#Bugsnax X Reader
snakxreader · 6 months
I know this is like SUPER gay of me but could you pretty please give us (and me) some floofty worked too hard and reader/buddy had to convince them to REST FOR ONCE
Please and thank you
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A/N: HI HELLO! ITS THE BITCH WHO NEEDS A BETTER UPLOAD SCHEDULE. Thankfully, tomorrow is the last exam before break!!! And I’m gonna be on vacay the whole time so!! Lots of writing to be done! This blog is not dying anytime soon I swear on my heart.
Enough rambling. I really did enjoy writing this fanfic! I haven’t done a Floofty x Reader before, but I like to think while they’ve still got a few walls and that stubbornness…they can be open and emotional vulnerable around their parent. With that said, I hope they’ve been done justice!!
Floofty x Reader (Rest Up)
“It is 3 AM, why won’t you just go to bed?”
You watch Floofty’s tired, groggily body turn to face you, squinting like a hairless cat that had been out in the sun too long.
“I am,” they state, eyebags growing eyebags under their eyes,”Perfeeeeectly fine.”
“You’re slurring your words.”
“Irrelevant.” Floofty dimissies, waving you off. They turn back around, carefully typing while looking at the notes they took during their experiments.
You click your teeth. You loved Floofty, you really did. But you always had to be a bit concerned when they did things like this, burying themselves in their work and ignoring their mental and physical health.
“Floofty, when was the last time you even ate? Slept??” You questioned, almost like a demand.
That second of hesitation speaks volumes. “Everything,” Floofty finally answers, “-is fine.”
They avoid your eyes. “I just…I just need to finish these notes.”
“Just….” They yawned. They sighed, pushing their goggles up on their face. “…I have to do this.”
You don’t respond for a bi, letting the silence echo for a moment before sighing. You walk towards your partner and hold their paw up, gently holding it alongside your own. Floofty sighs, exhaustion in their town.
“…I just…it doesn’t feel like I’ve gotten anywjeee as of late.” They mumble. “My research is hitting a dead end, either due to my own inability to catch Bugsnax or lack of volunteers beside myself.”
“You’d know I’d help you in a heartbeat, right?”
Floofty huffs. “I don’t want to risk hurting you.”
“So you rather hurt yourself?”
They fall very quiet after that one. You nuzzle into their neck, feeling them purr softly.
“I promise to help you in someway.” You state. “But it’s late, love. Let’s go to bed.” You take a bit of pride in the bristle of their fur at the mention of the l-bomb.
“Y-you know I could care less for petnames…” They respone, a faint stutter in their voice. There’s no malice either. You’re finally able to pull the purple grumpus from their seat, taking off their bow tie and goggles.
“Was that so hard?” You ask teasingly.
“Shush.” They grumble, cozying up to you in the bed.
You giggle slightly, brushing their locs back just to kiss their forehead. “Love you, Floofty. Sleep well, ok?”
“Hmm…..Love you too.” It’s quiet, but that’s ok. Because it’s for your ears only. And so is the sound of their soft snores that drift you off to sleep right with them.
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maxslibrary · 1 year
Would you mind doing poly snorpy and chandlo x reader headcanons? Thank you and have a great day ^^
Poly!Snorplo X Reader Headcanons
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-Let's be real here both Snorpy and Chandlo thought you were cute before you even approached them to ask them on a date. Snorpy was way less subtle about it, fumbling over his words around you, poking his paws together, etc. Chandlo was less subtle (It is NOT hard to be less subtle than Snorpy TBF) but it was still really obvious he wanted to hang out with you. He'd often try to help you out with his strength, complement you, and other various small acts. They really do care about you.
-Once you start dating Snorpy will often talk to you about various theories. Sometimes he'll even do this while you're cuddling or holding hands. At first he was SUPER flustered about it but now it really only fuels his passion in the conversation.
-Chandlo will often help you around the house, he's a shockingly good cook and makes you and Snorpy breakfast. His building skills also can come in handy. He's made a few crafts before for you as a sign of affection. Still calls you "dude" even while you're dating though, he's very casually affectionate like that.
