#Bond Strengthening Podcasts
shaadiwish · 5 months
There are two kinds of people in the world, the ones who do chores to the tunes of music, and others who haven’t discovered how amazing and life-changing podcasts can be.
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stinkybreath · 5 months
Trying so hard not to try to get a good grade in patreon comment (normal to want etc)
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Random Obey Me! Headcanons Part 2
During the first year of the exchange program and when MC couldn't fend for themselves yet, the only way they were allowed out of the house "alone" was with Cerberus accompanying them. And when I tell you the hellhound did an amazing job at protecting them… all it took was a slightly off-putting stare at MC for it to send back the most terrifying glare and loud growl at the demon eyeing them. These outings of theirs once resulted in a pretty infamous picture going viral, where MC was mindlessly buying ice cream at a stall while Cerberus was beside them giving off the most ominous aura as all its heads glared at someone off-screen. You can imagine all the memes that came from it.
When Satan was a baby he used to have constant nightmares about the war and would always wake up screaming and crying, waking up everyone with him. Because of this Lucifer would have to stay up at ungodly hours of the night trying everything he could to calm him down, having to rock the tiny demon in his arms for hours around the corridors till he eventually went back to sleep. At some point Diavolo suggested that he read for Satan, as it was a less energy-draining method. And although Lucifer didn't really see the point given that Satan was a baby and couldn't even understand words yet, he gave it a shot anyway. It ended up working, to both his relief and surprise.
When Mammon first realized he could both understand and tell crows what to do he thought he was going insane. And the brothers were all sure he was lying when he first told them of his ability, having to see firsthand Mammon order around an army of crows as if it was nothing. They were definitely left speechless that day.
Asmo has a podcast where he mainly talks with other famous influencers from the Devildom and demons in the fashion or music industry. All the brothers participated in an episode at some point, and so did MC, the Purgatory Hall crew, and Diavolo.
If MC has a similar clothing style to Mammon's, he'll let them have the clothes he doesn't use anymore. And there's a TON of them, since he buys so many just out of greed and never bothers wearing them more than two or three times.
A few months into the exchange program Diavolo came up with an idea to have the whole gang ( HoL, Purgatory Hall, and the Demon Lord's Castle ) meet up monthly to hang out, have dinner together, etc. It was another way he found to strengthen the bonds between everyone, and no one was allowed to miss it. In the beginning it was a chore to participate but now everyone gets excited when the end of the month starts coming around and they can meet again.
This one time when the brothers were all drunk playing stupid games together they decided that whoever ended up last would have to get an embarrassing tattoo of whatever the others chose. Belphie lost, and to this day the brothers still crack up whenever they catch a glimpse of the small tattoo on his rib that reads "baby of the family". Belphie always gets pissy about it, making them tease him even more.
( Spoilers for lesson 16 ) I went into more detail about this in another post but I believe MC also carries memories from the Celestial War because of their connection to Lilith. And this is something that brings them closer to Satan, since as mentioned before, he also has memories of that time but from Lucifer's perspective. Aka, trauma bonding ✨
Following the tattoo headcanon, Belphie definitely lied to MC about the rib tattoo at first since they didn't couldn't understand Infernal and didn't know what it said. Man 100% told them it meant something else and made up some deep story behind it to make himself look cool or whatever. But it all came crumbling down when everyone went on a trip to the beach and the brothers brought up his "adorable tattoo". He never felt so embarrassed in his life.
Ever since finding out about pride month, Asmo made it into a thing to visit the human realm every year to celebrate it by going to the biggest parade happening that year. And he always drags the brothers with him, making sure to pick outfits for Belphie, Beel, and Lucifer since none of them know how to "dress properly for pride." He just can't let what happened the first time they went happen again, with everyone at the parade wearing colorful and beautifully elaborate clothing while these 3 looked completely out of place ( Lucifer was wearing a full black suit, just so you have an idea. So yeah, he was sticking out in the crowd like crazy ).
As a joke, every time Father's Day comes up the characters go around giving Lucifer, Barbatos, and Simeon shitty gifts and wishing them "Happy Father's Day". But not Beel, who even though knows everyone's doing it for a bit, still gives them a genuine gift and a sincere smile every time. Because let's be honest, these three deserve some actual acknowledgment for raising their troublesome children-not-children. ( Fun fact: Diavolo gives Barbatos both a gag gift and an actual one, and Luke gives Simeon a gift while trying to make it seem like he's just doing it for the joke, though it's obvious he means it. )
Long ago when anime wasn't a thing yet Levi used to be obsessed with marine life. He had extensive knowledge of it and would be pulling random ocean facts out of nowhere and leaving everyone confused. And he absolutely loved sharks, like, you know those people that'll go into great detail to explain why our perception of sharks is fucked and they're actually sweethearts? Yup, that was Levi. Also, if you said your favorite animals were dolphins? Oh, you'd be seeing the most disgusted look show up on his face. ( He'd too explain that dolphins are evil and why you shouldn't like them at all, completely ruining your view of them )
Since Asmo, Beel, and Levi are represented by cold-blooded animals ( a scorpion, a fly, and a serpent ) I headcanon that they can't generate a lot of body heat and touching their skin when it's cold would feel like coming in contact with freezing ice and definitely not the move if you're looking for warmth. Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, and Belphie though? These 4 become MC's personal heaters when winter comes around, and you better bet they're demanding cuddles from all of them ( cold-blooded gang be jealous as fuck of this ).
