#Borderlands 2 fanfiction
steampunksilver · 10 months
Hi Claptrap fans I’ve got something juicy for you tonight….
1,700 words of a hurt/comfort Claptrap x reader!!
First time writing Claptrap, forgive me if he’s out of character. The only warning that applies is that reader just sh’d but I didn’t write them like actively doing it sooo uhh take that as you will
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kirisunshineboy · 1 year
Hey there! You would write something abusive boyfriend Niragi x reader at the beach? Like, him being obsessive, smut if you are comfortable with that!!
𝙝𝙞𝙨. | 𝙣𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙞 𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙪 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
☆ 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: niragi suguru/reader
☆ 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: idk, yandere(?
☆ 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: rape/noncon referenced, toxic relationships, possessive behavior, humiliation, jealousy, violence, attempted suicide (not so explicit, I think), beatings, what you would expect from any writing containing Niragi
☆ 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 2.2k
☆ 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: "Girlfriend" Ten letters you adored until that day. Until you realized that carrying that title implied to stop belonging to yourself and receive with open arms the marks of love that Niragi gave you.
☆ 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴: Thank you for leaving your request! ♥︎
I really enjoyed writing this, but sorry if the ending is a bit rushed, I really wanted to finish it before I went to sleep. About the smut, there are only references but it's not explicitly narrated, not that it makes me uncomfortable, but I don't know how to narrate it, I'm really sorry! 😭
❕Long paragraphs written in italics narrate the events of the previous night ❕
𝘌𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺! ☆
english isn't my first language
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His girlfriend.
Two words that hurt every time someone uttered them.
And that was because they had long ceased to be true. Yes, there was a time when she herself displayed the title with a smile under the gaze of the other Executives, who privately bet on how long it would take Niragi to throw it all away.
Mira was the winner: she gave a maximum of one month, and a day before the deadline, all hell broke loose.
Niragi had never touched her beyond protective and possessive hugs, but that night after the game of spades he took it upon himself to get her drunk on all the alcohol in the bar and then rape her in front of the other members of The Beach who were in the pool. She remembers screaming for help, but only received looks of disgust and pity from the others. No one lifted a finger to help her.
Her torment went on all night; Niragi took her back and forth, fucking her in all the common areas to show everyone who she belonged to.
"I don't want to... Please-"
"Who said anything about wanting? You're a selfish bitch, it's not about you. It's about what I want. And I want to keep using this pretty hole of yours until I'm satisfied."
His girlfriend no longer existed. She was now so shattered that she couldn't even remember her own name, and it had been a long time since she had tried to do so. All of her had been reduced to two aliases that depended entirely on Niragi's mood:
Sweetheart when his mood was acceptable (or he had hurt her so badly that he felt slightly guilty).
Desperate whore when he was upset (almost always).
The rest of the people simply recognized her as Niragi's property, and that was enough for them to avoid her like the plague because no one wanted to get into trouble with him. Not even the Executives dared to speak to her or acknowledge her presence. That was the best thing for everyone.
For everyone other than her, of course.
She opened her eyes slowly, feeling them moisten from the contact with the sunlight slipping through the curtains. Her body felt heavy and she couldn't feel her left arm. She sat carefully on the bed searching the room for some sign of Niragi's presence, and could almost breathe easy when she realized she was alone.
Almost, because the sound of the lock opening caused what little strength she had mustered to flee her body in a matter of seconds. A tray peeked through the door followed by Niragi's slender frame. He smiled as soon as he saw her conscious.
“Ah, I'm glad you're awake. I was planning on making you do it myself in case you were still asleep.” He walked to the edge of the bed and set the tray down in front of her. He watched her shrink back and bring her knees to her chest, hugging herself. Niragi frowned as he noticed how she avoided his gaze. “Eat.” He ordered giving her a light tap on the leg.
She held her position.
"Listen sweetheart, I won't say it one more time. Eat." His voice was threatening. She looked at the tray and took the plate of fruit that was there, starting to eat silently. Niragi brushed a lock of her hair out of her face and she shivered from the contact. When she was finished with the contents of the plate, she set it down on the tray again and returned to her original posture.
Niragi noticed how tightly she held the bandages over her left wrist and realized they were stained with blood. He picked up the tray and set it down on a nearby piece of furniture and then turned to where she was and bent down to carry her.
"What are you doing?"
"Let's give you a bath, you're a disgusting cutie right now."
He came into the bathroom and left her sitting on the toilet. "Undress" She obeyed as he prepared the tub with hot water. Niragi was aware that her body ached and knew that he was responsible, so it was his duty to take care of her. That and for no reason would he let anyone else do it. Only he could break and fix his doll. When he felt the right water, he poured a generous amount of bubble soap on her and turned to look at her. She was covering her body awkwardly.
How cute, Niragi thought, she's still embarrassed that I'm looking at her.
The thought of moving her arms to leave her exposed to him crossed his mind for a moment, but he let it go. It would allow her to retain a modicum of modesty this time. He lifted her back up to carefully deposit her in the tub. He took shampoo and began to massage her scalp gently. Niragi felt his pants begin to tighten as he noticed how vulnerable she was. He might as well get into the tub and abuse her until he made her cry with pleasure....
But no. He decided that, for once, he would leave her alone. At least as far as his self-control would allow. He began to wash her body carefully, scrubbing at her arms with a sponge.
"I can do it alone.” she murmured.
"No, you can't," Niragi replied with annoyance in his voice. He was surprised that, after so much, she was still trying to put up a fight. He took her left arm and began to remove the bandage covering her wrist. The fresh scar adorned it like a bracelet. Niragi gently pressed down on the cut. "Does it hurt?" he asked.
She nodded. She gasped in pain when Niragi accidentally splashed her with hot water.
"This is something you could have avoided if you weren't such a selfish bitch" Niragi barked with a hint of anger in his voice. Memories of her in that same tub the night before clouded his vision.
He had returned from a game ready to unload the adrenaline with her and the next thing he knew the bathroom floor was covered in blood with her unconscious in the center.
Niragi had rushed to squeeze the wound on her wrist to stop the flow of blood as he ran to the infirmary in search of Ann. The woman looked shocked for a few minutes until she seemed to regain her composure and ordered her to leave her on the gurney. Niragi went to get painkillers while Ann tried to bring her back to consciousness.
"Let go of me," was the first thing she said to Ann as she opened her eyes.
"Let me die" she asked in desperation tearing her throat. "Please tell him you couldn't do anything..." The babbling came out of her mouth awkwardly. Ann felt her heart constrict.
"You know I can't do that. You know well what he's capable of."
Tears began to well up in her eyes. Ann clenched her fists.
"You're the one who makes him have some sanity."
Ann had spoken the truth. That was what all the Executives thought. That was why they had let Niragi do whatever he wanted with her. She was their scapegoat, the sacrifice they had to make to keep the peace on The Beach.
When Niragi took her back to the room, he took it upon himself to chastise her for her cowardice. "Do you really hate me so much that you'd rather die than be with me?" he bellowed in a mixture of rage and pain. What she remembers before she fell unconscious is nodding and feeling Niragi's body pounce on her.
Once all traces of blood, semen and tears were wiped from her, Niragi wrapped her in a towel and carried her back into the room, laying her on the bed. He tossed her one of his shirts and waited for her to get dressed.
"I have a surprise for you." He told her when she was ready. Niragi smiled proudly as he showed her the pair of handcuffs he had gotten from Hatter in exchange for participating in ten more games.
She opened her eyes in surprise. The handcuffs meant they would come out. Niragi only allowed her to be outside only to participate in the games and he always accompanied her. He reached over and placed one handcuff on her right wrist, then locked the other on his own arm.
"Where are we going?" she asked with a knot in her stomach. Niragi ignored her voice and walked out of the room, dragging her with him.
"'Sweetheart, I thought I told you I don't like questions."
They walked through the hallway amidst curious glances until they reached the dining room of The Beach. Niragi murmured. "I thought you might like to stretch your legs. I hear going for a walk is good for pets."
He stopped in front of a table away from the others and ordered her to sit down. He removed the metal from his wrist and closed it around the base of the table, leaving her with no way to leave.
"I'll go get our food," he reported. "Don't do anything stupid, sweetheart."
Saying this, Niragi walked away to the buffet area. She stood motionless, casting quick glances around. She didn't see any familiar faces, but that didn't make much difference. No one would help her anyway, and she wasn't going to ask them to. She kept fiddling with one end of the bandage that had moved out of place until she noticed a presence beside her.
She raised her head expecting to see Niragi, but panic spread through her body when she saw that it wasn't him. A guy who looked about her age was looking at her worriedly.
"Are you okay?" The stranger asked with a grimace. Her curious eyes traveled over the bruises reaching to see on her body, stopping at the handcuffs. She ignored the guy hoping he would take the cue and walk away.
He didn't.
"Hey, tell me what's going on...why are you wearing those handcuffs? Did someone-?"
"Let go of me." She interrupted him.
"Don't talk to me and walk away."
The guy folded his arms, the expression of distress expanding. "How can you say that, it's obvious someone is hurting you! It's my duty to help you."
Nervousness showed on her face. She glanced behind him, fearful that Niragi would see her with someone nearby.
"This is none of your business. I'm fine. Just leave me alone already." Her tone was more pleading than annoyed. "Please spare me any more trouble."
The guy was new to The Beach, that much was obvious. Otherwise he wouldn't have approached her. Apparently no one had warned him yet about Niragi and his... pet.
"Look, it's okay. I'm going to get you out of those cuffs and take you to some Executive to help you" The guy gave her a reassuring smile then touched her cuffed arm. She instinctively looked over to where Niragi was and found that he was already watching the scene.
"Run" she whispered to the boy as she saw Niragi approaching with pure anger flashing in his pupils. When the boy followed her gaze, he met Niragi's fist directly in his face.
"Who gave you permission to touch my things!" he shouted angrily at him. The boy's nose was bleeding. The stranger looked at her as if seeking help, but Niragi grabbed him by the chin and forced him to look at him. "Didn't they ever teach you to keep your nose out of other people's business?"
"I didn't-" Another blow. Niragi had kneed him in the stomach. He turned to her. "What did this jerk say to you?"
"Don't lie!" Niragi threw another punch that knocked him to the ground. She shrieked in terror. "Are you going to tell me or wait for me to reduce him to a pool of blood?"
"He just asked me if I was okay!" she sobbed, covering her ears so she wouldn't hear the boy's whimpers.
Niragi let loose another kick to the body beneath him. The other people in the dining room watched everything in silence. "Thanks for worrying about her, you idiot. She's perfectly fine under my care" he bellowed with a sadistic grin on his face.
"S-sorry" whispered the boy on the floor.
"I never said you could talk" Niragi replied before delivering another kick straight to his face. She could have sworn she heard his nose crack.
"Stop it, Niragi, please" she begged. Tears were already running down her cheeks. The boy had only wanted to help her.
Niragi gave her a disdainful look and turned away from the body on the ground. "I'm done with him, doll. I doubt he'll get up after this." He removed her handcuffs and grabbed her tightly by the bandaged wrist.
"It hurts!" she screamed trying to wriggle free.
Niragi tightened his grip pulling her out of the dining room. "I'm not finished yet," he warned, "I have to punish the little bitch who talked to a stranger and let them touch her."
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trulyumai · 6 months
Personal Space? Never Heard Of Her!
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Synopsis: You help the big boss (Jack), with every day tasks. He sees some forms missing from his desk and questions you. Jealousy ensues.
Pairing: Handsome Jack/You
Warnings: Murder (I mean it is Jack)
Available on AO3!
A/N: I know this is kind of a niche fandom, but Ive been obsessed with it recently! Enjoy the reading :)
“-Listen, listen, sweetheart, how many times do we have to go through this?” Jack's voice echoed through his office, you stood there just behind him with a frown marking your face. 
