedite itself. You felt a warmth begin to build in your stomach and you finally mustered up the strength to speak.
“Can I-“ You started and he stopped everything he was doing. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head as your chest heaved and you sat up with the look of confusion on your face. “What the hell?!” You asked and he smiled. He pulled you by the legs so that you were laying down again.
“Not until I say so. I promise it’ll feel better.” He whispered, leaving kisses on your inner thighs. When he felt you begin to bring your breath back to normal he slid his fingers back into you. “Wetter than before… So eager.” He hummed as he began placing soft kisses on your clit. “Don’t forget to ask again okay?”
You nodded, his words and actions placed you under a trance of sorts. You’d do whatever he asked right now. “Okay..” You whispered and this time he didn’t use his mouth. He used just the two fingers inside of you, curling them, going faster, slower. All of it felt so much more intense than it ever had before. You’d been fingered but you’d never been pushed to an orgasm with just penetration. Your breathing began to become erratic again as small moans and gasps left your mouth. “Please… Please I’m so close.,” You whimpered and he stopped again. Tears welled near the corners of your eyes as you looked at him. You must have looked pathetic.
“Look at you, begging for me to let you cum. How adorable. You’re a mess.” He whispered, almost reading your mind, as he reached his hand up to your mouth. “Open.” He demanded and you parted your lips so he could slide his soaked fingers into your mouth. You moaned as you sucked yourself off him and he smiled. “Good girl.”
“Please..” You whispered as he pulled his fingers from your mouth and he shushed you again before placing them back inside of you. You squeezed your eyes at the feeling and squirmed when he began licking frantically at your clit while pushing your legs apart with his hands. Your entire body began to shake as you felt the familiar feeling come back like a bullet train. “Please.. Please can I?” You whimpered, begging him to let you feel the satisfaction of release.
“Yes.” He spoke against you and you couldn’t help the sounds from barreling out of you as your entire body shook. You saw dots in your vision as you felt warmth spread to every inch of your body and your hands gripped at his hair like your life depended on it. Your hips bucked around against him, completely out of your control. He slowed his tongue as you rode his face until you felt satisfied. When you finally stopped, you laid your head down with your eyes squeezed shut and your chest heaving. He climbed over you and left a kiss on your head. “You okay?” He asked as he sat next to your body on the edge of the couch, his hand rubbed soft circles on your stomach and you nodded your head.
“More than okay… I wanna do that forever.” You laughed as you finally figured out how to speak again. Hayden smiled.
“Well. We haven’t even started filming yet. We’ve got lots of time.” He said with a wink as he pushed his boxers down his legs and walked over to your bathroom. “You coming?” He called over his shoulder and you stood on your jelly legs to follow him with no question.
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antianakin · 7 months
I think I'm able to perhaps put a few words to why I really dislike that the Ahsoka show had her choose to come to the conclusion that Anakin was GOOD, that he was a good person and good teacher to her, rather than having her refuse to forgive him and just having to let go of him entirely.
Ahsoka is a character who has been, for her ENTIRE RUN on Star Wars, defined by Anakin and her relationship to him. She's never been able to escape that. She was created as an explanation for why Anakin "matured" over the three year gap between AOTC and ROTS, but her lack of existence in the films means she can have no greater impact on Anakin than that. She is wholly irrelevant to his character but she does not EXIST without him. In Rebels, she is only in one season where all of her appearances are fixated on her discovery of Anakin's betrayal and how that impacts her, leading up to their final confrontation where she appears to die fighting him. She comes back only so her relationship with Anakin can be used to help Ezra let go of Kanan. In TOTJ, she has an entire episode dedicated to explaining that the only reason she survived Order 66 was because of some kind of special training Anakin gave her that made her stronger, better, faster than any other Jedi. In The Mandalorian, her appearance was full of subtext about her trauma regarding Anakin and the way she reacts to other Jedi as a result of that. In The Book of Boba Fett appearance, that subtext is still there, primarily in her conversation with Luke where she even tells him how much he reminds her of Anakin. Which leaves us with the Ahsoka show itself and how it REVOLVES around that relationship, from Sabine being turned into Anakin 2.0 to everything in episode 5 to Ahsoka claiming she'll support Sabine in everything because this is what Anakin did for her to Anakin literally showing up in ghost form to Thrawn predicting everything Ahsoka will do because he has some familiarity with Anakin.
Ahsoka CANNOT escape this relationship, she cannot move out from this particular shadow and become her own person because her character seems to ONLY EXIST to be "Anakin's student." She can almost literally not stand on her own at this point. If her story doesn't revolve around Anakin in some way, it doesn't seem to really exist (please keep in mind here that I am mostly looking at HIGH CANON appearances for this because that's what I am familiar with; I'm sure that some comics have probably managed to move away from her relationship to Anakin a little bit sometimes but I haven't read any of them so they're not being counted in this analysis, especially since I don't think they're really impacting her higher canon characterization anyway).
It's even just visible in how other characters perceive her. She is constantly being COMPARED to Anakin, we keep hearing how like Anakin she is. The only time I can think of that she is compared to anyone OTHER than Anakin is when Trace and Rafa tell her that she acts like a Jedi even if she isn't currently calling herself one (bless their SOULS for this moment, they deserved so much better than the hate they got and one single appearance on fucking TBB). We never hear anyone say she reminds them of Obi-Wan, or Yoda, or Plo Koon. It's ALWAYS Anakin even though she's known Yoda and Plo Koon longer and she seems to spend almost as much time with Obi-Wan as she does Anakin.
By having Ahsoka decide to deal with her feelings about Anakin by just... setting aside all the bad shit he did and focusing ONLY on the good moments that he had and letting that define him, it makes it nearly impossible to separate her from him. If he's good, then it's a GOOD thing to compare her to him. If he's good, then his influence on her HAS to have been a good one. For me, it ruins ANY nuance that could have come from going the opposite direction and recognizing that while he had some good moments, he was in fact an overall bad person who was a terrible teacher to her. He betrayed her, he tried to kill her (and only failed because she was saved by someone else), he abandoned her. I don't care WHAT he did before this, this automatically makes him a BAD TEACHER.
And recognizing that Anakin was a bad teacher would force Ahsoka to look at HERSELF more critically, too, to recognize the places where she has made the same mistakes perhaps, where she's started leading herself down a similar path to his, and then choosing to NOT BE LIKE HIM. Anakin should be (like he is with Luke) the personification of her own darkness. Palpatine represented Anakin's greatest demons and personifications, Anakin can represent something similar for Ahsoka. He is an indisputable part of her now, but she doesn't HAVE to become him, she doesn't have to let that CONTROL her. And by making that choice, she frees herself from being defined by him for the rest of her life.
But now, the narrative has bound Ahsoka to Anakin forever. She'll never be anything more than Anakin's student because this has become what defines her as a person and a character. And it just... it sucks. Ahsoka deserved better than that.
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wantonlywindswept · 5 months
adopted baby Guard Din idea that I am never going to write
because it would involve logistics and quiet moments and idle life which I am very down for reading but cannot for the LIFE of me actually sit down and write
So the war ends, Palps is outed as a Sith and an asshole and dies somehow, and the Senate eventually decides that the clones do count as people and thus are allowed to leave the GAR if they want. Give the bureaucrats another few years and they might even give out backpay and citizenship, so long as you stay in the service--wait what do you mean the entire Guard is resigning. What do you mean they've already left orbit?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE NOW MILLIONS OF FILES ON THE HOLONET ABOUT THE SENATE'S SHADY DEALINGS???
Guard, collectively: lol cya suckers
Fox is of course one of the last ones out, and since this was all planned on the down low, everyone's been split into groups so they can take commercial flights, since they're not about to be accused of stealing ships. (They also leave their weapons and their armor behind, in a giant macabre pile in the middle of Corrie HQ. Even their helmets, their faces, they discard: it's time for a rebirth.)
He and Thorn and a few other Corries have a stopover on some tiny station, waiting a week for a delayed transport to arrive, and in the meantime they're approached by some locals who just fled the planet below. Separatist remnants attacked their homes, forcing them to leave everything and everyone behind; can the big strong clones do anything about it?
The Big Strong Clones: Oh shit we finally get to kick some Seppie ass? Sign us the FUCK up.
The eager group does not include Fox, who could not care less about the Separatists and would very much like to finally catch up on his sleep. Unfortunately that means that the group that goes down to the planet is Unsupervised.
(Thorn does not count as supervision. Thorn, bereft of Senate oversight, has finally allowed his Inner Chaos Gremlin to fully emerge. Thorn needs more supervision than the shinies.)
Thorn, three days later, waking Fox from half-hearted sleep by dropping an entire natborn child on him: Hey boss, look what we found! None of the refugees claimed him, so we called dibs. Can we keep him? Fox, staring at the child: ...
Din, staring back: ...
Fox: ...no..?
Din: *sad but understanding big brown eyes*
Fox: Nevermind this is my child now.
Din has gone from two parents to one parent and hundreds of overprotective brothers.
Eventually his group makes it to their destination, Din in tow. I am uncertain of what the destination is but it is a planet that is as far away from Coruscant that the Corries could find. I am tempted for Tatooine not because I like Tatooine (I share Anakin's loathing of sand and deserts) but because Luke's description of Tatooine in ANH was 'if there's a bright center to the universe, this is the planet the furthest from'. 
Corries, hearing that: Fuck it sounds perfect. 
Anyway they make it to Tatooine, there is probably purchasing of some shitty land/buildings that nobody wants out in the wastes bc crime, scum, villainy, etc, but it's not like they have problems taking care of anything that tries to mess with them. 
Where did they get the funds?
Shh don't ask about it.
Stone takes up moisture farming. Thire takes up farming-farming. Thorn shoots gleefully at anything that shows up unannounced within a ten-mile radius. Literally everybody dotes on Din. There are a surprising amount of peaceful days.
Eventually some dumb shiny goes: Hey don't kids need friends? Shouldn't we set up some playdates for him or something?
The shiny is not called dumb for asking the question, but they are called dumb for thinking that the question would only ever be taken rhetorically. Fox disappears for two weeks and then comes back with a black eye and a yowling hissing Boba tucked under one arm, looking stupidly pleased with himself.
(Boba is also pleased to be back with people he knows will keep him safe. Boba will not admit to this under threat of death or dismemberment. Boba is a SERIOUS SCARY ADULT BOUNTY HUNTER.)
Boba also decides he will be Mortal Enemies with Din, which after about ten minutes of meeting him morphs into If Anyone Hurts Din I Will Kill Everyone In This Room And Then Myself because all clones be the same, really.
Din has gained another brother/bestie. (Or potential future boyfriend, whichever floats your boat.)
Somehow they still end up overthrowing the Hutts.
Officially the GAR knew and knows nothing about the Guard leaving Coruscant as soon as the metaphorical paint was dry on their sentient status.
