#Book Of Dragons page 110
mysticmoondancer · 1 year
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Peacock Dragon
These dragons are considered as the most beautiful dragons around and they take great pride in that by constantly grooming themselves to always keep their feathers looking gorgeous and pristine. Like actual peacocks, there are two looks them depending on their gender. The males are blue and green with their tail feathers being longer than the females and have eyespots on them. The females are mainly blue with a little bit of green on them and their tail feathers are shorter than the males and don't have eyespots on them. The tail feathers are able to lift up and spread out for display just like actual peacocks can do with their tail feathers. These dragons can sometimes come off as snooty and stuck up, but really, they're actually quite friendly and considerate, too.
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daaxolotlartist · 2 months
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Tanks to @stikytheblue @ch0cocrave @craftyworx and @sages-nightmare for all yhe wonderes gifts :D
If you don't really care what they are then don't click this T_T
Ok sooo uhhh
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This is the blanket that I got :3
Its got a bunch of axolotl on it (duh) they might commit tax fraud but SHHHHHH
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I got some graphite pencils and uh some water color markers and pencils :D
I uh don't really know what do with the water colors ones but you know might be fun
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Aw yes my favorite pokrmon
Don't ask
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This silly bean bag guy
Yea his name is Ax
He will be thrown at the wall at full force
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SHAR PINS!!!!!!!
I understand sage's ask now
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I got give sketch books..... TWO WITH 110 PAGES?????? Yea I'm set
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Anndddd squidhmallow(like I need anymore)
UH ANYWAYS she's a dragon :3
Uhhh yep that's about it if I didn't say anything about something you saw in the group photo then i didn't really have anything to say about it
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upennmanuscripts · 1 year
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Today's #YearOfHours is @freelibraryofphiladelphia Lewis E 110, a Flemish book of hours written in Northern France in the early 15th century. Its full-page miniatures are delightful - can you spot the dragon? The manuscript is full of them.
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alicenthightowerrp · 3 months
Times do change
Challenge: A breakdown/analysis of your characters favourite hobby.
'A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.'
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107 AC
The soft weight of her first born settled in Alicent's arm with less fuss than she expected. Thankfully, that sweet sun of hers was now sleeping with his small hand tightly grabbing her dress. The sight alone brought a sweet smile on Alicent's face. Her chambers were now empty, which was what she preferred especially not having the company of her King which seemed to put both mother and son at ease. "This is my favourite book, sweet boy. Your grandmother used to read to me." Alicent whispered to the sleeping babe; her words falling from her lips without care. Gently, her fingers brushed the thin lock of white hair; so unlike her own it nearly caused her to flinch away.
"It has a happy ending as well, my love." Alicent hummed as she gently moved the book closer and began to read. Her soft voice moved through the chamber as she read, The flower of Oldtown.
109 AC
"Shh, my sweet love...there you go." Alicent brought her daughter impossibly close but it seemed the babe wanted the opposite as Helaena only sobbed some more. It was as if her daughter knew she was the worst mother in existence. Gently, the Queen placed her only daughter on the soft cushions she had laid out for the sweet babe who moved too much. "Is that better, hmm?" Alicent stayed close as Helaena did not settle. Helaena only cried; tears falling down her cheeks that had Alicent's heart breaking. Gods, she did not know what to do. "Mama!" Her sweet love hiccuped and her hands banged on the book in front of them.
Alicent had forgotten she was going to read to her child and her eyes could only widen as Helaena ripped the first page of the story. The act only had her daughter sobbing more as the Queen scooped her up; the book forgotten about.
110 AC
"My Queen...you need to rest." The familiar voice of the servant came over her. Still, Alicent's eyes never left the small, sickly babe resting in his cradle. "I am fine." Gently, she reached for her son and stroked his cheek. They were not as chubby as Aegon and Helaena's had been and the sight alone broke her heart. She had prayed every day since Aemond had been born for his strength to return to him. Still, nothing had changed. Her free hand clutched at the stuffed dragon Aegon had picked out seemingly so long ago now. "I love you." Alicent whispered down to her sleeping son as if that would heal him.
The flower of Oldtown stayed under the cradle; dust gathering on the book as the Queen stood and watched over her darling boy as she clutched the seven pointed star necklace.
114 AC
The birth of the twins took more out of Alicent than she would ever admit to, especially with her husband's failing health and the duties of Queen only becoming harder. The mothering that never came easy to her only took a back seat as the nurse maids looked after the two of them. "Mama!...mama, look!" The soft calls of her youngest daughter held her attention for a moment as she turned her head. "My love?" Alicent asked as she noticed the larger book trailing behind her child and looked at it without acknowledging the title. "Read this..." Rhaenya babbled as the Queen slowly began to reach for the book but the act was disturbed by a servant rushing into the room.
"The council is in need of you, my Queen." Alicent only nodded; her hands dropping to the side. The book and her child forgotten about even as she smiled down at her daughter. "Another time, my love. I promise." It was only one of many promises Alicent would break.
Life is like a flower, it can die and wilt any time, but with a little care, it will bloom for what seems like forever.
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dragon-witch-moon · 1 year
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Entry number two: Divination pt 1
Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper
The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell
Celestial Tarot Cards by Unknown
This art peice is inspired by the three cards I pulled today.
I am using "you" in the context of myself, and whom this may apply to aswell.
|Source Dragon|
Attunes you to the Infinite
Be still. In the silence, magic can
happen. Be in the moment.
Page 110 from oracle book
"A source dragon has come to you now because it is time for you to enjoy a period of stillness with awareness. Breathe deeply and listen to the silence. ..."
Take time for yourself, give yourself space to breathe and listen to your intuition, relax.
"... Something very sacred is coming into your life. This could be anything from the fruition of a long-held dream to becoming a true master. ..."
This is very similar to the reading my BiBo, big brother (he/they) , gave me. I was asking for a message from Ki/Kishar, two cards fell out before he could shuffle them, they said that had never happened to him before. Those cards being Death and The Wheel of Fortune, right-side up. The jist of that reading was pretty much, "Good things are on their way, you're about to end a negative cycle." He had the feeling that she was mostly saying, "I'm here." Quite interesting that this card is playing into that message!
"... Breath is the key to being in the moment and this is where the greatest magic happens. ..."
Again, breathe. Focus on the now.
"... Ask the source dragon to accompany you on every step of your journey and always remember that the present moment creates your future."
Ki is here for your journey, and she wants you to just chill, listen to her, and let her guide you through this.
Big picture thinking
Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas.
Page 38 from oracle book
P.s. I don't believe in starseed ideals, but I was called to get this deck by my Dragon Guide.
