#Bro mob is in SHOCK
rystiel · 3 months
“pissed me off seeing the doctor suddenly being interested in men and kissing one for the sake of shoving it in our faces. kissing jack was a comedic moment for shock value so it didn’t count as woke pandering.” i’m hitting you with my bare fists
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bug-slappy · 10 days
What Serizawa lore and dialogue in the manga that got cut from the anime are you talking about specifically I'm curious /gen
THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME A REASON TO GO HAM!!! any adaptation is gonna have its cutbacks due to time restraints, but i feel like so many of serizawas lines/important moments got totally butchered or cut completely just to be replaced with cute moments that never happen in the manga.
!! MP100 SPOILERS HEAD obvi !!
First case: In the manga, when serizawa finally stands up to toichiro, things pan out COMPLETELY differently!
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I feel like this is a really important moment for serizawa. whatever false idea of friendship serizawa had left is ripped away from him. its unnerving to see how brutal and ruthless toichiro is, finally showing his true colours to serizawa after manipulating him for 3 years. I feel like its also a really important moment for reigen to bare witness to. serizawa and toichiros relationship serves as an exaggerated parallel to mob and reigens. A powerful and persuasive man using a naïve esper for their powers under the false promise of learning to control their powers, whether it helps them for better or for worse. big difference is that reigen does help mob in the style of important life lessons and guiding him towards being a good person. after the separation arc, reigen realizes how manipulative he's been to mob, he becomes a better person because of it. but i feel like after the TOICHIRO fight specifically is where we see a very clear difference in how reigen treats mob. he becomes a lot more patient and less controlling. it bums me out that this interaction was cut completely from the anime. I think it must have been for time because they also cut ekubos moments.
Serizawa not knowing what getting arrested is:
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Calling the Yokai hunter out on his bluff:
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they replaced this with the awesome fight scene but still an awesome line i wish they kept it was so bad ass lol:
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But the most shocking thing that they cut from the finale was this scene, after mob goes to reigen and serizawa for advice on asking out tsubomi:
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not only is it fruity,,... but more importantly its a super important moment!!! seeing reigen open up like this in front of another person is something we havent seen up until this point!! mob and reigen have impacted each other so much, and its a FANTASTIC segway into the final chapter! absolutely crazy to me that they would cut such a deep personal moment especially considering how much BONES loves reigen.. it gets "implied" through a quick silent moment between reigen and serizawa (all they show in the anime is serizawa looking surprised at him)
not only that, but its so interesting how easily reigen opens up around serizawa. he doesn't do that around anyone else (probably because serizawa is the only person near his age playing an active role in his life bro has no friends)
and its incredible how well serizawa can already read reigen after such a short time working at S&S. serizawa tends to be quiet and hang in the background, but in the manga it has a purpose; hes observing the world around him. when he does have something to say it has importance and is carefully thought out.
in the anime so much of that important dialogue is cut and replaced with his moe salaryman moments which sure its cute, but when you know what he was really supposed to be saying its such a major let down. I feel like the writers didnt know about serizawas huge fan following hes had since his premier, so they didn't really care about him. thats my best guess as to why so many good moments got cut
also this:
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serizawa mentioned during his fight with mob that hes accidentally sent his mother flying before with his powers,,, exactly like mobs traumatic moment when he sent ritsu flying and injured him when they were kids... as i mentioned earlier, serizawa has always been a very clear parallel to mob (i can talk more about that in another post if someone asks). I was really hoping theyd go deeper into this moment in the anime but it GOT CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAUGH!!!!
and this page right after.. MAN:
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BROTHER.... to me, i feel like this is the moment that made serizawa certain reigen doesnt have powers. not only does he have a talent for reading people, but he has to know by now. if he thought reigen had powers to protect himself, he wouldn't be saving his ass all the time like he does.
he knows reigen wont be fine on his own. he knows that reigen has something hugely important to tell him, important enough that reigen is willing to die to run out there and tell him
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from what ive researched it seems like a common occurrence in japanese culture to remove your shoes before attempting suicide. this is such an intense and impactful moment for reigen to be removing his shoes. looking around and seeing the situation hes in, but still throwing himself into harms way so he can protect mob like hes done so many times before, but in this scene hes making the concious decision to go in, knowing the risk involved. INSANE THAT IN THE ANIME they made removing his shoes some sort of way to get better grip to run. obviously, running barefoot in rubble and destruction is not going to give you better foot grip.. I think they did that to make the scene more lighthearted but it just feels like poor taste.
i feel like the style choices combined with the dialogue cuts in S3 seriously take away from the intense impact of the manga. ONE has such a talent for writing characters to be fleshed out human beings as well as interpersonal relationships. season 1 and 2 did such a good job of showing that even when there had to be scene cuts.
if you havent already, I think you should for sure read the manga. its even more life changing to me than the anime already is, and ONE has a beautiful art style and can convey strong emotions better than anything else ive ever seen. I have more good serizawa moments than this that were cut, and a lot of dialoue between mob and ??? was removed too, but i don't want to spoil every funny joke or character building moment.
this is why i think everyone should read the manga and the REIGEN spin off book :) thank you for reading through this!
ps: devastated when this got cut
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quirkle2 · 4 months
so one thing i rly like abt mob psycho (shocker !) is that the Incident between the kageyama brothers is kept entirely contained. like, most other shows—at least ones that i've watched—feature long monologues of characters traumadumping to other characters, sometimes in the middle of fights, and while that Does happen a lot in mob psycho, the kageyama bros never do this abt The Incident, and i think that's a fascinating choice bc The Incident is the entire reason why the show starts in the first place. it's the reason mob meets reigen at all, it's the reason mob doesn't fight back against teru, it's the reason ritsu goes through his character arc. it is arguably the Most Important Story Beat and the show has countless opportunities to let the characters spill their guts on screen for drama, and yet neither of the brothers let this spill. neither of them talk about it, except with each other
there's been numerous times i've watched shows where people suddenly traumadump and tell their life story unprompted when truly not a single soul asked, but with mob psycho, both the bros are Constantly berated with questions on Why they do these things; Why are you so off-putting and quiet, Why do you not use your powers, Why won't you fight back, Why do you want psychic powers so badly, Why are you ruining these students' lives now that you have them, Why are you helping me defeat my evil dad . all of these questions eventually loop back around to The Incident, and yet neither of them ever let it slip. neither of them Ever share, and the only time they come anywhere close to it is in the wd arc
it is the event that Shaped Who They Grew Into, and yet it is not known by the main cast at all. teru has no idea, even reigen doesn't seem to understand the full extent of it, even though The Incident is what caused mob to come to his office. their parents prolly don't even know
idk, i just think that's a good detail. the brothers both hold the weight of their troubles close to their chests. and even though that makes it seem as though they figure it out on their own, it couldn't be further from the truth
their own experiences with the people around them allowed them to grow and make mistakes and learn from them, all without sharing their deepest secret, and then both took those new experiences and lessons and applied it to this issue, and learned Again
meanwhile, the rest of the cast is largely clueless abt this Entire issue. it's Crazy to me that most of the cast has no idea what the main issue is, and i think it's a brilliant choice. these characters helped the kageyama bros without ever meaning to or knowing about it, no matter how big or small the role. you truly never know what somebody else is going through !
and even in the end, it's not like there's a big reveal that tells every character the kageyama brothers' Tragic Backstory. nobody fucking knows, still. like Yeah they should totally talk this out and go to therapy or smth but i just like the fact that the story doesn't treat it as some dramatic fanfare for Other Character's Shock Value and doesn't let them air their troubles to the ends of the earth. i appreciate that
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mastomysowner · 2 months
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What I wanna say is that this is pure, unadulterated bullshit. Somehow, Rosinante couldn't remember some better scene showing Doflamingo's cruelty. How exactly does the desire to kill your tormentors make you an inhuman monster? If he were the MC, this scene would be presented as a testament to his fortitude. Rosinante was so adamant about portraying his bro as a monster that he didn't even consider other possibilities, such as diverting the mob's attention and arrows onto himself.
Doffy reacted this way immediately after hearing Rossy's scream, so no doubt it had a lot to do with desperation and not wanting to die. This can be seen by the way he shouts that he will steel himself enough to withstand anything they can throw at him. If, for example, his head were cut off, would he survive?
I would be fine with Corazon not helping Doflamingo. What could he do, force the WG to stop hunting him? On the other hand, he could have avoided worsening his brother’s life by pretending to be mute and exacerbating his feeling of guilt (even the elite officers knew that he didn't speak due to a bad shock in the past).
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 7 months
You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This.... (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
Fandom: Outer Range, Rhett Abbott, f!reader Summary: You and Rhett have a unique friendship. Every time you go out with a group, you end up getting drunk, dancing, and making out with him only to then wind up going home with other people. But what happens when Rhett asks you to dance before either of you has had a drink.... Word Count: 3744 TW: Fluff, Kissing, Love Confession, Drinking, Mentions of drunk making out, Mentions of drunk dancing, Language Notes: For @ohtobeleah's Galentine's Day Special based on "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This" by Toby Keith (RIP 😔💗)
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Despite the relatively early hour, the bar was busier than usual even for a Saturday night. You had forgotten there was some big sports thing that weekend the next town over so the overabundance of unfamiliar faces blending into the sea of regulars was a bit of a shock when you first arrived with your friends but—miraculously—the six of you managed to stake your claim on a table not too far from where you usually sat. 
