#Brits Love Tea (trope)
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In a serious case of characterisation marches on,
the Inspector turned from consuming tea during the Classic Series to drinking coffee in the Revived Series.
(Not to say that he/she turns down a cup of tea, but his/her preference is clearly for the Middle Eastern beverage.)
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httpiastri · 5 months
mistletoe - liam, clem, marcus
last christmas - what sort of fanfics do absolutely not read? do you have any red flags in fanfics?
let it snow - i’m 22, british (and stereotypically british. strong accent, need my tea to function, love cricket and rugby, name any stereotype and it’s probably true). i’m very confident and very good at helping others, i’m always the therapist of the friend group. i’m a big sports fan, and although i only know british sports, i’m really curious and open to learn about sports of other countries/cultures.
winter wonderland - paul aron
mistletoe: pls this is so hard :( uhhhhh i think i’ve been forced to choose between liam and clem before and i think i chose clem for marrying. because idk even tho i love liam tons, clem seems more like a marriage candidate? if you get what i mean? i can imagine myself and clem being one of those cute couples getting married before they’re 25 🥺 while with liam, it’s more of a… young, teenage kind of love? at least in comparison to clem… not that it makes a lot of sense since clem’s only about a year older….. idk what im talking about, sorry 😭 anyway i’ll go for marry clem, kiss/fuck liam and sorry marcus 💔you’re sweet and all but you can’t really fight them for my heart
last christmas: oooo i’m actually very very picky when it comes to fanfic reading lol! i dont read a lot these days, and when i do, i spend most of the time just reading descriptions…. i usually only read established relationship aus, especially if it’s smut, so no like coworker!aus (except for reader!driver x driver). except for also maybe like best friend!aus or possibly possibly brother’s best friend!aus (but they have to be longer then and i must have time to get emotionally invested lol). and i only read pretty soft smuts, no degradation or super kinky stuff, i love and fully support that other people enjoy reading it but it’s just not my cup of tea. and i can’t really do oc x reader or fics in third person, i almost only read fics written in second person pov? with exceptions for tasia’s fics and like two other writers maybe. hmmm i probably have more but this is all i can think of rn!
let it snow: omg i ship you with logan sargeant!! i think the american x brit trope would be so cute. he would love your accent, and also like to make fun of it, but don’t worry! you will definitely get to make fun of him too!! teach him about british culture and he will teach you about… hotdogs and… hamburgers….. 😍 and he would love to introduce you to his favorite american sports!! and you being the therapist of the friend group would be very good for him, let him rant and get everything out and you’ll have a very happy logan <3
winter wonderland:
it's easy for you to get carried away by the sight of his arms. the way his fingers fit so perfectly between yours, the way little freckles and moles are scattered across his skin, the way the muscles in his forearm flex when he gives your hand a little squeeze. it's like time and the outside world doesn't exist: it's just you and paul. and his hands and arms.
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moskitausu · 1 year
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal Al-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
First Impressions: Reads like a fanfiction from 2013 where the author was trying to stand out and seem mysterious and intelligent. The tone is distant and tongue in cheek. These first few “strands” are practically unintelligible in their attempt to be edgy and interesting. So far, it’s pretty clear which chapters were written by a man. The two authors have very distinct writing styles, and I don’t think I’m very fond of Gladstone’s.
My initial impression stands for this one for the most part. It just wasn’t really my cup of tea, which infuriates me, because it could have been exactly my cup of tea. There are so many elements which should have been enjoyable to me - lesbian romance! Science fiction! Time travel! Sworn enemies falling in love! And yet - the execution was fumbling. The lesbian romance aspect falters because Gladstone is so obviously a dude. No dyke would ever write in seriousness “her implants glowed.” Like... ok. Regardless, since I’ve been informed I must treat every author who writes a gay love story as Schrodinger’s queer - the fumbling masculine mediocrity of Gladstone’s writing aside, the love story, and the plot as a whole, reads quite flat to me for the first two thirds of the book. I think this is because the romance is mostly epistolary and less observational. Which - fine! Okay! People have long distance relationships, or whatever. We are never really told why the characters like each other. Their cleverness - okay. We are just expected to assume love between them. The book reads like a fanfiction, but if I was reading a fanfiction of media I had never seen/read/interacted with. The author assumes you will know things because they are already part of canon. It is not their chore to explain them to you. The characters have no nuances, no quirks, it is not their chore to introduce them to you.  They are sworn enemies falling in love. Why? Because they were written that way! Lazy as fuck. The science fiction was compelling - in the chapters the authors bothered to flesh out their world. The time travel trope was leaned on heavily without any explanation of the organizations the two characters work for - their goals, their differences - they are at war. Why? This question being raised could be treated as a statement, but no statement is ever really made.  The time travel itself is blusteringly uncritical, western, imperialist. Why would a time traveler be concerned with the supremacy of western thought - ‘in a land that would someday be called x’ or whatever. I’ll go back and find the direct quote that stopped me in my tracks. Anyway. Despite being literal immortal agents with the ability to travel and influence time, the books are dotted with love notes to western imperialism. Are they Brits? Nauseating.
I did end up enjoying the arc of the book that includes their romance blossoming and Red fighting back against their agencies attempts to entrap them and use them as pawns to eliminate the other. However, I did also predict that Red would be The Seeker, and that the book itself should be a sort of time loop.  Idk I think I just don’t like the tone the book was written in, the plot and characters are flippant, the love story is assumed, the characters and their agencies operate uncritically across time and space and biology and technology - the concepts are cool but the writing is not my favorite.
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harrysfolklore · 1 year
secret girlfriend!yn sounds so exciting and alexa chung is definitely perfect for it
here it is !! this is suuuuper long and i had to dig in the internet to find pics but i hope you like it <33
if you want exclusive blurbs and tropes SUSCRIBE TO MY PATREON <3
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 93 others
yourinstagram congratulations harry and the boys for the #1 album !! have you listened to take me home yet ? #proudestgirlfriendever
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gemmastyles I’m so proud of my bro ❤️
annetwist My babies !
niallhoran Yooo I still can’t believe it
harrystyles Thank you for always supporting me, love :)
yourmom Good job Harry !
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liked by onedirectionfan1, onedirectionfan2 and 528 others
onedirectionnews Harry leaving the Brit Awards tonight !
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onedirectionfan1 my baby <3
onedirectionfan2 who are those girls ?
onedirectionfan3 repeat after me harry can have female friends that are not his girlfriends
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 193,937 others
nickgrimshaw About last night ! #TooManyMojitos #BestBuds
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onedirectionfan1 look at harry !
kellyosbourne Best crew ❤️
onedirectionfan2 harry, nick, kelly and who’s the other girl ??
yourinstagram ❤️❤️
harrystyles Still hungover :(
onedirectionfan3 my baby having fun
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 208 others
yourinstagram my partner in crime 👯‍♀️
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yourbestfriend i miss you !
annetwist ❤️❤️
nickgrimshaw Hollywood’s best kept secret does it again
harrystyles My head hurts, I need cuddles and an advil
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liked by yourinstagram, ritaora and 1,097,837 others
harrystyles Thank you British Fashion Awards for having me x
view all 76,927 comments
harryfan1 HARRYYYYY
gemmastyles ❤️👀
harryfan2 why did he choose this pic?? anyway he’s so handsome
nickgrimshaw I see what you do
yourinstagram ❤️
harryfan3 look at him being a fashion icon
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liked by annetwist, harrystyles and 218 others
yourinstagram we successfully dodged paparazzi and media at a crowded event again. we are pretty committed, aren’t we?
i love you and i’m proud of you ❤️ @harrystyles
view all 59 comments
annetwist And I’m proud of what you have, my babies !
niallhoran I love you mates
harrystyles I love you, thanks for being there
nickgrimshaw what if i sell y’all’s tea to TMZ
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liked by gemmastyles, glenne_c and 214 others
yourinstagram happy 21st my love ! thank for letting me be by your side and loving me the way you do, you’re an angel in disguise to all of us around you. can’t wait to celebrate you tonight ❤️
view all 53 comments
gemmastyles She’s beautiful and he’s.. there
caradelevingne tonight is going to be insane
annetwist My baby ❤️
harrystyles I love you, I’ll never say it enough.
nickgrimshaw That party you’re throwing better be good bc i’m flying out to LA just for it
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 139,027 others
enews Harry Styles turns 21 with the A-list. Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, The Beckhams & more. Check the link in our bio to see who else was in attendance.