Solomon puts weird shit on what he cooks on purpose just to fuck with everyone. His grandpa ass finds it absolutely hilarious how everyone tries to keep him away from the kitchen at all costs while simultaneously doing everything to avoid outright saying his cooking is terrible because they don't want to hurt his feelings. Because come on, how does a man who's lived this long on his own not know how to cook? He can follow strict instructions to make the weirdest potions ever but not a recipe to make a simple dinner? Nah, I don't buy it. He definitely knows how to cook and does a decent job at making food for himself when he wants to.
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forgedbondspod · 4 months
Howdy folks! It's day 3 of crowdfunding! We're gonna start on something a lil different today and do the first of our cast shout outs! Today I'm gonna tell you a bit about Skylar and her character Hephaestus
Hephaestus is a god who has always been very near and dear to my heart as he is often overlooked both in myths and by society. In myths he was cast from Olympus for trying to stop Zeus's advances on Hera, resulting in him becoming disabled. He mans the forges, creating the best weaponry & automatons in the world- useful, but not appreciated.
In our show, Hephaestus is a trans woman who was cast from Olympus as a child by Zeus. She grew up lonely and afraid, choosing to leave Olympus proper and only keep connections with her mother by phone. Dionysus befriends her and for a while that was enough. Forged Bonds will show Hephaestus making friends, strengthening her relationship with her mother, and falling in love. She gets the love that she has always deserved in this story. It's my love letter to an often overlooked god, after all :)
Skylar Johnson (she/her) is our Hephaestus and she is absolutely phenomenal! Her audition brought a genuineness to Hephaestus that I adored and hearing what she's provided so far has been a delight. She's newer to voice acting but you'd never guess it given the sheer talent she's displaying
I'm so fucking lucky to have her as our Hephaestus. Getting to work with her has been wonderful and I can't wait for yall to see what she's doing for the show
If you would like to support our show and our VAs like Skylar, please check out our indiegogo campaign!
And to Skylar specifically: thank you for providing your voice to this show. You're absolutely incredible and I can't imagine a better Hephaestus for the show than what you've done 💜
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shamandrummer · 7 days
Healing through Storytelling
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Storytelling has been a fundamental part of human experience for thousands of years. From ancient myths passed down through generations to modern novels and films, stories have shaped our understanding of the world and ourselves. However, storytelling is more than just a way to entertain or pass on knowledge--it can also be a profound tool for healing. By sharing our stories, we can confront and process our emotions, connect with others, and ultimately find a path to recovery and growth. In this blog post, we'll explore the ways in which storytelling can be a powerful force for healing.
The Therapeutic Power of Storytelling
Storytelling has a unique ability to tap into our emotions and bring about psychological healing. When we tell our stories, we give voice to our experiences, which can help us make sense of them. Many of us walk around in a fog of past events that we never fully understood or processed. When we tell our stories, we create an ordered pattern out of past events, and thereby construct meaning. We form a clearer understanding of who we are and how we got to where we are. This process is particularly powerful in dealing with trauma. Trauma can often leave individuals feeling isolated, misunderstood, and overwhelmed by emotions that seem too complex to articulate. By telling their stories, individuals can begin to organize their thoughts, express their emotions, and gain a sense of control over their experiences.
One form of storytelling that has gained recognition for its therapeutic benefits is narrative therapy. Developed in the 1980s by Michael White and David Epston, narrative therapy encourages individuals to tell their stories in a way that separates their identity from their problems. This allows them to reframe their experiences, recognize their strengths, and see themselves as empowered agents in their own lives rather than victims of circumstances.
In addition to narrative therapy, journaling is another powerful form of storytelling that can facilitate healing. Writing about our experiences, especially traumatic ones, can help us process emotions and gain insight into our thoughts and feelings. Studies have shown that expressive writing can lead to reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression, and can even have physical health benefits, such as improved immune function.
Building Connections Through Shared Stories
Storytelling not only helps us heal individually, but it can also foster connection and support among people. When we share our stories with others, we open ourselves up to empathy and understanding. Our stories allow us to be known and seen, understood and appreciated. This can be particularly important for those who feel isolated by their experiences. For example, support groups often rely on storytelling as a means of building community among individuals facing similar challenges. By hearing others' stories, individuals may realize that they are not alone in their struggles, which can provide comfort and reduce feelings of isolation.