"The Pleiades are our cosmic cousins. They are here to remind us that it is never too late to learn new things and change the future. ... take a breath, shake off what you have been taught about the world, and hold a new vision for humanity. ..."
Education can greatly impact the future. Let go of what you have been taught and learn things that can be of use, use those ideals to bring in greatness.
"... You're likely a natural big-picture thinker here to generate ideas for the future. ...new age and... new world... woven by [dreamers] like you. ...enough courage to to question [the past] and envision new possibilities for the planet.
The world needs more artists, dreamers, inventors, and visionary thinkers. Perhaps you had an idea recently that you have been called to usher in. If so [this is your sign]. ..." <paragraph
You have the power to create change for yourself, or your environment. (With limitations of course). Put your ideas to use. Starting a Community Garden? Do it. Helping kind elder or disabled neighbors? Do it. Protesting for change in your neighborhood or town? DO IT. Even if it is the smallest act of kindness, you are creating a better future.
"... The Pleiadeans support us in this important stage in Earths development. They want us to know that the decisions we make today will affect the well-being of our planet and speices. They're calling on you to be a leader of the future. To hold a clear vision of what's possible. To trust that vision and follow it through with daily action. To dream a world into being. For it takes great courage to pave a new path- to trust a vision before it's a reality."
Again, doing what you can to make a better world. Though, you don't have to be a leader, just do what you can to make a change, kindness even to those you don't find so kind can make a difference.
Seven of [Pentacles]
Page 250 of Tarot 101 Mastering the Art of Reading the Cards by Kim Huggens
"...Some projects take time, patience, and a gentle touch, just as growing plants does. When the seeds have been planted, the plants must be watered regularly, tended, weeded, sometimes trimmed, protected from slugs, and finally- after many months, they are fully grown. ..."
Growing, healing, and change take time & healing. Without taking care of yourself the way you would a plant, you can't have the change you expect.
"...The Seven of [Pentacles] reminds us that the effort we put into the present may not have results for many months or years to come, and that we should approach any situation with patience and care."
Don't get angry when you don't see immediate change. But you will see it with time, thank yourself for helping yourself, appreciate all that you are accomplishing.
🔮{1}Kishar is mostly saying she wants you to just go with the flow. Breath is key here, keep calm and focus on the now. Stay kind, artistic, and keep dreaming. Everything will fall into place soon, it will just take time.🔮
End of Entry two
[]= replacement words
{1}= refer to entry one
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rbolick · 7 months
Books On Books Collection - Camden Richards & Deborah Sibony
Water, Calling (2021) Water, Calling (2021) Camden Richards & Deborah Sibony Felt-covered, modified dragon-scale bound artists’ book, accompanied by audio equipment in custom box. Box: 262 x 262 x D170 mm. Book: H155 x W775 mm (closed). 110 pages. Edition of 15, of which this is #1. Acquired from the artists, 5 October 2022. Photos: Books On Books Collection. Displayed with artists’…
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dezmodiangaming · 2 years
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This is going to be a fun lil blog for gaming exploits! 40+ year old gamer, got a family and a full time job I actually love (strange, right!?), but... I just spend a lot of time gaming lol. I’m trying to work more on my art stuff and get a webcomic going... but... yeah, I’m never going to stop gaming haha! ***art related stuff is goin here: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dezmodian
I’ll be streaming more on Twitch: 
So, games I am focusing on these days:
World of Warcraft - Horde Tauren Warrior (because Dragonflight... its... dragons) (played on and off since day 1 of public release)
Stellaris (streaming this one) (1770+ hrs)
Starbound server with wife and friends (2300+ hrs)
Warframe - Chroma Prime MR20, Unyielding Valkyries clan, 1500+ hrs, really enjoy this one!
Final Fantasy XIV - still kinda new, but playin with wife and friends. Dragoon
Terraia - 1500+ hrs, haven’t finished this one, lots of restarts because of awesome mods: Calamity, Elements Awoken, Thorium... couple more.
Minecraft - lots of hours, building a 1k diameter city replica of a capital in a book I’m writing, FTB Revelations server with wife and friends.
I also have a YouTube channel... but I haven’t really put anything up there in a while. I will be finishing a video for Disciples II: Servants of the Dark (more details on that later on): https://www.youtube.com/user/dezmodian
Games I’ve played a LOT of and probably will resume again:
Guild Wars 2 - Charr Guardian
ESO - EbonPact caster
Endless Legend - 300+ hrs
Endless Space 2 - 560+ hrs
Fallout 4 - 800+ hrs, holy crap... still haven’t finished this: mods!
Skyrim - 490+ hrs, ...yeah, still haven’t finished this either haha, damn mods
No Man’s Sky - 800+ hrs, lots of restarts on this one lol
Path of Exile - 470+ hrs, good fun! Waiting on PoE2
Cyberpunk - 110+ hrs, still haven’t finished finished it, but damn fun!
Star Trek Online - Federation with the Vonph Herald Dreadnaught Carrier!
lol ... just a few games >< I’m married to a wonderful woman who loves games as well, and we have a wonderful time playing together! Casual family gamers ftw hehe! Step-kid also likes to game, but different tastes, though we are all together on Warframe at least! Hope you’ll find this page amusing at least heh
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shayjay26 · 3 years
My Rotds Reaction
!!Spoilers for the fifth book of Dragonwatch!!
Newel and Doren better not die
I forgot Seth had wings pg 11
Poor Seth he’s beating himself up pg 18
Oop seth killed another dragon- pg 38
Humbuggle being a devious little fuck as always, he’s shorter than me, that little bitch
Humbuggle said it himself, seth is suffering
Lmaooo seth and his sass i cant pg 57
Sang Rou! Pg 61
The harpies called the unforgivable blade “nightbringer” and retreated, cool pg 63
Ahh, Newel and Doren, same old same old, and on pg 69 nonetheless
I have mixed feelings about Celebrant
Bruh seth is suffering so much, he’s blaming himself, my god
“I forgot my dictionary. What’s prismatic?” lmaoooo pg 102
Yoooo theyre going to obsidian waste yesss pg 110
Shit, pg 122
Tell me why when calvin said “one less thing to worry about” I thought of hamilton, pg 125
Ronodin lived in a fucking apartment?! Lmaoooooo, pg 147
I’m sorry she just called Bracken her boyfriend?? And suddenly she’s 16??? Wild, pg 154
“Please leave behind that third dart” lmaooooooo, pg 155
You can really tell when I was freaking out the most
I will forever remember the chapter “Captured”
I don’t trust the giants, it’s a brandon mull book, pg 168
What a great page to ruin, Knox, 169, you little shit
I want to trust Dagny, but Brandon Mull is the author
I want to pulverise Knox, I want seth to get the crown and then the giants can rip Knox’s limbs apart please I’m begging atp, pg 172
Bruh there is Mizelle and Lizelle, very creative Brandy, pg 176
LMAOOO, bottom of 177
Finally, Kendra’s getting trained, took long enough, pg 178
So Bracken IS they youngest, pg 185
Ronodin and Bracken were raised together, 186
Bracken was blonde
Ooooh, he had good intentions but he MESSED UP, pg 192
FUCK, ronodin thought he was doing something good, pg 196
Kill him kill hIM KILL HIM KILL HIM KILL HIM, pg 208
He fucking sliced Newel.