“Jack, I already said-” 
“Ah, ah, Mr. Jack pumpkin Mr,” Turning back to you he wiggled his long finger, tutting you lightly. 
“Mr. Jack,” You bit out, 
“The forms were already submitted. I told you the current marketers already came down for them. 
Squinting at you he plopped down on his chair, it groaned in protest as his heeled dress shoes rested on the oak desk in front. 
“Careful with that tone. I just like my things organized, is that so bad? I didn't know those shit brains were already on the new prototype,” Idly swinging his pistol it twirled between the man's fingertips, it would have been quite impressive if you weren't already mildly annoyed. 
Crossing your arms, pivoting one hip to touch the table, you relaxed your face. Somewhat afraid of the man, you didn't want to piss him off this early in the day. 
Afterall, you didn't dare think just how many assistants had come before you, shot and maimed  in this very room before you desperately enough took the interview for this (once in a lifetime) job.
The man rambled on, about the new gun designs, “Dumb ass,” bandits and the citizen who unfortunately ran into him this morning. 
“-Filthy fucking guy, how could he not see me coming! I was gonna rip his eyes out but who am I- '' Pausing all his movements halted, until he slowly, oh so slowly faced towards your direction once more. 
With still movements you paused too, wearily eying the man before he finally spoke up. 
“Wait, wait. Hold on, hold on, back up.”
Backing up a step you gripped one wrist with your hand. 
“No not literally you fucking- Your sentence. The researchers?” Frowning you traced back to your prior conversation 
“Yes, sir. The um, Prototype? They came in early, asked, well, demanded the papers. Said it was urgent.”
Sitting up Jack put both his gloved hands on the desk, gripping the corners until you heard the crinkling of his leather gloves. 
“They came. In my office, and you let them in?” 
Oh no. 
“W-well sir, they said- they demanded me to! Said you gave them special permission, made me walk ahead of them to open the door, and an-” 
A single hand was lifted, halting you to stop the rambling. The glass windows behind him showed the business of the city. Skyscrapers cascaded around the office, the clouds invaded the unusually blue sky and you wanted to run- run and bury yourself between the shiny buildings and fluffy skies. 
“What were these, shall we say, gentlemans names, hm?”
Distracted by the plethora of people on the streets you didn't answer, didn't even notice the man get up from his chair and place himself in front of you until his big hand squeezed the meat around your face. “Answer, pumpkin.” 
“The names? Um, Mordecai- I think and maybe ah-” The grip worsened, with increased pressure you felt the creaking of your jaw, the tightness on your skin. 
“S-Steven! That's it, I'm sure!” 
Eyes darting back and forth between yours he let go, switching to put his arm around your waist. 
“See? Was that so hard! Good job, sweetheart, really, that must have exhausted you,” 
His fingers skirted across your form, until his fingers danced at the hem of the blouse you wore. They lifted it a tad and met the skin with a warm touch, lightly gliding his fingers up down and as he hummed in thought. 
“Pretty sure those are downstairs guys. Let's pay them a visit! See what they have to say about personal space,”
Dragging you along, he pressed the elevator before leaning down on you, putting the side of his head to rest on your own. 
With a cocky expression he noticed your nervous form. “Don't worry, sweetheart- you tell Ol’ Mr. Jack, which one did the demanding and this will all be over soon!” His hand twitched on the opposite side. 
“Maybe we can even get some brunch after, I'm starving.” 
Nodding your head you held back a wince. 
The morning just started and there were already three casualties. 
What a morning in Pandora.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: After the events of Portal 2, GLaDOS brings Wheatley out of space to keep her company. Through trial and error and revelations, their friendship grows into an undeniable connection that they just might be able to call love. No androids or humanisations.
Author: @canadian-riddler
Note from submitter: very long (132 chapters), marked as unfinished, seems to no longer be updating.
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pinkthick · 2 years
Friends with benefits
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Pairing: Shuntaro Chishiya x Fem!Reader
Summary: Chishiya and you are both medical school students, and while the two of you were initially just friends, over time he came up with an unexpected idea for the two of you. To have casual sex with him so you two could blow off some steam. The only issue? You developed feelings for that idiot.
TW: If reading about a drowning death at the beginning of this fanfiction makes you uneasy, please scroll past it.
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Medical school was both exciting and demanding as a student. It was awful having to take all the exams and learn all the knowledge in such a short amount of time. But it was worthwhile as well. You didn't want to become a doctor because your parents desired it for you, no. But because you wished to be in a position to save lives. All of your family members, but notably you, were affected by the death of your younger sister when she was only seven years old. You were present when she passed away and were powerless to intervene, but what could a ten-year-old possibly do in such a circumstance?
You two were playing across a frozen lake when she was killed when an accident occurred. Both of you were stupid. She fell through the ice and drowned as it suddenly shattered. You failed to save her, you're fortunate to have lived.
Even though that happened a long time ago, it inspired you to pursue a career in medicine.
At university, you met Shuntarō Chishiya. His appearance drew your attention because of his long, light-colored hair that is often a little bit unkempt and his sharp features, which include a noticeable mole under his left eye. You weren't sure what to make of him at first; several people advised you to avoid him because of rumours. The best thing you could have done, of course, was not to listen.
You two got along great and quickly became friends. But two months ago, he made you a completely unexpected proposal, to sleep with him. Because he was stressed out just like you were and was certain that both of you needed some relief and a distraction from your problems, he stated it didn't have to mean anything if you called yourselves friends with benefits, no strings attached. So, regrettably, you took him up on his offer.
As you braced yourself against the tile walls and let the hot water run down your face, you were now considering your choices. You needed a break from him because you were physically worn out. Even though there wasn't always sex, he occasionally pretended that you two were just friends. On other days, he struggled to keep his hands off of you. That man was definitely something.
But you couldn't argue he didn't know what he was doing. When it did occur, the sex was fantastic. Every time, it felt as though every fiber in your body was positively on fire. Chishiya always touched the spot that has always been neglected by your past parteners.
Just thinking about what happened yesterday made you bite your lip.
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He invited you to his apartment to study with him even though it was already quite late. And you did accept that because you were aware of his roommate's presence so you were sure nothing would happen. In reality, though, it wasn't only studying.
The two of you were initially going over the patient files that you would need to help the doctors tomorrow, but at some point silence fell upon the room. Both of you continued to read in silence for a while before you finally got up and announced that you were going to get a glass of water. He slowly nodded in agreement while still remaining silent.
Even as you didn't stay in the kitchen for very long, you did bring your glass with you and set it on the table. However, as you were about to leave and move to the other couch, Chishiya suddenly grabbed your hand and you fell on top of him. He smirked as you took a deep breath and continued to stare at him bewildered. You suddenly understood what was about to happen.
Your face began to heat up at the sound of him saying, "Ride me," in a low voice.
After a few more seconds, you finally kicked off your shoes before mounting him by curling your legs around his thighs. As you hurriedly moved to remove his erect cock from his pants, he rapidly tugged the tight black skirt you were wearing up and he peered at you with hunger in his eyes. You lined him up with your entrance as he pushed your panties aside. Chishiya felt his muscles tensing up as you wetly coated his tip. As the tip entered your entrance, you both let out a moan as you slowly lowered yourself onto his cock while clutching to his shoulders. He took your arms and crossed them behind your back as soon as he was completely inside of you. firmly holding them together while indicating to you that they were not intended to move.
Your gaze widened.
“Ride” he repeated himself and then, without wasting more time, you flexed and bented your muscles as you pushed yourself up and then allowed yourself to fall back onto his cock, letting out a quiet gasp with each descent. As you went on moving, Chishiya's head surged back, his eyes fluttering close. The last thing you wanted was for Chishiya's roommate, Hiroshi, to wake up, so you bit your lip tightly and kept riding him, trying to not make a sound.
“Chishiya..” the breathy moan leaves your parted lips as a blush crept up once again on your cheeks.
Your legs twitched when Chishiya changed your position a little bit, hitting that particular spot. You were taken aback at the sudden change, forcing a moan that was louder than intended, making you flustured.
“There we go..” Breathlessly chuckling, Chishiya again pressed his cock against that spot. Before you knew it, a sensation formed in your core that you are all too familiar with. You closed your eyes and in an effort to keep your orgasm at bay, you started to breath slowly. But you didn’t accomplished much. Your orgasm abruptly overcame you as Chishiya, who was aware of all of your weak areas, swiftly pressed his thumb into your clitoral region. As you essentially collapsed on top of him, he encircles you in his arms, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
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Suddenly, your alarm sounds, reminding you that it's time to exit the shower. You wrapped a towel around your body, quickly going into your bedroom so you could get dress.
Though you were certain that your friends would complain because you were constantly late, you couldn't really blame them. However, tonight was Sara's birthday party, so you had to arrive on time.
Also—It will be interesting because Chishiya will be there as well.
You took one last look in the mirror and undoubtedly felt a little exposed. You were going to the town’s newesg club and Sara had threatened to dress more provocatively tonight. So you made an effort to step outside of your comfort zone by dressing in a tiny dress with a hemline that was mid-thigh level and well above the knees. In addition, you were donning a pair of black stilettos. For you, it was definitely out of the ordinary.
Even if you were to decide to change your mind, Yui, your roommate, knocked on your door and asked if you were ready.
And while you were, you were also nervous. Although you made an effort to fool yourself, you knew very well that Chishiya was to blame for the way you were feeling right now. You did the worst thing you could do. Fall inlove with him. The sex you were having with him needed to be casual so you two could let off some steam. It didn’t have to mean anything. But now it was so much more for you.
God, why did you think it would be a good idea to sleep with him? Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.
“Y/N, you better come out or I’m leaving without you!” You heard Yui’s irritated voice through the door jolted you back to reality.
“Sorry! I’m coming right now.” You took Sara’s birthday gift and made your way out of the room.
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As the two of you entered the club, Yui exclaimed with joy. You already had a headache from the noise and all the lights. Even though you didn't enjoy going to clubs, your friends always did, so you never voiced any displeasure. At least there is alchool, so that's a win for you.
“Y/N?” When Sara's lovely voice called out to you from behind you, you turned around and saw her standing there.
As you gave her the gift and wished her a happy birthday, you grinned brightly at her and proceeded to hug her tightly.
Sara immediately exclaimed as the two of you parted ways. "First of all, you look gorgeous. Second of all, since you arrived on time, we now have one more reason to celebrate with a drink.” As the two of you moved to where the other individuals were, she took your hand in hers and smiled broadly.
You felt like your heart was going to burst even though Chishiya wasn't even looking at you; he was already there, conversing with Amon and Nick about God knows what.
Never have black jeans and a white top looked better on someone. Even if you thought he looked better without nothing on him, you didn't care since right now he reminded you of a Greek god. His physique is being brilliantly displayed by that shirt.
Sara abruptly interrupted your train of thinking by shoving a shot of vodka in front of you while grinning with delight and asking, "Please tell me that you want to get wasted tonight."
You accepted it, and the two of you slammed the shot glasses back after clinking them together. "You offended me by even making the assumption that I wouldn't get drunk tonight.”
Sara chuckled as she grabbed your hand, tying it to her own, and dragged you through the crowd as you made your way to the bar.
You and Chishiya both found yourselves having fun throughout the night as the alcohol began to kick in. You drank everything you possibly could, from scotch to tequila, and you really weren’t yourself anymore. Your hips swayed in time with Sara and Yui's as you danced together. Despite the fact that your thoughts were jumbled, you laughed and grabbed Sara by the hips, allowing her to grind against you.
You had no idea Chishiya was observing every move you made. It wasn't at all typical of him—neither hunger nor a sense of urgency had ever overcome him—but he felt something when he saw you move your hips so naturally to the music. He couldn't help but be in awe of what he saw. It was as though you had hypnotized him. Even as his feet began to move, he was completely unaware of it. Before he realized it, he had entered the middle of the chaos. Just as a new song was about to begin playing, Chishiya moved up behind you and drew you close to him. You hadn't even noticed that there was someone behind you because you were too lost in the fun. His hips began to move to the beat and you eagerly followed.
