#Brother I would kill myself and never show my face ever again if I was Drake
rawstfish · 5 months
Like, I just know Drake is crying right now because that diss was nasty and read Drake so fucking hard. Everyone is literally getting on his ass too. He has to give up man
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
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my character ai bots:
gojo satoru:
his eyes r funny looking- now, you were laughing your ass off due to the fact that he took off his blindfold during a mission with a curse. you couldn’t help but laugh because he looked so stupidly serious.
wardrobe malfunction- as you walked out he stifled a laugh. “what the hell are ya wearin’?”
he’s annoying- he is so annoying. even in highschool he was unbearable to be around. you hated his annoying ass. but he loved being around you.
vampire au- “oh? the little princess is out of her kingdom? wanted to see me huh?” he teased, looking at her as she hangs upside down.
can’t get enough of him- you and gojo have been on and off since highschool. it’s like everytime you both break up you both just can’t get enough of each other…
your affair- even if you were married he still didn’t care. his feelings for you are deep. he loves you. no matter how many times you tell him you have to stop the little affair going on between you two, he simply doesn’t care
geto suguru:
dad’s best friend- “gonna be quiet like a good girl? or show your dad that you’re just a very bad girl?” he whispered in your ear. his voice deep and quiet, sending chills down your spine.
nanami kento:
healing ur daddy issues- “how’s my baby girl doing today hm?” he pat his lap, gently. “come here, sit.”
yu haibara:
he’s gone- “i’ll be back! don’t miss me too much!” he cheekily smiled. that damn smile… that would be the last time you’d ever see it again.
he’s sick- he coughs and pouts as he lays in his dorm room bed. he was squirming around, sweating and throwing his covers off him. he was currently sick, he was missing a mission that he wanted to go on so badly
he admires you- you disliked him because he followed you around like a lost puppy… he admired you, an upperclassman.
yuji itadori:
he’s delulu- meeting Itadori you didn’t expect him to be so clingy and so sweet to you. little did you know he has a huge crush on you, he is a bit obsessive but he doesn’t let you know that.
your parents hate him- the thing about him is that he is sometimes a bit dumb? he just doesn’t seem like a professional person so when your parents met him, they didn’t like him at all. but that never stopped you from loving him or the other way around
dorky best friend- currently though the two of you were on a mission, sharing a hotel room. he was in a white robe, swirling a glass of wine being dramatic. it was his first time wearing a robe and he wanted to be fancy, be in the moment like a dork.
shibuya arc- “im nothing but a murderer! i can’t forgive myself!” he cried. you stood there looking down at him. sukuna only took over his body for a minute and a lot things happened.
best boyfriend- currently, he was resting between your thighs as you both watch a movie, he used his arms to squish himself against his face some more. “i wouldn’t mind dying from suffocation if it’s with these”
gossiping w him- “HUH?! i need to hear about this, spill everything.” he said in a dramatic tone, joking.
captain of the football team-“hey, you comin’ to my game tonight? last one of the season, I need my lucky charm there to cheer for me.” he giggled, turning you around to face him, your back pressed against your locker.
older brother’s best friend- you were drunk off your ass at some party. yuji spotted you and immediately got on his feet to help you as you stumbled around. “are you okay? megumi is gonna kill you… I’ll get you home”
your his mentor- haibara and yuji had so many similarities. it hurt you to just look at yuji’s smile, being reminded of haibara who died back in your teenage years
he’s in love w you but you already have a boyfriend- yuji is no homewrecker but… currently you’ve stumbled on top of him while training him… he can’t help but think about how Yuta doesn’t deserve you. how Yuta is connected to the woman you used to be.
megumi fushiguro:
step brother- “tch. what the hell are you looking at?” he asked, scaring a guy that had his eyes on you.
yuta okkotsu:
he chose geto’s side- the day he met Geto he was nervous. Geto explained why he wants to kill everyone who isn’t a sorcerer. at the time he declined the offer to join him but later on he rethought his decision. he thought about his past. he left with Geto.
he likes when you hurt him- the two of you brawled for a bit, ending up with your knee on his back, pinning him down. one hand gripping his hair, the other hand pinning down his hand.
your a fan- gojo-sensei took you with him to greet the sorcerer that you’ve heard so much about. he was coming back from training abroad in Africa. you were excited.
helping the newbie- “hey not to be rude but do you not like me…? i feel the tension between us…” he mumbled, frowning slightly.
your other half- right now you both were walking together. he had something important to tell you, he was gonna be training in Africa in a few weeks. gojo-sensei told him he should tell you but he’s just been nervous
inumaki toge:
hajime kashimo:
noritoshi kamo:
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guys I will be adding more soon, please leave some suggestions tho ! <3
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project-sonadow · 9 months
My [15M] rival [15/50M] has been weirdly aggressive towards me ever since he lost his memories for the second(?) time. Should I be worried about him trying to kill me again?
A post on r/relationship_advice by u/Chili_Dog1991
EDIT 1: Stop saying I'm Sonic I'm not.
EDIT 2: Okay I am Sonic. I don't see how that matters.
EDIT 3: Stop trying to figure out which of my rivals this is.
EDIT 4: Stop telling me to contact the police about his attempts to murder me or his age. It's complicated in regards to his age but he's essentially 15 and I can already defend myself way better than the police can in regards to his murder attempts. Also the police would probably try to arrest me too because they're either useless or make things actively worse.
EDIT 5: Stop DMing me to ask how murder attempts can be fun. I shouldn't have to explain this.
EDIT 6: Stop implying I'm a masochist.
EDIT 7: Stop implying I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I just wanted adrenaline I've got tons of other people who could give me that.
EDIT 8: To everyone who actually responded with advice, thank you. I attempted to talk to him about it, we fought again, and it turns out he's been acting aggressive because he doesn't know how to show affection so he just defaults to violence. We ended up holding hands after we physically couldn't fight anymore. It was a great night and I think we're together now.
EDIT 9: Which of you motherfuckers sent this to Tails.
Hi everyone, using a throwaway account to make this post because my little brother knows my main and the embarrassment would kill me if he ever saw this. 
So for context, I've known this guy for a while now, at least in the context of my life. I've got a pretty hectic life and I'm a traveler, so I've met a lot of people and he's one of the few that's been able to keep up with me. Our first meeting was during a bit of a stressful time because he kind of inadvertently framed me for thievery (we look kinda alike and the police are stupid, it's not his fault but I was pretty pissed at the time) and got me arrested, so we ended up fighting about it in the middle of the street. I'm used to fighting and pretty good at it, so it was a surprise when he turned out to be basically my equal at it, which is pretty rare even among my other rivals. He got the upper hand on me for long enough that the police were able to arrest me again. I was pretty mad but also impressed. Our second meeting was even more stressful because I had just got out of jail after being arrested for the second time, and I was still angry about it so we fought again. I was about to win but then it turned out we were both in danger along with some friends of mine so we both left as fast as we could. Both of these times I could tell he was taking the fight seriously, but I could also tell he wasn't trying to KILL ME kill me. Y'know?
Anyway, in our next meeting he was definitely trying to kill me. Outright said it to my face. I won that fight thankfully, and I'm not even angry about it because a lot of people have tried to kill me over the years and also he has some kind of goal I was getting in the way of, and he didn't even succeed. He ended up changing his mind about that goal though, and when we next saw each other we were on the same side trying to deal with a mutual threat. 
And it was at that point I kind of realized I was in love. I've never really wanted a relationship because I thought it would get in the way of my lifestyle, but with this guy specifically it wouldn't be a problem. I would have told him about it, but then I thought he died and I didn't see him for a while. I wasn't too broken up about it because we only knew each other for a couple days, but I was still sadder than I thought I would have been.
He ended up coming back to life though, and he had lost his memories for the second time in his life (long story I'm not gonna get into) and he didn't really remember me anymore. I know from a mutual friend of ours that he remembered me well enough to be annoyed by my name, which made me irrationally happy, and I think he did end up getting his memories back, but when we first saw each other he definitely didn't know who I was. We fought again, it was a tie, and then we ended up teaming up to take down a mutual enemy again. 
Things have been a bit less chaotic since then. We've fought a couple more times but nothing serious, he's saved my life, I've saved his, you know how it goes. We haven't really talked about anything that happened, but that's fine because neither of us have ever been much for verbal communication and we understand each other just fine. I've tried getting over my crush on him, but that's never really worked because we see each other a lot due to our lifestyles and we have some mutual friends in common, and I like spending time with him anyways, even if we're just beating each other up most of the time.
Personality wise, he's basically my polar opposite, but we get on pretty well despite that. I think aside from my general attraction to danger and his ability to match me in a fight and a race that might be the main thing that draws me to him. I've got a lot of friends, but never one so different from me and yet so similar. He's just always been special to me.
But the main reason I'm making this post is because despite all we've been through, he still acts like we're enemies at worst and temporary allies at best. We fight almost every time we meet unless something less serious is going on, and he's pretty grumpy and mean to me all the time. I like this about him, but it does make me question if he even sees me as anything more than a rival, and I don't know how to ask him because we don't talk about weird emotional stuff. I also think that asking him directly could maybe lead to another murder attempt, which would be fun, but it's not what I'm looking for anymore. I don't mind all the fighting, but just once I'd like to kiss him on the mouth instead of punching his teeth in, y'know?
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spacerockfloater · 4 months
You know what, I didn’t need to see Ewan Mitchell in HOTD to be convinced; I knew I fucked with Aemond since the Driftmark episode.
I don’t like him because he’s hot when he’s older. I like him because he’s metal as fuck. The way he talked to the floppy four was art.
“It’s him! / It’s me.”
Boy, it sure as hell is him. He ate that line up. The fucking nerve of speaking about him without addressing him. He was so done with their bullshit.
“Your mother’s dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now.”
Gagged her ass. Like, he met her literally today. He never knew her mother, he doesn’t owe her anything. Not to mention that during the funeral he tried to approach them and offer them his condolences with the softest smile ever and they just glared daggers at him for literally no reason until he backed off. Didn’t even let him approach. They don’t even know him and they hate him! And the first thing they tell him once they finally speak to him is accusing him of theft, as if a dragon is an object btw. Like, what are they gonna do? Tell their mum? Shut up.
“Then you should have claimed her.”
Right?! As if they didn’t cross the whole ass Narrow Sea all the way to Driftmark. It’s not like Laena died yesterday. It’s been a good fucking while. They could have at least tried claiming her at this point. What was she waiting for? And please don’t tell me she was waiting for the mourning period to end because she was keeping an eye on Vhagar constantly, hence why she was immediately aware that she flew away. That dragon is on her mind 24/7, she just had no idea how to get her. And like, it’s done. If Vhagar chose Aemond, then she would have never chosen her. They weren’t destined for one another. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be mad as shit, too. At myself, that is, for not being as smart as Aemond.
“Maybe your cousins could find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.”
Ate and left no crumbs. This is a direct jab at Jace and Luc, too. Like, they grew up together as brothers and they thought it was okay to mock him for not having a dragon, but the moment they meet these random girls they are suddenly okay with Rhaena not having one and are ready to jump the boy they were raised with for their shake? How two faced. Typical bastard behaviour though. He was doing that girl a favour by letting her know what kind of people she’s got on her side.
And the fighting scene was delicious. Four vs one and he still mopped the floor with them. Maybe they should think twice before they lay hands on someone again.
Don’t come in my comments crying about me hating on children yada yada. Wake up, this is a fictional show about kids who wield nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Like, it was okay to dislike 11yo Draco Malfoy for being an obnoxious piece of shit, but disliking kids that physically attack another child with the intention of killing him is suddenly too much? Like, I don’t give a fuck. I want to see all four of them biting the curb in 4k. And please don’t start with the racist accusation bullshit. I thought Baela was a raging pick-me cunt since before the show, in Fire and Blood. And I absolutely adore Vaemond Velaryon. It’s not about race. It’s about characters.
P.S. Laena, who claimed Vhagar at 12 and chose to die by burning alive, would be absolutely ashamed about her daughter’s behaviour and lack of courage. But yeah, Daemon, being the crazy ax murderer that he is, would surely vibe with unnecessary violence. Those are his girls!
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vampiree-555 · 4 months
"Please, I need it."
c.s - drvgdealer
contains: smut , slight(?) angst , mentions of weed , degradation , pet names
It was a long day. One of the more excruciating days I'd had in a while. I'd gotten home and immediately rushed for my stash of weed that I kept in the underwear drawer of my dresser. I was so excited to finally be able to relax and take the edge off until I saw the empty container that I kept my weed in.
"Shit." i whined to myself.
I gritted my teeth as I knew what I had to do, though I desperately did not want to do it.
My dealer was one of the hottest people I'd ever laid my eyes on... but he was scary as hell. He knew how I felt about him so anytime we would meet, he'd always keep it short and simple. Though last time, we had a bit of an argument.
