#Body pain
bouncing-flowers · 16 days
I cannot stress this enough but my entire body is filled with pain and don’t want to do this anymore.
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a-victorian-girl · 10 months
Sick again, in my bed...
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I can't FCKING believe it!! 🔥
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one day i’ll say “it hurts” and they’ll tell me “i’m so sorry, it’s not supposed to.” and i’ll say “i know.”
and i’ll tell them it’s hurt for years and they’ll say “oh my god, you’ve been living like this?” and i’ll say yes. and they’ll say how sorry they are. and they’ll tell me they’ll find out why it hurts.
and we’ll figure it out and they’ll say “you’re so brave. it’s hurt so much the entire time. i can’t imagine what it’s like.”
and they’ll try to fix it, to stop the hurt briefly or entirely.
and it’ll be so much more than it is now.
i say “it hurts.” and they’ll tell me “it can’t hurt, you’re too young.” “it can’t hurt, you’re just not active enough.” “it can’t hurt, you’re just lying.”
and the pain doesn’t go away.
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palisadewasp · 1 year
it's Stiff Bones Saturday! reblog if you frequently experience Mysterious Body Pains
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itzmaztercom · 2 months
the day is going fine, and why not really if i may ask? im sorry it wasnt the best i hope the days coming ahead are better <3
stay strong and we'll ((anybody else that supports you) always be here for you
Thankkk and happy for youu
We'll ...i know i ALWAYS overshare with stranger but idc honestly
Lot of reason:
1.I had pain in my body like elbow, shoulder and knee
2. I went to bed around 7:40 a.m.
3.My sister woke me up at 12 p.m. talking really loudly
4. My sister came back.💀(I hate her)
5. I almost didn't eat much cause my parents dont have money
6. My sister had lots of things to eat ,plus she pretty,genius,she have friends,my family love her,she have everything and everything..and i'm so jealous of her
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My delusional ass rn who’s got body pain at the moment is deadass imagining Dale giving me a massage
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elliott-the-creature · 3 months
Aaaughhh might need a wrist brace because my right hand and wrist hurts like hell and results in me not being able to bend my wrist without it being really painful (more pain when I bend it down versus up)
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lunanight2012 · 3 months
So, i just got diagnosed with mild joint Hypermobility, fibromyalgia, sicca complex, and polyarthritis.
And normally, when i can't afford my prescriptions, I'd ask my mom, but she's not going to help me. And i can't ask for help thru my paypal because my paypal is currently blocked from receiving or sending money.
But i can only afford one of my adhd meds, which means my other adhd medicine, and all 3 of my meds i got prescribed today i can afford. Shit i sound like such a debbie downer, and im sorry 😅
I just need help but can't ask for it. So I'm stuck.....
I will try to get Maybe in Another Life my zosan angst with a happy ending finished this week but the pain is really bad this week (the heat + the rain isn't helping) I'm almost done with it but yea.
(Edit to fix my diagnosis)
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lavenderuraniumglass · 5 months
Fuck this particular injury (fractured sternum).
Can't lay down on my back or my sternum hurts. Can't lay down on my sides either. Can't stretch too much..
I hate this.
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oblivious-flesh · 2 years
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10/10 would recommend warmies if you have extra to spend on something cute. They're basically plushies but you can put them in the microwave to warm them up and use them as a heating pad. I bought mine to help with period cramps, but now I'm using them to help with my chronic pain :) (I have the manatee and dinosaur, and named them Wilson and Yoshi)
I know not everyone can afford these, as they're pretty expensive, and capitalism bad, but you have to find joy in the things you can, and for me, that means buying random cute shit.
[image ID: a picture of a gray manatee plushie on a white background. It's just kinda sitting there, but it looks like there's something heavy in it because it spreads out at the bottom.] (please help I've never done an image ID before and idk how to do it)
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My back is throbbing from putting a new bed frame together for the younger kid, and it's almost 1am, and the husband and I haven't even ate dinner.
Everything hurts, and I'm beat. Debating whether to take arthritis strength Tylenol or the PM stuff. I just want to go to bed and cuddle my Stan 😴😪😮‍💨
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
can someone with chronic pain explain what it is/what it's like for them? i've been doing some thinking about how i'm in random pain all the time. like if varies in different areas and in different types of pain and like i'd say 75% of the time there's no cause i can think of. i just think i might have it and am looking for some help figuring it out
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everlongpeace · 4 months
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Taking this whole love of Halloween to the next level
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research-and-survive · 6 months
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20 March 2024
(3/100 days of productivity)
Today was hard for me to start… woke up with pain all over again… So I left a bit late from home, the bus was full, but the metro was empty 😅
And now I am trying to do some data analysis, while also listening to a seminar on BCI-controlled robots!🤖
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justanillvampire · 4 months
Pain update.
I was withering in agony so I opted for a hot shower. Hand pain be fucked but internal pain be lessened.
I’m so so now out of the shower. The pain is throbbing in my stomach and slightly in my back. Burning pain in my hand especially as I type this.
I just want my hair braided and my back rubbed as I lay here in pain. If I can’t have no pain could I at least have that? No? Fine. ._.
At least my mates are bringing me ramen (since I couldn’t go) 🍜 it’s been two years since I’ve had it, like fancy ramen. (No offence to store bought ramen, delicious and cheap.)
I dont care if the hot shower and stair climb made me nauseous I will thoroughly enjoy this ramen! I’m currently able to sit up for the moment as well!
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Horribly sick today. Unknown if it's only pots or pots plus a mild sickness combined.
It is 6pm and I just now physically was able to shower. I.... I don't have any memory of eating yet today.... I think???? Looking back I can't think of anything.
I am QUITE hungry, though.
Now, 1) do I have spoons to make/scavenge for food ~ And 2) does anything in my kitchen/pantry even sound worth it
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