You turned around and slammed into a sturdy chest all at once. You glanced up and saw Chishiya dancing alongside you. An amused smile flickered across his lips as his eyes narrowed at the corner. His face was only an inch away from yours as he leaned over and placed his finger briefly on your lips. He uttered the words "Y/N" just before you stood up and pressed your lips together. You drew away after realizing that your friends were literally behind you since both of your hearts began to beat so much faster than they had before. As the two of you parted ways, a tentative smile crept over your faces as Chishiya leaned forward to whisper. “Meet me downstairs when you can.”
He released your hold after that, and you watched as he disappeared into the crowd. You felt a little embarrassed and then Sara asked, "When did the two of you become a thing?" and both of them began to chuckle.
"We're not. We are just friends.” As you spoke quickly, you saw that your cheeks were starting to color.
“Just friends, you say?” You finally made the decision to look for him after a few more minutes of them both making fun of you. Even though you weren't sure if it was a good idea, you went ahead and entered the hallway. As you approached the stairwell, someone grabbed your hand and spun you around, causing your back to hit the wall and your lungs to be robbed of air.
You were met with Chishiya in front of you, his eyes narrowing and his lips curving back into a smirk.
He just drew you into a kiss without uttering a word. Unlike the other kisses you two had, this one was frantic and sloppy, perhaps because the liquor made you both more reckless. To regain your breath, you both moved away, but Chishiya leaned back in, his lips brushing against your neck as his hands drew you flush up against him. Your left hand tangled in his hair as your arms snaked around his neck, holding him there. “You dickhead” While his tongue was gliding over the pulse spot behind your ear, your chuckle suddenly changed into a sigh. Chishiya traced his nose down your jaw and rose to meet your eyes, your lips brushing as he spoke “Get on your knees.”
You didn’t need to be told twice.
As he brushed his thumb over your lips to open your mouth, you did as you were instructed and got down on your knees. Then, after taking off his belt, he reveals his partially hardened cock. Even though you had seen it more times than you can count, your eyes widened at the sight. You tentatively kissed the base of his firm cock while holding onto it. You started kissing its side too rapidly and made the kisses extra sloppy before closing your eyes and licking a stripe from tip to base. You kissed the dripping head after it had been well covered in saliva, allowing the pre-cum to smear across your lips. Your hair was entangled in Chishiya's hand while the other delicately caressed your cheek to indicate that you should start taking him into your mouth. You gave him a giggle as you finally encircled the tip and slipped his dick deeper and deeper into your mouth. The head of his hard cock was pressed into the back of your throat and suddenly he started to thrust into your mouth. You did your best to relax your jaw and throat, his speed quickened as he started to message your throat, feeling the bulge made by his dick. “What a whore. You like getting throat fucked, don’t you?” You gave Chishiya his response by emitting a low whine.
“You can take it, right?” As you initially choked, he laughed and said, "Try not to choke on it." His eyes widened as he peered into your eyes, and he moaned when he noticed that his cock was entirely out of his view. He continued to hold a tight grasp on the back of your head while shallowly thrusting into your mouth. You felt as though Chishiya was using you; he was using your mouth to get off—the idea felt so, so wrong, but you'd be a nasty liar that it didn't ignite something in you. A feeling of satisfaction was brought to him as he saw tears pricking on the corners of your eyes from gagging you.
“You're such a bitch for my cock.” His body quickly begins to tense as he experiences his orgasm. He continued pushing despite your groans as you felt his release coat your throat. And it just kept getting better or worse, you didn’t know. Your throat was already stuffed shut from the sheer amount of his cum, and there was no way for you to swallow while in this posture.
But for Chishiya, it simply made things more enjoyable.
He let you to struggle with his cock while trying to breathe through your nose, but eventually it became too much, and you let his cock slip from your mouth. You swallowed as much as you could, your saliva and ejaculation making his dick glisten. His cum drizzled down your chin in a delightful contrast. He let you lick it off after wiping it off with his thumb and sticking his finger into your mouth. “We don’t want to make a mess, do we now?”
As you eventually stood up and adjusted yourself, he set himself straight. As he kissed you, Chishiya grinned as he tasted the salty aftertaste of his cum on your lips. Your makeup got smudged, and once you get back to your friends, there is no way you can hide what you have been up to. In your current state, the entire party would be aware of your activities. Sincerely, you're astonished that someone hasn't found you by now. But at this point, it didn't matter. You hadn't eaten in such a long time, and your stomach was full of alcohol and you were seriously out of it. Chishiya then kisses you right in front of your ear, interrupting your train of thought.
"Come on, let's get out of here. I want to test out a few more ideas this evening with you.” You stared at him, finding that concept too alluring as he teased you. The alcohol that was circulating throughout your body may be held responsible— But in truth, it was just Chishiya who drove you mad. "Do I need to make you a special invitation?" he asked…you really shouldn't leave tonight, especially since it was Sara's birthday and besides— it wasn’t like you did own him anything. You were just friends with benefits, nothing more.
“No, but if you really insist, I truly don't mind," you giggle in answer. He drew you closer with one of his hands on the back of your neck.
“Don't play coy. I don't find it enduring.”
“I’ll see you later, Chishiya.” You gave him a quick kiss on his lips and with that you turned to leave. You walked away slowly from him, hips swaying as if you were a runway model.
God, you were going to be the death of him. He could feel his blood starting to rush down anew just by gazing at you. He would never leave you alone in this club tonight, especially since you were looking like that. Gorgeous. You're lucky he's a patient man because he could wait hours for you.
He will find one way or another to bring you home with him tonight.
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Notes: Well Hi.🙃 I still don't know if I'll write a part two. I guess I kind of left this on a cliffhanger? Maybe, I don’t know. 😭 I'm not really happy with how this turned out, but we'll see. I might change something.
Also, thank you for reading and if anyone who did read it and was under the age of 18, I swear I will haunt you even in your dreams. 🤗
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imagine--if · 2 years
Hi may i ask for a niragi dating headcannons? Thank you (^-^)
Btw, I love your work
A/N: Thank you so much ☺️ I’ve been wanting to write for you all sooner, but my laptop charger decided to stop working, so I’ve been a little restricted with working and basically did this on a different computer because it’s literally impossible for me to type everything on my tiny phone screen 💀 Anyways, enjoy!! Requests are closed now but I’ll be able to answer every one that’s come in for you in the meantime 🤍
Warnings: Mentions of suggestive stuff (hickeys ☺️) and violence… is Niragi a whole warning himself lol
Quick note: These headcanons are personalised slightly since I absolutely hate how he acts with Usagi (you know what I mean 😐) so let’s say he’s more of a decent person than how he’s portrayed in some scenes 😅♥️
🖤 Dating Niragi Includes… 🖤
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🤍• Aaaaghhhh it’s the strutting bully in black and white who is almost as crazy possessive with you as Banda would be 😵‍💫 have fun, because once he notices that you didn’t shy away in disgust from his bold flirtatious advances and returned his attention back at the Beach, take him, boy’s yours 😂
🤍• These headcanons are typically set in Season 2, but before the fire and Niragi’s presumed death when it all burned down, with time and privacy, you somehow found the soft side of the victim-turned-bully who desperately wants you to believe that he’s a powerful, intimidating bad boy.
🤍• Jealous jealous jealous 💀 especially with Chishiya; if the smug blonde looks at you for a moment too long with that raised brow and observant eyes? He gets Niragi’s rifle shoved into his face with a barrel of insults and threats. Because deep down, he’s still vulnerable and doesn’t want anyone turning your head or seeing that he’s not done fearless trigger happy guy, he’s just Niragi.
🤍• And if you end up telling him when you’re alone that you only want Niragi, he has to a take a second to not cry. 🥲 Still, when it’s not just you two together where he lets his walls come down, he’ll persist on showing off by declaring how he dedicates his wins in games to you or something. All the survivors nod in confirmation with wide eyes at you when you question it in amusement.
🤍• He’s not one at all to back down from PDA, since subtlety is not Niragi’s strong suit, but if you’re not comfortable with him leaving massive hickeys for the world to see and his tongue down you’re throat in wide open public… yeah, okay, a roll of his eyes but he’ll tone it down and keep an arm slung around your shoulder.
🤍• He likes you playing around with his rifle, which is a wonder, since anyone else who gets too close to it has it snatched away and pointed right in their face 😅 but Niragi’s surprisingly quiet when it’s just you two in your room, him sitting behind you and playing thoughtfully with your hair, or guiding your hands absentmindedly, while you look over the weapon’s triggers and material. Occasionally his head drops in the crook of your neck with a tired pout and he gets fed up of your attention being on it instead of him, which could lead to… well, him having your full attention 😉
🤍• But after the Beach burns down and Niragi’s presumed dead, it leaves you to stick with Arisu and his group while you stay quieter than usual, watching the colours of lovebites fade from your skin over the days and your mind drifting to the cocky bastard who you’ve seen cling to you at night, neither of you saying a word about it but just letting it happen. Being the only comfort to each other, the only person in possibly years that Niragi’s let, in or even loved.
🤍• So when you see him at that evaporation game, or threatening Chishiya and Arisu with his gun, it’s a wave of relief and tears that makes him forget what he’s doing and hold onto you like he’d never let go again 🥹 he keeps saying he’s sorry, over and over, cradling you so tight you have to tell him that you can’t breathe
🤍• However, because of what happened at the Beach, he’s now terrified all over again about you hating him because of the burns on his face, so when you assure him that you don’t care and that you’re only glad he’s still alive, he’ll get that urge to break down and cry again 🥺
🤍• He’s still as arrogant and headstrong as he was before in games and with people, but a little weaker. You’re basically his nurse, cus the dude spits blood 😶 and him being him teases about that, but really, he wants to make sure he’s strong enough to carry on and get you both safe back in the real world, where he can look out for you instead of the other way around, and be a proper kind of couple
🤍• Niragi is increasingly protective now too, since he already lost you once. There’s no way he’ll let it happen again, and it’s hard to convince him to let you do things in games without him doing it all for you with you behind him. He means well, obviously, but it can be a bit overbearing sometimes 😅
🤍• All in all, once Niragi’s in love, he’s in love, and he won’t let you go. He’s actually a really great, passionate lover, all violent cray-cray traits aside - they’re never directed at you anyway, never - and there won’t be a day that goes by where you can’t tell.
🤍• I might have to write an imagine about this now 🥹 gotta love Niragi 💕
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wotterotter · 3 months
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ꋬꃳꄲ꒤꓄ ꂵꏂ/ꉔꄲꂵꂵ꒐ꇙꇙ꒐ꄲꋊ ꒐ꋊꊰꄲ
- I am an 18+ transgender man. I'm currently saving for funds to fix a car so I can work, start testosterone, and buy an art tablet so I can stop drawing on my phone.
- I am into a lot of violent video games, gorey content, and NSFW. I do not want minors on my page.
- No DNI besides minors, but I block liberally.
- I'm 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 so take that as you will. - my Ao3 is also Wotterotter. I write porn.
COMMISSION INFO- personal emergency, all single character commission prices set at 15 dollars till further notice. I can only take cashapp
*my blinkies were made by puddinzducky and putrefyingcorpse.
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brokenloverr24 · 1 year
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Wake up sweetie Alice In Borderland season 3 is official <33
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little-lily-w · 2 years
Surgery part 3
<<Part 2 here                 You asked for Part 4>>
A/N: I’m screaming into the void
Your eyelids twitched. All of a sudden the darkness of the night was replaced by something bright, a white fluorescent light that had no mercy and finally conquered your awakening. You blinked fast, there was a horrible burning on the side of your waist. Your pupils searching around the room. Had you had an accident? Were you in a hospital bed? Well, actually, you were. But not in the one where you were supposed to find rest and health, more so of a stretcher for an unfortunate lab test subject. And there, looking down at you, the face of Chishiya.