-There are various types of dates you have as options. If Snorpy is the one planning the date it'll most likely be super over planned, he tends to overthink things a lot. His favorite dates tend to involve going to a theater or a museum. Chandlo on the other hand tends to just go for things like nature walks and various other nature themed activities. Believe it or not Chandlo actually retained some knowledge from Snaxtooth and loves to talk about tree facts.
-If Snorpy isn't home I like to imagine Chandlo just wanting to relax on the couch with you, gently rubbing your shoulder as you two watch something. That or Chandlo will do some work outs, he might ask you to help him out!
-If Chandlo isn't home Snorpy will be working on projects and will want you around. He likes to hear you talk while he works. Your presence is VERY comforting to him. He'll even stop to watch you talk sometimes, just lovingly staring at you. He's a huge dork for you.
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
Yandere!Floofty headcanons..? 👀 If you do I'll be forever in your debt!
Sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy!
💜 One couldn't be blamed for their first impression of Floofty Fizzlebean being one that's incredibly cold and rude. Mostly due to the whole, "being incredibly cold and rude" thing they've got going on. At least at first. Hell, their first interaction with you ended with them slapping a gizmo in your hands, talking down at you as though you were a child, and then further adding onto the body horror nightmare you've found yourself entangled in. To say you weren't exactly Floofty's number one fan would be an understatement, and the same sentiment was shared by much of the rest of Snaxburg. But the other Grumpuses (and your journalistic integrity) depended on you and your help in finding Elizabert! And to do that, you needed every piece of the puzzle. Even if that piece happened to be incredibly snooty and sat on a rather high horse.
🧪 You had hoped that Floofty's behavior would improve as you spent more time together, but if anything, the scientist grew even ruder! They'd purposely bump into you, talk down to and insult you, pull you aside to demand you collect certain supplies or Bugsnax for their research! And when they weren't bothering you, they'd hole up in the ship at Boiling Bay to do… Whatever it is they do, not like they'd ever let you look. It'd be lying to say you hadn't thought of giving up on Floofty and leaving them to their own devices, but you could never bring yourself to actually do it. All of Snaxburg depended on you, and that included Floofty! … Even if you hadn't convinced them to move back just yet. And even if they don't come around, you can at least rest assured that you had remained the bigger Grumpus.
💜 Floofty eventually is convinced to move back into town, though part of you worried you might have somehow worsened the situation. The scientist now seemed to switch between pulling you closer and pushing you away. They'd ask for your assistance with their research, only to just as quickly turn up their nose at you and insist you'd only mess things up. Anytime you'd manage to have a civil conversation and manage to get somewhat chummy with them, it was as though a switch were flipped, as though Floofty were catching themself being nice to you and rectifying through arrogance. Hell, their behavior was so noticeable that Snorpy felt the need to confront them - all but having to when Floofty had nearly strong-armed you into almost chopping their head off.
🧪 But, the absolute worst thing, even above all that, was how you could feel Floofty's eyes boring into you. Just staring. Whether you were walking through town and talking with the others or running in from a snak run, you felt watched. And it wouldn't be a big deal because, hey, who doesn't people watch from time to time? Eyes are naturally drawn to movement and new stimuli! But, this was constant. A consistent pattern of behavior. And whenever you dared to face them, they wouldn't even flinch. No looking away or even pretending to be looking at someone else. Just them staring unblinking as you both locked eyes. You could swear you saw malice swirling in their eyes, glowering at you with what you were sure was contempt. And the icing on the cake? You had gone back down to Boiling Bay to fetch a snak for one of your friends, before deciding to sneak a peek inside Floofty's ship… All the air had left your lungs. Scratched over and over and over into the wood, on the floor, the walls, the ceiling, was your name. If you weren't so sure the rumor about Floofty being a killer was a lie, you would have sworn you were their next target.