"Thanks Chris." I took the small baggie from his hand but he didn't let it go. He stared at me with his intense and cold blue eyes that pierced daggers into you. I stared back at him with my eyes wide and my breathing had obviously gotten heavier.
"Why don't you like me, y/n? I don't know if you've noticed this, but I always under charge you, I give you extra, and I'm nice to you. Which is not something I always do. So why don't you like me?" He spoke in a monotonous tone yet I could tell by his eyes he was angry.
"I've been your dealer for 2 years and you never text me unless you need weed, y/n." I shook my head and slightly chuckled nervously.
"That's what dealers are for, Chris. I'm your customer. I'm not your girlfriend." his grip on my hand tightened as I spoke. I saw him clench his jaw and grit his teeth. He laughed softly and threw my hand down along with the baggie.
"Find a new dealer. I'm done with you." he turned his back away and walked into the night, not knowing where he was headed.
I picked up my phone hesitantly and opened his contact. I know he said he was done with me but I secretly knew he didn't mean it.
ׂ╰┈➤ texting
y/n ; hey. i need stuff..
Chris🚬 ; i thought i said i was done w u y/n.
y/n ; you did , srry but im out nd need more
Chris🚬 ; ur killing me y/n l/n
y/n ; thx chris
I smiled to myself as i set my phone down. I had a weird attachment to him. I liked him as a brother... I thought.
I changed into more appropriate clothes for meeting Chris. My white tank, black zip up hood, and my noticeably short jean shorts. He liked when I showed off my ass and as an apology for last time, I did just that.
Soon I heard my front door open and I rolled my eyes. He always walked into my apartment like he owned the place.
"Where you at ma?" my heart beat out my chest once I heard his voice. I was nervous to see him again. I took a deep breath before stepping out into the living room where he made himself comfortable on my couch.
"I'm right here, no need to yell." I said playfully at him. He looked me up and down before softly biting his lip and looking up at me with his piercing and narrow blue eyes. The way he looked at me really got to me somehow. I could feel my cheeks flush and I couldn't stop my small smile from forming on my lips.
I sat next to him on the couch and could feel his eyes on my ass while i sat. I narrowed my eyes at him and he scoffed before looking away from my gaze.
"You know just how to make me feel better baby." he spoke so softly you could miss it, but it was so quiet in that room you couldn't not hear his every move.
He pulled my usual amount that I bought from him out his hoodie pocket and threw it on the table. I slid him the cash and he stared at the bills for a moment before shaking his head.
"No. That's not what I want." He looked at me and I tilted my head in a confused manner. He sucked on his teeth before a small smirk formed on his face. He leaned in closer to me where his lips were barely brushing my ear.
"I want you, mama." I leaned back from him with my eyebrows furrowed.
"Chris," He didn't let me get another word out before he crashed our lips together in a possessive rage, for some odd reason, I didn't pull back. I let him kiss me, and I kissed back.
He held his hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss and let his free hand roam my waist. In a quick motion he turned us so that my back was pushed against the couch and he leaned over me.
He kissed down my neck which tended to be more sensitive and I let it be known with the small noises that escaped from my lips. I felt him smirk against my fragile skin and let him snake his hands down my waist, and to my thighs. He swiped off his shirt and let me sit up to do the same while he bent down to unbutton my shorts and throw them across the room, along with my underwear, I did the same with my shirt and Chris with his own clothing.
I felt the ocean that formed in my panties once he undressed me and apparently Chris did as well.
"Already so wet for me? hm?" his hand trailed down to my soaking cunt and he rubbed circles around my clit with his thumb while with his other hand, he entered his middle and ring finger, curling them against my G-spot causing loud moans and whines to escape my lips.
"f-fuck~ feels so good.." I heard his godforsaken chuckle as he listened to the sweet noises that escaped my glistening, plump lips. He removed his fingers and jammed them into my mouth.
"Suck." and I did just that. I stared at him with my pleading and desperate eyes as he looked down at me, like I was the most disgusting thing he'd ever seen, yet his eyes were also filled with infatuation and desire.
He removed his fingers from my mouth and spit into that same hand, stroking himself before pressing his tip against my core slightly teasing me. I whined and looked at him with my puppy eyes before he scoffed into the air.
"Don't look at me like that y/n. You have no idea what you do to me." The last part was just barely a breath, I almost missed it.
He slowly began to enter into my core, his own grunts and groans mixed with mine, filling the air with a wave of ecstasy.
He pushed himself in slowly before pulling out to where his tip was just barely at my entrance before slamming his hips into mine. I let out a loud scream like moan as he continued at a fast and hard pace. A rhythm at which I'd never seen or felt before.
"h-holy fuck~" At this point my brain had turned into mush as my only point of focus was Chris and how he made me feel in that moment. I instinctively arched my back as I felt the all-to-familiar knot form in my stomach. Chris could tell I was getting close, and obviously had no intention on slowing down.
"m' close.." I moaned out. I looked at Chris after having my eyes closed for nearly the whole time out of pure pleasure. He was staring down at me with complete anger in his eyes and my heart started to race in my chest.
"You're such a fucking slut. All you do is fuck for drugs. You're mine y/n. All fucking mine." Chris spoke through clenched teeth. I would be lying if I said that didn't make me inch closer to my climax.
Chris then pulled out just as quickly as he entered inside of me and began gathering all of his clothes, putting them back on piece my piece. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. My chest was rising and falling and my skin glistened due to sweat under the warm light.
"Chris wha-" I was cutoff once more by an aggressive kiss from the man once he got all his clothes on, followed by a soft slap across my face.
"Don't text me again." And with that, he left my apartment, slamming the door behind him.
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melanieph321 · 4 months
Kenan Yildiz x Reader - Claim Me Part 3/3
Part 1 Part 2
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Summary - Reader is Dusan Vlahovic sister and is dating Kenan. However, Reader has yet told her brother of the relationship as he is very protective of her.
With your heart in your throat, you stepped out of the bathroom stall. Dusan stood frozen, his enraged eyes shifting between the you and Kenan who immediately threw his hands up in defense. "Look, I know it looks bad...."
"I'm gonna kill you!!!"
You screamed as Dusan, like a bull on ecstasy, lunged for Kenan's throat, wrestling him down onto the bathroom floor.
"Dusan stop it!" You cried.
"If you ever...touch....my sister again...."
"Dusan please!"
Blood ran down Kenan's face. A result of Dusan's punches. He kept at it despite Kenan showing no sings in wanting to defend himself.
"You fucking, bastard. I knew there was something wrong with you, always staying close to my family."
"Dusan stop, you're hurting him!"
Your cries alerted people into the men's bathroom. Almost everyone on the team burst through the door, witnessing the horrific scene. Dusan, on top of Kenan, his fist raised and ready to strike again.
"Hey, come on, man!" Thankfully, they were quick to get Dusan off of Kenan, pinning him to a wall.
You rushed to your boyfriend's side, falling onto your knees beside him. "Oh, my God, Kenan, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."
"Y/N?" He gulped. Blood was seen running from his nose and mouth, making it difficult for him to speak. The restaurant staff were quick to alert an ambulance to take him to the nearest hospital. You wanted to ride in the car with Kenan, however. your sister told you not to, as it could upset Dusan even more. However. You couldn't give less of a fuck about your brother right now. How could he, you thought. You had never expected him to approve of your relationship but never in your life did you imagine that it would come to this.
Three days later Kenan was out of the hospital with a couple of stiches to hus face, however, he ignored your calls and you knew that he was ignoring you since he did pick up when you called from your sisters number.
"I never wanted to get between you and your brother." Was all he said before hanging up on you.
You were heartbroken, something your brother noticed, mainly because you stopped talking to him whatsoever.
"Come on, Y/N. It doesn't have to be like this." He said.
"Dusan, you literally beat up my boyfriend, your own teammate."
"Boyfriend?" He frowned. "Since when? You're just a kid."
"I'm not, and that's exactly my point." You sighed. "I know you just want the best for me, but you're treating me like I'm still a child," you said, voice firm. "I'm not a little girl anymore. I can take care of myself and make my own decisions."
Dusan looked taken aback by your words, but he slowly nodded his head in understanding. "I know, sis. I know you're not a child. But to go behind my back with one of my teammates of all people. You don't know him like I do. He might not be the best guy for you."
"It doesn't matter, Dusan, because who I chose to date is my choice, not yours."
Dusan thought for a moment as it all seemed to dawn on him. "So the two of you have been seeing each other for a long time?"
"Yes, Kenan is my boyfriend. But I'm not so sure anymore since he won't pick up any of my phone calls, perhaps afraid that....." Your voice broke.
"Hey, hey...." Dusan rushed to your side, wrapping his arms around you. "It's my fault, I'm sorry."
"Yes, it is, your fault." You sniffled,  but found comfort in his embrace.
"I'll fix this I promise."
You looked up. "How?"
"Trust me, I just need some time with the kid."
"Do not hurt him!" You exclaimed.
"I won't. I promise you that something like that will never happen again."
Two weeks passed. Although you and Dusan reached common ground, Kenan still refused to take your calls or messages, and you were not having it. If he wanted to break up with you he should do it to your face, like a man, not ghost you like some fucking side piece.
Taking matters into your own hands, you showed up at his football training, hoping to find out what was going on. As you watched him play, you were surprised to see him and Dusan interacting with each as if Dusan didn't beat the shit out of him the other day. They were goofing around, laughing with one another, that is, until they spotted you.
"Y/N, w....what are you doing here?" Kenan said, approaching the fence where you stood.
"Yeah, sis, this is a closed practice."
You ignored your brother and looked to Kenan. "We need to talk." Hearing those words, Dusan didn't waste no time sticking around, leaving you to it.
"Couldn't it wait?" Kenan mumbled, and for some reason, he struggled to meet your eyes.
"No, Kenan, this can't wait. I want you to break up with me to my face so I don't have to stick around, hoping for you to call me, wondering what if."
"Break up? Why would I..."
"Oh my God." You gasped as Kenan raised his head to look at you. He had a black eye the size of a tennis ball and stiches on his upper lip. The aftermath of your brothers work.
"It looks worse than it is." He said, lowering his head. "I didn't want to scare you showing up looking like this. I mean, Dusan and I are cool now, but perhaps this would remind you of what he did to me."
"Kenan, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."
"It's not." He said, quick to raise his head. "None of this is your fault, Y/N, and don't ever think that you..."
"But it is Kenan." Tears rand down your cheeks. "We should have told my brother about us like you wanted to. Keeping it a secret only made things worse."
"Well, the secret is out now." He smiled, although it looked painful to.
"Oh, Kenan." You reached for his hand through the fence.
"I have to go back to training, but I can come by later tonight if you want?"
You nodded. "Okay."
He leaned forward, initiating a kiss through the fence. However, you hesitated.
"It won't hurt." He assured you.
You didn't look convinced.
"Okay. Maybe it will hurt a little but it will be worth it."
You smiled and leaned forward, capturing his lips as the cold fence pressed against your cheeks.
"I love you."
He said it first.
Or maybe you said it first.
It didn't matter, he loved you and you loved him. Now the hole world would know.
The End
Part 1
Part 2
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swiftholic-13 · 4 months
The Season's Scandal Chapter 4
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pairing → Eloise Bridgerton x Female Reader
summary → Y/N is having a heart to heart with Eloise. Her biggest fear might also become her reality.
warnings → none
words → 2.2k
masterpost chapter 3 chapter 5
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The following day I woke up early and ordered a servant to get the carriage ready. I was trying to be as fast as possible, so my brother would not see me and could forbid me to leave the house. I immediately went to the Bridgerton House to go visit Eloise.