I still want that fucker dead, pg 214
Ronodin was riding a bike? LMAOOOOOO, pg 222
Give Kendra wings or I’m throwing hands, bitch, pg 240
Seth boutta have giant blood on his hands too, pg 255
“Fair warning - I can fly, and both of my swords have names” lmaooo pg 256
Yo Kendra be lookin for big foot, pg 270
Uh- it was a Raxtus Gavarog situation there, pg 319
Seth is being like “oH i DoNt WaNt ThEm To PrEtEnD tO aCcEpT mE” bitch you stupid, pg 328
“Come forth, Raxtus the fatherless, and meet your fate.” You would say that you useless fuck of a king you bitch, pg 330
Let’s gooooo, I was so scared Raxtus would die, pg 334
The chapter is called homecoming with what looks like fablehaven, ARE THEY GOING BACK????
MURIEL??? Pg 349
Seth all grown up, he’s not trying to sell things for his soccer team to her anymore, I’m so proud, pg 358
There was no date, pg 362
“I don’t have nightmares, I give them to other people.” “Nice line, you should write greeting cards.” pg 372
I knew it was the translocator!!! Pg 378
Kendra boutta try to kidnap someone, they’ve both changed, pg 381
This is like the immortal snail thing but iron birds LMAOOOOOOO, pg 398
The Fairy King really just made the same deal twice the fuck pg 423
Bruh the sovereign skull is in selona pg 428
Sounds like the flash, pg 429
I’m saying “drop it” to the Sphinx like a dog now, look how far we’ve come, pg 443
I fucking hate Knox, please, take him away, pg 472
I feel sick to my stomach, he’s so fucking gross I can’t emphasize that enough, pg 473
The innocent is gonna be fucking Tess isn’t it?
At least Bracken finally managed to escape without Kendra lol
NOOOOO I wanted seth to keep his powers wtf, pg 520
A shadow HEALER???? TF, pg 521
Bracken was riding his sister… IM SORRY, pg 526
“You want me to carry a Dragon Slayer into battle against my father? Is it my birthday or something?” pg 536
Bruh Seth now is light and will return to the alderfairy what the fuck, pg 543
Calvin is practically a giant now whattttt, pg 552
“You chose death today.” “Yes, yours.” pg 559
Kendra bout to be on the dragon’s side, scaring bracken like that LMAO pg 565
Hermo is my new favorite, pg 576
I love the mental image of Seth slapping Ronodin with his wing like someone would a dog who got in trouble, pg 584
Bruh he started running LMAO, pg 585
“I like when they run.”
A naiad really came in saying “mind if i stare, bracken” LIKE WHO TF SAYS THAT LMAOOOOO, pg 587
“Is it why they flirt with you?” “Next question” LMAOOOO
Lmao newel and doren page 600
“Hi, Bracky. Wanna go for a walk with me? I could feed you some carrots.” LMAOOOO pg 602
“Is that what they’re calling it these days” LMAO
WHAT THE FUCK, actually, I’m not that surprised atp, pg 606
Idk what to do with my life now. Jk. But not. Anyways, not sure if I like the ending, not sure if I don’t. Queen, you better do a rewrite. I read the book basically sleep deprived so I wouldn’t have reacted the same if I was fully rested.
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pale-cheezit · 3 years
Can you answer every 5th question from your 216-question ask post? Thanks!
Girl you're killin me lol. I'm bored though so thanks for giving me something to do!! I know I'm really late posting this but oh well. Thanks for the ask :)
5) Book/series I reread?
My favorite author is Tana French and I've reread her books a few times. I've reread the book "The Shack" by William P. Young a few times as well. I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting right now.
10) The word that I use all the time to describe something great?
Probably fuck. As in, "that's fucking great" or "this is fucking awesome" or something like that lol
15) Last song I listened to?
Some new Five Finger Death Punch song that was on the radio
20) Favorite video games?
Probably New Super Mario Bros
25) Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in?
Ooof... I can't think of any off the top of my head. I have some actors that I like that make me go "oh theyre in this movie, it might be good" but I don't think I ever really watch anything just because of a certain actor.
30) Eye color?
Blueish/greenish. Changes colors sometimes depending on what I'm wearing.
35) Am I excited about anything?
Not really.
40) What do I think about most?
I swing wildly between thinking about insignificant nonsense and everything I'm worried/anxious about (my very uncertain future and what to do with myself and mental health shit I'm going through) and I think about my loved ones a lot too!
45) Last film I watched?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame lol
50) How do I destress?
I'm pretty good at pushing things out of my mind when I want to or need to (a blessing and a curse) Also smoke weed. Idk, feels like I'm always stressed about something in the back of my mind.
55) Play any sports?
I don't anymore but I played volleyball for almost 10 years of my life. Good times. I miss those days.
60) Pet peeve?
People that put masks on their kids.
65) What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
Friskies world from the cat food commercial of course
70) Can I sing?
I think I can sing ok. I'm not amazing but also not horrible.
75) Where do I want to live?
Away from people and traffic!!! I hate how close together the houses are in the suburbs. But I don't want to be so far in the middle of nowhere that I have to drive hours to get groceries. Idk, maybe I wouldn't mind that after awhile, I'd probably get used to it. I just want my own land and to be able to walk out the back door and have my own personal shooting range on my property.
80) Can I drive?
Yeah. Can't drive stick though. I should learn.
85) Favorite genre of music?
90) Favorite sporty activity?
Uhhh like walking or hiking I guess. Baseball definitely.
95) How tall am I?
100) Do I have more girl friends or boy friends?
I have NO friends lol
105) Last person I texted?
My mom
110) Do I like selfies?
Eh sort of. If I'm feeling good about myself, I might take a few but that's rare for me these days. I like to take pictures of much more interesting things instead! Selfies are boring!
115) Favorite number?
8 I guess
120) Am I much of a daredevil?
Depends on the situation and the mood I'm in. I can be. We all got a little daredevil in us if we drink enough lol
125) The Beatles or Elvis?
130) Favorite piece of advice?
