#Brainrot hotspot
elizakai · 1 year
revealing my true analyst self 😪💫
When it comes to media I enjoy I get so much brain-rot, and zuchiyeni’s idol! Au has been plaguing me, so I thought I’d share for anyone mildly interested. And I’m definitely totally not procrastinating.
these are just headcanons (?) and ideas mwaha.
I WANT TO TALK ABOUT IDOL DREAM✨ because it’s dream.
VOICE WISE , I think it’s pretty universal in fandom to imagine dream’s voice as more ✨feminine✨ (correct me if I’m wrong).
But an au that contains SINGING provides OPPORTUNITY. See, Dream’s well known , recognizable, popular, surely he is unique in some way. “Pretty voice” is Great and all, But he gives me ‘actually talented vocalist’ vibes. like. Imagine he’s got this really pretty atmospheric voice, pretty normal idea. Now ELEVATE THAT. Imagine he has the vocal capacity to be gritty. I’d ASSUME that’s not their music style typically (I have no idea what their music will be like to be clear) but just the ABILITY. To be really raw and powerful. And it comes out sometimes *ascends* that makes it more interesting imo. He’s sweet, mipy cinnamon roll. But boy could keep up with like a metal band if he wanted. That’s just equally funny and amazing.
I have example ideas but I’ll leave that out unless someone wants em so that this isn’t torture text to read hhhhh.
I just. Have brain worms at this point. If you’re still reading this, kudos.💀💫
My brain is also convinced that dream gets passionate in that way when he’s absorbed in emotions rather than performance. Like, if he’s invested in a song, he sometimes disassociates. That’s when the most impressive performances happen either way, I imagine ink and blue let it happen and just keep an eye on him. subtly snap him out of it afterwards.
He really likes Error. As a celebrity. I have an explanation I promise. Original Dreamtale Dream, according to the creator, has a respect for error. INTERESTING, right? You’d think their opposing morals would suggest otherwise?
This is ME interpreting (SIDE TANGENT)⚠️
But maybe Dream sees some of himself, or understands Error despite not interacting much. The both have a conviction, a belief, and they adhere to/ act on that. …alone. ERROR is convinced that alternates of the original world are bad, so he’s convicted to take care of it. It’s HIS responsibility in his mind. And the task is IMPOSSIBLE. he knows that deep down. But he tries, and he's all alone in it.
DREAM has been conditioned to believe that his worth/ purpose/ existence all ties back to making sure everyone is happy. That’s IMPOSSIBLE. But, he’s convicted of this as his sole purpose. So he tries. And he knows it’s impossible. And he’s all alone in it. They are both just isolated. So while dream doesn’t necessarily agree with him, specifically his erm, methods. (Cause dream DOES understand balance and probably can somewhat understand his pov) he doesn’t hate him, he has RESPECT. EVEN MORE INTERESTING IF YOU INCLUDE INK. He may align with Inks values MORE than Errors. He’s respectful towards and works together with Ink. But I think Ink has lost his respect. It’s confirmed that in dreamtale, dream and ink have some sort of falling out. There’s broken trust. Imagining inks response to dream not disliking error as much as he should is interesting. Lmao ig they both have drama with ink. (END SIDE TANGENT)⚠️
ANYWAYS. Back to applying this to Idol! Error strikes me as a more ‘senior’ idol. I’m just imagining dream enjoys watching his performances and keeping up with his fanbase, just. Happily watching interviews and listening to his music sometimes. <3 Does he entirely emulate him? no X) he just liked him. And if he takes notes sometimes, that’s his business.
ink: ‘REALLY? THIS GUY? He’s an Asshole!!!’
dream: *sighs dreamily* yeah…
meanwhile blue probably has managed to casually say hi to the guy and make friends. Dreams too shy. An interaction would be very awkward. But an colab would be an drEaM come true .(wow! So funny!) Ink half heartedly hating the guy.
also I’m JUST saying.
Error. Dream. messed up. sleep.