Unofficially Fox's batch harangues him every single day for photos of his new kid(s). They eventually show up unannounced, demanding time with their nephew. (They are shot at by Thorn.)
Din gains five new uncles.
The batch proudly show pics and holos to their battalions. Din gains millions of new uncles.
Fox finally gets a full night's sleep.
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s0ftand0nly · 1 year
This is about to be a long, kind of rambly post so stick with me if you want to, but I feel like a lot of people who make posts about Anakin have not experienced what it’s like to be groomed into doing what you don’t want to.
And no, I’m not calling Sheev a pedophile. Grooming isn’t inherently sexual. I suppose you could swap the word out for manipulated if that’s what makes you more comfortable.
Anakin did not jump from a good home life to the Jedi temple. He went from being a literal slave with an unhealthy attachment to his mother out of necessity for survival into an environment where he was immediately told that he was wrong. I’m not here to debate whether the Jedi were wrong or if their rules were wrong- I am ONLY saying they were wrong for taking this child, 9 years old, and telling him that he is wrong and a coward for doing what he needed to to survive day to day not even a full week ago.
Anakin was raised as a slave. We see multiple times what it’s like for slaves, but what impacted me the most were the Clone Wars episodes where Obi-wan and Rex are sold into slavery. It’s said explicitly in the episode that the slavers we see frequently make deals with the Hutts, and that fact alone makes it very likely that Shmi and even possibly Anakin were in those camps themselves at one point. These slavers whip and abuse the people there, force them to wear shock collars and leave lasting scars on both Obi-wan and Rex when they were both only there for a couple weeks.
Shmi would have been in one of those camps for years. If Anakin had, it would have been when he was an infant.
We even learn in one episode in season 2 that it’s commonplace to perform surgery on new slaves in order to implant a tracker in them so they can never be free. Anakin was not a normal kid with a normal, happy life.
Enter Sheev, who is immediately in a position of power over him and, not only that, but has consistent access to him. Anakin probably already felt wronged by the Jedi for being told he was a coward, but wow! The senator of Naboo later Chancellor thinks he’s very brave!
Anakin spent his entire life struggling with the Jedi Code- not because he’s inherently evil or selfish like some people like to act, but because he grew up being told the exact opposite. He couldn’t leave his attachments, if he did neither of them would be protected and they would both be killed. He showed anger when told not to because that was all he had ever been shown unless by his mother.
But all the while, he had a little voice in his ear telling him that he’s not like the other Jedi, he’s special, he’s better. Sheev played on his insecurities in every single scene we see them in together. He tells him to react to his anger, to keep his attachments and to be selfish. Anakin only gets worse from there.
Anakin’s problem has never been that he is inherently selfish or inherently evil. His problem was that he had no one close to him to tell him no- and anyone who did he was told to cut off by Sheev.
The tragedy of Anakin’s story has never been that he’s uncaring or cares only about himself, it’s that he was a child (22 in ROTS! i have mutuals older than that!) who was being told what to do and how to act by a man well over three times his age and he listened.
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anakinskywalker97 · 7 months
Sith Eyes
Anakin Skywalker x Padawan Reader
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You come back from your first solo mission to a sleep deprived Anakin. He's a mess over the state of things, he's on orders not to leave the temple while the Jedi sort out Palpatine. You decide to try your best to sort out your master. ROTS alt ending. I have ideas for more parts to follow.
Warnings: smut, loss of virginity, caring Anakin, Dom Ani, baby girl, we almost lose him but there's a happy ending. Reader is a bit younger than him but is legal.
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The war felt like it was hurdling towards something. Something that you were unprepared for. The anxiety gripped you as your mission came to a close, you were returning back to Coruscant and you could tell something was wrong there the closer you came. 
You reached out to Anakin, he was normally angry, but even that was a comfort. You were always able to reach out into the force and feel his presence. Sometimes you could even feel Obi-Wan. Right now you felt the faintest flicker of your master. This only made you feel worse. Something was very wrong. Anakin was a powerhouse, the feeling of him never diminished it only got more intense with his moods. To barely be able to feel him made you panic slightly. 
You ran through the temple happy to escape the politicians of the Sennet building. You tried to feel Anakin to track him down, you knew you were getting closer to him but that faded feeling remained. You thought he might be sick or…worse. 
You knocked on his bedroom door feeling strange. The war had consumed all of your time with your master, you never lived at the temple at the same time as him. For the past three years all of your adventures together were off-world, knocking on his door felt oddly personal despite having done it a thousand times while traveling. 
He opened the door and you jumped at the sight of him. The feeling that was haunting you was in the flesh staring at you. His eyes were clouded in darkness both in the way he looked at you and in the way it etched around his brown eyes. 
“Master.” There was an edge to your voice, the word finished with a high note almost turning it into a question. He looked around you and pulled you into his bedroom. Curiosity won over concern for a split second while you took the space in, it was covered with mechanical parts and tools. The floor was clean and his bed was a mess. 
Your eyes found him pacing the room behind you. 
“Things are not going well.” His voice was wrong. It was if someone had put a different soul in his body. The hair on the back of your neck stood up as if you had fallen into a trap. There was an electricity pulsing around him despite his obvious exhaustion. 
“We can fix it together.” You said cautiously unsure of what you are dealing with. Anakin’s moods were not new to you however this was not something you had felt from him before. 
He turned on you and for a moment you were frightened of him, or maybe for him. You weren't sure. He grabbed your shoulders. 
“I can’t sleep -” He took a shaky breath and you felt the pain radiating off of him. It was like getting hit with a solar flare of fear and exhaustion. “Palpatine - he’s behind everything.” His voice was so low you had to look at his mouth to ensure you heard him correctly. It would have been easier to speak through the bond. 
“He orchestrated the war - he’s a sith.” He closed his eyes for a moment. The guy had always given you the creeps so it wasn't totally surprising to you. He looked at Anakin the way most men had looked at you since you were thirteen. You nodded and he looked so hopeless, if you weren't consumed with worry for him you would have allowed yourself to feel your own disappointment. “I told Windu, they - just want me to sit here.” 
He started to ramble about the Jedi, corruption, government, and problems too big for you both to solve in one night. 
“He wants me to join him.” His eyes were so sharp you felt their gaze cut into your mind. You shielded knowing exactly what he wanted from you. He wants to know if you will stand by him if he chooses the dark side. 
“Let's sleep on it.” You said calmly trying to channel your inner Obi-Wan. 
“I can’t” He was on the verge of tears, and your heart was breaking for him. You could feel that he couldn't tell who was right and the pain The Order had so casually inflicted on him was clouding his judgment. He didn't trust anyone, but he could still trust you. He would always be able to trust you. You thought about it for a moment, he needed to sleep this was glaringly obvious. You felt pulled toward him and decided to trust it. 
“It’s alright. - Just sleep with me.” You were so immersed in the intensity of the situation you didn't realize the slip of words. “Like - humans are pack animals. It won't be so bad if you don’t feel alone.” 
He thought about it for a second staring down at you before falling back to sit on his bed. He closed his eyes in defeat. You took that as an invitation. You slowly got the top half of his robes off before kneeling between his legs. You pulled his boots off and then decided you would leave him to deal with his pants. 
Sleep clothes? 
Your mind whispered to him and he wondered how ashamed he should be. He had done this for you countless times when you were injured or after a battle when you couldn't settle. He remembered how bad you were after the first time you killed someone. He had to make you a soldier, another thing he had to feel bad about. 
He nodded to the wardrobe to the left and watched you move around his leftover projects. Things he had to leave behind once the missions started and didn't stop. You pulled out a top and Anakin assumed you would hand it over to him. Instead, he watched you pull off your robes. Just now he noticed the singed ends and dark smears on them. Panic washed over him at the thought of not being there to help you. Rage at the Jedi flared up inside him and then was completely drowned out by your naked form. You kept your panties on but nothing else. The swell of your breast was enough to drive his mind back to the present. 
You pulled his top over your slender shoulders and he closed his eyes trying to find some peace. You went into the bathroom and he listened as you washed your face. 
He kicked his pants off and straightened out the blankets on the bed. Sleeping next to you was wrong. Looking at your naked body was wrong. His stomach lurched again for the hundredth time that day. He would do almost anything to end this suffering that had been stalking him since his childhood. 
You came back and began to climb over him to settle on the inside of the bed. 
In a normal master-padawan relationship you should lean into his energy to ground yourself. He shouldn’t be leaning on you. He felt like he failed you once again. 
“I won’t leave you.” You whispered. 
“I know.” He murmured knowing he wouldn’t sleep, his thoughts were racing and his breathing was wrong. Your words cut into him in a way that unraveled lots of old hurts. You let out a thoughtful hum. Without thought or care he pulled you up onto his chest. You were awkward as you straddled him trying to keep your weight off of him. He put his arms around you pulling you tight, you relaxed against him he felt you weigh him down. He clung to you. It was wrong but he was in so much pain he didn't care. 
He closed his eyes and felt his body relax, the weight of you pulled him back to earth. You fell asleep, and he followed you. 
It felt like you were both resting in a shared space. It was dreamless and soothing. 
It was 10 am and your legs were numb. You needed to pee and you were still firmly encased in Anakin's arms. His cock was hard and you wanted to remove yourself from the situation as cautiously as you could. You were aware of certain tensions between the two of you and you had both become good at dancing around them. You slowly moved your leg near the edge of the bed down to the floor. You shifted your weight onto it cautiously feeling your muscles sting. 
You tried to stand up but his arms crushed you against his chest as he took a sharp intake of breath. Your hips ground down against his hard length. You hissed and he looked up at you. You got lost in his eyes, relief pouring over you at the sight of the warm brown orbs. His eyes studied you as his brain tried to make sense of the situation. 
I have to pee
He let you go and you padded across the room to the bathroom. Trying to get your breathing back to normal. 
You kept the door open and for some reason it made him feel better. The thought of anything being between the two of you threatened pulling him away from the calm you had both built. 
He felt a sense of embarrassment wash over you and he studied you cautiously as you came back to the bed. 
Your panties were soaked. A slippery mess, you wanted to go back to your room and change but leaving him wasn't an option just yet. So you climbed back into bed and he guided you back on top of him. The last place you wanted to be, but it was also the only place you wanted to be. 
His large hands ran up and down your back, in a soothing fashion. The thought of all the things that needed to be discussed started to stream into your mind. But it was hard to focus with his cock pressing into you, one of his hands was firm on your low back and the other was running along your spine. 
After a moment he tensed up. He could feel your pleasure, your wet heat pressed against him. He had no excuse, he could feel your arousal from the moment he woke up. He should have sent you to your room to get dressed. He should have done anything other than pull you right back on top of him. 
He had no excuse, he wasn't sleep-deprived. His mind was more clear than it had been in months having actually slept. He had things to confront and yet all he wanted to do was let those obligations go. He didn't care about the war anymore. He didn't even care about the Jedi at this point. But all you wanted was to be a Jedi, he sighed and decided he wouldn't ruin your chances. 
