#Bruce secretly grows to love the attention ok
frownyalfred · 1 year
I need more fics where Talia is obsessed with Bruce and Bruce is just…not as into it. And he’s always excusing it like “Talia my mission—” and she’s like “we have a mission right here, habibi. You want to save this pussy? Should I buy you a small country? Do you want me to hire some men for you to hunt down and beat up?” and Ra’s is in the background sighing because no Al Ghul should ever be down that bad. But he secretly agrees.
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nxrthmizu · 5 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Eleven: In Which Bruce Tries To Meet His Daughter-In-Law (But Fails)
/Part One//Part Ten/
Description: In which the fashion show finally takes place :D
Warnings: None
And I’m back with an update! :D Currently I’m in a small town in the middle of a mountains… Basically, the middle of nowhere in which you need to drive through three (If there isn’t traffic) hours of mountains to get to. But! I have Wi-Fi, so here I am, typing an update for you from the middle of nowhere :D
As always, this wasn’t proof-read, I didn’t have enough time, sorry :( so please contact me if any mistakes were found! :D Enjoy
Kitty dropped into her balcony seconds before her transformation dropped. She leaped off her bunk-bed-thingy into the middle of her bedroom, where the unfinished dress stood calmly. 
“Help yourself to the macarons.” Marinette told Plagg distractedly. “I need to finish the dress.” 
Marinette hummed, looking up to see Robin casually leaning against one of the pillars. She screeched, backtracking in surprise until her brain fully registered who it was. “Um, hey?” 
Robin blushed. “I know I shouldn’t be in your room unannounced but… I saw that you needed help.” He gestured to her dress. “And I thought if you needed a pair of extra hands, I could…?” 
Marinette bit her lip. “I suppose.” She smiled. “Alright, come here and I’ll run you through quickly.” She glanced at the clock, and quickly checked to make sure that Plagg was safely hidden in a little crevasse behind numerous fabrics and organisation shelves on her desk. “We have… Ten minutes until my friends get here. I need to have my dress done by then.” 
She quickly ran him through the process of sewing each pearl, and to no surprise, Robin was an attentive learner and was basically, the definition of delicate. His first pearl had been a little shaky, but the one after his first was near- If not- Perfect. He had even distributed the sparkles around the pearls proportionally- And that was something that took loads of practice. It had taken her weeks to perfect that skill, and he got the whole thing perfect after watching her just once. 
“There we go.” Marinette smiled, snapping off the thread as the last pearl went in securely. With the two of them working, fuelled by fiery determination- They’d finished the dress in no time. 
“I’ll be there.” He said, breaking the satisfying silence between the two of them. She looked up in surprise, the sheer happiness in her bluebell eyes making him blush excessively. “I’ll go there in my civilian identity, so you won’t see me- But I’ll be there.” He told her, smiling shyly. “Good luck.” 
Marinette coughed, her cheeks blossoming in scarlet, secretly really pleased that he had bothered to find out and to tell her. “Could I.. Get a good luck kiss?” 
He pulled her close, dipping her by the waist as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips, the little squeal escaping her throat almost making him growl possessively.
“Good luck, angel.” Robin whispered, shooting his grappling hook out before leaping from the balcony. 
Marinette watched, dazed as he left, her fingers rising to touch where he’d kissed her. 
“Marinette! I’m ready to rock that runway!” Chloe announced her arrival, slipping out of the trapdoor, snapping Marinette out of her daze. 
“R-Right.” The bluenette stuttered. “Right. The runway.” 
That was by far, Damian’s second kiss, and he couldn’t have been anymore flustered. It did bother him- He wanted her to love his civilian identity, too, so maybe one day he’d tell her- But as of then… He touched his lips, still slightly tainted with Marinette’s chapstick, and blushed. 
“Alright.” He dropped into a back alley, where he had stashed his extra clothes- He had, actually, stashed a lot of of his clothes everywhere in case he ever needed a quick change from being Robin. “I have a fashion show to attend.” 
“Perfect.” Marinette breathed as Chloe twirled once with her white-blue-and-yellow dress. The upper half of the dress was tailored to be skin-tight for Chloe while the lower half opened in a upside down tulip-shaped gown. White lined each fold of the gown, followed by a blue backdrop. The cute, rounded collar of the dress shone a pastel yellow, with the ends of the dress lined in yellow as well. 
“Now put this on.” Marinette ushered, handing Chloe another hanger, but this one had a white blazer on it. Yellow and black stripes alike to a bumblebee’s twirled along the white of the blazer, giving the whole piece a very striking feel. 
“Utterly gorgeous.” Chloe breathed, twirling around before flipping her hair. “Aren’t I gorgeous?” 
Marinette giggled. “Yes, yes you are.” The bluenette’s eyes twinkled. “Do you know what you’re missing?” 
The bluenette reached into Chloe’s purse, where Pollen was resting quietly. The bee brooch shone in the evening sun, and Marinette slipped in properly over Chloe’s silvery, blonde hair. “There.” She smiled. “You deserve it, Chloe.” 
The blonde’s lip trembled. She turned away, embarrassed. “I-I’m not crying, Dupain-Cheng.” 
Marinette pulled the blonde in for a hug, her arms looping around the dress to squeeze Chloe in for a hug that conveyed a thousand messages. 
Thank you. 
“Um… Hey.” Damian cleared his throat, an amused smile on his lips as the two girls turned to glare at him in unison. 
“We were having a moment!” Chloe snapped. “Be quiet. Get out!” 
Marinette sighed, letting go of Chloe. “Well, Damian, let’s get you changed, too.” She retrieved two articles of clothing from off the hanger, handing him a black button-up shirt, a pair of dark green jeans, and finally, a black-green vest to go on top of all of it. 
Damian took the hangers from Marinette, turning to go change. The bluenette stared as he left, the small pinch of green sparkles between his fingertips only adding more to her growing suspicion. 
“It’s the right size?” Marinette asked as she told Damian to move around and check if the blazer was just right for him. 
“Yes.” He nodded, a little worried. When he took to hanger from her, he’d used the hand with the sparkles on them- He didn’t have time to wash them off, and he only noticed when he went to change in the toilet. 
Shuffling over to her table, Marinette came back with a brush and and a bottle of hair spray. “Don’t move.” She instructed as she stood on her tip-toes, reaching up to tame his messy black bangs. 
Damian chuckled, kneeling down so she didn’t have to strain herself to reach up. The bluenette huffed, brushing his hair with more strength, making him wince in the process. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” Damian scowled. “Easy, an- Marinette.” He corrected. 
Chloe rolled her eyes at the two. “Hurry up! The show must go on, and it can’t go on without the main characters, okay?” 
Bruce sat in the front row of the fashion show, his finger lingering over Damian’s number. Before he could decide on whether to call is son, however,  the lights flicked on. 
Meanwhile, in the backstage, the designer was pepping up her models as she handed the both of them black masks that would help conceal their identities (Paris is blind, just a mask will make you unrecognisable). “You’ve got this!” Marinette grinned. “Fighting!” 
Chloe nodded confidently, tying the mask around her head, avoiding her hair, while Damian only smiled warmly to reassure the bluenette. “We’ll be fine.” He told her, putting on his own mask, knowing she was only trying to calm her own nerves. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her palm. 
Marinette made a purring noise in her throat softly before she caught herself. She cleared her throat, her own mask in hand. “Um, good luck?” 
“Let’s give it up for the MDC line!” The MC announced, and the two took that as their cue. 
“Presenting to you- Bumblebee in the Sky.” 
Chloe stepped out first, the white, blue and yellow dress catching the eyes of many in the crowd due to it’s striking palette. The white blazer flapped fiercely in the wind that was supplied by the large fans towards the side, and the blonde strutted on the walkway, flipping her hair, striking a pose on the end of the walkway. Cameras flashed at the unique design of the bumblebee stripes on the white blazer, and the audience clapped. Chloe turned back towards the entrance, and Damian was ushered out. 
“Nightingales in the Dark.” 
He was a little uncomfortable with the lights and cameras- But he was a Wayne. He was used to it. 
The audience murmured about the unique, shiny fabric that was the dark green base for the suit. The black button shirt, under the sight of the spotlights, revealed spiralling, silver designs that detailed of nightingales and ivies. It was only when the light shone down on it, it would reflect and glow against the dark fabric. 
Damian glowered fiercely at the cameras as he stood on the end of the walkway, catching sight of Marinette stuffing Chloe into the next design out of the corner of his eye. He had to take his time- So that Chloe had enough time to change. Changing his pose, Damian saw an ‘ok’ sign from Marinette, and headed back inside as Chloe emerged with her next ensemble. 
“May I present to you- Majesty.” 
The next dress was the pastel yellow masterpiece that was clearly inspired by Queen Bee. Chloe’s blonde hair danced in the wind gracefully, the brooch on her hair sparkling bright and golden.
The crowd awed at the pastel dress- Golden detailing lined the dress the same way they lined Damian’s shirt- They would only show under the light. Golden threads told of numerous, graceful bees that were waltzing in the wind, and colourful threads painted flowers and grasses along the edge of the dress, bringing out colours of red, dark blue, emerald and ivory white. 