Insomnia. I JUST. Like the idea. *evaporates* if I count as a fan, the fans want a colab >:(
I’m going to assume we all already are guessing dream and nightmare have some sort of drama🤪. I really like the idea of the MT.trio and The Stars performing together , despite probably being rivals, but I wonder if MT.trio looking up to Nightmare would affect that. Like, depending on how the twins feel towards each other, Nm might be like ‘avoid dat biatch’ and the trio is like ‘yes yes, very bad’ 😪✨ (also if what are their FANBASES like???? Like interacting with each other?? Drama much?) also I guess this could apply to Error. Is he a rival to nightmare? Are they friendly? Either way, does he care much about nightmares opinion? If they are RIVALS him interacting with dream and crew is funny.
(I imagine blue is friends with like everyone anyway. And ink probably would tolerate him if he had to.) but If nightmare is negative towards dream, and Error is a friend of his, it’s kind of great imagining Error just being chill and aloof but mentally assessing dream when they interact, keeping in mind what nightmare has said. Next time nightmare complains about his brother errors like ‘lol ur little bro seems perfectly normal but ok hoe B)’ *proceeds to hang with both of them*
(god it’s longer than I wanted ahem.)
I NEED TO STOP GOODBYE NOW :) these are all just goofy ideas and now I need to actually go be productive at 2 am.
I like discussing silly things so like, feel free if you somehow read to the bottom💀.
Idol! Dream by @tuxibirdie
Idol! Au by/ belongs to @zucchiyeni
dead brain cells by @ me.
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ursulaincorporated · 2 months
Bad QSMP au ideas - Laundromat AU
It’s a “modern au” in the sense that it takes place in the real world. Quesadilla Island is a city rather than an island. Phil lives at the top of an apartment building, the Federation is the government force of the city, etc.
Everything is exactly the same plot wise though. They still end up in Quesadilla by train. The Brazilians still get in a boat wreck. The French crash land into Phil’s apartment building.
But all the lore happens in a laundromat. For some reason, literally no one is allowed to own laundry machines. Everyone has to use the laundromat. It becomes the meeting hotspot. When the Federation starts acting up, they talk about it while folding their tee-shirts. Ordem Theoritas’s home base is in this fucking laundromat, in the back room, where everyone can fold their fucking socks and talk about taking down the government.
Except, literally all the lore happens in this laundromat. The “codes”, the eggs showing up, the Presidential elections. I mean, literally every fucking this happens in this laundromat. Baghera gets coords to visit this place and finds out her past as an experiment in the Federation and it’s under the FUCKING LAUNDROMAT.
This doesn’t mean they can’t ever leave the laundromat. They do. They have lovely lives outside of it. Phil still has his sanctuary. Everyone has their own homes. The Federation has their own building. They try. They try so hard to do things in other places and it never works out. They always find themselves back at the laundromat somehow.
I don’t know why I started brainrotting over this idea. I think it’s just funny if they started another meeting about the codes trying to kill their kids and it’s in the middle of a fucking dryer that’s heaving like it’s going to die any second.
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ouroboros-hideout · 3 months
News from the capital of Brainrot Republic: a dangerous curse fell upon these lands and it can only be lifted by writing a sacred text for prompts 35&36 [Hands]. Otherwise the nation will lose morale by facing a dreadful fate of only ever using Times New Roman [14 pt.] for every piece of writing. Make sure not to make it too green!
Okay you get a little of everything. Half-baked writing and some ramblings. Tried to keep it short to teach my perfection-brain a lesson in modesty, otherwise I would nightshift until monday to satisfy it. I hope it's enough to lift the morale of the Brainrot Republic to prevent the worst from happening *saluting to General Rev*
35: Hands - grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back to them
An unnamed battlefield during Unification War – 2069
(plannig to make a whole chapter out of this situation, so it's something like a little teaser)
First of all, a little mind game to better describe the situation. The beginning of corpo!Kaon is due to the fact that Kurt is supposed to destroy or steal some secret tech from Russia, which Millitech then uses for itself to gain new strategic advantages. This secret tech, which Aon is developing at the time, is the precursor to the Chimera. After Kurt takes the plans, they end up in the hands of Militech's Chief Engineer, who of course immediately puts his name under it and changes the blueprints to such an extent that not much remains of Aon's original plans and design decisions. Which is why she will forever be salty about the pile of scrap.