We should get up - His arms tightened as he thought it. His body betrayed him. He wanted you badly despite knowing it was wrong. 
Or we could rest a little longer - you rubbed your cheek against his chest in an affectionate way. It was so playful he wondered if you were really interested in him in that way. Your core was throbbing and the air you inhaled off his chest made your mind hazy. 
I have a feeling about how this will end, I don't think either of us will handle it well - He was trying to resist you, and you reached out with the force and tested the feelings in the bond. How far could you push him? The vulnerability built between you last night made your soul ache for him. You knew he felt the same way. 
I think you could handle me just fine - you looked up at him from under your eyelashes. You weren't sure what you were getting yourself into but the force was pulling you along. 
He groaned. You felt it through his chest and through the bond. Your body shuddered and your mind was slipping away as he studied your face. 
You got tired of waiting and moved your hips. The pleasure you felt was new and surprising. You wanted to please him but you also just wanted to follow this bond to see how deep it went. You wanted to drown in him. 
Anakin felt your need pulse through you, he knew he was going to make some poor choices, he also knew he could never deny you. He was going to warn you one last time that it wasn't a good idea when you slipped his boxers down. Everything stopped after that, you wanted to feel good and he wanted to do right by at least one person. 
From your cautious approach to touching him, he assumed this was new to you. He kept one hand on your hip enjoying the fat of your ass. Dragging his fingers just above the waistband of your panties. Your hips stopped and he watched your face go blank as brushed against your clit. 
The fabric was soaked through and he smiled at the thought of you needing him that badly. You gasped and he needed these panties gone fast. You felt him rip the hip of your panties and his long fingers pushed them down your leg. 
Here - he shifted your hips slightly - Let me touch you baby 
His fingers ran through your folds stroking over your clit and you let out a moan. 
Master - you let out another moan. He worked your clit till your hips were trying to buck against his fingers.
Master - you started again but gave up on words. You grabbed his cock and moved your entrance against the head. His hand gripped into the flesh of your hip. 
We don’t have to do that - It was a polite thing to say, but it was entirely untrue. You had to, something deep inside you would collapse if you didn't. 
Don’t lie - He groaned at your response. You tried to push yourself onto him, but the pain seared through you. His pleasure bled into you making it tolerable and made you hungry for more despite the pain. Both his hands stopped you from pushing further. 
Not too fast - He wanted to enjoy you. Enjoy the feeling of how hard your body was trying to accommodate him. He groaned knowing full well that he could be offered the universe and he would pick this. You were perfect. 
His hands guided your hips and he showed you how to take more of him. You always liked it when he showed you things in training, moments when he had to touch you. Now you were drowning in his touches and corrections, his hands were everywhere. You bottomed out after what felt like forever. His hands were rough as he held your hips down, his body rigid. He took up so much space inside you, the bond between you had thickened and it was hard to breathe. 
His fingers moved against your clit and you bucked your hips. You moaned and your fingers dug into his shoulders as you tried to move yourself on him. 
Your hips were uncoordinated and untrained, something he would enjoy fixing in time. You were ambitious and determined as you chased these sensations for the first time. Just like in training you wanted to be perfect, Anakin decided to give you something really rare. He grabbed your jaw and pushed the pad of his thumb onto your bottom lip. Your mouth closed around it as he brought your face close to his. He looked into your eyes, they were already so hazy. You sucked on his thumb and he knew you would be the death of him. There was no way he would never have enough of you. 
“So good at this baby” He said the words and watched as your whole body reacted to them. Anakin rarely ever praised you, it pushed you to train harder. He wanted you to be the best, and he didn't want you to be caught off guard out in the real world. A place he realized he would never send you. 
“So tight for me.” His voice was soft and he felt you clench hard around him. He gave you more and more till it was impossible for you to keep up a proper rhythm. It was too much for you but he wasn't ready for you to cum yet. 
Be good and let me fuck you baby - He grabbed your throat as you cried out in response. He pulled you down and held you where he wanted, liking the way your throat felt in his hand. He started to fuck you from the bottom and you let out a shout. 
He fucked you hard and you took every bit of him. Pleasure blooming through your body. You had no shields up, he was flowing through you completely. 
Good girl - he whispered in your mind letting his appreciation and desire run into you. All of you tightened on him. He was getting close. 
“Need you to cum baby, I’ll show you how okay?” His voice was rough and it felt like a head rush. You nodded because you werent capable of speaking. 
“Gonna touch you again baby. When it starts to feel really good I need you to squeeze around me nice tight, Okay?” You nodded again. He slowed his pace down, he was deeper inside you than before. With shallow thrusts, he brushed his fingers over your clit again and you let out another groan. You still weren't really sure what he needed you to do. Something hot and tight was building in your stomach, and you started to call out for him over and over. 
“Master” Your voice was weak and your legs were shaking. 
“That’s it baby, nice and tight. Help me cum.” His words sent you someplace you never would have thought existed. White heat ripped though you. Your cunt almost squeezed him out but he pushed himself in you even deeper than he had been. Like the force was pulling him into where you needed him. Your body was forced open while it was snapping shut. Pleasure shot through you, it was all-consuming and you couldn't breathe, then it flowed into crashing waves. You opened your eyes to see him beneath you. His face screwed up in pleasure, your walls contracted around him as he spilled himself deep inside you. The force kept you both elevated and entwined together. Eventually, it lessened its grip on you. 
Your vision faded slightly and you collapsed down on him. He still held your hips flush against him not wanting to move out of you. Your walls fluttered around him and you were ready to sleep again. 
After a long moment, he sat up taking you with him. He pulled out of you and you wanted to cry at the loss. He carried you to the bathroom putting you on the toilet. Your legs were still shaking and you looked up at his naked form. He was studying you carefully, the bruises on your hips and marks on your neck. 
He should feel bad about it, but all he could think about is getting you back into bed to do it all over again. When his bedroom door opened you both jumped. Anakin stepped into the doorway blocking the view into the bathroom. 
Obi-Wan gave him an exasperated look before moving his eyes to the floor. Anakin shut the door behind himself and grabbed his pants. He pulled them on while Obi-Wan did the mental math of why your robes were on his floor. 
“Anakin!” He hissed, Anakin had upset him enough times to know when he was actually in trouble. “She’s your Padawan!” He threw his hands up and pinched the bridge of his nose trying to center himself. 
“Well - “ Anakin started but Obi-Wan spoke over him. 
“I told them this would happen. Two attractive - practically younglings - a handful of years apart. I shouldn't have allowed it.” 
“So you think we're an attractive couple?” Anakin asked and laughed at his master’s cold expression. Anyone else would have missed the way the edges of his mouth flickered. Obi-Wan gave him a hard stare and Anakin felt something in the force bond between them. It was more fatherly than angry. 
“Palpatine has put out an order to eradicate the Jedi. I need both of you ready to go. We don’t know how much time until they arrive.” 
I’ll be in the hallway - he added in the force bond before shutting the door. 
As Obi-Wan left the room, Anakin gathered up your clothes and brought them to you. He was sad he didn't get the chance to clean you up or make sure you had eaten. You were pretty far gone moments ago and being rushed into battle wasn't what he wanted for you. 
“I can feel them.” You whispered while getting your clothes on. A great black mass was creeping towards the temple. 
“So can I” Anakin started to think about all the things he could have been doing, but they told him not to leave the temple so really he was just following orders. 
The two of them stepped into the hallway, Anakin felt your shoulders shrink down slightly in Obi-Wan’s presence. Anakin didn’t care about anyone's judgment on the topic. You were his and he claimed you. Or was it just sex? He looked at your face as they followed Obi-Wan towards the temple doors. You looked at him immediately and he could feel that it must be more. 
Whatever happens, we do it together - You said and he nodded. 
They moved into formation as they had done so many times. Anakin liked the feeling of Obi-Wan in front of him to the right and you a pace behind himself partially covered by his right shoulder. He wasn't going to lose either of them, he didn't care if he left The Order, this was his family and it was something so tightly woven within the force he actually felt he could trust it completely for the first time. 
When the temple doors burst open Anakin’s heart stopped. Clone troopers pilled into the main entrance. Men he had fought with, been friends with, were shooting at them. If they were here to kill anything other than the younglings, Anakin might have let them. 
His mind was scared for you, almost all of your in-battle experience had been against droids. Anywhere Anakin was in this war you were there next to him, also befriending these men. 
They fought hard and Anakin swore to himself this would be the last time. 
He knew what needed to happen to end things. After the destruction of most of the temple and the lucky evacuation of most of the younglings, he knew he needed to escape to see Palpatine. Obi-Wan understood his plan flawlessly as always. He and Obi-Wan were two sides of the same coin, he felt his master’s mind calm as ever. They had a moment of reprieve as the clones temporarily retreated. 
May the force be with you - He had no doubt in him that Anakin would make the right choice, something that meant more to Anakin than he would ever be able to express. You on the other hand were beside yourself when you realised he intended to leave the battle. 
Let me go with you - Your voice was desperate and he felt his whole heart resist his body as he moved away. He had to leave, it had to be him in the end. Obi-Wan grabbed you and Anakin turned away moving through the rubble as the rest of the remaining Jedi regrouped. 
Anakin endured your screaming at him through the force bond as he left the temple grounds. The more distressed you were the better, make everyone think he was genuinely going to seek out the dark side. He could feel Obi-Wan trying to comfort you while also trapping you there.  
The journey to Palapine was as easy as Anakin knew it would be. The old man looked frail and Anakin took his time listening closely to what he was offering. It was difficult with your pain still radiating off of you freely in the bond. It weighed him down, which also grounded him. He needed to get back to you, he needed to move on with his life. 
The truth was a hard thing to come to terms with. Palpatine was correct about a lot of things, especially about the Jedi. To walk the path of the dark side to restore balance made sense to Anakin on a molecular level. That was the only thing about Palpatine that truly made sense to him, he had power of a similar caliber, he seemed to be on Anakin’s level. 
“You should bring your padawan,” Palpatine added. “She is nearly as sensitive as you is she not?” 
Anakin wanted to laugh. You were high count, well above Yoda and the great masters, but nowhere near where he was. Anakin was certainly sensitive enough to feel the Sith’s intentions towards you. Rage poured over him and took its familiar hold in his mind. Palpatine was intrigued by this shift in Anakin’s mood but before he could move in on it, Anakin drew out his lightsaber. 
They fought and it served the exact purpose Palpatine had hoped for, Anakin felt himself slip into his anger. He let all the fear melt into anger. He used everything against Palpatine, the man who had caused so much suffering in the galaxy. How many friends and men had he watched die, and how many times was it his call in battle that resulted in those men’s lost lives? Years of pain ran through Anakin his life flashing before him, all ending back at the beginning with his mother in slavery. The force began to move towards him as if he was a black hole. He pulled the power into him and when Palpatine used his lightning it was easy to grab hold of. 