Chloe posed more than multiple times for the camera, each camera fighting for cover-page photos of the gorgeous dress. 
Meanwhile, Damian was busy putting on his next set- The grey t-shirt with his Robin jacket. When he emerged from the changing room, Marinette had a knowing smile on her lips. 
“Ready?” She asked softly. He nodded, smiling in reply. 
When Bruce first saw Damian onstage, it was definitely not what he had been expecting. He had never thought Damian would be modelling- That said quite a lot about the girl, if she was able to convince Damian to model. 
He had taken more than one photo and maybe shed more than one (1) tear. 
After the spectacular piece that was Majesty, Bruce had been throughly awed by the aspiring designer. 
“Now, let’s give a round of applause for a piece that was inspired by one of Gotham’s superheroes- Robin!” 
Damian stepped into the light, feeling more than comfortable in the jacket that was made for him.
The jacket gleamed in Robin’s primary colors- Black, red, green and yellow. The R logo sat above his heart, the silver zip gleaming under the brightness of the spotlights. The hoodie had been pulled up, revealing white fur sewed into the lining of the hoodie, similar to how the actual Robin’s uniform was like. The grey t-shirt he wore under the jacket was fluid and soft, the black jeans perfect for active movement.
The click of cameras went of in what seemed like the distance as Damian sensed Marinette’s eyes on him, seemingly full of pride. 
He wondered if she was thinking about what Robin would think if he were in the crowd? 
“That was a success!” Marinette beamed. “Even though there were only four ensembles, it was really good!” 
Chloe and Damian felt their hearts warm at the sight of the bluenette jumping around in excitement. 
“Now, all that’s left is the closing act.” Marinette smiled. “I prepared two more ensembles for you two, we’re probably going to need to go out and take more pictures.” She shrugged.
Chloe groaned. “More?” 
A giggle escaped the bluenette’s lips. “Once we’re done, I’ll treat you both to coffee and some cake, okay?”
The cameras went wild as the two models finally walked out in the last piece they had to present. 
Damian wore a Lordbug-inspired piece. A white button-up shirt peaked out from below his black and red sweater, paired with a pair of black-and-white checkerboard loose slacks. A grey jacket was tied around his waist, and to top it off, a black cap with ‘Lordbug’ embroided on the front sat on his dark bangs. 
Chloe wore a Kitty-inspired outfit. A large, black sweater with the words ‘Meow’ stitched in bold white in the middle caught the hearts of many. Chloe had pulled up the hoodie of the sweater, revealing cat ears sewn on the hoodie itself. A dark blue, plaited skirt revealed a pair of long socks with the pattern of cat’s whiskers on Chloe’s legs, finished by a pair of green-black boots. 
The crowd lost it. The headlines the next day would read ‘Paris’s Superheroes Inspired MDC’s First Line’. 
“Now, let’s introduce MDC herself- Wearing her own original!” The audience sat on the edge of their seats, anticipating the great designer who had created all of the wonderful masterpieces that they just saw. 
The two models stood on both sides of the walkway, matching, proud smiles on their faces as the shy bluenette pushed past the curtain that blocked the view of the backstage. 
She was truly, the star of the show- Literally. 
Black netting- Tinged with silver threads- Formed the collar, dipping into a dark, velvety, black fabric. A heart neckline, perfectly shaped, showed just enough of Marinette’s collarbone. The top half of the dress hugged Marinette’s usually concealed curves while the bottom half blossomed into a floor-length ballgown. The folds in the ballgown were evenly distributed, the pearls among the fabric like shining stars in the sky. The sprinkled, emerald sparkles only emphasised on the concept of making the pearls alike to stars. 
Marinette blushed, brushing a strand of her dark blue hair behind her ear. 
“Let’s give a round of applause for MDC!” 
The hall exploded into thunderous applause, marvelling at the young designer standing on the stage. “Tell me, how do you feel?”
Marinette cleared her throat, her black mask only framing her bluebell eyes flawlessly. “Well, actually, I’m a little overwhelmed.” She laughed, immediately capturing the hearts of the Parisians on sight. Bruce’s heart warmed, like I’m going to adopt that kid. 
“It’s my first time publicly letting my works go out, so I was quite nervous.” MDC admitted. “But I’m really, really happy with how it turned out, and I have to thank my wonderful models for that.” 
The MC nodded approvingly. “Well, MDC, do you plan to start your own brand, seeing as how popular it’s going to be?” 
MDC nodded. “I’ve always wanted to start my own brand. Starting tomorrow, the MDC website will be open for commissions.” She smiled. 
The crowd chattered excitedly at the announcement, and Bruce nodded approvingly. The girl was confident, independent, and polite. Truly, this girl that Damian had found one-of-a-kind.  
“Will you be planning on revealing your identity one day?” The MC asked, holding the mic to Marinette’s lips. 
MDC hummed, contemplating on her answer. “Perhaps one day I will,” She said truthfully. “But as of currently, I’d rather keep it under wraps until I’m old enough to reveal it.” 
The crowd gasped in surprise. 
“Yes, I’m underage.” MDC revealed, “I’m still in school, and I’m still studying. Maybe after I graduate, I’ll announce my identity.” She bowed. “Thank you for coming to my fashion show today, everyone.” She smiled softly. “It makes me really happy. Thank you once again.” 
Cameras scrambled for pictures. 
“MDC, can we get a picture of you and your models, please?” They implored. 
Alya scrambled against the flow of the adults, jumping up and down excitedly. “MDC, can I get a picture with you, please?” She grinned. “I’m the Kittyblogger!” 
If it was six months ago, Marinette would’ve gladly gave Alya a photo, but now was different. 
“I’ve brought my own camera person.” She told the crowd politely. 
Aurore pushed her way through the crowd, an honoured smile on her lips. “MDC, can you and your models face my camera, please?” 
Chloe and Damian glanced at Marinette for confirmation, and she nodded. The three stood together, smiling as Aurore took pictures of them, the other cameras scrambling to stand behind Aurore to get photos as well. Once the girl was done, Marinette gestured for the two to go backstage. 
“Thank you so much, everyone.” She bowed politely, leaving to go backstage with the rest. 
Once backstage, they found Aurore waiting. 
“You ready for the interview?” She asked, a smile on her face. “Once again, I must thank you, MDC. It’s an honour.” 
Marinette brushed it off. “I need to thank you. Right, um, I think I’m ready.” 
Aurore begin recording, and gave Marinette the ‘ok’ sign. 
“Hello, everyone. My name is MDC, and I’m a designer.” She smiled. 
“MDC, what are your designs primarily inspired by?” Aurore asked from behind her camera. 
MDC tilted her head, making a thinking face. “Well, they’re mostly inspired by people around me. As you saw, some of the ensembles were inspired by the superheroes that have been protecting our city.” 
Aurore nodded, giving Marinette a thumbs up. “Just now, on stage, you announced that you would be setting up a website and that you would be accepting commissions. How much, on average, will the commissions be?” 
“That depends.” Marinette paused. “As you saw, the fabric I use for the ensembles are not ordinary fabrics- In fact, some of them I made myself. The embroidery on the fabrics take quite some time as well. I only use the best materials for my works, so it’ll depend on what materials I used and how much those were.” She gave an apologetic look. 
Aurore nodded in understanding. “I understand. Your art is a rather detailed art, after all, it takes up a lot of effort. How much time do you use to make one ensemble?” 
“That depends. Before, I used to be really busy as my ex-friends used to commission things out of me without paying, so my schedule was really packed up. However, I am pleased to announce that my schedule has been cleared up, so it should take an average of one week to two weeks for a commission, however, if it takes a lot of hand-work, it might stretch up maximum to two months.” 
Aurore nodded. “Thank you so much for interview, MDC. I wish you luck in your line of work, and I look forward in seeing more of your designs!” 
The camera clicked off, and Aurore squealed. “I cannot thank you enough, Mari!” 
Marinette sighed in relief, taking off her mask. “I’ll have to thank you, you’re helping me advertise.” 
Aurore paused, digesting the thought. “I suppose so, but you’re giving me my chance to be a famous blogger!” Aurore sighed dreamily. “I promise I’ll take this seriously.” 
“I’m sure you will,” Marinette groaned tiredly. “Right, who wants coffee and cake?” 
Bruce sat on his seat, not moving, still waiting for the three to come out from behind the curtains. He wanted to meet his future-daughter-in-law, after all.
Most of the crowd had dispersed- In fact, practically everyone had left. It was just Bruce, being a lonely old man by himself in the entire hall. 
At last, he decided to just call his son. 
“Where are you?” 
“I need to meet my daughter-in-law.” 
And then he hung up. 
Bruce looked up only to see three teens sneaking out from the side door. He shook his head, sighed, and went back to his hotel.  
/Part Twelve/
Poor Bruce :( Issok you’ll meet Mari sooner or later <3
Next chapter is probably going to be heavy salt about Lila knowing MDC 
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
A Family Affair
Characters: Frank Castle x black!reader
Summary: Based on this imagine
Warning: Implied smut, a lil angst, language
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“Wow,” you exhaled, after Frank skillfully coaxed out multiple orgasms from you.
“That good, huh?” Frank chuckled.
Instead of giving him the satisfaction of agreeing with him, you mushed his face instead. “Whatever, Castle.”