The scene I imagine is, as mentioned, on one of the many battlefields during the Unification War. Somewhere in a city, since they have one of the Chimera with them and it was designed for urban areas. However, the fucking thing malfunctions and Aon, as a mechanic is assigned to take care of it during the battle.
The whole situation is pretty dicey, Militech is in an unfavorable position and the tank would be their chance to turn the tide. But Kurt thinks it's too dangerous to repair it during the fight, so the two get into heated arguments.
Aon finally has enough of him, defies his orders to stand down and runs towards the deactivated machine.
At that moment, he could have simply called after her in a stern tone, barking orders as he does with every other of his soldiers. But he runs after her and grabs her hand to pull her back to him. This is a moment full of tension, as there is already a lot of chemistry happening between them and he makes it clear, that he wants to protect her and that her well-being is very important to him. She realizes this of course, but at that moment her ambition and the urge to do her job is unfortunately greater, which is why after a few moments of staring at each other she breaks away from his grip and runs to the Chimera to repair it anyway. With fatal consequences.
36: Hands - unconsciously searching out each other’s hand while sleeping
Black Sapphire – 2070
Kurt walked through the huge room at the top of the building, which was apparently called Black Sapphire, judging by the gold lettering on the large entrance doors at the bottom of the street. He could dimly recall the news when investors had tried to turn Pacifica into a tourist hotspot and this was supposed to be one of the most luxurious hotels on the entire West Coast.
A dream that never came true. Quite fitting that he was now stranded here, he thought.
You could guess that some kind of club or casino was supposed to be built up here, at least long counters had been set up for a couple of bars and now rather outdated gaming tables were gathering dust under thick canvas covers. Otherwise, the room was dark and empty, like most parts of this forgotten place.
Kurt was just tired.
To the left were a few narrow steps leading up to a kind of terrace or balcony. There were also a few pieces of furniture left behind, all covered in the same semi-transparent plastic sheeting covered in the dust of the badlands.
He threw it aside with a flourish and finally dropped onto one of the armchairs, exhausted.
He grimaced as he reached for his left shoulder and turned the joint. The wound still had not fully healed yet. And he still couldn't get used to the goddamn arm. It felt more like a strange object, than a limb.
"Here you are."
He lowered his arms and turned around in surprise. Aon came wandering across the room towards him, a thin smile on her lips. But she, too, looked exhausted and tired, which could definitely not be blamed on her. She was putting all her strength and skills into creating something out of this place as well and barely took a break from it.
"Yes. I needed some silence."
She walked around the two-seater and sat down next to it.
"I think you've found the perfect place for that."
They both just sat there in silence, looking down at the glowing skyline of the city. The city that should have been theirs. Kurt couldn't tell how many minutes had passed when he noticed Aon's head falling onto his shoulder and she leaned against it. But not only that. Apparently the exertions of the day had taken such a toll on her that she had finally fallen asleep. A thin smile crept onto his lips at the sight. He was also deadly tired, but there was still far too much going on in his head for him to be able to close his eyes.
A few minutes later, Aon turned to him, cuddled even closer to his shoulder and half-asleep searched, a little awkwardly, for support. She wrapped her arm around his and reached for his hand. Normally Kurt would have grabbed hers immediately, but he hesitated at the thought of gripping her fingers with those mechanical claws and pulled his hand slightly to the side. She persisted, however, until she finally got hold of his wrist, followed by the pinky and finally the whole hand, slipping her fingers between his.