Moreover, storytelling in groups can create a sense of solidarity and shared purpose. This is evident in many cultural traditions where communal storytelling is used to pass down wisdom, strengthen bonds, and maintain a sense of identity. For example, Indigenous communities often use storytelling as a way to preserve their history, values, and traditions, which helps maintain a strong sense of community and continuity.
In the digital age, online platforms and social media have expanded the reach of storytelling, allowing people to connect with others across the globe. Blogs, podcasts, and online forums provide spaces where individuals can share their stories and find support from a wider audience. This global exchange of stories has the potential to break down barriers, increase understanding, and build empathy among people from diverse backgrounds.
Storytelling as a Tool for Advocacy and Social Change
Beyond personal healing, storytelling can also be a powerful tool for advocacy and social change. By sharing their stories, individuals can raise awareness about important issues, challenge stereotypes, and inspire others to take action. This is particularly important for marginalized communities whose voices have historically been silenced or ignored.
One powerful example of storytelling as advocacy is the #MeToo movement, where survivors of sexual harassment and assault shared their stories, sparking a global conversation about gender-based violence. The collective power of these stories not only brought attention to a pervasive issue but also led to concrete changes, such as policy reforms and increased accountability for perpetrators.
Similarly, storytelling has been a key element in the civil rights movement, LGBTQ+ rights activism, and other social justice movements. By bringing personal experiences to the forefront, these stories humanize the issues at hand and create a sense of urgency for change.
Storytelling in the Healing Professions
Recognizing the healing power of storytelling, many professionals in the fields of healthcare, psychology, and social work are incorporating storytelling into their practices. For instance, narrative medicine is an approach that encourages healthcare providers to listen to their patients' stories as a way to better understand their experiences and provide more empathetic care. This approach acknowledges that patients are not just a collection of symptoms but individuals with unique stories that shape their health and well-being.
Similarly, in social work and counseling, practitioners often use storytelling to help clients explore their identities, build resilience, and find meaning in their experiences. By encouraging clients to tell their stories, practitioners can help them process their emotions, identify patterns in their behavior, and develop strategies for coping and growth.
Conclusion: Embracing the Healing Journey Through Storytelling
Storytelling is a deeply human practice that has the power to heal, connect, and transform. Whether through narrative therapy, journaling, group sharing, or advocacy, storytelling allows us to make sense of our experiences, connect with others, and find a path forward. In a world where many feel isolated and disconnected, storytelling reminds us of our shared humanity and the potential for growth and healing that lies within each of us. By embracing the power of storytelling, we can not only heal ourselves but also contribute to the healing of our communities and the broader society. What's your story?
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art-of-manliness · 2 months
10 Ways to Be a Better Husband Today
To countenance the statistics on divorce is to recognize that happy, lasting marriages do not happen by default. In strong marriages, each spouse, rather than sinking into indifference and complacency, makes an effort to do things that leave their partner enamored and appreciative. To find out what kinds of things tend to have this effect when coming from the man in the marriage, I talked to Kate and some other married women about what husbands do on a day-to-day basis that make them swoon. Below, I’ll share what I learned from them and from the many relationship experts I’ve interviewed on the AoM podcast. If you’ve already got a good relationship with your wife, these suggestions can help strengthen that bond and further boost its happiness. If your marriage has been struggling, then engaging in these behaviors might help change the course of its trajectory. There can sometimes be a tendency in these situations for someone to think, “Why should I make an effort if she isn’t?” But often all it takes to get a relationship back on track is for one person to take the initiative in acting in a different way. Once one person starts sowing positive behavioral seeds, the other person becomes less defensive and instinctively starts acting in kind. A stalemate is broken and a virtuous cycle begins that turns the relationship around. If your wife doesn’t reciprocate by leveling up her own relational game, then, yes, that probably means your marriage needs a more serious/professional intervention. But why not try the simple behaviors below first? 10 Ways to Be Better Husband Today 1. Be an interesting conversationalist. Marriage is essentially one long conversation, and when the quality of the conversation between spouses sags, so does the quality of the relationship. When you come home from work and your wife asks how your day was, don’t just say, “Fine,” and leave it at that. Even if not much happened, dig up a detail or two to share. Intentionally collect conversational fodder during the day to share when you and your spouse catch up. Remember some interesting tidbit of office gossip you heard around the watercooler at work. Read interesting articles that catch your eye and file away some details you can talk about later. Be mulling over ideas you’ve heard so that if your wife asks, “What have you been thinking about lately?” you’ll have something to say. While one of the privileges of a close, long-standing relationship is the ability to comfortably sit in silence, in the healthiest relationships, you enjoy conversing so much that you rarely want to. 2. Leave love notes. Through years of watching marriages fall apart, divorce lawyer James Sexton has learned a thing or two about how to reverse engineer things and keep a relationship together. As he shared on the AoM podcast (his episode is such a good one; be sure to listen to it), his strongest suggestion for avoiding ever having to see him in his office is to simply “leave your wife a note every morning for a couple of weeks”: just leave her a note, just a little, ‘Hey, Babe, thanks for last night on the couch watching TV. It was so nice, like the smell of you just makes me so happy. I fell asleep with it on me.’ Or ‘you looked so pretty when I woke up this morning and I’m so glad to have such a wonderful woman in my life. I love you.’ And that takes you 30 seconds, and I’m telling you that little tiny investment of time and effort will pay dividends like you wouldn’t believe. If you want to really challenge yourself, leave your wife a love note every week for a year, like this guy did. 3. Be a man with a plan. One woman I spoke to said she really appreciates it when her husband comes up with a plan for a date night or family outing and then executes it without her having to worry about anything. “Plans really turn me on!” she declared. Don’t wait around for your wife to plan your next date or family microadventure. Come up with an idea for a good time and then carry it out. 4. Perform small acts of… http://dlvr.it/TBGnF6
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earlgreytea68 · 4 months
Recently listened to a podcast about Bridgerton adaptation with the third season being released and all that. And one of the hosts was talking about how one of her fave characters from previous series was not included in this one unfortunately, but that she understands that decision, because he already got together with his love interest and to bring him up again would mean “trouble and drama” in that relationship. All of her cohosts agreed immediately. So of course I thought about you and all of your brilliant works, that actually don’t end when the couple gets together. And I’m really appalled and saddened, that people, mind you, all three of them are young women in their late twenties, educated, smart, in a relationships themselves, could not even theoretically imagine a case scenario, where drama and conflict would be coming from outside of a relationship and not from within. That creating a problem, that our couple should try and solve together, would only showcase their bond, strengthen their love, and also help open up old characters from the new perspective. I completely understand, that with established relationship comes a lot of different kind of struggles, and there are many stories written and filmed about that. I’m just feeling, that we have a vast shortage of a well created story about happiness. Look at the last year of fob, our beloved, what is it, if not a happy established story told by the guys every night they performed their shows? General media should stop mocking fanfition writers and finally take a note from their books.
Awwww thank you for thinking me! Because I am always trying so hard to flip this expectation on its head, that established couples are too boring to care about and are only interested if they're on the verge of breaking up. I feel like this is how Hollywood views stories and so as a result it has colored all of our expectations.
But it's also sad, as you note, because most people would hope, I think, that their established relationship isn't so boring that nobody cares what happens to them anymore, that everything interesting in their lives happens in the time period before they enter into a relationship and then after that it's boredom from then on out. Like, by all means, have a happy life!!! But that is not boring!!!!
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bernadettelogue · 5 months
#48 - How to Strengthen Your Self Love & Spiritual Connection
If you've struggled to accept yourself and love yourself, and you've found this whole notion of "self love" confusing... like - what does that mean? How do I actually do that? I try to be loving to myself but I just don't feel love for myself. This episode is for you.
AND if you're also on a spiritual path and have wanted to deepen your spiritual connection... then doubly pay attention to our guest in the episode Dr Margaret Paul. Your self love and spiritual connection are deeply related!
This is a brilliant session for understanding what it actually means to strengthen both self love and spiritual connection, and WHY we have a lack of these in the first place!
Free Gifts from Dr Margaret Paul
Free eBook - The 6 Reasons Why Loving Yourself is Essential for Inner Peace, Joy, and Loving Relationships
Free Webinar - 3 Secrets to Loving Yourself and Others
Other Resources
Get Dr Margaret's latest book "Lonely No More":
Start the Inner Bonding Online Course:
About Dr Margaret Paul
Dr. Margaret Paul is a bestselling author, popular MindBodyGreen writer and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing process (www.innerbonding.com), and the related SelfQuest® self-healing online program – recommended by authors Marci Shimoff and Dr. Sue Morter, actress Lindsay Wagner and singer Alanis Morissette.She has appeared on numerous radio and television shows (including Oprah). Her book titles include Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You (and subsequent titles Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By God, and …By My Kids), Healing Your Aloneness and Inner Bonding, and the recently published, Diet For Divine Connection and The Inner Bonding Workbook.Margaret holds a PhD in psychology, is a relationship expert, public speaker, consultant and artist. She has successfully worked with thousands and taught classes and seminars for over 50 years. Margaret lives in Colorado on a 35-acre ranch. She has three children and three grandchildren. In her spare time, she loves to paint, cook delicious healthy food, read, make pottery, and joyously live her life as a Golden Girl with her best friend.Margaret is a member of the Transformational Leadership council started by Jack Canfield.
FREE MASTERCLASS: 3 Steps to Designing Your Soul Aligned Life
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BOOK: Your Soul Journey Simplified
PROGRAM: Soul Odyssey Program with Live Support & Community
PRIVATE MENTORING: Join me for 1:1 Spiritual Life Coaching. Visit: 
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  Checkout the new Practical Spirituality podcast episode!