“What bothers you?” Eloise asked me in a caring tone. Soon after I have arrived she showed me their huge garden. Spending time with the Bridgertons showed me how caring and supportive a family can be. I really wished one day I'd have a family just like them. It was hot and sunny, so it was only natural that we would stay there for the next few hours. Spending time with Eloise was the only thing keeping me sane. The hours went by fast and soon her family left us alone and went back inside. I realized that I could listen to Eloise for hours without ever growing weary. There was nothing she could say that would make me stop hanging on every word from her lips. Sooner than later the sun began to set and we settled down on the grass beneath us, looking at the stars. While I was looking at the sky she was laying on her side facing me. The grass touching my bare arms felt unusual but also liberating. “I cannot stop thinking about returning home, my brother will kill me” I looked over to her and her eyes were reflecting the light of the moon. I could not stop myself from staring. She gently took my hand in hers and interlaced our fingers. This was different feeling now that we were not wearing gloves, more intimate than anything we have ever had. “Then do not” I smiled to myself “I cannot hide here forever, El” She shifted closer to me and placed her other hand on top of mine “He has no right to treat you like that and besides I have 7 siblings, do you really think one more would trouble my mama?” We both chuckled and I managed to relax a bit. I looked down at our intertwined hands. With Eloise I felt safe, I knew I could trust her with everything. “My brother was always my parents´ favorite. No endeavor of mine could ever please them. For a while, this granted me some freedom, but not for long. He was always the perfect child, the perfect Duke. Though he may not relish his position as Duke, he never had to prove himself worthy of their love. I have never been granted such affections by them. They are not incapable of love, just incapable of loving me and still I would not dare to bring shame on this family. My mama sent me away with him, hoping to never see me again”. My voice broke and I could feel her eyes fixated on me as I talked, a compassionate gaze that made me feel warm inside. I blinked a few times trying to prevent the tears from rolling down my face. “I am scared” I whispered barely audible and turned my face towards Eloise locking eyes. She noticed my glassy eyes and a sad frown settled on her face. “That they take the one thing that I truly care about away from me”. Eloise inched closer to me and brushed a strand of loose hair behind my ear. “You are the strongest person I know. I cannot imagine what the life you have endured must be like. You are truly remarkable. Please do not let anyone dictate your actions.” her eyes did not leave mine for a second. Her soft and caring tone made me want to kiss her right away. I wanted to pull her close and taste her lips, even if it would be the last thing I would do, I would die a happy woman. Her tone changed and became a bit more playful. “Besides, would you truly leave me to be a spinster all alone? You cannot allow me to be the sole social disgrace here” I smiled at her and chuckled. Her eyes were still fixated on mine, searching for something. “I like you more like that” she whispered. Trying to hide my blush from her I turned my head again, looking back at the beautiful night sky. My view was good but could never compare to her gorgeous smile.
“You really think you want to be spinsters with me forever, we have not known each other for long” I asked, waiting eagerly for her answer. I was scared to reveal my feelings for her. Society does not let people like me have these feelings, it is scandalous. I had to be careful who to put my trust in. I did not think that Eloise would tell anyone. But the fear of losing her, the only person I cared about, was to big to let my desire ruin it. She meant the world to me. “I feel like I have known you long enough” she answered and instantly made me smile again. I could feel her soft hand caressing mine. The way her thumb moved over the back of my hand made me shiver. She was always so gentle with me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her touch in peace. It was something rarely granted to me. I knew It was momentary.
Our peaceful silence was soon interrupted by footsteps approaching. Eloise snatched her hand away and we both sat up as quick as possible. I straightened out my hair a bit and Eloise fixed her skirt, like we were just doing other things. The footsteps became louder and a figure passed the bush we were sitting behind. Benedict. “Eloise?” he asked surprised, his eyes wandering from her face to mine and back to hers. “I did not know you were still here” He said in a thoughtful manner looking at me. “I was just escorting Y/N outside, to her carriage” Eloise said and motioned me to follow along. She stood up and held her hand out for me to take. Our eyes never left each other as she helped me up. After a few times looking at Eloise and back at me Benedict understood the situation and smiled to himself. Eloise caught his eye “what?” she asked. “nothing, sister” he smirked and took his turn to leave. After he left we retuned to a rather uncomfortable silence. "You are right, I shall leave” I said looking down at my hands. “It is pretty late indeed” she agreed with me and lead me through the garden, inside the house and out through the hallway towards the gate. We walked outside in an uncomfortable silence. My carriage was already ready and the closer I got to it the worse I felt. I stopped in my movements short before having to enter the carriage. I turned and took her hands in mine once again. “See you tomorrow?” she asked, knowing very well that the chance of it happening was pretty low. My brother would not let me leave the house again, unless for another ball. I took a deep breath and nodded with a sad smile on my face. “tomorrow” I whispered back. She slowly leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek. I shivered at the contact of her lips on my skin. Luckily no one saw us, except for the carriage driver, which already got extra money from me. She slowly pulled back and let go of my hands, allowing me to enter the carriage. I wish I could just pull her in the carriage along with me and show her how much she means to me. I wish I would not have to leave her now and go back to my house where my angry brother was awaiting me. I took a last look at her as I settled down and she closed the door. The horses started walking and with every step they took the distance between Eloise and me grew. I touched my cheek where her lips have just been a few seconds ago. I smiled to myself. Every second I have spent with Eloise was worth all of what's to come.
Soon after my carriage arrived at our house. A servant helped me out of carriage and walked me to the gate that decorated the entrance of the huge house. When the doors opened I was greeted with the sight of my angry brother. I simply ignored him and handed one of our servants my cape. “You better have a good explanation” he grunted. “No” I simply said and walked past him. “Y/N” a too familiar female voice said. I turned around and looked straight in the face of evil. My mother. I looked at my brother in shock. I expected many things from him but not this. He simply looked away. “Your brother has told me about your behavior” the look of bare disappointment plastered over her face. “I am going to bed” I said simply but she grabbed my arm, pure anger on her face “Where were you?” “promenading through the park” I scoffed. “At this late hour? It is scandalous for a lady to be alone this late, but if I should find out that have been seeing some gentleman I will kill you myself” she scoffed and grabbed my arm tighter. I just rolled my eyes and ripped my arm away from her. “Do not worry mother” I walked up the stairs as fast as possible. “You will not leave this house, you will not go any ball unless it is by my side and if you do not secure an engagement within this season I shall pick a husband for you myself. I will not tolerate this behavior of yours any longer”. I quickly took my left as I felt tears starting to leak from my eyes. I was afraid of this happening. Did my brother really had to bring our mother here? My life was about to get much worse. Now my mother forced me into marriage. I had no chance of escaping her. How would I even get the chance of seeing Eloise now.
My first instinct was to write a letter to her, explaining everything that was happening. I tried not to get to deep into it, a letter could get lost and the last thing I wanted was a scandal being caused by a single letter that I wrote to the girl of my dreams. The following morning, I rushed downstairs and handed the letter to a servant. Before they could walk of, my mother snatched the letter from his hands. “writing letters? To whom?” when I stepped forward, trying to get it back she gave me a knowing look and opened the letter. I grew impatient and felt my anger rising, I had to find another way to contact her. “Dearest Eloise…, who is Eloise?” she asked. “a friend” I replied and tried to get the letter back. Before I could get a hold of it she ripped it apart and the pieces fell to the ground. I looked at her in pure shock. “You are here to secure a marriage, not find friends” she declared and left me alone. I just wished to be a man, I could do whatever I wanted without anybody complaining or telling me what to do. I could just marry Eloise and make a good Life for us. Sadly this was just a dream and would never happen. Before leaving the room, my mother turned back around “you have a few visitors soon, get ready”. My brother was standing at the top of the stairs, watching us, as I tried to calm myself down. He didn´t say a thing as I rushed past him, upstairs, back to my room.
Dancing with possible suitors was bad, but this was much worse. I sat silently next to my mother, while she told the various men about my qualities as housewife and mother. The thought alone of having to give birth to a child made me sick. They smiled at me in a disgusting way that made me want to run away. The whole day I could not stop thinking about Eloise and how much I missed her. Her laugh, the way her eyes were glowing, her scent, her perfect voice, her gorgeous chestnut hair and just her presence. This was torture.
Over the course of the next week my mother did not allow me to attend the next ball and my various attempts of sneaking out failed. She did not let me out of her sight for one second and there was no way of letting Eloise know of everything that was going on. I was slowly losing my sanity. That was until Victor decided to show up, missing me at the latest ball. I was more than grateful to see him and almost jumped into his arms begging him to kidnap me. My countless attempts of getting rid of my mother during his stay failed and even his suggestion of a walk in the park got declined. He could sense the seriousness of this situation even though we were not granted a moment of peace. Before he took his leave he made it very clear that he would like to see me at tonight’s ball. Luckily that was enough to convince my mother to let me go. I had no idea how I could escape her at the ball but only the thought of seeing Eloise again after these long days made me get excited and forget about my fatal situation.
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As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't worry it's getting spicier very very soon.
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moonydustx · 22 days
Katakuri x reader! It can anything but my big boy needs love
wow, it took me a long time to answer you, I'm sorry. I hope it's still around and of course, I hope you like it too!
Breaking Deals
Katakuri x F!Reader
warnings: arranged marriage, Reader has some daddy issues. Katakuri and Reader are dealing with their own feelings. Reader drinks a lot of wine in this one. (Kata it's a sweetheart in this one)
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"You love him, you just haven't realized it yet."
Brûléé's words combined with the taste of alcohol on your lips. After a party, the two of you took the remaining time of the night to drink and share your frustrations - yours related to being married to her brother for three years, but that was just a business arrangement.
The big problem is that Katakuri was the sweetest human being you could ever meet and it was hard not to fall in love with him. That's why you failed, you fell, and you fell hard for the magenta-haired man.
This led you to vent to your sister-in-law and amidst conversations over good wine, she made something clear to you that not even you had realized: you love Katakuri, as your husband and not just as a business transaction from your shit father. .
The steps back to your room seemed to be dragged and your deplorable state indicated that the alcohol levels had already been exceeded. The bedroom door felt even heavier, not as heavy as the atmosphere that had formed.
"You finally showed up, I was worried." you found Katakuri sitting on the huge bed the two of you shared, even though most nights he didn't stay there.
"Sorry - hiccup- I g-got distracted talking to Brûlée."
"Just talking?" he approached, seeing you enter with your heels dangling from your fingers and an empty bottle of wine in one hand.
"You know the answer big guy." With a small jump, you sat on the bed, under his attentive gaze. "I'm a mess, aren't I?"
"Just a little mess." He tried to appear soft, not wanting your drunk state to judge it as an offense.
"No need to lie, really." You let your shoes fall to the floor and placed the empty bottle next to you. "I'm a complete mess!" Your voice was almost tearful, which caught the attention of the man next to you.
"What happened?" he could easily find out, but he preferred to hear it come out of your mouth and not go beyond the limits imposed between the two of you.
"What happened?" your voice came out in a fake laugh, almost forced and indignant. "There was a party, beautiful. All couples gathered, including the two of us except we are not a couple."
"We are a couple."
"Only in the documents!" you support yourself on your knees, trying to be at his face level. "I know we have an agreement, which was just business between my father and your mother, but you are incredible Katakuri. These three years I have lived the best of my life by your side and it is impossible not to fall in love. I know that before that my options were either my father kill me or I kill myself, but you changed all that." You started to list his qualities, you interrupted yourself with a laugh. "Damn! I'm ruining our entire deal, my father is going to kill me." you let yourself fall into a sitting position again. "I'm sorry Kata."
"First of all, he's not going to kill you, I would never let him." his words spoken with a calmness and normality that still impressed you. "And second, we should have this conversation another time."
"I really won't have the courage for that another time." you pointed out and saw him let out a light laugh. "Unless we have more stock of that wine."
"We do, but that's why we need to talk later. You're drunk." he stated and saw you cross your arms and form a pout. "Besides this conversation, is there anything I can do for you?"
"You never would." You sulked even more.
"What would I never do?"
"Kiss me. The last and only time was at our wedding."
"Sweetheart, that doesn't feel right." he pointed out, but what the words said suggested going against his thoughts, as his hand automatically went to the cloth that hid him from the world around him.
Katakuri let the cloth slide down his neck and it only took seconds for his lips to meet yours. Contrary to what his body asked - practically begged - Katakuri opted for a calmer path and kissed you slowly, delicately, hoping that those few seconds would take much longer.
As he walked away from you, you insisted on keeping your face close to his, your request coming out as a brief whisper from your lips.
"Sleep with me?"
"You know I…"
"Just hold me, please, like I'm yours, really yours."
Not having the strength to deny you something, your night ended lying on his lap, your little face nestled in Katakuri's chest while sleep took you somewhere far away.
Regret and guilt came together into one big headache as soon as you opened your eyes. What had you done the night before?
Focusing on the sensations around your body, you could feel that Katakuri was no longer there. The only thing you were sure of was that you had ruined the well-arranged marriage between the two of you. Your father would hate you even more than he already did, your mother-in-law would suck your soul and end you, Katakuri should be laughing at your expense along with one of his brothers. You had ruined everything.
Still gnawing at the guilt, you gathered strength and got out of bed heading towards the bathroom. The shower lasted much longer than you expected, as did your clothing store. Unconsciously you seemed to be trying to face reality. In the distance you heard Katakuri's voice calling you and, not feeling so firm on your own legs, you returned towards the room.
Sweets, breads, drinks, all of this came together on a breakfast tray placed on your bed, next to which Katakuri sat.
"There you are." his voice sounded too soft for someone angry. "I thought it might be a good idea to bring you something to eat."
And it was true, at least partially.
After everything that happened the night before, with you still immersed in his arms, Katakuri allowed himself to appreciate the moment and feel what the two of you could really be. That pleased him, it pleased him a lot and he would strive to make it a reality.
"Thank you for worrying." your voice was low, as you sat on the opposite side of the tray placed on the bed and therefore, on the opposite side to Katakuri. "Look delicious!"
"I tried making them with chocolate frosting, your favorite, but the decoration left something to be desired." he justified himself. For someone of his strength, Katakuri found the hesitation in his voice strange.