Frank rolled on top of you, trapping you in between his hands. “Fine, don’t admit it. I’ll just have to prove it to you again, sweetheart,” he whispered against your ear.
You pushed against Frank’s broad shoulders. As much you wanted another round, you had to get ready for your meeting and he knew that. “Frank,” you uttered his name as a warning.
He took that as his cue to stop and gave you one last kiss. As he sat on the edge of the bed and put on his sweats, you kissed the scars that decorated his back. Some old and some new, but each reminding you of his dangerous life.
“Water,” he asked, making his way to the kitchen.
“Yes please.” You responded, searching for something to wear temporarily. When you settled on one of Frank’s many black henleys, you heard Frank’s voice and another’s. Automatically, you reached for your gun and carefully approach the kitchen.
Frank had his own gun drawn out and who he was pointing at left you in shock.
“Dad, what are you doing here?”
“Dad?” Frank repeated, looking back at you.
Tony Stark was standing in your living room and had one of his Iron Man blasters pointed at your vigilante boyfriend.
“No, the question is what the hell is the Punisher doing in your apartment half-naked?” The impromptu meeting of Tony and Frank left you speechless, which left time for Tony to take in your lack of proper clothing. “Did he do that to you?” Tony ready to blast Frank once he saw the bruises on your thighs from you and Frank’s lovemaking.
“Trust me buddy, she wasn’t complaining.” Frank smirked at Tony.
“Frank!” You admonished him, not wanting to give Tony anymore reasons to actually shoot him.
Frank finally put his gun on the island and held his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, baby.” Then he faced Tony and walked to him slowly like he was approaching a cornered animal. “I’m Frank and I’m Y/N’s boyfriend.”
“BOYFRIEND?” That revelation made Tony retract his blaster and stew in his thoughts for a moment. One thing your dad never was speechless, well except with Peter, but that was different.
Scared that maybe he was maybe experiencing an aneurysm or a heart attack, you called out his name. It was enough to shake him out of his shocked state. “You two dinner tonight at 7 and no backing out!” Tony yelled and then stormed out your door.
Hours later you and Frank were getting ready, but you weren’t talking to each other. After Tony left, Frank asked you why you didn’t tell him and when your ‘I don’t know’ wasn’t sufficient enough, he left as well. Now you were watching Frank struggling with putting his gold cufflinks on.
Deciding to help him you gripped his wrists, despite the grunt he expelled. “You knew I had a hard time growing up. I got tired of the group homes, so I ran away. I survived by pickpocketing people. One day, I saw Tony Stark and saw a big score and was able to steal his wallet. Eventually, he found me, and the rest was history. I can’t explain, but there was some insane connection with him, and the team and they just took me in. It just naturally progressed to call him dad. And the reason for not telling you is, I thought you would run once you knew my connection to them.”
After clasping his cufflinks, Frank pulled you into him, resting his chin on top of your head. “You could’ve told me. I couldn’t leave you even if I wanted to.” Standing on your tippy toes, you kissed Frank and whispered, ‘I love you.’
Looking at the time, you decided you had enough time to thank Frank properly. Just as your knees sunk to the floor, FRIDAY announced that the car Tony sent was downstairs. Reluctantly, Frank pulled you to your feet and escorted you downstairs.
“Okay, since Stark is your dad, does that mean that Potts is your mom?” Frank asked on the car ride.
You held Frank’s hand and laughed. “Oh no, Steve’s definitely the mom. Him and Tony argue like an old married couple anyway.”
“Please don’t tell me you call the Captain America mom?” Frank questioned.
“Oh, hell yeah I do! And he may act like he hates it, but he secretly loves it.”
Once you were in the elevator, you became more aware of Frank’s nerves. His hands were shaking, and you grabbed one to stop him and kissed his cheek. “You’ll be fine, I promise.”
Frank squeezed your hand and kissed you back, just as soon as the elevator door opened, revealing Peter.
“Parker, what the hell are you doing here. Don’t you got homework?” You asked, ruffling the boy’s hair.
“And miss you get in trouble? No way. This time Steve and Tony actually agree for once. Nat, Wanda, and Thor think everyone should mind their business and let you date him. Sam, Rhodey, Clint, and Bruce are mostly siding with Steve and Tony, but are willing to give him a chance. Vision doesn’t care either way and Bucky is out on a mission,” the kid you considered a little brother rambled on.
Frank leaned down to your ear and whispered while eyeing Peter suspiciously, “Is he on drugs or something?”
“No, he’s always like this.”
Peter led you into the lion’s den, you called the dining room. Once the three you caught everyone’s attention all conversation ceased. Frank let go of your hand and went to each person to shake their hand and formally introduce himself. You could tell Tony was already over it, but at least Steve had the decency to fake it.
As expected, he saved Steve for last. Frank always talked about how he admired Steve and what he did for our country. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Captain Rogers.”
“Please just call me Steve.” Then, he motioned for Frank to sit down.
Tense was one way to describe the mood as everyone sat down. No one knew how to steer the conversation. “This isn’t some type of jungle fever is it?” Tony blurted out.
A chorus of Tony’s was said across the table and the accused showed no remorse. “Listen, I just need to know. He’s not just about to use our girl, because he wants to try something new.”
Despite Tony being an asshole Frank kept his cool. “No sir. Y/N could be any damn color and I still choose her.”
The same moment you kissed Frank’s cheek was the exact same moment Bucky walked in. “What the hell is this?”
You turned to Peter and whispered yelled to him, “I thought you said he’s on a mission!”
Peter shrugged his shoulders in obvious surprise, “I thought so too! Maybe he, um, finished early.”
“You think?”
During your exchange with Peter, Frank and Bucky were staring each other down, readying their bodies for a fight.
“This just got interesting,” Tony said before sipping his drink.
Not wanting to deal with a fight, you pleaded with the more reasonable man. “Buck, please. Not right now.”
Bucky’s murderous gaze softened once he looked at you. He nodded his head in agreement and took a seat between Sam and Steve.
“So, what’s a murderous madman doing at our dining table?” Bucky asked nonchalantly as he prepared his own plate of food.
You rolled your eyes, because you knew Frank wouldn’t be able to back down. Thankfully, Nat interrupted whatever Frank was about to retort back. “You were in the marines, right, Mr. Castle?”
Frank turned his gaze from Bucky to Natasha and responded to her. “Yes ma’am and please just call me Frank.”
“As long as you stop with the ma’am stuff,” she smirked back.
From there, the conversation stayed on more safe topics until Steve decided he wanted to get to the meat of it.
“Frank, you know why you’re here. Y/N is like a daughter to us and most of can’t seem to shake the idea of you dating her.”
Holding your breath, you looked at Frank as he set down his silverware and thought about his answer. “I get it, sir. She’s your little girl and I’m a wanted criminal, but Y/N’s my everything and that means something, Captain. There was a time I thought I wouldn’t feel this way again, but she proved me wrong.”
Bruce spoke up for the first time. “No one’s doubting your feelings Frank. We all can see it-” A grunt from Bucky slightly interrupted Bruce, but he continued on quickly before Frank could get his hands on him. “But you killed people and not out of self-defense, but you targeted them.”
Frank leaned back in his chair and rolled his tongue around his mouth. “Have you ever been betrayed by your country? The ones who were supposed to have your back since you risked yours to keep it safe.”
You stared at Bucky, pleading with your eyes for him to understand where Frank was coming from. Our country may have not taken everything away from him like Frank, but they sure did make him out to be the bad guy when he was the one done wrong.
“It doesn’t explain why you killed all those people!” Tony interjected
Having enough of Tony’s bullshit, you stood up and threw your napkin down. “Really, Tony? All this coming from the person, who didn’t talk to his best friend for 2 years because he protected the man who was brainwashed to kill your family,”
Frank gripped your wrist and try to pull you down to your seat, “C’mon on baby, don’t argue with your father.” But instead of following his advice, you wrestled your hand from his grip and continued.
“Or what about Ultron and Sokvia, huh? Did anyone come out unscathed in that? Because I remembered the team was broken up for two whole years, because you felt guilty about dropping a whole country, since you wanted to play mad scientist!”
Steve backed out of his seat, “Ok, that’s enough!”
“No, fuck that! He wants to bring up Frank’s past, let’s bring it up, since you know so much, dad. Did you know it was a CIA official, his commander, and his best friend that had his family killed?”
Tony’s face dropped, but that didn’t stop you. “Of course, you didn’t, because sometimes you can be a selfish, self-absorbed asshole. Yeah, you save the world and that’s the big picture, but what happens after? what about the organized crime taking over the streets? What about all the dirty cops and corrupt politicians? Oh, I know what you do, you throw a lavish fundraiser and that makes everything better. I know Frank’s methods seem inhumane and extreme, but unless you lived on those streets you wouldn’t understand. I’m just asking you to not judge him too harshly, because what would you do if someone took Pepper and Morgan away?”
Done with your rant, you moved your hand in front of Frank signaling him to grab it. “C’mon babe, let’s go.” Frank followed your lead to the elevators, and just as you were about to enter you heard Tony’s voice.