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harryfan1 OMG !!
harryfan2 what if he’s dating gigi or kendall?
harryfan3 that brunette girl is always in the background but we don’t even know her name
harryfan4 i wish i was invited
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liked by caradelevingne, yourinstagram and 3,029,637 others
harrystyles Thank you for the birthday wishes x
view all 78,927 comments
harryfan1 king of posting blurry pics
annetwist My baby ❤️
nickgrimshaw my lips are sealed… for now
↳ harryfan3 spill the tea about the party
yourinstagram ❤️
liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,972 others
harryupdates Harry singing karaoke with a friend tonight ! Via nickgrimshaw
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harryfan1 OMGGG
harryfan2 that looks a lot like gemma
harryfan3 oh to sing karaoke with harry
harryfan4 should we worry about this?
↳ harryfan5 nah i’m pretty sure that’s gemma
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liked by annetwist, jefezoff and 207 others
yourinstagram we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year 🥂
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gemmastyles I miss you
nickgrimshaw thank you lads
↳ yourinstagram yeah not to you, you almost exposed us
↳ nickgrimshaw pls you’re dramatic
harrystyles Not to be corny but would you give me your heart next Christmas?
↳ yourinstagram HARRY THAT WAS SO BAD
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liked by yourinstagram, spaceykacey and 5,927,927 others
harrystyles It’s 2017.
view all 98,376 comments
harryfan1 HELLO HARRY??
gemmastyles ❤️
harryfan2 wait who is this
↳ harryfan3 gemma
nickgrimshaw Oh look at you
harryfan4 guys i don’t think that’s gemma
annetwist My babies ❤️
↳ harryfan2 her babies, that’s gemma
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,937 others
theharrytea okay so hear me out, harry and nick spent the day together today (we know that bc of this story) and then nick posted that tweet
i don’t want to jump into conclusions but what if harry is in a relationship????
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 OH
harryfan2 nah this is a reach
harryfan3 sometimes i feel like harry has a secret girlfriend or boyfriend because there’s no way this man has been single for 6 years now
harryfan4 this is either a confirmation or just a coincidence
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 6,927 others
view all 1,022 comments
harryfan1 AH OMGGGG
harryfan2 who’s the beret girl dancing with him
harryfan4 beret girl is so lucky
harryfan5 did you see the other video where harry and beret girl are hugging?
harryfan6 isn’t beret girl gemma?
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 1,698,837 others
iammarkronson Buddies. #MetBall
view all 73,927 comments
harryfan1 HARRYYYY
mileycyrus My angels 🤍
yourinstagram ❤️
harryfan3 harries are capable of hacking security cameras but can’t seem to find the identity of this beret girl that was cozy with harry the entire afterparty? 😭
↳ harryfan1 all i could i find is that apparently she has been seen with harry multiple times over the years
↳ harryfan2 WHO IS SHE
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liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 218 others
yourinstagram beret girl had a blast at the met ball last night 🥳
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glenne_c that’s my bestieeee
nickgrimshaw LMAO they caught you in 4K
↳ yourinstagram what do you mean, i’m just gemma styles 🥰
pillowpersonpp Beret girl is so iconic
harrystyles Love you, beret girl aka Gemma Styles x
gemmastyles My twin ❤️
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 297,837 others
TMZ, Daily Mail, The Sun and multiple news outlets have confirmed that Harry Styles has proposed to his longterm girlfriend YN.
The couple has been dating since 2012 but kept their relationship hidden from the media for almost 9 years.
This news have shocked his millions of fans across the globe, however, some of them claim to recognize his now fiancée from different videos and sightings over the years.
What are your thoughts?
Pictures of the couple from 2013 and 2015.
view all 31,982 comments
harryfan1 im completely shocked
harryfan2 like wtf harry had a girlfriend all this time and now they’re getting MARRIED??
harryfan3 remember how i said that he probably had a secret girlfriend? well..
harryfan4 WHAT THE FUCK??
harryfan5 i don’t believe this lol
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liked by yourinstagram, mileycyrus and 10,826,836 others
harrystyles Fiancée x
view all 102,736 comments
harryfan1 WTFFFFF
selenagomez CONGRATULATIONS ❤️
harryfan2 i haven’t moved from my spot in almost an hour
harryfan3 BERET GIRL ???
nickgrimshaw god fucking finally
annetwist So proud of you my babies 👏🏻❤️
harryfan4 it all makes sense now, she has always been in the background on every important event on harry’s career, there’s even some sneaky pics on harry’s insta where you can see her. OH GOD HES INSANE
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,854 others
harryupdates “It’s not like I was intentionally hiding my relationship from the public eye. My relationship was private, very private, but it was never a secret. My fiancée has been by my side for every milestone of my career, right next to me or my family, never hidden away. So no, it wasn’t me keeping this low profile because I was ashamed like you suggest” - Harry on the Howard Stern Show
view all 963 comments
harryfan1 oh now im pissed
harryfan2 i hate howard fr
harryfan3 harry was about to split him in half
harryfan4 that was hard to watch
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 250 others
yourinstagram can you help us keep this secret for 9 years again?
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nickgrimshaw still crying
gemmastyles MY BABIES 🥹❤️
annetwist Mr & Mrs Styles 🥂👏🏻
anthonypham 🥺
harrystyles I love keeping secrets with you x
jefezoff Look how far you’ve come
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci i @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs s @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry y @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @harrybabyyyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia @itsgigikay @goldensstateofgrace
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princessfbi · 3 years
8 & 64? :) only if it inspires you!
Hospital AU + Star Crossed Lovers
Imma cheat a little but here we go.
First Lines:
The Brits were kind of snobs but in like... a really polite, well-meaning kind of way. They were both fascinated and appalled that Buck hailed from the great disappointingt state, Pennsylvania. They drank tea instead of coffee. They talked about the dullness of their houses in the country but missed them when they were in the city. And the breakfast?
Buck didn't know what they had against cereal and toast but apparently it was something deeply personal.
But they meant well and the family and doctors he was working with cared deeply for the soldiers that came into the grand estate turned officers' hospital.
It's 1942 and the world is tired of the World War that came after the war that was supposed to end all wars. Buck wanted nothing more than to join in the fight but his injured leg kept him from the frontlines. Instead, he was sent to England to provide much needed medical aid as a nurse with Chimney. While there Buck gets called to help with a patient. An American soldier who was recovering from losing his sight and wouldn't speak to anyone.
