#Berserk Button
tlaquetzqui · 1 year
George Rape-Rape’s thing about “oh Tolkien could afford to spend decades working out Elvish” is fucking ironic now that it’s been 12 years since A Dance with Dragons. You could’ve just said “Tolkien was a linguist and I’m not” and nobody would hold it against you. But you had to pretend he had advantages over you, which he absolutely did not, other than talent and not being a piece of shit.
Tolkien didn’t sit around with his thumb up his ass for three US election cycles while people mailed razor blades to his editor and gave one-star reviews to other fantasy writers’ first installments just for not being the concluding installments. You did, George.
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besttropeveershowdown · 11 months
The Best Trope Ever Showdown: Round 1, Side B
Berserk Button
No propaganda was submitted.
Caper Crew
No propaganda was submitted.
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pony-central · 10 months
Berserk Button List (Updated)
As TV Tropes states, a Berserk Button is described as "someone who appears normal. But, one small mistake leads said person to go into an unstoppable rage".
This list has been updated with new characters added
Sick PonyCentral
Any mention of Purity Senpai sends her into Anger Mode. She will shoot a powerful beam of red energy that will end up bursting a hole through your roof. She also gave him several concussions during her time at the PTIAFTC
Insulting her sister will end up with you possibly ending up in the hospital
Don't call her "Sickly Kayleigh". You will regret it instantly
If you say that purple is the worst colour, expect to lose a tooth
Talking to her about her dad will result in her setting your house on fire
Never talk shit about her green pizza
SpongeBob SickPants is a major Berserk Button to her
Don't insult Disney in front of her. She will kill you
Also don't make fun of her weight. She will not take it too lightly
Naughty PonyCentral
Saying that her x Nathan Files is a zoo ship will end up with you in the hospital, or dead
If you argue with Nathan, she will blow a hole in the roof of your house
Nathan's late father was a massive Berserk Button for her
Sick BF
Anything involving Senpai. Sick Boyfriend even kicked Senpai in the nuts due to the beef they have with each other
Don't compare him to the Bubbly Bikini Boatin Sick Boyfriend. He will beat the shit out of you
Being stuck in the same room as Senpai triggers Sick BF's anger levels. He also threatened to kill him at one point
Both of his parents are a Berserk Button, considering how his dad straight up abandoned him for 13 years. His mum had also sent him to a school where he was bullied frequently
Subverted with Pollyanna, who was his ex-bully
Whenever someone makes fun of DrugFriend, Sick Boyfriend will snap at them
Flappy Bird always makes Sick Boyfriend swear like crazy
Having the WiFi router disconnected will send him into a violent state
Sick Girlfriend is also one to him, and she still is at this point
Don't insult jawbreakers in front of him, considering the fact that they make his teeth bleed whenever he takes a full bite out of one
Don't steal his potato chips
Don't insult his cooking
Saying that Taco Bell is the worst place to eat will cause DrugFriend to kill you, as he did so with a gang of thugs who insulted the restaurant
Among Us is one Berserk Button for DrugFriend. He once played as a Crewmate, and he had a rage-quitting moment where he smashed his computer
Anything that involves the danger of his friends
Don't steal his beanie
Freund XML
Dare to insult his hometown and you will be met with a knife to your shins
If you state that FNF is cringe as hell, he will beat the crap out of you
If you lie to him, he will shout the F word at you in a blind rage
Insulting his family is a big no no
Trying to do therapy with him while talking ABOUT his dead mum will result in him slamming his hands on the table
Don't hurt his girlfriend in any way, or make her cry. He will kill you
Nathan Files/Naughty Boyfriend
His dead dad was one to him
If you insult his girlfriend (Naughty PonyCentral), or cause her to cry, expect Nathan to kick you in the stomach until you throw up your lunch
Having a pizza delivered late to his house will make him very impatient
Georgia NoLastName was one to him prior to the events of LAFB The Sequel
Cobalt Bee is a massive Berserk Button for her. PonyCentral will NOT hesitate to give CB a verbal warning to leave her the fuck alone, while holding a grudge against the bee
Don't say that the ice cream machine at McDonald's is broken. She will scream into a pillow
Don't make her mad, due to her autism
Whatever you do, DO NOT BRING UP HER CONTROVERSY. She will block you immediately
Don't give her any cardboard boxes. You will regret it
If you steal his Donut Stash, then he will shout and/or swear at you
Him losing a rap battle is no big deal. But if you kiss his girlfriend, then you're on thin ice
Telling Girlfriend his secrets will result in him giving you a death glare
Cave Boyfriend/Dee Dee Warnings
If you're a transphobic person, CBF will kill you
Saying that they should be a boy instead of a transgender icon will result in you being arrested
Rufus Cole/Young Boyfriend
Insult strawberry ice cream, and you will have your legs broken
Heck, even stating that VANILLA ice cream is better will result in your fingers being bent the wrong way
Deny him a Happy Meal, and he will punch you in the face
Baxter Wow/BF Wow
Vance. Just Vance.