💜 Before coming to Snaktooth, Floofty Fizzlebean had always been a bit of a recluse. Sure, they had family, their brother, some acquaintances and academic and professional peers, but ultimately nothing deeper than that. Likely in part due to coming across as unusual or rough around the edges. But also because they were a Grumpus that focused on the big picture rather than the small details. And, as such, they were derided for letting small details such as ethics fall to the wayside in pursuit of the greater good. Even on Snaktooth, their attempts at establishing connections between fellow professionals was impeded. Floofty was certain this was simply their fate, until you came along.
🧪 You frustrated Floofty just as much as you bewitched them. Though the scientist had thought little of you originally, Floofty was increasingly impressed by your intelligence, resourcefulness, skill, and adaptability - not to even mention your social intelligence. Deny it all you like, it took a rather special Grumpus to capture the hearts of so many in such little time. So many emotions whirled inside them it nearly made the Grumpus sick! Jealousy, affection, anger, fear, sadness, care. They wanted you close, but they were a danger to both you and themself! They knew you were intelligent but couldn't stand the thought of being seen as less than! They were charmed by your warmth and kindness but fumed at how you never stooped to their level! Why were you always so kind to them? Why did you care? Why wouldn't you just give up on them!? Just thinking about it made their heart beat out of sync and made them want to rip their hair out! You began to consume every waking thought. And even in their dreams, they weren't safe. They… They couldn't take their eyes off you, even going so far as to sneak into your hut at night. And when they weren't doing that, they'd go back to their makeshift hut to scrawl your name out over and over, hoping it'd quiet their mind, if only a little.
💜 You hadn't expected an invitation after you and the others fled the island. You'd all kept in contact, of course, but you weren't expecting anything coming up as of recent. Oddly, it was from Floofty, who'd been the most radio silent out of your friends - if they even considered themself your friend? Despite all you'd been through, you were happy to see the Grumpus was doing well! All smiles in photos and a new prosthetic to boot! They had gone back into teaching and was inviting you down to report on the findings from Snaktooth. Reading the letter, a warmth filled you and you couldn't help but hug the letter to your chest, smiling at knowing that Floofty had thought of you so well as to invite you to speak to their students!
🧪 Despite your initial nervousness at meeting them again, it went off without a hitch! You exchanged pleasantries and caught up with one another before going over their plan for the lecture. Throughout your meeting and the lesson, you couldn't help but feel proud at how far Floofty had come. They seemed so much more understanding and patient. Andfar more lighthearted, too! So much so that they even invited you back to their house to talk further, pouring you up a drink as you sat together. You couldn't get over how relaxed they seemed. And you were feeling relaxed, yourself. Relaxed… Or, wait, was it… Were you just tired? It was a bit hard to keep your head up or your eyes open. As you mumbled apologies, you let your head fall back against the cushion of your chair. Barely able to keep your eyes open, you felt as Floofty got up and approached your side. One of their paws overlapped with your own, giving a gentle squeeze. And as you fell into a deep sleep, Floofty pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head and sighed. "As glad as I am to be able to make up for my previous behavior, I fear you're simply far too trusting for your own good, dear..."
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lovesick-fanfics · 1 year
Requests are not open unless my pinned post says so!! (Please check!!)
Redoing my list of fandoms and characters because tumblr is being super buggy:
Also I’ll write for any gender! If it’s not specified I will default to non-binary :)
Don’t hug me I’m scared:
Red guy
Yellow guy
Duck guy
(Can be teacher! Or puppet reader) ((you can describe what the reader looks like, if you want. I.e. if you want them to look like red guy or be a potted plant or whatever. Not like make it a self-insert.))
(With readers of similar ages, btw.)
(Can be human or mutant/yokai)
…maybe slender man? Probably won’t write for this </3
…ask lol. There’s a lot
(I’ve seen part of G1, all of tfp, tfa, and tfrid2015, I’ve read all of mtmte ((but not lost light)) and I’ll write for both cybertronian and human readers)
Ask :)
Can be human or monster reader! (For monster please specify)
Every resident of Snaxburg (poly wambus/triffany and chandlo/snorpy only though.)