This small gesture touched him. In different ways. Bitterness arose in him whenever he looked at the dark metal that had replaced his hand and entire arm. Weakness and failure were the first words that kept popping into his head. And the fact that he could no longer even feel the warmth of her hands only intensified his melancholy. On the other side, even when she was asleep, she didn't seem to find it strange to cling to those cold, dead knuckles and apparently even found a kind of comfort in it. She accepted this new part of him, much quicker than he does.
He had lost a lot in the last few weeks. But he was more than happy and relieved about everything he had left.
A few more moments passed before he also closed his eyes and tried to get a few hours of sleep, resting his head on hers.
(A small footnote in case it's confusing. Corpo Aon doesn't have Gorilla Arms like Aon in the main fic. Therefore Kurt's grief at the loss of his senses is much bigger).
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creepylittlelady · 10 months
The Forest in my AU [Puppet Strings Lore Dump]
Hi! I decided to go write more in depth about my AU, which goes by the name 'Puppet Strings'. It's a lot more fun actually talking about my AU then I initially thought so I might be making a lot of posts ;3
So, my AU has four main locations;
The Forest/The Labrinth
The Underworld
The Outside World (Earth)
and The Garden. The Forest is of course Slenderman's Forest, and YES THIS IS A SLENDERMANSION AU.
I'll be going into detail about them since I've been having the most Creepypasta AU brainrot that I've ever had in my entire life lol
The Forest
-The Forest, The Labrinth, The Slender Forest, The Operator's Forest, The Alternate World, it goes by multiple name. But the Pastas and the few 'outsiders' who know of it generally call it 'The Forest'.
-It was formally an actual town, although it's not a very well documented place and the name of the town originally has now been completely lost to time. Sometimes if you walk far you'll see the ruins of former Estates, but there's no evidence of it being there beyond that.
The Forest is a Labrinth, meaning its its own separate reality and does not have to follow the laws of Earth or the Underworld. This means that it has its own rules, and not many people can venture into this forest. There's actually a certain set of unwritten conditions that you have to meet if you ever want to go into the forest. Nobody knows what these conditions are but Ben, EJ and Lazari believes that there's an intertwining reason that the three of them came here, as they have had prior experience with cults.
In a Labrinth, the laws of mortality do not apply. Due to this, if you stay in a Labrinth for a long time, your ageing process slows exponentially, and then stops. Since many of the Pastas have made the Labrinth their home, they can no longer age. Lazari, often switching between living in the Forest and living in the Underworld, hasn't had her own ageing process stop entirely but rather she ages EXTREMELY slowly. She probably won't age another year for maybe about a Century.
The Forest, since it is detached from a mortal reality, is home to many strange otherwordly entities. Any benevolent creature you can think of can and probably does reside somewhere in the forest if you go deep enough. However the place is incredibly haunted and you really can't avoid a Ghost or a Malicious Spirit no matter how hard you try. Due to the fact that most of the residents are murderers, the souls of their victims are just all over the place.
There's actually a whole section of the forest dedicated to the ghosts that live there. Lucy is technically their commander, since she has the unique ability of being able to control spirits, but she just considers herself as their friend. The ghosts don't seem fond of the residents of the Mansion, particularly Sally and Ben, since they rank a bit higher on the Ghost hierarchy. (I'll make another post on how Ghosts work in my AU sometimes in the future).
Since Slenderman/The Operator owns the forest it's technically connected to his/its mind and so the surroundings change depending on his mental state. Many of the plants begin to die if he's away for long enough and sometimes it gets more cloudy if the Operator decides to take control.
The Mansion is the most integral part of the Forest, of course. Its the main centrepiece, and a paranormal hotspot. The Mansion was once a real mansion that belonged to an very rich family sometimes over 100 years, but Slender doesn't talk about it. The Mansion seems to go on forever, and is so big that people can live their whole lives there without meeting each other. Some of the Pastas, such as Bloody Painter and Zero, live in isolation in their own separate parts of the Mansion and some of the Pastas don't even know about them as they live completely separated from the others. This is of their own volition of course.