Hmm....Anything Jordan Peterson says is usually great advice lol. But I guess simple things like be yourself, enjoy the small things in life, never miss a good chance to shut up, others can inspire and support you- but only you can save yourself, assume you know nothing, listen to your elders cause they know a thing or two about life (SOMETIMES)
135) Do I like gossip?
Eh not really. It depends. I know I'm guilty of it because that's all women be doin but you can definitely cross a line with that stuff and some people have issues with that and that shit can be annoying. it's definitely something I try not to do too much because I wouldn't want others to gossip about me behind my back
140) Do I believe people are capable of change?
I'd like to think so. I mean, I think its not ALWAYS the case. There's definitely people that wont or cant change but there's also plenty of people that are willing to put in the work and have changed themselves and their lives.
145) In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family?
Bitch nobody could play me or my family better than me or my family
150) What is the best decision I have made in life so far?
I honestly don't know. I thought of a few different things and realized none of them were really decisions I 100% made for myself /: I've had a life so far that's been filled with other people making decisions for me. Kind of one of my problems I gotta work on. I guess I would say choosing to finally leave the shitty relationship I was in but he kind of left me in the end so it wasn't completely my decision. There's probably a bunch of small decisions I've made in the past that turned out great for me that I'm just forgetting right now.
155) Who is the most intelligent person I know?
I used to think my brother was because he was a genius child but then I grew up and realized there's a lot of different ways to be intelligent. I was gonna say Jordan Peterson but I dont actually know him lol. It's a hard question for me because I truly believe people are intelligent in so many different ways and Ive met many people that are smart in some ways but dumb in others. I guess my Dad would make the list if I had to pick someone.
160) What color mostly dominates my wardrobe?
165) Do I believe in fate?
I think so. I think we can change our fate though too.
170) One of my favorite quotes?
"those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."- Ben Franklin
"unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality"- Emily Dickinson
I have a TON of favorite quotes, I could take up pages lol. Those are just the ones I thought of off the top of my head.
175) Do I dream?
Yes, every single time I sleep. Even when I take a nap. I'm always dreaming.
180) Do I like shopping?
It depends on my mood and what I'm shopping for. Sometimes I'm in the mood to shop and I have fun with it but other times I'm not feeling it at all. I don't like spending money, it makes me feel guilty.
185) If I could master one skill, what would I choose?
Probably being an excellent shot. As skilled as Annie Oakley- if that's even possible haha
190) If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go?
60s or 70s. Maybe the 20s.
195) Would I ever want to encounter aliens?
Fuck no. Definitely wouldnt be like some sci-fi movie. It'd be fucking terrifying.
200) Dragons or wizards?
Neither. Never been into either of those things. I also never got what the big deal about dragons is
205) Do I like my handwriting?
Yeah I suppose. Its very inconsistent. It goes from messy to neat to somewhere in between all in one page. Just like me lol
210) What is on my bucket list?
Travel. See the world. I dont have anything super specific but I definitely wish I could see all this world has to offer.
215) What is the weirdest talent I have?
I have no idea. I have no talent that I can think of. I'm sure there's gotta be something but I have no clue right now.
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fenrys-moonbae · 4 years
ACOSF Thoughts
*Vague Spoilers*
Definitely disappointed with this book not going to lie—the whole thing felt forced and lacked the original flow and consistency of the earlier novels. It was essentially a rehashing of the first 4 books in so many ways. There have always been pieces of ACOTAR (the series) that have rubbed me the wrong way but I was able to excuse them and bend my book logic in exchange for rich characters, deep interactions and a unique world. However this book fell incredibly short—lacking the dynamics and depth that initially hooked me. The scenes felt disjointed and in many ways forced, lacking balance between emphasis on the plot and emphasis on details that I felt did nothing to enhance the story. Mostly I mourn the loss of Nesta’s character—-she was sold so short in this novel, became trope ridden in the end and lost the characteristics that made her Nesta. It felt like I was reading Sisterhood of the Traveling Leathers as opposed to the brutal and triumph rise of death herself. I’m also a fan of intimate scenes but when they add nothing to the story other than sex for sex without advancing the plot in some way it becomes incredibly redundant. Characters who I’ve loved in the past felt foreign on paper and embodied traits that were so out of character I felt like I was reading awful FanFiction instead of the next installment in the series. The self help tidbits were fine but did not require as much page time and attention as Sara gave them—I understand she’s going through her own journey (which is wonderful don’t get me wrong) but projecting all of your current life experiences into a fantasy novel so heavily leaves the story as a whole on rocky, inconsistent ground. These details could have been summarized and left more page space for actual plot related points. Also for the love of god they know what Lactic Acid is but not meditation? Give me a break. There’s a whole lot more I want to say but I don’t want to spoil the novel for anyone so I’ll leave it here for now. Due to my own disliking of the novel (and obvious divergent from my own fan crafted storyline and lore for Pyrthian) none of it will be included in LOTN and the storyline will stay canon only through ACOFAS. Nesta’s going to stay the way I’ve always written Nesta—brutal, harsh, strong, emotionally deep and terrifyingly observant. You can heal and still retain your personality traits without delving into being a sorority girl who’s saved by the power of friendship bracelets. Honestly I’m considering writing my own version to tell the history and events that led up to Lily of the Night. Please know everyone is entitled to their opinion regarding the novel but for me personally it was a huge no go and a permanent turn off from a book series I enjoyed. Also 110% sure this is the version of Nesta’s story that Varric Tetheras from Dragon Age would have drafted, Hard in the House of Wind. Rant over.
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mostwonderfulstory · 4 years
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Goal: 5000 pages
Loveless by Alice Oseman (435 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 2 (128 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 3 (112 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 4 (112 pages)
TRUEL1F3 by Jay Kristoff (480 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 5 (112 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 6 (112 pages)
Giant Days: Extra Credit (112 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 7 (112 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 8 (112 pages)
Giant Days: Early Registration (112 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 9 (110 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 10 (112 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 11 (160 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 12 (112 pages)
Summer Days and Summer Nights (388 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 13 (112 pages)
Giant Days, Vol. 14 (112 pages)
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods (416 pages)
I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf by Grant Snider (128 pages)
Lampie and the Children of the Sea by Annet Schaap (336 pages)
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow (400 pages)
Check, Please! Book 1: # Hockey (288 pages)
Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay (323 pages)
Check, Please!, Book 2: Sticks & Scones (336 pages)
The Tea Dragon Festival (136 pages)
Voyages in the Underworld of Orpheus Black (320 pages)
Fence: Rivals (112 pages)
Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes by Rick Riordan (404 pages)
Fence: Striking Distance by Sarah Rees Brennan (368 pages)
On the Come Up by Angie Thomas (435 pages)
Fangirl, Vol. 1: The Manga (216 pages)
Wonder by R.J. Palacio (318 pages)
The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan (414 pages)
Camp Half-Blood Confidential by Rick Riordan (163 pages)
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo (400 pages)
Girl. Boy. Sea. by Chris Vick (320 pages)
Unbroken (Started, 177 pages)
The Empire of Gold by SA Chakraborty (Started, 367 pages)
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (Started, 116 pages)
Total: 9538 pages.