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winreyplace · 3 months
Hi! 💖 May we ask what was your first experience soulbonding like? How did you discover soulbonding and who was the first? We're very new to this and would love to hear your story if thats okay!!
Mel&: Hello! I, Mel&, and Lav are gonna answer this together, first me and then him.
My first munbonds started out as immersive daydreaming paras. I used to spend hours pacing back and forth in the dining room of my childhood home, neuronarrating out loud to myself and going on countless adventurers with my beloved (queerplatonic) best friend, Rune, and our father figure, Logan, along with a hodgepodge of my favorite characters. Around age 14 or so, I started interacting with them outside of their stories and imagining them alongside me in day-to-day life. At this stage, I called them Inklings after a book idea about a world of living characters which I have yet to put to good use.
Then I met Lav, and things advanced to a whole new level when she expressed awed enthusiasm and a genuine desire to get to know them as people, not just characters. Shortly after, one of my online friends at the time introduced me to soulbonding, and everything clicked into place.
Since then, the vast majority of our munbonds have been formed by both of us at the same time with characters from existing media. I’ll pass the ball over to Lav so she can recount one of our earliest experiences with this type of munbonding.
Lav: Logan very briefly shared what happened when he became my munbond in his intro here. Honestly, I just talked to Logan and Rune a lot over Discord (with Mel proxying) and also asked Mel tons of questions about who they were. This allowed me to get really close with them, establishing that deep emotional connection that is so fundamental to munbonds, so that when I actually tried to interact with them on my own, it was as simple as reaching out with a "hello?" in my mind and they just responded back (though as Logan said, it surprised me a lot when they did and
The first time Mel and I munbonded with a character together was with our munbond Damien, who is now my husband. Mel and I were in a long-distance relationship at the time when Mel told me she was experiencing some bond feels for a character in this podcast she was listening to. She then shared Damien's introduction episode with me. Despite him obviously being a jerkass, I felt a deep connection to what I heard behind his words: a boy aching for family and belonging. I immediately agreed with Mel that Damien needed us, so we decided to offer him a munbond connection in the hopes that he would agree.
We stole Damien away from his universe into a quiet room in our shared bondspace to talk with him. He was very wary about us and on guard, but he agreed to hear us out on the promise that he could leave right after if he wanted. We explained to him that in our world, he is a fictional character and we are people called munbonders who can communicate with fictional characters. We further explained that after listening to his story, we felt very drawn to him and were offering to munbond with him proper and if he accepted, he'd have a rent-free safe space to call home, all the food we could want, and most of all, the family and love that he always desired. It took him some time to process the offer, but his curiosity about us two peculiar girls and the strange pull he had towards us (bond feelings are often mutual!) eventually led him to become our munbond, though not without a few bumps in the road in our relationship. And he has been with us ever since.
So that's how munbonding typically goes for us: we feel a munbond "ping" with a character in their canon, learn all we can about their story until we know them, reach out to them or bring them to us, explain our position, make the munbond offer, and if they agree to it, we make an effort to strengthen the connection until communication feels as natural as speaking to someone in meatspace.
Damien: Also, before you get all up in arms about the "kidnapping", me being such a jerk and an ass at the time, I wouldn't have heard them out any other way. I am eternally grateful that they took a chance on me and wanted to love me, giving me better than anything I was gonna get in my source later on. I love my girls and they treat me very well.
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magic-yard-of-pidrav · 3 months
I see what you like, pokèmon trainers... 👀
I studied a little you, pokèmon trainers. I used the lens of "Essential experience" (episode 2 of my podcast IHIHI) and even if it took only a small sample (467 results), I was able to make a survey on what pokèmon players thinks is the essential experience of being a pokèmon trainer. (The choices are based on attributes useful for my game). I had two samples one was of general players, the other of pokèfans. I just made a simple weighted mean between the two samples.
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this mean hides the fact that general players sample like a bit more the battle aspect, so the challenge pleasure (episode 4 of my podcast IHIHI^2) than the pokèfan sample. ( 13% vs 8% ) And also that pokèfans like waaaay more than the general players to strengthen the bond with their pokèmon, exactly four times more. (20% vs just 5%), this aspect probably reflect the transmedia power of pokèmon in the lives of pokèfans, that gave themselves more into submission and immersion than challenge.