He pulled the energy from the Sith before turning it back on him. He was as everything else was in the galaxy, beneath him. He was burdened with this power, the life force of everything at his fingertips. He watched the fear in Palpatine's eyes as Anakin cooked the man alive from the inside out. Anakin could feel the deflected lightning eating and coursing through the old man’s bones, slowly cooking the flesh attached to them. Palpatine was reduced to ash before Anakin. 
Standing there with the world pulsing in him rather than around him left him knowing that a choice needed to be made here. There would be a vacuum with Palpatine and the war gone. The right person needed to step in and take control. Thinking back to his foolish opinions as a teenager, someone needs to force everyone to see reason. To implement order and eradicate chaos. He could see it in his mind clear as if it were real. 
The slick vision of an orderly system with the power to keep people in line. He was so consumed in this moment he couldn't feel the world beneath him. Was this the force showing him the vision of his destiny? Or was he forcing the force into what he felt would be easiest? 
“Don’t touch him!” A voice shouted. One he knew well. Hands gripped his face, and he opened his eyes. 
Anakin looked down at you with the eyes of a Sith. Something far beyond the realm of Plagueis and Sidious, something far beyond the knowledge of the Jedi or Sith. These eyes were sharp and they could see everything, calculations far beyond human emotion. Beyond time and space. Anakin was in touch with something other. 
In that moment you could feel the full extent of the power he possessed, just how far it stretched. You knew that if he asked you to go with him you would. Beyond everything, he was not something you would ever be able to turn away from. You didn't need to project that to him or say a word. He had all of you in his mind. 
Anakin looked down at you with visions in his head of order and power, but all he could really see was the person he loved causing chaos with. The power washed out of him as he made his choice. His arms trapped you against his chest and he felt how worn you were. Injured in battle, blood was still running from your shoulder. 
She needs medical attention, you can stare into each other's eyes in the med bay - Obi-Wan scolded him and the feeling was so familiar it made him want to cry. He could have power and order, but there was something so lonely and isolated about that life. In all those visions of star systems, not one showed him his two favorite people. 
He picked you up gracefully and you were too needy to complain. The feeling was different than anything you had knowledge of. You hated not touching him. Not being next to him. Was it the aftermath of being in war together? Was it the force bond between you? Or was this how people felt when they were in love? 
Anakin didn’t leave you for a moment as they worked on your shoulder. He had various conversations to have and yet he made every person come to him. It was exhausting but being in silence away from him would have been a thousand times worse. 
The day ended and you were staying in a ship as the temple was closed off. You sat around one of the tables in silence just as you had done countless times during the war. Everyone had a million things they needed to say but no one knew how. 
“Well, seeing as I’m the one responsible for the two of you.” Obi-Wan began and you were ready for his discussion about how they found Anakin. “Ground rules need to be established.” 
“I don’t know if we are staying,” Anakin said softly with pain in his eyes. You knew that it was true though. You both had no idea what direction the Jedi were going to go in, Anakin had given them some very clear ideas that the force had shown him. You could feel he only gave them a fraction of what he saw.
“Regardless of where you go, I’m sure I’ll be close by. So, no bickering when doing business. We can’t be in the middle of a conflict while you guys are having a domestic. It was bad enough before this.” He pointed between the two of you. 
“Master, I mean - I think we might be leaving The Order.” Anakin held Obi-Wan’s eyes for a moment. You could feel the bond there, and you knew that much like yourself, if Anakin asked him Obi-Wan would follow. 
“And as I said, I’m sure I’ll be close by.” Obi-Wan smiled at the two of you before getting up and moving down the hall to the sleeping quarters. “No loud sex either.” He called and Anakin put his face in his hands.
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twinterrors29 · 2 months
Codywan Merlin AU
once upon a time, King Jango made a deal with the Sith for sons; however, that magic came at a price, and he lost all his living Knights and nearly his own life to maintain the balance
in response to this perceived betrayal, he outlawed all Force-senstives from his Kingdom of Mandalore
Crown Prince Cody therefore grows up with his horde of little siblings, with no knowledge of the Force and a learned distrust of all Force-sensitives, be they Sith or Jedi alike
Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand, grows up on tales of a prophecy he is to play a part in, that he must one day travel to the Kingdom where the Force is banned but the Sith grow in power in secret, find the Chosen One, and train him so he can restore Balance to the Force
he thinks he knows how his story is destined to end: with him dying on a pyre in Keldabe's square to protect the boy he will have raised
when he comes of age, having completed his training with the Jedi in secret on the edges of the Kingdom, he travels to Keldabe to meet the Chosen One
but when he arrives, he finds no sign of the boy he was told to look for: created through no natural birth, but glowing with the light of the Force
and accidentally finds himself...entangled, with a young man he later learns is the Crown Prince himself
as he falls more and more in love with the brilliant prince, who is so beautiful and so heartbreakingly kind, almost seeming to glow with the brilliance of the sun for the force of his own compassion, and without any trace of the boy he's meant to train, Obi-Wan begins to doubt the prophecy more and more
when Cody proposes they marry in secret, Obi-Wan agrees, choosing to close off his connection in the Force for good to seize this chance at a happy ending for himself and Cody with both hands
only for Anakin to show up at long last, forcing Obi-Wan to choose between fulfilling his promise to his beloved or answering the call of the Force to fulfill the prophecy by training the boy, as he's been prepared to do his whole life
Obi-Wan resigns himself to the idea of giving up on his own happiness after all
Anakin has ideas of his own about the need for training in secret with Obi-Wan, having been found serendipitously by Advisor Palpatine several years prior, who has been teaching the boy discreetly and convinced Anakin that he shouldn't have to hide as the Chosen One of Prophecy
as they argue about Anakin's training, King Jango is abruptly assassinated, and war immediately breaks out with the Force-imbued soldier constructs of the neighboring County of Serenno; Count Dooku claims that Jango had promised him the throne as part of their deal for his sons so long ago, and that he is now staking that claim
the newly-crowned King Cody is forced to answer that challenge with his own claim and forces
Obi-Wan cannot bring himself to abandon his love in such a moment, and fortunately, Anakin is insistent that they stay and aid the fight in secret, allowing Obi-Wan to begin training him in earnest, albeit with a more martial focus than he would prefer for the younger man
so they hold their positions through three long years of armed conflict, with Obi-Wan discreetly placed among Cody's household guard and Anakin growing closer to the young noblewoman Padme Amidala, all while Palpatine continuing to whisper his poisoned promises to Anakin in secret
finally, Cody's forces manage to corner the Count's, and Obi-Wan's secret support allows Cody to kill the Count and disengage the remaining constructs in one blow
only for Palpatine to show his hand at last during the celebratory feast
the Sith had managed to convince Anakin that he has the power to save his secret noble wife and strongly Force-blessed unborn child, and the two of them together manage to wrest control of the Force magics that created Cody and his siblings to control them, using them as puppets to install Palpatine's new regime
Obi-Wan is forced to flee, leaving his love and his apprentice behind as he tries to keep at least the infant twins safe from Palpatine's control
for a year and a day, Palpatine maintained control over the King and his younger siblings
but on that day, Cody turned and cut off the snakes' head the moment he was free, with his brother Rex taking out Anakin
Cody had known that Obi-Wan was a Jedi almost from the beginning, and had accordingly done his own research on the Force and Jedi, planning to surprise his beloved at their wedding with his knowledge
in the course of his studies, he discovered the nature of the deal his father had made, and what that same magic could be used for
so he found a way to put failsafes in place, in case his origins were ever used against him: a traditional limit, of a year-and-a-day
once he was free of the Sith's control, Cody was left with the knowledge that Obi-Wan had been declared dead by Palpatine, and that Cody had been the puppetted to order his death
he decides to abdicate the throne to Rex, the next in line, to mark a new beginning after both the war that marked the start of his reign and the year of suffering under Sith control that he couldn't easily explain to his people
Cody dies less than a year later, having lived just long enough to see his people thriving under his beloved brother's rule, but the war and the control and the loss took their toll on his body and psyche
it would be another three years before Obi-Wan got word of the change of regime in Mandalore, and another five after that before he felt the twins were old enough to make the journey back to their birthplace to investigate the matter
Obi-Wan meets with Rex, hearing Cody's account of his actions and reading the former King's journals, and sinks further into his own despair; he becomes convinced that Cody was the true Chosen One after all, having learned of the Force because of Obi-Wan himself and having defeated the Sith and brought balance to the Force through use of that knowledge
Rex agrees to foster the twins, helping symbolize the new era of Light he's hoping to begin for their people
and Obi-Wan dedicates the rest of his life to keeping watch over Cody's tomb, certain that some day his beloved will return to finish fulfilling the prophecy when his kingdom is most in need of his aid once again...
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redstuffs-ig · 1 month
snippets of a possible star wars modern au I may make, but mostly just translating the events and characters of the series into a modern setting, let's call it "Whillstown". most of these are general fandom consensus, some are taken from AUs i've seen on Tumblr which I've really liked, but i've sprinkled some stuff of my own too
The Disaster Lineage is just a long, winding, complicated string of relationships. Great-Grandpa Yoda refuses to die and speaks cryptic riddles to whoever will listen. Grandpa Dooku won't shut up about politics and lives alone in a massive house with an adopted young adult going through one hell of a phase and his weird pet gecko. Anakin and Obi-Wan are adopted brothers, who both deal with their dad Qui-Gon's weird schemes and potential gambling addiction in the making. They've somehow befriended a kid called Ahsoka who babysits Ani's twins from time to time. Anakin's wife Padme is a town councilor and proud holder of the single set of brains in the entire family. Anakin is a real gearhead, with a loyal dalmatian named Artoo and a neurotic ginger cat called Threepio.
Palpatine is like. A regular politician. Somewhat shady, a bit controversial, but he's just the kindly mayor of Whillstown. The 'Dark Lord Sidious' meme spread when a young Luke Skywalker snapped a covert picture of the mayor in his favorite, hooded black dressing gown, and it's haunted the old man since.
Clan Fett is a gigantic extended family whom no one can make heads or tails of. Jango Fett is presumed to be the family's patriarch, despite only fathering a single son. Rex and Anakin are inseparable, while Obi-Wan and Cody are cordial co-workers who kinda had to become besties too in order to wrangle their brothers. Boba Fett is already a delinquent in his tweens, while an estranged offshoot somehow got custody of the only girl in the family.
'Mother' Talzin Opress is the neighbourhood witch. She has a... Complicated relationship with her three sons, and is an old friend of both Dooku and the mayor (She pretty much strongarmed Dooku into adopting the orphaned child of one of her late friends). Weird green light comes from her house at ungodly hours of the night, and few dare to even approach her door. Her eldest and middle children, Savage and Maul both started a punk rock band called 'Crimson Dawn', and even managed to unite all the town's bands for a music festival once. Maul and Obi-Wan beef over the pettiest shit, and Ahsoka beat him up once.