There are other functioning buildings too, as Nurse Ann and Dr Smiley live together in their own 'clinic'. Its a smaller, more dilapidated cottage that works more as a surgery house than an actual home. However they have their own smaller rooms upstairs and can live alone just fine.
Although the Forest can be your home, it can be your worst nightmare. Somehow if you manage to find you way in out of pure willpower or sheer dumb luck, and you don't meet any of the 'requirements' to get in, then you won't have a fun time. You'll start to suffer terribly from hallucinations and strong bouts of Slender Sickness to the point where you can go insane. This has happened a few times and the dealing with these stray wanderers is the Proxies' job.
If you go deep into the forest, typically the part nearest to the gateway to the Underworld, the Slender Sickness gets a lot worse there. There are a bunch of dead bodies hanging from the surrounding trees that none of the Pastas have ever really gone to clean up.
Most of my AU takes place here, and I can go into more depth if you, the reader, happen to find this interesting :D.
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wygolvillage · 2 years
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my internet has been out all day (and is still out im just using my phone as a hotspot 😭) so ive been satisfying my boredom by drawing pinups with weird color schemes. been in a blue/green/yellow mood AND as always i have werecat shanoa brainrot. im dying over here
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k-roseartt · 1 year
I’m not dead! just slowly recuperating for social media and all that jazz.
I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, more than usual. So I do apologize if I haven’t been responding to any messages or replies outside of tumblr here.
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Been figuring out how to reorganize my blog/content here and there, not much but it’s honest progress. Other than Instagram has been my main hotspot for posting my content so, I’m going to try to use this spot here a bit more to post too. (When I can)
Edit: Also be prepared for some brainrot fanart, because lawdy, I’ve been spiraling down memory lane lately
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
One Piece verse bc the brainrot’s got me good
Leon Brandt-Muriell, aged 21, is the captain of the Champion Pirates, a small crew originating from the island of Galar. Like many others in the world, he was drawn to the seas in search of chasing his own ambitions, and the competition to be the first to find the One Piece was too big an opportunity to pass up. He’s always down to take on a challenge! 
In reality, however, Leon doesn’t care too much about finding that prize. He’s far more interested in the exploration and sense of adventure that comes from sailing through unfamiliar waters, and he’s keen to see as many wonderful sights as he can so he can relay his stories to his family waiting back home. Unfortunately, Leon’s sense of direction remains as appalling as it is in his canon pokemon setting, and so a lot of his adventures mean going in circles, getting hopelessly lost, or having to pick a random direction, sail straight, and hope they reach land eventually. He doesn’t mind; it’s all part of the fun!
Speaking of his home, Galar is one of the few islands in the world with a rich natural supply of Dyna Stones. They can be found all over the land, something that’s made the island a bit of a hotspot for Marines and pirates alike, and the island has been pushing forward in its efforts to draw the most potential from these mysterious minerals. Galar’s greatest invention came in the form of a Dyna Band - a wristband that, when powered by a single Dyna Stone, allowed the wearer to temporarily infuse anything they touched with the explosive Dyna energy. The Band was designed to be most commonly prepared with projectiles, things that could be safely thrown and detonated a fair distance away from the person.
Leon owns one of these, and he’s lucky he got in there quick - once its dangerous potential was known, the item’s production was forcibly halted and withdrawn from public accessibility.
This incredible weapon didn’t come without its downsides, however. As of right now, the invention is still new and underdeveloped, and its halted research means it’s unlikely to progress any time soon. At maximum, it can infuse a total of three projectiles with explosives before it needs to recharge. These explosions get weaker each time, though all have the potential to be dangerous. The second issue is that using a volatile mineral often means dealing with unforeseen side effects.
Leon himself was injured by his Dyna Band, needing weeks of hospitalisation and being left with deep scarring up his right arm and across his chest. It was this injury that inspired him to leave Galar and make a new life for himself on the seas instead.
( Short summaries on the rest of the Champion Pirates are below this point.)