Only grumpus!reader though.
Star Trek
The original series (I’ve seen the show, movies 1 & whatever the one with the whales was haha)
Next generation (only seen the show)
Deep space nine
(I haven’t seen any other ones, so I don’t want to botch their characters!)
Can be human or other! (Please specify in your request)
There isn’t many I won’t do, so ask! (Endeavor is a big no though, sorry.) ALSO: I’ve only seen up to season 4/“pro hero” arc/chapter 90, so I’m sorry if I don’t know who you request!
For students only student!Reader. (Can be from a different school though!) (or if you want villain!reader they will be roughly the same age.)
For adults it can be Hero!Reader, Villain!Reader, or Civilian!Reader
Anyone from the main cast + any side characters that show up a lot
Can be human, troll, changeling, magic user, fae or alien reader!
For characters who get injuries please specify if you want pre or post injury. (No post death though. I don’t write angst)
Mario movie
Any of the main characters!!
Reader can be human, or other! (Please specify in your request)
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astronomergrump · 3 months
Back in uuuhh- last year I believe, I actually wrote a bugsnax x reader fanfic. I will confess I in fact did. And the journalist was Y/n's partner and now idfk what to do with the fic, because it's posted on ao3 and wattpad. And I'm ashamed for having made that, but again idk what to do with it.
I may try and rewrite it but maybe not, idk
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cremebobafiction · 2 years
Ask box is open for imagines, headcannons, etc ! Please leave some in my inbox!! <3 
My fandoms list and rules and what not are in my pinned post
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1space-geek1 · 1 year
could you write relationship hcs for floofty? thank you!! :)
OHMYGOD YES???, I'm a floofty fanatic and am absolutely smitten with them. I love you anonymous. I truly do.
Floofty Fizzlebean relationship headcannons!!
Gn!reader :D
Here we go!
- when you first came to the island it took a long long time for Floofty to notice they liked you, whether it be they were to busy to notice, or just didn't pay it the time.
-when they do notice they become cocky and start asking for your help more, when you do help them they share unnecessary details and try yo keep you around for as long as possible with you getting suspicious
-definitely asexual(this is a personal headcanon but let's be fr)
-when floofty confesses they definitely are really awkward, but not nervous, they believe you'll def say yes because they 100% found the odds and percentages of you liking them back high. Plus they've got an ego.
- once you start dating its not physical for a long time, just simple hellos, or hand shakes when seeing eachother,
-when floofty does get comfortable they start out with hugs and giving gifts, they don't know what you're comfortable with and having never had a partner before they don't know what they're ok with either, and that's okay!
-floofty eventually likes to give you kisses in a private setting as they personally don't like PDA. They find it "unethical and unnecessary" unless someone's hitting on their partner? But even then they believe words do best.
-nick names consist of: darling, dear, and just your first or last name!
-they like hugs, they also appreciate confirmation.
-overall, floofty would treat you right
It's 11:35 pm, ily! Gn!
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Headcanon Requests :o)
Heyheyhey, if you're reading this, then you're probably looking for some headcanons for a favorite character or maybe even ship. Well, congratulations because I need practice writing. The list of fandoms I'd be happy to write for include...
Night In The Woods (It deserves more love writing wise)
Bugsnax (Love me some silly muppets)
Fallout: New Vegas (Headcanons for post-game would be great, so if you want to know how you're courier is faring after the Battle for Hoover Dam, lmk)
I'll consider adding more to this list, or maybe doing one or two headcanons for a fandom I don't know/can't write very well. (I.e: My Hero Academia, Brand New Animal, Lackadaisy, Bad Guys, etc.)