“Wait!” Both of you stopped in your tracks and faced Tony. “You’re right, Y/N. I don’t know how tough the average person has it, but I do know I don’t agree with Castle’s methods.” You opened your mouth to say something back, but Tony raised his hand to stop you. “You said your piece let me say mines, okay. Although, I may disagree with your boyfriend, I see the way he looks at you and he loves you. So, I propose this: you bring him around for our weekly family dinners, so we can get to know him and after you and I come up with some ways to help the community. Sounds good?”
Before the smile reached your face, you rant to Tony and gave him a hug, thanking him and apologizing to him for your hurtful words.
“You won’t regret it, Mr. Stark,” Frank called out as you hugged your dad.
Tony pulled you from his front to his side, still hugging you, but with a clear view of Frank. “Castle, I promise if she so much gets a papercut because of your extracurricular activities, you’ll be the one being put down.”
Frank smiled at Tony’s threat and then offered to shake his hand. “Fair enough.”
Finally, with all the drama put aside, the rest of dinner went on smoothly. Now all the veterans at the table were comparing their experiences in the service, with the occasional joking of how one’s branch was better than the others. Only time it would get awkward is when Bucky would have a smart remark to whatever Frank would say. Frank would brush it off, but Bucky pushed him one last time and Frank decided to open his mouth. “Man, you must’ve messed up real bad.”
Bucky cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms, “Excuse me?”
Frank cracked his neck side-to-side, rolled his shoulders, and leaned on the table, “You dated. You and Y/N, it’s obvious. And if you ended good, you wouldn’t be taking pot shots at me the whole night, so you messed up. Now either you shut up or we can do something about it.”
“Finally, I’ve been waiting for this showdown the whole night!” Tony claimed. From the corner of your eye, you could see both Pepper and Steve hitting Tony in the back of his head.
Bucky followed suit and leaned on the table as well. “I doubt it’ll be an even fight. You don’t have those guns you love so much.”
Frank cracked a crooked smile, “I don’t need a gun. I prefer knives. I like to get up close and personal with my enemy.”
“Me too,” Bucky claimed and both men stood up out of their seats.
“Oh, hell no!” You interrupted the two. You pushed Frank back down in his seat and rushed to Bucky, “In the kitchen, now!” you gritted through your teeth.
Before you knew it, you felt your fist flying towards Bucky’s face. “Really, Bucky? This is how you’re gonna act?”
Easily, Bucky shook the punch off. He was about to say something charming to get on your good side, but then he noticed the tears welling in your eyes. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong, doll?”
“You, Tony, Steve, heck everyone. I need my family to get along with Frank. Even you, okay. I love him and he’s gonna be around for a while.  So, either get with the program or don’t ever talk to me again.”
Buck had to admit himself he was being an asshole. To see you with another guy was hurtful, but to see you with a guy that he could identify with and that could open up to you in a way he couldn’t broke his heart.
“Alright. I’ll be nice for now. But as soon as he messes up, I’m kicking his ass and never letting you go.”
Ignoring the last part of his statement, you ran to give Bucky a hug. “Thank you,” you whispered into his chest.
Reluctantly, Bucky let go of you and guided you back to the dining room. With bated breath, you watched Bucky approach Frank.
Frank stood up, warily eyeing Bucky when he stretched out his hand for a handshake. “Sorry for being an asshole earlier.”
Tentatively Frank shook Bucky’s hand. “It’s okay. I’d probably act the same way if I were you.”
Glad the two men finally made up, you let out a deep breath. You were about to go sit down until you heard Bucky threaten Frank. “You hurt her, I’ll kill you.”
“He’s joking,” you told Frank, hoping to defuse a potential argument.
“I’m not.”
“Fair enough,” Frank responded before shaking Bucky’s hand.
“Now that’s everything copacetic, can we get to that basketball game Y/N promised? I gotta teach the youngin a couple of things.” Sam asked, reminding you of your bet that you could beat him at basketball no matter what team you’re on.
“Ok, let’s do it, but you got Buck on your team,” you bartered. Both men outwardly groaned, upset that they’re always paired together.
Looking up at Frank, you asked, “Want to play?” Leaning down within an inch from your lips, he replied, “Oh yeah,” before giving you a sweet chaste kiss.
“Oh god, no! None of that please. Just no!” Tony complained, disgusted by your pda.
For good measure, you gave Frank a deeper kiss, which made Tony gag. “Ready to hang with this crazy crew?”
Frank shook his head yes, and you pulled him towards the gym, hopefully for the first of many games.
Tags: @titty-teetee @ladydragonpurplefire @cocooned-butterfly @dannixchristian @pananegra @black-mcu-imagines @blackreaders-assemble @queenwinchester27​ @meishaabae​ @marvelmaree​ @marvell0usmaximoff​ @yes-ladymyah​ @scarlett-berserker​
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jamlally · 5 years
This was written for the 25 days of Christmas Challenge that is hosted by  @panicfob .  The Day 20 Challenge prompt was Family dinner
Warnings: Stupidity and Fluff
Pairing: None  - it’s just some silliness with some of the Avengers team.
Summary: Family means different things to different people. Family grow and change but despite everything families share.  This one is more of a Drabble than a full one shot
The noise around the table was at its usual low din and everyone seemed to be having a good time.  Belle watched as dishes were passed around and laughter filled the air.  This was perhaps what she enjoyed the most about having these new people in her life, the simple way that they would come together in what ever configuration was there and made things feel good.  They weren’t all best buddies, and they had their disagreements but at the end of the day they came back together.
“Get the fuck out of here”. Clint’s voice rose over the others as he disagreed about something with Same
“Ohhh don’t worry I got this Cap ‘LANGUAGE”” Tony called out getting a laugh from Natasha and the middle finger from Steve.  Belle just shook her head, this chaos somehow made her feel more at home and not uncomfortable. This kind of chaos she was learning, was a good thing. It didn’t make her heart pound with anxiety, it made her feel welcome. It had taken a while for the feeling to sit well with her.  Feeling welcome wasn’t anything she had ever really experienced before she joined this group.  Tolerated sure, but welcome was a while new ball game.  For a  long time she hadn’t felt worthy .  She hadn’t done even half of what these people had. She hadn’t lost and sacrificed what they had, why, when all of that was taken into account would they welcome her?  
One night when she was feeling particularly low she had taken herself off to the gym to run on the treadmill. It wasn’t something she enjoyed by any means, usually preferring to be outside to exercise, but it was a way that she felt she could almost punish herself for taking something that wasn’t hers. 
She was fairly sure it was sweat and not tears that were running down her face when Natasha had walked in.  The other woman wasn’t dressed to workout, and when she headed straight for Belle, she knew that for some reason she was the Widows target.  Pulling out her earphones she had slowed her pace and waited for the other woman to speak
“Tony was looking for you.  I told him I would have a look around before he set FRIDAY on the job.  You’ve seemed on edge all day”
Belle had kept her eyes forward only taking quick glances at the red head “Thanks for the heads up.  I’ll give him a shout when I’m done here”. Secretly she hoped that her short response would have Nat leaving, luck was not on her side 
“How about this is what happens. You can keep running.  I’ll send a message to Tony and when you’re done we can have a quick chat
It was clear from her tone that it wasn’t a suggestion but in fact what would be happening. That being the case Belle saw no point in answering and instead upped the pace and set about completing another 3 miles.
Natasha had just sat and paid what ever it was she was reading on her phone, not looking up until she heard the treadmill start to slow.  Then she pick dup a bottle of water, tested it open and waited for Belle to come over to the bench she was sitting on 
Belle had been grateful for the water as she sat and rubbed over her head and face with the towel waiting to see just what was on the Widows mind
“I’m not going to beat around the bush, if for no other reason that I’m fairly sure Tony will show up and even more sure you don't want him involved in this conversation.  The thing is I’ve been watching you Belle Porter and I like what I see but I also understand a little of what you’re feeling I think.  You’re family didn’t treat you well, they didn’t make sure you had the experiences that children and young adults need to be comfortable around others.  They didn’t treat you with love and affection.  Now you’re drowning.  All of us, we’re puling you into water that you don't know how to navigate, and it’s scary as hell.  I know, I felt the same thing,  There is a bit of you that says why me?  Why are these people looking out for me?  Why do they care,  they’re too good.  In the past, well it’s safe to say there were a lot of black marks against me because of it yet these people, they welcomed me and gave me a home,  You’re right to think that they are good, but don’t ever believe they are perfect.  We all have our flaws, issues and mistakes, but being in this group makes us better. Whether you believe it or not you deserve to be here, you deserve our love and even when it makes you feel like running and screaming we will understand, because each of us have been there.  Just think on it Belle ok?”  Natasha had stood squeezing her shoulder “Now unless you want Tony seeing you like this I would suggest a shower and then you go find him”.
Belle had ended up taking her advise and when Tony asked what was wrong, she had just told him she had been feeling stressed but that everything was fine.  Being more perceptive than she gave him credit for Tony had kissed her head and told her that he was there for her, good bit and not so good bits included.
Now Belle found herself looking around the table and smiling. She knew that she had lost the last of her biological family by choosing to stay here and follow her dreams, and while a small part of her would always regret that, she was building a new family here. 