Marshy, aged 16, and Bernadette, aged 14. While they don’t have a lot of practical skill to bring to the table, the Champion Pirates’ youngest members make up for their inexperience with their friendliness. Marshy is the strongest swimmer, though he’s slow to react to the sounds of people drowning, and his fishing skill is unmatched. Bernadette, on the other hand, is great for chasing rumours or gathering general information. People are more likely to let their guard down when they’re approached by a cute, doe-eyed little girl, and she’s quick to use this to her advantage to wring as much knowledge as she can out of them. The two teenagers are very close friends.
Voltaire, aged 23. The only present expert on Observation Haki. Some of the others have limited usage, but Voltaire’s skill with it far surpasses everyone else on the ship. Combine this ‘sixth sense’ with his catlike grace and almost-silent style of moving around, and you have someone perfect for slipping unnoticed into the occasional out of bounds place. In the more mundane day-to-day, Voltaire insists on keeping watch at night. He argues that his Haki stretches father than the others’ eyesight (a valid point, to be fair), and likes the solitude he gets during the night.
Meilyr, aged 27. The navigator and first mate, though he’s often mistaken for the captain by those unfamiliar with the crew. He’s been a friend of Leon’s for years and takes it upon himself to act as his guide whenever they’re away from the confines of the ship. Meilyr’s weapons of choice are a sword and (slightly battered) shield, often enhanced with Armament Haki, and he’s gotten rather good at using them.
Amias, aged 18. The closest thing they’ve got to a doctor, though his medical capabilities are... arguable. In Amias’ defense, he is excellent at tying tourniquets and has the best first-aid knowledge out of all of them, so he’s better than nothing. Sickness, however, is far beyond his capabilities. If a paracetamol, glass of water, and wet paper towel on the forehead don’t cure it, they’ll need to stop off somewhere and find a doctor as soon as possible.
Duke Tudor, aged 55. Supposedly a member of Galarian nobility, though information on that is limited. Tudor has extensive knowledge on hallucinogens and always keeps a couple of vials on hand. The gases themselves are weak and harmless, designed to confuse rather than do any actual harm, and feel like entering an odd, dreamlike trance. They’re saved for situations where they need to distract their enemies and make a quick escape.
Teddie, aged 61. He was the first to meet and bond with Leon, having been introduced when the boy was only nine years old. They met at Galar’s Dojo, a 'no man’s land’ open to all who wish to learn how to fight regardless of their affiliation, where Teddie had spent all of his adult life honing his skills. This extensive training means he’s the only person aboard capable of using Rokushiki, the superhuman martial arts style most commonly seen within the ranks of the World Government. Teddie vastly prefers the Rankyaku and Soru techniques, combing the speed and air slashes into a single attack he’s dubbed his ‘Surging Strikes’.
Rotarie, their Den Den Mushi. Though it’s not technically a crewmate, everyone aboard treats it as one. He spins in circles whenever he’s receiving a call, and developed the cute habit of making calls of his own. They don’t make very much sense, since he’s a snail and not a master conversationalist, but he’s sure the effort is appreciated.
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kirabasai · 2 months
phone is dead, laptop is dead, power is out, im using a hotspot, and im using an ipad air 2 that can only use browser tumblr but the brainrot grind never stops 💪💪💪💪
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negitivemintt · 7 months
if i use my personal laptop and use the guest wifi i can now scroll tumblr all day as long as i do not get caught on my personal laptop (i could not do this as of yesterday i had to use my hotspot) time to let the minecraft brainrot consume allllll day!! might practice some block bench too . . .
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elizakai · 1 year
Yes, the brain eating worms are festering. 🪱
Yk how the fandom unanimously decided different au characters can speak the languages of their creators? (Lots of said creators have played into this too!)
💥 L I S T E N.💥
Killer? Speaks Arabic. Very unique. Lots of vocal play. Fans go crazy.
Nightmare, Dream, AND Cross ? ALL SPANISH BABIES. ohohoho. Fans go crazyyy.
Dust? Japanese?? Mysterious, calm/collected, AND speaks Japanese? Fans who CRAZY.