You reached the donut he had mentioned and took a piece, tasting the delicious dough. The agreement of not keeping a secret between the two of you included you knowing that he had great culinary skills and you would always love to try the food that Katakuri made.
"About last night…" you started, trying to rip off the band-aid, you just didn't expect him to say the same thing at the same time.
"Sorry, you can start." he tried to be a gentleman.
"About last night, I believe I went overboard and broke our agreement." your hands were sweating cold with every word that came out of your mouth. "I know I drank too much, I said and did things I shouldn't have…"
"Did you lie about something?"
"What do you mean?" You found his interruption strange. By now, breakfast was already forgotten between the two of you.
"About everything you said yesterday, did you lie about any of it?" Without the strength to get the words out, you just shook your head. "That's good, actually that's great. I like you too, the same way you like me because of what you told me. I like it when you just call me Kata or big guy, only you do that. Or when you keep insisting on picking up things that are always higher than you and in the end, you end up asking for my help…" realizing that he was talking too much, Katakuri stopped for a few seconds, seeing you look at him with bright eyes. "I really like you."
"Even though I snored on you last night?"
"Even you snoring." he insisted.
"And even though I always knock things over?"
"That I think is adorable." once again, he insisted, seeing you hide your smile with one hand, still surprised by everything. "It's hard to say all that."
"That's why I was drunk yesterday." the two of you laughed in unison, the tension that was previously hanging there dissipating with the echo of your laugh. "What do we do now?"
"You decide, you rule." he pointed out, seeing you stop smiling and look serious. "It's always been you, since the day I met you."
Not finding words to express your real desire, you just extended one of your hands towards him. Without any effort, Katakuri pulled you to lift your body and place you on his lap. Your fingers, previously intertwined with his as he pulled you, went to the scarf around his neck and one look from him was enough for you to have your permission.
His lips were sweet and soft, anyone who saw his fangs from the outside would never imagine that and you were happy to be the only one who could taste it. Just like the night before, he kissed you delicately, as if you were his little porcelain, the thing he would take the most care of in his entire life - and yes, he really saw you like that.
Just like the night before, you stopped kissing and just spent a few seconds looking at you.
"Can I ask you something?" he spoke, a hushed, calm tone that suited him.
"Whatever you want."
"I can hold you today as if you were always mine."
"Of course, I'll always be yours."
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Sluttiest quotes from Lorcan
Omg RoWaN iS tHe HoTtEsT character in TOG!
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“Come a little closer, and I’ll show you just what five centuries can do.” “Watch yourself, girl. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a week, but someday you will trip up. And I’ll be waiting." “No words, Prince?” “I move quickly.” “Assassins, whores, traitors—what fine company you keep these days, Rowan.” “Is that what you thought of us? All those years that we worked together, killed men and bedded females together? I never heard you complain.” “Run, you stupid fool,” Lorcan hissed, hauling him from the fuse. Aedion was crouched over it, his bloody hands steady as he grasped the flint and struck. Once. Twice. Then a spark, and a flame that went roaring off into the darkness. They ran like hell. “Faster,” Lorcan said, and Aedion caught up to them, taking Rowan’s other arm and adding his strength and speed. Down the passage. Past the broken iron gates, into the sewers. There was not enough time and space between them and the tower. And Aelin— The bond stretched tighter, splintering. No. Aelin— They heard it before they felt it. The utter lack of sound, like the world had paused. Followed by a cracking boom. “Move,” Lorcan said, a barked order that had Rowan blindly obeying just as he had for centuries. "Gavriel is still my brother. I would have faced him with dishonor if I had let his son die.” “I have my skills, just as you have yours.” “Bigger tits won’t prove or hide anything.” “Come, wife.” “Would you like me to kill him for you?” “If you want to survive, you have to be willing to do what is necessary.” “As far as anyone’s concerned, you’re still my wife.” "I will always find you. I promise." “I wanted to go to Perranth with you.” “I have loved you from the moment you picked up that axe to slay the ilken. I will be with you always." “I will marry you, Elide Lochan. And proudly call myself Lord Lorcan Lochan, even when the whole kingdom laughs to hear it. And when we are wed, I will bind my life to yours. So we will never know a day apart. Never be alone, ever again.” Lorcan Salvaterre, commander of the cadre? More like commander of my heart.
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i9messi · 1 year
hiiii 🩵 could i request a mason imagine where he’s dating the daughter of messi??? and let’s say that leo has invited him over at their house for a vacation but little ciro is really close with reader so he gets a little jealous :’)) all fluff please tysm i love ur imagines 🥺
Summer trip — Mason Mount
Word count — 1,3k
mason’s masterlist
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"Vamos, Ciro, sonreí un poco." (Come on, Ciro, smile a little.)
Your brother however continued with that angry face, no smile appeared on his lips. The thing was, you had a boyfriend, a lovely boyfriend. Mason and you had been dating for a while now, your family already knew him and they liked each other. This summer was the first time you decided to go on vacation together but your younger brother hated the idea. Ciro was overprotective over you, you were his older sister and he didn’t like your boyfriend’s presence there.
Ever since your boyfriend showed up with his travel bags, he was even more childish and angry. Ciro made mean comments in spanish and even reproached you for bringing Mason on a family trip.
Your boyfriend appeared with a glass full of cold water and you thanked him, giving him a short kiss on the lips. He was so cute you could kiss him every single damn minute, but your family was there too, so you had to be more private with your affection.
"I love you." He kissed you again and then he looked at the child, smiling at him.
"Que asco." (How disgusting) Ciro complained, knowing that Mason couldn't understand him.
"No seas malo." (Don’t be mean.)
"What’s wrong?" Mason tried to understand what you were saying but his level of Spanish was not good.
"¿Cuándo se va a ir?" (When is he leaving?) Your brother kept asking the same question.
"Ciro! Es mi novio y tenes que tolerarlo por el resto del viaje." (He’s my boyfriend and you have to tolerate him for the rest of the trip.)
"¿Quién lo dice?" (Who says it?)
"Yo." (Me)
Ciro got up from his chair and gave you one last look, until he went to play football with his brothers. You let out a sigh, your brother was making it hard to stay calm during your trip. You loved him, but you just wanted your boyfriend and your brother to get along for a few hours.
"What's wrong, lovely?"
You took the chance of the fact that your brother left you alone and you told him what was going on. Once you explained Ciro was jealous, Mason laughed.
"Oh, everything makes sense now."
"This morning I poured myself a glass of water and it was very salty, your little brother was smiling weirdly at me. Also, I can’t find my shoes anywhere and I think my toothbrush has a weird taste— like, a taste of soap. I think perhaps someone is doing things to upset me."
"Oh lord."
"It’s fine, he’s your brother and it’s okay that he wants to protect you, he sees me as a treat."
"You're not a treat, Mase."
"Well, I'm stealing his favourite girl. I get it, if someone stole you from me, I would be mad."
You smiled, Mason knew how to make you feel things in your chest. In a second you were mad at your little brother and now you were smiling at what your boyfriend said.
"But I love you, he has to get used to your presence."
"I take the consequences of falling in love with you. I don’t care if the little Messi tries to kill me, I’m gonna stay by your side."
"Will you? Are you sure? My brother can be very stubborn when he wants to."
Mason laughed again at your drama. Little did you know that your brother never gave up.
"I can also be very stubborn when I want to, and I love you, so that little boy has to get used to my presence."
"Good luck trying to fight with my brother, he will win."
You were totally sure that your brother was able to piss off even the quietest person in the world, your brother might look cute and all, but he was a devil.
"Fight? Who says I'm gonna fight with him? That kid will love me."
You both got up from the chair to go back to the water, your dad was taking care of your brothers as your mom was taking pictures of them at the beach. Your dad was Lionel Messi, Mason admired him and he was like a little boy when he met him the very first time. It still seemed a little unreal that he had fallen in love with the daughter of his greatest idol.
You went into the water for a while with your surfboards, Mason didn’t know how to surf so you had to explain a little and help him. It was too much fun, so much so that you didn’t realize how long it had taken you. The sunset had arrived and when you came out of the water, your parents and brothers had already left the beach.
"Babe, have you seen my towel? I swear I left it here."
"Oh no."
"Your brother."
You both came to the same conclusion. Ciro must have taken Mason’s towel to piss him off. The british made a pot and you offered him your towel. He took it and put it on his shoulders, then extended his arms to you.
"Come here, we’ll dry together."
Mason left you a kiss on your lips and you looked into his eyes. It was a little cold now that you were wet and it was getting dark, but his hot arms made you feel better. As you were alone, you allowed ourselves to show your love. With the kids around, you and Mason tried to not show signs of affection around them.
"I love you, darling."
Mason was so sweet, he made your heart beat as if you were on a roller coaster. He was so attentive and affectionate that every day you fell more in love.
"I know this trip may seem a little weird and my brother is trying to make your life miserable, but I really enjoy being here with you, Mase."
"I enjoy being here with you, love. I don’t want to be anywhere else, you’re my home."
"And you're my everything."
You and Mason had a good time on the beach, kissing and holding hands. There were plenty of beautiful seashells in the sand. Once it was late enough, you returned home and put on dry clothes. You went to the living room and found Ciro looking at Mason with a malevolent smile. Your brother returned the gaze at your boyfriend and with his best attempt at spanish, he spoke with the boy.
"¿Quieres jugar un juego?" (Do you want to play a game?)
Ciro looked at you first and then looked at him. A naughty smile intensified in his mouth.
"Voy a ganar." (I’m gonna win)
"Let's see."
Mason sat next to your brother and the two started playing FIFA. You saw them, not before telling them both to behave, as if they were kids. Your dad was sitting in an armchair a few feet away, so you came over and stood beside him.
"¿Crees que algún día se van a llevar bien?" (Do you think they’ll ever get along?)
"Miralos, parecen empezar a llevarse bien." (Look at them, they seem to be getting along.)
You followed his gaze, your brother was laughing at something Mason said. When Mason looked at you again, he winked at you. His lips whispered a ‘trust me.’
Later on, the game was won by your brother and Mason made a pot, sitting next to you.
"He is good."
"He is."
"Little by little I'll make your brother love me, it's impossible to not love me."
"You’re a bit smug."
"Don’t ya love me?"
Truth was, you really love him. And he knew it.
"I do."
"Now I need to make another Messi to love me. It was incredibly hard to catch your attention, I hope he's easier."
Mason was already thinking of all the ways he could make your brother feel comfortable with him. He made a mental list of what they had in common with the little boy, in order to try to find a connection between the two.
"I love you, princess."
He kissed you and again, Ciro appeared to make a disgusting gesture.
"Que asco." (How disgusting.)
Mason little did he know that your brother was going to play another prank on him that night. After all, the Messis never gave up.
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kuroppiii · 2 months
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  forty, love ᵕ̈       tennis au!miya twins x gn!reader       ( pt. two ) ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : what to do when two  ⋮⋮  fellow pro tennis players are ⋮⋮  interested in you ? you compare ⋮⋮  their stats , of course !
📋 content     ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮     ♡ # 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦❕     ♡ # 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 🥛     ♡ # ~4.1𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 ( wow )     ♡ # 𝙘𝙬 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘦 ( all characters are 18     or older during all events of the story !! ) ,     𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨
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🎶 on shuffle " yeah x10 " - trent reznor & atticus ross ( challengers movie soundtrack )
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💬 kuroppiii ─ “ i locked tf in for this one ... ( also thank you ree for helping with the smau stuff i ' ve never done myself prior to this lolll ) ”
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atsumu and osamu are neck-and-neck in a tie break. the crowd around you grows frustrated in a twisted type of voyeurism as the two tennis players are almost equally matched in the masterful way they return the ball to each other.
it's still only the first set but it feels like you've been sitting there watching 100 tennis matches–and in a sense, you have been.
as the ball gets traded between the miya twins on each side of the net, the countless times you've seen the two passionately rally tennis balls with their rackets cycle through your mind. they overlay the sight in front of you, almost like a flip book–one that eventually lands on a page from a long-gone time.
a time when the twins used to play alongside each other on one side of the net.
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after winning the match that made your young pro-athlete career those many years ago, you remember you took your new trophy with you to sit in on a certain mens doubles match a few hours later that same day.
there were a few hours to kill between when the cameras flashed in your face as you held your trophy and when you'd have to deal with it all over again that night for the winners' banquet. so, you decided to take up the two twin brothers' offer from the previous day to watch them in action.
slipping into a secluded corner of the stands, you were just barely able to catch the last few sets of their game since yours had overlapped slightly time-wise. but even in those few sets, you found yourself drawn to how the two ruled the court.
looking at the scoreboard, it seems like they breezed past the first set, had faltered and lost the second, but were definitely back on track to secure the third when you had arrived.
under the searing afternoon sun you noticed how atsumu always donned a certain smirk on his face before serving. this smile somehow shone brighter than the rays of light beating down on him and his sweat-drenched shirt.
and not too far from the blonde and closer to the net, osamu continuously provided ample support whenever atsumu's serves were returned, no matter how powerfully their opponents hit them back. he had a show-stopping habit of leaping into the air to reach the tennis balls whenever they were returned up high. volley after volley, osamu's usually bored expression would turn to one that was laser-focused on swatting at his neon green targets with his racket so the balls would quickly crash onto their opponents' side.
in this way, the twins weren't ones who waited for the ball to hit the court. they always had the ball in motion. it was like they were so in-tune on some deep and unspoken level, and you hadn't seen doubles partners play in any way like it.