Belle blinked snapping her attention back to Wanda who sat opposite her “I’m sorry Wanda - I was miles away, what were you saying”
Wanda gave her a soft smile of her own “I was asking if you would like some biscuits”. 
“OH um, you know I think I’ve got enough for now thank you though”
“The food is amazing. I hope Tony kept the number for these caterers”
Belle nodded her agreement “Even if he didn’t I know that FRIDAY has a log of all the planners and caterers that he’s used.  The food is spectacular.  I love that it’s not super fancy though”
Wanda inclined her head “It’s kind of homey.  It fills your stomach and your heart if you know what I mean”
“Yeah I get what you’re saying, though I figure that we will all be passed out in an hour when were full to the brim”
Wanda gave a small chuckle “You are probably right, but there are worse ways to end an evening you know”.
Belle scooped up another forkful of the juice chicken and gravy and took a moment to just enjoy the rich flavors as she chewed
“You know I do my best to not, intrude, on other thoughts but I couldn’t help but pick up the flavor of your thoughts. I won’t tell anyone but I need you to know that if you ever want to talk to anyone I’m here and I understand a bit of what you are going through.”
Belle made eye contact and just tilted her head slightly, her mouth still full to indicate that she was listening
“I had a brother you know, Pietro.  He made a choice to help someone and it cost him his life.  I can’t begrudge him his choice but it can be lonely and Christmas, even more so.  It makes the mind wonder you know”
Belle gave Wanda a soft smile.  She had heard the name but hadn’t made the connection that he was related to Wanda
“I’m sorry Wanda. That must be so hard for you.  Do you do anything special to remember him?”
“Oh I put an extra ornament on the tree, it’s the Peregrine falcon. Did you know that they are the fastest animal on earth, they are free and masters of the air.  My brother had the gift of speed and even though he is  gone from here he is free now and nothing will limit where he can go”.
Belle could see that Wanda seemed to be fully at peace with what she was saying “I know it is somewhat different, but if you need to talk, then you know that I have a good ear, yea?”
Belle reached out and wrapped her hand around Wanda’s “Thank you, for telling me about him, and about your offer.  I don’t regret my decisions, but sometimes it is hard.  If you ever want to talk more about your brother then I am always available to talk and share coffee, or cocoa”
“And what pray tell, are you wonderful ladies whispering about at this end of the table?” Tony’s arm came to rest over the back of Belle’s chair. Wanda dipped her head and Belle turned her focus to her lover.  
“Now that would be telling.  We covered a lot of ground, from the wonderful caterers to just who would look better dressed as Santa” 
Tony wiggled his eyebrows and gave her a grin “Well we all know what you answered to that don’t we”
Belle nodded “Of course we do baby - Clint would make the best Father Christmas” 
Tony snorted and pressed a kiss into Belle’s temple taking a moment to breath in her scent “You tell yourself that baby”
He turned his attention back to the conversation going on further up the table giving them back the semblance of privacy
Wanda waited until he was involved in the conversation before leaning in a bit closer under the guise of passing Belle some corn “He worries about you - he wants you to be happy more than just about anything “
Reaching for the corn Belle glanced over at Tony who had his head thrown back in laughter his hand banging on the table her eyes softening “He is a big part of the reason that I can be as happy as I am.  He’s a good man Wanda”
“In a lot of ways if the media is to be believed” 
Belle laughed a little harder “I don’t kiss and tell” she leaned in again “but let’s just say the media don’t have a full appreciation of what they are talking about”
Wanda blushed and coughed a little drawing the attention of the others.  Wanda waved them off with a wave of her hand and the table settled back into conversations that ebbed and flowed.
Bucky had served the figgy pudding, along side the catered deserts and it went down well, with a lot of joking about who received each of the tokens.  Steve had of course been the first to dig in and between Bucky and Belle the others were talked into trying a piece.  Natasha and Bruce had been happen enough to receive the thimble and button.  Tony had acted annoyed when he hadn’t received the silver coin but seemed secretly pleased to receive the wishbone.  Steve was the King and Belle received the anchor and Tony, Clint and Sam had taken delight in ribbing Steve.  When Bucky had explained the anchor Tony had nodded to his one time enemy and kissed Belle on the cheek making a promise that they both understood. They would make sure that this promise came true.  He had seen Wanda and Belle in discussion and he knew if he asked Belle would tell him her side later.  She wouldn’t betray Wanda but when it came to herself she would be open.  This was his family and they would look out for each other no matter what.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Imagine that you are Stark’s niece and you secretly share a strong relationship with Loki since he entered the crew. One day you get hurt so bad during a mission that you are about to die.  Loki knows a spell that will save you and share his immortality with you but you and he will be linked forever sharing thoughts, pain, emotions…
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: Underage reader (no sex!!)  Also on AO3 click here
“Y/N KATHRYN STARK!” you heard your named bellowed the next morning. You and Loki were sitting on your couch in the common room minding your own business and actually not causing trouble. It was an impressively quiet morning around the tower.  Until Tony started bellowing anyway.
You looked up from your laptop, on which you were supposed to be writing an essay that was due Monday, but instead you were posting the pictures of yourself and Loki from yesterday on social media. Loki had taken a bunch of pictures yesterday, so the upload was taking awhile, but that couldn’t have anything to do with Tony’s anger. You quickly thought over everything you had done recently, but couldn’t think of anything you’d done that would upset Tony.  At least not that much.
“What’s wrong, Uncle Tony?” you asked, really having no idea this time why he was so pissed. 
He glared at you as if you should know why he was angry. “WHY ARE YOU ON THE NEWS?” he demanded, still roaring. 
You just stared at him, shocked.  You weren’t concerned over his roaring or anger, especially not after he’d accidentally thrown you into a wall. He wasn’t going to risk your safety again anytime soon after that.  
“I’m on the news?” you asked dumbly. That was the only reaction you could think of to that accusation. You hadn’t done anything worthy of getting on the news for.  
Tony grabbed the remote and smashed buttons until the local news came on. You stared at it in shock. They were showing images and a short clip of you and Loki on your date yesterday.
You knew you were a celebrity, but you forgot that led to being on TV on occasion. 
“WHY IS HE KISSING YOU ON TV?” Tony roared, as they showed the image of you kissing in front of all the fangirls. You blushed and looked away from him. “WHY THE HELL IS HE KISSING YOU AT ALL?” 
You rolled your eyes at that.  Even Tony couldn’t be that oblivious. “He’s my boyfriend. Kisses do kind of come with the territory,” you replied with snark and sarcasm in your voice. It wasn’t your fault your dumb uncle hadn’t realized that you and Loki were officially an item. 
The news reporter drew your attention as he was talking about how local celebrity niece of the infamous Ironman, appeared to now be dating Tom Hiddleston, famous actor who played the character Loki in all of the Avengers movies. “Their info is wrong anyway. Someone will rectify it eventually,” you shrugged. You weren’t concerned.  Hiddleston’s publicity team wouldn’t let the mistake go on for long. “Calm down, Uncle Tony. It’ll blow over in a few days. Go do something heroic and it’ll go away faster. I’m not nearly as interesting as you are,” you reminded him and the rest of the supers in the room laughed and cheered in general agreement that they’d take down a bunch of villains so you’d be out of the news again sooner. You couldn’t help laughing at them.  The younger supers were always so enthusiastic.
You were recognizable especially since Ironman and all of the Avengers were so famous, even the younger supers who lived here after magic exploded across the world.  They did save the world, and especially New York, all the time.  Since Tony was one of the few supers whose secret identify was compromised, you ended up being a topic of celebrity gossip too. It was an occupational hazard of being a Stark. You were usually boring, so you didn’t end up in the news often, but it happened on occasion, especially when there wasn’t much news. Your hair was a hindrance since it was so distinctively colored, which is why you had tried dying it last year. That hadn’t ended well.
You went back to work on your laptop, ignoring Tony’s spluttering. He growled about it awhile longer, but the story went away quickly when the press was notified that the person you were kissing was in fact not Tom Hiddleston. Duh. Tom didn’t have Loki’s hair unless he was filming.  The news people claimed they were going to try to find out who the mysterious Tom Hiddleston look-alike was, and the story blew over from there.
Tony finally calmed down, and even seemed to accept that you were dating Loki, though he didn’t seem to like it. You figured it was just because he was your uncle and legal guardian.
The rest of the week was fairly quiet. You went to school with Loki every day. He sent you notes during classes all day and was generally adorable. You had combat training every day, and you were getting better with the dagger as well as with hand-to-hand fighting. Loki was even teaching you how to speak with him telepathically. It wasn’t perfect, since you were a human without magic, but he taught you meditation and how to order your mind. He could speak to you with his own telepathy and if you thought about your response in a focused manner, he could hear the reply. He taught you how to put up boundaries on thoughts and memories you didn’t want him to overhear and you trusted absolutely that he wouldn’t invade your privacy.  You didn’t master it in a week, or course, it would always be a work in process, since you didn’t have powers, but you made headway. It made it a lot easier to talk to him when he was guarding you.
Tony took you out for breakfast on the morning of your birthday. He took you to the same restaurant every year, which was adorable and showed he cared. You also went to the arcade and the indoor amusement park in the mall, which was also tradition. You had a feeling Loki was sad that he couldn’t spend the entire day with you, but he was glad you were enjoying the day with your uncle. He would see you that evening for your party.
