#Bright Lights chard
In My Garden, Early April
It is spring in my garden. The winter broccoli and cauliflower departed long ago. Spinach, chard, kale and lettuce thrive as the days lengthen and intermittent rains continue. Direct seeded Rosaine lettuce takes off.
The carrots and beets are selectively harvested as the roots enlarge. The sweet peas climb to the top of the trellis and spill over their bountiful blooms.
Space in the garden opens and the warm season garden plan emerges. The Dwarf Rosella Purple and Black Cherry tomatoes moved up from six-packs to quarts last week. The containers of Yukon Gem potatoes send bushy growth higher. In a few weeks the soil will be warm enough to plant beans for drying and Emerite green beans.
A thicket of celery thriving in the cool, rainy conditions. Blue flax and dill will attract pollinators.
And the promise of apricot blossoms.
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reality-detective · 6 months
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Dim Bright
I've been working on this driftwood stick for a couple weeks off and on. I burnt this 5 ft. crooked piece of driftwood with a torch and chard some spots, soaked it in oil and put a glossy lacquer coating on it. The lights are dimmable. The canvas photo I had blown up to be a 30" x 40" and it's a photo I captured shortly after moving to Florida. It kinda gave me confirmation that I'm in the right spot. If you zoom in, there is heart shaped cloud and a seagull taking a left turn.
I just wanted a mood light and it was a vision I had and thought it would go with my tropical theme and accent the canvas.
I'm a believer in shadows because it's important to do your own personal shadow work to raise our vibration. 👇
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This wreath I can take down and put up a good steel tipped dartboard.
I hope everyone is doing well & do whatever makes you happy & brings joy in your life. 💫
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tieflingkisser · 2 months
A Cuisine Under Siege
I couldn’t rescue my aunt in Gaza, but I can keep her recipes alive.
Though I’ve lived abroad most of my life, Gaza is where I call home. It's where my parents were born and raised and where I spent summers as a child. Whenever we’d return, we’d be welcomed back by our large extended family. First among them was my aunt An’am Dalloul, whom we called Khalto Um Hani: “mother of Hani,” her eldest child and my cousin. She’d always arrive bearing a bowl of sumagiyya, Gaza City’s signature meat stew with chard, sumac, and chickpeas—and my father's favorite meal. Um Hani, along with my cousins Hoda, Wafaa, and Hani, were killed in an Israeli airstrike in their residential Gaza City neighborhood in November 2023. In an instant, the household perished, my cousin Nael later told me. Only a skeleton of the building was left. He recounted the horrific scene over WhatsApp—how he gathered their remains in his arms and buried them in a mass grave under heavy Israeli bombardment, how he failed to retrieve the corpse of one of his sisters, and how his brother bled to death before paramedics could reach him. Nael, like 90 percent of Gazans at the time of writing, is displaced, fleeing with his children from one city to the next in search of shelter, food, and some semblance of safety. He has been surviving on canned beans for more than three months. Nael’s news shook me to my core. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn't eat. I was overwhelmed with a profound sense of helplessness and despair. Was it only a matter of time before the rest of my family in Gaza would perish?  As I read Nael’s texts, the memories came flooding back. Of Um Hani cooking in her bright, breezy kitchen wearing the traditional white hijab and light blue jalabiya. Of the birthmark on her face and her soft olive skin. Of her husky voice and the gentle laugh that masked the fierce and determined woman underneath. Um Hani was an anchor to me, a link to the paternal grandmother I never met and to a city I often felt estranged from. She was a repository of memories, a key to the fragmented world to which I belonged as a Palestinian. She taught me to make the near-forgotten dishes my grandmother loved, the ones my father grew up eating such as adas wi batata (lentils and potatoes cooked in a clay pot with lemon and fried garlic) and samak il-armala (“widow’s fish,” or fried eggplants with chiles and ribbons of fresh basil). But as fate would have it, she never got the chance to show me how to make sumagiyya—her specialty, brimming with lamb and spiced with dill seeds and cumin.
I live in the United States now, and I’ve cooked sumagiyya more times than I can count—even if it never tastes quite like Um Hani’s. One occasion stands out. It was May 2021, and Gaza City was being pummeled in what was the fourth major assault by Israel on Gaza in 14 years. The attack coincided with Eid, and as I watched on my screen in Clarksville, Maryland horrific images of air raids and grief-stricken mothers, I suddenly felt the urge to make a pot of sumagiyya.Serving it to my family and friends that night, despite the unfolding tragedy, was unexpectedly liberating and affirming.   Last month, I again found myself in tears chopping onions and chard for sumagiyya, but this time I was making it to honor Um Hani’s memory. Like in 2021, I couldn’t look away from the news: The park where I used to take my son for evening strolls, the beach promenade where I drank sage tea with my mother, the university where I gave guest lectures—they were all unrecognizable piles of overturned dirt and warped wire.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about what I would go back to, and what I would find, if I returned to Gaza. Most of the landmarks have been destroyed. Gone too are many of the people I cherished. But with Ramadan fast approaching, and with no end in sight to the bombardment, it feels like I am the torchbearer now, the family’s keeper of treasured recipes. Like Um Hani, I will cook and I will teach, connecting the next generation of Palestinians to our homeland.
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balkanradfem · 1 year
Alright so, and I promise this is funny, I have been dealing with severe deficiency in 'making plants grow successfully'. It's going worse than any year but I'm also having a lot of fun with it, because I'm no longer discouraged by baby plants dying, I'm already germinating the next batch and I know I'll be just fine.
This year's weather has been so nice, gardening wise! We didn't have a crazy hot February like the last few years, it's been very frosty in fact, so that the trees didn't flower too soon and I love that for us, that is the promise of fruit, and also making me feel a bit more at ease that the weather, for now, isn't hectic.
The middle of March was nice and sunny, and I felt encouraged to put my baby plants outside, just for an hour or so every day, so they would get used to direct sunlight. I also noticed some of my baby plants turning purple, and I thought, AHA! Nitrogen deficiency, I can fix this by fertilizing them, so I did, a bit too much maybe, because 3 days later half of my tomatoes, and a bunch of other plants sadly died. Some of the plants actually showed signs of getting burned by the sun, but only after the 3rd day they were outside! You're telling me sun was fine for 2 days but then the 3rd day it was just too bright and you had to expire??
Some of the plants that did well initially, also ended up outside when it was, a bit more windy than they could handle. And I wasn't even home, by the time I got home, the plants were already lying horizontally, unable to fight the violent weather.
And this is funny because I take all of these risks every single year and I never had this many of them pan out badly, and never had this amount of seedlings die, but truth be told I do plant too many tomatoes every single year and I should maybe tone it down, 70% of my meals are tomato based at this point (it's so easy to conserve), and I should focus more on some beans and pumpkins.
So anyway, since seedlings are not vibing, I finally gather my senses to go to the actual garden one day, because I'm thinking, there will be cabbage savoy there, and spinach probably grew a bit by now, maybe I can have some fresh spinach! Maybe swiss chard grew and I could eat that, maybe there's a carrot that germinated and would make me happy.
So I bike to the garden and as soon as I get there I realize that everything I was hoping to harvest just went to seed. Two weeks I've been too sick and dealing with medical issues, and I couldn't check on the garden, and 2 days of warm temperatures and everything said bYE and went to make seeds?? The rapid change took me completely by surprise, I didn't think things would go to seed while we still had frosts. I stubbornly picked the cabbage deciding to just eat the little flowerbuds and leaves anyway, the flowers didn't open yet so with a bit more prep time, it's all edible. My spinach went to seed as well, the traitor. It's March!!!