Also some basic rules and notes real quick:
No NSFW under any circumstances
x reader stuff is perfectly fine, just make sure to let me know anything specific about Y/N
I will post these publicly here on Tumblr
I'm very hesitant to mess with characters' sexual/romantic orientation, but if it doesn't stray too far I may be ok with it
I'm more than happy to write headcanons about other cultures, even though I probably won't get things entirely right (cultural and historical research is my jam, so bring on the Cossack! and Romani! Y/Ns) (or whatever cultural/ethnic group you wish, those are just the two I've done the most research on)
Please, please, PLEASE know that it will take me a while to get requests done. Between mental illness and school, I gurantee I'll end up delaying atleast one, and I am so sorry in advance
Anyways, that's about it for now. Again, please be patient with me if you could, I have more responsibilities than just writing. That out of the way, if you have any requests, my asks should hopefully be open. Have a good day/night y'all! <3
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cryptic-loser · 2 years
HEY YOU S I M P S ! /pos
I have,, an idea 👀👀
You can put one of my OCs + a scenario in my asks, and I'll give you some headcanons!!!! Like partner scenarios!!!
Characters I will write for:
Viktir Kiljoy
Olivyr Rumchuckle
Edyth Chatterbee
Types of scenarios/headcanons I'll write:
Angst (comforting, etc.)
How they'd react to a situation (someone hitting on you, you getting bullied, you getting a new job, etc.)
Scenarios/Headcanons I WON'T write:
Smut/p0rn (sorry, but not too comfortable doing that, at least not yet lmao, may make implications tho)
My characters abusing/cheating on/neglecting you (they're good beans, they would never ❤️)
Incest-y/pedophilic/beasiality bs
Alright, well, ask away, y'all!! ^^
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snakxreader · 7 months
ANOTHER ONE the electric bungalow!
Filbo x journalist, fillbo just being overprotective and comforting to the traumatized journalist after POST CANON
Personal headcanon is that sprout sacrificed themselves to save the journalist and got jammed “literally and figuratively 😭” from the momma melon,
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A/N: As the world’s biggest Buddy kinnie, I love Filbuddy!! Tysm for this request! I cut out Sprout dying because it’s kinda iffy with my third rule, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
Filbo x Buddy (Postgame)
Trauma was honestly the worst, and Buddy could tell you that first hand.
Every night after Snaktooth made them feel awful, every nightmare of watching Lizbert and Eggabell’s bodies fading away, the roaring of the Bugsnax trying to eat him and their friends, the sickening feeling of the parasites all over their body when they were in the Undersnax.
It go so hard, trying to just live sometimes. Getting up everyday and pretending that everything was fine for his boyfriend’s sake. But they just couldn’t.
They blankly stared at the ceiling, cuddled in their comforter, not willing to leave their room today. Or the motivation to do anything. Their tear soaked fur was as messy as it was thin and bloodshot eyes from said crying. They just wanted to slowly rot, slowly decay in their bed.
They heard footsteps approaching from the door, and knew who it was without even looking. Buddy closed their eyes, pretending to be asleep, before hearing the door open. Silence.
“Buddy, I know you’re not sleeping.”
Buddy still kept their eyes closed.
They heard a sigh, and felt someone crawl into bed with them, tucking them gently in his arms. They felt their paw being rubbed gently by their partner’s thumb.
“Hey Buddy, bad day?”
“Every day is a bad day, Filbo.” They couldn’t help but growl, but their demeanor swifted back quickly. “I’m s-sorry.”
Filbo kissed them. “It’s ok, sweetheart. Just talk to me. Please.”
A choked sob left Buddy’s mouth as they clung onto Filbo’s shoulder, The mayor held them tightly, letting his trembling partner breakdown in his arms.
“I see them everyday, Filbo- all the stupid parasites I fed everyone, all the carnage, I just can’t do it anymore!” They sobbed. “I don’t have the strength to be strong for anyone anymore!”
“Then don’t be.” Filbo tried to reassure. “You don’t have to be strong for them, you don’t have to be strong right now.”
“But what about you?! You’re not dealing with this any better than me, Filbo!” Buddy retorted, sniveling. Filbo looked prepared to argue, but sighed and stopped. “You’re right. It hasn’t been easy for me either. But ot sure as hell isn’t easy for you right now,”
Filbo held Buddy tightly. “And I’d rather make sure my boyfriend is ok more than anything else in the world.”