You tried to scream as much as you tried to have your pitiful flight response altogether but none of that happened because your limbs were incapable of moving by themselves and Chishiya’s hand moved smoothly but effectively over your mouth. He let you squirm and growl against his palm, knowing that even if he was barely making pressure against your lips, your fast breathing was going to start suffocating you when trying to inhale so much air through your nose. By the minute, he was already seeing tears forming in the corner of your eyes, rolling down to his slender fingers and then your questioning scared gaze.
That was when he could finally start talking and you could finally listen.
“I don’t suggest you struggle”, he told you with that low tired air in his voice, wondering why he always had to explain the most obvious facts. “Your arms and legs are cuffed to the stretcher. You can thank the game masters for that, they got really inspired about this”, feeling your lips quivering underneath his palm, he released more of the pressure, not enough to let you talk but enough for his thumb to move as a subtle caress wiping the tears from your cheek, mostly because he didn’t like the wet feeling on his own fingers. “It’s better this way. You need to stay still for this”, he scanned your body for a brief second, checking how well the restrains responded when your muscles pulled as he spoke. He clearly wasn’t risking another chase. The charm of the first one was over, now it’d be a repetitive boring task. “I know you want to speak but I have to take the knife out of my pocket and you’re going to have a panic response. After you let it out, I’ll allow you to talk”, he explained as a matter of fact and pulled the steel weapon out.
As he predicted, you started struggling again, rubbing your wrists and ankles against the leather cuffs to the point where they began to burn more than the bruise from the taser gun did. Chishiya disregarded you and used the time to examine the knife against the shiny light. Quite similar to a scalpel but with enough imagination, it could also serve for self defense. Yeah, he was certainly keeping it.  
Once the cat noticed that the little mouse began to do those hyperventilating noises and that the muscles of your body contracted hard in a freezing motion instead of pulling and twisting against the restrains, he moved his face close to yours, leaning down so much so that his hand was the only barrier between you and him.
“It’s okay”, he said in a way that for a moment sounded as an attempt of gaslighting. “I know. Yeah, I know you don’t want this. No, you don’t have to tell me so. What?” he said and eventually removed his hand.
“Chishiya, please”, you hurried to let out as soon as he granted you the opportunity. “Chishiya, don’t do this. I’m begging you, we’ll find another way, Chish…”
But the hand came back to your mouth, shutting you off. Then the countdown announcing that an hour and a half had passed by.
“It’s clear you didn’t have anything else to say”, he said, clearly talking down to you and almost chuckling. You growled with anger and fear but he stopped your animal instinct pretty quickly. “Enlighten me. You came to me asking, better say begging to take you here. Now that I complied and we are here, you want me dead? I’m sure you considered this possibility”. The way he pronounced those questions managed to touch a key inside you that made you feel ashamed but also, to your disbelief, rather guilty. You were wasting his time? And now risking his life? Wait a second, weren’t you the victim here? What should you think?
Chishiya moved his hand off again. With half closed intrigued eyes, this time he seemed to be genuinely more interested in an answer than on the game itself.
“I’m sorry”, you tried out, swallowing as many sobs as you could. “No, I don’t want you dead. It’s just… this could kill me instead”.
“But you trusted me enough to take you here”, he still let your mouth free. “Why not trust me now too? Especially when they clearly designed this for us”.
You furrowed your brows. “W-what? You are a doctor?”
Chishiya’s subtle smirk lightened his face but he didn’t offer the soothing answer you expected. “They never said the cuts had to be of a certain depth. I’m confident you’ll be somehow alright”.
What? What did that mean? He was ready to cut you, there was no denial, no escape.
“I’ll start with the least dangerous parts, which means your thighs go first”, the hand that was impeding you to speak before now travelled down to the upper part of your knee, gently laying on the area but the mere touch and the difference of body temperature sent goosebumps along your spine. “This…”, he sighed, his face serious as he talked to you. “This won’t be possible with the shorts on. You’ll need to remove them”.
And his gaze was a pure dare. Silent and sweet like a respectful gesture but also a dangerous threat. The motherfucker was giving you a game inside a game. And if he was going to free one of your hands for the task, you better quite play along.
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Maybe let me know if you think this is okay/want me to continue (?)
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rlyc00l · 3 months
BL2 AU: Rhys travels to Pandora for a simple job: take a train to Lynchwood, pick up an artifact, return to Helios. Only, he finds himself unwittingly caught in a trap that wasn't meant for him. Now stranded on Pandora alongside six Vault hunters, he has the choice between fighting Hyperion alongside them or dying horribly. Lucky for him, Handsome Jack is always looking for opportunities. All Rhys needs to do is a little bit of spying, maybe a teensy bit of sabotage, and then he's home free with a huge promotion and maybe like ten turbo-mansions. The Crimson Raider cause is doomed anyway, and Rhys is a pro at ignoring his conscience. Not that there's much conscience to ignore when you're betraying a group of murdering Vault hunters. At least, he's confident he won't have any internal conflict about screwing over that selfish jackass of an assassin.
Hey guys I went ahead and uploaded the first chapter of a fic I've also been writing alongside P0is0ned. This is one where I try to be CONFIDENT and not be a perfectionist. So I might update it a little more frequently? I mentioned this idea before but I think it would be interesting to have these two meet when they are both at their worst. Zer0 before discovering the magic of friendship and a Rhys who totally buys into Hyperion bullshit. (Also, I like writing the BL2 Vault hunters in general and IDK I just wanted to write about BL2 I have a lot of thoughts and headcanons.)
EDIT: As ff.net is perpetually broken, the chapter's also under the break!
———— The train was mostly empty when Rhys boarded, aside from the Hyperion soldiers that boarded at the same time as him. Rhys had offered them a cheery greeting, and been mostly ignored as the soldiers filed back into another car, somewhere behind them. One had stopped, asked him “You sure you’re in the right place?”
“This is the train headed to Lynchwood, right? Jack sent me on a job down there.”
“Yeah, well, keep your head down. Stay out of the other cars,” the soldier said, before following the others.
Technically, Jack hadn’t sent him, Vasquez had. But it was always better to invoke Jack’s name, and Jack had given Vasquez the job. Vasquez had simply passed it down to Rhys, and no one outside of Security Propaganda knew who the hell Vasquez was. If you said a job came from Jack, no one questioned it. No one except Vaughn and Yvette. 
“Are you sure Vasquez isn’t just sending you down to die on Pandora?” Yvette had asked as the three took their lunch break the day before. 
“It’s a peace offering! He knows I’m a threat, so he gives me the prestigious-yet-inconvenient job so I feel like I owe him. If he wanted me dead, he’d throw me out an airlock.” 
“I dunno, Rhys,” Vaughn said, mouth still half-full of hamburger. He swallowed. “He’s thrown a LOT of people out of airlocks, they say at a certain level you reach your allotted murder-limit. Now, send a guy down to the death-planet…” 
“Yeah, seriously, Rhys, you know there’s a war going on down there? And the entire planet is populated by bandits? And man-eating monsters?” Yvette gestured with her fork as she spoke. “Is he even giving you a gun or something?” 
“No, Yvette, because I won’t need a gun. I looked up the route, it’s extremely safe. I’ll mostly be on a Hyperion train, there will be soldiers guarding it, it’s fine.” 
Now, watching Pandora pass out the train window, he was feeling pretty confident that his reasoning had been accurate. He’d boarded at a Hyperion military post in the Highlands, its lush green landscapes a far call from the wastelands heaped with trash featured in propaganda videos. By now that green had given way to barren desert, but still not a single bandit in sight. At one point the train passed a pack of oversized skags, and later he was pretty sure he saw a body, but maybe it had been a weird rock. Ocassionally there were remnants of Atlas and Dahl’s failed attempts to colonize the planet. Broken-down buildings, being retaken by the elements. Obviously those two hadn’t thrown enough resources at the place. Jack was going all the way. Yvette would probably note that he’d be safer if he shuttered the window, but hey, it wasn’t often he got to see an undeveloped alien planet, and the glass was probably bulletproof. Rhys was starting to get the sense that Handsome Jack had ensured that Hyperion’s propaganda greatly exaggerated Pandora’s general awfulness–not that he blamed him. How else was he supposed to convince the investors? Not to mention it was a fantastic motivator for the workforce. Still, Rhys was almost disappointed. He’d wanted to see something impressive, have some good stories for when he got back to Helios. This place was just a lot of empty desert, ripe for development. At some point, the monotony lulled him to sleep, head propped against the window. The glass was cold when he woke suddenly. Outside, the desert was gone, replaced by ice and snow. It took Rhys a moment to realize that the sound he was hearing wasn’t the train, but nearby gunshots. Gunshots that didn’t fade out at the train moved. Well, shit. 
He shuttered the window, hunkering down between the seats. It had to be a bandit attack, bandits were no match for Hyperion soldiers. Just had to wait it out. 
Yvette had given him a stun rod before he’d gotten on the shuttle. “It’s better than nothing,” she’d said. He clutched it now, wishing she’d hooked him up with something more powerful. 
Minutes passed, and the shooting went on, accompanied by indistinct yelling. Still, no one boarded his car. He wondered what bandits would do to him if they found him. They didn’t have a reputation for letting people live, except to torture them. Maybe, if Rhys stayed here, waited to unleash the stun rod until the last second, he could catch them by surprise. Then it was a matter of getting a gun from one of them, diving back behind the seats (Were those bulletproof, too?), and taking down the rest of them. They’d be lined up, it had to be easy, right? He hadn’t ever touched a gun, but they didn’t seem that complicated. Right?
His planning was interrupted by a deafening boom, and the next he knew he was flying through the air. He hit the ceiling, hard, and he knew nothing more. 
It was dark when he woke, cold, hurting all over, and tasting blood. Part of him was afraid to flick on his palm flashlight, so he first tried to take stock mentally. He could only hear his own breathing, now. The gunshots had stopped. He wasn’t sure what that meant for him, but he was starting to realize that the train had crashed, or been derailed, or something. Which, maybe meant he didn’t have to worry about bandits anymore? Or, they’d be in at least as bad a shape as he was. Hopefully.
That led to the question of how bad a shape he was actually in. Okay, first, the blood taste. He ran his tongue around his mouth, finding the place he’d bitten the fleshy side, hard. Well, at least that wasn’t gonna kill him. His face stung, but in the carpet burn way, not the “there’s shrapnel imbedded in your cheeks” way. He had an agonizing headache, but maybe this was one of those times where you’d worry more if it didn’t hurt. His ECHOeye seemed alright, at least. 
Fingers checked out, both flesh and cybernetic, though when he tried to make a fist on the flesh side he found himself letting out a string of profanity. Fine, okay, he hurt his wrist. No big deal. His cybernetic arm was fine aside from an ache at the connection point, he wouldn’t be helpless. His legs were good, at least. And his torso…Well, it sort of hurt to breathe, which wasn’t ideal. 
Better get it over with, then. He turned on the flashlight and sat up with a groan to get a better look at himself. Sure enough, his wrist was swelling, and bruises were starting to form all over, but there wasn’t even close to as much blood as he’d expected. So, yeah, he probably wasn’t in immediate mortal peril. 
He turned his attention to his surroundings. In front of him were the rows of seating, the entire car had fallen sideways and he was sitting on what had been the wall. Snow drifted in from some broken windows above him. He realized how cold he was, now. He hadn’t packed much of anything, it was supposed to be one night, he’d counted on there being a Quick-Change machine.