Your birthday was also one of the days each year that you went to the cemetery to visit your parents. You brought flowers to their grave and told them everything you had been up to since the last time you had been to visit. Tony stood nearby, but out of earshot. This was another tradition. You couldn’t actually talk to your parents anymore, or get advice from them, but you liked thinking that they were watching over you, and it made you feel better to talk to their graves, talk to them like they could hear and answer. So you told them all about Loki and how much fun you were having. You told your mom how you had chosen to date your best friend, just like she always said you should. You told your dad how he was a perfect gentleman and how he would be able to find no fault in Loki’s behavior towards you. You told them both that you were careful, even living with the supers, and how much you loved them and you would try to come visit them again soon. You promised to bring Loki to come meet them, so they could interrogate him for themselves.
With bittersweet tears, you went to Tony’s spot. He wrapped you in a hug. “You ok, kid?” he asked as he hugged you too tightly. This was hard for him too, though he held it together better for your sake.
You nodded against his chest.  Tony wasn’t big on hugs, but he made an exception for you.  Especially today.
“I just miss them,” you told him, rubbing the tears from your eyes. He kissed the top of your head.
“I know. I do too,” he held you for another minute. “Do you mind if you tell them goodbye?” he asked. You shook your head and waited for him to say a few words to their graves. He didn’t talk to them like you did, but he always said something before you left. Your dad was his brother after all, you weren’t surprised he missed them too.  
You felt phantom arms wrap around you while you watched Tony. The arms were cool, just like their owner. You weren’t surprised he had found out what you were up to.  “Thank you, Loki,” you whispered, knowing his touch even when he wasn’t really there. “I’m ok. I’ll see you soon.” He was too far to talk to you telepathically safely, apparently he risked hurting you if he used to much power to make the connection, so he didn’t do it unless you were in fairly close proximity already.
Tony took you for ice cream to try make you smile again before you went back to the tower to spend the evening with your super family.
Loki hugged you the second you walked through the door of the tower. “Are you ok?” he asked, concerned. “You were crying,” he whispered in your ear.  He didn’t usually spy, but he must’ve felt your emotions leak through.
“We went to visit my parents,” you explained softly. He nodded his understanding and pressed a kiss to your hair, comforting you.  
Almost immediately afterwards, the festivities began. There was a huge sign reading “Happy 18th Birthday!” And stupid party hats all around.  There was cake, pizza, and even more ice cream. All of the supers stopped by to wish you a happy birthday and add their donations to the huge pile of presents in front of you. You opened them to find mostly books, which you thanked everyone for.  Though Nat got you a new taser, Clint decided you needed a bow and arrow set that you’d never use, Bruce got you some scary book about science he insisted helped him through med school.  The original Avengers tried their best, even though you rarely saw them.  
The last present came from Loki. The tiny familiar teal box appeared in his hand. You had seen your dad give your mom gifts in those boxes all the time growing up. There was only one store in the universe you knew of that used that particular shade of blue in their gift wrapping. And no way that Loki should have been able to afford anything from there.  “Happy birthday, darling,” he told you. 
You took the box from him, surprised. “Thank you,” you replied automatically. You opened the box to find a gorgeous silver bracelet with black and green gems in it. There was also a gift receipt in the box, showing that Loki had actually bought the bracelet instead of conjuring it. You wouldn’t have minded if he conjured it, but you knew it was extra special to him for actually buying it. He had gone and done the thing the Midgardian way.  “It’s gorgeous,” you told him as you pulled the bracelet out of the box and clasped it around your wrist. “I love it!” you jumped up and hugged him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. “And I love you,” you whispered in his ear. You hadn’t been brave enough to say the words until then.
“You are most welcome, my darling,” he replied. You kissed him deeply to catcalls from your family.
“Come on! Time for movies!” one of the teens called. You relocated the party to the common room where the movie was already set up.
“Sorry,” you told Loki. “It’s tradition. Superhero Musical followed by the first Avengers movie.” He smiled.
“That is nothing to be sorry for. They love you, my dear, and want to spend time with you, as do I,” you grinned and sat on the loveseat with Loki, in the place of honor directly in front of the TV. You sang your way through the musical with your friends and family around you. Loki even tried to join in for the duet, but he hadn’t memorized all of the words yet. You applauded him for trying, though.
Part of the way through the Avengers movie, Wanda, who had the remote, paused the movie and looked directly at Loki. The heads of everyone else turned to him as well. “Why are they staring at me?” Loki asked you. 
You erupted into laughter. “They want you to say the line,” you explained. You weren’t surprised this was happening, especially after the news story everyone saw confusing him for the actor in the movie.
“Say the line!” the supers called. “Say the line! Say the line! Say the line!” the words became a chant. You laughed even harder.
“They’re not going to stop until you say the line,” you told Loki over the chanting. He sighed and rolled his eyes. With his put-upon expression he held up a hand to quiet the chant. The room fell silent immediately.
“I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose,” he intoned in the most dull dry monotone possible. The crowd groaned at him and started throwing popcorn and other small harmless object at him. You shrieked and held your arms up in front of you to deflect the projectiles. Not everyone had good aim and didn’t care if they hit you in collateral damage. 
“Do it right!” they complained. 
He sighed again, but you saw the glint in his eyes. He was pleased and enjoying himself. He held up his hand again. He stood, and then stepped up onto the coffee table. In the same movement, his clothing changed to an exact replica of the character’s including the golden horned helmet.  
“I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. Kneel before me,” he hesitated for a moment. “I said KNEEL!” he bellowed. You burst out laughing at the cheers of the crowd. A few of them actually knelt, while the rest applauded his rendition. Loki rejoined you on the couch, not bothering to change his clothes back to normal. You laughed and leaned over to give him a kiss.
After the movie, Loki walked you up to your suite. After you’d hugged your friends and your uncle one last time and thanked them all for a wonderful birthday. “I have one other gift for you, darling. Though I did not wish to give it to you in front of the others,” Loki told you when you were safely away from the others.
“Loki, you shouldn’t have,” you chided him. He had already done enough by getting you the bracelet. You knew it couldn’t have been cheap, not when it came from that jewelry store. 
He moved his hands and a box appeared in them, despite your protests.  He wasn’t going to give up no matter what you did, so you took the box and opened it to find a leather dagger sheath.  An empty leather dagger sheath.  That seemed like a strange gift and you raised an eyebrow at Loki when you looked up at him.
“It is enchanted,” he explained. “Anytime you reach for a dagger from it, one will be there. You need never be without a weapon again,” he added.  
“Thank you.  That’s amazing!” you told him. You tried it, attempting to pull a dagger from the empty sheath. One appeared and you were able to pull it from the sheath. You wondered how much work had gone in to making such a thing, but you had a feeling you would never find out. That didn’t make it any less fantastic.  
You felt a lot safer knowing you’d always have a weapon.
“Did you have a good birthday?” he asked you once you were curled up on the couch in your sittingroom together. You nodded.
“It was perfect,” you replied. 
You got to spend the last moments of the day enjoying kisses from your boyfriend.
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jaybeartodd · 7 years
Colleagues Pt. 15/17 -- Jason Todd x fem. reader
Warnings: some cursing, mostly just a fluff monster before I ruin everyone’s lives with the finale (jk well maybe not sure yet)
Tags: @sarcasmismyfirstlove @tsctd @multi-fandom-dumpster @wordsmusicandchocolate @cattwomannn @itstoastytodd @nicunt @browneyedangel @amnahs9695 @mad-hatter-has-nothing-on-me @prancingdestiel
Permanent Tags: @vividmjs  @alohabucky
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
A/N: As per usual, I want to thank everyone for the amazing support. You are amazing and I hope everyone is doing great and I love you bunches <3<3 Enjoy!
“What do you mean it isn’t as impressive? We are literally underneath the police station. For months they were up there searching for me and I hid underneath them. Not to toot my own horn but that is pretty damn cool.” Jay declares waving his arm. His other arm is tucked under your head creating a barrier between you and the harsh concrete floor. You curl in closer to him feeling exhaustion press at your eyelids.
“I am just saying, the Batcave has more shock factor,” you mumble poking at his ego. “Also, it is at least attached to a house he can sleep in.”
“Y/N, I have an apartment. I am not a complete animal.” he laughs and it reverberates through his chest. A smile stretches its way across your face in response to a sound you never wanted to lose again.
“Could have fooled me,” you mutter into his chest. Your mind starts to drift along with your eyes as you slowly fall...You jerk yourself awake out of habit and his arm tightens around you.
“Wow, Y/N? You okay there?” Jason asks concerned. You sit up and blink your eyes.
“Yeah, I, um, just almost fell asleep. I really should be getting back. It’s late,” you say and start to gather your things.  
“Stay with me tonight,” Jason proposes. You bite your lip pondering the situation. He sits up on his elbows and strokes your cheek with the back of his hand.
“Come on, Dopey. You look like Mr. Sandman dragged you through hell and back. And I know you sleep on that dingy-ass sofa. I have a real bed and I am so great at fighting nightmares. Expert, really.” he flashes his pearly whites and raises his eyebrows.