Eddie is... shut down and isolating himself from anyone including the bubbly nurse who has no idea what it's like out there. Haunted by nightmares with no reprieve from the darkness after an explosion very may have taken his sight, Eddie isn't interested in what the weather is like or or whatever was happening in the book the upper class snobs had in their stupid library. But soon Eddie learns that despite appearances, Buck comes with his own nightmares.
They find solace from the darkness with each other and soon the light comes back into Eddie's vision. The first thing he sees is Buck and he's... beautiful. Eddie had been stuck in this godforsaken war for too long but Buck? Buck was like that first summer before the world went to shit. Buck's smile was like the sun on his skin instead of mud, sweat, and blood. Buck was a whisper in the night when Eddie felt alone and broken. Buck is...
Buck saves him.
And then Eddie gets called back to the front.
Additional Notes:
Eddie writes when he can but sometimes letter get lost
Eddie tells Buck about Paris and what it must look like during Christmas
Buck tells Eddie nothing beats Christmas in the Midwest
Eddie claims Christmas in Texas is superior
They agree to dream of seeing if Christmas in Paris beats out either when this damn war is over
Then at some point the letters stop
And Buck hears that Eddie's unit was ambushed and he was MIA assumed KIA
Buck continues in his duties but it's like a part of him is gone
When the war ends he doesn't know what to do because he doesn't have a home to go back to
He and Chimney meet up with Bobby and Hen and Maddie but they can all tell Buck's a little broken
He tries to hide it
But come Christmas time Buck decides to follow up on the promise he made with Eddie and gets a ticket to Paris
He spends most of his time seeing the sights and trying not to remember the harsh memories
He meets up with some friends he made in England
It's beautiful but he feels like he sees Eddie everywhere
Maybe it was a mistake to come
Then on Christmas Eve, Buck sees Paris in snow and he knows Eddie would love it
He does but Eddie thinks it's better with Buck
SURPRISE Eddie survived but when he was able to get back to the hospital estate in England, Buck was already gone and he'd been trying to track Buck down ever since
He had a feeling or a hope really that Buck would come like they promised
Buck's crying and they embrace in the snow
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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wearevillaneve · 4 years
Luke Jennings Spills the Tea on how “Codename: Villanelle” became “Killing Eve.”
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(photo: Nick Fallowfield-Cooper )
Last week, Luke Jennings, the journalist and writer whose Codename: Villanelle Kindle novella’s spawned the BBCAmerica television hit, Killing Eve, joined a Zoom chat with the Killing Eve Facebook Group to field questions about his creation and colorful characters.   Near the end (fast forward to the 1:13 mark) of the chat, Jennings was asked by one of the moderators, how Codename: Villanelle morphed into the radically different name of Killing Eve.  “What happened for ages, Phoebe and I and the producers just talked about Villanelle.   That was what we called the project.”  
“When BBCAmerica commissioned it they said two things:  ‘Eve has to be an American in the TV series.  The Brits can have the psychopath.   She can be a British actress, but we have to have an American actress as Eve because ‘Eve is good.   Eve must be an American.’
The second thing they said is ‘Eve’s name must be in the title.  It must be something with “Eve.”
None of us had considered that.  Phoebe and I had two days to come up with a title and we literally went though every single kind of combination of things that you could do with the name Eve.
Eventually, on the second morning I just wrote down the words, ‘Killing Eve’ and I sent it to Phoebe.
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 I said, “I have no idea what this means, but what do you think?”
She said, “Yeah, I don’t know what it means either, but it’s right.”
“That’s how it came about.    What “Killing Eve” actually means people have all kinds of theories, but Phoebe and I just thought it sounded right.” And there you have it from the man himself.  The fandom can and has debated, analyzed,  theorized and waxes poetic on what the “Killing” in Killing Eve actually means.  Is it the metamorphosis of the nice, normal and boringly heterosexual Eve Polastri, into the not-so-nice, abnormal, slightly murderous and not as straight as she thought she was Eve Polastri, who emerges with the hots for a blonde assassin with delicate features and developing a kink for knives and crushing the ribs of old women?
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Or is Killing Eve simply the best idea Jennings could come up over 48 hrs and it sounded catchy when you say it out loud?  
There are laboriously elaborate master plans that spool out over time and succeed beyond the designer’s wildest dreams.  Then, there’s those happy accidents when your back is against the wall and you just have to pull something out of your ass and hope its presentable.   This is a case of the latter, not the former. Jennings is incredibly lucky to be one of the select few writers who not only get a work of fiction brought to life by talented people like Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer, Fiona Shaw, Kim Bodina and too many other writers, directors, technicians, and actors to mention as well as producer Sally Woodward-Gentle and former AMC president, Sarah Barnett.    He had the inspiration, but it’s a collaboration that brought it to creation. More than a few authors have been public with their displeasure with how their works turned out in the jump from the written word to the lens of the camera, but unlike Stephen King, Alan Moore, John Grisham or Anne Rice, Jennings isn’t going to raise hell over the drastic changes made to Codename: Villanelle.  It’s a clunky, cliched title, and BBCAmerica chose to make the protagonist the agent instead of the assassin.  We can argue if that was really the right way to go, but from the results, the show itself doesn’t seem to have suffered from the asinine assertion by some suits that because Eve is the “good” one,  it is mandated her name goes in the title, because she’s the “hero.”
Eve is nobody’s hero.  
But does it really matter?  Jennings created something more than a variation on the old spy game trope.   He created the basis for a global sensation that has inspired art, prose, video and a worldwide fandom that didn’t even exist four years ago.  He revived the careers of Oh and Shaw and set Comer on a path to superstardom.  As accomplishments go, that’s not too shabby.
Killing Eve has eclipsed the success of its source material, but if not for the active imagination of one British dance critic,  you wouldn’t be reading this because I never would have written it.  
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“You’re never going to love everything you see, but it takes 200 people to make a TV series and one person to write a novel, so it’s a very different kind of animal.”   Jennings said in an interview with The National News.
“There comes a point when you simply have to let go and let the TV series become what it’s going to become.”
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A different Brit here, that ask confused the crap out of me and me being crap at geography, I honest thought that Yeehaw land was a place and now I feel like a right numpty. My bad.😶If it helps, and anybody wants their own back, I have an American friend that likes to call me and my other British friends Teatea heads as in titty heads, although the jokes on him really because I find tea absolutely revolting. (So I guess that's my tat for today, a poorly whumpee spilling tea all over the floor)
😂 😂 😂 this ask just made my day. Thank you, Nonny. And I love the trope!
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Shaun of the Dead (Edgar Wright, 2004)
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Shaun of the Dead is much more than just your average horror spoof: this is a genuinely funny, well-made horror comedy with an introspective, relatable British spin.
Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead presents us with the everyman character of Shaun (Simon Pegg). Living out his repetitive life of complacently; going to the same shop every morning, working his mundane job, and ending his day at the bottom of a pint glass. However, things began to change quickly, little to Shaun’s hilariously delayed realisation, with a zombie apocalypse brewing around him. Alongside his flatmate, best mate, and only mate, Ed (Nick Frost), Shaun devises his master plan: to rescue his mother, win back his girlfriend, and head to The Winchester, ‘to have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this all to blow over’.