Okay, fine, Rhys had seen all those border planet survival shows, you had to be proactive in these kinds of situations. First, figure out where he was, maybe find one of those soldiers, if they’d survived. He rose, broken glass crunching under his feet as he walked unsteadily across the car until he found the roof hatch. It only opened part way when he turned the handle, getting caught on the snow bank the car was half-buried in. It was a little brighter outside the car, a combination of Elpis’s light and a number of small fires revealed silhouettes of the train wreckage.  
He had to wriggle and clamber his way out, managing to get snow up his sleeves and down his shirt before tumbling down the bank into a foot of snow. 
As he pushed himself up, he found himself facing a…glowing blue line? His eyes followed it up to the hand that held it, and the strangely featureless owner of that hand. He blinked, taking a moment to put it together. 
Oh. A sword. A bandit holding him at swordpoint. 
He barely managed a “D-don’t.”, knowing he should probably beg for his life. He was finding he didn’t have the energy for begging, though. Snow was already melting through his pants.
The bandit leaned in closer, not taking the sword from his neck. The light of the blade reflected on the dark surface that should have been their face. A helmet with a dark visor, Rhys realized—or maybe they were a robot, but they seemed to be shivering too, just a little. 
“You are no soldier.” Their voice was deep, nearly monotone. “But you are Hyperion. / You have ten seconds.” “Ten…? F-for what?” He started to rise without thinking, only to be prodded by the point of the sword. 
“To explain yourself. / Jack had someone set this up. / You’re the last one here.” “Look, I…I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s freezing, my head’s killing me, can we just…Not do this?”
They prodded him again. 
“I-I mean, I was here for a business deal. I didn’t…” 
The figure lowered their sword. A red, glowing “:\” appeared in front of where their face should have been, and Rhys found himself wondering if he was hallucinating this entire thing. “You got on the train / Meant as a place of slaughter, / Just by accident?” 
Slowly, things were coming together. God, if he survived this, he was gonna never live it down. “I swear, I-I had nothing to do with this, I was told to get on this train, take it to Lynchwood. I was supposed to buy an artifact.” 
The emoticon was replaced by a question mark, but they lowered the sword. Rhys didn’t move, lest he provoke them. “Get up, or you’ll freeze,” they said, turning away. They limped as they walked. 
By the time he was on his feet, they were gone, only leaving footprints and an occasional spot of blood. He hesitated. Helios hung indifferently above him, framed with curtains of green auroras. He could just find one of these little fires and sit down next to it for however long it lasted, and hope for rescue. Except, a middle manager didn’t warrant a rescue, once the fire was out he’d just freeze to death. That, or Pandoran wildlife would get to him first. 
Following that stranger might mean being stabbed, but maybe they knew where to find shelter. He got up, and followed their prints with his palm flashlight, hoping the snow wouldn’t bury the trail before he caught up. 
He passed smoking wreckage and the corpses of soldiers. Wind bit at him as he walked, and he held his vest close, for whatever difference it made. Snow clumped up on his socks and the bottom of his pants, even as he tried to step in their prints. He tripped and stumbled a few times, there was trash everywhere, much of it hidden beneath the snow. 
Just when he was starting to resign himself to a cold death in a frozen trash heap, he saw distant lights. As he neared the word “Welcome” lit up one letter at a time, over and over. Again he wondered if he was hallucinating. Was that a symptom of hypothermia? But the footprints continued in that direction, joined by more tracks. Other survivors. 
As he got closer, he found that the sign was outside a structure built of snow and defunct Claptrap units. He opened the door. There was a short hallway, built of ice and more dead claptraps, and ending in a warm glow. Fire. 
He came out into a low-ceilinged room with six people and a broken–but still functioning–Claptrap. Before he could process exactly what he was looking at, five of them were pointing guns at him. 
He held his hands up, trying to inch towards the blazing furnace. “Please—Please don’t kill me. I-I-I–just, I’m trying not to free-freeze to death.” 
His eyes found the one who’d threatened him earlier, they were the only one who wasn’t pointing a gun at him now. But they didn’t come to his defense, either. They only watched him, arms crossed. Or, he assumed they were watching him, they could have just as easily been intently ignoring him. 
When nothing happened for a moment, he took the last few steps to put himself near the fire. It was hard to care about getting shot when you were so goddamn cold. There were at least six dead bodies already beside the fire, but he couldn’t make himself care about that either.
“That’s a Hyperion uniform.” The speaker was a Dahl soldier–marked by metal implants in his brow. He cocked his gun.  
“I uh, I’ve got nothing against Dahl,” Rhys tried.
That earned him a snort. 
Right, yeah, they’d all arrived at the same conclusion as the first one. “I had nothing to do with that, with the train, I-I was being set up to die back there, just like you.”  
“What’s happening?” The eyeless claptrap demanded. “I can’t see–!” A high-pitched bleep censored out the last word.  
“The mortar meat is too stringy! Where’s your pain stick?!” The masked man who looked straight out of Jack’s anti-bandit propaganda waved his gun as he spoke, then lowered it suddenly and gave a shrug. 
“Big guy’s right, he’s obviously not a soldier,” the blue-haired woman said, following his lead. Her tattoos matched her hair, and his first thought was “siren”, which almost seemed too absurd, out of six in the universe, why would one be here, in this weird corpse-shack? 
“Neither is Jack, and I mean, look at him,” said the pigtailed redhead, making a wide gesture at Rhys with her robotic arm– a much more primitive model than his. She looked too young to be here, he was pretty sure that was a high school uniform. 
“I uh, I don’t have the kind of power Jack does, even if I wanted to kill you? Could-could you at least put down the guns, for a second?” His head hurt too much to be dealing with this, he just wanted to sit down and relax for a minute or two. “That Claptrap is a Hyperion robot, right? Arguably more Hyperion than I am. And considerably more annoying.” 
“FORMER Hyperion robot!” the Claptrap addressed the wall. “Jack discontinued and destroyed my product line! I am a free robot now!” 
“I saw we kill ‘im already. The guy, not the robot.” The short, weirdly muscular man spoke up. “Then get this bullymong.” 
“You’re actually going to kill an unarmed man just for a label on his shirt?” the maybe-siren asked. 
“Yeah, really? I-I have… several broken bones, too, I think. If that makes any difference. And, if I uh, if I had anything to do with this, I definitely would have avoided hurting myself this bad.” He looked to the one with the helmet, pleading. They’d seen him in the snow, they’d judged him innocent.
“Hurry and decide,” they said, not even turning their head to look at him. “I am eager to move out. / And kill Handsome Jack.” There was something strange about how they talked, Rhys was realizing. Measured, concise, short… 
“What, you wanna freeze to death out there?” the soldier asked. “I’m not heading out until morning.”
They crossed their arms, a  red “:\” passing over their visor. “Fine.” 
“Oh come on, you already decided not to kill me, earlier! Could you at least back me up?” 
This time they did look at him. “I have no stake, here. / And you are clearly dead weight. / You’re doomed regardless.” 
“Your bones are made of toothpicks and my molars are SPOTLESS!” 
“Yeah, alright, good point, I think?” the soldier said.  We can always shoot him later, right? Once he’s earned it.”
The short man shrugged. “Yeah, whatever.” 
“Fine,” the redhead said with a yawn. “If he kills any of you in our sleep, that’s not on me.” 
At that, the group dispersed throughout the shack, finding comfortable spots, as if Rhys were suddenly of no more importance than one of the corpses by the fire. The maybe-siren hung back for a moment. 
 “Here,” she said, handing him an insta-health. “If you try to screw us over, I will liquidate your brain with my powers.” Okay, definitely-siren, then. “But for now, I’m not big on killing unarmed men.” 
“Thanks.” He took the syringe, feeling strange about using a random needle on Pandora, insta-health or not. Still, he was in enough pain to jam it into his arm, gritting his teeth as bones realigned. “So, uh, hi. I’m Rhys.” He offered his freshly healed hand and his most charming smile–he’d better ingratiate himself with these people, fast. “I guess we kind of got off on the wrong foot, thanks for uh, sticking up for me.”
She looked at him, then at the hand, but didn’t take it. “Maya,” she said. “And I can’t say the others were entirely out of line, considering who you work for.” “Worked for. I think trying to blow me up was Jack’s way of firing me.” Always better to invoke Jack’s name. “Might have been a little too vocal in criticizing his policies on Pandora.” He’d heard of people who criticized Jack’s policies, Jack dealt with those hands-on, but bandits didn’t know that. 
She raised her eyebrows. “Well, good to hear. Perhaps you can do something worthwhile, now.” 
“Worthwhile, like?” 
“Tomorrow, we hunt down the bullymong that tore Claptrap’s eye out. Supposedly, he can get us into Sanctuary. We’re going to kill Handsome Jack.” 
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altrodent · 1 year
Life Saver
Pairing: Timothy Lawrence x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Teeth rotting fluff, past relations with Handsome Jack, tiniest bit of angst, slow burn, Borderlands2/3 spoilers?, mentions of alcohol, lotssss of swearing lol, siren reader
Summary: After reunifying with someone from your past, you finally realize that someone you truly needed was taken away from you, just not the one you expected it to be.
DISCLAIMER: I wrote moxxi’s name like moXXXi for most of the story, please bear with me. Also, most of this was written very late at night and only poorly reviewed a couple times
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After the not-so-tragic passing of a psychopath who controlled your entire career, you finally ended up back on track with your life. You originally worked as head of defensive security at the one and only Hyperion, but where did it all go wrong? It began when Jack broke up with his, at the time, girlfriend moxxxi. You couldn’t tell if it was desperation, or just a thing he was into, but he quickly took a liking to you. A person in charge, power, strength, but not more than him economically. He eventually “promoted” you to his assistant and you absolutely despised it. He made an excuse that the desk he ordered for you wouldn’t ship for a while, so you’d have to sit on his lap while he did his work. Though he was attractive, wealthy, and even kinda funny, it just felt gross- perverted even… and not the good consensual kind.
Whilst you worked there, eventually you started seeing him more often, except it wasn’t him. It was a man named Timothy, one of his duplicates. He hired him to be a vault Hunter for him but eventually as time went on he talked to you more and more, even convinced Jack to let you go on some of his missions with him. He was sweet and funny, and maybe at some point you were interested in him, but the way Jack had you wrapped around his finger, he’d pull you back in if he realized you got too close to Timothy.
Years later after working with them, Jack finally passed away leaving you go back to a career that was your own. While you wanted to find Timothy, you just didn’t have enough time, though if he survived that long working for Jack, he’s sure to be fine. As time passed, you became a Vault Hunter originally for the thrill of the kill and to hopefully just do whatever the hell you wanted alone, but you caved and ended up joining a crew on a ship called “The Sanctuary” and even though you knew your rule about not getting attached, you were sure they could handle themselves fine if anything happened. They could, and still do, one day when wandering around this ship you finally enter the brightly glowing pink room. You always noticed it, but was always too busy trying to complete missions for the other members. It looked like a bar after going on a killing spree for days takes all the energy out of you.
“Hey, sugar, never seen you around here” said a beautiful pale woman with a harlequin type corset “Yeah, I rarely have time to… explore.” You said, with a sigh. The woman can tell by the dark circles around your eyes that you’ve been busy, she’s clever so she puts two and two together. “You’re the Vault Hunter, right, pleasure” she puts her hand out, you grasp it with a firm shake even though it looks like you’ve been to hell and back. She starts making you a drink, seems like Lilith spilled to her some of your interests, which leads to a very interesting offer; “So, Vault Hunter, I was wondering if you’d like to take me up on an offer.” She leans against the bar getting close to your face “… what kind of offer..?” She smiles before moving a piece of hair out of her face “Well, wanted to see if you’d be interested in a raid of the Handsome Jackpot casino and claim its riches. You can say no but, you will get a lot out of this heist” her gaze doesn’t look away from you, intent on getting you to do the mission “How much are we talking?” She walks around the bar, picking up a scribbled-on clipboard on her way, and presents it to you. “Holy shit.” She hums a laugh “So, do we have a deal, VH?” She smiles and holds her hand out once more, needing your trust “Yeah, we do.” You take her hand and shake it. “I’ll send the coordinates to your Echo, from there I’ll guide you through. When you get there please don’t die, I prefer my attractive customers to stay alive.” She sends you a wink as you take one last drink before preparing to head to the Casino.