If you insult his singing voice, he will beat you up
Burn his fries, and you will lose your lives
Evan Barsham/YBS Boyfriend
Making him late to school will get you arrested
YourBoySponge is one for him for no reason whatsoever
Leave a funeral or a wedding, and he will swear at you
Freundin's Berserk Button is losing a rap battle
Sick Patrick
Don't call him tubby
Stating that he can't date Sick PonyCentral will result in him beating you up
Also, deny him a Krabby Patty, and you will end up going to the dentist
Insulting Sick PonyCentral results in him insulting you back
FNF Convict Boyfriend
He will devour your soul if you insult his species
Being a jerk to him will result in him enslaving mankind
Corruption Insanity Evil Boyfriend
Don't mock his species. He will kill you
Demon DrugFriend in general despite having a decent friendship with him
Sleep during a rap battle, and he sings aggressively. Interrupting him is what gets him to start swearing at you
DDTO Boyfriend
The DDLC girls in general
Call him worthless ends with his microphone up your butt
Dave Sides/D Side Sick Boyfriend
Insulting yellow causes him to lash out at you
Calling him ugly will result in him killing you or beating you up
Benedict Gumballs/Popsicle Boyfriend
Sick Boyfriend trying to eat him is a Berserk Button for him
Don't forget to give him his spare gumball eyes. You will regret it if you don't
Grayson Humerus/SpingeBill Boyfriend
Don't call him crazy. He will attack you
Don't steal his hat. You will end up dead
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The Inspector’s love of the derby has been lifelong.
Which is part of the reason he goes a bit berserk when someone touches the hat on his head.
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superbat-love · 1 year
Superman’s Berserk Meter
When Batman is dying
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When Batman may be dead
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When Batman is actually dead
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Superbat Master Collection
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99thpercentile · 5 months
Alice is not creepily obsessed with Sam’s love life or crossing boundaries. she keeps leaving the room when she can no longer handle the conversation! all the things she’s saying are attempts to signal “everything’s fine I’m cool,” she’s just failing spectacularly at being convincing.
being brokenhearted isn’t a crime. she’s not having feelings AT anyone jesus christ
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cherryaire · 6 days
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wrong captions only please
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zoideramy · 2 months
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Hi all! Since its my birthday week I'm running a sale on my Etsy shop until July 23rd
The Zeke and Shadow charms are 30% off, stickers 20% off and the Zoids pinback buttons are 50% off!
I also have a selection of non Zoids items such as premade plushies and plush keychain charms!
Bonus Photos under the cut~
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fixaidea · 12 days
So I hear that there was a plan to introduce a romance between Jaeyi and Joowon and boy I'm glad it was discarded. 'Young female character isn't allowed to exist in a story without obligatory romance' has been a long-standing pet peeve of mine across a wide variety of stories.
Jaeyi already has a perfectly solid reason to get involved with the investigation without having the hots for anyone - her missing mum. Also she's close friends with pretty much everyone at the Munju substation.
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pepperpixel · 2 years
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“Pepper, have you ever even read the comic that the powerpunk girls are from?”