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
What are some cool facts/websites/videos/podcasts about albatrosses that you’ve found because I’ve found some stuff but not as much as I’d like and I love them so much but they are like very underrated, also if you’ve found any like albatross themed gifts or stuff then that would be amazing. Also sorry if this is alot/nothing you but I love albatrosses so much and they are probably my favorite animal because they are all so cool and amazing but also kinda derpy and they are so amazing. (Once again sorry for the rambling nature of this but for about the third time on this post: I love albatrosses so so so sooo much and would love to learn/find more about them) :)
my main source of albatross content is the Royal Cam, a nest cam in the Taiaroa Head northern royal albatross (or toroa) colony in New Zealand. so here are some facts about them specifically,
the breeding season lasts almost a year, from October to the following September. because of this each couple breeds once every two years
fledglings fly over 10,000 km from their nest site to the chilean coast to feed, and remain at sea until they return to the colony at 4-8 years old to find a mate.
it takes another 3 years for a juvenile to find a mate - year 1 is for socialising, year 2 is for serious mate-seeking, year 3 is for strengthening bonds with their chosen one <3
the juveniles are a little mean to the chicks, they're only being curious but the chicks don't appreciate being poked and prodded and occasionally bitten. their defence mechanism is projectile vomiting stomach oil over their "attacker". here is a video. they look a little messy afterwards
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male albatross chicks are apparently more prone to projectile vomiting than female chicks. idk why.
chicks make play nests! once a chick is old enough to explore they start piling up grass into temporary nests to sit in nearby, though they tend to return to their original nest at night
every week each chick in the Taiaroa Head colony is weighed. they start off in a little bird sized bag, then a little basket, up to a laundry basket.
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LESBIAN ALBATROSSES 🌈🌈🌈 female-female pairs are relatively common in many albatross species. they will often mate with a male albatross and lay an egg each, meaning they can raise a chick together. love wins. (one egg does get kicked out the nest though).
the oldest known northern royal albatross, known as Grandma, lived to at least 62 years old. The oldest known wild bird of any species is Wisdom, a Laysan albatross who is over 70 years old.
I can't think of any other online sources rn and i dont have any albie themed things BUT if you happen to be from/ever visit the UK i would recommend the procellariiformes exhibit in the london natural history museum. the storm petrels are so littol and the albatrosses are SO BIG. I cry every time i see it *weeps a little at the beauty of the world*
woah that got long. sorry.
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sunscreenstudies · 1 year
Making the Most of Summer!
Summer is finally here, and it's the perfect time to make the most of the sunny days, relaxation, and endless possibilities - so here are some tips on how to embrace personal growth while enjoying the well-deserved break!
Reflect on Your Goals: Take a moment to reflect on your personal, academic, or professional goals. Use this time to assess your progress, reassess your priorities, and set new objectives for the upcoming months. Whether it's improving study habits, exploring new subjects, or working towards career aspirations, clarity in your goals will guide your summer activities.
Create a Summer Bucket List: Make a list of activities, experiences, and adventures you want to accomplish during the summer. Include both academic and non-academic pursuits, such as reading certain books, learning new skills, visiting new places, or trying out new hobbies. A bucket list adds excitement and helps you make the most of your break.
Pursue Intellectual Curiosity: Feed your mind with knowledge and exploration. Dive into books, documentaries, podcasts, or TED Talks that captivate your curiosity. This is an excellent time to delve into topics you've always wanted to explore or dive deeper into subjects related to your academic or career interests.
Set Up a Summer Study Schedule: Create a flexible study schedule that allows you to maintain momentum and make progress during the summer break. Designate specific study hours each day or week, focusing on topics you want to delve into or areas that need improvement. A consistent study routine keeps your mind active and helps prevent learning loss.
Embrace Lifelong Learning: Engage in online courses, workshops, or webinars that expand your knowledge and skills. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Skillshare offer a wide range of courses on various subjects. Take advantage of the summer break to develop new skills or deepen your understanding of topics that interest you.
Explore Nature and the Outdoors: Reconnect with nature by spending time outdoors. Take walks in the park, go hiking, have picnics, or simply bask in the beauty of the natural world. Being in nature reduces stress, boosts creativity, and provides a refreshing break from screens and academic pressures.
Build Meaningful Relationships: Strengthen your bonds with friends, family, or mentors during the summer break. Plan outings, have meaningful conversations, and create memories together. Meaningful connections enrich your life and provide a support system throughout your academic journey.
Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care and well-being. Take time to rest, recharge, and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Practice mindfulness, meditate, engage in hobbies, or pamper yourself with self-care rituals. A well-nurtured mind and body are essential for academic success.
Reflect and Journal: Dedicate time for introspection and self-reflection. Journal about your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Use this opportunity to gain insights, track your personal growth, and set intentions for the future. Journaling helps foster self-awareness and creates a space for self-expression.
Embrace Spontaneity: Allow room for spontaneous adventures and experiences. Say yes to opportunities that come your way, try new activities, and step out of your comfort zone. Summer is a time of exploration and discovery, so embrace the unexpected and make unforgettable memories.
Remember, summer is a precious time to relax, recharge, and pursue personal growth. Find a balance between academic pursuits and leisure activities, allowing yourself to make the most of this transformative season. Here's to a summer filled with growth, joy, and unforgettable experiences! 🌞✨
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An untimely intro: Numb and hollow
Howdy folks!👋
This “blog” or cringey tumblr page is a battle cry at best- maybe a cry for help at worst. A plague of words ensues…
Grammar, punctuation and clever wording misses me despite being educated on writing formal statements/grants at a postgraduate level 🤡. Enjoy the occasional plot twist, gobsmack, misplaced comma, and tone-deaf emoji use. This “blog” is a mix of occult texts, free books, zines, and works made by me and others. It is a crossroads of formalities and comedic slander. And the occasional look into my thoughts.