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elenajohansenreads · 4 years
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Books I Read in 2020
#123 - Dragonsong: A Short Story, by Audrey Rose B.
“Hot Single Books Looking for Readers” Book Club August Selection
Mount TBR: 110/150
Rating: 3/5 stars
It is, above all things, cute. Which I find to be both its strength and its weakness.
Sometimes the cuteness is fantastic. Arlyn the dragon is a joy throughout, especially considering he can't talk. But my favorite cuteness isn't even a direct part of Rynn and Elanthia's romance, as I'd expect it to be--it's the silliness of the "human mysteries" they're forced to explain to the faeries during their captivity. I could have read a dozen more pages of that, it was a brilliant way to handle a species/culture clash and bonus, it was hilarious.
But that cuteness extends its fingers through everything, including the "war" that is the foundational reason for any of the plot happening. There's a war prophesied; there's a marriage alliance proposed to prevent it; but the princess doesn't want that marriage (who can blame her in this case) and goes out to find her own way. But it's superficial. It's set dressing. Rynn and Elanthia's reunion near the end was so "cute" it completely spoiled the gravity of the situation--or at least, it would have if there was any gravity. There wasn't. The war is a vague, far-off thing, an excuse to have a cute love story between two ladies from different fantasy cultures. I think including something as grim and destructive as war is a tonal mismatch for a bite-size story clearly meant to be sweet, romantic fluff. Which it is, and should be allowed to be, without having a completely de-fanged version of war hovering on the horizon.
So I liked the romantic aspect of the ending, while completely disliking the light, almost dismissive tone of how it treats a subject as serious as large-scale human conflict.
The world has promise and I would love to see it better-developed in future works, should that ever happen. The writing style…eh? It was easy to read, not particularly challenging, which is fine for cute fluff. But I tired quickly of how often the only descriptor for something was its color. It seemed crucial to the author that I knew what color literally everything was, but I prefer more variety in description so that it doesn't feel monotonous.
It's cute. And if you're looking for cute, queer fantasy-romance, this will brighten up your afternoon. I'd like a little more substance, but it delivers on what it promises.
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darrowsrising · 5 years
HowlerPod interview with Pierce Brown:
Howler Rule No. 3: Never make fun of someone who shat their suit. 
A couple he married is still together and the Seattle leg tour is done in a church, so Pierce Brown thinks the Church of Darrow might really happen (sign me the fuck up, I’m worshipping Reaper since ‘I would have lived in peace, but my enemies brought me war.’)
He could never blame his dog, Eo, for anything. His rug can smell of piss and he would blame himself.
He wrote all the povs independently and then pieced them together.
He cosiders DarkAge the best book in the series and if you disagree, that’s fine, fuck you!
He had to write four chapters in three day, roughly 70 pages, because he realised he had gaps and he pulled all-nighters to meet the deadline. He said it the deadline was hard not to respect, because you can’t push a book 3 times, unless you are George R. R. Martin. Btw, GRRM’s Dance of Dragons is what got him to write: he pre-ordered the book three times and didn’t know, so he ended up with 3 copies plus the one he bought from the bookstore.
He said Mustang is the best (so, haters can eat their hearts out for all I care) and he loves her dialogue with Holiday, she’s just so sharp (he says he is bragging here, but he ain’t wrong). Creating her voice was interesting to him, as until now we see her as a projection of Darrow. The hesitation and difficulty he had about doing her pov was ‘can I do her justice?’, because she is a cypher, an enigma, she’s never been explained. 
His best friend says he doesn’t trust her, says ‘she shady, man’ and that he suspected her that she was going to kill Darrow and take over the Society and didn’t trust her until Morning Star ended. Pierce was like’I guess she didn’t...wasn’t up to anything...’.
To Pierce there are three ways to seeing Mustang: 
1 .expectations;
2. Darrow’s perspective;
3. how she sees herself; which isn’t an actual representation of herself, because that’s how we are, we don’t really see ourselves, we are biased, we’re insecure, we’re trapped in this echo-chamber of self-doubt. 
She, on the other hand, is a living, breathing character who has these self-doubts, but she’s a hottie (it was a thing Erin commented about her, that she’s a hottie, but the smartest person in the room and Pierce said she’s a hottie, but not condescending at the same time) and has all this wisdom, but is well aware of her motality and the things her father thought her. Which is sometimes contradictory as Nero often disobeyed his own rules.
For Mustang’s pov, he took away Darrow’s perspective and minded only her reflection of herself as well as what others think of her and juggled both. She is mindful of who she is and what people think about her which was interesting, because Darrow doesn’t give a fuck about what people say about him. And that’s part of the problem, but also part of who he really is.
People want to blame Darrow for shit, but Golds...there can be many people in a room, but when Darrow enters, everybody takes a step back. (Proud Howler right here!)
Apollonius au Valii-Rath, the Minotaur of Motherfucking Mars. (Yes, he said that!)
No, he has no idea how he created him. Apollonius never gets his dialogue edited. His grandiloquence is part of the show and just so fun to write. He gets to mess with a bad version of a Paradise Lost dialogue, from sentence structure to getting Apple to refer to himself in first, second and third person. The guy is a madman, but also so dangerous, because he has that mania behind his eyes. He’s also the guy that speaks three inches from your nose: ‘Wow,why are you so close?’ and Apple is like ‘Do you fear intimacy?’ (he said it in a cool af voice, just go listen to the podcast Pixies, I’m doing this for posterity). Pierce Brown’s favourite scenes include Apollonius at the feast table. He sometimes listens to violin concertos when he writes him. Someone asked him if he’s also naked while writing and listening and he says ‘how else do you think I write?’. The FedEx guy knows by now when he writes an Apollonius chpater. He can write Apollonius faster than most his characters because he is ridiculous and insane and doesn’t have to second guess himself. Apple just want to be the apex hunter of his world, the apex killer. He wants his legend to live on and his vendettas are good, but he’s never scheming, his motives are out there, while everyone else is scheming.
When it comes to death of the characters, he’s trying to strip away plot-armour. He also thinks it’s funny every now and then. But honestly he tries to make the world scarier, making the reader terrified. He also tries to balance it, not make it like No Country for Old Men hardcore and non-romantic endings. 