Upon revisiting this film in my adult years, it became apparent that I had previously viewed this film from a passive perspective, taking the film at face value and simply enjoying it for the great fun it is; a fantastic experience in itself. Shaun of the Deadcan be interpreted to carry a sub-textual critique of modern British society. Shaun already lives in a world of where the people have been zombified; where lifeless commuters head to work in their dull, repetitive jobs, where people are slaves to technology, mindlessly living through their televisions, phones and gaming consoles, living their life on autopilot. This world is a reflection of Shaun himself; he says he wants to make change in his life, yet he does nothing about it. It takes the literal onslaught of the undead to pull him out of the metaphorical zombified state he had been existing in for years. The visual comedy of seeing this apocalypse unfolding around Shaun as he continues his mundane life so nonchalantly is captivatingly amusing. He is blissfully unaware of the fact his fellow community members are becoming more than just figurative zombies. It takes a vinyl-throwing, mug-smashing fight to the death against zombies for Shaun and Ed to realise that something is not be right; mulling over the incident over a cup of tea and a cornetto whilst splattered with blood, as is a normal British Sunday. This sends a message drawing back to these modern societal issues, demonstrating that we are have been conditioned to be oblivious to our own zombification, like robots becoming aware of their artificial, automated existence.
Relatability is a constant in Shaun of the Dead . When the face of Channel Four’s, Krishnan Guru-Murthy, appears on the screen reporting the carnage, it feels like this could all be happening around the corner; proving that small details can make big impacts. The Britishness of the humour instantly identifiable, from self-deprecating jokes to offensive banter, Shaun of the Dead embodies the humour in the lived experienced of working - class Britain. Its comedic parodying of horror film conventions is witty and memorable. In the build up to Shaun and Ed discovering they are in the wake of Armageddon, they are in their local pub sipping their pints of lager after last orders. The lights are dim, the music stopped, and in a hushed voice, Ed is telling the tales of the enigmatic people around the bar. The atmosphere becomes mysterious and our attention focused. Ed concludes by noting that life could be worse and that it’s not the end of the world, which is followed by a timely loud bang on the window, with the silhouette of a zombie scratching at the glass, along with the familiar moan of the undead. The atmospheric tension is at its climax, we wait in anticipation to how our protagonists will react; will the scene continue on its intense, dramatic path? Nope. Instead, they innocently laugh and presume he’s just a fellow binge drinking Brit at the end of a night out. This hilarious presumption of theirs continues on their walk home, as they presume a zombie mauling a man’s neck to be a drunk couple getting too frisky, and become involved in a hilarious drunken sing off with a zombie, whom they assume simply to be extremely drunk and bad singer. British culture and stereotypes are also scoured, from binge drinking, such as in the scene above, to relatable scenarios, such as the British etiquette of not interrupting someone mid-sentence. Shaun, of course, takes this to a new height when he’s too polite to interrupt a female admirer of his, even though there are apocalyptic events occurring in the background.
Edgar Wright’s love of horror movies shines through in this outstandingly British horror comedy. As said by Edgar himself; “it is essentially a horror comedy more than a spoof, because the comedy is funny and the horror is horrible” (E. Wright quoted in Tribute.ca, 2004). All of the tropes you’d expect to find in a zombie horror movie are woven into the narrative, in perfect combination with comedy, an introspective subtext, and a masterclass in filmmaking. If you’re a fan of horror, watch it, if you’re a fan of comedy, watch it… if you’re British, watch it; this is cult classic that has stood strong in the test of time.
Tribute.ca. (2004). EDGAR WRIGHT - SHAUN OF THE DEAD Interview (2004). [online] Available at: https://www.tribute.ca/interviews/edgar-wright-shaun-of-the-dead/director/9316/ [Accessed 6 Jan. 2019].
Shaun of the Dead . (2004). [DVD] Directed by E. Wright. United Kingdom: StudioCanal, Working Title Films.
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Only the Inspector would think to use hot tea in a device
designed to defeat the Sergeant’s plot, all because of the supercharging effects of tannins that made the latter’s minions docile.
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide to Fruity, Milky, and Other Exciting Specialty Drinks
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What to get in the drinks aisle of an international grocery store? Consider these.
I’ve always found joy in the little things in life — the smell of a new book, blank stationery, and a small soft drink carton waiting for me in the fridge. I never outgrew these joys, and I invested in my soft drink passion especially. I know, I know, there is a common trope about millennials who infantilize themselves because society won’t let them buy houses and save money, and I agree! But the quest for gourmet soda is particularly exciting. The reward? A salve at the end of the day.
As my journey in life takes me to more and more international grocery stores, I’ve ventured farther into the beverage aisles, and when the cool air of the fridge hits my face, I edge closer to the fluorescent light and reach toward the cold carton, bottle, or can of a new or familiar joy. Sure, you can always get something alcoholic, but for those of us who don’t want to exacerbate our GERD (hello, 30s), are addicted to sugar, or don’t want to spend more than $5, there is the wonderful world of speciality soft drinks. First, some general tips:
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1) Find an international grocery store or immigrant-owned bodega
Chances are you won’t find specialty sodas and juices at Target or Walmart unless they’re manufactured by an American brand. Look up Japanese, Korean, South Asian, Middle Eastern, Mexican, and Chinese grocery stores (or any other kind!) in your area. While you’re there, pick up some pantry staples and make sure you’re respectful of the other shoppers. If you live by an immigrant-owned bodega, take a closer look at their shelves.
2) Don’t be a coward
Just because you can’t read the language on the packaging of a drink, and just because you’ve never had it before, doesn’t mean it’s a mystery of the vast unknown. Be brave! You could end up discovering your holy grail drink! And if you hate it, that’s also okay. It’s not going to cost you much to find out. If you’re really curious, though, there’s sometimes an import sticker that states what it is in English.
3) Look for the beverages in the fridge and on the shelves
There are instances when those working the stores haven’t had the time to fill up the fridge. Be mindful of stacked cartons or bottles around the store, where potential new favorites could be hiding out. Other kinds of drinks will be placed not in the fridges but on dry shelves in the interior of the store.
4) Once you find a favorite, take a picture of the packaging
Be sure to take a picture of something you really liked for future visits and file it into a folder on your phone — it’ll help you repurchase your favorites and also prevent any mix-ups between similarly shaped or designed bottles.
The ones to know:
Here are very few of my personal favorites, split into the categories of “fruity” and “milky.” Fruity drinks are evergreen, but especially appropriate for the times when you want the feeling of summer. Milky drinks are a little more substantial, better suited for the days when you’re craving something closer to a dessert.
Suntory honey lemon
My holy grail of fruity drinks. I have only had the luck of having this once in my life, and I have been searching for it ever since. Achieving the perfect balance of sweet and sour, it feels familiar (because it’s honey and lemon) but also completely new because it doesn’t remind you of that familiar cold/flu combo. Like all excellent soft drinks, it has a sophistication from the first to the last sip.
Taisun winter melon drink
Winter melon (aka white gourd) is popular in Taiwan and has got to be the best double agent of all time. In its raw form, it tastes pretty neutral, which makes it well-suited as a savory vegetable dish. Once you add sugar to its juices, though, it transforms, giving off burnt caramel notes that makes it the most dessert-like fruit drink maybe ever. It’s in my top five of all time. I have consumed plenty of Taisun cans, and I hereby encourage everyone to try my regular boba order (winter melon tea with salty foam) if it’s your first time.