However, you had struggled to squeeze through the crowd and since everyone else was already sitting when you finally caught up, it was unanimously decided you should fight your way back up to the bar to get the first round of drinks. You put up a brief mock protest before surrendering to the peer pressure, but secretly, you didn’t mind. It gave you a chance to scope out the space and see if any of the out-of-towners caught your eye. Your town wasn’t small per se, but even in a medium-sized pond, there were only so many fish. So when there was a chance at some fresh blood, why not take advantage?
What seemed like an eternity later, you pushed your way back to your friends and practically threw the beers onto the table before collapsing into the booth. While you had enjoyed watching all the new potential hookups around you, you had also been relentlessly jostled, had beer spilled on your boots, and had three separate guys grab your ass before claiming it was an “accident” due to the crowd. And all just to get a crappy $7 beer. Ridiculous.
As you took your first drink, you finally realized only five people were sitting around the table instead of six. Nudging Parker who was sitting next to you, you leaned over and shouted above the music, “Where’d Rhett go?”
She shrugged dismissively, her attention locked on some douchy-looking frat bro eye-fucking her from a few tables away. “I don’t know. He said something about going to help you with the drinks or something.”
“Well, I never saw him.”
“He’s a big boy. He’ll find his way back. Or not.” She pointed at the frat bro, signaling the end of her interest in your questions. “What do you think about him?”
Without glancing back over, you deadpanned, “I think if you let him even touch you, you should get tested in the morning.”
She rolled her eyes at you before sitting up straighter as she bit her lip and coyly waved at the frat bro, clearly dismissing you. 
You caught Alec’s eye over the top of Parker’s head and you both tried to suppress a chuckle. Parker infamously made the worst choices when it came to men and she only dug her claws in deeper when any of you tried to talk her out of them, so it was better to just let her do whatever she was going to do and help her deal with the consequences afterward.
Relaxing back in your seat, you took another long drink from your beer. It was now almost half empty and just the thought of wading back through the crowd for another one made you internally groan. Though you could probably convince Alec to go since you got the first round but that would involv–
Your internal conversation was cut off as you spotted Rhett pushing his way through the crowd towards the table. Sitting up, you smiled at him. “Oh, there you are. I thought you might have gotten trampled by the mob of people or something. Your beer’s getting war–”
“Come dance with me.”
You were taken aback as he thrust out his hand to help you up from the table. 
It was a given at this point that by the end of the night, you and Rhett would end up hammered, uninhibited, and viciously making out in the middle of the dance floor. It’s what happened every time you went to the bar: You’d both drink, you’d both dance together, you’d both get all hot and bothered, and you’d both find someone else to take you home for the night. It was a strange system but it worked. Parker once joked that you were each other’s fluffers, just getting things ready for your real targets for the night. And while you would prefer to phrase it somewhat more tastefully, she wasn’t exactly wrong. Plus, you had found that a lot of guys (and girls in Rhett’s case) loved watching you making out with someone else, rubbing your body all over theirs, just for you to go home with them instead. It seemed as if the two of you weren’t the only ones getting fluffed in this situation.
However, neither you nor Rhett ever stepped foot on the dance floor until you’d finished at least three or four beers. He was fairly shy and reserved when sober and you both were very self-conscious of your dancing before getting at least slightly buzzed. Yet you were currently only halfway through beer number one and his first beer still sat unopened on the table next to you. Rhett might have pre-gamed on his own before you, Tara, and Spencer picked him up, but he seemed completely sober so you couldn’t imagine what he was thinking. 
“I–but we–I mean…”
Rhett smiled as he leaned in close to be heard over the music. “It’s just a dance, sweetheart. It ain’t anythin’ we don’t do every week.”
“Bu-but what about our drinks?”
“I’m sure Parker—” he took one glance at your friend sitting next to you still making “do-me” eyes at the frat boy and corrected his statement “—Tara wouldn’t mind keepin’ an eye on ‘em.”
“You two go,” Tara said, smiling from where she was sitting with Spencer’s arm draped across her shoulders. “Your drinks will still be here when you get back.”
“Well…maybe,” Spencer muttered just loud enough to be heard over the music as he eyed Rhett’s untouched beer.
Tara elbowed her boyfriend with a scowl before turning back to you and gesturing for you to go. Still confused about the change in your routine, you took Rhett’s hand and let him help you to your feet. As he led you towards the dance floor, you turned your head just in time to see Tara and Spencer laughing and shaking their heads as they watched the two of you leave. Then Spencer reached for Rhett’s beer but Tara slapped his hand away. 
You knew your friends didn’t understand this weird arrangement you and Rhett had fallen into—hell, it barely made sense to you. They were all convinced as they watched you week after week that the two of you were falling in love. They never believed you’re just friends having a little drunken fun.
Not that you hadn’t ever considered Rhett as a potential love connection. The first night you met him, that was where you thought things were headed. He had finally had enough of his toxic home life back in Wyoming and was looking for a fresh start somewhere new. So when a contact from his time bull-riding who lived in town offered him a job, he jumped at the opportunity. 
You met him a few days later in this very bar when you saw him sitting all alone in the back corner. Of course, you noticed his classic-cowboy good looks, but what really caught your eye was how nervous and shy he seemed, his eyes mostly trained on the beer in front of him except when they occasionally shifted around the bar uncertainly. It wasn’t as if he were scared of someone seeing him or that he was on the run from something. No. He looked like a kid on his first day of school who wasn’t sure of where to sit at lunch.
So, you had gone and sat down at his table with two beers and a friendly smile. It took quite a bit of patience and coaxing, but Rhett eventually began to open up to you. Then, just as you were going to make the move to his side of the booth, your friends found you and asked for an introduction. By the end of the night, Rhett had slipped naturally into the gang and it felt weird pursuing him in any romantic way after that. After all, you could see how much he needed a support system in this new town and you didn’t want to take that from him for a one-night fling. 
Which was why when you found yourselves sloppily making out in the middle of the dance floor a few weeks later and he just brushed it off like it was nothing, you didn’t push it or question it. And when it happened again, and again, and again, it just felt like a routine or a tradition and you never looked deeper into it.
But now Rhett had suddenly changed things up and you still had no idea why.
Once you reached the dance floor, Rhett pulled you in close and the two of you began to dance. There were so many people around you that you couldn’t move more than a few inches in any direction, but since you usually just rubbed against each other while making out, it shouldn’t have been an issue. However, without the usual buzz from the drinks, you were way too in your head about every move you made. Your usual fluid, natural movements felt stiff and robotic, and all you could think about was where Rhett’s hands were or what part of him was pressed against you at any given time. It was a disaster.
The song ended and a soft, melodic tune began to play. Slow songs were pretty rare but they were always the perfect opportunity for another drink, and boy did you need one. You turned to brave the crowd around the bar once more, however, Rhett’s fingers slipped into yours and he spun you back into his arms.
A half grin pulled at the corner of his mouth as he saw your surprised face and he asked, “You rushin’ off already? We just got out here.” 
“In case I’m the only one who has noticed, I’m not really feeling this right now. And besides, we don’t do slow dances.”
“Tonight we do.” He must have seen the hesitation still on your face because he squeezed your hand. “Come on. You can tough it out for one song, then they’ll play somethin’ fast we can move to and you’ll get into the flow of it. Otherwise, you’ll just be waitin’ in that line for the rest of the night.”
Even pressed against him and over the softer melody of the slow music, the deep timbre of his voice was still difficult to hear but you knew he was right. By the time you made it through the crowd of people to reach the bar for another drink, many upbeat songs would have passed and there was a good chance you’d be ticked off by your waiting experience just like the first time. Instead, you could just stick it out here with Rhett and you’d be back to your usual dancing in mere minutes. And he was probably right. Given a few more songs, you’d probably figure out this sober dancing thing and actually enjoy yourself. So, somewhat reluctantly, you nodded to signal you’d stay.
Apparently, many of the people around you had the same thought you originally did because the crowds around you began to thin out giving you and Rhett a little more room to maneuver. The two of you were swaying together slowly and you have to admit it’s a nice change from your usual high-energy grinding. 
Then as the music began to swell, he surprised you by spinning you out and when you twirled back into him, Rhett placed his hand on the center of your back and pulled you tight until you were pressed firmly against his chest. You looked up–unsure of what he was doing–just as his other hand brushed across your cheek to settle on the nape of your neck. One of the colored lights flashed across his face, illuminating the intensity deep within his eyes as he stared at you, and you felt your heart skip a beat as time seemed to freeze around you. 
But that was silly. This was Rhett. You shouldn’t feel this fluttering in your chest or tingling where his skin brushed yours. He was your good friend, someone you had made out with every week and barely gave it a second thought. So why was there this different feel about him tonight? Why couldn't you take your eyes off his lips, why was your head spinning, and why were your knees growing weak? And why didn’t you want it to stop?
Then, using the hand on the back of your neck to tilt your head, Rhett’s lips were suddenly on yours.