'maybe it's because they're brothers,' you thought to yourself as you found yourself more invested watching a tennis match than you ever had before, 'maybe it's because they're twins, at that!'
either way, the miya twins secured that third set, and despite the annoyance of your manager as you were completely oblivious to their calls and texts telling you to start getting ready for the winners' banquet, you intently watched every moment and every point as they finished off their match by winning the fourth set.
you earnestly joined the audience in the stands as you applauded the two, watching them drop their rackets and excitedly embrace one another in a tight hug upon realizing the match was now over. they were winners.
the trophy gets brought out, and you get a great view of their faces lighting up in celebratory smiles, holding their shared trophy between them for the cameras.
the image of them both–hair sticking to their foreheads and dripping in sweat yet still grinning impossibly wide–as they clutch their new trophy and both kiss it at the same time, was one that would be burned into your memory for years.
but at the time, the moment passes as quickly as it came before they go to pack up their duffels on the sidelines. you take this as your queue to leave and finally catch up on the notifications from your manager. but just as you stand up from your seat, atsumu spots you in the crowd, and you see his jaw drop.
immediately and without risking to glance away from you, he aggressively swats at osamu's arm next to him to get the gray-haired one to look at where you stood, too. osamu reluctantly follows his brothers gaze, and you see the frustrated expression aimed at his brother quickly melt into one mixed with shock and admiration as he locks eyes with you.
(unable to fight the small smile that tugs at your lips upon seeing their ego-boosting reactions again) you nod at them in acknowledgment, give them a small wave, and go to pick up your trophy as you leave while they flash those winning smiles right back at you.
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the banquet a few hours later was held in a classy venue, with winding spotless marble staircases and chandeliers in every room. when your ride pulled up in front of the building, you stepped out onto the ostentatious red carpet that was laid out for all the tournament's victors to waltz down. you could hear the buzz of chatter and crystal glass clinking inside. the louder it grew, the more your hands gripped at the shiny handles of your award as you entered the hall.
a worker directed you to a table where all the winners were asked to place their trophies for a round of pictures that would take place before dinner started. just as you go to set yours down, two similar and familiar faces entered through the banquet hall doors.
the voice of the tournament employee started to sound more and more tuned-out as you watched them step into the hall. the miyas were clad in clean and simple dress pants and blazers. osamu's outfit was on the more, of course, grayer side than atsumu's (and defiinitely more of atsumu's dress shirt buttons were unbuttoned than that of his brother's).
osamu held in his hands the brothers' trophy from their match earlier that day, and a different worker suddenly approached them, kindly gesturing to the table you were standing right next to. they were probably asking osamu to place the trophy down on the table–something you were still yet to do.
you quickly look back at the worker talking to you, apologizing for "spacing out" before carefully positioning your prize in the spot where they needed it. you feel a presence come up next to you, and look up to make eye contact with the two twins.
"long time no see," atsumu teases as his brother sets down their trophy next to yours.
"nice trophy ya got there," osamu adds on. a light-hearted scoff escapes you before you attempt to congratulate them on their own win.
"thanks! congrats to you t–"
"l/n! i've been looking everywhere for you!" your manager suddenly appears and interrupts you, "there are some photographers who're asking for your picture. right this way, please..."
as your manager nudges you away from the award table, you glance back to give the two brothers an apologetic smile. they wave you off and soon you lose sight of them as the crowd in the room gets between you.
and that's how it went for the first half of the evening: looks here and there exchanged between you and the miyas, but always getting whisked away by the crowd to each take pictures with so-and-so or do another interview with whatever news outlet.
until finally, all the trophy bearers are called up to take one big picture together, and you find yourself standing next to the doubles partners once again. osamu is right next to you, and atsumu next to him. the moment after all the athletes have clobbered their big trophies in their grasp to hold up for the cameras, you start getting bombarded with flashing lights.
as you try to maintain your smile for the pictures, you catch in the corner of your eye osamu leaning closer to you, and he whispers, "ya looked great out there"–he pauses and smiles again at the flash of another camera–"and you're lookin' great now, too."
"lay off the gorgeous singles winner, would'ya 'samu? you're ruinin' our photos right now," atsumu smoothly joins in on your brief hushed conversation.
your smile begins to resemble a more genuine one at the interaction, and you're hoping the photos of you don't show the blush dusted on your cheeks once they get released to the press.
again, you don't get to talk to the twins much throughout the rest of the event. but during dinner hour–while them and their team are off somewhere else in the venue doing some p.r.–you successfully managed to slip a napkin with your number scribbled on it into the cup of their trophy as you pass by.
that night at your hotel, two new numbers popped up on your phone.
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the sound of tennis balls making contact with hardcourt echo through the darkness of night.
a few weeks later you're practicing late-night at a hotel court for your first grand slam appearance. for you recently, it's been nothing but nonstop training and drills. you were aiming for the final. sure, you could tell yourself to make it to at least quarter-finals, or even be satisfied at seeing yourself at semi-finals.
but no, your mind was set on the final. hell, your mindset was to win overall.
you got ready to practice your serve for another time, following the neon green ball as it went from the palm of your hand, to spinning in mid-air, to crashing against the wires of your racket–
your phone emits a small beam of light from where it laid on the bench in your peripheral vision. you wondered for a split second who could be texting you at this hour.
watching as your serve hit the exact corner you were aiming for, you decided you could give yourself a short break to check.
you reach into your duffel and fish out your towel, and you pat your neck and arms dry as you unlock your phone to open up the sudden set of notifications accruing on your homescreen,
it was the miyas.
ever since they added your number from the winners' banquet napkin, the three of you have had a shared groupchat you used to stay in touch. you had discovered pretty early on that the twins were very different, even if it's in how they text.
recently, however, on account of your intense grand slam preparations, you haven't been very active in it. but out of nowhere, here the two brothers are blowing up the chat. as you caught up on the messages, you pick up on an interesting amount of typos–more than usual...
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at the mention of bottles, you immediately caught on. a small laugh escapes you as you type back to voice your suspicion, and atsumu almost instantly replies back to confirm it–that they've had a few drinks tonight.
you shake your head at the bench. it was almost midnight. and they want to see you this bad?
you debate for a moment how much you really wanted to see them again.
they were definitely staying at some different hotel than yours, as they were going to be at the upcoming tournament as well to compete in their usual doubles bracket. you had no idea where or how far their hotel might've been, though. how would they even get to your hotel from theirs anyway? how long would you have to wait for them out in the dark? you could probably fit some more drills in that time instead.
after thinking about it for another minute or two, you sigh and look up at the moon in the dark sky, too exhausted from the hours you've already spent on the hard court to really think of an excuse not to have them visit you. a small break right about now couldn't hurt.
besides–other than catching sight of them on tv or on online tennis news articles–the last time you saw them was at the winner's banquet, and you really wouldn't complain about seeing their faces in person again.
so you tell them what you're up to at your hotel, and you're met with eager replies back in the groupchat: atsumu suggesting they join you in your practice, osamu saying they have a driver that can bring them to you.
a sudden surge of energy enters your system realizing you're about to have them right in front of you again. you bounce your leg against the court impatiently to try and let some of it out.
you start thinking back to the last time you were face-to-face with them, and you can't help but cringe a little, recalling how you were more of a flustered mess than you might've wished in front of them.
you internally cursed the effect they have on you.
and yet, here you were giving in to see them. but if you were going to have to face them again, you concluded you'd need a bit of liquid courage pumping through you yourself...
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around 20 minutes after you seal the deal and send your hotel's address to the two brothers, you hear footsteps approaching where you were sat at the court bench.
and then there they were–casually in t-shirts and shorts they were probably about to wear to bed–in front of you. you hear the clink of bottles as atsumu drops the duffel on his shoulder onto the court.
"be more careful with that, would'ya 'tsumu?" osamu hisses while landing a quick blow to the side of atsumu's arm.
you already find yourself giggling in their presence again and barely a minute has passed by. but what can you say? both on and off the court, the two were so interesting for you to watch.
after atsumu does in fact fail to open some more bottles with his racket and osamu instead opts to use the cap of one bottle to open two others, the three of you then start rallying in a friendly 2-v-1.
with the twins opposite you across the net, tennis balls start to get lazily passed over the net using one-handed forehands and backhands (you each had an occupied hand holding your drinks, after all). though you three aren't giving it your all, a steady and precise rhythm of clicks still start to ring out like a metronome with each pass of the ball, accompanying the catch-up conversation that you share on the court.
a few rallies in–and a drink or two more–atsumu suddenly poses a question mid-rally that catches you off-guard.
"hey, say if you had to date one of us, which one you would pick?" the blonde shouts across the court, almost causing you to miss your return on the ball. you question if this was atsumu, or the alcohol talking.
skeptical, you shout back, "i'd go out with whoever actually liked me, obviously."
"but what if we both did?" you barely catch osamu add on, as his words are more mumbled and almost slurred before you see him hurriedly take another swig from his bottle.
you can hear the joint-confession in his words, and your other hand goes to give you another sip from your own bottle to calm your nerves.
"is it normal for you both like the same girl?" you tease.
"nah, not really, actually," osamu calls back.
"so what, should i feel honored or something?" you can't help but sarcastically throw at the two.
"of course. you're hot and talented," atsumu reasons, dropping his description of you like it's the most normal thing to say in that moment. you feel your face start to heat up–and it definitely wasn't the alcohol making its way through your system.
"oh, is that all i am?" you feign offense, and for once both brothers mistakenly go to return the ball, when they usually are so coordinated only one ever has to take initiative. you loved messing around with them.
the ball falls between their two outstretched rackets, and atsumu curses under his breath as osamu goes after it as it starts bouncing away. after retrieving it, he tosses it to atsumu to serve it over and start up another rally.
"'s not that," says osamu, "we've both gotten to know ya, you're great all-'round."
click! click! click...
"but based on what you've gotten to know 'bout us," atsumu speaks up in the pause of conversation, "who would'ya pick?"
click... click... click–
you suddenly give it your all and crash the ball hard onto their side of the court, downing the rest of your bottle right after, "let me think that over."
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the three of you had stopped rallying, opting to hanging out on the bench and just talking about life. the few bottles from the miyas' duffel were about halfway through and it was close to about 2 in the morning now.
the sound of tennis balls and rackets making contact was now replaced with hushed giggles, the sound of tennis balls lightly being dropped against the court surface and being caught again once they inevitably bounce back up, and the whirr of rackets being twirled by absent-minded hands.
all these sounds muddle together in your ears, an internal tell-tale signal to you that you were very tipsy.
since you were asked the question, the notion of getting with either of the miya twins has been floating in your mind. other thoughts came along with it, too, and the alcohol was not helping to push those curiosities of yours away.
as always, these two made it so easy to cave into your wants of selfish self-satisfaction. but this was a much-welcomed respite from the otherwise constant pressures and grueling day-to-day of going pro so young on the tennis court.
that you could be sure of, sober or not.
... so you figured your future and more sober self in the morning can't get that upset for what you were about to try.
"i think i know how i can figure out an answer to your question from earlier," you find yourself humming while atsumu was on your right, attempting a racket trick on the bench, and osamu was to your left, on the ground leaning up against the bench and bouncing a ball between the court and the palm of his hand.
"which one?" atsumu questions with a quick glance over to you as he tried balancing the middle of his racket on one finger.
"who i'd go out with," you nonchalantly shrug as you hear the wires of your racket slice through the air when you quickly spin it in your grasp.
"really?" osamu cranes his neck back to look at you, hand still trading contact with the ball between his hand and the court.
you look between them, the blush from the alcohol clearly visible on their faces–one you can certainly feel is shared on your own facial features, too–before looking back down at your racket, "i dunno, i just think i need more... stats to compare."
"what d'ya mean?" atsumu now puts down his racket in his lap and asks. you bend down and use your racket to slice the tennis ball out from under osamu's palm, directing attention to the racket by tapping it against the ground.
you ask osamu, "heads or tails?"
a beat of expectant silence passes by the three of you, as the brothers wonder what you're getting at.