Han Solo and his dog Chewie live in a rundown trailer park off the outskirts of Whillstown. Despite being older than Luke and Leia by a few years, he became their best friend in their teens, something cranky old Ani does not approve of. He owns an utter shitbox of a Honda he lovingly calls the Falcon, which has a tendency to break down very often at the worst possible time. He also has beef with Boba Fett. Like, a LOT of beef with Boba Fett.
Lando Calrissian on the other hand is easily the most charming boy in town, and Han's ""best friend"". He always find success in his ventures while Han's numerous get-rich-quick schemes always find a way to blow up in his face, something the latter greatly resents.
In highschool, Leia got into a long feud with persnickety Headmaster Tarkin by way of numerous cases of malicious compliance and outright disobedience. The uptight principal was none-too-pleased to find the academy crest distorted into a 'wretched gray ball of death' one morning, after having imposed a strict break policy earlier in the week.
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ddesertmoon · 1 year
Star Wars Fic Recs Feat. Time Travel
I think this is my favorite Star Wars trope… maybe just because sw is a tragedy and i want the characters to be happy.. maybe because I’m a sucker for the “reveal moment”… i don’t know.
Hopefully you all enjoy these as well!
(All fics are Gen unless otherwise specified!)
Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars by Ariel_Sojourner
“In which Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader travel back in time together to the Clone Wars era, have amazing adventures, and save the galaxy.”
Basically, Luke and Vader time travel and take over a clone battalion to change the major battles of the war. This is. A masterpiece. It’s insane. It feels like an actual, published story when you read it. It is told in a nonlinear way, so if you’re not into that, you probably won’t enjoy this. But I promise it’s one of the greatest fanfictions I’ve ever read, and there’s a reason it’s first on this list.
(Padme/Anakin and Obi-Wan/Satine, though neither ship is a focal point of the story)
there but for the grace of god by wanderlove
“There’s nothing particularly remarkable about Sullust.
Well, except for Obi-Wan’s time-traveling son. But, you know. Apart from that.”
I LOVE this fic. Young Luke is sent into the clone wars, and since he’s been raised by Obi-Wan on Tatooine, everyone assumes that he’s Obi’s kid. His appearance changes everything by causing the people around him to reveal deep secrets that would otherwise have led to the fall of the Jedi.
(Padme/Anakin and referenced Obi-Wan/Satine)
Old Masters, New Tricks by soft_but_gremlin
“Sixteen-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself on Lothal in the middle of the Imperial Era. He has no idea why he's here or what all these white-clad troopers are for, but after a rocky start with a little Mandalorian, he finds out that his friend Luminara is in trouble and vows to rescue her.
Sabine Wren has no idea what this other Mandalorian is doing on Lothal, but he looks just like former rebel Korkie Kryze and he's got lightsabers on his belt. He's either going to be a fierce but foolish ally, or the Empire's paying bounty hunters to track down Jedi.”
One of the few SW fics I’ve read where characters are sent FORWARD in time! This one is really great, and I reread it all the time. The heartache Obi-Wan feels when he remembers that all his friends are dead and the heartache KANAN feels when Obi-Wan does something that reminds him of the Jedi…. Amazing.
Free Jedi to Good Home by soft_but_gremlin
“Jango Fett expected several things from this hunt on Galidraan. Three hypothermic Jedi children stumbling into his camp was not one of those things.”
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka (and maybe a few others, later on 👀) are sent back in time to change the outcome of the massacre at Galidraan. This one is REALLY great and I especially love the sequel (which is currently unfinished but very suspenseful and exciting)
The Making of Mavericks by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't let her just walk out into the galaxy without a lifeline. With Commander Cody and Captain Rex at his side, Obi-Wan tries to give Ahsoka some well meant advice. But the Force was listening and decided these four souls needed to blaze a better path. With all that has happened to them, waking up twenty-five years in the past shouldn't be a big deal, right?”
Time travel with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, AND Cody! FOUR people. Crazy. The classic “Obi-Wan is sent back to his childhood to change things before Anakin ever enters the picture” fic. It greatly surpassed my expectations for a time travel fic though! One of the best for sure.
Legacy by myrlendi (thehistorygeek)
“Three months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes in search of a rumoured Jedi temple in a secluded part of the Mid Rim. He finds within the temple nothing but a strange artifact, which unexpectedly brings him much closer to the Jedi of old than he ever thought he would be.
When Luke fails to return from his mission, Leia goes after him, retracing his steps to the ancient temple — and to the past, to the time of the Clone Wars and the waning years of the Old Republic. Under suspicion by the Jedi Order, the twins struggle to find a way back to their own time while trying to keep their knowledge of the future from affecting the past.”
Okay, time travel with Luke Skywalker is great (one of my favorite things!), but time travel with Luke AND Leia??? Perfect. I love when she’s included.. it usually leads to some very interesting interactions between her and Anakin.
Luminous We Are by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is filled with regrets when the Padawan he chooses is assigned to Anakin. When he discovers that it was Yoda's meddling that had prevented him from being a Padawan in his own youth, the betrayal runs deep. Wondering what could have been, a trick of the Force throws him back in time, where he learns to put his trust in the Force, not the High Council.
Redemption of Qui-Gon Jinn had he not been forced to take a Padawan before he was ready, and where the Order learns to take another course that put quite a wrench in the Sith plans. Start of the Clone Wars to 44BBY AU of the Apprentice books. Cheeky Obi-Wan and Mandalorian shenanigans.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi being adopted by Mandalorians is QUITE a popular trope in this fandom for some reason… I think it’s actually a tag on Ao3 now (don’t quote me on that). Anyway, this fic is one of the few where the time traveler is unable to rely on (very much of) their knowledge from the future.
The Kenobi Scandal by AppoApples
“One moment they are speeding on their way to Mos Eisley, only to be hit by a Force instigated sandstorm, and the next thing Ben Kenobi knows is he wearing his old armour with the Jedi insignia and Luke can't find the droids. What's a Jedi to do when he finds himself back before the fall of the Republic? Come up with a cover story more scandalous than time travel: ‘Luke, this is Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, this is my son, Luke Kenobi.’”
Amazing! I really like when we see the potential Luke has with some formal Jedi training. And although there is a cover story for Luke’s (and Obi-Wan’s, technically) time travel, there are still some lovely emotional outbursts :)
(Obi-Wan/Satine and Luke/Ahsoka)
Gone Are The Days by theycallmesuperboy
“While investigating an ancient Jedi distress signal in the Outer Rim, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles are mysteriously sent back in time to the last days of the Republic, and stranded on Naboo, meeting two people Luke could only have ever dreamed of meeting: his parents.
Only, due to Luke's "quick thinking," the two are lead to believe that Luke and Wedge are just like them: a secretly married couple, due to Luke's status as a Jedi.”
Luke gets an opportunity to really get to know his dead parents, and Wedge gets to kiss Luke. I’m a sucker for the fake dating trope lmao, and combined with time travel? Zoo wee mama!
(Luke/Wedge and Padme/Anakin)
Significant Brain Damage by AppoApples
“Luke Skywalker finds himself in the past as Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan finds himself retraining his old apprentice who has permanent amnesia while also taking on Anakin's Padawan, being a General, a Council member -during a Galactic Civil War, and fighting for a Republic he's beginning to lose faith in. Clone Wars, no paradox, no easy fix it.”
I love this one so much. Luke has to kind of pretend to be Anakin.. but everyone around him just thinks he’s had some amnesia and a major personality change. I LIVE for the “why is Anakin so much nicer now” moments.
(Padme/Sabe and Obi-Wan/Satine)
Also you may notice that this is the FOURTH fic by AppoApples on this list… I love their ideas so much.
May Death Find You Alive by Must_Be_Thursday
“Anakin finds himself trapped in a nightmare, reliving the same day. He tries. He tries to change things, but it always ends the same.
With a broken bond and a dead best friend.
He's not sure how many times he'll be able to watch the life leave Obi-Wan before he loses his mind.”
Let’s switch it up! Groundhog Day style time loops are always fun, and this one saves the universe! So yay! Fr though, Anakin learns to trust Obi-Wan and it changes everything.
The More I Live The More I See This Life is Not About Me by K_R_Closson
“After touching a mysterious artifact, Cody's general is suddenly a child with the memories to match. Cody has to coax a suspicious adolescent back to base without alerting the nearby Separatists of their presence.
Reversing his general's age an easier fix than Cody thought it would be, but he didn't factor in the possibility that Obi-Wan might not want to give up his self in order to become General Kenobi again. It'd be easier to think if he didn't have an insidious voice in his head, whispering to him to distrust the Jedi.”
This one is technically just de-aging, with Obi-Wan becoming his thirteen year old self, but I consider it similar enough to time travel to be included, and it has a lot of the same tropes. It’s very well written, and the dialogue flows excellently with the descriptions.
what is necessary (for love and war) by hellowkatey
“His fingers reach for the hilt that has become as familiar as his own after that three-day journey back from Melida/Daan. He couldn’t stand to put the boy's saber down until he reached his quarters and reality finally set in.
Obi-Wan didn’t come back with him. Once again, he is without a Padawan.
The moment cool durasteel meets his fingertips, the overwhelming presence of Obi-Wan slams into him so hard the room begins to spin. Qui-Gon sinks to the floor, saber clutched in both hands and pressed tight against his chest as though it’s actually Obi-Wan he’s hugging.
‘You have to go back.’”
This time it’s Qui-Gon who is sent forward through time, into the clone wars. The time travel in this fic doesn’t really change anything (as in, it’s not a fix-it), but it gives some great insight into Qui-Gon’s character.
Chosen One (derogatory) by annathecrow
“Asajj Ventress, the chosen savior of the galaxy. Force help us all.”
VENTRESS is the one to go back in time. Isn’t that crazy??? Isn’t that an insane premise?????? It was SO fun to read.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back by K_R_Closson
“Ahsoka Tano told Din to bring Grogu to the Seeing Stone on Tython, and Grogu would be able to call out to other Jedi. Ahsoka Tano did not say that other Jedi might call out to him or that the pillar of blue light was actually a type of planetary transportation.
Din ends up on a planet he's never heard of with nothing but his armor and his child. A lot has changed but his mandate hasn't. He must reunite Grogu with one of his kind. But first, he has to help these ade win a civil war against the dar'buir who abandoned them.”
Din travels back to the war on Melida/Daan, where one of our favorite padawans was struggling to lead the Young to victory (hint: he’s a fan favorite who almost always ends up being adopted by Mandalorians). I really like this one! It’s less about changing the past, and more about character growth and relationships.
Bonus: Incomplete Fics
I wanted to separate these from the fics above, which are all complete.
from this moment hangs eternity by EvanHart
“If Luke – Force, his son – was talking about slave chips, something must have gone wrong in the future.