As discouraging as all of this sounds, this is incredible for learning, because now I know that every single thing on this list has a good chance of happening this time of year, and I'll be able to make better choices next time. In fact, if all of this didn't happen now, it would probably happen any year from now on and I wouldn't be ready or expecting it. Next time I'll get all those cabbages before the sun touches them. I'll try growing spinach in the fall when it won't go to seed as easy, and I'll think twice before taking 3-4 risks at once with baby seedlings.
The baby seedlings who survived all this are the victors who are strong and resilient and probably can't be killed by any of my bad choices. Even if I have slightly less plants, I'll have the most powerful plants. The last batch I've planted seems to be growing rapidly, because the weather is light and warm now, and I've planted some flowers I've never had before! I'll have tansy on my garden, for the first time ever.
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urban-paradise · 2 years
Finally doing my full Gardyn review!
Here she is in her full glory:
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So, at this point we had multiple types of lettuce, Swiss Chard, Tatsoi, Tomatoes, Thyme, Basil, Cilantro, Arugula and Mustard. It provided enough greens to have salad as a main course for dinner for three nights a week! Being indoors and soilless there were no pesticides used at any point. I would cut the leaves off as I made dinner, doesn’t get any fresher!
What is a Gardyn?
Gardyn is a fully automated, all in one, hydroponic gardening unit.
It starts with the base. The bottom of the unit is a tank which holds up to 6 gallons of water.
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This does mean the unit is pretty heavy when it’s full, but if you’re strong or have two people it’s not too bad to move. When you receive it it is empty, so the initial set up is not too bad. Some people online do make rolling carts for them that are very nice if you struggle to move that much weight! It is a neutral color so it goes pretty nicely anywhere. I actually think it makes a nice decorative piece, especially when it is full! It also has enough space on top, maybe not if your unit is totally full, for your other seedlings/propagations!
After the base we have the lid. This is made of wood, so it looks pretty nice.
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Underneath is where the pump and the drains for each tower is located. It has a small opening for refills, which I do about once or twice a week depending on how hot it is.
The columns screw into the lids. These were one of the worst parts of set up honestly. They have a rubber tube holding them together so I do recommend grabbing someone to help, maybe it was just me! Each section unscrews individually for cleaning and it holds and total of 32 plants if you use each space!
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There is a bar across the back to provide support, which does have a wall mount. If you have kids or curious pets I would recommend mounting it to the wall.
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In front of the columns are the lights. There are one on each side and they are labeled which side is which. This is one of the tougher things to set up with this unit.
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It is incredibly bright. It does not bother me at all, I have grow lights everywhere, but it might be an issue if it’s near a place you relax.
The lights do have camera built into them. These sync with the app, where the AI can help diagnose issues and provide a time lapse of growth. This made me a bit nervous at first but the are stationary and if up against the wall that is all it will see. More on all of that below!
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Here is what she looks like know. As someone with heavy depression it is nice how automatic she is. Lot of the greens survived until they bolted and we let them die naturally. If you have compost it would make a great addition. Even with little to no maintenance for a few weeks she is still blooming!
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Fresh, organic produce ready at a moments notice
The ability to grow flowers as well/instead of you prefer
Soilless, which helps prevent a lot of pests
Helps freshen air indoors
Built in lights means it can go anywhere
Deep cleans recommended every six months can be intense
Plants are still susceptible to a few pests, specifically spider mites
The light is very bright
Sometimes the App just does not do what you want it to
The initial price is pretty high
Accessories from Gardyn can be expensive and come with so few
Now, the most controversial thing about this unit is the App/membership. I will start by saying, you can 100% not use the membership at all. You can purchase any accessories outside of it and find pretty much anything outside of their store that you would need if you can get creative.
The app and and internet connection however is required. This is how the unit syncs to the time and you set the light/watering schedule. So without both an internet connection and working smart phone this isn’t really a good option
Despite the fact you do not need a membership, I do love and recommend it. Currently the membership is $40 pre month. This gives you a lot more options in the app, but you also get credits which allow for up to 10 seed cubes with free shipping every month. That basically pays for it alone!
All in all, if you can afford it and are looking for something like this, I can recommend this enough. This post is not sponsored, but as a member I do have a discount code which will get you $125 off the unit if you’re buying anyway!
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amaryllislifecycle1 · 29 days
Edible indoor plants
Introduction: Imagine being able to step into your kitchen and pluck fresh herbs or fruits from your own indoor garden to enhance your culinary creations. With edible indoor plants, this vision can become a reality. Whether you have a spacious kitchen or a cozy apartment, there are numerous edible plants that thrive indoors, providing both flavor and freshness year-round. Let's delve into the world of edible indoor plants and discover how you can bring a taste of the outdoors inside your home.
Herbs: Herbs are perhaps the most popular choice for indoor edible gardening due to their compact size, aromatic foliage, and versatility in cooking. Basil, rosemary, thyme, mint, and parsley are just a few examples of herbs that can thrive indoors. Plant them in well-draining pots with ample sunlight, and you'll have a constant supply of fresh herbs to elevate your dishes.
Microgreens: Microgreens are young, tender seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs that are harvested when they are only a few inches tall. They are packed with flavor and nutrients, making them a popular choice for garnishes, salads, and sandwiches. Common varieties include arugula, radish, broccoli, and mustard greens. Grow them in shallow trays or containers near a sunny window, and you'll have a continuous supply of vibrant greens in just a few weeks.
Citrus Trees: While traditional citrus trees may be challenging to grow indoors due to their size and light requirements, dwarf varieties such as Meyer lemon, Calamondin orange, and Key lime are well-suited for indoor cultivation. These compact trees not only provide fresh, tangy fruit but also add a touch of tropical elegance to edible indoor plants spaces. Place them in bright, sunny locations and ensure adequate drainage to keep them thriving.
Chili Peppers: For spice enthusiasts, growing chili peppers indoors can be a rewarding endeavor. Compact varieties such as Thai chilies, jalapeños, and habaneros are well-suited for indoor cultivation. These fiery peppers not only add heat to your dishes but also bring vibrant colors and flavors to your indoor garden. Provide them with ample sunlight, consistent watering, and well-draining soil, and you'll be harvesting spicy peppers in no time.
Salad Greens: Leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent choices for indoor cultivation, providing a constant supply of fresh, nutritious greens for salads and sandwiches. These fast-growing vegetables thrive in containers or shallow trays with ample sunlight and regular watering. Harvest the outer leaves as needed, and your indoor garden will continue to produce tender greens throughout the growing season.
Conclusion: Bringing edible indoor plants not only adds flavor and freshness to your culinary endeavors but also enhances the beauty and ambiance of your home. Whether you're growing herbs on a sunny windowsill, cultivating microgreens on your kitchen counter, or nurturing citrus trees in your living room, the possibilities for indoor edible gardening are endless. Embrace the joy of growing your own food indoors and savor the delicious rewards that come with it.