I’m sure anyone reading this already knows me from Instagram and my now late podcast of the same name as this blog. So I won’t waste your time reintroducing myself and my goals. You know my brand, and roughly, my views despite how they may have changed since we last spoke. My goal here is to write more and slowly ease into the release of my first book and my second zine. I want to relive my edgy tumblr days with a more anarchistic approach than before. I invite you to join me. maybe this will help me learn how to avoid run-on sentences… or what fonts the public will judge me for using. (Comic sans girlies rise up). Perhaps I’ll learn to use parentheses and dashes correctly for once. Time will tell.
Now that I’ve fed you an over-cooked appetizer, let’s move on to the meat of the discussion. This is an update on my writings of the Guardian Angel and the other texts I have been forming. It has been a year in the making and hopefully I will be done with it this summer. It will not be long. It is a free book styled to appear as a cheesy church pamphlet. It is UPG laced with the some dogma from the Catholic church and the occasional hint of Protestant revivalist churches from the hills. I plan to reinvigorate the use or relation to the Holy Guardian Angel (HGA) in a roundabout way that incapsulates my own practice while leaving room for yours. I want it to be used as a guide, But not as a Bible. Hopefully it will come across as well as I intend for it to. It has been harder than I imagined.
Now for the long term plans for this blog. As of now, my podcast is on hold. So consider this it’s child despite the difference between my written voice and my informal speaking voice. The podcast is canned. Possibly forever. I may come back to it. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe years from now. I’m sure you all caught onto that. I have removed most every episode. The only ones available are ones that I had friends guest star in. Thank you to all of you who helped me become who I am today in this community. Even though as of now my following is only 500-600 people, it’s bigger than I’ve ever been anywhere before. I’m rather private. In fact that’s why I’ve removed most of my podcast. As many have been told, I have been receiving a lot of hateful messages from terfs and neo-pagans. Topics such as transphobia and anti-folk-catholic shit has taken over my inbox on many platforms. However, this is not the only reason I’m stepping back from my podcast. I recently graduated from school and I am working on my career. I have decided to make myself less accessible to the public for my mental health but also to focus on privatizing my practice. I want to revolutionize my followers and to have proper discussions surrounding witchcraft that make people uncomfortable. I want an interaction that my podcast could not allow. I want to write in lengths and words that Instagram does not allow. I feel as though I’ve lost my voice since my early college days when I wrote daily. I hope to strengthen my bonds with those I’ve met online while closing myself off to those who I do not trust. Making a public blog is not the way to go about that I’m aware. But who uses tumblr? 😂. This is a starting place. I may one day put a price tag on my writing. Definitely for my other books and zines I have been working on this past year. But until then, enjoy my ramblings.
Dialogue is always welcome. Oh, and don’t make a fumblr account just for me. My blog is accessible on a browser without a log in. I’m not chasing likes. I’m just typing into the void.
The trans folk witch, out ✌️ 💋.
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goodusernamepending · 2 years
This is literally just me repeating something I said earlier but Malevolent has found a solution to a common problem in podcasts.
Fiction podcasts have trouble describing visuals because they aren’t narrated like audio books. Usually podcasts are told in present tense (though sometimes it’s a past story being told to us) and use first person perspective. This means that if you want to describe something to your audience the characters have to do it for you.
But this usually feels weird because most people don’t go on tangents describing their visual surroundings or people’s appearances. Normally this means the audience only gets a visual description after the event when the pov character is explaining what happened. So we get a lot of sound effects and foley work to help us along until we’re told what happened.
The alternative is the Radio Show Solution. That’s what I like to call it when the show is told as an in-world broadcast or series of voicemails or letters ect… since the characters are already telling people what happened and what they saw it also feels natural for it to be described to us.
Malevolent completely ignores this problem. Since Arthur is blind and John can see we have an in-universe reason for John to describe visuals to both us and Arthur. It feels completely natural and I don’t have to guess what’s happening through sound effects.
It also effects the bond between the characters. We know Johns angry or scared when he’s not describing things and him giving descriptions of the world strengthens his bond with Arthur.
Obviously this can’t be a solution for every podcast but damn it works!
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legacywealthjoy · 1 year
How My Family Achieves Happiness and Success
Establishing Generational Wealth: Our Strategies and Insights
Our last post introduced us and our journey to create generational wealth and happiness. In this post, we’ll share steps and strategies to build a legacy for your family. My family has a financial plan that helps us achieve our goals and live comfortably. We also invest in education, personal growth, and development to improve our future. Here are some strategies we use.