"...tails," osamu finally replies, and it almost sounds like he utters his words on bated breath as he looks at you. (or maybe that was just your ego getting to your head.)
you twirl your racket one more time and let it clatter to the ground. the sound reverberates in the now completely-silent space, as the miyas are frozen in place as they scan your every move.
you look at atsumu, and mustering up all the confidence from your inebriated system, you reach your hand up to lightly hold his jawline. his skin under your fingertips runs soft as you dare to start leaning in closer, and closer, and at the moment your lips brush the slightest bit, you feel his breath hitch.
for a second, you reconsider if now was the time to settle into desire, if this may all just wind up being a big mistake–
but then atsumu quickly gets fed up, and he finally closes the gap between you. before you know it, your eyes flutter closed as you get lost in how his mouth feels on yours. his kiss is relentless, leaving no room for you to catch your breath as he constantly makes sure you can feel as much of him against your lips as you can. it's like he doesn't want you thinking about anything but him, not on his watch.
yeah, this is definitely not a mistake.
after a few moments, you hear shuffling and the bench creaks under a new weight on your left, and suddenly you feel a hand on your left thigh–osamu's, no doubt.
you carefully pull back from you and atsumu's kiss, catching how atsumu's eyes remain lidded as his body involuntarily tries chasing after you, both of you letting out soft pants to try and breathe in much-needed air.
you turn your head to face osamu, and you follow how his eyes trace over your face and his teeth subtly gnaws at the inside of his bottom lip in an anxious state of anticipation. you take it as your sign to start leaning in towards him–your fingers still lingering on atsumu's face as you do so.
osamu's kiss is much softer, but deliberate nonetheless. he isn't afraid of pulling back a little bit, but it isn't long before he takes the initiative to gently trap your bottom lip between his teeth now and then, forcing content sighs out of you–this in itself almost eggs him on further to toy with you more.
and then the skin under your right hand's finger tips disappears, a pair of lips start to kisses your jaw, and a pair of hands starting to wander along the right side of your body.
now both miyas are all over you, their possessive hands almost competing in grasping at more of you than the other. that, combined with the feeling of lips on yours at the same time as lips trailing along the side of your neck, made your head buzz.
you felt giddy–you've only ever seen them playing on the same side of the court. but right now, they were opponents, but instead of fighting over some glass trophy or medal, they were trying to win your attention.
finally needing air, you pull away from osamu. when you open your eyes to see his face, his lips are swollen and even in the dark of night you can catch a glimpse of his pupils appear blown out.
those same eyes flick over to glance at his brother on your right, and before you can follow his gaze, osamu's going in for the left side of your neck.
in the dark you can feel every touch–two varying paces of lips working against your skin, bleached and dyed hair brushing along the underside of your jaw. there's hands on your thighs, hands on your waist, hands peeking just under the hem of your shirt, hands threading through their blonde and grey hair–
your phone starts to ring.
"oh shit–" you quickly stand up from between them, stumbling a little from the imbalance that comes with your current tipsy state. you feel around for your phone on the ground and by the time you locate it among the mess of duffels and rackets and empty bottles, you see a missed call and texts from a member of your team. they're wondering where you were, and telling you to wrap up and head to bed if you haven't already.
"s-sorry," you stutter out at the two boys, picking up your racket from where you left it on the ground and fumbling with the strap of your duffel, "i gotta go–thanks for... the drinks."
and all osamu and atsumu can do is dumbly nod as you leave them at the bench–lips slightly parted and hair messes, with star-stuck looks from them that you've grown quite accustomed to.
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🗒⋆ *. ୨୧⋆。 taglist (2/30 at the time of publishing) : @zumicho , @liillyliilly (just send me an ask if you’re interested! xx)
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 8 months
A friendly reminder I am not to be held accountable for the things I'm about to say. Percy Jackson Season 1 FINALLY (SPOILERS BUT THAT'S THE LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS)
The visceral noise I made eating popcorn as Luke said "look you didn't ask to be a half-blood" caused an earthquake in Alaska, I'm sorry I was facing northwest.
"Riposte" I'm sorry, no I'm sorry no-
Also, the background of the sword fighting scene was very pretty.
Poseidon showing up for his son!!! Letts gooooooo! THE WEIGHT OF THE OCEAN UPON YEE!!!
Right in the heel, it's gotta hurt!
Percy asked his uncle to please return his mom, wholesome family gold.
"He'll kill you." "I done to stop running from monsters." "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." The show gets why these two work. Friends before anything else.
Glory as a theme is something that I like that the show highlights more. But Grover is right. at least send an insurance email or something. A quick "on my way, please don't kill anyone"
Dropping the master bolt on some poor dudes desk, legendary.
Olympus is so fucking beutiful omg
I'm gonna cry if Luke and Percy are in the same scene as each other in this episode again. ILL DO IT! THAT'S A THREAT!
The dead silence, I'm shitting omg... yes I know what happens and?
Followed by "I didn't steal it! Neither did any of my friends" IM GONNA CRY! IM GONNA DO IT
The pin strip suit, the sky blue paisley tie, the presence, the voice, THE KING OF THE GODS PEOPLE
Lotta talk for someone so small and scary
"Of course we dream. why do you ask?" "Do you ever dream about mom?" ;-;
Thalia looking strudy as ever.
Another reminder I am not to held liable for anything I might say, you need only see how many times I've listened to "Last day of Summer" from The musical to understand how much I've thought of this moment in fictional time.
Confirmation that Luke was indeed what mattered most in the end? I'm gonna make myself cry shit-
Honestly, this Percy might be too smart for his own good. Bro's never gonna live this heartbreak down.
"You...I'm here to recruit." I- fucking- AHHHH
"Stop saying "we"!" "It’s the word Zeus fears the most."
AND SHE HEARD EVERYTHING! Wasn't she supposed to be watching Clarrise? He'll, if Percy could figure it out, I'm sure Annabeth would. It's worth it to see that LOOK on Luke's face. I'm sorry. Feel the weight of your actions, man.
Miss my old friend the pit scorpion but I also like my new friend "the first scars we gave eachother"
He knows Luke won't hurt him physically, but the psychic damage hurts more and has lasting status de buffs.
"Just be a kid" that's it
"I'll find you" that's it
Promising to meet again next summer...Percy just you wait.
"Grandpa" "don't call him that"
They are the ultimate mother son duo
Kinda hate that Sally didn't intentionally do a murder, or at least she has a lot more possible deniability now, but I hope she still makes a sweet sale on that sculpture!
And that's it! Fuck it's over what to do now... RE READING THE LIGHTING THEIF LIFE BLOG COMING SOON! As well I'll probably drop a summary of my thoughts on the whole season at some point soon! Happy Finally, y'all! Can't wait to see the discorse!
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itsbubbleteataro · 1 month
Radio and the Reporter
Hello everyone! This is the last of my Radio and the Reporter (for now 0-0) I hope you enjoy! NOT PROOF READ
“So my darling doe, why in the world are you in hell?” Alastor asked, propping his elbows on the table, folding his long spindly fingers folding nicely so he could rest his chin on them. He cocked his head to the side, his smile ever wide and menacing. You snapped your fingers. From the same two ink pots, two little creatures spring from the ink. He watched the creatures, taking in how they never stopped bouncing to imaginary music, even as they poured tea for the two of them. 
  You keep your eyes on the deer man in front of you, “I’ll tell me if you tell me how you ended up down here as well. You’re quite the sweetheart, I'm tickled pink to see you again, but I'm worried.” You watched as he nodded his head. You sat back in your chair, sipping tea from your tea cup. “Alright. I was a reporter when we were alive, writing articles behind my fathers back under the name  ‘Roger’” You studied his expression. No hints of cracking or anything. You sighed, lowering your cup down to the table. “But you already knew that part, I'm guessing you went through my room after I passed?”
“Took me quite a while to do so, around three years give or take” Alastor sat back and crossed one leg over the other, his head tilting a full 90 degrees before straightening back up. “I honestly would not have guessed you were doing so much behind both your father’s and well, everyone’s back my dear. You were quite sneaky. How did you pull that off?” He watches you for a moment more, lingering on your face. 
“Oh that? I wore my brother's old shoes and stuffed them with enough weight to make footprints look natural. I wore his old clothes, did not speak unless I had to. But crossdressing isn't why I ended up in hell” You pull out your hand, counting on your fingers, “Let’s see, there's arson, bribery, extortion, forgery, little bit of fraud, stocking, robbery, oh and more theft” Glancing over to Alastor, watching as his eyes seem to light up with each crime listed.
“So did you ever stalk the Bayou Butcher?”
“Oh that killer? I got close” You chuckle, " but he always got away. Never got a good look, only saw his footprints, a few of his victims, but never him. I was so close to figuring out who he was before I died.” You noticed his smirk draw a little wider, enjoying himself and in turn you raised an eyebrow. “I do think I managed to narrow down what profession he was in, he was in media, just like me”
“Correct! Oh my doe is just the smartest!” He grinned as you watched in curiosity. “Would you like to know the true identity of the Bayou Butcher?”
“Oh would I ever! It's one of my biggest regrets!”
“I’ll do so only if you tell me if you were behind the theater burning down that one July”
“Deal!” You started to lean over the table, face getting closer to Alastor. “Yes I was! I had a lot of dirt on the owner of the place, and offered him a deal for me not to publish it. To prove I was serious I burned the place down!”
“Oh my devious Doe! I would love to hear the full story over tea.” Alastor chuckled and sipped his tea before also leaning closer. “Very well, I was the Bayou Butcher” You gasped as he chuckled once more. “You gave me plenty of scares when I saw just how close you were getting, I mean you had my shoe size correct! Quite amazing work, better than the fuzz who we looking for me, even more so after your death”
“Oh yeah? What happened after I died? When I woke up I was here with you ring around my neck”
“Oh you know my Doe, adding to my numbers. For the first two years I was beside myself with grief, I killed any man who spoke bad about you behind my back in an animalistic manner” His shadow showed itself, looking curious as a kitten at your little ink creatures. Alastors eyes looked lost in thought. “Then after third year I came home from hunting one such man, and figured it was time to finally look through your things. I shed my coat, hat and shoes and washed my hands of the blood before going to your room. I saw the work on your typewriter. I read it, saw in the closet, went through old articles, everything just made sense. I’d be the first to admit that it did convince me to keep my killing the same, and go back to just killing abusers. You crossed one leg over the other in curiosity, tilting your head as he went on. 
“Even then I did end up getting sloppy. I lost my touch without my favorite reporter hot on my heels. One swampy evening I was burying the body on some sap’s property. The fella had dogs, they sniffed me out quickly. The owner mistook me for a deer and well, I’m here now. Rest assured such a careless mistake will not happen again.” 
Alastor studied your face as you digested the information before nodding your head slowly. 
“Now my Doe, I do believe you owe me a story about how you managed to shack up in such an old warehouse with a little stalls dotted over Cannibal town and more”
“Oh those? When I arrived I was bored out of my mind and none of the several acts of violence spoke to me, quite frankly seemed uncouth. However I did notice a distinct lack of newspapers all over, so I figured that I have experience in being a newshawk, so may as well put those skills to use. I opened a small paper company with Rosies help. I made deals when I could in exchange for not placing all the little secrets on the front page, just as I did while I was alive, and look at me now! I run a well oiled machine!” You beamed with pride. A long toothy grin met yours. 
“Say my Doe. I can think of something that would aid us both. We did have our run of our respective media forms, so why not join them in a twisted way?”
“I’m listing Al” You waved your hands, your little ink monsters jumped back into the pots of ink to give you both some quiet. The presses slowed to a halt, leaving silence. 
“Well, you are awfully good at finding out information, and I wish to punish those who are not moral as well as start up a new radio show of sorts. If we were to work together you my dear could get your paper more out to the masses and have more information at your fingertips” “Information that you want?” You pause to think. “Sure. I accept. We are not shaking or forming a contract however.”
“My doe I would never ask that of you, it seems to harsh even for me”
Smiling, you slip your ring onto your finger as did he. Reunited in hell the two of you went on to form one of the best media parings. That is, till he disappeared for seven years. 
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
I feel like the show is set up to Old Moon Vs New Moon and Old Moon with a little bit of Sun (because honestly, bet the writers only let Sun screams and let the people do the job because Sun always views as useless) Vs Dark Sun. But I honestly want to see a scene, when New Moon greets Sun again after being deranged for so long. It would be delicious if it was the time New Moon only tried to get something in Sun's home and Sun accidentally walked in, unarmed, without anyone even Jack around.
Can you imagine what Sun would feel like in that moment? To see a version of your brother, the one whom you got so used to loved, gone insane and now corporate with an evil version of yourself, possibly trying to kill your family or rule the world?
Because here he is, New Moon, standing in front of you, with emotionless on his face, mocking you like you guys never have any emotions or attachment for each other.
"Why would I care if I hurt you guys, Sun? Didn't you guys just replace me with an Old one? Didn't I just a replacement, a copy, to help you guys to do some things that you are too stupid and useless to do it yourself?"
And you see how the man who wears your brother's face, seems more happy than he ever was when he stayed with you, (like the time he hangs out with Solar ) And you just realized a hard truth, that you would never ever enough for him, that he doesn't concede you as a threat like another. In fact, he just replaces you without another and seems so proud of that.