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gardeningusa · 3 months
Frosty Fields, Hearty Yields: Mastering the Art of Winter Vegetables
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Cultivating Winter Abundance
As winter blankets the fields with frost, there's an art to be mastered—one that turns frosty fields into a canvas for hearty yields. In Snip A Sage, we unveil the secrets of growing and enjoying winter vegetables, transforming the cold season into a time of abundance. Join us in mastering the art of "Frosty Fields, Hearty Yields."
The Evergreen Allure of Hardy Greens
Kale: Winter's Leafy Marvel
Kale, known as winter's leafy marvel, takes center stage with its resilience and nutritional richness. In the frosty fields, varieties like Winterbor or Lacinato thrive, offering a continuous harvest. Dive into the cultivation of kale and embrace its evergreen allure, elevating your winter dishes with a burst of healthful goodness.
Collard Greens: Sturdy Guardians Against Winter's Bite
Collard greens emerge as sturdy guardians against winter's bite, their robust leaves standing tall in the face of frost. Cultivate collard greens in well-drained soil to ensure a reliable supply, bringing both flavor and nutrition to your winter table. Discover the art of growing collard greens for a winter harvest that defies the cold.
Root Vegetables: Winter's Underground Treasures
Winter Carrots: Sweetness Deepened by Winter's Kiss
Carrots, with their vibrant colors and inherent sweetness, deepen their flavor under winter's kiss. These underground treasures not only resist the chill but transform into a sweet bounty. Explore varieties like Chantenay or Cosmic Purple, mastering the art of growing winter carrots for a harvest that adds vibrancy and sweetness to your winter culinary creations.
Turnips: Versatile Delights in Winter Cuisine
Turnips, the versatile delights of winter cuisine, reveal their adaptability in the frosty fields. Resistant to both cold temperatures and common pests, turnips offer a unique taste to winter dishes. Learn the art of cultivating turnips, unlocking their earthy goodness to enrich your winter feasts.
Leafy Elegance: A Symphony in the Winter Garden
Swiss Chard: Winter's Colorful Symphony
Swiss chard, with its vibrant stems and tender leaves, paints a colorful symphony in the winter garden. Cold-tolerant and rich in vitamins, Swiss chard adds both elegance and nutrition to your winter table. Cultivate varieties like Bright Lights or Rainbow Chard, and master the art of incorporating this leafy elegance into your winter feasts.
Arugula: Peppery Zest in Winter Salads
Arugula, with its distinct peppery flavor, remains unfazed by colder temperatures. Plant arugula in well-drained soil to ensure a peppery zest in your winter salads. Master the art of cultivating arugula for a delightful addition that brings both flavor and nutrition to your cold-weather dishes.
Winter Herbs: Fragrant Enhancements for Culinary Bliss
Rosemary: Winter's Fragrant Embrace
While not classified as vegetables, herbs like rosemary become winter's fragrant embrace. The cold intensifies rosemary's fragrance, making it an invaluable addition to winter dishes. Master the art of cultivating rosemary and infusing its fragrant leaves into a variety of winter recipes, from hearty stews to savory roasts.
Sage: Aromatic Wisdom in the Winter Garden
Sage, another herb that thrives in the winter garden, imparts aromatic wisdom to your culinary creations. Cultivate sage in well-drained soil and master the art of incorporating its aromatic leaves into winter dishes, adding a touch of herbal warmth to your frosty field feasts.
Conclusion: Frosty Fields Transformed into Culinary Delights
In conclusion, "Frosty Fields, Hearty Yields" is your guide to transforming winter's frosty fields into a canvas for culinary delights. From the evergreen allure of kale to the underground treasures of root vegetables, the leafy elegance of Swiss chard, and the fragrant enhancements of winter herbs, this guide empowers you to master the art of growing and enjoying hearty yields during the cold season.
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kapeefit · 5 months
Tips for Maintaining Mental Health During the Dark and Cold Winter Days
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The short days and frigid temperatures of winter tax even the most cheerful dispositions. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) plagues over 10 million Americans, particularly women. Yet a range of lifestyle measures and mindset shifts empower you to actively uplift mood despite external gloom.
Let There Be Light
Sunshine serves as our primary and most powerful antidepressant sourced from nature thanks to specific light-sensitive brain receptors. Deprivation during darker months directly correlates to low mood, energy and disrupted sleep-wake cycles. Outsmart the seasonal dip by surrogate sunshine and strategic scheduling.  
Sit Near Windows – Position your desk, kitchen table or favorite reading nook beside large windows to maximize natural daylight exposure, even when overcast.  
Walk Outside Daily – Bundle up and step outdoors for a short vigorous walk once mid-morning to soak up whatever rays exist on even the dreariest days. The movement and fresh air perk you up too.  
Try Light Therapy – Special SAD therapy lamps delivering up to 10,000 lux brightness mimic sunshine’s mood and energy boosting effects. Use for 30-60 minutes early morning.
Time Tasks Right – Knock out analytical work, exercise, social calls and household chores during peak daylight hours. Reserve unwinding and screen time for darker evenings to better regulate melatonin. 
Eat Energy Promoting Foods  
What you eat directly impacts energy production, stress resilience, hormones and neurotransmitters that shape mood. Make dietary upgrades at the cellular level to sidestep thesluggishness that accompanies winter.
Complex Carbs - Whole grains like oats, quinoa and buckwheat provide an instant yet sustainable energy lift while delivering nervine-supporting B vitamins.  
Clean Proteins - Tryptophan-rich proteins from wild caught salmon, grass-fed meats, pasture-raised eggs, spirulina and hemp help produce mood-balancing serotonin.
Prebiotic Fiber - Chicory root, garlic, onions, leeks and asparagus contain prebiotic fibers that feed healthy gut microbes tied to mental health.
Leafy Greens - Magnesium and folate packed spinach, swiss chard and arugula counteract mood-disrupting inflammation and nutrient deficiencies.
Healthy Fats - Brain-building omegas from fatty fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds fortify nerve cell membranes against environmental and emotional stressors. 
Stay Hydrated - Dehydration causes fatigue and mood plummets. Herbal tea, electrolyte drinks and fruit-spiked water keep fluid levels optimal.  
Curb Inflammatory Foods - Limit sugar, refined carbohydrates, conventional dairy and factory farmed animal products shown to promote systemic inflammation and subsequent depression.
Destress Your Environment 
External surroundings wield tremendous influence over our emotional states, for better or worse. Cultivate a personal atmosphere across living and work spaces designed specifically to uplift women’s moods amid winter’s gloom. 
Add Full Spectrum Lighting - Replace any cool fluorescent bulbs with warmer broad spectrum LED lights to mimic natural light.  
Houseplants - Nature connects you to simpler joys while quite literally cleansing air. Grow low-light plants like pathos, aloe, philodendrons, orchids, ferns or cacti.
Use Essential Oils - Citrus, floral, herbaceous and woodsy aromas promote calm and optimism through scent pathways to the limbic brain. Diffuse oils like bergamot, clary sage and frankincense. 
Play Uplifting Music - Create a customized peppy playlist to flood spaces with favored soul-stirring artists and songs. 
Display Cheerful Art - Surround yourself with framed visuals and accents featuring vibrant colors, floral motifs, positive words or scenic landscapes.
Declutter - Clear clutter literally lifts overwhelm so you think more clearly. Toss, donate or organize any excess stuff weighing you down indoors.
Infuse Life & Activity
Holiday bustle gives way to stillness and isolation during winter’s early sunsets and frigid temps. But connecting with others and keeping busy redirects women’s focus from seasonally triggered sadness. 