No, I have not. But I did obsessively watch this one powerpunk girls amv on YouTube as a child. And they’ve been permanently in the back of my mind since then. So.., you know, I don’t think I rlly need to read the comic! GhGH- I think my heart and soul knows the powerpunk girls well enough.. at this point!
But anyway, yeah. Have some berserk art ghghg (also w 1 blossom)
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tlaquetzqui · 5 months
Actual headline: “Neanderthals Hunted in Groups, One More Blow Against ‘Dumb Brute’ Myth”
Not sure how close to human intelligence you think wolves or kookaburras are, but nobody ever said Neanderthals were too dumb to do something fucking chimps do. How does “exhibit a behavior also seen in chimps” have any effect on the question of whether Neanderthal intelligence was closer to chimps or to us?
Science journalists are the worst thing to happen to science since Trofim Lysenko.
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silvermoon424 · 9 months
I watch a lot of Hope For Paws (an animal rescue channel) videos and it always fucking infuriates me how so many people just abandon their pets on the streets. They don’t try to find another home for them, they don’t drop them off at a shelter, they just… leave them outside.
I think a lot of these people assume “it’s an animal, they’ll use their instincts to survive” when like 2 seconds of critical thinking disproves that. Even non-domesticated wild animals that were raised by humans will usually be helpless surviving on their own because they just weren’t raised to have same skills and instincts as their wild counterparts do. That’s why sanctuaries and rescue operations for exotic pets exist; these animals will die in the wild so people want to provide them a safe space.
If it’s that bad for a captive-raised tiger, why the FUCK do idiots think a domestic dog who has never had to take care of itself will be okay being let loose? Maybe we should drop their animal neglecting asses into a jungle and see how well they do. After all, humans still have survival instincts so I’m sure they’ll be able to tough it out.
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pony-central · 11 months
Berserk Button For Each Character in my Comics Part 2
Purity Sick Boyfriend
Purity Monika in general.
Don't tell him that he can't be friends with a demon
If you hurt Demon DrugFriend, Purity Sick Boyfriend will break your legs
Any mention of Purity Senpai will cause him to cause chaos
Demon DrugFriend
Haters cause him to go Full Kill Mode
Anyone who brings water into Hell City causes him to lash out
If you hurt Purity Sick Boyfriend's feelings, Demon DrugFriend will destroy you
Steven Graphite
Steal his pencils and you're dead
Erasing his house will cause him to attack you with his stationary collection
Dee Dee Warnings/Cave Boyfriend
Step one foot into her home and you will be killed instantly
If you say that Cave Boyfriend is only meant to have He/Him pronouns, then Cave BF will put you in a headlock
Deny her love and she will break your heart. Literally
Call her a freak. I dare you. Don't come crawling back to me once you end up with her shoe in your butt
BoFren/Cas Van de Pol BF
Don't call him short. He will kick you in the nuts or Between Me Down There
Calling him high pitched will give him the time to punch the crap out of you
Don't compare him to an action figure. He will bite your hand
Bentley Scartho/Scarey Boyfriend
Calling him lanky will cause him to flip out
Don't call him shrimp either. Same reaction as Cave BF if you do
Jaxon Biomes/Anime BF
Don't hurt Squidward. If you do, Jaxon will punch you in the face... Repeatedly
Jeremiah/Bro Friend/SpongeQuan BF
Don't say that white lightbulbs are more superior than the black ones. He will give you a black eye
Being called a black sheep causes him to smash the music set with his microphone
Characters for Part 3?
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dieinct · 2 years
"give me culturally christian vampires." wow imagine a culturally christian vampire. maybe they'd be repelled by christian holy symbols, like they wouldn't want to touch a crucifix and maybe they couldn't stand on holy ground or holy water might bother them! what a funny way of bringing christian superstition into the timeless and completely universal vampire myth that has NEVER been culturally specific before :)
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edwinspaynes · 9 days
Rant in the tags to avoid fandom drama
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thatfrenchacademic · 5 months
Social scientists really out there with absolutely ZERO consideration for the policies that their research might end up supporting.
"But it's science"
Did you think down for a hot second to consider how this can interpreted? OR DID YOU WANT THAT SWEET ACCEPTANCE IN APSR SO BAD ????
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