Or, a six-year-old Luke ends up in the middle of the Clone Wars, meets his father, and changes the fate of the galaxy on the way.”
I’m a real sucker for child Luke. Gotta say. He’s ADORABLE. and moments of gut-wrenching sadness interrupted by his little sunshine smiles?? Oh my god?
Chapters: 10/15
Oya Manda’lor! by Cloud__Chaser
“After giving up his child to Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin has found himself without a purpose. Filling in the gaps by completing bounties for Boba Fett, Din comes across a strange artifact that leaves him stranded in time.
Who knows, maybe Din's complete lack of knowledge of the world outside of the outer rim will lead to the fall of the empire before it even begins...”
Din basically becomes the most admired person on Mandalore in the span of like. A week. after he travels back in time. It’s really funny, and something I like to read when I’m in a good mood!
Chapters: 38/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight
“‘Well, looks like we're all Sith Lords, now. I hope you've all been practicing your most menacing laughter for our first run in with the Jedi Council.’
Ben could only sigh and raise a distasteful eyebrow at the cross shaped, red lightsaber he was given. Down the line other students were also handling their new weapons and robes with a raised eyebrow here and quizzical expression there.
‘Really, uncle?’
‘Really. I don't want to compete with the local Jedi population.’
Why did Jedi politics and time travel have to be so difficult?”
Like most Star Wars fans, I’m not a big fan of the sequels (‘somehow, Palpatine returned’ my ass), BUT! This fic, involving a young Ben Solo and old Luke Skywalker, was a lot of fun to read.
Chapters: 13/?
There is another Skywalker by WabiSabi
“‘They couldn't narrow down the precise relationship due to some strange contamination in the sample. But when they launched a search in the DNA databank they found a match. Reliability of 50%, which only happens between parent-child and—’
‘Siblings,’ Master Kenobi completes, voice faint. ‘Full-blood siblings.’
The clone nods. ‘She was estimated to be around 30-years-old, so by process of exclusion, Leia Solo would be General Skywalker’s older sister by 9 years.’”
This time, it’s just Leia who’s sent to the past! Technically Luke lives as a voice in her head, but it’s pretty much just Leia. Also, I really like the premise that the temple runs a DNA test and assumes that she’s Anakin’s sibling. It’s a lot of fun!
Chapters: 10/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Companion of the Ancestors by Omegarose
“Ahsoka finds herself in a strange place, out of contact with Obi-Wan and alone with the twins. The Force feels like it hasn't in years, and she runs into a man who has to be an idiot for the way he's acting like a Jedi two years after Order 66.
((Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka all meet each other when they're 19 years old. With the addition of the Skywalker twins and a slightly-younger (than Ahsoka remembers him) Yoda.))”
I love Ahsoka, I love Luke and Leia, I love Obi-Wan… I love this fic. All of the secrets and reveals and drama! So much fun!
Chapters: 10/?
You’re not able to read this fic unless you have an Ao3 account, but those are easy to make. If anyone doesn’t know how to make one, I’m happy to make a post explaining the process!
That’s all, folks! 20 fics is… a lot. And there are A LOT of characters in all that… So, sorry for the exorbitant amount of tags I’ll be using here. Happy reading!
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marvelstars · 7 months
I believe Anakin would have truly thrived outside the Jedi Order not because being a Jedi was impossible for him but because the Jedi Order of his time lived a way of life that just wasn´t for him.
Anakin loved to take care and love his mother and the other people who lived on Tatooine as a show of his goodness. He didn´t think those expressions of love he learned from his mother and the only thing he could allow himself as a slave could ever be wrong, he wasn´t owner of his body or his life but he could own his actions and be happy for the people he helped.
The Order teached control of self and emotions and the force which is great but also emotional distance from friends and family(even they lowkey did this between masters and padawans) which was something alien to Anakin who believed there was nothing wrong in showing open love, friendship or care for family and friends.
In this scenario it wasn´t hard for Palpatine to show himself as Anakin´s emotional support when he was a young kid and obi-Wan thought it was wrong to treat Anakin differently to other padawans but Anakin wasn´t ever accepted as part of their community, he was too different, leaving Anakin isolated from everybody in the Jedi order since he was a 9 year old.
So training with the Jedi Order was good for his force control but very toxic for his mental estability, knowing his mother was left a slave for him to be made a Jedi only added guilt to this already bad circunstance. If he had grow up with Shmi or bassically any family who showed him open care and had the opportunitny to rescue his mother from slavery he would not have become Vader and he would have thrived even more than he did on Tatooine as a slave or during the clone wars as a general.
This is also why I believe Leia and Luke thrived by having a loving family growing up and later by having a strong community of like minded people in the rebellion who loved them openly and saw them as examples to follow, who actually managed the impossible.
This is why I don´t believe comparisions between Luke, Leia and Anakin are fair because yes, Anakin did fall and he is responsible for his own actions just like Luke and Leia became heros for their own will and actions but then again, Luke and Leia never had to deal with slavery, isolation/rejection from their caretakers, lack of emotional support and a snake as their main emotional support since they were young kids. I don´t know if they had fallen under those circunstances as well but they definitely would not be the same people they became.
I just love the three of them and wish there was a what if story in which all of them along with Ahsoka, Shmi and Padme got to become a family. Still love Star Wars as the tragic story of this family.
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Actual Traitors?
Here’s a new what-if for you, be warned for I have no idea where this might take us. Also, as ever, I’ve barely met canon. So please forgive any contradictions to the actual canon. 
It starts with a question: What if Palpatine’s Grand Plan had been ever so slightly different?
Palpatine wanted more than the utter destruction of the Jedi, he wanted more than for Jedi to be forgotten or made myth. He wanted their name to become poison for a thousand years. And yes declaring the Jedi traitors and Order 66 almost gets you there, but there were too many that remembered the Jedi fondly, or at least specific Jedi fondly, for it to have long term lasting power. Plus, with the Jedi dead ‘Forgotten’ happens way easier than ‘betrayer’. 
So Palpatine changes the plan slightly. The clone wars still happen as before. Dooku still  leads the separatist (though he manages to hide his identity as a Sith) and the Jedi and clones are still sent to fight and die by beings who by and large have no vested interest in lessening the loss of life. There is still no coherent, consistent idea of what winning would look like. All to Palpatine’s design. 
But it is not meant to end in Order 66 this time, no the plan is a little different. The war had two main purposes. The first to entrench Palpatine’s power deep enough that, when the time is right, he can take full control. The second was to make the Jedi love the clones, to make them protective, to make them mourn each clone life lost.  To that end Palpatine, to the extent he is able, ensures that the natborn officers stationed with the Jedi are odious and look down on the Clones as less than sentient.  The missions may be framed differently but Palpatine’s goal is to tie the clones and the Jedi together and begin to become insular. 
Three years in, Dooku surrenders and the war is won.  An armistice is signed and just, just as the combined Jedi/Clone forces begin to relax, begin to believe that that the Clones could be folded into the Order and they could move toward the future, Chancellor Palpatine knocks over the last domino. 
One of his lackeys, carefully not connected to him, brings up a motion. It is timed down to the exact moment for maxim effect. This lackey motions in the rotunda that, now that there is no war, there is no need for a standing army. But…the answer is not to give the clones sentience, it is to decommission all of them on the basis that the droid factories had been shut down. The speech was crafted to be as belittling to the clone sentience as possible, each word worse than the one before. There were also other lackeys strategically positioned through the rotunda to make it seem like the motion had much more support than it actually did (Really any support is too much, but it did not have near enough to pass). 
Palpatine felt the spark of fear shoot through the Coruscant Guard and the horror through the Jedi in the room. A heated debate sparks as the clones and the Jedi slip from the room. That the debate ended with the motion being shouted down doesn’t matter. That it was even entertained enough to be debated did the damage that Palpatine wanted.  Damage he furthered by passing on ‘rumors’ he had heard to Anakin Skywalker. Rumors that made it seem as though there were secret deals going on and the next time the motion was brought up it would pass and the clones would be killed. 
It had the effect that Palpatine wanted. The Jedi, fearing for the lives of the clones, drove themselves from the Republic (taking the clones and the ships with them, of course. Also the temple, which is space worthy), even taking Dooku with them (It should be noted that Anakin, well Anakin did abduct his senator wife and her retinue, and he is not letting them leave or contact the senate-Anakin is wanted for questioning by Coruscant's police force). 
Palpatine was able to spin their leaving as gathering their army and leaving, pointing out that this army was ordered FOR the Jedi.  It is not hard to arrange some incidents that make it appear to the Jedi that the Senate/Republic is hunting them and the clones, backing them into a corner where they have to fight back, while making it look like the Jedi and their army are taking the place of the Separatists. Dooku is with the Jedi, and is rapidly able to worm his way into several council member’s good graces, particularly as it seems like he was right all along about the republic. This throws the Republic back into a conflict, where Palpatine can continue to build his empire.
Here’s the part where Palpatine’s plan falls apart. The Jedi taking the place of the Separatist- lashing out because they are not being allowed to leave and being propagandized as the aggressor- only works as long as the Jedi act like the Separatists and keep acting as the aggressor. Except the Jedi do not react like they were supposed- which was to get so fed up that they decide they must strike first, for safety- instead they continue to retreat. Further and further from the core, and then into Wild Space at the edge of the known galaxy.  
To be clear the Jedi did not intend to leave the galaxy to its own mess, but from their perception they needed to protect the clones and they did honestly think they were escaping just ahead of a purge of the clones. Even Jedi like Pong Krell, because Palpatine’s plan required the Jedi to be exposed to the sentience of the clones as often as possible, so the missions tended to emphasize that.   
Here are some notes from the universe:
There are not actually many habitable planets in Wild Space, but the Agricorps was able to get some Hydroponics bays working on some of the ships, also some of the non habitable planets, and also the temple. So there is no worry about food. Also they figure out how to turn the waste into fuel for the ships. So the Jedi and clones are self-sustaining.
Some Jedi are still called to find Force Sensitives in the Galaxy, though the birthrate of Force Sensitives does drop sharply, outside of the procreation of various Jedi and clones (Please note that genetics has little to do with Force sensitivity). 
Obi Wan Kenobi is not the only Jedi to end up with a haram (or as part Cody’s Haram, no one is truly sure who the rotating group of Jedi, clones, and assorted others actually belong to, but everyone seems happy) but they did take the most scientific and enthusiastic view of experimenting with the Force in sexual situations. There are currently a dozen papers written and waiting to be reviewed, and replicated.  There is a lot of partner sharing. It is, however, not the Kenobi/Cody Polycule that needs to explain to the medics how they found out that Fox is somehow allergic to some highly salacious Force abilities (Quinlan Vos and Ventress were both involved. Fox is on record as saying it was worth the hives and the three day med bay stay, but it was not worth the video of him rambling while high that resulted). 