Schedule Socializing - Make plans ahead of time to catch up with friends and family regularly in person, over the phone or via video chat. Check in at least weekly.
Join Classes - From cooking to crafting to fitness, classes offer structure while learning something new often proves therapeutic. Many studios and gyms run January specials too!  
Say Yes More - Accept invitations even when you feel like staying cocooned up at home. New input and community interactions lift spirits.  
Volunteer - Giving back gets you outside your own head, helping others in uplifting ways with like-minded volunteers. Animal rescues, food banks and conservation groups need winter assistance too.
Plan Future Travel - Having wanderlust-worthy adventures on the calendar generates joyful anticipation during in the interim. Sketching upcoming trip dreams also helps manifest them! 
Adopt Mindfulness Habits
Commit to an ongoing mindfulness practice damping down stress reactivity and negative thought patterns that drag women into winter doldrums. Reconnect more purposefully to the present moment.
Breathwork - Simple deep belly breathing activates the parasympathetic “rest and digest” nervous system response, lowering cortisol levels.  
Meditation - Consistent active or open awareness meditation strengthens neural pathways supporting relaxed focus, healthier perception and self-efficacy. Start small with 5 minutes daily building up to 20.
Gratitude Practice - Keeping a gratitude journal or reciting 3-5 things you’re thankful for daily physiologically combats pessimism and victim mindset over time by retraining the brain’s negativity bias.  
Affirmations – Begin each morning stating positive “I am...” affirmations like “I am empowered”, “I am at peace” or “I am resilient” outload to cement the neural network supporting that self-concept. Fake it ‘till you make it!
Let winter breath new life into your rut-busting creativity and self care commitment rather than defeat you. Implement even a couple tips here consistently to emerge from hibernation brighter, energized and more resilient no matter what the forecast has in store!
Explore KapeeFit.com for Essential Tips on Sustaining Mental Health Amidst Dark and Cold Days. Prioritize Your Mind, Navigate the Season with Resilience. Dive In Now!
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heartandsolprogram · 6 months
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10/23: These gorgeous fresh flavors from our garden were served this week. Here we have 2 kinds of parsley, green onions, pineapple sage , and bright light chard!
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shinesparkleplano · 8 months
Things You Should Know About Cosmetic Dentistry
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Are you tired of hiding your smile because of dental imperfections? Do you dream of having a picture-perfect smile that lights up a room? If so, then cosmetic dentistry may be the answer you've been searching for! This innovative branch of dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of your teeth and improving your overall oral health. From dental implants to clear braces, there are numerous options available to help transform your smile. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of cosmetic dentistry - where flawless smiles become a reality.
Types Of Cosmetic Dentistry
When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, there are several options to choose from depending on your specific needs and goals. Let's explore some of the most common types:
 Dental Implants: If you have missing teeth, dental implants can be a game-changer. These titanium posts are surgically placed into your jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that look and function like natural ones.
Crowns and Bridges: Crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover damaged or discolored teeth, while bridges replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring onto neighboring healthy teeth.
Restorative Dentistry: This involves repairing damaged or decayed teeth using techniques such as fillings, inlays/onlays, and dental bonding. Restorative procedures not only improve the appearance of your smile but also enhance its functionality.
Clear Braces: Say goodbye to traditional braces with their metal brackets and wires! Clear braces offer a discreet alternative for straightening misaligned teeth using clear aligner trays that gradually shift them into alignment.
 Teeth Whitening: Over time, our pearly whites can become stained or yellowed due to various factors such as age, diet, and lifestyle habits like smoking or excessive coffee consumption. Teeth whitening treatments help remove these stains and restore the brightness of your smile.
Each type of cosmetic dentistry has its own unique benefits and considerations based on individual circumstances. Consulting with a skilled cosmetic dentist is crucial in determining which option will best suit your needs – helping you achieve the dazzling smile you've always wanted! So why wait? Take the first step towards transforming your smile today.
Source: Simon Chard
Dental Implants
Missing teeth can be a real confidence killer. Luckily, dental implants are here to save the day! These innovative and long-lasting replacements for natural teeth have become increasingly popular in recent years.
So, what exactly are dental implants? Well, they are metal posts or frames that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, these implants act as sturdy anchors for replacement teeth. The result is a smile that looks and feels completely natural!
One of the major advantages of dental implants is their durability. Unlike dentures or bridges which may need to be replaced after some time, implants can last a lifetime with proper care. They also provide stability when chewing and speaking, so you won't have to worry about any embarrassing slips or discomfort.
Another great benefit of dental implants is their ability to prevent further bone loss in your jaw. When you lose a tooth, the surrounding bone can start to deteriorate over time. By opting for an implant instead of leaving the gap empty, you're helping maintain the integrity of your bones.
The process of getting dental implants does require multiple appointments over several months but rest assured it's all worth it in the end! Your oral health and self-confidence will thank you for making this investment.
In conclusion dental implants offer a fantastic solution for those with missing teeth who want a permanent restoration option that looks and feels just like real teeth! So why wait? Consult with your dentist today about whether dental implants could be right for you.
Crowns And Bridges
When it comes to enhancing your smile, crowns and bridges are two popular options offered by cosmetic dentistry.
A dental crown is a custom-made tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth. It not only restores the appearance of the tooth but also improves its strength and functionality. Crowns can be made from various materials such as porcelain, metal, or a combination of both.
On the other hand, dental bridges are used to fill in gaps caused by missing teeth. The bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth called pontics, which are anchored to adjacent natural teeth with the help of dental crowns. This creates a seamless restoration that looks and feels like real teeth.
Both crowns and bridges offer significant benefits beyond just aesthetics. They can improve your ability to chew properly, maintain proper jaw alignment, prevent surrounding teeth from shifting positions, and enhance overall oral health.
To ensure long-lasting results with your crowns and bridges, it's important to practice good oral hygiene habits including regular brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist for routine check-ups.
Consult with an experienced cosmetic dentist to determine if crowns or bridges are suitable options for improving your smile! Don't hesitate to take advantage of these transformative treatments that can give you the confidence you deserve!
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry is a crucial aspect of cosmetic dentistry that focuses on repairing damaged or decayed teeth. It aims to restore both the function and aesthetics of your smile. There are various restorative dental procedures available, each catering to specific needs.
One common restorative procedure is dental fillings. These are used to repair cavities caused by tooth decay. During this procedure, the dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth and fills it with a material like composite resin or porcelain.
For more extensive damage, dental crowns may be necessary. Crowns are custom-made caps that cover the entire tooth, providing strength and protection. They can be made from different materials such as porcelain or metal alloys.
Another popular option is dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots placed in your jawbone to support replacement teeth. This solution not only restores functionality but also enhances your smile's appearance.
In some cases, patients may require full mouth restoration where multiple restorative procedures are combined to address significant oral health issues comprehensively.
Restorative dentistry plays a vital role in maintaining oral health while improving the overall look of your smile. By addressing tooth damage and decay promptly with these treatments, you can enjoy a healthy, confident smile for years to come.
Clear Braces
Clear braces have become an increasingly popular option for people who want to straighten their teeth without the hassle and visibility of traditional metal braces. Unlike traditional braces, clear braces are made from a virtually invisible material that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.