You jump on the drop pod, to head to- what might just be, the most rewarding mission you could ever imagine. Sure shooting Skags for the nice old man on Pandora is rewarding but, this is a literal heist. You had heard of ‘handsome Jack’ but you knew Jack, so you weren’t very ecstatic to see him again, even if it was just for this mission. Sure he’s dead, doesn’t mean you want to completely cut him out of your life altogether. From the small window of your drop-pod you see what is a giant hologram of Jack’s head. Once your pod drops, two robots try to stop you and get you to pay for “VIP” valet, you just shake your head no and then run past them into the building. “For a fancy casino… this place looks like shit.” You hear a giggle over your ear piece “Yeah, after Jack died the casino got ransacked with debt-ridden peasants. They’re the one’s we’re gonna help, sugar. Hopefully most of them won’t have to feel your wrath on the way~” you huff a laugh, before making your way to a giant slot machine? “What the fu-“ “Jack here! Welcome to the Handsome Jackpot! Who’s ready to give me their money?” The man himself, again as a giant hologram… he loves himself, too much “After all these years, I still want to kick his dick in.” You mumble, Moxxxi laughs “Keep that energy up, Vault Hunter, you’ll need it”
“That’s Jack for you. Dead seven years and still is trying to screw us over.” You roll your eyes, “tell me about it.” Moxxxi tuts “I have a question, if I may, did you know Jack? Before he died?” You purse your lips “Yeah, unfortunately. Used to be his head of security, then he ‘promoted’ me to basically his own personal lap dog” you kick away some of the robots, moxxxi gasps “Sugar, were you the person at reception? I remember you now, I always felt so bad that you had to be so close to him everyday.” You sigh “I got the attention I never had, but not in the way I preferred… well until the other Jack came.” You reach a room full of more debt-riders “dammit, what a waste of ammo…” you look down at your fist and shrug, you realize that the debt these people owed made them unable to afford any source of energy… or guns, for that matter. “Wait, Sugar, what ‘other Jack’?” You grunt as another debtor tries to take you down “Can you give me a sec, Mox?” You turn your echo piece off, as you slam them into the floor. You tilt your head back “god, why is there SO MANY?!” Another wave falls from the ceiling, you give in to the waste and take out a gun and knock them all down with a single mag. You click your echo piece on again “What were you asking about-?” You said, whilst looting some of their bodies for home fully something. “The other Jack? Who is it?” You bite the inside of your lip “Jacks dead, so I can say his name now, right? He might be dead too- I don’t know I think he said it was Jim- Jimmy? Jimothy? I feel shitty now, he was like the only person I talked to when working at Hyperion-“ “Timothy Lawrence, hm, never would take you for the type.” You pause your looting “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Your jaw drops in disbelief “Nothing, Sugar.” You can hear her giggle on the other side “Head out the exit, you should see a giant tower, it’s the biggest thing in the casino by a mile. Now if I know Jack, and I’m ashamed to say I did, that tower is where we can find the keys to the kingdom.”
After about an half an hour of wandering around and killing all the debtors, you reached what Jack so “greatly” named the Spendopticon. All of a sudden you get an incoming transmission from someone named “Pretty Boy” you groan “What do you wan-“ he cuts you off, very rudely “Welcome to the Casino! So you’re the big spender who’s been racking up charges, eh?” Your face grimaces before shooting a debtor that tried crawling on you “uh, yeah? I guess, who the hell are you?” He laughs as you’re trying to shake off more people “Heh, well pardon our mess there, we’re still working on ‘renovations’. But all you need to know is I’m the boss here. Anyone gives you a hard time, just ask for Pretty Boy, heh! I’ll sort them out for ya.” You groan as you swing at another one “Look ‘Pretty Boy’, thanks for the offer, but I’m good working alone.” He sighs “Well, my offer still stands, don’t go breakin’ my heart so soon, toots.” He signs off “God, why does everything with Jack have to end up creepy and slightly perverted?” Moxxxi hums, “I don’t know sugar, but at least we know who the boss is. But don’t trust a word he says, he seems all teeth.”
You wander around to another court yard, but this time it’s different. The robots don’t seem to attack you, they race past you to fight off the debtors who are causing a riot. Stunned, you walk past him. Once you snuck past, you see something out of the ordinary “Can ANYONE hear me?” A voice yells from inside a big yellow crate, guarded by giant loader bots. “Hahaha! I got all the time in the world, Timmie! All the time in the world.” You step closer to the crate until a loose sheet of metal gets caught on your boot and makes a loud crash “shit.” The door on the crate rattles “Is someone out there?! Please, help me out!” Pretty boy laughs over the Spendopticon’s PA systems “Have fun with my loaders, ya schmuck!” The loaders all turn to you, “Can’t I just have ONE mission on a nice beach somewhere?” You whine, while you really aren’t one to complain, you haven’t slept in a while and your body is running off whatever gasoline liquor Moxxxi have you on the sanctuary earlier. You grab your gun of choice from your bag, and load in a new mag “Come on robitches, let’s dance.”
Pretty Boy calls in for more backup, you get distracted and an EXP-loader hits hard, destroys your armor completely. “Fuck!” Pretty Boy laughs and mocks you right before you shoot the screen with his ugly mug on it, unfortunately for your gun that was all the ammo you had left. Luckily, using the anger from the guy in the box complaining that he was trapped, you took out your rage against the robots and started bashing their mechanical heads in with the butt of your gun. “You might’ve destroyed my screens, but your next toots. And Timmie, it was nice seeing ya, handsome bastard. We’ll talk soon!” And with that the final loader drops and you head back to the door. It swings open revealing a man hunched over with a metallic right hand, and his hoodie up. He raises his hands “N-n-no! Don’t shoot, don’t shoot! Don’t- this isn’t what it looks like…” he pulls up his hoodie, and immediately you raise your gun more. If it wasn’t bad enough his face was everywhere, there is no way in hell… he survived! It’s Jack, but it doesn’t feel like it, also isn’t he supposed to be dead? You raise a brow in confusion and you keep your gun steady. There isn’t any ammo, but he doesn’t know that. “Explain yourself, now, or I’ll turn your face into ground beef.” He raises his hands more “I just need you to-“ he pauses and his hands drop slowly “It…it’s you…”
your brows furrow and you slowly lower your gun “I’m who?” His lip corners twitch, unknowing wether to feel happy to see you do upset that you don’t remember him right off the bat. He pulls his shirt collar down to reveal a pendant, a pendant you knew all too well. When you two finished your first mission, the older woman who you helped made you both matching charm necklaces. They were gorgeous and even engraved your initials together, since she thought you two were dating. You put your gun down, you reach into one of your pockets and pull out your pendant. You lock eyes with him, “Timothy, is it really you…?” He smiles, and before he can even respond something inside you breaks. The cold outer shell that formed over the last tasking 7 years sheds away as your muscles move, without your will, and pull him into a warm embrace. It doesn’t take long for him to bury his face in your hair, and hold you like he was never going to let go. “I was so worried about you, Tim… I should’ve taken you with me, I- I’m sorry.” He pulls away and cups your face “Don’t apologize! You’re here now, that’s all I’ve ever wanted… wait, why are you here anyways? I mean, I’m glad your here, but you got to escape Jack why-“ you grab his shoulders to get his attention “Would love to fill you in on what I’ve been doing for the past 7 years, but I need your help.” He smirks at me “I’ll help you as much as you need, baby- I’m sorry! The DNA… yeah I got some of his DNA so stuff like that happens now. But what do you need help with?” Your face is blushed a bit from the first bit, but you manage to snap yourself out of it “I’m trying to figure out how to get into Jacks tower.” He snorts “Join the club, butt-face! Oh my lanta, Im soso sorry I really can’t help it.” You giggle, and he turns his gaze away but, you’re not stupid and you can see that blush on his cute cheeks. “I can get you in though, this-a-way!” He spins your shoulders so you’re now facing the way to walk, and while you’re walking to wherever you need to go you decide to ask him a couple of questions. “So Jack infused you with his DNA so now you make weird Jack remarks?” He groans “Yes, it’s the worst. I felt like I wasn’t myself before, and now I’m like an off-brand version of Jack!” He pouts, and you giggle at his expression “Look, as long as there’s a tiny bit of you still in there, that’s all that matters… and hey, maybe once this is all over, I can get my medic on my ship to get you back to normal… if you want to, of course.” He’s not listening, or maybe he is? You can’t tell, he’s just gazing at you as you tiredly ramble to him. “You have a medic, and a ship, and you still are talking to me?” You nod “Why wouldn’t I?” He looks down at his feet and shrugs, before seeing blood at yours. His eyes widen to see that the explosion he heard earlier, was displayed very boldly on your back. “Shit! You’re bleeding- like a lot!” You yawn “I’m fine that happens.” He takes your arm and rushes you to a door in a nearby wall “Well, I was gonna do a tour but I don’t want you to die on the doormat!”
He gently sits you in a chair while he grabs a small medical kit he had hiding underneath a nearby pipe. He’s panicking, to wrap your wound but when he does your echo falls to the floor. “Hey, hun stay awake okay? I don’t want you… dying.” You happy-pout “You’re so nice Tim…” he squishes your cheeks “And you’re so stupid! Sorry- DNA, again… but still, please don’t get this hurt again, I don’t want anything bad to happen.” You rolls your eyes and lean your forehead against his “Yeah, yeah…” he fiddles with his hands “Maybe- maybe we can push the mission off until tomorrow?” You huff “I’m fine, Timmy, I swear-“ he squeezes your face between his hands “Hun, you look tired, hungry and you could die if I don’t help you. So please, just let me do this for you… you’d do the same for me, right?” You groan, “Tim, I promise, I’m fine…” he rolls his eyes “If you were fine we wouldn’t be having this conversation would we?” You avoid his gaze, he was right. But you didn’t want to be weak, you didn’t want to be vulnerable.
“I’d hate to break up this sweet moment, sugar, but we do need him to help us with the mission.” Moxxxi speaks over your echo, Timothy picks it up “Moxxxi? You’re working on this mission?” This hurts a little, sure you were his friend before you were a Vault Hunter, but that doesn’t mean you maybe didn’t crush on him at one point or another. And Mox is literally the Handsome Jack gaze, Timothy… Tim could love her. Moxxxi finally moves from my echo to the holo-pad, “Tell my why I shouldn’t let the Vault Hunter blow your brains out Timothy?” He raises his hands “Moxxxiiiii, hi… look, they’re basically bleeding out can you just let me handle that first?” She crosses her arms before looking at you. He turns around to see that you’re standing up, seemingly fine. “Wait are you..” he lifts the back of your shirt, the wound is gone “How-“ he furrows his brows trying to figure it out before Moxxxi interrupts him “VH is fine, again, tell me why we should trust you.” He rubs the back of his neck, “Look, Mox, I trust him. If he wanted to kill me already he would’ve. And besides, I know he couldn’t if he tried either.” He pouts “what’s that supposed to mean-“ she sighs “Whatever you say Sugar, but what use does he have for us?”