The Combined Jedi/Clones do end up abducting other sentients from formerly Republic Space. Or at least that is what the Empire Propaganda would tell you. It was less an abduction and more asking. Anakin did end up abducting Padme, her 13 body doubles, and 6 other bodyguards during the mad dash to exit the republic (somewhat forcibly). Over the course of 5 years the Jedi quietly collect the family of those 19, and others. 
Palpatine’s Empire lasted a total of three years before he was overthrown and killed. An Empire existed for another 10 years, with a variety of Emperors (none of which lasted even as long as Palpatine). Then the centralized government collapsed into system governments. It would take another 50 years for a Republic to begin to form again, still sans Jedi.
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The fandom used to be so fcking weird about how it went about interpreting canon. There's still some dumb stuff around but looking back on 2000-2010 era SW fanfiction people had the weirdest Legends-inspired fanon ever and genuinely held it as authoritative reading of the text even as the movies explicitly and completely contradicted it?
I'm specifically thinking about "Sai Tok" and how *gasp* the Council was apparently suuuuuper duper creeped out that Obi-Wan used a *gasp* forbidden Sith lightsaber technique on Darth Maul and they thought it was a sign he had fallen a little bit or whatever (genuinely have seen idiot SW youtube bros use the 'sai tok' argument to say that the Jedi code is hypocritical and they all use the Dark Side anyway when they need to yadda yadda).
But remember how the Council immediately knighted Obi-Wan in TPM?? They didn't HAVE to do that. People using the previous argument would go on about Old Republic "traditions" and how killing a Sith automatically makes you a knight and it's in the Code, but that's just another headcanon used to cover up that the first one doesn't make sense. Nothing in TPM says the Council knighted Obi-Wan out of a tradition they were obligated to follow - if it was the case, they probably wouldn't have given him Anakin. As it is, what the movie seems to be saying is that they knighted him because they thought he deserved it. (Especially since he didn't just hold his own, he also managed to calm himself down and center himself and that's how he got Maul.)
The part in the TPM novelization (iirc) about Sai Tok being 'frowned upon' (not forbidden) isn't in the movies and even if it was it's not very conclusive. Bisecting your opponent would logically be discouraged in lightsaber fights because it's been a thousand years since the Jedi have fought Sith, so anytime they pull out their lightsabers it's to fight people who very likely aren't as powerful as they are and the Jedi only go for the kill as a last resort. They just don't like killing people if they can help it, that's why you'd scold a kid at lightsaber practice who always goes for the throat or midsection. Not because oNLy SitH pEoPle dO thAt. And Obi-Wan's situation? was a last resort, so there is zero reason it'd be frowned upon in the Code or whatever.
And again, that's not what happens! They're so impressed they trust him with Anakin when they could have just knighted him. Frankly I think they wouldn't have had much reason to care if he'd bitten Maul's head off at that point. They also put Obi-Wan on the Council right as the war started (so either they made him a Master specifically to get him on the Council, or they put him on the Council the second they made him a Master for other reasons: bc he fought Dooku, bc he led the investigation, bc Anakin got knighted, whatv. the point is: they ABSOLUTELY trust him.) That he used a 'bad' technique is never, ever, EVER hinted at in all three prequels movie, it's never brought up, used to discredit him, talk him down, used by the Sith as proof that he is just like them... nobody EVER makes a big deal out of it because it's not!! To everybody, the big deal is that Obi-Wan SURVIVED! And managed to beat a Sith!! He could have tripped Maul into the pit, shoved Maul's own lightsaber into his skull, or stabbed him with an actual knife and that still wouldn't change their takeaway!!
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lilredghost · 9 months
"i think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me" for the prompts!
And this wasn't on the list, but if I can be greedy: wrist kiss?
OK I got a bit carried away with the backstory in this one, but basically it's a no-war AU and 600 words of Obi-Wan pining [Kiss prompts]
Obi-Wan’s leg jitters restlessly.
No one can see it, so he allows himself this one indulgence. This one insecurity.
He has been waiting to see Lord Set’en Toa for three days. Officially, atleast.
He’s been waiting to see Anakin for three and a half months.
It’s been a rough adjustment, in the wake of his Padawan’s Knighting.
At twenty-one, they had both known it was coming for years, but knowing had done little to prepare Obi-Wan for the reality of waking up to an empty apartment.
It is quiet now, in his rooms. He only makes one mug of caf in the morning. He only rolls out one meditation mat, only brings home dinner for one.
As a youngling, he was always with his crechemates. As a Padawan, with his Master. And then, with Anakin.
For the last eleven years, his life has rotated around this boy.
So for the first time, Obi-Wan is learning to be alone.
(He doesn’t like it.)
(He avoids the cafmaker, avoids meditating and eating and living in his quarters. He haunts the refectory, the salles, the gardens, the archives, looking for things that don’t remind him so much of Anakin’s absence.)
(He fails.)
Normally, there would be more of an adjustment period, he knows.
Normally, he would get time to gradually acclimate himself to being without his boy.
Normally, his Padawan wouldn’t be sent on a months-long undercover mission just days after his Knighting.
But Anakin has hardly ever been anything resembling normal.
And when word came in of a missing Lord— one who had risen unexpectedly to succeed the throne— the Council had taken one look at the grainy flimsi photos of the man’s countenance and decided to send Anakin in.
Another Jedi had taken up the hunt for the missing Lord, while Anakin, as the man’s spitting image, had taken his place in an attempt to keep the peace. To buy time, fool the opposition, and, hopefully, smoke out the would-be assassins.
Now that the Lord— the real Set’en Toa— has been found, Obi-Wan has been sent to extract Anakin.
If they’ll ever let Obi-Wan see him.
He breathes, trying not to stew in his impatience for about another twenty minutes before the door opens. Obi-Wan shoots out of his seat, standing up immediately.
The steward eyes him with a bit of suspicion and a great deal of boredom before announcing the arrival of one Lord Set’en Toa, King-imminent.
Obi-Wan doesn't even think about it. He drops to his knees.
Anakin— his Anakin— is standing before him, golden hair falling in waves around his beloved face.
His tall, broad shoulders are lined with fur, a belt cinched to an impossibly tiny waist. A diamond cutout on his chest gives Obi-Wan a tantalizing glimpse of tanned, muscled skin.
His shoes— elegant knee-high boots with bight white designs— tap loudly against the floor as they come to a slow halt in front of him.
One hand enters Obi-Wan’s field of vision in a pointed motion. He takes hold of it, barely holding back a gasp as their bond reconnects.
Because there Anakin is, again. He’d left Obi-Wan’s life a boy and waltzed back into it a beautiful young man.
His former Padawan nudges at his mind, feeling amused and a little exasperated. I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me, he laughs.
Obi-Wan feels something turn over in his chest.
Something that has, maybe, been there all along, taking a new shape.
He grips Anakin’s hand with reverence, turning it so he can brush one gentle, understated kiss across the inside of his wrist.
I won’t let you go again, he vows to himself.
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anidaladefencelawyer · 2 months
It is important to understand that, regarding romantic relationships...
No romantic relationship is inherently toxic from the get-go, barring those that started out with a massive exertion of intimidation or force against one partner(and then it can't be truly seen as "romantic" at all outside of say YA, which I will give more leeway to deal with stuff like that, and even then a lot hinges on the execution and to what extent can any coercive patterns be effectively overcome). Rather a relationship is just as much shaped by social and material conditions that can make or break it.
And Anidala is no exception.
A lot of the things that Jedi uncriticals like to hold against Anakin and Padme as a couple(ie: never knowing eacn other, “over-idealization”, “two marriages”) and even some legitimate flaws(ie: weak communication, secrecy and paranoia, lack of "preparedness" in a relationship) have more do with a combination of how they were raised, combined with being literally separated for most of their three years together by a war, a war which broke Anakin's mind. They never have any time to even define themselves as a couple or talk about what boundaries are.
Even some of the "OOC" stuff that Anidalas hate and Jedi uncriticals point as the "smoking gun" evidence that Anidala would never work at all like the Clovis arc could be explained by this: Anakin lost Ahsoka and having witnessed the death of his mother, not having a good mindset to deal with loss because it never was imparted onto him properly, and this would only worsen his possessive tendencies. And that's not even getting into headcanons that Anakin was being exposed to far-right toxic gender norms from Palpatine and the even more plausible headcanon that Anakin saw some hutt or crime lord rape his mother and it traumatized him seeing Clovis behave like that.
Not only that, but Anakin is a character that has been confirmed tries his best to treat his Clones like human beings and the death of each Clone is confirmed to hit him hard. While it dosen't justify entirely him trying to make Padme his escape from reality when she is pushing through bills that could hinder Palpatine's consolidation of power, it at least explains why he behaves the way he did in Hostage Crisis, which is another "smoking gun" Jedi uncriticals like to use--he was likely getting traumatized by the war and has a two weeks "mindfulness break" to say the least, and he turned to one of the only people that could give him peace of mind. It dosen't justify him trying to prioritize their love above Padme's commitments, but both canon and the Legends EU makes it clear that the Clone Wars actually traumatized him considerably, and there is enough room to explain that behavior from Anakin via headcanon knowing what we know in expanded material.
In order to run the thesis that "Anidala was inherently toxic" you need to prove that they'd implode in peacetime and Anakin would behave at his worst on a daily basis even without a war or creeping fascistic influence into his mind. However, there is very little that supports this theory outside of an interpretation only Hidalgo has, even if you draw on the most negative headcanons of Anakin.
Actually, I wouldn't say "very little" or even "scant", I'd say there's literally no evidence that Anidala would implode in peacetime. The closest we get to how "Anidala would behave in peacetime" is AOTC, with Anakin and Padme happily running around the fields and trying to enjoy each other in Varykino, along with the first few minutes of ROTS where they express hope of being a happy family before the visions drove Anakin to the edge. And the argument that Anakin would behave poorly in peacetime falls apart even further if you consider the deleted scenes as canon--we see him getting to catch up with Padme while walking through Naboo, expressing interest in her political career(these outright shatter the assumption that Anakin didn't even get to know Padme at all, when the actual anwser is that "he did try, but he didn't get time to"), meeting her family and having a nice talk with her father, and her entire family has a lot of fun with him and actually root for him and Padme together. So that thesis gets entirely blown to pieces with the deleted scenes.
And this is not even considering the fact that whenever they can team up during the war in TCW and in the canon-era EU, they make a pretty good team.
So it's clear that the entire relationship was shaped by social and material conditions rather than a single choice to be selfish(and frankly from the outside looking in, I wouldn't even call that choice selfish until ROTS on Anakin's part, more "shortsighted" at the very worst), and a lot of what brought down the relationship or prevented it from "maturing" has more to do with external factors than some inherent incompatibility between the two.