One of the main advantages of clear braces is their discreet nature. Many people feel self-conscious about wearing metal brackets and wires on their teeth, especially as adults. With clear braces, this concern is eliminated because they are practically invisible when worn.
Another benefit of clear braces is that they are removable. This means you can take them out when eating or drinking, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene compared to traditional fixed appliances.
Clear braces also offer faster treatment times compared to other orthodontic options. The average length of treatment varies depending on individual needs but can be significantly shorter than with traditional metal braces.
It's important to note that while clear aligners like Invisalign are often referred to as "clear braces," they work differently than conventional bracket-and-wire systems. Clear aligners use a series of custom-made trays that gradually shift your teeth into place over time.
If you're considering orthodontic treatment but don't want the look and inconvenience associated with traditional metal braces, clear braces may be an excellent choice for you! Consult with your dentist or orthodontist to determine if you're a suitable candidate for this innovative solution.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments available today. It is a simple and effective way to enhance the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence.
One of the main causes of tooth discoloration is aging, but other factors such as smoking, certain medications, and consumption of dark-colored beverages like coffee and tea can also contribute to stained teeth.
There are several methods for teeth whitening, including in-office professional treatments and at-home options. In-office whitening typically involves applying a bleaching agent directly to the teeth and using a special light or laser to activate it. This can result in significant whitening in just one session.
At-home options include over-the-counter whitening kits with trays that you fill with a gel-like solution or strips that you apply directly to your teeth. These products often take longer to achieve desired results but can still be effective.
It's important to note that while teeth whitening can greatly improve the appearance of your smile, it does not provide permanent results. Regular touch-ups may be necessary depending on your lifestyle habits.
If you're looking for a quick and easy way to brighten up your smile, teeth whitening could be an excellent option for you! Consult with your dentist to determine which method would work best for your specific needs.
Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide range of solutions to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. From dental implants and crowns to clear braces and teeth whitening, there are options available for everyone's unique needs.
Whether you're looking to replace missing teeth, correct misalignment issues, or simply brighten your smile, cosmetic dentistry can be the answer you've been searching for. With advancements in technology and techniques, these procedures have become more accessible and affordable than ever before.
Remember that each individual case is different, so it's important to consult with a qualified cosmetic dentist who can assess your specific needs and recommend the best treatment plan for you.
So why wait? Take the first step towards enhancing your smile today by exploring the wonderful world of cosmetic dentistry. Unlocking your perfect smile not only boosts your self-confidence but also improves overall oral health.Invest in yourself and let cosmetic dentistry bring out the best version of yourself one beautiful smile at a time.
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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
It is spring in my garden. The winter broccoli and cauliflower departed long ago. Spinach, chard and lettuce thrive as the days lengthen and intermittent rains continue. The carrots and beets are selectively harvested as the roots enlarge. The sweet peas climb to the top of the trellis and spill over their bountiful blooms. Direct seeded Rosaine lettuce takes off.
Space in the garden opens and the warm season garden plan emerges. The Dwarf Rosella Purple and Black Cherry tomatoes moved up from six-packs to quarts last week. The containers of Yukon Gem potatoes send bushy growth higher. In a few weeks the soil will be warm enough to plant beans for drying and Emerite green beans.
In the meantime, I’ll direct seed more spinach and arugula as half-season crops in the rain-drenched soil. I’ll continue to harvest the cut-and-come-again Bright Lights chard which delights my friend. This week the first artichokes will be ready.
I led with the small harvest of Golden Sweet snow peas as a reminder that almost every season one crop under-performs or fails altogether. This season it was the snow peas. Daily harvests can look like this. I’m smitten with the purple flowers. Next year.
Spring garden salads are a thing now.
Spring onions, planted from sets in the fall size up and come in handy.
Five celery plants produce abundant stalks but as the season wanes, their best use is in cooking. I still slather a stalk in peanut butter with lunch occasionally.
For Easter dinner I made a melange of spring vegetables with purchased asparagus. I recalled the twenty years when I harvested my own asparagus for this spring dish. Mix-ins before serving included lemon zest and toasted sesame seeds.
Between downpours on Saturday I gathered ranunculus, calla lilies and feverfew for the Easter bouquet at the church entry.
Check the What I’m Planting Now page as I transplant and sow seeds in the spring garden and plan for the summer garden. Then head today to Harvest Monday, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres blog and see what garden bloggers around the world harvested last week.
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world-store · 1 year
Vegetarian Lasagna Recipe | Mushroom Spinach Lasagna
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With multiple layers of perfectly al dente pasta, a creamy, veggie-filled stuffing, loads of melty cheese, and a bright tomato sauce, this Vegetarian Lasagna or Mushroom Spinach Lasagna is a vegetarian food-lover’s dream. Best of all, this recipe takes just 30 minutes of active prep time before popping in the oven, meaning it’s simple enough for even weeknight cooking!
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About Vegetarian Lasagna Recipe
I had received many requests for a vegetarian lasagna recipe throughout the years, so I developed this spinach, mushroom, and cheese version that we’ve just fallen in love with. Layering long sheets of lasagna, your choice of melty cheese, a creamy, deeply flavorful spinach mushroom filling, and a simple tomato sauce yields a dinner whose sum is far greater than its parts. This easy vegetarian lasagna recipe is: - Quick & Easy. You only need 20 minutes of active time to assemble it, then the oven does the rest! - Wholesome & Nutritious. Yes, this cheesy masterpiece is rich and hearty, but it’s also chock-full of nutritious veggies and protein rich cheese. Feel free to swap in whole wheat lasagna noodles for an even healthier pasta bake. - Small-Batch. While lasagnas are often baked in 9×13 dishes (or even larger!), I’ve scaled down this recipe to feed a family of 3 people. That said, you can easily double or triple it as needed!
Ingredients & Substitutions
One great thing about this spinach mushroom lasagna recipe is that it is made using easy-to-find ingredients. Here is your shopping list: - Spinach – I used fresh spinach leaves, but you can feel free to swap in defrosted frozen spinach if you prefer. Just be sure to give it a good squeeze to remove excess liquid if you do. You can also swap in other leafy greens like chopped kale, swiss chard, or even peppery arugula. - White Button Mushrooms – You can easily swap in your own favorite type (or mixture) of mushrooms. The button variety is widely available everywhere, but there are lots of tasty choices like portobellos, creminis, or shiitakes. - Onion – Any color will do here. You can also swap in leeks or shallots. - Garlic – I love the flavor and aroma of fresh garlic, but you can use ¼ teaspoon of dried garlic powder for each clove if needs be. - Oregano & Basil – These two herbs are staples in Italian cuisine. You can feel free to use an Italian Spice Blend if you prefer. - Nutmeg – If possible, freshly grated nutmeg will give the best flavor, plus the whole spice will last indefinitely on your shelf. This gives the cream sauce a beautiful hint of warmth that plays well with the savory flavors. - Low Fat or Light Cream – I used light cream, which has about 25% milkfat. You can use whipping cream or heavy cream/double cream if that’s what you have on hand. - Grated or Shredded Cheese – Mozzarella, provolone, or parmesan would be most traditional for Italian cuisine, but feel free to use cheddar, processed cheese, gouda, or any other melty cheese option you have on hand. - Tomato Sauce – I used a thick tomato purée but have also tried the recipe using Ketchup, which adds a nice sweetness that kids will love. You can also use any red pasta sauce you prefer or your favorite tomato sauce. - Lasagna Sheets – To make a proper Italian lasagna, you need lasagna noodles. If you don’t have them, feel free to simply make a creamy spinach mushroom pasta with whatever shape of pasta you have on hand. - Olive Oil + Butter – Using both rich butter and heart-healthy olive oil means you get the best flavor without too much saturated fat.Step-by-Step Guide
How To Make Vegetarian Lasagna
Making vegetarian lasagna recipe at home is actually quite simple once you know the process. Here’s how it’s done: Prepare Stuffing 1. First, rinse and chop 2 cups of spinach leaves. Also rinse and slice 2 cups of button mushrooms.