Electricity shot right through you as every nerve in your body seemed to light up at once. It felt like you had just jammed a fork into an electrical socket but in the best of ways. This was unlike any kiss you had ever shared with Rhett—with anyone—before. Usually, your kisses with Rhett were drunken, and sloppy, and uncoordinated. But this…Rhett was as sober as you ever see him, and every curl of his lips, every swipe of his tongue, it all felt so fluid, almost choreographed. As if he had planned for this moment for ages. 
Your eyes drifted closed as you let yourself sink deeper into his embrace. You could no longer tell if you were standing still or spinning around and around and around as a dizzying fog enveloped your mind. For a few seconds, you didn’t even know where you were at. All that existed was you and Rhett and the kiss. 
But then you shifted, the top of your head bumping into the brim of his hat almost knocking it off, and the spell was broken. Rhett pulled away, fixing his hat, and leaving you clinging to him for support as the world came rushing back to you. The slow song was still playing and crowds of people around you still occasionally bumped into you as they danced, And yet, from the moment Rhett’s lips touched yours, everything had changed.
But had he felt it too?
With your face still just a few inches away from his, you chuckled softly. “You know, you really shouldn’t kiss me like this.”
“An’ why’s that?” 
“You might give a girl the wrong impression. Make her start thinking lots of crazy things.”
For a moment, he didn’t respond. He just gave you that same intense stare he had just before the kiss and you felt your heart begin to speed up once more. Then, in a voice you could only just make out over the music, he asked, “What if that’s the point? What if I’m tired of waitin’ for her to figure out how I feel?”
All the air was sucked out of your lungs as his revelation drove into your chest like a fist. “Rhett…”
“No…No…” Before you could process what he was saying, he shook his head and stepped back, letting his hands fall to his sides as he released his hold on you. “’m sorry. I shouldn’t—I’m doin’ this all wrong. But I couldn’t take another week of you wrapped in my arms, your lips on mine, just to then watch you go home with someone else. I just…I just wanted you to know. ‘m sorry.”
He started to hurry off the dance floor but this time it was your turn to grab his arm to stop him from leaving. His eyes flickered up to yours and you saw that all the confidence and certainty that had been there before had been extinguished, leaving only fear behind. You knew it was the same fear you were feeling right now: fear of this changing everything; fear of this ruining your friendship; fear of what came next. 
Sliding your hand into his and linking your fingers, you muttered, “Come here” before leading him off the dance floor and back towards the rear of the building. There was a separate concert area back there that they only opened for shows so you knew it was one of the few places in the bar that would give you some semblance of privacy.
Once there, you ducked into the empty space and shut the door. You could still feel the vibrations from the music and hear the dull thumping, but it wasn’t as overwhelming as it had been before. In here, at least you and Rhett wouldn’t need to shout to be heard. 
Now that you were alone, neither one of you seemed to know what to say or how to start. You both shifted slightly as you glanced at each other. Finally, Rhett rubbed the back of his neck and said, “Listen, can we just forget any of that happened? I don’t want things to be weird between us and ‘m sorry if—”
“No, I’m sorry,” you said, cutting him off. “I was just a little surprised by that kiss and what I said didn’t come out right. But what I should have said, what I meant to say—” you stepped forward until you were brushing up against him, placing your hands on his chest. “—was ‘you shouldn’t kiss me like this…unless you mean it like that’.”
Rhett’s long eyelashes fluttered several times in quick succession and you saw his Adam’s apple bob wildly out of the corner of your eye. Licking his lips, he hesitated for another moment then asked, “And if I do? If I–If I mean it like that?”
Leaning forward, you whispered, “If you do, then, baby, kiss me again.”
The moment that his lips touched yours, the world once again fell away. If anything, now that you were returning his kiss with the same tenderness and enthusiasm, it was even more intoxicating than the kiss on the dance floor and you never wanted it to end.
Both of Rhett’s large, calloused hands slid up to cup your face, his thumb softly rubbing back and forth across your cheekbone. He used this leverage to drive you back a few steps and you soon felt your back bump against the wall. He pressed closer, sandwiching you between the cold, rough concrete and his warm, firm body. Another spark of electricity shot through you and you wondered if he felt it too as you felt the growing bulge in his pants jerk against your hip. 
Through the haze of the kiss, you briefly considered how far you should let this go. A small part of you wanted to undo his belt right this second and drop to your knees before him, or to slide down your jeans and let him pound into you against this wall. After all, the two of you were still alone and no one would see you. However, the bigger part of you knew no matter how amazing you felt at this moment, this was all very new and you shouldn’t rush things. You and Rhett still needed to figure out what this meant for the two of you moving forward, and adding sex right now would just make things even more complicated.
Rhett must have come to the same conclusion because he shifted his hips so they were no longer pressed against you. Then he reluctantly pulled his lips off of yours. His hands slid off your face onto the wall behind you, one braced on either side of your head as both of you stared at one another panting as you tried to catch your breath. All you could do was look at Rhett’s lips and imagine them pressed against yours once more. And from how he stared at you, a hunger pulsing in his blue eyes, you felt he was thinking the same thing. 
“Why didn’t you do that sooner?” you whispered.
“I wanted to since that first night we met. When I saw how kind, and funny, and incredible you were, I was smitten. But then the rest of the gang showed up and for the first time in a long time, I felt accepted. I was afraid makin’ a move on you would ruin all a that and I figured havin’ you as a friend was better than not havin’ you in my life at all. For a while, I settled for our dances and kisses, but I finally realized I didn’t want to be just your friend anymore. So, I took a chance.”
“I’m glad you did because I felt the same way.”
Rhett grinned. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You leaned forward and pressed a kiss into his cheek. “Thank you for being the brave one.”
Rhett’s cheeks grew red in the dim light but he nodded as he let his hands fall from the wall behind you. Standing up straight, he glanced over his shoulder. “Um, I guess we should probably get back before we get in trouble for bein’ back here.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Besides, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tara’s sent Spencer out to find us yet.” You pushed off the wall, but as Rhett started to open the door, you stopped him. “Rhett…what happens now? Where do we go from here?”
He thought for a moment before a sly grin spread across his face. Walking up to you, he plucked his cowboy hat off his head and placed it on top of yours, pulling the brim down low over your brow.
Since the night you met him, you had never seen Rhett let a single person wear his hat, let alone touch it. So for him to give it to you, even temporarily…
You squeezed his hand tightly as you gazed into his eyes, loving what you saw reflected there. “How do I look?”
“Damn, sweetheart, looks like it was made for you,” Rhett’s voice was thicker than normal as he stared at you. “I shouldda given it to you the night we met, as soon as you sat down at my table with that smile and a beer.”
Now it was your turn to feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. Glancing shyly at the floor, you asked, “I love it, but I’m not really sure how this answers my question about us?”
“What do you know about Cowboy Law?”
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Thanks to @ohtobeleah for letting me include the honorary Dagger in her event 😂 I've wanted to write this for a while and it was the perfect motivation to do so
Tag list: @lorecraft, @heart-0n-fire, @nerdysuperchick, @green-socks, @mayhem24-7forever, @callsign-phoenix, @lt-natrace, @superskittles, @wkndwlff, @rhettabbotts, @ryebecca, @sio-ina-bottle, @lewmagoo, @basiccortez, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy,  @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @blue-aconite, @ohtobeleah
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You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This.... (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
Fandom: Outer Range, Rhett Abbott, f!reader Summary: You and Rhett have a unique friendship. Every time you go out with a group, you end up getting drunk, dancing, and making out with him only to then wind up going home with other people. But what happens when Rhett asks you to dance before either of you has had a drink.... Word Count: 3744 TW: Fluff, Kissing, Love Confession, Drinking, Mentions of drunk making out, Mentions of drunk dancing, Language Notes: For @ohtobeleah's Galentine's Day Special based on "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This" by Toby Keith (RIP 😔💗)
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Despite the relatively early hour, the bar was busier than usual even for a Saturday night. You had forgotten there was some big sports thing that weekend the next town over so the overabundance of unfamiliar faces blending into the sea of regulars was a bit of a shock when you first arrived with your friends but—miraculously—the six of you managed to stake your claim on a table not too far from where you usually sat. 
However, you had struggled to squeeze through the crowd and since everyone else was already sitting when you finally caught up, it was unanimously decided you should fight your way back up to the bar to get the first round of drinks. You put up a brief mock protest before surrendering to the peer pressure, but secretly, you didn’t mind. It gave you a chance to scope out the space and see if any of the out-of-towners caught your eye. Your town wasn’t small per se, but even in a medium-sized pond, there were only so many fish. So when there was a chance at some fresh blood, why not take advantage?
What seemed like an eternity later, you pushed your way back to your friends and practically threw the beers onto the table before collapsing into the booth. While you had enjoyed watching all the new potential hookups around you, you had also been relentlessly jostled, had beer spilled on your boots, and had three separate guys grab your ass before claiming it was an “accident” due to the crowd. And all just to get a crappy $7 beer. Ridiculous.
As you took your first drink, you finally realized only five people were sitting around the table instead of six. Nudging Parker who was sitting next to you, you leaned over and shouted above the music, “Where’d Rhett go?”
She shrugged dismissively, her attention locked on some douchy-looking frat bro eye-fucking her from a few tables away. “I don’t know. He said something about going to help you with the drinks or something.”
“Well, I never saw him.”
“He’s a big boy. He’ll find his way back. Or not.” She pointed at the frat bro, signaling the end of her interest in your questions. “What do you think about him?”