1. He loves Darrow, he wants to keep him alive
2. He wants to see him mince shite. (at least that’s what I heard, deal with it)
3. He wants to deal with his guilt complex.
4. He needs his story to go on
So Darrow has a bit of a plot armor, but the rest don’t, at least not to the same degree. Some survive really bad stuff, but that’s because this story is one that doesn’t take itself too seriously, he hopes.
He’s like ‘Go away!’ at people who talk about Darrow’s plot armor.( Someone needs to cut that part and send it to me as a gift for whatever occassion you can imagine. Because SAME!!!) Because he compensates by ptting him through hell (that the smmary of it, just go listen to the episode, you’ll love it)
Howler Questions:
How do you rank Darrow in a top 50 razor fighters of all time?
He said this one is hard, but as his characters get better, this pops up a lot. It gets to a point where these guys can either get lucky or they might slip, make a risky move or mess up and lose. If they try something their master said not to do they can either lose or get lucky.
Darrow could lose to Lorn in his prime, but otherwise he might get him. Especially in 0 gravity, as Darrow is better in 0 gravity. Sevro is probably the best in 0 gravity as he could invert gravity, but there are characters in DA that can also do that. 
There was a laziness to a degree, a formality to dueling, because they were in a  period of peace. This new generation was raised in war, so now everyone is better, everyone knows their stuff. Everyone knows Darrow knows the Willow Way and because of that everyone practices fighting the curved blade. DArrow has to change up his razror style, he himself has to change, because his enemies expect his stuff now.
Right now, if Iron Gold!Darrow or Dark Age!Darrow would fight Aja (Morning Star), they’d probably kill each other. Aja was 60 or 50 in Morning Star, she just looks younger, because Golds. Octavia is over 110 and Lorn is pretty well over that age too.
Another question (not by me): What advice woul you give your teenage self?
Don’t be afraid to be weird.
Last Howler question: did you ever wrote charcters after people you don;t like and did you kill them?
No, because he writes books that go out of this world. He thinks there are better worlds out there than this one, even if they are terrible. And he thinks that the best way to deal with his enemies is to forget them.
Random thing that I found interesting:
If there was an olympics for everyday things, he’d get a medal at:
Cooking. He cooks anything italian, provecial french cuisine, he knows Julia Child books cover to cover...
Also at spoiling his dog.
His favourite Pixar movie was Up and he cried only when the dog slipped into the house and said ‘because I love you’. Otherwise he doesn’t cry at Pixar movies.
He cried do at Legend of the Fall when Brad Pitt comes home to find out his dad had a stroke.
He assumed he was the ArchPrimus of the whole series.
He’s into the book Rubicon by Tom Holland and The Boys on Amazon Prime.
He asked HowlerPod what are they into these days and Ben said The Boys too, but Erin said Dark Age. The she asked if that is alright or too on the eye, but Pierce said ‘Ben why didn’t you said that. Traitors comes from the front.’ But Erin admitted she was buttering him up in order to get some recipes from him.
Great interview! Also, my 2 seconds of fame! Thank you HowlerPod for this amazing interview!
Hail Howler 1!
Here’s a link: https://www.howlerpod.com/
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The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations - How to Crack the Code
Now that Season Three of A Series of Unfortunate Events has aired, I feel it’s about time to finally tell y’all the Code from The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations- for those of you who can’t get the book, haven’t read it yet, can’t figure out the code, or who just don’t wanna spend time finding it out yourselves. 
On page 188 of The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations, the key to cracking a code sprinkled throughout the book is provided: 
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You may have noticed a cross-referencing technique that appears throughout these pages, looking as such: (See: Notorious Researchers, pg. 30). This device is a helpful way to direct readers to relevant information that can be found elsewhere in a text. 
It is also a handy way to send a secret message. 
Every librarian knows that books contain secrets, and hiding a secret message in the pages of a book is a frequent VFD tactic. Volunteers who cleverly cross-reference will discover the message, while their enemies, who rarely finish a book, remain unaware. 
If you have read this far, you may be wondering how to discover this message yourself. First read the book carefully, making note of any parentheticals shaded an unusual hue. This is no printer error; it is a key informing you that part of the message can be found on the suggested page. Follow the references and locate the letters colored a corresponding hue. These letters are scrambled, not unlike an anagram. Once you have unscrambled the word, write it on the color-coded line of this telegram. Completing the telegram will reveal the answer to a question that has stumped philosophers, police inspectors, and even Lemony Snicket: 
What comes after the end of The End? 
Next to this description is a photo of a telegram, which is fourteen words long: 
___ ____ __ _______ 
____ ___ __ _____ 
____ ____ _____
__ _____ _____
And, indeed, each word is underlined in a different color. 
Now... onto cracking the code.
As referenced, there are occasional cross-references in the text. And sometimes, the See: is in the color you need to look for. 
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If you follow each See to its corresponding page, you’ll find letters scattered across the text that are in the color you need to find. These letters make up each word. 
Word-by-word, let’s see what we can find: 
The first word, in dark purple, is on page 133: The Reptile Room. To be honest, this is the hardest word to find: the dark color is very close to the color of the actual text. There are three letters here, in the following sentences: 
You always want to do something new, but at the same time, I wanted to see if there were clues I could integrate into the design. 
This flips it so the priority is the reptiles, and his own living space is sort of diminutive. 
And in “The Reptile Room,” [Monty]’s delighted to share his world with these kids. 
The second word is on page 99: Toupees for Toddles, in an orange-ish color. There are four letters, which can be found in the following sentences: 
“Well, we can’t put a wig on a baby.” 
It’s one of the oddest things I’ve ever done in my career, applying a little wig on a baby. 
When we started the second season, Presley had grown her hair long enough that we could actually create the ponytail with here own hair, which was a relief. 
The third word, in a hot pink, is on page 130: Mr Poe’s Office. There are only two letters, which can be found in the following sentences: 
It can be goofy, but it’s never goofy-stupid. 
He’s the guy that’s literally standing between Olaf and the Baudelaire fortune. 
The fourth word, on page 110: How to Dress for a Masked Ball, in a gray-blue color, can be found in the following sentences, with seven letters: 
The flashback that opens “The Carnivorous Carnival” is set at a Venetian-style masked ball, where masks conceal a number of familiar faces. Cynthia Summers designed each mask with the character in mind, including Dr Orwell’s “eyeglasses,” a Medusa-inspired snake mask for Uncle Monty, and theatrical comedy/tragedy masks for the Snicket Brothers. (Jacques wears the comedy mask, while Lemony, of course, is tragedy.) The ball also marks the first on-screen appearance of the mysterious Beatrice, described in the script as “a beautiful woman dressed as a dragonfly.” 
The fifth word, four letters long, is on page 45: Olivia Caliban/Madame Lulu, is in gray: 
A dangling thread from Season One was a certain book on secret organizations discovered by Justice Strauss - a book whose title will be familiar to anyone reading this. 