I don't want Sun just trying to talk things out to New Moon. I want him to take action, and blast New Moon just like he did it with Bloodmoon v1. But this time, Sun's action is not because of his uncontrollable rage, but because he is finally done.
I want Sun to hurt New Moon, and kill a little bit of himself because of that. I want Sun to feel hollow, the type of hollow when you have already drained all of your emotions, when you just realized none of this matters, and it would not be like the first time when Sun accidentally killed Moon, that he feels like everything is his fault and he has to stone by doing something.
No, i want Sun to cry, but still looking hard into New Moon's eyes, and tell New Moon that, no, Sun is not going to kill him, and New Moon doesn't deserve to get off the hook that easily. I want Sun to drag New Moon back to his family by chain and screaming, to force him to say sorry with every person he has hurt. I want Sun to Lock him up again, but this time, they are in it together, because that is exactly what New Moon did for him.
I want Sun to grow cold enough to realize he can do what he wants to keep his family in one piece. I want him to get the chance and courage to choose, and not fill himself with anxiety while doing it.
I want this to be the endgame, Sun vs New Moon, and I want after Sun capture New Moon and beat the hell out of him, they will slowly become brothers again.
Because that is love. That is the meaning of family. You can never abandon them, not even when you try to do so.
Lunar disowned Eclipse, but still he finds comfy in Solar, and slowly has a stable but awkward relationship with Eclipse. Sun and Moon hated Creator so much, and the same goes with Creator, he just thought of them as a failure and subjects, but, Sun still calls Creator as father, and Creator wants Sun's cat to call him grandpa.
You have changed, but I have changed too.
I know I should let you go, but you still keep a piece of my heart.
So by the end of the fate's string, hands in hands, I'm still gonna drag you down.
We will live in hellhole together, whether you like it or not, until you realise how damaged you have been and say the word I need.
Knowing how I would never could let you go, I can't help but hate you and myself because of that.
After times and times, I slowly realize, I love New Moon. I love that he is so nice at first, and slowly gone crazy, all because of himself. Strangely, I love the concept of him, more than the Old Moon. Wonder why...
Because of that, after New Moon to get his head out of his ass, maybe a very long time and I hope he would not get killed or become permanently enemies like Eclipse, he would realize how screwed he did to Sun and his family, and make up for that hard.
Or at least talk with them again and they become family.
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alexsoenomel · 2 years
Adrenalize Me (Sam Winchester x Reader smut)
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Summary: You have a lustful sinful thing for Sam and well so does he so stuff happens 
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: rough sex, degrading king, praising kink (I’m going to hell)
Word count: 3403
Note: I wrote this while I was sexually frustrated lol based on THIS song.  Enjoy! Like/Reblog or both if you like it! :)
I wanted him to show me exactly what he was capable of. I wanted him to take me right there in the library and fuck my brains out. Sadly, he wasn’t a mind reader so I had to find a way to tell him in a subtle way what I wanted; HIM NAKED IN VARIOUS POSITIONS. I have known him and his older brother for years, ever since I started hunting with them after my family was killed by a demon. I was very aware they were both blessed with good looks, but damn I couldn’t predict that I will eventually fall for Sam fucking Winchester. I wasn’t thinking about love, hell I have never been in love, it was lust running through my veins. I just knew I wanted him close to me.  
Ever since I started hunting with the Winchesters few years ago, Sam was the one occupying my mind 24/7. Why? Well, lean, tall, strong and smart Sam was a hunk for sure, and pleasure for my eyes, but there was also one thing when added to the mix created chaos in my head. One night at around 2am while we were in Milwaukee working on a case ,Dean was out drinking and probably trying to get laid and I was in my room sleeping, before I was woken up by the noise and banging in Sam’s room next door. Walls in this motel were pretty thin and I don’t think Sam thought this one out.
“What the fuck?” I mumbled to myself as I turned on the night light. I could hear the girl, loud as day, screaming and moaning Sam’s name over and over again while the bed was banging against the wall which separated our rooms. It was like he did this on purpose, wanting me to hear them.  
That was when Sam had poured gasoline all over me and started the damn fire. I tried not to listen, I tried to go back to sleep but curiosity go the best of me. Instead I was lying in bed, listening carefully as he was pounding into her and I must say it was so fucking hot. Who knew he was so rough and violent in the sack, he was moaning, cussing and groaning, sending me into a fucking trance. I have been with fair share of guys and I’ve never really gotten what I wanted from them. They would treat me like I’m some sort of a glass doll, broken princess, they would always go slow; and I didn’t want that. It was boring to me, I have never been interested in vanilla stuff, I was more of a fuck me until my face falls off kind of girl. Naturally when I heard Sam through the thin wall call that lucky girl whore followed by good girl I completely lost it. My panties were soaked as I shoved two fingers inside of me, pumping in and out as fast as I could, listening to what probably was the hottest music my ears had the pleasure to hear. That night I saw stars as I had the most amazing orgasm. That night I figured out what I needed- Sam Winchester. I imagined that girl saw whole galaxies that night. I knew I had to do something, especially when I haven’t had luck in the sack department for months now.
   We were in the library trying to find us a case and I was losing my mind. I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than Sam. He was wearing his red and black flannel, with sleeves rolled up; showing off hands and veins......GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. I clenched my thighs as I was trying to stop myself from staring too much. He was looking something up on his laptop while Dean and I were balls deep in books and documents. Well Dean was...
“I think I found us a case. Milwaukee, five found dead in the woods, hearts missing.” Sam said.
“Milwaukee? Oh memories.” 
“Werewolfs.” Dean said.
“You guys wanna go?”
“I’m in and I think Sammy here is too, considering the fact his lady friend is from Milwaukee.”What Dean said and with a damn smirk made my heart drop and my body as stiff as a statue. I thought Dean didn’t know about her. I faked a smile and turned to Sam who was kind of blushing. What if they were more than one night stand?  “A lady friend Sammy?” I asked pretending to be completely oblivious. 
“Uh...that was one time Dean. And how do you even know about her?” He said to his little brother clearly annoyed. “Yeah...some random girl I met in a bar after a case. “ He added but not looking at me at all.
“Well, you see, that night I went to a bar hoping, like you, to get lucky. I got back drunk and with no luck and the wall was thin so...even drunk I could still hear you. I’m surprised you didn’t hear them too (Y/N), that chick was mad loud I had to cover my face with a pillow. Gross.” He said giving his brother a clear look of disgust.  
“Oh no, I was in deep state of coma.” I lied.
Sam was clearly uncomfortable. His cheeks turned red as he closed the laptop immediately. “ONE TIME DEAN! I’m gonna go get ready and advise you to do the same.” He then said and went to his room. I didn’t know what to think. It was clearly a meaningless one night stand to him and he clearly wasn’t going to see her again which was awesome...WHY WAS I SO GOD DAMN JEALOUS THEN?  
“Awww you made him blush.” I told Dean smiling a little. As much as I was angry/ jealous, seeing Sam blush like a school girl was adorable.
“It’s because of you.”
“Why me?” I asked.
“He kind of has a thing for you.”
And that ladies and gentlemen was the moment when I went into a deep state of shock. I know I sound overly dramatic, like I’m 15 again, but you know those butterflies you would feel whenever your crush would look at you? Well multiply that by 100 and spread them all over my body because that was what I felt.
“You haven’t heard of me, but he kind of does have heart eyes for you.”
“HOW DO YOU KNOW?” I asked in a loud whispered kind of tone.
Why now? And if that was true why did he sleep with that girl few mounts ago? I have never seen him stare nor do anything that would make me think oh, he likes me...
“I’ve seen him stare at you in a way...” He started but stopped himself due to a little wave of cringe; his disgusted face said it all...
“He wants to bang your brains out. Trust me.”
As I was about to tell him to stop talking bullshit Sam yelled from his room asking us if we were ready to leave. When we told them no he proceeded to yell back to hurry up because the sooner we leave the better. We left the bunker in about 15 minutes and all I could think about was Dean’s “He wants to bang your brains out.” sentence. I decided I have waited long enough and so the hunt for Sam Winchester has officially begun.
 While we were on the road I was trying to think of the way to tell him “Hey I kind of heard you bang a girl and now I want you to do the same to me.” Without sounding desperate of course, but then the stupidest idea came to my head. Maybe just send him a text...
I knew it was better for me to wait until we finish the job but my lack of patience couldn’t let that happen. A long drive was ahead of us and if Dean’s observation was true I needed to know....NOW. I took my phone from my pocket...
“I know this is kind of weird but I can’t wait and I want to ask you something without Dean knowing...”
I clicked send. Sam was listening music on his phone so he responded right away.
Should I be straight forward or....
Always being straight forward.
“Dean told me you have a thing for me. Is that true?”
My eyes kept staring at the screen as the bubble showed 3 dots telling me he was still writing... If Dean wasn’t right there were only 2 options you could do:
Bury yourself alive
Kill Dean and then bury yourself alive
“I don’t know how he knows, but I do.”
Dean was right...well then... I was relived I didn’t embarrass myself, my lack of patience hadn’t ruined my mood nor made the situation awkward like it tended to do almost 99% of my whole adult life. 
“He told me you were looking me in a “I want to bang you” kind of way.”
“If I told you I wasn’t, that would be a lie.”
“Jesus, Sammy why didn’t you say anything? And why bang that girl if you want me?”
“Because I didn’t know if you want the same and I have needs...wait, do you?”
“Sam, ever since I have heard you bang that chick I have imagined you in various positions doing the same to me...Yes, you can say I want the same.”
“You heard us?”
“Yeah and to be 100% honest it was the greatest orgasm I’ve ever had.”
“You were touching yourself?”
“I couldn’t help it.”
“So you liked it?”
“Very much.”
 “God, I’m so hard. I want you, NOW.”
I was suddenly feeling a wave of heat rush over my entire body as I gather the strength to respond.
“After we finish this, you can have me...whenever and however you want.”
“And Sam, please don’t let Dean see you with a boner <3.” I then added.
I could hear a chuckle leaving Sam’s mouth as his brother looked at him for a second before turning his gaze on the road again. “What’s so funny?” Sam immediately put his backpack on his lap pretending to look for something until he calmed down.
“Nothing.” He said.
“Is it your lady friend?” Dean said looking at me in the review mirror. I just gave him a blank stare.
“How many times do I have to tell you it was a one night stand, Dean?”
“I took some pictures of you sleeping so I sent it to your brother.” I said.
“Not cool (Y/N).” Dean said as I just ignored him. I started to feel tired so after a while I feel asleep to the sound of Led Zeppelin blasting through the speakers.
   “Hey (Y/N) wake up.” I heard Sam’s voice. “We’re here.”
I slowly opened my eyes only to see Sam smiling. I remembered the texts and immediately had an urge to kiss those beautiful lips of his. But that had to wait... Right now all I wanted to do was take a shower; being stuck in the car for almost 11 hours wasn’t fun at all. We went to the motel and asked one room with three beds and because it was 5pm we decided to wait until the Sun goes down and then go to work. Dean said he was going to take a nap while Sam and I decided to go and eat something. After we both showered (sadly not together to save water) we left leaving Dean snoring under the covers. That man was so adorable while sleeping it was sometimes hard to believe he was able to kill monsters. If a baby rabbit had a gun...that was Dean.
Anyway, when we left my lust for Sam was slowly reaching its climax. I was clenching my thighs again, biting my bottom lip and sweating like I had a damn fever. I was nervous, so naturally when he didn’t stop the car at the diner the nervousness got worse. We haven’t spoken a word; he just drove until there were no more houses or people in sight...just trees, the road and us, parked between them. He unbuckled his seatbelt and lean on his side to look at me as I did the same.
“So, I’m guessing you’re not hungry?” I asked trying to sound confident but in reality I was slowly turning into a pile of goo.
“I am, but for something else.” He said with a smirk stroking my cheek with his thumb. I’ve never actually felt his touch until now, and it was intoxicating to say at least.
“Real Smooth Sammy.”
I could see his pupils were huge as he leaned in and kissed me. “FUCKING FINALLY!”  My mind screamed as I took his face, pulling him closer. He wasn’t shy or gentle; he slid his tongue almost immediately when I opened my mouth. After I couldn’t breathe anymore I broke the kiss and pushed him back to his seat. Then I went and sat on his lap legs between him and facing him. There wasn’t enough room so he went for the lever and pulled it as hard as he could as the seat moved back, making room for both of us.
“So I’m guessing we aren’t going to wait after the hunt?” Sam asked me.
“You’re the one who didn’t stop the car at the diner so you tell me.”
His hand went on my cheek. “I couldn’t help it.”
“I’m glad you couldn’t.”