Buddy broke down once more in his boyfriend’s hands, feeling loved and secured. They didn’t have to be strong right now. They could just be themselves. And felt amazing to them.
Maybe they wouldn’t feel immediately better, but they had Fibo. And maybe that was enough right now.
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maxslibrary · 1 year
could you write relationship hcs for snorpy with an autistic s/o? thanks :)
[Snorpy Fizzlebean X Autistic Reader Headcannons]
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-Snorpy respects you being autistic. I feel like he'd really connect with you feeling different from other grumpuses.
-He's also TERRIBLE with tone so he understands that sometimes you just sound monotone.
-Snorpy likes hearing you infodump. He tends to listen to you talk while he's doing chores. He loves the sound of your voice so much.
-Snorpy knows when you're over stimulated and will help you in any way he can. I like to imagine if you joined any of Filbo's parties he'd help you back to his house to calm down.
-It's not often the grumpus lends his hat to people but he noticed that it's become a sort of comfort item for you. He's asked Gramble to make a replica for you.
-Sometimes you two will just sit in bed together, holding your hands as you both talk in depth about random things. Those moments are just.. really soft and good.
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yandere--stuck · 1 year
Hi! OG 3 day bugsnax player here - holy shishkabug I didn't think I'd be the only one thinking about the crazy situation it'd be to have each pair vying for journalists attention. I guess I'd just like to know what the rest of the grumpuses would be like, Gramble, Wiggle, Beffica, Cromdo, Shelda, maybe even Clumby or Alegander? Man there's a lot of characters - not even getting into if the bugsnax themselves were crazy for the only grump allergic to them, trying to be 'eaten' but being enable
Bugsnax gang!! I hope you like these! Unfortunately I couldn't do the other two bc I don't know/understand them that well. At least not yet! But I hope you like these ^^
Though Gramble may seem completely sweet and innocent, he'll still go to the ends of the Earth to make sure the ones he loves are safe and in good paws. He hates to leave you in Sprout's old play area on the beach, but it's the only way the others won't be able to hear you asking for help! Listen, this is for the best, okay? You're family and he loves you! He's doing this out of love. 
He visits often, making sure to equally split his time between you and the barn in town. Gotta make sure his little ones are taken care of, too, you know? And the others would get a bit suspicious if he just up and left town again. He can't just let them find out and try to take you away! 
Wiggle would likely feed into Gramble's behavior, being incredibly giddy at the thought of having you all to themselves. Oh, her Gramble is so smart! She loves to have picnics together in Sprout's old pen, the little Strabby circling you and the couple as they serenade you. Wiggle is absolutely filled with motivation and excitement - imagine it! An album of love songs all made for you and your shared love. Isn't it romantic?
And if you direct Sprout a little too close to any launch pads, the couple make sure to corral or shoo him away. Wouldn't want him getting loose and trying to lead someone in town back to you, would you? Shush, it's okay! You'll realize this is for the best soon enough!
Beffica had been lonely for a long time. Abandoned by her friends and given the cold shoulder by the others in town (likely for good reason), she was elated to find that you considered her hood company! You! Someone she admired! It was so fun talking with you, snooping and spying, or just hanging!
 … Although, she couldn't help but feel the need to brace for the other shoe to drop. One day, the others would get to you and get you to see her as a monster! Beffica couldn't allow it! Those squeebs didn't deserve your time, anyway. Especially not Filbo. She'd threaten or blackmail anyone getting too close to her Bestie… Or something more, if her hunch that you felt the same as her was correct. Nothing a little more snooping couldn't solve!
Cromdo is the type to project his feelings onto you. Saying stuff like, "Your crush is cute, but don't get any ideas," or, "We make a good team, yeah! But, er, that doesn't mean I wanna go pick out curtains." He cares for you, but either deflects or hides it behind jokes. He's had a rough past with Grumpuses he's cared about before. He doesn't want to get burned again… But, ah, hell! You're too cute for him to resist! The moment he gets that Mothza Supreme, he's hitching that baby to your ship and sailing outta here! With you tied up, if need be. Er, the moment he fixes it, of course! Did you really think he went up there just to do the wiggle every night?