…that’s all, now you can go crazy with me.
✨ Idol! Au belongs to @zucchiyeni ✨
(BONUS IDEA! Nightmare and Dream shooting each-other messages through songs, but in Spanish…👀 sly digs or nice messages, who knows)
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I need my hotspot to reset because the only thing that can cure the Joe brainrot is TWOT S2
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yokohamabeans · 3 years
Guesstimate: The Haitani Brothers’ Socio-Economic Background
They are, at the very least, well-to-do.
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(I’m not on Twitter or TikTok so Idk if anyone’s already done this—if there’s an existing post about it anywhere please let me know!)
Chapter 231 cannot come fast enough (especially when we’re likely nearing a Mikey vs Kakuchou which should give us more Kaku background) so I need something else to fixate on in the meantime.
Therefore, here’s my guess that our favourite bash bros come from a wealthy and/or criminal(ish) background, based on the little that we know from the manga. This is by all means headcanon, pulled together from the miniscule Haitani crumbs that Wakui’s left us and isn’t as well-researched as I’d like, so do take it with spoonfuls of salt. 
The Haitani’s turf is Roppongi
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This is the strongest indicator of their socio-economic background we have so far and the base of my conclusions. Tokyo is already pretty expensive to live in, but Roppongi is one of its most affluent districts, known for being an upscale office and residential area (Roppongi Hills, anyone?) and its poppin’ nightlife. From Chapter 160 especially, we know that the Haitani Bros’ big break came from their domination of Roppongi at age 13, which was pretty damn young, so it’s not a stretch to say that this was when they were starting their thug lives out. Wouldn’t it be pretty natural to stake your first flag at the place you live or grew up at? 
Therefore, I’d say there’s a good chance that Ran & Rin call Roppongi home, which translates to their parents being fairly loaded. Even if they don’t live in Roppongi exactly, they should at least come from a neighbouring area because why set up camp at a place you gotta spend time commuting to? (Ran and especially Rindou give off lazy vibes tbh.) And you know what’s around Roppongi? More upscale residential areas (i.e. Azabu Area).
Roppongi’s also pretty infamous as a hotspot for Yakuza presence (being a nightlife district after all), so it’s also not that far off to assume that they’re born with ties to crime, me thinks. (I mean, they certainly are at ease about pounding a guy to death as pre-teens and have an undeniable propensity for crime & violence...)
So... what’s my point?
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Honestly, I started out on this post with a lot more conviction than what I’m ending it with. I guess we just have too little Haitani content to draw any real conclusions about their backstories so I may very well just be grasping at straws, but I still think they come from some money (or the yakuza even).
If they come from money, I don’t think they’re at old-money, bocchama-levels of rich. Probably more like the sons of well-to-do corporate-type parent(s) who spend all their time working and neglecting the boys as a result. Which could probably explain their dependence on each other and the ‘we don’t need anyone else’ mentality they share (but this is a whole other issue that deserves its own meta post with deeper analysis). 
It’s also equally probable that they just come from a family of thugs (who I suppose also have money) given how natural they are at being actual criminals without influence from their peers (remember, they started out as just the two of them). Also, by 13 they already have tattoos covering large parts of their bodies, which is reminiscent of yakuza irezumi. This is what I’m leaning towards.
Anyway, just wanted to talk about these two because the brainrot commanded me to. I’ll return to this post in the future for corrections/add-ons as Wakui sheds more light on them in future chapters I hope! 
(Bonus) Rindou’s fighting style
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I initially wanted to use this as another ‘clue’ to Haitani wealth but decided against it because it’s just way too abstract and I was stretching it too far. Nonetheless, I’m including this because... I really like Rindou!!
For a manga that features brawling extensively, Wakui rarely portrays his characters with distinct fighting styles. Aside from Mikey’s signature round-house, we see one of the most unique moves from Rindou. He doesn’t just swing his fists and legs around like the other characters and he has recognizable stances & techniques that can be identified as those of jiujutsu / judo / wrestling, which likely means that Rindou is formally trained in fighting unlike most other characters (aside from Mikey, who is canonically a dojo master). My personal take is that he’s learned Brazilian Jiujutsu, it just feels like something he’d go for and his stances resemble it most IMO.