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Suntory Gokuri grapefruit
Again with another heavyweight, Suntory offers us Gokuri. As well as having the sexiest packaging (aluminum tinned bottles, generous girth, amazing colors and design), it also is the best citrus soda. Its grapefruit and cassis an orange flavors are clear winners, and the peach flavor is also good (though I usually prefer a non-carbonated peach).
Sing it with me now: lychee, mango, guava, passionfruit. If my childhood were a table, these four would be its legs. Though these drinks are common in the U.K., they’re a little harder to come by in NYC, where I’m located now. Somewhere in between juice and lassi, Rubicon’s drinks are sweet, thick in consistency, and truly a delight to all those who have an affinity for — yes — lychee, mango, guava, and passionfruit. Get them anywhere you can, most likely at a South Asian grocery store, and for the love of god, don’t buy the sparkling versions.
San Pellegrino prickly pear and orange
The blood orange flavor of these foil-wrapped cans gets a lot of airtime with soft drink enthusiasts, but o-ho! Let me tell you about the rare and best flavor of San Pellegrino. Prickly pear, also known as nopal, is a cactus that can be used in savory cooking but also eaten as a fruit. This flavor sets itself apart from other San Pellegrino varieties in that it doesn’t taste as artificial, which is hard to achieve with carbonated sodas.
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Bruce Cost jasmine green tea ginger ale
I never really understood the love for ginger ale until I tried Bruce Cost’s. With other ginger ales, the ginger is too strong, or the sugar too sweet to counteract the ginger, but the beauty of Bruce Cost’s ginger ale is that it’s infused with flavors that you wouldn’t think would work — and yet they do. Jasmine green tea is amazing all by itself, but with the ginger ale flavor, it’s a perfect union.
Ikea elderflower drink/Belvoir elderflower presse or cordial
Elderflower is popular around northwestern and central Europe, and has a distinctly elegant taste that is a heavy-hitter by itself and with cocktails. If your store has a specialty shelf dedicated to the friends across the pond, you may have some luck in finding Belvoir, an elderflower cordial popular with us Brits. If not, perhaps you can scoop a carton or bottle of “Dryk Flader” next time you’re at Ikea trying to satisfy your meatball craving.
Suanmeitang (Chinese sour plum juice)
If, like me, your only experience of plum juice is to fix some… uh… bowel issues, then I understand the hesitation with trying suanmeitang. But this is an all-around winner: a sweet, sour, and very slightly salty plum juice, in an adorable bottle, that, yes, helps with digestion — because bowel movement is important! Grow up! You can likely find suanmeitang at most Chinese grocery stores.
Vitasoy black sesame
If you’ve ever been to HMart or an East Asian supermarket, you might have seen these cartons in a variety of colors to denote different flavors. But nothing reigns more supreme than the black sesame flavor: A milky backdrop complements the nuttiness of the black sesame and makes for a great drinkable dessert.
Marusan Hojicha milk tea
Milk tea is tea leaves steeped in milk in various combinations. You have oolong, darjeeling, and other forms (which I encourage you to try if you haven’t), but hojicha is my personal favorite. Hojicha is the more elegant sister of matcha: Whereas matcha leans more fresh and grassy, hojicha is the roasted version, and provides a deeper and earthier flavor. I recommend finding hojicha leaves and having them for hot tea (or finding sachets for a hojicha instant latte), but if you want a soothing cold version, hojicha milk tea in the carton is unbeatable. Marusan’s uses soy milk, which helps with any lactose intolerance.
Yakult probiotic drink
A legend, an icon. Nothing can replace the tangy sweetness of this watery liquid. She mainstreamed and we still love her. Does she actually help with good gut bacteria? Do we care either way?
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T.Grand Assam milk tea
Assam tea is produced in Assam, India, and it’s a pretty singular black tea flavor. It tastes a little bit like fragrant burnt sugar or earthy caramel. Adding milk nestles that flavor into your palate and imparts an astounding flavor somewhere between creamy and fruity, floral and nutty. It has crisp notes, much like oolong, but the taste itself is rounded out. I prefer T.Grand’s version, partly because of its “My Way My Life My Milk Tea” caption on the cartons (damn straight!), but UCC has Assam milk tea too.
Bikkle yogurt drink
For those who need a little more of Yakult, and the tiny bottles simply don’t hit, we have Bikkle’s yogurt drink. Much like Calpis, it’s a yogurt drink that tastes less like lactose and more like a kind of sugar that does something to the pleasure center of the brain. It has a better taste and consistency than Calpis, and does not give me a tummy ache, so it’s a win all-around.
• Get Yourself a Specialty Soda, as a Treat [E]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fh1oJh https://ift.tt/2XfgsB8
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What to get in the drinks aisle of an international grocery store? Consider these.
I’ve always found joy in the little things in life — the smell of a new book, blank stationery, and a small soft drink carton waiting for me in the fridge. I never outgrew these joys, and I invested in my soft drink passion especially. I know, I know, there is a common trope about millennials who infantilize themselves because society won’t let them buy houses and save money, and I agree! But the quest for gourmet soda is particularly exciting. The reward? A salve at the end of the day.
As my journey in life takes me to more and more international grocery stores, I’ve ventured farther into the beverage aisles, and when the cool air of the fridge hits my face, I edge closer to the fluorescent light and reach toward the cold carton, bottle, or can of a new or familiar joy. Sure, you can always get something alcoholic, but for those of us who don’t want to exacerbate our GERD (hello, 30s), are addicted to sugar, or don’t want to spend more than $5, there is the wonderful world of speciality soft drinks. First, some general tips:
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1) Find an international grocery store or immigrant-owned bodega
Chances are you won’t find specialty sodas and juices at Target or Walmart unless they’re manufactured by an American brand. Look up Japanese, Korean, South Asian, Middle Eastern, Mexican, and Chinese grocery stores (or any other kind!) in your area. While you’re there, pick up some pantry staples and make sure you’re respectful of the other shoppers. If you live by an immigrant-owned bodega, take a closer look at their shelves.
2) Don’t be a coward
Just because you can’t read the language on the packaging of a drink, and just because you’ve never had it before, doesn’t mean it’s a mystery of the vast unknown. Be brave! You could end up discovering your holy grail drink! And if you hate it, that’s also okay. It’s not going to cost you much to find out. If you’re really curious, though, there’s sometimes an import sticker that states what it is in English.
3) Look for the beverages in the fridge and on the shelves
There are instances when those working the stores haven’t had the time to fill up the fridge. Be mindful of stacked cartons or bottles around the store, where potential new favorites could be hiding out. Other kinds of drinks will be placed not in the fridges but on dry shelves in the interior of the store.
4) Once you find a favorite, take a picture of the packaging
Be sure to take a picture of something you really liked for future visits and file it into a folder on your phone — it’ll help you repurchase your favorites and also prevent any mix-ups between similarly shaped or designed bottles.
The ones to know:
Here are very few of my personal favorites, split into the categories of “fruity” and “milky.” Fruity drinks are evergreen, but especially appropriate for the times when you want the feeling of summer. Milky drinks are a little more substantial, better suited for the days when you’re craving something closer to a dessert.
Suntory honey lemon
My holy grail of fruity drinks. I have only had the luck of having this once in my life, and I have been searching for it ever since. Achieving the perfect balance of sweet and sour, it feels familiar (because it’s honey and lemon) but also completely new because it doesn’t remind you of that familiar cold/flu combo. Like all excellent soft drinks, it has a sophistication from the first to the last sip.