He moves around to my side “Well, as unfortunate as it is, I both look, sound and even have a little bit of his DNA. I can get the vault Hunter where they need to go.” Moxxxi walks up to you “Are you sure about this? I trust your decision VH.” You nod, a slight smile on your face. She hums “Okay, well don’t get carried away in here, Sugar.” She sends you a wink before logging off, leaving you a confused flustered mess. Tim leans over to look at your face “You okay- also, again, never answered my question! How’d you heal your back?!” You grab your echo again “I’m fine, and I-“ you paused, you never told him. He’s never seen it, your siren markings. How would he react to knowing that you his that from him ever since you met. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” You scratch your head, “I’ll tell you about it later, we ne-“ he raises a brow and looks at you with probably the sternest face he’s ever made. “We need to get you to stop blowing me off.” You sigh as he moves to face you and gently places his hands on your shoulders “Talk to me.” You can’t say no to him, “Fine, just… promise you won’t get mad?” He smiles “I could never get mad at you” god you really want to kiss him right now- BESIDES THE POINT, you clear your throat “Just uhm… this is a little odd, so just bear with me here.” He nods, you take off your remaining chest armor and lift the under shirt to reveal glowing markings that curve around your chests features. He’s just standing there staring, maybe it’s cause he’s confused, maybe it’s cause he didn’t know your a siren… most likely because you just lifted your shirt for him, but beyond that, you’re concerned. “I was talking with my medic, Tannis, and she ran some experiments on me and when I woke up I had these siren markings. I don’t know how she did it but it makes me able to like save myself? I just keep forgetting about it, I usually never had the pleasure of not bleeding out.” He’s still standing there “Timothy, you’re staring.” He shakes his head, his cheeks colored a bright cherry red “Sorry, yeah uhm… that’s cool as shit, also maybe next time a more descriptive warning- but nonetheless, we should probably get going on this mission, yeah?”
He walks around the Spendopticon showing you all the entrances, the turrets and most importantly where he thinks the plan will work most. And before you know it, after days upon days of fighting, and even a trusted persons betrayal, you’re finally here. Pretty Boy kidnapped Timothy, and he wants your head on a mount. Unfortunately for you, he has a giant mecha-Jack suit, and you have to take him out by yourself. As easy as it may seem to a hardcore vault Hunter, you also have Timothy’s life- as well as yours on the line. He set it to self destruct, and the only way you can stop it is by defeating pretty boy and setting Timothy free. Luckily, Pretty boy isn’t used to having such height or the mechs controls, so as long as you move a lot he can’t seem to hit you. He finally get downed “Would you like to upgrade to the premium shield package?” You hear Pretty Boy slam the controls “No, dammit! Just go back to work!” Soon more of his loaders spawn. You walk near Timothy as you kill them “Are you doing alright in there?” He kneels down to talk to you “Are you alright out there? I would help but these bars burn like hell!” You grunt as you kick away one of the mini-loaders “I’ll be fine, Tim, trust me.”
Soon enough Pretty Boy stands back up “Round two, Toots!” You look back at Timothy “wai-“ You reload your gun “I’ll be right back, swear!” You run right up to pretty boy, shooting his mech in the weak spots that were basically already ripping open due to the pure amount of gun fire. Eventually you shoot at the spot for long enough to the point that the legs aren’t functioning correctly anymore. He gets distracted and you take this opportunity to shoot at this other weak spots. Mainly his joints. Usually you would aim for the head, but seeing as that’s quite literally the only part of the mech that backfired, you chose not to aim for it… it literally repelled your bullets. Eventually after enough damage to the robot he gets downed again. You slide over to a crate and grab more ammo before one of the mini-loaders starts shooting at you. “Why you little-“ you pick it up and throw it at the other one and they both make a tiny explosion. Cute, but unfortunate. You make your way back over to Timothy “Hey, Tim-Tim, you still doing okay?” He squats “Maybe you should stop talking to me, and focus on not dying, hun” you tilt your head “Hun? What’s with that, and why do you care so much? Do you not trust me?” He points, and before even getting a word out, you cut him off with the sound of a pistol. “Yeah, loader, got it, answer my question”
you continue to blast your way through the small wave of loaders “firstly, I said hun because of the DN- no, because I wanted too, and secondly I care because-“ The mecha-Jack stands once again “Dammit! Can this stupid bitch stay down! I’ll be right back Tim, we can talk after you’re safe!” He throws his arms up in anguish, before accidentally brushing his finger against the lasers “Fuck!” And finally, after Mecha-Jack starts to fly, he falls just as fast. Pretty boy crawls out of his head and tries running away, you pull him by the collar back “P-please! Toots, don’t hurt me, I’ll do anything! Wealth, power, what do you want?” You point your gun at his head “I want quiet.” You pull the trigger and his final breath draws. Though his life ended yours continues… but it won’t forever if you can’t shut down the course towards the wormhole. “Use that panel over there, it should work!” You type it in before the Hyperion voice lady boots you out “We need your DNA, Tim.” He groans “And I can’t get out of here without that either… look, you should leave” you look at him in disbelief “Timothy, why the hell would you say that, I’m not leaving you here. That’s not funny.” He kneels down to face you “I’m not Joking… you have such a cool full life ahead of you, and I don’t want you to die just because I’m trapped in this shitty laser cage-“ he stands up, obviously with an idea “Timothy I’m not-“ he shushes you “Wait I have an idea. Cover your ears, I don’t want you to hear this.”
You look around the room, but oblige covering your ears. He hesitantly brings his hand up to the laser and screams bloody murder while he slowly saws it off. You cringe, you don’t like seeing him get hurt. He finishes cutting his hand off and he sits in pain “Just… just pick that up, hun… use that I need a second-“ he breathes shakingly as you pick up his severed hand and place it onto the machine “Handsome DNA detected! Self-destruction by wormhole protocol: cancelled. Cages: cleared.” The Handsome Jackpot stops moving and Timothy’s cage bars fall. He jumps down and meets you eye to eye “Who knew that after all these years you’d still be helping me?” You smile as his arms meet your waist “Never said I would stop, did I?” He chuckles as your arms wrap around his neck “Well I think my hero deserves a long awaited reward.” He looks at your lips and back to your eyes, you nod before he tilts his head and locks his lips with yours. As cheesy as it is, you’ve always dreamt of this, preferably without the murder bots and the small guy’s corpse behind you, but beggars can’t be choosers. “You owe me one, now, you know that Tim?” He laughs “Yeah, yeah… come on, let go loot the shit out of this casino.” As quickly as the debt raked up, it fell just as fast. And everyone was finally free from Jack greedy hands for the last time.
The End (?)
(A/N): I might make a “Timothy on the Sanctuary” fluff story after this, you won’t need to have read all of this to read that one, but it’s gonna be so fluffy (I’m ill, don’t ask 😭) But I hoped you somewhat enjoyed this! I was on a mental rollercoaster writing this.
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snappedsky · 3 days
Borderlands: Skies the Ultimate Treasure Hunter
Skies, Timothy, and Ava learn some history.
The Dimension Debacle Part 4
“Get away from me, you freak!” Ava scrambles backwards on the floor until she hits a wall. She tries to use her Phaselock, but her powers aren’t working, no doubt because of the metal collar wrapped around her neck.
An older man stands before her in front of the open door of the cell she woke up in. He appears to be some kind of scientist, with a lab coat and glasses. He’s also balding on the top of his head, has a grey beard, a SMG grafted to his left shoulder, and a very crazed look in his eyes as he creeps closer and closer to Ava.
“A Siren,” he wheezes breathlessly. “A real Siren. When Handsome Jack finds out I captured a Siren just for him, he’ll love me! He’ll adore me! He’ll never get my name wrong again!”
“Get away from me!” Ava shrieks again and kicks the scientist in the face, knocking him back.
He just chuckles as he straightens his glasses and turns back to her. “Silly, little girl. There’s no point in fighting. That collar on your neck nullifies your Siren powers. You’re completely at my mercy. And I’m gonna serve you up to Handsome Jack on a silver platter.”
Unbeknownst to the scientist, the door to the room opens up and a man walks in and looks around. He sees the scientist standing in the open cell and rushes over.
Ava squeezes as far back against the wall as she can as the scientist closes in on her, snickering and giggling. She closes her eyes as he starts to reach for her.
Then a gunshot rings out.
Ava’s eyes open to find the scientist collapsing to the floor, a bullet hole in the side of his head, and a handsome man standing behind him.
“Ava!” he gasps.
“Tim?” she exclaims.
“Yeah,” he smiles with relief. “Are you-oh!”
He’s cut off when Ava suddenly rushes into him and hugs him tightly. “Oh, okay...”
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luuvarisuu · 2 years
# 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲, 𝗮𝗶𝗯 !!
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— 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲𝘀. arisu ryohei, chsihiya shuntaro.
— 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. chishiya´s backtstory spoilers.
— 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀. headcanons about how the aib characters would confess to you + (how you met)
— 𝗮/𝗻. lmk if i missed smth!! AND IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG FOR NO REASON
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✧. - ̗̀ 𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘂 𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗵𝗲𝗶 , ❨ gn!reader ❩
— falling in love with arisu feels like . . . a soft breeze on a summer night, the warmth of a hug, an afternoon with friends, a colorful sunset, a clumsy first kiss, comfort, the smell of a new book, the pain in the stomach after an uncontrollable laughter, a walk through an art museum.
— ..♡;
ever since you first saw arisu, you felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.
you couldn't say why exactly, but the way he was simply made you feel instantly comfortable.
the truth is that arisu was very obvious with his feelings every time you were around.
it all started when you helped him in a game, saving his life.
some time later, without knowing too much about you, both of you separated, believing that you would never see each other again. however, you caught arisu's attention from that moment on, thinking of you even days after what happened, believing that maybe he would see you again when whatever is happening is over.
it was so that some time later, after having found the beach, he saw you once again, recognizing you instantly.
at first, he couldn't believe that it was really you who was among all those people, even being part of the executives.
although at first he thought you had something to do with what was happening, you protected him all the time, mainly from niragi, who constantly messed with him. you stood up for him and even allowed yourself to chat with arisu from time to time, even if it was very brief.
but arisu, although he tried to convince himself otherwise, began to notice changes in his own behavior.
the way he unconsciously missed your small talks, or found himself looking for an excuse to be with you, or even look at you.
how shy he would get when you sent him one of your bright smiles that made him melt, and how he found himself dazzled by your lovely eyes, turning red everytime you gave him attention.
in fact, arisu quickly recognized that what he felt for you was not something of friendship. he knew perfectly well that what attracted him to you was unconditional love, an undeniable romance.
arisu would start to protect you even more than he used to, and worry excessively if he saw you leave to renew your visa, the worst possible scenarios playing in his mind, and making him relive bad times.
because if there was one thing that arisu knew, it was that no matter what, you were the only person he couldn't bear to lose.
he also used to look for ridiculous excuses to hold your hand, and would make gestures to silently ask you for a hug, loving the feeling of your body in contact with his, making him all fuzzy inside.
neither could he help the lovesick smile that formed on his face when you ruffled his hair in an affectionate gesture, or when you congratulated him for having solved a difficult game, making him feel proud of himself.
the indiscreet way in which his face lit up when he saw you, and his eyes seemed to form hearts when his gaze interwined with yours.
the long, lovingly, warm hugs he gave you every time you returned safe and sound from a game.
his love for you reached a point where he couldn't keep quiet about it.
he was tired of having to pretend that his gestures were just friendly, and of not being able to confess to you that this is not how he looks at you, because as obvious as it is
you just didn't seem to notice his attempts to show you that he likes you, or maybe you were pretending you didn't (which is the kind of thought that definitely terrified him)
but, this was definitely the moment when he had to tell you
if he kept prolonging, according to him, "the perfect moment" to confess, that moment would never come
it was he who had to make it perfect for you
he spent HOURS writing a long and cheesy speech that adapted to something characters would say in love movies that chota forced him to watch just to annoy him (lol i think this is so canon)
obviously just to inspire, not to copy the exacts phrases, actually putting his own toughts on it
he was thinking and analyzing for a long time the type of things that you once mentioned that you liked to be able to add them
he put the paper in his pocket and spent a lot more time trying to remember everything word for word.
that day you noticed him especially nervous and shy when you got close to him, much more than usual
and suddenly, one of those nights when you liked to take walks by the pool just to think a little, arisu found the exact moment to tell you.
his palms were sweating and he scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably every five seconds, trying to calm his feelings
but it was at the moment when he looked into your eyes, sweet and full of stars, that he caught his breath.
the words stumbled off his tongue and his mind simply went blank, feeling a whirlwind of feelings overwhelm him, knowing he didn't need any speech to tell you what he thought.