Even E.K. Johnston, who is pretty polarizing in Anidala circles because while she made it clear in her books that Clovis was actually the mismatched one with Padme and gave them some cute moments and some decent payoff in Queen's Hope, she at best finds Anakin hard to write because of what he would become and at worst, dosen't even find Anakin redeemable, had this to say about Anidala:
"He’s kind of….not happy go-lucky because Jedi don’t really do that. But like his life has literally never been better than it is right now. He’s really good at fighting. He really likes clear-cut “these people are good, these people are bad” conflicts. And he’s married to the love of his life so, ya know, everything’s coming up Anakin at this point, which does make him very interesting to write because, of course, we all know what’s coming. But you get these sort of moments with them where they do have a genuine love. They like each other so much, they just never have any time and that’s their tragedy. They never have any time to talk, they never have any time to work things out, and I got to write a very, very small sliver of that time, which is something I think people have been looking forward to seeing for a while now."
If someone who is potentially pretty harsh on Anakin could see that structural factors and lack of time brought down Anidala, I don't know how modern day Jedi fans and Jedi uncriticals can ignore this nuances.
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book--brackets · 2 months
Star Wars: Jedi Quest by Jude Watson (2001-2004)
Fourteen-year-old Anakin Skywalker is strong in the ways of the Force. His lightsaber skills are exceptional, and his piloting is legendary. He should be an ideal Jedi apprentice, and yet there is so much he still has to learn. It is up to Obi-Wan Kenobi to teach him these things. But on a mission to a planet threatened by a toxic disaster, Obi-Wan and Anakin are separated. Anakin and three other apprentices must work together in order to survive.
Wiz by Rick Cook (1989-1996)
What Wiz Zumalt could do with computers was magic on Earth. Then, one day the master computer hacker is called to a different world to help fight an evil known as the Black League. Suddenly, the Wiz finds himself in a place governed by magic--and in league with a red-headed witch who despises him.
Brotherhood of the Conch by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (2004-2009)
In a dingy shack in the less-than-desirable Indian neighborhood he calls home, twelve-year-old Anand is entrusted with a conch shell that possesses mystical powers. His task is to return the shell to its rightful home many hundreds of miles away. Accompanying him are Nisha, a headstrong but resourceful child of the streets, and a mysterious man of indeterminate age and surprising resources named Abadhyatta. His quest will take him farther from home than he's ever been and will teach him more than he ever imagined -- and it will force him to make a poignant decision that will change him forever.
The Rules by F. T. Lukens (2017-2019)
Desperate to pay for college, Bridger Whitt is willing to overlook the peculiarities of his new job--entering via the roof, the weird stacks of old books and even older scrolls, the seemingly incorporeal voices he hears from time to time--but it's pretty hard to ignore being pulled under Lake Michigan by... mermaids? Worse yet, this happens in front of his new crush, Leo, the dreamy football star who just moved to town.
When he discovers his eccentric employer Pavel Chudinov is an intermediary between the human world and its myths, Bridger is plunged into a world of pixies, werewolves, and Sasquatch. The realm of myths and magic is growing increasingly unstable, and it is up to Bridger to ascertain the cause of the chaos, eliminate the problem, and help his boss keep the real world from finding the world of myths.
Wishtress by Nadine Brandes (2022)
She didn't ask to be the Wishtress.
Myrthe was born with the ability to turn her tears into wishes. It's a big secret to keep. When a granted wish goes wrong, a curse is placed on her: the next tear she sheds will kill her. She needs to journey to the Well and break the curse before it claims her life--and before the king's militairen track her down. But in order to survive the journey, she must harden her heart to keep herself from crying even a single tear.
He can stop time with a snap of his fingers.
Bastiaan's powerful--and rare--Talent came in handy when he kidnapped the old king. Now the new king has a job for him: find and capture the Wishtress and deliver her to the schloss. But Bastiaan needs a wish of his own. When he locates Myrthe, he agrees to take her to the Well in exchange for a wish. Once she's fulfilled her end of the deal, he'll turn her in. As long as his growing feelings for the girl with a stone heart don't compromise his job.
They are on a journey that can only end one way: with her death.
Everyone seems to need a wish--the king, Myrthe's cousin, the boy she thinks she loves. And they're ready to bully, beg, and even betray her for it. No one knows that to grant even one of them, Myrthe would have to die. And if she tells them about her curse . . . they'll just kill her anyway.
In a Garden Burning Gold by Rory Power (2022)
Rhea and Lexos were born into a family unlike any other. Together with their siblings, they control the seasons, the tides, and the stars, and help their father rule their kingdom. Thanks to their magic, the family has ruled for an eternity, and plan to rule for an eternity more.
But Rhea and Lexos are special: They are twins, bonded down to the bone, and for the past hundred years, that bond has protected them as their father becomes an unpredictable tyrant—and his worsening temper threatens the family’s grip on power. 
Now, with rival nations ready to attack, and a rebel movement within their own borders, Rhea and Lexos must fight to keep the kingdom—and the family—together, even as treachery, deceit, and drama threaten to strand the twins on opposite sides of the battlefield.
The Berinfell Prophecies by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper (2009-2012)
The Seven succeeding Elven Lords of Allyra were dead, lost in the Siege of Berinfell as babes. At least that's what everyone thought until tremors from a distant world known as Earth, revealed strange signs that Elven blood lived among its peoples. With a glimmer of hope in their hearts, sentinels are sent to see if the signs are true. But theirs is not a lone errand. The ruling warlord of Allyra, the Spider King, has sent his own scouts to hunt down the Seven and finish the job they failed to complete many ages ago.
Now 13-year-olds on the brink of the Age of Reckoning when their Elven gifts will be manifest, discover the unthinkable truth that their adoptive families are not their only kin. With mysterious Sentinels revealing breathtaking secrets of the past, and dark strangers haunting their every move, will the young Elf Lords find the way back to the home of their birth? Worlds and races collide as the forces of good and evil battle. Will anyone escape the Curse of the Spider King?
I'm in Love with the Villainess by Inori (2019-2021)
Ordinary office worker Oohashi Rei wakes up in the body of the protagonist of her favorite otome game, Revolution. To her delight, the first person to greet her is also her favorite character, Claire Francois—the main antagonist of the story! Now, Rei is determined to romance Claire instead of the game’s male leads. But how will her villainous ladylove react to this new courtship?!
The Buried and the Bound by Rochelle Hassan (2023-present)
As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts—an uncommonly magical place—Aziza El-Amin has bargained with wood nymphs, rescued palm-sized fairies from house cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from the local park. But when a dark entity awakens in the forest outside of town, eroding the invisible boundary between the human world and fairyland, run-of-the-mill fae mischief turns into outright aggression, and the danger—to herself and others—becomes too great for her to handle alone.
Leo Merritt is no stranger to magical catastrophes. On his sixteenth birthday, a dormant curse kicked in and ripped away all his memories of his true love. A miserable year has passed since then. He's road-tripped up and down the East Coast looking for a way to get his memories back and hit one dead end after another. He doesn't even know his true love's name, but he feels the absence in his life, and it's haunting.
Desperate for answers, he makes a pact with Aziza: he’ll provide much-needed backup on her nightly patrols, and in exchange, she’ll help him break the curse.
When the creature in the woods sets its sights on them, their survival depends on the aid of a mysterious young necromancer they’re not certain they can trust. But they’ll have to work together to eradicate the new threat and take back their hometown... even if it forces them to uncover deeply buried secrets and make devastating sacrifices.
Wildworld by L. J. Smith (1987-1990)
When Claudia Hodges-Bradley meets a fox, she knows it will be an extraordinary day. Not just any fox, this vixen is the magical familiar of the sorceress Morgana Shee. For years Morgana has guarded the solitary gate between Earth and the Wildworld, a shimmering parallel universe where legends still live. She alone holds the secret of the mirrors that serve as the last passage to enchantment. But Morgana has been betrayed and imprisoned in Wildworld, and the fox is determined to recruit the Hodges-Bradley kids for the rescue mission.
Armed only with courage and determination, Alys, Charles, Janie, and Claudia must save Morgana before the Winter Solstice when the evil sorcerer Cadal Forge plans to escape Wildworld and conquer Earth. And with December 21 only two weeks away, there is no time to lose....
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grapenehifics · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
I'm back to working on PIck Up the Pieces (slower than I'd like, but ain't that the story of my life) and @underacalicosky expressed particular interest in this scene:
It had been a good dream. Anakin didn’t get a lot of good dreams, even before the war, and certainly not during. But this one had been a good one. Obi-Wan had been in it, and he’d been smiling at Anakin, and Anakin had smiled back, and then the details had gone sort of fuzzy for a while but it ended with the two of them touching, Anakin’s hips pressed flush with Obi-Wan’s, and Obi-Wan had reached down and brushed his fingertips over Anakin’s cock through his pants, still smiling all the while…
Anakin didn’t open his eyes but he couldn’t help the corner of his mouth twitching up at just the memory. He’d felt pleasant heat burning low in his gut and had circled his hips, looking to stretch the moment out and enjoy the sensation, phantom as it was. He’d known it wasn’t real, even while dreaming, but it was very enjoyable to pretend.
Anakin shifted his hips again, now, wondering if maybe he could snatch even a little of that pleasure back again before anyone else woke up, and then he froze. His cock caught on a wet spot in his leggings.
Oh, fark. In his sleep, Anakin had done what his body nearly always did – gravitated toward the warmest thing in the room. As usual, at least lately, that thing was Obi-Wan’s body. Anakin was currently plastered to Obi-Wan’s side, one leg tangled in the bedsheets and thrown over Obi-Wan’s bad knee, effectively trapping him in place – and giving Obi-Wan’s thigh a front-row ticket to the party going on in Anakin’s sleep pants.
He hurriedly squeezed his eyes shut, took a shallow breath – inhaling too much of Obi-Wan’s scent was probably a bad idea, just now, and would produce an opposite effect to what he was trying to achieve – and thought about the least-sexy things he could think of. It was a list he’d started assembling just after starting puberty. For some unfathomable reason Obi-Wan had taken one look at Anakin’s gangly, smelly, pockmarked, sweaty, fourteen-year-old body and decided, ‘now is the perfect time to start full-contact sparring’. Anakin had not only had to deal with his voice cracking, but also regularly found himself pinned to a training mat by an absurdly attractive, well-muscled twenty-four-year-old who he also shared an apartment with and was somehow expected to not get a raging boner about it, at which he’d failed probably fully at least three-quarters of the time. Obi-Wan had ignored it, of course – had ignored pretty much everything weird that Anakin’s teenaged hormones were making his body do – but he’d also let go of Anakin’s wrists and jump back as if he were scalded, turning his back and mumbling, ‘yes, of course, anytime’ when Anakin asked if he could be excused to go to the ‘fresher. They both knew what he was going to do in there, but Obi-Wan kept up the charade and teased Anakin about having a small bladder for years.
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