Your fatigued body screams at the opportunity and your brain has given up its fight a while back.
“Yeah, sure, that actually sounds really nice,” you say with a sigh. His eyes grow wide and he grabs your chin gently.
“Damn, you must be really tired. Not a single argument?” he kisses your cheek and stands up fist pumping the air.
“Jay, don’t make me change my mind...”
“Exactly! I didn’t have to! That is what is so astounding.” he says giving you a sly grin as he shrugs his shirt on. 
You shrug Jason’s leather jacket closer to your body as you both walk hand-in-hand in the cool Gotham night air. Your sling makes it harder to wear the right sleeve so he zipped it up front to keep heat from escaping.
“I’m so used to seeing the city at night through a helmet. It’s...” he looks up thoughtfully and a pang hits your heart at the relaxed expression on his face.
“Peaceful.” You say quietly. He turns towards you with sparkling eyes. You yawn and lean your head against his bulky arm.
“Almost there, Doll,” he says softly. His lips curl into a grin at what you said. Peaceful. He hadn’t felt that in so long. But that is just it. Having your red cheeks pressed against his arm meant you were here. With him. Safely. And he felt a deep reassuring sense of peace.
You finally arrive and you are genuinely impressed by his apartment. You toss your stuff on the couch and rub your bloodshot eyes.
“Bed is in there, feel free to borrow my clothes,” you nod sleepily and make your way towards his bedroom. When you don’t notice him behind you, you turn around.
“Are you not coming?” you ask and he nods. 
“Just give me a sec,” he says. You wave your hand not awake enough for further inquiry. You saunter in and after foraging for a clean shirt you exchange your own clothes.
Your brain can’t process anything except for how amazingly soft his bed is and before you know it you drift off. Only to be struck with a nightmare moments later. Jason enters the room and crawls in next to you.
“Shh, Doll. It’s okay. It’s only a bad dream. They are only scary if you let them be,” he whispers in your ear and pulls you close. You rest your head against his chest as your breathing slows back down and let yourself fall back to sleep.
The sweet smell of cooking wafts through the room and wakes you up. You blink your eyes open and feel around the unusual softness of your couch. Once you realize where you are, you stare wide-eyed at the previously occupied area of the bed next to you and the events of the night before come flooding in.
“Seriously Y/N? All it took was seeing him one more time?” you groan standing up. You rub the bandage on your arm wincing slightly at the pain. It does admittedly feel slightly better than yesterday. You grab the sling and wrap it around your neck.
All-too-aware of the conversation needed this morning, you take your sweet loving time padding over to the door. You peek outside to see Jason pouring batter into a pan explaining the enticing smell that you woke you to. He looks very concentrated with his spatula as he watches the pancakes sizzle.
Taking a deep breath you open up the door and step out. He looks over his shoulder at the noise. His eyes take you in greedily at the sight of your sleepy eyes, tousled hair and your body being swallowed up by his shirt.                                                                                              
“Morning Dopey. Pancakes?” he gives a boyish smile while holding up a plate stacked high with pancakes.
You look at him amusedly. “Sure but don’t be disappointed when I can’t scarf down all five pounds of them.“
He flips the last one onto the plate and sets them in front of you as you take a seat on a barstool.
“I have seen you eat, remember? Plus I can pick up your slack,” he says handing you a plate and fork. You dish off two from the top and take a bite. Surprisingly good.
“You should really put an apron on. Cooking etiquette and all that,” you say with a smile while pointing with your fork at his sweatpants and lack of shirt. 
“Alright, Gordon Ramsay. Would you sit there and just eat,” he says rolling his eyes. He stands there with his fingers clutching the counter staring at you.
“Are you going to come sit?” you ask curiously. He sighs and reaches down.
“Actually I was thinking since I have your attention,” he tosses folders at you, “You could explain this.”
You stop chewing and set down your fork when you recognize the evidence you have been collecting.
“How did-” you search for your bookbag and see it lying at his feet, “Did you go through my stuff?!”
“You are avoiding the question, Y/N.”
“And you are ignoring mine.” You both stand there defiantly until you sigh and finally look away.
“You didn’t honestly think I would just lay back and do nothing.”
“Of course not, hence why I went through your stuff. But Y/N,” he pushes the papers towards you, “This is a little extreme even for you. What were you planning on doing with all of this evidence? Maybe tell Bruce his employees are working behind his back?”
You scoff at the irony of this.
“Says the boy who goes out of his way to disobey his orders.” Jay picks up the spatula and points it at himself.
“Yes, because I am the impulsive one who makes questionable decisions. You,” he points the spatula at you, “are the responsible one.”
You open your mouth to defend yourself but your phone starts vibrating in your bookbag holding off the conversation for the moment. You pick it up and the caller I.D. reads Nick’s name.
“Nick, hey,” you say into it and are immediately bombarded with questions.
“Y/N! Are you okay? Where are you? Why did you call? Is everything okay?”
“Nick, chill. I am fine. And I called because I was stranded but I was, uh, helped,” you glance at Jason to see him on a barstool shoveling pancakes into his mouth,” by someone so I am good. I am sorry I didn’t come home last night but I will be home in a bit.”
“Okay, I’m here so I will see you then.” You take another look at Jason and he looks up with a mouthful of food and curious eyes.
“Hey, Nick. Make sure you are free for dinner tonight.” Jay’s eyes narrow catching on quickly.
“Uh, okay, sure,” he says and you say your goodbyes before hanging up.
“Y/N, what is churning in that pretty head of yours?” Jason asks suspiciously.
“We are all going to have dinner tonight, together,” you say and shush him before he can protest, “You guys have to get along.”
You walk over to him and straddle his lap. He grabs ahold of your hips while you wrap your arms around his neck. His lips are set in a hard line of skepticism.
“You are the most important men in my life. I need you to get along. And he hasn’t done anything else for Mask, ” you press your forehead to his, “So, please do this for me.” You bat your eyes for extra measure and he blows out a puff of air in resignation.
“Fine, I will be civil,” you smile and peck him on the lips.
“Now we can enjoy our pancakes,” you chirp and start to slide off his lap secretly cheering on the fact that you distracted him from the previous conversation.
“Oh no, I don’t care how adorable you are,” his hands tighten on your waist, “We are talking about this. What was the plan, Nancy Drew?”
You brush a stray lock of hair from his face and look into the probing blue eyes.
“Fine, I was planning on exposing them in an article, Lois Lane style,” his face scrunches up at this, “Oh ok and breaking every bone in their bodies is a much more reasonable alternative.“
He shakes his head, “No, I am sure this will be effective. I personally believe that breaking bones is always the answer but that isn’t my problem with this plan.” His eyes grow dark and he gently holds both sides of your face.
“I am worried about you. There will have to be an investigation before anything legal will happen and that will be a window of opportunity to retaliate against you. And I already failed to protect you once,” you grab his arm and stroke it tenderly.
“Jay,” you begin softly, “I know you are worried but I can publish it anonymously which will give me time. And honestly, there isn’t much stopping him from attacking me again now.” Jason flinches at this and his hands slide back down to your thighs.
“This is the only way to put an end to all of it,” you whisper and tilt his chin up to look at you. “And you didn’t fail anyone. Don’t you dare blame yourself Jason Todd.” Your voice becomes stern and the left side of his mouth turns up in amusement.
“Or what?” he teases your leg and you kiss him hard while sliding off his lap.
“Easy there tiger. We have some pancakes to eat.” you say and plop down in the seat next to him.
“Yes, I suppose we do,” he grumbles and you laugh at his pouty face.
“I don’t know, Y/N. The guy obviously doesn’t like me. He freaking attacked me,” Nick whines and you rub your face in exhaustion.
“Nick, it was in a moment of anger. And he feels bad about it,” not exactly true, “Please. You both mean a lot to me and I need you to get along. Can you just do this one thing for me. You owe me.”
He turns sorrowful eyes towards you but your gaze remains unrelenting.
“Fine. Where are we going?” he mutters.
“We are going to a restaurant with a bar so there will be plenty of opportunities to drink.” you say patting him on the shoulder.
“Hey, did Clarissa call you?” he asks quietly and you stop on your way towards the shower.
“No, not yet Nickie,” you say gently and walk back towards him. His face falls and he rests his head in his hand. You take a seat next to him and pull him in for a hug.
“I really screwed up Y/N. Now I’ll never see Trey again.” he cries into your shoulder and you rub his back comfortingly.
“I’m sure she will come around. We will see him again.” you whisper reassuringly. But doubt lingers behind your words and you fight back tears of your own. 
Noise from the enormous Saturday night crowd overwhelms you as you step into the restaurant with a reluctant Nick following closely behind. A crowd is laughing at a bar while couples dance in the open space next to them. Eventually your eyes wander over to the collection of tables and you see a familiar leather clad man tapping his fingers anxiously on the table. You start towards him and he looks up matching your smile with his own. He stands up awkwardly and you give him a peck before sitting down. He sticks his hand out towards Nick who takes it hesitantly.
“Good to see you man. I am really sorry for what happened in the hospital.” Jason says as if he is reading off lines. You can picture him rehearsing it and the gesture makes you smile.