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2. Then heat 1 tablespoon of butter + 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan.
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3. Add ¼ cup finely chopped onions and ¼ teaspoon of finely chopped garlic. On a medium-low heat, stir and sauté for about 2 to 3 minutes or till the onions turn translucent and are softened.
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4. Add the chopped button mushrooms. Stir and mix again. Sauté mushrooms on medium-low to medium heat.
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5.The mushrooms will release water during the initial stage of cooking.
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6. Continue to stir and sauté till the water dries up and the mushrooms turn slightly golden at the edges.
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7. Then add the chopped spinach.
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8. Sauté till the spinach softens and wilts.
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9. Add 6 to 7 tablespoons of fresh cream, 4 to 5 chopped basil leaves, ½ teaspoon dry oregano, a pinch of nutmeg powder, freshly crushed black pepper and salt as required. Note: Here you can use herbs and seasonings of your choice. You can also use dried basil instead of fresh basil.
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10. Mix very well and switch off the heat. Keep the creamy spinach mushroom stuffing aside.
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Cook Lasagna 11. Now boil enough water in a pan or pot. When the water comes to a vigorous boil, add 7 lasagna sheets and cook them according to the package instructions. Cook the lasagna till they are al dente – meaning almost cooked but still they have a bite to them. Ours took about 7 to 8 minutes on a high heat.
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12. Drain them well and place them on a tray without touching each other. Read the full article
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bombaygreens · 2 years
How to successfully Germinate your Seeds……
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Germination is the most difficult test for all gardeners and requires the greatest focus within the backyard. After the seeds have germinated then a great, satisfying harvest is in store for you. Like most gardening techniques Germination of seeds can be thought of as an art form which requires scientific expertise. To help you figure it out of it, we'll offer you some tips to follow prior to you begin.
What does it mean to germination of seeds?
Seed germination refers to the development of plants starting from seeds instead of purchasing plants that are already grown. Seeds begin to sprout when all the conditions are in place. The seed is given the signal to initiate its metabolic process, resulting in plumule and radical to increase.
The process of seed germination:
Plant the seeds and water     them. The seeds absorb water and then expand to the point of i.e. it     is a process of imbibition.
At the correct     temperature for the soil water is able to activate seeds enzymes, which     promote the growth of the plant.
The roots begin to grow     outwards, allowing access to the underground water.
The shoots begin to grow     and gain access to sunlight.
Leaves begin growing and     photomorphogenesis begins.
What kinds of seeds grow in the indoor environment?
It is possible to germinate the majority all seeds inside, if you adhere to the seed-starting guidelines. The advantage in germinating seedlings indoors particularly if you live in the colder climate, is that it extends the duration of the plant's growing season. This aids in the maturation of slow-growing plants like tomatoes sweet melons, watermelons or pumpkins prior to the first frost of autumn. It is also possible to germinate fast-growing vegetables inside such as various salad greens Swiss and chards as well as radishes.
Important factors that ensure Seed Germination: Many factors that promote seed germination, including the most important are the temperature, the moisture of the soil and soil conditions, as well as aeration and light play a crucial part. In addition, light is a stimulant to the germination of seeds, but it isn't necessary. The plant's phytochrome cell absorbs light and helps stimulate the germination of seeds.
Seed Germination Steps:
Start by preparing the     seed starting mix: The containers you choose to use must include drainage     holes. There are commercially-available kit for gardening that are also     referred to as peat pots.
Plant seeds in soil.     After you have read the directions generally plant seeds at 2 times their     width. In order to get faster and more soil-free germination it is     possible to place seeds on paper damp and put them in the bag of plastic. It     will trigger sprouts within one week.
The seeds should be     placed in a warm place You should check the seed packet to determine the     ideal temperature for each plant. Windows facing south generally work     best that provide the ideal lighting conditions for seeds to germinate. Avoid     direct sunlight or bright light because it could harm the seedling. The     most success can be found at temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees.
Maintaining the potter's mix dry: Seeds require     constant heat and water for germination. Spray bottles can help     ensure that the soil remains moist and try to avoid overwatering or     soaking seeds.
Small seedlings to     stimulate larger plants: When the seeds start sprouting and you can see     roots of smaller size growing out of them, you are able to move them into     potting pots. Keep the ones that are the most healthiest and largest     amount and then remove the rest. Keep providing moist soil conditions     and a an air circulation system that is efficient.
Tips to improve Seed Germination:
The seeds must be     properly kept in a dark, cool place and free of moisture to ensure their     viability.
Make sure to water the     potting soil at least at least 24 hours prior to planting seeds.
Check the soil's     conditions carefully. The soil should be watered when it feels dry     upon touching.
Monitor the germination     process frequently and modify the conditions as needed.
Another method of     starting your seeds is with seed tray. The tray can provide more     control over soil water content to sow each seed.
To accelerate the     process, you can soak your seeds inside a shallow pot in order for the     seeds to absorb the water and promote growth.
What is the best way to grow plants from seeds?
The seeds you start with will give you more options of plant varieties you can select from the nursery. It also allows us to observe the development of the plants.
Choose your seeds.
Select containers
Mix seed mix into the     container you have chosen.
Plant your seeds
Secure your container
Your seeds need water.
Take care of your     seedlings
The seedlings should be     hardened
How can I grow flowering plants from seed?
Seeds from flowers require more effort than purchasing an established plant or transferring it. When you plant perennial flowers or annuals, it is important to make sure you plant your seeds correctly and maintain them while they develop.
Find out if the annuals     are tough or soft.
Begin to plant perennials     when the weather is warm.
Sow your seeds into     moist, nutrient-rich soil.
Don't be a slave to     perennials.
Make sure that your     seedlings receive enough time.
Encourage planting in     conjunction with other plants.
Germination is a simple process for any plant It is just a matter of understanding the growing requirements of the seeds you wish to plant and make a plan.
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jybartlett · 2 years
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My farm stand is here! I built it with my own (not very great at carpentry yet) hands. I grew this food, too. Bright lights swiss chard, salad greens and garlic so far today. The greens and chard harvested just moments ago. 2075 Charnelton St, Eugene, OR You can sign up for the @jennifernfarm mailing list over on the linktree in the Jennifern Farm IG bio to get notified what we've got growing and what we have on offer at our little pop-up farm stand this season. #growing https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd_V0sBJbP1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jillraggett · 2 years
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Plant of the Day
Saturday 1 January 2022
Happy plant filled new year!
No fireworks to celebrate but the exuberant colours from the stems of Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens 'Bright Lights' (rainbow chard, Swiss chard). Adding colour to the productive garden this nutrient-rich vegetable will produce leaves throughout the seasons but some people do not like the ‘earthy’ flavour.