Rindou is also shown warming up with goddamn splits in the middle of a fight, which could be another indicator of his background as a martial arts practitioner since fighters tend to strictly follow drills and warm-up routines (or it could just be another display of his cockiness). He also likely goes for classes instead of just being a familial part of a gym like Mikey because Ran isn’t shown to fight with anything more than baton-fu. 
Anyway, even if it doesn’t explain Haitani money, I just wanted to give a shout-out to Rin’s grappling. 
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I spent way more time than I intended to on this and I have work tomorrow, so I’m finishing the post here. Thanks for reading!!
EDIT (16 Nov 21): I previously cited the Haitanis’ short juvie term for second-degree murder as a possibility for their parents bribing the judge, which I’m totally removing because there’s no basis for it after all. Turns out that in Japan, juveniles are those aged 14 and under, and will pretty much only be given a slap on the wrist for crimes, which explains why the brothers are out after a couple of years despite literally killing someone. I should’ve really done my research about Japan’s juvenile law before posting this... Many thanks to @haikyooot​ for pointing this out and giving me informative links!!
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sbuggbot · 3 years
Choices which I made to make a sinister face >:3: 4, 8, 10. But also 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, 21. For the record there is a lot here so it's fine if you skip some.
dammit Cinni you made me boot up my laptop and turn on the wi-fi hotspot :p
4. One character I would kill (cannot be Payroll)
what do you mean, I’ve killed at least two already and one of them even stayed dead /j ok actually Mayor Yonker for being a braindead politician
5. Headcanon I would defend with my life
6. which character from the series would you trust the most with making dinner?
Very few of them especially considering the fact many do not even know what food is
8. Any OC x Canon ship you have brainrot for?
(why was this one making you go sinister face?) Surprise surprise, it's Orik and Umeko. If you wanna go non-canon, I think about @sw-seibellissima's OC Goldilock a lot and I think I've basically adopted @queenofglitch's OC Kotori although I've yet to do anything with her
9. Overly Specific Headcanon?
(doh I shouldn’t have dumped in the other ask) 
Thayne likes to sing and has a decent voice all things considered, but he’s extremely shy about it: if he even THINKS someone other than Tarah might be able to hear him, he’ll go quiet. (Orik has managed to overhear him a handful of times but he hasn’t said anything. He just quietly listens and enjoys it).
10. No I’m not even copy/pasting this
cinni I am going to sneak into your house and put opened ketchup packets in your shoes /j /j /j
11. if you could add one character to the series, which oc (can be yours or not) would you choose?
Probably obvious but Umeko *faceplants* (In a hypothetical situation where I don't die on the spot from being offered that kind of power)
15. Favorite SteamWorld piece, art or fic, you've made?
As far as fanfics go, there's several I'm particularly proud of, such as The Hellbeast, Factory Recall, Carminic, Manufactured, and especially Small Sparks, Burning Lights.
Fanart-wise? Lately I’ve been mildly obsessed with this thing:
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21. voice headcanons
Ok so I never “Hear” character’s voices in my head, but I can think of traits/qualities if I try hard enough... but while trying right now the main thing I can think of is “sorta like their text babbles sound” (Or like, Orik’s voice isn’t very loud and he doesn’t have a noticeable accent to the other characters about 97% of the time)
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elizakai · 1 year
Brainrot hotspot:
currently imagining Idol! Cross as one of those artists who meticulously drops hints and lore in his songs and/or performances, or playing into a bit/character.
his fans are the simpiest of simps and the nerdiest of nerds.
it would be even funnier if he like, pretended to be oblivious to it and only his fans really know it’s intentional X}
Idol!au belongs to @zucchiyeni
idol! Cross design belongs to @astr00-bOyy
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