“Um, no need to apology. I have made a lot of mistakes,” Nick says clearing his throat. You grab his hand and give him a heartwarming smile.
“But we are all safe and healthy and together now. And that is a win in my book,” you beam. Jason smiles down at you and the boys take a seat. 
Jason’s hand grasps yours on the table as he talks animatedly about some movie he and Nick both happen to love. You feel a sense of calm rush over you as Jason and Nick carry easy conversation. No fists through walls or through each other’s faces so silent applause.
“I have to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” Nick says rising from his seat. You smile at his departing figure.
“Thank you, Jay. It really means a lot,” you gleam at him and his heart gives a pang at your genuine radiance. 
“Anytime Doll,” he whispers and kisses your hand. You both jump at the abrupt ringing coming from Nick’s coat. 
“Oh, that might be Clarissa about Trey!” you say excitedly and reach into his pocket.
Your fingers clasp around the buzzing phone and your face pales at the blocked number written across the screen.
“Y/N, what is it?” Jason asks concerned.
“It’s him,” you say between gritted teeth. Before you can think about it you slide open the phone.
“What the hell do you want?”
“Ah, nice to hear from you Y/N. How’s the arm?” he asks and your fingers tighten around the phone.
“What the hell do you want?” you enunciate the words this time hoping to really convey your message.
“Or more importantly, how are the nightmares? Are they everything they are hyped up to be?”
“Stop calling. My family is not helping you anymore.” you speak firmly and hear chuckling in response. You end the call and it immediately begins buzzing in your fingers again so you slam it down on the table.
“Y/N? What did he say?” Jason asks with anger lacing his words to match your own.
“Nothing, we aren’t doing this anymore.” You stand up abruptly. “I am ending this now.”
“Wow, Y/N, let’s pull a brake before you do something stupid.” Jason says following suit and grabbing your arm gently.
“No. I am tired of overthinking. I am tired of taking the long way. And I am tired of it never actually mattering. I am ending this and you are either with me or not.” You fix a hard glare to indicate no budging and he lets go of your arm to run a frustrated hand through his hair. He groans in exasperation knowing firsthand how stubborn you are. You are doing this whether he likes it or not.
“What is going on?” Nick’s hesitant voice approaches from behind. You grab his hand.
“We are going home.” you take a step but Jason’s strides outmatch yours and he steps in front of you impeding your path.
“No,” he says and you open your mouth for an angry retort but he interrupts, “No, I mean you are going to do this, nothing on this forsaken planet will stop you, but I am not letting you out of my sight anytime soon.”
“Well there isn’t exactly room in our apartment for a third person. There’s barely enough room for the two of us.” 
“I wasn’t talking about your apartment,” You scrunch your nose.
“Us three in your apartment?”
“Not exactly,” he says with a sly grin that never measures up to any good.
“I cannot believe I agreed to this,” You say with a duffel bag slung over your uninjured shoulder while standing in easily the biggest apartment you have ever been in. One hallway leads into another which leads to another and the amount of space is honestly dizzying. Bruce gave it to the two of you promising security but forgetting to provide a map of how to navigate the damn place.
"Home sweet home baby,” Jason yells dropping the heaping mass of bags he refused to make a second trip for on the ground. You wince at the echo of his voice and the bags smacking the ground. This place is ridiculous.
“Bruce seriously didn’t have a smaller hideout?” you ask slightly irritable. You are not upset at the size of the place you are just upset you aren’t with Nick and Trey. Especially when they are in danger.
“Look, I know you are frustrated with the situation,” Jason says and saunters up behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist and puts his head on your shoulder. “But Nick is incredibly safe with Roy and we have someone looking out for Trey. They will be fine and we get some quality time in a huge ass apartment. And”
“We are better off separated because it means more work for Mask’s, what did you call them-”
“Murderous Roadies,” he responds diligently. 
“Yeah, whatever. I get it just doesn’t mean I like it.” Jason chuckles tickling your ear. 
“Alright, Grumpypants let’s get cracking on your story,” he says and kisses your cheek before plopping down on the couch.
The rest of the night ends with you both sprawled out on the floor with your laptop and various notes in an array. With only a brief intermission to see how many pieces of popcorn Jay can catch with his mouth, you worked relentlessly on the article with Jay filling in some gaps of your story.
“Are you nervous?” Jason’s voice grows husky with exhaustion. You are resting comfortably in the crook of his arm. You have just finished reviewing the article for the last time and hit the send button but neither one of you has made a move towards a bed. 
You ponder his question for a split second.
“Actually, no. I mean I am nervous the newspaper won’t take it but once they do, I don’t know. I will just be...”
“Relieved” Jason finishes for you. You snuggle closer to him and let out a deep breath.
“Yes, relieved.” you tilt your head up so you can see his face. “Do you think this will end it, honestly?”
Jason sighs and looks off absently.
“I sure hope so Doll.”
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blackirisposts · 7 years
Not So Secret Common Room Conversations
Summary: Clint picks up where Natasha left off, to no avail. Bruce knows more then he'll say. Darcy's thrown in the middle of it. And Bucky is, well, Bucky.
Word Count: 769
One Shot Notes / Warnings: Un-beta’d, fluff; you’ve been warned. 
“Oh, come on. You can’t tell me I’m wrong. Not about this.”
“I’m staying out of it, Barton.”
“Seriously, though. She’s a sassy brunette. Everyone KNOWS Cap’s into the sassy brunettes. She’s perfect for him.”
“Nope.” Bruce ineloquently replies, raising his hands. “I’m staying out of it. If he wants that, it’ll.. Besides, how do you know she’s not already–”
“While she is sassy; spitfire’s more accurate.”
“Shit Barnes! You need to wear a bell!” Barton gapes from his perch atop the fridge. “You and Nat do that creepy ‘silent as the grave’ walk far too well.”
Bucky shrugs it off; it was somewhat of a compliment coming from him.
“At least ‘m not talking about trying to secretly set people up in the Common Room. And Doc’s gotta point. You don’t know if she’s even gonna like ‘im like that.” He gives Barton a chance to mull it over as he demolishes an apple from the bowl on the counter. He snickers at the apple slightly, because of the memory of Darcy screaming, ‘They’re not just there for show! You’re supposed to eat them!’ She’s always trying to get the more sciency types to eat and was hoping that fresh produce might draw their eyes and stomachs. So far it only had worked for Banner (and himself.)
Barton narrows his gaze trying to decipher the other two men in the room when he’s pulled from his thoughts.
“Who’s not gonna like who like what?” Darcy interrupts with her head cocked to the side as she enters the common room.
“Hawk’s trying ta set up Steve again.” Bucky simply states.
“Aw. And who’s the ‘lucky’ girl now?” Darcy croons.
He rolls his eyes over dramatically, Barton replies. “You.”
“Hey now. Why are you trying to involve me in this? And really Buck-o? You’re in on this now too? And here I thought I should expect better of you.”
“This is one conspiracy that I’m not involved in. I’m simply here t’watch it fall apart again.” Bucky smirked in reply.
“Again? Is this a pass time of yours to watch Steve’s dating life or lack thereof flounder by? ..Ok.. Stupid question...Hey! Has someone been eating the apples?! Aww, you guys are growing up!” She sneered. “Now do me and yourselves a favor and leave me outta Steve’s love life. It’s not that I don’t love the guy, but come on, that would SO not work, like, at all.”
“Ah, so you’re magically out of the running for a spot to be America Boy’s girlfriend cuz it “would SO not work”?” taunts Barton.
“Yeah, I do not want to pass go, do not want the two hundy sticks either.” Darcy deadpans in reply.
“Damn, can’t even bribe you into thinking about it? Maybe I’ll just resort to talking Nat into talking you into it.”
“Pshh, like you could talk her into anything.”
At this Bucky chuckles again. “See, fallin’ apart. Again.”
Bruce rolls his eyes and grips his tea a little less as the conversation seems to falter.
“Anyways, the real reason I’m here.. You’re late for your P.R. meeting or really, you’re purposefully trying to not have a P.R. meeting. Son of Coul sent me out to find you mister.” Darcy says mater-of-factly as she pokes Bucky in the arm. The right arm, she’s learned long ago to avoid his left side when trying to get his attention.
“Purposefully trying, huh? Do I really need ta be there then?”
“Evidently, soldier. Now buck up and get a move on!” She giggled, unashamedly. “Otherwise I’ll be tempted to try out my newly improved taser courtesy of a sleep deprived Iron Man, and 'Hawk' here’ll have to drag your sorry ass to the meeting.”
Shaking his head with an evident smirk, Bucky gets up from his seat at the table with a sigh.
“Which way is it? Since I take it they don’t trust me ta get there on my own now.”
“Floor 35, just past – Ophfffff!” He not so subtly, though effortlessly picks her up and drapes her over his right shoulder. “Really!? Really Barnes? Is that how it is?”
“That’s how it is doll.” He replies with a smirk that no one can see but everyone can hear as he walks down the hall towards the elevator.
A small smile starts to tug at Banner’s mouth as the two disappear down the hall. He tries to hide it with his tea.
“Sooo, that’s why you’re staying out of it.” Barton murmurs almost to himself with his head tilted to the side. “Wonder why Nat never told me..”
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