Without glancing back over, you deadpanned, “I think if you let him even touch you, you should get tested in the morning.”
She rolled her eyes at you before sitting up straighter as she bit her lip and coyly waved at the frat bro, clearly dismissing you. 
You caught Alec’s eye over the top of Parker’s head and you both tried to suppress a chuckle. Parker infamously made the worst choices when it came to men and she only dug her claws in deeper when any of you tried to talk her out of them, so it was better to just let her do whatever she was going to do and help her deal with the consequences afterward.
Relaxing back in your seat, you took another long drink from your beer. It was now almost half empty and just the thought of wading back through the crowd for another one made you internally groan. Though you could probably convince Alec to go since you got the first round but that would involv–
Your internal conversation was cut off as you spotted Rhett pushing his way through the crowd towards the table. Sitting up, you smiled at him. “Oh, there you are. I thought you might have gotten trampled by the mob of people or something. Your beer’s getting war–”
“Come dance with me.”
You were taken aback as he thrust out his hand to help you up from the table. 
It was a given at this point that by the end of the night, you and Rhett would end up hammered, uninhibited, and viciously making out in the middle of the dance floor. It’s what happened every time you went to the bar: You’d both drink, you’d both dance together, you’d both get all hot and bothered, and you’d both find someone else to take you home for the night. It was a strange system but it worked. Parker once joked that you were each other’s fluffers, just getting things ready for your real targets for the night. And while you would prefer to phrase it somewhat more tastefully, she wasn’t exactly wrong. Plus, you had found that a lot of guys (and girls in Rhett’s case) loved watching you making out with someone else, rubbing your body all over theirs, just for you to go home with them instead. It seemed as if the two of you weren’t the only ones getting fluffed in this situation.
However, neither you nor Rhett ever stepped foot on the dance floor until you’d finished at least three or four beers. He was fairly shy and reserved when sober and you both were very self-conscious of your dancing before getting at least slightly buzzed. Yet you were currently only halfway through beer number one and his first beer still sat unopened on the table next to you. Rhett might have pre-gamed on his own before you, Tara, and Spencer picked him up, but he seemed completely sober so you couldn’t imagine what he was thinking. 
“I–but we–I mean…”
Rhett smiled as he leaned in close to be heard over the music. “It’s just a dance, sweetheart. It ain’t anythin’ we don’t do every week.”
“Bu-but what about our drinks?”
“I’m sure Parker—” he took one glance at your friend sitting next to you still making “do-me” eyes at the frat boy and corrected his statement “—Tara wouldn’t mind keepin’ an eye on ‘em.”
“You two go,” Tara said, smiling from where she was sitting with Spencer’s arm draped across her shoulders. “Your drinks will still be here when you get back.”
“Well…maybe,” Spencer muttered just loud enough to be heard over the music as he eyed Rhett’s untouched beer.
Tara elbowed her boyfriend with a scowl before turning back to you and gesturing for you to go. Still confused about the change in your routine, you took Rhett’s hand and let him help you to your feet. As he led you towards the dance floor, you turned your head just in time to see Tara and Spencer laughing and shaking their heads as they watched the two of you leave. Then Spencer reached for Rhett’s beer but Tara slapped his hand away. 
You knew your friends didn’t understand this weird arrangement you and Rhett had fallen into—hell, it barely made sense to you. They were all convinced as they watched you week after week that the two of you were falling in love. They never believed you’re just friends having a little drunken fun.
Not that you hadn’t ever considered Rhett as a potential love connection. The first night you met him, that was where you thought things were headed. He had finally had enough of his toxic home life back in Wyoming and was looking for a fresh start somewhere new. So when a contact from his time bull-riding who lived in town offered him a job, he jumped at the opportunity. 
You met him a few days later in this very bar when you saw him sitting all alone in the back corner. Of course, you noticed his classic-cowboy good looks, but what really caught your eye was how nervous and shy he seemed, his eyes mostly trained on the beer in front of him except when they occasionally shifted around the bar uncertainly. It wasn’t as if he were scared of someone seeing him or that he was on the run from something. No. He looked like a kid on his first day of school who wasn’t sure of where to sit at lunch.
So, you had gone and sat down at his table with two beers and a friendly smile. It took quite a bit of patience and coaxing, but Rhett eventually began to open up to you. Then, just as you were going to make the move to his side of the booth, your friends found you and asked for an introduction. By the end of the night, Rhett had slipped naturally into the gang and it felt weird pursuing him in any romantic way after that. After all, you could see how much he needed a support system in this new town and you didn’t want to take that from him for a one-night fling. 
Which was why when you found yourselves sloppily making out in the middle of the dance floor a few weeks later and he just brushed it off like it was nothing, you didn’t push it or question it. And when it happened again, and again, and again, it just felt like a routine or a tradition and you never looked deeper into it.
But now Rhett had suddenly changed things up and you still had no idea why.
Once you reached the dance floor, Rhett pulled you in close and the two of you began to dance. There were so many people around you that you couldn’t move more than a few inches in any direction, but since you usually just rubbed against each other while making out, it shouldn’t have been an issue. However, without the usual buzz from the drinks, you were way too in your head about every move you made. Your usual fluid, natural movements felt stiff and robotic, and all you could think about was where Rhett’s hands were or what part of him was pressed against you at any given time. It was a disaster.
The song ended and a soft, melodic tune began to play. Slow songs were pretty rare but they were always the perfect opportunity for another drink, and boy did you need one. You turned to brave the crowd around the bar once more, however, Rhett’s fingers slipped into yours and he spun you back into his arms.
A half grin pulled at the corner of his mouth as he saw your surprised face and he asked, “You rushin’ off already? We just got out here.” 
“In case I’m the only one who has noticed, I’m not really feeling this right now. And besides, we don’t do slow dances.”
“Tonight we do.” He must have seen the hesitation still on your face because he squeezed your hand. “Come on. You can tough it out for one song, then they’ll play somethin’ fast we can move to and you’ll get into the flow of it. Otherwise, you’ll just be waitin’ in that line for the rest of the night.”
Even pressed against him and over the softer melody of the slow music, the deep timbre of his voice was still difficult to hear but you knew he was right. By the time you made it through the crowd of people to reach the bar for another drink, many upbeat songs would have passed and there was a good chance you’d be ticked off by your waiting experience just like the first time. Instead, you could just stick it out here with Rhett and you’d be back to your usual dancing in mere minutes. And he was probably right. Given a few more songs, you’d probably figure out this sober dancing thing and actually enjoy yourself. So, somewhat reluctantly, you nodded to signal you’d stay.
Apparently, many of the people around you had the same thought you originally did because the crowds around you began to thin out giving you and Rhett a little more room to maneuver. The two of you were swaying together slowly and you have to admit it’s a nice change from your usual high-energy grinding. 
Then as the music began to swell, he surprised you by spinning you out and when you twirled back into him, Rhett placed his hand on the center of your back and pulled you tight until you were pressed firmly against his chest. You looked up–unsure of what he was doing–just as his other hand brushed across your cheek to settle on the nape of your neck. One of the colored lights flashed across his face, illuminating the intensity deep within his eyes as he stared at you, and you felt your heart skip a beat as time seemed to freeze around you. 
But that was silly. This was Rhett. You shouldn’t feel this fluttering in your chest or tingling where his skin brushed yours. He was your good friend, someone you had made out with every week and barely gave it a second thought. So why was there this different feel about him tonight? Why couldn't you take your eyes off his lips, why was your head spinning, and why were your knees growing weak? And why didn’t you want it to stop?
Then, using the hand on the back of your neck to tilt your head, Rhett’s lips were suddenly on yours.
Electricity shot right through you as every nerve in your body seemed to light up at once. It felt like you had just jammed a fork into an electrical socket but in the best of ways. This was unlike any kiss you had ever shared with Rhett—with anyone—before. Usually, your kisses with Rhett were drunken, and sloppy, and uncoordinated. But this…Rhett was as sober as you ever see him, and every curl of his lips, every swipe of his tongue, it all felt so fluid, almost choreographed. As if he had planned for this moment for ages. 
Your eyes drifted closed as you let yourself sink deeper into his embrace. You could no longer tell if you were standing still or spinning around and around and around as a dizzying fog enveloped your mind. For a few seconds, you didn’t even know where you were at. All that existed was you and Rhett and the kiss. 
But then you shifted, the top of your head bumping into the brim of his hat almost knocking it off, and the spell was broken. Rhett pulled away, fixing his hat, and leaving you clinging to him for support as the world came rushing back to you. The slow song was still playing and crowds of people around you still occasionally bumped into you as they danced, And yet, from the moment Rhett’s lips touched yours, everything had changed.
But had he felt it too?
With your face still just a few inches away from his, you chuckled softly. “You know, you really shouldn’t kiss me like this.”
“An’ why’s that?” 
“You might give a girl the wrong impression. Make her start thinking lots of crazy things.”
For a moment, he didn’t respond. He just gave you that same intense stare he had just before the kiss and you felt your heart begin to speed up once more. Then, in a voice you could only just make out over the music, he asked, “What if that’s the point? What if I’m tired of waitin’ for her to figure out how I feel?”