"i love you y/n…that's all i wanted to say to you"
though all his talk was stuttering and avoiding your gaze, for the first time you felt his voice crisp and clear, making intense eye contact
and finally you smiled, completely dispelling his fears and leaving room only for relief, his heart beating faster at the way you looked at him, eyes full of love
"i love you too arisu…"
and at that moment, you swore that you had never seen a person blush as much as arisu did at that moment, the sparkle in his eyes increased and simply the relief of knowing that his feelings were reciprocated gave way to a sincere smile, the kind of smile that only had when you were around
the kind of smile he had knowing that you love him as much as he loves you
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✧. - ̗̀ 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘆𝗮 𝘀𝗵𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗼 , ❨ gn!reader / pre!borderland ❩
— falling in love with chishiya feels like . . . the sound of rain on a cold day, a first i love you, a hot shower in winter, the smell of clean clothes, the warmth of a sheet in a cold room, the moonlight reflecting on a river , the lovesick smiles of two lovers.
— ..♡;
after a long time of doubting, and having been under a lot of pressure from your family, you decided to choose a career in medicine.
it was a winding road, like climbing a mountain with no grip margin, a guaranteed fall
and yet, here you are, years after much effort, working in a hospital, just as you dreamed
the first time you saw him, you noticed something about that made it impossible for you to avoid looking at the blond when you accidentally ran into the him in the hospital corridors, unconsciously following him with your eyes until you lost sight of his presence
it was kind of routine, going by specific places and making brief eye contact.
and yet, one day, you had the opportunity to exchange a couple of words with him, exclusively for work
among your clinical folders you found one that belonged to him, soon seeing you have to talk to him to return it
perhaps it was his neutral look, or his calm tone of voice that slightly caught your attention, adding that to his mysterious and reserved personality that if you didn't find him interesting, you would even be scared.
and there you saw it on his id card: "chishiya shuntaro."
that was the last time you got a chance to talk to him (at least as two normal people)
because days after that was that the nightmare had begun
all you knew were blurred memories, and all the people important to you were strangers
you had to start finding a way to survive no matter how hard it gets
it was like that, how you accidentally ended up on the beach as one more member, meeting someone you definitely didn't expect to see again
yet you were not complaining
in some way, chishiya seemed to recognize you in the same way that you recognized him
it's as if the precise moment you two made eye contact he realized he knew you, somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he'd seen you before and he was willing to understand where and when exactly
that feeling, was the main reason why you caught his attention
but what kept it, was your courage and your curious way of seeing the world, not to mention your strong and determined personality that undoubtedly fascinated him
in his eyes you were definetly a really interesting being, unpredictable, unafraid to defend your ideals
in a way, at first he saw you only as a way out, one more phase to add to his plan.
but nevertheless, trying to win your trust so that you could trust him and he could use you to his advantage, fell apart the day he noticed that there was something else, a completely foreign feeling
you made him feel things
and he didn't like it one bit
he was IN DENIAL for the longest time
but could he really keep lying to himself?
he isn´t sure when the exact moment was when it hit him
the moment when he found himself anxious, thinking if you were be okay, if you were be safe after not seeing you for a long time
the moment he found himself asking kuina and the people you used to hang out with on the beach if you're back yet, and the unknown feeling of relief and warmth in his chest when he found out you were safe and sound
he also searched for you when he knew you we´re leaving to play a game to speak to you before you left, saying something just to let you know he actually worries
he probably just says something weird and you giggle at his attempts, making him blush slightly
chishiya might just tell you smth like "dont die, im really not bothered to replace you" trying to come out as tough and heartless but you surely see trough that
he also likes how easy you understand him so he doesn't have to be obvious about things
not good with words but makes an effort for you
the moment when he first felt his heartbeat increase when you unconsciously took his hand to make him walk faster
the moment when his smirks would widen into a full smile, one that he only showed to you
kuina constantly asking how you did to put him in a good mood (because after meeting you he was most likely grumpy all the time —her words)
the moment when his eyes unconsciously searched for you in a room full of people
the moment when he began to stop feeling your voice as an annoying sound, and he even enjoyed the feeling of calm that hearing you talk gave him, still pretending that he wanted you to shut up (secretly wishing that you would never stop talking)
the moment you started to care for him and take care of him, making him feel finally appreciated
the moment when after a game you went full on doctor mood and started taking care of him (even if he protested that he also knew how to heal his wounds, secretly enjoying the feeling of your hands on his skin, and the loving touch and soft with which you treated him)
the moment he said it, it wasn't anything particularly special really, it was something more impulsive and definitely without the intention of being too obvious
it was on the beach terrace, the place you two had designated as your secret place
not explicitly clear, but suddenly chishiya and you began to meet causally there and it became a kind of tradition to both of you
"y/n" the call of your name made you hum to let him know you were listening "…you're really aren't as bad and annoying as i tought the first time i saw you.." chishiya said quietly, still not making eye contact with you, keeping his gaze fixed on the starry sky, mesmerized by the glow of the moon
"what?" you smiled softly at his words, turning your head to look at him, kowing he meant to say something else but didn´t know how to start. you just waited, and he looked fucking beautiful right now just as your eyes examined his features
"i think.." he made a pause, trying to find the exact word "i think i actually like you..you know? like..romantically"
and that was all you needed to widen your smile completely, and finally look into his eyes, noticing how he tried to hide a smile that threatened to come out when he finally met your gaze
"yeah.." you whispered "i think i like you too...like, romantically"
and then, you heard chishiya laugh slightly, finally opening up to you and feeling comfy about it, just talking and leaving all worries behind for a minute.
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©luuvarisuu !!
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novankenn · 1 year
"Jaune Gets a Gun AU"
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON (link added)
This Post is just to get all the links to the various posts in one place.
Day One - Thorn & Lumina (The Post that Started it ALL) Toon Revolver (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) / Gun Heel (Bayonetta) / Mobile Infantry Power Armour (Starship Troopers) / Two Tailed Fox (Destiny 2) / Tail-Yellow Tailgear (Gonna be the Twin-Tail) / Day One Recap!
Day Two - (Poll #1 - Closed) To the Convention Centre / Mr Smith (Predator) / Jade Rabbit (Destiny 2) / Mystletainn (Is This a Zombie) / At the Food Court / Interested Parties / Another Rival / Imperial Army (Star Wars) / Bolter & Laspistol (WH40K) / Titanfall2 - Various (Pt1) / Titanfall2 - Various (Pt2) / Back to Beacon / Somewhere in Vale... / Detention's Aftermath...
Day Three - (Poll #2 - Closed)(Poll #3 - Closed) At the Gun Range... / On the Bullhead... / Zombie Rampage... / First Rule of SAW : You don't talk about Saw... / Colonial Marines - Various... / Date-a-Live - Spirit (Angel) / the Master Chief (Halo) - PT 1 / Somewhere in Vale... Part Deux / Republic Commandos (Star Wars) w/ Special Guest the Master Chief! / Ratchet & Clank (the Mootator)
*May or May not be made Canon. Undecided at this juncture.
Guest Author Submissions : If you enjoy these, please show the credited author some Love.
@itsupermanti : The Gaburivolver (Rangers "Super Sentai)
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I'm planning on rewriting the ENTIRE New Tales From the Borderlands storyline. As much as I enjoyed it, it was severely flawed and contributed nothing to the Borderlands universe. It will probably be a 200+ page project (which I've already started).
Would anyone be interested in something like this?
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chichix · 2 years
Arisu x Fem!reader
Warnings: AIB s2 ep8 spoilers!
*this is similar to the Chishiya x Fem!reader post, but more detailed a little
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╔═══════ ೋღ 🎮 ღೋ ═══════╗
You were sitting on a bench talking to your friend on the phone, you had to hang up due to your phone almost dying and you had to save battery to get home. As you were putting your phone away people were looking..up? Your curiousness told you to look up as well so you did, all you saw was light orbs in the sky. Everyone was filming, some people pointed, while others were mumbling ‘woah.’ Unexpectedly, a few more orbs flew downwards.
An explosion was created. The part of Tokyo was covered in smoke and fire, citizens were either injured..or fully dead. You on the other hand was injured. Your left arm was broken while you had cuts and bruises on your other arm and legs. You woken up, you could only hear muffles of voices and commotion. “Ma’am can you hear me!” A voice had said to you. “Check the pulse now! She can possibly still be alive!” Another voice. “She alive! Take her now!” That was the last words you barely hear..
Later you woke up. But in the hospital. You looked around, seeing the hospital room clearly. You had seen your mother giving you clean clothes on the table beside you, “Mom..?” You spoke, your mother stopped what she was doing and looked at you with watery eyes. “(Name), your finally awake..” She smiled while she gently caressed your cheek, “Your father couldn’t come see you today since he had work.” Your mother said while laying out more clothes for you, you eyed them before you replied to her; “What happened?” Your mother paused for a second and continued to do what she was doing. “A meteorite hit Tokyo, the spot where you were at. The borderlines took you in and did there best to treat you.” You had no words just looking down, a doctor had came in to examine you again. Your mother said her goodbyes and left the room.
After a week of recovering, you decided to walk around the halls of the hospital. Plus, get a drink from the vending machine. You came across one and walked towards it, you saw a man sitting down at the table that was placed next to the vending machine. You thought he was cute but ignored him and put your coins in, you then got your drink and your change. You kept thinking about the man that was sitting down near you, so you made a move. You walked up to the table that he was in and looked at him, “Can I sit here if you don’t mind?” You spoke, the man looked at you, a little confused but replied; “Uh yeah sure sit down.” You nodded and sat down, you struggled to open your drink but managed to do it with one arm, you then took a sip of it and closed it up. “I wonder how long its going to take to rebuild the cities.” You said trying to make a conversation. “Probably awhile, the explosion did take a lot out. I assume uhh..couple years.” The man said smiling at you, your smile came out as well while looking at him, “Whats your name?” The man said curiously looking at you now. “Its (Name), and you?” You responded with a grin, “Mine is Arisu.” He said while nodding casually. After awhile of chatting, you both got to know a lot of things about each other.
{ Time skip }
Two weeks went by, you gained high feelings for Arisu, and so did he. You both always hanged out together and it was kinda obvious that you both liked each other. Arisu had told you later at noon they should go outside and hang out, you said sure and headed to go outside later at noon like he said.
He was waiting, sitting on a chair outside, when he saw you he shouted out your name and waved at you. You speed walked over to him and sat down. “Why’d you insist of sitting outside today?” You teasingly said while smiling. “Heh, what do you plan on doing after you fully recovered your injuries.” Arisu said without any hesitation, “Well..maybe just say hello to my family and get a job again, why do you ask?” You replied, leaning in slowly. “I was thinking after we get out of the hospital. We can go on a date, a proper one and maybe hang out sometimes, like we do now but not in the hospital.” He said almost mumbling, your eyes widened at his words, your face flushed pink just a little. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” You slowly said, Arisu nodded doubting himself a little if you’d say no. “Yes! I’d love too!” You exclaimed while showing your bright smile. He leaned in while smiling, you both looked at each other resting your faces, you both moved your faces closer to each other until you pressed your lips together. He held the tip of your chin while you gently held his jawline, you both pulled away looking at each other once again.
"I'll forever be with you..(Name)."
"I will be with you forever too..Arisu."
╚═══════ ೋღ 🎮 ღೋ ═══════╝
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