Still, they liked the idea of a character finding The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations and having the book change your life, as it will no doubt change yours. 
While the book’s version of Olivia is a veteran agent of dubious morality, the show reinvents her as a noble school librarian struggling against institutional corruption. 
There, disguised as Madame Lulu, she fulfills her mission of passing the book to the Baudelaires - and sacrifices herself at the lion pit to save their lives. 
The sixth word, colored light orange, is on page 109: How to Dress for a Career in Food Service. The three letters can be found here: 
Author Daniel Handler explains that the VFD agents we meed in the show are the types of people whom children notice by adults overlook. 
You’re going to notice things that are invisible to the adults talking over your head. 
Take a good look at the restaurant’s terrifying logo. 
On page 141: The Miserable Mill is the seventh word, in two red letters: 
“The Wide Window” left us with no more stage space, so it forced us to shoot the mill at a real location, an old dock building which we then tried to make look like a stage. 
Klaus comes back from the eye doctor, but he isn’t quite himself. 
The eighth word is on page 97: The Real Sugar Bowl. There are five light purple letters: 
According to Esme, it was stolen from her by Beatrice, and according to Olivia, it may have been the reason for the VFD schism. It’s not the first sugar bowl to play a vital role in a work of classic literature (interested parties may seek out We Have Always Lived in The Castle at their local library), but Daniel Handler muses on another possible inspiration: “There a whole sugar scene in the movie Midnight (See: Snicket, Jacques, pg 44) that must have seeped into me when I was a child. Somehow I think that was one of the sugar bowls of literature that ended up sneaking in.” 
The existence of four identical sugar bowl [props] may be of interest to Esme Squalor, or at least her actress, Lucy Punch, who requested to keep one when the series wrapped. “My character was so desperate for it,” says Punch. “It seemed appropriate.” 
The ninth word, in blue, is on page 172: The Carnivorous Carnival. There are four letters: 
There’s literally no program you can watch that’s any wierce. 
The aesthetic of carnivals and circuses is naturally creepy and absurd to begin with. And then you add the overlay of our material, where everything is filtered  through the Baudelaires, so the sets are designed to be seen as if you’re a vulnerable child glimpsing this horrible world and trying to maintain hope. 
Count Olaf arrives at Caligari Carnival, where he hopes the fortune-teller can help him. 
The tenth word is on page 89: The Many Faces of Barry Sonnenfeld. There are four green letters: 
and in “The Vile Village,” he’s the fire chief posing with his Dalmatian int he firehouse-turned-saloon. 
A common ancestor to our series’ interconnected families? 
Barry birthday is April Fool’s Day, and for his birthday, I decided to knock off a painting with him in it. 
We’re shooting the Hotel Denouement right now, and the whole hotel isi based on the Dewey Decimal System, and each floor is a different subject. 
On page 64-65: The Sinister Songs, you can find five magenta letters for the eleventh word: 
“I was a huge fan of the books in my twenties, and I  was also a huge fan of Barry Sonnenfeld, so to see those two come together and actually be a part of it was unreal.” 
Count Olaf introduces himself to the Baudelaires with this song and dance - ignoring the fact he’s already met them. Handlers says, “Singing is perfect for Count Olaf because he imagines himself so wonderful.” 
All of the dance numbers were choreographed by Paul Becker, who pulled double duty in the first half of “The Carnivorous Carnival”.
She’s had quite an exciting / Time on the road
On page 24: Violet the Inventor, there are two gray letters for the twelfth word: 
But now those inventions, like the Baudelaire mansion itself, are gone. 
She promised her parents she would always look after them, and while Count Olaf’s schemes have put that promise to the test, Violet’s managed to stand strong in even the most unfortunate situation. 
Pages 116-117: Deciphering Code: Using the Dials of the Spyglass, has five purple letters for the thirteenth word: 
As a volunteer, you already know why and when the spyglass was created (See: Motion Picture, Pg 10) but we will briefly recap its history here.
A permanent mark has its advantages, since even the most absent-minded member rarely leave the house without their ankle (See: Peg Leg, pg 86), but it has its drawbacks too, particularly if the organization undergoes a schism, so that the same symbol that once stood for comradery and literacy suddenly represents treachery and pyromania now that it is inscribed on the ankles of your enemies. 
But just as a movie might be more than a movie, a spyglass can be more than a spyglass. 
Critics called these films terrible, which was the point: Sebald wanted to ensure that no one would want to see them besides other volunteers, who would be more interested in their secret messages than their artistic value. 
The cinema’s projectionist assigns the film a production code made up of a unique combination of numbers and symbols. 
The fourteenth and final word can be found on page 32: Who is Lemony Snicket? There are five pale green letters: 
He is currently investigating the lives of the Baudelaire orphans,  though his reason for doing so is unknown, as are his whereabouts. 
Mr. Snicket can be identified by his dry wit, his tailored suits, and his ankle tattoo, as well as his tendency to launch into wordy monologues containing Very Frequent Definitions. 
But when developing the series for Netflix, Barry Sonnenfeld and Daniel Handler independently felt that their Snicket should be seen as well as heard. 
And they both independently thought of Patrick Warburton, a frequent Sonnenfeld collaborator whom Handler had loved in a little-seen film called The Woman Chaser. Volunteers who track it down will note that it features Warburton speaking to the camera in a suit and a deadpan style that one might call Serlinig-esque - or Snicket-esque. 
The Code
So now we have all the words:  
otw ests of eidnrsf 
jtsu uto fo eahrc 
wlli eemt agina 
on riynb haebc  
Which do not take a long time to unscramble... 
What comes after the end of The End? 
Well, it turns out... the code is a couplet... 
Two sets of friends, just out of reach 
Will meet again on Briny Beach.
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rhotdornn · 6 years
[Getting personal meme]
Libra -- and it shows. I am 110% undecided as all hell, but at least I have a more-than-decent judgement of character.
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
Pentakill - Tear of the Goddes LOTR - The Song of Hope Guild Wars 2 - Fear Not This Night LOTR - The Cat and The Moon
Grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what line is 17?
“The current index (ratios of current assets and current liabilities) for that year can be compared to the current account for the previous year.” - The Basics of Financial Management, 12th edition
Ever had a poem written about you? Yep, at least about Rhotdornn.
When was the last time you played the air guitar? God knows.
One sound you hate and one you love:
As far as hate goes: Screeching of fingernails against a blackboard. As far as love goes: The rustling of wind across an expansive meadow or glade.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Not really.
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you drive and if so have you gotten in a crash?
Nope and nope.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
I suppose.
Last movie you’ve seen?
A Mighty Heart, I think it was called. Saw only a brief bit of it.