All the air was sucked out of your lungs as his revelation drove into your chest like a fist. “Rhett…”
“No…No…” Before you could process what he was saying, he shook his head and stepped back, letting his hands fall to his sides as he released his hold on you. “’m sorry. I shouldn’t—I’m doin’ this all wrong. But I couldn’t take another week of you wrapped in my arms, your lips on mine, just to then watch you go home with someone else. I just…I just wanted you to know. ‘m sorry.”
He started to hurry off the dance floor but this time it was your turn to grab his arm to stop him from leaving. His eyes flickered up to yours and you saw that all the confidence and certainty that had been there before had been extinguished, leaving only fear behind. You knew it was the same fear you were feeling right now: fear of this changing everything; fear of this ruining your friendship; fear of what came next. 
Sliding your hand into his and linking your fingers, you muttered, “Come here” before leading him off the dance floor and back towards the rear of the building. There was a separate concert area back there that they only opened for shows so you knew it was one of the few places in the bar that would give you some semblance of privacy.
Once there, you ducked into the empty space and shut the door. You could still feel the vibrations from the music and hear the dull thumping, but it wasn’t as overwhelming as it had been before. In here, at least you and Rhett wouldn’t need to shout to be heard. 
Now that you were alone, neither one of you seemed to know what to say or how to start. You both shifted slightly as you glanced at each other. Finally, Rhett rubbed the back of his neck and said, “Listen, can we just forget any of that happened? I don’t want things to be weird between us and ‘m sorry if—”
“No, I’m sorry,” you said, cutting him off. “I was just a little surprised by that kiss and what I said didn’t come out right. But what I should have said, what I meant to say—” you stepped forward until you were brushing up against him, placing your hands on his chest. “—was ‘you shouldn’t kiss me like this…unless you mean it like that’.”
Rhett’s long eyelashes fluttered several times in quick succession and you saw his Adam’s apple bob wildly out of the corner of your eye. Licking his lips, he hesitated for another moment then asked, “And if I do? If I–If I mean it like that?”
Leaning forward, you whispered, “If you do, then, baby, kiss me again.”
The moment that his lips touched yours, the world once again fell away. If anything, now that you were returning his kiss with the same tenderness and enthusiasm, it was even more intoxicating than the kiss on the dance floor and you never wanted it to end.
Both of Rhett’s large, calloused hands slid up to cup your face, his thumb softly rubbing back and forth across your cheekbone. He used this leverage to drive you back a few steps and you soon felt your back bump against the wall. He pressed closer, sandwiching you between the cold, rough concrete and his warm, firm body. Another spark of electricity shot through you and you wondered if he felt it too as you felt the growing bulge in his pants jerk against your hip. 
Through the haze of the kiss, you briefly considered how far you should let this go. A small part of you wanted to undo his belt right this second and drop to your knees before him, or to slide down your jeans and let him pound into you against this wall. After all, the two of you were still alone and no one would see you. However, the bigger part of you knew no matter how amazing you felt at this moment, this was all very new and you shouldn’t rush things. You and Rhett still needed to figure out what this meant for the two of you moving forward, and adding sex right now would just make things even more complicated.
Rhett must have come to the same conclusion because he shifted his hips so they were no longer pressed against you. Then he reluctantly pulled his lips off of yours. His hands slid off your face onto the wall behind you, one braced on either side of your head as both of you stared at one another panting as you tried to catch your breath. All you could do was look at Rhett’s lips and imagine them pressed against yours once more. And from how he stared at you, a hunger pulsing in his blue eyes, you felt he was thinking the same thing. 
“Why didn’t you do that sooner?” you whispered.
“I wanted to since that first night we met. When I saw how kind, and funny, and incredible you were, I was smitten. But then the rest of the gang showed up and for the first time in a long time, I felt accepted. I was afraid makin’ a move on you would ruin all a that and I figured havin’ you as a friend was better than not havin’ you in my life at all. For a while, I settled for our dances and kisses, but I finally realized I didn’t want to be just your friend anymore. So, I took a chance.”
“I’m glad you did because I felt the same way.”
Rhett grinned. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You leaned forward and pressed a kiss into his cheek. “Thank you for being the brave one.”
Rhett’s cheeks grew red in the dim light but he nodded as he let his hands fall from the wall behind you. Standing up straight, he glanced over his shoulder. “Um, I guess we should probably get back before we get in trouble for bein’ back here.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Besides, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tara’s sent Spencer out to find us yet.” You pushed off the wall, but as Rhett started to open the door, you stopped him. “Rhett…what happens now? Where do we go from here?”
He thought for a moment before a sly grin spread across his face. Walking up to you, he plucked his cowboy hat off his head and placed it on top of yours, pulling the brim down low over your brow.
Since the night you met him, you had never seen Rhett let a single person wear his hat, let alone touch it. So for him to give it to you, even temporarily…
You squeezed his hand tightly as you gazed into his eyes, loving what you saw reflected there. “How do I look?”
“Damn, sweetheart, looks like it was made for you,” Rhett’s voice was thicker than normal as he stared at you. “I shouldda given it to you the night we met, as soon as you sat down at my table with that smile and a beer.”
Now it was your turn to feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. Glancing shyly at the floor, you asked, “I love it, but I’m not really sure how this answers my question about us?”
“What do you know about Cowboy Law?”
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Taglist: @luckyladycreator2, @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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“The updates are making me like Idia more, but in the same way you'd like a character for being pathetic” I’m shocked you didn’t like Idia at least from what I remember? He’s basically the same as Rollo (a character you do like I think) and in more ways than one. They’re both gloomy looking guys and traumatized big bros that are self righteous and pathetic. What kept you from liking Idia before if you don’t mind me asking?
[Referencing something I said in this post!]
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Okay, confession time: when I was a little kid (I’m talking like 7-10 years old), I was SUPER into Greek mythology and more specifically the story of Hades and Persephone. I ate up ALL the Hades and Persephone retellings/reinterpretations I could find and actively hunted for more 💀 so you’d think I’d like Idia, who is twisted from Hades, given how I gravitated to Octavinelle because of my attachment to The Little Mermaid in my childhood…
I think what puts me off of Idia in spite of his similarities to Rollo, a character I do really love, is a combination of Idia's appearance and his attitude.
To tackle the shallower aspect first, I actually don't like characters that look "too" gloomy. I would say Rollo is stoic-looking, but not gloomy? He has a pretty neutral face most of the time and the only gloomy thing about him at a glance is the dark circles under his eyes. With Idia... There's a LOT going on here. The hair is definitely unique, but I've never been into super long hair. The nature of it kind of overshadows his face and Idia usually looks miserable as a default. I've mentioned before that I'm unnerved by his coloration too; the super pale skin plus the blue lips is reminiscent of a corpse and, well... while I do see there being an audience that finds him beautiful, I don't think that's a cute look for him.
Now, his attitude. I'm not going to fault Idia for being passionate about his hobbies, as we all have our niches that we're super into. What irks me is how Idia expresses himself and acts out on behalf of those interests. He talks down to people who "don't get it" and takes other measures to defend the things he likes that I think is crossing a line. For example, he tracks down the IP addresses of Ignihyde mob students that defaced his favorite idol group's website. In the EN version, Idia threatens to doxx the mobs too (though he never does, this was just a localization decision). Yeah, you could do that I guess... but should you? 😭 The other characters also do questionable things (as a J word fan, I cannot deny this) but those actions are usually so outlandish no one irl would do it (like how Azul is a high school student that runs his own shady business). Idia's behavior, meanwhile, embodies some very real and very toxic aspects of fandom culture. I think part of why I disliked Idia at first is also his manner of speaking; it's riddled with so much internet lingo that it's hard to take him seriously sometimes. This is even more true of the EN version of the game, which has added even more slang than was in JP. Like... sorry, am I NOT supposed to be giggling when OB Idia is making threats while talking like an enraged gamer (both in EN and JP)? There is a ceiling on how much pathetic I can take in one sitting, and Idia far exceeds it every time he talks. Other characters (like Rollo making cheesy villain speeches, Azul being teased, Jamil's DOKKAN, etc.) have their moments of funny ha ha-cringe as well, but at least I can still see them in a serious light.
Books 6 and 7 are enhancing my opinion of Idia solely because they focus on the "traumatized big brother" part to his character. In Glorious Masquerade too... Idia gets the courage to call Rollo out because he knows their experiences are so similar. I think the storyline was done very well, and I loved seeing how Idia grows from an event that no doubt affected him deeply and still continues to influence him to this day. It's clear that he cares deeply about both Orthos and will step up to protect them. I LOVE THAT FOR HIM, it's not as though Idia is completely throwing aside one brother for the other, he's acknowledging them both as his "true" brothers. The way he goes from laughing to crying in his post-OB flashback... Idia getting so mad at us attacking Phantom Ortho with lightning... the willingness to "go" with OG!Ortho to the world beyond... apologizing to Robo!Ortho for falling for the dream's promises of eternal happiness... Aaaah, it's just too good 😭
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remytheratking · 5 days
After the shock of the Minecraft movie trailer has worn off on me, the more and more I'm genuinely disappointed by it.
I've been playing this game for at least a decade now, I don't quite know when I started playing it but I do know I was no older than eight. So many others grew up with this game as well, and to think what we've gotten is nothing more than a cheap cash grab riding the backs of celebrity names.