Shelda is so sure that Mother Naturae has destined you and her union! At least, so she says. Whether she believes what she says or not, it certainly cements the idea in Chandlo's mind, leading her student to follow you around like a puppy and excitedly telling you that, "You and Shelda are meant to be, dawg!" 
And though she does love Chandlo as her pupil, Shelda calls you her most prized pupil. A kind heart, a keeper of the path, and someone so willing to help her. She's incredibly touchy-feely, too, to an uncomfortable degree. C'mon, you know you'd be perfect together. Might as well speed up the inevitable, dear.
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0vintagedearest0 · 6 months
Dearest’s Request Rules
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•What I Will Right•
G/N Reader (Default)
Female …Type of story… Fluff
Hurt to Comfort
Comfort from Suicide
Romantic (if legal)
Siblings (strictly platonic)
Multi people relationships
more will possibly be added…
•What I Refuse To Right
(nothing wrong with it, just don’t wanna do it, and bad at it)
(just no, strictly platonic)
(only exception is mention and or comfort from soda crime)
Sibling x Sibling
(no, no, no, and no)
Homophobia and/or Transphobia
(only exception, mention and/or comfort for victims)
(nothing against them, just want everyone to be included)
more will possibly be added…
•Types of X readers
Male x M reader
Male x F reader
Male x GN reader
Female x M reader
Female x F reader
Female x GN reader
GN x M reader
GN x F reader
GN x GN reader
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Murder Drones
Total Drama (IOTS is alowed to)
Welcome Home
TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus)
TMNT 2012
My Friendly Neighborhood
Sonic (any game)
more to be added…
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surveillance-0011 · 3 months
Mux HCs if that's alright with you
Yeas ofc!
Bi. Thinks this and putting her pronouns in her bio absolves that she is a billionaire CEO.
Basically the yass queen slay girl boss girl dinner girl math im just a girl version of some sick fusion of Elon and Bezos.
Nice nails. Big on nail art
Probably has the same sort of rabid army of fans that elon has but it's guys who think they have a chance and like. space techbro esque women.
Sometimes plays with her employees like dolls and plays out little scenarios
Canonically Annoying About Ayn Rand.
Avid reader. Her bookshelves are probably full of crummy self help books and Colleen Hoover-esque shlock.
Keeps plants. Keeps killing them.
Has probably killed half her exes but that's ok ig yass girl slaaaaayyy literalllyyyyy
Individualist and a huuuuge believer in the "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps no I'm not aware that this phrase was coined to be an impossible feat and that it's meant to be sarcastic" school of thought
Will grill her employees for even considering calling in sick but on the rare occasion she gets the sniffles she CANNOT fucking take it she will act like she is dying
Will kill an employee if they have AirPods in. I wonder if anyone will get this reference.
She will, however, also force her employees to dance on MikMok.
Honestly muxxalon hq might as well be a prison.
The parasites are a separate species that have a more symbiotic relationship with Mux's, though it's more like her species is so huge that a horde of the damn things is more like waterweight than anything. She can send them out to eat and in return they will protect her and help do her bidding. And it just so happens Mux's bidding is working themselves to death under space capitalism
And there's plenty of her species they just spread out through the planets and galaxies because one is enough to drain the resources of one area. This is also partially why Muxxalon moves around so much, so that resources in one place aren't exhausted
I hope you can still sleep peacefully knowing there's a thousand megalomaniac play dough blobs out there full of parasitic worms ready to start their own companies and timeshares. as for me, this will prove difficult.
Big on grenades. Was considering Muxxalon brand glitter bombs but alas they never got developed 💔
Out of touch with the working class
Overcomplicated starbucks order. Orders overcomplicated cocktails. Hyperspecific, arbitrary instructions on any possible food service imaginable. And god forbid you get it wrong...