Taisun winter melon drink
Winter melon (aka white gourd) is popular in Taiwan and has got to be the best double agent of all time. In its raw form, it tastes pretty neutral, which makes it well-suited as a savory vegetable dish. Once you add sugar to its juices, though, it transforms, giving off burnt caramel notes that makes it the most dessert-like fruit drink maybe ever. It’s in my top five of all time. I have consumed plenty of Taisun cans, and I hereby encourage everyone to try my regular boba order (winter melon tea with salty foam) if it’s your first time.
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Suntory Gokuri grapefruit
Again with another heavyweight, Suntory offers us Gokuri. As well as having the sexiest packaging (aluminum tinned bottles, generous girth, amazing colors and design), it also is the best citrus soda. Its grapefruit and cassis an orange flavors are clear winners, and the peach flavor is also good (though I usually prefer a non-carbonated peach).
Sing it with me now: lychee, mango, guava, passionfruit. If my childhood were a table, these four would be its legs. Though these drinks are common in the U.K., they’re a little harder to come by in NYC, where I’m located now. Somewhere in between juice and lassi, Rubicon’s drinks are sweet, thick in consistency, and truly a delight to all those who have an affinity for — yes — lychee, mango, guava, and passionfruit. Get them anywhere you can, most likely at a South Asian grocery store, and for the love of god, don’t buy the sparkling versions.
San Pellegrino prickly pear and orange
The blood orange flavor of these foil-wrapped cans gets a lot of airtime with soft drink enthusiasts, but o-ho! Let me tell you about the rare and best flavor of San Pellegrino. Prickly pear, also known as nopal, is a cactus that can be used in savory cooking but also eaten as a fruit. This flavor sets itself apart from other San Pellegrino varieties in that it doesn’t taste as artificial, which is hard to achieve with carbonated sodas.
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Bruce Cost jasmine green tea ginger ale
I never really understood the love for ginger ale until I tried Bruce Cost’s. With other ginger ales, the ginger is too strong, or the sugar too sweet to counteract the ginger, but the beauty of Bruce Cost’s ginger ale is that it’s infused with flavors that you wouldn’t think would work — and yet they do. Jasmine green tea is amazing all by itself, but with the ginger ale flavor, it’s a perfect union.
Ikea elderflower drink/Belvoir elderflower presse or cordial
Elderflower is popular around northwestern and central Europe, and has a distinctly elegant taste that is a heavy-hitter by itself and with cocktails. If your store has a specialty shelf dedicated to the friends across the pond, you may have some luck in finding Belvoir, an elderflower cordial popular with us Brits. If not, perhaps you can scoop a carton or bottle of “Dryk Flader” next time you’re at Ikea trying to satisfy your meatball craving.
Suanmeitang (Chinese sour plum juice)
If, like me, your only experience of plum juice is to fix some… uh… bowel issues, then I understand the hesitation with trying suanmeitang. But this is an all-around winner: a sweet, sour, and very slightly salty plum juice, in an adorable bottle, that, yes, helps with digestion — because bowel movement is important! Grow up! You can likely find suanmeitang at most Chinese grocery stores.
Vitasoy black sesame
If you’ve ever been to HMart or an East Asian supermarket, you might have seen these cartons in a variety of colors to denote different flavors. But nothing reigns more supreme than the black sesame flavor: A milky backdrop complements the nuttiness of the black sesame and makes for a great drinkable dessert.
Marusan Hojicha milk tea
Milk tea is tea leaves steeped in milk in various combinations. You have oolong, darjeeling, and other forms (which I encourage you to try if you haven’t), but hojicha is my personal favorite. Hojicha is the more elegant sister of matcha: Whereas matcha leans more fresh and grassy, hojicha is the roasted version, and provides a deeper and earthier flavor. I recommend finding hojicha leaves and having them for hot tea (or finding sachets for a hojicha instant latte), but if you want a soothing cold version, hojicha milk tea in the carton is unbeatable. Marusan’s uses soy milk, which helps with any lactose intolerance.
Yakult probiotic drink
A legend, an icon. Nothing can replace the tangy sweetness of this watery liquid. She mainstreamed and we still love her. Does she actually help with good gut bacteria? Do we care either way?
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T.Grand Assam milk tea
Assam tea is produced in Assam, India, and it’s a pretty singular black tea flavor. It tastes a little bit like fragrant burnt sugar or earthy caramel. Adding milk nestles that flavor into your palate and imparts an astounding flavor somewhere between creamy and fruity, floral and nutty. It has crisp notes, much like oolong, but the taste itself is rounded out. I prefer T.Grand’s version, partly because of its “My Way My Life My Milk Tea” caption on the cartons (damn straight!), but UCC has Assam milk tea too.
Bikkle yogurt drink
For those who need a little more of Yakult, and the tiny bottles simply don’t hit, we have Bikkle’s yogurt drink. Much like Calpis, it’s a yogurt drink that tastes less like lactose and more like a kind of sugar that does something to the pleasure center of the brain. It has a better taste and consistency than Calpis, and does not give me a tummy ache, so it’s a win all-around.
• Get Yourself a Specialty Soda, as a Treat [E]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fh1oJh via Blogger https://ift.tt/3fgFS7A
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funakounasoul · 6 years
My Personal 10 Fave Webcomics I Read in 2017
So there was this post making the rounds from Vice (yeah I know) about some "journalist's" top 10 comics from 2017 that instantly boiled down to "there were no good comics". The comic community - mainstream and indie alike - were furious. My reaction was to make my own list. I read when I could since I have my own stuff that I was working on, but I read some neat webcomics this year. Some were started this year while most have been going on for a while and are still in-progress. So, below the cut, I shall share my top 10 (in no particular order):
Slightly Damned by Chu - I’ve actually been reading this one since 2007 (Leigh introduced me to it) BUT we both started a major re-read this year, especially since a major event was going on for a while. This one bases itself around the classic “Angel vs Devil” trope, but does twist it around and also includes other races that are caught in the middle. It’s got its hilarious moments but then gives you such mood whiplashes that you better be strapped onto your chair when you read this or your head will fly.
Missing Monday by Elle Skinner - I TECHNICALLY picked this one up late 2016 (so I may as well count it as a 2017 fave, especially as the story got REAL interesting in this past year!)...though little known fact - I was commissioned by the creator to draw the main couple back in 2014, and that’s where the interest began~ This one is a low fantasy, wlw tale involving time/dimensional traveling and some bargaining with dubious creatures~
Nwain: The Night Who Wandered Dream by Terrana Cliff - This one’s really unique. It’s an animated comic (not a Flash comic, but like, each panel is a bit of a storyboarded-style animation). But what really caught my attention was the curious cast of characters. From the eponymous, quick-witted knight from another time, to the cute robot mouse and (currently) a wild cast of contestants from various lands...Their personalities are so colorful and...well..animated!
Radio Silence by Vanessa Stefaniuk - I love music, so I was instantly attracted to this comic. It’s a slice of life, kinda dramatic at times tale of a British rock band that’s trying to make it big, the trials and tribulations involving such things. Something unique about this one is that the band’s songs are legit composed by a relative of the creator, so whenever you see lyrics with music notes...it’s a proper composition. And also major props to Vanessa for doing SO MUCH research on the locations involved in the story. It’s fictionalized, but despite being Canadian, it really feels like it’s a story being told by Brits (and a Scottish lass and a German guy)!