The most glaring issue is obviously the visuals. Why the hell did they think "live action" was a good idea? Minecraft never gloated about being at all realistic, in fact it did quite the opposite. It's a game where everything is made out of fucking CUBES WHY IS IT LIVE ACTION. IT'S NOT EVEN ENTIRELY LIVE ACTION, THE MAJORITY OF IT IS STILL CGI AND IT'S NOT EVEN GOOD CGI.
The visuals of the mobs are awful. Many people have compared them to those Minecraft Mobs in Real Life videos from 2015, and yeah they totally look like that. Not only is it just hideous, but there are so many amateur mistakes in the visuals. This movie is being produced by Warner Bros. While I'm not that familiar with their discography, they have made some movies that are so visually appealing. Like the Harry Potter movies (while I may not be fond of Harry Potter and especially not the author- I can admit the movies are still pretty) and the Iron Giant. So they are capable of making movies that look better than this abomination.
Also, can we talk about how I can probably tell you the main plot points of the movie just by seeing the trailer? This random group of people- who just so happens to look like various celebrities- get sucked into this video game world and they spend the first half of the movie trying to get back to their world. But oh no! After the halfway point this big bad villain that threatens to destroy this world is introduced and the main cast realizes that they don't actually want this world destroyed because they like it! So then they go through this rushed fight and even more rushed conclusion before going home. Roll credits.
It just looks like a Jumanji clone.
It is genuinely so disappointing that this is the game that we're getting, and I absolutely do hope it gets the Sonic treatment. I hope it gets so much negative feedback we at the very least get better visuals.
Minecraft is about creativity. You can't play the game the exact same way twice, and that's why it has such a large fanbase! Because there is a lot you can do with the story of the world you're in. There are tons of roleplays and smps on YouTube that back up this claim. Like Aphmau's MCD or Mystreet, the Empire's smp, Hermitcraft, even the DSMP was more interesting than this (from an outsider's pov btw, I only ever watched Ranboo.)
The movie feels like it was written and designed by people who didn't even know what Minecraft was before writing this.
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svturn-exe · 1 year
super important tmc hcs. ignoring the fact tht terraria and minecraft both came out in 2011
adam terraria: starts a new world every week bc it forgets what he's supposed to be doing next and it never occurs to him to look it up. bro doesn't even know the wiki Exists. never gets to hardmode bc he insists on playing master difficulty and also is bad at the game minecraft: exclusively plays creative mode in superflat worlds. makes ugly box structures out of diamond blocks and performs horrible labrat experiments on mobs in them
jonah terraria: almost exclusively plays journey mode! makes it his mission every time to 100% the research catalogue. the collection aspect of it tickles something in their brain minecraft: exclusively plays modded with like 20 different incredibly complicated tech mods tht each have a 200 page user manual . and also tinker's construct. they r a pro at it
mark terraria: gets to hardmode on expert mode, delves into the underground hallow bc he's excited to explore, gets jumpscared by a naturally spawning hallowed mimic and has a fucking heart attack minecraft: mark operates out of a dirt hut and yknow what fuck you they like it that way. brother rocking the greentop with the oak door. half the floor is gravel. no glass or trap doors for windows, just 1 block holes in the walls and one of the "windows" is blocked by a double chest. fully enchanted netherite and elytra btw
cesar has never played a video game. walks in2 marks room like are ya winnin, bro?
sarah terraria: plays w so many mods and texture packs the game is nigh unrecognizable. plays exclusively master mode and turns on every 'challenge' difficulty that comes with the mods at once bc she's seen the face of god and it was weeping minecraft: girlie is in the minigame servers. find sarah doing tnt run at 3 am she is going for it . good for her
evelin terraria: actually a pretty good builder. uses the wiki as a guide for npc happiness and builds little towns for them. beat moonlord like 2 months ago and just keeps going back to the same world to build stuff minecraft: plays adventure maps bc she thinks they're fun. evelin has played every minecraft horror adventure map that exists. i think she would love terra swoop force too dave terraria: once he gets far enough in a world to get access to wiring it's all over. spends the rest of the game trying to build machines to instant-ko bosses, with varying degrees of success. a master of the hoik minecraft: you know those videos that are like. using redstone to play minecraft in minecraft. yeah ruth terraria: plays vanilla summoner class in master mode for the worthy seed. she is god's strongest soldier and baby she's going for terraprisma. minecraft: spends the entire first night punching skeletons and creepers to death with her bare steve fists. has that Totally Legit Speedrun luck and finds everything she needs just from running around and raiding generated structures
thatcher terraria: terrible at building but god bless he's trying. favorite part of the game is old one's army, and she spends hours grinding to collect all of the sentries and the armor sets. somehow gets spawn camped by a crawdad and cries minecraft: keeps forgetting that you shouldn't make eye contact with endermen and it scares the shit out of her every time. is prone to lava-based mining incidents
jude tries to download minecraft free minecraft cracked no virus 100% safe trust me :) dot exe. is shocked when he gets a virus. how can this be
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The Rock🪨
Story inspired by this ask.
"Pip, catch!" Caleb happily exclaims, tossing the grey pebble he had to his little brother who stood across from him.
The two boys were outside playing their third favorite game - catch.
When Philip catches the small stone, he hops up and down in glee. "I caught it!" The brunette exults to the blonde.
"Good job!" Caleb beams, the older boy raising his opened hands in the air. "Now throw it back, but not too far. Okay?"
Philip nods. He's got this. He sticks his tongue out in concentration.
Cocking his arm back, Pip throws the pebble with all his might past Caleb. Both boys watch as the rock disappears into the woods.
The corners of Pip's mouth instantly draw downwards.
"Aww," He starts off with a sad coo. "It's gone now." His small shoulders slouch in disappointment.
How was he and Caleb going to continue their game now?
"Don't worry!" Caleb reassures his little bro, a look of confidence crossing his face. "I'll get it back! I promise. Wait here!" He then rushes into the woods to retrieve their rock.
Meanwhile, Belos, without his mask, was wandering aimlessly around in the same woods, his eyes taking in the earthly environment.
The green trees and blue skies said it all - he was back in the human realm. Back in Gravesfield, he assumed, due to the forest feeling familiar.
Home at last, he thought.
But how?
Suddenly, something small and round strikes him on the head.
"Ow!" he yelps, gently rubbing the spot that was hit.
He growls in pure annoyance.
That hurt!
What in heaven's even was that?
Bringing his attention to the brown ground, he spots a pebble and picks it up.
He begins examining it.
Looks like he found his answer, but who was the culprit?
In an instant, his cut ears pick up on the sound of twigs being crunched under feet.
He looks forward.
Someone was approaching.
But who?
Perhaps another human?
When Caleb appeared, he froze. He didn't dare take another step. His eyes widened at what he saw. A witch! A really old one. He looked to be a thousand. Maybe even older.
The blonde couldn't believe it.
The employer's eyes copy Caleb's. Before him was his little big brother. He looked to be about twelve. His shock soon shifts to anger at the boy. Caleb! The name alone made his blood boil. That traitor! That witch lover! How he hated him so.
Belos felt like morphing his arm into something sharp and shoving it through him, but he refrains from doing so. The action remains a thought. This version of his brother hasn't betrayed him yet. The one that did was dead.
Though, that didn't stop the tyrant from sending a glare at the young elder.
As Caleb was deciding in his head to fight or flight, he spots his rock in the witch's hand.
He points a finger at him.
"H-Hey!" he shouts, his voice terribly shaky. Despite his fear, the boy was trying his best to sound brave. He was a witch hunter after all. "That's mine! G-Give it back, you witch!"
Witch? Tch! Philip rolled his eyes.
"This is yours?" Belos asked, holding the pebble up in irritation. Looks like he found his culprit.
"Yes! N-Now give it back right now o-or else!"
Or else? Philip raised a brow at this. Arms are then crossed as chapped lips curl up in a smirk.
This could be fun.
"Or else what?"
Not a word was spoken.
Belos smugly chuckles at this.
"Well, I'm waiting."
Terrible man.
"I'll... I'll... I'll..." Caleb was stumped. What would he do? Could he do anything? As he thinks, the answer suddenly hits him. Aha! >:D He gives the witch a cute, cocky smile.
"I'll snitch by yelling. My screams will get the attention of someone in town. Maybe even a mob. They'll flock in droves here. Once they see you, they'll tie you up and you'll get taken to--"
"The gallows?" Belos rudely interrupts, his smirk spreading. He knows he's right.
Caleb shakes his head. "Not there. You'll probably be tossed in the pyre."
"Pyre?" Philip had to laugh. "Please. Don't be ridiculous. The people of Gravesfield are far too smart to burn their witch hunter general alive."
Witch hunter general? Now it was Caleb's turn to laugh. "Witch hunter generals don't have pointy witch ears," The little elder informs. "They have normal round ears like mine."
Looking at both his ears, Belos begins to realize something. Caleb was right. He goes back to glaring at him.
"Not so funny now, is it?" Caleb snickers, crossing his arms.
Philip narrows his eyes. "You wouldn't dare..."
This only made Caleb's grin grow.
As he's about to scream, a goopy, green hand lunges forth and grabs him.
He squeaks.
When he's brought over to Belos, he felt frightened. Being face-to-face with a witch made the small blonde tremble.
Philip took note of his terrified expression, it looking all too familiar.