Worst injury you’ve ever had?
Being the unruly child that I was, I had this brilliant idea of rolling down my incredibly steeply angled street with my bike, which, by the way, lacked brakes. The bike picked up speed to the point where slowing it down with your feet was impossible, so lil’ ol’ me had to jump off of it and watch as the bike hit an elevated part of the pavement, bounced off a sudden ledge, looped in the air and slammed right down into a shattered-bottles garbage container. I landed on the ground which was littered with sharp rocks all around, so I got off with quite a lot of ripping wounds on my ankles and legs, some of which are still visible today. But at least I didn’t meet my end on that bike that day.
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Hardly an obsession, but I guess a few would include the Roegadyn race, Amani race, Norse mythology, Celtic themes, and obviously, Tolkien’s realm.
Do you hold grudges?
People don’t call me the biggest grudge-holder without reason. I’m able to forgive, but never forget--and depending on the grudge, the offender will most certainly not get away scot-free.
In a relationship?
Recently-ish single and, as cheesy as it may sound, devoted to my studies and work entirely.
[Tagged by]: @shroudblessings o7
[Tagging]: @ave-xiv, @ladyrivienne, @great-grey-raven, @shatteredshield, @diregate, @keltgeim, @xander-ura, @nalukaixiv, @blood-of-the-dragons, @deviant-oreo & anyone else who fancies it.
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swaymarkhugs · 6 years
ANNNNNND to keep you occupied, all of the even numbers 😘
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Definitely more shy, but I can force myself to be outgoing if I need to be.4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so! I hope so, anyway. 6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
My girlfriend. :) People who are genuinely kind, honest, and down-to-earth. It also doesn’t hurt if they’re smart. (Kayla fits all of those). 8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
The Boston Bruins (I miss them), my father (he had a skin biopsy and is notoriously pathetic at the doctor’s office), and my gastroenterologist (I’m looking at flights home from school and need to move my appointment)10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My girlfriend. 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
1) Happy Now - Zedd
2) Inside Out - The Chainsmokers
3) Lonely Together - Avicii & Rita Ora
4) Born to Be Yours - Kygo & Imagine Dragons
5) Curious - Hayley Kiyoko
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yes. Because I’ve had both. 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Absolutely. 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Yeah…they never knew I had a crush on them, so yeah. 20. Do you like your neighbors?
Most of them, yeah!22. Where would you like to travel?
I’d like to go back to some of my favorite spots (Tel Aviv, Vienna, Nuremberg, Paris) as well as go somewhere new (Maldives, Dublin, and so many others that I can’t think of at the moment).24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Eating, and talking to my girlfriend before bedtime. 26. What do you do when you wake up?
Check messages and social media. 28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My girlfriend and my best friends.30. Do you ever want to get married?
Yes! :)32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I refuse to answer this one publicly. ;)34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Yes. Dressage, skiing, and dance. I used to do all 3 more actively, but rare disease life makes that really hard. 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Yep. 38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
I’m dating her. She’s sweet, smart, talented, and so, so kind. And she’s pretty damn gorgeous ;) 40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’m living it. Went to college, going to grad school for my master’s getting my doctorate, and then hopefully doing what I want to do (being a practicing forensic psychologist).42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m writing, concentrating on something really difficult, or unconscious. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Space? If my body could handle the lack of atmosphere. 46. What are you paranoid about?
That a fire alarm is going to go off at any moment, and that I’m not good enough for anything or anyone…I have major imposter syndrome. 48. Have you ever been drunk?
I have indeed. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
I haven’t been able to wear anything with sleeves in months, so I honestly don’t remember. Pink, maybe?52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I had a normal immune system. Then I could conceivably and safely change other things, like my musculature.54. Favourite store?Oh GOD I tend to hate shopping. I guess anything online? Also, anything relating to equestrian gear. 56. Favourite colour?
Purple58. Last thing you ate?
A peach.60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yes! Dressage. 62. Been arrested? For what?
Thankfully, no. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Supposedly, one of my friends kissed me in preschool. I don’t remember it all that well. 
My first meaningful kiss (I’ve had a lot of meaningless ones) was with my girlfriend, and it was actually at Mass General. She met me at the hospital to come with me to one of my appointments, and I ran up to her and kissed her.66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No…I like them all equally.68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr. 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Alison, Emily, Hannah, Jen, Kayla72. What colour are your towels?
They’re all some form of grey/beige
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
One, but said pillow is propped up on a wedge so I don’t accidentally aspirate.74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I don’t know, but I have a lot. 76. What colour is your underwear?
Purple78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Anything involving chocolate, peanut butter, and/or caramel. My favorite in terms of Ben & Jerry’s is Tonight Dough. 80. What colour pants?
I’m currently wearing black shorts. 82. Favourite movie?
Miracle, Top Gun, Moana, and Wonder Woman…I can’t choose just one.84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 Jump Street. But I love Mean Girls, too.86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory. She’s very relatable, and very quotable. 88. Last person you talked to today?
Physically, my mom. Via text, Kayla. 90. Name a person you love?
Kayla. 92. In a fight with someone?
Nope.94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
I have absolutely no clue.96. Favourite actress?
Gal Gadot, Lupita Nyong’o, Octavia Spencer, Emma Watson98. Do you tan a lot?
I tan easily, I don’t know about a lot…100. How are you feeling?
Tired, warm, and like my stomach needs to quit its current rebellion.102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Ohhh this is a loaded question. My anxiety says yes, but my anxiety says yes to regretting things all the time.104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Sometimes I miss people I used to be friends with, and people I’m still friends with but never see. Other times, no. 106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I don’t know. Maybe?108. What should you be doing?
Packing for going to grad school. 110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yes. 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My girlfriend.114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
I have indeed.116. Are you listening to music right now?
No, but I’m watching House Hunters Renovation while I do this and do work.118. Do you like Chinese food?
I do. 120. Are you afraid of the dark?
I’m not afraid of it, per se, but I don’t like being in pitch blackness. 122. Is cheating ever okay?
No.124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yeah!126. Are you currently bored?
Nope. Currently well occupied.128. Would you change your name?
I used to want to, but I like my name now, so I think I’ll keep it.130. Do you like subway?
I do.132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My girlfriend.134. Can you count to one million?
Can I? Yes. Do I want to? No.136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed.138. Curly or Straight hair?
I have a little bit of both. My hair defies logic, but I like it the way it is.140. Summer or Winter?
Uhh, neither. I hate extreme temperatures. I can handle Winter better, but I like Fall the best.142. Favourite month?
April. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Milk chocolate.146. Was today a good day?
Yeah!148. What’s your favourite quote?
She believed she could so she did. 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
Her words made me gloomy. 
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