I will once again mention I am playing with the idea of her having dated Giblets. It's like if you took all of Elon and Grimes's traits and shuffled them around between the two with a bit of Besos sprinkled onto Mux for good measure. And if one was a huge bag of unfortunate looking organs and the other was a neurotic little worm. of course. They would be so hilariously dysfunctional.
Would. Would Krimothy be like. Their X AE A-XII? With his Bugsnax sounding sort of name? If he’s their kid and not Giblets x some other worm thang? Does Krimothy just have some half sibling named something like Oobleck Delta Kappa Theta the Twost? The possibilities are endless and increasingly distressing!!!
Going 2 be honest in my mind her concept design(?) and the Mux we got are two different unrelated people. They’re just so different 2 me
Beta!Mux/Scrapped green chick was a weapons dealer-expert-mechanic something for the G3 and left pre-Gatlus invasion for reasons unknown.
Judges HARD when it comes to zodiacs. I just realized how fucked up space zodiacs are because every galaxy solar system etc has different constellations… do you think there’s zodiac conversion charts…
Beefing hard w/ Gurgula on the down low. Mux threw a fit about tracking chips or 5G or something in the translator microbes and she felt so attacked by his reasonable response that his packages have all come late, been lost, or boobytrapped ever since. He is trying his damndest to stop using/buying from Muxxalon but there's such a fucking monopoly on space postage. Every time it's not a brand owned by Muxxalon or something she somehow gets word of it and makes it a mission that he just. doesn't fucking get what he ordered on time.
Needless to say he was ecstatic when the BH got her ass. He is pretty sure that the company won't be crumbling any time soon but hopefully the new CEO is a bit more reasonable. Right?
Please, God. Let something good happen for once.
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1space-geek1 · 2 years
So here is my intro/request rules!!
My names opossum!(not actually but having an online persona is cool as balls!)
I'm a Minor!! (Idc how old you are as long as ur not 11 or under (pls get off this app there's some nasty crap here)
I'm an artist, gamer, and fanfic reader and writer!!
I guess I'll say that some of my fav characters are: sniper(tf2), junkrat(overwatch), floofty(bugsnax), Hi_5(glitch techs), and there are so many more!!
Now onto the rules part...
when requesting just comment, use the ask button(this is perferred) or do whatever you need to to let me know, once you've requested please be patient! I'll get to it eventually! To request on my page you gotta atheist be 12. If I find out you're under without telling me I'll block you and won't do ur request! (Sorry I just don't think 11 year Olds need to be reading about them n a character making out or smthn plus it makes me uncomfortable)
For requests! \/
-oneshots occasionally
-prompts for multiple characters (EX: "could you do the mercy with a _______ s/o?")
- I'll write scenarios
- fluff
-sad stuff (it fuels My love for making others cry with happiness or sadness)
-character x character
-long ass oneshots
-oc x character
-super specific crap
-racism, homophobia, pedophilia, etc
Fandoms u write for:
Bugsnax: all characters
Atlantis: Only Vinny LMFAO
Overwatch: all characters
Tf2: all mercs
Steven universe: anyone but steven
The owl house: all characters
Mummy/daddy I'm a zombie: all characters
Ruby gloom: all characters
Back to the outback: all characters minus the children
The book of life: all characters
The nightmare before Christmas: anyone but the boogie boys
Ride the cyclone: all characters
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Good morning, everyone! Working on that Catalyst x Reader fic! Yes yes I'm not a fan of Apex anymore bc fandom junk/how the story is going/ppl not rbing and blah blah blah but I'm taking Bloodhound and Catalyst in the divorce tyvm
Not sure what I'll write after! Most of my current interests like Bugsnax don't really have horny in my head. But maybe Overwatch! Been too long since I wrote for that.
Also still have my thoughts on Audrey 2 from Lsoh and maybe Arcane stuff or Lady Dimitrescu bc it's ALSO been too long since I wrote for Resident Evil!
But! I hope u all have a wonderful day and be safe!!!!
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