"Please, Philip, you can't! You mustn't do this!" An adult Caleb begged his little brother as he stood across from him, a knife in hand.
The two were facing off inside a fiery cave as the flames burned strongly, smoke drifting into the atmosphere.
A beyond vexed Philip starts to slowly approach Caleb, his grip tight on his dagger.
He was ready to strike.
The blonde begins to take a step back, his brown eyes filling with tears.
"Please, don't do this..."
A sigh at the past memory, pain and grief swelling inside his chest. His grip slowly loosens. When Caleb was released, he was surprised to see the old witch look so... hollow. Like he was lacking something. Someone? Did he... have a family? Nonsense. Witches can't feel sadness, or have families. They weren't human. Was this witch... different? Only one way to find out.
"Mr. Witch, what's wrong?" Caleb would go on to ask, concern in his voice.
"Nothing," Philip grumbles, trying not to tear up.
"Are you sad because you're all alone in the woods? And you're old? And you... smell funny?"
A gasp emits. Belos took great offense at that blatant lie Caleb had said at the end. "I smell just fine!" He shouts, defending his "amazing" scent.
"...You mustn't yell to get your point across. I always tell my brother that," Caleb notifies the senior.
A groan came from Belos. He couldn't believe he of all people was being lectured by a child.
A child who was technically his older brother, but still a child.
"Perhaps you're disheartened because you lost your family." Caleb takes the old man's hand as if he were a child far younger than him. A little brother almost. "Shall we go look for them?"
Belos immediately pulls his hand away. "No," He refuses in a stern, authoritative voice. He was still the adult here. "I don't need some snot-nosed little..." His arm suddenly morphs into slime and falls off. A pressed sigh passes his lips. How fun.
A second squeak left Little Caleb as he saw the limb lying down on the forest floor.
He directs a pointer finger at it.
"I-Is that normal for you!?"
"Unfortunately," Belos murmurs, bending down to pick up his own arm with his free hand. When he fixes it back on, it falls again.
The emperor frowns in frustration at this.
"Looks like you could use a hand." Or rather, an arm in this situation. Caleb was willing to offer just that. He picks up the upper limb. "Hold still," He instructs Belos, who does just that.
Standing on his tippy toes, the blonde sticks the arm back onto the shoulder joint.
The limb manages to reattach, green goo forming back into human skin.
With his upper arm connected, Belos was already begining to feel better. "Thank you," He mumbles, scratching the back of his head as he looks away in slight embarrassment.
This causes Caleb to give him a sunny smile.
"You're welcome! I think you might need to sit down after all that." Coincidentally, the blonde spots two side-by-side stumps close by.
Sitting down on the first stump, Caleb looks to Belos and happily pats the second one.
It was quite obvious what he wanted the old man to do.
As Belos takes a seat beside him on the other stump, he can't but help raise a suspicious brow at the boy.
"I thought you said I smelled funny."
Caleb chuckles before giving an honest answer. "You do."
Philip gave the child a glare. This younger Caleb was being a thorn in his side. One more crass comment about his scent, just one more, and he'll--
"But you also seem harmless. I'm not sure if you're a good witch or a bad witch, but you haven't used your powers to hurt or curse me or take my soul, so... thank you."
His words were genuine as he continued. He then holds out a hand for the old witch to shake. "My name is Caleb," he'd go on to say. "Caleb Wittebane. What's yours?"
Blue eyes glance at Caleb's hand before looking back at him. Belos was reluctant to shake hands and share his real name. His guilt wouldn't allow it.
Instead, he pulls out Caleb's pebble, holding it between his forefinger and thumb.
"Take your rock and leave."
Caleb shakes his head, smiling again. "Actually, you can keep it. Who knows, you might find someone to play catch with... if you're nice enough," he chuckles.
"CALEB, HURRY UP!" A young, impatient voice yells from out of the woods.
The blonde knew who it belonged to. He rose from his seat, turning to Belos. "That was my little brother. I have to go now." Before Little Caleb leaves, he wraps his small arms around the witch.
Eyes closed, he clings to him fondly.
The sudden embrace catches Philip off guard, his eyes wide.
Adult Caleb's eyes were closed as he continued to hug the dark figure that was his baby brother, a gentle smile on his face.
"Oh Philip, I'm so happy to see you again..."
Letting go, Caleb bids Belos a farewell. "Bye!" The boy beams as he rushes off, leaving the old fart flabbergasted.
"There you are!" Little Philip watched as Caleb came back to him safe and sound. "What took you so long? Did you find our rock?"
Caleb gives him a head shake. "Sorry," He says. Despite the white lie, his apology was sincere.
Seeing the sad puppy look appear on Pip's face, the blonde lifts a hand above his head, gently patting it. "Aww, don't be sad."
He shined his sibling a sympathetic smile.
"How about I take you to the pond? They'll be plenty of rocks there. We can even skip a few in the water. Would you like that?"
Such a suggestion greatly excites Philip, his blue eyes gleaming in delight. He liked the sound of that! Quickly nodding his head, Caleb chuckles, taking his hand. "Let's go then."
As the two were on their way to Pious Pond, a thought crossed Caleb's mind. The witch. He thought about the hug he gave him. It felt instinctive for some reason.
Would the two ever meet again?
Only time would tell.
Inside the Emperor's bedroom, the ruler awoke from his slumber.
He let out a neutral sigh.
It was all just a dream.
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beast-towers · 7 months
As a large group appeared out from the corner, all time slowed down for Thomas. He was panicking, yes… but at the same time he felt something deep within him, a new type of… Energy?
“You got this kiddo. Just trust your gut and show them why we stay Rockin!” A kind and excited voice echoed, causing Thomas to gasp out in shock. No, this couldn’t be! No way he heard someone from the beyond!
Thomas looked forward ahead to see the mob of developing advocates approaching. “THOMAS!! MOVE!!” Screamed out Eleanor, causing Thomas to snap out of it, and swung his pick to his guitar, creating a musically wave as it threw back the advocates. Causing a blockage for the others who are scrambling to get through.
Thomas collapsed to the ground while having his eyes shut, he felt what he did, but he didn’t know what he did. Feeling hands grabbing him and pulled him to the other side. Finally hearing the emergency doors slam shut. Creating silence…
“Bro! Wake up! Tom! C’mon bro! Snap out of it!” Tobias cried out, heavily worried that whatever just happened it knocked out his brother-
With a gasp, Thomas coughed and took in a lot of air. He held his breath in out of fear he just got grabbed and was ready to hear Ellie and Toby scream, but no… he opened his eyes to see they were here, he was here. “What happened?…”
“Bro… What the hell was that?! That was so cool! Did you made a deal with whatever musical god or something?! Wait! Can I do that too?!” Tobias was very excited, but he was very relieved to see his brother is okay. Now he is full of questions on what transpired and wondered if he could do the very same thing.
“We nearly got captured by a mod of brainwashed people, and you’re worried about weather or not you also have… what ever THAT was?!” Eleanor hissed in anger, instantly causing Toby to stop and look down.
“Hey, c’mon, let him have his own fun. Yeah we just got out, but that was pretty cool… I thought I heard dad during all of that. Guiding me through it. Toby, try to think of your drum set. Your BEST one.” Thomas spoke with a goofy but supportive smile, now as the two watched the drummer to cast out his layout. Sure enough… a silver set of floating drums appeared, the set almost represents a electric drum set.
“YOOOOO?! How are we even doing this?! Like-!” Tobias played his new energetic set as sound echoed through the halls. “WOW!! We don’t need weapons, we ARE the weapons!!” He chuckled.
Both Eleanor and Thomas stood up as the looked at the door. Hearing muffled laughter and banging. “Yeah…uhh… let’s talk about all of that later. Let’s move.” Thomas ordered, like him Eleanor, Ein, and Tobias didn’t want to stick around ether running away from the metal doors as they see an exit above said:
“Now Exiting the Inoculator Section. Have a Smiling Day!”
It said, but both of the brothers had an idea… seeing leftover spray paint cans as they began to creat graffiti. Now writing:
“Now Exiting the Insane Section. Have a Smelly Day.”
“Boys!” Eleanor hissed out in annoyance, now dragging the twin brothers by their ears as they finally exited out of Section… little did they know, a security camera was watching them as a shadowy female figure looked at the screen.
“Play that again when they played their instruments.” She requested, as the video played back she was able to spot something. “Pause that there, I see something.” She spoke, and as the video was paused a silhouette of a Jaguar appeared by the boys’ side. “My, this is very interesting.~ It appears they’ve unlocked their true Joy within our Ministry? Is this their True Passion? Hmmm…” She pondered. Studying the videos and images more, only leaving with more questions, until she noticed something from Tobias. “Check that one please.”
“He is around 2% of Marmalisation, ma’am.” A Scientist responded, making the woman raise her head high with pride.
“Good.~ Proceed in tracking them down.” She ordered as the woman turn over for departure. “I must attend to fix whatever damage was done by those trouble makers. Please share more information when I return.” She added, finally leaving to aid the mess and guide the Advocates back to their Marmalisation cells.