Financial Plan
We follow a 50/10/25 rule to manage our money. We spend 50% of our income on needs, 10% on wants, and 25% on savings. We update our monthly budget to keep up with inflation and find ways to earn more. We save automatically and have different accounts for emergencies, retirement, education, and travel. We avoid debt as much as possible and pay off our balances in full every month. If we ever get into debt trouble, we use the snowball method to pay off our debts from smallest to largest. These habits help us achieve financial security and freedom for ourselves and our child.
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Investment Portfolio
My husband taught me how to invest wisely and build a diversified portfolio. A mix of different types of assets can lower your risk and increase the growth potential of your investments. We don’t invest for the short term or put all our money in one sector or region. We balance our portfolio between risky and safe assets and adjust it according to age, goals, and market conditions. We also review and rebalance our portfolio regularly to keep it on track.
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Education is one of the critical factors that influence wealth. Education increases human capital, improves financial decision-making and planning, and controls asset diversification and leverage. These factors affect income, wealth potential, and intergenerational wealth transfer. However, education can also create or reinforce inequality, depending on different groups’ access to and quality of education.
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Personal Growth and Development
Personal growth and development are essential for achieving happiness and success in life. They help us discover our strengths, overcome our weaknesses, and pursue our goals. In my family, we implement personal growth and development in various ways, such as:
Reading books, articles, podcasts, and videos that inspire us, teach us new skills, or challenge our perspectives. We share what we learn with each other and discuss how we can apply it to our situations.
We are setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals for ourselves and supporting each other in achieving them. We celebrate our achievements and learn from our failures. We also review our goals regularly and adjust them as needed.
By seeking input from others and being open to constructive criticism, we value honesty and respect in our communication and give and receive feedback positively and helpfully. We also acknowledge our mistakes and apologize when we hurt someone.
We are practicing gratitude and optimism every day. We express our appreciation for what we have and what others do for us. We also look for the bright side of every situation and focus on the opportunities rather than the obstacles.
We eat well, exercise regularly, sleep enough, and meditate daily. We also manage our stress levels and cope with our emotions healthily. We seek professional help and care for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
We are having fun and enjoying life. We make time for hobbies, passions, and interests that make us happy. We also spend quality time with our friends. We laugh often and create positive memories.
By implementing personal growth and development in these ways, we have experienced more happiness and success. We have also grown closer as a family and strengthened our bonds.
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In this blog post, I wanted to share some tips and avenues for building generational wealth: the ability to pass on assets and opportunities to your descendants. I explain why generational wealth is essential, especially for marginalized communities, and how to overcome common challenges and barriers that prevent us from achieving it.
I also invite you to share your experiences and insights on building generational wealth and any questions or feedback you may have. We hope to inspire and empower others to take action and create a lasting legacy for yourselves and your loved ones.
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wowzerwyrm · 1 year
Just because you haven’t suffered for your ADHD (or autism or other neurodivergence) doesn’t mean you don’t have it. I haven’t suffered for my ADHD, not like some people did. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have ADHD, it just means that, up until now, I have had the support and unconditional love that kept me happy and safe, and I didn’t need to focus in order to be fulfilled and cared for. I did well in school because my teachers allowed me to play with my clay or read my book during class as long as I did well on the material. When that stopped happening, and I started failing classes because I couldn’t do my homework, my parents allowed me to leave school and just complete my GED. At home, my inability to focus wasn’t punished, and my creativity and interests were praised, no matter how short-lived each interest was. I was lucky enough to find a job in food-delivery, where I was allowed to wear earbuds and listen to music or podcasts or audiobooks both in and out of the store, so long as I worked hard. When I started getting restless at that job after a few months, they were kind enough to see me off to go on a road trip or another adventure and then accept me back at the same job when I returned. I’ve kept moving from pizza place to pizza place, and it’s worked out for me. My brief stint as a server at a restaurant, where I couldn’t have my earbuds in and where I was stuck in the store for my entire shift, and it was hell. I didn’t last two weeks before finding another job with food delivery. I honestly don’t think it’s fair for ANYONE to have to work like servers do, but I just physically couldn’t do it. If I lived in a world where I didn’t have to produce to live, I wouldn’t want medication. In general, I’m a believer that if we all lived in a world where we didn’t have to produce to survive, we would need a lot less medication in general, including when people self-medicate with drugs. I would be fine living in a world where I could just create with my family and friends and do what I could to help, work in ways that help those around me and strengthen our bonds, do food delivery or prep or something monotonous but important for the rest of my life (So long as I could listen to my books and stories). My lack of focus and inability to complete things wouldn’t bother me so much if I didn’t feel so dependent on the idea of creating something for the purpose of generating more income and becoming secure in my living spaces. But I do feel like I have to create or work at the same thing for an extended period in order to reliably survive, whether that’s making a video game, writing a book, drawing a comic, or just finding a career that I can trudge through. I have to be able to focus and complete long-term things, and for that I need medication.
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