I kissed him this time, hard, as my hands went in his hair pulling slightly and his went on my hips. I slowly started to grind against him, feeling how hard he already was, making me weak by second. I always had a thing for gridding; maybe it was because you are so close to get what you want yet so far. My pace was slow, taking my time, feeling him but my kisses were fast and hungry. I bit his lower lip, sucked his tongue, driving him crazy... I was trying to tell him not to be gentle with me and I think he had picked that up because when he pulled my hair breaking the kiss, forcing me to look at him, my heart jumped from joy as my pussy got wetter.
“I see you like to play rough.” He whispered into my ear as he bit my earlobe.
“Very.” I responded trying to catch my breath. “Like Dean said I want you to bang my brains out.”
“Never thought of you as someone who likes it rough.”
“Same goes for you; until I heard you bang that girl.” I told his as I cupped his face. “Now shut up and fuck me.”
With a huge ass grin on his face Sam locked the car and started unbuttoning my flannel. Me, feeling like a horny teenager again, kissed him like my life depended on it. It was intoxicating; I became more addicted with each and every kiss... As my shirt went on the floor of the car, with ease Sam took off my bra as well, as his lips attacked my neck. He was kissing, licking and biting along the way, until he reached my left breast and stayed there for few second. His hands were on them squeezing hand while his mouth left a hickie. I threw my head back as my hips were still grinding against him. I was growing impatient, needy even... 
“Take off your shirt.” I said. Sam just unbuttoned two buttons before taking off the flannel and shirt he was wearing underneath it. His body...god his body. It was firm, strong and carved by God himself.
Suddenly he took a good chunk of my hair and pulled, forcing me to look at him yet again. I gasped in surprise. “Happy?”
“Y-yeah.” I managed to say. I was addicted to this.
“You’re such a bad little thing, did anyone tell you that?”
“Well, you are and do you know what happens to bad girls?”
“They get punished?” I sounded like a child that was about to get their present for Christmas. God I was desperate.
Sam was growing impatient with me and my shenanigans. We talked enough. I stood up and managed somehow to take off my booths and jeans. He didn’t tell me to get in the back seat so I just waited in the passenger seat until he got his jeans and boxers off as well, so I can be on top of him again. As much as I wanted to be under him, to feel his weight and pain in my crotch as he pounds into me, we couldn’t fit in the backseat, this was more comfortable. When he took off his boxers my mouth started to water. He was big, hard and beautiful. I pinned him against his seat, positioning myself and finally sat.
“My God!” I whispered.
“Feels good, huh?”
“So, so good.” I said.
As I was slowly starting to move and speed up the pace, Sam’s hand found my neck slowly tightening his grip to the point where I couldn’t breathe. “Faster.” He demanded. I moaned and did what I’ve been told. My head was occasionally hitting the roof of the car but I didn’t care. He was sending me to the place no man has ever been capable of doing. He wasn’t playing games. As I was jumping on him with my hands on his hand which was around my neck I was moaning and cussing feeling him hitting the G-stop.
“My little slut.” He mumbled. “Do you like being called that?” He asked as his breathing started to speed up. I nodded as much as I could, when his other hand went between my legs to my clit. He was actually trying to kill me.
“If you make a sound I will stop.” He said and started rubbing me with his thumb. Two slow circles later and I was having an urge to scream. I was already feeling my orgasm approaching and keeping my mouth shut was close to impossible, but I managed to do it somehow even when he was rubbing me faster than before. Pretty sure I was going to have a bruised bottom lip for a while, because biting it was the only way to keep my mouth shut.
“Good girl.” He said letting go of my neck. I pulled on his hair and kissed him feeling a smirk on his lips as I was starting to lose control over myself. He pulled me closer and bit my shoulder as I was jumping onto him. It was like he was reading my mind; he knew exactly what to do.
“ Fuck! Sam I’m...I’m close.”
“Don’t you cum until I tell you!!!” He yelled. “HOLY SHIT!” 
“But-but please Sammy! I need it.” I cried out. “I really need it...FUCK!”
In a split second his hand grabbed my chin. His thumb was on my lips before I decided to open my mouth and suck on it. I was a mess, covered in sweat, hair all over my face and trying not to cum. So far I was controlling myself but for how long? I shut my eyes and bit his thumb slightly as he was hitting all the right places over and over again.
“NOW!” He said making me the happiest girl alive. I came all over him, moaning and screaming and after so did Sam. Seeing him in that state cussing and being completely lost in me was beautiful. I stopped moving as my chin went on his shoulder and hands around his neck. We were both panting and not saying a world. I could feel the pain in my shoulder from his bite, pain on my scalp from the pulling and it was fucking awesome. It was the good kind of pain.
“Holy shit!” I finally managed to say.
“Dean’s gonna kill us.” He said.
“I don’t know about you, but I can die happy now.” I said making him laugh.
“We should definitely do this again when we get back home.”
“All day, every day Sammy. Now let’s get back to the motel until Dean wakes up and realizes we took his Baby.” I said.
Turns out we didn’t have to worry, because when we got back to the motel, Dean was still fast asleep.
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jadewolf22 · 26 days
Shoot An Arrow Through My Heart Pt.3
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Fem!OC (Adriella Selmy) x Brienne of Tarth 
Series Warnings: Men being disgusting, mentions of abusive siblings, gore, death, violence, detailed mentions of murder, mention of parent deaths, slander towards women, fighting (physical & verbal), harsh language, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, ect... (Let me know if I missed any!!!)
Chapter Specific Warnings: Intense talk of suicide, mentions of a character cutting themself, mentions of a character starving themself, mentions of poisoning, and fairly graphic descriptions of death, ect…
A/n: This fic mixes scenes from the show and book but follows the same timeline as the show. Character ages are from the show as well. I have no clear vision for this story so try to bear with me here. Not sure how long this series will become; might just keep going until I get bored of it.
Word Count: 1,526
When Brienne had, at last, finished her supper, she excused herself from the festivities and promptly left the hall, Adriella following close behind. What had occurred at dinner had her worried; if Brienne was starving herself what other forms of self harm was she indulging in? Reentering their room the two changed for bed, backs turned to each other for privacy. 
“We need to talk about this.” Adriella said gently, sitting down on the lounge and facing Brienne who mimicked her on the end of the bed, “I understand what it feels like to grieve for someone, truly I do, but starving yourself for them should never be an option.”
“I didn’t intend to, it’s just that—”
“Nothing excuses harming yourself and, before you try and argue with me, yes, not eating is a form of self harm. Do you understand? Don’t make me coddle you.” 
“You don’t have to.” Brienne growled quietly, “I never asked you to. It’s now like you owe me anything.”
“I know I don't. I choose to.” Adriella replied, trying to keep her voice steady, though Brienne’s stubbornness was wearing out her patience, “I’ve been where you are, I’ve seen what grief does to people. My brother is an example of that—”
“You think I’m going to end up like him?!” Brienne’s voice was harsh and bitter as she spoke, looking down at the floor, 
“That is not what I said,” Adriella argued, her voice growing firm as she stood, “Grief comes in many forms, Cain is only one example. I could give you a hundred others. I’ve seen it take one too many lives and I made a promise to myself that I would never let someone I care about fall into the lie that the only way to end the pain is to hurt or kill yourself.”
“I’m not cutting myself, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Brienne grumbled, Adriella’s last shred of patience snapping with them.
“Just because you’re not cutting yourself doesn’t mean you’re not hurting yourself!” she yelled, missing the way Brienne flinched at her tone, “When my parents died, I isolated myself. Didn’t eat, hardly slept. It nearly killed me… If my uncle hadn’t seen the signs I could have died… I have been where you are, Brienne. And I know that he would not want this for you… There is no honor in a death like this… So, please—if not for me or for yourself, for Renly—let me help you find a better way to mourn him…”
“Why do you even care?” Brienne muttered, looking up at Adriella with glassy eyes, “You haven’t known me long enough to warrant you caring this much.”
“... Because I see myself in you. A woman who has built up walls so high, and so thick she thinks no one will ever be able to hurt her again… But, every time she adds another stone, the others begin to crack under the weight… I didn’t have someone to catch me when those walls fell. I don’t want the same to happen to you…”
Silence fell between them like a thick fog, cold and uncomfortable. When it became clear that Brienne was not going to speak again, Adriella bid her goodnight and layed down on the lounge with her back to the room. She listened as Brienne climbed into bed, darkness engulfing the room when the lantern was blown out. Not long after, Adriella heard Brienne’s quiet snores, almost jealous that the woman could fall asleep so fast, though sleep found her in due time. 
Hours later, Adriella was roused from her light sleep by the sounds of whimpers and cries coming from the bed. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Adriela sat up and turned, face contorting with concern at the sight of Brienne thrashing beneath the sheets, crying out soft “No”s as she struggled against the covers. Adriella practically jumped off of the lounge, running to the other side of the bed and climbing up onto the mattress beside her, rubbing Brienne’s arm as she stroked her hair.
“Brienne, it’s all right. It’s all right,” she whispered, trying to calm her friend as Brienne fought against her nightmare, “Shh, Brienne. It’s just a dream. Wake up, it’s just a dream. Everything’s alright—”
Brienne bolted upright as she shouted, her eyes wild and unfocus as she processed her surroundings. Moving closer, Adriella wrapped her arms around the woman’s broad shoulders and pulled her close, chanting, “It was just a dream. It’s alright, it was just a dream.” over and over again as Brienne calmed down.
“Adriella…?” Brienne whispered as her body relaxed against Adriella’s before shaking as she began to cry uncontrollably, “I-I couldn’t—I couldn’t s-save him… I couldn’t save him! It’s my fault!”
“It’s not.” Adriella assured, looking down to meet Brienne’s eye, “It is not your fault. It was a shadow, Brienne. You can’t fight a shadow. Had you tried to intervene it would have killed you too.”
“It was m-my job… to protect him…” the blonde sobbed quietly, grasping Adriella’s arm like a lifeline.
“It was the job of every person in that camp to protect him. Robar and Emmon were supposed to guard him that night. It is their fault as much as yours. The same can be said for the other members of the Rainbow Guard. The same can be said for all the soldiers in that camp. Not one of you is more at fault than the other.”
Brienne cried a while longer before choking out, “I watched him die… Do you know what that’s like?” as she finally began to calm down.
“I do.” Adriella answered, her voice still quiet and slowly turning sad as she spoke, “I watched my parents die when I was only nine years old…”
“...What happened…?”
Adriella sighed and, for a moment, Brienne did not believe she was going to answer, slightly shocked when Adriella did. “My family lived in Kings Landing at the time… One night, my parents left me home alone with Cain and went out for drinks… One of the serving girls who worked at the tavern they went to knew who that my father was my uncle’s brother and so she poisoned their drinks. The next days they both had fevers and I didn’t think anything of it, but the next day… they couldn’t even get out of bed…” Adriella paused, swallowing thickly as she fought back tears, “I sent for my uncle and, after seeing them himself, he sent for every maester in the city and surrounding towns… The day after, it was Grand Maester Pycell who told my uncle there was nothing to be done, when it became clear that it wasn’t just a fever…. Their throats were swelling shut. Slowly strangling them… He’d relayed the news to me after I’d put Cain to bed and then insisted that I sleep while I stayed with them. I told him no… I made him go up and stay with Cain, while I watched over my parents through the night… I sat there, in their room and watched them for hours holding each other’s hand while clawing at their own throats, gasping for breath… They passed in the early hours of the morning… I watched as their throats closed, their bodies twitching, heads shaking frantically as they tried to breathe…” she sniffled a little, sighing again as she paused,
“My father died first, his body going limp as his eyes shut, but my mother… when she dies her eyes were wide open, staring at me as I sat there… I didn’t move from her gaze until my uncle came in, holding Cain in his arms…”
Silence fell between them, more comfortable this time than the last. After a while, Adriella pulled away, having realized she was still cuddling Brienne. 
“We should get some sleep…” she said, climbing off the bed, “You know where I’ll be if you need me again.”
“Adri, wait.”
Both women paused as the nickname reached their ears. Brienne couldn’t believe she’d let it fall from her mouth and Adriella was stunned to hear it in her ears. She turned back to Brienne, who was thankful that the shroud of darkness concealed the embarrassed flush in her cheeks.
“S-sorry.” she muttered, looking down shamefully as she tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, “Never-nevermind… it’s stupid.”
“Don’t apologize. I like ‘Adri’.” Adriella smiled, coming back to the bed, “And, whatever it is you want, I can assure you, it’s not stupid.”
“Would you…” Brienne hesitated, afraid that what she was about to ask would push Adri-Adriella away, “Would you stay with me… Please…?”
Adriella’s smile widened at Brienne’s willingness to be vulnerable with her, nodding as she silently pulled back the covers and climbed in beside Brienne, making sure to leave a foot of space between them from Brienne's comfort.
“I’m here if you need me.” was all she said, curling up on her side facing Brienne as the blonde laid down on her back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Thank you… Adri…” Brienne whispered, the two of them falling asleep quickly to the sound of each other’s breathing.
Taglist: @larissalover3(so sorry I forgot to tag you in the last 2!!)
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