Heroic Shenanigans by Haley Martin - This one shows off where superhero kids go to train and also socialize in a summer camp-like setting. It’s silly but it’s got a little something underneath it all...agendas and questions and whatnot. But overall, a fun tale of three kids coming of age, so to speak.
Magi Soldat by Star Sumiaki - You like anime? Especially the anime of the 80s and 90s? Magical girls and technology? Then you should check this comic out (that is also read AND paged like a manga, so definitely pay attention to those page arrows!). Earth’s in danger, and it’s up to some unlikely “chosen ones” to learn how to use their new powers and save mankind! And yes, hilarity ensues. (And why, yes, that IS Miko in one of the most recent updates~)
Lavender Tea by Joichi - If you have known me for a period of time, you know I tend to lean more toward wlw and/or female-centric stories in general. This one, which focuses on two boys, actually caught my attention! It’s cute, fluffy, it’s SO unlike the typical BL stuff that tends to make me go elsewhere. Just a simple tale about two boys, and one already has a crush on the other (as far as I know from what I’ve read so far).
Junk Hyenas Diner by Chu - Yes, another one by Chu! I found this one just this year and it’s another great read. Much simpler than Slightly Damned, and it’s a B&W comic, but who cares? It’s still got Chu’s brand of funny. This one is a sci-fi-ish series of random events that take place around a diner run by some mutant hyenas and their robot friend.
MoonSlayer by Mónica N. Galván - R-RATING WARNING FOR THIS ONE. It’s a high fantasy tale of a girl who is trying to write her own destiny because her original one is a terrible one (like, REALLY terrible, not just run-of-the-mill stuff like crappy parents). I haven’t been able to catch up in the latter half of this year, but the story that I’ve read so far has been SO captivating, especially seeing how this girl grows up with so different influences in her life.
Vatican Assassins by MJ Massey - Literally read this one just last week and caught up THAT fast. It’s got demon hunters (see why I got interested so fast? lol) but with a Catholic theme - the hunters work for the Vatican, and pray to saints for battle blessings and the like. They are also mostly a bunch of teenagers, so it’s got teenager problems and conflicts alongside the demon hunting plot, which gives it a bit of a relatable touch since most anyone has experienced, in some way or another, some typical teenager issues.
....And that’s it for this year’s list. I still have quite a bit of a list to go through. I definitely didn’t get to all the titles I wanted to read....so I hope to start reading more titles in 2018! Maybe my list will grow! Also, you definitely should check these out, and maybe make your own lists, even if you’re just a reader. We love hearing recommendations!
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Meet the Man Redefining the Classic Mulberry Look
It’s a 10°C February day in London, and Johnny Coca is freezing. So much so that the bearded, silver-hoop-wearing Spaniard is kitted out in a Mackage puffer jacket when I meet him at Spencer House, the site for his Spring 2018 see-now-buy-now show the following day.
A quick tour of the 18th-century townhouse built for the first Earl Spencer (an ancestor of Diana, Princess of Wales) puts one in mind of British aristocracy, formal tea parties and elaborate china and crystal place settings at dinner, which seems apt for a brand steeped in ye olde British charm. But when I return the next day for the show, I’m guided right through the mansion and out the back doors, past a pink wall dressed in roses, hydrangeas and tulips and into a stark circular space awash in millennial pink and covered in mirrors, reflections of the showgoers bouncing off them every which way.
Divine colours and angles – A few weeks ago some of our YR3 students were help set up Mulberry’s SS18 retail experience at LFW ‘Beyond Heritage’ . . . #visualmerchandising #vm #fashion #FBBM #fbbm18 #fashionbuying #studylondon
A post shared by FBBM (@fashionbuying_ravensbourne) on Mar 22, 2018 at 12:51am PDT
This paradox between old-world sophistication and youthful eccentricity is an accurate description of Mulberry’s new outlook with Coca at the helm. With stints at Céline, Bally and Louis Vuitton behind him, the designer—who took over at Mulberry in 2015—brings an intuitive understanding of form, structure and construction to the house, as well as a playful and iconoclastic perspective.
“When I arrived at the company, I began thinking about the best way to drive and change the direction of Mulberry,” says Coca. “Culturally speaking, [the Brits] are really proper. There’s a classicism to the culture, with the Queen, the tailoring, the tea time.… But at the same time, it’s very funny because you also have the opposite. They’re breaking all the rules. They can be more eccentric, they can be more rock, they can be punkish, they can play with colours…with tattoos. So my idea was to take these two different directions and try to merge everything.”
It’s easier to subvert tropes when you’re looking at them from the outside, claims Coca, and considering his background (born in Seville, educated in Paris), he is primed to bring an outsider’s decidedly non-British sensibility to the brand. “I think it’s interesting—because I’m not from here and I look at things in a different way,” he muses. “What’s evident for a British person is not the same as for someone outside. I love all the tartan, the check, the Victorian, the history. So perhaps I’m more extreme in the references than someone for whom they’re normal. It gives me more room to twist and to play and have fun.”
A strong element of fun certainly res­onates throughout this collection. Imagine a kooky, off-kilter garden party with attendees in organza Edwardian dresses, oversized suits, flouncy blouses and ruffled skirts—all in hues ranging from muted pastels to earthy neutrals to blinding brights.
Beyond Heritage: Twenty-first century Mulberry is quintessentially and uniquely British, combining the best of the old with the thrill of the new. ⠀ .⠀ Our #SS18 collection is available to shop now through the link in bio. ⠀ .⠀ #BeyondHeritage #LFW #MulberryEngland
A post shared by Mulberry (@mulberryengland) on Feb 18, 2018 at 7:48am PST
“Johnny has pushed us toward fabulous colours and more structured designs,” Nick Towe, Mulberry’s head of group quality, told his audience later at one of the workshops organized by the brand over the course of the weekend at London Fashion Week. The house has begun using more chrome-tanned leather, rather than vegetable-tanned leather, says Towe, “because it’s fantastic for colour; it holds its colour. And what does Johnny love? Colours.”
He “really threw some curveballs,” joked Towe, but curveballs are what you need when you’re trying to reinvent a classic house like Mulberry. And Coca threw another when he enlisted Lotta Volkova, the avant-garde 34-year-old Russian known for her work with Vetements and Balenciaga, to style Mulberry’s shows.
“I think you have to be really extreme in your choices if you want to radically change the direction of a brand,” says Coca. “But at the same time, I think it’s really important to keep the heritage as a reference in terms of craft, in terms of spirit. You can’t be extremely different if you don’t have a strong DNA—your base, where you come from, where you are.”
It’s a tightrope, but Johnny Coca’s walking it just fine.
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Sometimes all one needs is a good cuppa.
Tea somehow cures people of anything from simply being a bit moody to death.
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If there ever comes a day when the Inspector doesn’t enjoy a good cuppa,
the programme will basically be done for.