Jill Raggett
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*-Mug Shot-*-Poly KiriBaku X reader-*-part one-*
Note: Surprise Saturday, I got carried away with the story and thought it might be best to section it off in two parts so you’ll be getting this one and another post tomorrow peeps, I hope you enjoy my first attempt at a story like this one. Smut is not in this one so if you are looking for that you’ll find it tomorrow, until then please feel free to enjoy this. Also all characters are aged up and the time the story takes place is when they are already pro heroes, so keep that in mind.
Running, running, the sound of bare feet harshly pounding across the hard surface of the ground below. The pavement cold and merciless on your bare feet, you feel the damage from all the running with no shoes.  As you run the sound of your terror echoes out across the soundless night, the streets so empty, not like how they usually are in the daytime. Not a soul will hear you and if they do it’ll be a little too late. It’s dark and only the street lights give you any semblance of where you are going. You hear and feel your heartbeat pounding away in your chest, that feeling becoming more painful with each pound. You feel yourself falter a bit more but you can’t afford to stop, can’t afford to stop running even for a minute. You know they have to be hot on your tail, know they won’t waste time in giving chase once they know you have fled the scene, that most horrifying scene that you left behind. The images flash through your mind as you ran churning your stomach and bringing fresh tears to your eyes. You stifle a sob but that makes your chest clench most painfully but worst of all in this panic while you turn into an alleyway you haven’t noticed the glass scattering across the entrance of the alley. Though you become sorely aware of it once your feet make contact with the shards causing you to let out a scream at the pain shooting through the fresh wounds the glass makes. You wind up tumbling to the ground, you scuff up your hands and knees as you make contact earning more painful noises from you. You fell unceremoniously on the ground in a small heap. Those sobs you kept in achingly inside your chest burst out and you howl out, hot tears now streaming down your face.
For a moment you lose your resolve while you lay there in that heap on the pavement. The pain from all the running through the city catching up with you. Your breathing erratic and you are finding it hard to catch the breath that you lost during this chase. You feel dizzy, your entire body aching in agony, and for this time all you can focus on is the sheer panic coursing through your entire form. You need to get up, need to, have to, you can’t just keep lying like this out in the open, they’ll find you. Another surge of adrenaline gives you the energy you need, you rise to your feet and start running again. You are ignoring the pain in your feet and in other areas of your body which is over-exhausting. You’re Focusing on what is dead ahead of you, a building that looks abandoned. You can focus on much of anything else except the idea of escaping, the idea you can hide and rest a moment. Though, you have to wonder what you are going to do. You can’t run forever and you doubt hiding will do you much good either. No, not when facing off with two pro heroes who are much more experienced than you. Two pro heroes and friends you never had thought until now would have done something like this in the first place and no one else will believe such a claim either. No one will convict two heroes that have done nothing but good. 
These thoughts alone left you feeling alone, so very alone. Who do you turn to in a time like this one? Who will even believe you? You, a simple book store clerk and hobbyist selling random things for fun? You are what most would call a nobody, just another face in the crowd, which is why you have to wonder what wound you up getting mixed up with these two in the first place. However, this is no time to think about that. There is no time to be drudging back into the past when what you need to focus on is finding a solution to your problem. A solution that doesn’t come easy or seemingly at all. The alarm of this chase slowly starts to dull into confusion as to why you haven’t been hearing anything from the two who should be hunting you down right now. You haven’t even seen a glimpse of either of the two males you figure are after you currently. Everything quiet and dark, not a sound, not a peep, nothing. You pause your running once reaching the abandoned building and making your way inside. You pant and groan, your lungs and everything else feeling like they are on fire. You place your hands on your knees and take in a deep gasp of breath before coughing loudly. You are choking and gasping after all that running, that dizzy feeling coming back to you. You stumble to the wall and lean against it, you in this tiring state slide down not caring about the filth on it or the ground under you, and there is trash along with other more grimy looking things all around, nonetheless at the moment, you choose to ignore it. Your body too worn and your mind still scattering about too much to really mind it all. All you need is to breathe, that is all you can think, you need a moment. Maybe if lucky, they aren’t chasing you after all. You can only hope that is the case yet you can’t be too certain so you know you can’t linger for too long.
“Fuck...fuck...it stings damn it…why…?!”
You curse under your breath finally starting to feel the glass in your feet you didn’t bother to remove before. You are fearful to even look at the bottoms of your feet right now, you can only imagine how torn up they must look currently, The blood. Looking off you can see the small trail leading to you.  You let out a small whimper as you raise your hands to look at them. They too sting badly from falling a few times before. Looking them over it seems they have been torn up pretty badly. A few rocks rest under the skin now, you poke at the bloody and bruising flesh trying to scoot a rock from under the flesh to get it out only to hiss from how it feels to do so and once more curse.
“Damn it…stings...”
You say in a whimper as you move to curl up into yourself, more tears start to cascade down your cheeks, that tight feeling in your chest returning.
“(BF/n), oh god...what am I...?!”
You curl up and start sobbing the images of your beloved’s corpse chard and beaten to a pulp on the floor creeping into your brain, it once more causes you to feel sick. It makes you want to vomit. The smell, the sight, the screaming before all that, those are things you know you’ll never forget. All of them tear you up inside, this is all your fault after all if it weren’t for taking on that project for the two pro heroes you wouldn’t have been winding up here, would you?
It had been a simple day, one like any other, the sky was bright and sunny dotted with a few clouds which you had remembered you stared up at that day. It was very nice unlike tonight, cold and unbearable regardless you remember you woke up beside your lover then. Your boyfriend had given you a good morning kiss like always ever since you had moved in together. Honestly, you hadn’t been in that house together all that long, only a couple of months but those moments spent together had been a dream. A dream you hadn’t wanted to wake up from. You would both get up and get ready to go to work. That morning you showered together, you both got a bit frisky that morning. You and your boyfriend would make out tongues danced together while your arms would be wrapped around each other. You could feel how well your bodies fit together. 
Hard to believe that is all over now, that lovely little dream with your boyfriend dead, as dead as he is now. You will never feel that perfect fit with him again. Knowing that sends another wave of pain through you and causes another sob to echo out from your chest as you shiver and wish for the warmth of your lover. Right now you feel more cold and alone than ever before.
Continuing that trip down memory lane, you could recall you left the house alone that day. Your boyfriend would take his car to work and you would walk, being that you didn’t live that far away from the book store which you work at. You can’t help but think that years ago you wouldn’t have seen yourself working in such a place and it’s not because you don’t like books more so you have problems dealing with people. It fills you with a lot of anxiety to deal with things most days. Honestly, you feel you might have just wasted away if it wasn’t for your boyfriend who always seemed to have your back when you needed it. What are you going to do now that he is gone? Are you going to spiral out of control? No, somehow you will stay strong for his sake. 
Regardless, continuing on. The day moved forward normally nothing seemed out of place, not even the random email you had gotten when you came home. The email was another commission for a project by another faceless person. You didn’t know that this request would wind you up in deep trouble later, in that deep trouble now. The commission seemed all too normal. The client wanted something special done for an anniversary gift for their boyfriend which seemed very cute to you. Really you sort of like hearing from the clients more than most do. The theme was simple it was to be a Red Riot and Ground Zero themed item or rather mugs. They wanted it to be a bit flashy or at least the art on them to be, it was something you could do, Honestly. Despite not being that into heroes, you were happy to do this for the client. You love making things and even more so making those who enjoy your work happy. So like with any other client you got to work after you sorted through the details, and actually, you were very excited. This was something you could do with your boyfriend, he was much more into the whole hero thing than you were and still are. Funny enough your boyfriend did like those two in particular. They were heroes that he very much enjoyed so that day you learned quite a lot about the pair of heroes in question.