End of Chapter 1
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handbarfs · 1 year
time for another one of my shitty takes
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i think qsmp should NOT bring ramon back because (he was a sweet boy sorry!)----
1. the point of the binary code monster is that it is deliberately attacking the eggs. this is the lore qsmp has been working towards. if they bring back ramon, all the buildup regarding the binary code monster would be moot 2. i think, the eggs actually dying of this monster will make all the players take this island lore more seriously, instead of just the theory bros. because now, this whole binary code monster, osito bimbo, the dragon is not just talk, its real. 3. qsmp has been actively working towards this for months now. nobody took juana and tillin's death circumstance seriously,,,but no mob should have been able to kill the eggs this easily. like, yeah, charlie and mariana are dogshit at the blockgame BUT I was shocked to see how quickly tillin and juana lost their last lives! there was no space for revival at all they just straight up died instantly. 4. qsmp keeps bringing back all the eggs except for juanaflippa and tillin and maybe I'm biased but if my girls are dead then no one gets to live either
anyways rest in peace king <3
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rafimizated · 1 year
Regarding the Disappearance of Jacques Villareal's Wife
This is my personal take; a headcanon if you will.
I've seen the speculations of Jacques murdered her, but there is a possibility too that his "erratic" trait is an aftermath to her "disappearance". He's always been weird from the beginning, but the loss had turn him unstable.
He could've genuinely loved her so dearly, all for it to vanish when she's gone. Resulting in deep denial and affecting his mental state permanently. Making him switch careers onto the life of crime as an outlet for his grief.
Now this might be ridiculous to you, but I believe that Max Villareal, Jacques' youngest son was behind all this.
Bro, his only personality trait is "evil". It can be interpreted into many things, and a lack of empathy is definitely one of them, hinting at sociopathy or psychopathy.
His mother might've reprimanded him over something terrible he did, and Max didn't like it, thus felt a deep hatred towards her, resulting in killing her at the end.
Jacques, being the only one who witnessed the crime, was threatened by Max to not tell anyone about what he did, else he'd kill Jacques as well. Max forced his own father to help him dump his mother's body into an empty well in front of their estate. It's the reason why the family description in-game was written how it is, that she disappeared under... ahem, "mysterious circumstances". Nobody shall know.
This is what Jacques told to Luna and Hugo when they both realised they haven't seen their mother in a long while.
Hugo joined the Upper Crusts club, where the other members are all mother figures Clara and Mila. This is Hugo's coping mechanism as he just lost his own mother. By getting together with other mothers. He's always been a fan of food and cooking. It's a healthy hobby that is indicated by his "foodie" trait instead of "glutton".
Remember the Expansion Pack trailers got Luna having a blonde boyfriend? It was during the time her mother was alive. When the mother "disappeared", Luna broke up with him because the shock and grief had consumed her, she wanted to be left alone, for her mind to process all of this, considering she's the only woman in the family now. It looks like she's "maturing" by wanting to take the time to think, but it's just her "childish" trait manifesting by pushing others away because of her own emotions.
Entrepreneurs & Wiseacres: The Present
In my fan fiction, the lore stated above is true. However the crime can't be hidden forever. The neighbours have noticed, they contacted the authorities.
The only clue that makes it look like it's all Jacques doing is the fact that he's a mob boss. He is guilty, yes. But killing the love of his life is not. Unfortunately, his club friends from The Good Timers have started to keep distance from him because of the allegations. Especially Björn.
He was forced to stop his criminal career and got fined a hefty sum of simoleons, but they cannot convict him over the murder yet because the evidence of him being the culprit is severely lacking.
Although... if they find the clues that lead toward Max somehow, would they even believe it themselves?
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lovelyteng · 2 years
Cuphead Meme #1: Halloween Costumes (My Version)
Playable Characters Cuphead - Mario (Super Mario Bros.) Mugman - Luigi (Super Mario Bros.) Ms. Chalice (The Legendary Chalice) -  Yumi Yoshimura (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi)
Bosses Inkwell Isle One (Inkwell Glade) The Root Pack .Sal Spudder - Pineapple .Ollie Bulb - Orange .Chauncey Chantenay - Banana Goopy Le Grande - Zombie Hilda Berg - Wonder Woman (DC Super Hero Girls) Cagney Carnation - Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors) Ribby - Tom (Tom and Jerry) Croaks - Spike (Tom and Jerry)
Inkwell Isle Two (Inkwell Park) Baroness Von Bon Bon - Witch Beppi The Clown - Vampire Djimmi The Great - Mummy Grim Matchstick -  The Hydrac (Balan Wonderworld) Wally Warbles - Zombie
Inkwell Isle Three (Inkwell City) Rumor Honeybottoms - Tatiana (No Straight Roads) Captain Brineybeard - Flying Dutchman (SpongeBob SquarePants) Sally Stageplay - Fallen Angel Werner Werman - Bunnicula (From same name series of character) Automaton (Dr. Kahl’s Robot) - DJ Subatomic Supernova (No Straight Roads) Dr. Kahl - Neon J. (No Straight Roads) Cala Maria - Gothic Singer Phantom Express .Blind Specter - Steward (Luigi’s Mansion 3) .Conductor - Grim Reaper .Lollipop Ghouls - Creepy Twins .Head of the Train - Tough Possessor (Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon)
Inkwell Isle Four (Inkwell Village) Glumstone The Giant - Ug (Luigi’s Mansion 3) Moonshine Mob .Spider Mobster - Frankenstein’s Monster .Light Bug - Bride of Frankenstein .Anteater - Igor .Announcer Snail - Dr. Victor Frankenstein  The Howling Aces .Pilot Bulldog - Gothic Rocker .Yankee Yippers - Gothic Dancers .Pilot Saluki - Gothic DJ Mortimer Freeze - Ice King (Adventure Time) Esther Winchester - Headless Horseman Chef Saltbaker - Chef Soulfflé (Luigi’s Mansion 3)
The King’s Leap (Chess Bosses) The King of Games - Phantom King The Pawns - Pumpkins The Knight - Plague Doctor The Bishop - Dark Priest The Rook - Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) The Queen - Ghost Queen
Inkwell Hell The Devil - Bowser (Super Mario Bros.) King Dice - King Boo (Luigi’s Mansion Series) Tipsy Troop .Rum Glass - Barrel (The Nightmare Before Christmas) .Martini Glass - Shock (The Nightmare Before Christmas) .Whiskey Bottle - Lock (The Nightmare Before Christmas) Chips Bettigan - Gothic Cowboy Mr. Wheezy - Zombie Pip and Dot - Conjoined Zombie Hopus Pocus - Ghost Magician Phear Lap - Mad Scientist  Pirouletta - Swan Ballerina Mangosteen - Ink Monster Mr. Chimes - Broken Robot
Here Blank Meme!
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fxliciq-a · 3 months
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the-cat-chat · 6 months
March 9, 2024
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
A teenager from the slums of Mumbai becomes a contestant on a game show. When interrogated under suspicion of cheating, he revisits his past, revealing how he had all the answers.
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JayBell: The setup of the movie is just so smart. It wasn't my first watch, but it's definitely my first watch in at least 10+ years, and it holds up so well.
The acting is great, both kids and adults. I tend to get frustrated by lots of time jumps, but this movie uses them so well. And despite the back and forth of time periods, it isn't confusing.
The story is so engaging. The pacing and the reveals unfold at a nice rate. It's emotional in so many different ways. Watching Dev Patel's character grow up in front of you makes you invested in his journey and feel sooooo bad for him because his brother is so selfish and greedy. The escalation of the brother's bad behavior is so well done so his later actions don't come out of nowhere.
This movie is so great, but I do have two small grievances. One, I want Dev Patel's character's love interest to be a bit more upfront with her situation when they finally reunite. Like girl, can you be any more vague about your situation and what's going on? She doesn't even tell him the full extent of his brother's involvement. Like now isn't the time for secrets.
And two, the brother's change of heart in the finale does feel a bit sudden. The movie does such a wonderful job showing his progression into "darkness" yet doesn't build up his "redemption" in the same way so it feels strange to me.
But they do have a huge dance number at the end, which High School Musical definitely stole.
Rating: 8.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: This movie was soooo good but so awful. Awful bc it took what remains of my soul and heart and threw it is a muddy puddle and then drove a semi-truck back and forth over and over.
Ok I will admit that it took me like a good five or ten minutes to figure out what was going on. But that’s on me- I never knew what this movie was about when it came out other than it was popular and Dev Patel was in it. And that’s all I still knew 14 years later. (Ew 16 years 🤢) And so I decided to let fate guide me through this by not even reading the description of the movie. And fate was cruel to my poor little soul.
Anyways it was really good and a great story- I was shocked by them torturing him over a game show?? But I really enjoyed how each question was a way to jump back and tell the story.
All the actors were absolutely amazing- I really hate the brother throughout but the actors did a great job with his character. And I totally got stranger danger vibes from the Maman guy. And the tv host guy. And I hate when I’m right.
The movie had me shocked and upset through the whole thing but I’m happy everything turned out kinda good in the end (r.i.p bro- that bath money thing wassss weird) - my cuticles have left the chat. I’m really mad about the question trick thing too. no shame - but sick mustache and glitter jacket man. And the dance mob?? Wow. And Dev Patel’s so cute and baby Dev Patel?? Even cuter- Andrew Nerd Baby Patel?? Give him all the awards. Bc I was totally lost and enraptured about him answering those game show questions right.
Rating: 9/10 Cats 🐈
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