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
What to get in the drinks aisle of an international grocery store? Consider these. I’ve always found joy in the little things in life — the smell of a new book, blank stationery, and a small soft drink carton waiting for me in the fridge. I never outgrew these joys, and I invested in my soft drink passion especially. I know, I know, there is a common trope about millennials who infantilize themselves because society won’t let them buy houses and save money, and I agree! But the quest for gourmet soda is particularly exciting. The reward? A salve at the end of the day. As my journey in life takes me to more and more international grocery stores, I’ve ventured farther into the beverage aisles, and when the cool air of the fridge hits my face, I edge closer to the fluorescent light and reach toward the cold carton, bottle, or can of a new or familiar joy. Sure, you can always get something alcoholic, but for those of us who don’t want to exacerbate our GERD (hello, 30s), are addicted to sugar, or don’t want to spend more than $5, there is the wonderful world of speciality soft drinks. First, some general tips: 1) Find an international grocery store or immigrant-owned bodega Chances are you won’t find specialty sodas and juices at Target or Walmart unless they’re manufactured by an American brand. Look up Japanese, Korean, South Asian, Middle Eastern, Mexican, and Chinese grocery stores (or any other kind!) in your area. While you’re there, pick up some pantry staples and make sure you’re respectful of the other shoppers. If you live by an immigrant-owned bodega, take a closer look at their shelves. 2) Don’t be a coward Just because you can’t read the language on the packaging of a drink, and just because you’ve never had it before, doesn’t mean it’s a mystery of the vast unknown. Be brave! You could end up discovering your holy grail drink! And if you hate it, that’s also okay. It’s not going to cost you much to find out. If you’re really curious, though, there’s sometimes an import sticker that states what it is in English. 3) Look for the beverages in the fridge and on the shelves There are instances when those working the stores haven’t had the time to fill up the fridge. Be mindful of stacked cartons or bottles around the store, where potential new favorites could be hiding out. Other kinds of drinks will be placed not in the fridges but on dry shelves in the interior of the store. 4) Once you find a favorite, take a picture of the packaging Be sure to take a picture of something you really liked for future visits and file it into a folder on your phone — it’ll help you repurchase your favorites and also prevent any mix-ups between similarly shaped or designed bottles. The ones to know: Here are very few of my personal favorites, split into the categories of “fruity” and “milky.” Fruity drinks are evergreen, but especially appropriate for the times when you want the feeling of summer. Milky drinks are a little more substantial, better suited for the days when you’re craving something closer to a dessert. Fruity Suntory honey lemon My holy grail of fruity drinks. I have only had the luck of having this once in my life, and I have been searching for it ever since. Achieving the perfect balance of sweet and sour, it feels familiar (because it’s honey and lemon) but also completely new because it doesn’t remind you of that familiar cold/flu combo. Like all excellent soft drinks, it has a sophistication from the first to the last sip. Taisun winter melon drink Winter melon (aka white gourd) is popular in Taiwan and has got to be the best double agent of all time. In its raw form, it tastes pretty neutral, which makes it well-suited as a savory vegetable dish. Once you add sugar to its juices, though, it transforms, giving off burnt caramel notes that makes it the most dessert-like fruit drink maybe ever. It’s in my top five of all time. I have consumed plenty of Taisun cans, and I hereby encourage everyone to try my regular boba order (winter melon tea with salty foam) if it’s your first time. Suntory Gokuri grapefruit Again with another heavyweight, Suntory offers us Gokuri. As well as having the sexiest packaging (aluminum tinned bottles, generous girth, amazing colors and design), it also is the best citrus soda. Its grapefruit and cassis an orange flavors are clear winners, and the peach flavor is also good (though I usually prefer a non-carbonated peach). Rubicon Sing it with me now: lychee, mango, guava, passionfruit. If my childhood were a table, these four would be its legs. Though these drinks are common in the U.K., they’re a little harder to come by in NYC, where I’m located now. Somewhere in between juice and lassi, Rubicon’s drinks are sweet, thick in consistency, and truly a delight to all those who have an affinity for — yes — lychee, mango, guava, and passionfruit. Get them anywhere you can, most likely at a South Asian grocery store, and for the love of god, don’t buy the sparkling versions. San Pellegrino prickly pear and orange The blood orange flavor of these foil-wrapped cans gets a lot of airtime with soft drink enthusiasts, but o-ho! Let me tell you about the rare and best flavor of San Pellegrino. Prickly pear, also known as nopal, is a cactus that can be used in savory cooking but also eaten as a fruit. This flavor sets itself apart from other San Pellegrino varieties in that it doesn’t taste as artificial, which is hard to achieve with carbonated sodas. Bruce Cost jasmine green tea ginger ale I never really understood the love for ginger ale until I tried Bruce Cost’s. With other ginger ales, the ginger is too strong, or the sugar too sweet to counteract the ginger, but the beauty of Bruce Cost’s ginger ale is that it’s infused with flavors that you wouldn’t think would work — and yet they do. Jasmine green tea is amazing all by itself, but with the ginger ale flavor, it’s a perfect union. Ikea elderflower drink/Belvoir elderflower presse or cordial Elderflower is popular around northwestern and central Europe, and has a distinctly elegant taste that is a heavy-hitter by itself and with cocktails. If your store has a specialty shelf dedicated to the friends across the pond, you may have some luck in finding Belvoir, an elderflower cordial popular with us Brits. If not, perhaps you can scoop a carton or bottle of “Dryk Flader” next time you’re at Ikea trying to satisfy your meatball craving. Suanmeitang (Chinese sour plum juice) If, like me, your only experience of plum juice is to fix some… uh… bowel issues, then I understand the hesitation with trying suanmeitang. But this is an all-around winner: a sweet, sour, and very slightly salty plum juice, in an adorable bottle, that, yes, helps with digestion — because bowel movement is important! Grow up! You can likely find suanmeitang at most Chinese grocery stores. Milky Vitasoy black sesame If you’ve ever been to HMart or an East Asian supermarket, you might have seen these cartons in a variety of colors to denote different flavors. But nothing reigns more supreme than the black sesame flavor: A milky backdrop complements the nuttiness of the black sesame and makes for a great drinkable dessert. Marusan Hojicha milk tea Milk tea is tea leaves steeped in milk in various combinations. You have oolong, darjeeling, and other forms (which I encourage you to try if you haven’t), but hojicha is my personal favorite. Hojicha is the more elegant sister of matcha: Whereas matcha leans more fresh and grassy, hojicha is the roasted version, and provides a deeper and earthier flavor. I recommend finding hojicha leaves and having them for hot tea (or finding sachets for a hojicha instant latte), but if you want a soothing cold version, hojicha milk tea in the carton is unbeatable. Marusan’s uses soy milk, which helps with any lactose intolerance. Yakult probiotic drink A legend, an icon. Nothing can replace the tangy sweetness of this watery liquid. She mainstreamed and we still love her. Does she actually help with good gut bacteria? Do we care either way? T.Grand Assam milk tea Assam tea is produced in Assam, India, and it’s a pretty singular black tea flavor. It tastes a little bit like fragrant burnt sugar or earthy caramel. Adding milk nestles that flavor into your palate and imparts an astounding flavor somewhere between creamy and fruity, floral and nutty. It has crisp notes, much like oolong, but the taste itself is rounded out. I prefer T.Grand’s version, partly because of its “My Way My Life My Milk Tea” caption on the cartons (damn straight!), but UCC has Assam milk tea too. Bikkle yogurt drink For those who need a little more of Yakult, and the tiny bottles simply don’t hit, we have Bikkle’s yogurt drink. Much like Calpis, it’s a yogurt drink that tastes less like lactose and more like a kind of sugar that does something to the pleasure center of the brain. It has a better taste and consistency than Calpis, and does not give me a tummy ache, so it’s a win all-around. • Get Yourself a Specialty Soda, as a Treat [E] from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3fh1oJh
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