The project went on as normal and with your newfound information, you made the gift extra special. You wanted to be very specific to the client’s taste so you tried to ask questions however they seemed very lax about everything they had said that they trusted your judgment. You didn’t mind this one bit. You had given the client updates and he seemed to like them. Eventually, the day came for the project to be done and you shipped them out. You had been very proud of your work and even your boyfriend was. Actually, Your boyfriend had got all pouty, he wished he could keep them which you had found funny then...what you would give to be able to hear him laugh again, to see that smile, and now that was stolen from you.
For a long while, things seemed alright, there had been no word from the client. However, you had been paid so you assumed they were happy with what they had gotten. It wasn’t until a full two months later that things started to kick off again. The day had started normal enough, you made it to the bookstore on time, and would work as you normally would. That day was quiet, not many customers, and most of the day spent slacked off with your coworker while doing what needed to be done around the store. Though at some point the bell on the door would sound it would call you back to the front of the store. A young man with crimson red spikey hair and eyes was the one who sounded the bell when he walked in. Upon further inspection your eyes would widen you would form a recognition with the redhead in the store, it was the hero Red Riot. You couldn’t help but stand there dumbfounded.
“H-Hello and welcome to Nook Books, how can I help you?”
That had been what you said when you finally had found your words, your voice had come out in a bit of a stutter and you had given him a small nervous laugh. He responded to your more shy behavior with merely a smile and offered up an adorable laugh of his own, which actually eased your own anxiety towards the situation at the time.
“Hey there, yeah I could actually use a bit of help finding a book.”
You would smile at the young hero and gave a small nod, you of course were always happy to help the customer, and there was no exception then either. Not to mention you were face to face with the hero Red Riot and at that time you had been oh too excited to be in his presence for the fact you could tell your boyfriend about the encounter. Maybe if you were lucky you could get an autograph, or maybe at least a picture, though to be honest you also hadn’t wanted to bother him so you so it was just a debate in your mind. you at the time though knew it would make your boyfriend happy if you would get it.
“Ah yes, well I’m happy to help, what book are you looking for?”
You would offer up one of your best smiles and try not to fidget too much however you had already shifted to and fro a bit out of nervousness already.
“Ah well, haha, I kinda don’t know…”
You would blink a moment in confusion but nod a moment before you responded.
“You don’t know? Are you buying for someone else?”
You would question a moment, you thought maybe his mind had been on someone else when he thought of the book he wanted, it might have been a gift if he wasn’t sure what kind of book he was on the look for however just as well he might just not had been sure what type of book he needed for himself, but something told you it wasn’t for him, you had a felt that way anyway.
“Haha, yeah, it isn’t for me, though he’s very special to me, he’s a bit difficult to buy for sometimes. Do you have any books that would be more action-packed and manly?”
You had smiled when you listened to his explanation for who it was for and even giggled when you heard what exactly he was had been in search for. There were many, many books on hand that could cover what he wanted but with so little given and that he said the other was difficult to buy for well it seemed like a slightly daunting task. Even so at that time you were determined to find the perfect book for this special someone that he had talked about. You smiled and worked very hard, you asked specific questions to try and get a better gauge on what type of book to get. If only you had known what you had been dealing with back then you wouldn’t have worked as hard as you did to make him happy. You wouldn’t have been as pleasant to him, but sadly you hadn’t known and you had been as positive and polite as possible. You even asked more than you would have given your normal comfort zone. You had tired yourself out on one customer something you wouldn’t usually do, but you wanted to impress the male. You wanted to make sure someone like him left very happy. You did manage that, you got him the perfect book, after you found that book for him you brought him over to the register to check him out.
“I think that book will make him smile, and if it doesn’t feel free to hold me accountable.”
You would chirp out as you rang up the book, you had a good conversation with the young hero. He’d even told you his name which was interesting to know. Kirishima seemed to talk about Ground Zero. Of course, it was said they were good friends so you supposed that was only natural, and he’d mentioned a few other interesting aspects about himself which had tickled you to learn about. It wasn’t every day you could have said you got to talk to a pro hero.
“Don’t worry, I trust your judgment, I don’t think you’d steer me wrong haha.”
You would nod and laugh as you placed the book in a bag and told him how much the book would be, Kirishima would pay you and you would hand him the bag, of course surprisingly he didn’t rush off after that, he would stick by the counter a moment.
“Before I go, would you like an autograph or something?”
He had given you a big grin and you would blink, you had held back and tried not to ask because you hadn’t wanted to bother him and there he asked you about what you had wanted from him, almost too eager you lept at the opportunity.
“Y-Yes actually I’d love that, my boyfriend is a big fan.”
At the first part of your statement it would seem that Kirishima was very happy to hear what you had to say but as you look back on it now you realize that he had twitched lightly, he had made a small change in his facial expression that said something else when you mentioned your boyfriend, you thought nothing of it back then but now it was very apparent that he was upset to hear you were with someone and that the reason you wanted a picture and autograph was because of him and not because you were a fan.
“Yeah? Alright then, glad I could help you make his day like you made mine.”
After that, you would get to pose with him for a picture and he would sign a piece of notebook paper for you, it was the only thing you had on hand at the moment, but he happily signed it for you. You also hadn’t noticed that he looked for more reasons to make conversation with you but your coworker interrupted and him unlike your boyfriend wasn’t very fond of heroes so he could care less that one was in the store other than the fact it meant that the store might get a good review from someone who mattered.
“(Y/n), I need you to do something for me in the back.”
Your coworker would speak up, you could tell from the tone of his voice he just wanted to hurry things along.
“Oh, I don’t want to keep you. It was nice to meet you, (Y/n). Hopefully, I’ll see you again.”
With that Kirishima had given you a small smile and wave before he made his way to the door.
“Yeah, you too, have a lovely day, I hope the person you were buying for enjoys your gift!!”
You would call back to him before he fully left, you hadn’t thought about how he used your first name, you didn’t tell him he couldn’t then, which would come to be a mistake later, many things would lead to being mistakes you couldn’t have fathomed being so problematic. After that meet with him, you had continued work only to be nagged by your coworker about doing your job in a timely fashion which irked you quite a lot but you hadn’t let it ruin your day. Like you assumed your boyfriend would be over the moon to see the autograph and to see the picture you had been so pleased to see his smile, that night was one to remember, Your boyfriend had been so excited he made love to you. Part of you doesn’t want to remember that part, only because it’s yet another thing that you will never have from him again, and giving the current situation, you find it inappropriate.
Suddenly you hear a loud bang echo out, a growl and cussing from not too far away from where you are in the building. Your heart begins pounding in your chest, it looks like those who were chasing you after you had fled are finally here to collect you. Your breathing picks up and you move scrabbling to your feet. If you stay here they’ll find you for sure, that is all that you are thinking about, you need to escape and now.
“Where the fuck are you (Y/n)!! I know you’re fucking here, can’t hide forever idiot!!”
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